Cookie Concert: 1st Wednesdays ‚Music of the Lenten Season

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MUSIC OF LENT featuring


WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 2023 | 1:15 p.m.

Moores Opera House




Daemon Irrepit Callidus

György Orbán (b. 1947)

Felix Mendelssohn (Drei Psalmen, op. 78) (1809-1847)

Der 2. Psalm: Warum toben die Heiden

Maddie May, Julia Rose Arduino, Stephen Seward, Travis Falknor, Shelby Griffin, Deborah Edquist, Jorge Martinez, and Sean Holshouser, soloists

The 23rd Psalm

Movement 1 (De Profundis, op. 56)

Cantate Domino

Vere Languores

Angie Tovar and Chloe Owens, soloists

Bobby McFerrin (b. 1950)

Leevi Madetoja (1887-1947)

Rupert Lang (b. 1948)

Antonio Lotti (1667-1740)

This performance is presented by Ms. DeSpain in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Musical Arts.

Music of Lent



Betsy Cook Weber, director

Andreea Muţ, pianist

Kaitlin DeSpain, doctoral teaching fellow

Travis Falknor, student director

Julia Rose Arduino

Franco Basili

Zachary Brabston

Jason Burgon

Gage Campos

Jadon Campos

Zaccai Campos

Jake Carr

Sara Dacon

Tiffany Dawkins

Kaitlin DeSpain

Aidan Drury

Ethan Duong

Deborah Edquist

Travis Falknor

Madeline Flake

Alana Glover

Johanna Gonzalez

Shelby Griffin

Sean Holshouser

Tasneem Islam

Noelia Jimenez

Karen Lo *

Ariadne Lopez

Kennan Lukacs

Ethan Marfil

Jorge Martinez

Gavin Mathew

Maddie May *

Anthony Nevitt

David Oluwo

Chloe Owens

Raymond Pappas

Quinton Parmenter

Citlalli Reynosa

Sarah Roberts

Kiana Samiei

Olivia Sanchez

Rohin Scaria *

Daniel Schwindack

Aubrey Seulean

Keora Stevens

Stephen Seward *

Lauren Suchy

Angie Tovar

Maxwell White

* section leader

Doctoral Recital Program Notes

Lent, one of the five seasons of the Christian liturgical calendar, is a period of spiritual reflection that emphasizes the practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Choral music has played a significant role in the observance of Lent, with composers from all periods of Western Classical music writing works specifically for the season. Today, Lenten choral music remains an important part of religious worship as well as a significant historical and educational component of the choral repertoire. Today’s program explores the Lenten theme of redemption, tracing the journey from sin to forgiveness and gratitude.

“Daemon Irrepit Callidus” by György Orbán (b. 1947)

Romanian-Hungarian composer György Orbán is primarily known for his vocal compositions, which include songs, oratorios, masses, motets, and one opera. Born in Romania, Orbán studied composition at the Kolozsvár Academy of Music and later taught music theory there until 1979 when he moved to Hungary. He has since worked as a music editor with Editio Musica Budapest and taught composition at the Ferenc Liszt Academy of Music.

Orbán’s music is said to contain “grotesque, humorous, and at times satirical elements,” and “Daemon Irrepit Callidus” is an example of such characteristics. The text, taken from a 17th-century Goliardic poem, tells of the devil’s trickery as he aims to lure humankind to sin. According to the poet, despite how friendly the devil seems and how tempting the wicked heart’s desires are, it is “still worth less than the heart of Jesus.” Orbán creates a convincing soundtrack to the story, frequently employing chromatic scales, diminished chords, syncopation, and drastic contrasts in dynamics and articulations to represent the trickery, song, and dance used by the devil for seduction.

“Warum toben die Heiden” from Drei Psalmen, op. 78 by Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847)

Felix Mendelssohn was a celebrated musician in Europe during his lifetime, known for his exceptional abilities as a soloist, conductor, and composer. He received a comprehensive education that exposed him to the music of the Renaissance, Baroque, and Classical periods, which greatly influenced his own compositions. His music often references and incorporates the styles and techniques of earlier periods.

