2012 OLLI @UGA Spring Course Guide

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OLLICourse Book

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Spring 2012 Course Book Beat the Midwinter Blahs A er all the excitement, bustle and sparkle, it’s easy to slip into a post-holiday slump when January rolls around. One way to beat the midwinter blahs is to take advantage of the largest number and greatest diversity of courses and ac vi es ever offered by OLLI, beginning in January and going through May. There will be 100-plus classes, as well as eleven luncheon programs, with subjects from ancient history to cu ngedge computer technology. “The diversity is incredible--we want to have something to appeal to everyone,” says OLLI curriculum chair Jeani Goodwin. This has led to new courses, such as pet training, fly fishing and bu erflies, and expanded ac vi es in areas including wri ng, art, fitness and even history with Charlo e Marshall’s “Walk Through a Victorian Natural Landscape Cemetery” tour of Oconee Hill Cemetery January 23. to display the Ar sts and gardeners eners will have the opportunity opp results off their labors at an art show and plant exchange to be Presbyterian held Friday, April 13, from 2 to 4 p.m. at Central Pr Church. “This is the first me we have ever done aanything like this,” Goodwin explains. “It will be open to the public and give credence to what people have been doing.” For many people, pets are an important part of thee family, but bu if they “act out” it can cause major difficul es. Dr. Alexandra Moesta, a third-year resident in behavioral medicinee in the UGA College of Veterinary Medicine, will address storm phobia in dogs and urina on problems in cats on February ary 8. ”These are some of the most common problems you would ould see in Athens,” says Dr. Moesta. “Behavioral problems ems occur for a variety of reasons and can lead to breaking the human-animal bond, which is a very common reason pets are surrendered to shelters.” For a happy and healthy pet, it is important to provide enrichment, regular training and a predictable environment. pred By the me pet owners seek help they are very concerned, concer

but the UGA Veterinary Behavior Service has a good success rate. “It is very rewarding to help these people maintain their bonds with their pets,” Dr. Moesta says. The owner of Eddie, a two-year-old German Shepherd rescue dog, she understands their feelings. “I have my personal pet as a companion, sports buddy and family member.” Another program involving dogs is Donna Klingel’s “Therapy Dog Programs,” which will explain the desirable quali es and training required for a therapy dog, as well as selec ng an appropriate pet for older people. Klingel, who is from North Carolina and has Golden Retriever therapy dogs, is the author of Just for the Moment: The Remarkable Gi of the Therapy Dog. Klingel will also join Jane Meeks in another course, “Wri ng for Children and Young Adults.” There are many more new courses in addi on to staples as OLLI responds to increased membership and different interests. Detailed descrip ons are in this course book and on the website, www.olli.uga.edu. –Elaine Kalber

What’s Inside? Course lis ng by category................................Page 3 OLLI@UGA Luncheon Programs ......................Page 4 Alphabe c course lis ng with descrip ons .....Page 8 Monthly Calendar with courses.....................Page 27 Special Interest Groups .................................Page 48 Alphabe c course lis ng with schedule ........Page 50 Course Lis ng by Date of First Class Session .Page 52 OLLI@UGA Maps ...........................................Page 54 OLLI@UGA Membership Form ......................Page 55 Alphabe c Lis ng of Presenters ....................Page 56


Course Book Spring 2012

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OLLI @ UGA OLLI Course Book

River’s Crossing 850 College Station Road Athens, GA 30602-4811 Telephone: 706.542.7715 OLLI Website Address: www.olli.uga.edu

OLLI Email Address: olli@uga.edu

OLLI Staff

Registration Options Online registra on is a reality for Spring 2012! As much as we embrace progress and change, we also like the comfort of the tried and true. So, our members will have two op ons for registra on— online registra on using our new system or mail-in registra on, just as we have had it in the past. We hope to en ce most of you to try our online registra on system, but if you prefer a paper and pen to register, we have you covered. For Registra on Pioneers, who will inaugurate our online system, we will be emailing you instruc ons by the me registra on opens in mid-December. All members with email addresses on file with OLLI@UGA will be sent online registra on instruc ons, along with user names and passwords. For Registra on Tradi onalists, the process you complete remains the same. The forms you need to register are inserted in the Course Book. Remember, you may pay by either check or credit card. OLLI@UGA accepts MasterCard, Visa, and Discover.

Katy Crapo - Program Director Zu Reuter - Administrative Assistant Amy Munnell - Coordinator of Social Media

OLLI Officers 2011-2012 Mac Rawson - President Bill Alworth - President Elect Nancy Canolty - Vice President Carolyn Abney - Secretary John Songster - Treasurer

OLLI Board of Directors Ann Darby Martha Phillips Helen Epps Don Schneider Richard Hargrove Jay Shinn Joseph Harris Nancy Songster Pat McAlexander Alexis Winger William Loughner, also Parliamentarian

OLLI Committee Chairs Curriculum: Jeani Goodwin Development: Randall Abney Finance: Janet Stratton Historian: William Loughner Information Technology: Margaret Anderson Long Term Planning: Helen Epps Member Services: Nancy Songster Membership: Vic Armstrong Nominating: Bill Alworth Public Relations: Jerri Berrong Publications: Pat McAlexander Registration: Nancy Canolty Special Interest Groups: Carolyn Abney Marketing: Randall Abney Travel/Study: Joan Zitzelman Volunteer Coordinator: Ann Darby

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Spring Courses by Category Aging Aging 101 for Georgia Claiming My Future Demen a-Its Many Dimensions Home & Beyond Medical Ethics-End of Life Decisisons Staying Home

Birds, Animals & Butterϐlies (The) Art of Birding Birding - Learning Bird Songs Bu erflies! Lectures Bu erflies! Tours Cats and Dogs Gone Wild Conversa ons with Cosmo Introduc on to Fly Fishing Just for the Moment: Therapy Dogs Poultry, Chickens & Me

Computers & Technology Basic Graphic Design Digital Photography Google docs Searching GALILEO Databases Wireless Revolu on

Field Trips & Tours Hellebores Show/Piccadilly Farm Tour UGA Special Collec ons Tour (A) Visit to Mini Creek Farm Historical Athens Tour

Food & Beverage Old World Wines Olive Oil World's Oldest Beverage

Government & Politics Great Decisions 2012 (The) Popula on Paradox Render unto Caesar Understanding the Cons tu on What Now? The Threat on the Horizon

Health Related Electronic Medical Records Energy Healing First Aid Herbal Dramas Listening to your Heart Melanoma

Heathy & Fit (A) Balanced Approach to Exercise Fit About Town Gentle Yoga- Chair Gentle Yoga- Tradi onal Staying Strong & Fit Tai Chi Easy Tai Chi Intermediate

Luncheon Programs DNA Fingerprin ng • Stem Cell Controversy • Happy Trails to You • My Life In Music • Old Plants, New Problems • The Bombing of Berlin • Medical Educa on: Impac ng Healthcare of a Community • Mayor Denson’s First Year in Review • What’s Happening in the Clarke County School District? • The Arab Spring: Prospects and Hurdles for Democracy in the Middle East • The Cons tu onality of Federal Health Care Reform

Historical Perspectives American Revolu on in the South Georgia Farming in the Early 20th Century (The) Grand Tours Historical Athens (The) King's Georgia Omrit Pompeii & Herculaneum I Preserving our Past - The UGA Historic Clothing & Tex les Collec on Scarle in the 21st Century Walk through a Victorian Natural Landscape Cemetery

Historical Perspectives – Civil War (The) Ba les of Chickamauga & Cha anooga Confederate Sheet Music Kilpatrick-Dahlgren Raid Mary Surra

Historical Perspectives – Women in History Women & the Civil War Women in Educa on Women in Medicine

Home Sweet Home Drippy Faucets & Slow Drains Tackling Basic Interior Design Dilemmas

Humanities – Language Are you Saying What you Think you are Saying?

Humanities – Literature As I Lay Dying: Faulkner Cri cal Reading A Cri cal Reading B French Love Poetry-Renaissance Great Books (The) Speaker in the Poem Stephen - The Fascina ng Mr. Crane

Humanities – Writing (A) Fine Balance: A Poetry Wri ng Workshop Wri ng & Ge ng Published Wri ng a Novel Wri ng for Children & Young Adults Wri ng in Re rement Wri ngs from a Late Bloomer

International Cultures Beginning Conversa onal German I French on Friday Impressions of Romania

Personal Finance Estate Planning & Elder Law Basics Reverse Mortgages Wealth Management - A Wealth Management - B

Religion & Philosophy Judaism - An Unorthodox, Orthodox View Locusts for Lunch? When God was a Woman

The Arts Art Class: Drawing More than Flies Art with Margaret Agner Art with Margaret Agner: Ba k Athens Academy Gallery Exhibits Georgia Decora ve Arts Jewelry - Making & Design Jewish Films Living in Art Picasso, Pirandello & Percep on (A) Visit with a Glassblower

The Natural World Coastal Processes Gardening Techniques Lectures & Tours Geological Process/Human Impact Georgia Water Resources

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OLLI Course Book

Luncheon Programs Lunch and Learn — Trump’s Catering Medical EducaƟon: ImpacƟng Healthcare of a Community

Mayor Denson’s First Year in Review

Barbara Schuster Monday, January 16, 2012 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM Trump’s Catering 1 session $20.00

Nancy Denson Monday, February 6, 2012 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM Trump’s Catering 1 session

You must register for this course by Monday, January 9, 2012 Dr. Schuster will provide OLLI@UGA with an update on the Georgia Health Sciences University/UGA Medical Partnership. She will explore the concept of medical educa on and how it will impact the lives of people in Athens-Clarke County and the surrounding coun es. Dr. Schuster is a Professor of Medicine and the Campus Dean for the Georgia Health Sciences University/University of Georgia Medical Partnership. Prior to her arrival in Athens, she was Professor of Internal Medicine at Wright State University and also served as the Chair of the Department of Internal Medicine for 12 years. Previously, she served as the program director of the Primary Care Program in Rochester, New York. Dr. Schuster completed an undergraduate degree in Biology and a Master’s of Science in Educa on at the University of Pennsylvania. She received her medical degree from the University of Rochester (New York) and completed her residency in the Associated Hospitals Program in Rochester, New York.

$20.00 You must register for this course by Monday, January 30, 2012 Come hear Mayor Denson take us through her first year in office, sharing the challenges and successes she experienced— and perhaps a glimpse of what next year may bring. There will be ample me for ques ons and answers. Mayor Nancy Denson, a na ve of Memphis TN, moved to Athens, GA due to her husband’s company. She is the mother of four, a grandmother, and a great grandmother. Ms. Denson earned a Bachelor of Business Administra on at the University of Georgia in 1989. She has done extensive volunteer work and was a founding member of the Athens Area Emergency Food Bank. In 1980 she was elected to the Athens City Council. She was the first woman to serve in that posi on. She became the Clarke County Tax Commissioner in 1985 and Athens-Clarke County Mayor 2010.

How many parking tags should you buy? You may want to use the table with courses sorted by the date of the first class session and the session start me (see page 52) to help you decide the number of parking tags to purchase. The number of parking tags needed for each course is shown in the last column of the table, but you’ll also need to consider the following: • If you have a class at River’s Crossing in the morning and one in the a ernoon, you only need one for the whole day, not one per class • If you’re car-pooling to River’s Crossing, you only need one tag for the car, not one tag per person • Parking is free at Trump’s Catering, Central Presbyterian Church and other loca ons. Remember, you can always turn in excess tags and get a refund from the OLLI@UGA office, but you may get a $40 parking cket if you park in the River’s Crossing lot without a valid tag. If you have ques ons, please contact the OLLI@UGA office at (706) 542-7715.

OLLICourse Book

What’s Happening in the Clarke County School District? Phillip D. Lanoue Monday, March 5, 2012 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM Trump’s Catering 1 session $20.00 You must register for this course by Monday, February 27, 2012 Dr. Lanoue will provide us with an update on Professional Development Schools, Standard Based Instruc on, and the Interna onal Baccalaureate Programme. Superintendent Phillip D. Lanoue has sat at the helm of the Clarke County School District since July 2009. Under his leadership, the Clarke County School District has been honored as Title I Dis nguished District for being Georgia’s #1 large district for closing the achievement gap between economically disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged schools. Dr. Lanoue previously served as Area Assistant Superintendent for the Cobb County School District in Marie a, Georgia. Prior to his s nt in Cobb County, he served as principal for 18 years in four high schools. Superintendent Lanoue received his Ph.D. in Educa onal Leadership from Mercer University, M.Ed. in Administra on and Planning from the University of Vermont and a Bachelor’s Degree in Secondary Educa on from the University of Vermont. He also serves as an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the University of Georgia in the Department of Lifelong Educa on, Administra on and Policy.

The Arab Spring: Prospects and Hurdles for Democracy in the Middle East Adam Sabra Monday, April 2, 2012 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM Trump’s Catering 1 session $20.00 You must register for this course by Monday, March 26, 2012 The Arab Spring is the name given to a series of interlinked movements that have swept the Arab world since December, 2010. To date, successful revolu ons have taken place in Tunisia and Egypt, while there are ongoing struggles for democracy in Libya, Yemen, Bahrain, and Syria. One could also e these events to recent popular movements in Iran, Lebanon, and even

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Pales ne. The lecture will provide a historical background for these events and examine the prospects for democra za on in the Middle East. Dr. Sabra received his Ph.D. from Princeton University in Near Eastern Studies in l998. He specializes in the history of premodern Egypt, with special interest in social and religious history. He lived for a number of years in Cairo and visited other Middle Eastern countries during that me. He is an Associate Professor of History at UGA where he teaches Middle Eastern History from the rise of Islam to the present. He also teaches a course on the Arab-Israeli Conflict.

The ConsƟtuƟonality of Federal Health Care Reform John Maltese Monday, May 7, 2012 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM Trump’s Catering 1 session $20.00 You must register for this course by Monday, April 30, 2012 John Maltese will focus on the cons tu onality of the “individual mandate” provision of the Health Care Reform Bill, which requires the purchase of health insurance. So far, federal courts have reached conflic ng conclusions, and the Supreme Court will likely address the ques on soon. John Maltese is the Albert Berry Saye Professor of American Government and Cons tu onal Law, and Head of the Department of Poli cal Science at the University of Georgia. His books include The Poli cs of the Presidency (now in its 8th edi on), The Selling of Supreme Court Nominees, and Spin Control: The White House Office of Communica ons and the Management of Presiden al News. He has also wri en extensively about classical music, for which he has won a Grammy Award.

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OLLI Course Book

Lunch and Lecture — Central Presbyterian Church DNA FingerprinƟng and Its Social ImplicaƟons

Happy Trails to You

Wya Anderson Tuesday, January 17, 2012 12:00 – 1:30 PM Central Presbyterian Church 1 session $12:00

Walter Cook Tuesday, February 21, 2012 12:00 – 1:30 PM Central Presbyterian Church 1 session $12.00

You must register for this course by Friday, January 27, 2012

You must register for this course by Tuesday, February 14, 2012

All CSI aficionados, this is the course for you! This course will explain the biology underlying iden fica on of individuals by DNA fingerprin ng. It will discuss the use of DNA fingerprin ng to iden fy individuals and the use of DNA fingerprin ng in law enforcement. The social implica ons of iden fying individuals by their DNA fingerprint will also be considered.

There are things you’d never see if you never walked a trail, and this presenta on will show you exactly what some of those things are. You’ll see beauty, some oddi es, and just plain interes ng bits of nature. The presenta on will include forest beauty, tree physiology and species iden fica on, and forest ecology. Most photos are from Georgia, the Carolinas, and Tennessee.

Wya Anderson is Professor Emeritus of Gene cs at UGA. He grew up in Brunswick, GA, and received B.S. and M. S. degrees from the University of Georgia. He received a Ph.D. from Rockefeller University in New York City. He is former Head of the Gene cs Department and Dean of the Franklin College of Arts & Sciences at UGA. He is a member of the Na onal Academy of Sciences and a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences. He is also a member of OLLI.

Stem Cell Controversy Mark Farmer Friday, February 3, 2012 12:00 – 1:30 PM Central Presbyterian Church 1 session $12.00 You must register for this course by Friday, January 27, 2012 The topic will cover various aspects of human stem cell biology including informa on about the crea on of human embryonic stem cell lines (hESC) as well as adult stem cells used in research and therapy. We will discuss both the biological and the ethical/ poli cal aspects surrounding this area of research as well as the poten al of stem cells to improve human health. Mark Farmer is professor of cellular biology and Chair of the Division of Biological Sciences at the University of Georgia. He has a Ph.D. from Rutgers University (1988) and over 50 peer reviewed publica ons. He is also a columnist for the Athens Banner Herald wri ng on topics of science and society

Dr. Walt Cook has designed over 70 trails, mostly in Georgia and South Carolina. His first trail was on the Oglethorpe Avenue Elementary School grounds in l973. He is perhaps best known, however, for being the co-founder of Sandy Creek Nature Center, where he also served on the board for 32 years. He earned his Ph.D. in Forest Aesthe cs from SUNY College of Forestry at Syracuse University. He moved to Athens in l971 where he taught at UGA un l his re rement in 1996. He is s ll engaged in designing, maintaining, building and hiking on walking trails.

My Life in Music Allen Crowell Tuesday, March 20, 2012 12:00 – 2:00 PM Central Presbyterian Church 1 session $12.00 You must register for this course by Tuesday, March 13. Actually this course is best described by the presenter’s biography. Dr. Crowell re red from UGA in 2009, having served for 10 years as the Heyward professor of Choral Music and Director of Choral Ac vi es at UGA. In the preceding twenty years, he was Associate Bandmaster of The United States Army Band and the Director of The United States Army Chorus in Washington, D.C. He was also ac ve as

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a vocal soloist. His work beyond academe has included leading many All-State bands and choruses, honors groups and other fes vals across the country. In March, 1995, he conducted the highly acclaimed American Choral Directors Associa on Na onal Men’s Honor Choir at their na onal conven on in Washington, DC.

Gary Gleason is the Manager at Cofer’s Home and Garden, Inc. He earned a degree in Landscape Design at UGA/SUATC, N.Y. He has been in the nursery business for 40 years.

The Bombing of Berlin Vincent Masters Tuesday, May 15, 2012 12:00 – 1:30 PM Central Presbyterian Church 1 session $12.00

He also taught and was Chair of the Conduc ng Department at Westminster Choir College, Princeton, New Jersey. He a ended Florida State University, Westminster Choir College (B.M. Voice), and The Catholic University of America (M.M. Voice). In 2006 he was awarded an honorary Doctor of Music by Westminster.

You must register for this course by Tuesday, May 5, 2012

Old Plants/New Problems

Hitler vowed to the German people that Berlin would never be bombed. German flak and fighter aircra tried to keep that promise, downing 68 bombers in just a few hours. March 6, 1944, marks the date of the first successful bombing mission of Berlin.

Gary Gleason Tuesday, April 17, 2012 12:00 – 1:30 PM Central Presbyterian Church 1 session $12.00 You must register for this course by Tuesday, April 10, 2012 Gary will review some basics for the home gardener with special a en on to common problems that occur, especially in Athens. He will talk about plants that are especially hardy for periods of drought plus introduce us to new plants that are now available at our local garden shops.

Dr. Vince Masters, a re red medical doctor, is a World War II survivor of 28 heavy bombardment missions and 200 P-51 Fighter Sor es. He was a Lt. Col. in the Air Force, C.O. 3rd Air Division Weather Scout Force, Deputy Chief Staff, 3rd Air Division 8th Army Air Force. Dr. Masters is a frequent OLLI presenter.

Mail-In Registration 1. Complete the enclosed Registra on form. • • •

Write your NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER and EMAIL ADDRESS in the spaces provided on the first page of the Registra on form. On the remaining pages, write your NAME. Place an ‘x’ in the blank column on the le -hand side of the form to select the course(s) for which you wish to register. For each course selected, fill in the three blank columns on the right-hand side of the Registra on form as follows: • • • •

Course Fees Parking fees (if not applicable, enter a zero) Number of parking tags (if not applicable, enter a zero) Total the class and parking fees and the number of parking tags purchased by summing the numbers you entered into each blank column.

2. Complete the enclosed Payment to OLLI@UGA form. • •

Transfer from your Registra on form the three sums (class fees, parking fees and number of parking tags purchased) Provide payment informa on. • •

If paying by check, make it payable to OLLI@UGA and be sure to include the check number on the payment form. If paying by MasterCard, Visa, or Discover, provide requested informa on (card number, expira on date, cardholder’s name and signature).

Mail completed Registra on and Payment forms, along with your check, if applicable, to OLLI@UGA, 850 College Sta on Road, Athens, GA 30602-4811.

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OLLI Course Book

Alphabetic Course Listing with Descriptions General Curriculum Aging 101 for Georgia

American RevoluƟon in the South

Anne P. Glass Thursdays, April 12 and 19, 2012 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM River’s Crossing 2 sessions $10 plus parking

Walt Andrae Thursday and Friday, February 9 and 10, 2012 1:00 – 3:00 PM River’s Crossing 2 sessions $10 plus parking

This course covers essen al informa on one needs to know about aging well. Topics include: 1) Physical Health and Exercise 2) Mental Health and Lifelong Learning 3) Staying Connected 4) Figh ng Ageism 5) Planning Ahead 6) Care-giving 7) The Aging Network 8) Adjus ng to Change The content of the Aging 101 for Georgia DVD will be used as a founda on for the class, along with supplemental discussion and addi onal assessment tools and resources. Each par cipant will receive a free copy of the DVD. Anne P. Glass, Ph.D., the Associate Director of UGA’s Ins tute of Gerontology, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management, all within the UGA College of Public Health. She has created the DVD, Aging 101 for Georgia (2009), which contains the key informa on people need to know about aging. One of Dr. Glass’ major research interests is the new movement toward elder inten onal communi es and the poten al for older adults to provide mutual support to each other. Facilita ng the interac on between healthcare providers and their older pa ents and pa ents’ families con nues to be a primary research concern, par cularly as it relates to long term and end-of-life care. Dr. Glass is also the Graduate Coordinator for the Cer ficate of Gerontology at UGA and teaches three courses for the program. She received her Ph.D. from Virginia Tech and worked for several years in VA. in a variety of roles, including government agencies, as a researcher at the Center for Gerontology at VA. Tech, and with a large healthcare system. Earlier, she completed the Graduate Cer ficate of Gerontology at UGA while obtaining her master’s degree.

