2012 Fall OLLI@UGA Course Guide

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OLLICourse Book

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Fall 2012 Course Book Climate Change and Other Timely Topics “Climate is the clothes you buy; weather is what you wear today.” Fi h Grader Climate change is the ho est of all the topics exploring Planet Earth—past, present and future— in this fall’s OLLI curriculum, which also includes a broad spectrum of courses on a host of other subjects. There is nothing new about climate change, says presenter Pam Knox, an applied climatologist on the UGA engineering faculty. “Climate is one of the great determining factors of how people live, what they wear and what they eat,” she explains. “The climate on Earth has varied greatly over the life of the planet, but condi ons that allow humans to live and thrive are only a short part of that th me span. As climate has changed over me, the environments envi that cultures have adapted to have also changed, cha causing conflicts between culturess and ecosystems ecosyst trying to maintain their preferred condi ondi ons. As A climate changes again in the future, what new conflicts and shi s in plants and animals will occur and how adaptable can we be to those changes?” ges?” Climate change will also be the topic of a Lunch and Learn with Dr. David Stooksbury, former state climatologist and UGA associate professor of engineering and atmospheric sciences. Dr. Jim Kundell, UGA Georgia Power professor sor of water resources emeritus and current chairman man of the Environmental Advisory Board to the Chief the of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, will carry th theme a step further in “Changing Perspec ves on climate the Environment.” “The fact is that global cl

change is real—the sea level is rising, the glaciers are receding and frost-free days are moving north,” Kundell says. “What is our contribu on and how do we deal effec vely with it? Do we change our lifestyles and do things differently or bury our heads in the sand?” Kundell says there is no silver bullet for environmental problems. “I think we have some significant choices that we have to make and it won’t be easy. We must approach the situa on realis cally and pragma cally if we are going to limit the effects of climate change.” continued on page 3

What’s Inside? Alphabe c lis ng of presenters ...................... Page 4 Course lis ng by category................................Page 4 Alphabe c course lis ng with descrip ons .....Page 6 Monthly Calendar with courses.....................Page 24 OLLI@UGA Registra on Forms ......................Page 29 OLLI@UGA Membership Form ......................Page 31 OLLI@UGA Luncheon Programs ....................Page 43 Special Interest Groups .................................Page 44 OLLI@UGA Maps ...........................................Page 46 Alphabe c course lis ng with schedule ........Page 47


Course Book Fall 2012

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OLLI @ UGA OLLI Course Book

River’s Crossing 850 College Station Road Athens, GA 30602-4811 Telephone: 706.542.7715 OLLI Website Address: www.olli.uga.edu

OLLI Email Address: olli@uga.edu

OLLI Staff

How to Register Online 1. Visit the OLLI website, www.olli.uga.edu 2. Scroll down to Featured Links in the le column 3. Click on How to Register for Classes and follow the instruc ons to a. Sign In or Create a New Account

Katy Crapo - Executive Director Zu Reuter - Administrative Assistant Amy Munnell - Coordinator of Social Media

OLLI Officers 2012-2013 Bill Alworth - President Jay Shinn - President Elect Nancy Canolty - Vice President Carolyn Abney - Secretary John Songster - Treasurer

b. Choose courses for which you wish to register c. Check out and pay with a credit card (Visa, Master Card or Discover) 4. Check your course registra on in the confirma on email Note: You can also register for courses by submi ng to the OLLI oďŹƒce, by mail or in person, a completed OLLI@UGA Course Registration and Payment Form. You can even call the OLLI office and pay by credit card over the phone. Just remember you will not be confirmed for a course until payment is received.

OLLI Board of Directors Randall Abney Joseph Harris Margaret Anderson Richard Lynch Betty Jean Craige Pat McAlexander Larry Dendy Don Schneider Helen Epps Janet Stratton William Loughner, also Parliamentarian

OLLI Committee Chairs Curriculum: Betty Jean Craige Development: Randall Abney Finance: Jim Kradel Historian: William Loughner Information Technology: Margaret Anderson Long Term Planning: Helen Epps Marketing: Randall Abney Member Services: Alta Allen Membership: Vic Armstrong Nominating: Jay Shinn Public Relations: Jerri Berrong Publications: Pat McAlexander Registration: Nancy Canolty Special Interest Groups: Carolyn Abney Travel/Study: Joan Zitzelman Volunteer Coordinator: Open

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How to apply principles of environmental stewardship and work with exis ng condi ons will be the subject of a session on green construc on by Luis Imery, whose construc on and real estate company earned Na onal and Regional Green Building Awards in 2010 and 2011, and a course by Master Gardener Joanne Roth, who will focus on sensible gardening that adjusts with climate change. Roth, whose started Miss Tizzy’s Weeds and Seeds in December, says in her Survivable Gardens brochure: “Forest Gardening, or Permaculture (permanent agriculture), is actually a partnership between your garden area, taller and shorter trees, fruit trees, vegetables, perennials, shrubs, some annuals and herbs. By combining the forces of these elements, the produc vity of your gardens is enhanced by a symbio c rela onship that is beneficial to all plants involved, with added benefits of insect management and moisture control.” There are a number of other OLLI opportuni es to explore our world, including the icy regions of the Arc c, Patagonia, South Atlan c islands and Antarc c with Dr. Gilles Allard and the “Frozen Worlds” of the Northern Hemisphere and Antarc ca with Dr. Mark Rich. Dorinda Dallmeyer will lead a gallery tour, “Altamaha: A River and its Keeper,” and Dr. David Dallmeyer will teach a course on the Basin and Range Province and Eastern Sierras in Nevada and California, followed by a trip to those areas. Another opportunity for travel is a whale-watching expedi on led by Dr. Christa Harrelson-Deissier and Dr. Denise Domize off the Cape Anne coast of Massachuse s. And if you want to expand your horizons into space, you can discover Titan, a large moon of Saturn, which is “in many ways the Earth’s alter ego,” according to Dr. Alberto E. Pa no Douce. There are, of course, many other choices on many other topics in the fall lineup. Curriculum chair Dr. Be y Jean Craige says, “With 88 courses—a total of 203 sessions--OLLI members will have the opportunity to get chock full of ideas, informa on and educa on about nature and culture all before the end of 2012!” –Elaine Kalber

How to Register by Mail Complete the OLLI@UGA Course RegistraƟon and Payment Form. Fill in your name, address, phone number and email address in the spaces provided. The form can accommodate registra on informa on for two registrants. To register for courses, write the first few words of course tles on the form (complete tles are not necessary), then for each course fill in class fee, parking fee, and number of parking tags purchased. In the class fee column, there is space to pay membership dues if applicable and to make a dona on if desired. Sum the three columns and add together the totals in the class and parking fee columns to determine the total payment required. If there is a second registrant, repeat the process and add together the total payments required for each registrant. Provide payment informa on on the lower por on of the form. 

If paying by check, make it payable to OLLI@UGA and be sure to include the check number on the payment form.

If paying by MasterCard, Visa, or Discover, provide requested informa on (card number, expira on date, cardholder’s name and signature).

Mail the completed OLLI@UGA Course RegistraƟon and Payment Form, along with your check if applicable, to: OLLI@UGA 850 College Sta on Road Athens, GA 30602

Don’t forget that you need to renew your membership in order to sign up for classes and participate in our many Special Interest Groups.

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FALL COURSES BY INSTRUCTOR Abney – Olive Oil- Everything you would like to know… Allard – Gilles and Bern Invite You to Polar Explora on... Allwein – Everything Parrot: A Comprehensive Overview Anderson, D – Poe's Museums Anderson, W – Introduc on to Human Gene cs Boney, F – Parisian Girl during the German Occupa on Boney, N – UGA over the Centuries Boronczyk – Best Buy's Technology Class Bray – Art Apprecia on Brinson – Investments: What Goes Down Must Come Up! Bri – What Now? Part II Burgess – Smartphones, Tablets and other Devices Burgess – Wireless Revolu on Carter/ Grafstein – Analyzing Current Affairs Cobb – Southern Roots of Rock 'n' Roll Craig – Memoir Wri ng Craige – Cosmo Learns to Talk Craige – Ishmael and the Future of Humanity Dallmeyer, Da – Geology and Mineral Deposits within the Basin... Dallmeyer, Do – Altamaha: A River and its Keeper - A Gallery Tour Davies/Thompson – Po ery Studio Visit Dean – Beginning Conversa onal German Dennis – Nanotechnology and Metamaterials Doster – Dear Sallie Doster – General Elijah Clarke's TransOconee Republic Drago – Chris ans and Muslims in Egypt Eby – Cri cal Reading: Short Stories - A Eby – Cri cal Reading: Short Stories - B Elmore – Fly Tying: An Introduc on Epps – Healthcare Repair Finlay – South African Wine Fischer – Healthy People and Healthy Wildlife Ford – Investment Strategies for Today's Re rees Fragaszy – How Non-human Animals Use Tools (Or Not) Gootman – Calculus for Poets Hammock-Cobb – Upda ng Your Interiors with "A Plan of Pizzazz"

OLLI Course Book

Hansen – Zumba Gold - A Hansen – Zumba Gold - B Harris – Ba le at Ke le Creek (1779) Hart – Emo onal Freedom Techniques (EFT) Heenan – Living Old? Thinking Young? Hendon – Laugh-A-Yoga Hendon – Stress Management through Mindfulness Imery – Green Constuc on 101 Jensen-Ryan – Focus on Fixed Income Jensen-Ryan – Protec ng What's Important Johnson – Airplanes for Dummies Kissane – What the Dickens! Knox – Climate: Past, Present and Future Kundell – Changing Perspec ves on the Environment Leeb – Making of US Foreign Policy Lewis – Looming into History Longman – Theatre Architecture: Spectacle and illusion Loughner – Great Books Marlowe/Mergenthal – What Financial Records to Keep Miles – End of Life Care in a Compassionate City Milward – French on Friday 1 Murphy – Computer Security: You're Naked... Murphy – Digital Photography Basics Neighbors – Reverse Mortgage Basics Neupert – Anima on History: What Pixar learned Nicholls – Introduc on to Digital Photography Nickols – Revisi ng the Early Church Norman – From Sea to Sahara: Archaeology in Roman Africa Oldfather – How To Organize a "Share the Care" Group Pa no Douce – Geology of Titan, Earth's Alter Ego Power – Paideia: The Ideal of Human Culture Refson – Looking at Judaism Reuter – How to Excel at MS Excel Rich – D-Day: Landing on Normandy Coast Rich – Dead Sea, Sea of Galilee, Jericho and Masada Rich – Frozen Worlds Robinson – Robert Frost: The Poems Less Traveled Roth, I – First Aid for Your Pet Roth, J – Sensible Gardening Through Permaculture Shilton – Sharing Your Life Experience Smith – Modify Your Home to Age in Place Stooksbury – Climate Change - It's the Physics

Takacs – Hungary, An Introduc on Teague – History into Art Tedrow – Fall Vegetable Gardening Valdez – History of Opera Verma – Hand Kni ng Williams – Centennial Snapshots: Religion in Georgia Wilson – Planning the Perfect Trip Wi enberg – Tai Chi Easy Wi enberg – Tai Chi Intermediate Zitzelman – Downton Abbey Experience

FALL COURSES BY CATEGORY Aging End of Life Care in a Compassionate City How To Organize a “Share the Care” Group Modify Your Home to Age in Place Biological Sciences Introduc on to Human Gene cs Birds, Animals & Butterϐlies Cosmo Learns to Talk Everything Parrot: A Comprehensive Overview First Aid for Your Pet Healthy People and Healthy Wildlife How nonhuman animals use tools (or not) Computers & Technology Best Buy’s Technology Class Computer Security: You’re Naked... Digital Photography Basics How to Excel at MS Excel Introduc on to Digital Photography Nanotechnology and Metamaterials Smartphones, Tablets and other DataCentric Devices The Wireless Revolu on Ecology Altamaha: A River and its Keeper - A Gallery Tour Changing Perspec ves on the Environment Climate: Past, Present and Future Education Sharing Your Life Experience: How Can you Mentor a Child? UGA over the Centuries Fitness & Health Tai Chi Easy Tai Chi Intermediate Zumba Gold : Dance Your Way To Fitness

OLLICourse Book Food & Beverage Fall Vegetable Gardening Olive Oil - Everything you would like to know South African Wine Geology & Geography Frozen Worlds Geology and Mineral Deposits within the Basin and Range Province Geology of Titan, Earth’s Alter Ego Gilles and Bern invite you to polar explora on The Dead Sea...Masada: A Common Geological Bond Government & Politics Analyzing Current Affairs The Making of US Foreign Policy Health-Related Healthcare Repair Healthy People and Healthy Wildlife How To Organize a “Share the Care” Group Laugh-A-Yoga Stress Management through Mindfulness Prac ces Historical Perspectives Anima on History: What Pixar learned from Disney Ba le at Ke le Creek(1779) Centennial Snapshots: An Overview of Religion in Georgia D-Day Landing on Normandy Coast Dear Sallie General Elijah Clarke’s Trans-Oconee Republic History into Art Looking at Judaism Looming into History Paideia: The Ideal of Human Culture Parisian Girl during the German Occupa on Revisi ng the Early Church The Dead Sea...Masada: A Common Geological Bond UGA over the Centuries Historical Perspectives-Civil War Ba le at Ke le Creek(1779) Historical Perspectives-Women in History Dear Sallie Parisian Girl during the German Occupa on, 1939-45 Home Sweet Home Green Construc on 101 for new and exis ng homes

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Upda ng Your Interiors with “A Plan of Pizazz” Humanities Beginning Conversa onal German French on Friday 1 Great Books Ishmael and the Future of Humanity Memoir Wri ng Paideia: The Ideal of Human Culture Poe’s Museums Robert Frost: The Poems Less Traveled What the Dickens! Humanities-Literature Cri cal Reading Great Books Ishmael and the Future of Humanity Poe’s Museums Robert Frost: The Poems Less Traveled What the Dickens! Humanities-Writing Memoir Wri ng Interna onal Cultures Beginning Conversa onal German French on Friday 1 Hungary: An Introduc on Parisian Girl during the German Occupa on The Downton Abbey Experience Leisure Pursuits Fly Tying: An Introduc on Hand Kni ng Planning the Perfect Trip Sensible Gardening through Permaculture Lifestyle Modify Your Home to Age in Place Lunch & Learn Climate Change - It’s the Physics D-Day Landing on Normandy Coast Lunch & Lecture Centennial Snapshots: An Overview of Religion in Georgia Dear Sallie Introduc on to Human Gene cs Paideia: The Ideal of Human Culture The Dead Sea...Masada: A Common Geological Bond Mind & Body Living Old? Thinking Young? Learn to Think Outside the Box Stress Management through Mindfulness Prac ces

Music The History of Opera The Southern Roots of Rock ‘n’ Roll Personal Enrichment Calculus for Poets Emo onal Freedom Techniques (EFT) Planning the Perfect Trip Personal Finance Focus on Fixed Income Investment Strategies for Today’s Re rees Investments: What Goes Down Must Come Up! Protec ng What’s Important Reverse Mortgage Basics What Financial Records to Keep: The Why & Where What Now? Part II Religion & Philosophy Centennial Snapshots: An Overview of Religion in Georgia Chris ans and Muslims in Egypt Looking at Judaism from a Chabad Chassidic Perspec ve Revisi ng the Early Church The Dead Sea...Masada: A Common Geological Bond The Arts Anima on History: What Pixar learned from Disney Art Apprecia on History into Art... Looming into History Po ery Studio Tour The History of Opera The Southern Roots of Rock ‘n’ Roll Theatre Architecture: Spectacle and illusion The Natural World Altamaha: A River and its Keeper Changing Perspec ves on the Environment: Climate Change - It’s the Physics Climate: Past, Present and Future From Sea to Sahara: Archaeology in Roman Africa Frozen Worlds Geology and Mineral Deposits within the Basin and Range Province Geology of Titan, Earth’s Alter Ego Gilles and Bern invite you to polar explora on

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Alphabetic Course Listing with Descriptions Airplanes for Dummies Jim Johnson

Do you wonder how 200 tons of metal magically li off the ground and get you to your des na on? And what are those strange noises you hear as you make your journey? Why should you really “don your oxygen mask first before assis ng others?” This course is intended to shed some light on how airplanes fly, how they are operated, and how they are designed and built. The course will try to soothe some of the fears of the whiteknuckle flyers, as well as answer ques ons for the intellectually curious. A $5.00 materials supply fee has been added to the cost of the course. Jim Johnson has some 40 years of experience in the aircra industry - 20 years flying and designing airplanes for the USAF and another 20 designing and building them for the Boeing Company. Jim has over 3,000 hours of opera onal flying, mostly in Special Forces aircra , and over 4 million airline passenger miles suppor ng both domes c and interna onal customers for Boeing. He holds advanced degrees in aerospace engineering and recently re red as a Program Manager for Boeing.

