Vision, Fall 2017, UIC College of Dentistry

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Caring for Children

Initiating a new era for Pediatric Dentistry

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UIC College of Dentistr y | Number 64 | Fall 2017

On the Cover

College Administration

New initiatives are happening at the College for the benefit of children. The Delta Dental of Illinois Foundation has awarded $100,000 to the Department of Pediatric Dentistry for general anesthesia equipment—see page 11. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources and Services Administration has awarded the College a $1 million grant to help provide dental students with education and training in the care of children up to five years old—see page 17.

Dean: Clark Stanford, DDS, PhD, Cert. Prosthodontics, UIC Distinguished Professor,; Associate Dean for Research: Lyndon F. Cooper, DDS, PhD,; Associate Dean for Prevention and Public Health Sciences: Caswell A. Evans, DDS, MPH,; Associate Dean for Finance and Administration: Michael D. Harner, MBA, EdD,; Associate Dean for Student and Diversity Affairs: Darryl Pendleton, DMD,;

Photo Credits Courtesy Dr. Melissa Amundson: p. 39; Christopher Bevel: p. 13 (left), 23; Lloyd DeGrane: p. 24; Jenny Fontaine: p. 29; Illinois State Dental Society: p. 70; Mike Tercha, courtesy Delta Dental of Illinois Foundation: p. 11; Tom Killoran Photography: p. 21-22; UIC Photo Services: cover, p. 2, 9 (right), 12 (bottom), 16, 18, 41 (Izzo); UIC Publications Services: p. 19, 26 (Cooper), 32, 44, 46, 48-49.

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs: Toni M. Roucka, RN, DDS ’90, MA,; Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs: Susan A. Rowan, DDS ’84,; Associate Dean for Advancement: Mark J. Valentino,; Director of Development: Bruno Mancari,; Director of Donor Relations: Ana Lisa Ogbac,; Director of Advancement Communications: William S. Bike,

Vision Editor-in-Chief: William S. Bike,; Art Direction: Ana Lisa Ogbac; Design: Kim Arias Design, UIC Office of Publications Services; Staff: Janette Guzman.


UIC College of Dentistry

Publication Member of the American Association of Dental Editors and Journalists.


UIC College of Dentistry



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Contents Page 6


Dean’s Message


Case study


Advancement Report

16 News 24 Research 32

President’s Message


Alumni Class News


In Memoriam


Student Activities


Faculty/Department News

Page 16

Page 24

68 Classifieds 70

Continuing Education

72 Calendar

Page 41


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Dean’s Message Legacy, Endowment, and Excellence Dear Members of our College Communities and the Alumni of the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry, Loyola University Chicago School of Dentistry, and Northwestern University Dental School: Your College of Dentistry and the dental community you represent are doing very well! I write this knowing that the State of Illinois made preliminary decisions on the budget. In planning for the future, we have made the overt decision to not rely on State support for the College. The reality is, it will not be there. This is a national trend, not unique to Illinois. In the 1970s, State support for dentistry was around 60% to 70% of the cost to educate a dental student. Today, due to legislative decisions made in Springfield, State support to the College of Dentistry is less than 3% of the cost to educate a dentist. Freely, the State has said, those who benefit from the education must pay the disproportionate cost of one’s education. The dental profession is a great career and our extremely strong applicant pool points to this (we currently have about 15 Illinois applicants to each slot for which we accept giving a 3% acceptance rate of Illinois residents). Dental education is an expensive combination of science, practical knowledge, and a residency packed into four years. Medicine, by contrast, does not have this issue. In medical school one ends his or her education with an MD or DO but has little to no practical training. This is left to a residency program where the student is paid (through federal Medicare) as a staff member for the practical training of their education. Dentistry has the most expensive student to educate and train to competency to enter general practice (at a national average cost of $110,000/student/year). To achieve excellence, we seek to hire and retain the very best faculty, maintain high standards, and manage our resources as carefully as possible. I recently returned from a national meeting of dental deans and every school is facing the same issues. Tuition, while high, only covers 60% of the cost to educate a student. The best way to manage our destiny is to improve clinic revenues as a part of the practical clinical experiences for our students. In talking with preceptors, regional directors, program directors, and practices, the level of clinical competence our students have is highly regarded. We have excellent students and it is our obligation to provide the very best education we can. We are defining the future


of the profession and we accept this moral and ethical duty. One key way we attract and retain the very best faculty is through endowment support of salary and teaching expenses of faculty. This allows the institution to use resources to build even better programs without using the resources to paying operational costs. With the changing funding model for public higher education, more reliance is on tuition, fees, and clinical revenues to fund the University. Within this changing environment, faculty focus on day to day activities and try to do their best even though funding is challenging, student educational demands are increasing, and there are very lucrative alternative career paths for talented and entrepreneurial faculty. While faculty come to the academy for many different reasons, the ability to distinguish and support the very best with an endowed faculty positon provides an enhanced environment of excellence permeating the culture of the institution. Endowed faculty positions are different from conventional faculty titles. Most importantly, there is a unique, permanent sum of donor’s money carefully invested by the institution’s foundation, and a portion of the interest income provided to the named holder on an annual basis. The interest income is used by the faculty member enhancing education of the students, supporting research, and supporting the continuous career development of the holder. The institution continuously provides governance and oversight of the use of these funds since all funds are the property of the institution. If the holder leaves or retires from the institution, the endowed faculty position stays with the institution and becomes an opportunity for recruitment of the most talented new faculty, continuously improving the entire educational culture of the College and Institution. Having endowed faculty changes culture. In part, this is by way of example to other faculty, visibly demonstrating externally and internally the excellence of the faculty.


Excellence has a multiplier effect: • • • • • • •

It attracts the very best faculty to the institution, It is strategic to retain the very best faculty, It is a strong motivator of existing faculty, It attracts research collaborators, It attracts the very best students to the institution, It attracts attention in the private philanthropic world, It is a source of pride to the alumni.

By making a donation for an endowed faculty position, benefactors are making a public statement embracing the environment of intellectual and educational excellence transcending long after they are gone. This sense of legacy and moral ethics is articulated by the holder of the position named in honor of the donor(s). Likewise, in a very public way, there is a repeated reminder of the donor’s values and missions to the institution, in perpetuity. There are few ways to make such a public statement influencing multiple generations into the future.


Let us consider legacy. Some donors want to build. They prefer supporting capital or space as a statement of legacy. We often see this at universities where donors invest in clinics, teaching spaces, etc. Some prefer to invest in programs and do this through supporting centers or institutes strongly aligned and embracing the donor’s vision and mission. Some donors want to enable. They want a permanence of their vision and mission of excellence. While they may not be able to conceive the questions of the day 100 years from now, they are comfortable knowing they are making a permanent investment, changing the world. This is an endowed faculty positon. By way of example, consider the current faculty member at Harvard University holding the John Harvard Professorship dating from 1721 (Harvard was a London merchant), having an obvious legacy being the first North American Professor, holding a title predating the founding of our country. Consider the Lucasian Chair of Mathematics (Cambridge, England), having supported innovative thinkers since 1663 changing the world (think, Isaac Newton to Stephen


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Hawking). We are changing the world here at UIC and our alumni and community supporters are helping us ignite a transformational vision. As you review this edition of Vision, you see many


examples of this legacy. The Laskin Professorship in OMFS, the vision to support our mission educating Pediatric Dentists in advanced care and to maximize efficacy in pediatric care delivery through the Delta Dental of Illinois Foundation Wisdom Tooth award. Further, the innovative HRSA grant expands pediatric educational care for all general dentists. Our research programs have seen great expansions as our clinical and research faculty obtain large federal, corporate, and foundational grants supporting innovations in oral health. These grants achieve excellence without costing the taxpayer or the student’s tuition dollar. Research changing clinical practice, defines excellence. We are taking great strides in raising professional expectations with a fundamental cultural change focusing on students and their patient care experiences defining who we are. We are changing the future of oral health, here at UIC. A proud legacy! Thank you,

Clark M. Stanford, DDS, PhD UIC Distinguished Professor and Dean College of Dentistry


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Case Study

This case study comes from Dr. Daniel Greenberg, ’69, Clinical Associate Professor, Periodontics. The patient sought treatment for tooth number 11, the maxillary left canine. She is a 45-year-old female, who was in good health and was taking no medication with the exception of a daily multi-vitamin. She has been seeing her dentist two times a year for cleanings and has a periodontal exam at each visit, with the only problem being the slowly progressing recession on tooth number 11. Because of the sensitivity with tooth number 11, she was using Sensodyne toothpaste and brushing and flossing twice a day. She related that as a child, she underwent oral surgery for the extraction of the left lateral incisor, tooth number 10, and the exposure of tooth number 11, which was brought into the arch by the orthodontist. She has noticed continual recession and gradually increasing sensitivity for several years. Photo 1: Tooth number 11 exhibits 9 mm of recession on the labial surface with no attached keratinized gingival tissue. It was extremely sensitive to cold and tooth brushing. The inconsistent margin was clean on a consistent basis. There has been no bone loss interproximally around teeth numbers 11, 12, 13, and 14. The surgical procedures available for this procedure were the lateral pedicle graft, free gingival graft, and connective tissue graft. The lateral pedicle graft was chosen, as there was a thick biotype adjacent to number 11. The recession exhibited a Miller class 2. A lateral pedicle flap was rotated from teeth numbers 12-13 to cover the recession on number 11. Photo 2: The procedure was done in a periodontal office using 2% Xylocaine, 4-0 black silk sutures, and a periodontal dressing was placed covering the grafted site. The patient used Tylenol as needed for discomfort. The dressing and sutures were removed in ten days and the patient was instructed in home care. The patient was seen six weeks later and the area had healed without any complications. Photo 3: This slide shows the patient 40 years after the original surgery with no further recession or sensitivity problems.

Photo 1.

Photo 2.

Photo 3.


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Advancement Report



Dr. Daniel Laskin earned the College’s 2002 Distinguished Dental Alumnus Award, presented by then-President of the UIC Dental Alumni Association Dr. Neal Nealis, ’79.


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College Establishes Dr. Daniel M. Laskin Faculty Fund in OMFS

more advanced research and obtain more grants, which would open up new opportunities for the residents to be involved in more significant research.” Dr. Daniel M. Laskin, MS Oral The College is actively seeking Surgery ’52, who served as Head additional donations for the current of the Department of Oral and Laskin Faculty Fund so that it can Maxillofacial Surgery (OMFS) enhance the value, and the impact, from 1973 to 1983 and is an of the future Dr. Daniel M. Laskin internationally known clinician, Endowed Professorship in Oral and researcher, lecturer, and author, has Maxillofacial Surgery. The more made a generous gift to create the secured through Dr. Daniel M. Laskin donor support for Faculty Fund in the the principal of the Department of Oral “I think people have fund, the more of an and Maxillofacial impact it will have in to look at their own Surgery. This fund the future. is the precursor careers—what has An endowed to an endowed professorship professorship in helped them in life to is one of the Dr. Laskin’s become a professional, most prestigious honor within the academic honors department. to be able to make a good a faculty member “Winston can receive. Not living. We all should be Churchill said, ‘We only do endowed make a living by grateful for that, and professorships what we get, but we make a life by to be willing to give the attract and help retain outstanding what we give,’” Dr. next generation the same faculty, they promote Laskin noted. “I’ve always adopted opportunity if we have a and solidify a College’s expertise that philosophy. in a particular chance to do so.” I’ve always been research area. thankful for the help In an endowed that enabled me professorship -Dr. Daniel M. Laskin to advance in my fund, the principal career, and I feel if (the original gift I can do something amount) is invested to help other people in perpetuity and achieve the things I only a portion of did, I’d like to.” the investment’s earnings is spent in Dr. Laskin sees the future support of the scholarly activities of endowment used for faculty the individual holding the position, support. “I find the active research typically 4% of the fund’s market activity occurring in the department value. The rest of the earnings impressive,” he said. “I’d like the are returned to the fund so that fund to support someone in the the endowment grows—and has department who has the ability to do increasing impact—over time.


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TDIC policyholders who complete a seminar or elearning option will receive a two-year, 5% Professional & Dental Business Liability premium discount effective their next policy renewal. To obtain the two-year, 5% Professional & Dental Business Liability premium discount, dentists must successfully complete the seminar by April 28, 2018. Any eLearning tests received after the deadline will not be eligible for the discount. Nonpolicyholders who complete a seminar or eLearning option and are accepted for TDIC coverage will also be eligible for this discount.

Endorsed by the Illinois State Dental Society


Number 64

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Advancement Report “This will allow us to recruit the best and brightest faculty in OMFS without complete reliance on State support and clinical revenue,” said Dr. Michael Miloro, Head of OMFS. Along with Dr. Bernard G. Sarnat, ’40, MS Histology ’40, Dr. Laskin is considered a cofounder of the residency program in OMFS at the College. In 1963, Dr. Laskin established the College’s Temporomandibular Joint and Facial Pain Research Center. He left the College in 1984 to become Chair of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the Virginia Commonwealth University Schools of Dentistry and Medicine—yet has remained loyal to and active with UIC. “I spent 35 years here—in a sense, this is where I grew up, where my mentors such as Dr. Sarnat were,” Dr. Laskin said. “I learned from Dr. Sarnat how to organize things; he got me interested in research; and he was an excellent teacher and helped me develop my skills in that area. It’s always been a great opportunity

Dr. Daniel Laskin and Dr. Michael Miloro at the inaugural Laskin Lecture at the College in 2009.

to be able to do those things, and I learned them here.” He considers the years he spent at the College “a great time in the development of this dental school,” Dr. Laskin said. “The teachers here were the outstanding people in dentistry in the United States.” Considered an international leader in the study of temporomandibular joint issues, Dr. Laskin recalled his introduction to the field. “Dr. Seymour Yale [‘45] was Chair of Radiology and wanted to go for a grant with faculty Dr. Allan Brodie [MS ’34, PhD ‘40], Dr. E. Lloyd Du Brul, and Dr. Milton Engel [’38, MS Orthodontics ‘40],” Dr. Laskin explained. “I was a young faculty member and they wanted a person to be a bridge between the researchers and the clinicians—I was working in Dr. Engel’s lab doing research, but I was a clinician, too. So I became the Co-Principal Investigator. “Less than a year later, Dr. Yale became Dean and I was left in charge of the project, so that’s how I

became involved in the TMJ field,” Dr. Laskin said. “I had 12 residents and research money, and our research efforts really took off.” One of the many OMFS residents Dr. Laskin taught, Dr. Louis G. Mercuri, MS OMFS ’75, recalled that, “We all knew Dr. Laskin was a tough teacher. At the time, however, many of us did not realize just how excellent a teacher he was, and an even better role model. We do now. “Dr. Laskin did a terrific job of teaching us the basics,” Dr. Mercuri continued. “Because he knew that oral surgery was constantly changing, he wanted to give us a great foundation. He even said, ‘If you think you are going to practice oral and maxillofacial surgery in the future the way I’m teaching you now, you’re not going to have much of a practice.’ Point well taken!” Dr. Mercuri served as Head of OMFS for both Michael Reese and the UIC College of Dentistry, and developed the Oral Health Center at Loyola University Chicago after its

Dr. Michael Miloro (right) looks forward to when the Laskin Fund will become an Endowed Professorship, allowing the OMFS Department to recruit and retain stellar research faculty members to involve residents in research.


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Number 64

Advancement Report

The annual Laskin Lecture at the College in 2017 featured Dr. Rui Fernandes (center), Chief of the Division of Head and Neck Surgery and Program Director of Head and Neck Oncologic Surgery at the University of Florida at Jacksonville as keynote speaker. He is shown with (left to right) UIC OMFS faculty Dr. Michael Han and Dr. Michael Markiewicz; Dr. Daniel Laskin; and UIC OMFS Head Dr. Michael Miloro. dental school closed. Residents in the certificate program in OMFS at Cook County Hospital (CCH) also were taught by Dr. Laskin. One of them was Dr. Steven J. Traub, Cert. OMFS CCH ’81. Dr. Traub noted that at CCH, Dr. Herbert Anthony Potts, who established the OMFS department there and invented the Potts Elevator was “one of the greatest oral surgeons in history. Dr. Laskin is as important to OMFS history as Dr. Potts. “I was thankful for the time Dr. Laskin spent with me, because he gave me the confidence and the foundation to learn what I needed to become an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, and to have a great career to this day,” Dr. Traub said. Dr. Laskin gained his confidence and foundation at the College, and always enjoys visiting. “It’s like coming


home when I come back to the College,” Dr. Laskin said. Dr. Miloro always is happy to welcome Dr. Laskin “home.” “Since becoming Department Head in 2008 and creating the Daniel M. Laskin Lectureship at the College in 2009, it has been my privilege and honor to meet with the man who was my predecessor as Department Head more than 30 years before my arrival,” Dr. Miloro said. “Dr. Laskin is a giant in our specialty of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and an inspiration to generations of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons who he has trained over the years and with whom he has interacted and served as a role model,” he continued. “Dr. Laskin continues to work each day and he travels extensively to national and international meetings as a keynote speaker.

