Relay: Step by Step

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2009 - 2019


ABOUT RELAY FOR LIFE SL Relay For Life is the signature event of the American Cancer Society in Second Life and has been active, and continually growing in Second Life since 2005. In 2005, the first Relay For Life of Second Life (RFL of SL) was attended by a few hundred avatars and raised almost $5,000 US dollars for the American Cancer Society. The 2014 RFL of SL event ranked number 17 out of 5000 events, worldwide in donations received. SL residents have brought in over 3.6 million US dollars to help with the fight against cancer since 2005. The 2020 Relay event weekend will be held on June 6-7, and everyone on the grid is welcome to attend. Until there is a cure We Relay!

'RELAY: STEP BY STEP' IS... A publication of United Federation Starfleet in celebration of our years of participation and involvement in Relay for Life, in Second Life. Text & photos provided by FCapt Lizzy Gracemount. Editing & graphic design, RAdm Poison Toocool.



My journey began in 1999 when I found nodules on my thyroid. I was gaining weight, no matter how much exercising I did. I had the symptoms of a thyroid disorder but I didn’t know what. At the time, I had no insurance so I was on the UMAP program in Utah, where we lived at the time. The doctor sent me to a specialist to have my thyroid nodules biopsied and an ultrasound performed. Of course, all she did was do an ultrasound. She didn’t do the actual biopsy. Her reason was there were suspicious hotspots indicating cancer but since I didn’t have insurance and was on public health assistance, they wanted to “cut costs” and put me on medicine instead to “control” the “issue.” (con't next page)


THE MANY REASONS Continued from page 3...

I was put on thyroid medicine and the nodules shrunk. I started losing weight again and hair growing back, no dry skin anymore, etc. Fast forward to 2006, when the doctor in my old town said I didn’t need the medicine… she didn’t understand that the doctor with UMAP was controlling the nodules and cancer growth with medicine. She insisted that I didn’t need the medicine… about 3 months after she took me off it, I started having problems breathing again… my nodules began to grow back enforce! By the time she sent me to a specialist, she had insisted I was lazy and that’s why I was tired. She insisted I go on a diet, even though the diets didn’t cause any weight loss…by the end, she had tested me for diabetes and other issues, until she finally felt the biggest nodule and decided I was right after all and sent me to a specialist! My specialist found 11 nodules on my thyroid…two of which were cancerous…I was sent to the Huntsman Cancer Institute in Salt Lake City, where I ended up having two surgeries to remove my thyroid and six weeks later I had a radiation therapy. All of this took around a year to get help for after my nodules started growing back… 11 years in total from the 1999 ultrasound until diagnosis in 2007. I had Medullary and Follicular Thyroid Carcinoma. The lesson I learned is it’s my body. I know when something is feeling off with it. I may not know what is feeling off, but I know something is off. And when a doctor refuses to listen to you, then it’s time to move to another doctor who will think outside the box and figure it out.

I had all these symptoms and my doctor told me I was being lazy when in reality, it was my body telling me something was wrong. I was lucky. My cancer didn’t kill me, but it does leave me susceptible for other forms of cancer like blood cancers such as leukemia and lymphoma from the radiation therapy in my future. It’s a higher risk than others have, not a for sure thing, but still, it’s always in the back of my mind in some way. This is why I relay every year. I relay for my family and friends who cared for me during my surgeries and afterward. I relay for my mom who supported me through it all. She took care of me after my surgery and still does to this day when I have to deal with after cancer medical issues. She is a rock, even though I sometimes become frustrated and upset, she still supports me. I relay for my RL brother. He stayed in the hospital with me and slept on the couch after my surgeries with my mom. He didn’t have to do that. He and I don’t always get along, but he stayed with me and that’s what a caregiver does…even if he didn’t put ointment on my neck for the scars, he still stayed with my mom and me after both of my surgeries and he also went with us to all the doctor’s visits prior and after while he was at home. I relay for all of my friends who are going through cancer now and their caregivers. I relay for cancer research. I relay for everyone to have more birthdays. I relay for those who passed from cancer on my team. I relay for those who are fighting cancer now on my team. This is why I relay.

