a better way of testing
Consumers often move while making use of a product. To accurately test these products, and better imitate the reality in a test setup, a dynamic testing equipment is necessary.
This master thesis studies how to best test products that are used in a dynamic way. A dynamic testing equipment was designed. For designing such a system design thinking was applied. To support the process of this methodology a black box scheme of the system around the dynamic testing equipment was created. The positive effects of such a system were also investigated.
As a consequence of the dynamic testing capabilities, the user experience of products can be enhanced because, a more realistic testing procedure will result in better knowledge about the product’s performance, making it easier to adopt the product to the consumers expectations. This improved user experience will make it easier for the consumer to recognize and buy the brand. A design thinking methodology can aid in the development of testing equipment. This methodology will provide for a more creative and reasoned outcome. A black box scheme of the system of the testing equipment will aid in the communication with the stakeholders and development of the equipment. This scheme will ensure that no aspects of the system will be overlooked in the development of the system. UGent - Jan Detand
Use of VR and AR technology to improve efficiency of machine user guides for first-time users Nathan De Baets
This research explores the usability of both Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) as a way to improve the efficiency of user manuals for machines that are used by a novice user. While machines grew with technological advances, our manuals kept their simple paper format. The recent advances in the fields of AR and VR show a promising future in the fields of education and instruction.
First an in-depth study was done of both AR, VR and educational concepts such as gamification and flow theory. After this, the struggles between first-time users and machines were observed through a test where they used a laser cutting machine with the help of a paper manual. Finally a VR model was created with the Unreal Engine to serve as a tutorial to teach users the workflow of the laser cutter.
Although the VR model could not be tested due to the pandemic, it showed great promise. The paper manual had several shortcomings leading to confusion and long operation times most of which were attributed to the split-attention effect. VR would help eliminate this which, in theory, leads to more clear instructions.
OneBonsai - Dimitri Pirnay UGent - Olivier Rysman
a vibrotactile display integrated in a car seat Arnout De Cock
This study was conducted in collaboration with Honda Access Europe, the division responsible for the design of accessories and merchandise for the European market. The division partnered up with the Finnish start-up Flexound to create a new music experience in their cars. The technology designed by Flexound makes music audible and tactile. The tactile component creates a possibility to be used as a vibrotactile display as a means of communicating with the user. The potential of this communication system was researched.
The current literature contains a lot of information about the different applications and set-ups that have been created to test vibrotactile displays and the advantages that are coupled with these types of displays. Three experiments were created based on the gathered information. The experiments tested the intuitiveness of the system that was proposed, the capability to identify the location and distance of and object relative to their position and the capability to do this in combination with music at different intensities.
The results of the study found that the integration of the technology shows potential for certain applications. Vibrations that vary in location can be used as warning signals or informational cues, even in combination with intense music. Distance perception on the other hand proved to be less interesting in combination with intense music. Finally it could be concluded that the integration could be very useful for the hearing impaired.
Honda - Bruno De Naeyer UGent - Olivier Rysman
A combination of WAAM production and standard metal components
Brecht Deboosere
Exploratory research is conducted to find an industrial application of Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM). A metal additive manufacturing technique in which a robot arm is combined with an electric arc welding machine to build 3D objects. This technique has the potential to reduce production times and costs of large metal objects, makes it possible to produce new/optimized geometries and can reduce lead times. Some possible drawbacks inhibit its introduction on a larger scale. Namely: post-processing and testing of produced objects.
Different methods are used to gain insight into the use and possibilities of the technology. With the insights obtained, industrial opportunities of the technology are developed and described. A hybrid production method is proposed, in which standard metal parts are innovatively combined with WAAM printing. A trouble shooting model is used to further research this new method. This hypothetical model compares changes to the current process.
This new way of production has the potential to make WAAM technology more accessible to different industrial sectors by addressing the possible disadvantages of the current technology. Clear possible advantages of this method are: lead time reduction, faster production and decreasing need for post-production. The theoretical model is used to develop a preliminary research for a specific hybrid method produced case.
