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Right here in the Sunshine State
Endangered species are around the world like the three mentioned above, but we also have endangered species right here in Florida that you might not have known about.
“The Florida Grasshopper Sparrow —they’re a critically endangered species that is down to less than 50 breeding pairs in the wild. They can be found in Central Florida, but they’re considered the most endangered bird in North America,” said Jade Salamone, Conservation Education Curator at the Sante Fe Zoo.
The Santa Fe Zoo has a program called Quarters for Conversation. The zoo works on three big projects each year, raising around $10,000 each year in quarters. The program is helping protect species like the Florida Manatee in the Indian River Lagoon that are struggling right now, according to Salamone.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration stated
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that major threats include loss of habitat and slamming into boats or ships in the water. Manatees tend to be in shallow waters where seagrasses are, so colliding into ships and boats is highly likely. According to the University of South Florida, around 100 manatees a year are killed by boaters in Florida.
Salamone mentioned that we tend to not realize when a species is critically endangered. Believe it or not, there was a time when American alligators were dropping heavily in numbers.
“It seems like there could have never been a day where they were endangered, but they actually were hunted to near extinction and then the Endangered Species Act helped protect them,” Salamone said. around 100 manatees a year are killed by boaters in Florida.
Salamone mentioned that we tend to not realize when a species