2011 OLLI June Newsletter

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at the University of Georgia

Volume 8, Number 6, June 2011


NEW SLATE OF OFFICERS, CAROL FISHER AWARD OLLI’s Annual Mee ng was held at Central Presbyterian Church, with delicious refreshments provided by Talmage Terrace. The mee ng was chaired by President Anita Brannen. A major item on the agenda was the acceptance of the slate of new officers and Board members of OLLI@UGA by a majority of those present. The officers are President, Mac Rawson; PresidentElect, William (Bill) Alworth; Vice President for Programs, Nancy Canolty; Secretary, Carolyn Abney; and Treasurer, John Songster. New Members of the Board of Directors are Helen Epps, William (Bill) Loughner, Pat McAlexander, Don Schneider, and Jay Schinn. The members of OLLI’s new Nomina ng Commi ee were also accepted: Anita Brannen; OLLI PresidentElect, Bill Alworth; Sally Bolemen; Ann Crowley; and Ann Darby. The new officers and Board members will assume their offices on July 1.

New Officers

(le to right): Carolyn Abney, John Songster, Mac Rawson, Bill Alworth, Nancy Canolty.

New Board members

(le to right): Don Schneider, Pat McAlexander, Jay Schinn, Helen Epps. Not pictured: Bill Loughner Photos by Chuck Murphy

Anita Brannen presents the Carol Fisher Award to Kathy Gratzek.

Another highlight of the Annual Mee ng was the presenta on of the Carol Fisher award, which honors members for outstanding service to LIR/OLLI. This year the Board selected Kathy Gratzek as the award recipient. Kathy has been the Vice President of LIR/OLLI twice, most recently last year. As a part of her job as Vice President, she chaired the task force that reviewed the OLLI by-laws, Board policies and commi ees, a job that took several months to complete. In addi on, she has for years been a member of the Curriculum Commi ee and the coordinator of the Lunch & Learn series. She was a member of the original Osher Planning Commi ee, and she served on the Nomina ng Commi ee this year. Outside of OLLI, she has served for many years with The Athens Community Council on Aging and is a current member of their Board. She has also been on the Board of the Jeanne e Rankin Founda on and been a part of the leadership in their phenomenal na onwide growth. Past recipients of the Carol Fisher award have been Roland Brooks, Jeani Goodwin, and Olga Gray. Carol Fisher, a re red faculty member in the College of Educa on, was a founding member of OLLI. The Award is named in recogni on of Carol’s long and dedicated service to the organiza on un l her death in spring 2010. Anita also recognized several o en behind-the-scenes members for their service to the organiza on: Sally Boleman (who will be leaving the execu ve commi ee a er two years as Secretary), Chuck Murphy (Technology), Teresa Morris (Development), Keith Moore (Membership), Roland Brooks (Public Rela ons), Martha Phillips (Long Term Planning), Jeani Goodwin (Curriculum), Grace Rabek and Ron Linhart (Board members), Pat McAlexander and Alexis Winger (Newsle er editors), Troy Basset (Newsle er forma er). She ended with someone she (and we all) know quite well: her husband, Barney. New President Mac Rawson presented Anita herself with a gi cer ficate in apprecia on of her work as President of OLLI.


Osher Lifelong Learning Institute


River’s Crossing 850 College Station Road Athens, GA 30602-4811 Telephone: 706.542.7715

Dear OLLI Members, There are so many really terrific people in OLLI. It has been such a pleasure to get to know so many of you and such an honor to represent you as President. I look forward to seeing you in classes and on trips and working with you as volunteers on various projects in the coming years. Thank you for all that you contribute to making OLLI@UGA Anita Brannen the really special organiza on that it is. Let’s keep up the good efforts and high standards that we have worked for together.


NOTE TO THE PRESIDENT Thank you, Anita, for being our president these past two years, overseeing our amazing growth and change. You have done a great service for OLLI@UGA and for all of us who have reached 50 and beyond. Under your leadership, more than ever, OLLI is helping us to have the me of our lives!