I relay for everyone to have more birthdays



WHY I SUPPORT RELAY Admiral MilesPrower Dagger Deputy Commander in Chief United Federation Starfleet

Talking about personal things

Every minute after the

is never easy for me, more so

diagnosis is waiting and

when it is negative feelings. So

wondering, can there be

when I was asked to talk about

treatment, will it work, will

my experiences with cancer, it

there be remission, if there is

took me some time to write

will it come back.



my life to various causes. The

I support Relay for Life

ones that hurt the most are

because I think it is critical to

ones like cancer that are a

end this life and family

waiting game.

destroying disease.

RFL 2009

One World, One Hope The fifth Relay For Life of Second Life took place on Saturday, July 18, 2009 through Sunday, July 19, 2009. This year introduced co-chairs Tayzia Abattoir, Nuala Maracas, Stella Costello who was succeeded halfway through by Charlene Trudeau, and Belle Loll. Theme was One World, One Hope and the event raised $274,000 USD with over 1900 participants who walked 36 sims!



Back in 2001 my mother and I became carers for a close family friend. She had many issues that needed to be cared for however the main one was Lung Cancer. This was one of the most difficult experiences in her life to deal with and ours as carers to see someone go through this. She began treatment in late 2004 and the cancer seemed to go into remission which we were so happy for the news was just the thing to give her a spark of life. For ten years while she did have other ailments the Cancer was not one of them. Unfortunately in early 2017 the cancer had returned, and this time it was taking no prisoners, in a very fast decline, Gaynor who had become one of the family lost her life in June that same year. If that was not bad enough my Grandfather was taken to hospital in April 2017 with pneumonia,


he sadly passed away 2 weeks later. Before he passed away the doctors ran multiple tests and after he passed we discovered that he too was suffering from Cancer, but neither he, nor anyone else knew about it. In 2010 My aunt discovered she had Breast Cancer, in this instance she has been lucky, due to the outstanding nurses, doctors and medical staff she has been in remission now for 18 years with no sign of it returning. THIS is why I relay, for my family, for everyone out there that needs help, support and most of all for the Cure to this life threatening illness. We need to rid the planet of this and we can only do it with the support of the world, the individual that donates even the smallest amount whether it is of monetary value or just their time to spread awareness, to care for someone, it all helps, and only together can we beat it.

"RFL weekend was a Metamorphosis for me because I saw how others were fighting back and creating hope." RAdm Poison Toocool Team Co-Captain 2017

Why I participate in RFL... FCAPT AZDRA PORTLAND I lost my grandfather in 1993 due to a long bout with Leukemia. I started my time with Relay for Life the following year and have been relaying since then. My mother and grandmother have faced their battles and have won them. I was given the news that I had Breast Cancer in May 2014…battled my way through that only to have it return in early 2017. I am a double survivor and have no thoughts to stop fighting anytime soon.



Admiral Peedy Thor Admiral Peedy Thor touched so many hearts in UFS that even years after his devastating passing, he is remembered fondly by everyone who knew him. Adm Thor was RAdm Cheryl Skinstad's husband in both worlds. He was her Imzadi and the stories she tells about him make you laugh, sometimes shake your head, but always with fond remembrance and love. When he passed away from Esophagus cancer, I was taking an SL break and rarely logged in. I remember feeling a deep sadness when I found out he had left us that this kind man would no longer be smiling in group chats or on the forums. And feeling empathy for the devastation that Cheryl had to be going through. The very depth of his impact on UFS is sometimes astounding, even many years later, and I feel that the younger group members should get to know this great man too. ~ FCapt Lizzy Gracemount


RFL 2010

UFS LOG STARDATE 140320.0624 Commodore Zed Drebin

It is my distinct displeasure to announce

Peedy's sense of life was everything a

that Captain Peedy Thor (Peter in RL)

Starfleet officer should aspire to. He loved

passed away last night. Peter was an

exploration. I saw it in his face as he

unusually kind and considerate soul who

described seeing the Space Shuttle

delighted in pleasing others. He had great

Enterprise at a museum here in New York

love for the outdoors and all of its

City. He was devoted to knowledge. He

creatures. We met at Starfleet Academy

shared it with me in the gifts of music, and

where he worked tirelessly behind the

history books he thoughtfully gave me

scenes doing the most tedious tasks,

when we first met.


