CONTENTS 1. What is UFILTA?...........................................................................2 2. UFilta Product Application Categories......................................3 3. UFilta Straw..................................................................................4 4. UFilta Bottle..................................................................................5 5. UFilta Hydration-Pak....................................................................6 6. UFilta R20 Container....................................................................7 7. UFilta R2000 People System.......................................................8 8. UFilta TapFilta.............................................................................10 9. Summary.....................................................................................11 10. AquaFilta Corporate Vision.....................................................12 11. Ufilta Product Testing and Certification.................................13 12. Testimonials From Visitors At Our Booth During DSA 2010 Exhibition.........................................................................14
What is UFILTA? UFILTA is a specially designed Mobile Water purifier manufactured in Malaysia by AQUAFILTA(M) SDN BHD. It uses our specially designed UFILTA mebrane which is ultra filtration technology that provides a verifiable barrier against Viruses, Suspended solids, Bacteria (i.e.Enterovirus, E Coli,Giardia,Cryptosporidum) and pathagens.
Why the Need for UFILTA? • Having clean drinking water is a basic human right • Over 1 billion people have NO ACCESS to safe, drinking water. • 88% of the world’s diseses are caused by unsafe drinking water, ineffective sanitation and poor hygiene. • Approximately 1.8 million children die every year from diarrheal diseses (i.e. cholera and dysentery), more so than from HIV/AIDS and malaria combined. • Only 2.5% of the earth’s water id freswater and only 0.08% of that is fit as drinking water
Why develop UFILTA? To ensure clean, safe & affordable water for everyone using a safer and more effective means of conerting untreated and dirty wster to drinking water with the help of the UFILTA technology and product range.
Chemical Free
Leaves no after taste as it is free of all chemicals.
Immediate Use Unlike the waiting period with chemical treatment,filtered water is ready to drink Microorganism Low per litre cost-beats bottled water 100 to 1. Inexpensive
Up to 36 months of continuous use, longer if period.
Long life
Up to 36 months of continuous use, longer if periodic usage.
Robust,portable, no batteries required.
Humanitarian Assistance
Water is weight to deliver water to a disaster area is both cumbersome due to logistic issues and is not cost effective.
Provides safe drinking water for families in rural areas using our R20 jerry can especially in water scarce areas.
Fulfill a critical need of sustainability on the battlefield and for cleaning of wounds.
Fill the bottle with water from any tap and you are well protected from any waterborne disease.
Outdoor Adventures
School children
Fill the bottle with water from any source like river, lake or pond, and you are well protected from any waterborne disease and save you the trouble of carrying water.
Instead of carrying water from home, which adds weight to their already heavy school bags, use the bottle to drink water from any tap in the school. 3
UFilta Straw is a specially manufactured Non Chemical Portable Drinking Straw containing a specialized membrane using our Patented UFilta technology.
UFilta Straw is designed to be Suitable for personal use to help protect against both Water-borne Bacteria (including Giardia and Cryptosporidium), Viruses & Pathogens not just in most tap/municipal/well water of many countries but other rural and undefined water sources. To ensure cleaner and healthier drinkable water for Children & Adults in all walks of life and protect from harmful water borne contaminants by converting unsafe and untreated water to high quality drinking water instantly. UFilta Straw is a lightweight portable drinking straw fitted with a special membrane, which uses Ultra-filtration technology to clean water rather than expensive and bad tasting water cleaning tablets. UFilta is suitable for personal use to help protect you, your family and friends against waterborne bacteria, viruses and pathogens that are present in the drinking water, ice and bottled water of many countries helping to prevent illness and diarrhea.
Product Factsheet
UFilta Straw
Filtration Technology Method
Filtration Type
Patented UFilta Hollow Fiber Technology
Contamination Removal (Microbiological)
All water borne pathogens (Viruses, Bacteria, Parasites, Oocytes etc
Contamination Removal (Chemicals) via Carbon Module Smell & Taste
N/A Eliminated
Dispensing Method
Suck through Nozzle
Erection Structure
Dry Weight (gms)
Maintenance requirements
See Instruction Manual
Cross contamination risk during maintenance
None (No Moving Parts)
Filtration Longevity (liters) depending on water source
UFilta Bottle is a specially manufactured Non Chemical Portable Drinking bottle containing a specialized membrane using our Patented UFilta technology. UFilta Bottle is designed to be Suitable for personal use to help protect against water borne Viruses, Bacteria and protozoa (including Giardia and Cryptosporidium) most tap/municipal/well water of many countries but other rural and undefined water sources. To ensure cleaner and healthier, potable drinkable water for Children & Adults in all walks of life from harmful water borne contaminants by converting unsafe and untreated water to high quality drinking water. UFilta Bottle is designed using the UFilta Membrane housed in a squeezy 1 litre bottle allowing the user to refill at anytime and drink by either sucking or squeezing the bottle ensuring the delivery of cleaner & healthier water.