The Ba le of Ke le Creek: Wilkes County, Georgia, played a pivotal role in the American Revolu on in the South. Today millions of Americans descend from that fron er area’s family. Dr. Walter Andrae will discuss the famous ba le of Ke le Creek, which showed that the Indians and back country objec ves of the Bri sh Southern Strategy could not be a ained. Dr. Walt Andrae, born in San Francisco, earned a BA in poli cal science from San Francisco State University and a doctorate in Adult Educa on from UGA. He is also a graduate of the Army Management Staff College, Fort Belvoir, VA. He taught military history for Signal Corps officers and now manages the Interna onal Military Student Office at Ft. Gordon. He is a fan of mar al arts, having won many awards including a black belt and seven Karate championships.

The Quest for the Perfect Course With more than 100 courses to select from, we want to help you navigate the course book. So, we have listed the courses several ways: • Courses by Category • Alphabe cally, with descrip ons • Alphabe cally, with schedule • Alphabe cally, by presenters • By date of the first class session Go ahead! Dive in! Test the waters! No sharks in these waters, just schools of likeminded fish!

OLLICourse Book

Are You Saying What You Think You Are Saying? Pat McAlexander and Alexis Winger Tuesday, May 29, 2012 1:00 – 3:00 PM River’s Crossing 1 session $5 plus parking Mistakes ranging from mixed metaphors to incorrect punctua on, dic on, or sentence structure can alter meaning in both spoken and wri en language, some mes with hilarious results. We will begin with a short grammar review from Grammar Talk I and then focus on pi alls to watch out for and correct in order to convey meaning clearly and correctly. Pat McAlexander earned a BA from SUNY, an MA from Columbia University, and a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. As a professor in UGA’s Division of Academic Enhancement, she taught courses in grammar, business wri ng, and composi on. She has published ar cles on teaching and American literature and co-authored three books, Beyond the “SP” Label, Basic Wri ng in America, and Correct Wri ng (6th ed.), a grammar text. Alexis Winger a ended Idaho State University, BYU, and Tennessee Tech University. She taught composi on and grammar in UGA’s Division of Academic Enhancement for 29 years and most recently served as coordinator of the Wri ng Component of the Division’s Learning Center. She has given numerous presenta ons on teaching composi on and grammar. Since re ring from UGA in 2007, she has become very ac ve in OLLI.

Art Class—Drawing More Than Flies Joanne Roth Fridays, March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, and April 6, 2012 10:00 AM – 12:00 noon River’s Crossing 6 sessions $30 plus parking The first day of class will be a refresher on drawing, sketching in pencil, prac cing techniques on handling shading, depth, vanishing points, etc. Drawing will be a part of each class therea er. The class will work in watercolor and colored pencil and will be dealing with the differences in the applica ons of the different media and how they vary from one another. The class will learn how to achieve depth and 3-dimension through the use of shadowing with color and perspec ve, as well as how to make different colors.

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“Sorry, but each week there will be homework.” The instructor will take home student work and, using a ssue overlay, sketch sugges ons which will be returned at the next class. This is an in-depth, hands-on art course. A er registra on, the presenter will send out a list of needed materials to registrants. Suggested book: The Art of Basic Drawing: Collectors Series, Walter Foster, $9 - $14 at Amazon, other stores $19.95. On Friday, April 13, students from this class and previous classes will have the opportunity to display their works at an art showing at Central Presbyterian Church. Students may price and sell their work if they choose. Talmage Terrace will be in charge of refreshments. The showing will be open to the public, at no charge, from 2:00 – 4:00 PM. Those planning to display their works will need to make reserva ons to do so just to be sure adequate space is available. These reserva ons will take place close to display me on April 13. Ms. Roth studied fine and commercial art at Butler University (John Herron Art Ins tute) and Indiana University. She has worked as an illustrator for McGraw-Hill in St. Louis, MO; as an illustrator and colorist with Richmond-Gorman in Nebraska; and as the graphic art and design director for several adver sing companies. She owned her own adver sing firm in Houston County, GA, for seven years. Ms. Roth has presented numerous classes for OLLI@UGA.

(The) Art of Birding: PracƟcal Steps to Learning about Birds Ed Maioriello Tuesday, March 13, 2012 9:00 – 11:00 AM River’s Crossing 1 session $5 plus parking This course is an introduc on to birding, providing a systema c way to help the new birder learn approaches to categorizing birds, elimina ng unlikely/impossible species, and using eyes, ears, binoculars, and field guides to iden fy birds in the field. Ed Maioriello has been an amateur, but ac ve, birder for approximately 10 years. He has served as the field trip chair for the Oconee Rivers Audubon Society for several years and is ac ve in the Georgia Ornithological Society. Ed subsidizes his birding by working for the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia doing computer networking.

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OLLI Course Book

Art with Margaret Agner

Art with Margaret Agner: BaƟk

Margaret Agner Tuesday, April 3, 2012 1:00 – 3:00 PM River’s Crossing 1 session $5 plus parking

Margaret Agner Wednesday and Friday, April 4 and 6, 2012 1:00 – 4:00 PM Ar st’s studio 2 sessions $25

Fiber ar st, Margaret Agner, will present a slide talk, sharing her fiber work in hand painted silk scarves, garments, and wall hangings. The fiber work expands to some mes include painted quilts, ba ks, some mes quilted, and experimental techniques. She hopes to have the audience par cipate by modeling scarves and jackets.

These two sessions, which will be held at the ar st’s studio, will enable par cipants to do their own ba ks. Ba k is a method, originally used in Java, of producing colored designs on tex les by dyeing them, having first applied wax to the parts to be le undyed.

Athens ar st Margaret Agner grew up on a dairy farm in Ohio. She a ended An och College and Rochester Ins tute of Technology before gradua ng from LSU with a BFA. She learned fabric dyeing and surface design through books, seminars, and workshops. She now teaches silk pain ng workshops and produces silk banners, wearables, and fine art from the studio in her home in Bogart, GA. She is a member of The Studio Group, Oconee County Arts Founda on, Athens Art Associa on, Athens Fibercra Guild, Piedmont Cra smen, Inc in Winston-Salem, NC, the na onal Surface Design Associa on, and Plein Air Georgia. She has won numerous awards across the Southeast, the most recent being the Monroe Art Guild Winter juried show.

This course is limited to 6 par cipants. A $15 supply fee has been added to the cost of the course to cover materials. Athens ar st Margaret Agner grew up on a dairy farm in Ohio. She a ended An och College and Rochester Ins tute of Technology before gradua ng from LSU with a BFA. She learned fabric dyeing and surface design through books, seminars, and workshops. She now teaches silk pain ng workshops and produces silk banners, wearables, and fine art from the studio in her home in Bogart, GA. She is a member of The Studio Group, Oconee County Arts Founda on, Athens Art Associa on, Athens Fibercra Guild, Piedmont Cra smen, Inc in Winston-Salem, NC, the na onal Surface Design Associa on, and Plein Air Georgia. She has won numerous awards across the Southeast, the most recent being the Monroe Art Guild Winter juried show.

As I Lay Dying: Faulkner’s Strange LiƩle Masterpiece Hubert H. McAlexander Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, February 13, 15, and 16, 2012 11:00 AM – 12:00 noon River’s Crossing 3 sessions $15 plus parking This course will consist of a reading and discussion of William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying. Dr. McAlexander is a na ve Mississipian. He received BA and MA degrees from Ole Miss University and a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin. He was a member of the UGA English Department from 1974-2010. During that me, Dr. McAlexander authored 9 books and received 2 General Sandy Beaver Teaching Professorships, a Josiah Meigs Teaching Award in 1997, and a UGA Crea ve Research Medal for his biography of writer Peter Taylor in 2002.

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Athens Academy Gallery & Exhibits Lawrence Stueck Sunday, January 22, 2012 1:30 – 2:30 PM Central Presbyterian Church 1 session $6 This lecture will introduce the galleries at Athens Academy, in par cular the three that will be hos ng an art exhibit on the following Sunday, January 29, from 1:00 – 4:00 PM. Dr. Stueck’s presenta on will include informa on on the 3 galleries – Hall, Myers, and Harrison – and the 20 exhibits available for viewing. Two of the presenters will be especially significant to OLLI members: Claire Clements, long- me OLLI member and Lore a Eby, Winter/Spring OLLI presenter. Dr. Lawrence Stueck moved to Athens, Georgia, in 1976 a er earning a BFA in sculpture from Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. He completed his MFA at UGA. His disserta on research for a PhD in Art Educa on (1992) was on the Design of Learning Environments. Presently he is the gallery director and upper school art teacher at Athens Academy.

(A) Balanced Approach to Exercise for Older Adults Anne E. O’Brien, M.S. and Ellen M. Evans, Ph.D. Tuesdays and Thursdays, January 24 thru May 3, 2012 6:30 – 7:45 AM Ramsey Fitness Center 30 Sessions $50 One important aspect of successful aging and independence, is maintaining one’s physical health, including adequate strength, energy, and balance. For this 15 week course, OLLI members will work with UGA Exercise Science students, par cipa ng in a comprehensive exercise program including strength, balance, and flexibility training. OLLI members will receive pre and post tes ng to help monitor improvements. Par cipants will exercise in the Ramsey Fitness Center on the UGA campus. This course is limited to a maximum of 16 par cipants. A physician’s clearance is required and must be submiƩed prior to the first session. Anne O’Brien is a doctoral student in the Department of Kinesiology, with a focus in Exercise Physiology and works under the direc on of Dr. Ellen M. Evans, Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Physical Ac vity and Health and the Body Composi on and Metabolism Laboratory. In the Spring, Anne will also complete her Gerontology Cer ficate.

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Anne’s research and disserta on project focus on older adults, physical func on, and body composi on. A second interest is transla ng research findings in to community-based programs to enhance and preserve health of older individuals.

Basic Graphic Design Joanne Roth Fridays, April 20 and 27, May 4 and 11, 2012 1:30 – 3:30 PM River’s Crossing 4 sessions $20 plus parking This class will be a hands-on workshop on how to put together publica ons that one might need to promote an organiza on; to add art and photography to genealogy files; to scan and edit material. The class will also work with photo edi ng, text blocking, pagina on, and anything else needed to produce a publica on. Registrants will need to have enough computer experience to be familiar with basic computer terminology and processing. Ms. Roth studied fine and commercial art at Butler University (John Herron Art Ins tute) and Indiana University. She has worked as an illustrator for McGraw-Hill in St. Louis, MO; as an illustrator and colorist with Richmond-Gorman in Nebraska; and as the graphic art and design director for several adver sing companies. She owned her own adver sing firm in Houston County, GA, for seven years. Ms. Roth has presented numerous classes for OLLI@UGA. College of EducaƟon Fitness Center

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(The) BaƩles of Chickamauga and ChaƩanooga

Birding—Learning Bird Songs

Norman Dasinger, Jr. Saturday, April 14, 2012 10:00 AM – 12:00 noon River’s Crossing 1 session $5

Ed Maioriello Tuesday, March 20, 2012 9:00 – 11:00 AM River’s Crossing 1 session $5 plus parking

This presenta on, more accurately en tled “Piercing the Heartlands: The Campaign and Ba les of Chickamauga and Cha anooga in the Civil War,” will discuss military movements, specific ac ons, and the casual es for these two large Civil War ba les. The class will discuss tac cs, personali es, and strategy.

This class is an ideal follow-up to the “Art of Birding” since this course will describe the various types of vocaliza ons made by birds and provide a systema c way for those new to “birding by ear” to learn to dis nguish, categorize, and remember bird songs to assist in iden fying birds in the field.

An op onal 2-day motor coach excursion to the ba le sites is tenta vely planned. Addi onal informa on is forthcoming. Norman Dasinger, Jr., will both present the course and serve as the guide at the Civil War ba lefields. Mr. Dasinger leads tours for various groups throughout Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee. He owns a land tle business in Gadsden, Alabama, but is a former Georgia school administrator, having worked sixteen years in Paulding and Polk coun es. He is the past president of the Friends of Civil War Paulding County, past Chief of Staff of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, and past board member of the Blue and Gray Educa on Associa on. He is presently a member of the Historical Commi ee of the Georgia Civil War Heritage Trails Associa on.

Beginning ConversaƟonal German I O.C. Dean Mondays, January 30 – April 16, 2012 1:30 – 3:30 PM River’s Crossing 12 sessions $60 plus parking

A er the lecture there will be 20-30 minutes of birding by ear. Students will step outside the River’s Crossing building to an area ideal for listening to bird songs. Ed Maioriello has been an amateur, but ac ve, birder for approximately 10 years. He has served as the field trip chair for the Oconee Rivers Audubon Society for several years, and is ac ve in the Georgia Ornithological Society.

BuƩerflies! Jim Porter Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Monday, May 9, 10, 11, and 14, 2012 Times vary – see details below River’s Crossing, UGA Botanical Garden, and UGA Museum of Natural History Bu erflies! Lectures only (3 sessions): $15 plus parking Bu erflies! Tours (2 sessions): $28 plus parking (includes $18 materials fee)

Required text: The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Learning German. A fee of $25 will be collected in class to cover the text. There may be a small addi onal fee for other materials.

Georgia could easily be known as the Bu erfly State, as it has both the smallest and the largest bu erfly in North America, as well as the longest-lived bu erfly in the world. This course will introduce par cipants to the ecology and conserva on of bu erflies (with an emphasis on Georgia species) and will allow par cipants to collect bu erflies, spread them, and create their own bu erfly display case. With habitats ranging from the Okefenokee Swamp to the North Georgia Mountains, Georgia has one of the longest bu erfly species lists of any state in the Union. Over the course of this class, a endees will see more than 1,000 species of bu erflies from Dr. Porter’s extensive collec on, including all 90 species found in Georgia and more than 900 tropical species from the cloud forests of Costa Rica.

Dr. O.C. Dean has degrees in French, theology, and German linguis cs and has studied in Germany. He has been a campus and parish minister, a teacher of French, German, and linguis cs, and a German-to-English translator of theological and biblical studies.

Because this course includes both lecture and making a bu erfly collec on, there are various mee ng mes, loca ons, maximum numbers of par cipants, and fees. Lectures are open to anyone; tours are limited to those 20 people interested in making their own collec on.

Beginning Conversa onal German will focus on spoken German but also include pronuncia on, vocabulary, common expressions and idioms, grammar, and German history and culture. Students will prac ce speaking in class and be expected to prac ce at home, as well as do exercises in the textbook. No previous German experience is required for German I.

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Session 1: Lecture – Wed., May 9, (10:00 - 11:00 AM) RC Bu erfly Ecology: The Strange Case of Tigers, Admirals, and Monarchs Session 2: CollecƟng trip – Wed., May 9, (1:30 - 4:30 PM) UGA Botanical Gardens. The van will leave RC at 1:30 for the Botanical Gardens. Maximum of 20 par cipants. Session 3: Specimen Prep – Thur., May 10, (10:00 - Noon) Georgia Museum of Natural History. The museum prepara on trip will leave RC at 10 AM Maximum of 20 par cipants Session 4: Lecture – Fri., May 11, (10:00 – 11:00 AM) RC. Bu erfly Conserva on: A Cau onary Tale from the Heartland to the Southland Session 5: Lecture – Mon., May 14, (10:00 – 11:00 AM) RC. Bu erflies as Sen nels: The Cloud Forest Bu erflies of Costa Rica Dr. Porter is Meigs Professor of Ecology at the University of Georgia. He received his B.S. in Biology at Yale University, where he studied bu erflies and met both Nabokov (who was studying the Lyciniid Blue Bu erflies) and Robert Frost (who collected New England moths). Dr. Porter is one of only a few UGA faculty members who have won both its top research and teaching awards. In 2007, he won the Ecological Society of America’s Environmental Educator of the Year Award. Although Dr. Porter is now a marine biologist, he returned to entomological studies while teaching ecology in Costa Rica and is currently under contract to produce a monograph on the Cloud Forest Bu erflies of Costa Rica.

Cats and Dogs Gone Wild Alexandra Moesta Wednesday, February 8, 2012 1:00 – 2:30 PM River’s Crossing 1 session $5 plus parking The University of Georgia Veterinary Behavior Service offers help for owners of dogs, cats, and other pets with behavior problems, such as separa on anxiety, storm phobia, aggression, destruc veness, or elimina on problems. This lecture gives an overview of storm phobia in dogs and inappropriate urina on in cats as examples for common behavior problems. Symptoms, possible causes, and risk factors are discussed, as well as what to do (and not to do) once the problem is iden fied. Dog and cat owners will also get advice on how to prevent these problems.

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Dr. Alexandra Moesta earned her DVM in 2004 and her Doctor medicinae veterinariae (similar to PhD) in 2007 at the University of Medicine, Hannover, Germany. She has successfully treated behavior problems in dogs and cats first in Germany and, since August 2009, in a residency program for behavioral medicine at University of Georgia. She is owner of a German Shepherd and is passionate about dog training, especially agility, obedience, and nose work.

Claiming My Future Elaine Cress Wednesday, February 8, 2012 10:00 AM – 12:00 noon Central Presbyterian 1 Session $19 Claiming My Future: Conscious Choices for Living Beyond 65 This class, which will be conducted in a lecture/workshop format, will help a endees navigate through a series of ques ons on medical needs, personal and community support, transporta on and housing………all the ques ons that one must consider in rela on to aging in a contemporary society. The course fee includes a $13.00 materials supply fee to cover the cost of workbook materials. Dr. Elaine Cress needs no introduc on to OLLI. She began offering strength-training classes in 2000 for LIR and con nued each Winter/Spring session for OLLI un l her re rement in 2010. She is an exercise physiologist and gerontologist with research focusing mainly on physical func on and how it can be improved with exercise. She has extensive experience with providing exercise interven ons for people in their midlife and beyond. She was the 2010 recipient of the Fred Birchmore Award for Ac ve Aging. Dr. Cress has “re red” to Bellingham, Washington where she teaches con nuing educa on courses for Western Washington University.

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Coastal Processes and ConservaƟon: What Will Be LeŌ for Future GeneraƟons? David Dallmeyer Monday – Friday, February 27 – March 2, 2012 9:00 – 11:00 AM River’s Crossing 5 sessions $25 plus parking This course, which will introduce par cipants to the dynamic and complex nature of the marine coastal environment with an emphasis on the Georgia shore, has been designed to foster awareness of the delicate balance and interdependency of the various physical and biological processes that help shape coastal regions. Among the topics to be discussed are the processes involved in the erosion, transporta on and deposi on of coastal sediment and natural varia ons in storm-induced erosional parameters documented with case histories. Discussions will include the record of recent sea-level rise, the implica ons for future coastal change in the context of increased rates of global warming, the biologic diversity within various coastal habits, the importance of coastal wetlands, the legal framework for coastal protec on in Georgia, and appropriate methods of conserva on. An op onal three-day field excursion to the Georgia coast (Jekyll and St. Simons Islands) will follow the course. See Travel Study Opportunity. David Dallmeyer is Emeritus Professor of Geology at the University of Georgia and a member of the Environmental Ethics Faculty. His teaching and research have focused on the processes and chronology of mountain building and plate tectonics with fieldwork on all con nents. David worked with the Georgia Sea Grant Program to produce an audio CD for Jekyll Island. He is a frequent instructor for OLLI@UGA and has organized several associated field excursions.

Confederate Sheet Music Robert I. Cur s Monday, February 27, 2012 1:00 – 2:30 PM Central Presbyterian Church 1 session $6 Sheet music published in the Confederate States of America reflected the turmoil of the mes and the hopes, aspira ons, and a tudes of its ci zens. Important centers of sheet music publica on included Richmond, New Orleans, Macon and Augusta. The focus of the lecture will be on the covers,

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some mes elaborately and interes ngly decorated, and the lyrics, rather than on the music, although the presenter hopes to incorporate some examples into the course. (If the New Horizons band is available on this date, they will be asked to play some of the songs.) Robert I. Cur s, Professor Emeritus of Classics at the University of Georgia, has been collec ng Confederate sheet music for almost fi een years. Dr. Cur s is a returning OLLI lecturer. He lives in Watkinsville, Georgia.

ConversaƟons with Cosmo Dr. Be y Jean Craige Wednesday, January 18, 2012 10:00 – 11:00 AM River’s Crossing 1 session $5 plus parking Cosmo, an African Grey parrot, will join Dr. B.J. Craige in this lecture where “they” will discuss Cosmo’s acquisi on of speech and expression of a sense of humor. Class par cipants may wish to read Dr. Craige’s book, Conversa ons with Cosmo before the class. This is a deligh ul book well worth keeping in one’s library. Be y Jean Craige is University Professor Emeritus of Compara ve Literature and Director Emeritus of the Willson Center for Humani es and Arts at UGA. She is a teacher, scholar, translator (from Spanish), art collector, and on occasion, humorist. Her publica ons include works in the fields of literature, poli cs, ecology, and art, as well as transla ons into English of the poetry of Antonio Machado, Gabriel Celaya, Manuel Mantero, and Marjorie Agosín. In Conversa ons with Cosmo: At Home with an African Grey Parrot, Dr. Craige wrote about her own pet bird’s acquisi on of speech and expression of a sense of humor.

CriƟcal Reading-A Cecil Eby Thursdays, April 12, 19, 26, and May 3, 2012 2:30 – 4:30 PM River’s Crossing 4 sessions $20 plus parking This course moves into its third season and is a con nua on of previous Cri cal Reading Courses. The same anthology is used, but different stories will be read. Sessions (A) and (B) are not duplicates as different stories will be read and discussed in each. Required Text: Norton Anthology of Short Fic on, 6th ed., ed. By Cassill & Bausch. (Available from Amazon.com)

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The presenter is a na ve of the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia. He earned his Ph.D. in American Literature from the University of Pennsylvania. He was a professor at Washington and Lee for five years and at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor for 35+ years. His main interest is the “Gilded Age” (1860-1900). He also served as a Fulbright professor in Salamanca, Valencia, and Budapest. He has recently re red in Athens.

