UH News
Continuing Towards the Future Online With no foresight on the future, UHWO takes the safe route of keeping things strictly online
BY MICHELLE ZHENG Earlier this semester, University of Hawai‘i — West O‘ahu Chancellor Maenette Benham announced that Fall 2020 commencement will be held online. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the strict guidelines on large gatherings, there is no safe way for the West O‘ahu community to celebrate the accomplishments of its graduating seniors. A Virtual Commencement Ceremony was held on Saturday, December 12, 2020 where they highlighted ALL spring, summer, and fall 2020 graduates. Chancellor Benham states “I must commend the fortitude of our campus
community for all you’ve endured in these times. I appreciate your efforts throughout the transition to online learning and working. Please know how saddened I am that we will not be able to celebrate with family, friends, and loved ones in person.” Another statement from UH president David Lassner informs students that the following Spring 2021 semester is expected to also be held mostly online. Courses that require labs and workshops will still operate as it has been but classes that do not require an in-person presence will be held online. “We must prioritize the health and well
being of our students, faculty and staff, along with the communities in which we live and work,” says President David Lassner. Luckily, the University of Hawai‘i 10 campus system has not had any large outbreaks this past school semester and that is thanks to the diligence of all the students, staff, and faculty. Fingers crossed for a return to campus in Fall 2021 but we all must continue to do our job as citizens of Hawai‘i and our campus to be safe and make responsible decisions.
Rightsizing And Repositioning UHWO For FY22 And Beyond BY SHERI CHING, DIRECTOR OF FISCAL SERVICES AND LINDA SAIKI, DIRECTOR OF BUDGET At the University of Hawaiʻi Board of Regents Budget and Finance committee meeting on October 1, 2020, President David Lassner reported on the significant fiscal impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. He stated that the university must act expeditiously to address the immediate budget crisis in the current fiscal year and also address at least the next four fiscal years. This is an extraordinary year – not only is the university and state in the midst of dealing with the health and safety consequences of the pandemic, but we are also facing the greatest financial crisis in this century. The impact to UH West Oʻahu is estimated to be a projected reduction of about $3 million (16%) in state general funds in the
upcoming year. The plan is to reduce costs, prioritize signature academic programs, sharpen student services, grow enrollment (and tuition revenue), and increase its efficiency and effectiveness. UH West O‘ahu was fortunate to receive $2.6 million in federal CARES funds, which are used in alignment with federal regulations, for IT upgrades to support the pivot to online courses and telework, emergency financial aid grants to students for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations, PPE supplies, and other operational needs. Throughout September and October, a number of campus conversations were held with students, faculty, staff, and various focus groups about reducing cost while
maximizing access and affordability to quality signature academic programs and learning opportunities. Using the results of these inclusive campus conversations, a systematic data-driven decision making process will be employed to refine our current short-term strategies (FY21) and identify mid-range strategies (FY22 and beyond) that are in alignment with our Strategic Plan. UH West Oʻahu has a new site dedicated to the planning process: https://westoahu.hawaii. edu/planning-process/. Please check it out continually, as it will be updated regularly. The Hoot will stay involved throughout the process and keep you informed of when students can input their voice into the conversation.