Product Factsheet
UFilta Bottle
Filtration Technology Method Filtration Type Contamination Removal (Microbiological) Smell & Taste Dispensing Method Dry Weight (gms) Maintenance requirements Usage of Product Cross contamination risk during maintenance Filtration Longevity (liters) depending on water source 5
Non-Chemical Patented UFilta Hollow Fiber Technology All water borne pathogens (Viruses, Bacteria, Parasites, Oocytes etc Eliminated Suck & Squeeze the UFilta Bottle Body via Nozzle 182 Refer to Instruction Manual Suck, Squeeze & Drink None (No Moving Parts) 2,000
Jointly developed with STRIDE and Ministry of Defence Malaysia Membrane Module
Pouch Lid Cap (A) Mouthpiece
Bronze Medal Winner Awarded by Malaysian Association of Research Scientists at the Malaysia International Design Expo & Awards 2013
Water Drops
Drinking tube
UFilta Hydration-Pak is our specially manufactured Non Chemical Portable filter container housing our specialized UFilta membrane technology. UFilta Hydration-Pak is designed to be Suitable for Military Applications help protect against both Water borne Bacteria (including Giardia and Cryptosporidium), Viruses & Pathogens as well as removing most chemical & heavy metals and toxic chemicals in water sources during en-field operations using the optional UFilta carbon module. To ensure cleaner and healthier potable drinkable water for The Armed Forces, Police, Disaster Relief personnel from harmful water borne contaminants by converting unsafe and untreated water to high quality drinking water. It is manufactured to deliver 5,000L of filtered water. UFilta Hydration Pak is as a back pack pouch with pipe leading to the users mouth while being mobile for continuous flow of cleaner & healthier water. Product Factsheet Filtration Technology Method Filtration Type Contamination Removal (Microbiological) Contamination Removal (Chemicals) via Carbon Module Dispensing Method Dry Weight Maintenance requirements Instructions for use Cross contamination risk during maintenance Filtration Longevity (liters) Material of Hydration Pak
UFilta R20 Container Non-Chemical Patented UFilta Hollow Fiber Technology All water borne pathogens (Viruses, Bacteria, Parasites, Oocytes etc) Most Toxic Chemicals Sucking Via Tube from Back Pouch (Non Mechanical) 650 grms Low Simple (see attached) None (No Moving Parts) 5,000 Water-proof en use
UFILTA R20 CONTAINER UFilta R20 Container is our specially manufactured Non Chemical Portable filter container housing our specialized UFilta membrane technology. UFilta R20 Container is designed to be Suitable for family use to help protect against both Water-borne Bacteria (including Giardia and Cryptosporidium), Viruses & Pathogens as well as removing virtually all chemical & heavy metals and most toxic chemicals in tap/municipal/well water of many countries as well as other rural and undefined water sources. To ensure cleaner and healthier potable drinkable water for Children & Adults in all walks of life from harmful water borne contaminants by converting unsafe and untreated water to high quality drinking water. It is manufactured to deliver 50,000L of filtered water.
