USANA Malaysia E-Magazine Volume 1 2022

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Ng Kok Soon & Foong Poh Chee

Citta Bella Award / 02

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New 3-Star Diamond Directors • Ng Kok Soon & Foong Poh Chee Bella Beauty Awards Contents 2023 Executive Diamond Summit Global Elite Growth 2024 PPP Enterpreneur Master Class Outstanding Mentor Alliance New 3-Star Diamond Directors • Ng Kok Soon & Foong Poh Chee New 3-Star Diamond Directors • Sarah Tan & Sean Tan New 2-Star Diamond Director • Wen Taipei New 1-Star Diamond Director • Cindy Teo New 1-Star Diamond Director • Pua Melisande New 1-Star Diamond Directors • Ariestt Tan & Duar Jo Yee New 1-Star Diamond Directors • James Tan & Susan Lim Congratulations On Your Incredible Success New Emerald Directors New Ruby Directors New Gold & Silver Directors

Disclaimer: This magazine is issued by UHS Essential Health (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. While all reasonable care has been taken in preparing this magazine, no responsibility or liability is accepted for errors of fad or opinion expressed herein. Opinions, projections and estimates are subject to change without notice. This magazine is for information purposes only, the content of this magazine are not made with regard to the specific health objectives, financial situation or the particular needs of any particular person.


UHS Essential Health (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd Unit M2-2 & M2-5, Vertical Podium, The Vertical Business Suite, Avenue 3, Bangsar South 8 Jalan Kerinchi, 59200 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Content approved for Malaysia. Copyright: UHS Essential HeaIth (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. Copyright in all materials, text, articles, images and information contained herein is the property of and may only be reproduced with permission of an authorised signatory of UHS Essential HeaIth (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. Copyright in materials created by third parties and copyright in these materials as a compilation vests and shall remain at all times copyright of UHS Essential HeaIth (Malaysia) Sdn.Bhd. or save with the express prior written consent of an authorised signatory of UHS Essential Health (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. USANA magazine is published by UHS Essential HeaIth (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. for USANA Independent Distributors

Global Elite Growth 2024 / 05

PPP Enterpreneur Master Class / 06

Outstanding Mentor Alliance / 07

New 3-Star Diamond Directors • Ng Kok Soon & Foong Poh Chee / 08

New 3-Star Diamond Directors

Ng Kok Soon AND Foong Poh Chee

n o i t a v Mot i n d G o a l A T he

s s e c c u S o T s r e v i r D

New 3-Star Diamond Directors • Ng Kok Soon & Foong Poh Chee / 09

MOTIVATION AND GOAL The Drivers To Success What motivated me to take up the USANA business in the first place was pure personal interest – to escape the shackles of a 9-to-5 job and to take back control of my life by building my own career. As an engineer, my work was so demanding that it not only took away my time freedom but affected my health. True enough, everything changed for the better after joining USANA. I have built my team and achieved financial sustainability, and I get to spend time with my family. At last, I am happier, healthier and freer. But one thing has changed, and that is my motivation to continue making my USANA career a success. Instead of pure personal interest, my biggest goals now are to lead my team partners to excellence, to strengthen our team diversity, and to encourage more partners to do charitable works and give back to the society. In addition, I want to make my mother proud while becoming the best role model for my kids.

Motivation And Goal Will Charge You Towards Success My rank advancement is the fruit of strengthened team effort and massive action over the past years. I believe that the power of execution and the amount of action come from a clear motivation and goal. For new partner recruits, we must help them to uncover their WHY, that is their motivation to pursue the business. Without motivation, you won’t go far in the business. Only by knowing your motivation will you strive hard and have the power to execute your plan. When you have the motivation to succeed, you’ll overcome any challenges and will not give up easily. This is why it is so important to understand why our team partners take up this business. Goal setting is also crucial. By setting goals, you can motivate yourself and your partners to take action. When you don’t have any goals, you won’t have the push or desire to do your very best. Without a goal, you will most likely give minimal effort because success is not important to you. Furthermore, it is best to help your partners set smaller or phased goals that eventually lead them to their ultimate goal. By doing this, they will be constantly fueled by their small achievements, and have the momentum to keep moving towards their next goal. It is also helpful to visualise our success – imagine the joy and glory when we finally achieve Grand Slam, bringing pride to our parents, travelling the world together with the team and so on. By reminding ourselves of all these, we will be able to overcome even the biggest challenge. Lastly, allow me to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the company, Elite Team, Anthony and Tina, and my beloved partners. Thank you for your guidance and support, and for always walking alongside me in this amazing journey.

动机与目标 :成功的动力泉源 最初促使我从事USANA业务的初衷纯粹是为了个人利 益:挣脱朝九晚五的枷锁,想拥有自己的事业,掌控自 己的生活。作为一名工程师,我的工作要求非常高,不 仅剥夺了我的时间自由,也影响了我的健康。如今在 USANA,一切都变得更好了。我打造了自己的团队, 享受财务的可持续性,陪伴家人的时间多了,心里踏实 了,人也感动更轻松、快乐和健康。 当初加入USANA是让自己离苦得乐,是利己。但现 在,我的梦想是利他。我最大的目标是引领伙伴走向卓 越,打造更强大和多元化的团队,也要带领伙伴们积极 参与慈善活动,回馈社会。此外,成为母亲的骄傲和孩 子的榜样,都是我继续在USANA成功的动力。

动机和目标 :成功的动力 这一次位阶的晋升,主要来自于近年加强了团队行动力 和行动量的成果。 我认为行动力与行动量来自于明确的动机和清晰的目 标。对于新招募的伙伴,我们必须帮助他们厘清自己从 事这份事业的原因,也就是动机。没有动机,你就不会 在事业上走得更远。唯有明确的动机才会产生成功的动 力,而只有在动机的推动下伙伴会被启动,发挥战斗力 和行动力,经得起考验并不容易阵亡。所以厘清团队伙 伴们的动机非常重要。 设定目标也非常重要。设定目标能激发自己和伙伴们的 行动量。如果没有目标,你会抱着做也可以,不做也可 以的心态。没有目标的人往往只是量力而为,因为他并 不在意成败。所谓没目标的人在流浪,有目标的人在奔 跑!最好是给伙伴们设定阶段性的目标,每当他们达成 了某一个阶段的目标后,他们就会有成就感,而这成就 感会激励他们,让他们更有动力往下一个阶段的目标迈 进。此外,我们也可以通过把成功的喜悦形象化来激励 伙伴,比如想一想实现一箭四雕站在台上接受表扬、父 母为我们感到骄傲欣慰流泪、和伙伴们一起去旅行的画 面等等。当我们一而再,再而三地重复提醒自己这些画 面时,再困难的障碍都能一一地跨过去。 最后,我要借此机会感谢公司,精英团队, Anthony 和Tina,感谢您们一路来的指导和支持。还有所有风雨 同路,并肩作战的伙伴们,感恩成功路上有您们同行!

New 3-Star Diamond Directors • Sean Tan & Sarah Tan / 10

New 3-Star Diamond Directors


r e i e r r g a A s No B I

New 3-Star Diamond Directors • Sean Tan & Sarah Tan / 11



We were just 25 years old when we were introduced to USANA. Then, we would consider ourselves the younger ones whenever we attended any company events or team activities. At that time, our concerns about taking up the USANA business were the usual ones faced by young adults – we had no resources, no contacts or experiences, so was this really the right choice for us?

当我们刚接触USANA时,我们才25岁。还记得当时出席公司 和团队的活动时,总感觉我们是相对比较年轻的伙伴。当时我 们的顾虑和大部分年轻人一样:我们没有资源、没有人脉也没 有经验,USANA事业是否真的适合我们呢?

However, we knew one solid fact – we were young, and we had nothing to lose! So, in April 2019, our USANA journey began. We set our goal and committed ourselves by “announcing” that we would achieve Grand Slam in 3 months. Grand Slam meant achieving Malaysia Quarterly Growth Incentive Trip, Leadership Summit and becoming Gold Director.

但是,我们也明白这个事实:我们正年轻,我们没什么好损失 的!于是,在2019年4月,我们的USANA旅程也正式启程了。 锁定目标之后,我们即“公告天下”要在三个月内完成一箭三 雕,也就是马来西亚季度增长之旅,领袖高峰会和黄金董事。

Indescribable Feeling Of Succeeding Back then, there were only a few people who had managed to achieve Grand Slam within 3 months. Many people were not optimistic about our goal. But our commitment and determination finally yielded success. By June 2019, we completed our Grand Slam quest and in July, we were invited to attend the company’s MidYear Recognition 2019. Even today, we can still remember vividly every single moment of that day. It was the first time that our achievements were celebrated on stage. It felt simply amazing that honestly speaking, we just couldn’t get enough of it! The applause, the glory, the recognition, the feeling of standing on stage and owning our success – all these have fueled us to charge forward to our next goal.

Thriving Despite The Pandemic The years 2020 and 2021 caught many people off guard. The pandemic and lockdown have forced us to adapt to the new normal, change our plans and way of doing things. Like many people, we too had a hard time adjusting to the new way of conducting our business but we managed to pull through. As the saying goes, “Change what cannot be accepted and accept what cannot be changed.” It is the online business model during these two years that has led us to become 3-Star Diamond Director from Ruby Director. We have grown from a team of two people to a team of caliber leaders. Our achievement is made possible because of our perseverance. We knew that there is only one way to make up for our shortcomings, and that is to work harder than anybody else. If normal people work 8-10 hours a day, we will work 12-14 hours a day. We just want to assert this: If you are still young, please go all out and do your best. There is no way you can fail here. As long as you put in your effort, success is only a matter of time. Think big and dream big. Because dreams are FREE! Your aspiration will eventually lead you to your destination. Only by setting amazing goals can you achieve amazing results.

无法言喻的成就感 在那时候,能够在三个月内完成一箭三雕的人屈指可数。很多 人并不看好我们会完成目标。但凭着毅力和决心,我们最终还 是办到了。我们成功在2019年6月末之前顺利完成一箭三雕, 并在同年7月被公司邀请出席2019的年中线下表扬会。直至今 天,我们依然清晰记得当天的一点一滴。那是我们第一次上台 获得表扬。那个感觉真的太棒了!站在台上的掌声和荣耀,当 下的光荣和骄傲,都是鼓舞着我们不断向下一个目标前进的动 力之一。

疫情当下越战越勇 2020年至今很多人都被疫情和封城举措打乱了计划和阵脚。 我们被迫调整自己适应新常态、改变计划和做事的方式。和大 多数人一样,我们也是从不习惯再到慢慢适应经营业务的新手 法。正如俗话说:改变能改变的,接受不能改变的。 也正是过去两年疫情和线上的经营模式让我们从红宝石董事跃 升高级三星钻石董事。我们也从两个人的团队走到今天拥有一 群核心领导人的团队。这一切都是我们坚持不懈的成果。我们 没有比任何人聪明,有天赋,所以我们唯一可以做的就是比别 人更勤奋,别人一天做8-10小时,我们一天就做12-14小时。







New 2-Star Diamond Director • Wen Taipei / 14

New 2-Star Diamond Director


d n a g n i v o A L r e e r a C g n i h c i r n E A LOVING AND ENRICHING CAREER A NEW JOURNEY 2021 was the second year of the Covid-19 pandemic. Everything has shifted to online, from the way we run our USANA business to teamwork and leadership. Our business starts the moment we go online. By adjusting our mindset and adapting to the new normal and new way of conducting business, our team has welcomed many new partners from different regions and backgrounds. In order to go far and farther, we must be far-sighted and be open-minded to try new things. We can’t be constrained by limitations and we must get rid of our old thinking patterns.

New 2-Star Diamond Director • Wen Taipei / 15

I always believe that hard times create heroes and hard times bring opportunities. With the new policy and strategies provided by the company from time to time, these all have helped me and my team to continue loving and enjoying life as our USANA career continue to thrive. For this, I want to thank the company leaders who have stood by us all this time. Thank you, Vivienne, Sabrina, Chee Hoong and Jolyn.

Never Forget Why You Started It is my lifelong goal to continue becoming better than before. Every year, I would remind myself why I started my USANA journey, that is, to succeed while helping the people I care to succeed too. Because of this, I will strive to improve, to become a better version of me.

一份爱与丰盛的事业 新的旅程 2021是新冠肺炎疫情的第二年。业务模式,从经营手法、团队合作和领 导也一律转移到线上。如今,开机就在开业。通过调整心态、适应新常 态和新的经营方式,我们的团队也迎来了许多来自不同地区和领域的新 伙伴。要走的远就要看的更远;要看的更远就要更多的新尝试,不能被 限制和旧想法框住。 我一直坚信,时势造英雄,是时势给了我们机遇。随着公司不时提供的 新政策与策略,我和团队的USANA事业也得以持续蓬勃发展,继续热爱 生命和享受人生。 这一切都得感谢与我们并肩同行的公司领导。谢谢您们, Vivienne、Sabrina、Chee Hoong 和 Jolyn。

A Career That Is Both A Treasure And A Gift


The USANA career has not only touched me but it has also moved those who believe in me. I have not words to describe the beauty of this career. It is not any career but a treasure indeed. What I like most about the USANA career is that it is built on trust. It simply feels amazing to witness how people can change and transform to become better than they ever were.

不停地超越自己是我的毕生目标。每一年,我都会提醒自己加入USANA 的初心,那就是成就自己和身边所爱的人。正因为此,我会竭尽所能地 提升自己,立志成为更优秀的自己。

To me, the USANA career is also a gift from my beloved mentors and leaders. I owe my success to each and every one from Success International team. For this, I want to thank my mentors: Connie, Jiun & Eddie, She Chit, Viola and Yuna. I am who I am today because of you. I also want to thank my comrades for making our team great, for making the USANA journey this fulfilling, exciting and moving! The seed you plant in love, no matter how small, will grow into a mighty tree. True freedom is achieved when we are able to dream, and take actions to achieve it. Let us continue to create more value and live life to the fullest!

既是宝藏也是礼物 USANA事业不仅感动了我,也感动了相信我的人。我无法用言语来形容 这份事业的美妙。它并不只是一份事业,更像是一个宝藏。USANA事业 是以信任为基础的伟大事业。能够见证身边人们的蜕变并活出更好的人 生,那种感觉实在是太棒了。 对我来说,USANA事业是领导所赠予我的一份礼物。我今天的成就归 功于成功国际团队的每一个领导和伙伴。为此,我要感谢Connie老 师、Jiun和Eddie老师、诗节老师、Viola老师以及Yuna老师,是您们 成就了今天的我。我也要感谢我的核心战将们缔造团队的辉煌,让我的 USANA旅程更充实、精彩和感动。 小树苗用心呵护,必能长成参天大树。只有在梦想 中,人才能真正的自由。让我们一起为世界创造更 多的价值,活出丰硕人生!

New 1-Star Diamond Director • Cindy Teo / 16

New 1-Star Diamond Director


n o i s s i M a g n i v Li e f i L n e v i Dr LIVING A MISSION-DRIVEN LIFE I’ve been in the USANA business for over seven years now. Looking back, I never once thought I would become a Star Diamond. But USANA has helped me to lead a missiondriven life, and slowly, step by step, I am here today. I used to have big dreams, even before USANA. But back then, I put the cart before the horse, that is, I worked hard just to earn money. At USANA, I finally learned to work hard for my goals. USANA’s easy-to-duplicate system has added value to my goals. Here, while I work my way to success, I am inspiring and leading my team to achieve our goals together. The feeling of succeeding together is beyond words.

New 1-Star Diamond Director • Cindy Teo / 17

Throughout my journey, I realised that success is not just about what we gain but what we give. When we give unconditionally, the rewards are simply beyond our imagination. I really enjoy helping people to achieve their goals as it gives me a huge sense of achievement. This pushes me to keep improving and upgrading myself so that I can help my team to soar to greater heights. When you are mission driven, you will not feel tired when you work and you’ll be amazed at how much you can stretch yourself. I love USANA dearly and I’m confident to shout it out loud – USANA business will be my lifelong career and I will continue share this wonderful business to as many people as possible! During my journey to becoming 1-Star Diamond, my dearest grandmother passed away. She had been taking care of me since I was a child and we were always very close. Her death was a big blow to me and I had a hard time coping with her departure. But I quickly pulled myself together because I must accomplish what I set out to do. I believe my grandmother gave me her blessings from heaven. She’s my biggest motivation and with the unwavering support from my family and team partners, I finally made it. Being mission driven helps me to focus on solving problems rather than complaining. It helps me to overcome adversities rather than enduring them. When you are mission driven, you’ll do better than your best in order to succeed. Life is not a bed of roses and success doesn’t happen overnight. You get what you give. So, enjoy every step of your journey to success – the good and the bad: happiness, satisfaction, disappointment, helplessness and many more. All these experiences will become your fondest memories in the future. Try and you will succeed, and remember, dreams won’t work unless you do.

