Purposeful and relevant to children’s life.
Develop cognition and thinking skills.
Understandable, engaging and meaninigful.
English with Fun is a course for children between 3-5 years old and learning English for the first time. The course develops the handwriting skills in addition to letter and sound recognition. It offers children opportunities to learn a wide range of lexical items and essential Sight Words that pave the way to build simple sentences.
The course also includes a wide range of highly motivating images and activities that are based on fun, games, interaction and 21st Century Skills.
Key features:
o Build confidence in recognizing the letters and their sounds.
o Help children to recognize print in the environment.
o Develop fundamental spelling and punctuation.
o Empower children with lots of lexical items and essential Sight Words.
o Develop language starting from “Letter Level” to “Word Level” and ending with “Simple Sentence Level”.
o Link learning to real life outside the classroom
o Develop thinking skills and social communication through a variety of engaging activities.
o Fun images and stories associated to letters and sounds.
Focus on letter formation.
Link learning to real life outside the classroom.
Develop the legibility of handwriting.
Develop lexical items and letter recognition within words.
Constant revision of previously learned letters.
Constant revision of previously learned lexical items.
Engaging and motivating activities.
Develop letter sound recognition.
Engaging readers at the end of each unit
Key vocabulary items are used in context.
Age-appropriate activities to check understanding.
Exposure to Sight Words.
Activities to reinforce Sight Words.
Presentation PLUS brings all the exercises in the Pupil’s Book into life.
Interactive APP for children to practice English in an interactive and motivating method.
Math with Fun s a course for children between 3 and 5 years old. This comprehensive research based course helps children develop and master the basic mathematical skills as well as the legibility of numbers handwriting. The content is fully understandable, engaging, and meaningful with activities that are relevant to the children’s life. It covers all the strands and standards required in this stage:
The children will be able to
o Know the number names and the count sequence.
o Count to tell the number of objects and compare numbers.
o Understand addition is putting together, and subtraction is taking from.
o Describe and compare measurable attributes.
o Classify objects and count the number of objects in categories.
o Identify and describe 2D shapes.
o Analyze, compare, create, and compose shapes.
Know number names and count sequence.
Count to tell the number of objects.
Compose and decompose numbers. Compare numbers.
Understand addition is putting together.
Understand subtraction is taking apart.
Identify whether objects in a group are greater than, lesser than or equal to objects in another group.
2-D shapes
Identify and describe shapes.
Analyze, compare, create and compose shapes.
& Measurement
Describe and compare multiple attributes.
Classify objects and counts number of objects in each category.
Use data and measurement in everyday life.
More engaging variety of activities in the Workbook.
Science with Fun
Key features
In line with the NGSS standards
Two Printed Copy e-Copy Interactive App Presentation PLUS Worksheet Pack Teacher’s Guide Assessment Pack Resource Pack
Student-based and Task-based approaches
Encourage curiosity, observation & questioning.
Develop scientific process & communication.
Activities to check prior knowledge.
Age-appropriate illustration to explain scientific concepts.
Investigatory and questioning approaches to learning.
Scientific facts and conclusions are highlighted for easy access in the future.
Cooperative activities to emphasize learning.
Experimental approach to encourage discovery and pave the way for life-long learning.
This is a high based learning book for kindergarten children. It presents scientific knowledge in a highly visual way. The book has been carefully designed to help children to love to learn through investigation, experiments, and learn by doing.
Learners will find:
o Exciting tasks to help them develop scientific thinking skills and inquiry based learning strategies.
o Fun activities and experiments to explore science.
o Engineering and design projects to encourage them to be creative and solve real life problems.
o New color-coded words to expand their vocabulary.
o art activities to inspire them.
o Activities to develop their communication and presentation skills.
Presents content in a way that speaks to the children’s minds.
Task-based approach to learning.
Think Box to encourage the children develop the critical thinking. Engineering & Design Projects to develop creativity and problem solving. The children will learn about the environmental changes in every unit.
This theme-based English Language and Art book helps kindergarten children to develop their linguistic and communicative skills.
This course is also curriculum-based will help the children to:
o Demonstrate command of the standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
o Demonstrate command of the standard English capitalization,
o punctuation, and spelling when writing.
o Determine the meaning of words based on content.
o Understand and respond to a wide range of reading genres.
o Demonstrate command of key phonetic blends and use
o them in reading and speaking.
o Participate in collaborative conversations with peers.
o Use a combination of drawing and writing to express themselves and respond to texts.
Them-based approach that helps the children speak, talk, read and write about the topic.
Language Section in every unit to introduce grammar implicitly and explicitly. This is followed by a Phonics Section to introduce phonetic blends.
Reading Section to introduce the children to different reading genres.
UGARIT Readers is a reading scheme which takes children from the first steps of learning to read to becoming confident and independent readers. It tackles three main life-related areas: Our Surroundings, Life Skills and World Culture.
The three levels of the readers will enable children to move smoothly from the simple sentence level to a more complex reading text.
The reading comprehension activities at the end of each story work as a check point to assess the children’s comprehension and thinking skills.
The reading scheme is a perfect fit for acting out.
Little Wings is an engaging and exciting course for preparing young children with the basic skills for learning letters and handwriting.
Key Features:
o Include patterns to develop the motor control.
o Build confidence in letter formation as well as letter recognition and letter writing.
o Intensive activities including tracing and writing.
o Coloring activities to develop pencil control and creativity.
o Fun activities and games.
Patterns to help develop pencil and fine motor control.
Alphabet is grouped as per letter formation families to ease letter writing.
Coloring activities for fun, motivation and encouraging the children to have more grip control.
Games that focus on letter recognition and formation.
English with Fun - Letters and Sounds Pupil's Book 1
English with Fun - Letters and Sounds Pupil's Book 2
English with Fun - Letters and Sounds Activity Book 1
English with Fun - Letters and Sounds Activity Book 2
Little Wings - Letters & Handwriting
Math With Fun - Coursebook - 2nd Edition
Math With Fun - Workbook - 2nd Edition
Science With Fun - Pupil's Book - 2nd Edition
Bright Stars - KG2 ELA - Book A
Bright Stars - KG2 ELA - Book B
Bright Stars - KG2 ELA - Book C
Bright Stars - KG2 ELA - Book D
Explore Science - Book A - KG2
Explore Science - Book B - KG2
My Home - Level 1 Reader 978-9948-8722-0-7