His sense of IDIC (Infinite Diversity in

of a job well done. We became friends at

Infinite Combinations) was surely

UFS and then in Real Life. On 140215 we

perceived by anyone who met him.

met in New York City along with Captain


Skinstad, Peedy's Imzadi and RL wife.

Please remember Captain Peedy Thor and

Peedy and Cheryl spent the day at our

please keep Captain Cheryl Skinstad in

house and the meeting was very much a

your thoughts.

comfortable gathering with family you


rarely get to see even though we had just

I hereby direct and require all ships and

met. My wife and my lives were made

stations to dim running lights to half

better by that gathering.

power in respect and remembrance.

MEMORIAL Commodore Kermie Mistwallow

Greetings all and welcome. While it is always the wish

On stardate 100227 for a brief period he was assigned

that we meet under better circumstances we are here

as the Vice Head of Personnel, then appointed

today to remember and honour one of our own

Director of Personnel on 100330. Again with his

administrative skills he further assisted with helping

Captain Peedy Thor aka Peter Hickman was and

members find their place, ensuring what they needed

always will be a role model for those of us that take

to have done was done. Stardate 100604 Captain Thor

part in United Federation Starfleet in any capacity.

embarked on a further adventure under the title of

UF Starfleet Chief of Staff, a role he took as humbly as

Captain Thor began his career with UFS graduating

the man he was.

from the academy on stardate 080428 being assigned to the Engineering Branch.

110214 saw Captain Thor return to the Academy; the

SS Helmut Khol then had the pleasure of Captain

Soon after he began his long career path in an

Thor's Company from stardate 120124 to 130602 as

administration capacity.

their Chief Engineering Officer.

On stardate 080626 Captain Thor transferred to

From 130602 to the present Captain Thor served as

United Federation Starfleet Academy and undertook

an Engineer aboard the SS Cassini.

the role of Chief Administrator. This position he held

until 100227.

Captain Thor has touched many a person's life, even

my own. I had the pleasure of meeting Peedy in RL

During this time Captain Thor helped many a people,

with his wife Cheryl. Peedy was always a happy guy

ensuring records where up to date, answering

and always had a story to tell. Just having met him a

questions and helping anyone and everyone that

few times i am privileged to of known him on a

asked for it.

personal level.


GOOD MEMORIES Commodore Piper John

“When those we love have left this earth, we still can feel them near. We'll see a picture, hear a song, and it’s just like they are here. And when we call upon our faith, when we believe and trust, we know the ones we care about are always close to us.” -(Constance Parker Graham)

I found this quote today and noticed that it is absolutely true. Even if it is a hard time, a picture, a song will keep our loved ones in our hearts. All the good memories but also the bad ones because they are part of our lives. Losing someone we love is nothing easy, but knowing that we have been able to be a part of the life of that person, we can realize that we are blessed to have been able to share in his life before he went to rest in eternal salvation.

When I met Peedy he was Chief Administrator of Academy. He was doing an outstanding job. Peedy was always there when you needed something or when you had questions. Even later when he was Director of UF Starfleet Personnel, which is a time demanding job, he always had an open ear for everyone. I am still shocked about him passing away but I know that one day we will see him again. It was a pleasure to met you Peedy and it was a bigger pleasure to serve with you in UFS. RELAY 13

OUR TEAM From Fleet Captain Lizzy Gracemount, Team Captain, 2019: UFS Metamorphosis is the official team for United Federation Starfleet, a Star Trek fan organization based in the real world and in virtual worlds including Second Life and 3rd Rock Grid. We are a community of people who gather together in celebration of the philosophy of IDIC presented to the world by Gene Roddenberry. The IDIC (or Infinite Diversities in Infinite Combinations) philosophy means that we believe that everyone should be treated fairly regardless of Race, Species, Origins, Illness, etc. As teams we gather together to raise funds in friendly competition, challenging each other to rise above the cancer monster, accepting everyone for who they are: race, creed, religion, or any other affiliation (within ethical reason) in a common goal that we all share: Raising money for cancer research, programs to help patients and their caregivers, and support each other through a journey that should never be traveled alone. The very existence of RFL shows the pure light of Gene Roddenberry's humanist philosophy, bringing honor to his name and pride to ourselves as people who are fans of Star Trek.


