1 minute read

In Person vs Distance Learnin g

How do students at the University of Hawai‘i—West O‘ahu prefer their classes?


It’s no secret that the last few years with COVID-19 has brought a lot of changes and new ways of life. One of the biggest changes for schools was the change in educational settings. A poll was taken during Lā Pūnua, UH West O‘ahu’s third and final part to freshmen orientation. Approximately 150 freshmen attended the event and The Hoot had the opportunity to interact with them. At this event, about 37 students were asked the following questions:

“Are most of your classes this coming semester in person or online? ”

“What’s your preference for classes? Online synchronous/asynchronous or in person? ”

According to the results for the first question, roughly 75% of the students that were approached have in-person classes this coming semester, leaving the other 25% having mostly online classes. When students were asked the second question, 54% preferred in person classes, 27% preferred synchronous online classes, and 19% preferred asynchronous online classes.

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