Upper Hutt Cit y Librar y
NE W SL E T T E R May 2016
w w w. u p p e r h u t t l i b r a r y.c o. n z
M o t h e r ’s D a y
New Books
Yo u t h We e k
Celebrate Mother’s Day with the Library. Check out our novels, magazines, eBooks, Zinio (online magazines) and music. See our top five movie selection Page 2 >
Check out a selection of our latest and greatest fiction and nonfiction titles. Pages 6 & 11 >
There are lots of activities for Youth Week happening 21 to 29 May. Check out all the details including a ‘Back to the Future’ movie screening at the Library. Page 14 >
CONTENTS 2—3 Community Notices, Database Highlight 6 New Fiction Titles
Movies for Mother’s Day Treat your Mum to a movie this Mother’s Day with our top five movie picks:
7 Hot Seats 8 — 9 Events Calendar 1 0 Regular Programmes 11 New Nonfiction Titles 15 Children’s and Teens Programmes 16 Recollect
COVER IMG From Recollect: Marilyn Campbell with an example of her patented baby carrier.
2 M AY 2 016
THE BEST E XOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL Seven seniors ‘outsource’ their retirement
BRE AKFAST AT TIF FA N Y ’S Classic romantic comedy with Audrey Hepburn
DIRT Y DANCING On a family holiday“Baby” falls in love with the camp’s dance instructor
PHILOMENA Judi Dench stars as a mother who seeks her son nearly 50 years after giving him up
PRE T T Y WOMAN Love affair between a street-wise working girl and corporate mogul
D a t a b a s e H ig h l ig h t T R E AT Y O F WA I TA N G I C O L L E C T I O N Check out our newest addition to our databases! The Treaty of Waitangi Collection brings together leading thinking on the Treaty, including works from acclaimed authors. This highly illustrated and easy-to-use database will greatly assist students and researchers with their learning on any aspect of the Treaty. The Collection is primarily designed to: • Provide a new and authoritative home for Treaty scholarship online, with more books to be added over time. • Offer a clear, fast and responsive design, optimised for mobile and tablet devices. • Deliver flexible and intuitive use of the books. To access this collection, go to w w w. u p p e r h u t t l i b r a r y.c o. n z > d ig i t a l - r e s o u r c e s > d a t a b a s e s > Tr e a t y o f Wa i t a n g i C o l l e c t i o n
N E W A P P F R O M T H E B L I N D F O U N D AT I O N BookLink is an audiobook app for print disabled New Zealanders. It contains 11000 audiobooks and over 70 local and national newspapers. The collection includes books by popular authors including Lee Child, Jojo Moyes, Maeve Binchy and David Baldacci as well as a large number of New Zealand titles. BookLink works on Apple devices, including iPhones 4S and later, iPads and the latest iPod Touch. It has been designed to be easy to use for people with a print disability. The app is free to use, but you do need to register at this site: blindfoundation.org.nz/how-we-can-help/library/get-thebooklink-app/ and you will be prompted to provide proof of print disability, which is a registration requirement. Once you are registered, the link to install BookLink is: apps.blindfoundation.org.nz/booklink/
BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP Next meetings: 4 May THEME: In a word 1 June THEME: On royalty
The medieval kitchen : a social history with recipes By: Klemettilä, Hannele.
If you have any questions, or require help to get started please call 0800 24 33 33 or email associate@blindfoundation.org.nz Library staff can help you with sign up, app set-up and downloading books to get you listening to the Blind Foundation’s great collection.
Sacré bleu : a comedy d’art By: Moore, Christopher
w w w. u p p e r h u t t l i b r a r y.c o. n z
AT PINEHAVEN LIBRARY Colouring-in for adults. BYO colouring book and pens. Some pages and spare pencils will be available. Make friends and enjoy a cuppa! Fortnightly on Wednesdays, 12.30–2.30pm
4 M AY 2 016
BOARD GAMING CLUB This is not monopoly Have you seen those interesting looking games and want to have a go and learn how to play them? The Library’s Adult Board Gaming Club meets on a Monday every two weeks for 7—9pm and is based at the HAPAI Club. The next session will be on the 2 May. It is a welcoming atmosphere for new board gamers right up to the hardened gaming veteran. You can bring your own games or just join in with your new friends!
