Fr esh m an Class Regist r at ion & Lear n in g Com m u n it ies w w w.m an oa.h aw / u n der gr ad/ f r esh m an
"Being in ACE was a great experience. I learned about campus, gained study skills, and made so many new friends! " - Shantal Guirao Former ACE Student
ALOHA & WELCOM E! We are delighted that you have chosen UH M?noa for your higher education. We look forward to your arrival and know that you will find UH M?noa to be a challenging and supportive environment for your intellectual and personal growth.
The transition from high school to college is not always an easy one; therefore, the university provides various programs and experiences to help make the transition as smooth as possible.
This booklet will inform you of different academic opportunities available to you at UH M?noa. We have provided information regarding our ACE Learning Communities, as well as other useful information for first-year students.
Feel free to call, stop by, or email us! We would love to meet you and learn how we can best support you. There is no place else like UH M?noa. We look Forward to having you be part of our ohana; our family.
Mahalo nui loa,
Th e ACE Team : Kyle Van Duser, Joshua Baldovino, Jordan Kauwe, Ayanna Jose & Zack Miyamoto
Pick a m ajor f ocu s
Pick a clu st er
ACE offers 60 learning communities and course registration for over 25 different major areas. No matter what your intended major, we have a cluster for you! Set your alerts, as registration begins in May.
Each major has several options of learning communities, or cluster, options .Each cluster comes with 4-6 bundled classes that you'll share with 15, similar-goal oriented students.
Pair u p w it h a M en t or
Fin alize On -boar din g
With ACE you'll also receive a 1-credit seminar, CAS 110. In CAS 110, you'll be paired with an upper-division Peer Mentor who will help guide you through your first semester, connect you with campus, and teach important college success skills.
After you've received a confirmation email with your schedule, you'll have to confirm your eligibility. Make sure to complete your Health Clearance Forms, any relevant Placement Tests, and submit your Transcripts and SAT/ACT scores.
QUICK ACE STATS & FACTS GPA Sim ple & Fast ACE is the most simple and fast way incoming freshmen can get their Fall semester classes. Courses are even bundled by Academic Advisors to ensure you are taking the right classes towards a 4-year graduation path.
Gr eat er academ ic su ccess On average, students who participate in our ACE Program, achieve a higher GPA than non-ACE students during their first semester here at UH M?noa. Building a strong foundation is especially important in the first semester.
+90% of ACE St u den t s
Access t o Resou r ces
Report that ACE helped them to create a realistic four-year graduation plan. Our ACE Peer Mentors help start students on the right path to graduate on time. 15 to finish!
About 85% of ACE students report that they gained valuable knowledge of on-campus resources that helped them transition into university life more smoothly.
LC OFFERINGS There are multiple cluster options for each learning community type. Visit our website for full offerings.
Explor at or y Not sure what to major in? These Gen Ed. focused clusters are perfect for you. 8 Clu st er s Available
CAS 110
Access to College Community
ENG 100
English Composition
COMG 251 Principles of Effective Public Speaking OCN 105
Sustainability in a Changing World
ES 101
Intro to Ethnic Studies
PSY 100
Survey of Psychology
Tot al Cr edit s: 16 Course
CAS 110
Access to College Community
ENG 100
English Composition
POLS 150
Intro to Global Politics
OCN 105
Sustainability in a Changing World
ES 101
Intro to Ethnic Studies
POLS 110
Intro to Political Science
Polit ical Scien ce Interested in becoming a politician? These clusters will fit your interest. 2 Clu st er s Available
Tot al Cr edit s: 16
CAS 110
Access to College Community
ENG 100
English Composition
Pr e-Psych ology
HIST 152
World History Since 1500
Looking to pursue a career in psychology or psychiatry? These clusters will help you get there.
PSY 100
Survey of Psychology
HWST 107
Hawaii: Center of the Pacific
MATH 215
Applied Calculus I
2 Clu st er s Available
Tot al Cr edit s: 16
For a complete list of learning communities and to register, visit: www.
LC OFFERINGS Edu cat ion These clusters are for students pursuing a degree in education. 2 Clu st er s Available
CAS 110
Access to College Community
HWST 107
Hawaii: Center of the Pacific
POLS 150
Intro to Global Politics
SOC 100
Intro to Sociology
ENG 100
English Composition
MATH 111
Math for Elementary Teachers I
Tot al Cr edit s: 16
CAS 110
Access to College Community
REL 150
Intro to the World's Major Religions
COMG 151
Personal and Public Speech
PSY 100
Survey of Psychology
ECON 130
Principles of Microeconomics
ENG 100
English Composition
Thinking of working in the travel industry? These clusters start you on the right track.
Interested in becoming a business major? These clusters are perfect for you. * BUS 200 will replace CAS 110.
Tot al Cr edit s: 16
Tr avel In du st r y
Pr e-Bu sin ess & Sh ilder D.A.P.*
7 Clu st er s Available
CAS 110
Access to College Community
ECON 130
Principles of Microeconomics
ENG 100
English Composition
TIM 102
Food and World Cultures
HSL 101
Any Second Language
OCN 101
Intro to Environmental Science & Sustainability
1 Clu st er Available Tot al Cr edit s: 16
For a complete list of learning communities and to register, visit: www.