Thursdays, November 29 & December 6 and 13, 2012 10:00 – 11:30 AM River’s Crossing 3 sessions $23.00 plus parking __________________________________________________

Altamaha: A River and its Keeper - A Gallery Tour Dorinda Dallmeyer

This gallery tour focuses on the exhibi on “Altamaha: A River and Its Keeper” at Owens Gallery of the UGA College of Environment and Design, located in the newly renovated Lamar Dodd Building on Jackson Street. The exhibi on features the photographs of James Holland, taken as he explored the river environment over the ten years he served as Altamaha Riverkeeper. In addi on to Holland’s superb photography, the exhibit celebrates the rich natural and cultural heritage of the Altamaha River. Formed at the confluence of the Ocmulgee and Oconee Rivers, the Altamaha is the largest free-flowing river

on the East Coast, draining the third largest watershed. It has been designated as one of the Nature Conservancy’s seventyfive Last Great Places because of its unique character and rich natural diversity. Dorinda G. Dallmeyer directs the Environmental Ethics Cer ficate Program at UGA. An award-winning nature writer, she is the editor and contribu ng essayist to Bartram’s Living Legacy: The Travels and the Nature of the South, published by Mercer University Press in 2010 and a contribu ng essayist to Altamaha: A River and Its Keeper published by the University of Georgia Press in 2012.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012 9:00 – 11:45 AM Owens Gallery of the UGA College of Environment and Design, Jackson Street 1 session $8.00 __________________________________________________

Analyzing Current Affairs Lief Carter and Robert Grafstein

In three monthly mee ngs this semester, this group will analyze and discuss the deeper dynamics and an cipated consequences of the leading stories in the news. One such story obviously will be the November na onal U.S. elec ons, but we will address whatever topics seem important and “hot” at the me. Professors Carter and Grafstein will coordinate and lead the discussions, and several members of the U.G.A. poli cal science department have also agreed to lend their exper se if topics in their special es arise. If this course is successful and popular, it is an cipated that it will be offered in the same format in future OLLI semesters.

Wednesdays, September 19, October 17, and November 14, 2012 1:00 – 3:00 PM River’s Crossing 3 sessions $18.00 plus parking

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Animation History: What Pixar learned from Disney Richard Neupert

Pixar has become the most respected and successful anima on studio in the world, in large part because its lead animator, John Lasseter, synthesized the strengths of classical Disney and Warner Bros. cartoon styles with 3D computer anima on. This course will explain how Lasseter movies like LUXO JR. and TOY STORY exploit graphic cues and narra ve techniques to generate strong empathy and emo onal a achments with characters as non-human as desk lamps, plas c toy astronauts, and rusty tow trucks. We will study how Pixar actually engineers audience reac ons to their computer generated characters, using precise visual, audio, and narra ve strategies. This will be an illustrated lecture, with film clips. Richard Neupert (PhD, Wisconsin) is the Wheatley Professor of the Arts and a Josiah Meigs Dis nguished Teaching Professor. Author of “The End, History of the French New Wave, and “A History of French AnimaƟon”. His new book project is “John Lasseter and the Rise of Pixar Style” (U of Illinois P). He is also on the board of the Ciné movie theater.

Friday, December 7, 2012 10:30 – 11:45 AM River’s Crossing 1 session $8.00 plus parking __________________________________________________

Art Appreciation Bill Bray

This class will consist of 4 sessions: Session 1: The ar st is a link in a chain of divine messengers. Example: Salvador Dali. Session 2: The ar st shines a light on the reali es and beauty of the world. Example: Vincent Van Gogh Session 3: The ar st moves us to ques on the ac ons of mankind. Example: Picasso & Guernica. Session 4: The ar st opens the door of heaven. Bill Bray graduated from UGA and then con nued his studies at Yale, Johns Hopkins, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, and Charles University in Prague. He was an assistant professor of Psychology at the University of Bal more and Endico College and an instructor of Psychology and the Humani es at Georgia

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Highlands College. In 1980, he founded the Georgia Fine Arts Academy, which encourages Georgia ar sts by organizing exhibits of their art in the Athens-Clarke County Library and the Peachtree Branch of the Atlanta-Fulton Public Library.

Fridays, August 24, 31 and September 7, 14, 2012 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM River’s Crossing 4 sessions $20.00 plus parking __________________________________________________

Battle at Kettle Creek (1779): What’s Known, What Remains to Be Learned Joseph Harris

This course will sketch the history of the mes and events of the Revolu onary War ba le at Ke le Creek, Wilkes County, Georgia, and describe issues on which further historical and other research is needed. Par cipants may later want to conduct greatly needed research in areas such as local history social and poli cal condi ons of the area, genealogy, etc. The natural history, ecology, and other site features of an educa onal value may all be researched through an OLLI Special Interest Group or independently. Such research would contribute toward the crea on of a major park resource at Ke le Creek, now in the planning stages. Reports would be valuable both in public educa on and for tourism purposes. A field trip to the ba le site will be scheduled. Dr. Joseph Harris, a botanist with a research specialty in aging, was educated at Emory, the University of Georgia, the University of Chicago, and Duke (Ph.D.). He taught in the University of Wisconsin system and worked coopera vely on research projects at the Universi es of Texas, Tennessee, and North Carolina State which included studies in age reversal and DNA change. He has had more than forty reports appear in journals and books of interna onal significance. Professional reports and tutorials have been offered in Russia and China. He and his wife re red to Washington, Ga., from Stevens Point, Wisconsin.

Fridays, September 7, 14, and 21, 2012 2:30 – 3:45 PM River’s Crossing 3 sessions $18.00 plus parking

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OLLI Course Book

Beginning Conversational German

Calculus for Poets

The emphasis will be on conversing in German, but the class will also draw on resources of vocabulary, grammar, pronuncia on, common expressions, and idioms, as well as German history and culture. German vocabulary useful to travelers will also be included. The class will seek to accommodate the needs of beginners but also be interes ng to students who have some German experience. No previous German experience is required.

Calculus, invented by Newton and Leibniz in the 17th century, is the mathema cal founda on of modern science, probability and economics. Why - because it provides the tools for a precise analysis of changing quan es, and just about everything in life changes. It also lets you compute a lot of really neat stuff. In spite of the technical apparatus needed for precise computa ons, there are only 4 major concepts that are vital for a general understanding of calculus and its applica ons, and these are accessible to a high school student.

Dr. O.C. Dean

Students will prac ce speaking in class and be expected to prac ce at home, as well as do exercises in a textbook or handouts. There will probably be a small fee for materials. Prior to class, students will be required to purchase “Learn German the Fast and Fun Way” (3rd ed.) $18.95. Book can be found on Amazon for $12.37 plus shipping. Dr. O.C. Dean has degrees in French, theology, and German linguis cs and has studied in Germany. He has been a campus and parish minister, a teacher of French, German, and linguis cs, and a German-to-English translator of theological and biblical studies.

Mondays, August 20, 27; September 17, 24; October 1, 15, 22, 29; November 5, 19, 26; December 3, 2012 1:30 – 3:30 PM River’s Crossing 12 sessions $50.00 plus parking __________________________________________________

Best Buy’s Technology Class Zachary Boronczyk

In this class we will be teaching the common uses of today’s technology. This will range from how to use Microso Office programs, to the use of certain features on Windows 7 and Mac. Classes are designed to help those who need assistance with today’s technology. Zachary Boronczyk is currently a member of the Geek Squad at Best Buy. His knowledge of today’s technology is driven by an eagerness for a constant challenge and has been learned from his father. He has been with Best Buy for two years and foresees being with this great company for years to come.

Fridays, September 21 and 28, 2012 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Best Buy, Atlanta Highway 2 sessions $14.00

Elliot Gootman

If you can add, subtract, mul ply and divide (with a calculator) and compute the area of a rectangle, this course is for you. We will be exploring many of the concepts with hands-on ac vi es, such as cu ng paper, drawing lines, and measuring lengths with a ruler. Doesn’t sound so hard, does it? Elliot Gootman was a professor of mathema cs at the University of Georgia from the fall of 1970 un l his re rement in 2004. During the last decade of his career, and in years a erward, he has been involved in the mathema cal prepara on of pre-service and in-service mathema cs teachers, and has conducted workshops in a number of coun es in the Northeast Georgia area. He is the author of Calculus, published by Barron’s College Review Series (1997).

Monday and Thursday, August 27 and 30; Tuesday and Thursday, September 4 and 6; and Tuesday, September 11, 2012 10:30 – 11:45 AM River’s Crossing 5 sessions $25.00 plus parking __________________________________________________

Centennial Snapshots: Religion in Georgia Dr. David Williams

An examina on of the prevailing form of religion in Georgia in 100-year increments, beginning with 1550, shows that in each case the leading religious tradi on(s) seemed to be more or less permanent, but it turned out not to be so over the following century: first, Mississippian Indian religion (the “Southeastern Ceremonial Complex”) in 1550; then Catholicism in 1650; Anglicanism in 1750; a more or less equivalent, bipar te Methodist-Bap st evangelical split in 1850; and a clear Bap st majority in 1950. While it seems as if the Bap st majority (or plurality) will con nue, there are clear signs that by 2050 the situa on will have changed drama cally due to three main trends—the growth of Catholicism ( ed in large measure to

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Hispanic immigra on), pluralism (emphasizing eastern religious tradi ons), and increasing secularism. Dr. David S. Williams, Associate Provost and Director of the UGA Honors Program and Meigs Professor of Religion in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, formerly served as head of the Department of Religion, as well as chair of the University Council’s Strategic Planning and Educa onal Affairs commi ees. Among his many awards, Dr. Williams received the Josiah Meigs Dis nguished Teaching Award, the University’s highest honor for teaching excellence. He is the author of numerous scholarly works. His latest book is “From Mounds to Megachurches: Georgia’s Religious Heritage” (University of Georgia Press, 2008).

Wednesday, October 31, 2012 12:00 – 1:30 PM Central Presbyterian Church 1 session $12.00 You must register for this Lunch & Lecture no later than Tuesday, October 23, 2012. __________________________________________________

Changing Perspectives on the Environment: What are the Implications? Jim Kundell

Most OLLI members can remember a host of environmental perturba ons they witnessed growing up, from air and water pollu on to open dumps to the decline of species such as bald eagles and brown pelicans. Protec ng the environment became a cause that reached a boiling point in the 1960s and 1970s, resul ng in the passage of a number of federal and state environmental laws and reorganiza on and crea on of agencies to implement the requirements of those laws. Polls consistently show that environmental protec on has been a strongly held value of the American people. Recently, however, there have been increasing a acks on efforts to protect the environment and popular support seems to be declining. Why? And, what are the implica ons for the future? This course will look at where we are in our efforts to ensure a quality environment, the apparent changes rela ng to environmental support, and what the future might hold in store. Dr. Jim Kundell is a UGA professor emeritus. Before his re rement, he was the Georgia Power Professor of Water Resources and Director of the Environmental Policy Program in the Vinson Ins tute of Government and Professor of

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Environmental Policy in the Odum School of Ecology. For 30 years he served as Science Advisor to the Georgia General Assembly, where he focused his efforts on environmental and natural resource policy. He was heavily involved in addressing water resource issues facing the state and is the author of a number of publica ons rela ng to water resources. Currently he serves as Chairman of the Environmental Advisory Board to the Chief of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Tuesdays, September 18 and 25, 2012 2:30 – 3:45 PM River’s Crossing 2 sessions $14.00 plus parking __________________________________________________

Christians and Muslims in Egypt Jennifer Drago

Chris ans and Muslims in Egypt have been living side by side for over a thousand years. What is daily life like for them? Why is religion so important that it is o en the first ques on asked to visitors? Are Muslim women oppressed by their faith? Are Chris an women? How does religion, culture, and tradi on impact decisions about family, work, and rela onships? Come and explore these complex ques ons and get a be er understanding of modern life in this ancient land. For addi onal insight, members are encouraged to read “A Thousand and One Egyp an Nights” by Jennifer Drago. ISBN: 13:978-0-8361-9365-7 Jennifer Drago and her family decided “to do something posi ve” in response to the September 11 terrorist a acks. They were sent by the Mennonite Central Commi ee to live in Egypt from 2003 to 2006. Living as the only foreigners in a small city, through interac ons with neighbors, the school where they taught, and their guards, Jennifer’s family had a unique opportunity to experience daily life that is o en hidden to foreigners. The family now lives in Comer, GA with Jubilee Partners, an interna onal Chris an service community with a ministry to refugees. Jennifer is the Director of the Refugee Program and Health.

Monday, October 1, 2012 10:30 – 11:45 AM River’s Crossing 1 session $ 8.00 plus parking

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Climate Change - It’s the Physics David Emory Stooksbury

A look at the basics of climate change with an emphasis on the physics of the atmosphere. Contrary to popular percep on, it is not the global temperature date that convinces climatologists that we are changing the climate; it is the physics of the atmosphere that demands it.

Monday, October 1, 2012 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM Trump’s Catering 1 session $20.00 You must register for this Lunch & Learn no later than Monday, September 24, 2012. __________________________________________________

Climate: Past, Present, and Future Pam Knox

In recent years, “Climate” has been a dirty word to many poli cians and pundits. However, many of those who promote or denigrate climate science really have no training in climatology. In this class during the first lecture I will introduce you to the basics of what climate is, how to measure and describe it, and what our present climate looks like. In the second lecture, I will talk about past climates and how they are determined as well as some of the rela onships between climate and history, such as Napoleon’s ill-fated march to Russia. In the third lecture, I will cover climate modeling and climate variability, and we will discuss the science and poli cs of climate change and global warming and what you can do to reduce your impact on the global climate. Pam Knox has been involved in weather and climate studies for over 25 years and has a MS in Meteorology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In the past she has worked for the Na onal Weather Service, taught meteorology, physics and astronomy, and served as the Wisconsin State Climatologist and Georgia Assistant State Climatologist. She now works in the Faculty of Engineering as an applied climatologist. She is also a Cer fied Consul ng Meteorologist specializing in expert tes mony in cases where weather is a factor in accidents or property damage.

Mondays, October 15, 22, and 29, 2012 10:30 – 11:45 AM River’s Crossing 3 sessions $18.00 plus parking

Computer Security: You’re Naked - What Internet Marketers & Scammers Know about You, Why They’re After You, and What You Can Do to Protect Your Privacy and Security on the Internet Chuck Murphy

Every week, we read stories in the news about commercial websites ge ng hacked and huge amounts of consumer data being stolen. Daily, you receive “phishing” messages that look like they’re from your bank, trying to hijack your financial accounts. Maybe your hard drive crashed and you lost all your data… Is the digital privacy and security situa on really as bad as it seems? No. It is much, much worse than you think. This course will review the threats to your privacy and security in the Internet age. By the end of the course, you’ll have a set of prac cal, inexpensive ps so you can lock down your personal informa on, protect yourself from scammers, and minimize your exposure to digital catastrophes. Do you feel like you’re wandering lost and confused in the digital world? Regard this course as the “Driver’s Ed” class you never got a chance to take. Chuck Murphy is a re red so ware professional and veteran OLLI@UGA presenter. He spent the last 15 years of his working career developing secure and robust e-commerce systems on the web. He has never been hacked.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday, November 26, 28, 30, 2012 10:30 – 11:45 AM River’s Crossing 3 sessions $18.00 plus parking __________________________________________________

Cosmo Learns to Talk Betty Jean Craige

With Cosmo in a endance, Dr. Craige will discuss her African Grey Parrot’s acquisi on of meaningful speech and development of a sense of humor. She will also discuss cogni on in non-human animals in general. Dr. Craige is University Professor Emeritus of Compara ve Literature and Director Emeritus of the Willson Center for Humani es and Arts at UGA. She is a teacher, scholar, translator (from Spanish), art collector, and, on occasion, a humorist. Her publica ons include works in the fields of literature, poli cs, ecology, and art, as well as transla ons into English of the

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poetry of Antonio Machado, Gabriel Celaya, Manuel Mantero, and Marjorie Agosín. She produced an award-winning documentary on Alvar Suñol and has guest-curated 2 museum exhibi ons of Alvar’s work. In her latest book, “Conversa ons with Cosmo: At Home with an African Grey Parrot,” she wrote about her own pet bird’s acquisi on of speech and expression of a sense of humor.

Thursday, September 6, 2012 2:30 – 3:45 PM River’s Crossing 1 session $8.00 plus parking __________________________________________________

Critical Reading: Short Stories Cecil Eby

This course will consist of cri cal readings in a wide gamut of short stories. There will be reading/discussion of two stories each session. All viewpoints are welcomed. Please be aware that there are two opportuni es to join this class. The classes will cover different stories. Cecil Eby is a na ve of the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia. He earned his Ph.D. in American Literature from the University of Pennsylvania. He was a professor at Washington and Lee for five years and at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor for 35+ years. His main interest is the “Gilded Age” (1860-1900). He also served as a Fulbright professor in Salamanca, Valencia, and Budapest. He has recently re red to Athens where his observa on has been: “Seniors outperform ‘Collegiates’ every me.”

Session - A Thursdays, October 4, 11, 18, and 25, 2012 2:30 – 4:30 PM River’s Crossing 4 sessions $20.00 plus parking Session - B Thursdays, November 1, 8, 15, and 29, 2012 2:30 – 4:30 PM River’s Crossing 4 sessions $20.00 plus parking

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D-Day Landing on Normandy Coast: It’s Planning, Execution & Aftermath Mark Rich

June 6, 1944 marked the date of the commencement of the greatest amphibious military invasion in human history. It took place on a 50 mile stretch of Normandy coast along the English Channel and pi ed tens of thousands of Allied forces against thousands of ba le experienced entrenched German defenders. The assault marked a major turning point in the European Theater of opera ons in World War II and arguably spelled the beginning of the end of Nazi domina on. Weather, dal condi ons, coastal configura on and se ng, landing condi ons and ming were all part of the detailed planning of the opera ons and ensuing campaign. This lecture will discuss the following points: 1) the tac cal and strategic military planning that preceded the campaign; 2) the command structure of the Allied forces; (3) the sequence of events that unfolded during the assault opera on; 4) the immediate a ermath of the Allied invasion. Dr. Rich is Professor Emeritus of Geology at UGA. He has extensive experience in regional geology, glacial geology, environmental geology, and marine science. He has worked as a consultant in environmental assessment and remedia on of commercial proper es. His travels have taken him to all of the seven con nents and to Greenland and Iceland. He received his degrees from UCLA, University of Southern California, and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is a Senior Fellow in the Geological Society of America and a Registered Professional Geologist in the State of Georgia.

