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Campus Safety
The UH Mānoa Department of Public Safety (DPS) is dedicated to providing and promoting a safe and secure campus, and serving our community with aloha. DPS operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to patrol and respond to reports of crime or suspicious activity on UH Mānoa campus. DPS also offers a variety of crime prevention and awareness programs, which are available through the department's Crime Prevention Unit. Students at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa have many options to help them feel safe on campus.
Stay safe with Mānoa Guardian
Mānoa Guardian is one of the best ways to improve your personal safety by allowing easy communication with DPS and others within your own safety network. It’s free to download from the App Store or the Google Play store. Search for "Rave Guardian."
For more information: manoa.hawaii.edu/dps/ manoaguardian.html