“I consider myself very fortunate to have become a close friend and colleague of Dr. Laskin, and words cannot express my sincere appreciation for the gift that he has bestowed upon our department and the University,” Dr. Miloro said. Dr. Laskin noted that he considers it a privilege to contribute to the College, and feels that others should welcome the opportunity as well. “I think people have to look at their own careers—what has helped them in life to become a professional, to be able to make a good living,” Dr. Laskin said. “We all should be grateful for that, and to be willing to give the next generation the same opportunity if we have a chance to do so.” Dr. Mercuri agreed. “Dr. Laskin has dedicated his life to education and research, and that legacy should be carried on at the College and its Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery—which provided us with the education that allowed us to have great careers, and perform the research that helped make the breakthrough changes in OMFS that Dr. Laskin predicted.” So did Dr. Traub. “Dr. Laskin, through his teaching, his research, and his editorship of the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, has always stood for doing the absolute best for the patient.” Dr. Traub said. “He is the man in oral surgery education, unquestionably, and we can help memorialize his legacy of education and research.” For more information about making a gift to the Dr. Daniel M. Laskin Faculty Fund, contact Mark J. Valentino, Associate Dean for Advancement, at (312) 413-7702 or email



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Delta Dental of Illinois Foundation Awards $100,000 to Department of Pediatric Dentistry More than 800 low-income Illinois children with immediate dental needs are on a two-year waiting list for procedures that require general anesthesia at the College’s Department of Pediatric Dentistry. Delta Dental of Illinois Foundation, the 501(c)(3) charitable arm of Delta Dental of Illinois, has granted its fifth annual $100,000 Wisdom Tooth Award to the Department of Pediatric Dentistry for general anesthesia equipment that will help these children receive the critical oral health care they need sooner. Families travel from all over the State of Illinois for their children to receive care at the College’s Department of Pediatric Dentistry clinics, making the College the largest dental Medicaid provider for Illinois children. Of the more than 9,000 children served at the clinics annually, many must be treated under general anesthesia because of their young age, extensive dental treatment, or special health care needs. Limited access to operating rooms at the University of Illinois Hospital severely restricts access for children needing procedures. This award will support the plan to provide general anesthesia for pediatric patients directly in the College building. The College and the Department of Pediatric Dentistry are endeavoring to raise money for a pediatric dental ambulatory surgery center. “We are delighted that our 2017

The Delta Dental of Illinois Foundation has granted a $100,000 Wisdom Tooth Award to the College for general anesthesia equipment that will help children receive general anesthesia and critical oral health care they need sooner. Wisdom Tooth Award will have a College from 20 applicants. positive impact on so many children “Sadly, we see many young in Illinois,” said Bernie Glossy, children who already have a lot of president of Delta Dental of Illinois cavities,” said Dr. Marcio da Fonseca, Foundation Board of Directors and Head of the Department of Pediatric president and CEO of Delta Dental Dentistry. “Cavities are preventable, of Illinois. “We are honored to provide but many families lack access to support that will help UIC College of dental care and the education that’s Dentistry improve oral essential to properly health access and care for children’s reduce the amount of oral health. “We are delighted that time children have to “After waiting wait to receive dental two years for a our 2017 Wisdom Tooth treatment.” dental procedure, Award will have a positive Each year, children’s minor impact on so many Delta Dental of dental issues can Illinois Foundation become serious, children in Illinois.” grants the Wisdom affecting both their Tooth Award to an oral and overall -Bernie Glossy organization that health,” Dr. da significantly improves Fonseca continued. the oral health of “We are so thankful Illinois children, in for Delta Dental of keeping with its Illinois Foundation’s mission to improve oral health in support, which is vital in helping us Illinois through education, awareness treat children sooner and reduce the and improved access to care. This problems that can arise when dental year, the Foundation selected the issues go untreated.”


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Officials of the Delta Dental of Illinois Foundation visited the College for a check presentation, as the College received the Foundation’s $100,000 Wisdom Tooth Award for general anesthesia equipment in the Department of Pediatric Dentistry. Left to right are Dr. Marcio da Fonseca, Head of Pediatric Dentistry; Terri Bon, Chief Financial Officer DDIL and Foundation Board Member; Dean Clark Stanford Bernie Glossy, CEO of DDIL and Foundation Board Member; Dr. Frank Maggio, Loyola ’71, UIC Periodontics ’75, DDIL Board Member, DDIL Foundation Advisory Board Member, and Periodontics faculty member; Mark Valentino, Associate Dean for Advancement; Stacy Bonn, Chief Operating Officer DDIL and Foundation Board Member; and Dr. Nancy Cozzi, DDIL Board Member, DDIL Foundation Advisory Board Member, and DDIL Foundation Grants Committee Chair.

Families travel from all over the State of Illinois for their children to receive care at the College’s Department of Pediatric Dentistry clinics, making the College the largest dental Medicaid provider for Illinois children.


The Foundation, Dr. da Fonseca noted, “has been a wonderful friend to the College and the Department of Pediatric Dentistry. Two years ago, the Delta Dental of Illinois Foundation provided a grant of $10,000 to furnish a recovery room for general anesthesia cases. They have been very good to us.” Delta Dental of Illinois Foundation and the Department of Pediatric Dentistry collaborate annually on the Pediatric Oral Health Symposium held at the College. This year’s event was on Saturday, Oct. 14, and was entitled: Contemporary Prevention and Management of Dental Caries and Adhesive Dentistry for Children. The speakers were Dr. Margherita Fontana from the University of Michigan and Dr. Ana Bedran-Russo from the College. Dr. Bedran-Russo is Director, Laboratory of Applied Dental Biomaterials and Interfaces, and Program Director, Multidisciplinary Oral Sciences Training (MOST) Program. She is an Associate Professor of Restorative Dentistry. The Delta Dental of Illinois Foundation was formed in March 2008 by Delta Dental of Illinois, a not-for-profit dental service corporation with a mission to improve the oral health of the communities it serves. In the past decade, combined efforts of Delta Dental of Illinois and Delta Dental of Illinois Foundation have provided more than $3 million to programs and organizations in Illinois that improve the oral health of the residents of Illinois. For more information about Delta Dental of Illinois Foundation’s Wisdom Tooth Award or to support the foundation, visit www.deltadentalil. com/ddilfoundation. For more information about making a gift to the Department of



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Advancement Report Pediatric Dentistry, contact Mark J. Valentino, Associate Dean for Advancement, at (312) 413-7702 or email

Donors Help Us Exceed Annual Fund Goal— Impact the College in Numerous Ways

In Fiscal Year 2017, the College set an Annual Fund goal of $500,000 for various College of Dentistry initiatives, including student scholarships, faculty support, research activities, programs and special events, and more. The College finished at 111% over goal, as more than 570 donors responded to letters, phone calls, and e-solicitations by making generous gifts in excess of $566,000. These donations went to many funds across the College. The more than 570 donors came from the ranks of College of Dentistry alumni; Loyola University Chicago

Student Vivian Castellanos, D-4, thanked Annual Fund donors for their generosity.

School of Dentistry alumni; College of Dentistry students, faculty, and staff; and friends of the College. “We are grateful to our donors for their extreme generosity this year,” said Ana Lisa Ogbac, Director of Donor relations. An appeal by student Vivian Castellanos, D-4, appeared in some of the College’s Annual Fund solicitation letters. “Through your support, you are inspiring the clinical excellence and competency that I am acquiring in my dental education at UIC,” she said in thanking donors. “We’ve seen a high degree of response to our Annual Fund letters, which feature stories of student successes told from the students’ perspectives,” Ogbac said. “Donors really enjoy learning more about our students. Their narratives are compelling, and with this increase in Annual Fund giving, we know those stories really resonated with our benefactors.

“We hope to continue the upward trend in Annual Fund giving,” Ogbac said. The Fiscal Year 2018 Annual Fund goal is $600,000.

ICD Provides Gift to Help Fund International Rotations The International College of Dentists recently provided a gift of over $2,400 to help fund the College’s international service learning rotations. The College offers rotations in Guatemala, Tanzania, and China. At these rotations, students learn how dentistry is practiced in foreign countries and share their knowledge of American dentistry with their hosts. Dr. D. Spencer Pope, Treasurer, 8th District, International College of Dentists, presented the check on Feb. 22 to Dr. Clark Stanford, Dean, and Dr. Caswell Evans, Associate Dean

Dr. Caswell Evans (left) and Dean Clark Stanford (right) accepting the ICD’s check from Dr. D. Spencer Pope (center).


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Advancement Report for Prevention and Public Health Sciences. “The International College of Dentists supports global outreach and humanitarian projects all over the world through grants,” Dr. Pope noted, adding that his organization “recognizes and promotes excellence in leadership with an emphasis on service, provides support to our

Fellows and respect for our peers, addresses oral health needs and education throughout the world, and fosters an atmosphere of collaboration with those who share our values.” “The ICD has recognized the value of our international rotations through its support,” Dr. Evans said. “Students have an in depth exposure

to the oral health challenges and needs of populations in other countries. These students graduate in May and their international experiences will contribute to life and career altering insights.” The grant application was prepared by Khatija Noorullah, Clinical Community Academic Manager for the College.

SPECIAL FATHER’S DAY—Dr. Gerald L. Wine, ’67; his son Dr. Paul E. Wine DDS, MS ’03; and their family visited the College recently to see the clinical operatory that Dr. Paul Wine named for his father in honor of the elder Dr. Wine’s 50th year in the dental profession and his dedication to his patients. A plaque on the wall of the operatory in the second floor Bach Group Practice Clinic honors Dr. Gerald Wine and indicates the donation by Dr. Paul Wine. Dean Clark Stanford joined the family during their visit to the College on Sunday, June 17. Mark J. Valentino, Associate Dean for Advancement and Alumni Affairs, led the Wine family on their tour. The occasion made for a very special Father’s Day for Dr. Gerald Wine and his family.




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Support the College of Dentistry! Direct

support to a favorite purpose: students, faculty, research, clinical care, or department.

Office of the Dean

Department of Orthodontics

❍ Annual Fund/Fund for Excellence (331331) ❍ A.C.E. Student Scholars Fund (341931)

❍ Department of Orthodontics Unrestricted Fund (333011) ❍ Drs. Bernard Schneider/Cyril Sadowsky Faculty Fund (773418)

❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍

Department of Pediatric Dentistry

Group Practice Clinic Renovation Fund (335802) Dentistry Service Learning Fund (334791) Scholarships and Awards Fund (775056) Student Activities Fund (331329) Dr. Allen W. Anderson Memorial Fund (771033) Rice Family Fund (558426) Kottemann Gallery of Dentistry (332133) Dr. Bruce S. Graham and Linda M. Graham Scholarship Fund (773981) ❍ Staff Development and Enrichment Fund (337232)

❍ Periodontics Clinic Renovation Fund (336361) ❍ Periodontics Unrestricted Fund (333278) ❍

❍ Restorative and Advanced Prosthodontics Clinic Renovation Fund (337408)

❍ Dr. Charles G. Maurice Fund (332349) ❍ Dr. Nijole Remeikis Endowment Fund (773313)

❍ Restorative Dentistry Unrestricted Fund (333555)

Department of Oral Biology

❍ Dr. S. Sol Flores and Mrs. Cecilia T. Flores Clinical

❍ Oral Biology Unrestricted Fund (337403) ❍ Dr. James H. Fuller Scholarship Award (772165) ❍ (331886) ❍

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Scholarship (335088)

DMD Advanced Standing Program )

Research ❍ Dentistry Summer Student Research Award Fund (340345)

Department of Oral Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences ❍ Oral Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences Unrestricted Fund (335088) ❍ Center for Diagnostic Imaging Fund (337719)

❍ Oral Medicine Clinic Fund (337179) ❍


Prosthodontics Laboratory Fund (332805)

❍ Dr. Charles F. Nichols Occlusal Studies Student

❍ DMDAS Program Unrestricted Fund (6263

❍ ❍ Oral Surgery Fund (3 ❍ Daniel M. Laskin Society (341441)


Department of Periodontics

Department of Restorative Dentistry

Department of Endodontics

Please gift to For more

❍ Pediatric Dentistry Unrestricted Fund (330542) ❍ Dr. Indru C. Punwani Resident and Faculty Development Endowment Fund (773960)


enter for Wound Healing and Tissue Regeneration

Laboratory (335098)

❍ Dr. Isaac Schour Memorial Dentistry Student Research Awards (335354) ❍ Research Development and Graduate Education Fund (338648)

on your check made payable to the University of Illinois Foundation. Please send your College of Dentistry, MC 621, 801 S. Paulina St., Chicago, IL 60612-7211.


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HRSA has awarded the College a $1 million grant for five years to help provide dental students with education and training in the care of children up to five years old. 16



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Students to Learn to Treat Infants, Toddlers Under $1 Million Federal HRSA Grant The U.S. Department of Health and in Chicago) to work with pregnant Human Services’ Health Resources women in the center’s prenatal and Services Administration (HRSA) Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) has awarded the College a $1 million program, “talking to pregnant women grant for five years to help provide about the oral health of the as-yet dental students with education and unborn child and what they can do training in the care of children up to even in the child’s infancy to improve five years old. his or her oral health,” Dr. Evans “This is a population that is explained. underserved in Since many dental care—partly of the Mile Square because their oral moms-to-be deliver health status is just their babies at “Patients will be emergent, and party UI Health, these able to easily ‘opt-in’ because parents discussions will and the community also set the stage and invite others to have not been for them to bring participate in a social acclimated to the their youngsters to media style peer-to-peer expectation of such the College for oral a young person healthcare. support group meant needing dental “Although Mile to reinforce healthy attention, explained Square is a part habits.” Dr. Caswell Evans, of the UI Health Associate Dean system, it is a new for Prevention partner for the - chris Bevel and Public Health College,” Dr. Evans Sciences. said. Few dentists— When HRSA and few dental solicits grant schools—“have this age cohort in applications, it outlines areas it would their curriculum, so the students like grantees to address. graduate not being comfortable with “One of those possibilities was that age group,” Dr. Evans noted. “This having a rural component,” Dr. Evans funding is intended to give students explained, noting that Douglas experience in treating this age group, County, IL, is home to a Federally and it also is in this group that we Qualified Health Center (FQHC) that can begin to dissect the risk factors provides care to many of the Amish that lead to early childhood caries.” population there. The initiative will have several “We will be sending D-3 components and several partners. students, with faculty supervision, D-2 students will rotate to the UI to Douglas County to provide Health Mile Square Health Center screenings and clinical care to (a Federally Qualified Health Center youngsters up to age five,” he noted. or FQHC owned by UIC, located In suburban DuPage County,


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Students will gain more experience providing oral healthcare to young children. D-3s will provide care to youngsters who are developmentally disabled, under the supervision of Dr. Robert Rada, '85, Clinical Professor of Oral Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences. D-3s also will work in Chicago at the Englewood Neighborhood Health Center Woman, Infants, and Children (WIC) Clinic on 63rd Street, providing them with hands-on experience dealing with young children. The College has 22 community clinic partner sites in Illinois in which D-4s perform extramural rotations, and eight of those sites will partner with the College under this grant. While students are on rotations there, those sites will dedicate specific times when they will provide oral healthcare only to children age five or younger. Also under this grant, in collaboration with Associate Dean for Student and Diversity Affairs Dr. Darryl Pendleton and his office, the College will work with undergraduate pre-dental clubs, with which the office already has a relationship, to educate them


about the oral healthcare needs of youngsters age five and under. The grant also has a digital innovation component, led by Chris Bevel, Director of Digital Marketing and Research Programs. “We’ll be launching a neverbefore done digital platform— leveraging social media—to enhance the student and patient experiences, and further drive oral health outcomes,” Bevel said. “It will be sort of like Fitbit for oral care.” The goal is to use existing technology in new ways to establish a digital community within existing physical communities to improve oral health knowledge and hygiene skills and to track compliance and progress toward clinical goals. “Patients will be able to easily ‘opt-in’ and invite others to participate in a social media style peer-to-peer support group meant to reinforce healthy habits,” Bevel said. “And, it will have fun, game-like features to really get both parents and their children engaged to adopt healthy dental habits, improve dental health, and

ultimately prevent chronic disease.” The web-based tools, content, and functions will be easily accessible via desktop computers, tablets, or smartphones and integrated with existing social media networks such as Facebook. “The whole system will be user-friendly and easy to use via mobile devices, lowering barriers for opt-in,” Bevel said. Students will be able to interact with patients and share data via social media. Caregivers—College of Dentistry students and oral health providers at community health centers—will have enhanced capability to educate patients and track their clinical goal progress. Caregivers can also post messages and share stories with parents and the support group. “The intention for all of this is that when the dental students graduate, they will be much more comfortable seeing children age five and younger in whatever practices they go into,” Dr. Evans said. The team that worked on the grant application included Dr. Evans; Khatija Noorullah, Clinical Community Academic Manager; Dr. Ian Marion, Clinical Assistant Professor and Director of Predoctoral Pediatric Dentistry; Bevel; Dr. Pendleton; and Dr. Rada. The grant has an evaluation component, so the College’s progress will be tracked by a project officer at HRSA and by an evaluation expert from the University of Illinois College of Medicine Chicago, who will work with the College of Dentistry on evaluation metrics for the grant.