MX3D - Thomas Van Glabeke UGent - Yannick Christiaens, Olivier Rysman
Additive manufacturing as a catalyst for personalization in the automotive industry Bart Depredomme
Mockup from
This master thesis started with Twikit’s request to analyse the possibilities additive manufacturing facilitates for mass customization in the automotive sector. Personalisation services create a lot of added value. Due to the evolution of additive manufacturing techniques, product personalisation has become possible on large scale. The automotive industry is already researching and implementing mass customization services, but to what extend can it provide added value for both the consumer and manufacturer? The research consists of three main parts. First there is the context about understanding the future and vision of the automotive industry and the principles of mass customization. Secondly, opportunity research had to be done to construct personas. These personas became the input for generating a series of concepts. At last, the development of the chosen concept required a technical research about its function, additive manufacturing as production method, material use and implementation, while still keeping the environmental impact in mind.
The concept (confidential) has been fully worked out using several CAD programs, samples and tests. The final prototype combines all separate aspects into a functioning body. It is designed for additive manufacturing, (dis) assembly and features personalisation possibilities. The research and development indicated the opportunities of the concept, which implies some further revisions and adjustments to fully exploit its potential.
Twikit - Thomas D’huyvetter UGent - Yannick Christiaens & Olivier Rysman
Thermal optimization of an LED-fixture through generative design, a metal AM-based guideline Gilltumn Vanhauwaert
This research was conducted in collaboration with Sirris, a research center with a focus on industrial technology. It is part of a larger project concerning the lighting industry 4.0. Since there is an increase in demand for small series and thermal management for LEDs, an interesting opportunity presents itself. A synergy between personalization and shadow creation, combined with the functional aspects of lighting design using Additive Manufacturing.
It is fundamental to map the market and buyer behavior. User analysis and the value of product design are key to a successful result. Moreover, an insight in the scientific aspect of heat transfer is created. While AM offers a high degree of freedom, there is also a very specific set of constraints that need to be considered. With an eye on nature, design strategies using generative design and genetic algorithms are created.
Consumers indicated the need of an added value in lighting design with a focus on uniqueness. Most important features proved to be the feeling and ambiance created by fixtures. The generated case studies proved that generative design and biomimicry can benefit thermal management with a lower maximum temperature than the original part, while minimizing cost and consumption.
Sirris - Simon Vermeir UGent - Olivier Rysman
as an alternative to cars in an urban environment François Desmet
Urban mobility is rapidly changing, with its constant evolution towards sustainability and digitalisation. Additionally, urbanisation causes traffic congestions which ultimately urges people to alternative modes of transportation. This thesis was conducted to offer a perspective of the role of the e-bike in the future of urban mobility, in collaboration with Kalkhoff, a German premium e-bike manufacturer. The goal of this research is to improve Kalkhoff’s bikes for the future.
A thorough research of the Mega Trends and the current e-bike trends combined with an online user survey served as the foundation of this e-bike market research. The identified opportunity was translated into a cargo e-bike concept. Through sketching and expert interviews, an extensive design exploration was done. These iterations were structured and selected utilizing decision matrices and feedback from Kalkhoff. Prototyping and limited user-tests -due to COVID-19- were used to validate these ideas.
The result of this study is a vision of how e-bike mobility might substitue the use of cars in an urban environment. The concept is embodied in a modular compact cargo e-bike for young adults and families. Users can add modules such as an additional battery, an integrated fast charger or child carrier, depending on their needs. An app, combined with the charger module hidden behind the seat tube, solves the problem of range anxiety. A vertical parking feature allows the user to store the bike vertically, for optimal space savings in a urban household.
Kalkhoff - Marcus Helmke & Rik Maes UGent - Yannick Christiaens & Olivier Rysman
Ecological outdoor awning designed for young roadtrippers Ryckebusch Ruben
This master thesis was conducted in collaboration with Thule. A Swedish based company specialized in outdoor- and camping equipment. The Belgian branch is situated in Menen and is mainly concerned with accessories which can be attached to campers, caravans and vans. They saw road tripping was gaining popularity in recent years and wanted to design a fast and easy to set up awning for this market. More specific for the young roadtripper.
Reports say that roadtripping is gaining popularity among young people. These studies tells us that most people roadtrip in pairs. Thule wanted a ecological awning that is easy to take with you on these trips, an awningless awning. The product will provide protection from the sun for two people and is mountable by one person. The materials chosen were light weighted and as ecological as possible.
The result is a light weighted, compact and ecological awning system. The sail is attached to the side of the vehicle with suction cups. Musketon that provide the connection between the sail and the suction cups make it very easy to (dis)assemble. The support post is a telescopic aluminium pole, this makes the height adjustable. The tension poles are also aluminium. The whole system has a weight of 2,5 kg.