June 22 – 1:30-3:30 OLLI VOLUNTEERS TO BE HONORED As Anita has told us many mes, OLLI could not exist without its volunteers. Some of them play roles that are almost full- me jobs—jobs that require dedica on and exper se; but all OLLI volunteers make valuable and necessary contribu ons to the organiza on. At the recep on called “Volunteers Rock!”, OLLI will honor its many volunteers. It’s an ice cream social with 1950’s music and themes, and it’s free—at Trumps, June 22, 1:30-3:30. Reserva on deadline extended to June 16. If there’s s ll me, contact Carly Lutsky: 543-2892 or IAMcowbells23@aol.com.

OLLI Website Address: www.olli.uga.edu Registration, travel and membership forms also available on the “About Us” section of the website. Hover mouse, select “Forms.”

OLLI Email Address: olli@uga.edu

OLLI Staff Katy Crapo - Program Director Zu Reuter - Administrative Assistant

OLLI Officers 2010-2011 Anita Brannen - President Mac Rawson - President Elect Nancy Canolty - Vice President Sally Bolemon - Secretary Robert Leventry - Treasurer

OLLI Board of Directors Carolyn Abney Bill Alworth Ann Darby Richard Hargrove Ron Linhart

Teresa Morris Martha Phillips Grace Rabek Nancy Songster Alexis Winger

OLLI Committee Chairs Curriculum: Jeani Goodwin Development: Terry Utz Finance: John Rudy Historian: William Loughner Information Technology: Chuck Murphy Long Term Planning: Martha Phillips Member Services: Nancy Songster Membership: Keith Moore Nominating: Diana Cerwonka Public Relations: Roland Brooks Publications: Pat McAlexander Registration: Nancy Canolty, Carol Gogstad Special Interest Groups: Carolyn Abney Strategic Marketing: Randall Abney Travel/Study: Bill Allworth Volunteer Coordinator: Ann Darby

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TWO MORE OLLI ARTISTS We have learned that Elizabeth Barton, a quilt-maker, had a quilt in the Lyndon House show (below, right). Called “A Summer Day Long Ago,” it was 46” wide and 28” high. Some of its colors, shapes and lines were inspired by a Larry Rivers pain ng she saw in the Brooklyn Museum several years ago. Elizabeth also had two quilts in OCAF’s 16th Annual Southworks Exhibi on (April 1 to May 7). While both these shows are over, you can see two of Elizabeth’s quilts in the public library as you go upstairs, and several more on her website, www. elizabethbarton.com . Elizabeth writes, “I paint or dye all my own fabric; I just buy bolts of white co on. The designs are all mine and original.” Finally, long- me OLLI member Claire Clements wrote to tell us that she is having a solo show of her cut paper pain ngs. En tled “Paper Moon,” the show will be at the Oconee Cultural Arts Founda on, (OCAF) June 17-July 25. Circles are an important component of this exhibit: Claire incorporated moons, suns, and other circles within her work because of their symbolic meaning of unity and wholeness. Gallery hours are Tuesday-Saturday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Claire Clements’ “Moon Glow.”

APRIL NEWSLETTER CORRECTIONS The photo of Randall Abney and Chuck Murphy on page 3 was taken with Chuck’s camera and posted on Chuck’s Picasa album, but the picture was actually taken by Lew Frazar. Sure, we should have known that Chuck, being in the picture, didn’t take it, but then Chuck seems able to do anything. The tle of the magazine that featured an ar cle on the Leventrys (“The Quinoa Connec on” by Elaine Kalber) was mistakenly iden fied as Over 50. Its correct tle is Next: Life Begins at 50. So if you call the Banner-Herald to ask for your free subscrip on, ask for Next (and tell them you’re over 50)!

Elizabeth Barton’s “A Summer Day Long Ago.”

OLLI BRIEFS By now you should have received your course book and registered for your July classes. We look forward to a month of s mula ng learning! But here’s a heads-up: UGA is re-carpe ng and pain ng River’s Crossing classrooms this summer, so be ready to encounter some changes and possibly detours as you a end your classes there! Online registra on is coming for Fall 2011. OLLI Board member Grace Rabek has been chosen as the Usher of the Year for the Classic Center. Fortune Magazine has chosen four top ci es to which to re re. Athens was one of those chosen—because of its opportuni es for lifelong learning. Thanks to Be y Jean Craige, Sally Krickel, Zu, Nancy Canolty, Katy, and Anita for their help with this issue of the newsle er. Future publica ons: in August, the Fall Course Book and in September, a newsle er. Stories and pictures for the September newsle er will be due by the end of August, but earlier submission is appreciated. Send newsle er materials and content sugges ons to Pat McAlexander, patmcalex@gmail.com ).

