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Blood drive saves 99 lives
from Arrow 2023 Issue 4
by uhsarrow
thought I did, so that was a big shock. I was sad when I got denied, because I wanted to donate for the cause.”
Utica’s blood drive was held on Feb. 9, and, according to the Red Cross, saved 99 lives. The blood drive also prompted 48 first time donors and collected 33 units.
“I definitely do think holding a blood drive is beneficial,” teacher Sarah Miller said, “not only for the sake of the recipients of the donations, but also for our students to have the opportunity to make a real, impactful difference in their community. To me, this is an ultimate sign of selflessnessthe willingness to share what you have with those who need it.”
Many students committed the selfless act of donating blood; however, not everyone that tried to donate could.
“I tried to donate but they would not let me,” junior Natalie Garwood said. “They told me my heart rate was too high. I had two chances to get it down, but I just couldn’t.”
Garwood was not the only student to get turned away.
“I could not donate because they said I did not weigh enough for my height,” senior Gabby Lockaby said. “I
Some students donated in honor of their loved ones and felt very passionate about the cause.
“I wanted to donate blood because my uncle died from loss of blood in the hospital,” senior Nadeen Rashed said, “so I thought I have blood and I could help so I might as well donate so it does not happen again.”
Other students donated simply because they wanted to help out their community.
“I felt very helpful and really wanted to donate to help out the cause,” junior Madison Moll said. “I am happy I donated and I actually went back a few weeks later and donated platelets.”
Some students said that after giving blood they felt light headed and the whole process took a lot out of them.
“It was a horrible experience because I was dehydrated,” Rashed said. “They had to put the needle at a 90 degree angle. It hurt, but I just kept on donating for the cause.”