CriƟcal Reading-B Cecil Eby Thursdays, May 10, 17, 24, and 31, 2012 2:30 – 4:30 PM River’s Crossing 4 sessions $20 plus parking This course moves into its third season and is a con nua on of previous Cri cal Reading Courses. The same anthology is used, but different stories will be read. Sessions (A) and (B) are not duplicates as different stories will be read and discussed in each. Required Text: Norton Anthology of Short Fic on, 6th ed., ed. By Cassill & Bausch. (Available from Amazon.com) The presenter is a na ve of the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia. He earned his Ph.D. in American Literature from the University of Pennsylvania. He was a professor at Washington and Lee for five years and at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor for 35+ years. His main interest is the “Gilded Age” (1860-1900). He also served as a Fulbright professor in Salamanca, Valencia, and Budapest. He has recently re red in Athens.

DemenƟa—Its Many Dimensions Sharon Conley, M.ED., M.S. Wednesday, April 25; May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 2012 10:00 – 11:30 AM River’s Crossing 6 sessions $30 plus parking This course is designed to give a general overview of various aspects of demen a and demen a care. Subjects covered will include: the importance of early diagnosis and understanding the stages of Alzheimer’s disease; communica on challenges; what mo vates the ac ons of a person with Alzheimer’s; and medica ons, older adults, and Alzheimer’s. Sharon Conley is a graduate of UGA with a Master’s Degree in Community Counseling. She has worked at Athens Regional Medical Center in the Social Work Department during which me she earned a Master’s Degree in Health Science with a concentra on in End of Life Care. Sharon is the Director for Marke ng at Arbor Terrace Assisted Living and Memory Care.

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In addi on to counseling with poten al residents and families as they contemplate the transi on to assisted living, she speaks to community organiza ons, faith groups, and healthcare providers to increase their knowledge and awareness of aging issues, especially demen a. Sharon also facilitates an Alzheimer’s Support Group that meets at Arbor Terrace.

Digital Photography Robert Nicholls Wednesday and Thursday, March 14 and 15, 2012 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM River’s Crossing 2 sessions $10 plus parking This course starts with choosing a digital camera and the basics for using it effec vely. Topics will include: types of digital cameras and their lenses, focal length, depth of field, exposure, composi on, how photos are recorded digitally, how to transfer them to your computer, and how to make adjustments to saved pictures (using iPhoto). The instructor will also discuss techniques for presen ng one’s pictures, from slide shows with a musical background, to making gree ng cards, theme books and calendars. Robert Nicholls is a re red architect and UGA emeritus professor with over 65 years experience in photography. He bought his first black and white film camera in the 1940’s and developed photographs using a dark room. He obtained his first 35mm color film camera in the 1950’s and went on to collect over 10,000 color slides worldwide. In 2001, he bought his first digital camera and now has well over 18,000 images stored on his iMac.

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Drippy Faucets and Slow Drains

Energy Healing

Jose Vieira Monday, February 13, 2012 10:00 – 11:30 AM Home Depot 1 session $5

Laurie Hart Tuesdays, February 21, 28, & March 6, 2012 2:00 – 4:00 PM River’s Crossing 3 sessions $15 plus parking

This course, which made its successful debut during the 2011 summer session, will teach par cipants how to deal with drippy faucets, slow drains, changing locks, and other common household tasks. The knowledgeable staff at Home Depot on Epps Bridge Parkway will introduce the class to new products which will help in comple ng do-it-yourself projects to improve and maintain our homes. The staff will be available a er class to answer ques ons not addressed in class.

A human being is made up of a la ce-work of invisible energies. Energy healing explores how the invisible forces within and around us are related to how we feel, physically, mentally, and emo onally. In addi on, energy healing can help s mulate the body’s innate capacity to heal itself.

Electronic Medical Records Nemili Johnson Monday, February 20, 2012 10:00 – 11:00 AM River’s Crossing 1 session $5 plus parking This course will give insights into how Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems are changing the future of healthcare, a change which will affect everybody – especially pa ents! Come and learn about: 1) 2) 3) 4)

Electronic Medical Record development; Government involvement and influence; How doctors have responded; and, What all pa ents have at stake.

Nemili Johnson has a B.S. in Nursing from the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing in Bal more, MD. She worked as a nurse for 2 years at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Geriatric Psychiatry before moving to Chicago, IL, and con nuing her work in Geriatric Psychiatry at Rush University Medical Center. A er one year in Psychiatry, RUSH asked Nemili to become a teacher in their Informa on Services Department and trained her to teach clinicians the first stage of the newly implemented EMR system. The following year, RUSH trained Nemili to become an analyst and a clinical liaison between healthcare employees and the developing EMR. She con nued as an analyst and clinical liaison un l moving to Athens, GA. Currently, Nemili is finishing her thesis for a Masters degree in Medical Informa cs from Northwestern University in Evanston, IL.

This class will focus on the energy healing approaches and techniques developed by Donna Eden and presented in her two books, Energy Medicine and Energy Medicine for Women. The book, Energy Medicine, is required for all who take the class, but people would likely benefit from both books. The class will include an introduc on to basic concepts in energy healing and an effec ve five-minute daily rou ne to enhance overall health and well-being. Class members will be ac vely involved in learning how to check various aspects of their own or another person’s energy, and then, as appropriate, strengthening and adjus ng that energy. To supplement the informa on in the two books, we will watch segments of Donna Eden’s DVDs in which she demonstrates ways to strengthen the energy body and immune system. This class is limited to 25 parƟcipants. Par cipants, prior to class, will need to purchase Energy Medicine by Donna Eden. ISBN: 978-1-58542-650-8 Before her re rement in 2005, Laurie Hart taught for over 2 decades in the Department of Elementary Educa on at the University of Georgia. Before she joined the UGA faculty, she taught mathema cs at the middle school and high school levels in Florida, Indiana, and Texas. In addi on to her work as a teacher and researcher in teacher educa on and mathema cs educa on, she has had a life-long interest in energy healing. She began an intensive study of energy healing in 1998 when she became a student of George Conley, a master healer and dowser in Marin County, California. She has since studied with many other well-known teachers in the field. She teaches classes on Healing through Pendulum Dowsing, Energy Medicine, EFT, and Numerology, working with individual clients in person and via telephone. Laurie leads an ongoing Friday evening healing group in Athens on the 1st and 3rd Friday of every month.

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Estate Planning and Elder Law Basics: ProtecƟng Yourself, Your Family, and Your Assets from Financial Disaster Adrianne G. Thompson, Esq., and Miechia L. Gulley, Esq. Wednesday – Friday, February 15 – 17, 2012 1:00 – 3:00 PM River’s Crossing 3 sessions $15 plus parking The course will cover the basic estate planning documents: when, where, why, and how to get them and properly execute them; when, where, why and how to “do it yourself” when it comes to legal affairs. The class will also cover an emerging trend of law offices on the web: Virtual Law Offices and how they help make legal services more affordable, convenient, and accessible. Addi onal topics include how to protect yourself to reduce the need for legal services and how to know when it is me to hire a lawyer. Adrianne G. Thompson, Esq, of A.G. Thompson Law, LLC, is an estate planning a orney and Guardian Ad Litem licensed in GA since 2010. A er a 20 year career as a Registered Die an, she a ended law school at Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School to help make legal services more affordable for those who o en need it most but are unable to afford it. She recently moved to Nashville, TN, to be close to her family but maintains her Georgia Bar License and will con nue to serve clients in Georgia through her virtual law office at www.a orneyadrianne.com, and in person upon appointment only. Through her virtual law office she can serve clients anywhere in Georgia. Miechia L. Gulley, Esq., a Colorado na ve, has made Georgia her home for the last 10 years. She is a graduate of Clark Atlanta University (Magna Cum Laude) with a B.A. in Criminal Jus ce. She graduated from Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School with a J.D. and founded The Gulley Law Firm in 2009, serving the coun es of Gwinne , Fulton, Clayton, Cobb, Barrow, DeKalb, Forsyth, Jackson and Rockdale. The Gulley Law Firm is commi ed not only to represen ng clients in ma ers pertaining to Bankruptcy but also to represen ng clients in Criminal Defense and Family Law issues.

OLLI@UGA’s Summer Session will occur in the month of JUNE.

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(A) Fine Balance: A Poetry WriƟng Workshop Clela Reed Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday, January 25 – 27, 2012 10:00 AM – 12:00 noon River’s Crossing 3 sessions $15 plus parking Reading successful poems as models, par cipants will be guided through various approaches to finding meaningful subject ma er and ar ul expression in crea ng their own poetry. Life overflows with contrarie es and juxtaposed elements which lend themselves to metaphorical significance. This workshop is aimed at opening eyes to the possibili es and giving tools for cra ing insights into poems. Clela Reed holds an MA in English from UGA and was a teacher of English and facilitator for the Gi ed for many years. She le the classroom in 2003 to focus more seriously on her wri ng. She has had poetry published in Clapboard House, Caesura, Colere, the Kennesaw Review, storySouth, and other literary journals. She is the author of Dancing on the Rim (2009), and Of Root and Sky (2010). She served as Vice President and Program Chair of the Georgia Poetry Society from 2006-2009. She has a ended wri ng conferences and workshops at Bread Loaf, Sewanee, St. Petersburg (Russia), and Palm Beach, and has traveled extensively in Europe, Australia, and Asia. She has recently returned from Peace Corps service in Romania. She lives and writes with her husband in a hardwood forest near Athens, Georgia.

First Aid Julie Buffalo, RN Monday, January 23, 2012 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM Athens Regional Medical Center 1 session $30 This Na onal Safety Council Community 1st Aid Course includes the latest guidelines for ac ng in an emergency. Most people will find themselves in an emergency situa on some me in their life. Knowing First Aid can make a difference in a vic m’s survival. The class format will include a video and review of main points, scenarios to prac ce, and a wri en test. Those passing the test will receive a card that is good for 3 years. A $25 materials fee has been added to the cost of the course to purchase the required text book: Na onal Safety Council Community 1st Aid. Registrants will receive a map indica ng the class loca on. Instructor Julie Buffalo, BSN, RN, has been a nurse for 30 years and currently works in the Health Educa on Department at Athens Regional. She has been a First Aid instructor for 12 years.

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Fit About Town— Physically, Mentally & Spiritually Kandy Duke Thursdays, May 10, 17, and 24, 2012 9:30 – 11:00 AM Central Presbyterian Church 3 sessions $18 Session 1: Yoga: The instructor will discuss the physiology involved in Yoga: why yoga helps keep one physically, mentally and spiritually fit. The second part of the class will involve the instructor’s leading exercises that include gentle movements and breathing exercises. Session 2: Healing Touch: The instructor will discuss what healing touch is and how it came to exist. The second part of the class will involve an instructor-led demonstra on, including points for par cipants to learn to use the principles themselves. Session 3: Rebounding and Body Rolling: The instructor will discuss the principles behind both of these exercises with the la er part of the class dedicated to demonstra on and par cipa on. Dr. Kandy Duke is an American Council on Exercise personal trainer who incorporates several exercise modali es to help individuals find what works best for them. She teaches group and private yoga, Pilates and Yamuna® Body Rolling. Private sessions also include strength training and rebounding. She is also a Healing Touch Prac oner who provides gentle touch therapy that assists in balancing physical, mental, emo onal, and spiritual well-being. She writes a column called Fit About Town for AthensPatch, an online column. Having had several health issues herself, she understands the hurdles people face in taking the next step to a healthier lifestyle.

French Love Poetry of the Renaissance Gregory de Rocher Monday, April 16, 2012 10:00 AM – 12:00 noon River’s Crossing 1 session $5 plus parking This class will present the four poe c movements of the Love Lyric during 16th Century France: Grands Rhétoriqueurs; the PrePléiade; the Pléiade; and the Baroque. A few selec ons from each period will be read (handouts with English transla ons will be supplied along with the French) and commented upon. Renaissance concep ons of theology, medicine, and philosophy will be discussed as well.

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Dr. de Rocher studied at the University of Poi ers in France (1964-65), received his undergraduate degree from the University of Detroit (1966), his MA (1967), and Ph.D. (1972) from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. He taught at the University of Alabama for 31 years. He is the author of cri cal studies, transla ons, ar cles, reviews, and presenta ons at colloquia in the United States and in France. He and his wife Francoise have been residents of Athens and members of OLLI@UGA since April 2010.

French on Fridays Bénédicte Milward Fridays, January 13 through May 25, 2012 10:30 AM – 12:00 noon River’s Crossing 20 sessions $100 plus parking A er studying and prac cing during previous semesters, students will deepen their knowledge of French speaking to be able to talk with na ves when they travel to France. The registra on for this class is strictly reserved for students who a ended Spring and Fall, 2011, classes. Bénédicte Milward was born in Paris where she lived un l the age of 24. She spent 2 years in Florida before returning to France where she and her family lived in Lyon for 20 years. She has been in Athens since 2002. She has a degree in Occupa onal Therapy and a Master’s degree in Religious Educa on. She worked for 20 years as the Director of Religious Educa on in the diocese of Lyon (France) and then in Atlanta.

Gardening Techniques: Lectures & Tours Joanne Roth Wednesday, March 14, 21, 28; April 4; Monday, April 9, 2012 5 sessions 2:00 – 4:00 PM $35.00 plus parking fee Class 1: This class will deal with propaga on and permacultural techniques, including garden bed prepara ons and drought resistance. Par cipants will be plan ng their own seeds during this class. The class will meet at RC. Ms. Roth will let students know what materials to bring for class. Class 2: This class will deal with ways to make plants grow faster and Mycorrhiza Fungi benefits. The class will also deal with a rac ng pollinators and birds to one’s garden, pest control, and garden health. The class will meet at RC.

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Class 3: The class will meet at Karen Frank’s “Homestead” where they will see a small working homestead first hand. Jane Shenk will also present a short session on beekeeping, Class 4: Students will bring their plants from class 1 to see the successes each has had. There will be demonstra ons in pruning, garden design and plant selec ons. The class will meet at RC. Class 5: This class will meet on Monday, April 9, to study firsthand gardening in difficult areas where Ms. Roth will make sugges ons for what homeowners can do to address these difficul es. The class will also tour Thyme A er Thyme Nursery. A $10 materials supply fee has been added to the cost of the course. Plant Exchange and Show: Friday, April 13, Central Presbyterian Church, 2-4. Gardening students may bring their plants on this day to exchange with fellow-students. Students may also register to show and sell their plants. Students interested in a ending this session must register beforehand to be sure that space is available. Details will be supplied closer to the date. This session, which will be combined with the art show, will be free and open to the public. Joanne Roth became a Master Gardener through Ohio State University. Her career field and training is as an ar st (both fine and commercial), illustrator, and graphic designer. She has been the graphic arts and design director for several firms around the country. She has owned her own ad agency specializing as a business developer to increase sales and services for companies—including nurseries and garden centers. She was on the speakers’ circuit in both Ohio and Indiana, lecturing on garden design and good hor cultural techniques.

Gentle Yoga (Chair) Rhe Crowe Tuesdays, March 20 and 27, 2012 10:00 – 11:00 AM Central Presbyterian Church 2 sessions $12 Almost everyone knows that yoga is useful for stretching and relaxing ght and red muscles, but yoga is also useful for increasing and maintaining mobility and comfort in the joints without undue strain. Much muscle discomfort is stress-related because we unknowingly tense our muscles when under stress, making joints lose their range of mo on because of those ght muscles.

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In these sessions, we will move all of our joints through their range of mo on while seated in chairs, being especially careful of any areas needing gentle care. We will also begin exploring the nature of stress on our bodies and how we can work to lessen its harmful effects through breathing techniques and paying a en on to our thoughts. No prior experience or flexibility is necessary. This course is limited to a maximum of 20 par cipants. Rhe Crowe is a Registered Yoga Teacher who likes to work therapeu cally. She has specialized cer ficates in Therapeu c Yoga, Yoga for Stress Management, Mindfulness Yoga and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduc on.

Gentle Yoga (TradiƟonal) Rhe Crowe Thursdays, March 22 and 29, 2012 10:00 – 11:00 AM Central Presbyterian Church 2 sessions $12 Yoga is great for stretching and relaxing ght and red muscles but equally useful for increasing and maintaining mobility and comfort in the joints without undue strain. Much muscle discomfort is stress-related because we unknowingly tense our muscles when under stress, making our joints lose their range of mo on. We will not only stretch but also strengthen muscles, enabling us to support the joints and maintain balance more easily in our daily lives. In these sessions, we will gently move all of our joints through their range of mo on while on mats. Par cipants may choose the level of difficulty at which they wish to work. No prior experience or flexibility is necessary, but you must be able to get onto and off the floor, at least with assistance. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing (sweat pants are great), and for your comfort do not eat a large meal within 1.5 hours of class. This class is limited to a maximum of 12 par cipants. Rhe Crowe is a Registered Yoga Teacher who likes to work therapeu cally. She has specialized cer ficates in Therapeu c Yoga, Yoga for Stress Management, Mindfulness Yoga and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduc on.

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Geological Process/Human Impact Mark Rich Monday, Wednesday, & Friday, March 26, 28, 30, 2012 10:00 AM – 12:00 noon River’s Crossing 3 sessions $15 plus parking Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolu on, humans have had a widespread profound effect on natural geological processes. This course will take up considera on of examples of human ac vi es that have impacted those processes, at mes with drama c short term and/or long term results. Topics covered will include dam construc on, flood control and stream containment projects, shoreline interven on, groundwater extrac on, and slope modifica on for canals and roadways. Short and long term impacts of these and other ac vi es on natural geological processes will be evaluated. Dr. Rich is Professor Emeritus of Geology at UGA. He has extensive experience in regional geology, sedimentary geology, environmental geology, and marine science. He has worked as a consultant in environmental assessment and remedia on of commercial proper es. He received his degrees from UCLA, University of Southern California, and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dr. Rich has taught numerous classes for OLLI.

Georgia DecoraƟve Arts: High Style, Low Style, Homemade, Imported Dale L. Couch Wednesday, February 22, 2012 2:00 – 4:00 PM Georgia Museum of Art 1 session $5 Using the decora ve arts galleries at the Georgia Museum of Art, Dale Couch will demonstrate how Georgians furnished their homes, o en mes with homemade vernacular furniture and tex le products and in other instances with imported china, glass, and mahogany furniture. The unique Georgia dimension is the juxtaposi on of these homemade and finer objects. Dale Couch earned a BA in history and did extensive graduate work in art history at the University of South Carolina. He is a graduate of the Ins tute for Southern Material Culture (Museum of Early Southern Decora ve Arts in conjunc on with the University of North Carolina) as well as the Archives Ins tute (Emory University). He was a senior reference archivist at the Georgia Archives for many years. Presenter Couch par cipated in all the major Georgia decora ve arts exhibi ons and research projects from 1980 forward,

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authored a number of works, served as curator for significant exhibi ons of Georgia silver and furniture, and served on the Decora ve Arts Advisory Commi ee at the Georgia Museum of Art for eight years prior to taking the posi on of Adjunct Curator at GMOA in November 2009. He was a 2008 recipient of the Governor’s Awards in the Humani es and has received numerous professional awards.

Georgia Farming in the Early 20th Century Smith Wilson Wednesday, March 14, 2012 2:00 – 4:00 PM Presenter’s farm 1 session $5 This class will visit the presenter’s farm on the east side of Athens to view farm life with mules and dra horses, including plowing demonstra ons, smoke house techniques, wagon styles, harnessing, and discussion of the feasibility of modern horse farming. Hog meat and hoe cakes will be served. Smith Wilson is a builder-developer in Athens, concentra ng in historic preserva on. He has owned mules for 34 years and o en travels to Amish country where his friends currently farm with horses.

Georgia Water Resources Jim Kundell Mondays, April 16, 23, 30, 2012 1:00 – 3:00 PM River’s Crossing 3 sessions $15 plus parking Georgia is one of the “we est” states in the country; yet, we are faced with a host of water quality and water supply issues. Why? This course will describe the nature of our water resources and how we use them; discuss the challenges we face and what is being done to address those challenges; and examine the interstate water disputes we have with our neighboring states. Although designed to enlighten par cipants about the water situa on, the course will be interes ng and engaging—in fact, we might even have some fun. Dr. Jim Kundell is a UGA professor emeritus. Before his re rement, he was the Georgia Power Professor of Water Resources and Director of the Environmental Policy Program in the Vinson Ins tute of Government and Professor of Environmental Policy in the Odum School of Ecology. For 30 years he served as Science Advisor to the Georgia General Assembly, where he focused his efforts on environmental and natural resource policy. He was heavily involved in addressing

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water resource issues facing the state and is the author of a number of publica ons rela ng to water resources. Currently he serves as Chairman of the Environmental Advisory Board to the Chief of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Google Docs Monica Pereira Tuesdays, May 15, 22, & 29, 2012 4:30 – 6:00 PM River’s Crossing 3 sessions $15 Google Docs is a free alterna ve to proprietary word processing so wares. The user needs only a GMail account and access to the Internet. One can use Google Docs to write le ers, create spreadsheets, and create short presenta ons. The first session will address the rela ve benefits of using a “free” document crea on suite as opposed to a proprietary one. Session-focused observa on and discussion will be encouraged. NOTE: Par cipants must have a GMail account to ensure documents created using Google Docs are saved. Help can be provided here if needed. Prerequisites: 1) Basic familiarity with using a computer (Mac or PC). 2) Know how to open and close an Internet browser, e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer.

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(The) Grand Tours: 1830’s – 1930’s Randall Abney Wednesday, April 25, 2012 2:00 – 3:30 PM River’s Crossing 1 session $5 plus parking The class will focus on travel guides used for “GRAND TOURS” of Europe, the US, and Canada from the early 1800’s through the early 1900’s, with special emphasis on the Baedekers’ Travel Guides published in English from the 1860’s up un l the late 1930’s. Published in German, French & English, Baedekers became the most widely used travel guide for almost 100 years, giving rise to the phrase, “Kings and governments may err – but never Mr. Baedeker.” We will discuss informa on found in the guides – involving poli cs, business, transporta on, excava on, humor and war. Randall Abney holds a BBA degree from UGA and has been involved in many businesses over his career. From childhood, he worked in the family department store; built cable television franchises; started so ware companies and co-founded a company whose technology was awarded an Academy Award in 2009. His wife, Carolyn, gave him a 1909 Baedekers’ guide to Italy 22 years ago for their honeymoon there, and they have been collec ng old travel guides ever since. Today they own one of the largest private collec ons of Baedekers’ Travel Guides in English printed between the 1860’s and 1930’s.