活出使命人生 眨眼间,我从事USANA事业有七年多了。回想起加入的那一刻,我从来不曾想过自己有一天会成 为星钻。但是USANA让我活出了拥有使命感的人生,带领着我一步一脚印地走到今天。 早在加入USANA之前我就有着大大的梦想,但以前的我却本末倒置,只懂得为了赚钱而努力。在 USANA,我学会为目标而努力。USANA容易复制的系统,让我拥有更有价值的目标。在这里,我 在成就自己的同时也启发并带领着团队一起完成目标。一起成功的喜悦实在太棒了。 这一趟成功之旅让我领悟到成功的可贵之处并不在于所得,而是一人的付出。当我们不求回报的付 出时,会为自己带来意想不到的收获。我非常享受帮助别人完成目标后,那种莫大的成就感。正因 为这样,我会努力学习提升自己,带领团队去到更高的层次。 当你拥有使命感,你不会因为工作而觉得累,更会为自己那超乎寻常的极限和勤勉而感动。我热爱 USANA事业,认定它就是我的终身事业。深信不疑的事情就要大声说出来让大家都相信,所以, 我会继续把这份美好的事业分享给更多人知道! 在挑战一星钻石董事的这个过程中,我最亲爱的外婆过世了。她从小照顾我长大,我们婆孙之间的 关系非常亲密。她的离世对我打击很大。但是,我用最短的时间调整心情状态,因为我知道我必须 完成我所设下的目标。我相信外婆一定会祝福我,她成为了我最大的动力,而在家人和伙伴们的支 持之下,我终于成功了。 拥有使命感让我专注于解决问题而不是抱怨问题,也让我克服逆境而不是逆来顺受。当你拥有使命 感,你一定会拼尽全力超越自己争取成功。 人生,没有一步登天的路,所付出的努力与血汗,都是成正比例的。好好享受通往成功的每个过 程:快乐、满足、失落、彷徨等等。这些都会是你日后最美好的回忆。努力尝试,才能抵达目标的 成功;用心行动,才能完成自己的美梦。






PUA Melisande

New 1-Star Diamond Director • Pua Melisande / 20

New 1-Star Diamond Director

PUA Melisande

Y H W r u o y n o s u c Fo n i e r e h t e b l l ’ u o and y ! e m i no t

New 1-Star Diamond Director • Pua Melisande / 21

Focus on your WHY and you’ll be there in no time! I was never cut out to be a leader as I did not have the ability to lead, or so I thought. But here I am today, the leader of a team. It’s amazing how I have come this far and I’m so proud of my transformation and growth. Looking back, I joined USANA without a clear intention or purpose. I wasn’t sure what I would and could achieve from this business. But as the saying goes: “You don’t need to see the whole staircase, you just need to take the first step.” And so I did. Like many people, my achievement didn’t happen overnight. It is the accumulation of small successes that were achieved through taking one step at a time, being resolute about achieving the goal of becoming a Diamond Director, and gradually advancing to 1-Star Diamond Director. I had a modeling career for 14 years and took part in many beauty pageants. People used to talk behind my back, calling me “eye candy”, “brainless beauty” and similar hurtful remarks. Yet today, my achievements have proven them wrong. I am proud of myself and I thank USANA for giving me the platform to challenge myself and grow into the person I am today. From a tiny seed, I have grown into a flourishing tree with the care and guidance from the company and my team. Now, it is my turn to shelter, care for and guide other seedlings (my family) and help them grow to become mighty trees on their own. I regard my teammates as my family and I will fulfil my dream of helping more family members to be successful in their USANA career and live better lives. At USANA, there is no rocket science to succeed but just a simple rule of thumb: listen, follow and take action. Always remind yourself of your “big why”. Yes, you might not know why you want or need to do it, but trust me, as you listen and follow what your upline encourages you to do, your “why” will reveal itself and become your drive to persevere and succeed. Here, I want to thank my team consisting of my leaders, my comrades and my family. Thank you for always being there for me and working alongside me. My heartfelt thanks to my mentors Chantel Liew, Cindy Teo and Chee Hoong, and United Team. I am who I am today because of you all. Grateful thanks alsoi to Vivienne and the USANA management team for giving me all the support I need to run my USANA business with peace of mind.

专注你的WHY,成功指日可待! 我本来就没有成为领导的条件,没有领导的才干和能力。然而今 天,我成为了团队的大领导。一路走来,我对自己的蜕变和成长感 到骄傲。 回想起来,当初我是在没有明确意图或目的的情况下懵懂加入 USANA。我不确定这份业务会为我带来什么。但正如俗话所说 的,“你不需要看到整个楼梯,只需要迈出第一步”。这正是我所 做的,跨出那重要的第一步。我的成就不是一夜之间发生的。和大 家一样,我也是一步一脚印地走过来。首先,我抱着“不上钻石不 妥协”,之后,再慢慢地来到今天这个成就,成为1星钻石董事。 我从事模特行业14年,期间也参加过选美比赛。人们过去常常背地 里说我是只有外表,没有内涵的花瓶。如今我终于扬眉吐气了,我 的成就证明他们错了。我对自己感到骄傲,并感激有USANA这个 平台让我挑战自己和成长,将我塑造成今天的我。在公司和团队的 培育之下,我从一棵小树苗茁壮成长为一棵大树。现在,轮到我庇 护、照顾和引导其他幼苗(我的家人)并帮助他们成长。我视伙伴 为我的家人,我会实现我的梦想,帮助更多家人在这里取得成功, 过上更好的生活。 在USANA,成功没有秘诀,只有一条经验法则:听话照做,大量 行动。是的,一开始你可能不知道自己为什么需要这么做,但请相 信我,当你照着上线的提议去做时,你会慢慢理解为何你需要这么 做,并更加有动力去继续坚持和成功。 在这里,我要感谢我的团队,领导,战友和家人。感谢您们一路 相伴。感谢我的老师Chantel Liew、Cindy Teo、Chee Hoong和 United Team。没有你们就没有今天的我。感谢Vivienne和公司管理 层,因为有你们这强硬的后盾,让我们能够无后顾之忧地勇往直前。

New 1-Star Diamond Directors • Ariestt Tan & Joyee Duar / 22

New 1-Star Diamond Directors

Ariestt Tan AND Joyee Duar

t u B y r T t ’ Do n t s e B r u o Y o D

New 1-Star Diamond Directors • Ariestt Tan & Joyee Duar / 23

DON’T TRY BUT DO YOUR BEST We never thought we would go for 1-Star Diamond this soon, but we recognize it’s all due to the unwavering support and faith the company gave us. First, we had the “414” manifesto by Jolyn; then, Vivienne Lee tagged Joyee on Facebook, followed by Chee Hoong who did the same. So we made up our minds that we would no longer do our business with a try-our-best mentality but with a steely MUST-do-our-best mindset to achieve 1-Star Diamond! Here are several takeaways that we’d like to share from this amazing journey.

Back To The Basics And Keep The Momentum Going When we decided to go for our 1-Star Diamond, we knew right away that there’s no shortcut to success. We had to go back to the basics, that is, renew and update our list of prospects, make appointments, and do product demonstrations and diligent followups. We did a lot of these during this back-to-basic period by updating our list of prospects, diligently sharing with people and following up on them. Because of that, we managed to recruit partners and strengthen our team. We believe it was our sincerity, positivity and strong desire to succeed that moved and convinced people to join us.

Another crucial factor is momentum. When the team lacks momentum, we leaders have to create it by taking lots of actions, following up and closing deals. When the team is inspired and the engine starts running, there will be momentum for the team to keep charging. Throughout the journey, we were constantly reminded that if there’s a will, there’s always a way.

A Growth Mindset

不要试试看,要全力以赴! 我们不曾想过要这么快冲刺高级一星钻石,但是公司真的太给 力了。首先是Jolyn 的414 宣言,然后大姐 Vivienne Lee 在脸 书标记了Joyee,之后连志雄大哥也出手了。于是,我们下定 决心不能抱着试试看的心态去做,而是带着全力以赴的决心要 把一星钻石摘下来! 以下是我们上高级一星钻的心得:

回到基础和维持动量势头 当我们决定冲刺一星钻时,我们清 楚知道成功是没有捷径的。我们仍 然需要从基础功夫开始,那就是翻 新名单、邀约、演示和跟进。我们 大量行动,在这段期间一直翻新自 己的名单,大量邀约讲课和跟进。 正因为这样,我们成功招募了不少新伙伴。我们相信,正是我 们的真诚、积极和对成功的强烈渴望所散发出来的气场,打动 并说服新伙伴加入我们。

另一个重要因素是动量势头(momentum)。当团队缺乏动 量时,我们领导人就必须去创造它,大量行动、跟进、签单; 当团队被我们的动量感染并开始动起来时,整个团队的动量势 头犹如加上马达快速前进。在整个旅程中,我们再次被提醒, 有志者事竟成。


What we like most about USANA is that it provides the platform for continuous learning and personal growth. We always believe that “when you stop growing you start dying”. More importantly, as our mind grows, our heart (to help people) grows too. At USANA, we are inspired to continue making new breakthroughs, and this propels us to keep soaring to greater heights, to improve and help our teammates improve too. This is our team culture, where we stress the importance of becoming better people and leaders because personal growth is way more important than sales figures!

我们最喜欢USANA的一点是它提供了我们一个不断学习、行 动和成长的平台。我们始终坚信“当你停止成长时,你就开始 死亡”这个说法。更重要的是,随着思想的成长,助人的心也 跟着成长。在USANA,我们一直被启发和激励去突破自己, 并以此为动力和成功的蓝图。USANA促使我们继续努力超越 自己的同时,也推动我们帮助团队成员变得更优秀。这就是我 们的团队文化,鼓励并帮助彼此成为更好的人和领导者。成 长,比成绩来得更重要!

We want to take this opportunity to thank our team Global Galaxy, and our leaders Anthony, Karen, Allen and Reece for all the love and support along the journey. A special thank you to our upline Dr Kheng, who has helped us to manage our team and network, thus giving us the peace of mind to strive for and achieve our 1-Star Diamond.

我们要借此机会感谢团队Global Galaxy,领导人 Anthony 、 Karen、Allen 和 Reece老师,感谢您们一路以来的爱戴与支 持。我们也要特别感谢上线 Dr Kheng ,在我们冲刺一星钻石 董事的时候协助我们处理团队和网络的事情,解决我们的后顾 之忧。

Thank you all for making us who we are today.




Ariestt Tan & Joyee Duar




New 1-Star Diamond Directors • James Tan & Susan Lim / 26

New 1-Star Diamond Directors


h g u o r h T g n i w o Gr y t i s A dve r

New 1-Star Diamond Directors • James Tan & Susan Lim / 27



After pursuing the USANA business part time for two years, we decided to go fulltime in early 2020. Unfortunately, just 3 months after starting the business fulltime, the Covid-19 outbreak caught the world off guard. Many countries quickly implemented their national lockdown to halt the spread of the virus. Despite the lockdown, which greatly impacted the people-oriented business such as USANA, our determination to go fulltime remained unchanged. With guidance from the company’s management and Happiness Organisation, we learned the skills and knowledge to move our business online and continue to hone our leadership skills.

兼职USANA事业两年后,2020年,我们决定是时候 全职发展USANA了。然而全职三个月后,新冠肺炎 疫情肆虐全球,多国迅速实施封国举措遏止病毒的 传播。封国封城的举措影响了各行各业,尤其像是 USANA以人为本的事业。可是,封城封国却封不了我 们在USANA闯的决心。在公司管理层和开心组织的带 领下,我们学习线上的种种知识和技巧,把业务和团 队领导转移线上。

Over the last two years, the pandemic and living in the new normal have indeed caused us many inconveniences. But these inconveniences are not entirely bad. After all, many of us have gained new insights on health, family, life and values. If we can adapt to these inconveniences and changes in the way we used to live our lives, surely we can adjust ourselves to thrive in the new way of conducting our USANA business. What we don’t know, we learn; what we are not used to, we try to adapt; what we think is impossible, we discuss and overcome. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. It’s always about the mind over matter.

Growing Stronger After a year of learning and adjusting, in 2021, we set a new target for ourselves. We diligently shared, followed-up, demonstrated and nurtured leaders. We believed USANA could lead us to greater heights. True enough, USANA Malaysia has kept growing stronger and stronger. When many people are struggling to pull through their adversities, USANA has kept delivering values and growing, leading us – the distributors – to overcome adversities and chart new milestones. Of course, challenges are inevitable in our USANA journey. Just remember that there are always many ways to solve the problems. The most important thing is that we must push ourselves to continue learning, progressing and growing. As we improve and progress, we are also leading our team and partners to move forward, to share health with more families, and to bring opportunity to every person we know. We admire and adore USANA founder Dr Wentz’s vision of creating the Healthiest Family On Earth. Here, we want to thank USANA Malaysia for all the support and guidance that have given us the competitive edge in the market. Thank you teammates, for your trust and hard work. Thank you Happiness Organisation founder Lucas and Jane, for your selfless contribution, care and love. Thank you God, for your blessings and guidance. We wish every one good health and we will see you at the top!

过去两年,疫情爆发和新常态为我们的生活带来了许 多不便,可这也不完全是坏事。很多人对健康、家 庭、人生和价值都有了不一样的见解。如果我们能够 学习去适应生活上的各种不便,那USANA事业又何尝 不能呢?不会的,我们可以一起学;不习惯的,我们 可以一起尝试;不能的,我们可以一起讨论。总之, 没有做不到,只有想不到。有志者事竟成,一切在于 自己要不要而已,不是吗?

越战越勇 经过一年的学习和调整,2021年,我们为自己规划 了一个新目标。我们积极分享、跟进、推演和点将, 并相信USANA绝对可以带领我们再创高峰。果不其 然,USANA马来西亚逆势而上,越战越勇。在很多人 都在逆境中挣扎求存的大环境下,USANA不断创造价 值和成长,带领着我们直销商一起披荆斩棘,屡创壮 绩。 当然,USANA事业路上难免会遇到各种挑战,人生何 尝不是呢?但记得,解决方法总比问题多。最重要的 是我们得不断学习、进步和成长。当我们不断自我增 值和进步时,我们也在带领着团队伙伴一起前进,把 健康分享给更多家庭,把机会给予每一个有幸相遇的 人。 我们非常赞赏和崇拜USANA创办人华斯博士的愿景, 创造世界上最健康的大家庭,珍爱生命。在此,我们 要感谢USANA马来西亚公司管理层全体同仁所提供的 帮助和指导,让我们在市场任何情况下都所向披靡、 战无不胜。感恩团队伙伴们的信任和努力,感恩开心 组织创办人Lucas和Jane的无私付出与关怀。最重要 的,感恩上帝的保佑和指引,我们无时无刻都活在祢 的大爱里。盼大家安康,我们高峰再见!

Congratulations On Your Incredible Success / 28

Congratulations On Your

incredible success! Period : 1 May 2021 – 15 October 2021
















New Emerald Director / 29

NEW EMERALD DIRECTORS 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

Ananth & Yamunnai It has always been my dream to be an Emerald Director and to achieve higher levels. In USANA, no dream is too big and no dreamer is too small. Adversity is inevitable but resilience is what makes the difference. We take every rejection as a learning process and every failure as an opportunity to begin again. Our motivation to keep going is our biggest ‘why’. Finding a career that gives stable income and time and speech freedom, as well as a great team to work with has always been a struggle. But, USANA has proven that impossibilities are not a fact; they are merely an opinion. At USANA, we can enjoy our valuable time with family as much as we enjoy working with our team, who means the world to us. Undoubtedly, USANA is exceptional because it exudes quality – from its products to its system, management and principles. That’s why USANA will always be the best. Leaders are people who learn every day before teaching, who guide their teammates instead of instructing them, who have a clear vision and destiny, and infuse their team members with hope to keep them going. Our team Genzi has helped us to grow, and we value every single contribution of our team members. In addition, we carry our parents’ blessings and prayers always. We are therefore immensely grateful to our family, team members and customers for their undying support. Star diamond is our ultimate goal. Since we have promised to grow as a team, we will work hard to achieve victory together. As Buddha says, the mind is everything, and what you think, you become. Always surround yourself with likeminded people, fuel yourself with positivity, work hard and never give up.

