34° Plastic Strip Ballistic NailScrews® for Paper Tape Nailers

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Bal l i st i c Nai l Scr ews® ar e Us ewi th mos t30° / 34°Pa pe rStr i p Na i l e r s speci al l y desi gned t o be i nst al l edwi t hapneumat i cgas orai rpaperst r i pnai l er .They can be easi l y r emoved i f needed. You wi l lsee your i nst al l at i on t i me decr ease dr amat i cal l y whi l e wat chi ng your pr oduct i vi t y i ncr ease. Fi ndouthow Nai l Scr ews® can benef i tyou!

2¼” , 2½” , 3”

Yel l owZi nc / I nt er i or PPG1500™/ Ex t er i or St ai nl es sSt eel av ai l abl ebys pec i al or der .

ComboDr i v e™ #2SQ &#2PH

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