Pi n e h ave n L i b r a r y ‘ T h e c u t e s t l i t t l e l i b r a r y i n N Z ’ Check out your local library branch today! It’s so much more than just books: • Regular programmes including School Holiday activities • Photocopying, DVDs, CDs, magazines & talking books. View UHCC plans & documents. • Friendly, personalised, experienced service.
A d d r e s s : 56 Pinehaven Road, Upper Hutt E m a i l : pinehaven@uhcc.govt.nz Hours: Monday 12.30pm – 4.30pm Tuesday 5pm – 7pm Wednesday 12.30pm – 4.30pm
DID YOU KNOW all librar y items can be returned to Central, Pinehaven or the Mobile Bus?
Thursday Closed Friday 12.30pm – 4.30pm Saturday 10.30am – 12.30pm Sunday Closed w w w. u p p e r h u t t l i b r a r y.c o. n z
NE W BOOKS: Fiction
Clawback By J.A. Jance
Crazy blood By T. Jefferson Parker
The lost girl By Tania Carver
G o n e ag a i n By James Grippando
T h e w e e ke n d s o f y o u a n d m e By Fiona Walker
Song of the sk ylark By Erica James
T h e d a r ke s t g o o d b y e By Alex Gray
The ice child By Camilla Lackbert
The summer before the w a r By Helen Simonson
Off the grid By C. J. Box
Proper t y of a n o b l e w o m a n P r e d a t o r By Danielle Steel By Wilbur Smith
Fool me once By Harlan Coben 6 M AY 2 016
Far from true By Linwood Barclay
I n d ig o s t o r m By Fleur McDonald
H O T S E AT S Do you have knowledge to share with our c o m m u n i t y ? Contact us on 04 527 2171 or libraryprogrammes@uhcc.govt.nz for more information about becoming a Hot Seat Expert. Computer Mentor Volunteers assist with establishing email accounts, preparing documents and online forms. Monday to Saturday, 10 —12pm G e n e a l og y Advice on tracing your family history, and resources available for ongoing research. Second Monday of the month, 10 —12pm Communit y Law Legal information and advice on how to access free legal services. Every Monday, 2—3pm Newcomers Network New to town? Want to meet new friends? Need some help settling in? Interested in local activities? Come and see us. First Wednesday of the month, 10 —11am Funding Advice & Support Advice and support services for community organisations. Second Wednesday of the month, 10.30 —11.30am PORSE In-home Childcare Learn about becoming a PORSE inhome educator. Second Wednesday of the month, 10.30 —11.30am (in the children’s area)
P u b l i c Tr u s t Estate planning and asset protection advice. Third Wednesday of the month, 10.30 —11.30am Housing New Zealand Get information and have your questions and concerns heard. Fortnightly on Wednesdays, 2.30 —3.30 pm Neighbourhood Support Share your stories and discuss how we can support you in your neighbourhood. Fourth Wednesday of the month, 11am Justice of the Peace JPs available to witness signatures, verify documents and more. Every Thursday, 10 —11am, also first & third Thursdays 6 —7pm C l e a rT h i n k i n g C o a c h i n g Advice and support for individuals and organisations with goal setting and planning. Second and fourth Thursdays, 6 —7pm A d a p t i v e Te c h n o l og y Advice on assistive technology for people with a range of disabilities. First Friday of the month, 10 —12pm K ASAGIP Filipino community migrant support group. Third Friday of the month, 5.30 — 6.30pm w w w. u p p e r h u t t l i b r a r y.c o. n z
