IEBHPE - Conference Program

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Friday, March 30, 2012

Kendall Ho M.D., FRCPC

Associate Professor, University of British Columbia; Active Staff, Vancouver General Hospital; Associate Dean, Division of Continuing Professional Development & Knowledge Translation; Executive Director, Technology Enabled Knowledge Translation Investigative Centre, British Columbia Dr. Kendall Ho is a prac cing physician in the Vancouver General Hospital Department of Emergency Medicine. He is the Associate Dean of the Division of Con nuing Professional Development and Knowledge Transla on, University of Bri sh Columbia Faculty of Medicine, and was the associate dean of Con nuing Medical Educa on for 7 years. He serves on the BC Ministry of Health’s e-health Commi ee, UBC e-strategy Council, and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada’s e-learning Advisory Group and educa onal research commi ee, and he chairs the e-health steering commi ee of the Interna onal organiza on Universitas 21. Dr. Ho’s academic and research interests include telehealth, medical informa cs, technology enabled knowledge transla on (TEKT) – the use of informa on and communica on technologies to accelerate the incorpora on of research into rou ne health prac ces, and life long learning in CME and con nuing professional development. Specific telehealth ini a ves include a completed emergency telehealth project funded by Health Canada and BC Ministry of Health Services, Aboriginal telehealth ini a ves funded by a UBC-TELUS grant and the Canadian Ins tutes of Health Research, and global e-health examina on funded by Universitas 21. Medical informa cs ini a ves include research in personal digital assistant use in undergraduate educa on and in diabetes management for prac cing physicians, and educa onal ini a ves in providing hands on workshops on PDA and Internet use for physicians in western Canada and Quebec. He is a consultant to the BC Ministry of Health Services on e-health, and he is a member of the province’s e-health commi ee. Dr. Ho’s educa onal research interests include the incorpora on of adult learning principles into the development of effec ve and relevant medical educa on for health professionals, the integra on of telecommunica on and medical informa cs technologies to assist rural and urban health professionals to obtain their con nuing educa on on demand, and the construc on of a telemedicine infrastructure to provide real me clinical support via technologies in order to partner with rural health professionals to augment and enhance the access and quality of care to rural and isolated communi es. These areas of interest have led to the development of innova ve hands-on workshops to teach physicians skills in using the Internet and Personal Digital Assistants (e.g., Palm Pilots) for professional use, videoconferencing and Internet based con nuing medical educa onal courses for distribu ve learning, telemedicine pilot and implementa on projects between urban and rural and First Na ons communi es in BC, and scien fic abstracts, editorials, and journal ar cles on the subjects of medical educa on and telemedicine.

AGENDA 8:00 - 8:30

Coffee and Packet Pick-Up .....................................................Conference Registration Desk

8:30 - 8:45

Welcome & Introductions ......................................................................................... Masters Hall Anne K. Marco e, Ph.D. Ins tute for Evidence-Based Health Professions Educa on Laura D. Jolly, Ph.D. Vice President for Instruc on University of Georgia Ronald M. Cervero, Ph.D. Associate Dean for Outreach and Engagement, College of Educa on Co-Director, Ins tute for Evidence-Based Health Professions Educa on

8:45 - 9:45

Keynote Presentation ................................................................................................. Masters Hall Leveraging eHealth in Educa on and Prac ce: Opportuni es, Challenges, and Lessons Learned (So Far) Kendall Ho, M.D., FRCPC Associate Professor, University of Bri sh Columbia; Ac ve Staff, Vancouver General Hospital; Associate Dean, Division of Con nuing Professional Development & Knowledge Transla on; Execu ve Director, Technology Enabled Knowledge Transla on Inves ga ve Centre, Bri sh Columbia

9:45 - 10:00

Break ................................................................................................Pecan Hill Galleria - 1st Floor Kellogg Concourse - 2nd Floor

10:00 - 10:50 Break-out Sessions Design Principles for Effec ve Case-Based E-Learning.............................................Masters Hall Dr. Ikseon (Ike) Choi Department of Educa onal Psychology and Instruc onal Technology, UGA How can the advantages of case-based learning models be applied most effec vely in online or blended learning environments? Ideas for pre-service and in-service teaching in health sciences to enhance students’ real-world problem-solving abili es. Using Clickers in Class: Strategies for Student Engagement............................................ Room K Dr. Sherry Clouser Coordinator of Instruc onal and Distance Technologies, Center for Teaching and Learning, UGA Large lectures need not mean unengaged students, and clickers do not require large lectures. How can clickers and similar technologies connect teachers and learners?