Monday, December 3, 2012 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM Trump’s Catering 1 session $20.00 You must register for the Lunch & Learn no later than Monday, November 26, 2012

Reminder: Parking tags for River’s Crossing cost $2.00 per day.

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Dead Sea, Sea of Galilee, Jericho and Masada: A Common Geological Bond Mark Rich

The Dead Sea, Sea of Galilee, Jericho, and Masada lie along the Jordan Ri depression which is part of a much longer ri system extending southward into the Red Sea region and beyond. In addi on to its fascina ng geographic, clima c and geologic history which es these areas together, the region contains a host of ancient archaeological, Biblical, and historical sites. Among those are the earliest hominid sites discovered outside of Africa, the ancient walled city of Jericho, the caves containing the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the mountaintop city of Masada which finally fell to the Romans in 73 CE. This lecture will discuss the historical aspects of these sites. Dr. Rich is Professor Emeritus of Geology at UGA. He has extensive experience in regional geology, glacial geology, environmental geology, and marine science. He has worked as a consultant in environmental assessment and remedia on of commercial proper es. His travels have taken him to all of the seven con nents and to Greenland and Iceland. He received his degrees from UCLA, University of Southern California, and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is a Senior Fellow in the Geological Society of America and a Registered Professional Geologist in the State of Georgia.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012 12:00 – 1:30 PM Central Presbyterian Church 1 session $12.00 You much register for this Lunch & Lecture by Monday, September 10, 2012. __________________________________________________

Dear Sallie Gary Doster

“Dear Sallie”, wri en by presenter Doster, consists of 114 le ers wri en by Private Jewel during the War Between the States, 19 le ers wri en to him by his 17-year-old sister Sallie, and one le er wri en by Jewel’s wife, Eliza. Confederate Private James Jewel belonged to the Echols Light Ar llery, Oglethorpe County, Georgia. As Pvt. Jewel writes, “I would write more if I thought you would get it.” The book includes a complete roster of the Echols Ar llery. Gary Doster spent his professional career as a wildlife biologist where he authored and co-authored numerous publica ons. He is an avid collector of history memorabilia. His collec ng

interests include, but are not limited to, pre-1920 Georgia picture post cards, obsolete currency from the colonial period to the end of the War Between the States, Confederate and Union soldiers’ le ers and other documents, almost anything connected with the War Between the States, Indian relics, and some old and modern guns. Tuesday, December 11, 2012 12:00 – 1:30 PM Central Presbyterian Church 1 session $12.00 You must register for this Lunch & Lecture no later than Monday, December 3, 2012. __________________________________________________

Digital Photography Basics: Making and Sharing Digital Photos Chuck Murphy

It’s back! This will be the 10th edi on of Chuck Murphy’s Digital Photography class. Would you like to make be er pictures with your digital camera? Would you like to share your photos with friends and family? Then this hands-on class is for you! You’ll learn how to select the best camera for your budget and needs, and how to use it to take be er pictures. More importantly, you’ll learn how to use free so ware to enhance your pictures, and then share your photos through prints, email, web albums and Facebook. Prerequisites: Basic computer skills and access to a Windows or Mac computer. Class size is limited to 10 to ensure students receive adequate individual a en on. While not required, students are encouraged to purchase the book, “Picasa for Seniors:Get Acquainted with Picasa” by Visual Steps. ISBN: 978-9059052468 Chuck Murphy is a re red so ware designer. He has been an avid photographer for over four decades and started doing digital photography in 1999. He has taught nine previous photography courses for OLLI and leads our PictureThis! digital photography club. His photo expedi ons have taken him on trips around the world and to all seven con nents. To see some of Chuck’s work, check out his por olio at www.boywithcamera.com.

Tuesday and Fridays, October 2 and 5; 9 and 12, 2012 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM River’s Crossing 4 sessions $20.00 plus parking

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Downton Abbey Experience: Your Personal Interaction with England Joan Zitzelman

Have you ever imagined waking to the cooing of doves and walking outside your front door to a fabulous English garden or strolling the headwaters of the Thames scru nized by a graceful swan or watching the surf crashing on rugged Cornish cliffs? The Na onal Trust for England preserves coastal landscapes, rural and mountain lands, estates, manor houses and historic sites. More than 300 co ages, comfortably furnished and maintained, are available through this system to the visitor who wants a home base imbedded in history while exploring the country and its a rac ons. The course will offer an overview of how this system works, how to select areas, when to travel, and ps for ge ng the greatest value at the least cost. Joan Zitzelman holds Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Masters degrees from the University of Georgia. She has worked in broadcas ng, adver sing and public rela ons and is bringing her professional career to a gradual close as a tourism marke ng consultant. She is an enthusias c traveler, specializing in ge ng “up close and personal” with England. She will share with OLLI members her most treasured path to memorable experiences.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012 9:00 – 11:45 AM River’s Crossing 1 session $8.00 plus parking __________________________________________________

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Laurie Hart

This course will teach a powerful, yet quick and easy-to-learn, technique for releasing blocked energy. EFT is especially helpful in reducing emo ons such as fear, anxiety, frustra on, and anger and in moving us out of the “stuck” places in our life. EFT is a combina on of techniques from Eastern medicine and psychology. In EFT we verbalize silently or aloud the unwanted situa on or emo on while tapping on key acupuncture points. In a minute or two, EFT can release an emo on that is blocking us from feeling good or taking the ac on we want. And by clearing blocked energy, at mes EFT can also reduce symptoms of tension or ghtness in the body. Class members will learn what EFT is, in what situa ons it is helpful, and how to use it on their own. Before her re rement in 2005, Laurie Hart taught for over 2

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decades in the Department of Elementary Educa on at the University of Georgia. Before she joined the UGA faculty, she taught mathema cs at the middle school and high school levels in Florida, Indiana, and Texas. In addi on to her work as a teacher and researcher in teacher educa on and mathema cs educa on, she has had a life-long interest in energy healing. She began an intensive study of energy healing in 1998 when she became a student of George Conley, a master healer and dowser in Marin County, California. She has since studied with many other well-known teachers in the field. She teaches classes on Healing through Pendulum Dowsing, Energy Medicine, EFT, and Numerology, working with individual clients in person and via telephone. Laurie leads an ongoing Friday evening healing group in Athens on the 1st and 3rd Friday of every month.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012 1:30 – 3:45 PM Central Presbyterian Church 1 session $10.00 __________________________________________________

End of Life Care in a Compassionate City: Experience, Part 2 Toni P. Miles, M.D., Ph.D.

What do we do to support children of all ages when a parent dies? In our first conversa on, we listened to stories from adults with this experience. In this session, we want to hear about strategies that lessen the nega ve impact of a near universal life experience. This session will be audio taped but the iden ty of the speaker will only be known to the par cipants. ‘Compassion is the recogni on that all beings are profoundly interconnected, such that the joys and sufferings of one are the joys and sufferings of all. It also comes with an obliga on to alleviate suffering when and where we encounter it.’ Dr. Miles leads the UGA Ins tute of Gerontology and is a tenured professor of Epidemiology in the College of Public Health. The author of 120+ publica ons on aspects of aging including wellness, frailty, and cogni on, she also teaches courses on physiology, epidemiology, and health care policy. Her new book: “Health reform and dispari es: History, Hype, and Hope’ is being published by ABC- Clio in June 2012. Google: Toni P. Miles for more informa on.

Mondays, September 24, October 1 and 8, 2012 10:30 AM – 11:45 AM River’s Crossing 3 sessions $18.00 plus parking

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Everything Parrot: A Comprehensive Overview Deb Allwein

Learn fun and intriguing facts about parrots. The li le known truth about the other side of companion parrots and the o en tragic results. Things you are not told because if you were you probably wouldn’t get a parrot. Understand the reality of sharing your life with something as smart as a toddler, as demanding as a full me job and as expensive as a 16 year old. All in a package full of a tude, independence and at mes with the raging hormones of a teenager. Discover the lifelong responsibili es and rewards sharing your life with a parrot brings. Already have a parrot? Hear things you’ll have to look forward to and maybe a few things that will make life with your parrot happier & healthier. We’ll discuss protocols, standards of care and the sad reality of the parrot pet trade. Deb Allwein worked 22 years as a mechanical designer. In 1998 she started researching parrots. By 2000 they were her life. She is the founder of “no-“R”-birds” parrot sanctuary. She has shared her life with parrots for the past 14 years. She con nues to exchange knowledge by a ending seminars, workshops and working with other parrot welfare organiza ons as well as the veterinary community. She also provides educa on & informa on on companion birds thru seminars, tours and outreach.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012 2:30 – 3:45 PM River’s Crossing 1 session $8.00 plus parking __________________________________________________

Fall Vegetable Gardening Amanda Tedrow

Join us for a class discussing fall vegetable gardening in Athens. We will begin with preparing the vegetable garden, tes ng your soil and then move into the many specific crops which can grow during cold weather. Crops covered include le uce, collards, carrots, kale, turnips, cabbage and more.

Amanda Tedrow is the Athens-Clarke County Coopera ve Extension Agent. She coordinates the local Master Gardener, Master Naturalist and Master Composter programs as well as answering numerous calls from homeowners and landscapers throughout the year. Her personal gardening interests include vegetable gardening, succulents and cac .

Tuesday, September 25, 2012 10:30 – 11:45 AM River’s Crossing 1 session $8.00 plus parking __________________________________________________

First Aid for Your Pet: Tips, Techniques, Common Household Dangers/Toxins, Myths & Facts Ira Roth

This class will cover: 1. The signs of illness in your pet by being able to recognize normal and abnormal signs and symptoms. 2. At home techniques to treat or stabilize your pet prior to the veterinary visit; the do’s and don’ts to help sick and injured animals at home. 3. Common household dangers, toxins, foods, medica ons and plants that put pets at risk. 4. Discussion of common myths regarding pet care at home. Dr. Ira Roth is a 1986 graduate of the UGA College of Veterinary Medicine. He is currently director of the community prac ce clinic. The community prac ce clinic is a full service general prac ce se ng that allows 4th year Veterinary Medicine students to get hands on experience and to help them develop communica on techniques necessary to be successful veterinary prac oners. Prior to his return to the UGA College of Veterinary Medicine, Dr. Roth was in private prac ce in Albany, GA for over twenty years

Wednesday, December 12, 2012 2:30 – 3:45 PM River’s Crossing 1 session $8.00 plus parking

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Fly Tying: An Introduction

French on Friday 1

This beginning course provides an overview of equipment, tools, and materials for fly tying. Basic techniques are demonstrated by the instructor and prac ced by students who e a series of flies, progressing from simple to complex pa erns. Three or four ORCTU members assist, providing individualized instruc on during the session. All the flies presented catch fish and students take flies home for their next fishing trip.

We will meet 5 mes and talk about French Culture. Our discussion will be based on the book of Sarah Turnbull “Almost French.”

Randy Elmore

Randy Elmore is a re red professor of middle grades educa on who is married to Martha and they have two children and three grandchildren. He has fly fished more than 50 years, learning from his father at age 13. A member of Oconee River Chapter of Trout Unlimited, he served as President in 2010-2011. He has ed trout and bass flies since 1996 when he took a class at the Fish Hawk, a fly fishing store in Atlanta. In addi on to fly fishing for trout, he regularly fishes nearby lakes and rivers for bass, crappie, and white bass.

Tuesday and Thursday, September 25 and 27, 2012 1:00 – 5:00 PM River’s Crossing 2 sessions $14.00 plus parking __________________________________________________

Focus on Fixed Income Jess Jensen-Ryan

Focus on Fixed Income is a 45-minute educa onal program geared to people who are interested in crea ng a reliable stream of income. Focus on Fixed Income covers bond characteris cs and features and key strategies to get the most out of your fixed-income investments. Jess Jensen-Ryan is a Financial Advisor for Edward Jones in Athens. He currently holds a Series 7, Series 66, as well as Georgia State Insurance licenses.

Monday, December 10, 2012 10:30 – 11:45 AM River’s Crossing 1 session $8.00 plus parking

Benedicte Milward

This class is mandatory for con nuing with French on Friday 2 (Spring 2013), 3 (Spring 2014) and 4 (Spring 2015) at the end of which we will go to France for 10 days. French on Friday 2, 3 and 4 will be held every week for 1 ½ hours and will focus on grammar and conversa on. Students will be required to purchase and bring to class, “Almost French” by Sara Turnbull. ISBN: 1-592-40082-5 Benedicte Milward was born in Paris where she lived un l the age of 24. She spent 2 years in Florida before returning to France where she and her family lived in Lyon for 20 years. She has been in Athens since 2002 and has a degree in Occupa onal Therapy and a Master degree in Religious Educa on. Benedicte worked for 20 years as a Director of Religious Educa on in the diocese of Lyon (France) and then Atlanta. She is married, has four children and loves reading, singing, cra ing, hiking and travelling.

Fridays, October 5 and 19; November 2, 16, and 30, 2012 10:30 – 11:45 AM River’s Crossing 5 sessions $25.00 plus parking

The Lunch and Learn Series is held at Trumps Catering. The Lunch and Lecture Series is held at Central Presbyterian Church. OLLI luncheon programs are listed on on page 43. Note: The course fee for these series includes lunch.

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From Sea to Sahara: Archaeology in Roman Africa Naomi Norman

This will be a general survey of the ci es, villages and farms established in North Africa (in par cular in the area of modern Tunisia) in the Roman period. Of par cular importance and interest are the monuments of Carthage (the capital of the Roman province Africa Proconsularis) and Dougga (the “Pompeii” of North Africa); the lecture will look at these two sites in some detail. It will also include an examina on of the rituals of death and burial in the Yasmina cemetery, an important cemetery in Carthage that was excavated by Naomi Norman and a team from UGA. Excava on in this cemetery uncovered two magnificent funerary portrait statues, several tomb monuments with figured reliefs and funerary inscrip ons and a number of interes ng children’s burials. The focus of the lecture will be the process of Romaniza on of the province and will include an examina on of some of the evidence for con nued and strong indigenous influence on the Romans living in the area. Naomi Norman is a Josiah Meigs Dis nguished Teaching Professor and Head of the Department of Classics. She is also the Director of the UGA Reac ng to the Past Program, editorin-chief of the American Journal of Archaeology and a classical archaeologist who has excavated classical sites in Carthage, Tunisia, for many years. Her work focuses on mortuary archaeology, especially the interface between Roman rituals of death and burial and Roman social structure; archaeology of space/place, especially within the Greek and Roman sacred contexts; the archaeology of the Hellenis c world; and the connec ons between Rome and her provinces.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012 2:30 – 3:45 PM River’s Crossing 1 session $8.00 plus parking __________________________________________________

Frozen Worlds Mark Rich

This three session course is an overview of the frozen worlds of Greenland, Iceland, Svalbard in the Northern Hemisphere and Antarc ca in the South. It will cover the geography and geology of these geo-wonderlands and the ocean circula on which surrounds them.

Par cular a en on will be drawn to their ice cover and glacially formed features (ice caps, glaciers, ords, shelf ice, etc.). In addi on, the ice caps on Greenland and Antarc ca have stored important informa on on the past hundreds of thousands of years of Earth’s clima c history. This informa on is relevant to the debate over global warming. Dr. Rich is Professor Emeritus of Geology at UGA. He has extensive experience in regional geology, glacial geology, environmental geology, and marine science. He has worked as a consultant in environmental assessment and remedia on of commercial proper es. His travels have taken him to all of the seven con nents and to Greenland and Iceland. He received his degrees from UCLA, University of Southern California, and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is a Senior Fellow in the Geological Society of America and a Registered Professional Geologist in the State of Georgia.

Tuesday, September 25 and Thursdays, September 27 & October 4, 2012 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Central Presbyterian Church 3 sessions $24.00 __________________________________________________

General Elijah Clarke’s Trans-Oconee Republic Gary Doster

In 1794, the western boundary of Georgia in this area was the Oconee River; all the land east of the Oconee belonged to the Creek & Cherokee Indians. Although there were many forts built along the river to protect the se lers from the Indians, they were not sufficient. Former Revolu onary War General Elijah Clark and 300-400 of his former soldiers illegally ventured across the Oconee, claimed a strip of land about 10 miles wide and 100 miles long that extended from about where presentday Milledgeville and Athens are located, and essen ally a empted to establish a new country. Upon direct orders from President Washington, Georgia Governor George Mathews convinced Clarke to give up his venture and bring his army back across the river into Georgia. Gary Doster spent his professional career as a wildlife biologist where he authored and co-authored numerous publica ons. He is an avid collector of history memorabilia. His collec ng interests include, but are not limited to, pre-1920 Georgia picture post cards, obsolete currency from the colonial period to the end of the War Between the States, Confederate and Union soldiers’ le ers and other documents, almost anything

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connected with the War Between the States, Indian relics, and some old and modern guns.

Geology of Titan, Earth’s Alter Ego

Tuesday, August 21, 2012 12:00 – 1:30 PM Central Presbyterian Church 1 session $12.00

The moons of the giant planets are unique worlds, each of them with a very dis nct personality. Six of them are very large, the size of planets in their own right. Only one among them, Titan, moon of Saturn, has a thick atmosphere, thicker in fact than Earth’s. Titan is the only body in the Solar System other than Earth known to have liquid precipita on and bodies of stagnant and running liquid on its surface. It is in many ways the Earth’s alter ego. In this course we will examine these fascina ng characteris cs of Titan, and see whether they can tell us anything about our own planet.