M AY P R O G R A M M E S + E V E N T S 1 Sunday Sunday Funday 2 Monday Busy Bodies Tai Chi Adult Board Gaming Computer Mentor Community Law 3 Tu e s d a y Job Seekers Club Card Making Unscripted Teen Tuesday Computer Mentor 4 Wednesday Busy Babies Book Discussion Group WINZ Workshop CAB: Employment for New Migrants Computer Mentor Newcomers Network Housing New Zealand 5 Thursday Knit + Knatter Busy Bodies Take a fresh look at art Careers Clinic Lego Club Ukes for Beginners UH Ukes Computer Mentor Justice of the Peace 6 Friday Friday Fables It’s Write Easy Movie Magic Batteries Not Included Computer Mentor Adaptive Technology 7 Saturday Free Comic Book Day Comic Drawing Workshop Movie Magic Computer Mentor
8 M AY 2 016
10 —4pm 10.30 —11am 1.30 —2.30pm 7—9pm (HAPAI) 10 —12pm 2—3pm 8.30 —10am 10 —12pm 1.30 —3pm 5.30 — 6.30pm 10 —12pm 10.30 —11am 10.30 —11.30am 11.30 —12.30pm 1—3pm 10 —12pm 10 —11am 2.30 —3.30pm 10 —12pm 10.30 —11am 11—12pm 11.30 —1pm 3.30 —4.30pm 5—5.30pm 5.50 — 6.50pm 10 —12pm 10 —11am, 6 —7pm 10.30 —11.30am 1.30 —3pm 3.15—4.45pm 3.30 —5pm 10 —12pm 10 —12pm 10 —4pm 1—2pm 1.30 —3pm
8 Sunday Sunday Funday 9 Monday Genealogy Busy Bodies Tai Chi Computer Mentor Community Law 1 0 Tu e s d a y
10 —4pm 10 —12pm 10.30 —11am 1.30 —2.30pm 10 —12pm 2—3pm
Job Seekers Club Rainbow Colours Unscripted
8.30 —10am 10 —12pm 1.30 —3pm
Computer Mentor
10 —12pm
11 W e d n e s d a y Busy Babies WINZ Workshop Rainbow Colours at Pinehaven Library Stars Computer Mentor PORSE Funding Advice & Support 12 Thursday
10.30 —11am 11.30 —12.30pm 12.30 —2.30pm
Knit + Knatter Busy Bodies Take a fresh look at art Careers Clinic Lego Club Ukes for Beginners Living Lit UH Ukes Computer Mentor Justice of the Peace Clearthinking Coaching 13 Friday
10 —12pm 10.30 —11am 11—12pm 11.30 —1pm 3.30 —4.30pm 5—5.30pm 5.30 — 6.45pm 5.50 — 6.50pm 10 —12pm 10 —11am 6 —7pm
4—5.30pm 10 —12pm 10.30 —11.30am 10.30 —11.30am
Friday Fables It’s Write Easy Movie Magic Batteries Not Included
10.30 —11.30am 1.30 —3pm 3.15—4.45pm 3.30 —5pm
Computer Mentor
10 —12pm
14 Saturday
10 —12pm This event requires registration
Movie Magic Timebank Workshop
1.30 —3pm 2—3.30pm
Computer Mentor
10 —12pm
Hot Seat - see pg 7 for more details
15 Sunday Sunday Funday Family History Group 16 M o n d a y Tai Chi Busy Bodies Adult Board Gaming Computer Mentor Community Law 17 Tu e s d a y Job Seekers Club Card Making Babywearing Meet-Up Unscripted Waste Free Parenting Computer Mentor Grief Relief 18 Wednesday Breakfast Club Busy Babies WINZ Workshop Library Stars Computer Mentor Public Trust Housing New Zealand 19 Thursday Knit + Knatter Busy Bodies Take a fresh look at art Careers Clinic Lego Club Ukes for Beginners UH Ukes Computer Mentor Justice of the Peace 20 Friday Friday Fables It’s Write Easy Movie Magic Batteries Not Included Computer Mentor KASAGIP 21 S a t u r d a y Movie Magic Computer Mentor 22 Sunday Sunday Funday
2 4 Tu e s d a y 10 —4pm 1—2pm 1.30 —2.30pm 10.30 —11am 7—9pm (HAPAI) 10 —12pm 2—3pm 8.30 —10am 10 —12pm 10.30 —12pm 1.30 —3pm 6 —8.30pm 10 —12pm 10 —12pm 8.30 —10am 10.30 —11.30am 11.30 —12.30pm 4—5.30pm 10 —12pm 10.30 —11.30am 2.30 —3.30pm 10 —12pm 10.30 —11am 11—12pm 11.30 —12.30pm 3.30 —4.30pm 5—5.30pm 5.50 — 6.50pm 10 —12pm 10 —11am, 6 —7pm 10.30 —11.30am 1.30 —3pm 3.15—4.45pm 3.30 —5pm 10 —12pm 5.30 — 6.30pm 1.30 —3pm 10 —12pm 10 —4pm
23 Monday Tai Chi 1.30 —2.30pm Busy Bodies 10.30 —11am Health and Safety Forum 5—8pm Computer Mentor 10 —12pm Community Law 2—3pm
Job Seekers Club Rainbow Colours Unscripted
8.30 —10am 10 —12pm 1.30 —3pm
Computer Mentor
10 —12pm