成为翡翠董事和取得更高成就一直都是我的目标。在USANA, 梦想不分大小。成功途上难免会遇到逆境,但只要抗逆能力 强,你一定可以熬过。视拒绝为磨练,失败为成功的起点,并 时刻提醒自己经营这份事业的初衷,让它成为前进的动力。 要找到一份可带来稳定收入、时间和言论自由的事业,还有 一支优秀的团队一起合作,谈何容易。不过USANA却证明这 也并非不可能之事,一切在于个人怎么想。在这里,我们可 以享受和家人在一起的宝贵时光,也享受和团队一起合作的 每分每秒。毫无疑问,USANA的非凡之处在于它的素质,无 论是产品、系统、管理和原则,都是一等一的优秀。正因为 此,USANA是无所匹敌的。 真正的领袖是在教学之前勤奋学习的人,是带领伙伴而非发号 司令的人,是拥有清晰愿景和目标,灌输希望推动伙伴继续前 进的人。我们Genzi团队帮助彼此成长,而我们十分珍惜团队伙 伴的每一个贡献。此外,我们也时刻带着父母的祝福和祷告。 因此,我们非常感谢我们的家人、团队伙伴和客户的不懈支 持。 成为星钻董事是我们的终极目标。既然我们承诺要作为一支团 队一起成长,我们将一起努力取得胜利。佛曰:心不动,万物 皆不动;心不变,万物皆不变。多和志同道合的人在一起,用 积极的态度为自己加油,勤奋向上,永不放弃!

New Emerald Director / 30

NEW EMERALD DIRECTOR 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

Anita Chin Siau Vui My original intention of joining USANA was to care for my health. But the many follow-ups from my upline and attending conventions and meetings gradually opened my eyes to see that USANA is a career of health and wealth that can transform a person from good to better, and from better to great.

回想起当初加入USANA纯粹是为了满足自己的保健需求。然 而,上线的跟进再加上出席过年会和会议之后,让我慢慢看 懂USANA是一份健康财富兼具,让人不断进步和超越自己的 事业。

Then came the time in my life when I got tired of living the rat race. I had enough of people (employers) controlling my time and my life. I knew I had to step out of my comfort zone, change and make a breakthrough. Direct selling was a whole new world to me, but I humbled myself to learn and braved myself to do things that I would not do in the past. I had my share of rejections and discouragements. Yet I persevered, took one step at a time and gradually built up my USANA business.

后来,因为受够了失去自由和被别人(老板)掌控的生活, 我告诉自己一定要踏出舒适区,改变和突破自我。直销对我 来说是一个全新的领域,但是我谦卑学习并勇敢地去做我 过去所不会及不敢做的事。在这个过程中,我遭受很多拒绝 和挫折,但我咬紧牙关坚持下来,一步一脚印地建立我的 USANA事业。

The USANA business has energized me and given me a sense of hope and mission. Every day, I try to “infect” the people around me with my optimism and hope. USANA is not just a business, but a great cause that helps people, spreads kindness and does good to others. Pursuing USANA has enriched my life by helping me to find the “lost me”, boosting my confidence and enabling me to travel more to broaden my horizons. I’m forever grateful for the company’s leadership, United Team, my beloved family, teammates and customers. Thank you for all your trust, encouragement and support. It is impossible to build a united team without your support and commitment. Remember to have faith in yourself. Don’t live in the past but live in the present and for the future. Your dream begins to come true the moment you take action.

感恩在这里让我对生活重新有了新的希望、热诚和使命 感。每一天,我把正能量、希望和梦想“感染”给身边的 人。USANA不仅仅是一份业务,更是一份强调助人、行孝和 行善的伟大事业。因为它,我活的踏实,而它也带我走出枯 躁郁闷的生活,让我找回迷失的自己,提升了我的自信心并 让我有机会经常旅行拓宽视野。 我感恩公司领导层,United Team领导和我所爱的核心伙 伴及顾客,还有我亲爱的家人。谢谢你们的鼓励,信任与支 持。没有大家的配合和合作,不可能打造出一支有文化和团 结的团队。 最后,我想说:一定要相信自己。过去如何不重要,你应该 忘记背后,努力面前,因为行动就是梦想的开始。

New Emerald Director / 31

NEW EMERALD DIRECTOR 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

Carrine Tan I never thought I would come this far. Yet, here I am, charting another important milestone in my USANA journey. All this changed because of a speech from my daughter.

我从来没想过我会有今天这番成就。然而,我的USANA旅程 还是终于来到这一个重要的里程碑了。这全因为女儿的一句 话,唤醒了我,督促着我一定要尽快成功。

I used to be so occupied with work that I only slept 5 hours a day. I had no time for my children and one day, my daughter innocently said she wanted to destroy my office table to stop me working so that I could spend time with her. It was at that moment that I realized I must achieve my goals with USANA.

我以前忙于工作,每天睡不到5小时,完全没时间陪伴孩子。 一天,女儿对我说她想要打破我的桌子,好让我不能工作 并有时间好好地陪伴他们。那一刻,我告诉我自己一定要在 USANA达成我定下的目标。

Before joining USANA, I wasn’t an ambitious person. My only humble ‘dream’ was to have an ordinary life. But USANA re-ignited my dream, reminding me how much I used to enjoy talking about my achievements on stage. Now, I not only have become the best role model for my children, I am supporting my parents and enjoying the luxury of traveling anytime I want. I’ve always been amazed at Dr Wentz’s mission of helping people to enjoy health, convinced by USANA’S assurance of its products and business, and moved by the company’s warm support. USANA is just like my second family. At USANA, I’ve learned that true success is about helping others to succeed, that outstanding leaders genuinely care for their teammates and are willing to go the extra mile to help them overcome any problems. I wish to express my deepest gratitude to my mentors – Chantel, Lilo, Cindy and Melisa – for giving me all the help and resources I need; and my husband and children for their unwavering support throughout my USANA journey. Lastly, I wish to assert this: Don’t waste the best years of your life; dream big and go for it!

其实在还没加入USANA之前,我没什么太大的梦想。我唯一 的想法就是“平淡是福”。但USANA却让我梦想重燃,提醒 了我小时候最开心的事就是上台接受表扬。现在,我不但能够 成为孩子的榜样,父母的支柱,还能实现说走就走的旅行。 我一直对华斯博士帮助更多人拥享健康的伟大使命感到敬 佩,对公司产品和业务保证深信不疑,并对公司的鼎力支持 所感动。USANA对我而言就像是我的第二个家。 在这里,我学会真正的成功是在于成就他人,而一位出色的 领导不仅仅要关心团队伙伴们,更要成为他们的聆听者,竭 尽所能帮助他们解决一切问题。 我要趁此机会感谢我的导师们:Chantel、Lilo、Cindy和 Melisa。谢谢您们给予我所需的一切帮助和资源。还有,感谢 我的先生和孩子对我的USANA创业之路所给予的无限支持。 最后,我想跟正在努力的伙伴们说:不要在最好的年华,辜 负最好的自己!敢梦敢想敢做!

New Emerald Director / 32

NEW EMERALD DIRECTOR 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

Connie Yee Chai Chen I was introduced to USANA in my university days and honestly, my initial intention of joining USANA was to earn some pocket money, get some experience and expand my social circle.

我在大学时期就接触到USANA。说实话,当时加入纯粹只 不过是为了赚些零用钱,过过日子,拿一些经验和扩大社交 圈而已。

I am very fortunate to have achieved that and much more. Through USANA, I have met many mentors (especially Chantel) and good friends who have encouraged and inspired me to unleash my hidden potentials. From them, I have realized what I really wanted in life: FREEDOM, that is, the freedom to live my life and decide how I should spend my time and choose family over work. Hence, I told myself that I must succeed in my USANA business.

没想到我获得的竟是如此的多。在USANA,我认识了许多良 师益友(特别是我的伯乐Chantel)。他们不断鼓励我,激发 我的潜能。他们让我明白到自己真正想要的东西:自由。我想 要自由的人生,可以自由地分配时间,自由地选择。我要以家 人而不是工作为重的生活。于是,我告诉自己必须成功。

Success is possible because USANA cherishes talents and will do everything to nurture talents and leaders. USANA is innovative and bold; it keeps up with the times and trends, understands what society wants and does its best to meet the ever-changing needs and demands. Therefore I believe USANA is the one.

在这里,成功不是偶然而是必然的。因为USANA珍视人 才,对人才的培育决不妥协。USANA大胆创新,深入时下 社会了解所有新鲜事物和趋势,了解社会需求,并竭尽全力 满足。这是我一直相信USANA就是唯一的理由。

Here, I want to thank several people who have journeyed with me in USANA – Chantel, for broadening my horizons and mind; Chee Hoong, for unleashing my potential and letting me know that I can; and my comrades and best friends Wei Loon, Yeexuan and Naomii, for their support all these years.

在此,我要感谢一路走来对我不离不弃的人。感谢Chantel 老师提升了我的人生格局和思维;感谢 Chee Hoong 大哥 激发了我的潜能,让我知道原来我可以。感谢我的核心领导 和好友伟伦、Yeexuan和Naomii这些年来的配合与帮助。

My life principles are always to treat people with sincerity, and do things with integrity and responsibility. And now, it is my turn to nurture more leaders, help more people change their lives, and achieve financial stability and true health.

我的宗旨是对人要问心无愧,对事要诚信负责。我会继续栽 培更多领袖,帮助更多人改写生活,享受财务的可持续性及 真正的健康。

If you are intrigued by my USANA journey thus far, think no more, act now. Your future self will thank you for taking action today!

如果你对我的USANA旅程有那么些许的触动,别想太多, 马上行动吧!将来的你一定会感谢现在就付诸行动的自己!

New Emerald Director / 33

NEW EMERALD DIRECTOR 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

Cynthia Teo I was just a typical product consumer when I joined USANA. Honestly, I never thought I would make USANA my long-term career, nor make it this far. For this, I must thank my amazing sister who has been tirelessly guiding me, helping me to chart one milestone after another. I saw my sister building her USANA career from scratch and working her way up to Executive 1 Star Diamond Director. She is my inspiration and role model in my USANA journey.

当我一开始加入USANA的时候,我只是普通的产品使用者。 说实话,我并没有想过要在这个事业长久发展,更没有想到 会有今天的成就。很感恩我有个很棒的姐姐,是她一直引导 我在这个事业发展,创下一个又一个的里程碑。我也看着她 在USANA事业从零走到高级一星钻石,她就是我的榜样。

Prior to joining USANA, I always dreamed of giving my mother the best. A single parent, my mother raised us single-handedly and I wanted to repay her love by doing the best I could. I’m glad that my dream has come true at USANA. To me, USANA is not just a direct selling company but a company with love that offers unlimited potential and future prospects. USANA has provided us with a series of training and never-ending promotions to boost our business. And with an excellent company like USANA, we’ll be able to produce many excellent leaders and teams.

还没加入USANA之前,我一直梦想要给妈妈最好的一切。我 来自单亲家庭,妈妈辛苦养育我们长大,为此我更要竭尽所 能报答她,让她过上好的生活。在USANA,我的梦想终于 实现了。对我来说,USANA并不只是一间直销公司,而是一 间非常有爱和有未来发展性的公司。因为公司处处为我们着 想,提供很多培训、促销活动等等帮助我们发展这份事业。 凭着像USANA这么优秀的公司,我们一定能够培育出无数的 优秀领袖和团队。

I’ve always believed in people-oriented leadership. Leadership is not about being in charge but taking care of those in your charge. A successful leader is one who leads by example, respects his/her teammates, pays attention to their demands and concerns, and helps create a conducive environment for career development and personal growth. Hence, my goal is to help more people achieve health and financial stability through their USANA career, and nurture more leaders to help more people achieve the same.

我一直相信以人为本的领导理念。一位好的领袖不是高高在 上的人,而是团体中的守护者。成功的领袖懂得尊重团队里 的每一位,重视他们的工作和生活上的诉求,为他们创造有 利于事业发展和个人成长的良好环境。因此,我的目标是带 领更多人在USANA事业得到健康与财富自由,栽培更多优秀 的领袖去帮助身边的每个人。

We are our biggest motivation and we are our worst enemy too. But once we break free from the boundaries of our mind, overcome our laziness (of staying in our comfort zone), we will become better and greater!

人最大的动力是自己,最大的阻碍也是自己。只要跨过思维 里的界限,克服行动上的惰性,我们自然会变得越来越优 秀!

New Emerald Directors / 34

NEW EMERALD DIRECTOR 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

Dion Wong I have dreamed of achieving and celebrating my Emerald Director achievement. But I never thought it would come this soon. All this is due to the company’s system that has helped to expedite my USANA career goal.

我有想过晋升翡翠董事这么一天的到来,但我没有想到会 来得那么快。这全赖公司系统让我在短期内就能达成我在 USANA事业上的目标。

With an accounting background, I have a good sense of numbers and money. USANA is so different from any other industry that I knew and its future prospects gave me the confidence and drive to pursue the business.

由于我的会计背景,所以我对金钱和数字会比较敏感。我在 USANA所看到未来前景和我之前所接触的行业非常不一样, 正因为这样而给了我信心和动力去经营这份事业。

I have always dreamed of travelling around the world. The USANA business has not just given me the financial power to live a more comfortable life, but the company’s travel incentives have also given me the opportunity to explore many exciting places around the world.

一直以来,我最大的梦想是能够到处旅行看世界。USANA事 业不但给了我过上舒适生活的经济能力,公司所给予的旅游 奖励也让我实现到处旅行探索新地方的梦想。

USANA has a distinctive compensation plan that differentiates it from other direct selling company. I especially adore its business center (BC) system. In addition, the range of quality products with authoritative certification and assurance has also given us the competitive edge in the market.

USANA在制度上和其他公司很不一样,其分店制度最令我欣 赏。此外,USANA公司的产品系列都拥有非常权威的认证及 保证作为后盾,让我们在市场上具有强大的竞争优势。

I believe true leaders have the quality of leading by example. Leaders will not only lead from the front but will walk beside their teammates to fight in the frontline with them. This ideal leadership is perfectly manifested at USANA because the USANA business is about winning together.

我觉得真正成功的领袖必须要有以身作则的素质。领袖不仅 要走在团队前面,更要和自己的伙伴站在前线奋斗。USANA 正好把这完美的领袖素质发挥得淋漓尽致,这是因为USANA 是一份强调合作共赢的事业。

I owe my success to my mentor Carrine Tan, who has helped me to take care of my team when I was too busy, and put up with my low emotions during my bad days. I really appreciate her thoughtfulness and kindness.

在这里,我最要感谢的人是我的领导Carrine Tan。当我忙碌 的时候,她会帮助我照顾团队,有时还要包容我陪我走出情 绪低潮,所以我真的很感谢她。

In the next few years, I will strive to achieve better results and help more people live their dream life at USANA.

接下来几年,我会致力创造更好的成绩,帮助更多的伙伴在 USANA活出到他们想要的生活。

New Emerald Director / 35

NEW EMERALD DIRECTORS 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

Hui Shan & Hui Sin We were both stay-at-home moms for many years. Our everyday lives revolved around house chores and children, and we had long forgot what it was like to have dreams. Initially, we joined USANA with the simple intention of maintaining health, to find the best products for our family so that we can enjoy better health. We never once thought of doing the business. But things happened so naturally that eventually, we decided to take up the business.

我们两姐妹是全职宝妈。当了家庭主妇太多年,每天都 为孩子忙得团团转,也忘了当初的梦想是什么。起初, 我们纯粹是为了家人的保健需求而加入USANA,想给 家人使用最好的保健品维持健康,完全没有要做生意的 想法。然而,世事就是如此奇妙,我们最终还是自然而 然地开始了这份事业。

The best thing about running a business with your sister is that you will always have each other’s back, supporting and helping each other, sharing positive energy and optimism. Seeing our teammates and partners gradually grow and become better has given us the motivation to learn and progress farther. We have found new dreams here, that is to achieve financial stability and the freedom to live our lives however we want to, without time constraint and work pressure.

姐妹一起从事一份事业的好处就是可以互相扶持,分享 正能量。当我们看到伙伴们慢慢成长和蜕变时,我们更 有动力去继续学习和进步。我们在USANA找到了新的 梦想,那就是实现财务稳定,过着自由自主的人生,没 有时间限制,没有工作压力。

The USANA business is about bringing people together and teamwork. The greater the teamwork, the bigger the network, and the bigger the rewards. This business is never about competition but cooperation. We want to thank our leader Anthony Ng for guiding us to continue charging forward and becoming better. We also want to thank Dr Shuly for introducing us to USANA. We will strive to nurture as many Gold, Ruby and Emerald Directors as we can, and we will continue working our way for greater achievement. Don’t stop when you are tired. Stop when you are done. Success is just around the corner!

