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COVID-19: A Message From the Faculty

Aloha JABSOM Class of 2020!

Congratulationsonyourgraduationfrom medical school! It has beenachallenging secondhalf of theyearasthenationbattles Covid-19, withyourClass having toforgo well-deserved celebrationsof matchday, luau, awarddinners/ceremonies,and commencement. Despite thesedisappointments,yourClass’ strong leadershipandresiliency wasdemonstratedin taking thelead with JABSOM IT andadministrationin developing andproducinga world-classvirtualconvocationthatwasenjoyedby yourfamily, friends,andtheJABSOM OhanainHawai‘i andbeyond.

As I reflect onyour fellow graduatesof theClass of 2020atall levels of education, thetraditional ritesof passage arenotbeing afforded tothis groupof students. Senior promandgraduation from high school will bemissedby theyoungergraduates,andin manyrespects,theseeventsareirreplaceableritesof passageto adulthood. For college graduates,missing thetruesenseof accomplishmentthatcommencementandconvocationprovidesis disappointing,equallyforstudentsandproudparents/family. However,asa2020medicalschoolgraduate,Iwouldactuallyfeel fortunatethatthepandemic hit this year, insteadof theyear in frontortheyearbehind.Yes,youmissthegraduationceremonies andcelebrations,butfortunately,youhaveexperiencedthembefore.

The graduatesof theJABSOM Class of 2019werein themiddle of theirinternship, whenthey weretossedinto themiddle of a pandemic without adequatePPE, with thepersonalfear for theirown health andtransferring thevirus toloved ones. The Class of 2021arebeing stressedby thepostponementof USMLE exams, and cancelationsofawayrotationsandinterviews.WithouttrainingprogramsformanyspecialtiesinHawai‘i, you cancertainlyunderstandtheincreasedamountofanxietythisiscausing.

The Class of 2020got asignificant advantagein experiencingtheearly pandemic, largely on thesidelines. You gotachancetoread, study, evaluate, andmentally preparebefore clinical rotationswererestartedin early May. PPE availability andPPE appropriatenessfor level of care hasbeenresolved. Knowledge of thedisease and availability of testingareexpanding. Hospitals andhealth care systems aremuch betterpreparedto manage futurewavesofthepandemic.WhenyoustartyourinternshiponJuly1,thehealthcaresystemwillbe readyto supportyou with adequateprotocols andPPE, andyou will be mentally readyfor patientcare in the timeof Covid-19. Comparedtotheclasses above orbelow you, if I wasgiven a choice, I would personally favorbeing inyourclass,evenknowingthatIwouldgiveuptheendofyearcelebrations.

You will seeanotherflu pandemicduringyourcareer. I takecomfort in knowing thatyou will have the knowledge andexperience tobattle thenext crisis, whenit will beyour turntolead andguide thenext generationofhealthcareprovidersinHawai‘i andbeyond. MahaloandAloha LawrenceBurgess,M.D.,FACS Director of StudentAffairs, ProfessorofSurgery JABSOMClassof1980



TO: JABSOM Alumni Association Board of Directors

FROM: Richard Kasuya, JABSOM Class of 1989

My dearfellow Board members…the experimentis nowover. The Class of 2020hasgraduated.Hereis my final reportto you.I feel I have successful remainedundercoverfor thelast four years, taking constantnotesandmaking meticulous observationsof thisclass of medical students.I admitI am feeling abitremorsefulfor keeping this experimentunknown tothemembersoftheClassof2020. Shouldn’twehavegone throughanIRBprocessforthis?Ohwell,toolatenow…

As you recall, westartedthis psychological experiment four shortyearsago.We took some of thebestapplicants JABSOM haseverseenin its 50-plus yearsof existence, andputthem throughfour rigorous yearsof training.The goal wastotestif they would proveworthyof being addedtoournumbersin the JABSOM AlumniAssociation.

I cringe tothink of all thatwehave putthemthrough…The horrorof Dr. Sakai’s lectures, being forced towatchOME faculty andstaff danceatHalloween contests, being guinea pigs forDr. Omori’s latestbakingconcoctions…and perhaps worstof all…having tolisten tomy jokes. How could anyone beexpected tolive throughsuch anexperience andmaintain theirenthusiasm,theirdedication,andtheirhumanity?

