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Stakeholder Engagement

The UHCDC team decided to gather feedback from stakeholders through focus group discussions. Since the concepts generated took into consideration the comments from a previous engagement with stakeholders, the participants were asked to provide substantive feedback about the overarching design principles and specific features that sought to transform the harbor into an active and inclusive public space.

Focus Group Meetings


The team hosted four focus group discussions with stakeholders between December 2021 and April 2022. To maintain continuity, the names of those invited for the focus groups were drawn from the list of participants in the engagement workshops conducted by DTL in 2017. These included members from recreational user groups, the neighborhood board, business improvement associations, and liveaboards (Appendix A).

Each focus group had 4-12 participants and lasted between 1-2 hours. All meetings were scheduled on weekday evenings to accommodate participants’ availability after work hours. The meetings typically entailed a short presentation by the UHCDC team to review key aspects of the concepts followed by a facilitated discussion. Each participant was provided a slide deck. They were able to review poster boards and other relevant materials before the discussion which focused on the following questions:

1. What features of the vision plan resonated with you/your group?

2. What do you think could be improved?

3. Is there anything you do not see in the vision plan that you would like the team to consider?

All responses were recorded. Participants also provided feedback on the poster boards. The information shared in the focus groups was posted on a website with public access. All participants were encouraged to share the URL with their respective constituencies.

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