Mendelssohn composed the Drei Psalmen, Op. 78 for the Berlin cathedral choir after being hired by King Friedrich Wilhelm IV of Prussia to help develop the arts in Berlin. “Warum toben die Heiden,” a setting of Psalm 2 for double chorus and soloists, was completed in December 1843 and first performed on Christmas Eve at the Berlin Cathedral. The text warns against sin and urges humankind to serve the Lord lest they incur his vengeful wrath. Mendelssohn masterfully depicts the drama of the text through a varied combination of textures, including the alternation of antiphonal, solo, and tutti passages, before finishing with a Gloria canon.

“The 23rd Psalm” by Bobby McFerrin (b. 1950)

Multiple factors influenced American composer and singer Bobby McFerrin to compose his setting of Psalm 23. During a rehearsal with his ensemble in a church, they had a conversation about the patriarchal aspect of organized religion. This led McFerrin to have the idea of composing something religious that represented the feminine aspect of God. He says, “when we think about God’s love it should encompass the mother and father…the feelings of a man, the feelings of a woman. They are different, you know.”

The chant-like quality of the song was inspired by the Episcopal chants he experienced growing up in the church. McFerrin also dedicated the song to his mother, who played a significant role in his religious education.

Movement I from De Profundis, Op. 56 by Leevi Madetoja (1887-1947)

Leevi Madetoja was a Finnish composer, conductor, teacher, and music critic who was a leading member of the Finnish national Romantic school. He drew inspiration from folk tunes, like the modal melodies from Ostrobothnia, while also being influenced by contemporary French music. He is known for his skillful orchestration and ability to achieve clarity and balance in his music.

Madetoja composed De Profundis–arguably his most famous composition–in the spring of 1925 and dedicated it to the Laulu-Miehet male choir, a community choir in Helsinki. The text, which comes from Psalm 130, is a plea for forgiveness, in which the speaker implores the Lord to hear their cries. The way in which Madetoja blends Gregorian melodies and counterpoint techniques results in a piece that exhibits both modern and traditional religious styles.

“Cantate Domino” by Rupert Lang (b. 1948)

Canadian composer and organist Rupert Lang is well-suited to set liturgical texts, having grown up in the Anglican Church (with a priest as his father) and studied at the Royal School of Church Music and Cambridge University. “Cantate Domino” sets Psalm 149, a song of gratitude and praise for the Redeemer. This is an important distinction because while God is referred to in many capacities in The Book of Psalms (e.g., savior, shepherd, rock), redemption is a key theme of the Lenten season. Lang reflects different forms of gratitude through contrasting musical elements: the psalm’s public praise is marked by loud dynamics, portamentos, and rhythmically active sections, while introspective, private praise is conveyed through soft, aleatoric text delivery and the use of solo voices.

“Vere languores nostros” by Antonio Lotti (1667-1740)

As a child, Italian Baroque composer Antonio Lotti studied and performed music at St. Mark’s Cathedral in Venice where he later held several organ positions and was eventually appointed maestro di Cappella. Lotti is known for his extensive compositional output, including masses, oratorios, cantatas, and madrigals, and his work is considered a blend of the Baroque and emerging Classical styles.

“Vere languores nostros” is one of Lotti’s most widely reproduced works, and has been adapted in over 40 manuscript sources. The text, an antiphon for Maundy Thursday, comes from Isaiah 53 and reflects on the sacrifice made by Jesus to bear the sins of the world. As the final piece of our program, the text serves as a reminder of the central theme of the Lenten season.

Music of Lent

Texts and translations

Daemon irrepit callidus

Daemon irrepit calidus, The Demon sneaks expertly, allicit cor honoribus. tempting the honorable heart.

Daemon point frauds inter cantus, saltus. He sets for trickery amidst praise, song, and dance. Quid amabile Daemon dat However amiably the Demon acts, Cor jesu minus aestimat. It is still worth less than the heart of Jesus

Caro venaratur sensibus,

The flesh is tempted by sensuality, sensus adhaeret dapibus; gluttony clings to our senses; in aescatur, impinguatur dilatatur. it overgrows, it encroaches, it stretches. Quid amabile caro dat However appealing the flesh is, Cor jesu minus aestimat. it is still worth less than the heart of Jesus.