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OLLI BOARD APPROVES STRATEGIC PLAN OLLI’s Strategic Plan was just approved by the OLLI Board. It is the result of a year-long process directed by Laura Bierema. Dr. Bierema, Professor of Lifelong Educa on, Administra on, and Policy in the UGA College of Educa on, is an expert in designing and direc ng such processes. The en re board and all commi ee chairs par cipated in forming this plan. Martha Phillips was the chair of the Long-Term Planning Commi ee. Implementa on of the plan will involve following through on the objec ves iden fied in these mee ngs. In a certain sense, the Plan is a living document, meaning that some of the steps are already taking place in order to fulfill the opera onal needs of OLLI@UGA. Other objec ves will be implemented as soon as possible and revised as needed. The Proprietors of each objec ve will own the responsibility for following through on the goal. It is recommended that the Long-Term Planning Commi ee and the Proprietors be appointed to supervise implementa on and/or revision of set objec ves as appropriate. The chair of the Long-Term Planning Commi ee will report on the status of Strategic Plan implementa on to the OLLI@UGA Board of Directors semi-annually or as needed to reset priori es. (See opposite page.)

OLLI PRESENTERS HONORED A recep on honoring those who have presented OLLI classes was held Wednesday, April 27, from 2:00 to 4:00 at Trumps. Sea ng for the capacity crowd was arranged by place card, and a endees enjoyed a delicious buffet of fresh fruit and sweets. Jeani Goodwin, Curriculum Chair, had organized a lively program, part of which was a “quiz” - she called up several presenters, read descrip ons of them, and asked the audience to iden fy which one she was describing. (Some people called out, “We thought OLLI didn’t give tests!”) Jeani then read some entertaining and informa ve descrip ons of other presenters, who stood as they were introduced. It was an occasion worthy of the many talented people who have taught OLLI classes over the years.

Jeani Goodwin (behind lectern) with several presenters, including (third from le ) OLLI president Anita Brannen. (Photo by Bill Fla )

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Strategic Plan — Goals and Objectives Goal I: Increase membership and its diversity (gender, race, age, and experience) by offering quality programs, member services, and volunteer opportuni es. A. Objec ve: Develop recruitment and reten on plan to increase membership to 1200 by FY 2014/2015. (Proprietors: Commi ee Chairs - Membership and Strategic Marke ng) B. Objec ve: Maintain records of members’ interests, par cipa on, and volunteer ac vity. (Proprietors: OLLI Staff and Volunteer Coordinator) C. Objec ve: Expand member services, provide transporta on, offer buddy system, develop affiliate chapters, and add loca ons for programs. (Proprietors: Commi ee Chairs – Curriculum, Members Services, and Strategic Marke ng) D. Objec ve: Grow curriculum, build core group of presenters, moderators and facilitators, and expand special interest groups as the means to offer con nuous superior programs in educa on, distance learning, travel study, and social ac vi es. (Proprietors: Vice-President for Programs, Commi ee Chairs – Curriculum, Member Services, Travel Study, and Special Interests Groups) E. Objec ve: U lize technology to its fullest to communicate with members via website, newsle ers, class informa on, registra on, and in classroom presenta ons (offering printed copy to non-tech members). (Proprietors: OLLI Staff, President, Technology Chair, and Newsle er Editor) Goal II: Ensure Financial Stability. A. Objec ve: Pursue Osher Founda on funding. (Proprietors: President, President-Elect, and UGA Dean for Outreach and Engagement) B. Objec ve: Employ a five-year financial future plan using Five Forward Model adopted by the Board February 16, 2011. (Proprietor: Commi ee Chair - Finance) C. Objec ve: Implement financial procedures established by professional advisors, recommended by the Finance Commi ee and adopted by the Board March 16, 2011. (Proprietors: Commi ee Chairs – Development and Finance) D. Objec ve: Implement development plan for sustained funding as approved by the Board January 19, 2011. (Proprietor: Commi ee Chair – Development) E. Objec ve: Pursue other sources of funding. (Proprietors: Execu ve Commi ee and Appropriate Commi ee Chairs) Goal III: Define the Role of OLLI@UGA – Management, Governance, Community Awareness and Marke ng. A. Objec ve: Incorporate good peer management prac ces, policies, and procedures. (Proprietors: President and Execu ve Commi ee) B. Objec ve: Educate membership as to the workings of the organiza on. (Proprietors: President, Board and All Commi ee Chairs). C. Objec ve: Cul vate rela ons with UGA, UGA founda ons, re ree associa ons, community groups, and other lifelong learning organiza ons. (Proprietors: President, Execu ve Commi ee and All Commi ee Chairs) D. Objec ve: Iden fy and train leaders with a en on to diversity (gender, race, age and experience). Provide for leadership succession. (Proprietors: Execu ve Commi ee and All Commi ee Chairs) E. Objec ve: Develop a higher awareness of OLLI@UGA in the community. (Proprietors: Commi ee Chairs – Public Rela ons and Strategic Marke ng)