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News Changing the Future of Oral Health: Our College Adopts Vision, Mission, and Values Statements The College has new Vision, Mission, and Core Values, summed up in a new motto, “Changing the Future of Oral Health.” “With the campus preparing for accreditation review in the spring of 2017, we wanted to review these statements,” Dean Clark Stanford explained. “Plus, when I joined the College in 2014, I felt it time to examine and update them.” The new statements, Dr. Stanford said, “ground our College in its basic mission and aligns our Vision, Mission, and Core Values with Chancellor Michael Amiridis’s four Strategic Priorities for UIC. This was

done with an intensive inclusion of stakeholders’ views and opinions and—rather helpful and surprising— an easy alignment with campus and our Universities’ systems strategic plans. While not intentional, it shows wonderful alignment of our College with our University and our future!” The Chancellor’s four Strategic Priorities note that UIC will: (1) Redefine the model for student experience and success; (2) Cultivate and empower faculty leaders; (3) Drive life-changing discoveries; and (4) strengthen connections to our communities. “Our College represents a new generation of oral health providers and oral health research, and we want our statements to reflect this,” Dr. Stanford said. “The College is all about anchoring oral health in the primary care team with dentistry leading the way.”

The process for revising the statements began with a task force led by Dr. Stephen Campbell, Head, Restorative Dentistry. Faculty examined and discussed the statements at their fall 2015 retreat, and members of the College community continued to provide their input for the next several months. The new aspirations were approved as a part of the College’s By-Laws in the fall of 2016. “Regardless of what happens in Springfield with the budget, our College is strong,” Dr. Stanford said. “These statements demonstrate we have a Vision, Mission, and Core Values driving what we want and need to do. We are an integral part of the primary care team at UIC, and we are Changing the Future of Oral Health.”

Student James Appiah explains his research at the College’s recent Clinic and Research Day. Research is an important component of how the College is “Changing the Future of Oral Health.”


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News Vision Statement

Core Values

Our vision is to provide excellence in oral health education, research, and service, through improving the health and wellness of our communities, providing exemplary care for our patients, and advancing the knowledge to do so.

In addition to the University’s core values of knowledge, openness, access, excellence, collaboration, and caring, the College of Dentistry has unique core values that include: professionalism, respect, transparency, responsibility, curiosity, flexibility, commitment, and inclusion. • Professionalism - the highest ethical principles in our research, teaching, and helping those we serve. • Respect - the highest level of mutual respect of the person between all members of our communities. • Beneficence - the obligation for all College members to strive to do no harm, maximize benefit; and minimize harm in a global, and multicultural environment. • Transparency - regarding all aspects of how the College addresses the vision and missions. • Responsibility - the most efficient and effective use of all human and related resources to fulfill our missions. • Curiosity - regarding novel educational, research, and service ideas leading to new discoveries. • Flexibility - regarding how we achieve our aspirations through accountability of outcomes. • Commitment - regarding the highest ethical values in serving our students and communities. • Inclusion - regarding the role of diversity in engaging students, faculty, and staff. (UIC COD Faculty By-Laws, Adopted 2016)

Mission Statement • To educate oral health professionals and scholars who excel in a complex, multicultural, and technologically changing world; • To discover and translate new knowledge at the boundaries of science, transforming oral health care practice, social systems, and related technologies for the benefit of individuals, families and communities; • To provide oral and health education and clinical services of the highest quality with an emphasis on enhancing health equity and social justice for individuals and communities; • To prepare health professionals in addressing the challenges of access to care affecting underserved populations; • To collaborate with our urban and rural community partners in mutually beneficial ways; and • To advocate for public policies, perceptions, and practices that lead to inclusion of oral health as an integral part of the inter-professional emphasis on the health of the communities we serve.


Alumni Enjoy Reunion More than 220 UIC College of Dentistry and Loyola University Chicago School of Dentistry alumni, spouses, faculty, guests, and dignitaries enjoyed an evening of reconnecting and awards on the evening of April 21 at the College’s Reunion Dinner at Carlisle Banquets in Lombard, IL. Organized by Ana Lisa Ogbac, Director of Donor Relations, the Reunion saw anniversary classes honored whose graduation year ended in a two or a seven, and four UIC and Loyola alumni also honored. Dr. William B. Hamel III, ’83, President of the UIC Dental Alumni Association, was Master of Ceremonies. Dr. Michael L. Santucci, Northwestern ’74, was granted the Dr. E. Lloyd Du Brul Faculty Achievement Award. Dr. Santucci formerly taught at Northwestern University, and joined the UIC College of Dentistry faculty in 2001 as a Pre-Patient Care instructor in the Restorative department. His role expanded to teaching in the Pre-Doctoral Clinics, and in 2007, he accepted the role of Managing Partner in the da Vinci Clinic, and Course Director for Comprehensive Care. He later was Managing Partner in the Brahms Clinic. He retired from the faculty in 2016. Dr. David S. Evaskus, ’70, MS OMFS ’75, received the Dr. F. William Towner Organized Dentistry Activity Award. Dr. Evaskus has been involved in organized dentistry for many years going back to his student days, when he co-founded the Student American Dental Association in 1969-70. He is active in more than a dozen dental organizations, including service as



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1. Emeritus alumni, those who graduated from UIC or Loyola more than 50 years ago, included Dr. Dale Nickelsen, ’62, Pediatric Dentistry ’63, MS ’69; Dr. Sam Wexler, ’64; Dr. Robert Ficek, ’62; Dr. Norman Eifler, ’57; Dr. John Howland, ’57, Orthodontics ’63; Dr. Sam Cascio, Loyola ’52: Dr. Joe Discipio, Loyola ’52; and Dr. S. Sol Flores, ’58. 2. The recipient of the Suriano Award, Dr. Phillip J. Fijal, Loyola ’86, with Board President Dr. Bill Hamel. 3. UIC Dental Alumni Association Board President Dr. William Hamel III, ’83, presented the Dr. F. William Towner Organized Dentistry Award to Dr. David S. Evaskus, ’70, MS OMFS ’75.






4. Loyola Class of 87. 5. Classmates enjoyed looking at composite photos from their graduation year. 6. Two generations of dentists: Dr. Melissa Connell, ’97, Pediatric Dentistry ’05, with her dad, Dr. Thomas Connell, ’67.



7. Dr. S. Sol Flores, ’58, addresses the crowd after receiving the Distinguished Dental Alumnus Award. 8. Dr. Michael Santucci, Northwestern ’74, says a few remarks concerning his receiving the Dr. E. Lloyd Du Brul Faculty Achievement Award.



9. Class of 1972. 21

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10. Class of 1967. 11. UIC Class of 1987. 12. Alumni and friends enjoyed the pre-dinner cocktail hour. 13. Class of 1982. 14. Class of 1977.



15. Class of 1997.








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News President of the Chicago Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. He is a former faculty member in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Dr. Phillip J. Fijal, Loyola ’86, was conferred the Dr. Raffaele Suriano Award, which is given for important contributions to dentistry in the Chicago area on the part of a faculty member or alumnus of a Chicagoarea dental school, reflecting the contributions of the late Dr. Raffaele Suriano, Dean of the Loyola University School of Dentistry. Dr. Fijal is President of the Board of Directors of the Chicago Dental Society. He has served in all other executive posts of the CDS Board, has served as Chair and in other executive posts for the CDS Members Group, and as President and in other executive posts for the Northwest Suburban Branch. Dr. S. Sol Flores, ’58, was named the Distinguished Dental Alumnus. A Clinical Professor of Restorative Dentistry and a member of the College’s faculty since 1948, Dr. Flores oversaw 22 domestic and international dental graduates who went on to academic careers as Deans, Department Heads, Program Directors, and faculty. He has been a volunteer at Pacific Garden Mission Health Services in Chicago for more than 50 years. He was a consultant and examiner for Prosthodontics for the Illinois State Department of Professional Regulation for 20 years. He continues to serve the College as an Emeritus faculty member and spends one day per week supporting our students.

Faculty and students having fun at the 2017 College of Dentistry reception at the CDS Midwinter Meeting.

The 2018 Reunion will be held on Friday, April 20, at the Carlisle. All classes whose graduation years end in a three or an eight will receive special honors. All UIC and Loyola alumni are invited to Reunion 2018, but to hold costs down, only members of class years ending in a three or eight will receive a formal invitation. For more information on the 2018 Reunion or to serve as a class representative, call Ogbac at (312) 996-0485.

Come to the College’s Midwinter Meeting Reception Alumni, their guests, colleagues, faculty, students, staff, and friends are invited to attend the College’s reception during the Chicago Dental Society Midwinter meeting on Friday, Feb. 23 in Chicago at a location to be determined. Complimentary hors d’oeuvres will be provided. Visit with Dean Clark Stanford and friends and colleagues. Call (312) 996-0670 for location or more information.


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MicroRNA Study Earns Funding Dr. Phimon Atsawasuwan, Orthodontics and MS Oral Sciences ’11, Assistant Professor, Orthodontics, and his collaborator, Dr. Xiaofeng Zhou, Associate Professor, Periodontics, have earned $30,000 in a Biomedical Research Award from the American Association of Orthodontists for their study, “Roles of Secretory miRNA-21 and -29 during Orthodontic Tooth Movement.” “The project is a clinical research project to investigate the roles of secretory microRNA-21 and -29 in gingival crevicular fluid during the canine retraction in orthodontic patients,” Dr. Atsawasuwan explained. He noted that his laboratory team “was the Dr. Phimon Atsawasuwan. first to discover the presence of secretory miRNAs in gingival crevicular fluid and I presented this discovery at the International Association for Dental Research meeting in Boston” in 2015. MicroRNA-21 and -29 “have a critical role in osteoclast and osteoblast differentiation and function,” Dr. Atsawasuwan explained. “We will start to recruit the patients in the near future. We hope to discover the direct relationship between the level of secretory microRNA-21 and -29 and distance of tooth movement so we can further develop a new modality to improve the orthodontic care.”

Grape Seed Extract Could Extend Life of Resin Fillings

Dr. Xiaofeng Zhou. A natural compound found in grape seed extract could be used to strengthen dentin and increase the life of resin fillings, according to new research at the College. In research published in the Journal of Dental Research, Dr. Ana Bedran-Russo, Associate Professor, Restorative Dentistry, describes how grape seed extract can make composite-resin fillings stronger, allowing them to last longer. The extract, Dr. Bedran-Russo said, can increase the strength of the dentin, which comprises the majority of the calcified extracellular tissue of teeth, forming the layer just beneath the hard external enamel. Dentin is mostly made of collagen, the main structural protein in skin and other connective tissues. Resins have to bind to the dentin, but the area between the two, or the interface, is a Dr. Ana Bedran-Russo.


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Research collaborative effort between Dr. Gajendrareddy, a periodontist, and Dr. Chen, a wound healing basic science researcher. Dr. Gajendrareddy and Dr. Chen’s interests are in tissue regeneration, healing and translational applications through biomimetic pathways. This is the second year they received funding from Colgate.

Dr. Lin Chen, Research Associate Professor, and Dr. Praveen

Gajendrareddy, Periodontics ’08, Associate Professor, both from the Department of Periodontics, received funding from Colgate Palmolive Co. for a study titled “The effect of Colgate mouthwashes and toothpastes on oral wound healing and expression of epithelial cell tight junction.” Dr. Luisa DiPietro, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research; Director of the UIC Center for Wound Healing and Tissue Regeneration; and Professor, Periodontics, also is a coinvestigator in the study. “The study aims to investigate if the mouthwashes and toothpastes will improve oral wound healing and change the expression of epithelial cell tight junction during the healing process,” Dr. Gajendrareddy said. With a $178,953 budget, the study will be conducted on 3D gingival tissues and gingival explants from human donors. A study with translational potential, this project is a

Dr. Lin Chen.

Dr. Praveen Gajendrareddy.

Dr. Lyndon Cooper.

weak point, causing restorations to breakdown, Dr. Bedran-Russo said. When a filling fails, “decay forms around it and the seal is lost,” she said. “We want to reinforce the interface, which will make the resin bond better to the dentin. The interface can be changed through the use of new natural materials.” Co-authors on the Journal of Dental Research study are Ariene Leme-Kraus, Berdan Aydin, Cristina Vidal, Rasika Phansalkar, Joo-won Nam, James McAlpine, Guido Pauli and Shao-nong Chen, all of UIC. The research was funded by the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (grant number DE021040), one of the National Institutes of Health.

Periodontics Professors Studying Oral Wound Healing


Grant Enables Study of Bone Repair Drs. Lyndon Cooper, Associate Dean for Research and Professor and Head, Oral Biology; Dr. Ghadeer Thalji, Clinical Associate Professor, Restorative Dentistry; and Dr. Timothy Koh, Professor, Applied Health Sciences, have received a National Institutes of Health Clinical and Translational Science Award pilot grant of $60,000 for their project, “Monocyte/Macrophage Control of Induced Bone Repair Application.” The research is intended to


Dr. Timothy Koh.

extend existing knowledge regarding the influence of the immune system on bone repair. “In particular, we are interested in how one type of immune cell,

Dr. Ghadeer Thalji.

the monocyte, influences bone regeneration,” Dr. Cooper said. “This is important to dentistry and medicine because the complications and difficulties we face in bone regeneration appear in individuals with inflammation or immune system dysfunction.” An example is type II diabetes; patients with this disease, experience greater complications and failures of dental implant therapy. The CCTS pilot grant was designed to promote collaboration. “Collaboration with Dr. Koh, who has expertise in monocyte function and particularly in diabetes enables our laboratory with expertise in bone regeneration to address these clinically important questions in more meaningful ways,” Dr. Cooper added.

AAOF Provides Research Award for Bone Regeneration The American Association of Orthodontics Foundation has provided a Research Aid Award of $5,000 for a project at the College, “Characterization of a Biomimetically Enhanced Bio-OSS for Bone Regeneration Applications.” Dr. Xuanyu Lu, PhD Oral Sciences ’13, Graduate Clinical Assistant, Orthodontics, is leading the research. Dr. Lu’s research supervisor is Dr. Sriram Ravindran, Assistant Professor, Oral Biology. Dr. Praveen Gajendrareddy, Periodontics ’10, Associate Professor, Periodontics, also is collaborating. “This project is using a biomimetic approach via human bone marrow stem cells to modify the current most commonly used bone grafting material, anorganic bone matrix—Bio-Oss,” Dr. Lu said. “We plan


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Dr. Xuanyu Lu.

to characterize the Bio-Oss coated with 3-D pro-osteogenic extracellular matrix [ECM] by a series of in vitro and in vivo experiments.” The team plans on generating and characterizing the biomemetically enhanced (BE) Bio-Oss in vitro. Following an in vivo experiment, the team will examine the BE Bio-Oss by using a rat critical-size calvarial defect model. The regeneration rate and quality of new bone will be evaluated by micro-CT and histology.