USANA是一份推崇团队合作的事业。团队越合作,网 络越强大,收获也越丰厚。这份业务强调的是合作,而 非竞争。 在这里,我们要感谢团队的大领导 Anthony Ng 带领我 们不断的前进。我们也要感谢带我们进入USANA的 Dr Shuly。 接下来,我们会尽己所能培育更多的黄金、红宝石和翡 翠董事,也会继续奋斗迎接更高的成就。如果你还有力 气,就不要轻言停止和放弃。到达终点前,绝不停步, 因为成功就近在眼前了!

New Emerald Director / 36

NEW EMERALD DIRECTOR 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

Jason Lim I originally joined USANA as a consumer. I never thought of taking up the business until I attended a seminar. That fateful occasion changed my perception and understanding of the direct selling industry. My transformed understanding then compelled me to take up the USANA business.

一开始加入USANA 时,我并没有考虑长期发展生意,主 要还是以吃产品为主。但有幸出席了一场座谈会,让我对 直销行业的理解有所改变。正因为这个契机让我开始了这 份事业。

All businesses have their own learning curve and process. Likewise, the USANA business. The key to overcoming the fear of the unknown is to invest time in what you do and be humble to learn. You will then find that nothing is more rewarding than investing in yourself.

任何生意都有一定的规律和学习过程,USANA业务也一 样。要克服内心的恐惧就必须要投入时间并虚心学习。你 会发现投资自己才是最值得的事情。

Prior to joining USANA, I had always wanted to have more time for my family. I’m very fortunate that my wish has been realized here, especially during this difficult pandemic time. I still have the privilege to be with my family all the time while running my USANA business. I am also amazed at USANA’s founder, Dr Wentz, for his mission and the incredible R&D team for creating such amazing products that have given us, the distributors, the confidence to promote and expand our business all over the world.

以前,我最大的希望是能够有更多的时间陪伴家人。感恩 在这里,我终于实现了这个愿望。疫情期间,我更是特 别感恩可以一边经营我的USANA事业,一边陪伴我的家 人。USANA创办人华斯博士的理念及出色的产品研发能 力令我惊叹,让我们直销商有满满的信心把业务推广至全 球各地。

A successful leader needs to be tolerant, thoughtful, and rational when dealing with issues, and actively takes part in meetings by giving useful, constructive suggestion and advice. These traits will help us to go far and succeed. I want to take this opportunity to thank our system founders, Anthony Ng and Karen, for their guidance and Dr Shuly and Jiann Yuan, for their encouragement and support. In the next three years, I will continue my mission to nurture more quality leaders and share this wonderful business, its culture and philosophy to as many people as possible.

我认为一个成功的领袖必须拥有一颗包容的心,懂得深思 熟虑和理性看待问题,并积极参与会议,向伙伴提供有用 和建设性的建议。只有这样才能帮助大家达到成功。 在这里,我想特别感谢系统创办人Anthony Ng 和 Karen 老师一路以来的指导,以及Dr Shuly 和 Jiann Yuan 老师 所给予我的鼓励与支持。在未来的3年里,我会拼尽全力 培养更多有素质的领袖,这份事业的文化和理念传承给更 多的人。

New Emerald Directors / 37

NEW EMERALD DIRECTOR 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

Lim Ying Ting I came across USANA products when I was searching for solutions to my poor health. Like many, it was the pleasant experience with USANA that prompted me to explore this business, and eventually take it up.

我是因为保健需求而接触到USANA。和大多数人一样,因 为本身的良好使用经验,促使我进一步探索这份业务的可行 性,并在最后决定经营这份事业。

Prior to USANA, I was the general agent of a Thailand cosmetic brand. I was also involved in the export and trade business. As I studied the USANA business, I discovered that its business model was what I had been looking for – an all-win business that would help me to achieve wealth while enjoying health and a quality lifestyle. The many successful stories here have inspired me to achieve my goals within the shortest time.

在这之前,我是一位泰国美妆总代理,也曾经营产品外销贸 易业务。在研究USANA的业务模式和公司背景时,我发现它 就是我所向往的经营模式,是一份可让我在赚取财富的同时 也一并拥有健康、优质生活的双赢事业。这里许许多多的成 功故事启发了我要在短时间内取得理想战绩的决心。

When I took up the USANA business, I had only one goal in mind: become Diamond Director. I believe where there’s a will, there’s a way. In the face adversity, I can pull through as long as I have the determination to overcome it. I believe that if other people can do it, I can do it too. These beliefs are the fuel that keeps me going in this business.

当下定决心后,我的目标只有一个,那就是成为钻石董事。 我相信,关关难过关关过。面对逆境时,只要我下定决心, 我一定能熬过。我从不相信别人可以做到而我做不到。就是 这股强大的信念推动着我继续前进和坚持下去。

Throughout my journey, I’ve never been alone. My team and I work closely together to achieve our common goals. I’ve never felt such a strong teamwork in any of my previous business attempts. I want to thank my mentors Lucas & Jane, my team and the company for always giving me the support, guidance, backup and encouragement I need.

在这份事业里,我从来不曾孤军作战。我与团队之间的关系 环环相扣,互相配合一起努力达成目标。这种团队合作的精 神是我在过去都从未感受过的。借此机会,我要感谢我的恩 师Lucas和 Jane,我的团队和公司一直以来的扶持与栽培, 支持与陪伴。

The road to success is no bed of roses. There is only one way to walk it and it is to overcome the challenges bravely! When you finally make it to the destination and celebrate your achievements and fulfilled dreams, you’ll thank yourself for your grit and determination. Remember, perseverance always brings success!

创业的路上难免会遇到挑战和荆棘,选着采取行动勇敢面对 去战胜它才是王道!当你达成梦想与目标回头一望时,你会 感激当初那个咬紧牙关坚持不懈的自己!谨记,剩者为王!

New Emerald Directors / 38

NEW EMERALD DIRECTORS 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

Pauline Chu & Raymond Lee After being a satisfied consumer and enjoying great health from the USANA products, I took up the USANA business part-time with a simple intention: to enjoy USANA products at discounted prices or Free Of Charge by earning enough to pay for the products. A decade later, I finally took the next step of pursuing my USANA business fulltime. Why? Because I had enough of living a 9-5 work life. In 2019, I decided it was time for me to get back my freedom, to decide how much I want earn and to run a business that brings happiness not just to me, but the people around me. My mentor Ye Feng told me at the beginning that running the USANA business is like running a marathon, that I must be mentally prepared and have the patience and tenacity to complete the race. There would be challenges along the way but the bigger the challenges, the better I will become. All these challenges and tests are important experiences to me as they have strengthened and honed my leadership skill. The USANA business has a simple and humane system, an innovative policy and quality products. All these have helped the company and its products to maintain their competitive edge in the market. At USANA, consumers, distributors and the company always win together. I want to thank my mentor Ye Feng for always being there for me, guiding, supporting and helping me in the past 10 years. Thank you to my team for having absolute faith in me, and for making United Melaka such an amazing team. Thank you Chantel and United Team leaders for your dedication and teamwork. Remember, haste makes waste. The USANA business needs patience for it to thrive!

在成为一名满意的消费者并享受到 USANA 产品所带来的好处 之后,我便开始兼职从事 USANA 业务。当时,我的目的很简 单:赚取足够的费用来补助我的产品消费或免费使用产品。十 年后,我终于迈出了下一步,全职经营USANA业务。这一次 我的理由是:我已经厌倦了朝九晚五的工作生涯。2019年, 我认为是时候重夺自由和自主权。我要一份可以自定收入,工 作自由、可助人助己的开心事业。 我的导师叶峰老师曾经告诉我说,USANA事业就像是一场 马拉松长跑赛,所以心理素质上一定要做好准备,要有耐心 和耐力长跑及面对各种挑战。挑战越大,越能提升自己的能 力。所有的经历和磨练都是难得的实战经验,让我更有能力 帶好伙伴和团队。 USANA业务拥有一个简单和人性化的制度,勇于创新的策 略及优质的产品。这一切让公司和产品在市场上永远都抱有 竞争优势。在USANA,消费者、直销商和公司永远保持“三 赢”关系! 在此,我要感谢我的恩师叶峰老师这十年来无私地一路陪同 和谆谆教导。感谢我的团队对我的信任,认同和配合,使 United 马六甲团队做得更有声有色。我也要感谢 Chantel 老 师和 United 团队的领导们的奉献和团队合作,让我的团队受 益满满! 要把 USANA 事业做好,需要耐心,不能心急。把基本功掌 握得到味,才能开心快乐地分享这事业,越做越有快感和滿 足感!

New Emerald Director / 39

NEW EMERALD DIRECTORS 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

Sonam & Wanlin When we first joined USANA, we were slightly intimidated by the many successful leaders here and wondered if we could ever be as successful. Fortunately, we have a growth mindset and hence, we believed our weaknesses and disadvantages can be offset through diligent learning and effort. We’ve always been very hardworking people and family is always our first priority. Sadly, throughout our 9-5 career, despite our best efforts, the results were disappointing. But we see a promising future with USANA, and in order to provide our family and kids a better future, we will overcome any challenges in our USANA journey with grit and determination. We believe that the key to becoming outstanding leaders is to understand that this is a human business. As leaders, we need to know our teammates on a personal level – know their dreams and help them to improve by tackling every challenge together; and show them the way to become outstanding leaders by setting an example for them to emulate. For this, we want to thank our mentor Dr Kheng, who has been our role model throughout this journey. We’ve made so many wonderful and incredible achievements through teamwork, expediting and multiplying success by leveraging one another. The USANA business has manifested the essence of “to walk fast, walk alone; to walk far, walk together”. This togetherness has made success even sweeter and more meaningful. Our next goal is to nurture more leaders, helping more people to change and live meaningful, fulfilling lives. There’s no easy road to success. You can only go far by knowing where you are going and adopting a growth mindset so that you’ll grab every opportunity to learn and work harder. USANA is definitely a worthwhile career, because here, you’ll be doing what you love and loving what you do!

当我们加入USANA的时候,我们发现这里有许多成功人士, 可是对我们而言一切都好像很遥远。但庆幸的是,我们有成 长型思维,并相信任何不足之处都可以通过学习和努力来弥 补。我们是非常重视家庭和勤奋的人,可惜多年来在职场上 的努力和成果不成正比。USANA让我们看见了我们所憧憬的 人生。为了让家人、孩子能够拥有更优质的生活,我们愿意 在USANA坚持不懈地克服所有挑战。 我们认为要成为出色及成功的领袖,首先必须要认清这是一 份以人为本的事业。作为领袖,我们必须了解每个伙伴的梦 想,融入他们的生活。一个好的领袖必须以身作则,和伙伴 一起迎接每个挑战,把他们磨练成出色的接班人。为此,我 们要感谢一直陪同我们成长的Dr Kheng老师,在他的身上我 们看见了领袖所需要有的素质,并以他为我们的榜样! 团队合作让我们经历了许多美好且不可能的事情,因为互相 借力而造就了倍增的成功。USANA事业完美体现了“一个人 走得快,一群人走得远”的精髓,让我们从这份事业享受到 更有意义的成功。 我们接下来的目标是培养更多领袖,让更多需要改变的人士 活出更有意义和充实的生活。创业之路都必须披荆斩棘,但 只要目标清晰就能走得更远。你必须拥有成长型思维,勤奋 努力并抓住每一个学习和成长的机会。USANA是一份非常值 得的事业,因为在这里,您将非常享受且热爱您的人生!

New Emerald Director / 40

NEW EMERALD DIRECTOR 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

Tan Kai Ling I am one of the many satisfied product users who naturally sauntered into the USANA business. Due to my pleasant personal experience with USANA’s health and beauty products, I began talking about them on social media. Unknowingly, my customer base began to expand and my USANA career took off.

我和多数人一样,因为满意产品的效益就自然而然地开始 了USANA业务。由于USANA的保健和美容产品让我受益良 多,于是我就在社交媒体开始分享这些产品的好处。就这 样,我的顾客群开始扩大,而我的USANA事业也起飞了。

Before USANA, people perceived me as “eye candy”, that is, a good-looking girl who knows nothing. I do admit that I had no life directions nor goals, and my life was ordinary and not exciting. But since I embarked on my USANA journey, I have changed and become more confident, bold and optimistic. I have met many like-minded teammates and together, we have learned and progressed. I’ve become more ambitious and my life has become more meaningful. With the USANA business, I am living a much more meaningful and fulfilling life.

在还设加入USANA之前,许多人都认为我是“花瓶”,除 了长相好一无是处。以前,我的确没有什么人生方向或目 标,每天只是过着平凡的日子。但加入USANA开始我的创 业旅程之后,我变了。我变得更加自信、勇敢和积极。在这 里,我认识了一群志同道合的伙伴。我们一起学习,一起进 步。我变得更有干劲,生活也变得更充实有意义。

My secrets to success? Perseverance, faith and determination. I believe we can overcome any challenges as long as we are determined and believe in ourselves. Also, I believe every effort will be rewarded. Challenges don’t intimidate me; instead, I consider them as the motivation and fuel to my personal growth and new breakthroughs. The important qualities of a successful leader are attentive ears, close relationships with teammates, and constant personal development. Accountability and strong teamwork are also crucial for leaders. I learned this from my mentor, Anne Tan, who has been guiding me. So, I want to thank Anne for always believing in me and being there for me whenever I need advice and guidance. And, thank you to my teammates for their dedicated efforts. I’m certain that together, we will be able to achieve our goals in no time!

我的成功秘诀?不外就是毅力、信念和决心。我始终相信, 只要下定决心并相信自己,任何挑战都能迎刃而解。此外, 我也相信有付出必有收获。我无惧挑战,反之,我视挑战为 个人成长和突破自己的动力来源。 我认为成功领袖所需要的素质就是懂得聆听,和伙伴紧密合 作,还有不断地自我提升和进步。有担当和团队合作精神也 是重要的领袖素质之一。这一切都是我从领导Anne Tan身 上所学到的。我要感谢Anne对我的指导和信心。每当我需 要建议或引导时,她总会在我身边。此外,我也要感谢伙伴 的努力和付出。我坚信和你们一起并肩作战,我们一定会达 成目标!

New Emerald Director / 41

NEW EMERALD DIRECTOR 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

Vincent Wong Seven years ago, I was transferred to a different state as a pharmacist under the Health Ministry. I had to travel back to Kuala Lumpur frequently to spend time with my wife and family whenever I could. Then, I already knew what I wanted: gain back control of my time and life so that I won’t be separated from my family because of my work. I was very fortunate to have met USANA not long after that. Honestly, I never thought I would achieve Emerald Director as initially, I only aimed for Gold Director rank, which I thought would be enough for me to resign and return to my home state. However, the USANA business inspired me to strive for more because of the happiness and satisfaction I got out of doing the business. When I achieved Gold Director, I had basically achieved my goal. But when I saw many of my teammates, who have put their trust in me, still fighting for their dreams, I decided to continue to do my best to lead them. Throughout this amazing journey, what has impressed me the most is that unlike most direct selling companies that pursue excellent sales performance and a luxurious life, USANA advocates the idea of true health, growth, change and a meaningful life. It is this unique culture that has birthed many visionary, selfless and loving leaders.

七年前,身为药剂师的我被卫生部调派到外地工作。在那段 时间里,我经常舟车劳顿往返吉隆坡和家人相聚。当时,我 的梦想就是要重夺我人生的掌控权,尽快地回到家人和另一 半的身边陪伴他们。 我很幸运的在那时候遇到了USANA。其实一开始,我并没 有想到我会走到翡翠这一步。当时我的目标只是成为黄金董 事,因为我认为这个成绩已经足以让我辞职回家。可是,这 份事业很有魔力,让你越做越开心,越做越有满足感。晋升 黄金董事的那一年,虽然我成功落叶归根了,但当我看到还 有很多还未完成梦想的伙伴还在为梦想奋斗,想起他们对我 的信任时,我决定继续努力带领他们往前冲。 在这个创业路上,我觉得USANA公司最令我刮目相看的 是,它并不像一般传统直销公司那样只追求业绩和奢华人 生,它更推崇的是一个健康、改变、成长和有价值的人生。 正因为这样,USANA的文化造就了很多有愿景、格局大、 无私奉献和有大爱的领袖。

I would like to thank our Global Galaxy leader Anthony Ng, and my mentors Dr Kheng, Ariestt & Joyee, and Man Hau. Thank you for all the love and guidance that have changed me from being a follower to a true leader.

在这里,我要感谢Global Galaxy 大领导Anthony Ng老 师、 Dr Kheng、Ariestt和Joyee以及万豪老师。感谢您们 一直以来的关爱与指导,把我从一名追随者培育成一名真正 的领导。

I will do my best to achieve Diamond Director in the coming year, to help more of my teammates to chart new milestones. See you at the top!