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OLLI Travel Colorado Plateau Trip April 1-11, 2011 The OLLI trip to the Colorado Plateau to study the geology of this fascina ng and diverse area (April 1-11) was wonderful. The trip wound its way over eleven days from Phoenix to Salt Lake City, hi ng five na onal parks and assorted other parks, monuments, and scenic areas. We saw the surface rocks and forma ons change as we

drove through this fascina ng region, and in the canyons and mountains could see how the surface changes were related to the various layers (fancy word: strata) below. Rock ages varied from over a billion years at the bo om of the Grand Canyon to some volcanic rocks less than 100,000 years old. We observed differences in vegeta on

Center: Hoodoos at Bryce Canyon. Others, clockwise, from 12 o'clock: 1) Penny Adams and Smith Wilson (“Now just let me tell YOU something, Mr. Man Mountain!”) 2) Mountains outside Salt Lake City 3) Grand Canyon, 4) One of our many rest stop lines 5) Sunrise at Grand Canyon 6) A joyful June Mazur and Alexis Winger beside Bryce Canyon snow bank. 7) “The Three Sisters” rock forma on in Arches Na onal Park 8) Group picture. (Photo Credits: #1 by Dorinda Dallmeyer, #8 by David Dallmeyer, all others by Jeff Engel.)

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rela ng to the changes in rock type, al tude and moisture. We learned to recognize the various strata, especially the fossilized sand dunes that make up the Navaho forma on, and not only discussed, but got to see how their varying hardness and erosion resistance led to the produc on of the incredible rock forma ons. And for those of us who are photographers, well, it is hard to find be er scenery.

Callaway Gardens / Warm Springs Images

We enjoyed huge breakfasts at the motels, hurried lunches at McDonalds or on-the-road “picnics” of food from convenience stores, and group dinners where we got to sit around and talk about everything, including all we had seen that day. Highlights included sunrise at the Grand Canyon (for those silly enough to get out of bed at 4 a.m.), the appropriatelynamed Coral Pink Sand Dunes, the fantas c shapes of the hoodoos in Bryce Canyon, snow along the trail at Bryce, the tall, ver cal cliffs of Zion, the natural bridges and other shapes at Arches, fossils at a roadside park, and the museum in Page where we heard a talk about fossilized dinosaur footprints.

Azaleas by lake at Callaway Gardens

Three graduate students from the Geology Department served as our chauffeurs. Their energy, enthusiasm and an cs added immeasurably to our enjoyment. Thanks, guys. To David Dallmeyer, who did an incredible job of pu ng the trip together and finding lodging and food for 37 people: GREAT WORK! Thank you. – Jeff Engel

Callaway Gardens/Warm Springs Trip

Tropical bu erflies at Cecil B. Day Bu erfly Center

During the OLLI trip to Callaway Gardens and Warm Springs April 19-20, we saw (among other things) beau ful woodland scenes with some azaleas s ll blooming, the Cecil B. Day Bu erfly Center, and the Li le White House, where Franklin Delano Roosevelt stayed when he came to Warm Springs to treat his paralysis. This very modest house was furnished as it had been in the 1930s and 40s, reviving (in some of us) memories of our childhoods and showing us anew how much mes have changed. This was OLLI’s first trip with members of UGARA (University of Georgia Re rees Associa on.) Thanks to Marilynn Smith for organizing this great trip. – Pat McAlexander continued on page 12