You must register for this Lunch & Lecture no later than Monday, August 13, 2012 __________________________________________________

Geology and Mineral Deposits within the Basin and Range Province & Eastern Sierras: Nevada & California David Dallmeyer

The Basin & Range Province is an extensive physiographic region covering more than 170,000 square miles and extending across six western states and parts of Mexico. The area is characterized by abrupt changes in eleva on, alterna ng between narrow, rugged, fault-bounded mountain ranges and intervening arid valleys or basins. This topography is a result of extensional geologic forces that ini ated approximately 40 million years ago because of global changes in plate tectonic rela onships. These forces have con nuously been extending North American con nental crust through associated faul ng. As a result of crustal thinning, the region has been a focus of nearly con nual volcanic ac vity during the last 40 million years. This widespread igneous ac vity generated abundant economic mineral deposits. Exploita on of these resources has helped to frame the cultural history of the region since the middle 19th century. R. David Dallmeyer, Professor Emeritus of Geology at the University of Georgia, is a frequent instructor in the OLLI@ UGA program. His teaching and research have focused on the processes and chronology of plate tectonics and mountain building, and he has conducted geological fieldwork on all con nents. He has long taught undergraduate courses dealing with geological hazards. Dr. Dallmeyer has directed research programs in Antarc ca, West Africa, China, Greenland, Svalbard, Norway and the Andes of Chile and Peru. He is the author of several scholarly books and a na onally popular introductory geology textbook that is in its sixth edi on.

Monday through Friday, September 17 – 21, 2012 9:00 – 11:45 AM River’s Crossing 5 sessions $25.00 plus parking

Alberto Patiño Douce

Dr. Alberto Pa ño Douce has taught Geology at UGA since 1991. His lectures combine scien fic rigor with a deep personal knowledge of planet Earth. His research focuses on the origin of the Earth’s con nents, and is detailed in the recently published monograph “Thermodynamics of the Earth and Planets” (Cambridge University Press). He has become increasingly preoccupied with the study of non-renewable resources, and with the need to educate the public on their rapidly dwindling supply.

Monday and Tuesday, September 10 and 11, 2012 2:30 – 3:45 PM River’s Crossing 2 sessions $14.00 plus parking

Please try to register by Friday, August 10, if possible. Class rolls will be produced the week of August 13. Keep in mind, though, that if a class is open, you may register up until the day of class.

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Gilles and Bern Invite You to Polar Exploration - No Visas Required Gilles Allard

The following topics will be covered: 1. A trip to the Arc c, star ng in Edinburgh via Shetlands, Orkneys, Norway to Spitsbergen, Iceland, Heimaey, the west coast of Greenland, the Canadian Arc c islands. 2. Visit Ushuaia in Patagonia on the way to the Falkland Islands and from there to South Georgia. 3. A trip to visit the islands of the South Atlan c. The Shackleton expedi on revisited without the hardships. 4. Vistas seen on the ideal Antarc c expedi on. Gilles Allard, emeritus professor of geology, was born in Quebec. He obtained degrees in geology from University of Montreal, Queen’s, and Johns Hopkins. In 1956-67, he discovered the Henderson copper-gold mine in the Chibougamau mining district. He taught at UVA for one year, five years in Salvador, Brazil, one year in California and at UGA since 1965. He discovered a vanadium deposit in 1966. Following re rement in 1991, he lectured on cruise ships. He has done 36 cruises, mostly to the Antarc c and Arc c, and three cruises on private jets. He has received many awards for his teaching and research.

Tuesday and Thursday, October 16 and 18, 2012 9:00 – 11:00 AM River’s Crossing 2 sessions $14.00 plus parking

Don’t forget that you need to renew your membership in order to sign up for classes and participate in our many Special Interest Groups.

Great Books

William Loughner The Great Books Founda on promotes reading, thinking, and the sharing of ideas for people of all ages. Group discussion enhances personal growth and social engagement. This year the group will read the selec ons in the GBF anthology Great Conversa ons 1 (h p:// nyurl.com/olligb). Sign up even if you can’t make all the sessions. If you have any ques ons, the facilitator invites you to call him at 706-543-3812 or e-mail him at bill@loughner.com. Bill Loughner is a re red science librarian who graduated from Wayne State University; he also has an M.A. in Math from UGA.

Wednesdays, September 5 and 19; October 3 and 17; November 7; and December 5 and 19, 2012 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM River’s Crossing 7 sessions $35.00 plus parking __________________________________________________

Green Construc on 101 for New and Exis ng Homes Luis Imery What is a green building program? What is being done to improve energy efficiency in new home construc on? Do you know your home’s MPG? What can you do to improve it? How green is Athens? Each of these ques ons will be discussed in the class. Luis Imery graduated in Civil Engineering, and also holds an MBA from the UGA Terry College of Business. He is head of The Imery Group, a full-service construc on, home energy performance, and real estate group that infuses sustainability into every facet of the real estate cycle. Luis believes that for the sake of future genera ons, we must be mindful of the social, ecological and financial impacts of our ac ons. The Imery Group was the recipient of a Na onal and Regional Green Building Awards in 2010 and 2011.

Thursday, October 25, 2012 1:00 – 2:15 PM River’s Crossing 1session $8.00 plus parking

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Hand Knitting

Healthy People and Healthy Wildlife

Learn or reacquaint yourself with basic hand-knit s tches, fabric and techniques in this kni ng program. Learn knit and purl combina ons, how to measure and fit properly, seams, and finishing. Projects will include hat and scarf.

This course provides an overview of many of today’s diseases that involve the wild animals we see in the air, in the woods, and in our own backyards. Some of these diseases can be managed in wild animals, but many cannot, so we take measures to prevent their transmission to humans. This course also describes how new diseases are inves gated so their impacts on human and animal health can be minimized.

Sudha Verma

Sudha Verma is a re red 2nd grade teacher. She has been making sweaters, scarves, hats, gloves, hand warmers, leg warmers and socks for 60 years. She also enjoys prac cing yoga with friends for good health.

Wednesdays, November 7, 14, 28, and December 5 2012 1:00 – 3:45 PM River’s Crossing 4 sessions $20.00 plus parking __________________________________________________

Healthcare Repair Helen Epps

Come travel the world through the pages of T. R. Reid’s engaging book as he searches for a prescrip on for the ailing US health care system. This class will discuss the pros and cons of four different health care models that the author outlines and will consider why the US ranks 37th among 191 countries in World Health Organiza on (WHO) ra ngs. Can the US health care system become BCF (Be er, Cheaper, Fairer)? What can we learn from France, Germany, Japan, the UK, Canada? Local health care professionals will be invited to join the discussion. Members are required to purchase and bring to class, “The Healing of America: A Global Quest for Be er, Cheaper, and Fairer Health Care” by T.R.Reid. ISBN: 978-1-59420-234-6 Dr. Epps is Professor Emeritus of Tex le Science at UGA where she was employed for 28 years. Her experience as a health care consumer began at birth 63 years ago in her small hometown in South Carolina where she was hospitalized for 6 weeks with expert care at a total cost of sixty-seven dollars and twenty cents.

Tuesdays, October 16, 23, and 30, 2012 2:30 – 3:45 PM River’s Crossing 3 sessions $18.00 plus parking

John Fischer

John Fischer, DVM, PhD, is a Professor of Popula on Health and Director of the Southeastern Coopera ve Wildlife Disease Study at UGA’s College of Veterinary Medicine. As Director, he works with the wildlife management agencies of 19 states, the USDA, and the U.S. Department of the Interior to determine the significance of diseases and parasites in wildlife popula ons and to delineate the role of wildlife in the epidemiology of human and domes c animal diseases.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012 10:30 – 11:45 AM River’s Crossing 1 session $8.00 plus parking

New Horizons Beginning Music Ensembles for Adults 50+ Athens - 12 weeks - September 5 - November 8, $110/semester for OLLI members Orchestras: Tuesday; 9:30 – 11:00am Bands: Mondays; 12 – 3pm Piano classes: Wednesdays; 4:30 – 6:30pm **Band & Orchestra meet at Athens Central Presbyterian Church (Alps Rd.) **Piano groups meet at the School of Music (UGA)

Beginners welcome!! “You’re never too old to learn to play a musical instrument.” New Horizons offers group instruc on on a weekly basis. To par cipate, all that is needed is the desire to learn, and an instrument of your choice! If you have always wanted to play a musical instrument, this is your opportunity!! Beginning classes are specifically designed for students with absolutely no musical knowledge to learn and explore in a comfortable and encouraging se ng. More advanced groups are already formed and newcomers are always welcome! See www.uga.edu/ ugacms/newhorizons.html for addi onal details. Presented by The UGA Community Music School, part of the Hugh Hodgson School of Music, and the Osher Lifelong Learning Ins tute.

Fall 2012, Page 20

OLLI Course Book

History into Art: Richard III, Edward VIII, and Popular Re-writing Fran Teague

In the first class, we will watch Ian McKellan’s film version of Shakespeare’s Richard III. This film re-sets Shakespeare’s play to England in the 1930s, re-wri ng history to imagine that the monarch and his family decided to join the forces of Nazism. Then we shall discuss the way that the film re-shapes or reflects history, using material released from the Bri sh government about the Nazi leanings of Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson. Next you’ll read Shakespeare’s Richard III. In class, we’ll spend me discussing the play, especially considering the way that he re-shaped history to fla er the Tudor monarchs. We’ll also talk about why this history play is among Shakespeare’s most popular. Finally, we’ll view The King’s Speech (2010), concluding our study with a discussion of the way that the film also modifies history to make such a successful film. Prior to class students are required to read “Richard III” (any edi on) by William Shakespeare. Fran Teague is a UGA professor with a joint appointment in both the Department of Theatre and Film Studies and the Department of English. She has been teaching Shakespeare courses since the 1970s, and her Shakespeare and Film course is quite popular.

Wednesdays, September 26 and October 3 and 10, 2012 1:00 – 4:00 PM River’s Crossing 3 sessions $18.00 plus parking

History of Opera Steve Valdez

A discussion of the history of opera in the 20th century featuring works by Puccini, Debussy, Berg, Stravinsky, Shostakovich, and others. Dr. Valdez is a part of the musicology faculty at the Hugh Hodgson School of Music of the University of Georgia. He has taught courses in music history since 1997. His principal research interest is in rock music and the music of the Beatles, but he also has taught courses in jazz history, the music of the Baroque period, music in the Renaissance, the music of Renaissance Spain, and aesthe cs of music.

Thursdays, September 27; October 4, 11, 18, and 25; and November 1, 2012 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM River’s Crossing 6 sessions $30.00 plus parking __________________________________________________

How Non-human Animals Use Tools (or Not) Dorothy Fragaszy

Survey of tool use in nonhuman animals, with emphasis on primates and on why (in psychological terms) some forms of tool use appear frequently in diverse species while others do not. Dorothy Fragaszy is Professor and Chair, Behavioral and Brain Sciences Program, Psych Dept., UGA. She studied at Duke University and then U. of California – Davis. She is a psychologist/primatologist/biologist; she studies the origins of flexible and adap ve behavior in nonhuman animals from mul ple perspec ves. She gives cap ve monkeys and apes spa al and manipula on problems to solve. Recently she has begun studying wild capuchin monkeys that use stones and anvils to hammer open tough palm nuts.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012 10:30 – 11:45 AM River’s Crossing 1 session $8.00 plus parking

Ian McKellen as the tle character of William Shakespeare's "Richard III"

OLLICourse Book

How to Excel at MS Excel Zu Reuter

Don’t let this program in midate you! Excel is not just for businesses and Fortune 500 companies. It’s a great tool for personal use such as tracking expenses, managing birthdays & addresses and even planning your grocery list. This class is an introductory course designed to define common terms and learn how to create and format spreadsheets on a fundamental level. To make the most efficient use of me, you should be familiar with basic computer terminology and func ons such as le mouse click, cut, copy, and paste. Zu, her husband and two dogs traded Desert for Dixie when they moved from Phoenix, Arizona to Athens, Georgia in 2010. She has over 17 years of training and administra ve experience which she brought to OLLI@UGA in June 2010. She is thrilled to have found an organiza on that encompasses in one fell swoop what she has sought her whole life… a way to learn AND have fun while doing it.

Wednesdays, October 24 and 31, 2012 2:30 – 3:45 PM River’s Crossing 2 sessions $14.00 plus parking __________________________________________________

How To Organize a “Share the Care” Group to Support a Person Who is Seriously Ill Penny Oldfather

Caregiving is one of the most important and challenging roles in life. Many seriously ill people need help. Exhausted caregivers don’t know where to turn. People wish to help, but they may not feel sure what to do. Those in need may have trouble asking for assistance from others. Par cipants in this class will learn about a brilliant, prac cal, and well-tested solu on called Share the Care addressing how a group can support a person who is seriously ill. The presenter has benefited from first-hand experience with this approach. A group of friends organized a Share the Care group for her partner who ba led ALS and who provided invaluable help to them for five years. This last year Penny organized a Share the Care group for a friend who had lung cancer. This has been a way for her to “pay it forward.”

Fall 2012, Page 21

Share the Care supports pa ents in comprehensive ways, enhancing their physical and emo onal well being while avoiding caregiver burnout. Par cipants own lives are greatly enriched through doing this work. For addi onal informa on, students can purchase the book, “Share the Care: How to organize a group to care for someone who is seriously ill” by Capossela, C. & Warnock, S. (2004); ISBN: 13: 978-0-7432-6268-2; or 10: 978-0-7432-6268-9, available through Amazon. Dr. Oldfather is Professor Emerita from the UGA Department of Elementary Educa on. She holds degrees from Oberlin College, The University of South Dakota, and The Claremont Graduate University. Her research focuses on student’s perspec ves on intrinsic mo va ons across various socio-cultural contexts. This OLLI course is based on her life experiences as a long-term caregiver and her work as a leader of “Share the Care” groups who organize to support a person who has a serious illness.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012 1:00 – 3:45 PM River’s Crossing 1 session $8.00 plus parking

Fisher Fund Tuition Assistance Program Upon the death of the late Carol Fisher, OLLI established a memorial fund in her honor to provide tui on assistance to OLLI members, per the policy below: All registered OLLI@UGA members shall be eligible for Fisher Fund tui on assistance upon simple oral or wri en applica on to the Execu ve Director, such applica on to remain confiden al. Approved requests are limited to $100 per person per semester, as credits to defray course and/or Luncheon fees selected by the member. Applicants can apply in any number of succeeding semesters, with dollar ceiling limits as recommended by the Finance Commi ee and approved by the Board in advance of each semester. The Execu ve Director will have authority to extend any Tui on Assistance request above the $100 maximum on a case-by-case excep on approved by the President.

Fall 2012, Page 22

OLLI Course Book

Hungary: An Introduction Monika Takacs Hungary is a country whose history goes back for more than a thousand years. Hungary has both a very unique language, being non-Indo-European, and culture even though located in the middle of Europe. The presenta on will provide some informa on about the Hungarian language and the country’s history and culture. There will also be pictures highligh ng interes ng places and customs, giving some insight into the life of the people. Dr. Takacs, born and reared in Hungary, moved to the U.S. about 16 years ago. Feeling strongly connected to both Hungary and the U.S., she likes to share informa on about Hungary here and educate people about the U.S. there. Dr. Takacs graduated as a chemist and earned a Ph.D. degree based on her research in soil chemistry. For more than 20 years she was a faculty member at the Hor cultural University in Budapest. She currently works as a freelance translator.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012 12:00 – 1:30 PM Central Presbyterian Church 1 session $12.00 You must register for this Lunch & Lecture no later than Monday, November 13, 20112. __________________________________________________

Introduction to Digital Photography Robert Nicholls

35mm color film camera in the 1950’s and went on to collect over 10,000 color slides worldwide. In 2001, he bought his first digital camera and now has well over 18,000 images stored on his iMac.

Wednesday and Thursday, November 14 and 15, 2012 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM River’s Crossing 2 sessions $14.00 plus parking __________________________________________________

Introduction to Human Genetics Wyatt Anderson

Basic principles of gene cs will be presented with examples from humans: genes and how they func on, chromosomes, gene c diseases, DNA, and “epigene cs.” And for those who really want to know, did you think as a child that you had been adopted because you were born with blue eyes and your parents’ eyes are brown? Georgia na ve Wya Anderson earned his B.S. and M.S. degrees at UGA and his Ph.D. from Rockefeller University. He was a faculty member at Yale University before coming to Georgia with a group of colleagues to form the Gene cs Program. He was the first head of UGA’s Gene cs Department and later served as Dean of Arts & Sciences. He is a gene cist interested in the processes of evolu on, such as natural selec on. He is a member of the Na onal Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts & Sciences.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012 12:00 – 1:30 PM Central Presbyterian Church 1 session $12.00

The course starts with choosing a digital camera and the basics for using it effec vely. Topics will include: a brief history of photography, types of digital cameras and how they work, lenses, focus, depth of field. aperture, exposure, composi on. How photos are recorded digitally and how to transfer them to your computer, how to make adjustments to your pictures, both in the camera and on the computer. How to make slide presenta ons, including using music or voice over, making photo DVDs, gree ng cards, calendars and theme books. The instructor will demonstrate using iPhoto on a Mac, however owning or being familiar with a Mac is not necessary for this course since very similar methods are used with PC’s.

This course will explore strategies for achieving a sustainable and even growing income in re rement.

Robert Nicholls is a re red architect and UGA emeritus professor with over 65 years experience in photography. He bought his first black and white film camera in the 1940’s and developed photographs using a dark room. He obtained his first

Becky graduated from UGA and has graduate degrees from Georgetown and the University of South Carolina (Master in Interna onal Business). She has worked in the financial service industry her en re career, including 20+ years at JP Morgan

You must register for this Lunch & Lecture no later than Monday, October 8, 2012. __________________________________________________

Investment Strategies for Today’s Retirees Becky Ford

OLLICourse Book

Chase, including overseas assignments and ten plus years in the Private Bank. Since 2002 she has worked for Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC (and predecessor organiza ons) concentra ng on planning for re rement. She holds the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional designa on and ac vely includes annui es and long term care insurance in her prac ce.

