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Transportation Safety Symposium
Above: Grady Carrick presents on traffic crash reporting. Below: Doug Harwood addresses symposium participants on new tools for highway saftey analysis.
A day-long symposium on Transportation Safety: From Research to Practice was held on April 3, 2013, at the Rosen Plaza Hotel in Orlando, Fla. The event attracted 33 practitioners from consulting firms, state agencies, and metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs). The presenters—comprising UF researchers from transportation engineering, urban and regional planning, and occupational therapy— discussed the latest technologies, analysis techniques, and data analysis tools, including the management of vulnerable populations and policy initiatives. The symposium followed in a series of technology transfer events organized by the UF Transportation Institute in collaboration with STRIDE to disseminate research findings from projects funded in part by the Center for Multimodal Solutions for Congestion Mitigation (CMS), a USDOT, grant-funded, Tier-1 University Transportation Center.

Above: The GaTech table during lunch at the UTC Conference for the Southern Region, Orlando, Fla. Below: Student Poster Session participants during the event.