Li le White House kitchen – Photos by Pat McAlexander

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OLLI Classes French on Fridays Is Fun For the past two OLLI terms, fi een or so francophones (speakers of French) have met together at the “French on Friday” class to improve their French speaking and reading skills. The class is made up of beginners, the French-born, frequent travelers; most have training from high school, required college semesters, and/or undergraduate and graduate concentra ons. But their speaking skills, except for those with con nued family connec ons and travel abroad, had become rusty, rarely used. The class instructor is Benedicte Milward, a French na ve who lived in the United States (Gainesville, Florida) in the 1980’s while her husband earned his master’s degree in biology. The couple returned to the U.S. (Athens) in 2002; her husband, having earned a veterinarian’s degree in France, works for Merial here. Benedicte trained originally as an occupa onal therapist, but, she says, “I never worked as an OT because we moved to the United States soon a er we got married and I didn’t have any equivalences

[cer fica on] with the States. («Mais je n’ai pas exercé longtemps ma profession car nous avons déménagé aux Etats-unis rapidement après notre marriage et je n’avais pas d›équivalences aux USA. ») Later Benedicte earned a master’s degree in Religious Educa on. She was working for the diocese of Lyon when she and her husband moved to the U.S. the second me with the younger three of their four children. (All four of her children now have college degrees, and two have Ph.D’s.) Here in Athens Benedicte served for four years as the director of Religious Educa on for Saint Joseph’s Catholic Church. She has been re red for two years. How did she get involved in teaching this OLLI course? “I met Jeani Goodwin and told her that I would be interested to teach French. She said that it hadn’t been done before in OLLI but that she was very interested by my offer and willing to try. We decided to start with a class of French culture to see how people would respond. And here we are!” Benedicte’s grammar training is “only” that of a typical French college graduate, but that clearly is more than enough: for OLLI’s “French on Friday” she put together both the cultural course and the language class curriculum without assigning textbooks. The class members, who generally consider Benedicte a special and new friend, find her “thoroughly enjoyable – from every angle. Commi ed, energe c, funny, diligent, always bright and cheery.” Unlike those formal language courses from as long as 50 years ago, the pace is rapid and the atmosphere is fun and forgiving. Benedicte jumped right into the language class by providing an introduc on of her family history, using an elementary vocabulary list and wri ng it all in present tense with simple verbs. A typical class lesson is a point of grammar, several exercises to ingrain that point, and opportuni es to speak and write. The grammar may have started on an elementary level, but the only verb lesson yet to come is the subjunc ve form. Past and future tenses, irregular verbs, vocabulary: they’re all there. Class member Carole Hayden said, “Benedicte is really making us work, and I enjoy every minute of it, although my brain is not [finding] those verb endings easy to conquer.”

“French on Fridays” instructor Benedicte Milward.

Benedicte has had guest speakers come to class—Léon Frescurat, a teenaged member of the French resistance, and his sister Raymonde Mickelsen; they spoke in French,

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of course. The class also includes special ac vi es. For one, class members chose partners to prepare and present a skit in French for the class—short conversa ons telling the classmates a li le bit about their lives and interests. For another, class members par cipated in a mul plechoice French grammar quiz “game.” The winning team was provided a donated massage and restaurant coupons. Class member Sherrie Nist thinks that her “classmates seem pre y comfortable with one another. We can all laugh at our own mistakes and feel free to ask Benedicte ques ons if we have them.” Most important, confidence in all aspects—speaking, listening, reading, and wri ng— has greatly improved. Although there will be some class members intending to prac ce their new skills this summer when they travel to France as tourists or to visit family, there is a special incen ve to con nue with French on Fridays next year: Benedicte has arranged for her students to have home stays in summer 2012 with friends she made while she lived in Lyon. That trip to France will be limited to fi een students who have been in the class. The planned i nerary includes historic and scenic sites around Lyon, as well as day trips to mountain resorts and medieval hill towns. Her friends/hosts will provide typical French meals in their homes on several of the days. Because room and board costs will be reasonable, the trip will be economical. But the best part will be ge ng to know “real” French people. Class member Hilda Shepard says, “I feel more secure trying to express myself in French now; and I am really looking forward to our trip planned for 2012.”