Backwash (3 to 4 Times)
Backwash (Lift, Tab & Push Down When clogged) Unscrew for water filling (Fill)
Pump for Pressure Build Up
UFilta R20 Container is designed with the UFilta Membrane Module and built in Pump housed in a 20 Litre container for continuous flow of cleaner and healthier water. Product Factsheet Filtration Technology Method Filtration Type Contamination Removal (Microbiological)
UFilta R20 Container Non-Chemical Patented UFilta Hollow Fiber Technology All water borne pathogens (Viruses, Bacteria, Parasites, Oocytes etc And most toxic Chemicals Pump Action (Non Mechanical) 2650 grms Low Simple None (No Moving Parts) 50,000
Contamination Removal (Chemicals) Dispensing Method Dry Weight Maintenance requirements Instructions for use Cross contamination risk during maintenance Filtration Longevity (liters) 7
UFilta R2000 People System is our specially manufactured Non Chemical, Non Powered Gravity feed bulk system using our specialized UFilta membrane technology. UFilta R2000 People System is designed to be Suitable for multiple communities amidst disaster uses to help protect against both Water-borne Bacteria (including Giardia and Cryptosporidium), Viruses & Pathogens as well as removing virtually all chemical & heavy metals and most toxic chemicals affected areas. To ensure cleaner and healthier potable drinkable water for Children & Adults in all walks of life from harmful water borne contaminants by converting unsafe and untreated water to high quality drinking water. It is manufactured to deliver 2,000L of purified water per day for regular usage of 2 Years for 1,500,000L of filtered water. UFilta R2000 People System is designed to cater for all Military applications, Disaster Relief and Rural communities that do not have clean purified water on a bulk system. Product Factsheet Filtration Technology Method Filtration Type Contamination Removal (Microbiological) Contamination Removal (Chemicals) via Carbon Module (Optional drepending on water source) - Additional Option Smell & Taste Dispensing Method Dispensing Outlets on Recipient Tank Erection Structure
UFilta R2000 People System Non-Chemical,Non Powered, Non Solar - Gravity Feed Patented UFilta Hollow Fiber Technology All water borne pathogens (Viruses, Bacteria, Parasites, Oocytes etc ) Most Toxic Chemicals Eliminated Tank 1 to Tank 2 Vertical Gravity Feed (Non Mechanical) with 3ft Inter tank separation between Feeding & Dispensing Tank (see diagram) incorporating capillary up flow Multiple Outlets Permanent/Semi Permanent Scaffolding Structure encompassing the dimensions of the dual tanks. View Diagram 3560 gms
Dry Weight of UFilta R2000 People Complete Module/s (excluding Tanks) Maintenance requirements Backwash of UFilta Modules attached via hand pump (provided) Usage of Product Fill, Wait, Dispense & Drink Cross contamination risk during maintenance None (No Moving Parts) Filtration Longevity (liters) depending on 1,500,000 water source (1 System Module) using backwash Daily Usage Rate (Litres) 2,000.00 Water Source Rivers, Lakes, Ponds, Streams, Rainwater etc 8
R2000 PEOPLE SYSTEM Rain, River, Lake & Others
Unfiltered Water Water filtered using both the Membrane and also the Carbon filtaration module
Clean Filtered Drinking Water R2000 MEMBRANE MODULE Drinking
Direct from the Membrane filter where there is no need to use the Carbon filteration To backwash membrane module, water needs to be pumped in through the backwash inlet.
1. Filteration Capabilities: 2000 L per day 2. Lifespan: 2 years 3. Total water filtered : 1,500,000 L 4. Water Cost (RM / L) : < 0.007 sen / L 5. Non Powered Gravity Feed
Recently installed Ufilta R2000 People System at City of San Pedro, Province of Laguna by Sabak Foundation, Philippines Dec 2012
Water Filter & housing
UFilta TapFilta is a specially designed Non Chemical Portable Drinking Unit Straw containing our specialized UFilta Membrane using our Patented UFilta technology for the domestic households. UFilta TapFilta is designed to be Suitable for any piped water source to help protect against both Water-borne Bacteria (including Giardia and Cryptosporidium), Viruses & Pathogens not just in most tap/municipal/well water of many countries but other rural and undefined water sources. It is simply affixed to any home tap/faucet by the supplied universal adaptor. Its life span is up to 25,000L
House hold tap water in Source Tap
Filtered water “out”
Faucet Connector
Un-filtered water “in”
Drinking Cooking
Water Flow
To ensure cleaner and healthier drinkable water for Children & Adults in all walks of life and protect from harmful water borne contaminants by converting unsafe and untreated water to high quality drinking water. Product Factsheet Filtration Technology Method Filtration Type Contamination Removal (Microbiological) Contamination Removal (Chemicals) via Carbon Module Smell & Taste Dispensing Method Dry Weight gms Maintenance requirements Usage of Product Cross contamination risk during maintenance Filtration Longevity (liters) on Municipal water source
UFilta TapFilta Non-Chemical Patented UFilta Hollow Fiber Technology All water borne pathogens (Viruses, Bacteria, Parasites, Oocytes etc Toxic Chemicals inc Chlorine Eliminated Affix to household tap. 680 View Instruction Manual Via tap or piped water source None (No Moving Parts) 25,000