This course is limited to a maximum of 12 par cipants. Ms. Pereira has been a librarian at the UGA Libraries for over 14 years. She has a M.Ed. in Instruc onal Design & Development from UGA, and believes in lifelong learning for herself and others.

Great Books Bill Loughner Wednesdays, January 18, February 1, & 15, March 7 & 21, April 4 & 18, May 2 & 16, 2012 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM River’s Crossing 9 sessions $45 plus parking The Great Books Founda on promotes reading, thinking, lively interchange and repartee, and the sharing of ideas for people of all ages. Group discussion enhances personal growth and social engagement with colleagues of like intellectual curiosity. Sign up even if you can’t make all the sessions. For informa on regarding the books to be read in this session, please call Bill at 706-543-3812 or e-mail him at bill@loughner.com. Bill Loughner is a re red science librarian who graduated from Wayne State University; he also has an M.A. in Math from UGA.

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Great Decisions 2012

Herbal Dramas

Ron Cerwonka and John Rudy Thursdays, March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29; April 5, 2012 9:30 – 11:00 AM River’s Crossing 6 sessions $50 plus parking

Salina Nelson Monday, May 14, 21; Tuesday, May 29, 2012 1:00 – 2:30 PM River’s Crossing 3 sessions $15 plus parking

This is a par cipatory course drawing on readings from the Foreign Policy Associa on’s annual textbook. Sessions begin with a short lecture on the week’s topic and then move to group discussion monitored by the instructors, whips in hand! Each class has a different topic in foreign affairs, the habit of the class being to branch off into allied concerns as appropriate in the collec ve judgment of the group.

Each class will open with a short vigne e featuring a customer in an herb nutri onal supplement store. (The customers will be various class members reading pre-arranged scripts.) The presenter will deal with the situa on(s) presented by proposing various op ons for addressing the problem(s). Every session will then allow ample me for class members to ask their own ques ons.

We seek enlightenment, informed concern, and ac ve ci zenship, as well as a rollicking good me in the quest.

Session 1: DigesƟve Issues – This session will center on why and how herbs and supplements can help improve diges on, assimila on of nutrients, and elimina on of waste. Included also will be informa on on diges ve enzymes, probio cs, and other health-enhancing supplements.

A $20 materials supply fee has been included to cover the price of the required course book. Dr. Rudy received his Ph.D. in Interna onal Rela ons from the Fletcher School of Interna onal Diplomacy, Tu s University. He has spent his career in the field of Interna onal Banking. He is past president of LIR and has served on the Curriculum, LongRange Planning, and Finance Commi ees of OLLI@UGA.

Session 2: System Maintenance – This session will deal with diet & lifestyle choices that affect the cardiovascular system and blood sugar levels and what can be done to improve the func oning of the pancreas, liver, and circulatory system via herbs and nutri onal supplements.

Dr. Cerwonka received his AB and MBA from Boston College and his MA and Ph.D. from the University of Missouri. He has taught at a number of colleges in Georgia, Rhode Island, Europe, and Missouri, including UGA. He has mentored the OLLI special interest Investment Group and teaches in the OLLI program.

Session 3: The Immune System – This session will center on encouraging op mum immune system func ons to reduce allergies, fa gue, musculoskeletal complaints, and memory loss.

Hellebores Show and Piccadilly Farm Tour Joanne Roth Wednesday, March 7, 2012 10 AM – 12 noon Piccadilly Farm 1 session $5 The Hellebores will be in full bloom during this week, a rac ng hundreds of visitors each year. Ms. Roth will conduct the tour of the farm and will make recommenda ons for plant purchases if desired. Plants will be for sale but not on sale. The sale date is projected to be May 25, 2012. Joanne is a member of the OLLI Curriculum Commi ee, a master gardener, and a graphic ar st. She has presented a variety of classes for OLLI@UGA.

Ms. Salina Nelson has degrees in both Philosophy and Anthropology. She has chosen, however, to deal more with the things of the environment. She operated a market garden of organically-grown herbs, vegetables, & flowers for 6 years. She has been the manager of Remedy Herb Shop for the past 5 years. She will also be willing to recommend various books and ar cles regarding herbs and supplements.

Historical Athens Charlo e Marshall Tuesday and Thursday, March 6 and 8, 2012 10 AM – 12 noon River’s Crossing 2 sessions $10 plus parking This course will consist of (2) two-hour slide lectures, giving glimpses of Athens history by linking personali es with maps, buildings, organiza on, ins tu ons, street names and other facets of Athens history. The material will be both factual and anecdotal. A one-sheet hand-out will contain a brief chronology and a list of books about Athens-Clarke County history.

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Historical Athens Bus Tour Charlo e Marshall Tuesday, March 13, 2012 River’s Crossing $10 plus parking Complemen ng the Historical Athens lecture is a bus tour of Historic Athens. The bus will pick up and drop off at River’s Crossing. Charlo e Thomas Marshall is a na ve of southwest Georgia. She has devoted the past 41 years to researching various aspects of Athens history. She is the author of Oconee Hill Cemetery of Athens, Georgia, Vol. I with two more volumes in progress. She is also the author of Historic Houses of Athens. Ms. Marshall was vice-chair of the history panel of the AthensClarke Bicentennial Steering Commi ee. She is a returning OLLI@UGA presenter.

Home and Beyond: Levels of Care, Exploring Senior Living CommuniƟes, and Funding Sources Mul ple Presenters Thursday, May 3, 2012 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM Central Presbyterian Church 1 session $6 (includes complimentary lunch provided by Talmage Terrace & Lanier Gardens) Whether you are preplanning for yourself, your family, or assis ng a friend, it is vitally important to understand what re rement living op ons are available and what the costs and funding sources are for each op on. This class will provide that informa on so that you can make sound decisions ahead of me rather than in a me of crisis. Some of these topics were presented in May, 2011, but presenters learned that it was important for a endees to get ALL of the informa on instead of parts. Thus, this one day class session was devised with breaks and lunch built into the schedule. Besides informa on from various presenters, handouts will be given to a endees for future reference.

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EXPLORING SENIOR LIVING COMMUNITIES: Different types of senior living communi es: Independent, Assisted living, Secured memory unit, Skilled nursing/Rehabilita on facility, Hospice. The speakers will focus on topics relevant to their specific community, including the intended clientele, services provided, daily living, and costs. Re rement and assisted living op ons available at Talmage Terrace & Lanier Gardens Presenter: Ann Higginbotham, Marke ng Coordinator. Secured memory unit for individuals with Alzheimer’s and Demen a at St. Mary’s Highland Hills Village Presenter: Courtney Spayd, Marke ng Coordinator. Skilled nursing facili es, more commonly known as nursing homes Presenter: Kimberly Parker, Director of Admissions and Community Rela ons at Heritage Healthcare of Athens. Pallia ve care that includes symptom management and an explana on of End-of-Life Care at St. Mary’s Hospice House, located on the Highland Hills campus Presenter: Pe -Jeanne Sheldon, RN, Hospital-Home Coordinator for St. Mary’s Hospice. FUNDING SOURCES: One of the most confusing, frustra ng, and misunderstood topics is funding for various types of re rement housing. Some mes, individuals must have adequate resources of their own. At other mes, other funding sources are available. Knowing what they are and how to qualify for them are impera ve. These speakers will provide the informa on you need to make sound financial decisions for yourself and your family. Presenters: Jeremy Hobbs is an Investment Advisor with ING Financial Partners. He will discuss long-term care (LTC) insurance, one of the most overlooked items in a financial plan; yet sta s cs show that a whopping 70% of individuals who reach age 65 will need it. New laws and products surrounding LTC will be discussed.

OPTIONAL TOURS: At the end of the class, par cipants may choose an op onal tour to either Talmage Terrace & Lanier Gardens OR to Highland Hills Village. Transporta on from and to Central Presbyterian Church will be provided. A list of other mes for op onal tours will be available.

Jessica Bankston is the Program Coordinator for the Northeast GeorgiaCares program at the Athens Community Council on Aging (ACCA) and is a cer fied GeorgiaCares Coordinator. She will discuss what Medicare covers in terms of fees for senior housing, including assisted living and nursing homes.

LEVELS OF CARE: An overview of the various levels of care and determining and matching care needs with services. Presenter: Elaine Gunter: BS in Nursing from MCG and Graduate Cer ficate in Gerontology from UGA. Cer fied Case Manager.

Marilynn Jones is a proud veteran of the United States Army and served during the Gulf War. She is currently a Veteran’s Advocate with the Department of Veterans Affairs in Augusta. She will discuss the benefits available through the VA.

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Impressions of Romania— My Peace Corps Experience Clela Reed Wednesday, January 11, 2012 10:00 AM – 12:00 noon River’s Crossing 1 session $5 plus parking Using photos and objects, the instructor will share her experiences and impressions from thirteen months in Romania. She trained there with other volunteers and then lived in a village near the border of Hungary, teaching English and serving as an ambassador among the people, many of whom had never met an American. Topics to be covered include history, tradi ons, educa on, transporta on, religion, food, and current problems. Clela Reed holds an MA in English from UGA and was a teacher of English and facilitator for the Gi ed for many years. She le the classroom in 2003 to focus more seriously on her wri ng. She has had poetry published in Clapboard House, Caesura, Colere, the Kennesaw Review, StorySouth, and other literary journals. She is the author of a book of poems, Dancing on the Rim (Brick Road Poetry Press, 2009), a chapbook, Bloodline (Evening Street Press, 2009), a chapbook, Of Root and Sky (Pudding House Publica ons, 2010). She served as Vice President and Program Chair of the Georgia Poetry Society from 2006-2009. In 2009 she began the pursuit of a childhood dream—serving as a volunteer in the Peace Corps. A er a lengthy applica on process, she was assigned to Romania. She has recently returned to the States and is resuming her wri ng. She lives and writes with her husband in a hardwood forest near Athens, Georgia.

IntroducƟon to Fly Fishing for Trout Ken Calkin, Educa on Chair, Oconee River Chapter of Trout Unlimited Wednesday, February 29, 2012 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Loca on informa on will be sent to par cipants $7 The Oconee River Chapter of Trout Unlimited (ORCTU) will conduct an introductory program for individuals who are interested in learning about fly fishing. This is an all day course broken into four different 90-minutes sessions: cas ng the fly, equipment, knots, flies and fly selec on. Fly rods will be provided to prac ce cas ng. Lunch, on your own, will be from 12-1 PM.

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Following the course, par cipants will be invited to join the instructors on a one-day trip to a stream in north Georgia to try out their new skills. This class is limited to a maximum of 24 par cipants. A $2 materials supply fee has been added to the cost of the course. The lead presenter will be Ken Calkin, chair of the educa on commi ee of ORCTU. ORCTU is the local chapter of Trout Unlimited, a na onal organiza on devoted to conserving, protec ng, and restoring cold water resources. Ken has been a fly fisherman for thirty years and has fished streams across the U.S.

Jewelry-Making & Design Ellen Cowne Mondays, March 5, 12, 19, and 26, 2012 10:00 AM – 12:00 noon River’s Crossing 4 sessions $20 plus parking (there will be an addi onal materials fee) This beginner short course will teach students how to make a bracelet and a necklace. It will use cold connec ons rather than soldering. Beads may be used for embellishing. Ellen Cowne always loved stones, whether river rock or semiprecious stones. As a child, she braided grass around rocks and wore it as a necklace. As a teenager, she created jewelry in the form of macramé with rocks webbed into the twine. It was during this me that she developed a love for stones like turquoise, coral, amethyst, and lapis. Later came her love for black onyx. For the last several years she has concentrated on jewelry design using primarily silver and copper as the base medium and enhancing those metals with semi-precious stones. Her career, however, was not as a jewelry designer but as an educator, teaching high school and college English, then serving as principal and finally assistant superintendent of schools.

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Jewish Films Abraham and Carmen Tesser Monday, January 30, 2012 10:00 AM – 12:00 noon River’s Crossing 1 session $5 plus parking Athens will soon host the fourth annual Jewish Film Fes val. What is a Jewish film, anyway, and must one be Jewish to appreciate it? Presenters will discuss the evolu on of Jewish films in general and the evolu on of the Athens Jewish Film Fes val in par cular. Abraham Tesser re red from the UGA in 1999. At the University he served as a Research Professor of Psychology and Director of the Ins tute for Behavioral Research. He is one of the founders of the Athens Jewish Film Fes val and served the Non-Profit as its President from 2008-2011. Carmen Tesser re red from UGA in 2004 where she was Professor of Romance Languages. From 2003-2007, she developed the Portuguese School at Middlebury College in Vermont. She is a founding member of the Athens Jewish Film Fes val and served as its Secretary from 2008-2011.

Judaism— An Unorthodox, Orthodox View Rabbi Michoel Refson Tuesday, January 10, 2012 2:00 – 3:00 PM River’s Crossing 1 session $5 plus parking This will be a course about Judaism and Jewish life focusing on its origins, its con nuity and its approach to life. Rabbi Michoel Refson was born in Leeds UK, where his father is the head of the Jewish ecclesias cal court. He started his Rabbinic studies in Manchester UK, con nued his studies in Israel, NY, and Miami, and a er 7 years of rabbinical studies received his ordina on from the West Coast Rabbinical seminary in L.A. In 2005 he married Chana, and a few months later they came to Athens to create and direct the Chabad Jewish student and community center. They have 3 children, all of whom were born in Athens, and they plan on calling Athens home forever.

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Just for the Moment: The Remarkable GiŌ of the Therapy Dog Deanna K. Klingel Thursday, April 26, 2012 11:00 AM -12 noon River’s Crossing 1 session $5 plus parking This course is a short seminar on the therapy dog programs, addressing several ques ons such as: What is a therapy dog? How does a dog become a therapy dog? Can my dog be a therapy dog too? There will also be a discussion of selec ng an appropriate pet for older people, with lots of me for ques ons. Deanna Klingel lives in the mountains of western North Carolina with her husband of 49 years and golden retriever therapy dogs. She also writes for children and young adults and has a published book en tled: Just for the Moment: The Remarkable Gi of the Therapy Dog, which will be available at the class for signing, cost $12.00. Her website is www.booksbydeanna.com.

Kilpatrick-Dahlgren Raid on Richmond Mark Waters Wednesday, March 7, 2012 1:30 – 3:00 PM River’s Crossing 1 session $5 plus parking This session will deal with the failed cavalry raid on Richmond, VA, by Brigadier General Hugh Judson Kilpatrick and Colonel Ulric Dahlgren, USA, on Feb 28 – Mar 2, 1864. This very significant venture targeted Jefferson Davis and the Confederate cabinet for assassina on. It will also include a discussion of the Confederate retribu ons that resulted (Black Flag Warfare) and its link to the Lincoln assassina on. Mark Waters is a returning OLLI presenter on the Civil War. Dr. Waters is a re red Navy Captain who taught at the Naval Academy and had a long career as a physical scien st. He received his Ph.D. from UGA. He has long been an ardent student of anything pertaining to the Civil War and has appeared on GPTV, Turner South, and most recently on the History Channel. He lives in historic Washington, Georgia.

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(The) King’s Georgia, 1753-1782 Mary Bondurant Warren Fridays, February 17 and 24, 2012 10:00 – 11:00 AM River’s Crossing 2 sessions $10 plus parking This course will examine Georgia as a Royal colony, its expansion, Indian problems, tumult of revolu on and evacua on…seen through Bri sh eyes. The topic to be discussed concerns records discovered and published in a series of volumes, GEORGIA GOVERNOR AND COUNCIL JOURNALS 1753-1782, 9 vols., underwri en by the R.J. Taylor, Jr., Founda on. Mary Bondurant Warren is an Athens na ve and UGA graduate in physics. She has spent her adult life as a newspaper columnist, editor of the na on’s only weekly genealogical magazine and author of numerous books.

Listening to Your Heart—A Guide to Healthy Aging for Your Heart and Blood Vessels Jonathan R. Murrow, M.D. Thursday, April 5, 2012 12:00 noon – 1:00 PM River’s Crossing 1 session $5 plus parking This session will focus on keeping your heart and blood vessels healthy as you age. We will discuss prac cal principles of preven ng cardiovascular disease, including new research involving blood vessel func on and stem cell biology. In addi on, we will address common heart and vascular problems that develop with aging, focusing on concerning signs and symptoms, plus the issue of how signs for women and men very o en differ.

Dr. Murrow is an Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Georgia Health Sciences University – University of Georgia Medical Partnership, where he teaches cardiovascular physiology to medical students. In addi on, he is a prac cing invasive cardiologist at Athens Cardiology Group.

Living in Art Stan Mullins Tuesday and Wednesday, April 10 and 11, 2012 10:00 AM – 12:00 noon Presenter’s studio $10 The 1st session will provide an overview of the presenter’s art: sculpture in stone as well as bronze, and pain ng. The 2nd session will be a hands-on class. Par cipants will wear “grubbies” and safety glasses as they try their hands at sculp ng pieces of stone with either a pneuma c or regular chisel. Stan Mullins is a sculptor, painter, and illustrator. He has a deep love of Africa, especially Rwanda. He illustrated Majii and the Mountain Gorillas of Rwanda, a children’s book wri en by Marc Daniel Gutekunst to teach children of the importance of protec ng our fragile ecosystems and all things living within them. He also illustrated the online book, Follow the Cat, with story and lyrics and music by Kemp Jones, which can be found at www.followthecat.net/. Like most working ar sts, he works in whatever medium is required to get the job done and the effect achieved. His work varies from the delicate touch of watercolor to the harder surfaces of marble, granite, clay, and bronze. His studio is the transformed Southern Co on Oil Company on Pulaski St. in Athens. continued on page 32


Regarding your River’s Crossing One-Day Parking Tags Per instruc on from UGA’s Parking Services team, your temporary parking tag must indicate the Year, the Month and the Day that you are using your pass. Please circle the appropriate op ons prior to or upon arrival. Please do not park in the spaces marked “Visitor Parking” at the end of the lot. Addi onally, a state issued Disability placard does not exclude you from needing a Temporary Parking Tag for River’s Crossing. You will need to display both when parking in the lot. And finally, if you make it to class and find yourself in need of parking tags, you may purchase them from the OLLI office.

It’s Your Choice Purchase tag through OLLI@UGA: $2 Purchase tag in the Visitor Parking lot: $5 Failure to purchase or display tag: $40 fine from UGA

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Locusts for Lunch? Doug Bailey Thursdays, January 26, February 2, 9, and 16, 2012 1:30 – 3:30 PM River’s Crossing 4 sessions $20 plus parking When the New Testament talks about John the Bap st ea ng locusts, what was he ea ng? This course will present an overview, examining some of the plants men oned in Chris an and Jewish Bible texts. Course content will include background botanical informa on for the plants, their uses in Biblical mes as well as modern uses, and a study of scripture passages in which they appear. Students will experience pictures, flavors, and aromas of these plants and learn about their symbolism and hor cultural traits. Dr. Douglas A. Bailey is a Professor and Head of the Hor culture Department at UGA. Before joining the UGA faculty in 1999, he was the floriculture extension specialist at North Carolina State University for 10 years, and prior to that, held a teaching and research posi on in floriculture and nursery management at the University of Arizona. A na ve of Athens, Georgia, Dr. Bailey received his BS from UGA in hor culture in 1980. He received his MS (1983) and Ph.D. (1986) in hor culture from Purdue University. Dr. Bailey’s area of exper se prior to moving into administra on was floriculture. He has taught courses in greenhouse management and floriculture crop produc on as well as conducted floriculture research and extension programs. He has an interna onal reputa on in the growth and flowering physiology of florists’ hydrangea. He has received numerous awards for his research and extension ac vi es.

Mary SurraƩ: The First Female Executed by the Government Mark Waters Wednesday, March 21, 2012 1:30 - 3:00 PM River’s Crossing Session: 1 $5 plus parking This session tells the story of Mary E. Surra who operated a boarding house in Washington, DC, where John Wilkes Booth met with her son John H. Surra , Jr. and others during 186465. The discussion will include trial tes mony by John Lloyd

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and Louis Weichmann regarding her trip to Surra sville on the a ernoon of April 14, 1865. Surra sville was the first stop made by John Wilkes Booth and David Herold a er President Lincoln was assassinated. Was Mary Surra an innocent by-stander who just happened to own the inn where the mee ngs were held, or was she part of the conspiracy to assassinate Lincoln? Mark Waters is a returning OLLI presenter on the Civil War. Dr. Waters is a re red Navy Captain who taught at the Naval Academy and had a long career as a physical scien st. He received his Ph.D. from UGA. He has long been an ardent student of anything pertaining to the Civil War and has appeared on GPTV, Turner South, and most recently on the History Channel. He lives in historic Washington, Georgia.

Medical Ethics—End of Life Decisions Edward Halper Monday, March 26, 2012 2:30 – 4:00 PM River’s Crossing 1 session $5 plus parking Modern medicine’s success in preserving life has meant that increasing numbers of people suffer from Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of demen a. They, and o en their families, face difficult decisions about their end of life care. Many philosophers have also addressed this issue. This course will explore three different philosophical approaches: u litarian (Peter Singer), deontological (Kant), and neo-Aristotelian (Leon Kass). Our aim will be to understand these different ways of thinking so that we can make be er decisions about this issue, if necessary, but also about other issues that are similar in some respects. Course text recommended but not required, Last Rights: Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia Debated, M. Uhlmann, ed. (ISBN 0802841996) Edward Halper is Professor of Philosophy at UGA. He has published 3 books and some fi y ar cles in books and academic journals. Most of his work is on ancient philosophy and metaphysics.