Adde mundorum milia

Though the universe may confer mille millena gaudia, thousands upon thousands of praises, cordis aestum non explebunt, non arcebunt. The heart’s desires they neither fulfill nor put out. Quid amabile totum dat However appealing the whole universe is, Cor Jesu minus aestimat. it is still worth less than the heart of Jesus.

Der 2. Psalm: Warum toben die Heiden

Warum toben die Heiden, Why do the heathen rage and the people und die Leute reden so vergeblich? and the people talk so vainly?

Die Könige im Lande lehnen sich auf, The kings of the earth rise up, und die Herren ratschlagen miteinander and the rulers take counsel together wider den Herrn und seinen Gesalbten: against the LORD and his anointed:

“Lasset uns zerreißen ihre Bande Let us break their bonds und von uns werfen ihre Seile!” and throw their ropes from us!

Aber der im Himmel wohnet, lachet ihrer, But he who dwells in heaven laughs at them und der Herr spottet ihrer. and the Lord mocks them. Er wird einst mit ihnen reden in seinem Zorn, One day he will speak to them in his anger und mit seinem Grimm wird er sie schrecken. and he will frighten them with his wrath.

“Aber ich habe meinen König eingesetzt But I installed my king auf meinem heiligen Berg Zion.” on my holy mountain Zion. Ich will von einer solchen Weise predigen, I want to preach in such a way daß der Herr zu mir gesagt hat: as the Lord said to me:

“Du bist mein Sohn, heute hab ich dich gezeuget. You are my son, today I have begotten you. Heische von mir, Ask of me, so will ich dir die Heiden zum Erbe geben and I will give you the heathens as an inheritance und der Welt Ende zum Eigentum. and the end of the world as your property. Du sollst sie mit einem eisernen Zepter zerschlagen; Thou shalt smite them with an iron scepter; wie Töpfe sollst du sie zerschmeißen.” you shall smash them like pots.

So laßt euch nun weisen, ihr Könige, So let yourselves be instructed, you kings, und laßt euch züchtigen, ihr Richter auf Erden! and be disciplined, you judges on earth! Dienet dem Herrn mit Furcht Serve the Lord with fear und freuet euch mit Zittern! and rejoice with trembling.

Küsset den Sohn, daß er nicht zürne Kiss the son so that he is not angry und ihr umkommet auf dem Wege; and you perish from the path; denn sein Zorn wird bald anbrennen. for his anger will soon burn. Aber wohl allen, die auf ihn trauen! But good for all who put their trust in him!

Ehre sei dem Vater, und dem Sohne, Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, Und dem heiligen Geist. and to the Holy Spirit. Wie es war von Anfang, jetzt und immerdar As it was from the beginning, now and ever, und von Ewigkeit zu Ewigkeit. Amen. and from eternity to eternity. Amen.

The 23rd Psalm

The Lord is my Shepherd, I have all I need, She makes me lie down in green meadows, beside the still waters, She will lead.

She restores my soul, She rights my wrongs, She leads me in a path of good things and fills my heart with songs

Even though I walk through a dark and dreary land, there is nothing that can shake me, She has said She won’t forsake me, I’m in her hand.

She sets a table before me, in the presence of my foes, She anoints my head with oil and my cup overflows.

Surely, surely goodness and kindness will follow me all the days of my life, and I will live in her house forever, forever and ever

Music of Lent

Music of Lent

Glory be to our Mother, and Daughter, and to the Holy of Holies. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world, without end. Amen

De Profundis

De profundis clamavi ad te Domine: Out of the depths I cry unto you, O Lord: Domine exaudi vocem meam. Lord hear my voice. Fiant aures tuae intendentes Let your ear be attentive in vocem deprecationis meae. to my voice in supplication.

Cantate Domino

Cantate Domino, canticum novum

Sing to the Lord a new song Laus eius in ecclesia sanctorum Let his praise be in the church of the saints Laetetur Israel in eo, qui fecit eum Let Israel be glad in his maker Et filliae Sion Let the daughters of Zion Exultent in rege suo. Rejoice in their King.

Vere languores

Vere languores nostros ipse tulit Truly our failings he has taken upon himself et dolores nostros ipse portavit. and our sorrows he has borne.

2022-2023 Moores Society

As of January 20, 2023

The Moores Society is the philanthropic volunteer organization for the Moores School of Music. Moores Society members and donors promote community awareness and provide funding for scholarships and special projects. Moores Society members receive invitations to concerts and special events held throughout the year.