接下来,我会竭尽所能在2022年晋升钻石董事,带领更多的 伙伴一起完成梦想,谱写不一样的精彩人生。我们高峰见 !

New Emerald Director / 42

NEW EMERALD DIRECTOR 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

Yimao Vin I was already a freelancer making a decent income before joining USANA. So, when I decided to pursue the USANA business, I had a clear goal in mind: to make the business a success. They say “the brave has no fears”, and I know very well that to succeed in this business, I must brave myself to tackle any challenge. With my fearless attitude, no challenge is too big for me to overcome.

在决定加入USANA前,我是一名自由工作者,收入也相当的 不错。所以当我决定开始从事USANA这份事业时,我是秉持 着一定要成功的信念来经营的。我非常清楚知道要在这份事业 成功,必须拥有勇者无惧的心态。不管遇到什么问题和困难, 只要抱着无惧的决心,任何事都能迎刃而解。

It has always been my dream to become a speaker; however, I never had the opportunity or the right platform to become one… until USANA. Here, the more you share (talk), the better the rewards. At USANA, I’ve become a top-notch speaker!

从小到大我一直都有一个梦想,就是想要成为一名讲师,但 一直以来总觉得没有一个机会和平台去发展,直到USANA出 现。在这里,讲的越多,收获越大。在USANA,我终于被训 练成一名优秀的讲师!

My achievements are the testament to the greatness of USANA. What sets USANA apart from other companies is that USANA really cherishes our personal growth, not just sales numbers or figures. Here, distributors are given weekly training and monthly recognition that help us to improve while honoring our growth and achievements.

我的成就证明了USANA的伟大。USANA与其他公司最大的不 同之处,就是它真正珍视我们的个人成长,而非只是关注业绩 而已。在USANA,直销商每周都会接受培训和每月表彰,帮 助我们改进,同时也表扬我们的成长和成就。

To me, true leaders must be firm and tolerant, when needed. Leaders must be firm and confident in any decision made at critical moments, and be open-minded and respectful of other people’s opinions to achieve mutual understanding. From there, he/she is to charge forward with the team. Another important trait of leaders is humility in continuous learning, because when you stop learning, you reject wealth.

我觉得一名出色的领袖必须拥有伸缩性的性格。在关键时刻, 他必须要立场坚定和自信地去做每一个决定。然而在与团队共 事的时候,他必须懂得接受他人意见以达到共识,一起和小领 导们一起前进。虚心学习也是必不可少的领袖条件之一,这是 因为当你停止学习时,你也一并把财富拒之门外。

I want to thank Success International team, leaders and mentors, especially Peiwen. Through all of you, I have learned the beauty of the “learn, do, teach, pass on” mantra; it is by doing things repeatedly and diligently that we’ll be able to grow our USANA career. Lastly, success is achieved today, not somewhere in the future. The moment you decide to take action, you’ve started accumulating your success!

在这里,我要感谢成功国际团队的各位领导老师们,特别是 我的伯乐Peiwen老师。您们让我领悟到“学、做、教、传” 的美丽意义,只要把简单的事情重复做,就能够开阔自己的 USANA事业。 最后我想说,成功不是将来才拥有的,而是从决定去做的那一 刻起,持续累积而成的!走过的每一步都算数!

New Emerald Director / 43

NEW EMERALD DIRECTOR 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

Yu Ling Before life at USANA, I was an ordinary 9-5 worker and never dabbled in any other field. Hence, I had a hard time at the beginning of my USANA journey, as I ran my USANA business with an employee mindset and was very passive. I didn’t have any business partner for over six months. Luckily, my mentor opened my mind and helped me realize that the USANA business is not about hard selling, but gaining wisdom, diligent learning and taking courageous actions. Inspired, I began to change from passivity to proactivity. I realized that to become a successful entrepreneur, I must think like a successful person, and commit 100% to my career. I’ve always loved freedom. I enjoy travelling and spending time with my family anytime I want. I’ve seen many successful USANA leaders living the life I want and they are my role models, motivation and inspiration. Their success drives me to work hard so that I can live my dream life. The Covid-19 pandemic has caught the world off guard, and I’m fortunate that even during this difficult time, I have a stable income and have more time for my family. The past two years has convinced me that at USANA, my efforts will produce bountiful rewards. My secret to success is to attend team training diligently. The system education is the key to building a successful and thriving team. It is with system education that you will be able to duplicate and expand your network in the shortest time. I really appreciate the support and guidance from the company, my team, and especially my mentor Peiwen who has helped me to transform and become a better version of myself. We only live once. So, love what you do, and do what you love.

一直以来我都是朝九晚五的上班族,不曾接触过其他领域行 业。所以,我的USANA旅程初期非常艰巨。我甚至经历过半 年以上旗下一位事业伙伴都没有的窘境,只因当时我一直处 于打工的思维,非常被动。直到我的伯乐打开了我的思路, 让我看到USANA不是卖瓶瓶罐罐的事业,而是需要提升智 慧,大量学习与大量行动,我才从被动转为主动。我明白要 成为一个成功的企业家,我必须拥有成功人士的思维,100% 全心投入经营我的事业。 我是热爱自由的女生,喜欢旅行,享受随时随地和家人在一起 的时光。我看到很多走在我前面的成功领袖过着我想要的生 活,而他们正是我的榜样、动力和灵感。他们的成功推动着我 努力实现我的梦想生活。新冠肺炎疫情爆发至今很多人的生活 和生计都大受打击。感恩在这严峻的时期里,我还拥有稳定的 收入,也多了陪伴家人的时间。过去两年的考验让我更坚信在 USANA,所有的努力和付出都会带来丰厚的收获。 一路走来,让我成功的关键是坚持上团队的培训,因为唯有系 统教育才能够让很多事业伙伴在USANA这里开始有“家”,并 且“生儿育女”,真正做到传承,让我的组织短时间内扩大。 我真的很感谢公司和团队的支援,特别是赠予我智慧协助我 蜕变和超越自己的Peiwen老师。 最后,我想说的是:择你所爱,爱你所择,选择对了,活一 次就够了。

New Ruby Directors / 44

NEW RUBY DIRECTORS 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

Alfred and I both work in the creative field. I am a creative planner while Alfred is a shoe designer running his own custom-made shoes business. Creative work is a demanding work. Before joining USANA, I used to work around the clock. From the moment I woke up till the time I went to bed, my mind had only one thought: my never-ending work.

I worked at a manpower company as a sales executive for two years and led a monotonous 9-5 work life. I had always suffered from poor health condition – that was until my younger sister, who is also my upline, shared with me the way to live a healthy life. Through my sister, I also found the USANA career. To begin with, I was not a sociable person Aki Taipei and found it hard to communicate with people. To make it worse, my demeanor was not pleasant as I always had a sullen look on my face. You can imagine how difficult it was for me at the beginning. I had to break and change my bad habits but I managed to pull through as whenever a problem or challenge arose, I would remind myself that these challenges served a beautiful purpose: to help me grow and shape me into a better person. I never had any dream or aspiration. But at USANA, I have learned to dream and the best part is that I’m given the platform to achieve my dream. Now, I’m bold enough to say it out loud – I aspire to help more people succeed. We will succeed together and create our self-worth. Behind every smile, there’s a story of a personal struggle. Success never comes easy, but when it does, the rewards are bountiful. Give yourself a chance to change and you’ll thank yourself in the future for doing that.

Alfred Hor & Ronnie Yap

Although we rarely had time for ourselves, as food and movie lovers, Alfred and I would use our limited free time to try out new cuisines, hunt for good food, and binge on movies. It was our way to de-stress, to take our mind off our hectic work. When we were introduced to USANA and decided to take up the business as a sideline, we knew it would not be an easy journey. However, we also knew that as long as we put our heart and effort in this business, we will yield more rewards than our 9-5 job. The USANA business offers a far more promising future prospect. It has taught me the beauty of duplication. As the saying goes, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”. I will therefore continue to share this legacy with more people so that they can benefit from it.

我曾在一家劳务公司担任销售执行员两年,每天朝九晚五,生活乏味无 趣。我的健康状况也很差,直到我的领导也就是我的妹妹把健康送到我 的手上,让我找回健康也找到了USANA这份事业。


以往的我不爱交际也不善于和人沟通。此外,我是一个不爱笑的人,常 常给人“拒人于千里”的感觉。可想而知我的USANA事业起步有多艰 巨。我必须要改变这些坏习惯,过程虽然不容易,但我还是办到了。这 是因为每当面对问题或挑战时,我都会告诉自己这些都是能够让我成长 和超越自己的美好经验。


从前的我是个没有梦想的人。但是在USANA,我学会敢梦敢想,更棒的 是,我拥有一个能够让我圆梦的平台。现在,我可以勇敢并大声地说出 我的梦想:我要成就更多人,帮助更多人成功并一起去创造我们的自我 价值。 每个轻松笑容的背后都是一个曾经咬紧牙关拼搏的灵魂。成功从来不是 一条坦途,但是沿途风景和收获绝对丰厚。给自己一个华丽蜕变的机会 吧!时间会证明一切!


意工作是一份非常劳神费力的工作。在加入USANA之前,我的生活 都被工作填满,每天起床后到睡觉前都在忙着永无止尽的工作。

们依然会坚持腾出仅有的时间去寻觅美食和看电影。这是我们放松 自己,解除压力的好方法。当我们加入USANA并决定从事这份事业 时,我们已经做好心理准备这绝不会是一段轻松的过程。但我们也明 白,只要用心去耕耘这份副业,所得收获一定比打工来的更高更远。 USANA事业提供了一个更有希望的未来前景。这份事业让我体会到 传承与复制的力量。常言道,“授人以鱼不如授人以渔”。我一定会 竭尽所能把这份事业传承下去,让更多人能从中受惠。

New Ruby Directors / 45

NEW RUBY DIRECTORS 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

After nine years in the beauty business, I became the general agent for a Korean cosmetics franchise and I owned seven beauty shops. My work life was super hectic and I always looked forward to my destressing holiday, where I would pamper myself with quality “me time” and do what I enjoy most – island hopping and diving. Due to my hectic and pressured work life, I’ve Bernice Wong always taken good care of my health and am willing to try any proven and legitimate health supplements. Until I tried USANA health products, it does help to support my overall health condition.

Before joining USANA, I was selling insurance while running my own business selling car accessories. I had a few shops and led a hectic work life. Both the insurance and retail businesses have taught me the importance of personal sales, marketing and team management. Although I had a busy work schedule, I would always make time for family outings and personal activities as I believe that life isn’t all about work. Bryan Tan I would spend the weekend hiking and hunting for good food with my family. I am also a travel enthusiast and I enjoy spending time exploring new places, experiencing new cultures and different ways of living.

I’m grateful for being able to find such amazing health products and a business opportunity that allows me to build and leave a legacy for my future generation. At USANA, I don’t have to work all my life for survival. Here, I am given the opportunity to build a strong foundation for early retirement, to have the freedom to spend more time with my mother. It’s never too late to start and the best time to start is always now. Because, right now is the youngest you’ve ever been. Work hard while you’re still young and bursting with energy!

Prior to taking up the USANA business, my family and I were already loyal consumers of its products. We had heard so many good things about USANA that eventually, I decided to take up the business. I’m glad that I made that decision years ago, especially during difficult times like this pandemic. I’m grateful to have USANA, for it has given me the assurance and peace of mind in terms of health and a stable and thriving career.


在加入USANA之前,我从事保险销售的同时也经营着几间汽车装饰店, 工作非常繁忙。身兼两职的我从保险和零售行业了解到个人销售,市场 销售以及团队管理的重要性。

妆店。忙忙碌碌的生活,最让我期待的解压假期就是能够出海岛游 泳,看看海底世界,自我放松一番。 基于忙碌的生活和工作压力的情况下,我非常照顾自己的健康,也 试过很多著名牌子的保健品,直到我尝试USANA的保健品,我才终 于感觉到整体的健康得到了支持。 我非常感恩能够遇见这么好的保健品,还我一个健康的身体再让我 看懂这份前人种树后人乘凉的事业。在USANA,我不需要用尽自 己一辈子的时间赚钱。在这里,我有机会为提前退休打下坚实的基 础,有更多的时间陪伴我妈妈。最好的开始永远是现在,因为只有 现在才是自己最年轻的时候。趁年轻精力旺盛时好好为自己的生活 打拼一番吧!

USANA has helped me to realize many of my dreams. For this, I want to thank USANA and my team, for your unwavering support. I believe “practice makes perfect” and as long as we do things wholeheartedly, we will surely reach the pinnacle of success!

尽管工作繁忙,我还是明白生活不仅仅是工作而已。因此,我总是会腾 出时间和家人出游和进行个人活动。我会趁着周末跟家人去爬山,逛街 吃吃喝喝。此外,我也喜欢到处旅行,最爱深度旅游了解各地方的风土 民情,体验不一样的生活。 其实,在未开始我的USANA事业之前,我和家人就已经是USANA产品 的用户者。我们常常听说到有关USANA的各种好处,促使我最终也决定 从事USANA这份事业。我非常庆幸多年前我做了这么一个决定,更是感 恩在这样的困难时期里有USANA让我和家人时时保持最佳的健康状态, 让我在事业上无后顾之忧。 USANA也帮助我完成了很多梦想。为此,我要感谢USANA和团队的支 持与付出。我坚信只要秉持着“简单的事情重复做,重复的事情用心 做”的精神,我们定能攀上更高峰!

New Ruby Directors / 46

NEW RUBY DIRECTORS 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

Carrie Yap found my own stage, where I am the star!

I always tell people that my previous job was an enviable one. I worked in the marketing team in AirAsia, where I dealt with influencers and celebrities for route publicity and advertising. I got to enjoy travelling while working but the best part is that all the expenses were borne by the company!

I’m a health advocate. I practice a healthy lifestyle, exercise regularly and I like to share healthcare knowledge with my friends. My passion in healthy living led me to study nutritional therapy and become a nutritional therapist at a slimming center, where I helped customers to lose weight healthily.

I really enjoyed my work then but I slowly found out that despite all the best perks and benefits, I couldn’t realize my own dream, but I could illuminate the life stage of others. Now at USANA, I have

Before I came across USANA, I thought that I was already a healthy person since I had good knowledge and experience of healthcare and Cathrine Leong nutrition. But USANA has broadened my horizons and showed me what cellular nutrition is really about and how we can achieve holistic wellness, that is, having a healthy body, mind and soul.

There is a saying : Working is like planting trees in front of other people’s homes Once we leave, all the customers or sales will still belong to the boss. The USANA business is like planting trees in front of our own house The customers that we find will forever be ours!

My biggest challenge in building my USANA business is how to become an excellent team leader. I’m still learning and I will strive to become better because it is my dream to be able to do the things I like and live the life I want with my team mates.

I’m grateful and glad that I seized the opportunity to venture into the USANA business. My life and beloved family’s lives have become better and healthier.

If you have a dream and you wish to realize it, you’ll need to find the right platform. USANA is the platform you need. It is the bridge to your dreams.

I hope I can continue to shine and lead more partners to the top! This is the new era, new norm, where the health and wellness business will continue to boom. So, don’t wait! The perfect time doesn’t exist. A lot of people worry about what will happen if it doesn’t work out. But what if it does work out exactly how you imagine it or even bigger? Entertain that thought!

Opportunities are for those who are prepared, those who understand before others do, and those who take action first. And there is only one way to deal with opportunities: seize them!

我总是告诉人们我曾有一份很令人羡慕的工作。我曾在亚航营销部上 班,经常需要和网红及艺人打交道,安排宣传路径。我时常出游工 作,最棒的是,一切费用均由公司承担!

我是一个非常注重健康的人。我喜欢健康的生活方式、勤运动,并 经常和身边的朋友分享保健知识。正是这股热忱,我选修饮食治疗 科,并随后在一家减肥中心当饮食治疗师,帮助顾客健康瘦身。

我真的非常喜欢我的工作。但我慢慢发现,尽管我享有最好的津贴和 员工福利,我可以照亮他人的人生舞台,真相是我却无法实现自己的 梦想。然而在USANA,我终于找到自己的人生舞台,成为一颗耀眼之 星!

在还没加入 USANA 之前,依着我的大学知识和对营养保健的经 验,我还以为我很健康。但是USANA却开阔我的眼界,让我了解到 什么才是真正的细胞营养,以及如何达到身心灵全方位的健康。

他们说:打工就像是在别人家门前种树,人走了,客户或业绩依然属 于老板的。经营USANA业务就像在自家门前种树,我们所找到的客户 将永远是我们的! 我很感激也庆幸自己抓住了USANA事业这个机会,让自己和家人的生 活都变得更美好和健康。 我希望我会继续在这里发光发亮,带领更多伙伴冲上成功巅峰!我们 已经迈入一个新时代和生活新常态,健康和保健业将会持续蓬勃发 展。所以,别再等所谓的最佳时机了!很多人都担心会失败,但是, 万一真的成功了呢?万一真的如你所愿呢?好好想一想吧!

