3 minute read


C Introduction to Beekeeping

Learn the biology and behavior of honeybees and best management practices for hive management. Develop hands-on skills for hive inspection, maintenance, and management techniques to control honeybee diseases and pests. Investigate alternative pollinators.


AGR162 / Mach Fukuda / 3 credits

001 F 12 PM - 2:45 PM Fall Semester 8/21 - 12/15

CE The ABC’s of Bees: Basic Beekeeping Part A

Part A: Basic Introduction. This course includes history, biology, regulations, pests, and issues with keeping bees on Maui. This is the first in a series of four, 5-hour, noncredit courses (A,B,C, and D) to provide you introductory information on keeping bees in Hawai‘i, including introduction to the tools, equipment, and safety gear needed. This will be followed by Part B: Working with the Hive and Harvesting Honey and Part C: Construction of Hives, Assembling Woodenware/equipment and Part D: How to Get Bees.

AG6155 / Mach Fukuda / $95

003 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM 3-Sep AG Building 1x

CE The ABC’s of Bees: Basic Beekeeping Part B

Part B: Working with the Hive and Harvesting Honey. This is the second in a series of four, 5-hour, non-credit courses (A,B,C, and D) to provide you introductory information on keeping bees in Hawai‘i. In Part B, you will learn the inner workings of a bee hive, including the internal parts, as well as where bees live and reproduce. You will also learn basics of working with bees and hive manipulations and techniques for harvesting honey. This will be followed by Part C: Construction of Hives, Assembling Woodenware/equipment and Part D: How to Get Bees.

AGR6156 / Mach Fukuda / $95

003 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM 17-Sep AG Building 1x

CE The ABC’s of Bees:

Basic Beekeeping Part C

Part C: Construction of Hives, Assembling Woodenware/ Equipment. This is the third in a series of four, 5-hour, non-credit courses (A,B, C, and D) to provide introductory information on keeping bees in Hawai‘i. In Part C, you will learn to build hives from locally obtained materials. You will also learn to assemble woodenware/equipment that can not be locally sourced from hardware stores. This will be followed by Part D: How to Get Bees.

AGR6157 / Mach Fukuda / $95

003 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM 1-Oct AG Building 1x

CE The ABC’s of Bees:

Basic Beekeeping Part D

Part D: How To Get Bees. This is the final in a series of four, 5-hour, non-credit courses (A,B, C, and D) to provide introductory information on keeping bees in Hawai‘i. This class will look at the factors affecting honey bees in the spring-summer months of the year and what causes a hive to swarm, techniques for attracting and collecting a swarm. If time permits, you will have handson experience collecting swarms, servicing swarm traps, and transferring swarms to hives. Pre-requisite required: ABCʻs of Beekeeping A, B and C or AG162 Introductory Beekeeping.

AGR6160 / Mach Fukuda / $89

CE Introduction To Plant Propagation

This course will provide you an overview on plant propagation, including seed/sexual propagation and asexual propagation (such as cuttings, divisions, and air layers). This course will include both a lecture of the various techniques as well as hands-on practical exercises. Learn both small scale (home owner) and large scale nursery enterprises. Course will be conducted at Hoʻoulu 104 and Greenhouse facilities.

AGR6158 / Mach Fukuda / $89

002 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM 16-Apr AG Building 1x 003 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM 12-Nov AG Building 1x

CE What is Bugging you? Home Garden Pest Control Overview

This course is geared to the home gardener, just starting out, with questions regarding insect pest identification. This course will cover tools/resources for quick identification of the primary insect pests that affect the various crops or ornamental plants commonly grown here in Hawai‘i. Learn to identify beneficial insects and their roles in mitigating insect pest problems. Course will include lecture, demonstrations, and walk-about to learn about the common pests in the landscape. Time in class will include work with microscopes to observe and assist in identification as well as information regarding pesticide use, pesticide label interpretation, and pesticide safety.

AGR6159 / Mach Fukuda / $79

002 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM 30-Apr AG Building 1x 003 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM 3-Dec AG Building 1x

C Sustainable Ag Systems

Explore sustainable agriculture systems in Hawai‘i and the world. Compare various sustainable models and examine various sectors of production agriculture and related agribusinesses in Hawai‘i. Course includes field trips to farms, processors and wholesalers.

AG103 / Mach Fukuda / 2 credits

01 W 1:30 PM - 4:15 PM Fall Semester 8/21 - 12/15

C Introduction to the Science of Sustainability

Identify sustainability concepts which have become evident from early human movement toward Industrialization in the 1500s to present. Examine diverse approaches in resource use including water, energy, waste, land use, economies, and oceans. Learn fundamental systems approaches to recognize interconnections and ramifications of practices and identify global sustainability issues through Hawaiʻi and island case studies.

SSM101 / Timothy Botkin / 3 credits

001 TuTh 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM Fall Semester 8/21 - 12/15

Good Jobs Hawai‘i is a coalition of educators, businesses, and community partners that will help people in Hawai‘i get high quality jobs and careers, while ensuring employers meet their needs for a skilled, local workforce.

The University of Hawai‘i Community Colleges (UHCC) are offering free skills training in high demand industries.

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