Practice Based Research Network Study Earns Team AAP Clinical Research Award Dr. George Mandelaris, Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor, Periodontics, and his nine fellow researchers were selected by the Board of Trustees of the American Academy of Periodontology to


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Research receive its 2017 Clinical Research Award for their article entitled: “A randomized, controlled, multicenter clinical trial of post-extraction alveolar ridge preservation,” published in the Journal of Clinical Periodontology in 2016. The award, sponsored by Quintessence Publishing, “is presented to the most outstanding article with direct clinical relevance in periodontics,” said Dr. Terrence J. Griffin, President of the AAP. The investigators compared the effectiveness of two-ridge preservation treatments (one technique common in Europe, the other common to the United States), and concluded that deproteinized bovine bone mineral with collagen plus native bilayer collagen membrane provided better soft tissue healing and improved ridge preservation results for implant placement. “The study was performed through The McGuire Institute [] as a Practice Based Research Network (or PBRN),” Dr. Mandelaris explained. “Everyone who participated in this

A figure of complete trephine biopsy sections from an award-winning article by Dr. George Mandelaris and colleagues.


clinical research project was a boardcertified, private practice periodontist and each of us were located in different geographic locations throughout the United States.” “Although the project had IRB [Institutional Review Board] approval and oversight, its value comes from the PBRN context,” he added. “Some of the discrete nuances and quiet subtleties of clinical research all occurred under the umbrella of the private practice setting. Aspects such as infection control, pre- and post-op patient management— every interaction that could affect outcomes happened within our private practices. This is uniquely meaningful and impactful for the private practitioner as the outcomes can be related to everyday practice.”

NIH Funds Study on Viral microRNAs Did you know that half of American adults suffer from periodontal (gum) disease? That is why the College is advancing research to prevent it. Principal Investigator Dr. Afsar Naqvi, Research Assistant Professor; Dr. Sal Nares, Head; and Dr. Jezrom Fordham, Research Assistant Professor, Periodontics, recently received a National Institutes of Health R21 grant entitled, “Characterizing the Role of Viral microRNAs in Regulating Macrophage Plasticity.” “The oral cavity is a niche to diverse microbes, including viruses,” Dr. Naqvi explained. “Herpes viruses are predominant as latent infections among the human population and can reactivate under certain conditions like stress, UV light, hormonal changes. Small regulatory RNAs encoded by herpes viruses—vmiRs—are important in viral persistence and our lab has

“Our long-term plan is also to use vmiRs as potential diagnostic/ prognostic markers in oral diseases,” said Dr. Afsar Naqvi. previously shown that their levels change during inflammation.” The focus of the study is to investigate “how vmiRs functionally modulate key immune cells that reside in oral mucosa—namely macrophage and their ability to elicit specific immune responses,” Dr. Naqvi continued. “Further, the impact of exosomes—cell secreted nanovesicles—from vmiR expressing macrophages will be assessed on the key functions of neighboring oral keratinocytes.”

Dentistry, Engineering Collaboration Leads to New Biomaterials Biomaterials optimally suited as scaffolds for tissue regeneration and reconstructive surgery have remained an elusive goal for material scientists and bioengineers. A collaboration between researchers


in the College of Dentistry and College of Engineering has led to a breakthrough technique to improve the properties of one of the oldest — and widely used — structural biomaterials, collagen. The collaboration is between Bioengineering and Chemical Engineering Professor Dr. Christos Takoudis met Dr. Cortino Sukotjo, an Associate Professor of Restorative Dentistry, at a campus social function. When they met, Dr. Takoudis was working on atomic-layer deposition, or ALD — a workhorse technique of nanotechnology in the semiconductor industry that allows nanometer-thin layers of a metal or metal oxide to be uniformly and conformally applied to a substrate’s surface with two or three dimensional complex topography. Dr. Sukotjo was interested in improving dental implants materials. They imagined that the biocompatibility and bioactivity of commercially available collagen


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“We had to work at lower and lower temperatures, until we finally got to room temperature,” said graduate student Arghya Bishal (center). membranes could be improved by coating them with an ultrathin layer of titanium dioxide, a compound widely used in cosmetics, sunscreens, food additives, and dental/orthopaedic

Researchers Dr. Cortino Sukotjo and Dr. Christo Takoudis formed their collaboration after meeting at a campus social function.

implants. They envisioned using the ALD process to apply a nanolayer of the metal oxide to these complex nanostructured membranes. But the challenge is that biological materials like collagen cannot withstand the heat of industrial ALD treatment. “Seventy degrees ‘C’ is the lowest others had gotten, especially for the ALD process of Titanium dioxide on biological fibrous substrate,” said Arghya Bishal, a doctoral student in the Richard and Loan Hill Department of Bioengineering. “We had to work at lower and lower temperatures,” Bishal added, “until we finally got to room temperature ALD of titanium dioxide.” The surprising achievement of room-temperature ALD was reached using a custom apparatus the researchers devised, and a new bit of chemistry: tetrakis (dimethylamido) titanium as the titanium metal source, and ozone as the oxidizing agent, to generate titanium dioxide. The two


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Research components were introduced one after the other — with an argon purge in between — into a low-pressure chamber that held the collagenmembrane ALD substrate. The researchers now plan to begin pre-clinical in vivo experiments, Dr. Sukotjo said, and try to create or modify new materials using other metals and/or ALD metal oxides to cater to the specific needs of different clinical applications.

Dr. Christine Wu and Dr. Bin Yang.

Dr. Christine Wu Awarded Three Grants

See a video on Dr. Wu’s research at

Dr. Christine Wu, Professor, Pediatric Dentistry, has been awarded several research grants. Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co. provided her with a grant to study the “Effect of chewing gum containing natural antimicrobials on human dental plaque biofilm.” She has also been awarded a grant from Ocean Spray Cranberries Inc. to evaluate the oral health benefits of cranberries. Dr. Wu noted she will “investigate whether the consumption of cranberry or cranberry products, such as Craisins and cranberry juices, inhibit oral bacteria in human saliva and dental plaque.” Dr. Bin Yang, Assistant Professor, Restorative Dentistry, and Dr. Wu are co-Principal Investigators of a grant awarded by Solvay Specialty Polymers to study the “In vitro attachment and biofilm colonization onto selected denture materials by oral pathogens.”

Grants Roundup


Dr. Luisa DiPietro, A'80, MS Histology, '82, Histology, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research; Director of the UIC Center for Wound Healing and Tissue Regeneration; and Professor, Periodontics, received an R01 grant from the National Institutes of Health/National Institute of General Medical Sciences, for Angiogenesis in Wound Repair, and another R01 grant from the NIH, for “Non-Covalent Nrf2 Activators for the Treatment of Chronic Wounds,” with Dr. Terry Moore, Assistant Professor, Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy. Dr. Anne George, Professor, Oral Biology, received an R13 conference grant from the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research in the amount of $20,000 to help her with the Twelfth International Conference on the Chemistry and Biology of Mineralized Tissues.

Dr. George serves as one of the co-chairpersons for the Twelfth ICCBMT meeting. The co-chairs are responsible for all aspects of organizing the meeting with the assistance of the Executive Board and the Scientific Advisory Board. This year’s conference was held in Potsdam, Germany. Dr. Anna Manzotti, Clinical Assistant Professor, Restorative Dentistry, received a grant of approximately $84,400 from Solvay Dental 360 for a Reframe RPD Post-Market Clinical Trial to evaluate the change in patient Oral Healthrelated Quality of Life (OHRQoL) while wearing a cobalt chrome (CoCr) removable partial denture (RPD) compared to after wearing the Solvay Dental 360™ polymer Removable Partial Denture (RPD) for eight weeks. Dr. Steven Olson, Professor Emeritus, Periodontics, received an NIH Merit award for “Molecular Basis of Blood Coagulation Regulation.” Dr. Tolga Tozum, Associate Professor, Periodontics, received a grant from the Implant Dentistry Research and Education Foundation, International Congress of Oral Implantologists, for “Evaluation of the retro-molar space distance and anatomical features of the sinus septum bone in maxilla and interradicular bone density in both the upper and lower jaws by using cone beam computed tomography: A retrospective study.”



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The UIC College of Dentistry and the UIC Dental Alumni Association Board of Directors cordially invite you to the 2018 Dental Alumni Reunion.


THE CARLISLE BANQUETS 435 E BUTTERFIELD RD. LOMBARD, IL 60148 Celebrating the accomplishments of:

Dr. Mark C. Baker, ’77, Endo ’84

Dr. Denise D. Hale, ’88

Dr. E. Lloyd Du Brul Faculty Achievement Award

Dr. F. William Towner Organized Dentistry Activity Award

Dr. William B. Hamel III, ’83

Dr. Terri S. Tiersky, Loyola ’86

Dr. Irwin B. Robinson President’s Leadership Award

Dr. Raffaele Suriano Award

Celebrating UIC DDS, Specialty Degrees and Loyola School of Dentistry classes ending in –3 and –8. Special recognition program will honor the 50th, 40th, and 25th anniversary years.

For more information, please email or call (312) 996-0485.


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President’s Message College Operating With Economic Efficiency in Changing the Future of Oral Health “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” — Winston Churchill Dear Alumni and Friends: The quote by Winston Churchill also is a favorite of Dr. Daniel M. Laskin, MS ’52, former Head of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery who recently made a significant gift to the College (see related article, page 6). Dr. Laskin has always given back to the College. Actually, many of the College’s alumni, and Loyola University Chicago alumni, too, provide donations of time or money to the College. However, I still run into some alumni who decline to give to the College because they think that faculty salaries are too high, or that the College’s funds are not managed efficiently enough. Having been President of the UIC Dental Alumni Association for nearly two years now, and a member of the board for many years before that, I know firsthand that nothing could be further from the truth. Faculty at the College can make more money in their practices than they can teaching at the College, yet they sacrifice their time and potential higher income to teach the next generation of dentists. And they are doing a superb job. Since the inception of the DMD curriculum at the College, every class that has challenged a National Board examination, whether Part I or Part II, has had a 100% firsttime pass rate. (For Part I, starting in 2013, and for Part II, starting in 2015.) The students achieve great success because the faculty do a great job. Thanks to the education provided by the College’s faculty, we are seeing some of the best-prepared new dentists ever as our latest associates and colleagues. When it comes to economics, Dean Clark Stanford runs the tightest ship possible. He came to the deanship with a superb ability to manage finances, and had to become even more innovative as the State provided no budget for more than two years. Even when the State does provide financial


support, it totals only a meager 5% of the College’s needs. There is no fat in the College budget, and Dean Stanford and Associate Dean for Finance and Administration Dr. Michael Harner and his team are vigilant to make sure it stays that way. Dean Stanford has made “accountability” the watchword for managing funds at the College. Each department is accountable for the money it takes in and the money it spends, and is expected to operate in the black. The College engages in Business Practice Management, and its efficiency continuously improves. Tuition and fees provide the largest share of the College’s funding at 51%, yet the College leadership team endeavors to keep tuition affordable relative to other public and private dental schools around the country. The second largest funding source is clinical collections at 31%. In recent years, the College has successfully ramped up its collection efforts, making them modern, efficient, and effective. The College is reducing both fixed and variable costs through such areas as consolidated procurement and increasing the patient flow by making chair use more efficient, thereby bringing in more patients and patient fees. In the past few years, the College has continually invested in new clinical areas and research laboratories; engaged more, diverse, and tenacious students; recruited


new faculty; and broadened its community engagement. The College is a good steward of all donor gifts. As Associate Dean for Advancement Mark J. Valentino says, “Gifts to the College are used for teaching, research, service to the community, and infrastructure. We treat donors’ intent for their gifts with the utmost respect. We handle gifts with the highest standards of integrity and accountability.” And it has done all this while cutting costs and raising new revenues. I’ve seen it with my own eyes, and I can tell you that the UIC College of Dentistry is worthy of your support.

Research The College has always been at the forefront of oral health research, and under Dean Stanford and Associate Dean for Research Dr. Lyndon Cooper, it has ramped up those efforts as well. Elsewhere in this issue is an entire section devoted to faculty research in such diverse areas as micro RNA; studying grape seed extract to strengthen dentin; oral wound healing; bone repair and regeneration; ridge preservation; collagen; and the effects of natural foods on oral health. The number and scope of research projects at the College will continue to grow. Don’t be surprised when you hear about new research breakthroughs coming out of the College.

Board Business Two new names have been added to the UIC Dental Alumni Association Board of Directors roster recently, Dr. Julie Laverdiere Beck, ’90, OMFS ’95, and Dr. Toni Roucka, ’90. We welcome these dynamic individuals to our team! Dr. Eliot Becker, ’63, has stepped down from the Board after many years of great work, including serving as the liaison to Illinois Connection, the University’s lobbying effort.

Join Our Alumni Board Activity on the UIC Dental Alumni Association offers the opportunities to network, engage with alumni, and affect change at the College. Applications may be found on our website: Questions? Email


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Dental Alumni Association Officers


President: William B. Hamel III, ’83 Vice President: Jon D. Nickelsen, ’03 Secretary-Treasurer: Frank L. Karkazis, Northwestern ’87, Northwestern Representative Immediate Past-President: Arlene M. Engert, ’83 Dean: Clark M. Stanford

(through June 2018) Marsha Babka, ’76 Julie Laverdiere Beck, ’90, OMFS ’95 Ryan Grelle Tuscher, ’09 (through June 2019) Daniel R. Brunetti, ’11 Peter A. Contos, ’05 Shellie M. Harden, ’94 Roshan Parikh, ’08 Paul Burkey, Loyola ’83, MS Orthodontics University of Iowa ’85 (through June 2020) Shandra Bundy-Smith, ’94 Priscilla P. Chang, ’07 Manal Ibrahim LaVacca, ’93, Prosthodontics ’96 Toni M. Roucka, ’90

Ex-Officio Directors William S. Bike, Editor of Vision Charles F. DiFranco, Loyola ’81, Loyola MS Periodontics ’83, Former President Deane E. Doolen, Jr., ’55, Former President Robert J, Ficek, ’62, Former President Cissy K. Furusho, ’96, Pediatric Dentistry ’98, MS Oral Sciences ’00, Former President Harold J. Kiriluk, ’75 Thomas J. King Jr., ’71, Ortho ’59, Former President Lawrence W. Kolar, ’82, Former President Donald A. Krzyzak, ’61, Former President Steven T. Kuhn, ’97, Pediatric Dentistry ’00, Former President

Frank A. Maggio, Loyola ’71, UIC Periodontics ’75, Former President Neal C. Nealis, ’79, Former President Richard P. Perry, ’68 Genaro Romo, ’97, Former President Susan A. Rowan, ’84, Former President Ross E. Rubino, ’77, Former President Daniel N. Uditsky, ’69, Former President Kapil Vij, ’99, Pediatric Dentistry ’01, MS Oral Sciences ’04, Former President Ronald J. Waryjas, ’77, MS Orthodontics ’85, Former President Samuel S. Wexler, ’64, Former President Keith P. Wilson, ’97, Former President


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President’s Message We thank him for his service. We were extremely saddened by the passing of Dr. James Izzo, Loyola ’79, who was the board’s official Loyola Representative. Jim attended every board meeting and every alumni event and was eager to offer good ideas about board and College activities. We miss him very much. We still have a few openings on the board, so if you or one of your colleagues are interested, please contact me. Board membership is a great way to network, learn more about the College and the state of dentistry, advise the Dean, have your opinions heard, and become involved in the College’s fun events such as Reunion and the Golf Outing.

Or, if you want to talk about anything related to the College and its Alumni Association, I’d be glad to hear from you. Give me a call at (312) 318-8810, or email me at The University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry is transforming the lives of a new generation of students, reinventing dentistry, and bringing new innovations, service, and care to the Chicago region and the world. Come join us in Changing the Future of Oral Health! With warmest regards,

Call Me You also can contact me if you sometimes find the pressures of pressures of practice and family issues to be too much. I’m proud to be part of the Illinois State Dental Society Dentists Support Program, and if you ever need to talk about pressure and substance abuse, I’m only a phone call away.

William B. Hamel III, ’83 President, UIC Dental Alumni Association

Nominate your colleague or professor for an Outstanding Alumni Achievement Award! Outstanding Alumni Achievement Awards are presented at the Alumni Reunion and other venues.

