PAGE 63COVER STORY3ARROW3JANUARY 29, 2021 Before she leave class, senior Annie Droelle wipes off her desk so it is sanitized and free of contamination for the next student to use her desk. “I really feel more safe when I’m at school, knowing that everything is being cleaned constantly,” Droelle said. “The precautions that Utica has now are really good for keeping their students and staff safe from COVID.” In addition to students cleaning throughout the day, custodians spray disinfectant on all surfaces after school. brooklynn hathcock photo
After lunch, students get a wipe to clean off the assigned seat and table areas where they were sitting. “I don’t mind cleaning off my area at all after I eat lunch,” junior Emily Borus said. “In fact, I feel safer that we all are doing this.” All students are required to clean off their space after lunch to keep the school a COVID-safe environment for all students and staff. brooklynn hathcock photo
Passing time between classes is restricted with one way hallways throughout the school. There are now one-way hallways, which mean, students are required to walk in the direction that the arrows are pointing. “I really don’t mind the one-way hallways,” senior Dillon Wagner said. “I only get mad when I realize I took the wrong stairs and I have to walk all the way around the school to get to class.” brooklynn hathcock photo
Students have to either bring their own food and drinks for lunch time, or they can get free lunch in the cafeteria. The vending machines are emptied out this year to prevent cross-contamination between students. “I was really mad at myself when I realized that we weren’t allowed to use the vending machines,” senior Kyle Walsh said. “I was so excited to go back to school and get the snacks that I would buy last year.” brooklynn hathcock photo
Spaced to lear produc everyo a big d school up on I have rules in place for safety, classrooms O With many seem empty and quiet to many students. don’t see a point with coming back N to“I really school. We do everything on our laptops like how we do when we were at home,” L just senior Francesco Grillo said. “I just think that difference with being back is that we I theareonlyall more exposed to COVID, and we can see our classmates and teachers in person-but still, everything we do is online.” N E FACE-TO-FACE brooklynn hathcock photo