25 Wednesday Breakfast Club Busy Babies WINZ Workshop Rainbow Colours at Pinehaven Library Stars Computer Mentor 26 Thursday Knit + Knatter Busy Bodies Take a fresh look at art Careers Clinic Lego Club Ukes for Beginners UH Ukes Computer Mentor Justice of the Peace Clearthinking Coaching 27 Friday Friday Fables It’s Write Easy Movie Magic Batteries Not Included Youthweek Movie Computer Mentor
8.30 —10am 10.30 —11.30am 11.30 —12.30pm 12.30 —2.30pm 4—5.30pm 10 —12pm 10 —12pm 10.30 —11am 11—12pm 11.30 —1pm 3.30 —4.30pm 5—5.30pm 5.50 — 6.50pm 10 —12pm 10 —11am 6 —7pm 10.30 —11.30am 1.30 —3pm 3.15—4.45pm 3.30 —5pm 5pm 10 —12pm
28 Saturday Movie Magic
1.30 —3pm
Computer Mentor
10 —12pm
29 Sunday Sunday Funday
10 —4pm
30 Monday Busy Bodies Tai Chi Adult Board Gaming
10.30 —11am 1.30 —2.30pm 7—9pm (HAPAI)
Computer Mentor Community Law 31 Tu e s d a y Job Seekers Club Card Making Unscripted
10 —12pm 2—3pm
Computer Mentor
10 —12pm
8.30 —10am 10 —12pm 1.30 —3pm
REGUL AR PROGR AMMES Gentle exercises suited to older adults. Every Monday, 1.30 —2.30pm Create easy-to-make any occasion cards. Fortnightly on Tuesdays, 10 —12pm Colouring in for adults. BYO colouring book and pens. Fortnightly on Tuesdays, 10 —12pm Share your carriers and Baby experience. Wearing Meet-Up Third Tuesday of the month, 10.30 —12pm Theatre sports for those aged 50+. Every Tuesday, 1.30 —3.00pm Share morning tea while knitting /crocheting over a good yarn. Every Thursday, 10 —12pm Take a fresh look at art with Anna Hewett. Every Thursday, 11—12pm U ke s f o r B e g i n n e r s (age 8+) Every Thursday, 5—5.30pm U p p e r H u t t U ke s Every Thursday, 5.50 — 6.50pm
at Pinehaven 1 0 M AY 2 016
Colouring in for adults. BYO colouring book and pens. Fortnightly on Wednesdays, 12.30 —2.30pm
Storytime, fun and sharing for adults with disabilities. Every Friday, 10.30 —11.15am (runs during school term only) It’s write easy to write your own family history. Every Friday, 1.30 —3pm Table top games for teens 13+ Every Friday, 3.30 —5pm Research your family history with like-minded people. Third Sunday of the month, 1—2pm A D U LT B O O K C L U B S Sharing books on a different theme each month. First Wednesday of the month, 10.30 —11.30am Not your ordinary book club… Second Thursday of the month, 5.30 — 6.45pm EMPLOYMENT DE VELOPMENT Dedicated computer time for job searching. Tuesdays, 8.30 —10am Get help with CV preparation, cover letters and searching for jobs. Thursdays, 11.30am—1pm
NE W BOOKS: Nonfiction
The great New Zealand baking book By Murray Thom
One pot favourites By Pete Evans
Dispatches from continent seven : an anthology of Antarctic science By Rebecca Priestley
W h a t ’s f o r d i n n e r ? : 8 0 weeknight favourites By Nadia Lim
The 8-week blood sugar diet : lose weight fast and reprogramme your body By Michael Mosley
The literature book By Sam Atkinson
Homestead baking with Allyson Gofton By Allyson Gofton
That sugar guide By Damon Gameau
N o d r e a m i s t o o h ig h : life lessons from a man w h o w a l ke d o n t h e M o o n By Buzz Aldrin
Soul secrets By Kelvin Cruickshank
The Romanovs : 161 3 -1 91 8 By Simon Sebag Montefiore
Horse-powered farming for the 21st century : a complete guide to equipment, methods, and management for organic growers By Stephen Leslie w w w. u p p e r h u t t l i b r a r y.c o. n z  1 1
HUB CHANGES TO IMPROVE CUSTOMER E XPERIENCE During the last week of May there will be some disruption to our services as we install our new service desks, self-service kiosks and security gates which will enable us to deliver even better customer service than we do now.