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Melanoma—Minimizing Its Impact David S. Lockman, MD Wednesday, January 25, 2012 1:00 – 2:00 PM River’s Crossing 1 session $5 plus parking Melanoma is a poten ally serious skin disease with a welldefined natural history for most lesions. Awareness of this significant disease and treatment will prevent morbidity and mortality. What should or can we do to minimize the impact of this disease in our lives? David S. Lockman, MD, has been a dermatologist in Athens since 1983. He a ended the Medical School at University of Florida and performed his dermatology Residency in San Antonio and at The Medical College of Georgia. Three of his family members have had melanoma.

Old World Wines Vincent Masters Thursdays, May 10, 17, and 24, 2012 10:30 AM – 12:00 noon River’s Crossing 3 sessions $15 plus parking This course will be a discussion of European vineyards and wines with emphasis on major wine producing countries. An op onal wine tas ng will be enjoyed at the conclusion of the course in the Old Master’s garden. Vince Masters, who has taught many classes on wine and war for OLLI, is an amateur wine maker and wine judge. He is the founder/director of the Athens Wine Society. He is also a member of the Society of Wine Educators, a Master Knight of the Knights of the Vine, and a diplomat for the California Wine Ins tute.

Olive Oil—From Tree to Table Randall Abney Mondays, April 23 and 30, 2012 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM River’s Crossing 2 sessions $15 plus parking This class will consist of two sessions. The first will cover the history of olive oil, including a study of the regions of the world where olives grow; how they are grown; how they are picked

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and processed; and the difference between Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Virgin Olive Oil and Olive Oil. The class will also cover how olive oil labels are decep ve, causing consumers to buy oil they think comes from one region or country when, in fact, it doesn’t. We will discuss how to purchase the right olive oil at the right price. The second session will be an olive oil tas ng, including olive oil from different countries and regions and of different age and quality. A $5.00 materials fee will cover the purchase of everything necessary for the olive oil tas ng. Randall Abney holds a BBA degree from UGA and has been involved in many businesses during his career. From childhood, he worked in the family department store; built cable television franchises; started so ware companies, and co-founded a company whose technology was awarded an Academy Award in 2009. Many of these businesses involved travel, which Randall loves. He and his wife, Carolyn, spent 10 years living on an olive farm in Tuscany, where Randall became involved in the growing, picking, and processing the olives into oil. Randall holds a Master of Olive Oil cer ficate from Slow Food. His professor in the class is one of the top olive oil experts in the world and works full- me for the European Union in olive oil quality control.

Omrit—A Roman Temple in Northern Israel William Loughner Thursday, February 23, 2012 10:00 AM – 12 noon River’s Crossing 1 session $5 plus parking Around 20 BCE Herod the Great (of biblical fame) built a temple in northern Pales ne in honor of Rome and its new emperor Caesar Augustus. A history of the temple and the current archaeological findings over the last ten years will be presented by an OLLI member who has volunteered there for the last 3 years. An overview of archaeological volunteering will also be given. Bill Loughner grew up in Detroit and has a BA from Wayne State University. He taught school for 5 years including 2 years in the Peace Corps in Afghanistan. A er ge ng an MLS he was a science librarian at UGA for over 30 years. He also has an MA in mathema cs from UGA.

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Picasso, Pirandello and PercepƟon: Cubism on Canvas and on Stage Stanley Longman Thursdays, January 12 and 19, 2012 10:00 – 11:45 AM River’s Crossing 2 sessions $10 plus parking The class will cover: 1) Philosophic influences from Friedrich Nietzsche and Henri Bergson and others. 2) How Impressionism played with percep on. 3) Emergence of Cubism (with Cézanne, Picasso and Braque) bringing a new approach to percep on, especially in the years between 1902 and 1916. 4) Pirandello’s “umorismo,” a concept based on mul ple perspec ves. 5) The Theatre of the Grotesque transla ng the ideas of Cubism into the drama c medium in the work of Luigi Chiarelli, Luigi Antonelli, and Pier Maria Rosso de San Secondo between 1916 and the early twen es. 6) Pirandello playing with alterna ng perspec ves that con nually alter the audience’s percep on. Examples include Right You Are, If You Think You Are, Six Characters in Search of an Author, and Henry IV. Stanley Longman is the former head of the Department of Theatre and Film Studies at UGA. He has a doctorate from the University of Iowa and has studied in Italy under a Fulbright Fellowship and for many years conducted a studies abroad program in Italy. He has published ar cles on Italian theatre prac ce and on playwrights. He also published on the subjects of playwri ng and drama c analysis.

Pompeii and Herculaneum, II Robert I. Cur s Thursdays, March 8, 15, 22, and 29, 2012 1:00 – 2:30 PM River’s Crossing 4 sessions $20 plus parking This is a follow-up course to a lecture Dr. Cur s previously presented on ancient Pompeii and Herculaneum. This series will focus on government and poli cs, religion, and death and burial in these two Roman ci es. Robert I. Cur s, Professor Emeritus of Classics at UGA, has worked at Pompeii and Herculaneum for many years. For the past ten years he has been studying all aspects of food and drink in these ancient ci es. He lives in Watkinsville, Georgia.

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(The) PopulaƟon Paradox Ron Cerwonka Thursdays, April 26; May 3, 10, 2012 12:30 – 2:00 PM River’s Crossing 3 sessions $15 plus parking There is no shortage of popula on forecasts. But long-run predic ons have frequently proven to be incorrect. A famous example of this, by Paul Ehrlich, in his best-seller, The Popula on Bomb (1968), predicts that England would not exist by the year 2000. Come and find out whether world popula on currently is increasing. If so, is this good or bad? Has the average age of the world’s popula on changed in recent years? How would changes (if any) in the demographics affect the food supply and the social and physical environments of the world? Dr. Cerwonka received his AB and MBA from Boston College and his MA and Ph.D. from the University of Missouri. He has taught at a number of colleges in Georgia, Rhode Island, Europe, and Missouri, including UGA. Currently, he mentors the OLLI special interest Investment Group and teaches in the OLLI program.

Poultry, Chickens and Me Nick Dale Tuesday, Wednesday, April 17 and 18, 2012 9:00 – 11:00 AM River’s Crossing 2 sessions $10 plus parking Poultry is the largest industry in Georgia. Chicken and eggs are a significant part of what we eat, and the whole process from the hatchery to the table is fascina ng. Add to this all the issues that find their way into the press, such as: what do they really eat?, why do they grow so fast?, are hormones and an bio cs used?, what about environmental impact?, are chickens treated humanely?, what about organic and free range poultry?, and we have a lot to talk about! Y’all come! Dr. Nick Dale is professor emeritus in the Poultry Science Department at UGA, having switched fields from La n American history to agriculture a er serving in the Peace Corps in Chile. In his capacity as poultry nutri onist, he has traveled professionally to more than 50 countries.

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Preserving Our Past—The UGA Historic Clothing and TexƟles CollecƟon

Render Unto Caesar: A New Tax System for the United States of America

Jose F. Blanco Tuesday, March 27, 2012 1:00 – 3:00 PM River’s Crossing 1 session $5 plus parking

Robert L. Savage Monday, Wednesday, & Friday, January 9, 11, & 13, 2012 10:00 – 11:30 AM River’s Crossing 3 sessions $15 plus parking

This class is an introduc on to vintage clothing and tex le preserva on, discussing issues and challenges specific to the UGA collec on as well as private collectors. The class will be illustrated with a number of pieces from the collec on used as examples to discuss popular styles from different periods in the 19th and 20th century.

Can a be er tax system that is more fair and effec ve be successfully executed? Will prices we pay remain at or very near current levels? Tired of complex tax forms and extensive disclosures of personal informa on?

The Historic Clothing and Tex le Collec on in the Department of Tex les, Merchandising and Interiors is a study collec on of over 1500 garments, accessories, and tex les that date from the 1800s to 2011. The collec on includes examples of everyday and ceremonial dress from the 19th and 20th centuries. It includes women’s, men’s, and children’s clothing, hats, shoes, and jewelry, as well as quilts and coverlets from the 19th century. In addi on to clothing and tex le ar facts, the collec on also contains pictorial items that represent historic dress of the mid-19th through 20th centuries, such as magazines, including Godey’s and Vogue, as well as authen c photographs. Highlights include a brown, printed co on dress from the 1830s, a Mother Hubbard dress from the 1890’s, a civil war period quilt, 1920’s flapper dresses, paper dresses from the 1960’s, and a Delphos gown by famed designer Mariano Fortuny. Also included in the inventory are a number of world tex les and clothing pieces from Japan, Ecuador, Puerto Rico, and Thailand. Jose F. Blanco is an Assistant Professor in the Tex les, Merchandising and Interiors Department at the College of Family and Consumer Sciences and manager of the college’s Historic Clothing and Tex le Collec on. Originally from Costa Rica, he received a Ph.D. in Theater from Florida State University. His current research focuses on dress and popular culture in the second half of the twen eth century with an emphasis on male fashion.

The presenter proposes a new tax system for the United States. It’s a system that would be the least intrusive on each ci zen’s freedom, as well as the fairest way for each of us to pay our own fair share of government’s costs. This course breaks down the proposed plan in easy-to-understand terms, showing that the transi on could be done over a 4-year me span. Text highly encouraged: Rendering Unto Caesar: the Fairest Tax, by Robert L. Savage. $12.50. In order to understand the principles involved in the lecture, this text will most advantageous. Robert L. Savage lives in Hartwell, Georgia, with his wife of more than 50 years, Anne e. He holds a BS in Electrical Engineering from Auburn University and a Master of Commercial Science from Rollins College.

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Reverse Mortgages—Using a Reverse Mortgage as a ReƟrement Income OpƟon Bob Glezen Tuesday, February 7, 2012 10:00 – 11:30 AM River’s Crossing 1 session $5 plus parking Home equity has become an important part of re rement income planning in today’s economic mes. The FHA reverse mortgage is an op on available to meet the financial needs of those 62 and older. Properly used, reverse mortgages are a powerful tool to supplement income and reduce debt. However, because of misunderstandings, a large number of people have not explored this op on. This workshop will cover the basics of the reverse mortgage and dis nguish facts and myths of the program. It will also outline the steps required and the cost op ons which are available. The new FHA program enhancements that have been added will be discussed including the new “no load” program as a low-cost alterna ve and using a reverse mortgage to purchase a home. Bob Glezen is an experienced Reverse Mortgage Consultant and expert who has been the main speaker at seminars and workshops throughout the southeast. He is cer fied to teach con nuing educa on classes in Georgia to Cer fied Planners, Realtors, and Insurance Agents. Bob has been recognized na onally for Outstanding Customer Service through customer feedback.

ScarleƩ in the 21st Century Myrna Adams West Thursday, February 2, 2012 9:30 – 11:00 AM River’s Crossing 1 session $5 plus parking April 2011, marked the 75th anniversary of the publica on of Gone with the Wind, the celebrated epic novel of the Old South. The movie, which premiered three years later, and its actors, director, and other contributors con nue to top “Best Of” Lists around the globe. And there is renewed interest in Margaret Mitchell, the diminu ve Atlanta woman who started the phenomenon. Just last summer both a new book about the wri ng of the novel and its meteoric rise to fame and Hollywood and a PBS documentary about Margaret Mitchell celebrated the author and her characters. Some cri cs point out that the novel promotes poli cally incorrect and historically inaccurate accounts of the Antebellum Era. Others denigrate

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Scarle O’Hara as a harpy, a bad mother, an adulterous wife, and a racist child of privilege. But no amount of nega vity seems likely to stop the roaring of the mighty “Wind.” As the Sesquicentennial of the War Between the States brings renewed interest in that period of American history, Myrna Adams West maintains that Scarle O’Hara is relevant in the 21st Century. Myrna first read the novel as a 12-year-old during the Centennial of the North-South conflict. She began collec ng Gone with the Wind memorabilia almost immediately upon viewing the movie that same year, and has amassed an extensive collec on, ranging from magazine and newspaper ar cles and photographs to dolls to posters to books. She will share some of her collec on as part of the presenta on. Myrna Adams West is a na ve of Oconee County. She is a graduate of Ti College, holds a Master’s of Educa on in English from North Georgia College & State University, and studied Journalism and Gi ed Educa on at UGA. She teaches English composi on classes at the Oconee Campus of Gainesville State College.

Searching GALILEO Databases Monica Pereira Tuesdays, April 24 & May 1, 2012 4:30 – 6:00 PM River’s Crossing 2 sessions $10 GALILEO databases are collec ons of journal contents and contain a wealth of informa on on just about any subject of interest to you. However, searching databases isn’t like searching Internet search engines. Learn how to create and tweak search strategies to get the most out of GALILEO databases. There will be an overview of how databases are populated and comparisons of results a ained from GALILEO databases and Internet search engines. NOTE: Par cipants must have at least one topic of interest mailed or e-mailed to the instructor one week before the class begins. The class facilitator will help with this process. Prerequisites: 1) Basic familiarity with using a computer (Mac or PC). 2) Know how to open and close an Internet browser, e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer. This class is limited to a maximum of 12 par cipants. Ms. Pereira has been a librarian at the UGA Libraries for over 14 years. She has a M.Ed. in Instruc onal Design & Development from UGA and believes in lifelong learning for herself and others.

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(The) Speaker in the Poem James Kissane Tuesdays, May 1, 8, 15, and 22, 2012 10:00 – 11:30 AM River’s Crossing 4 sessions $20 plus parking Poetry’s many voices are a chief source of its many pleasures. Some mes the voice in the poem speaks for the poet, but some mes the speaker represents a quite different “character” with a quite different viewpoint. Some mes different speakers confront one another within the poem. This course will explore, through examina on of selected short poems, the rela onship between our impressions of the imagined speaker(s) and the effect (and meaning) of the poem. We will discuss ways in which poems take advantage of the various possibili es for self-expression on the one hand and inven ve characteriza on on the other. Dr. Kissane is a member of OLLI and has presented courses on a range of topics. He is Professor Emeritus of Literature at Grinnell College where he taught for 38 years. He holds a Ph.D. in English from the Johns Hopkins University and has published books, scholarly ar cles, essays and reviews, mostly on 19th and early 20th Century subjects.

Staying Strong and Fit Elaine Hyde Tuesdays, May 1, 8, 15, and 22, 2012 2:00 – 3:00 PM River’s Crossing 4 sessions $20 plus parking Keep moving and laughing! This course will share informa on about staying strong and fit as we face the changes and challenges of aging. Elaine Hyde is a Cer fied Personal Trainer with clients she helps stay strong and fit. She is a survivor—of breast cancer and a brain aneurysm. Her own life had declined into poor health. She turned it around through exercise and healthy ea ng and wants to share with others ways to become energe c, happy, and oh so strong.

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Staying Home: Modify Your Home to Age in Place Craig Smith Friday, January 20, 2012 1:00 – 2:00 PM River’s Crossing 1 session $5 plus parking Learn the major challenges seniors face with their homes when they choose to age in place at home rather than another facility. In this workshop, seniors, family members, and caregivers will gain an understanding of basic modifica ons and solu ons to make a senior’s home safe, accessible, and func onal. Craig Smith earned a Bachelor of Architectural Engineering Technology. He’s the owner of Vest Proper es, Inc. and is a Georgia state-licensed residen al general contractor with over 30 years experience specializing in home repairs and remodeling. He is CAPS cer fied (Cer fied Aging in Place Specialist) and experienced in adap ng homes to seniors’ needs.

Stephen: the FascinaƟng Mr. Crane Alexis Winger Mondays, April 23 and 30, 2012 10:00 – 11:30 AM River’s Crossing 2 sessions $10 plus parking H. G. Wells described Stephen Crane as “beyond dispute, the best writer of our genera on.” While that statement can be debated, it is most certainly true that both the author and his works are among the most interes ng in American literature. In the first class, we will look at the author’s life, his wri ng philosophy, and a selec on of his poems. In the second class, we will discuss “The Open Boat,” one of Crane’s best short stories. Alexis Winger a ended Idaho State University, BYU, and Tennessee Tech University. She taught composi on and grammar in UGA’s Division of Academic Enhancement for 29 years and most recently served as coordinator of the Wri ng Component of the Division’s Learning Center. She has given numerous presenta ons on teaching composi on and grammar. A er re ring from UGA in 2007, she has become very ac ve in OLLI.

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Tackling Basic Interior Design Dilemmas

Tai Chi Intermediate

Lanie Lessard Tuesdays, January 10, 17, 24, and 31, 2012 10:00 – 11:00 AM River’s Crossing 4 sessions $20 plus parking

Tom Wi enberg Wednesdays, April 25, May 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30, 2012 10:30 -11:30 AM Central Presbyterian Church 6 sessions $36

“Will that blue stripe be too bold in my formal living room?”

Tai Chi Intermediate is a con nua on of the “long form” of Tai Chi Easy. Par cipants should be familiar with such moves as “Tracing the Phoenix’s Tail.” The class will explore other moves that are not necessarily more difficult or complex but are not found in the “long form” of Tai Chi Easy.

“How much furniture is too much furniture?” “Is it okay to mix styles?” In this brief, four-session course, students will learn some of the basics for solving their home’s interior design issues. Each session will build on the previous, covering topics such as design theory, color theory, space planning and propor on, and rudimentary dra ing skills—all elements that go into making any space more comfortable and more efficient for its inhabitants. Each student will select one room of his/her home, whichever space is the most used or is most problema c, and then apply their newfound knowledge in recrea ng the space to its best poten al. Lanie Lessard holds a BFA from UGA, has prac ced interior design since 1997, and is an adjunct instructor in the Lamar Dodd School of Art. She is a professional member of the American Society of Interior Designers.

Tai Chi Easy Tom Wi enberg Wednesdays and Fridays, February 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 2012 10:30 -11:30 AM Central Presbyterian Church 6 sessions $36 Tai Chi Easy is derived from the 108 moves of tradi onal Tai Chi. It consists of five flowing movements that promote vitality, self-healing, and relaxa on. Among the benefits are improved balance, lower blood pressure, greater flexibility and resilience, decreased incidence of falls, and stress reduc on. Par cipants will become familiar with the 4 elements of movement, medita on, self-administered massage, and breathing. Tom Wi enberg earned an AB from Dartmouth and an MA from the University of Minnesota. Among his careers have been book publishing, recruiter for the Athens Area Chamber of Commerce, and Tai Chi trainer. He studied Tai Chi with Roger Jahnke, OMD, Ins tute of Integral Tai Chi and Qigong in Santa Barbara, California.

Tom Wi enberg studied Tai Chi with Roger Jahnke, OMD, Ins tute of Integral Tai Chi and Qigong in Santa Barbara, California.

(The) Threat on the Horizon Loch Johnson Monday, January 9, 2012 2:00 – 4:00 PM Central Presbyterian Church 1 session Free Come join us for this community outreach event. “Loch Johnson’s lively first-hand account is a rare behindthe-scenes look at an inquiry into U.S. intelligence,” so writes one reviewer of Johnson’s latest book. It is said that nobody understands the dynamics of intelligence gathering and analysis, the complexity of both the ques ons and answers that surround the American intelligence process, be er than Johnson. Johnson’s book offers a “…unique window onto why the terrorist a acks of 2001 caught the U.S. by surprise and why the intelligence community failed again in 2002 when it predicted that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruc on.” This presenta on will be both a talk about the book and a book-signing event as well. Dr. Loch Johnson, Regents Professor of Poli cal Science at UGA and recipient of the pres gious Meigs Professor Award, served on the Senate and House commi ees on intelligence and on foreign affairs and has been a consultant to the Na onal Security Council, the U.S. State Department, and the Senate Subcommi ee on Separa on of Powers. He has wri en several books on American foreign policy, including A Season of Inquiry. The Threat on the Horizon will be the first published account by an insider of a presiden al commission on intelligence.

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UGA Special CollecƟons Library Tour

Understanding the ConsƟtuƟon

Renna Tuten and Jill Severn Thursday, May 17, 2012 2:00 – 4:00 PM UGA Special Collec ons Library 1 session $5

Leif Carter Monday through Friday, April 9-13, 2012 9:00 – 11:00 AM River’s Crossing 5 sessions $25 plus parking

The tour of the UGA Special Collec ons Library will begin with the group mee ng at the entrance of the building. One group will go to the 2nd floor for a guided tour of the exhibit area, which holds highlights from the three special collec ons departments: the Hargre Rare Book and Manuscript Library, the Richard B. Russell Library for Poli cal Research and Studies, and the Walter J. Brown Media Archives and Peabody Awards Collec on. The second group will go to the 3rd floor where they will learn about using the historical resources in the library for personal research, as well as how to care for their own treasures, such as photographs and home movies. Once finished, the groups will switch guides. Jill Severn will conduct the exhibit tours, and Renna Tuten will conduct the informa on session.

This course has two goals: First, it will highlight the most important connec ons between the Cons tu on and U.S. history itself, covering topics such as the visions of the founders, how the Civil War rewrote the Cons tu on, and how The Great Depression and FDR remade the Cons tu on. Second, the class will focus on cons tu onal law interpreta ons that form the basis of today’s most controversial issues, e.g., gay marriage, reproduc ve choice, religion in public schools, etc.

Jill Severn is an archivist who manages access and outreach for the Russell Library, an archive of modern poli cs and policy at UGA. She leads the Library’s exhibi on program and contributes to the development of public screenings, lectures, and workshops offered by the Russell Library. She directs the Russell Forum for Civic Life in Georgia, a civic engagement program that provides training, programs, and collabora on assistance to encourage vigorous engagement of the public with the tough policy issues they face. Renna Tuten has worked at the UGA Libraries for 6 years and holds a BA from UGA, an MA from the University of Mississippi, and an MLIS from the University of South Carolina. She is currently the Coordinator of Reference Services at the UGA Special Collec ons Building. UGA Special CollecƟons Libraries Building

This course is limited to a maximum of 20 par cipants. Dr. Carter received his A.B. from Harvard College in 1962 and a law degree from Harvard Law School in 1965. He was a Peace Corps volunteer (Bolivia) in 1966-67 and received his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1972. Dr. Carter taught poli cal science at the University of Georgia un l 1995. He twice received UGA’s Josiah Meigs Teaching Award. He became the McHugh Family Dis nguished Professor at Colorado College in 1995 and became a professor emeritus at the College in 2008. He is the author of The Limits of Order, Reason in Law, Contemporary Cons tu onal Lawmaking, and many other ar cles, books, and book chapters. His interests include music, cinema, and current affairs.