Remember, what consumes your mind controls your mind. Seize the opportunity to seize the future!

从事这份事业以来,我最大的挑战就是如何成为优秀的领导。我还在 学习当中,并会竭尽所能变得越来越优秀。因为这里有我的梦想,我 要和我的伙伴一起做着自己喜欢的事业,过着自己想要的生活。 如果你有想要实现的梦想,你首选必须要找到适合自己的平 台。USANA就是你所需要的平台,它是通往你梦想的桥梁。 最后我要和大家说的是,机会就是当别人不知道你知道了,别人不 明白时你明白了,别人还在犹豫或不做时你却果断地做了。因为对 待机会只有一个办法,那就是抓住它! 记得,思路决定出路,机会决定未来!

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NEW RUBY DIRECTORS 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

I’ve always been a hardworking person. I used to juggle 3 jobs at the same time but that left me with no time for my family. I never thought I would be involved in direct selling, mainly because I stereotyped direct selling as a despicable business. But a fateful encounter with USANA changed my mind and I took up the business instead. The USANA business has really changed my life and my future. Of course, the journey has not been a bed of roses. Choo Hui Ching Rejections and challenges are inevitable, but I have strong reasons to persevere and keep charging forward – I want to build and pass this legacy to my daughter, to save her from enduring the same hardships I did before I found USANA, and to give her the freedom to do what she likes. I used to think change is difficult. But USANA has made me realise that change can happen anytime, that we all are capable of becoming the people we want to become. Many people see the USANA business as a career. To me, USANA is a way of life and it has given me a new life. I’ve become more healthconscious, I cherish work-life balance, and my everyday life revolves around USANA. I believe the keys to succeed in USANA are faith and perseverance. When we have absolute faith in ourselves, no challenge is too big to overcome. When you persevere and believe in your leaders and team, you’ll become the best version of yourself! 我一直是一个勤奋的人,一天打三份工没问题,然而也因为这样而 没有时间陪伴家人。我不曾想过有一天会涉足直销业,主要是我对 直销存有偏见。但是,世事就是如此奇妙。我在机缘巧合之下接触到 USANA,让我改变了想法并开始了这份事业。 对我来说,USANA事业不但改变了我的生活,也改变了我的未来。当 然,创业旅途并非一帆风顺,拒绝和挑战在所难免,但我总是提醒自 己坚持前进的理由,那就是我要把这份事业传承给我的女儿,让她长 大后不需要像妈妈那么辛苦奔波,而是可以自由地做她喜欢的事情。 我曾经以为改变很难。但是USANA让我发现到只要你愿意,你随时都 可改变成为自己想要的样子。对别人而言,USANA是一份事业。对我 来说,USANA是一种生活方式,更像是我的第二生命。我变得更注重 健康,更珍惜工作与生活的平衡,日常生活都和USANA息息相关。 我认为在USANA的成功秘诀在于相信和坚持。当我们百分百相信自己 时,任何挑战都能迎刃而解。只要坚持并相信你的领导和团队,你一 定会成就不一样的自己!

Born in the 1980s, like most peers, I grew up earning my own pocket money by doing part-time jobs while at school. Even after stepping into the working world, I always looked out for side income opportunities. Seeing my proactiveness, my best friend introduced me to USANA products and its business opportunity. I took the products, with the hope of enhancing and maintaining my health. However, I kept Foo Yoke Ling & Teo Keng Hwa rejecting the business opportunity as I didn’t like the idea of direct selling. Anyway, I was an introvert and not good at communicating with people. I thought I wasn’t cut out to be a good sharer. However, as my health got better, I began to share the benefits of USANA products with my family and friends. It was so natural that without even knowing it, my USANA career had kickstarted. Then I realized that the USANA business is a “human” business as it allows us to contribute to humanity – by sharing love and kindness. A wooden barrel filled with wine will eventually carry the scent of wine over time. Similarly, ordinary people like us, when given the right platform and guided by experienced leaders and an easy-to-duplicate system, will surely exude confidence and live extraordinary lives.

身为80后的我和大多数同侪一样,在读书时期就已经开始兼职打工赚取 零用钱。踏入社会工作后,我依然会留意副业机会增加收入。我的好友 看到我这么积极攒钱,就把USANA产品和事业机会介绍了给我。起初, 我纯粹是为了提升和维持健康而服用产品。至于事业机会,我则一而 再,再而三地拒绝。当时,我对直销的生意手法极其排斥,再加上我个 性内向不善于沟通,根本就不是一个好的分享者。 但是,随着健康的改善,我自然而然地就开始和身边亲友分享USANA产 品的好处,也就这样不知不觉地开始了我的USANA事业。我这才发现 USANA是以人为本的事业,是一份让我们通过爱和关怀发挥人性的美好 事业。 一根普普通通的木材只要放进药酒里,时间久了就会带有药材的味道。 同样的,像我这么普通平凡的一个人,只要放在对的平台,跟着简单容 易复制的系统,听着经验丰富的人的指导,一样可以创造出属于自己的 非凡人生。

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NEW RUBY DIRECTORS 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

My USANA journey began with opposition from the people around me – I was told that I was not eloquent, I had no contacts, no background and I was not cut out to be a salesperson. I was advised to continue my fulltime job, gain some work experience in the corporate world, build up my contacts and life experience, and get a Master’s degree so that I could get a high paying job, etc. etc.

I’m an active person. My job in the chemical industry involved frequent travel between Singapore and Malaysia, but that didn’t stop me from having an active social life. I spent my leisure time participating in charity and club activities as they not only helped expand my social circle, but they were also a great way to de-stress. However, my active lifestyle and long-term exposure to chemicals at work affected my health. I would always feel tired and lethargic. So, when Angela Gan Siong Boon Goh recommended USANA health products, I tried them with an open mind and to my surprise, I really did feel that it helps to promote my overall health condition. That gave me the confidence to recommend USANA products to my friends and business acquaintances, and thus, kickstarted my USANA business. The more I got involved in the business, the more I dreamed of helping more people to change their lives, to encourage more people to take part in charity events and raise awareness in healthcare. I was forced to stay in Singapore for almost two years due to the Covid-19 outbreak. Luckily, I have strong and supportive uplines who helped me to follow up on my customers and downlines in Malaysia. My USANA business still runs smoothly and thrives even during this difficult time. For this, I’m thankful to my uplines. The last two years has been challenging but I believe with faith and a positive attitude, you’ll be able to sail through the hardest storm and find new opportunities.

All these didn’t discourage me from pursuing my USANA career. I might not be capable, but I was determined and would not give up my dream.

Grace Chan

I always remember my mentor telling me to ignore what people say and focus on what I really want, which is to improve and build myself up. All I need to do is do my best and God will do the rest. And that’s what I did. I took one step at a time, and believed I would achieve my goal. If an “unqualified” person like me can do it, I believe any person can do it too. I’m grateful to have found USANA, to have met May Chan who introduced me to USANA, and my mentor JY Chan. Thank you for guiding and supporting me all the way. Also, to my teammates and customers, thank you for your unwavering support. I will continue to strive to be better and help more people to succeed.

我是一个活跃的人。尽管我在新加坡从事化工业,经常需要新马两地 跑,却无阻我保持活跃的社交生活。闲暇之余,我喜欢参与各种福利组 织和社团活动,因为这些活动不但可帮助我开拓社交网络,对我来说也 是非常好的解压途径。

我的USANA旅程是在一片反对声浪下开始的。当时,身边的人并不 看好我经营这份事业。他们说我没有口才、没有人脉、没有背景、 不会销售。我被劝说应该继续打工,多赚几年工作经验、建立人脉 和生活经验、去进修硕士学位等等,以便可以找到一份高薪工作。

不过,我的生活方式再加上因工作需要长期接触化学品,导致我的健 康终于亮起了红灯。我时常感到没精打采,身体总是觉得疲惫不堪。所 以,当Angela Goh向我介绍USANA保健品时,我也抱着试试无妨的 心态去尝试。万万没想到,服用产品一段时间后,我真的感觉它帮助支 持我的健康。

然而这一切并没有阻止我开始我的USANA事业。是的,或许我的 能力不足,但是我的意志坚定,并不会随随便便放弃我的梦想。

这让我很有信心的把USANA产品推荐给身边的朋友和生意上的朋友, 也就这样开始了我的USANA事业。从事这份事业越久,就让我更想要 帮助更多人改变他们的生活,鼓励他们参与慈善活动和提高保健意识。

我就是这样一步一脚印的努力经营,单纯的相信自己是可以做到 的。

由于新冠肺炎疫情的缘故,我被迫滞留在新加坡两年。幸好有强而有力 又全力支持我的上线,帮助我跟进马来西亚的顾客与下线伙伴,让我能 够在这特别时期里顺利经营我的USANA事业。所以,我要借此机会向 我的上线表达谢意。过去两年挑战重重,但我相信,只要你拥有坚定的 信念及正能量去面对困难,你会发现再艰巨的挑战都能够迎刃而解,也 有可能会创造新的机遇。

我记得初创时期一位导师曾经告诉我:只想你要的并看你要的,其 他的都不重要,专注提升自己并全力以赴,老天爷他自有安排。

如果像我这样不具备成功条件的人可以做到,我相信任何人都可以 做到。感恩能够和USANA相遇,也感谢我的介绍人May Chan 和 领导JY Chan 这一路来的指导和 栽培。我也要感谢一直力挺我的 伙伴们 及顾客的支持。 我会竭尽所能继续超越自己,成就更多的人。

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NEW RUBY DIRECTORS 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

A pharmacist, I used to work for the National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency. I was responsible for the inspection of nutrition and health products registered in Malaysia. Four years ago, I resigned from the job to become a stay-at-home mom so that I could homeschool my kid. So, trust me when I say I do have high standards for health products. USANA Jamie Ng has not just passed but exceeded my expectations, and it was the reason why I decided to take up business. Although I don’t have a fulltime job, I have managed to build a career at USANA while having enough time to care for my child. I am not an eloquent person, and I don’t have any sales experience. But I have the courage and determination to succeed, and I put in all my effort in my USANA business. And here I am, celebrating my Ruby Director achievement! I will continue my mission to share my professional knowledge with more people, helping them to regain health and realize their dreams. Lastly, I just can’t stress this enough: action is power! Take the first step and you’ll be on your way!

我是一名药剂师,曾经在政府药剂监管局工作,负责检验马来西亚注 册的营养保健品。四年前, 为了有更多时间照顾和教育孩子,我辞去 工作并成为少数的在家教育妈妈。所以说,我对保健品的要求确实非 常高。USANA不仅仅是符合,甚至是超越我的期望。也正因为此,我 决定从事这份事业。 虽然我是一个全职妈妈,但是USANA却让我能够有足够时间照顾和教 育孩子的同时,也让我能够游刃有余地建立我的事业。我并不是一个 善于表达的人,也没有任何销售经验,但我有十足的勇气和全力以赴 取得成功的信心。就这样,我成功晋升红宝石董事,在此分享我的成 就! 我会继续我的使命,把我的专业知识分享出去,帮助更多的人找回健 康和实现梦想。最后,我想说,行动就是力量!只要你肯踏出第一 步,成功就只是离你一步之遥!

Junwei and I used to live a routine life. I had an online business selling beauty products while Junwei was a vegetable supplier. Every day, we woke up at 8am, had our breakfast, and Junwei would head to his shop to start his day while I would return home to take care of my online business. This was our daily routine. My online business required me to stock up and that needed a large sum of money. Jasmine & Junwei Although I had a team, there wasn’t much leadership involved as it was a very straightforward system – sell products and earn the price difference. During the lockdown, my online business was affected as I had to invest money to stock up while running the risk of overstocking. Although the lockdown didn’t affect Junwei’s business much, the downside of conventional business is that it deprived him of family time. Because we dream of a more fulfilling life, where we get to pursue our careers and travel the world together, we decided to take up the USANA business. You can’t expect different results by doing the same thing over and over again. If you are not living the life or doing the job you want now, the solution is simple: change. You have to step out of your comfort zone, take risks, and you’ll be surprised by all the amazing rewards. Don’t be afraid to change, because a monotonous life will eventually kill all your energy and desire to become better. 在还没加入USANA之前,我和Junwei的生活挺自律又或者可谓千篇一 律。我从事电商做美容产品的买卖,而Junwei则经营蔬果批发传统生 意。每天早上8点起床吃过早餐后,Junwei就会到店里打理生意,我则 返家经营我的电商业务。这就是我们的日常生活。 我的电商业务需要非常大笔资金囤货。尽管我拥有一支团队,但是我对 带团队一事并没有太大的概念,因为我们都是通过产品买卖赚取差价, 就是这么直接。行管令这段期间对我的电商业务造成极大的冲击,因为 我依然需要投资大笔资金来囤货,却面对产品滞销的风险。尽管行管令 对Junwei的批发生意影响不大,但是传统生意的一大缺点就是霸占时 间太多,给不到他陪伴家人的时间。 我们选择经营USANA业务,是因为我们希望拥有全方位的人生,能够 同步经营事业并一起环游世界。每个人的时间都是一样的,唯有在一样 的时间里做着不一样的事情,才会产生不一样的结果。假如你现在的行 业/生活不是你想要的样子,只要你勇敢踏出第一步去改变和冒险,你 一定会迎来意想不到的收获和惊喜。不要害怕改变,因为一成不变的日 子会消磨殆尽掉一个人的欲望和力量。

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NEW RUBY DIRECTORS 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

Liow Ai Chyi

I am an experienced traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practitioner, specializing in Chinese medicine and nutrition therapy, and I’ve been involved in TCM clinical work for almost 10 years. Apart from running my clinic and team, I like to spend my leisure time with nature, surrounding myself with greeneries and mountains, and indulge in artistic activities like dancing and going to art exhibitions. I believe all these are good for the mind and soul.

With my training and background, I’ve always taken good care of my family’s health by giving them suitable medicinal food for health maintenance. When I was introduced to USANA, I was immediately won over by its range of quality products that are formulated based on science and extensive research. My family and I consume the products with peace of mind and assurance that they will further help to promote and support our health. USANA has given me a new way of promoting health awareness and living healthily. Since my USANA journey started, I’ve grown so much. The journey has broadened my horizons and I now aspire to build a one-stop health enterprise providing holistic healthcare solution. With USANA, I believe any dream is possible. Use your potential to the fullest, take lots of actions and in time, you’ll see your dreams materializing.

我是一名擅长中医结合营养调理的中医师,从事中医临床工作近十 年。除了繁忙的的诊所业务和团队管理,在休闲时我喜欢亲近大自然 赏花看山。此外,我也喜欢艺术活动如各类舞蹈和参观画展。我认为 这些活动都能陶冶性情,有益身心。 因为本身的专业背景,我十分照顾家人的健康,常常会为家人准备药 膳调理补养身子。当我第一次接触USANA时,我即被其优质产品系列 的科学和研发背景所吸引。我和家人都非常放心和安心地使用USANA 产品,确信这些高品质的营养补充品可以维持和促进我们的健康水 准。 USANA让我得以通过更全面的方法去推广保健意识和健康生活。随着 时间与行动的积累,我在USANA的事业领域里越走越宽,成长许多。 这段旅程开阔了我的视野,启发了我去建立一个可为人类提供完善的 一站式健康企业。在USANA,我认为任何梦想都有可能实现。当我们 发挥无限的创造力,用行动去实践它时,随着时间的推移,你会发现 梦想会成真。

Like many working couples, we led hectic lives. I had a 9-to-5 job and Mike was an e-hailing driver. Every day, I would spend hours commuting to and from work and being stuck in a cubicle, while Mike spent the entire day on the road, enduring the crazy traffic.

Liz Khong & Mike Soo we knew we had to change our lifestyle.

Our long work hours deprived us of a healthy lifestyle. We didn’t have enough time to exercise, nor have time to enjoy our hobbies like travelling, hiking or cooking. When Mike started to realize that this affected his work,

Co-incidentally, we were introduced to USANA products and its business. We began adopting a healthier lifestyle by changing our eating habits, exercising regularly and supporting our health with USANA products. The rest is history. In the past, we were contented with what we had. We never complained, and we never dreamed of having more. But at USANA, we learned that even ordinary people like us can live extraordinary lives. Our USANA career has empowered us to dream big. We want to thank the company, our mentors, leaders, teammates and customers for their guidance and support. We will continue to work hard and strive to become better. Wait no more. Choose and you’ll have a chance; believe and it’ll become possible. That’s how life works. Believe in yourself and you can do unbelievable things.