Thule - Erik De Maeyer UGent - Bram carton, Olivier Rysman
a fully self-sustainable sailing boat Frauke Destrijcker
This study was conducted in collaboration with Wauquiez, a french shipyard. In recent years, renewable energy has begun to play an increasingly important role in everyday life. People are investing more and more in renewable energy for their personal consumption. This trend is also present in the sailing world. Sailors increasingly want to make their boat fully electric in order to be less dependent on fossil fuels.
In this research, a proof of concept model of a fully self-sustainable sailing boat was developed. This concept is substantiated by calculations that simulate the energy generated by a combination of different renewable energy sources. When selecting the different energy generation techniques, the wishes and demands of the users were taken into account as well as the integration of these techniques. In order to make this system user-friendly, a mobile application has been developed where users will be able to see what their energy balance will look like in the coming days on the basis of weather forecasts.
The choice for this research to work with existing techniques for both the generation and storage of energy ensured that the original aim of the research could be achieved as a proof of concept. As expected beforehand, calculations have shown that a combination of different renewable energy sources is necessary to make a sailing boat self-sustainable. However, the research can be seen from a broader perspective. Thanks to this research, users will be able to decide for themselves which kind of renewable energy best suits their personal consumption.
Wauquiez - Wim Versavel UGent - Jan Detand
a reinterpretation of a combine harvester interior for improved visibility and ergonomics Maarten Acke
This study was conducted in collaboration with CNH Industrial, a group of brands amongst which New Holland, a supplier of agricultural machinery. Current combine harvester operators suffer back issues due to a bad posture during use. By removing the steering column, visibility is improved to allow the driver to sit more comfortable. The goal of this thesis was to design a new steering device and discover new opportunities that arise during that process.
The focus of this research is to design a more ergonomic cabin. A literature review was performed on the topics of ergonomics and homologation, however interviews and experiences formed the most interesting part of the research phase. Many iterations and tests form the base to develop the ergonomic shape of the joystick. A major part of the research was searching for new opportunities which can only be added after removing the steering column.
The results of these study were primarily positive, as confirmed by test engineers. Comparing the results to the demands, both visibility and ergonomic use have been improved significantly by using joystick steering. The remodelled interior offers several opportunities, for example, spreading the workload between two hands. This design is not nearly ready for production. Nevertheless, these first results are promissing and form a good base for further development.
CNH Industrial - Stefaan Nolf UGent - Johanna Renny Octavia
a system to improve safety and visiblity on a combine harvester
This system was created in cooperation with CNH Industrial, they are a producer of agricultural machines and equipment. From the New Holland brand, the CR10.90 combine harvester was focused on. The main problem consists of
large blind spots which are created by the size of the machine. This increases the chance for accidents and makes it difficult to drive for new operators. Therefor a system is needed to enhance the visibility in the surroundings and increase the safety.
To create these improvements research on the subject is needed. Via literature review on the visibility aspect valuable insights were found. The human sided had to be
taking into account as well, for this an ergonomics plays a part. To get a feel for the current technologies and look for benchmarks an Expo was visited: Agritechinca 2019. This consists of a large expo with the newest machines and innovations within the agricultural sector together with different technical component suppliers.
The results from the evaluation of the systems was positive, the systems proved its worth for new operators. It helped them to be better aware of what is happening
around them and increased their confidence while driving. Further testing is still needed to see how useful the system is for experienced operators. This system certainly has potential for the future with further detail technical improvements.