Email and be sure to include the name of the award in the subject line.

Send in your nominations for future Alumni Achievement Awards:

Please include the following information in the message:

Distinguished Dental Alumnus Award E. Lloyd DuBrul Faculty Achievement Award F. William Towner Organized Dentistry Award Raffaele Suriano Award Recent Alumnus Award

✔ Name of Nominee

Visit our website for a list of awards and criteria:


✔ Qualifications ✔ Your Name Nomination submissions are active for three years.



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Alumni Class News 1952 Norman Henry Hollman, 96, has been retired for 31 years and is living in Winston-Salem, NC. A World War II veteran, he met his wife, a nursing student at Mt. Sinai Hospital, at Navy Pier. He used the GI Bill to pay for dental school. He spent his career in solo practice in Flint, MI.

Yair Sharav, MS, Histology, Jerusalem, Israel, writes that he is “still practicing, teaching, researching, and publishing.” The second edition of his book Orofacial Pain & Headache was published in 2015. Both the 2008 and 2015 editions received “Highly Commended” awards from the BMA Medical Book competition. At Hebrew University School of Dental Medicine in Jerusalem, he served as Head of the Department of Oral Diagnosis, Oral Medicine, and Radiology for 26 years and Dean of the school for four years.

1982 Salomon Holtz Schimelmitz, Pediatric Dentistry, San Bartolo, Nuacalpan, Mexico, visited the College and the Department of Pediatric Dentistry in August to reminisce.

1973 Stephen Towns, Indianapolis, IN, spoke on socket preservation, implant placement, and root coverage at the Chicago Dental Society 2017 Midwinter Meeting.


Dr. Norman Hollman, ’52, enjoying Celebrating A Proud Past, the history of the UIC College of Dentistry.

1960 Marvin Berman, Bannockburn, IL, spoke on treating children and special needs patients at the American Dental Association New Dentist Conference in Denver, CO, in October 2016.

1966 Buddy Mopper, MS Pediatric Dentistry, Northbrook, IL, spoke on composite bonding at the Chicago Dental Society 2017 Midwinter Meeting.


Richard Bona, Lansing, IL, spoke on acrylic materials at the Chicago Dental Society 2017 Midwinter Meeting. Don Doyle has retired and sold his Chicago practice to Lena Halikias, Loyola ’88.

1979 Timm Schwartz, Pekin, IL, was a presenter at the Illinois State Dental Society Dental Leaders Conference in March in Springfield, IL.

1980 Alan Boghosian, Chicago, spoke on restorative dental materials and on fixed prosthodontics at the Chicago Dental Society 2017 Midwinter Meeting. He was named media spokesperson for the American Dental Association for dental materials.

Dr. Salomon Holtz Schimelmitz, Pediatric Dentistry ’82, standing next to his class picture at the Department of Pediatric Dentistry.

1984 Blake Swaar, Peotone, IL, was quoted in the April 2017 Illinois Dental News about the Illinois State Dental Society Dental Leaders Conference in March in Springfield, IL.

1987 Cheryl Watson-Lowry, Chicago, testified at a Congressional hearing examining initiatives to advance public health.




Michael G. Durbin, MS Orthodontics ’90, who has offices in Des Plaines and Long Grove, IL, was elected by the Midwestern Society of Orthodontists as its representative on the Board of Trustees of the American Association of Orthodontists. He is President of the AAO’s Donated Orthodontics Services Program, which provides orthodontic treatment to low-income children.

Julie Laverdiere Beck, OMFS ’95, Glenview, IL, has been elected to the UIC Dental Alumni Association Board of Directors. Toni Roucka, Chicago, was inducted into the Pierre Fauchard Academy at a ceremony held during the Chicago Dental Society Midwinter Meeting. She also was elected to the UIC Dental Alumni Association Board of Directors.

1992 Rand Harlow, Prosthodontics ’97, Oak Park, IL, was named a Fellow of the American College of Prosthodontics.


Dr. Michael G. Durbin, ’88, Orthodontics and MS Oral Sciences ’90. Renee Pappas, Prospect Heights, IL, was quoted in an article about the Illinois State Dental Society’s Capital Conference and Lobby Day in the May 2017 Illinois Dental News.

1989 M. Nader Sharifi, Chicago, spoke on implant-assisted removable partial dentures at the Chicago Dental Society 2017 Midwinter Meeting.

Manal Ibrahim, Prosthodontics ’96, Naperville, IL, had an article, “Tooth Twins,” published in the Sept. 2017 edition of Orthodontic Products, comparing patients who present with similar diagnoses but were treated with different mechanics. She also was the subject of an article in UIC Alumni, Fall 2017. She was a guest on Windy City Live on ABC-TV Channel 7 in Chicago on Feb. 15.

1995 Mona Van Kanegan, Chicago, has been named Chief of the Division of Oral Health at the Illinois Department of Public Health. She spoke at the Illinois State Dental Society’s Public Health Dentist Conference on April 4, and at its Capital Conference and Lobby Day on April 6. Stacey Van Scoyoc, Bloomington, IL, was recognized by the American Dental Association’s Council on Dental Practice for encouraging others to enter data about their


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practice in Benchmark My Practice, a practice management resource.

1996 Tabreena V.M. Walker, Harker Heights, TX, is serving as Clinical Director and District Doctor/Associate Dentists for Coast Dental at Ft. Hood, TX. She serves military dependent family members and Department of Defense employees.

1999 William Nudera, MS Oral Sciences ’05, Endodontics ’05, Chicago, spoke on root canal treatments at the Chicago Dental Society 2017 Midwinter Meeting. Curt Ringhofer, Orland Park, IL, spoke on sleep apnea at the Chicago Dental Society 2017 Midwinter Meeting.

2002 Vishruti Patel, Naperville, IL, was quoted in an article in the Illinois Dental News of Dec. 2016 about the American Dental Association Annual Meeting in Denver, CO.

2007 Saul Escala, Denver, CO, is a member of the International Association of HealthCare Professionals and is listed in The Leading Physicians of the World.

2008 Roshan Parikh, Chicago, recently was elected to the UIC Dental Alumni Association Board of Directors.

2009 Mario A. Serrano, Berwyn, IL, and his practice, Morton Family Dental 37

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of Berwyn, were the subjects of an article in Oak on April 3.

2013 Ben Youel, Chicago, attended the American Dental Association New Dentist Conference in Denver, CO, in October 2016. He ran the Boston Marathon in April in collaboration with the American Stroke Association in memory of his sister, Maggie Youel. He is an Orthodontics resident at the College, and his colleagues at the College made him the shirt he is holding, which also has messages of inspiration on the back.

Exam. He received his award during the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry annual meeting held in Washington, DC, in May 2017. The board examination is a two-part process consisting of a written qualifying exam and an oral clinical exam. Dr. Patrick earned the highest score among all individuals who took the examination in the most recent year.

2017 Naheed Ahmad works in public health dentistry as a general dentist in Community Health Systems in Beloit, WI. Htet Bo, MS Pediatric Dentistry, wrote a paper with Pediatric Dentistry faculty Eve Kratunova and David Avenetti on dental care for patients diagnosed with Moyamoya disease for the August issue of the Journal of Dentistry for Children. Kelsey Brar has entered the Pediatric Dentistry residency program at the College, and will earn a Master’s in Public Health as well. Samantha Cordell, Chicago, has entered a Pediatric Dentistry Residency at the College. Kirsten Frazier has entered the Master of Science in Orthodontics program at the University of Iowa College of Dentistry in Iowa City.

Dr. Jonathan Patrick, MS, Pediatric Dentistry ’15, received top honors on the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry Oral Clinical Exam. Dr. Ben Youel, ’13, with the shirt he wore in the Boston Marathon.

2015 Jasmin Guzman, Chicago, is Director of the oral health clinic at Lawndale Christian Health Center. Jonathan Patrick, MS Pediatric Dentistry, Kingwood, TX received top honors on the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry Oral Clinical


2016 Serena Mitchual, MS Pediatric Dentistry, had her MS thesis manuscript, “Association Between Childhood Traumatic Stress and Behavior in the Pediatric Dental Clinic” published in Pediatric Dentistry. The paper was co-authored by Pediatric Dentistry faculty Drs. Marcio da Fonseca, Sheela Raja, Darien Weatherspoon, and Anne Koerber.

Theresa Karras is in the Orthodontic Residency Program at Marquette University School of Dentistry. Annelise Perez Duran has joined the Bronz-Lebanon General Practice Residency program in New York. Alex Nye works for Aspen Dental in Sterling, IL. Khyatiben Patel will be an associate dentist in a private practice in Columbus, OH. He hopes to join an Oral Surgery residency in the future. Jose Ruiz will enter practice in the Tampa, FL, area, and be active with the Hispanic Dental Association in the area. Continued on page 40



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Alumni Class News

Dr. Melissa Amundson is First Oral Surgeon for Doctors Without Borders

Dr. Melissa Amundson, ’07, of Portland, OR, has become the first American oral and maxillofacial surgeon (OMFS) to be accepted as a volunteer to the world famous organization Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF – Doctors Without Borders). Dr. Amundson’s first four-week deployment was to the MSF-supported Noma Children’s Hospital in Sokoto, Nigeria, in October 2016. She joined an American MSF plastic surgeon to form a uniquely capable multidisciplinary team to treat noma, a rapidly progressive, polymicrobial, often gangrenous infection of the mouth. Dr. Amundson’s road to Nigeria began about 18 months prior to her actual departure. Having participated in other humanitarian aid groups, she set her sights on MSF in 2013. “MSF is highly selective and their volunteer acceptance rate is, at most, 20%,” Dr. Amundson said. “I didn’t think I had a chance.” Following her initial application, a call from MSF headquarters in New York resulted in disappointment. At that time, MSF did not feel that an OMFS would have the particular skills that could be an asset to the organization. They said they would keep her information “on file.” In the meantime, Dr. Amundson began a one-year fellowship in Advanced Craniomaxillofacial and Trauma Surgery at Legacy Emanuel Hospital in Portland. In October 2015, while she attended the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS) meeting in Washington DC, MSF called her back. MSF had begun supporting a hospital in Nigeria that would be dedicated to the treatment of noma and asked if she would be interested. The support of such a surgical program was the first in its kind for MSF, as this organization usually limits its scope to public health causes in refugee camps, areas of active war, and the treatment of internally displaced peoples. Dr. Amundson had to delay her participation until completion of her fellowship, but otherwise the application process was underway. She underwent an extensive interview process at the MSF headquarters in New York, including a Dr. Melissa Amundson, ’07 (right in French language interview. She was then accepted. upper photo, center in center photo, After her fellowship, Amundson joined the practice of her fellowship’s and right in bottom photo), shown organizing body, the Head and Neck Surgical Associates, whose surgeons felt with colleagues and patients from her clinical schedule in Portland could be adapted to her MSF commitments. One her Doctors Without Borders work. year after the call, she boarded a plane for Nigeria as the first American OMFS volunteer in Médecins Sans Frontières. This will become an annual mission for Dr. Amundson. She has also been added to the MSF Trauma Surgery Pool for the trauma hospital in Amman, Jordan, which is a reconstructive surgery center in that war-torn region. The hospital serves wounded patients from across the region that otherwise have no access to specialized surgical care locally or in their home countries. Dr. Amundson would like to encourage other OMFS colleagues to consider volunteering with MSF. —Dr. Eric Dierks, DMD, MD, FACS


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Alumni Class News Continued from page 38

Alyssa Stylski is attending an Advanced Education in General Dentistry program at the Veterans Administration in Long Beach, CA. Monica Waclaw will begin a General Practice Residency at Advocate Illinois Masonic in Chicago. Anna Zborek will attend a one-year General Practice Residency at Jesse Brown VA Medical Center in Chicago.

Loyola 1973 Michael Borzello’s Eureka, IL, practice has been taken over by Drs. Michael Moon and Eric Sudholt. They renamed it Eureka Family Dental.

1974 Lee Jameson, Downers Grove, IL, was selected by the American Prosthodontic Society as its 2017 Golden Medallion Awardee. The

Golden Medallion Award is issued to individuals whose contributions to prosthodontics have been exceptional. The award is funded by the American Prosthodontic Foundation and Nobel Biocare. He received the award at the American Prosthodontic Society Annual Meeting in February.

1978 Robert Oslak, Darien, IL, spoke on non-carious cervical lesions at the Chicago Dental Society 2017 Midwinter Meeting.

1979 Robert Bosack, Orland Park, IL, spoke on emergency medicine for dental patients at the Chicago Dental Society 2017 Midwinter Meeting.

Terri S. Tiersky, Skokie, IL, has joined the Board of Trustees of the Healthcare Foundation of Highland Park, IL. She is an officer of the Chicago Dental Society’s Board of Directors, serving as Vice President.

1987 Michael Zak, Schaumburg, IL, spoke on oral surgery phone consultations at the Chicago Dental Society 2017 Midwinter Meeting.


John Dzakovich, Arlington Heights, IL, spoke on non-carious cervical lesions at the Chicago Dental Society 2017 Midwinter Meeting.


Lena Halikias (see Don Doyle, UIC ’78).

Paul Burkey, Vernon Hills, IL, recently was elected to the UIC Dental Alumni Association Board of Directors.


Dr. Barbara Mousel, Chicago, was quoted in an article about the Illinois State Dental Society’s Capital Conference and Lobby Day in the May 2017 Illinois Dental News.



Maria “MaLu” Simon practices at North Shore Dentistry for Children in Evanston, IL.

Joseph Baldassano, Inverness, IL, was the subject of an article in the March 15 issue of the Fra Noi newspaper, which wrote about his being named Arcolian of the Year by the Arcolian Dental Arts Society.


Dr. Lee Jameson, Loyola ’74 the American Prosthodontic Society’s Golden Medallion Awardee.


Alice Boghosian, Chicago, was named American Dental Association national consumer advisor spokesperson.

Howard I. Cooper, Gurnee, IL, was elected Lake County Coroner in November 2016. He is the first dentist elected to the post. Sam Simos, Bolingbrook, IL, spoke on hygiene departments and on bonding at the Chicago Dental Society 2017 Midwinter Meeting.



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In Memoriam knowing him and to have him on our Alumni Board.” Dr. Izzo is survived by his sister Phyllis Welker, brother John Izzo, and sister Nancy A. Prange, wife of Terrence. Memorials in his name may be made to the UIC College of Dentistry. Contact Director of Donor Relations Ana Lisa Ogbac at (312) 996-0485 or at

Dr. James Izzo, Loyola ’79, serving as Torchbearer before a University of Illinois at Chicago Flames basketball game.

Dr. James Izzo; Loyola Rep on Alumni Board Dr. James Izzo, Loyola ’79, passed away at his home in River Forest, IL, at age 63 on March 27, 2017. His practice was in Elmwood Park, IL. Dr. Izzo had been a member of the UIC Dental Alumni Association Board of Directors since 2014. While there are several Loyola alumni on the Board, the Board also has an official Loyola Representative post, and Dr. Izzo assumed that post shortly after joining the Board. Dr. Izzo was a particularly active Board member, attending every meeting and contributing his viewpoints during discussions, and coming to as many alumni events as possible, including the University’s Legacies and Leaders event and the College’s Golf Outing, Reunion, and Graduation Luncheon. Every year for Clinic and Research Day, Dr. Izzo purposely did not schedule patients in his private practice so he could not only attend, but serve as a judge as well. After his first Clinic and Research Day judging experience, Dr. Izzo became a strong

lobbyist for attending Clinic and Research Day not only to his fellow Board members, but to other dentists as well. An avid golfer, Dr. Izzo made suggestions that improved the College’s Golf Outing as well. Last year, Dr. Izzo wrote a fundraising letter for the College to Loyola alumni. His words were so heartfelt that the letter was particularly successful in garnering donations. Dr. Izzo told his fellow Loyola alumni, “I strongly recommend that you consider finding a new dental home at UIC. Consider giving some of your time, talent, and treasure. You will make an impact for untold generations to come. I can assure you that Dean Clark Stanford, the faculty, staff, and students will make you feel warmly welcomed.” He was Past President of Local Chapter 358 of the Italian Catholic Federation. “Dr. Izzo was a Loyola alumnus who not only made the UIC College of Dentistry his home, but became one of its biggest advocates,” Dr. Stanford said. “It was an honor

Dr. Elmo L. Albertelli; Late Loyola Acceptance Resulted in Long Dental Career Dr. Elmo L. Albertelli, Loyola ’55, passed away at age 89. “In September 1951, he received an acceptance call that he was eligible to join the Class of 1955, as another applicant had dropped off the list,” said Elli Albertelli, Dr. Albertelli’s wife. “He packed up happily and had a wonderful experience and became a great dentist in his home town of Arlington, MA,” she added. Dr. and Mrs. Albertelli were married for 66 years. “We had ten children, the first only six weeks old when we arrived in Chicago,” she said. Dr. Albertelli was President of the Loyola Class of ’55 and was a member of the Blue Key Honor Society. He is survived by the couple’s ten children, Lawrence, Victoria, Chris, Donna, Elissa, Gina, Dana, Elmo, Maria, and Carissa, their spouses, and 11 grandchildren. Donations may be made in his


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In Memoriam name to Harbor Homes, 45 High St., Nashua, NH 03060.