Interac ve Virtual Characters for Human and Canine Medical Neuroscience Educa on ..Room L Dr. Kyle Johnsen, Department of Engineering, UGA Dr. Eve Gallman, GHSU-UGA Medical Partnership Dr. Simon Pla , College of Veterinary Medicine, UGA Current technologies can support learning in previously unimaginable ways. Come experience an interdisciplinary example of teaching and learning for human and canine cranial nerves. Why Are We Doing This Again? Se ng Goals and Assessing Impact ..............................Room Q Dr. Linda Gilbert Special Assistant to the Vice President for Educa onal Technology, Georgia Gwinne College Don’t use technology just to use technology. Can we map the intersec ons of technology, pedagogy, content knowledge, and evalua on strategies in a way that leads us to say “That was all worth it”?

11:00 - 11:50 Break-out Sessions Accessibility Ma ers: Sec on 508 Compliance for Online Courses and Content............. Room K Ms. Janet Sylvia Web Accessibility Group, Co-Leader and Web Accessibility Trainer, Office of Communica ons and Technology Services, College and Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, UGA; and Ms. Johnna Hodges Assistant Director, BioPharma Regulatory Affairs Graduate Program, UGA No ma er how much of your course content is provided to students by online means, requirements for web accessibility apply to you. This session will explain the requirements, using the fully online BioPharma Regulatory Affairs Program as an example. Video-Recording and Video-Edi ng 101: Ge ng Started Crea ng Videos for Educa onal Use ......................................................Room L Mr. Ron Braxley Digital Media Specialist, Office of Informa on Technology, College of Educa on, UGA Making effec ve educa onal or example videos is easier than you might think. A prac cal session for previously in midated instructors. Using an iPhone to Teach Clinical Diagnosis ...........................................................Masters Hall Dr. Mark Ebell Epidemiology and Biosta s cs, College of Public Health, UGA Smart phones can be effec ve and efficient tools for clinical teaching, learning, and prac ce. The presenter will focus on use of Essen al Evidence Plus, which he helped create. The Gamifica on of the Classroom .............................................................................. Room Q Dr. David Noah Coordinator of Emerging Technologies, Center for Teaching and Learning, UGA Games in educa on are nothing new, but a genera on of students (and instructors) has now grown up playing video games. Is there a way to bring the intensity of the gaming experience into the classroom?

12:00 - 1:00

Luncheon & Luncheon Speaker ................................................................ Mahler Auditorium Teaching and Learning with Technology: Fi y Years and Coun ng Thomas C. Reeves, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, Department of Educa onal Psychology and Instruc onal Technology, UGA

1:00 - 1:50

Break-out Sessions From Old School to New School: Assessing Student Learning in Diverse Academic Environments .................................... Room K Dr. Michael Fulford Director of Assessment, College of Pharmacy, UGA Many faculty members struggle with assessing objec ves and student learning, whether for tradi onal classrooms or online programs. When can technology help and when is it a hindrance? The iPad as a Mobile Video Device .................................................................................Room L Mr. Ron Braxley Digital Media Specialist, OďŹƒce of Informa on Technology, College of Educa on, UGA Hands-on and prac cal; bring your iPad2 if you have one. We will try the camera app, edi ng apps, Skype, Face me, and other elements that can create or become audiovisual teaching tools. Social Media, the Digital Revolu on, and Higher Educa on ...................................Masters Hall Dr. David Noah Coordinator of Emerging Technologies, Center for Teaching and Learning, UGA Many of our tradi onal assump ons about teaching and learning, and the ins tu ons we have built to manage them, are being challenged by the digital revolu on. How can we best respond? Ac ve Engagement in Classrooms Regardless of Technology .........................................Room Q Dr. Denise Domizi Associate Coordinator of Faculty and TA Development, Center for Teaching and Learning, UGA Humans do not learn by hearing someone else speak; they must ac vely engage with new material in order to build true knowledge and understanding. This session will discuss and model ways to ac vely engage students with your content, with or without technology.