CNH Industrial - Raf De Smet UGent - Johanna Renny Octavia
EEN NIEUWE KIJK OP TOEKOMSTIGE KLEDIJ Een kritische review naar het sluiten van de kringloop in een circulaire textielindustrie Charlotte De Vooght
De huidige textielindustrie is één van de meest vervuilende industrieën op aarde. Grondstoffen worden overvloedig gebruikt in een fast fashion systeem en kledij belandt na slechts enkele keren te dragen op de afvalberg. Hierdoor draagt het bij aan de vervuiling van het milieu en opwarming van het klimaat. Door een welvaartsstijging zal de vraag naar kledij in de toekomst toenemen en daarmee ook de negatieve milieueffecten. Er is nood aan een nieuw economisch model om van dit take-make-waste systeem over te gaan naar een duurzame textielindustrie. Op basis van de afvalhiërarchie werden 6 methodes onderzocht die de overgang van een lineaire economie naar een circulaire economie in de textielindustrie kunnen ondersteunen. Aan de hand van een systematic review werd een kwalitatief en volledig beeld geschept over de methoden, werden alle motivaties en barrières voor elke methode bepaald en werd onderzocht hoe deze toegepast zou kunnen worden. Uiteindelijk werd bepaald welke methode het meeste potentieel had en welke verdere stappen er nog moeten gezet worden. Het onderzoek toont aan dat er zes mogelijke methoden zijn: eco-design, koopgedrag, tweedehands, herstellen, upcyclen en recyclage. De methode tweedehands bleek de beste methode in onze huidige economie en de methode eco-design bleek de beste methode voor een ontwerper. Als persoonlijke aanvulling werd een website, FabricK, ontworpen die de veel voorkomende barrières: nood aan kennis, communicatie en transparantie aanpakt. Een hergebruik gids op de site stelt gebruikers, aan de hand van enkele vragen, de meest duurzame oplossing voor voor kledij die ze niet meer gebruiken.
UGent - Bram Van Acker
a circular shoe designed with design for disassembly Lien Devesse
The majority of old shoes currently ends up in landfills, causing pollution, material loss and land loss. To solve this issue, the design agency EDMIRE, challenged to design a circular shoe with the principle of “Design for disassembly� (DFDA). By designing a shoe with DFDA, the materials of the old shoe can easily be disassembled, sorted and reused for the production of new shoes, giving the shoe a circular life cycle and reducing the environmental impact. This master thesis started with research on the waste problem caused by the shoe industry and an analysis of present ecologic shoes on the market. Next, several new concepts were explored and analysed. Based on a morphologic map 2 concepts were selected and tested. Subsequently, the best new concept for DFDA was retained and iterated on. In total, 3 fullscale prototypes were designed and tested, each time improving on the previous prototype. In parallel, a market survey was organised to gain more insight in the demands and wishes of the consumers. The result of this thesis is a circular shoe design concept that is sturdy yet can be disassembled easily into 5 mono-material parts, giving the shoe 2 benefits: 1) The DFDA design enables the easy replacing of worn parts of the shoe during the lifetime of the shoe thus extending the life cycle. 2) The mono-material parts facilitate the sorting, recycling and reusing of the materials for the production of new shoes, making the life cycle truly circular. This new DFDA shoe design proves to be a success and is a step towards a sustainable future for the shoe industry. EDMIRE - Sander De Clercq UGent - Jelle Saldien & Olivia De Ruyck
Custom-made elastic orthosis in additive manufacturing for patients with spasticity in the forearm
Patients who suffer from neurological disorders or damage can get spasticity. This change in muscle contraction can happen very quickly, called a spasm. To relieve these patients from their pain they can use an orthosis. A static orthosis can cause further damage during a spasm due to immobilization. Therefore a need for a dynamic orthosis might be a solution. The production was in collaboration with Spentys, a new player in orthoses, produced with additive manufacturing.
The starting point for this research were the patients and the caretakers together with the available literature on this topic. Interviews with doctors, nurses and orthopaedists gave insight in what these patients needs are. From there on a exploratory design was done to model a dynamic orthosis. This model was then tested on its behavior. Besides this a market study and feedback on the final prototype was done with the help of the stakeholders.
The result was a functional dynamic orthosis that can be parametricly changed to the needs of the patient. Compared to its competitors on the market, there are a lot of advantages. Further research still has to be done, since testing on patients was not possible due to Covid-19. In the end this is a good starting point for future research.
Spentys - Louis-Philippe Broze UGent - Jelle Saldien & Jamil Joundi
Customized 3D printed thumb orthosis Pieterjan Van der Borght
This research was carried out in consultation with aqtor (orthopaedic company) they make and sell orthoses and prosthetics.
In this research, aqtor and a surgical doctor were confronted with the problems of users of thumb orthoses. They were confronted with orthoses that did not fit their hand properly. This resulted in pain and discomfort, as a result of which the users could not hold the orthosis for a long period of time.
Aqtor asked for the development of a custom made orthosis for the patient and this 3D printed. This orthosis was intended to encourage users to become more comfortable and respond to technological invention such as 3D scanning and 3D printing. The first step was to examine the existing pre-fabricated orthoses in more detail for problem definition. The entire design process involved the end users to achieve the ideal thumb orthosis.