RELAY 2011

RELAY 2011

Metamorphosis is what a caterpillar goes through to become a butterfly. It is a transformation from one form to another. Like the butterfly, we are in constant change... We grow and learn from our pasts and our mistakes. We take these lessons into our future, leaving behind the old us and learning about the new, exploring and having fun. We are a celebration of what change is and we celebrate this in our team. Team Metamorphosis stands for change, strength and growth. It embodies the strength of UFS as a whole bringing the spirit of our group motto into the forefront: UFS Strong! Bringing us together as friends and colleagues, all working towards raising money for a good cause.

It is our great honor to relay each year in remembrance of our loved ones who have left us behind and in an effort to help raise funds for a brighter future for anyone facing those words, "You have cancer." As such, our team has been dedicated to Admiral Peedy Thor, who was and always will be our great friend and who we lost in 2014 to Esophagus cancer. And we also dedicate our efforts to all of our members who have cancer now, who fought cancer in the past and who have lost to their own battle against cancer. Help us celebrate their lives, their journey and their memories‌donate today‌Go Relay!


RELAY 2012

Second Life American Cancer Society Virtual Office: The ACS virtual office provides information and support right in Second Life. You can find information about the different programs, specific cancers, patient navigators, and more! The inworld ACS sim also hosts the Hope Haven which is the Second Life Cancer Survivor support group that meets every Sunday. Check out the ACS sim and see what they have to offer! ACS Programs For Cancer Patients/Survivors/Caregivers: Hope Lodge is a place where patients and their families can stay while going through treatment free of charge. It is hard enough going through treatments without having to worry about how you're going to get to your treatments or where you'll stay while going through your treatments. Hope Lodge was created for this reason. To find a Hope Lodge in your area, call 1-800-227-2345.

RELAY 2012

Road to Recovery: Every day cancer patients make the choice of getting to treatment or staying home due to lack of funds or transportation. No one should have to make this choice. The Road to Recovery program helps patients get to their needed treatments. Depending on your eligibility, the ACS will provide a volunteer to help you get to your treatments. Some restrictions may apply such as the need must be for cancerrelated medical treatments. To set up a ride, call well in advance of your appointment, at 1-800-227-2345.

Reach to Recovery: Reach to Recovery is a program providing face-to-face visits or personal phone calls supporting cancer patients. They are trained volunteers who provide support and up-to-date information about cancer, including literature for spouses, partners, children, friends and other loved ones. They review American Cancer Society resources in an effort to help with a patient's concerns and questions. To get matched with a Reach to Recovery volunteer, call 1-800-227-2345.

RELAY 2011

National Cancer Information Center: The National Cancer Information Center is a place where patients and caregivers can find information and support during their cancer journey. Some of the services that are provided by the Information center is Patient Navigators who provide support and help find information on a number of patient related topics. From Specific Cancers to how to quit smoking. They provide patient services, support groups, social services, medical equipment, wigs and prostheses, transportation, lodging, financial programs, quitline. All free of charge and supported by your donations!

RELAY 2013

Cancer Survivors Network: CAN was set up specifically for cancer survivors. Remember that to be considered a survivor, you have heard those words, “You have cancer.� You may still be struggling with your cancer, but every day that you make it, is one more day you survived. Hence, being considered a Cancer Survivor from the moment of diagnosis to the end. CAN is an online community that provides support for cancer survivors in the real world.