1944 Dr. Bernard A. Widen, Loyola Orthodontics ’60, Lincolnwood, IL, passed away on May 7, 2017, at home with his family at the age of 96. He taught orthodontics at Loyola from 1965 to 1972. After retirement from dentistry, he became an artist proficient in acrylic, colored pencil, and oil painting. He was the father of four, including Dr. Ronald Widen, ’85.


Dr. Jack D. Zwemer, Appling, GA, passed away Feb. 4, 2017, at age 92. Survivors include his children and their spouses, Judith Taylor

great-grandchildren. Memorials may be made to the Church of the Holy Comforter, 473 Fury’s Ferry Rd., Martinez, GA 30907.

of Kelly; nine grandchildren, and one great-grandchild.


Dr. Peter A. Paesani, Longboat Key, FL, passed away on Jan. 11, 2017 at age 88. He is survived by his wife, Neva Kelley-Paesani; children Paula C. Paesani-Blum, wife of Jeff; Peter J. Paesani; and Patricia A. Paesani; a granddaughter, and several stepgrandchildren. Memorials may be sent to the Northern Illinois Food Bank, 765 Research Parkway, Rockford, IL 61109.

Dr. Alan Pang, Pediatric Dentistry, Rockford, IL, passed away Feb. 17, 2017. He earned his DDS from Loyola University Dental School before attending the Pediatric Dentistry program at UIC. He is survived by his wife, Kay; daughter Susan Hughes, wife of Doug; Laura Wheeler, wife of William; daughter Sarah Munies, wife of Bruce; and four grandchildren.


1958 Dr. Edward Schaefer, Naples, FL, passed away March 4, 2017, at age 89. He is survived by his three children, ten grandchildren, and eleven great, grandchildren. Memorials in his name can be made to Gideons International.

1960 Dr. Bernard Widen, ’44, in his art studio.

and her husband, Cedric; Laurel “Lori” Stevens and her husband, Larry; Mark Zwemer and his wife, Suzette; Timothy Zwemner and his wife, Jennifer; Joel Zwemer; Carol Brinsmead and her husband, Leon Johnson; and grandchildren and


1953 Dr. Arthur B. Buckley, Northbrook, IL, passed away on Dec. 24, 2016, at age 88. He is survived by his sons Con; Glen, husband of Lori; Bob, husband of Robin; and Ted, husband

Dr. James A. Nelson, Normal, IL, passed away on Feb. 9, 2017 at age 83. He is survived by his wife, Gail, and son David, husband of Juliana Duncan, and several stepchildren.


1964 Dr. Peter G. Notaras, Orthodontics, San Francisco, CA, passed away in February 2017. A former U.S. Navy fighter pilot, he enjoyed traveling and led tours for American Express and Cook’s. He is survived by his wife, Carol. Dr. Farel Rosenberg, Beverly Hills, IL, passed away on April 30, 2017, at age 76. He is survived by his fiancé, Karen Gichtin.

1974 Dr. David C. Marsden, Du Quoin, IL, passed away on Feb. 3, 2017, at age 67. He is survived by his

children Brent, wife of Nahid; Brooke, wife of Adam; and Nathan, and six grandchildren.

1994 Dr. Mark L. Bancroft, Aurora, IL, passed away on July 22, 2017, at age 46. He is survived by his wife, Cindy, and children Paul, Kaitlyn, and Julia.

Loyola 1940 Dr. Howard G. Melze, Lake Villa, IL, passed away Dec. 5, 2016.


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1950 Dr. John T. Wegrzyn, Oak Lawn, IL, passed away Aug. 1, 2016.

1967 Dr. John D. Martin, St. Anne, IL, passed away Aug. 15, 2017. He is survived by his wife, Anne; daughter Susan Trillet, and her husband, Dr. Steve; daughter Jan; and son John and his wife, Kendra; and five grandchildren. Memorials may be made to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital, Wounded Warriors, or the donor’s choice.


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Dr. William Maixner, a world-renowned pioneer in pain research, gave the 44 keynote speech to a large crowd.



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Student Activities Clinic and Research Day a Success

Clinic and Research Day, held on March 2, provided a venue for students and postgrads to present their research achievements to their peers, faculty, alumni, and the community. Dr. William Maixner, Professor in Anesthesiology and Director, Center for Translational Pain Medicine at the Duke University School of Medicine in Durham, NC, was the keynote speaker. “Our students, postgrads, and fellows presented more than 90 posters highlighting their current research,” said Dr. Lyndon Cooper, Associate Dean for Research and Head of the Department of Oral Biology. “They covered a wide range of topics in the basic, behavioral, clinical, and applied sciences. Predoctoral, postgraduate, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and their faculty mentors competed for awards in a number of categories.” More than 45 dental products manufacturers and service providers were on hand to explain their products and services to students and residents. Gold-level sponsor was Dentsply Sirona. Platinum-level sponsor was Chicagoland Smile Group. Titaniumlevel sponsors were Dental Arts Laboratories Inc., GC America Inc., Sunstar Americas, and the Wrigley Oral Healthcare Program. On March 9, students and postgrads were honored for excellence in a variety of categories: Manika Agarwal, mentor Dr. Phimon Atsawasuwan, PostGraduate Clinical Fellows, Basic Science, 1st Place. Shahad Alshamali, mentor Dr. Sahar Alrayyes, Literature Reviews, 2nd Place. Saad Alresayes, mentor Dr. Sahar Alrayyes, Post-Graduate Clinical Fellows, Basic Science, 2nd Place. James Appiah, mentor Dr. Seung Chung, Omicron Kappa Upsilon Sigma Chapter Best Basic Science Award; Pre-doctoral students, Basic Science, 2nd Place. Scott Bicknell, mentor Dr. David Reed, Undergraduates, 1st Place. Lucas Carubia, mentor Dr. Christine Wu, Post-Graduate Clinical Fellows, Clinical and Translational Sciences, 2nd Place. Asima Chughtai, mentor Dr. Yu Zhang, Illinois State Dental Society Best Basic Science Award. Samantha Cordell, mentor Dr. Anne Koerber, Pre-Doctoral Students, Clinical and Translational Sciences, 2nd Place. Bhumi Dalal, mentor Dr. Phimon Atsawasuwan, Pre-doctoral students,

Basic Science, 1st Place. With this award, Dalal represents the College at the Hinman Award Competition. Hoda Fakhari, Schour Award. Reihaneh Ghoreishi, mentor Dr. Nadia Kawar, CaseCAT participation recognition. Elizabeth Guirado, mentor Dr. Anne George, CCTS Award, 1st Place. Nageeb Hasan, mentor Dr. David Reed, Undergraduates, 2nd Place. Spyridon Hasiakos, mentor Dr. Xianghong Luan, Omicron Kappa Upsilon Best Clinical Science Award; Pre-Doctoral Students Clinical and Translational Sciences, 1st Place. Allison Horn, mentor Dr. Sahar Alrayyes, Post-Graduate Clinical Fellows, Clinical and Translational Sciences, 1st Place. Jennie Leikin, mentor Dr. Guy Adami, Cancer Center Award, 1st Place. Angelica Lagunas, mentor Dr. David Crowe, Cancer Center Award, 2nd Place. Wei Li, mentor Dr. Christine Wu, Research Associates, 1st Place. Ruwei Liang, mentor Dr. Lyndon Cooper, Post-Doctoral Fellow/Junior Faculty, 1st Place. Jennie Leikin, mentor Dr. Guy Adami, Cancer Center Award, 1st Place.

Annette Merkel, American Association for Dental Research Travel Award. Elizabeth Michalczyk, mentor Dr. Luisa DiPietro, Graduate Students, 1st Place. Alexander Munaretto, mentor Dr. Michael Miloro, Case Reports, 2nd Place. Chad Peterson, mentor Dr. Michael Markiewicz, Case Reports, 1st Place. Sebastian Przybylo, mentor Dr. Satish Alapati, Endodontics ’11, Illinois State Dental Society Best Clinical Science Award. David Salomon, mentor Dr. Michael Miloro, Post-Graduate Clinical Fellows, Clinical and Translational Sciences, 3rd Place. Amy Shah, mentor Dr. Evelina Kratunova, Literature Reviews, 1st Place. Gabriella Szewczyk, mentor Dr. Michael Federle, Graduate Students, 2nd Place. In addition, the American Association for Dental Research Chicago Section presented travel awards to Prashant Bommi, Caius Coretchi, Marybeth Francis, Elizabeth Guirado, Spyridon Hasiakos, Annette Merkel, Elizabeth Michalczyk, Joshua Padovano,


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Student Activities Sharon Kantor Bogetz of Cutting Edge Practice Inc. explains her company’s work to students.

Clinic and Research Day  Marybeth Francis received a drawing prize of wine and dental materials, presented on behalf of the College by Director of Development Bruno Mancari.

 Joel Pluymert of Dentsply Sirona received a plaque from Dean Clark Stanford for his company being Clinic and Research Day’s Gold Level sponsor.

 Spyridon Hasiakos received the award for Pre-Doctoral Students Clinical and Translational Sciences, 1st Place from Dentsply Sirona’s Patrick Nolan.


 Tara Lueders explains her research to a judge, Dr. Indru Punwani.


Sebastian Przybylo, and Gabriella Szewczyk. Drawing prizes were provided by Cutting Edge Practice, GC America, Hu-Freidy, Lang, MedPro, Procter & Gamble, Quintessence Publishing, SDI, Universal Dental Clinics, and Water Pik.

Awards Granted at Graduation Luncheon and Awards Program Students, faculty, benefactors, and guests enjoyed the Graduation Luncheon and Scholarship Awards program on May 3. Awards were given to those students who exhibited clinical excellence and/or academic achievement. Awards also were presented to faculty for their commitment to their students and for exceptional teaching abilities. The event was organized by Angelica Alvarez, William S. Bike, Janette Guzman, Millie Mendez, Ana Lisa Ogbac, Dr. Darryl Pendleton, and Mark J. Valentino. Dr. William Hamel, ’83, President of the UIC Dental Alumni Association Board of directors, hosted the event on behalf of the board. Dean Clark Stanford, welcomed everyone present and recognized the commitment and dedication of the many hard-working students, and the benefactors who made the awards possible. Valentino, who is Associate Dean for Advancement, was Master of Ceremonies. Student honorees were: Wakas Abdulrazzaq, Dr. Harry Saxon Scholarship. Fahad Al Mufti, Dr. Harry Saxon Scholarship. Naheed Ahmad, Dr. Kamlesh Amin Scholarship. Sibel Altun, Dr. Robert Savage Memorial Award, American Institute of

Orthodontic Research Award. James Appiah, Quintessence Award for Clinical Achievement in Research. Nikita Arora, Dr. Karl H. Halwass Award, Dr. Harry Saxon Scholarship. Omar Barraza, Dr. Donald W. Rice Scholarship. Bo Yeon Bartilotta, DMD Orthodontic Interest Award, Golden Scaler Clinical Award. William Bloink, International Congress of Implantologists Predoctoral Student Achievement Award. Kelsey Brar, Dr. Brian D. Stone Memorial Award. Hector Cabrera, Dr. Donald W. Rice Scholarship. Asa Carson, Dr. Stephen Burgard Memorial Scholarship. Amandeep Cheema, Golden Scaler Clinical Award. Samantha Cordell, Dr. Donald W. Rice Scholarship. Florina Demian, Dr. Karl H. Halwass Award, Dr. Gerson Gould and Mr. Sol H. Gould Memorial Scholarship, Golden Scaler Clinical Award. David Dominguez, Dr. Karl H. Halwass Award. Marybeth Francis, American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Dental Senior Award. Laurel Frausto, Dr. Edgar D. Gifford Scholarship. Kirsten Frazier, American Institute of Orthodontic Research Award. Lawal Garuba, Dr. Donald W. Rice Scholarship. Milica Golubovich, Amy J. Cummins Scholarship. Shiloh Golden, Frances Best Watkins Award. Kristine Guliana, Ann Tschirley Gunatillike Scholarship. Tara Groen, Dr. Adalbert L. Vlazny Award.


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Cindy Hacker, Frances Best Watkins Award, Leo and Wanda Sabien Class of 1955 Scholarship. Na-Jee Harris, Dr. Edgar D. Gifford Scholarship. Spyridon Hasiakos, Dr. Donald L. McElroy Endodontic Award. Jessica Hyker, Dr. Alan C. Peterson Scholarship, Dr. Donald W. Rice Scholarship. Theresa Karras, Delta Sigma Delta Academic Award. Nasim Khoshfetrat, Dr. Harry Saxon Scholarship. Steven Kim, Golden Scaler Clinical Award, Dr. Jerry F. Balaty Award. Abigail King, Dr. Gerson Gould and Mr. Sol H. Gould Memorial Scholarship, Academy of Osseointegration Outstanding Dental Student in Implant Dentistry Award. Young Han Kwon, Dr. Daniel Seldin Award. Erika Macias-Serna, Golden Scaler Clinical Award, Straumann Scholarship Pre-doctoral Implant Award. Jacqueline Magallanes, Dr. Earl W. Renfroe and Mrs. Hilda Renfroe Scholarship. Ayas Makki, Frances Best Watkins Award. Stephen Martin, Morgan Stanley Mercantile Scholarship, Dr. Steven Burgard Memorial Scholarship. Keyur Modi, Dr. Kamlesh Amin Scholarship, Dr. Gerson Gould and Mr. Sol H. Gould Memorial Scholarship. Israa Najjar, Dr. Leslie J. Braun Jr. Award. Susan Nanyunja, International College of Dentists Student Humanitarian Award. Elizabeth Ninan, Dr. Donald W. Rice Scholarship. Alex Nye, Bisco Inc. Award. Harshil Patel, Dr. James R. Havera Scholarship.


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Graduation Luncheon






1. Dr. Tom Lakars, ’67, and Dean Stanford presented the Odontographic Society of Chicago Dr. Walter E. Dundon Award for Clinical Excellence and Leadership to Daniel Rosales. 2. Christine Balaty and Dean Stanford presented Steven Kim with the Dr. Jerry F. Balaty Award. 48


3. Val Vlazny and Dean Stanford conferred the Dr. Adalbert L. Vlazny Award to Tara Groen. 4. Dr. Samuel J. Cascio, Loyola ’52, and Dean Stanford conveyed the Cascio Award to Giana Paterno. 5. Ten students received the Rice Award, named for the late Dr. Donald W. Rice, ’59, longtime Associate Dean of Students.

Dean Stanford presented the award to Omar Barraza, Hector Cabrera, Samantha Cordell, Lawal Garuba, Jessica Hyker, Elizabeth Ninan, Annelise Perez, Melinda Rosen, Alyssa Sylski, and Anna Zborek. 6. D r. Martin Dettmer, ’71, and Dean Clark Stanford presented the Dr. Robert Savage Memorial Award to Sibel Altun.



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Student Activities Graduation Luncheon







7. Alyssa Stylski received the Dentsply Sirona Innovations in Implant Therapy Award from Dentsply Sirona’s Daniel Chapman and Dean Stanford. 8. Dr. Fred Stroner, ’87, and Dean Stanford provided the Dr. William F. Stroner Award to Valeriya Predenko and Aliaksandr Shabonovich.

9. Dr. Bill Bleecker, ’71, a classmate of the late Dr. Steven Burgard, presented the Dr. Steven Burgard Memorial Scholarship with Dean Clark Stanford to Stephen Marton and Asa Carson.

