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External Advisory Board

VASSILI ALEXIADIS, PH.D. Executive Vice President Cambridge Systematics, Inc. MARSHA ANDERSON BOMAR, AICP, ENV SP Assistant General Manager for Capital Program Delivery at MARTA CHIMAY J. ANUMBA, PH.D., P.E. Professor and Dean UF College of Design, Construction & Planning

AMANDA DAY, MBA President Day Communications, Inc.

ANN BRACH, PH.D., P.E. Director Transportation Research Board, Technical Activities Division

MICHAEL MEYER, PH.D. Senior Advisor WSP USA TOM BYRON, P.E. Assistant Secretary of Intermodal Systems Development Florida Department of Transportation

ANANTH PRASAD, P.E. President Florida Transportation Builders Association, Inc. MILTON CARRASCO, P.ENG., M. ENG. President and CEO Transoft Solutions, Inc. GRADY CARRICK, PH.D. Principal Enforcement Engineering, Inc.

MATT UBBEN, B.A. President Confianza Consulting, Inc. DAVID WANTMAN CEO Wantman Group

RON BOENAU International Transportation Research Advisor

LAURA KELLY, B.S. Executive Director Central Florida Expressway Authority

ALEX BOND, M.A. Transportation Policy Analyst Office of the Secretary for Policy at U.S. DOT

MALISA MCCREEDY, AICP Director of Mobility City of Gainesville, Fla.

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