像大多数双薪家庭一样,我们的工作繁忙,很少拥有属于自己的 时间。我是一名普通的上班族,而Mike则是一名电召车司机。每 天,我们为工作而工作,塞车而塞车,完全没有时间自由可言。 冗长的工作时间剥夺了我们健康的生活方式。我们没有足够的时间 运动,也牺牲了我们的爱好如旅游、爬山及烹饪。当Mike开始意识 到了这将会影响他的工作表现时,我们知道是时候改变我们的生活 方式了。 就在这时,朋友向我们介绍USANA产品和事业。我们开始采取更健 康的生活习惯,改变我们的饮食习惯、勤做运动并服用USANA产品 维持健康。就这样,我们的USANA事业也顺其自然地发展起来了。 过去的我们常常把知足常乐挂在嘴边。我们不敢有梦想,也不敢有 奢侈的想法。然而现在,加入USANA后的我们变得敢梦敢想,让 本是平凡的我们也可以拥有不平凡的人生。 最后,我们要感谢公司、团队领导、伙伴以及顾客们一路以来的带 领与支持。我们一定会继续努力并提升自己。致还在观望的朋友 们:“人生就是这样,选择了才有机会,相信了才有可能。相信自 己,你一定可以!”

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NEW RUBY DIRECTORS 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

I was an insurance agent for 10 years. Day in and day out, I kept reminding people to invest in and care for their health that I neglected my own health! When my health began to go downhill, it was a wake-up call I sorely needed.

Mato Lee

It was at that time that I learned about USANA. At first, I consumed its products to maintain my health. Due to my pleasant personal experience with the products, I listened with an open mind as my upline shared the business opportunity with me.

I am glad that I did. As a sales person, I didn’t start out strong in this business. But I am fortunate to have my mentor to guide me patiently. I learned how to recruit people and lead a team, and from there I gradually improved on my leadership skills, helping team members to achieve their goals. I was even able to build up my team during the pandemic lockdown! Making the right choice is more important than sheer effort. Ride the tide and keep up with the trend. Believe in the company, persevere, keep taking action and do the right things, and you are surely on your way to success!

I don’t have a high education and because of this, I found it hard to leave my high-paying job at a night club. Eventually, I grew tired of the night shifts and long working hours, so I took up a beauty course, became a qualified aesthetic practitioner, and started my own beauty business. Unfortunately, in 2020, the pandemic outbreak and lockdown badly affected my business Naomii Ng and income. This was a wakeup call. I was terrified that I had no income because I had no business. I began to think about my future. What should I do? Already a consumer of USANA products, I decided to take the leap of faith and pursue the USANA business seriously. It was one of the wisest decisions I have ever made. It is a big world out there. Many of us, including me, dream of living a good life. I am proud of myself for being brave enough to take the first step, and I thank myself for all the blood, sweat, and tears that I have poured into my USANA business. I am now living the dreams of many people. And I am leading a team of young people to change their lives, to become the better versions of themselves too. Just don’t give up easily, because perseverance always pays off.

我从事保险代理有十年之久。每一天,我苦口婆心地提醒人们要保障 自己的健康和生活,却忽略了自己的健康!当我的健康开始亮红灯 时,我才如梦初醒,是时候正视自己的身体状况了。

我的学历不高,因此迟迟不愿辞去夜场的高薪工作。但是,我最终 还是厌倦了长期值夜班和长时间的工作生活。于是,我进修美业, 成为一名合格的医美微整形师,自己当老板娘。

就在那个时候,我在机缘巧合之下接触到USANA。起初,我服用其产 品来维持健康。理想的使用经验给了我信心,于是当领导跟我分享事 业时,我也抱着开明的心态去聆听和了解。我非常庆幸我没有拒绝。

很不幸的,2020年一场疫情和接下来的行管令打击了我的生意和收 入,让面临手停口停的我感到非常迷惘。我这才思考自己未来到底 应该怎样?由于当时我已经是USANA产品的使用者,我决定踏出那 一步,认真经营USANA事业。

起初只会做销售的我,并没有很耀眼的成绩。幸好,在领导耐心的带 领之下,我开始学习招募伙伴和带团队,再慢慢地提升自己的能力, 帮助伙伴达成他们的目标。我甚至成功在疫情行管令期间迅速把团队 带领起来! 对我而言,选择比努力更重要!只要跟对趋势,与时俱进,相信公 司,再保持积极、坚持并重复采取对的行动,成功一定非你莫属!

那是我所做过最明智的决定之一。 这个世界很大。很多人,包括我,都想要过上一个好生活。我庆幸 自己有勇气踏出第一步,而我也感谢自己这一路走来所付出的血汗 和泪水。我终于过上了许多人想要的美好生活,而我也正在带领着 一帮年轻人改变他们的人生,成为更有价值的自己。 所以别轻易停下,多坚持一分钟就会多一份收获。

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NEW RUBY DIRECTORS 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

After working in and helping a well-known Japanese electrical company achieve its high sales target for eight years, I decided to leave and join USANA. I had three good reasons for doing so: 1) I wanted a business that can provide financial sustainability; 2) I wanted my family and kids to enjoy health, stability and a comfortable life; and 3) A secondary school dropout, I’ve always felt the urgency of planning ahead.

Stanley Ow & Chanel Tan

After being convinced of USANA products, its business model and the company, I was sure USANA was going to be my long-term plan. I’ve always been an active and sociable person. I enjoy contributing to society, so I was actively involved in activities organized by the Johor Bahru Chinese society, promoting social activities and the Chinese culture. Now at USANA, I have the platform to do even greater things – share USANA’s quality health products to people around me and educate them about the importance of healthcare. USANA is a way of life. Not only will we live healthier lifestyles, but we will be given the opportunity to achieve financial stability and time freedom. I hope more people will get to know this rewarding business. Believe and you shall receive. Give it a go. All you need is one year of commitment and effort, and you’ll be amazed by the rewards it brings. By then, you’ll know that this is the career you’ll ever need.

Stephanie Lim

I worked as a fire safety sales speaker for 3 years. During this time, I traveled around West Malaysia to give talks and sales pitches at many large and small companies, including multinational companies, factories and hospitals. Later on, I was headhunted by Alibaba Group and was based in China as a sales manager. My career prospects were promising but a fateful encounter with USANA not just changed my health for the better but my whole life too.

With USANA, I am living the lifestyle I’ve always wanted. I love cooking and travelling, and running the USANA business has given me the time flexibility to indulge in my hobbies, spend quality time with family and parents while realizing my dream – to become a modern, independent woman with a successful career and perfect work-life balance. I am finally enjoying freedom at its best – being the master of my time while enjoying financial stability. I must admit that the journey to success was not all easy, but it has developed me and all my efforts have yielded fruitful rewards. I want to thank the USANA company, my team and two mentors, Anthony and Tina. Some people say choices are more important than working hard, but I believe choice and hard work are good brothers and equally important. You just need to make one right choice and work hard. Your choice today will shape your life five years from now!

在一家知名日本电器公司担任营业代表,每年帮公司完成百万业绩 八年后,我决定辞职并加入USANA事业。我有三个很好的理由支 持我的决定:1) 我要一份让我享受财务的可持续性的业务;2) 我 想让家人和孩子拥有健康、稳定和安逸的生活;3) 中学即辍学的我 一直都保持很高的危机意识,坚持未雨绸缪。

在加入USANA前我是一名销售防火讲师,常常独自一人北上南下去 讲课,三年间走访西马无数个大小企业,包括跨国公司、工厂、医 院讲课做销售。之后,我很荣幸的被阿里巴巴集团挖角到中国总部 培训成为销售经理。我的事业前景可谓明朗,然而机缘之下让我接 触到USANA,不但改变了我的健康,也一并改变了我的生活。

正因为USANA的产品、业务模式和公司背景皆让我深感信服,我 非常肯定USANA就是我的长期计划。

USANA让我找到了我向往的生活方式。我的嗜好是下厨烹饪料理和 旅行,而从事USANA事业不但让我有更多时间去尽情享受我的嗜 好,也有时间陪伴家人和父母。此外,这份事业也让我得以完成我 的梦想,那就是成为一位事业家庭兼顾的新时代独立女性。

我一直都是活跃并喜欢交际的人。我喜欢参与回馈社会的活动,因 此加入新山华社积极推广社会活动及中华文化。现在,USANA让 我拥有一个平台去做更伟大的事情,那就是把USANA的优质保健 品分享给身边的人,并教育他们有关医疗保健的重要性。 USANA是一种生活方式。在这里,我们不但变得更健康,也被给 予机会实现财务稳定和时间自由。我希望更多人会看懂这份事业的 意义。既然选择相信,就认认真真的给自己一年时间好好投入与经 营,你一定会得到意想不到的成绩。到时候,你就会知道这是您所 梦寐以求的事业了。

在这里,我终于享受到真正的自由。除了财务稳定,我更是成为自 己时间的主人。通往成功的道路并不平坦,但是途上的各种挑战却 磨练了我,付出的血汗都为我带来了丰厚的收获。 在这里,我要特别感谢USANA公司、我的团队和领导,Anthony和 Tina老师。有人说努力很重要,也有人说选择很重要,但我认为两 者同样重要。人生选择对一次就够了,因为你今天的选择会铸就你 五年后的生活!

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NEW RUBY DIRECTORS 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

Teo Khai Chin

I’m a person with a strong sense of mission. Hence, I studied pharmacology and became a pharmacist after graduation. I envisioned being a pharmacist as a good way to help more people. However, as days passed, I gradually became disenchanted with my job; I felt it was ‘confined’ to the pharmacy or hospital. I wanted something that is more challenging and offers more freedom. Hence, I decided to take up the direct selling business – a complete career change indeed.

I’m glad I did, because at USANA, I am building a career that offers much more value than my previous job. Now, I am given a bigger platform to help people with needs. I get to advise people with my professional knowledge, raising awareness on healthcare and advocating the idea of “prevention is better than cure”. USANA’s range of quality products has given me the confidence and assurance to help people from all over world. The USANA business has given me the opportunity to use my influence and apply my knowledge to help more people to find health and wealth. I have grown and improved so much on this journey. It is challenging, but at the same time very rewarding. Direct selling may not be the ‘ideal’ career for young people. However, it is a career that will lead us to the life we want. In my case, the USANA business has given me the opportunity to become an outstanding pharmacist.

我是一个非常有使命感的人。所以,我选修药剂系并在毕业后成为一 名药剂师。本来,我觉得这份工作能帮助更多人。但是,想象是美好 的。我渐渐发现自己不喜欢药剂师困在药剂行或医院的工作性质。再 加上自己很爱挑战及不爱被局限的性格,所以我选择了改变,选了一 般药剂师不会选择的直销行业。

Like most young people, I enjoy travelling with besties, hanging out in nice cafés, hunting for delicious foods, snapping photos and uploading to my social media. Life was young and fun... until my unhealthy lifestyle led to poor health. I began taking USANA products at my parents’ recommendation. At that time, I had just graduated and returned from Taiwan. As my health gotten a good support, I began to ponder the idea of Teo Sing Eng & Fiona Teo starting my USANA business. A fresh graduate, I had no contacts and no work experience. I was often discouraged by my friends and customers when I was doing sharing, and my relationships with some unsupportive friends turned sour too. All these discouragements dampened my enthusiasm and at one time, I even thought of giving up. But then I thought about the life I want. Only I alone could decide and create the future I want. Determined, I pulled myself together, persevered and turned every negativity into fuel to push me forward. My achievements today are the fruits of my perseverance and determination. The USANA business has helped to improve not just my life but my family’s lives too. Now, I’m pushing myself to dream even bigger, that is, to enjoy a 3-month family holiday abroad every year and eventually open my own café. I believe hard work will always pay off. Where there’s a will, there’s always a way. Take action. Repeat. Persevere. The harder you work, the luckier you will get!

像大多数年轻人一样,我喜欢和好友一起去旅行、到网红咖啡座打 卡、寻找美食、拍照上传社交媒体。我一直过着年轻人最喜欢的生活方 式……直到不规律的生活作息导致我的身体出了状况。

我庆幸自己当初有改变的勇气。USANA这份事业的价值远远超过我之 前的药剂师工作。在这里,我拥有更大的平台和渠道去帮助更多有需要 的人。我得以利用我的专业知识为人们提供建议,提高人们对医疗保健 的认识,提倡“预防胜于治疗”的养生理念。USANA 产品的质量,让 我更加有信心并安心地去帮助来自世界各地的人们。

在父母的引导下,我开始服用USANA产品支持了健康。当时,我刚从 台湾毕业回国。随着健康的改善,我也自然地考虑从事这门事业。作为 社会新鲜人,我没有人脉,也没有经验。我经常被身边的顾客朋友泼冷 水,和一些朋友的关系甚至变僵。这些挫折让我曾经一度想过放弃。但 是,我明白未来是掌握在自己的手中,只有自己才可以决定自己想要的 未来。于是我重新振作,下定决心坚持到底,把所有负能量当成我的动 力来源。

这份事业也让我有机会去发挥我的影响力并运用我的知识去协助更多 伙伴得到他们想要的健康与财富。一路走来,种种挑战让我在各个方 面的能力都提升了很多,这些真的很无价!

这份坚持和决心,让我得到了今天的成就,改变了我和家人的生活品 质。我下一个要实现的梦想就是带上家人每年出国三个月,以及开一间 属于自己的咖啡座。

我想说,直销或许不是时下年轻人的“理想”事业,但它确实能让我 们活出我们想要的人生。就我而言,USANA事业更是让我有机会成为 一位出色的药剂师!

我相信努力的人终会发光。在我的字典里没有能不能,只有要不要。简 单的事情重复做、坚持做。记得,越努力,越幸运!

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NEW RUBY DIRECTORS 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

I ran a fashion boutique for 12 years and like most working mothers, I spread myself thin by juggling work and family. I led a hectic life and had to deal with immense work pressure. What’s worse was that as I aged, I noticed my stamina declining and I was not as fit as before. That was when I started to take USANA products to support my health. As my health became better, I took one step further to study the USANA business. I was impressed with the potential of the business, of how it perfectly fit into our lifestyles and help us to achieve a healthy work-life balance.

Venus Lee

The USANA business is about building your success by helping others to succeed. And for this, I love this business dearly and hope more and more people will understand the significance of this wonderful business. USANA is the road to health and wealth. Life is short and we are all passersby in this world. So, make every day count. Create and live the life you want, and become the person you love.

我经营服装店12年。就像大多数职场妈妈一样,我必须同时兼 顾家庭与事业。我的工作生活忙碌,压力如山大。随着年龄的 增长,我也无奈发现身体的状态和精力已经大不如前。 就在那时候,我开始服用USANA产品来维持健康。由于自身受 益良多,我便进一步研究USANA业务,并看到了这份事业的价 值。这是一份可以融入生活,让我们达到事业家庭两者兼具的 事业。 USANA是一份成就别人,成就自己的事业。正因为此,我热爱 这份事业,并希望能够让更多的人看懂它,一起走向健康、富 足的成功道路。 人生短短,总有一天,我们会成为世界的过客。所以,勇敢去 热爱生活,让每一天都活得有意义。努力的创造价值,活成自 己喜欢的模样吧!

After running a wedding decoration and planner business for seven years, I decided to take a step back by doing the wedding props rental business instead as I wanted to have more time for my children, to witness each step of their growth. Every mother wants the best for her children. As much Wai Wai as I want to spend more time with my children, I also want to provide them a healthy and prosperous life. This includes giving them the best education. I want them to enjoy their childhood by having a great time learning while having fun. And to achieve this, I need to make sure their health is taken care of and that I am financially strong. My life as a homemaker used to revolve around house chores and taking care of my kids. But when I decided to take a step forward, to change from being just a consumer to running the USANA business, I began to change into a calmer, happier and more confident person. Your family and children deserve the best. My greatest reward in my USANA journey is being able to guard my family’s and children’s welfare and health. For this, I will continue to do my best!

经营婚礼布置和策划业务七年后,我从幕前工作转为经营布置 道具租借业务,以便有足够的时间照顾孩子,陪伴他们成长。 女子本弱,为母则刚。为人母者总是竭尽所能为孩子提供最好 的一切。虽然我想花更多的时间陪伴孩子,但我更想为孩子 和家人创造健康和富足的生活。我要让孩子享有最好的教育和 成长环境,让他们能够无忧无虑地尽情学习和玩乐。为了实现 这一目标,我了解我首先必须要确保孩子的健康获得最好的照 顾,还有自己的经济实力雄厚。 以前,我的主妇生活总是围绕着孩子的大小事宜。不过,自从 我决定踏出那一步,从消费者转为经营者后,我的生活即起了 许多美妙的变化,无论是内心还是外在气质,我变得更沉稳、 积极和有自信。 你的家人和孩子值得拥有最好的守护。一路走来,我在USANA 最大的收获就是家人和孩子的健康与生活得到改善和保障。正 因为此,我一定会继续努力做得更好!