Darlene Clark, President

Jackie & Malcolm Mazow, Immediate Past Presidents

Donna Shen, Vice President Membership

Nancy Willerson, Corresponding Secretary

Ann Tornyos, Recording Secretary

Meg Boulware, Opera Production Council Chair


Rita Aron

Ann Ayre

Meg Boulware

Terry Ann Brown

Carla Burns

Cheryl Byington

Julie Cogan

Timothy Doyle

Warren Ellsworth

Sheila Aron

Christopher Bacon

Philamena Baird

Chris Becker

Tom Becker

Susan Binney

Ann Boss

Nancy Bowden

Zarine Boyce

Robert Chanon

Anna Dean

Vicky Dominguez

Ann Faget

Kelli Fein

Debbie Feuer

Cathy Coers Frank

Joyce Frassanito

Mary Fusillo

Elia Gabbanelli

Frank Geider, MS DDS

Marita Glodt

Sean Gorman

Maureen Higdon

Gary Hollingsworth & Ken Hyde

Mady Kades

Linda Katz

Michelle & Jack Matzer

Gary Patterson

Shirley Rose



Diane & Harry Gendel

Mariglyn & Stephen Glenn

Beatrice & Gregory Graham

Deb Happ

Ellen & Alan Holzberg

Gladys Hooker

Janis Landry

Cora Sue & Harry Mach

Karinne McCullough

Mary Ann McKeithan

Cathy McNamara

Jennifer Meyer

Celia Morgan

Jo & Joseph Nogee

Kitten & Ron Page

Kusum Patel

Fran Fawcett Peterson

Carroll R. Ray

Jan Rhodes

Carol Lee Robertson

Richard Schmitt

Donna Shen

Rhonda Sweeney

Ann Tornyos

Betty Tutor

Bob & Mary Ann Wilkins

Beth Wolff

Lillie Robertson

Minette Robinson

Heidi Rockecharlie

Kathi Rovere

Donna Scott & Mitch Glassman

Helen Shaffer

Donna Shen

Satoko & Anthony Shou

Nancy Strohmer

Susan Thompson

Virginia & Gage Van Horn

Barbara Van Postman

Carol & Carl Vartian

Nancy Willerson

Phyllis Williams

Cyvia Wolff

Jo Dee Wright

Gay Yellen

2022-2023 Moores Society

As of January 20, 2023


Robin Angly

Christopher Bacon

Meg Boulware, Chair

Gwyneth Campbell

Anna Dean

Tim Doyle

Warren Ellsworth

Jose Alvarado

Robin Angly & Miles Smith

Rita & Jeffrey Aron

Alan Austin & David A. White

Ann & Jonathan Ayre

Christopher Bacon & Craig Miller

Pamela & Stephen Bertone

Olga & Gerardo Balboa

Susan & Michael Bloome

Meg Boulware & Hartley Hampton

Carla Burns

Keith Butcher

Cheryl & Carl Carlucci

Robert Chanon

Lydia & James Chao

Darlene Clark & Edwin Friedrichs

Cynthia & Geroge Mitchell Foundation

Victoria Dominguez

Timothy Doyle & Robert Royall, II

Richard Drapeau

Ursula & Saul Balagura

Matthew Dirst

Kelli Fein

Geraldine Gill

Kathryn & Brendan Godfrey

Ellen Gritz & Milton Rosenau, Jr.