(A) Visit to Mini Creek Farm Mary Brown Tuesday, April 3, 2012 1:00 PM Mini Creek Farm 1 session $5 This visit to Mini Creek Farm will give par cipants an opportunity to see miniature horses and their colts which will be ready for visitors a er being born in mid-March. We will carpool for the short drive to the stable near Bethlehem. Carpool mee ng loca on will be provided to class par cipants. This class is limited to 20 par cipants. Ms. Brown has been raising miniature horses for approximately 5 years. She had previously had full-size horses. One day, a er mee ng a lady who had some minis, she got hooked. She sold her full-size horses and started buying the minis. She raises them as pets and sells the babies. The babies are friendly when they leave for their new homes.

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(A) Visit with a Glassblower Lore a Eby Wednesday, March 14 10:00 AM – 12:00 noon Presenter’s studio at Happy Valley Po ery 1 session $5 “Glassblowers are ar sts who can never touch their medium,” says ar st, Lore a Eby. As another ar st remarked, “It takes a strange breed to cozy up to a 2,000 degree furnace.” Glassblowing is not an art form for the dabbler, as it involves serious equipment, specialized tools, a willingness to work under very, very hot condi ons, as well as a long-term commitment to learning the skill. There are just a handful of Georgia ar sans who blow glass in their own hand-built, home-based studios. Lore a Eby is one of them. She works in a renovated chicken house in Oconee County, running her furnace 24/7. Here she makes tumblers, ornaments, vases, fluted bowls and hummingbird feeders. She built her own furnace, credi ng her dad and farm life with the ability to do so. A er the glassblowing demonstra ons, par cipants will be able to visit the gi shop that sells works by various ar sts, including Ms. Eby and her husband, sculptor Jeff Jackson. Lore a Eby received her degree from Cleveland Ins tute of Art with con nued studies at Penland and Pulchuk Schools of Glass. Ms Eby can be contacted at info@lore aeby.com.

LoreƩa Eby

Walk through a Victorian Natural Landscape Cemetery Charlo e Marshall Monday, January 23, 2012 2:00 – 4:00 PM Oconee Hill Cemetery 1 session $5 This presenta on will include the history of the Oconee Hill Cemetery in rela on to the history of cemeteries; burial prac ces; mortuary art with much explana on of Victorian symbolism; and brief biographies of numerous people who shaped the 19th century of Athens. The walk will cover sec ons on the west side of the river in the old part of the cemetery. Class members should wear walking shoes suitable for steep hillsides. Charlo e Thomas Marshall is the author of Oconee Hill Cemetery of Athens, Georgia, Volume I, published by the Athens Historical Society in 2009 and recipient of Athens-Clarke Heritage Founda on’s 2010 Outstanding Publica on Award. She is one of the many non-na ve Athenians who collect and preserve Athens history and joyously share it with all who are interested. A na ve of Donalsonville and graduate of Wesleyan College, she came to Athens in 1966 to work for UGA, where she met her husband, Dr. George O. Marshall, Jr. Charlo e is a past president of the Athens Junior Assembly, now Junior League; the Boys Club of Athens, now Boys and Girls Club; and of the Athens Historical Society. She edited the Society’s first book about Oconee Hill in 1971. Her other publica ons include Glimpses Into the Antebellum History of the First Bap st Church, Athens, Georgia (1981), and Historic Houses of Athens (1987). With George she edited Susan Frances Barrow Tate’s Remembering Athens in 1996. She was a contributor to Gary Doster’s A Post Card History of Athens, Georgia, in 2002. And in 2007 she assisted Ruth Roberson Hughes in preparing The History and People of St. Luke A.M.E. Church. Charlo e was recognized by the Georgia Genealogical Society in 2008 for outstanding contribu ons to the field of genealogy.

Oconee Hill Cementery

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Wealth Management - A A. Webster Hewi Tuesday, January 24, 2012 1:00 – 2:00 PM River’s Crossing 1 session $5 plus parking

Wealth Management - B A. Webster Hewi Tuesdays, May 8, 2012 1:00 – 2:00 PM River’s Crossing 1 session $5 plus parking This class will be offered twice. The material will be the same. The most fundamental re rement goal for most people is to endow a comfortable re rement in which we can remain financially self-sufficient. The ques on most ask in rela on to this is “Do I have enough?” The answer to this ques on depends on four major factors. This presenta on will highlight the impact these factors may have and provide insight as to which

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have the most impact. The presenta on will also introduce a framework to help par cipants find assurance whether they have “enough” and provide prac cal ps you could take now. Webster Hewi serves as Director of Wealth Strategies for the Private Wealth Consul ng Group at Broad Street Capital Advisors, LLC. In this role, he is responsible for designing and implemen ng comprehensive financial and estate planning solu ons for families serviced by this division of the firm. Prior to joining the firm, he served as Senior Analyst at Genspring Family Offices in the Na onal Family Wealth Advisory Prac ce where he provided advice to affluent family clients and their other trusted advisors. Serving over a dozen offices and hundreds of families, he has developed extensive experience on a wide range of financial planning issues. With a primary focus of helping families navigate through life’s major financial events, Webster advises on income tax/liquidity planning, estate/gi tax minimiza on strategies, and re rement planning. Webster earned a bachelor’s degree from UGA in accoun ng and earned a Master of Taxa on and a Master of Personal Financial Planning at Georgia State University. His professional designa ons include Cer fied Financial Planner (CFP®) and Cer fied Public Accountant (CPA).

New Horizons Music Program NEW HORIZONS BANDS


Wes Kilpatrick, Director Mondays 12 - 3pm Sept. 12 - Nov. 28, 2011 Athens Central Presbyterian Church $120 ($110 for OLLI members)

Wes Kilpatrick, Director Mondays 11:30am - 12:30pm Sept. 12 - Nov. 28, 2011 Athens Central Presbyterian Church $120 ($110 for OLLI members) + $20 music fee

Students in the beginning band will also need to purchase the Essen al Elements 2000 method Book 1 for their appropriate instrument. (available at Chick Music, Athens)


NEW HORIZONS ORCHESTRAS Laurin Smith, Director Mondays 9:30am - 11:30am Sept. 12 - Nov. 28, 2011 Athens Central Presbyterian Church $120 ($110 for OLLI members) Students in the beginning orchestra will also need to purchase the Essen al Elements for Strings 2000 method Book 1 for their appropriate instrument. (available at Chick Music, Athens) All New Horizons Band and Orchestra parƟcipants will be responsible for providing their own instrument, and black folding music stand.

Pete Jutras, Director Dawn Dalangin, Instructor Wednesdays, 4:45pm - 6:45pm Sept. 7 - Nov. 30, 2011 Hugh Hodgson School of Music $120 ($110 for OLLI members) Students in the piano ensemble will also need to purchase Adult Piano Method - Play by Choice by Fred Kern. (available at amazon.com)

Once all New Horizons registraƟons have been received, students will be divided into 1-hour classes based on level.

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What Now? Mark Bri Monday, January 23, 2012 10:00 AM – 12 noon River’s Crossing 1 session $5 plus parking As one looks at the present economic climate, one of the most logical ques ons is: Where do we go from here? This presenta on will be a lively panel discussion about current events in the economy, financial services industry, and how these issues impact all of us. Topics will include such ques ons as: How do I protect myself from running out of money? Why are banks loaning money these days? How do current events impact me? and What are the top 10 financial planning mistakes? Rather than a lecture, this presenta on is intended to be interac ve, so come loaded with ques ons. The panel will consist of 4 cer fied financial planners with a combined 70+ years of industry experience. Mark Bri is a Vice President and Team Director with BB&T Private Financial Services. He joined BB&T in 2003 and has over 18 years experience in the financial services industry. He is a graduate of Georgia State University and completed the Financial Planner program at Oglethorpe University in 2005. He is a Cer fied Financial PlannerTM and works with clients throughout the North Georgia market. As Vice President with Sco & Stringfellow, John J. McCarthy, Jr. CFP®, has over 22 years experience in the investment industry. He is a graduate of the University of West Georgia and completed the Senior Investment Consultant program at the University Of Chicago Graduate School Of Business. As a cer fied Financial Planner, John teachers the Fundamentals of Financial Planning at the University of Georgia as well as Oglethorpe University. He is currently serving a four year term on the Fulton County Re rees Pension Board. Jeff Purdoe has more than 27 years experience in the financial services industry and is also a Vice President at Sco and Stringfellow. He has an MBA in finance from Tulane University and has strategic planning experience at the CEO/CFO level with various Fortune 500 companies. He is a Cer fied Financial Planner and teaches Investment Planning and Business Case Analysis at Oglethorpe University. He also teaches Investments at the undergraduate level as an adjunct professor. Lisa Rawls, a Bishop resident and graduate of Georgia Tech, has assisted over 500 small to medium-sized companies with their growth and financing needs over the past 23 years. Her

OLLI Course Book

associa on with several large regional banks as a commercial banker in Georgia and Florida helped establish the financial founda on which eventually launched her company, Evergreen Financial Services, in 1995. Un l 2009, Evergreen Financial Services (EFS) provided CFO services to rapidly-growing, closelyheld companies in North Atlanta and North Georgia. In late 2009, Lisa Rawls returned to commercial banking by rejoining BB&T in their Regional Credit Administra on office in Gainesville, GA. In September 2010, she was promoted to City Execu ve for BB&T’s commercial markets in Athens, Winder and surrounding NE Georgia coun es

When God Was a Woman— Stories of the Goddess Myrna Adams West Tuesdays, January 31, February 7 and 14, 2012 2:30 – 4:00 PM River’s Crossing 3 sessions $15 plus parking Joseph Campbell, along with many archaeologists and anthropologists as well as one or two theologians, suggest that long before Yahweh called Abram out of Haran and promised to make of him a great na on, long before Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, was born around 563 BCE, before Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, and long before Muhammad was born around 570 CE, God was a woman—a Goddess. Only fragments of the stories of the Goddess remain; only snatches of the songs sung to and for and about the Goddess have come down through the millennia; only small pieces of artwork give us a glimpse of what she might have been. This class will explore some of the stories, legends, and myths of the Goddess from around the globe. Myrna Adams West’s interest in the study of the feminine aspect of the Divine, i.e., the Goddess, was ignited by “Cakes for the Queen of Heaven” and “Rise Up & Call Her Name,” curricula designed by the Unitarian Universalist Women’s Federa on. She has been studying and teaching about the Goddess in Unitarian Universalist churches for over twelve years and has been facilita ng the Goddess Group of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Athens since 2002. Myrna Adams West is a na ve of Oconee County. She is a graduate of Ti College, holds a Master’s of Educa on in English from North Georgia College & State University, and studied Journalism and Gi ed Educa on at UGA. She teaches English composi on classes at the Oconee Campus of Gainesville State College.

OLLICourse Book

(The) Wireless RevoluƟon L J Burgess Wednesdays, January 18 and 25, 2012 12:00 noon – 1:30 PM River’s Crossing 2 sessions $15 plus parking Wireless devices have come a long way. These are not the same phones you purchased 20 years ago. They are no longer just for making phone calls. You can text someone, surf the Net or post on your friend’s Facebook page. What does all this mean to you? Why would you want a Droid vs. an iPhone or basic phone? What are the differences between the various opera ng systems and which one is best for you? What are some of the other technology offerings from cell phone companies. These are just a few of the things that will be discussed in this threehour long course. You will also get an opportunity to ask some technology-related ques ons you have. This course is limited to a maximum of 15 par cipants. A $5 materials supply fee has been added to the cost of the course. L J Burgess is passionate about wireless products and outstanding customer service. She has been involved in the industry for more than three years. She has a broad knowledge of the various opera ng systems and cell phones. She has an MBA in Management from the University of Florida and a BA in Mass Communica on from LSU.

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Women and the Civil War—the Oblate Sisters of Providence during the Civil War Era Diane Morrow Friday, March 2, 2012 12:20 – 2:00 PM Central Presbyterian Church 1 session $6 The outbreak of the Civil War in April, 1861, brought hardship and suffering to Americans in both the North and the South. Bal moreans seldom witnessed actual military combat within the city, but the war s ll affected their daily lives. The Bal morebased Oblate Sisters of Providence, the first Roman Catholic African American sisterhood, followed their community life and conducted their schools as closely as possible to their accustomed rou nes, but war condi ons inevitably disrupted the normal course of Oblate life. This presenta on examines how the sisters’ responses to adverse Civil War condi ons demonstrated characteris c Oblate ini a ve and resourcefulness. Dr. Morrow, Associate Professor of History and African American Studies, graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Swarthmore College with a degree in History. She earned an M.S. degree in Social Science Educa on from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. A er teaching history and social science courses in public and private secondary schools, she became an Instructor in History and in African American Studies at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. She earned the Ph.D. degree in History from UGA. Her doctoral disserta on examined the antebellum experience of the Oblate Sisters of Providence, the first African American Roman Catholic sisterhood, founded in Bal more in 1828. Dr. Morrow has presented papers at several professional conferences on this topic and has published ar cles and essays about it in scholarly journals and anthologies. Her first book, Persons of Color and Religious at the Same Time: The Oblate Sisters of Providence, 1828-1860, published in 2002, won the Le a Woods Brown Memorial Book Prize for 2002 from the Associa on of Black Women Historians and the Dis nguished Book Award of the Conference on the History of Women Religious in 2004.

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Women in EducaƟon—Educators for Everyday Life: Leila Ritchie Mize and Jessie Julia Mize, Empowering Women in Her GeneraƟon Sharon Nickols Friday, March 23, 2012 12:20 – 2:00 PM Central Presbyterian Church 1 session $6 Two women, Leila Ritchie Mize and Jessie Julia Mize— mother and daughter—shared the mission of teaching home economics knowledge and skills to Georgia girls and women across six decades. Mrs. Mize was one of the first home demonstra on agents in Georgia Coopera ve Extension. Dr. Mize was a professor and department head at UGA. This OLLI Women’s History Month session features their respec ve contribu ons as educators who empowered women for their roles in everyday living. Dr. Nickols served from 1991 to 2006 as Dean of the College of Family and Consumer Sciences at UGA. During this period, the College enrollment grew drama cally; study abroad programs were introduced in London, Ghana, Mexico, Costa Rica, Cambodia, and other countries; academic majors were added; the posi on of Associate Dean for Outreach and Extension was added; and endowments for scholarship, professorships, and student leadership programs were created. Her research has focused on the history of home economics, examining its origins in the Midwest, development in Georgia, and the experience of women who earned home economics degrees. She teaches “Family Resource Management” and a seminar “Exploring the History of Family and Consumer Sciences.” Other teaching interests include human ecosystems, poverty, and service-learning in study abroad. Dr. Nickols was on the faculty at Oklahoma State University in S llwater from 19761986, and was Director of the School of Human Resources and Family Studies at the University of Illinois from 1986-1991.

Women in Medicine – A GeneraƟon of Change Barbara Schuster Friday, March 30, 2012 12:20 – 2:00 PM Central Presbyterian Church 1 session $6 This course will examine how the role of women in medicine has changed and will con nue to change. Dr. Schuster served as professor and chair of the Department of Internal Medicine at Wright State University un l 1995, stepping down as chair in 2007 to pursue the AAMC sabba cal and joining the MCG/UGA Medical Partnership as Campus Dean in 2008. Previously she served for 15 years on the faculty at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Den stry in New York, where she also completed medical school and an internal medicine residency. She completed a Public Health Service Primary Care Policy Fellowship in Bethesda, Md., in 1994. She has served as medical director of the University Health Service at the University of Rochester, medical director of the University Medicine-Pediatrics Prac ce at Wright State University and president of Wright State’s faculty prac ce plan. At both ins tu ons, she worked with graduate medical educa on programs where residents learned at mul ple hospitals. The University of Rochester’s internal medicine/ pediatric training program she directed has named an award in her honor. She received the 2003 Excellence in Medical Educa on Award from Wright State and the Teaching Excellence Award from Wright State’s class of 2005.

Fisher Fund Tuition Assistance Program Due to the generosity of the late Carol Fisher, OLLI@UGA is now able to offer limited tui on assistance to its members, per the policy below: All registered OLLI@UGA members shall be eligible for Fisher Fund tui on assistance upon simple oral or wri en applica on to the Program Director, such applica on to remain confiden al. Approved requests are limited to $100 per person per semester, as credits to defray course and/or Luncheon Program fees selected by the member. Applicants can apply in any number of succeeding semesters, with dollar ceiling limits as recommended by the Finance Commi ee and approved by the Board in advance of each semester. The Program Director will have authority to extend any Tui on Assistance request above the $100 maximum on a case-by-case excep on approved by the President.

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World’s Oldest Beverage

WriƟng and Geƫng Published

Brian Roth Tuesdays, February 7, 14, 21, and 28, 2012 2:30 – 4:30 PM Various loca ons 4 sessions $20

Bray/Craig/Sharp/Wright Thursday, May 31, 2012 10:00 AM – 12 noon River’s Crossing 1 session $5 plus parking

Session 1 will be an introduc on to beer and its early history (meet at Leon Farmer warehouse, 100 Rail Ridge Rd., Athens).

Author and publisher Bill Bray will discuss the frequent frustra ons and hurdles involved in ge ng one’s work published.

Session 2 will cover beer’s modern history (meet at Leon Farmer warehouse, 100 Rail Ridge Rd., Athens). Session 3 will be a tour of the Terrapin Brewing Company facility (meet at Terrapin, 265 Newton Bridge Rd., Athens). Session 4 will be a beer tas ng (meet at Trappeze, 269 North Hull St., Athens). Direc ons will be provided to registrants. Brian Roth obtained his BFA in Sculpture (bronze cas ng) from UGA. He is Vice-President, Director of New Brands/Marke ng at Leon Farmer and Company. He is a home brewer and beer advocate.

He will also introduce 3 writers who have recently been successful in ge ng their work published. Kathleen Wright: At Full Bloom OLLI member Kathleen Wright calls her book an “odyssey,” which is described as any extended journey. She recounts her journey’s beginning in Jamaica, to England, and to Athens, GA. Most significant, however, is her journey from that of a frightened, naïve youngster, to an independent young adult, an abused wife, a mother, a nurse, a divorcee, and now a senior ci zen living in Athens. I am now “At full bloom,” Kathleen writes. Nancy Sharp: Puddles, Ponds and Piddles This children’s book will be almost hot off the press at presenta on me, with a proof copy in hand by mid or late fall, 2011. If the book is as intriguing as its tle, we’re in for an adorable story. Bowen Craig: A Look to the Future Through the Eyes of an Eighty Year Old Pirate Bowen Craig is actually not a first- me published writer, having wri en one other novel prior to this one to his credit. A review of Bowen’s book can be found on www.amazon.com/LookFuture-Through-Eighty-Pirate.

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WriƟng a Novel

WriƟng for Children and Young Adults

Jonell Cash Thursdays, January 12 and 19, 2012 1:30 – 3:00 PM River’s Crossing 2 sessions $10 plus parking

Jane Meeks/Deanna Klingel Tuesday, March 27, 2012 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM River’s Crossing 1 session $5 plus parking

The first session will deal with the “drama of wri ng a novel.” The author will explain her approach to wri ng the novel, such as the choice of se ng, the family of the protagonists, underlying family dynamics, and considering how changes in the family take place. She will also discuss how to “fic onalize reality.” A me for Q & A will follow.

Wri ng for Children: How to Write and Publish a 24-Page Children’s Book in 25 Years or Less!

The second session will center around the topic, “Wri ng About Love A er 60—Adult Transi ons.” Using a homework assignment on adult transi ons given in the first session, the author and class will discuss topics such as the developmental tasks for each decade of life and expecta ons for the next decade. This discussion will set the stage for an explana on of how to choose the adult stage for a story. Dr. Jonell Cash is a na ve Georgian, having graduated from Franklin Co. High School, Reinhardt Jr. College, and UGA where she earned her doctorate in Counseling Psychology. She did post doctoral work at Carnegie Mellon University. She has been both a high school and college level teacher, a Director of Instruc on, Director of the Augusta College Counseling Center, an Associate Dean for Program Development, and a consultant to overseas workshops in Portugal, Australia, Brazil, Egypt, and England. Since re ring, she has been involved with volunteer work for CASA, working with couples under stress and with disrup ve children and troubled families. She has authored four books in the field of psychology and counseling. Her first novel is A Ring, A Dance, A Second Chance.

Jane Meeks This first- me author shares her journey of how her love for children and pets moved her from dream to reality in children’s literature. This will be an open discussion of the ups and downs of her wri ng and publishing experience plus the issues involved in wri ng specifically for children. Jane Meeks is a re red elementary school counselor who has worked with students in Tennessee, North Carolina, and Georgia. Books have always been a part of her life, and she has o en used them in helping children to develop a sense of themselves and others. Her first book, Finding Home was inspired by the experience of adop ng two shelter dogs, Smidgeon and Rile. Wri ng for Young Adults Deanna Klingel This class will include a discussion of the difference between young adult and adult literature, research for young adult historical fic on, and the use of historical fic on for young readers. Author Deanna K. Klingel lives in the mountains of western North Carolina. She writes children’s literature, young adult literature, and short stories. For more informa on, please visit www.BooksByDeanna.com Both Both Bo h authors aut uth hors will hors ho wililll have have books ha boo ookks ks for for purchase pur u ch chas has asee and and signing. sign si ign gniin ing. ing.

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WriƟng in ReƟrement Martha Phillips Thursday, April 19, 2012 1:30 – 3:00 PM River’s Crossing 1 session $5 plus parking This course will cover the pleasures and perils of wri ng a first novel, submi ng magazine ar cles, and wri ng poetry. Martha R. Phillips grew up in Elberton, GA. She worked at UGA’s School of Law, including one year with a fundraising effort, four years with the Ins tute of Con nuing Judicial Educa on and twenty-two years with the Ins tute of Con nuing Legal Educa on. Pain ng with watercolors and acrylics had been her hobby of choice un l wri ng moved to the top of the list when she re red in 2005. Her publica ons include: Wri en on a Rock, a fic onal murder mystery and romance with true historical facts about Elberton and the granite business; Georgia Backroads Magazine; Georgia, the Georgia Electric Membership’s magazine; and Georgia Poetry Society’s 2010 Reach of Song.