RELAY 2014

Global Relay For Life 1995 marked the first time the Relay For Life events transcended US borders taking root in the U.K. with the ACS longest running partner organization, Cancer Research U.K. This partnership expanded until more than 20 countries hold their own Relay For Life events. These events encompass the purpose of Dr. Klatt in being designed to celebrate survivorship, raise money for life-saving research and programs, united community members who were committed to fighting cancer. Survivors are given the spotlight to show that there is life after diagnosis. They become known as "Global Heroes of Hope" inspiring other community members who have been touched by cancer. They are a testament to the progress that has been made in fighting cancer, changing the face of survivorship worldwide. SOME WAYS THAT RELAY FOR LIFE REACHES A GLOBAL AUDIENCE: Globally: Educating the public, governments, and healthcare community about cancer. South Africa: Volunteers urge male participants to consider necessary prostate testing through distribution of a take-home reminder kit at all of their events. United Kingdom: Volunteers have made sun safety an educational focal point at their relay events. Luxembourg: Volunteers have raised almost $300,000 USD in 2010 to support their cancer organizations mission.


Canada: The CCS raised over $52,000,000 USD in their local communities! Honduras: The community gathers together to remember those who have been lost to cancer, and despite the economic challenges they face, people found creative ways to raise money that supports their cancer organization.

Denmark: In the city of Haderlsey, Denmark, more than 7,000 participants came to Relay in their 3rd year.

Want to know more about how the Relay community has spread across a global audience, check out the Global Relay For Life blog. https://connect.relayforlif



BEAUTIFUL RFL 2015 This was the year that I came back from being offline mostly for the whole of 2014 and I met Tirza, Indy and Chez at the campsite. We walked the track that year together until Indy had to log off and then it was T and me for the rest of the night. I will always remember this year because it was the start of my journey rediscovering myself after so many years of isolation. ~ Lizzy Gracemount

Kristen Solt of the American Cancer Society, with the staff of the Kenyatta National Hospital Hope Hostel, Nairobi, Kenya.

Our global

The Society’s tale began more than a century ago, when a group of only fifteen people


resolved to make a difference. Back then,


most people dared not even speak its name.

Managing Director, ACS Global Initiatives

This small, dedicated group understood that

cancer was an almost certain death sentence and this led to so much fear of the disease that

they had to start by overcoming that fear, and Dear Fairelanders: In the past year, I’ve learned so much about Fantasy Faire and I’ve been amazed by the similarities between your story and that of the American Cancer Society (ACS). I've seen that the same themes, the themes of innovation, community and kindness, exist in both stories and define us both just as clearly. As I’ve shared in your tale and proudly made it part of my own, it's been clear to me again and again that the tales of the Fairelands and the American Cancer Society are actually one and the same.

better education was the key. The story of the ACS is the story of innovative people, dedicated to one another and to their shared vision. It’s the story of people driven by their kindness to build a better world. It seems to me that this is just as true for Fantasy Faire. Our fellowship is a tale written on a tapestry so strong that it cannot be unwoven. When I stand back and marvel at the story it tells, I am proud to say that I now consider myself a Fairelander. I hope you are just as proud to say that you are part of the American Cancer Society.

Dear Fairelanders

In Kenya, mortality rates for cancer are

Thanks in large part to Relayers in Second

nearly 80%. As ACS began to work with the

Life, American Cancer Society has been

Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) in

able to launch the Patient Navigator

Nairobi, it became clear that the reason

program at KNH which, in the last year,

many Kenyans do not seek treatment is

has given four thousand Kenyans access to

that they’ll have nowhere to stay after

better information and assistance. Think

making the long journey to KNH. It’s an

about that number for a moment: four

issue we’ve seen before. The Hope Lodge

thousand people! Ask yourself how many

initiative is one of our most impactful

family members they each have. How many

patient support programs, and KNH will be

friends and loved ones? There are tens of

the site of the first such facility to be built

thousands of people in Kenya today whose

outside the US.

lives are already better because of you.

Last year, we at the American Cancer

I was told once that a Faireland is any

Society asked you to pioneer an innovative

place from which you depart with more

approach to fundraising for a project of

hope than you had when you arrived. That

global importance. The ACS began

definition resonates powerfully with all of

engaging supporters in the US and in

us at the American Cancer Society. It’s

Kenya, and for the first time, we would ask

exactly what we set out to build every time

a Relay For Life team to focus on a specific

we break ground on a new Hope Lodge.

project. That team was Fantasy Faire, you

Such a task requires a mighty fellowship.

answered the call by raising $50,000

Together, the people of Kenya, the

dollars! With your help, our Kenyan

American Cancer Society and Fantasy

partners will begin construction in July on

Faire are exactly that. Thank you so much

the KNH Hope Hostel.

for standing with us.