11. Dr. Kamlesh Amin, ’83 (left), is the benefactor for the award named for him, which he and Dean Stanford presented to Naheed Ahmad and Keyur Modi.

10. Steve Barrett represented Straumann when he and Dean Stanford provided the Straumann Scholarship Predoctoral Implant Award to Erika Macias-Serna.

12. Ruslan Semchyshyn received the Dr. Curt J. Gronner Award from Dr. Bruce Gronner, ’70, and Dean Stanford. 49

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Student Activities Khyatiben Patel, Dr. James R. Havera Scholarship. Giana Paterno, Dr. Samuel J. Cascio Scholarship. Annelise Perez, Dr. Donald W. Rice Scholarship. Valeriya Predenko, Dr. William F. Stroner Award. Sebastian Przybylo, Dr. William Starek Award. Joseph Powers, Dr. Joseph Kolodziejck Award. Bang Quach, Frances Best Watkins Award, Dr. Daniel Seldin Award. Hany Reyad, Foundation of the Pierre Fauchard Academy Scholarship. Jacqueline Rodriguez, International College of Dentists Student Leadership Award. Daniel Rosales, Morgan Stanley Mercantile Scholarship, Odontographic Society of Chicago Dr. Walter E. Dundon Award for Clinical Excellence and Leadership. Melinda Rosen, Frances Best Watkins Award, Dr. Donald W. Rice Scholarship, Dr. Gerald L. Wine Scholarship. Jose Ruiz, Morgan Stanley Mercantile Scholarship. Christopher Savas, Sunita Bajaj Clinical Excellence Award, Golden Scaler Clinical Award. Rusian Semchyshyn, Dr. Curt J. Gronner Award. Aliaksandr Shabonovich, Dr. William F. Stroner Award. Samer Shaltoni, Dr. Karl H. Halwass Award, Dr. Luz Bondoc Award. Brian Smith, Dr. Marshall Milnarik Scholarship. Alyssa Stylski, Dr. Donald W. Rice Scholarship, Innovations in Implant Therapy Award. Angela Suh, Dr. Lina K. Tharp Memorial Award, Bisco Inc. Award.


Waseem Taraji, Frances Best Watkins Award, Dr. Gerson Gould and Mr. Sol H. Gould Memorial Scholarship. Monika Waclaw, Leo and Wanda Sabien Class of 1955 Scholarship, Dr. James R. Havera Scholarship. George Youssef, Dr. Stanley Tylman Award. Anna Zborek, Dr. Donald W. Rice Scholarship. Also, Dr. Ana Organ-Boshes received the Golden Apple Award from the graduating DMD class, and Dr. Seema Ashrafi received the Golden Apple Award from the graduating DMD-AS class. At the Urban Health Program awards ceremony on April 26, the following students received awards: Jacqueline Magallanes, Student Leadership Award. Stephen Martin, Student Leadership Award. Daniel Rosales, Student Achievement Award. At the Omicron Kappa Upsilon awards ceremony on May 3, the following students received awards: Kirsten Frazier, OKU Dr. Lina K. Tharp Memorial Award. Christopher Savas, OKU Dr. Lina K. Tharp Memorial Award. John Tran, OKU William S. Kramer Recognition of Excellence and Scholarship Award.

Degrees, Certificates Conferred at Commencement The College’s DMD, DMD Advanced Standing, and graduate students were conferred their degrees and certificates at the UIC Forum on May 6. “The College of Dentistry and the University of Illinois at Chicago

community sincerely congratulate you on this extraordinary achievement,” said Dean Clark M. Stanford to the graduates as he joined parents, families, and friends in extending best wishes to them. Dr. Susan Rowan, ’84, Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, welcomed all attending and introduced the platform party, which included College administrators, approximately 80 faculty, and family hooders. Students in the processional were Harshil Patel, who carried the UIC banner; Melinda Rosen, who carried the College of Dentistry banner; and Angela Suh, who carried the Graduate College banner. Marshals for the faculty were Dr. Toni Roucka, ’90, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, and Dr. Lyndon Cooper, Associate Dean for Research. The National Anthem was performed by students Yale Cho and Jacqueline Magallanes. Ayas Makki, President of the DMDAS class, give the greetings from the graduates. Chancellor Michael D. Amiridis gave the greetings from the University. Dr. Stanford gave the keynote address. Presenting the postdoctoral education graduates were Dr. Satish Alapati, Endodontics ’11, Assistant Professor, Endodontics, Student Marshal; Dr. Bradford Johnson, Endodontics ’91, Head, Endodontics; Dr. Charles Neach, Loyola ’70, Clinical Assistant Professor, Endodontics; Dr. Michael Miloro, Head, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMFS); Dr. William Flick, ’74, Clinical Associate Professor, OMFS; Dr. Budi Kusnoto, Orthodontics and MS Oral Sciences, ’88, Interim Department Head, Orthodontics; Kimberly Fasula, Director of Clinical Operations,


Orthodontics; Dr. Marcio da Fonseca, Head, Pediatric Dentistry; Dr. David Avenetti, Postdoctoral Program Director, Pediatric Dentistry; Dr. Salvador Nares, Head, Periodontics; Dr. Dwayne Karateew, Postdoctoral Program Director, Periodontics; Dr. Stephen Campbell, Head, Prosthodontics; Dr. Kent Knoernschild, Postdoctoral Program Director, Prosthodontics; and Dr. Rand Harlow, ’92, Prosthodontics ’97, Associate Postdoctoral Program Director, Prosthodontics. Chancellor Amiridis conferred the Master of Science in Oral Sciences and the Doctor of Philosophy in Oral Sciences, and the graduates were recognized by Dr. Cooper; Dr. Robert Barish, Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs; and Dr. Laura Junker, Associate Dean of the Graduate College. Dr. Anne George, Professor, Oral Biology, was the PhD hooder. Chancellor Amiridis and Dr. Roucka conferred the DMD and DMD Advanced Standing degrees, with Dr. Adriana Semprum-Clavier, Co-Director, DMDAS Program, recognizing the DMDAS graduates, and Dr. Alison Doubleday, Assistant Professor, Oral Biology, recognizing the DMD graduates. Conferred were 49 DMD degrees; 50 DMDAS degrees; one PhD; 36 Master of Oral Sciences degrees; four certificates in Endodontics; three certificates in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; nine certificates in Orthodontics; nine certificates in Pediatric Dentistry; four certificates in Periodontics; and ten certificates in Prosthodontics. Distribution of diploma covers and awards was by Mark J. Valentino, Associate Dean for Advancement; Dr. Michael Harner, Associate Dean for Finance and Administration;

William S. Bike, Director of Advancement Communications; and Angelica Alvarez, Program/Student Advisor. Hooders were Dr. Seema Ashrafi, ’93, MS Histology ’94, Periodontics ’99, Golden Apple recipient, DMDAS class; Dr. Anna Organ-Boshes, ’00, Golden Apple recipient, DMD class; Dr. Michael Dunlap, ’92, Managing Partner, Bach Clinic; Dr. Stephanie Ward, ’01, Managing Partner, Brahms Clinic; Dr. Mickey Spector, Managing Partner, Mozart Clinic; and Dr. James Bryniarski, ’78, Managing Partner, Gershwyn Clinic. Receiving awards were: Naheed Ahmad, American Association of Women Dentists Elenore Bushee Senior Award. Kelsey Brar, American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Achievement Award. Yale Cho, American Academy of Implant Dentistry Award, American College of Prosthodontists Achievement Award, American Student Dental Association Award of Excellence. Samantha Cordell, American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Certificate of Merit Award. Kelsey Esposito, Academy of Operative Dentistry Outstanding Achievement Award. Gilbert Guajardo, American Dental Society of Anesthesiology Horace Wells Senior Student Award. Kristine Guliana, Quintessence Award for Clinical Achievement in Periodontics. Robert Herrod, American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Dental Student Award. Theresa Karras, Quintessence Award for Clinical Achievement in Restorative Dentistry Steven Kim, American Association of Endodontists Student


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Achievement Award, Illinois Academy of General Dentistry Senior Student Award. Abigail King, Pierre Fauchard Academy Senior Student Award. Joshua Padovano, Academy of Dental Materials Awards, American Association of Orthodontists Award. Khyatiben Patel, Illinois Academy of General Dentistry Senior Student Award. Jose Ruiz, American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry Student Merit Award. Ruslan Semchyshyn, Whip-Mix Best of the Best Prosthodontics Award. Samer Shaltoni, American Academy of Periodontology Award. Alyssa Stylski, American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Dental Implant Student Award. Waseem Taraji, Academy of Orofacial Pain Outstanding Student Award. George Youussef, American Academy of Oral Medicine Certificate of Merit and Award in Oral Medicine. Afterwards, Dr. Caswell Evans, Associate Dean for Prevention and Public Health Sciences, led the Dentist’s Pledge. Response from the graduates was from Bang Quach, DMD class President. Carrying the banners during the recessional were Steven Kim, UIC banner; Bo Yeon Bartilotta, College of Dentistry banner; and Annelise Perez Duran, Graduate College banner. The event was run by the Office of Student and Diversity Affairs, Dr. Darryl Pendleton, Associate Dean, and staff members Angelica Alvarez, Braulia Espinosa, Carolyn Feller, Laura Macias, and Millie Mendez.


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Hugs and smiles were the order of the day, even on the Commencement platform.

Jacqueline Magallanes and Yale Cho gave a rousing rendition of the National Anthem. Ayas Makki, President, DMDAS Class of 2017, gave the Greetings from the Graduates. Joshua Padovano earned both a DMD and a PhD.

Students are all smiles right before the Graduation ceremony.


New graduates recite the Dentist’s Pledge.



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Student Activities The hooding of the individual graduates always is a highlight of the day.

Hats off to this year’s graduates.

Bang Quach, President of the DMD Class, gave the response from the graduates.

Dr. Claire Pescheret, who had been Chief Resident in Orthodontics, shares a word with Dean Clark Stanford and Dr. Budi Kusnoto. New graduates lead the procession out as faculty applaud.


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Student Activities Student Joseph Deek Named Albert Schweitzer Fellow University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry Student Joseph Deek recently was named an Albert Schweitzer Fellow for the 2017-18 year. Deek earned his fellowship through the Chicago Area Schweitzer Fellows Program, a chapter of the Albert Schweitzer Fellowship, and through the Health and Medicine Policy Research Group, an independent policy center that conducts research, educates, and collaborates with other groups to advocate policies and impact health systems to improve the health status of all people. Schweitzer Fellows spend a year working to address barriers impacting the health of underserved communities and develop lifelong leadership skills. In doing so, they follow the example set by famed physician-humanitarian Dr. Albert Schweitzer, for whom the Fellowship is named. Dr. Caswell A. Evans, Associate Dean for Prevention and Public

Besides being a Schweitzer Fellow, student Joseph Deek (right), along with Matt Seimer (left) of Mobile Care Chicago, are members of the Oral Health America Associate Board.


Health Sciences, said, “Joe’s project will focus on advancing the initiative at Jesse Brown Veterans Administration (VA) Medical Center started by Dr. Nisha Garg, ’16, as her Schweitzer Fellowship project two years ago.” Dr. Garg provided oral hygiene information to military veterans ineligible for oral health care at the VA Center and therefore initiated a Veterans’ Screening Day at the College in 2016. “I am very excited to be advancing Nisha’s project because we still have veterans contacting Nisha and the College seeking dental care,” Deek said. “I believe that my project will fill in a void for veterans who have no dental home and also help the vets prevent oral health disease.” Deek intends to visit the Jesse Brown VA for various events to promote education sessions he will host on how veterans can care for and prevent oral health disease, and on dental treatments. Deek’s work will build on Dr. Garg’s by hosting several screening days at the College and by creating a database of the veterans “so that I can follow up with them and see that they are receiving treatment,” Deek said. While some veterans become patients of the College, Deek also plans on collaborating with the Chicago Dental Society to help veterans “find dental homes outside the College,” he said. “We are looking to set up a network of CDS dentists who could foster a veteran patient in order to maximize our outreach.” He also will hold education sessions at the College, featuring panel discussions and experts. “Many of these formats will be lunch-andlearns where students and faculty

can learn about the oral healthcare needs of this population.” Since the 2006-07 year, the College has had 15 students serve as Schweitzer Fellows.

Dr. Veronica Haywood Earns Wound Healing 3M Fellowship Dr. Veronica Haywood, DPT, PT, a Clinical Postdoctoral Fellow and Graduate Student Researcher in the Center for Wound Healing and Tissue Regeneration, received the Wound Healing Foundation-3M Fellowship for 2017-18. Dr. Haywood is working on a PhD in Oral Sciences at the College. “The award provides her with $15,000 to use for her research supplies and needs,” said Dr. Luisa DiPietro, '80, MS Histology, '82, Director for the Center for Wound Healing and Tissue Regeneration. Dr. Haywood’s research is on “Enzymatic Protein Glycosylation during Normal and Diabetic Wound Healing.” She is “examining the regulation of sugar molecules that are added onto certain proteins and looking to identify whether these are

Dr. Veronica Haywood.



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changing over the course of wound healing and in diabetes,” Dr. Haywood said.

ISPD Recognizes Research Excellence The Illinois Society of Pediatric Dentists awarded its fourth annual Dr. Indru C. Punwani Graduate Student Research Awards at the ISPD meeting at the American Dental Association building in Chicago on April 7. Recipients were Dr. Allison Horn, Resident, Pediatric Dentistry, UIC, and Dr. Neha Shah, Pediatric Dental Resident from Lurie Children’s Hospital. Dr. Horn’s research is “Comparison of Dexis CariVu caries detection device to traditional bite wing radiography for diagnosis of interproximal caries in primary and young permanent teeth.” Dr. Shah’s research is “Bacterial Inhibition and Cytotoxicity of Silver Compound Dental Materials.” “I felt so honored to receive the ISPD Punwani Award,” Dr. Horn said. “I was actually first introduced to the Dexis CariVu device, the subject of my research, at the Fall 2015 ISPD meeting. Fortunately, we had recently acquired the device in the Postgraduate Pediatric Dental Clinic. This gave me the opportunity to conduct a study on its efficacy in a pediatric setting.” The award is named for Dr. Punwani, Professor Emeritus and former Head of Pediatric Dentistry at the College. Dr. Punwani was a longtime Executive Director of the ISPD.

Dr. Claire Garcia, President of the ISPD; Dr. Allison Horn, UIC Pediatric Resident winner of the Punwani Award; Dr. Indru Punwani; Dr. Neha Shah, Lurie Resident winner of the Punwani Award; and Dr. Ashlee Voracheck, ’09, Chair of the ISPD Punwani Award Committee.

Dr. Daniel Rosales Earns HDA Foundation Scholarship The Hispanic Dental Association Foundation Board and its president, Dr. Sarita Arteaga, awarded a scholarship to Dr. Daniel Rosales, ’17, at the Greater New York Dental Meeting earlier this year when he was still a student. Dr. Rosales wrote an essay as part of the application process for

the scholarship. In the essay, he wrote that he intends “to provide oral health care in the same underserved communities that I grew up in and to change the perception of dentistry.” Reared in the Little Village area of Chicago, Dr. Rosales noted that in his community, “the perception of dentists in general was and still is a negative one.” However, he added, “Knowledge is power. Knowing the difference between an unhealthy mouth and the problems that can

Daniel Rosales (third from left) was one of the winners of Hispanic Dental Association Foundation scholarships.


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Student Activities arise is the first step in changing the perception and importance of dentistry” in underserved communities. “Long-term health begins not with relieving someone’s immediate pain, but by enlightening these communities with the proper knowledge and resources to maintain a healthy mouth,” Dr. Rosales wrote.

Dr. Masood Sirjani with his awardwinning research poster.

Dr. Masood Sirjani Honored by AAE For the second year in a row, an Endodontics Resident won an award at the American Association of Endodontists meeting by scoring in the top ten of the judged research poster presentations. Dr. Masood Sirjani, Endodontics Postgrad 2, received the AAE Dentsply/Sirona Award for “Effect of BoNT-A on Proliferation and Differentiation of DPSCs in Hypoxic Conditions.” He is quick to credit the members of his project team as integral to receiving this honor. “Our project team is very excited about this research,” Dr. Sirjani said. “It not only opens an avenue that in the future may lead to the successful regeneration of dental pulp stem cells, possibly improving outcomes


in endodontics and dentistry, but also could potentially apply to regeneration of stem cells in other parts of the body.” Dr. Sirjani’s research mentor is Dr. Satish Alapati, Endodontics ’11, Assistant Professor, Endodontics.