In developing the markets, AquaFilta came across numerous reservations on the elemental issue of water-borne bacteria being too limiting a tool for water purity as it should encompass the entire spectrum of both water-borne Bacteria AS WELL as water-borne Virus that are prevalent in most developing and third world countries In many areas around the world water may carry significant amounts of particulate matter that may present a serious health problem when the water is used as a drinking supply. AquaFilta products are designed and engineered for production of personal clean water at the fingertips anywhere. The products are simple to use, maintain and easy to carry by Travelers, Armed Forces, Campers, General population (especially in countries with poor drinking water quality) and Organizations (WHO, UN, Red Cross etc).Commentary Note 1 – Differentiation between UFilta Products Portability Vs Stand Alone Purifiers. The majority of water filtration units (be it residential, commercial or industrial) require power sources using Reverse Osmosis, Ultraviolet technology, and other fancy terminology. Though they function they are all NOT chemical free NOR portable as they are designed as fixed units. In the case of our UFilta products any user can refill at any available water source to access clean water without having to purchase bottled water. This alone is costly and not readily available in terms of its quality. However with the introduction of UFilta products & its capabilities this will change not just due its capabilities but its cost effectiveness over all competitors.Commentary Note 2 – Global Water Issues for Safe Drinking Water. Safe drinking water the world over is becoming increasingly scarce, contaminated and undrinkable due to human and animal wastes. NRDC’s (USA) four-year review of the bottled water industry and the safety standards that govern it concluded that there is no assurance that just because water comes out of a bottle it is any cleaner or safer than water from the tap. Conventional water treatment technologies such as chlorine and ammonia themselves may cause health problems and are clearly inadequate in dealing with new complex microbiological entities that exist in our water. Considering the accessibility of safe drinking water, even in first world countries, the majority would have used bottled water as a major source of their drinking water. Simply put, the UFilta products have enormous and positive implications on the environment and social consciousness of the world.
AQUAFILTA CORPORATE VISION Highlight, Enhance, Develop & Deliver our UFilta capabilities and technology for portable Water Purification to Everyone in an Economical & Accessible way and thus protect our Global Environment and Water Resources for our Next Generation. Thus the motto that we have can best be expressed in these words:
UFILTA PRODUCT TESTING AND CERTIFICATION Our specialized Ufilta Membrane has been successfully tested and approved by the following countries and their many institutes.
• Universiti MARA (UITM) • Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Mlaysia (HUKM) • University of Malaya-Dept Of Parasitology • Standards & Industrial Research Institude of Malaysia (SIRIM) • ALS Technichem(M) Sdn Bhd • Malaysia Ministry of Defence via STRIDE
• Sonic Food & Water Testing-NATA accreditated
Srilanka • Industrial Techology Institude
• TUV SUD PSB- tested in accordance with APHA-AWWA-WEF standards
• Ministry of Health R.I
Philippines • The Department of Health • Philippines Army-University of Philippines
India Aqua Diagnostics Water Research & Technology Centre LTd- Tested conforms to the ESEPA norms for Microbial reduction and meets WHO guidelines for drinking water All our testing was done under USPEA, APHA, AWWA &WHO standards by recognized institutions and labs.
“Great product to have during relief operations. Looking forward to know more of the products!” Wendy Neoh, Programme Officer, Mercy Malaysia “I am delighted to be introduced to a very relevant water purification product for rural and semi-urban populations.” H.E. Anderson K Chibwa – High Commissioner of Zambia to Malaysia “Very Impressive product!! I think there is huge potential for its use in Bangladesh. Actually we do need something like this.” Mr. Khondaker M. Asaduzzaman, Ministry of Defense, Bangladesh “Very impressive demonstration of such essential product. Useful in all outdoor activities. Good potential in developing countries.” R S Mahajam, Larsen & Toubro, India “It’s a great equipment that I saw in your Company today – AquaFilta is a brilliant stuff. Let your Company go from Success to Success.” Sri Lanka Army “A useful product for military and rural folks when Clean drinking water is a problem all over the World.” Secretary of Defence, Sri Lanka “Ufilta is a clear winner as a technology for not only military use but also for the poor rural people.” Deputy Chief of Defence Forces, Uganda “I am very pleasure to visit yours and its good product. Thank you very much.” Brig Tarek Assal – Egypt “Good to see a HiTech Malayan Product. Keep it up. Thanks.” MajGur (Rtd) Tarique, Adviser to Hon’ble Prime Minister “A product that would make life worth living any where! Good Luck.” AVM Asim Suleiman, DGAI, Army HQ, Islamabad, Pakistan “The filtered water is excellent taste.” Navy HQ , Mindef
For online purchase, please go to : www.waterufilta.com
Aquafilta (M) Sdn Bhd (819076-X) Lrg Seri Gambut 3 KJ Techno Industrial Park Off Jln Kebun, 41100 Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia Tel: +603-5161 5501 Fax: +503-5161 5502 Web: www.ufilta.com 16