7 minute read
Grossman, A., Elango, V., Frackelton, A., and Guensler, R. (2014), “The Use of a Sidewalk Quality Assessment Survey in Developing Sidewalk Ratings” (14-4933), 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, D.C., January 2014.
Grossman, A. and Xu, Y. (2014), “Educational Development in Pedestrian Infrastructure Research.” Southeast University Transportation Center Conference, Atlanta, Ga., April 2014.
Grossman, A., Shaw, A., Pratyaksa, P., Greenwood, A., and Xu, Y. (2015), “Introducing Transportation Engineering to Diverse K-8 School Students.” Accepted to be presented at the 2015 American Society of Engineering Educators Southeast Section Conference, Gainesville, Fla., April 12-14, 2015.
Hunter, E., et al. “Driver Yielding at Unsignalized Midblock Crossings,” Submitted for publication and to be presented at the TRB Annual Meeting, Jan. 20, 2014.
Inanloo, B., and Tansel, B. “GISBased Analysis and Delineation of Odor Impact Zones: Effect of Atmospheric Stability and Meteorological Conditions,” Solid Waste Association of North America Florida Sunshine Chapter (SWANA 2014), Bonaventure Resort, Weston, Fla., July 27-29, 2014.
Inanloo, B., Tansel, B., Xin, J., and Bernardo-Bricker, A. “GIS-Based Routing of Hazardous Material Cargoes Considering Incident Costs After Accidental Release of Chemicals,” 2014 University Transportation Center (UTC) Conference for the Southeastern Region, Atlanta, Ga., March 2425, 2014.
Khazraeian, S., Xiao, Y., Hadi, M., and Aghdashi, S. “Application of the Upcoming HCM Managed Lane Procedure to Pylon-Separated Managed Lane Analyses,” Accepted for presentation at the 94th TRB Annual Meeting and being considered for publication at the Journal of Transportation Research Board.
Kondyli, A., Elefteriadou, L., and St. George, B. “An Investigation of the Freeway Capacity Definition and Values at Various Types of Bottlenecks,” Submitted for publication and to be presented at the TRB Annual Meeting, January 2015. Kondyli, A., Li, Z., and Elefteriadou, L. “Quantifying Weather Impacts on Traffic Operations for Implementation Into Florida’s Travel Time Reliability Model,” Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research, forthcoming, accepted for publication October 2014.
Kondyli, A., Sisiopiku, V., Barmpoutis, A., “Comparative Analysis of Driving Maneuvers Using 3D Body Posture Data,” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Krakow, Poland, pp. 194-204, 2014.
Kondyli, A., Sisiopiku, V., and Barmpoutis, A., “Comparative Analysis of Driving Maneuvers Using 3D Body Posture Data,” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Krakow, Poland, pp. 4416-4425, 2014.
Kondyli, A., Sisiopiku, V., and Barmpoutis, A. “A 3D Experimental Framework for Exploring Drivers’ Body Activity Using Infrared Depth Sensors,” IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems magazine, Special Issue on Connected Vehicles, 2015 (Submitted). Kondyli A., Sisiopiku V., Zhao L., and Barmpoutis A., “Comparative Analysis of Driving Maneuvers Using 3D Body Posture Data,” In Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation: Part II (ed. N. Stanton, S. Landry, G. Di Bucchianico, A. Vallicelli), July 2014, pp. 194-203, ISBN: 978-14951-2098-5.
Kondyli, A., Sisiopiku, V., Zhao, L., and Barmpoutis, A. “Comparative Analysis of Driving Maneuvers Using 3D Body Posture Data,” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE), T. Ahram, W. Karwowski and T. Marek (ed.), Krakow, Poland, July 19-23, 2014, pp. 4416-4425.
Kondyli, A., Sisiopiku, V., Barmpoutis, A. “Computer Assisted Analysis of Drivers’ Body Activity Using a Range Camera,” Submitted to IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Transactions and Magazine, May 2014.
Laval, J., Cho, H., Munoz, J., Yin, Y. “Real-Time Congestion Pricing Strategies for Toll Facilities,” Transportation Research Part B (2015) 19-31.
Li, P. and Lou, Y., “An Integer Multi-Objective Optimization Model and an Enhanced NonDominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm for the Contraflow Scheduling Problem,” The 15th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, Beijing, China (Submitted), 2014.
Mamidipalli, S., Sisiopiku, V., Schroeder, B., Elefteriadou, L., Salamati, K., and Rouphail, N. “A Probit-Based Pedestrian Gap Acceptance Model for Mid-Block Crossing Locations,” Submitted for publication and to be presented at the TRB Annual Meeting, January 2015.
McDonald, N., McGrane, A., Rodgman, E., Steiner, R., Palmer, W., and Lytle, B. “Assessing Multimodal School Travel Safety in North Carolina,” Accident Analysis & Prevention 74: 126132, 2014.
McDonald, N., Steiner, R., Palmer, M., Bullock, A., Sisiopiku, V., and Lytle, B. (2014), “Costs of School Transportation: Quantifying the Fiscal Impacts of Encouraging Walking and Bicycling for School Travel,” Transportation, DOI 10.1007/ s11116-014-9569-7, Springer, November 2014. Metha G., Lou, Y., and Jones, S. “A Bayesian Analysis of Crash Severities with Multivariate Conway-Maxwell Poisson Distribution, Accident Analysis & Prevention,” (Submitted), 2014.