WriƟngs from a Late Bloomer: A Poetry PresentaƟon Charlo e “Chip” McDaniel Tuesday, April 24, 2012 1:30 – 3:00 PM River’s Crossing 1 session $5 plus parking This course will feature readings and discussion of this selfpublished book of poetry by author Charlo e “Chip” McDaniel. All of these poems were wri en a er re rement. The Prologue begins, “Sleeping beauty woke up at 52 . . .” Poems include such tles as: Cross Roads, Welcome to my World of Silent Dreams, Socializing the Heathen, Growing a Soul and My Father’s Hobby Was the Dic onary. She will also read excerpts from her memoir, Confessions of a Blue Tomato. Ms. McDaniel is an actress/songwriter and has an engaging presenta on style. She has a BFA in Drama from UGA. She was in Corporate Communica ons at Wes nghouse. She is a Toastmaster and ASCAP member and has led groups on Folk Singing, Aging and Sageing, Myers-Briggs, Enneagram, and Women’s Spirituality.

TRAVEL / STUDY Opportunity Coastal Processes and ConservaƟon Field Trip David Dallmeyer • Monday — Wednesday, March 5 — 7, 2012 • Jekyll and St. Simon’s Islands $130 registra on, plus lodging and meals This three-day field excursion to the Georgia coast (Jekyll and St. Simon’s Islands) will follow the course by the same name. The trip will depart Athens on the morning of Monday, March 5, and will return to Athens Wed. evening, March 7. Transport will be by vans and accommoda on for both nights will be at the same motel on Jekyll Island. A group reserva on will be made. Individuals will secure their rooms with their personal credit card informa on. This trip will require some beach walking. One day will include a traversing of both the northern and southern Jekyll coast. Each traverse will require approximately one mile of beach walking. Wednesday the class will examine St. Simon’s Island and observe the myriad of a empted methods of coastal “stabiliza on”. The group will depart for Athens in the a ernoon. A nonrefundable trip registra on OLLI TRIP RESERVATION FORM fee of $130 per person will be required. This Trip____________________________________________________________________________ fee will cover the cost of van rental, fuel and Name (s)________________________________________________________________________ staff expenses. It will not Address ________________________________________________________________________ include par cipant lodging and meals. Par cipa on in Home Phone #_________________ # of Cell Phone you will have with you ________________ the pre-trip OLLI course is required. The deadline for Email __________________________________________________________________________ registra on is January 15. For overnight trips, please mark the appropriate statement with X. Fees can be submi ed to ____ I will share a room with (fill in name)___________________(if only one name listed above). the River’s Crossing OLLI ____ I would like an individual room. office. ____ I am willing to take an individual room, but if possible, pair me with someone.

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Special Interest Groups (SIGS) Beadiacs

Hand Quilting

Mary Ann Kelly, makelly@uga.edu, 706-613-6311 Individuals interested in beading, stringing, and simple wire work will get together once a week for three hours or so to work on their projects, brainstorm ideas and help each other when our work takes an oops! Par cipants who have no experience but would just like to see what it’s all about are welcome because beaders are happy to provide basic informa on and demonstrate techniques.

Sandy Jordan, sandyjordan@charter.net, 706-546-8537 The quil ng group meets on the first and third Tuesdays of the month from 1-3 PM all year. We meet at members’ homes and just do hand quil ng. We have room for interested persons wan ng to learn or those who already do hand quil ng.

Bicycling John Songster, John.songster483@charter.net, 706-548-8181 The original theme of the group s ll holds true: “For those who long to take the drudgery out of health club exercising or want to start a fitness program that perpetuates itself, a new opportunity to get back on a real bicycle is s ll available.” We also conduct “get started again” instruc on and introductory rides that will help par cipants develop their cycling growth to whatever level they wish. New legs are welcome.

Bonsai Claire Clements, claireclements@charter.net, 706-548-0211 Winnie Kelly, 706-548-1418 This informal group meets on the 4th Thursday of each month, from 2:30 to 4:30 PM. Bonsai, literally translated, means po ed tree. Members bring suitable plant materials to pot, and/or those already po ed, which they wish to trim, exhibit, or discuss. Field trips are made to a variety of places of interest to the group, that are within driving distance, where you can purchase plants, materials and tools.

Book Discussion Group Diana Cerwonka, drcerwonka@bellsouth.net, 706-543-7780 The Book Discussion Group meets on the second Thursday of the month from 3:00-4:00 p.m. Books are selected by group vote. Selec ons include fic on and nonfic on, contemporary and classic. Discussion is informal and par cipa on is encouraged. Please feel welcome to join us.

Happy Hikers Iris Miracle, happyhikers@yahoo.com, 706-353-6711 If you love the great outdoors and hiking is a passion or an interest, then you will want to join this group. Hikes are short and long, easy to challenging, for fitness, fun and enjoyment of the marvels of nature. You can pick and choose as each hike is planned. We plan at least one hike a month, working up to more, if there is enough interest.

Intermediate Bridge Mary Brockway, marybrockway@aƩ.net, 706-549-3160 This group meets on the first and third Wednesdays from 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. at the ACCA, 135 Hoyt St. If you are an experienced player and would like an a ernoon of cards without the fuss of se ng up tables, making snacks and drinks (coffee is available), we invite you to try our group.

Investing G. Cary Winzurk, gwinzurk900@msn.com, 706-549-9643 The Investment Group meets once a month to exchange informa on about inves ng and investments. This is not a group that plans investments for the group to make together. The group’s common denominator is a strong interest in exchanging informa on about the world of investments; no special knowledge of the field is needed. Members are encouraged to bring any material(s) they think would be of interest to others.

Enjoy Opera in Athens

Lady Dogs Basketball

Nancy Songster, njsongster@charter.net, 706-548-8181 Our purpose is to learn more about opera, a end OLLI classes on Opera, enjoy live opera performances in the Athens area and a end the Metropolitan Opera Live in HD broadcasts at local Cinemas. We support UGA opera student produc ons, share informa on about opera, and offer a pre-opera meal, where the UGA opera graduate students present informa on about the current broadcast. The Met Opera broadcasts are on Saturday a ernoon, October through May, with an evening encore broadcast three weeks later.

Randall Abney, rabney@me.com, 706-850-6148 Follow the Lady Dogs Basketball team with other OLLI members. We buy season ckets for all the home games. And by ordering through OLLI@UGA you sit with other OLL@UGA members in Stegman Coliseum. Last year over 80 OLLI@UGA members ordered season ckets. Members also get together for lunch at the Georgia Center before at least one of the Sunday a ernoon games. GO DAWGS!!!!

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Special Interest Groups (SIGS) Lunch Bunch

Picture This! Digital Photography Group

Mercedes Rivera, 43rivers@gmail.com This is a lively and friendly group. Its purpose is to socialize, meet new people, form new friendships and enjoy wonderful food at locally-owned Athens/Watkinsville restaurants. We get together the first Tuesday of each month at 11:30AM. Please email Mercedes Rivera to be added to the monthly email distribu on list. Spouses and guests of OLLI@UGA members are welcome to come. RSVPs are required.

Chuck Murphy, picturethis.athens@gmail.com, 706-372-5406 Picture This! is OLLI’s digital photography club. Members include complete novices, serious amateurs and everything in between. We typically meet one evening of the month at the River’s Crossing building. Our mee ngs usually feature an educa onal talk on a photographic topic, with me reserved for member ques ons and a “show & tell” session. We also schedule photo walks around Athens and trips to scenic venues and photo exhibits.

Mac Fan(atic)s Jim Kradel, jkradel@gmail.com, 706-410-1958 Hello to all you Mac owners. Our number grows each day. It is probably because of you that Apple has gone from 315 to 390 since the middle of June. We have been quiet this Summer, but Fall and Winter are coming, and we plan to get together and share ideas and how-tos. All new ideas and new members are welcome. Come one, come all.

Stitch and Chat



Heidi Naylor, alpshv428@aol.com, 706-850-5013 Do you already know how to play Mahjongg, or have you wanted to learn? I love to play and would love to find fellow fana cs – or future ones. Several groups have started on the east and west side of Athens. Let’s get together!

Vic Armstrong, soloseniorsvic@aol.com, 706-769-1110 This group fosters networking among OLLI@UGA members who are over 50 and single. There is a dinner mee ng the first Thursday of each month where members get acquainted and plan ac vi es together.

Novice Bridge

“String of Pearls” Memoir Writing Group

Jimmie Hawes, ollinovicebridge@gmail.com, 706-850-1278 This group is for people who already know the basics of playing bridge, but have not played in a long me or have not played a lot. It is lovely to meet in a relaxed atmosphere, to gain experience playing the best game ever with great people just like you. This group meets at the Unitarian Universal Fellowship building, 780 Timothy Road, every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month from 1PM to 4PM. The playing fee is $3 per session.

Roger Bailey, Roger1731@charter.net, 706-540-1068 Wri ng about our lives, we share our prose and poetry to learn more about ourselves and each other as we hope to write memoirs more effec vely in regard to both form and content. We meet from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon on the third Thursday each month in the conference room of the Bentley Center at the ACCA.

OLLI Pops Folk Singers Chip McDaniel, Chip.silentdreams@gmail.com, 706-549-2898 Chip writes, “Let’s ‘Sing in the Sunshine’ and celebrate the music from the 1950’s-60’s. We’ll sing some of our favorites: ‘Sh-Boom,’ ‘If I Had A Hammer,’ ‘Where Have All the Flowers Gone? and much, much more.” She would like the members to sing the favorite Golden Oldie of each member if possible, plus two new songs she is wri ng. They will meet once a month at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Athens.

Kay Hymo, hymol@bellsouth.net, 706-546-7177 The S tch and Chat Group meets on the first Thursday of each month throughout the year at 10 AM. We meet in homes, or other loca ons, such as Main Street Yarns in Watkinsville and Em’s Kitchen on Hawthorne. Most of our members are kni ng, but bring any type of handwork and join us.

Supper Club MarƟ Edwards, mriverwalk@bellsouth.net, 706-705-1136 David Block, David.Block@gmail.com If you love cooking and entertaining, you belong in the OLLI SIG Supper Club. We meet once a month in a member’s home. We love cooking, sharing good food and conversa on, and having fun. Each member takes a turn in hos ng. We love new members!

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OLLI Course Book

Course Name





LUNCH AND LEARNǦ TRUMP'S CATERING Medical Education Mayor Denson's First Year What's Happening…Clarke County School District

The Arab Spring Constitutionality of Federal Health Care Reform

Schuster Denson Lanoue Sabra Maltese


Monday, January 16, 2012 Monday, February 06, 2012 Monday, March 05, 2012 Monday, April 02, 2012 Monday, May 07, 2012

11:30 AM Ͳ 1:00 PM 11:30 AM Ͳ 1:00 PM 11:30 AM Ͳ 1:00 PM 11:30 AM Ͳ 1:00 PM 11:30 AM Ͳ 1:00 PM

OLLI@UGA Spring 2012 Alphabetic Course List with Schedule

LUNCH AND LECTURE Ǧ CENTRAL PRESBYERIAN CHURCH DNA Fingerprinting Stem Cell Controversy Happy Trails to You My Life In Music Old Plants, New Problems The Bombing of Berlin

Anderson, W Farmer Cook Crowell Gleason Masters


Tuesday, January 17, 2012 Friday, February 03, 2012 Tuesday, February 21, 2012 Tuesday, March 20, 2012 Tuesday, April 17, 2012 Tuesday, May 15, 2012

12:00 Ͳ 1:30 PM 12:00 Ͳ 1:30 PM 12:00 Ͳ 1:30 PM 12:00 Ͳ 1:30 PM 12:00 Ͳ 1:30 PM 12:00 Ͳ 1:30 PM

GENERAL CURRICULUM Aging 101 for Georgia American Revolution in the South Are you Saying What You Think You Are Saying?

Art Class: Drawing More than Flies (The) Art of Birding Art with Margaret Agner Art with Margaret Agner: Batik As I Lay Dying: Faulkner Athens Academy Gallery Exhibits (A) Balanced Approach to Exercise Basic Graphic Design (The) Battles of Chickamauga & Chattanooga

Beginning Conversational German I Birding Ͳ Learning Bird Songs Butterflies! Lectures Butterflies! Tours Cats and Dogs Gone Wild Claiming My Future Coastal Processes Confederate Sheet Music Conversations with Cosmo Critical Reading A Critical Reading B Dementia Ͳ Its Many Dimensions Digital Photography Drippy Faucets & Slow Drains Electronic Medical Records Energy Healing Estate Planning & Elder Law Basics (A) Fine Balance Ͳ A Poetry Writing Workshop

First Aid Fit About Town French Love PoetryͲRenaissance French on Friday Gardening Techniques Ͳ Lectures & Tours Gentle Yoga Ͳ Chair Gentle Yoga Ͳ Traditional Geological Process/Human Impact Georgia Decorative Arts Georgia Farming in the Early 20th Century Georgia Water Resources Google Docs (The) Grand Tours Great Books

Glass RC Thursdays, April 12 & 19, 2012 Adreae RC ThursdayͲFriday, February 9, 10, 2012 McAlexander/Winger RC Tuesday, May 29, 2012 Roth RC Fridays, March 2 thru April 6, 2012 Maioriello RC Tuesday, March 13, 2012 Agner RC Tuesday, April 03, 2012 Agner PS Wednesday & Friday, April 4, 6, 2012 McAlexander RC Mon, Wed, Thurs; Feb 13, 15, 16, 2012 Steuck CP Sunday, January 22, 2012 O'Brien/Evans RM Tues & Thurs, January 24 thru May 3, 2012 Roth RC Fridays, April 20, 27; May 4, 11, 2012 Dasinger, Jr RC Saturday, April 14, 2012 Dean RC Mondays, January 30 Ͳ April 16, 2012 Maioriello RC Tuesday, March 20, 2012 Porter RC Wed, Fri, Mon, May 9, 11, 14, 2012 Porter OS Wed, May 9, 2012 / Thurs, May 10, 2012 Moesta RC Wednesday, February 08, 2012 Cress CP Wednesday, February 08, 2012 Dallmeyer RC Mon Ͳ Fri, February 27ͲMarch 2, 2012 Curtis RC Monday, February 27, 2012 Craige RC Wednesday, January 18, 2012 Eby RC Thursdays, April 12, 19, 26; May 3, 2012 Eby RC Thursdays, May 10, 17, 24, 31, 2012 Conley RC Wed, April 25; May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 2012 Nicholls RC WednesdayͲThursday, March 14Ͳ15, 2012 Home Depot OS Monday, February 13, 2012 Johnson RC Monday, February 20, 2012 Hart RC Tuesdays, February 21, 28; March 6, 2012 RC Wed Ͳ Fri, February 15, 16 and 17, 2012 Thompson/Gulley Reed RC Wed Ͳ Fri; January 25, 26 and 27, 2012 Buffalo OS Monday, January 23, 2012 Duke CP Thursdays, May 10, 17, 24, 2012 deRocher RC Monday, April 16, 2012 Milward RC Fridays, January 13 Ͳ May 25, 2012 Roth RC/OS Wed, March 14, 21, 28; April 4; Mon, April 9 Crowe CP Tuesdays, March 20 and 27, 2012 Crowe CP Thursdays, March 22 and 29, 2012 Rich RC Mon, Wed & Fri, March 26, 28 & 30, 2012 Couch OS Wednesday, February 22, 2012 Wilson OS Wednesday, March 14, 2012 Kundell RC Mondays, April 16, 23, 30, 2012 Pereira RC Tuesdays, May 15, 22 and 29, 2012 Abney, R RC Wednesday, April 25, 2012

11:30 AM Ͳ 1:00 PM 1:00 Ͳ 3:00 PM 1:00 Ͳ 3:00 PM 10:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM 9:00 Ͳ 11:00 AM 1:00 Ͳ 3:00 PM 1:00 Ͳ 4:00 PM 11:00 AM Ͳ12:00 PM 1:30 Ͳ 2:30 PM 6:30 Ͳ 7:45 AM 1:30 Ͳ 3:30 PM 10:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM 1:30 Ͳ 3:30 PM 9:00 Ͳ 11:00 AM 10:00 Ͳ 11:00 AM 1:30 Ͳ 4:30 PM / 1:00 Ͳ 2:30 PM 10:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM 9:00 Ͳ 11:00 AM 1:00 Ͳ 2:30 PM 10:00 Ͳ11:00 AM 2:30 Ͳ 4:30 PM 2:30 Ͳ 4:30 PM 10:00 Ͳ 11:30 AM 10:30 Ͳ 12:30 PM 10:00 Ͳ 11:30 AM 10:00 Ͳ 11:00 AM 2:00 Ͳ 4:00 PM 1:00 Ͳ 3:00 PM 10:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM 9:00 AM Ͳ 12:30 PM 9:30 Ͳ 11:00 AM 10:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM 10:30 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM 2:00 Ͳ 4:00 PM 10:00 Ͳ 11:00 AM 10:00 Ͳ 11:00 AM 10:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM 2:00 Ͳ 4:00 PM 2:00 Ͳ 4:00 PM 1:00 Ͳ 3:00 PM 4:30 Ͳ 6: 00 PM 2:00 Ͳ 3:30 PM

Wednesdays, January 18; February 1, 15; March 7, 21; April 4, 18; May 2, 16, 2012

10:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM



Spring 2012, Page 51

Course Name





Great Decisions 2012 Hellebores Show/Piccadilly Farm Tour Herbal Dramas Historical Athens Historical Athens Tour Home & Beyond Impressions of Romania Introduction to Fly Fishing Jewelry Ͳ Making & Design Jewish Films Judaism Ͳ An Unorthodox, Orthodox View Just for the Moment: Therapy Dogs Kilpatrick Ͳ Dahlgren Raid (The) King's Georgia Listening to your Heart Living in Art Locusts for Lunch? Mary Surratt Medical Ethics Ͳ End of Life Decisions Melanoma Old World Wines Olive Oil Omrit Picasso, Pirandello & Perception Pompeii & Herculaneum II (The) Population Paradox Poultry, Chickens & Me Preserving Our Past Ͳ The UGA Historic Render unto Caesar Reverse Mortgages Scarlett in the 21st Century Searching GALILEO Databases (The) Speaker in the Poem Staying Strong & Fit Staying Home Stephen Ͳ The Fascinating Mr. Crane Tackling Basic Interior Design Dilemmas Tai Chi Easy Tai Chi Intermediate (The) Threat on the Horizon UGA Special Collections Tour Understanding the Constitution (A) Visit to Mini Creek Farm (A) Visit with a Glassblower

Cerwonka/Rudy Roth Nelson Marshall Marshall Multiple Presenters Reed Calkin Cowne Tesser Refson Klingel Waters Warren Murrow Mullins Bailey Waters Halper Lockman Masters Abney, R Loughner Longman Curtis Cerwonka Dale Blanco Savage Glazen West Pereira Kissane Hyde Smith Winger Lessard Wittenberg Wittenberg Johnson Tuten/Severn Carter Brown Eby


Thurs, March 1, 8, 15, 22, 19Ͳ29; April 5, 2012

Tuesday & Thursday, March 6, 8, 2012 Tuesday, March 13, 2012 Thursday, May 03, 2012 Wednesday, January 11, 2012 Wednesday, February 29, 2012 Mondays, March 5, 12, 19, 26, 2012 Monday, January 30, 2012 Tuesday, January 10, 2012 Thursday, April 26, 2012 Wednesday, March 07, 2012 Fridays, February 17 and 24, 2012 Thursday, April 05, 2012 Tuesday Ͳ Wednesday April 10, 11, 2012 Thurs, January 26; February 2, 9, 16, 2012 Wednesday, March 21, 2012 Monday, March 26, 2012 Wednesday, January 25, 2012 Thursdays, May 10, 17, 24, 2012 Mondays, April 23 and 30, 2012 Thursday, February 23, 2012 Thursdays, January 12, 19, 2012 Thursdays, March 8, 15, 22, 29, 2012 Thursdays, April 26; May 3, 10, 2012 TuesdayͲWednesday, April 17, 18, 2012 Tuesday, March 27, 2012 Mon, Wed, Fri, January 9, 11, 13, 2012 Tuesday, February 07, 2012 Thursday, February 2, 2012 Tuesdays, April 24; May 1, 2012 Tuesdays, May 1, 8, 15, 22, 2012 Tuesdays, May 1, 8, 15, 22, 2012 Friday, January 20, 2012 Mondays, April 23, 30, 2012 Tuesdays, January 10, 17, 24, 31, 2012 Wed & Fri, Feb 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 2012 Wed, April 25; May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 2012 Monday, January 09, 2012 Thursday, May 17, 2012 Monday Ͳ Friday, April 9Ͳ13, 2012 Tuesday, April 03, 2012 Wednesday, March 14, 2012

9:30 Ͳ 11:00 AM 10:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM 1:00 Ͳ 2:30 PM 10:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM

Walk through a Victorian Natural Landscape Cemetery



Monday, January 23, 2012

Wealth Management Ͳ A Wealth Management Ͳ B What Now? When God was a Woman Wireless Revolution Women & the Civil War Women in Education Women in Medicine World's Oldest Beverage Writing & Getting Published Writing a Novel Writing for Children & Young Adults Writing in Retirement Writings from a Late Bloomer