In celebration of NZ Music Month in May, the Ukulele group will perform on Thursday, 26 May from 6—6.45pm in the Rotary Lounge 1 2 M AY 2 016
The main benefits for our customers will be: • Wider, more accessible security gates • An in-house option for express returns • Sit down options for customer service • A shelf to place your bags while at the service desk • Faster and more reliable self-service kiosks We apologise for any disruption to our service during the installation phase and will endeavour to keep this to a minimum for you.
What your organisation needs to know about the new Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 The new Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 came into force on 4 April. Individuals in governance and management roles in the not-for-profit sector need to be aware of the implications and impact the new legislation has on managing health and safety in their organisations and the risk or personal liability. Upper Hutt City Council in partnership with Volunteer Hutt invite you to a forum which will give you an overview of the new legislation and its implications for your organisation. Kate Scarlet, Community Lawyer from Community Law will be speaking about the differences between the current law and the new law. This will be followed by a presentation from Tess Sullivan and Janice Henson of Te Omanga Hospice who will tell us how they have developed effective systems, processes and training to ensure they comply with the new legislation. Date
Monday 23 May 2016, 6—8pm Venue Rotary Lounge, Upper Hutt City Library 844 Fergusson Drive, Upper Hut RSVP amber.moffitt@uhcc.govt.nz
w w w. u p p e r h u t t l i b r a r y.c o. n z  1 3
Upper Hutt City Council, H²O Xtream and are proud to support Youth Week 2016.
Upper Hutt City Library
PLUS GET A FREE Expressions Library STARTER Movie night Heroes in the House PACK Sunday 22 May, 1—3pm, free entry Friday 27 May, 5pm Meet PLUS some of Upper Hutt’s Heroes at an Come along and celebrate Youth Week at the Worth $100 open afternoon in our ANZAC exhibition room. Upper Hutt City Library. We will be hosting a GET A FREE Say hello, take a photo and spend time with movie night in the Rotary Lounge. This year’s some of our greatest people. A great chance movie is Back to the Future. STARTER for our young people to hear wonderful and PLUSstories about our history. interesting H²O Xtream PACK Late Nite Sound Bite Aqua Beatz GET A FREE Thursday 26 May, 6—9pm, koha/donation Friday 27 May, 7—10pm, Children $4.10 Worth $100 Join us for our late night opening. (5—15 years), Adults $5.10 STARTER The galleries and café will be open, with live Free slides for all, Live DJ and the spa is Wellington Region - May 2016 music from the Kelburn Viaduct Municipal Jug open to all ages. There will be heaps of PACK Band. A night of funky blues for young people
and adults alike. Worth $100 MASTERTON
inflatables plus spot prizes from our sponsors
- McDonalds, Hell Pizza and Tip Top. Tuesday 17th May, 10:00am – 12:30pm, Masterton Town Hall
Tuesday 17th May, 6:00pm – 8:30pm, Upper Hutt City Library
Wednesday 18th May, 6:00pm – 8:30pm, Kapiti Community Centre
Wellington Region - May 2016 th PORIRUA MASTERTON WELLINGTON
Thursday 19 May, 6:30pm – 9:00pm, Pataka Museum of Arts and Culture th Tuesday 17 May, 10:00am – 12:30pm, Masterton Town Hall Friday 20th May, 3:30pm – 5:45pm, Southern Cross Cafe & Bar
