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Tips for Success
Career and resume tips to help you succeed
When going through the college experience, some students fnd it important to start working, either on or of campus. Working throughout college can be dificult, but very useful. It can build skills necessary for life afer college. Megan Tossey and Claudia Chen, both student workers, share some advice:
Q: What is the most important thing for a resume to have?
Megan Tossey: The most important thing for your resume is adding any experience you have. Whether it be doing community service, your past jobs, the clubs you are in, etc. Putting what experience you have in your resume shows the employer what you can ofer the job you are applying to.
Claudia Chen: A great resume is formatted cleanly, easy to read, and demonstrates clear suitability for the role you are applying for. I also think providing evidence/descriptions of your past work experiences in the form of quantifable proof is a great tip as well!
Q: What is one career tip you want to share?
Tossey: One career tip I have is just to go for it. If you are constantly second guessing yourself on every decision, you aren’t going to make it very far. When I applied for study abroad, I was nervous but I knew if I just didn’t go for it I would miss an opportunity of a lifetime. Another example of me just going for it was applying to be a Noʻeau tutor. I was a tutor for ENG100 students before I loved it and I knew I should just go apply for this job. To me, it’s more important to go for what you want because you could have a great outcome from it or, of course, things might not go your way, but you can always look back at it and say: “at least I tried.”
Tips for Success
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Chen: My one career tip is to gain some work experience while you’re still in college in the form of internships. I think internships are a great way to try out diferent careers for a short while and can help you fgure out what kind of job you would want in the future!
There you have it, Pueos! Some tips from two of the great student workers here at the University of Hawaiʻi–West Oʻahu. Use them to help you grow and succeed. Good luck!