Thursday, November 8, 2012 1:00 – 2:15 PM River’s Crossing 1 session $8.00 plus parking __________________________________________________

Investments: What Goes Down Must Come Up! L. Ryan Brinson

Ryan will explain investment reali es and myths. He will also help the audience learn to focus on what’s important and ignore market noise. Ryan Brinson serves as Financial Advisor in the Private Wealth Consul ng Group at Broad Street Capital Advisors. Ryan joined Broad Street with the belief that all clients should receive highlevel goal-oriented advice developed through a collabora ve effort of specialists. With more than 11 years of experience in the financial industry Ryan is responsible for developing and implemen ng Comprehensive Wealth Solu ons to affluent families served by the firm. The Private Wealth Consul ng Group is a division of Broad Street Capital Advisors offering specialized Por olio Management, Estate and Re rement planning and Tac cal planning solu ons for affluent families throughout the United States. In addi on to these du es Mr. Brinson sits on the investment policy commi ee of the firm.

Monday - Thursday, November 26, 27, 28, and 29, 2012 1:00 – 2:15 PM River’s Crossing 4 sessions $20.00 plus parking __________________________________________________

Ishmael and the Future of Humanity Betty Jean Craige

We will read and discuss Daniel Quinn’s world-famous book “Ishmael”. We will explore the rela onship between our human society and the rest of nature that has come to endanger human health and well-being, and we will think about the environmental consequences of the shi underway from dualis c to holis c ways of thinking about nature.

Fall 2012, Page 23

Prior to the first class, students are asked to purchase Ishmael (available on Amazon.com) and read it completely. Dr. Craige is University Professor Emeritus of Compara ve Literature and Director Emeritus of the Willson Center for Humani es and Arts at UGA. She is a teacher, scholar, translator (from Spanish), art collector, and, on occasion, a humorist. Her publica ons include works in the fields of literature, poli cs, ecology, and art, as well as transla ons into English of the poetry of Antonio Machado, Gabriel Celaya, Manuel Mantero, and Marjorie Agosín. She produced an award-winning documentary on Alvar Suñol and has guest-curated 2 museum exhibi ons of Alvar’s work. In her latest book, Conversa ons with Cosmo: At Home with an African Grey Parrot, she wrote about her own pet bird’s acquisi on of speech and expression of a sense of humor.

Mondays, October 22 and 29, 2012 2:30 – 3:45 PM River’s Crossing 2 sessions $14.00 plus parking __________________________________________________

Laugh-A-Yoga Helene Hendon

We will discuss the benefits of Laugh-A-Yoga and experience a session of Laugh-A-Yoga. Laughter is an excellent tonic for body and soul! We will share in laughter games and end with relaxa on. Join us for this silly yet powerful prac ce! Helene is a cer fied and registered Yoga Instructor with a Masters in Educa on. She loves teaching and is excited to share the benefits she has reaped in her own life as well as the experiences and knowledge she has accrued through 11 teacher training courses and numerous workshops. Helene loves to laugh. She has always looked for the bright side of life and was very excited to find Laugh-A-Yoga. In addi on to mul ple other yoga cer fica ons, Helene is a cer fied LaughA-Yoga instructor who has been teaching Laugh-A-Yoga for the past five years.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012 2:30 – 3:45 PM River’s Crossing 1 session $8.00 plus parking

continued on page 23



10:30 Olive Oil (RC) 2:00 Robert Frost (RC)


10:00 What Now? (CP) 10:30 Calc_Poets (RC) 1:30 Conv German (RC)


10:30 Memoir Writing (CP) 2:30: Sharing_Experience (RC)


10:30 Memoir Writing (CP)

10:30 Calc_Poets (RC)


9:00 Foreign Policy (RC)



Open to members who joined within the last year.

10:30 Art Apprec. (RC)


10:30 Art Apprec. (RC)




CP: Central Presbyterian Church; OS: Off Site; PS: Presenter’s Studio; RC: River’s Crossing


10:30 Olive Oil (RC) 12:00 Trans-Oconee (CP) 2:00 Robert Frost (RC)



10:00 Zumba (CP) 1:30 Conv German (RC)






2:00 – 4:00 Newbees Orientation (RC)














August 2012






Fall 2012, Page 24 OLLI Course Book




10:00 Early Church (CP) 10:30 Calc_Poets (RC) 2:00 Robert Frost (RC) 2:30 Titan (RC)

AM-TBA: Back to Class Bash (CP)

10:00 Frozen Worlds (CP) 10:30 Fall Veggie (RC) 1:00 Fly Tying (RC) 2:30 Change _Perspec. (RC)

10:30 Healthy People (RC) 10:30 Tai Chi Easy (CP) 1: 00 History_Art (RC) 2:30 Modify_Home (RC)


9:00 Nev_Cali (RC) 10:00 Great Books (RC) 10:30 Tai Chi Easy (CP) 12:00 Smartphones (RC) 1:00 Current Affairs (RC)


10:30 Memoir Writing (CP) 12:00 Wireless Revol. (RC) 2:30 Stress Mgmnt (RC)


10:00 Frozen Worlds (CP) 11: 00 History_Opera (RC) 1:00 Fly Tying (RC) 1:00 Update_Interiors (RC)


9:00 Nev_Cali (RC) 1:00 Update_Interiors (RC)


10:30 Judaism (RC) 1:00 Living Old? (RC)


10:30 Calc_Poets (RC) 2:30 Cosmo (RC)



10:00 Best Buy (OS) 10:30 Tai Chi Easy (CP) 1:00 Sensible Gardening (CP)


9:00 Nev_Cali (RC) 10:00 Best Buy (OS) 10:30 Tai Chi Easy (CP) 1:00 Sensible Gardening (CP) 2:30 Kettle Creek (RC)


10:30 Art Apprec. (RC) 1:00 Sensible Gardening (CP) 2:30 Kettle Creek (RC)


10:30 Art Apprec. (CP) 2:30 Kettle Creek (RC) 2:30 South African Wines (RC)



CP: Central Presbyterian Church; OS: Off Site; PS: Presenter’s Studio; RC: River’s Crossing



10:00 Rvse. Mtg. (CP) 10:30 End of Life Care (RC) 1:30 Conv German (RC) 2:30 Rock n’Roll (RC)

18 9:00 Nev_Cali (RC) 12:00 Dead Sea…(CP) 2:30 Change _Perspec. (RC)


9:00 Nev_Cali (RC) 10:00 Zumba (CP) 1:30 Conv German (RC)

2:30 Titan (RC)



10:00 Great Books (RC) 10:30 Memoir Writing (CP)


Office Closed




10:00 Early Church (CP) 10:30 Calc_Poets (RC) 2:00 Robert Frost (RC)






September 2012







OLLICourse Book Fall 2012, Page 25






2:30 Healthcare Repair (RC)

10:30 Tai Chi Intm. (CP) 12:00 Cent. Snapshot (CP) 2:30 Excel (RC)


9:00 Fin. Records (RC) 10:30 Tai Chi Intm. (CP) 2:30 Excel (RC)


10:00 Great Books (RC) 1:00 Current Affairs (RC)


9:00 Gallery Tour (OS) 10:30 Tai Chi Easy (CP) 1: 00 History_Art (RC)


10:00 Great Books (RC) 10:30 Tai Chi Easy (CP) 1: 00 History_Art (RC)




11: 00 History_Opera (RC) 1:00 Grn.Constr. (RC) 2:30 Crit. Reading A (RC)


9:00: Polar Explor. (RC) 11: 00 History_Opera (RC) 2:30 Crit. Reading A (RC)


10:30 Perfect Trip (RC) 11: 00 History_Opera (RC) 2:30 Crit. Reading A (RC)


10:00 Frozen Worlds (CP) 11: 00 History_Opera (RC) 2:30 Crit. Reading A (RC)


10:00 Pottery Studio (OS) 10:30 Tai Chi Intm. (CP)


10:30 French (RC) 1:00 Sensible Gardening (CP)


10:00 Digi. Photo Basics (RC) 10:30 Tai Chi Easy (CP) 1:00 Sensible Gardening (CP)


10:00 Digi. Photo Basics (RC) 10:30 French (RC) 10:30 Tai Chi Easy (CP) 1:00 Sensible Gardening (CP)



CP: Central Presbyterian Church; OS: Off Site; PS: Presenter’s Studio; RC: River’s Crossing



9:00 Dickens! (RC) 10:30 Climate (RC) 1:30 Conv German (RC) 2:30 Ishmael (RC)

23 1:30 Emot. Freedom (CP) 2:30 Healthcare Repair (RC)


10:30 Climate (RC) 1:30 Conv German (RC) 2:30 Ishmael (RC)

16 9:00: Polar Explor. (RC) 12:00 Human Genetics (CP) 2:30 Healthcare Repair (RC)


10:00 Digi. Photo Basics (RC) 2:30 Nanotechnology (RC)

10:30 Climate (RC) 1:30 Conv German (RC)



10:00 Digi. Photo Basics (RC)

10:30 End of Life Care (RC)




10:30 Christians_Muslims (RC) 10:30 End of Life Care (RC) 11:30: Climate Change (TC) 1:30 Conv German (RC)


October 2012






Fall 2012, Page 26 OLLI Course Book




Don’t forget to change your clocks!



28 10:30 Comp. Security (RC) 1:00 Knitting (RC) 1:00 Investments (RC)

10:00 Airplanes (RC) 1:00 Investments (RC) 2:30 Crit. Reading B (RC)


Office Closed


10:30 Intro_DigiPhoto (RC) 2:30 Crit. Reading B (RC)


1:00 Invest. Strat. (RC) 2:30 Crit. Reading B (RC)

10:30 French (RC) 10:30 Comp. Security (RC)


Office Closed


9:00 Dickens! (RC) 10:30 French (RC) 10:30 Tai Chi Intm. (CP)


9:00 Dickens! (RC) 10:30 Tai Chi Intm. (CP)


9:00 Dickens! (RC) 10:00 Looming (CP) 10:30 French (RC) 10:30 Tai Chi Intm. (CP)





11: 00 History_Opera (RC) 2:30 Crit. Reading B (RC)


CP: Central Presbyterian Church; OS: Off Site; PS: Presenter’s Studio; RC: River’s Crossing

10:30 Theatre Arch. (RC) 1:00 Investments (RC)


1:30 Conv German (RC)



20 12:00 Intro_Hungary (CP)

9:00 Dickens! (RC)


14 10:30 Intro_DigiPhoto (RC) 10:30 Tai Chi Intm. (CP) 12:00 Paideia (CP) 1:00 Current Affairs (RC) 1:00 Knitting (RC)

13 10:30 How_use Tools(RC) 1:00 Share_Care (RC)


10:30 Comp. Security (RC) 1:00 Investments (RC) 1:30 Conv German (RC)

10:00 Great Books (RC) 10:30 Tai Chi Intm. (CP) 1:00 Knitting (RC)


6 10:30 Poe’s Museums (RC) 2:30 Sea_Sahara (RC)


9:00 Dickens! (RC) 1:30 Conv German (RC)




November 2012






OLLICourse Book Fall 2012, Page 27



Office Closed



Office Closed

10:00 Great Books (RC)


Office Closed



10:00 Airplanes (RC) 1:00 UGA_Centuries (RC)


10:00 Airplanes (RC) 2:30 Parisian Girl (RC)



Office Closed




10:30 Anim. History (RC)



CP: Central Presbyterian Church; OS: Off Site; PS: Presenter’s Studio; RC: River’s Crossing

Office Closed

Office Closed




12:00 Dear Sallie (CP)

10:30 Focus_Income (RC)




10 9:00 Downtown Abbey (RC) 2:30 Pet 1st Aid (RC)

10:00 Great Books (RC) 1:00 Knitting (RC) 2:30 Everything Parrott (RC)


10:30 Theatre Arch. (RC) 2:30 Laugh A Yoga (RC)






10:30 Prot._Import (RC) 11:30 D-day (TC) 1:30 Conv German (RC)





December 2012







Fall 2012, Page 28 OLLI Course Book

Course Title

Class Fee

# Tags purchased





Check #




Name on Card Billing Address

Card Number (Visa/MC/Discover)

Payment to OLLI@UGA

Membership fee (if applicable)

Course Title


Membership fee (if applicable)


Phone Parking Fee

Name Address Email

Exp (xx/xx)

Class Fee

Parking Fee

# Tags purchased

Return completed form along with your payment to: OLLI@UGA 850 College Station Rd. Athens, GA 30602

Registrant 2 (or Registrant 1 continued)

Name Address

Registrant 1

Course Registration

OLLI@UGA Course Registration and Payment Form

OLLICourse Book Fall 2012, Page 29


Total Payment to OLLI@UGA

Check #

Trip Name

Trip Name


Exp xx/xx


Deposit Payment amount in Full

Return completed form along with your payment to: OLLI@UGA 850 College Station Rd. Athens, GA 30602

I will share a room with ______________________________ (if only one name is listed above) I would like an individual room I am willing to take an individual room, but if possible, pair me with someone

For overnight trips, please mark the appropriate statement with X


Billing Address

Name on Card

Card Number (Visa/MC/Discover)

Payment to OLLI@UGA



Phone Deposit Payment amount in Full

Name Address

Name Address Email

Registrant 2

Registrant 1

Travel/Study Registration

OLLI@UGA Travel/Study Registration Payment Form

Fall 2012, Page 30 OLLI Course Book

OLLICourse Book

OLLI@UGA Membership Form 850 College Station Road, Athens, GA 30602-4811 Telephone: 706-542-7715 Email: olli@uga.edu Web: www.olli.uga.edu

Fall 2012, Page 31

OLLI@UGA Membership is $45 per person per year The membership year is July 1- June 30

New member __________

Renewing Member___________

Renewing Members Only: YES! My info has changed in the last 12 months _________ Please send me a new Name Badge ________ Table Tent ________

Name _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (As you would like it to appear on your name tag & in the OLLI@UGA directory)

Mailing Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________ City _______________________________________ State _____________ Zip ______________ Phone (H) _________________________ (C) ___________________________ Email ____________________________________ If you do NOT want your name and contact information listed in the OLLI Membership directory, please check here Please be aware that other OLLI members, Class Facilitators, and Committee Chairs may have difficulty reaching you if you opt out of the Membership Directory.

I would like to support OLLI@UGA with the enclosed tax deductible monetary contribution ____$25 ____$50 $_____other Yes, please send me information about Leave a Legacy for OLLI@UGA ______

Think OLLI@UGA is only about courses and classrooms? Well, think again! Share your time and experience by volunteering on one or several of our committees Curriculum Marketing Development Membership Finance Member Services (social) Long Range Planning OLLI Angels (office tasks)

Publications/Newsletters Technology Travel/Study

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are a great way to make new friends and socialize with people who share similar interests Beadiacs Bridge (Intermediate) LadyDogs Basketball (UGA) Opera Bicycling Digital Photography Lunch Bunch SoloSENIORS Bonsai Hand Quilting Mac Fanatics Stitch & Chat Book Discussion Happy Hikers Memoir Writing Supper Club Bridge (Novice) Investment OLLI Paddlers Veggie Garden Growers

If you are interested in teaching a class or leading a new Special Interest group, please contact the OLLI@UGA office.

Remember to enclose this completed form with your check for $45 payable to OLLI@UGA OLLI@UGA, River’s Crossing, 850 College Station Road, Athens, GA 30602-4811 Telephone: 706-542-7715 Email: olli@uga.edu Web: www.olli.uga.edu New & renewing members can pay by credit card either online at www.olli.uga.edu or by calling the OLLI office at 706-542-7715. Visa/MC/Discover Card accepted CCE________ LS________ SIG/CC_________ MC_________ NMK_________ Rev. 4/2012 M:\Projects\OLLIUGA\Forms

Fall 2012, Page 32

OLLI Course Book

Looming into History

continued from page 23

Living Old? Thinking Young? Learn to Think Outside the Box Bobbi Heenan

This is a fun look at HOW we think and act and HOW to change our process in order to enjoy ourselves more. Age is NOT a sentence -- it is a PRIVILEGE! Par cipants will play “mind games”, thinking games, paper games, and learn to look at each other in a more crea ve way. Ms. Heenan is an interna onal design and symposium instructor for the Na onal Council of Garden Clubs. She teaches advanced crea ve design and has given lectures in design for 25 years throughout the United States, South and Central America. Her designs have been featured in a number of books and she has exhibited in museums in South Carolina and Georgia. Thursday, September 13, 2012 1:00 – 2:30 PM River’s Crossing 1 session $8.00 plus parking __________________________________________________

Looking at Judaism from a Chabad Chassidic Perspective Rabbi Michoel Refson

This will be a course about Judaism and Jewish life focusing on its origins, its con nuity and its approach to life. Rabbi Michoel Refson was born in Leeds UK, where his father is the head of the Jewish ecclesias cal court. He started his Rabbinic studies in Manchester UK, con nued his studies in Israel, NY, and Miami, and a er 7 years of rabbinical studies received his ordina on from the West Coast Rabbinical seminary in L.A. In 2005 he married Chana, and a few months later they came to Athens to create and direct the Chabad Jewish student and community center. They have 3 children, all of whom were born in Athens, and they plan on calling Athens home forever.

Thursday, September 13, 2012 10:30 – 11:30 AM River’s Crossing 1 session $8.00 plus parking

Erica Lewis

Ms. Lewis will give a brief history of looms, from ancient mes to the modern computer-driven looms. She will also discuss fibers and tex les from different me periods. She will give a demonstra on on her 24 harness compu-dobby loom. Erika Lewis received her M.F.A. in Fabric Design from the University of Georgia in 1979. She is the owner of The Weavers’ Web, where she also gives instruc on in weaving.