CAS 110
Access to College Community
ENG 100
English Composition
Nat ive Haw aiian
Hawaii: Center of the Pacific
Specifically for students of Native Hawaiian descent, these clusters will delve into Hawaii's history and culture.
HAW 101
Elementary Hawaiian
HAW 100
Language in Hawai?i: A Microcosm of Global Language
SOC 100
Intro to Sociology
1 Clu st er Available
Tot al Cr edit s: 16
CAS 110
Access to College Community
GG 101
Dynamic Earth/Intro to Meteorology
GG 101L
Dynamic Earth/Intro to Meteorology Lab
ENG 100
English Composition
PSY 100
Survey of Psychology
HWST 107
Hawaii: Center of the Pacific
SOEST These clusters are for students looking to study in the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology. * ATMO 101/ATOM 101L will replace GG 101/GG 101L. 1 Clu st er Available
Tot al Cr edit s: 16
Su st ain abilit y Looking to pursue a career in sustainability? These clusters will start you on the right track. 1 Clu st er Available
CAS 110
Access to College Community
OCN 101
Intro to Environmental Science and Sustainability
ENG 100
English Composition
OCN 105
Sustainability in a Changing World
PACS 108
Pacific Worlds: Intro to Pacific Islands Studies
Tot al Cr edit s: 13
For a complete list of learning communities and to register, visit: www.
CAS 110
Access to College Community
ICS 111
Intro to Computer Science
ICS 141
Discrete Math for Computer Science
ENG 100
English Composition
REL 150
Intro to the World's Major Religions
WS 176
History of Gender, Sex and Sexuality
Com pu t er Scien ce These clusters are for students pursuing a degree in Information & Computer Sciences (ICS). 2 Clu st er s Available
Tot al Cr edit s: 16
Pr e-En gin eer in g & S.E.M .P.* These clusters are for students pursuing a career in engineering. * ENGR 100 will replace ENGR 101. 6 Clu st er s Available
ENGR 101
Introduction to Engineering
CHEM 161
General Chemistry
CHEM 161L General Chemistry Lab HWST 107
Hawai'i Center of the Pacific
MATH 140
Precalculus: Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry
PSY 100
Survey of Psychology
Tot al Cr edit s: 16
CAS 110
Access to College Community
ARCH 100
Introduction to the Built Environment
ARCH 101
Basic Studio Design
ENG 100
English Composition
HIST 151
World History to 1500
HWST 107
Hawaii: Center of the Pacific
Ar ch it ect u r e Interested in architecture? These clusters are perfect for you. 1 Clu st er Available
Tot al Cr edit s: 16
For a complete list of learning communities and to register, visit: www.
LC OFFERINGS Pr e-Nu r sin g & D.E.N.* These clusters are for students pursuing a career in nursing. * NURS 200 will replace CAS 110. 6 Clu st er s Available
CAS 110
Access to College Community
HAW 100
Language in Hawai'i: Global Issues
MICR 130
General Microbiology
ENG 100
English Composition
PSY 100
Survey of Psychology
PHYL 141
Human Anatomy and Physiology
PHYL 141L Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab Tot al Cr edit s: 16
CAS 110
Access to College Community
CHEM 161
General Chemistry
Pr e-Healt h & Pr epar at or y Healt h *
CHEM 161L General Chemistry Lab BIOL 171
Intro to Biology
Intro to Biology Lab
ENG 100
English Composition
MATH 140
Precalculus: Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry
Looking for a major in this category? These clusters will start you on the right track.
Tot al Cr edit s: 15
Kin esiology (KRS) Thinking of a career in physical therapy or athletic training? These clusters can get you there. 3 Clu st er s Available
* CHEM 131 will replace CHEM 161/161L. 9 Clu st er s Available
CAS 110
Access to College Community
KRS 203
Introduction to Kinesiology
ENG 100
English Composition
PHYL 141
Human Anatomy and Physiology
Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab
HWST 107
Hawaii: Center of the Pacific
Tot al Cr edit s: 16
For a complete list of learning communities and to register, visit: www.
READY TO REGISTER? STEP 1: SET YOUR CALENDAR Registration begins in May. Set up a notification on your personal calendar to visit our First Year Programs website for your registration date.
STEP 2: REVIEW CLUSTERS During these next few months, we encourage you to talk with advisors, professionals, and peers regarding what career paths and majors. Once you have an idea, look at our learning community options on our website.
STEP 3: GET NOTIFIED! Want to never miss a registration update or announcement from First Year Programs? Sign up to our email list for the most update information straight to your mail box!
STEP 4: GET YOUR CLUSTER! Registration begins in May. Grab your computer and log on to our website to sign up for your cluster before seats are filled!