Tai Chi Easy

Instructor Tom Wi enburg “places the sun.” photo by Pat McAlexander

Accessorizing Your Computer

Instructor Kevin Knight shows the class a computer mother board.

—Marilynn Smith

The Ann Crowley Report

photo by Bill Fla

Cri cal Reading: American Short Stories

OLLI PARADE COMMITTEE MAKES PROGRESS!!! After many lengthy and passionate discussions, the OLLI Parade Commi ee is ready to make an announcement. Although they s ll have to determine the official OLLI float color and theme, they are pleased to announce they have unanimously selected horseradish as the official OLLI Float Herb. They found inspira on in the Interna onal Horseradish Fes val and Li le Miss Horseradish Pageant held June 4 and 5 in Collinsville, Illinois. Google it at: www.collinsvillerec.com/pdffiles/2011%20LittleMissApp.pdf .

Watch for further progress reports from the OLLI Parade Commi ee.

Instructor Cecil Eby (middle) with his class. photo by Zu Reuter

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OLLI Special Interest Groups (SIGS) New SIG: “OLLI Beadiacs” Mary Ann Kelly would like to be the Champion of a SIG for “Beadiacs”—individuals interested in beading, stringing, and simple wire work. She writes, “I don’t envision this as a class, but rather as an informal group of individuals that share the same interest, ge ng together once a week for three hours or so to work on their projects, brainstorm ideas and help each other when our work takes an oops! It would be a wonderful opportunity to visit with others who share this interest and passion. I believe that we can share techniques and help each other over the many bumps we hit as we try to let the crea ve juices flow. It certainly brings more fun to projects. This is something that can be offered year round. Think of all the Christmas presents, Easter gi s, wedding, birthday, and gradua on gi s our members could make! And we’d save $$$$$!” Par cipants who have no experience but would just like to see what it›s all about are very welcome because beaders are happy to provide basic informa on and demonstrate techniques. Mary Ann hopes to have a planning mee ng in July. OLLI members who are interested can contact her at 706 6136311 or makelly@uga.edu. She is having knee surgery in June (she will be in the hospital June 5-12), but a er that will be checking her messages and can take calls.

Happy Hikers

String of Pearls Memoir Group Memory of a Bus Ride: A Memoir Wri en for “String of Pearls” by Laura Pa erson My early growing-up years were in Atlanta. My father had been reared on a farm, and he had a theory that the second genera on away from the farm goes bad. He did not want his children to spend their en re lives in the city. So in 1949, when I was in the sixth grade, we moved to the country—two miles out from the small town of Powder Springs in Cobb County. Burl, the preacher at the small Methodist church we a ended there, was a theology student at Emory during the week. At Emory he and his wife lived in a graduate student apartment development on the campus known as “mud village.” Inside, the apartments were very nice, but outside the roads were not paved and the buildings were not painted. In the summer of 1952, when I was thirteen, Burl was going to Alabama for conference for one week in June. His wife, Dot, was not going. She was saving her vaca on me to take off at Christmas. The other ministerial residents of mud village were also returning to their home Happy Hikers at DeSoto Falls

The Happy Hikers group has had four great hikes since the group began—at Ravens Cliff Falls in North GA, at the Botanical Gardens here in Athens., and at the DeSoto Falls Trail near Dahlonega. The most recent, on May 27, was Sosebee Cove Trail, a trail in north Georgia well-known for its wildflowers, and a trail in nearby Vogel State Park. Iris Miracle, coordinator, reports that the group’s membership is now 88. She writes, “For quite some me, I had been wishing to find people to hike with, and my dream has come true beyond my wildest expecta ons!” Contact Iris at her new email address, happyhikers@ yahoo.com or 706-353-6711. (le to right): Carter Naylor, Linda & Phil Koehler, Marlene Boyle, Iris Miracle, Mac Rawson, Elizabeth Barton.

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conferences that week, and those wives were going. (In the early 1950s, spouses of ministers were always wives … at least in the Methodist church.) Students in other disciplines were gone for the summer. Dot would be le alone in mud village.

are not going to sit in front of us.” “Why won’t they?” “I don’t know why. I just know that they won’t.” We carried on this conversa on for several stops. She had the aisle seat. I had the window seat. I could not move un l she moved.