Lucila & Bill Haase

Deborah Happ & Richard Rost

Ann Faget

Gerri Gill

Ellen and Alan Holzberg

Lee Huber

Shannon Langman

Helen Mann

Jackie and Malcolm Mazow


Ann Faget

Sylvia Farb

Debbie Feuer

Elaine & Marvy Finger

Toni & Walter Finger

Linda Fulton

Elia Gabbanelli

Mariglyn & Stephen Glenn

Manuel Gonzales

Aaron Gonzales

Susan & Sean Gorman


Konnie Gregg

Hollingsworth & Ken Hyde

Ellen & Alan Holzberg

Monzer Hourani

Lee Huber

Sharon & Robert Lietzow

Jack & Michelle Matzer

Jackie & Malcolm Mazow

Paula & Robert Mendoza

Annie Pati

Luis Ramirez

Charles Riesen

Lillie Roberrtson


Maureen Higdon

Linda Katz

Connie Kwan-Wong

Vanessa Lopez

Kathleen Moore & Steven Homer

Gary Patterson

Janet & Charles Rinehart

David Rowan

Rhonda Sweeney

Irena Witt

Johanna Wolfe

Jo Dee Wright

Floyd Robinson

Shirley E. Rose

Rosamund & David Rowan

Victoria Scelba

Jane & Richard Schmitt

Helen & James Shaffer

Donna & Tim Shen

Melanie Sonnenberg

Rhonda & Donald Sweeney

Vita Taksa

Ann Tomatz

Ann Tornyos

Betty & Jesse Tutor, Jr.

David Voll

Betsy Cook Weber & Fredric Weber

Nancy Willerson

Andrea & Carl Wilson

Irena Witt

Johanna & Richard Wolfe

Beth Wolff

Jo Dee & Cliff Wright

Allyn & Jill Risley

River Oaks Chamber Orchestra

Joseph Thayer

Susan Thompson

Ann Tomatz

Virginia & Gage Van Horn

Robert Zinn

2022-2023 Moores Society

As of January 20, 2023

Thomas Blocher

Terry Ann Brown

Carla Burns

Mathilda Cochran

Dru & Richard Davis

Kenneth Euler

Cathy Coers Frank

Joyce & John Frassanito

Mary & Robert Fusillo

Beatrice & Gregory Graham

Elad Ben-Menashe

Fredy Bonilla

Cynthia Clayton-Vasquez & Hector Vasquez

Julie Fischer

Sandra Harris


Claire Liu Greenberg & Joseph Greenberg

Michelle Greenberg

Deborah Happ

Deborah Hirsch

Gladys Hooker

Russell Kneupper

Therese Kosten

Helen Mann

Karinne & William McCullough


Clara Kukes

Richard Kummins

Lynn Lamkin

Michael Taksa

Katherine Turner

Jenny Meyer

Joel Oppenheim

Susan Osterberg

Dalia Pineda

Lisa Powell & Philip Berquist

Nancy & Hans Strohmer

Andrea Turner

Carol Vartian

Cyvia & Melvyn Wolff

Gay Yellen & Don Reiser

Yone & Shelton Vaughan

Debra Witter & Scott Chase

Lorraine Wulfe



Moores School of Music

The University of Houston’s Moores School of Music (MSM) is one of the leading comprehensive music schools in the nation. Its remarkable faculty — of internationally recognized performers, composers, and scholars — outstanding student body, modern facilities, and broad range of programs make MSM the natural choice for nearly 600 students annually. The school’s commitment to academic excellence and the highest performance standards has ensured its role as a vital resource in the educational and cultural life of Houston and beyond.

Moores Society

The Moores Society is the philanthropic volunteer organization for the Moores School of Music. Moores Society members and donors promote community awareness and provide funding for scholarships and special projects. Moores Society members receive invitations to concerts and special events held throughout the year. Please visit

For more information, please contact Emily Wolfe, Patrons Relations and Communications Coordinator, at or 713.743.8036


Kathrine G. McGovern College of the Arts

The Kathrine G. McGovern College of the Arts at the University of Houston is a dynamic home of creativity and collaboration in one of America’s most artistically vibrant and culturally diverse cities. Bringing together the performing and visual arts entities at the University of Houston, the college has the ability to harness the power of the arts to ultimately impact our world. Our award-winning, internationally distinguished faculty provides top-quality instruction to the talented, emerging student artists from more than 30 programs of study. The Kathrine G. McGovern College of the Arts seeks to positively impact the community and to empower our students to use their talents to change the world.

Giving to the Arts

Please support emerging artists at the University of Houston's Kathrine G. McGovern College of the Arts. Your gift enables KGMCA students and educators to create, collaborate, and transform Houston’s cultural landscape. Your gift makes a difference.

• Please visit To give directly to the Moores School of Music, please visit kgmca/music/giving

• For more information contact Emily Wolfe, Patron Relations and Communications Coordinator, at or 713.743.7732

Box Office at 713.743.3388

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