Kristen Solt, American Cancer Society



RELAY 2016


The one thing that I remember the most about 2016 was how well our campsite turned out. We decided that to fit the theme for this year, to do a story book tale. Since Flotter is one of my favorites, I wanted to focus on a Flotter story and showcase how the different stages of cancer can affect you. This was also the year that we dedicated the team to Admiral Thor so in one of the pictures you can see part of the memorial that was built that year for him and the memorial lanterns I spent weeks preparing for the big weekend. ~ FCapt Lizzy Gracemount

2017 RELAY 2nd Prize, Best in Theme

2017 brought more changes to the team. We had our first ever build contest for the Sci Fi Convention booth, which had to be relevant to the theme, 'Passport to Hope'... Poison Toocool was the unanimous winner.


RELAY 2018 BY LIZZY GRACEMOUT One of my fondest memories as Team Captain in 2018 was being chosen to dance in the opening ceremonies for Relay season. I was up there with many of my friends and fellow cancer survivors dancing the season in. We had so much fun. It is something that I will always remember.

WALKING AS A MEMBER OF UF STARFLEET WITH OTHER UFS MEMBERS... MADE THIS A VERY MEMORABLE RFL WEEKEND. Another memorable moment was when we, as a team, got together just before the welcome ceremony on Relay Weekend that year. We started out with a special party and went from the party to our campsite. Everyone started out from the campsite. I was walking the honor lap and when I arrived at our camp, there were members there waiting to walk. We started walking as a team that day. It’s something I’ll never forget...seeing all of our uniforms and UFS tags walking together as one group.

Closing the Dance

EMPTY TABLE CEREMONY To remind ourselves why we choose to relay every year, I'm closing this with the Empty Table Ceremony. This table is set up as a reminder of the trials that cancer patients and their caregivers go through during their journey. Let this ceremony serve as a reminder of why we gather every season to raise funds for Cancer research. "We call your attention to the small table that occupies a place of dignity and honor. It is set for one, symbolizing the fact that some of our loved ones are missing from this gathering. They have been diagnosed with cancer, and they are some of the names and faces behind luminaries. The chair is empty. Many of those who fought the battle with cancer are no longer with us, but rather than mourning their loss, we choose to celebrate their life.

These people are unable to be with their loved ones and families now, so let us join together to recognize and honor them, and to bear witness to their struggle and their memory. The table is small, symbolizing the frailty of a single patient, sometimes alone in the fight against his or her disease. The tablecloth is white, symbolic of the medical profession: doctors, nurses, and researchers who help fight the battle for life. The single rose in the vase signifies the enduring love of their families and friends and the strength of a patients' will to fight the disease that ultimately claimed many of them. The pink ribbon on the vase represents the ribbons worn on the lapels of millions who support a continued search for a cure not only for breast cancer, but for other cancers as well -cancers that are expected to kill over half a million people in the United States this year.

A slice of lemon on the plate reminds us of the bitter battle against a deadly disease, a battle fought by more than 1.3 million new patients each year. The salt sprinkled on the plate reminds us of the countless tears of personal anguish shed by the patient and those shed by family members and friends who have lost a loved one. The glass is inverted in memory of those people who are not here to join our celebration of successes. But, the lantern represents the light of hope that lives in the hearts of all of us -- hope represented by cancer survivors and the hope for a cure discovered as a result of the detailed work of the medical profession made able through funds generated through events such as Relay For Life."

RELAY 2019

RELAY | 27

Pictured: This year rang in a whole new set of leads under the theme, All Aboard! For A Cure! Season team leads were Adam Spark, Ari Spark and Gemstone Sunkiller. The new 5-Days of Relay Team Leads were Jessie Janick, Prettykitty Gumbo, and Seline Jashan. 24-hour Weekend Team Leads were Ariel Goldrozen, Dianna Wycliffe, Heath Pevensey, and Rory Larnia. This season also rang in a new weekend chosen for the Relay laps, June 8-9, 2019, with the 5-days of Relay being held from June 2 to June 7, 2019.


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