?The transition into college was surrounded by many unknowns. I was unsure of how I was going to make friends and familiarize myself with campus. Maintaining my grades and adjusting to the new style of teaching was another struggle I faced. Without the ACE program, I don?t know how I would?ve been able to juggle all of the changes. ACE helped me to form a connection with my teachers and classmates, and inform me about all the student resources on campus. Not only did ACE assist in the transition into college, but it also gave me the confidence to reach out to others, and help them in the same way the program helped me.?" Zackary Miyamoto ACE Freshman, Fall 2017 Pre-Health & Life Science Cluster
Im por t an t Fir st Year Resou r ces M ?n oa Advisin g Cen t er Not sure who to ask for advising? Start here! UH M?noa offers a wide array of majors and degrees, many great resources and hundreds of exciting opportunities. To make the most of your academic journey, work closely with your academic advisors who can help you: -
Figure out when you need to do what Clarify your academic and career goals Make a plan, so you can graduate on time Navigate the system to find what you need Transform your dreams into reality
Pr e-Healt h / Pr e-Law Advisin g Cen t er The Pre-Health/ Pre-Law Advising Center (PAC) is a walk-in resource for students interested in law , m edicin e or the h ealt h scien ces. Students new to UH M?noa should come in for advising before registering for classes. PAC Peer Mentors can help you: -
Plan appropriate coursework Choose a major Find opportunities to gain experience Clarify your career goals Research professional programs Apply to schools
s St u den t Su ccess Cen t er The Student Success Center (SSC) is part of Sinclair Library, the historic building on campus. The building is open 24 hours a day, is food and drink friendly, with a computer lab and Internet Cafe Style computers, and is entirely wireless accessible. The SSC provides: Tutoring, Study Groups, Grade Boosting Skills, Writing Assistance, Library & Information Searching and Research Paper Coaching. Website:
Th e Hon or s Pr ogr am The Honors Program provides opportunities to conduct independent research or artistic projects with the guidance of faculty. Graduating from this program means earning your bachelor 's degree with honors. Benefits include: -
Early Registration for classes Small, rigorous discussion-based classes reserved only for Honors students Personalized academic advising and preparation for graduation Housing with other Honors students
St u den t Su ppor t Ser vices The mission of the Student Support Services (SSS) Program is to increase the graduation and retention of first year college students and those with financial need. It provides a centrally-located study room and computer lab and offers academic advising, tutoring and workshops to over 300 eligible students each year. Freshmen and new transfer students are encouraged to apply. To be eligible you must be either a first generation college student or have financial need. Generally, you will be eligible if you have been awarded need-based financial aid from UH M?noa or from other need-based scholarship programs, such as Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate scholarship or the Hawai'i Community Foundation scholarship programs. Even if you did not receive financial aid, you may still be eligible if you meet the income criteria.
Fr equent l y As k ed Ques t i ons What if my ACE Learning Community is less than 15 credits? I need at least 15 credits to graduate in four years. Learning communities are designed to give you a full time schedule. However, due to certain classes having labs or sequences, several clusters may only have 13 or 14 credits. After ACE registration, you may need to add an additional course to put you at the 15 credit , 4 year graduation path. Do I have to take any placement exams? Yes. The University of Hawai'i at M?noa, requires students to pass a specific set of set of criteria before admittance into certain classes. If you are interested in a learning community that has a "Placement required" course (e.g. CHEM 161, MATH, or foreign language, ), please be sure to take the appropriate placement exam. If you do not place into appropriate courses in the learning community, please contact the ACE Team as soon as possible! How do I register for the learning community classes? Once you select into the ACE learning community through the STAR website, registration takes 24-48 hours to add the classes to your profile. You will recieve two confirmation emails, one at the time of registration and one after classes have been finalized and added. After you receive the confirmation letters, you are guaranteed admittance into the classes, except in cases where placement is required; students will not be officially admitted into learning communities with "Placement required" classes until they have received placement. Is there a waiting list for learning communities? No acceptance into the learning communities are on a first come, first-served basis. Classes fill fast; so set your calendar alerts as soon as dates are finalized!
Can I choose the day and time of the classes in the learning communities? No. Seats have been reserved for learning community use in only sections we have indicated in this booklet. To see the day, time, and room location of your cluster, visit the ACE website at freshman. Information will be updated as it becomes available. Do I have to take all the classes in the learning community? Yes. A learning community needs to have all the students taking the same classes, under the same instructor, with the same assignments, due dates, and classmates. Learning community students have the most success when they are in the same situation and face the same challenges together. Exceptions are made for AP or previous college credit on a case by case basis, please contact the ACE team for more information. When can I sign-up for a learning community or access the pre-registration system? Registration dates are still being finalized for 2018. For the latest information visit our website at: freshman
Welcom e t o t h e UH M ?n oa Oh an a.
Con t act In f or m at ion First Year Programs ACE Learning Communities Ph on e: (808) 956-8626 Em ail: Of f ice Hou r s: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM HST Addr ess: Student Success Center at Sinclair Library Mezzanine 1B University of Hawai?i at M?noa 2425 Campus Road Honolulu, HI 96822 Websit e: Facebook :
look bold, sm ar t , an d con f iden t
123 N 321 E New Yor k Cit y, NY 10007 em ail@w ebsit h t t p:/ w ebsit 1-555-555-5555