Burl asked me if I would come and stay with Dot for the week he would be at conference. He said I should bring a friend, because Dot would be at work during the day and I would want company. I invited Freddie Jean Roberts, a friend from school and church. She was new in the community. Her father’s employer had transferred him from southern California to Marie a. Her whole life had been spent in California. She had no concept of segrega on.

The people ge ng on the bus tried not to even stand in front of us. They packed like sardines into the aisle behind us. I did not know at the me that it was illegal under Georgia law for blacks to be in front of whites on the bus. I just knew from experience and observa on that they were not going to sit in front of us. Finally I talked her into moving to the front of the bus.

My mother gave me money for the three of us—Dot, Freddie Jean, and me—to go out to supper one night during the week. For the evening of the dinner, Dot suggested that Freddie Jean and I ride the bus from mud village to town and meet her at a certain restaurant. A er supper all three of us would ride the bus home. Dot told us where to catch the bus, where to get off, and which direc on to walk the two blocks to the restaurant. Freddie Jean and I were the first passengers on the bus, and we sat midway back. As the bus proceeded toward town, it filled up with passengers. We were the only white people on the bus. The seats behind us filled, and the aisle behind us began to fill with passengers who were standing. I said, “Freddie Jean, we need to move to the front so these people can sit down.” She said, “They can sit down. There are plenty of seats.” I said, “It doesn’t ma er. They

Freddie Jean was surprised that once we moved, everyone who was standing immediately sat down. It was what I expected. I did not know anything about the law, but I had observed behavior enough to know that as long as we kept our seats, no one with dark skin would sit in front of us. And I knew that the right thing for us, the white passengers, to do was move to the front of the bus, even if we did not understand why. Contact Roger Bailey (roger1731@charter.net or 706 548-1068) if you are interested in joining the String of Pearls SIG.

In Memoriam Paul E. Kelly, Gene Michaels, Sarah Carlton Proctor

THANK YOU, TROY! Now at the end of our academic year, we also want to thank Troy Basse , the OLLI newsle er’s forma er. Troy’s office is in Aderhold, and as a “Program Coordinator III” (which he says is an all-purpose tle), he prepares a number of publica ons for the College of Educa on. Throughout this year he has made the OLLI newsle er look so good! He is prompt and intui ve, placing ar cles and pictures effec vely, o en in ways the editors themselves could not imagine; and he always responds pa ently to our editorial changes, correc ons, and requests. He does the OLLI course book and directory equally well. I was glad finally to meet Troy in person— and to take this picture so that, in a way, you can “meet” him too! – Pat McAlexander

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OLLI Travel continued from page 7

Trip to Andalusia and Governor’s Mansion, Milledgeville On May 19 several OLLI members made a trip to Andalusia, Flannery O’Connor’s home, and to the beau fully restored Governor’s Mansion in Milledgeville--a trip made extra interes ng by the fact that cicadas, in their thirteen-year cycle, had descended upon the area.

NATIONAL AND REGIONAL OLLI CONFERENCES Nancy Canolty and Katy Crapo represented our organiza on at the Na onal OLLI Conven on in Itasca, IL. There were 255 a endees from the 117 OLLI’s in the country. A er hearing the outstanding accomplishments of other OLLI organiza ons, Nancy and Katy realized anew what a great job our own OLLI@UGA is doing, even as they took notes on ideas to try. Some of them: o Auc on as fundraiser o OLLI Brown Bag Lunch—one topic all day o Ambassador—idea of informa on desk or concierge staffed by volunteer o Use high school students to teach classes on computer skills o Offer a “revisi ng alegbra” class While at the conference, Nancy and Katy adver sed the 2013 Southern Regional Conference for Ins tutes of Learning in Re rement, which will be hosted by us (OLLI@UGA) July 24-26, 2013, in Athens, Georgia.

OLLI members on steps of Andalusia farmhouse.

Cicada on Milledgeville Street. – Photo by Pat McAlexander

This year’s Southern Regional Conference for Ins tutes for Learning in Re rement, sponsored by the University of Alabama Con nuing Studies, will be July 27 – 29 at the Bryant Conference Center in Tuscaloosa, AL. This threeday conference will offer learning opportuni es and the sharing of ideas for lifelong learning organiza ons in the Southeast area. For more informa on, contact Chris ne Lewitzke at 205-348-6482 or clewitzke@ccs.ua.edu.

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