The end result is almost exclusively positive; The latest version of the Orthosis convinced end-users of the improvements that a customized thumb orthosis offers over the pre-fabricated version. As with any new design, there is still room for improvement in the final model and the production process, but the final results of this project seem very promising.
Aqtor! - Bart Vaneeckhout UGent - Peter Conradie & Jelle Saldien
Designing an innovative hinge for a sitting orthosis Lukas Bridts
This thesis is conducted in collaboration with Vigo, a technical orthopedic company: they produce custom-made support products for people with or without a physical disability. Their sitting orthosis, the SmartS!t, currently has a static connection between the backrest and the seat. This causes discomfort for dyskinetic users. Replacing the static connection with a hinge ensures that their spasms can be absorbed. Additionally, to stimulate the use of the SmartS!t it’s important that it is comfortable, safe and customizable by the user. Using user-centered design, this study explores three proof-of-concept designs based on the needs and wishes of the users of the chair and the experts who treat them. The first concept are two mechanical based hinges that contain a spring to provide the dyskinetic support. With the goal of personalization and creating a less machinal look, the second design is based on mechanical meta materials. Finally, by focusing on design for mass customization, the third concept is a casestudy on the possibility to use generative design to involve users in the design process.
The three proof-of-concepts each give their own contribution in improving the comfort and possibility for personalization. It is presumed that this will stimulate both the use of the orthosis and the product experience. Where the first model is rather basic, the third concept gives with an innovative intermediate step of the second model the possibility to profile the SmartS!t as “fully customizable�. This can give Vigo a strong competitive advantage.
Vigo - Robin Blondeel UGent - Jan Detand
an ergonomic hand grip to mount onto the push rim of wheelchairs Daan Devlaminck
Wheelchair users often suffer injuries due to the use of the push rim. This research and design process was conducted in collaboration with My Add On, a company that is specialized in pimping wheelchairs and crutches to make them look better and more comfortable with a simple-to-use add-on. My Add On wants to help them to lighten and prevent the problems caused by the push rim. Therefore, a new design for an ergonomic hand grip to mount onto the push rim of wheelchairs had to be made. In the process, the needs and wishes of 3 stakeholder groups were concerned to be incorporated into the add-on, the end users, the company and on a social level. The process started by conducting a market research to examine existing products and to detect the needs and wishes of the end users. Supplemented with a literature research to know the ergonomic requirements to which the product must meet. Performing user tests by means of prototypes to validate the generated ideas. The project is therefore a qualitative process in which the end user is first in line to collect the necessary information. The result of this research is a product that must be mounted according to the full circle circumference of the push rim. The success of this product lies in the fact that it follows the needs and wishes of all stakeholders without unintentionally changing the dimensions of the wheelchair (in width and height) and leaving the basic manual propulsion technique unchanged. The product can also be aesthetically be personalized by choosing the color of the leather finish.
My Add On - Marie Van den Broeck UGent - Prof. Jelle Saldien
A gamified smart home application to prevent cognitive decline among the elderly Nina Storms
The population of Flanders is ageing rapidly, and this is accompanied by the loss of physical and cognitive functions among the elderly. To anticipate a growing demand on health care for the elderly, many efforts have been put forward to empower aging in place and maintain the independence of older adults as long as possible. As a result, smart homes are seen as a possible solution to the ageing population. Given that smart home technologies can help the elderly with everyday tasks, as well as monitoring and maintaining their health status.
This dissertation presents the design process of a smart home application that can help the elderly in training their cognitive functions and allow them to live at home for a longer period of time. This was achieved through a user centred design approach, involving the elderly and domain experts in the different phases of the design process. Training the cognitive functions is realised through gamification.
The result of the research is a boardgame that is connected to the smart home. The final tests were performed using a digital prototype that was evaluated through expert opinions and limited user tests with elderly people. This resulted in a positive validation of the concept. The result of this research is still at an early stage, further research needs to be done on the long term effects of using the product.
Imec - Femke Ongenae UGent - Johanna Renny Octavia
a new decentralized ventilation concept with improved thermal efficiency Aron Janssens
Today, demand-driven ventilation systems form the basis for a healthy indoor climate. Particularly because homes, offices and schools are becoming increasingly insulated and airtight, ventilation has become an absolute must. The Endura Twist, a decentralized ventilation system with heat recovery from Renson NV, is a product that provides residents with good thermal comfort. This master thesis is therefore based on the existing product, where it was considered how to improve the thermal efficiency.