Unfortunately, ourstudy design waspoor.This class wasalso putthroughunexpected stressorsthateven the nefariousmindsof ourBoard of Directors could nothaveimagined!And, noteventheever-pessimistic Dr. Horio onsourboardcould have predictedthepandemic, andall of theways it would disruptthelives of these studentsandtheirlovedones.

Yet, throughall of this –oursystematically plannedstressorsandtheunexpected andunfortunatecointerventions –this class hasdemonstrateda remarkable spirit. When old traditionswerenotpossible this year, they chose tocreatenewones.They found ways tocontributetothefight against COVID19 -building face shields, sewing masks, andadvocating for thosethatweremostvulnerable.They somehowmadeit throughDr. Sakai’s lectures, stomachedDr. Omori’s bakedgoods, andevenforced themselvestohalfheartedlylaughatmyjokes.

I guess it didn’t takeourputting this class through anunsanctioned andprobably unethical research experimenttoreachthis conclusion: This is a truly amazing class. They have proventobe morethanworthy of earningtherighttojoinusasthenewestalumniofJABSOM.

Thiswillbemyfinalreport. IwillnowturnmyattentiontorehearsingmyoldjokesforMD1…

p.s.Nexttime,weshouldjusttakeDr.Nip-Asano’swordforitandsaveusallalotoftrouble. Dr.Sakai’s lecturesarereallyhardtositthrough…

A Message from the Faculty

Dear Class of 2020,

Imaginethatit’sMay2025,whensomeofyouwillbeoutinpractice,some may bein fellowship andsomemay still bein yoursurgical residency specialtieswith5moreyearstogo… You reminisce about your last few months of medical school… You remember the fear of getting sick, bringing home that sickness to your loved ones, and missing the human touch. You remember the sense of helplessness, and the hundreds of thousands who died without any cure. You remember the anger of the loss of control and human ignorance. You remember the loneliness of not being able to hang out with your classmates during the last few months of medical school.

Butyoualsohavegoodmemories You remember the compassion your class showed making face shields for first responders and donating to a community in need. You remember the love - spending quality time with loved ones and creatively connecting with friends and family. You remember the gratefulness of your patients for human connection and someone who listens. You remember the humanity - a community, a country, a world, all brought together with one common goal.

Nowflashbacktonow,yourfirstyearofresidencyduringtheCOVID-19pandemic,oneofthegreatestthreatsour world haseverseen.I have theutmostconfidence of your competence, andthatall of you areready for the challengesahead. You will be the calm that eases the fears and anxiety of your patients. You will be the strength that your colleagues, family, and friends can rely on. You will be the physician that helps to relieve your patients' suffering.

Best of luck, class of 2020!Rememberthatyou arenotalone, you arenowaJABSOM graduate,partof the communityof JABSOM physicians practicing all overtheworld. You cancountonyourclassmates, colleagues, andJABSOM toalwaysbewithyou.


Dear Class of 2020,

In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few.


ItseemslikejustyesterdaythatasacoursedirectorforMD1,Ihadtheprivilegeandhonorofwitnessingyourfirst momentsof medical school --whenyourmindshadnotyetdistilled PBL downtoaquick 2-2.5 hours,andthe possibilities of identifying problemsandneedtoknows wereendless.This is theenergy andspace in which innovation andgreatdiscoveries aremade.As you move ontoyournext newexperience, ratherthanfeeling your newnessas a hindrance tocompetency orbeing in a rushtomastery, I encourage you toembrace themomentof thebeginner’smind. Itisaverysmallwindowoftimetoexperiencethespaceofnotknowing--atimewhenour mindsareopentopossibilities andoutsidethebox thinking becausewearenotyet in a box of conformity and routine.It is a time whenwecan experience theaweandwonderthatcome from notknowing.Once this moment passes,it’sgone.Embracethenowandbegentlewithyourselves,always.




"The Black Death and The Spanish Flu: We'll keep our win record if we all stick together–with proper social distancing, of course." -Andi Ngo

"Things are tough right now, but I know we're all JABSOM tougher. We'll get through it together just as we got through PBL, clinicals and everything else." -Joe Go

Aloha, The Class of 2020 #JABSOMSTRONG





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