Friday, November 2, 2012 10 AM – 12:00 PM Central Presbyterian Church 1 session $10.00 __________________________________________________

Making of US Foreign Policy Howard Leeb

Purpose is not to advocate any par cular foreign policy, but rather to give some idea of how it is made, who does what, how they do it, government agencies interplay and how we the people can and do get involved. Howard Leeb is a re red Foreign Service Officer (USIA) who served in Colombia, Venezuela, Pakistan, Brazil, Mozambique, Panama, with occasional tours in Washington, D.C. Preponderance of du es involved educa onal and cultural exchange, press a aché. He is a graduate of Wayne State University, Detroit, BS Bus Ad. And he did his graduate work at De Paul University, Chicago. Having moved to Athens from Blacksburg, VA Oct, in 2004 he s ll speaks Spanish, but has all but lost Portuguese. He has four grown children, two stepdaughters, and 9 grandkids.

Thursday, August 23, 2012 9:00 – 10:15 AM River’s Crossing 1 session $8.00 plus parking __________________________________________________

Memoir Writing: Preserving the Stories Your Mother Told You Bo Craig

Believing that “There is no such thing as an ordinary person or an ordinary life,” Bo’s class will offer help for those who want to preserve their stories but need some extra help in knowing just how to do that. Some of the previous works of Bilbo Books

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have included 3 children’s books, 3 Jamaican writers, a re red CEO wri ng a book out leadership, and a John F. Kennedy peace corps volunteer wri ng a book about a forgo en South African tribal chief, establishing his place in history. With a mother who was an English professor, Bowen Craig learned very early to love and respect language. It’s s ll rather surprising to learn that he wrote his first book at age 12. He is also the author of two novels, “Keeping Away From the Joneses” and “A Look to the Future Through the Eyes of an Eighty Year Old Pirate”. Bo is the editor of Bilbo Books Publishing, which he co-owns with Bill Bray.

Wednesdays, August 22 & 29; September 5 & 12, 2012 10:30 – 11:30 AM Central Presbyterian Church 4 sessions $28.00 __________________________________________________

Modify Your Home to Age in Place Craig Smith

Learn the major challenges seniors face with their home when they choose to age in place at home rather than another facility. In this workshop seniors, family members, and caregivers will gain an understanding of basic modifica ons and solu ons to make a senior’s home safe, accessible and func onal. Craig Smith earned a Bachelor of Architectural Engineering Technology. He’s the owner of Vest Proper es, Inc. and is a Georgia state-licensed residen al general contractor with over 30 years experience specializing in home repairs and remodeling. He is CAPS cer fied (Cer fied Aging in Place Specialist) and experienced in adap ng homes to seniors’ needs.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012 2:30 – 3:45 PM River’s Crossing 1 session $8.00 plus parking __________________________________________________

Nanotechnology and Metamaterials: Using the Very Small to Build the Completely New Bill Dennis

We will give an overview of the exci ng new fields of nanotechnology and metamaterials. We will discuss how nanofabrica on techniques can be used to build structures that have op cal proper es previously not found in nature. We will present some intriguing metamaterials applica ons such as superlenses and invisibility cloaks.

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Dr. Bill Dennis is a Professor of Physics and Department Head of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Georgia. From 2002 to 2006 he served as the founding Director of NanoSEC, the UGA Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center. His current research interests include using a combina on of experiment and computer simula on to inves gate the linear and nonlinear op cal proper es of nanoscale systems and nanocomposites. Before joining the faculty at UGA, he was a postdoctoral research associate at the Center for Free Electron Laser Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He received both his PhD and BA Moderatorship degrees in Experimental Physics from Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012 2:30 – 3:45 PM River’s Crossing 1 session $8.00 plus parking __________________________________________________

Olive Oil- Everything you would like to know but were afraid or didn’t know - to ask Randall Abney

This class will consist of two sessions. The first will cover the history of olive oil, including a study of the regions of the world where olives grow; how they are grown; how they are picked and processed; and the difference between Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Virgin Olive Oil and Olive Oil. The class will also cover how olive oil labels are decep ve, causing consumers to buy oil they think comes from one region or country when, in fact, it doesn’t. We will discuss how to purchase the right olive oil at the right price. The second session will be an olive oil tas ng, including olive oil from different countries and regions and of different age and quality. The cost of the course includes a $5 fee to cover the cost of the tas ngs. Randall Abney holds a BBA degree from UGA and has been involved in many businesses over his career. From childhood, he worked in the family department store; built cable television franchises; started so ware companies and co-founded a company whose technology was awarded an Academy Award in 2009.

Tuesdays, August 21 & 28, 2012 10:30 – 11:45 AM River’s Crossing 2 sessions $19.00 plus parking

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Paideia: The Ideal of Human Culture

Planning the Perfect Trip

For around two thousand years, from the me of Plato to the early 17th Century, the ideal of human culture was bound up with the belief in a comprehensive world view and a comprehensive way of life based on that world view. This idea had to do with the human desire to live, to live well, and live be er, and the fundamental human ques on was “What is my and our significance, worth, and purpose in the whole scheme of things?” The roots of this ideal reached deep into Greek, Roman, Jewish, and Chris an history, and then things began to change...

Few things in life are as rewarding and moving as a deeply sa sfying trip, especially one that imprints wonderful memories that never fade. Whether it is a special family trip to Disney, a roman c anniversary trip to Paris, or a stunning African safari, these are trips that can bond families, couples, or friends closer together over shared memories that last a life me. There are also many details that go into ensuring that your trip goes smoothly, with minimal stress, and maximum pleasure. Some of these details are obvious, others small and easy to overlook, but all have the poten al to jeopardize your experience should they not be dealt with properly.

William Power

William L. Power is Professor of Religion at the University of Georgia. He received his B.A.E. at the University of Mississippi and his BD and Ph.D. at Emory University. He has taught and published in the disciplines of historical theology, philosophical and systema c theology, and philosophy of religion. He is past president the American Academy of Religion, S.E. Region and the Society for Philosophy of Religion.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012 12:00 – 1:30 PM Central Presbyterian Church 1 session $12.00 You must register for this Lunch & Lecture no later than Tuesday, November 6, 2012. __________________________________________________

Parisian Girl during the German Occupation, 1939-1945 France Boney

The personal reminiscences of the German Invasion and long occupa on of Paris and the libera on in August 1944. Frances Boney, who was born in Paris in 1931, is a graduate of the University of Paris. She earned a Master of Arts degree in French Literature from the University of Georgia. A re red teacher, Frances taught French at Cedar Shoals High School for 17 years.

Thursday, December 6, 2012 2:30 – 3:45 PM River’s Crossing 1 session $8.00 plus parking

Adam Wilson

This course will deal with the A’s to Z’s of planning that perfect trip. From vital documenta on, to trip insurance, pricing, flights, packing, learning your des na on, and more, we will review the components that go into ensuring that your adventure is a fantas c one. Adam Wilson has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Interna onal Studies from UCLA and Masters in Interna onal Business from the University of Kentucky. He has worked in Interna onal marke ng with corpora ons such as IBM and NCR. Adam has lived, worked, studied and traveled all over the world. Since 2004 he has been a professional travel consultant, a career that has given him the pleasure of pu ng together the trips of a life me for his clients.

Thursday, October 11, 2012 10:30 – 11:45 AM River’s Crossing 1 session $8.00 plus parking __________________________________________________

Poe’s Museums Douglas Anderson

Poe’s Museums: I hope to preside over a lively discussion of one rather well-known Poe story and one less so: “Ligeia” and “The Assigna on.” Together they amount to just under thirty pages of reading, but each contains a sample of Poe’s poetry and each hints at the way he used informal museums—or some mes libraries, museums of books—as ways of expanding the scope of a tale. Prior to class students should have read any collec on of Poe’s fic on that contains the two stories men oned in the course descrip on.

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Douglas Anderson is the Sterling-Goodman Professor of English at UGA and the author of several books on key figures in American literary history, including Pictures of Ascent in the Fic on of Edgar Allan Poe (2009). His most recent work, a study of Benjamin Franklin’s memoir en tled The Unfinished Life of Benjamin Franklin, will appear in May 2012.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012 10:30 – 11:45 AM River’s Crossing 1 session $8.00 plus parking

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Jess Jensen-Ryan is a Financial Advisor for Edward Jones in Athens. He currently holds a Series 7, Series 66, as well as Georgia State Insurance licenses.

Monday, December 3, 2012 10:30 – 11:45 AM River’s Crossing 1 session $8.00 plus parking __________________________________________________

Revisiting the Early Church


Sam Nickols

Pottery Studio Visit

Session I will provide a review of resources now available to study about early Chris anity. Most of these resources explore documents which have not been available for about 1600 years. Some of this material was covered in an earlier 2011 course.

Diane Davies and Sara Thompson A er a brief tour of the studio and overview of the process of making po ery, Diane will demonstrate throwing a pot on the wheel. Given the innate desire to make something from a ball of clay, par cipants will be given a chance to make a pinch, coil, or slab vessel. Besides an interes ng demonstra on, par cipants will have the opportunity to view the kiln and learn about the process of firing as well as look at a few pieces that are on display in a small viewing room. Those wishing to do so a er the studio visit may venture on into the town of Madison for lunch. Diane Davies and Sara Thompson are members of the Madison Ar sts Guild and Oconee Cultural Arts Founda on and conduct workshops at their studio in Madison, GA. Diane’s work has been in numerous juried art shows and galleries. Her commissioned pieces have been presented to Heads of State and dignitaries throughout the world.

Friday, October 26, 2012 10:00 AM – OPEN Presenter’s Studio 1 session $8.00 __________________________________________________

Protecting What’s Important Jess Jensen-Ryan

Protec ng What’s Important is an educa onal program designed to offer individuals a founda onal knowledge of three cri cal types of insurance: Heath insurance, disability insurance and life insurance.

Session II will explore some of the beliefs and prac ces of the early churches before orthodoxy began to direct and control the church. We’ll consider how some of this informa on is making an impact on contemporary Chris anity. Sam Nickols is a re red minister of the Chris an Church (Disciples of Christ). He is a graduate of Union Theological Seminary in New York City. He has served congrega ons and campus ministry programs in Missouri, Oklahoma, Illinois, and Georgia.

Tuesdays, September 4 and 11, 2012 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Central Presbyterian Church 2 sessions $18.00

Don’t forget that you need to renew your membership in order to sign up for classes and participate in our many Special Interest Groups.

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Robert Frost: The Poems Less Traveled David Robinson

Every American knows some of Frost’s poems, but much fine work in his long and dis nguished career is not well known. This course will focus on a number of the lesser-known poems; we will discuss several in each session. Students must purchase Selected Poems (Rinehart paperback ed., intro Robert Graves) by Robert Frost. Students should bring the book and have read two poems for the first mee ng of the class. The poems they should read are “Come In” and “’Out, Out--.” Dr. Robinson has a Ph.D. in American Literature from Ohio State University. He has taught composi on and literature at both Ohio State and Georgia College and State University.

Tuesdays, August 21 and 28 and September 4 and 11, 2012 2:00 – 4:00 PM River’s Crossing 4 sessions $20.00 plus parking __________________________________________________

Sensible Gardening through Permaculture: Adjusting with Climate Change Joanne Roth

Learning how to garden in a way that will allow your plants to assist one another in their survivability, through moisture reten on, nutrient accumula on, nitrogen a rac on, and the lling of soils by some root systems, plants that will clean and fumigate the soil for you, and create pest free zones around each other. How to problem solve in a natural way, and how to design your gardens to fit a variety of needs, while at the same me making them beau ful. There will be at least two tours to observe how this works in a regular garden se ng where perennials, shrubs, and trees are all intermingled with fruits, vegetables, and herbs in the same beds. There will be plant cu ng starts and seeds, for each par cipant of the class for them to have the experience of growing in this manner. We will work with different methods of propaga on, through gra ing, budding, plant division, cross pollina on, and other methods. A short course of cloud iden fica on and tornado spo ng, along with an included CD, will also be featured.

We will deal with pruning issues and learn how to do it properly. There will also be a plant exchange the last day of the class. And those that are having difficulty with the design of their gardens can bring in drawings of their gardens to learn ways to improve upon what they have started. A $15.00 fee has been included in the cost of this course to cover the cost of plants, seeds, po ng soils, and pots, and an extensive amount of handouts. Students are encouraged to purchase “Gaia’s Gardens: A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture” by Toby Hemenway. Ms. Roth notes that the best price can be found on Amazon.com. Ms. Roth studied fine and commercial art at Butler University (John Herron Art Ins tute) and Indiana University. She has worked as an illustrator for McGraw-Hill in St. Louis, Mo.; as an illustrator and colorist with Richmond-Gorman, Nebraska; and as the graphic art and design director for several adver sing companies. She owned her own adver sing firm in Houston County, Ga., for seven years. She became a Master Gardener through Ohio State University. She has owned her own ad agency specializing as a business developer to increase sales and services for companies— including nurseries and garden centers. She was on the speakers’ circuit in both Ohio and Indiana, lecturing in garden design and good hor cultural techniques. She is a long me Mac user in her business and personal life. Joanne is a member of the OLLI Curriculum Commi ee and a returning presenter.

Fridays, September 14, 21, and 28 and October 5, 12, and 19, 2012 1:00 – 3:00 PM Central Presbyterian Church 6 sessions $51.00 __________________________________________________

Sharing Your Life Experience: How Can you Mentor a Child? Paula Shilton

This informa on session will cover: 1. The history, mission and impact of the Clarke County Mentor Program. 2. How individuals and community groups can support CCMP to increase that impact. 3. Requirements of a mentor and how one becomes a mentor (Note: this session is not a Mentor Training session.)

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Paula Shilton is the Director of the Clarke County Mentor Program. She has been a nonprofit administrator for over a decade, and has also been Project Coordinator for UGA’s School of Social Work. Her three children a ended Clarke County schools, and she is pleased to be involved with an organiza on that directly benefits students in the Clarke County School District.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012 2:30 – 3:30 PM River’s Crossing 1 session $8.00 plus parking __________________________________________________

Smartphones, Tablets and other Data-Centric Devices L.J. Burgess

So, you think you’re ready to take the plunge? You want to move from a basic phone to one that may be smarter than you? Have no fear. Learn some of the things smart phones can do to make your life easier. Then, see if you are ready for a big boy/ girl phone. L.J. Burgess is passionate about wireless products and outstanding customer service. She has been involved in the industry for more than three years. She has a broad knowledge of the various opera ng systems and cell phones. She has an MBA in Management from the University of Florida and a BA in Mass Communica on from LSU.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012 12:00 – 1:30 PM River’s Crossing 1 session $8.00 plus parking __________________________________________________

South African Wine William Finlay

The South African wine industry is the oldest of the “New World” winemaking countries, da ng back to 1659. But modern winemaking in South Africa, characterized by a large number of small, independent wineries and the cul va on of a wide range of grape varietals, dates back to the end of apartheid in the early 1990s. The li ing of economic sanc ons exposed South Africa to interna onal trends in winemaking and allowed South African wines to compete in world markets. This course will examine how effec ve South African winemakers have been in making and selling their wines, with a par cular focus on the

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US market where South African wines, in contrast to those from other southern Hemisphere producers, have struggled to gain a foothold. In sum, I will be addressing two ques ons: (1) what are the dis nc ve features of South African winemaking and (2) why aren’t these wines more appealing to U.S. consumers? William Finlay is Head of the Department of Sociology at UGA. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of Cape Town in South Africa and his Ph.D. in Sociology from Northwestern University. He has taught at the University of Georgia since 1988. His specialty areas are the sociology of work and organiza ons and he is the author or co-author of three books on those topics. His current research project is on the South African wine industry; he has been interviewing both South African winemakers and their U.S. importers and distributors.

Friday, September 7, 2012 2:30 – 4:00 PM River’s Crossing 1 session $8.00 plus parking __________________________________________________

Southern Roots of Rock ‘n’ Roll Jim Cobb

Describes the evolu on of southern music from the blues and hillbilly styles through their eventual fusion in what became rock ‘n’ roll, with emphasis on the historical and cultural context of this musical odyssey, as traced through numerous musical examples. Spalding Dis nguished Professor in the History of the American South. A former president of the Southern Historical Associa on, Jim Cobb has wri en extensively about the history and culture of the American South.

Monday, September 24, 2012 2:30 – 3:45 PM River’s Crossing 1 session $8.00 plus parking

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Stress Management through Mindfulness Practices Helene Hendon

Come experience and explore mindful breathing and mindful movement as ways to address stress. Perhaps come away with new tools for interrup ng the cycle of stress. Develop a greater understanding for the relaxa on response that is an integral part of our being! Helene is a cer fied and registered Yoga Instructor with a Masters in Educa on. She loves teaching and is excited to share the benefits she has reaped in her own life as well as the experiences and knowledge she has accrued through 11 teacher training courses and numerous workshops. Helene is looking forward to sharing stress management techniques with OLLI par cipants.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012 2:30 – 3:45 PM River’s Crossing 1 session $8.00 plus parking __________________________________________________

Tai Chi Easy

Tom Wittenberg Tai Chi Easy is derived from the 108 moves of tradi onal Tai Chi. It consists of five flowing movements that promote vitality, self-healing, and relaxa on. Among the benefits are improved balance, lower blood pressure, greater flexibility and resilience, decreased incidence of falls, and stress reduc on. Par cipants will become familiar with the 4 elements of movement, selfadministered massage, medita on, and breathing. Tom Wi enberg earned an AB from Dartmouth and an MA from the University of Minnesota. Among his careers have been book publishing, recruiter for the Athens Area Chamber of Commerce, and Tai Chi trainer. He studied Tai Chi with Roger Jahnke, OMD, Ins tute of Integral Tai Chi and Qigong in Santa Barbara, California.