In order to improve the thermal efficiency an extensive literature study was carried out, involving a complete understanding of the current product, competitors and heat recovery literature. Several concepts were devised and a number of criteria were used to convert it into one concept. A prototype then had to provide an explanation of its operation and finally, theoretical calculations and simulations gave an idea of the heat recovery.
This study evolved into the development of a new concept, ‘Rotating Five’. The concept has an accelerated change between supply and extraction and a larger convection surface compared to the original product. Furthermore, it uses offset strip fins which cause more turbulence in the airstream. This results in a higher efficiency compared to the original product.
Renson NV - Filip Lambrecht UGent - Olivier Rysman
a tool to partially remove the protective film of plastic sheets Baptiste Noppe
This master’s thesis was conducted in collaboration with Clem, a company which hot forms and processes plastic sheet material. Certain plastic sheets are provided with a protective film that must be partially removed during various operations, but at the moment there is no tool that allows this to be done in a controlled manner.
Clem asked to design a tool which allows them to partially remove the protective film from the plastic sheets without damaging the underlying plastic sheet. A first step was to study the current techniques used by Clem’s employees to define the problems of the current tools. Based on these problems, a tool was developed to cut the protective film without making scratches in the plastic sheet combined with a technique to detach the protective film from the plastic sheet. Finally, the tool was improved in user-friendliness. Tests of the final tool showed that the result of the cutting was very variable. When no scratches were made in the plastic sheet, the protective film was often only partially cut. Only a small number of attempts had a perfect result. Detaching the protective film was, however, more successful. In the tests it sometimes took longer to loosen the protective film, but often it went very smoothly. The tool was also rated as very user-friendly. Finally, it can be concluded that the tool can be improved technically, but the design seems promising. Clem - David Verheust UGent - Jan Detand
An open-ended toolkit on active learning for teachers in secondary schools in Kenya Nette Kuipers
Secondary school teachers in Kenya encounter problems in practically integrating their pedagogical knowledge into student-centred methods. Lack of this integration often results in the use of passive and outdated teaching methods. Despite government investments to make education more accessible and of higher quality, students’ achievements are still low. Elewa, a Kenyan-based company and the key partner for this project, aims to solve this problem by helping teachers transfer their knowledge to students in an interesting way. The Design thinking methodology served as a framework during the research and development process. Implementing user-centred and ethnographic methods, involving teachers and experts in the field, gave deeper insights on the user needs. Techniques such as interviews, literature research, benchmarking and user tests were used to find a solution that would improve the teaching methods of the teachers, and thus the students’ achievements. The developed tool aimed to be open-ended, student-centred, and beneficial for the teachers’ professional development. Tactive is an open-ended toolkit that introduces the concept of active learning to teachers, showing them the benefits of active learning methods, and guiding the teachers to implement these methods in their class. The open-endedness of the design makes it possible for the teachers to make adjustments in line with the subject, context and students. Tactive needs to be tested in the field, and could be further improved regarding the users’ feedback. Nevertheless, online user tests showed interest from teachers in Belgium and Kenya, the received feedback was promising. Elewa - Jente Rosseel UGent - Marina Emmanouil & Lore Brosens
an adjustable wearable sensor housing for hens
Instituut voor Landbouw-, Visserij- en Voedingsonderzoek
The introduction of robotics in agriculture may be a radical step away from current tendencies in farming of increasingly large machines designed to improve productivity. Heavy machinery has a high cost, a greater complexity and causes soil compaction issues. But also small-scale organic farming businesses, specifically within Community-supported Agriculture (CSA), welcome robotic innovations since many different crops are grown and more manual labour is required to execute tasks such as weed control. This work presents the design and development of a modular robotic system to improve weed management in raised bed organic farming.
Research looked at CSA agriculture methods, present and future challenges for agriculture in Flanders, state-of-theart weed management practices in organic farming as well as a thorough market analysis, including farm visits. Qualitative research methods, such as observations and contextual conversations with farmers, provided insights into the specific requirements for the design of the robotic system.