2:00 - 2:50

Break-out Sessions Be er Together: Can Technologies Improve the Coordina on of Clinical Learning and Service Provision at UGA? ............................................................ Room K Dr. Mark Ebell Dr. Anne Marco e Dr. Patricia Reeves Represen ng the Advisory Board of the Ins tute for Evidence-Based Health Professions Educa on The clinical educa on programs associated with UGA address everything from avian medicine to the connec ons between finances and nutri on in human families. Let’s talk with each other about our common needs as clinical learners, instructors, prac oners, and administrators. Making the “Case” for Using Virtual Worlds to Help Students Learn Biological Concepts ..............................................................................................Room L Dr. James Moore Dr. Tom Robertson College of Veterinary Medicine, UGA Can virtual case studies be as effec ve as more tradi onal methods for allowing learners to develop full understanding of basic concepts? The presenters will demonstrate their virtual case studies in the context of suppor ng educa onal, technological, and clinical principles. Analyzing the Time Course of Weight Loss and of Endurance-Training Effects: Examples for Data-Based Teaching and Learning ...........................................................Room Q Dr. James Hargrove Department of Foods and Nutri on, UGA Don’t forget familiar technologies like Microso Excel! This presenta on will share sample data sets and describe simple but powerful analysis methods for using Excel to address theory, models, and longitudinal clinical outcomes data. Mobile Learning: How, When, and Why .................................................................Masters Hall Dr. Lloyd P. Rieber Department of Educa onal Psychology and Instruc onal Technology, UGA Mobile technologies are having a drama c influence on teaching and learning in higher educa on. This presenta on will provide an overview of issues and ques ons faced by higher educa on faculty, and demonstrate some examples of appropriate uses of mobile technologies in the classroom

3:00 - 3:30

Closing Session .............................................................................................................. Masters Hall Final Comments and Reflec ons: Further Challenges and Ever Greater Opportuni es Kendall Ho, M.D., FRCPC University of Bri sh Columbia Mark H. Ebell, M.D., M.S. Co-Director, Ins tute for Evidence-Based Health Professions Educa on

Institute for Evidence-Based Health Professions Education

Mission Statement The mission of the Ins tute for Evidence-Based Health Professions Educa on is to facilitate the collabora ve efforts of the College of Educa on and College of Public Health to develop programs for health professions educators, researchers and prac oners focused on evidence-based prac ce and to facilitate the efforts of faculty in other programs at UGA to develop programs in their own units with a similar focus. The Ins tute’s seminars, lectures, conferences, and collabora ve research ini a ves provide a context for interested faculty in all areas of related scholarship to interact. The Ins tute serves as a catalyst for cross-campus sharing of exper se in development of health professions educa on courses and as a pla orm for na onal engagement in this expanding area of study and pedagogy. To learn more about our programs, please contact one of the Ins tute’s co-directors: Mark H. Ebell, MD, MS College of Public Health Email:

Ronald Cervero, PhD College of Educa on Email:

Planning Committee Ronald M. Cervero, PhD, Co-Chair

Steven C. Budsberg, DVM, MS

Rebecca Mullis, PhD, RD, LD

College of Educa on

College of Veterinary Medicine

College of Family & Consumer Sciences

Anne K. Marco e, PhD, CCC-SLP

Marsha Davis, PhD

Patricia M. Reeves, PhD, MSW

College of Educa on

College of Public Health

School of Social Work

Mark H. Ebell, MD, MS, Co-Chair

W. Sco Richardson, MD

Paul J. Brooks, PharmD, EdD College of Pharmacy

College of Public Health

GHSU/UGA Medical Partnership

Institute for Evidence-Based Health Professions Education

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