Wednesdays and Fridays, September 19 and 21, 26 and 28, and Oct. 3 and 5, 10 and 12, 2012 10:30 – 11:30AM Central Presbyterian Church 8 sessions $48.00

Tai Chi Intermediate Tom Wittenberg The intermediate class is intended for those who have completed Introductory Tai Chi Easy and are comfortable Tracing the Phoenix’s Tail. The class will con nue the long form of Tai Chi Easy, adding “7 Precious Gestures” and “9 Phases” to the rou ne. Tom Wi enberg earned an AB from Dartmouth and an MA from the University of Minnesota. Among his careers have been book publishing, recruiter for the Athens Area Chamber of Commerce, and Tai Chi trainer. He studied Tai Chi with Roger Jahnke, OMD, Ins tute of Integral Tai Chi and Qigong in Santa Barbara, California.

Wednesdays and Fridays, October 24 and 26, October 31 and November 2, November 7 and 9, and November 14 and 16, 2012 10:30 – 11:30 AM Central Presbyterian Church 8 sessions $48.00 __________________________________________________

Theatre Architecture: Spectacle and Illusion Stanley Longman

Theatre architecture seeks to accommodate and integrate the audience. The audience plays a powerful role in a play almost as character in itself. The course traces the rela onship between plays and playhouses in various historical periods. These periods are: Greek of the 5th century BC, ancient Roman, Medieval, Elizabethan, Spanish Golden Age, Italian Renaissance, eighteenth century, roman cism, realism, and other “isms” appearing in the twen eth century. Stanley Longman is the former head of the Department of Theatre and Film Studies at UGA. He has a doctorate from the University of Iowa and has studied in Italy under a Fulbright Fellowship and for many years conducted a study abroad program in Italy. He has published ar cles on Italian theatre prac ce and on playwrights. He also published on the subjects of playwri ng and drama c analysis.

Tuesdays, November 27 and December 4, 2012 10:30 – 11:45 AM River’s Crossing 2 sessions $14.00 plus parking

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UGA over the Centuries Nash Boney

A one-hour run through over two centuries of UGA history with use of 40-59 slides. Nash Boney taught history at UGA for 28 years, specializing in southern and especially Georgia history. Many of his publica ons dealt with UGA itself. Among his works are A Pictorial History of the University of Georgia (UGA Press, 1984 and revised in 2000). He has also wri en 21 ar cles on UGA over the years in a wide variety of journals and newspapers.

Thursday, December 13, 2012 1:00 – 2:15 PM River’s Crossing 1 session $8.00 plus parking __________________________________________________

Updating Your Interiors with “A Plan of Pizzazz” Cumby Hammock-Cobb

This seminar will help a endees update their homes’ interiors and address func on and design choices. We will look at aesthe cs, as well as common design problems. The presenter will provide ps to be applied to individual living environments. A endees are encouraged to bring in personal examples for discussion. Cumby has a passion for design and works at “problem solving” with clients for a be er interior, including Aging in Place. She is a graduate of UGA’s School of Family and Consumer Science and has a degree in Furnishings and Interiors. Cumby is an experienced Interior Designer and business owner, and owns Cumby’s Interiors.

Thursdays, September 20 and 27, 2012 1:00 – 2:15 PM River’s Crossing 2 sessions $14.00 plus parking

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What Financial Records to Keep: The Why & Where Alden Mergenthal and Julia Marlowe

Do you keep lots of your financial papers because you’re afraid you’ll throw away something important? Do you have trouble finding an important document when you need it? As a par cipant in this class, you will learn what documents to keep, where to keep them, for how long, as well as organiza on strategies. This class combines the knowledge of Alden Mergenthal (Elwood & Goetz Wealth Advisory Group) a professional financial planner and Julia Marlowe (Athens Home Organizer) who develops solu ons to clients’ organiza onal problems, especially home offices. Alden Mergenthal, Financial Planning Coordinator, Elwood & Goetz Wealth Advisory Group. She oversees the implementa on of clients’ financial plans and investment management of their por olios. She has a BS in Financial Planning and she holds the Uniform Investment Advisor Law License and is a Cer fied Financial Planner. Julia Marlowe, Professional Organizer, Athens Home Organizer. Julia develops individualized solu ons for her clients. She is a member of the Na onal Associa on of Professional Organizers. She has a BS in Home Economics Educa on and a PhD in Consumer Economics. She taught high school Home Economics for 3 years and Resource Management at the university level for 26 years.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012 9:00 – 11:45 AM River’s Crossing 1 session $8.00 plus parking

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What Now? Part II

What the Dickens!

BB&T presented a class in the 2012 Spring session that addressed some of the most pressing ques ons being asked in the present economic climate. Due to the size of the class, however, it was impossible for the presenters to address all of the ques ons as they would have liked.

This course is a modest celebra on of an immodest and immoderately successful novelist’s 200th anniversary. While s ll in his twen es Charles Dickens became the most popular writer in England, and since then his work has enriched the world’s imagina on, even among those who have never read one of his full-length novels. Readers who think they are well beyond Dickens are predictably impressed and entertained when rediscovering him.

Mark Britt

In an a empt to alleviate that problem, this class will consist of break-out sessions where financial planners, experts in estate planning and long-term care insurance will be able to field ques ons in specific areas. Some of the more pressing ques ons would be: Based on your knowledge as financial experts, (not fortune-tellers), what does the economic future look like? What are some of your sugges ons, (not as fortune-tellers) about how I should be inves ng? If I am a military veteran, can I qualify for veteran benefits? What do I need to know about Long Term Care Insurance? Mark Bri is a Vice President and Team Director with BB&T Private Financial Services. He joined BB&T in 2003 and has over 18 years experience in the financial services industry. He is a graduate of Georgia State University and completed the Financial Planner program at Oglethorpe University in 2005. He is a Cer fied Financial Planner ™ and works with clients throughout the North Georgia market.

Monday, August 27, 2012 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Central Presbyterian Church 1 session $10.00

James Kissane

Our course will include a reading and discussion of Great Expecta ons, one of his “shorter” major works yet widely considered among his finest, and viewing some of the movie versions it has inspired. We will also consider Dickens’ colorful life and remarkably produc ve career, and will sample the variety of cri cal opinion rela ng to his work. Students will need to purchase and have read “Great Expecta ons” by Charles Dickens. Any edi on that includes the alternate ending as well as the original. Dr. Kissane holds a Ph.D. in English from The Johns Hopkins University and is Professor Emeritus of Literature at Grinnell College, where he taught for 38 years. His publica ons include books, ar cles, and reviews on a variety of mostly 19th- and 20th-century topics and writers. In past semesters he has presented several different courses for LIR/OLLI.

Monday and Fridays, October 29 and November 2, November 5 and 9, November 12 and 16, 2012 9:00 – 11:00 AM River’s Crossing 6 sessions $3 30.00 plus parking $30.00

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Wireless Revolution

Zumba Gold : Dance Your Way To Fitness

Wireless devices have come a long way. These are not the same phones you purchased 20 years ago. They are no longer just for making phone calls. You can text someone, surf the Net or post on your friend’s Facebook page. What does all this mean to you? Why would you want a Droid vs. an iPhone or basic phone? What are the differences between the various opera ng systems and which one is best for you? What are some of the other technology offerings from cell phone companies. These are just a few of the things that will be discussed in this course. You will also get an opportunity to ask some technology-related ques ons you have.

Zumba is a La n-dance inspired fitness program. Taking the original concept which combines a dance work-out with a partylike atmosphere and adjus ng it to the needs of seniors resulted in Zumba Gold. The program improves cardio-vascular health as it works the heart, hips, legs and arms with dance moves.

L.J. Burgess

Anie Hansen

L.J. Burgess is passionate about wireless products and outstanding customer service. She has been involved in the industry for more than three years. She has a broad knowledge of the various opera ng systems and cell phones. She has an MBA in Management from the University of Florida and a BA in Mass Communica on from LSU.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012 12:00 – 1:30 PM River’s Crossing 1 session $8.00 plus parking

Anie will offer two demonstra on classes, one on Monday, August 20, and another on Monday, Sept. 17, at 10:00 – 11:30. Both classes will be the same. Stephanie “Anie” Hansen is a cer fied Zumba instructor who knows personally the benefits of Zumba, having lost 70 pounds on this fitness program. Anie immigrated to the U.S. from Germany in 2009 so expect an interes ng class as this La nmusic inspired program is taught with a German accent to folks with a Southern dialect.

Session - A Monday, August 20, 2012 10:00 – 11:30 AM Central Presbyterian Church 1 session $10.00 Session - B Monday, September 17, 2012 10:00 – 11:30 AM Central Presbyterian Church 1 session plus parking $10.00

IMPORTANT INFORMATION Regarding your River’s Crossing One-Day Parking Tags Per instruc on from UGA’s Parking Services team, your temporary parking tag must indicate the Year, the Month and the Day that you are using your pass. Please circle the appropriate op ons prior to or upon arrival. Please do not park in the spaces marked “Visitor Parking” at the end of the lot. Addi onally, a state issued Disability placard does not exclude you from needing a Temporary Parking Tag for River’s Crossing. You will need to display both when parking in the lot. And finally, if you make it to class and find yourself in need of parking tags, you may purchase them from the OLLI office.

It’s Your Choice Purchase tag through OLLI@UGA: $2 Purchase tag in the Visitor Parking lot: $5 Failure to purchase or display tag: $40 fine from UGA

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Washington Chapter Curriculum for Fall If you are interested in registering for any of the following courses, offered at Parish House in Washington, GA, please send payment to Hilda Wright, P.O. Box 729, Washington, GA 30673. Contact Joseph Harris at 706-678-7000 with ques ons. Class fees are $5 per session.

African-American Art – The Thompson Collection

Herbal and Other Folk Remedies of the South

The visual arts o en reflect both the mes and culture. The Larry and Brenda Thompson Collec on emphasizes the work of African-American ar sts represen ng li le specific extraneous influences but the American culture and the African diaspora. Condi ons influencing visual arts in general and that of the Thompson Collec on in par cular will be included in this course. A review of Georgia Museum of Art ac vi es will be covered and an opportunity for a tour emphasizing the Thompson group will be scheduled.

A brief history of folk remedies as prac ced in the Georgia low country un l the 1950’s. The focus will be on the tradi onal and folkloric methods to prevent and heal sickness by combining the physical and spiritual proper es of herbs, foods and curios.

Monday, September 17, 12 Noon, Parish House Ms Linda Chesnut is a graduate of Oglethorpe University with a BA Degree (Cum Laude) in secondary educa on. She has a Master of Arts and Master of Historic Preserva on Degrees from Georgia State University. She has published ar cles to her credit and serves as Chair, Decora ve Arts Advisory Commi ee, Henry D. Green Center for the Study of the Decora ve Arts, Georgia Museum of Art. She served for six years on the Board of the museum of Early Southern Decora ve Arts, WinstonSalem, North Carolina and taught Historic Restora on, Interior Design, American Inter-Con nental University, Atlanta, Georgia. She was recipient of the Volunteer of the Year Award from the Georgia Associa on of Museums and Galleries in 2006. She lives with her husband in their country home on Holliday Road, Wilkes County __________________________________________________

Monday, September 24, 12 Noon, Parish House Ms Rhonda Young grew up in southeast Georgia where she developed an interest in growing herbs and in tradi onal healing methods, especially those handed down for genera ons in her family, and the teachings of Saint Hildegard of Bingen. She has spent the last eighteen years researching, growing, preserving and using herbs and tradi onal methods as both a preventa ve and cura ve for herself and her family. She has a BS Degree in recrea on and tourism management from Georgia Southern University and is pursuing an MBA Degree in marke ng at Columbia Southern University. She lives in Taliaferro County with husband John and son Tyson. __________________________________________________

The Bombing of Berlin Hitler vowed to the German people that Berlin would never be bombed. With German flak and fighter aircra , he tried to keep that promise and in one strike 68 bombers were downed in just a few hours. The first successful bombing mission came on March 6, 1944. Monday, October 8, 12 Noon, Parish House


You may not register online or in the OLLI Office for courses offered in Washington, GA.

Vince Masters, MD, is a World War II survivor of 28 heavy bombardment missions and two hundred P-51 fighter sor es from England. He was a Lt. Col. In the air force serving as commanding officer, 3rd Air Division, Weather Scout Force, and Deputy Chief of Staff, 3rd Air Division, 8th Army. He was given a P-51 Fighter Squadron to organize a weather force in the Pacific but the Japanese surrendered before the squadron was ac vated. Dr. Masters is board-cer fied in obstetrics and gynecology, having prac ced originally in California. He worked with the Northeast Georgia Health Department for 34 years.

OLLICourse Book

The Population Paradox There is no shortage of popula on forecasts but long range predic ons have frequently proven to be incorrect. A famous example of this was that of Paul Erlich, who in his best-seller, The Popula on Bomb (1968)predicted that England would not exist by the year 2000. In this course, find out if the world popula on is increasing and, if so, if it’s good or bad. Has the average age of the world’s popula on increased or decreased in recent years? How would changes, if any, in the demographics affect the food supply and the social and physical environments of the world? Tuesday, October 16, 23, 2 – 3:30 PM, Parish House Dr. Ron Cerwonka received his AB and MBA from Boston College and his MA and PhD from the University of Missouri. He has taught at a number of colleges in Rhode Island, Missouri, and Georgia including UGA. Currently, he is mentor for the OLLI Special Interest Investment Group and offers courses in the OLLI@UGA curriculum. __________________________________________________

The 1779 Battle at Kettle Creek What’s Known, What’s Need to be Known This course can create an educa onal opportunity for schools and the general public. It will provide a survey of the mes and events surrounding the ba le in Wilkes County Georgia, and known literature. Issues about which ques ons remain will be reported by specialists; research opportuni es will be obvious. An OLLI Special Interest Group on both Ke le Creek history and other educa onal uses of the site including natural history, ecology, wildlife, forestry, soils, botany, etc. With the development of literature for educator use and self-guided instruc on, a major park resource can be created. Friday, November 2, 9, 14, 2 – 4 PM, Parish House Joseph B. Harris, PhD, Professor Emeritus, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. He was born in McDuffie County Georgia and re red in Washington, home of his Georgia ancestors; educated at Emory University, The University of Georgia and Duke with advanced studies at The Universi es of Chicago, Texas and Tennessee and author of more than forty publica ons in journals and encyclopedic works, domes c and foreign. Past vice president, Washington-Wilkes Chapter, Sons of the American Revolu on and Chair of the Board, Ke le Creek Ba lefield Associa on, Inc. Past officer in civic, fraternal and religious and service organiza ons.

Fall 2012, Page 43

OLLI Luncheon Programs Fall 2012 Lunch & Learn 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM at Trumps on South Milledge Monday, October 1 Climate Change: It’s the Physics David Stooksbury

Monday, December 3 D-Day Landing on Normandy Coast: It’s Planning, ExecuƟon & AŌermath Mark Rich

Lunch & Lecture 12:00 noon to 1:30 PM at Central Presbyterian Church Tuesday, August 21 General Elijah Clarke’s Trans-Oconee Republic Gary Doster

Tuesday, September 18 Dead Sea, Sea of Galilee, Jericho and Masada: A Common Geological Bond Mark Rich

Tuesday, October 16 IntroducƟon to Human GeneƟcs Wya Anderson

Wednesday, October 31 Centennial Snapshots: Religion in Georgia Dr. David Williams

Wednesday, November 14 Paideia: The Ideal of Human Culture Dr. William L. Power Tuesday, November 20 Hungary: An IntroducƟon Monika Takacs

Tuesday, December 11 Dear Sallie Gary Doster

Fall 2012, Page 44

OLLI Course Book

Special Interest Groups (SIGS) Beadiacs Mary Ann Kelly, makelly@uga.edu, 706-613-6311 Individuals interested in beading, stringing, and simple wire work will get together once a week for three hours or so to work on their projects, brainstorm ideas and help each other when our work takes an oops! Par cipants who have no experience but would just like to see what it’s all about are welcome because beaders are happy to provide basic informa on and demonstrate techniques.

Bicycling John Songster, John.songster483@charter.net, 706-548-8181 The original theme of the group s ll holds true: “For those who long to take the drudgery out of health club exercising or want to start a fitness program that perpetuates itself, a new opportunity to get back on a real bicycle is s ll available.” We also conduct “get started again” instruc on and introductory rides that will help par cipants develop their cycling growth to whatever level they wish. New legs are welcome.

Bonsai Claire Clements, claireclements@charter.net, 706-548-0211 Winnie Kelly, 706-548-1418 This informal Bonsai Group meets on the 4th Thursday of each month, from 2:30 to 4:30 PM at the at the Soil, Plant, and Water Lab of the Coopera ve Extension Service, UGA, 2400 College Sta on Rd. (across from College Sta on Kroger) Parking is free! Bonsai, literally translated, means po ed tree. Members bring suitable plant materials to pot, and/or those already po ed, which they wish to trim, exhibit, and discuss. Field trips are made to a variety of places of interest to the group, and within driving distance, to view collec ons, and have the opportunity to purchase plants, materials and tools. Newbies to Bonsai are Welcome! Contact Claire Clements or Winnie Kelly at the above addresses.

local Cinemas. We support UGA opera student produc ons, share informa on about opera, and offer a pre-opera meal, where the UGA opera graduate students present informa on about the current broadcast. The Met Opera broadcasts are on Saturday a ernoon, October through May, with an evening encore broadcast three weeks later.

Hand Quilting Sandy Jordan, sandyjordan@charter.net, 706-546-8537 The quil ng group meets on the first and third Tuesdays of the month from 1-3 PM all year. We meet at members’ homes and just do hand quil ng. We have room for interested persons wan ng to learn or those who already do hand quil ng.