The outcome of this effort is a lightweight robotic vehicle with a configurable implement unit. The current configuration is capable of undertaking weed mitigation tasks at seedling stage. The realised four-wheel platform drives through the use of two differential steering wheels and two passive caster wheels. A rocker suspension provides the platform with a system that can adapt to unstructured terrain and passively distribute the weight over the wheels. A three degrees-of-freedom parallel manipulator positions an end effector to a desired location for weed mitigation. ILVO - dr. ir. Simon Cool UGent - prof. dr. ir. Francis Wyffels, prof. Jan Devos
a smartphone application that fosters physical social connections among adolescents by using storytelling in public space.
This study was conducted in collaboration with VRT Innovatie (Flemish Radio and Television Broadcasting Organisation), to explore the possibilities of location based storytelling in public space through integration with technology applications. Based on a case study, the possibilities of storytelling in public space to reduce loneliness among adolescents were further investigated.
The prototype was obtained on the basis of an extensive literature study in various domains such as storytelling, public space, the living environment of young people and loneliness. In combination with a benchmarking study, observations and interviews, an iterative design process was carried out so that the prototype was tested against the needs of the user. A research through design led to a prototype whose functions can offer a solution to the research questions.
The final evaluation showed that, according to the target group, the application offers potential in terms of physically meeting with friends in the short term and also helps in getting to know friends of friends. Whether loneliness can be completely remedied remains a question. The application will certainly do its bit to improve the poor quality and quantity of social connections among the target group.
VRT - Sandy Claes UGent - Jelle Saldien - Ellen De Vos
Research and design of electrically conductive foam for squeezable objects in a therapeutic context Niel Van Cauwenberghe
Skweezee researches queeze interactions. Cushions or cuddles are filled with electrically conductive padding and electrodes are applied. The resistance change between each electrode pair provides information on how the pillow or cuddly toy is compressed. The soft objects are currently filled with electrically conductive wool, which has poor mechanical properties. It is being investigated whether foam can be an alternative for the wool. It is also investigating how Skweezee can be implemented in occupational therapy.
Several methods were investigated: advanced chemical processes, a foam casting process and the existing ESD foam. The three methods were evaluated on different criteria and ESD foam was found to be the most suitable to apply in Skweezee. With this foam, a tool was developed for children with cerebral palsy. With the tool, children can practice hand skills by playing a game. By compressing the pillow in a certain way, the game is operated.
From material tests was concluded that the ESD foam has better mechanical properties. It is more resistant to frequent use. The functionality of the material as Skweezee was also tested. From this could be concluded that the ESD foam gives similar results as the conductive wool, and that the foam therefore offers a good alternative. The tool was evaluated by 16 occupational therapists, who in addition to a few working points recognized the tool as educational, innovative and useful.
E-media Research Lab - Luc Geurts, Bert Vandenberghe UGent - Jelle Saldien
a space-saving, multi-functional furniture for small spaces in connection with human needs and human wellbeing Sophie Blancquaert
As part of a confidential master’s thesis in collaboration with the furniture company, Boone International, and Ghent University, it was investigated how the connection between small living, furniture, human needs and wellbeing - more specifically claustrophobia and loneliness - can be taken into consideration when designing a space-saving, multi-functional furniture. The Double Diamond model of the Design Thinking methodology, developed by the British Design Council, was used in this project.
In order to get a better understanding of the common housing requirements of the different target groups and their opinion on popular trends, structured questionnaires, structured interviews and card sorting were used. Personas were made to summarize the findings to illustrate the specific needs and wishes of this stakeholders. A user evaluation with 2 test persons was performed to evaluate the usability and intuitiveness of the bookcase. The entire effect was validated by the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) with 156 participants.
With the test results it can be concluded that the designed furniture meets the requirements and wishes that were determined, provided some improvements. However, it was not possible to test whether the furniture reduces claustrophobic feelings and loneliness. It can therefore be concluded that the design of the space-saving, multi-functional bookcase offers possibilities, but that further development is still needed with improved prototypes and additional tests to arrive at an end product.
Boone International - Jan Van Hecke UGent - Marina Emmanouil
The design of a green active wall integrated in a terrace roof
This study was carried out in collaboration with Skylux, a company that specialises in everything from roof domes to terrace roofs. To add an experience and innovation, it was decided to conduct research into the integration of greenery in patio coverings. Trends show that vertical planting is a growing segment. By integrating nature, more specifically vertically, an innovative accessory is added to the Skylux assortment. At the moment, vertical green walls are used against the facade of large buildings or between different work platforms in a company building. In this design it is the idea that the frame is integrated in a terrace roof in such a way as to create an added value as a terrace wall and to create an experience.