Aditi, M., Gooze, A., Watkins, K., Asad, M., and Le Dantec, C. “Crowdsourcing and Its Application to Transportation Planning,” Transportation Research Record #2414, pp. 1 – 8, 2014.
Aditi, M., Watkins, K., and LeDantec, C., “SocioDemographic Influence on Cyclists’ Self Classification by Rider Type,” Transportation Research Board 2015 Annual Meeting.
Palak, G., Ekşioğlu, S.D., and Geunes, J. “Analyzing the Impact of Carbon Regulatory Mechanisms on Supplier and Mode Selection Decision: An Application in Biofuel Supply Chain,” International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 154, 198-216, August 2014.
Palinginis, E., Akanser, A., Grossman, A., and Guensler, R., “Automated Assessment of Sidewalk Infrastructure Elements,” Southeast University Transportation Center Conference, Atlanta, Ga., April 2014.
Rouphail, N. “A Novel Collision Classification Methodology Based on Temporal Link Speed Data and Congestion Thresholds,” 94th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., Jan. 13, 2015 (paper 15-5166).
Schwebel, D.C., and McClure, L.A., “Children’s Pedestrian Route Selection: Efficacy of a Video and Internet Training Protocol,” Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 26, 171-179. doi: 10.1016/j. trf.2014.07.005, 2014.
Schwebel, D.C., and McClure, L.A., “Training Children in Pedestrian Safety: Distinguishing Gains in Knowledge From Gains in Safe Behavior,” The Journal of Primary Prevention, 35, 151-162. doi: 10.1007/s10935-014-0341-8, 2014.
Schwebel, D.C., McClure, L.A., and Severson, J., “Teaching Children to Cross Streets Safely: A Randomized Controlled Trial,” Health Psychology, 33, 628-638, 2014. Schwebel, D.C., McClure, L.A., and Severson, J., “Usability and Feasibility of an Internet-Based Virtual Pedestrian Environment to Teach Children to Cross Streets Safely,” Virtual Reality, 18, 5-11, doi: 10.1007/s10055-013-0238-5, 2014.
Schwebel, D.C., McClure, L. A., and Severson, J., “Implementing and Disseminating Virtual Reality to Train Child Pedestrians in Street-Crossing,” Paper submitted for presentation at the Society of Pediatric Psychology National Conference, San Diego, Calif., 2015, March.
Schwebel, D.C., Rodriguez, D., Sisiopiku, V., Severson, J., and Combs, T., “Teaching Schoolchildren Pedestrian Safety: A Pragmatic Trial Using Virtual Reality,” Paper presented at the 2014 University Transportation Center (UTC) Conference for the Southeastern Region, Atlanta, Ga., 2014, March.
Shirmohammadi, N., Yin, Y., and Nie, Y. “A Tradable Credit Scheme for Staggered Work Time,” Proceedings CD of the 94nd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 2014.

Sisiopiku, V.P., and Barbour, N., “Use of GIS Spatial Analysis to Identify Food Deserts in the State of Alabama,” Athens Journal of Health, Vol. 1, No. 2, June 2014, pp. 91-103.
Sisiopiku, V. “Computer Assisted Analysis of Drivers’ Body Activity Using a Range Camera,” Submitted in April 2014 to IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems and Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine.
Sisiopiku, V. “A Probit-Based Pedestrian Gap Acceptance Model for Mid-Block Crossing Locations,” Submitted in July 2014 to Journal of the Transportation Research Board.
Sisiopiku, V. “Where Do Pedestrians Jaywalk And How Do Drivers React? -- A Study within a Campus Environment,” Submitted in July 2014 to Journal of the Transportation Research Board.
Tansel, B., “Propagation of Impacts After Oil Spills at Sea: Categorization and Quantification of Local vs. Regional and Immediate vs. Delayed Impacts,” International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. Vol. 7, pp. 1–8, 2014.
Washburn, S., Frey, C., Rouphail, N., Hulsberg, J., and Hu, J. “Emissions Modeling and Integration Into Micro-simulation Modeling,” Final Report in review, Southeastern Transportation Research, Innovation, Development and Education Center, University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla.
Weber, J., Misra, A., Grossman, A., Cernjul, G., McTague, S., Watkins, K. and Guensler, R., “Constructing Improved Bicycle Maps: User Preferences and Comparative Analysis,” Transportation Research Board 2014 Annual Meeting.
Zhao, L., Zhang, L., Islam, M., Hosuri, R., Barmpoutis, A., Kondyli, A., and Sisiopiku, V. “Analyzing 3D Body Posture Activity during Merging and Lane Changing Maneuvers,” Submitted to Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, Orlando, Fla., October 2014. Zheng, Y., Chase, T., Elefteriadou, L., Schroeder, B., Sisiopiku, V. “Where Do Pedestrians Jaywalk and How Do Drivers React? -- A Study Within a Campus Environment,” Submitted for publication and to be presented at the TRB Annual Meeting, January 2014.
Zheng, Y., Chase, T., Elefteriadou, L., Schroeder, B., Sisiopiku, V. “Driver Types and Their Behaviors Within a Campus Environment,” Submitted for consideration to the ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Under Review.