Hewitt Hewitt Britt West Burgess Morrow Nickols Schuster Roth


Bray/Craig/Sharp/ Wright

Cash Meeks/Klingel Phillips McDaniel

Wednesday, March 07, 2012 Mondays, May 14, 21; Tuesday, May 29, 2012

10:00 AM Ͳ 3:00 PM 10:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM 9:00 AM Ͳ 4:00 PM 10:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM 10:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM 2:00 Ͳ 3:00 PM 11:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM 1:30 Ͳ3:00 PM 10:00 Ͳ 11:00 AM 12:00 Ͳ 1:00 PM 10:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM 1:30 Ͳ 3:30 PM 1:30 Ͳ 3:00 PM 2:30 Ͳ 4:00 PM 1:00 Ͳ 2:00 PM 10:30 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM 11:00 AM Ͳ 12:30 PM 10:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM 10:00 Ͳ 11:45 AM 1:00 Ͳ 2:30 PM 12:30 Ͳ 2:00 PM 9:00 Ͳ 11:00 AM 1:00 Ͳ 3:00 PM 10:00 Ͳ11:30 AM 10:00 Ͳ 11:30 AM 9:30 Ͳ 11:00 AM 4:30 Ͳ 6:00 PM 10:00 Ͳ 11:30 AM 2:00 Ͳ3:00 PM 1:00 Ͳ 2:00 PM 10:00 Ͳ11:30 AM 10:00 Ͳ 11:00 AM 10:30 Ͳ 11:30 AM 10:30 Ͳ 11:30 AM 2:00 Ͳ 4:00 PM 2:00 Ͳ 4:00 PM 9:00 Ͳ 11:00 AM 1:00 PM 10:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM 2:00 Ͳ 4:00 PM

Tuesday, January 24, 2012 1:00 Ͳ2:00 PM Tuesday, May 8, 2012 1:00 Ͳ2:00 PM Monday, January 23, 2012 10:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM Tuesdays, January 31; February 7, 14, 2012 2:30 Ͳ4:00 PM Wednesdays, January 18 and 25, 2012 12:00 Ͳ 1:30 PM Friday, March 02, 2012 12:20 Ͳ 2:00 PM Friday, March 23, 2012 12:20 Ͳ 2:00 PM Friday, March 30, 2012 12:20 Ͳ 2:00 PM Tuesdays, February 7, 14, 21, 28, 2012 2:30 Ͳ 4:30 PM Thursday, May 31, 2012 10:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM Thursdays, January 12 and 19, 2012 1:30 Ͳ 3:00 PM Tuesday, March 27, 2012 10:00 AM Ͳ 12:30 PM Thursday, April 19, 2012 1:30 Ͳ 3:00 PM Tuesday, April 24, 2012 1:30 Ͳ 3:30 PM

OLLI@UGA Spring 2012 Alphabetic Course List with Schedule

OLLICourse Book

OLLI@UGA Spring 2012 Course Listing by Date of First Class Session

Spring 2012, Page 52

OLLI Course Book

Course Name


All Course Dates

Start / End Times

# parking tags needed

Render unto Caesar (The) Threat on the Horizon Tackling Basic Interior Design Dilemmas Judaism Ͳ An Unorthodox, Orthodox View Impressions of Romania Picasso, Pirandello & Perception Writing a Novel French on Friday Medical Education DNA Fingerprinting Conversations with Cosmo


Mon., Wed., Fri. Jan. 9, 11, 13 Mon. Jan. 9 Tues, Jan. 10, 17, 24, 31 Tues. Jan. 10 Wed., Jan. 11 Thur., Jan. 12, 19 Thur., Jan. 12 & 19 Fri., Jan. 13 Ͳ May 25 Mon., Jan. 16 Tue., Jan. 17 Wed., Jan. 18

10:00 Ͳ 11:30 AM 2:00 Ͳ 4:00 PM 10:00 Ͳ 11:00 AM 2:00 Ͳ 3:00 PM 10:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM 10:00 Ͳ 11:45 AM 1:30 Ͳ 3:00 PM 10:30 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM 11:30 AM Ͳ 1:00 PM 12:00 Ͳ 1:30 PM 10:00 Ͳ 11:00 AM

3 0 4 1 1 2 2 20 0 0 1

Great Books


Wed., Jan. 18; Feb. 1, 15; Mar. 7, 21; Apr. 4, 18; May 10:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM 2, 16


Wireless Revolution Staying Home Athens Academy Gallery Exhibits First Aid What Now?


Wed.,Jan.18 & 25 Fri., Jan 20 Sun., Jan. 22 Mon., Jan. 23 Mon., Jan. 23

12:00 Ͳ 1:30 PM 1:00 Ͳ 2:00 PM 1:30 Ͳ 2:30 PM 9:00 AM Ͳ 12:30 PM 10:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM

2 1 0 0 1

Walk through a Victorian Natural Landscape Cemetery


Mon., Jan 23

2:00 Ͳ 4:00 PM



Tues. & Thurs., Jan. 24ͲMay 3 Tues., Jan. 24 Weds.Ͳ Fri., Jan. 25, 26, 27 Wed., Jan. 25 Thurs., Jan. 26; Feb. 2, 9, 16 Mon., Jan. 30 Mons., Jan. 30 Ͳ Apr. 16 Tues., Jan. 31; Feb. 7, 14 Thur., Feb. 2 Fri., Feb. 3 Mon., Feb. 6 Tue., Feb. 7 Tues., Feb. 7, 14, 21, 28 Wed., Feb. 8, 2012 Weds. & Fri., Feb. 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24 Wed., Feb. 8 Thur. & Fri., Feb 9, 10 Mon., Feb. 13 Mon., Wed., Thur., Feb. 13, 15, 16 Wed.ͲFri., Feb 15, 16 & 17 Fri., Feb. 17 & 24 Mon., Feb. 20 Tue., Feb. 21 Tues., Feb. 21, 28; Mar. 6 Wed., Feb. 22 Thur., Feb. 23 Mon.ͲFri., Feb. 27ͲMar. 2 Mon., Feb. 27 Wed., Feb. 29 Thur., Mar. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29; Apr. 5 Fri., Mar. 2 thru Apr. 6 Fri., Mar. 2 Mon., Mar. 5, 12, 19, 26 Mon., Mar. 5 Tue. & Thur., Mar. 6, 8 Wed., Mar. 7 Wed., Mar. 7 Thur., Mar. 8, 15, 22, 29 Tue,. Mar. 13

6:30 Ͳ 7:45 AM 1:00 Ͳ 2:00 PM 10:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM 1:00 Ͳ 2:00 PM 1:30 Ͳ 3:30 PM 10:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM 1:30 Ͳ 3:30 PM 2:30 Ͳ 4:00 PM 9:30 Ͳ 11:00 AM 12:00 Ͳ 1:30 PM 11:30 AM Ͳ 1:00 PM 10:00 Ͳ 11:30 AM 2:30 Ͳ 4:30 PM 10:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM 10:30 Ͳ 11:30 AM 1:00 Ͳ 2:30 PM 1:00 Ͳ 3:00 PM 10:00 Ͳ 11:30 AM 11:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM 1:00 Ͳ 3:00 PM 10:00 Ͳ 11:00 AM 10:00 Ͳ 11:00 AM 12:00 Ͳ 1:30 PM 2:00 Ͳ 4:00 PM 2:00 Ͳ 4:00 PM 10:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM 9:00 Ͳ 11:00 AM 1:00 Ͳ 2:30 PM 9:00 AM Ͳ 4:00 PM 9:30 Ͳ 11:00 AM 10:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM 12:20 Ͳ 2:00 PM 10:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM 11:30 AM Ͳ 1:00 PM 10:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM 1:30 Ͳ3:00 PM 10:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM 1:00 Ͳ 2:30 PM 9:00 Ͳ 11:00 AM

0 1 3 1 4 1 12 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 3 3 2 1 0 3 0 1 5 1 0 6 6 0 4 0 2 1 0 4 1

(A) Balanced Approach to Exercise Wealth Management Ͳ A (A) Fine Balance Ͳ A Poetry Writing Workshop Melanoma Locusts for Lunch? Jewish Films Beginning Conversational German I When God was a Woman Scarlett in the 21st Century Stem Cell Controversy Mayor Denson's First Year Reverse Mortgages World's Oldest Beverage Claiming My Future Tai Chi Easy Cats and Dogs Gone Wild American Revolution in the South Drippy Faucets & Slow Drains As I Lay Dying: Faulkner Estate Planning & Elder Law Basics (The) King's Georgia Electronic Medical Records Happy Trails to You Energy Healing Georgia Decorative Arts Omrit Coastal Processes Confederate Sheet Music Introduction to Fly Fishing Great Decisions 2012 Art Class: Drawing More than Flies Women & the Civil War Jewelry Ͳ Making & Design What's Happening…Clarke County School District

Historical Athens KilpatrickͲDahlgren Raid Hellebores Show/Piccadilly Farm Tour Pompeii & Herculaneum II (The) Art of Birding

Spring 2012, Page 53

Course Name


All Course Dates

Start / End Times

# parking tags needed

Historical Athens Bus Tour (A) Visit with a Glassblower Digital Photography Gardening Techniques Ͳ Lectures & Tours Georgia Farming in the Early 20th Century Birding ͲLearning Bird Songs Gentle Yoga Ͳ Chair My Life In Music Mary Surratt Gentle Yoga Ͳ Traditional Women in Education Geological Process/Human Impact Medical Ethics Ͳ End of Life Decisions Writing for Children & Young Adults


Tue,. Mar. 13 Wed., Mar. 14 Wed.ͲThur., Mar 14Ͳ15 Wed, Mar. 14, 21, 28; Apr. 4; Mon, Apr. 9 Wed., Mar. 14 Tue., Mar. 20 Tue.,Mar 20 & 27 Tue., Mar. 20 Wed., Mar 21 Thur., Mar. 22 & 29 Fri., Mar. 23 Mon., Wed., & Fri., Mar. 26, 28 & 30 Mon., Mar. 26 Tue., Mar. 27

10:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM 10:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM 10:30 Ͳ 12:30 PM 2:00 Ͳ 4:00 PM 2:00 Ͳ 4:00 PM 9:00 Ͳ 11:00 AM 10:00 Ͳ 11:00 AM 12:00 Ͳ 1:30 PM 1:30 Ͳ 3:00 PM 10:00 Ͳ 11:00 AM 12:20 Ͳ 2:00 PM 10:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM 2:30 Ͳ 4:00 PM 10:00 AM Ͳ 12:30 PM

0 0 2 3 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 1 1


Tue., Mar. 27

1:00 Ͳ 3:00 PM


Wealth Management Ͳ B Butterflies! Lectures


Fri., Mar. 30 Mon., Apr. 2 Tue., Apr. 3 Tue., Apr. 3 Wed. & Fri. Apr. 4, 6 Thur., Apr. 5 Mon.ͲFri., April 9Ͳ13 Tue.ͲWed, Apr. 10, 11 Thur., Apr. 12 & 19 Thur., Apr. 12, 19, 26; May 3 Sat., Apr. 14 Mon., Apr. 16 Mon., Apr. 16, 23, 30 Tue.& Wed., Apr. 17 & 18 Tue., Apr. 17 Thur., Apr. 19 Fri., Apr. 20, 27; May 4, 11 Mon., Apr. 23, 30 Mon., Apr. 23, 30 Tue., Apr. 24 Tue., Apr. 24; May 1 Wed., Apr. 25; May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Wed., Apr. 25; May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Wed., Apr 25 Thur., Apr 26 Thur., Apr 26; May 3, 10 Tue., May 1, 8, 15, 22 Tues., May 1, 8, 15, 22 Thur., May 3 Mon., May 7 Tue., May 8 Wed., Fri., Mon., May 9, 11, 14

12:20 Ͳ 2:00 PM 11:30 AM Ͳ 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 1:00 Ͳ 3:00 PM 1:00 Ͳ 4:00 PM 12:00 Ͳ 1:00 PM 9:00 Ͳ 11:00 AM 10:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM 11:30 AM Ͳ 1:00 PM 2:30 Ͳ 4:30 PM 10:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM 10:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM 1:00 Ͳ 3:00 PM 9:00 Ͳ 11:00 AM 12:00 Ͳ 1:30 PM 1:30 Ͳ 3:00 PM 1:30 Ͳ 3:30 PM 10:00 Ͳ 11:30 AM 11:00 AM Ͳ 12:30 PM 1:30 Ͳ 3:30 PM 4:30 Ͳ 6:00 PM 10:00 Ͳ 11:30 AM 10:30 Ͳ 11:30 AM 2:00 Ͳ 3:30 PM 11:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM 12:30 Ͳ 2:00 PM 10:00 Ͳ 11:30 AM 2:00 Ͳ 3:00 PM 10:00 AM Ͳ 3:00 PM 11:30 AM Ͳ 1:00 PM 1:00 Ͳ 2:00 PM 10:00 Ͳ 11:00 AM

0 0 0 1 0 1 5 0 2 4 1 1 3 2 0 1 4 2 2 1 0 6 0 1 1 3 4 4 0 0 1 3

Butterflies! Tours


Wed., May 9 / Thur., May 10

1:30 Ͳ 4:30 PM / 10:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM


Fit About Town Old World Wines Critical Reading Ͳ B Herbal Dramas The Bombing of Berlin Google Docs UGA Special Collections Tour


Thur., May 10, 17, 24 Thur., May 10, 17, 24 Thur., May 10, 17, 24, 31 Mon., May 14, 21; Tue., May 29 Tue., May 15 Tue., May 15, 22 & 29 Thur., May 17 Tue., May 29 Thur., May 31

9:30 Ͳ 11:00 AM 10:30 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM 2:30 Ͳ 4:30 PM 1:00 Ͳ 2:30 PM 12:00 Ͳ 1:30 PM 4:30 Ͳ 6: 00 PM 2:00 Ͳ 4:00 PM 1:00 Ͳ 3:00 PM 10:00 AM Ͳ 12:00 PM

0 3 4 3 0 0 0 1 1

Preserving Our PastͲ The UGA Historic Clothing & Textiles Collection

Women in Medicine The Arab Spring (A) Visit to Mini Creek Farm Art with Margaret Agner Art with Margaret Agner: Batik Listening to your Heart Understanding the Constitution Living in Art Aging 101 for Georgia Critical Reading Ͳ A (The) Battles of Chickamauga & Chattanooga French Love Poetry Ͳ Renaissance Georgia Water Resources Poultry, Chickens & Me Old Plants, New Problems Writing in Retirement Basic Graphic Design Stephen Ͳ The Fascinating Mr. Crane Olive Oil Writings from a Late Bloomer Searching GALILEO Databases Dementia Ͳ Its Many Dimensions Tai Chi Intermediate (The) Grand Tours Just for the Moment: Therapy Dogs (The) Population Paradox (The) Speaker in the Poem Staying Strong & Fit Home & Beyond Constitutionality of Federal Health Care Reform

Are you Saying What You Think You Are Saying

Writing & Getting Published


OLLI@UGA Spring 2012 Course Listing by Date of First Class Session

OLLICourse Book

Maps to OLLI@UGA Course Locations

Spring 2012, Page 54

OLLI Course Book

OLLI@UGA Membership Form OLLICourse Book(If you have already renewed your membership, please pass this on to a friend) New member __________

Spring 2012, Page 55

Renewing Member___________

Renewing Members Only: YES! My info has changed in the last 12 months _________ Please send me a new Name Badge ________ Table Tent ________

Name _________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Please use a separate form for each member – printable from the OLLI@UGA website: www.olli.uga.edu.)

Mailing Address _________________________________________________________________________________________ City _______________________________________ State __________ Zip ___________


Phone (H) _________________________ (C) ___________________________ Email _________________________________ Please tell us about your hobbies, your career or business experience, and your volunteer experience. If you need additional space, please use the back of this form. _____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

OLLI@UGA Membership through June 30, 2012 is $20.00 per person. Membership renewal: July 1, 2012-June 30, 2013 will be $40 per person. How did you hear about OLLI@UGA? ________________________________________________________________________ If you do NOT want your name and contact information listed in the OLLI Membership booklet, please check here Please be aware that other OLLI members, Class Facilitators, and Committee Chairs may have difficulty reaching you if you opt out of the Membership Booklet.

To save gas and to be more earth friendly, would you like to participate in a carpool for your class(es)? ____ Yes _____ No Do you require assistance with transportation to classes, if available? ____ Yes _____ No Would you be willing to provide transportation for a member who needs assistance? ____ Yes _____ No I would like to support OLLI@UGA with the enclosed tax deductible monetary contribution ___$15 ___$25 ___$50 $_______other

Make the most of your membership! Please indicate your interest in the following areas: Committees: At the heart of OLLI@UGA programs are its committees. Members plan all educational, travel and social activities. ______ Curriculum ______ Finance _____ Development

______ Membership ______ Publications/Newsletter ______ Marketing

_______ Technology ______ Public Relations _______ Travel/Study ______ Member Services (Social) _______ Long Range Planning

Would you like to teach a course? If you would, please describe a topic. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Special Interest Groups: Special interest groups meet in non-classroom settings. Interest groups are self-governing. Feel free to make a suggestion for a new special interest group that you would be willing to lead. Bicycling Book Discussion Intermediate Bridge Stitch & Chat Investment

LadyDogs Basketball (UGA) Novice Bridge Mac (computer) Fanatics Digital Photography SoloSENIORS

Opera Hand Quilting Memoir Writing Beadiacs Bonsai

Lunch Bunch Happy Hikers Supper Club OLLI Pops-Folk Singers

Comments and Suggestion: ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Remember to enclose this completed form with your check OLLI@UGA Membership through June 30, 2012 is $20.00 per person. Membership renewal: July 1, 2012-June 30, 2013 will be $40 per person. Payable to OLLI@UGA OLLI@UGA, River’s Crossing, 850 College Station Road, Athens, GA 30602-4811

CCE________ LS________ SIG/CC_________ MC_________ CL______ RAN ______ NMK_________

Rev. 11/2011 M:\Projects\OLLIUGA\Forms

Spring 2012, Page 56

OLLI Course Book

Alphabetic Listing of Presenters Presenter Abney, R Abney, R Adreae Agner Agner Anderson Bailey Blanco Bray Britt Brown Buffalo Burgess Calkin Carter Cash Cerwonka Cerwonka Conley Cook Couch Cowne Craig Craige Cress Crowe Crowe Crowell Curtis Curtis Dale Dallmeyer Dasinger, Jr Dean Denson deRocher Duke Eby, C Eby, C Eby, L Evans Farmer Glass Glazen Gleason Gulley Halper Hart Hewitt Hewitt Home Depot Hyde Johnson, N Johnson, L Kissane Klingel Klingel Kundell Lanoue Lessard Lockman

Course Name (The) Grand Tours Olive Oil American Revolution in the South Art with Margaret Agner Art with Margaret Agner: Batik DNA Fingerprinting Locusts for Lunch? Preserving Our Past Ͳ The UGA Historic Clothing & Textiles Collection

Writing & Getting Published What Now? (A) Visit to Mini Creek Farm First Aid Wireless Revolution Introduction to Fly Fishing Understanding the Constitution Writing a Novel Great Decisions 2012 (The) Population Paradox Dementia Ͳ Its Many Dimensions Happy Trails to You Georgia Decorative Arts Jewelry Ͳ Making & Design Writing & Getting Published Conversations with Cosmo Claiming My Future Gentle Yoga Ͳ Chair Gentle Yoga Ͳ Traditional My Life In Music Confederate Sheet Music Pompeii & Herculaneum II Poultry, Chickens & Me Coastal Processes (The) Battles of Chickamauga & Chattanooga Beginning Conversational German I Mayor Denson's First Year French Love Poetry Ͳ Renaissance Fit About Town Critical Reading Ͳ A Critical Reading Ͳ B (A) Visit with a Glassblower (A) Balanced Approach to Exercise Stem Cell Controversy Aging 101 for Georgia Reverse Mortgages Old Plants, New Problems Estate Planning & Elder Law Basics Medical Ethics Ͳ End of Life Decisions Energy Healing Wealth Management Ͳ A Wealth Management Ͳ B Drippy Faucets & Slow Drains Staying Strong & Fit Electronic Medical Records (The) Threat on the Horizon (The) Speaker in the Poem Writing for Children & Young Adults Just for the Moment: Therapy Dogs Georgia Water Resources What's Happening…Clarke County School District

Tackling Basic Interior Design Dilemmas Melanoma

Presenter Longman Loughner Loughner Maioriello Maioriello Maltese Marshall Marshall Marshall Masters Masters McAlexander, H McAlexander, P McDaniel Meeks Milward Moesta Morrow Mullins

Course Name Picasso, Pirandello & Perception Great Books Omrit (The) Art of Birding Birding Ͳ Learning Bird Songs Constitutionality of Federal Health Care Reform

Historical Athens Historical Athens Tour Walk through a Victorian Natural Landscape Cemetery

The Bombing of Berlin Old World Wines As I Lay Dying: Faulkner Are you Saying What You Think You Are Saying?

Writings from a Late Bloomer Writing for Children & Young Adults French on Friday Cats and Dogs Gone Wild Women & the Civil War Living in Art Multiple Presenters Home & Beyond Murrow Listening to Your Heart Nelson Herbal Dramas Nicholls Digital Photography Nickols Women in Education O'Brien (A) Balanced Approach to Exercise Pereira Google Docs Pereira Searching GALILEO Databases Phillips Writing in Retirement Porter Butterflies! Lectures Porter Butterflies! Tours Reed (A) Fine Balance Ͳ A Poetry Writing Workshop Reed Impressions of Romania Refson Judaism Ͳ An Unorthodox, Orthodox View Rich Geological Process/Human Impact Roth, J Art Class: Drawing More than Flies Roth, J Basic Graphic Design Roth, J Gardening Techniques Ͳ Lectures & Tours Roth, J Hellebores Show/Piccadilly Farm Tour Roth, B World's Oldest Beverage Rudy Great Decisions 2012 Sabra The Arab Spring Savage Render unto Caesar Schuster Medical Education Schuster Women in Medicine Severn UGA Special Collections Tour Sharp Writing & Getting Published Smith Staying Home Steuck Athens Academy Gallery Exhibits Tesser Jewish Films Thompson Estate Planning & Elder Law Basics Tuten UGA Special Collections Tour Warren (The) King's Georgia Waters KilpatrickͲDahlgren Raid Waters Mary Surratt West Scarlett in the 21st Century West When God was a Woman Wilson Georgia Farming in the Early 20th Century Winger Are you Saying What You Think You Are Saying? Winger Stephen Ͳ The Fascinating Mr. Crane Wittenberg Tai Chi Easy Wittenberg Tai Chi Intermediate Wright Writing & Getting Published

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.