th UPPER HUTT Tuesday 17 HUTT CITY Saturday 21st May, 6:00pm – 8:30pm, Upper Hutt City Library May, 10:00am – 12:30pm, Avalon Pavilion Wellington Region - May 2016 Prices start from $5, further details at www.thenappylady.co.nz KAPITI Wednesday 18th May, 6:00pm – 8:30pm, Kapiti Community Centre th MASTERTON Tuesday 17 May, 10:00am – 12:30pm, Masterton Town Hall Booking fees apply from the ticketing agents PORIRUA Thursday 19thth May, 6:30pm – 9:00pm, Pataka Museum of Arts and Culture UPPER HUTT Tuesday 17 May, 6:00pm – 8:30pm, Upper Hutt City Library WELLINGTON Friday 20th May, 3:30pm – 5:45pm, Southern Cross Cafe & Bar th KAPITI Wednesday 18 May, 6:00pm – 8:30pm, Kapiti Community Centre HUTT CITY Saturday 21stth May, 10:00am – 12:30pm, Avalon Pavilion PORIRUA Thursday 19 May, 6:30pm – 9:00pm, Pataka Museum of Arts and Culture Prices start from $5, further details at www.thenappylady.co.nz WELLINGTON Friday 20th May, 3:30pm – 5:45pm, Southern Cross Cafe & Bar Booking fees apply from the ticketing agents
HUTT CITY Saturday 21st May, 10:00am – 12:30pm, Avalon Pavilion Prices start from $5, further details at www.thenappylady.co.nz Booking fees apply from the ticketing agents
1 4 M AY 2 016 To Book: www.thenappylady.co.nz
B U S Y S E S S IO N S for pre - schoolers
Busy Babies Enjoy songs, nursery rhymes and musical playtime with your baby. Wednesdays, 10.30am Busy Bodies An active session stimulating body and mind with songs, dancing, rhymes and stories. For children up to 3 years. Mondays & Thursdays, 10.30am Sessions run during the term only.
TEEN TUESDAY Visit the teens area for an epic event on the first Tuesday of each month. Join us for table-top gaming. Tuesday 3 May, 5.30pm— 6.30pm
F R E E CO M I C B O O K DAY 7 May
Ch il dr e n’s Programmes Learn about the library, complete challenges Library and earn rewards at our Stars new after school club. Wednesdays, 4—5.30pm (runs during the term only) restarts on Wed 11 May. L e g o C l u b Imagine, build, challenge your friends and have fun at our after-school Lego Club. Thursdays, 3.30 — 4.30pm (runs during the term only) M o v i e M ag i c Check at the library for this week’s movie. Fridays, 3.15 — 4.45pm Saturdays, 1.30 —3pm Sunday Funday Enjoy family time with board games and activities. Sundays, ALL DAY KID’S TIDBIT LIT! S t a r Wa r s : t h e F o r c e A w a k e n s This movie is
Celebrate Free Comic Book Day with us as we give away comics and get you drawing your own! Saturday 7 May Central Library, 1—2pm For ages 10—18
... awe some. It ’s full of adventure s and a per fect way to bring back Star War s with a BANG . I look for ward to number 8 . By Piper
w w w. u p p e r h u t t l i b r a r y.c o. n z 1 5
Ta l e s o f t h e 2 0 tthh C e n t u ry S T o ry com petition Tell us a stor y about Upper Hutt’s past and win an iPad Mini! Upper Hutt Cit y Librar y is celebrating Upper Hutt Cit y’s 50th birthday with a stor y competition for children and youth. Tell us a story about life in Upper Hutt during the 20th Century based on something you’ve been told by someone who lived here during that time. Your story can be about any topic and can be told in a variety of ways. Prizes will be awarded in three different categories with first place entries winning an iPad and runner-ups receiving a $50 book token. For more information, pick up a competition booklet from one of our libraries or visit 5 0. u p p e r h u t t c i t y.c o m/t a l e s o f t h e 2 0 t h c e n t u r y
CENTR AL LIBR ARY 844 Fergusson Drive P H O N E 04 527 2117 E M A I L library@uhcc.govt.nz H O U R S MON—FRI 10am—7pm, SAT— SUN 10am—4pm
PINEHAVEN LIBR ARY 56 Pinehaven Road P H O N E 04 528 2208 E M A I L pinehaven@uhcc.govt.nz H O U R S MON 12.30 —4.30pm, TUE 5—7pm, WED 12.30 — 4.30pm, THU closed, FRI 12.30 —4.30pm, SAT 10.30am— 12.30pm, SUN closed
Private Bag 907, Upper Hutt 5140 www.upperhuttlibrary.co.nz
MOBILE LIBR ARY E M A I L libmobile@uhcc.govt.nz H O U R S Runs during the school term only. Check our timetable to find out when we next stop near you. Available in the library or online at o w. l y/4 m P x M J
UpperHuttCityLibrary UHLibrary