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NEW RUBY DIRECTORS 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

My family and I led a typical family life. Although we considered ourselves healthy people, taking the USANA health products over time had visibly promoted our stamina and health. This good experience prompted me to study the company and its background. Inspired by the founder’s vision and mission, I decided to resign from my sales manager position at a renowned bank to start this business. Another motivation for us to take up the USANA business is that Xena and I like outdoor activities, like cycling, diving, hiking and of course, travelling. We know time freedom and financial stability are crucial factors to enjoy life to the fullest. Additionally, we yearned for more quality time with our family. The USANA business, its sustainability and stable income are the keys to realizing our dream lives.

William Lim & Xena Lee

They say if you want to walk fast, walk alone. But if you want to walk far, walk together. Nonetheless, it’s not easy to find someone who share your goals and ideas. When you do, success is inevitable. Although my biggest challenge initially was finding like-minded people to join me, my sincerity and honesty eventually convinced many caliber leaders to join my journey to success. We are grateful for the help and guidance extended by the company and our mentors and leaders. Remember – to succeed, perseverance is the key; learning lays the foundation; and taking actions guarantees it. Make every effort and never give up. We’ll see you at the top!

我和家人的生活平凡,健康一般。不过,服用USANA健康产品一段时 间后,我们确实感到体力和健康方面的提升。美好的使用经验促使我 钻研USANA公司的背景,被创办人的伟大愿景和使命所感动和启发。 于是,我决定辞去知名银行的业务经理一职,开始我的USANA事业。 此外,我们还有另一个动力。Xena和我热爱户外活动,喜欢骑车、潜 水、登山和旅游。我们深深明白要享受生活,活得充实,时间自由和经 济稳定缺一不可。USANA事业让我们享受财务的可持续性,活出我们 的梦想生活,拥有更多时间陪伴家人。 常言道,“一个人走得快,一群人走得远”。要成功,首先是要找到 志同道合的人。从事这份事业的初期,我最大的挑战就是如何在自己 选择打拼的道路上找到一群志同道合,抱着共同目标理念并且愿意并 肩作战的战友。不过,凭着真诚的态度,我最终成功打动了许多优秀 领袖加入我,一起向成功出发。 这一路走来,我们非常感谢公司和团队领导人所给予的协助和教导。谨 记,相信是成功的起点,坚持是成功的终点,学习是成功的基础,行动 是成功的保障。拼尽全力,永不放弃,我们约定你高峰见!

I was a conservative person. Since young, I believed there was only way to live good life – study hard, get good results, go to the top university, get a degree, get a good job, and live a good life. Hence, I studied hard, went to Australia and got my Bachelor’s degree in professional accounting. Upon returning to Malaysia, I immediately secured a job that required me to work in an office. I had always thought I was cut out to be an office Wong Chi Teng worker. However, the mundane 9-5 daily routine soon drove me crazy and I was terrified at the thought of spending my working life in a cubicle until I retired. I was young and I could still change. So, I boldly decided to quit my accounting job and start my beauty business. Shortly after that, I found USANA. Initially, many people doubted my decision and career choice, like I was ‘regressing’ from accounting to beauty, and then further ‘regressing’ to direct selling. I did have a challenging time leading my team as I was stuck abroad due to the pandemic and lockdown. Nonetheless, I believed in myself and I trusted my decision. As the saying goes, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” Because of my faith and perseverance, I have finally made it. I have succeeded. Always believe in yourself. Only when you yourself are strong can you protect the ones you love.

从前的我是一个想法保守的人。从小,我认定要过好生活的途径只 有一个,那就是把书读好、考好成绩、上好大学、拿好文凭、找份 好工,生活自然会好。 于是,我努力读书,一个人漂洋过海到澳大利亚完成专业会计本科 学位。毕业回国后,我很快的就找到一份工作。我一直以为自己非 常适合办公室工作。不料,我很快就厌倦了乏味的朝九晚五生涯, 不敢想象那么年轻的自己要这样生活到退休那天。 我还年轻,我有时间改变职涯。就这样,我毅然决定辞去会计师工 作并开始了自己的美容事业。不久之后,我遇见了USANA。 起初,很多人质疑我的决定和事业选择,像是我从会计“退步”到 美容业,再从美容业“退步”到直销业。因为疫情的关系,导致我 滞留国外一段时间,而远距离带领团队确实特别挑战。但我相信自 己的眼光,并相信只要我抱着打不死的精神,我终究会变得越来越 强大。凭着信念与坚持,我终于成功了。 最后,希望大家勇敢捍卫自己的梦想并相信自己。只有自己强大 了,才能保护自己所爱的人。

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NEW RUBY DIRECTORS 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

I’ve been running a beauty salon for over 10 years. The business was good, but I can no longer have a healthy lifestyle. Running a conventional business is like fighting a lone battle. I had to take care of everything, from business competitors, product and service quality to personnel issues. I was mentally and physically exhausted from taking care all these problems. Soon, my health began to deteriorate.

Wong Leong Fei

Luckily, I met Dr Shuly who introduced me to USANA.

USANA products have maintained my health, and given me the confidence to introduce them to my beauty salon and customers. I believe our body can achieve true health and beauty from the inside out when we take good care of ourselves. I am thankful for the USANA business that has supported me for the last two years. During the pandemic and lockdown, many businesses could not open for safety purpose, and conventional businesses like my beauty salon was badly affected. The stable income I made from my USANA business has helped me and many people sail through those difficult times. Lastly, I want to thank the USANA company, my network and teammates, for enlightening me on the true meaning of success – success is not about defeating others, but changing ourselves.

我经营美容院长达十年,生意虽然不错,却无法享受健康生活。经营 传统业务需要单打独斗,我必须要包办一切事宜,从应对市场竞争、 产品和服务品质到员工问题,这一切都必须照顾妥善。业务上的种种 问题让我感到身心疲惫,身体状况也慢慢地走下坡。 幸好,让我遇到Dr Shuly并接触到USANA。 USANA产品可以维持我的健康,给了我信心把产品引进美容院并推荐 给顾客。我认为只要身体里外调理有方,就能够由内而外缔造健康和 美丽。 我非常感恩过去两年有USANA伴我走过来。在疫情肆虐和行管令期 间,许多生意因为安全考量而无法营业,突如其来的变化冲击了许多 传统业务,包括我的美容院。幸好,USANA事业让我享受财务的可持 续性,不仅是帮了我,更是帮助了许多人渡过难关。 最后,我要感谢USANA公司、我的团队和伙伴们。你们让我明白到成 功的真正意义,成功不在于打败别人,而是在于改变自己。

I consider myself a fortunate person. After working in my father’s company for 9 years, I got married and became a stay-at-home mom. I lived a comfortable life and had no worries about anything. I would spend my time shopping and enjoying high tea, and the best part was having quality time with my kids and husband. I’m a health-conscious person and my search for healthy weight management products brought me to USANA. Yap Siew Ling Although I’ve always been blessed with good health, it is at USANA that I learned more about healthcare and its importance. After a few meetings with my mentor Jiun, I was inspired by her success. When I learned how the USANA business works, and that it doesn’t require stockpiling or any monetary investment, I decided to take up the business. I began to realize that there are many people around me who need to maintain their health, and through USANA, I am able to share with family and friends the way to a healthier life and give them the opportunity to start a career and achieve financial sustainability. I have found my dream at USANA: to become the role model for my kids, to travel the world with my family and beloved team members, to create a soul-enriching and abundant life! Life is short and time is fleeting, so make good use of your time. Focus on what you want and you’ll eventually live the life you want!

我认为我是一个幸运的人。我曾在父亲的公司工作 九年,婚后就成为全 职主妇。我的生活非常自在,从来不需要为任何事操心。我过着幸福少 妇的生活,闲时就逛街喝下午茶,陪孩子玩,丈夫放工后就一起享受幸 福的家庭时光。 我一直都非常注重健康,也是因为想要保养瘦身而接触到USANA。尽管 我的健康状况算不错,USANA却让我对保健和其重要性有了更深一层的 认识。和Jiun老师见过几次面后,我被她的人品和成功所启发。当我了 解到USANA业务的经营模式是不需要囤货或金钱投资后,我决定从事这 份事业。 我这才发现原来身边有好多人都有健康需求,而通过USANA,我可以和 家人及朋友分享更加健康的生活方式,也为他们带来创业和享受财务的 可持续性的机会。 在USANA,我再次找到了我的梦想:成为孩子们的好榜样、和亲爱的 家人及伙伴们一起去旅行,过着精彩、心灵富足和丰盛的人生!人生短 短,时间稍纵即逝,所以一定要好好利用你的时间。专注自己想要的目 标,最终你会活成自己想要的样子!

New Ruby Directors / 57

NEW RUBY DIRECTORS 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

Quinnee Chua Wen Qian

New Gold Directors / 58

NEW GOLD DIRECTORS 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

Alice Chong

Amy Chan & Jasper Sia

Amy Lai Kuan Yee

Anna Fang Mei Ying

Annjoe Tan Yen Joe

Ashley Mah & Caleb Ho

Belle Law

Ben Chua & Irene Yee

Brenda Kua Chun Mei

Canny Low

Celeste Heo

Chai Chong Yen

New Gold Directors / 59

NEW GOLD DIRECTORS 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

Chialing Ho

Chin Mei Ying

Chong Wei Chun

Choo Hui Fong

Colyn Lan Chan Mei

Crason Kong

Crystal Low Shi Jie

Cyrena Ho

Dr Edmund & Dr Pei See

Dr. Tan KC

Edwin Koh

Esther Soon Wan Ting

New Gold Directors / 60

NEW GOLD DIRECTORS 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

Esther Soon Ying Zhen

Eunice Boo

Fabian Hung & Vivian Lim

Fiona Lee

Forest Shulin Ten

Fui Tieng & Wei Leong

Gapei Chiang

Geraldine Mun

Goh Sin Gee

Goh Zhen Ying

Grace Then

Grynn Chang

New Gold Directors / 61

NEW GOLD DIRECTORS 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

Hau Nanny & Marcus Teo

Heng Pei San

Heng Shi Theng & Leo Tan

Jacy Lim

Jenniffer Hew & Jeff Foong

Jessie Koh Chin Rong

Jiani & Liew Seing Som

Jimmy Lim

Joan Ow

Joanne Lie

Josephine Tan

Julia Lim & Tan Bee Hwa

New Gold Directors / 62

NEW GOLD DIRECTORS 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

Karen Chen Mui Yuen

Kaykay Chong

Kelly Low

Kelly Ooi

Kelly Yen Fang

Kendra Kong

Kitano Tomoka

Kyvie Phng

Lai Min Ming

Lau Bee Chin

Lee Hong Hui

Lee Kewei

New Gold Directors / 63

NEW GOLD DIRECTORS 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

Lee Mei Ling

Liew Kong Ting & Lester Sia

Lim Hwa Seng

Lim Sze Yin

Lim Ye Chin

Mae Tan

Man Hau Song

Marco Yap

Maszurah Salleh

Melody Hui

Nancy Hii

Ng Ser Lee

New Gold Directors / 64

NEW GOLD DIRECTORS 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

Nicco Yu

Nico Ooi

Ow Pui Kei

Pingkei & Issac

Qu Yi Teng


Sally Gun

Seline Khor

Shannon Seow

Sharon Quay

Sharon Tsen Tze Khim

Sherrey Ang

New Gold Directors / 65

NEW GOLD DIRECTORS 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

Shirlyn Chuah Hui Fen

Shy Yau

Siok Kuan & Kai Yang

Sophia Lee Hui Hoon

Tai Xing Tian

Tan Ming Gaik

Tan Wee Kee

Tan Zhi Teng

Tiau Chiong Ing

Trillion Khoo

Veena Lim

Wayne Liong

New Gold Directors / 66

NEW GOLD DIRECTORS 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

Winsiew & Steve

Wong Wei Teng

Yau Jenn Huei

Yean Fang

Yee Chee Tang

Yi Woan & Patrick

Yin Sien

Yingying Teoh

Jacky Tan Nguyen Thi Kim Han Yap Hui Ching (Stella)

Yman Cheng

Yuanne Yeap

Yuki Dam

New Silver Directors / 67

NEW SILVER DIRECTORS 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

Abby Choo

Chris Ong

Gan Kam Ren

Amy Chang

Chuah Min Er

Gladys Chin

Andrea Leong

Clarisse Lew

Goh Yik Ker

Andrew Say

Cornelia Chiew

Goon Yih Mei

Annie David

Crystal Lee Ean Ni

Gynette Quek

Auw Joo Yee

Dayang Noraidah

Haiz Lee

Brian Chang Chon Von

Delicia Hoong & CH Cheong

Hoo Hil Yee

Caryn Teo

Desmond Lai

Ivy Kiew

Cecilia Chiew

Divya Ganesan

Izizah Loo

Chai Meng Yew

Dr Padmaja Yellappa

Jamie Tai Xiu Lin

Chew Bao Ju

Emily Lim

Jessica Lee

Chew Lie Tuan

Emily Wong

Joey Chia Jiek Yee

Chin Ka Kei

Erh Wan Qing

Joey Chong

Chong Chen Leet

Eric Law

Joi Ng

Chong Lai Shan

Erica Kwan

June Chong

Choo Jen Hui

Eve Thien

Kaelynn Goh

Choo Ser Yin

Foo Shi Yuan

Karen Lim

Chris Chong

Franco Chang

Koh Xli Zhen

New Silvers Directors / 68

NEW SILVER DIRECTORS 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

Kuek Sheun Yin

Liu Shi Wei

Ng Nie Nie

Lara Chang

Loh Chyi Ying

Ng Soo See

Lau Chee Yen

Low Choi Ping

Ng Tian Nee

Lau Jia Yi

Low Hwey Li

Ng Yi Fen

Law Ruey Chyi

Low Hwey Nuan

Pang Jing Tian

Law Xin Yi

Low Jing Ni

Parveenpal Kaur Ghuman

Lee Han Ni

Low Ming Siew

Peanut Wai & Twinkle Foo

Lee Mee Chiang

Mabelline & Ryan

Pee Poh Kye

Lee Siaw Chin

Maggie Low Mei Ki

Pennie Ling

Lee Sze Hoong

Mandy Chong & Oscar Chow

Poon May Yien

Lee Wooi Ping

Michelle Chan Mei Jing

Raphael Khoo

Leo Tan

Miki Wong Der Mey

Raymond Wong & Agnes Lew

Leong Siew Wee

Mishelle Wu

Rebecca Ou Yin

Lim Chooing

Mohamed Firdaus Mohamed Raffe

Rebecca Wong

Lim Hua Aik

Mohd Fadzly

Rex Tan Kaw Ting

Lim Mei Wen

Neo Jing Xiang

Ruice Tey

Lim Peei Sze

Ng Ai Fung

Savanna Low

Lim Suat Lee

Ng Foong Yi

Sharon Lem

New Silver Directors / 69

NEW SILVER DIRECTORS 01 May 2021 - 15 Oct 2021 Recognition

Sheena An

Tan Yoke Hoong

Wong Jo Yiin

Shelly Wong

Tan Yu Ping

Wong Wan Foo & Wong Mei Yee

Sia Seok Chin

Tang Van Le

Wong Yee Boon

Stephanie Chong

Tay Shu Yuan

Wong Yii Zhi

Sum Jia Min

Teoh Chen Yi

Wynne Ooi

Suriashni Balakrishnan

Tey Yan Ching

Yai Qiao Ni

Szu Czian Alicia Hau

Thuneswarran Jeyaneettda

Yann Hau

Tai Hong Da

Ting Chiong Ee

Yap Kiam Kiew

Tai Soon Chee

Toh Ying Ying

Yap Li Sze

Tam Zi Ting

Torres Ang

Yap Xin Yi

Tan Ai Lee

Tracy Chan

Yassin Kamarul Jamal Harsat

Tan Chun Boon

Valenice Teo

Yee Yee

Tan Hong Lan

Vivian Ho Chi Ying

Yee Yee Yee

Tan Hui Ngee

Welling Yip

Yip Poi Ling

Tan Jia Qi

Wendy Chiu

Yong Maggi

Tan Ley Hoi

Won Tuck Cheong

Tan Shiao Xian

Wong Hock Ling

Tan Yee Wei

Wong Jenjin

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