By living smaller and smaller it was decided to focus on a target group of people with a small garden. A first step was to study the literature on green wall systems, terrace walls, planting and possible installation techniques of Skylux’s terrace roofs. In order to comply to all the needs of the chosen target group, a detailed user research was done. The target group was questioned through a personal interview and an online survey. Based on the possibilities and the needs and wishes of all stakeholders, concepts were generated that were compared by using a selection matrix. Finally a final concept was developed by taking into account: production, assembly, Skylux and the users.
Because of the situation (coronavirus) no real prototype could be built to be tested. Strength simulations and benchmarks, made it possible to develop a complete design. By taking the assembly and modularity into account, this study made it possible to test the prototype in a following study. In addition, an assembly manual is included that shows the simplicity with which the product can be built. The virtual final concept shows that the product is focused on user-friendliness and can also add aesthetic value to the architecture of a terrace roof. Skylux - Tom Vandamme UGent - Davy Parmentier
Digitale Ontwerptechnieken
A modular freeform structure of discrete triangles Robin Coussens
.education .sustainability .industry
This study is conducted in collaboration with the Architecture department of Ghent University. A lot of the modular systems to form structures, which are used in different applications, don’t have a large freedom of form. This is in big contrast with the architecture pavilions where complex geometries can be realized. Therefore, a new design for a modular structure that offers more freedom of form had to be made.
Especially, the two aspects above (freedom of form and modularity) needed to be combined in a new design. A first step was to study the literature of digital fabrication techniques in architecture and a market research of modular systems. Based on the principles of paneling techniques and the needs and wishes of modular systems, a discrete triangle structure was designed. An algorithmic model was used to model these structures.
The results of these study were primarily positive. The design combined the advantages of the freedom of form possible with the paneling techniques and the reusability possible with the modular structures. The modularity is obtained by using triangles with an edge between a range of specific lengths. As with any new design, there are still several possible improvements which could be made, yet this first design seems promising.
UGent - Yannick Christiaens, Ruben Verstraeten, Willem Bekers, Nino Heirbaut, Jeroen Werbrouck
A design tool to optimise a modular acoutsic panel Emma Verschueren
This study was conducted in collaboration with Icoustic, a company specialized in placing of acoustic plasters. The research was based on the question to bring acoustics and architects closer together by including acoustics in the design process.
Acoustics is constantly present in our lives, in a positive or negative way. This thesis focuses on improving acoustics through the optimization of an acoustic panel. The form of the panel was created by exploring different deformation methods of the material together with an acoustic analysis. Using algorithmic modelling the acoustic panel is shaped to create the most optimal acoustics tailored to the needs of the room it is placed in.
The result of this study is a design tool that can be used to create an polygone acoustic panel. The design tool was tested with architects and came out positive. This means that the program is easier to use than the average software. It was possible to form the panel using the designed connection pieces between the different triangles.
Icoustic - Theo De Moor UGent - Marina Emmanouil and Lore Brosens
PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT FLOW Design of a product development flow for the company Paneltim. Tom Walcarius
This study was conducted in collaboration with Paneltim nv, a young, fast-growing company producing sandwich panels in polypropylene copolymer and high density polyethylene. Due to the endless possiblilities for these panels, many new product ideas are being created constantly. The question Paneltim is struggling with is which idea can be succesfull and what is the best way to make these new products. Therefore a product developement flow had to be made.
Paneltim asked to put the focus especially on two parts of the product development : the selection of ideas and the draw up of concepts. For the general structure of the flow there was looked at development structures based on engineering design. Through literature study every stage was developed and tailored to the company Paneltim nv. The idea selection stage was designed based on portfolio management. For the concept stage trigger-word and brainstorm techniques were used.
The results of these study were positive; espacially the idea selection fase. Several ideas were evaluated and put into graphs that were usefull to Paneltim management for taking decisions. The flow served perfectely as a new communications medium, what stimulates the team spirit between Paneltim employees. The product design flow is already in use to evaluate other ideas. Absolutely, as with any new design, there are still improvements which could be made, such as making of a digital interface were all information can be collected.
Paneltim nv - Dhr. Tony Vandenberghe UGent - Prof. Jan Detand