6. How am I notified about my financial aid award? You will receive an email to your hawaii.edu email account. 7. How do I view my financial aid status and award? Login to your MyUH and navigate to financial aid. You may check on your status and award, even if you haven’t been notified by email.
GRADUATE ADMISSIONS 1. What information should be passed on regarding graduate admissions? The catalog contains info for both undergraduate and graduate programs. Admission requirements to the masters, doctoral, and professional programs vary greatly. Admission decisions are made by faculty and staff of the department, school, or college of which the major is a part. Students interested in any of the graduate programs should contact the graduate division admissions office for general information or to be referred to appropriate personnel for their major of interest. 2. How can the graduate admissions offices be contacted? Office of Graduate Education - Spalding 360 2540 Maile Way Honolulu, HI 96822 Phone: (808) 956-7541 E-mail: gradss@hawaii.edu Website: manoa.hawaii.edu/graduate William S. Richardson School of Law 2515 Dole Street Honolulu, HI 96822 Phone: (808) 956-7966 Fax: (808) 956-3813 E-mail: lawadm@hawaii.edu Website: law.hawaii.edu John A. Burns School of Medicine 651 Ilalo Street, Medical Education Bldg. Honolulu, HI 96813 Phone: (808) 692-1000 Fax: (808) 692-1251 E-mail: medadmin@hawaii.edu Website: jabsom.hawaii.edu