Happy Hikers Iris Miracle, happyhikers@yahoo.com, 706-353-6711 If you love the great outdoors and hiking is a passion or an interest, then you will want to join this group. Hikes are short and long, easy to challenging, for fitness, fun and enjoyment of the marvels of nature. Each quarter, members receive a threemonth calendar of one hike a month planned for trails in and around Athens and North Georgia.

Intermediate Bridge Mary Brockway, marybrockway@a .net, 706-549-3160 This group meets on the first and third Wednesdays from 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. at the ACCA, 135 Hoyt St. If you are an experienced player and would like an a ernoon of cards without the fuss of se ng up tables, making snacks and drinks (coffee is available), we invite you to try our group.


Diana Cerwonka, drcerwonka@bellsouth.net, 706-543-7780 The Book Discussion Group meets on the second Thursday of the month at the ACCA, from 3:00-4:00 p.m. Books are selected by group vote. Selec ons include fic on and nonfic on, contemporary and classic. Discussion is informal and par cipa on is encouraged. Please feel welcome to join us at any mee ng.

G. Carey Winzurk, gwinzurk900@msn.com, 706-549-9643 The Investment Group meets once a month to exchange informa on about inves ng and investments. The group’s common denominator is a strong interest in exchanging informa on about the world of investments; economics and financial security. We are open to everyone who has interest in how things are run with no special knowledge needed. We have guest speakers from various professions including accoun ng, financials, government and law. Members are encouraged to bring any material(s) they think would be of interest to others. We have lively and informa ve mee ngs with the emphasis on fun.

Enjoy Opera in Athens

Lady Dogs Basketball

Book Discussion Group

Nancy Songster, njsongster@charter.net, 706-548-8181 Our purpose is to learn more about opera, a end OLLI classes on Opera, enjoy live opera performances in the Athens area and a end the Metropolitan Opera Live in HD broadcasts at

Randall Abney, rabney@me.com, 706-850-6148 Contact Randall Abney to be part of one of the most exci ng Special Interest Groups, Lady Dogs Basketball. The Lady Dogs are always in the top 20 teams in the na on and play fantas c

OLLICourse Book

basketball. Join 80+ other OLLI@UGA members who buy season ckets and sit together, cheering on the Lady Dogs. A season cket for all home games is only $40, less than $5 per game. What a bargain! Don’t miss out on the fun and fellowship with other OLLI@UGA members at the Lady Dogs games. GO DAWGS!!!!

Lunch Bunch Mercedes Rivera, 43rivers@gmail.com This is a lively and friendly group. Its purpose is to socialize, meet new people, form new friendships and enjoy wonderful food at locally-owned Athens/Watkinsville restaurants. We get together the first Tuesday of each month at 11:30AM. Please email Mercedes Rivera to be added to the monthly email distribu on list. Spouses and guests of OLLI @ UGA members are welcome. RSVPs are required.

Mac Fan(atic)s Jim Kradel, jkradel@gmail.com, 706-410-1958 To all those Mac Fana cs out there it is no secret that our mee ngs have been few and far between. What we need to move ahead is ideas and people who can help us smooth out the rough spots. Help us all be fana cs and send sugges ons for programs or “get together” ideas to Jim Kradel at the above email address.

MahJongg Heidi Naylor, alpshv428@aol.com, 706-850-5013 Do you already know how to play Mahjongg, or have you wanted to learn? I love to play and would love to find fellow fana cs – or future ones. Several groups have started on the east and west side of Athens. Let’s get together! Join us any Thursday at 1PM. During the Summer, contact Renee Feldman, rff1942@gmail.com for mee ng place and me.

Novice Bridge Jimmie Hawes, ollinovicebridge@gmail.com, 706-850-1278 This group is for people who already know the basics of playing bridge, but have not played in a long me or have not played a lot. It is lovely to meet in a relaxed atmosphere, to gain experience playing the best game ever with great people just like you. This group meets at the Unitarian Universal Fellowship building, 780 Timothy Road, every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month from 1PM to 4PM. The playing fee is $3 per session.

OLLI Paddlers Jeff Engel, jengel47@gmail.com Open to all who like to paddle their own boats: Canoes, kayaks, sit-on-tops, whatever. We get together and take trips to the numerous local (and not so local) lakes and rivers. Flatwater and whitewater, whatever people desire. If interested, contact Jeff Engel.

Fall 2012, Page 45

Picture This! Digital Photography Group Chuck Murphy, picturethis.athens@gmail.com, 706-372-5406 PictureThis! is OLLI@UGA’s digital photography club. Our members range from complete novices to serious amateurs. We meet one evening per month at River’s Crossing, with date, me and agenda announced by email. Our mee ngs include a presenta on on a photographic topic and a Member’s Showcase session for members to show off their work. We also schedule photo walks around Athens and trips to scenic venues and photo exhibits. To join the mailing list, contact Chuck Murphy.

Stitch and Chat Kay Hymo, hymol@bellsouth.net, 706-546-7177 The S tch and Chat Group meets on the first Thursday of each month throughout the year at 10 AM. We meet in homes, or other loca ons, such as Main Street Yarns in Watkinsville and Em’s Kitchen on Hawthorne. Most of our members are kni ng, but bring any type of handwork and join us.

SoloSENIORS Vic Armstrong, soloseniorsvic@aol.com, 706-769-1110 This special interest group fosters interac on and networking among unmarried members of OLLI@UGA. The group meets for dinner at area restaurants on the first Thursday of each month to welcome new members, to build and strengthen acquaintances, and explore mutual interests and opportuni es.

“String of Pearls” Memoir Writing Group Roger Bailey, Roger1731@charter.net, 706-540-1068 Wri ng about our lives, we share our prose and poetry to learn more about ourselves and each other as we hope to write memoir more effec vely in regard to both form and content. We meet from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon on the third Thursday each month in the conference room of the Bentley Center at the ACCA.

Supper Club Karen & Michael Mispagel, themispagels@gmail.com, 706-354-4799 We love sharing good food and conversa on, cooking, and having fun. Each member takes a turn in hos ng and everyone brings a dish to share. Email us now to join!

Vegetable Gardening Art Crawley, 706- 353-3012 Carolyn Abney, Carolyn.in.Athens@gmail.com Members of our group include newcomers to Athens trying to adapt techniques they brought with them; folks who are new to gardening, whether in Georgia clay or elsewhere; and cer fied Master Gardeners. We help each other with planning or plan ng a vegetable garden (whatever its size), swapping seeds and cu ngs, sharing local knowledge, and touring both commercial nurseries and our own gardens.

Maps to OLLI@UGA Course Locations

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OLLI Course Book

OLLI@UGA Fall 2012 Alphabetic Course List with Schedule

OLLICourse Book

Fall 2012, Page 47




Airplanes for Dummies Altamaha: A River & its Keeper Ͳ A Gallery Tour

Johnson Dallmeyer, Do

RC Thursdays, November 29 & December 6 & 13, 2012 OS Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Analyzing Current Affairs Animation History: What Pixar learned Art Appreciation Battle at Kettle Creek (1779)

Carter/ Grafstein Neupert Bray Harris


Beginning Conversational German Best Buy's Technology Class

Dean Boronczyk


Calculus for Poets Centennial Snapshots: Religion in Georgia Changing Perspectives on the Environment Christians & Muslims in Egypt Climate Change Ͳ It's the Physics Climate: Past, Present & Future Computer Security: You're Naked Cosmo Learns to Talk Critical Reading: Short Stories Ͳ A Critical Reading: Short Stories Ͳ B DͲDay: Landing on Norm&y Coast Dead Sea, Sea of Galilee, Jericho & Masada Dear Sallie Digital Photography Basics Downton Abbey Experience Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) End of Life Care in a Compassionate City Everything Parrot: A Comprehensive Overview Fall Vegetable Gardening First Aid for Your Pet Fly Tying: An Introduction Focus on Fixed Income French on Friday 1 From Sea to Sahara: Archaeology in Roman Africa Frozen Worlds General Elijah Clarke's TransͲOconee Republic Geology & Mineral Deposits within the Basin Geology of Titan, Earth's Alter Ego Gilles & Bern Invite You to Polar Exploration

Gootman Williams Kundell Drago Stooksbury Knox Murphy Craige Eby Eby Rich Rich Doster Murphy Zitzelman Hart Miles Allwein Tedrow Roth, I Elmore JensenͲRyan Milward Norman Rich Doster Dallmeyer, Da Patino Douce Allard


Great Books Green Constuction 101 Hand Knitting Healthcare Repair Healthy People & Healthy Wildlife History into Art History of Opera How NonͲhuman Animals Use Tools (Or Not) How to Excel at MS Excel

Loughner Imery Verma Epps Fischer Teague Valdez Fragaszy Reuter


Time 10:00amͲ11:30am 9:00amͲ11:45am

Wednesdays, Sept. 19, Oct. 17, & Nov. 14, 2012 1:00pmͲ3:00pm Friday, December 07, 2012 10:30amͲ11:45am Fridays, August 24 & 31 & September 7 & 14, 2012 10:30amͲ12:00pm Fridays, September 7, 14, & 21, 2012 2:30pmͲ3:45pm Mondays, Aug. 20, 27; Sept. 17, 24; Oct. 1, 15, 22, 29; Nov. 5, 19, 26; Dec. 3, 2012 1:30pmͲ3:30pm Fridays, September 21 & 28, 2012 10:00amͲ12:00pm Monday & Thursday, Aug. 27 & 30; Tuesday & Thursday, Sept. 4 & 6; & Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2012 10:30amͲ11:45am Wednesday, October 31, 2012 12:00pmͲ1:30pm Tuesdays, September 18 & 25, 2012 2:30pmͲ3:45pm Monday, October 01, 2012 10:30amͲ11:45am Monday, October 01, 2012 11:30amͲ1:00pm Mondays, October 15, 22, & 29, 2012 10:30amͲ11:45am Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Nov. 26, 28, & 30, 2012 10:30amͲ11:45am Thursday, September 06, 2012 2:30pmͲ3:45pm Thursdays, October 4, 11, 18, & 25, 2012 2:30pmͲ4:30pm Thursdays, November 1, 8, 15, & 29, 2012 2:30pmͲ4:30pm Monday, December 03, 2012 11:30amͲ1:00pm Tuesday, September 18, 2012 12:00pmͲ1:30pm Tuesday, December 11, 2012 12:00pmͲ1:30pm Tuesday & Fridays, October 2 & 5; 9 & 12, 2012 10:00amͲ12:00pm Wednesday, December 12, 2012 9:00amͲ11:45am Tuesday, October 23, 2012 1:30pmͲ3:45pm Mondays, September 24, October 1 & 8, 2012 10:30amͲ11:45am Wednesday, December 05, 2012 2:30pmͲ3:45pm Tuesday, September 25, 2012 10:30amͲ11:45am Wednesday, December 12, 2012 2:30pmͲ3:45pm Tuesday & Thursday, September 25 & 27, 2012 1:00pmͲ5:00pm Monday, December 10, 2012 10:30amͲ11:45am Fridays, October 5 & 19; November 2, 16, & 30, 2012 10:30amͲ11:45am Tuesday, November 06, 2012 2:30pmͲ3:45pm Tuesday, Sept. 25 & Thursdays., Sept. 27 & Oct. 4, 2012 10:00amͲ12:00pm Tuesday, August 21, 2012 12:00pmͲ1:30pm Monday through Friday, September 17 – 21, 2012 9:00amͲ11:45am Monday & Tuesday, September 10 & 11, 2012 2:30pmͲ3:45pm Tues. & Thurs., Oct. 16 & 18, 2012 9:00amͲ11:00am Wed., Sept. 5 & 19; Oct. 3 & 17; Nov. 7; & Dec. 5 & 19, 2012 10:00amͲ12:00pm Thursday, October 25, 2012 1:00pmͲ2:15pm Wednesdays, November 7, 14, 28, & December 5 2012 1:00pmͲ3:45pm Tuesdays, October 16, 23, & 30, 2012 2:30pmͲ3:45pm Wednesday, September 26, 2012 10:30amͲ11:45am Wednesdays, September 26 & October 3 & 10, 2012 1:00pmͲ4:00pm Thursdays, Sept. 27; Oct. 4, 11, 18, & 25; & Nov. 1, 2012 11:00amͲ1:00pm Tuesday, November 13, 2012 10:30amͲ11:45am Wednesdays, October 24 & 31, 2012 2:30pmͲ3:45pm

CP: Central Presbyterian Church; OS: Off Site; PS: Presenter’s Studio; RC: River’s Crossing Alpha Schedule - continued on Back Cover

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OLLI@UGA Fall 2012 Alphabetic Course List with Schedule

Alpha Schedule - continued from page 47






How To Organize a "Share the Care" Group Hungary, An Introduction Introduction to Digital Photography Introduction to Human Genetics Investment Strategies for Today's Retirees Investments: What Goes Down Must Come Up! Ishmael & the Future of Humanity LaughͲAͲYoga Living Old? Thinking Young? Looking at Judaism Looming into History Making of US Foreign Policy Memoir Writing Modify Your Home to Age in Place Nanotechnology & Metamaterials Olive OilͲ Everything you would like to know… Paideia: The Ideal of Human Culture Parisian Girl during the German Occupation Planning the Perfect Trip Poe's Museums Pottery Studio Visit Protecting What's Important Reverse Mortgage Basics Revisiting the Early Church Robert Frost: The Poems Less Traveled Sensible Gardening Through Permaculture Sharing Your Life Experience Smartphones, Tablets & other Devices South African Wine Southern Roots of Rock 'n' Roll Stress Management through Mindfulness

Oldfather Takacs Nicholls &erson, W Ford Brinson Craige Hendon Heenan Refson Lewis Leeb Craig Smith Dennis Abney Power Boney, F Wilson &erson, D Thompson JensenͲRyan Neighbors Nickols Robinson Roth, J Shilton Burgess Finlay Cobb Hendon


1:00pmͲ3:45pm 12:00pmͲ1:30pm 10:30amͲ12:30pm 12:00pmͲ1:30pm 1:00pmͲ2:15pm 1:00pmͲ2:15pm 2:30pmͲ3:45pm 2:30pmͲ3:45pm 1:00pmͲ2:30pm 10:30amͲ11:30am 10:00amͲ12:00pm 9:00amͲ10:15am 10:30amͲ11:30am 2:30pmͲ3:45pm 2:30pmͲ3:45pm 10:30amͲ11:45am 12:00pmͲ1:30pm 2:30pmͲ3:45pm 10:30amͲ11:45am 10:30amͲ11:45am 10:00amͲOpen 10:30amͲ11:45am 10:00amͲ11:00am 10:00amͲ12:00pm 2:00pmͲ4:00pm 1:00pmͲ3:00pm 2:30pmͲ3:30pm 12:00pmͲ1:30pm 2:30pmͲ4:00pm 2:30pmͲ3:45pm 2:30pmͲ3:45pm

Tai Chi Easy



Tai Chi Intermediate Theatre Architecture: Spectacle & illusion UGA over the Centuries Updating Your Interiors with "A Plan of Pizzazz"

Wittenberg Longman Boney, N HammockͲCobb Marlowe/ Mergenthal Britt Kissane Burgess Hansen Hansen


Tuesday, November 13, 2012 Tuesday, November 20, 2012 Wednesday & Thursday, November 14 & 15, 2012 Tuesday, October 16, 2012 Thursday, November 08, 2012 Monday Ͳ Thursday, November 26, 27, 28, & 29, 2012 Mondays, October 22 & 29, 2012 Tuesday, December 04, 2012 Thursday, September 13, 2012 Thursday, September 13, 2012 Friday, November 02, 2012 Thursday, August 23, 2012 Wednesdays, August 22 & 29; September 5 & 12, 2012 Wednesday, September 26, 2012 Tuesday, October 9, 2012 Tuesdays, August 21 & 28, 2012 Wednesday, November 14, 2012 Thursday, December 06, 2012 Thursday, October 11, 2012 Tuesday, November 06, 2012 Friday, October 26, 2012 Monday, December 03, 2012 Monday, September 24, 2012 Tuesdays, September 4 & 11, 2012 Tuesdays, August 21 & 28 & September 4 & 11, 201 Fridays, Sept. 14, 21, & 28 & Oct. 5, 12, & 19, 2012 Wednesday, August 29, 2012 Wednesday, September 19, 2012 Friday, September 07, 2012 Monday, September 24, 2012 Wednesday, September 12, 2012 Wed. & Fri., Sept. 19 & 21, 26 & 28, & Oct. 3 & 5, 10 & 12, 2012 Wed. & Fri., Oct. 24, 26, & 31 & Nov. 2, 7, 9, 14 & 16, 2012 Tuesdays, November 27 & December 4, 2012 Thursday, December 13, 2012 Thursdays, September 20 & 27, 2012


Wednesday, October 24, 2012 9:00amͲ11:45am Monday, August 27, 2012 10:00amͲ12:00pm Monday & Fridays, Oct. 29 & Nov. 2, 5, 9, 12 & 16, 2012 9:00amͲ11:00am Wednesday, September 12, 2012 12:00pmͲ1:30pm Monday, August 20, 2012 10:00amͲ11:30am Monday, September 17, 2012 10:00amͲ11:30am

What Financial Records to Keep What Now? Part II What the Dickens! Wireless Revolution Zumba Gold Ͳ A Zumba Gold Ͳ B

10:30amͲ11:30am 10:30amͲ11:30am 10:30amͲ11:45am 1:00pmͲ2:15pm 1:00pmͲ2:15pm

CP: Central Presbyterian Church; OS: Off Site; PS: Presenter’s Studio; RC: River’s Crossing

Having the time of our liveswith OLLI@UGA

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