Prosthodontics Residents Win Top Poster Awards Department of Restorative Dentistry Faculty and Advanced Prosthodontics Residents attended the American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics 66th Annual Scientific Session in February and swept the poster presentation awards. There were 63 individuals presenting posters, and the competition recognizes only one clinical and one research award winner. The College’s Advanced Prosthodontics program won both awards, “a truly remarkable accomplishment,” said Dr. Stephen

Campbell, Head of Restorative Dentistry. Residents Drs. Christopher Coffey and Krystle Kendall, along with faculty Drs. Kent Knoernschild, Aristotelis Marinis, and Anna Manzotti, won first place for their research poster, “Clinical Differences Between Conventionally and CAD/CAM Fabricated Complete Removable Dental Prostheses – An Objective and Subjective Analysis.” Resident Dr. Randold Binns, along with faculty Drs. Campbell, Knoernschild, Marinis, and Ghadeer Thalji, won first place for their clinical poster, “Combined Digital and Conventional Approach in Full Mouth Reconstruction.” “Being identified as the best clinical and research posters as part of a competition that included 63 posters is simply incredible,” Dr. Campbell said. “This is an inspiring recognition of our program, our faculty mentors, our residents, and our College.

Advanced Prosthodontics residents at the American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics Scientific Session: Drs. Saad Alresayes, Laura Chee, Sara Chen, Samira Salari, Albert Park, Randold Binns (clinical poster awardee), Chris Coffey (research poster awardee), Ashley Nozik, Diana Cuesta, and Jesspret Parmar. Not pictured was Dr. Krystle Kendall, who along with Dr. Coffey had the winning research poster.



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Faculty/Department News Dr. Seema Ashrafi Earns Jon Daniel Teaching Award, HOPE Award Dr. Seema Ashrafi, ’93, MS Histology ’94, Periodontics ’99, Clinical Associate Professor and Director, Predoctoral Periodontics, and Clinical Director of the Advanced Standing Program, in May was named the 2017 recipient of the College’s Jon Daniel Teaching Award, which confers upon her the distinction of also being a Jon Daniel Teaching Scholar. In March, Dr. Ashrafi also was honored with a UIC HOPE (Honoring Our Professors’ Excellence) Award. The Daniel Award is named in honor of the late Oral Biology faculty member Dr. Jon Daniel, who passed away in 2009. It is presented to one faculty member each year for his or her exemplary contribution to the education of UIC College of Dentistry students. Selection for the award is based upon the recipient’s ability to engage students’ interest, curiosity,

and motivation to learn; challenge students to achieve breadth and depth in their understanding and excellence in their skills; support students in their learning by fostering clarity, meaningfulness, and confidence; and respond to student needs in ways that keep learning at the center of the educational enterprise. “The Jon Daniel Award means a great deal to me because not only were he and I colleagues, but I also had the opportunity to be his student in histology,” Dr. Ashrafi said. “Dr. Daniel did affect me to strive to be the best as I can be as a teacher. He believed that in order to become good at anything, you must strive to do your best and, most of all, become a good listener. I did take this advice to heart, and this is what I do on a daily basis.” The University conferred a HOPE (Honoring Our Professors’ Excellence) Award to Dr. Ashrafi for making a great impact on the lives of UIC students living on campus in a ceremony on March 28 in Student Center East.

Dr. Seema Ashrafi, ’93, MS Histology ’94, Periodontics ’99, center, received the Jon Daniel Award. Dr. Alison Doubleday represented the selection committee, and Dean Clark Stanford represented the College.


Dental student Asima Chughtai nominated her for the HOPE Award. “Campus Housing realizes how important it is for students to build a connection with faculty members, so we established this program as a way to recognize and thank exemplary faculty members for contributing to our residents’ success,” said Dr. Nick Ardinger, Assistant Director for Residential Education, Campus Housing. “The award represents ‘HOPE,’ which to me is an act of kindness and respect toward others,” Dr. Ashrafi concluded.

Dr. Joan M. Davis Chosen ADEA Foundation Education Fellow Dr. Joan M. Davis, an Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Oral Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences and a Professor at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, in Dental Hygiene, has been chosen the recipient of

Dr. Joan M. Davis.


the American Dental Education Association/ADEAGeis Foundation Fellowship for 2017. The fellowship is designed to familiarize dental educators with issues facing dental education. “The education fellowship gives me the opportunity to work for a total of three months in the Washington, DC, headquarters of ADEA gaining hands-on experience in the operations and missions of ADEA,” Dr. Davis said. “As a Fellow, I plan to work with the ADEA Policy Center staff in the planning, development, and possibly implementation of international collaborative activities,” she noted.

Erie Family Health Center Honors Dr. Caswell Evans with Golden Toothbrush Erie Family Health Center, which provides accessible, affordable, high quality healthcare in communitybased health centers, recently presented its Golden Toothbrush

Award to Dr. Caswell Evans, Associate Dean for Prevention and Public Health Sciences. Erie Family Health Center’s oral health program has expanded through the years to now serve more than 11,500 people at four locations that integrate a patient’s medical and dental care. In awarding the Golden Toothbrush to Dr. Evans, Erie stated, “Your leadership at UIC College of Dentistry has contributed significantly to Erie’s growth, as many of our dentists received their education at UIC. Moreover, Erie and the public health community as a whole have benefited tremendously from your role as an educator and champion for the integration of medical and dental care.” “The College, particularly students, certainly benefits through the strong working relation we have with Erie,” Dr. Evans said. “D-4 students rotate there as part of the DCLE course and can experience this practice model.” College of Dentistry students devote a minimum of 50 days at


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Erie and other sites providing care to underserved populations including children, the developmentally disabled, HIV-positive, and geriatric patients. The program is under Dr. Evans’ authority.

Dr. Charles Luptak Earns Buckman Award Dr. Charles Luptak, Loyola ’68, Associate Professor, Restorative Dentistry, was named the recipient of the Department of Restorative Dentistry’s 2017 James W. Buckman Faculty Award. Founded in Dr. Buckman’s memory, the award, “is for recognition of inspirational excellence and caring and is intended to honor a faculty member who has had a demonstrated long-term commitment to the Department of Restorative Dentistry, its programs, faculty, staff, and students,” said Dr. Stephen D. Campbell, Head of the department. Dr. Buckman, ’64, a faculty member in the department who passed away in 2015, “positively influenced the lives of thousands of students and practitioners over his 50-year academic career,” Dr. Campbell said. Dr. Luptak noted that his philosophy is, “I have a teaching career and I should strive to be good at it. As a young man I knew I wanted to be a teacher, but my father thought that being in a profession like dentistry would be more fulfilling. I had an interest in dentistry, so I pursued it. Now I have the best of both worlds, being a doctor in a health care profession and an instructor who can share his knowledge in the field.”

Administration Erie Family Health Center honored Dr. Caswell Evans with the Golden Toothbrush Award, Dr. Sally Lundeen with the Health Innovator Award, and Dr. William Cape with the Health Program Champion Award.

Jennifer Bereckis, RDH, Director of Clinical Operations, has been appointed Chair of the Dental Education Committee for the Illinois


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Dr. Toni Roucka, ‘90 (third from right), being inducted into the Pierre Fauchard Academy. State Dental Society. This is the first time in the history of the ISDS that a hygienist has been appointed chair of a committee. She also gave a Continuing Education presentation for MATEC (Midwest AIDS training & Education Center) in June on Infection Control. Dr. Clark Stanford, Dean and UIC Distinguished Professor, spoke on evaluation, management, and risk factor assessment of complex patient needs for oral rehab at the Nov. 2016 West Side Branch meeting of the Chicago Dental Society. Dr. Stanford and Dr. Marcio da Fonseca, Department Head, Pediatric Dentistry, presented on management issues related to medically compromised children at the Kuwait Dental Association, sponsored by the Kuwait Health Ministry, in February. Dr. Terry Barnfield, President of the Illinois State Dental Society, quoted Dr. Stanford in his President’s Message in the April 2017 Illinois Dental News. Dr. Stanford presented the opening keynote talk and a half-day workshop at a global symposium on oral health at Imam Abdulrahman bin


Faisal University in Dammam, Saudi Arabia, in April. In June, Dr. Stanford presented at the Sino Dental Congress in Beijing, China, the world’s largest dental congress, featuring 80,000 dentists. He followed that up by presenting a series of courses and Continuing Education classes on complex prosthodontics and implant dentistry in Suzhou, Shanghai, and Shenzhen, China. Dr. Stanford was named a President’s Executive Leadership Program (PELP) Fellow for 201718 by University President Timothy Killeen. PELP is a unique professional development program designed to broaden participants’ understanding of higher education skills and strengthen their leadership skills. Dr. Toni Roucka, ’90, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, was inducted into the Pierre Fauchard Academy at a ceremony held during the Chicago Dental Society Midwinter Meeting. Mark J. Valentino, Associate Dean for Advancement, attended the Big Ten Fundraisers Institute in Lake Geneva, IL, July 29 through Aug. 1.

Dr. Blase Brown, Loyola ’81, Visiting Clinical Assistant Professor, Oral Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences, and Dr. Meg Strotman, ’04, Restorative Dentistry, gave a talk at the American Dental Education Association on the use of Critical Appraisal Topics as a way to assess critical thinking skills in students. Dr. Lyndon Cooper, Associate Dean for Research and Professor and Head, Oral Biology; and Dr. Xiaofeng (Charles) Zhou, Professor, Periodontics, received the Academy of Osseointegration/ International Association for Dental Research’s prestigious and highly competitive research award in implant sciences for a project entitled, “Epithelial (dys)function in PeriImplantitis,” for $75,000. At the American Prosthodontic Society meeting, “Improving Polymethyl Methacrylate Resin Using a Novel Nano-Ceramic Coating,” was presented by Drs. Su Huang, Arghya Bishal, Randold Binns, Ghaith Dawish, Vanlentim Barao, Cortino Sukotjo, Christine D. Wu. Christos G. Takoudis, Bin Yang, and Stephen Campbell. Dr. Charles W. LeHew, Research Assistant Professor, Pediatric Dentistry; Dr. Darien J. Weatherspoon, former Assistant Professor, Pediatric Dentistry; Dr. Caryn E. Peterson, Research Assistant Professor, School of Public Health; Abigail Goben, MLS, Assistant Professor, University Library; Karolina Reitmajer, student researcher; Dr. Herve Sroussi, former Associate Professor, Oral Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences; and Dr. Linda Kaste, Professor, Pediatric Dentistry; published “The Health System and Policy Implications of Changing Epidemiology for Oral Cavity and Oropharyngeal Cancers in the United States from 1995 to 2016” in Epidemiologic Reviews, 2017.



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Faculty/Department News Dr. Xianghong Luan, Associate Professor, Oral Biology; Dr. Xiaofeng Charles Zhou, Associate Professor, Periodontics; Dr. Phimon Atsawasuwan, Assistant Professor, Orthodontics; Dr. Thomas G.H. Diekwisch, formerly of the College and now of Texas A&M; and Drs. J. Trombetta-eSilva, M. Francis, and A.K. Gharwar, also of Texas A&M, published “MicroRNAs and Periodontal Homeostasis” in the Journal of Dental Research, 2017, Vol. 96(5) 491-500. New faculty: Dr. Patrick Smith has joined the Division of Prevention and Public Health Sciences and the Department of Pediatric Dentistry as Clinical Assistant Professor.

Department of Endodontics Dr. Satish Alapati, Endodontics ’11, Assistant Professor, spoke on bioactive root canal sealers at the Dec. 2016 West Side Branch meeting of the Chicago Dental Society.

Dr. James Bahcall, Clinical Associate Professor, spoke on endodontic emergencies at the Chicago Dental Society 2017 Midwinter Meeting. Dr. Mohamed Fayad, Endodontics ’00, Clinical Associate Professor, spoke on 3-D imaging in dentistry at the Chicago Dental Society 2017 Midwinter Meeting. Dr. Brad Johnson, Head, Endodontics ‘91, gave Dental Health Month presentations in February to eight classes of second grade students—170 in total. He gave brushing demonstrations and showed a shark jaw borrowed from the College’s Du Brul Room. He presented “Regenerative Endodontics” to the Windy City Seminars Study Club in Chicago; “Management of Dental Trauma and Regenerative Endodontics” to the Illinois Society of Pediatric Dentists; and “Risk Assessment and Management of the Medically Complex Endodontic Patient” at the annual College of Diplomates American Board of Endodontics board review course in February in Richmond, VA.

Dr. Brad Johnson, Head, Endodontics, gave Dental Health Month presentations in February to eight classes of second grade students—170 in total. He gave brushing demonstrations and showed a shark jaw borrowed from the College’s E. Lloyd Du Brul Archives Room.

Dr. Nermeen Moussa, Endodontics ’10, Clinical Assistant Professor, was one of 14 young endodontists from across the U.S. selected to participate in the American Association of Endodontists Leadership Development Program for 2017. She also appears in an AAE root canal safety video. Dr. William Nudera, Clinical Assistant Professor, spoke on Predictability Through Uniformity and How Big Should I Take This Canal? At the Chicago Dental Society 2017 Midwinter Meeting. Dr. Steve Weeks, ’89, Endodontics ’94, spoke on single-file endodontics at the Chicago Dental Society 2017 Midwinter Meeting.

Department of Oral Biology Research by Dr. Fanny Chmilewsky, Postdoctoral Scholar, entitled “C5L2 receptor represses BDNF secretion in LTA-stimulated pulp fibroblasts,” was published in the January 2017 issue of the Journal of Dental Research (JDR) and was selected to be on the

Dr. Fanny Chmilewsky, Postdoctoral Scholar, Oral Biology, with Dr. Seung Chung, Assistant Professor, Oral Biology.


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Faculty/Department News

Dr. Lyndon Cooper, Head, Oral Biology, speaking to the American Prosthodontics Society on “Zirconia Lessons Learned.” cover. Dr. Chmilewsky’s mentor is Dr. Seung Chung, Assistant Professor. This is their third article together in a year, including others in JDR and Sci Rep. Dr. Lyndon Cooper, Department Head, and Associate Dean for Research, received the International Association for Dental Research/ Academy of Osseointegration Research Award in Implant Sciences

at the IADR General Session in March. Dr. Cooper spoke on implant overdentures at the Chicago Dental Society 2017 Midwinter Meeting. He delivered a presentation to the American Prosthodontics Society, entitled “Zirconia Lessons Learned.” He also participated in the American Association of Fixed Prosthodontics annual meeting, where he spoke on “The Impact of Technology on the Prosthodontic Frontier” and joined a panel discussion on the same topic later that day. He also was the keynote speaker for a day-long presentation to the Taiwan Academy of Implant Dentistry. There, he shared his tenyear research experience concerning single tooth implant therapy and related biologic and esthetic outcomes. In June, Dr. Cooper was the external examiner for a PhD thesis at the University of Goteborg in Sweden. Dr. Anne George, Professor, was inducted into Omicron Kappa Upsilon

Residents and Department Head Dr. Michael Miloro attended the Chalmers J. Lyons Academy of Oral Surgery Annual Meeting at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, where Dr. Daniel Laskin, MS OMFS ’52, former Department Head, was the keynote speaker on “The History of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.” Pictured left to right are Drs. Chad Petersen; Michael Miloro; Dan Laskin; David Salomon; Chris Colby, ’14; and Laura Pashkowsky.


on May 3 as an honorary member.

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery A team of faculty and residents travelled to Campeche, Mexico, where they participated in a mission trip with Dr. Rafael Ruiz-Rodriguez to evaluate and manage children with cleft lip and palate deformities. Dr. Michael Markiewicz, Assistant Professor, and OMFS residents Drs. David Salomon and Chad Petersen provided care at Hospital Dr. Manuel Campos. Dr. Michael Markiewicz has been awarded the Faculty Educator Development Award by the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons and the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Foundation. This award is given to a deserving full-time OMFS faculty member in the USA and includes $40,000 per year for three years, and $10,000 to the department to support mentorship of the faculty member. Dr. Antonia Kolokythas, OMFS ’04, is a past-

Dr. Michael Markiewicz, Assistant Professor, sand Residents Drs. David Salomon, and Chad Petersen did a mission at Hospital Dr. Manuel Campos, in Campeche, Mexico.


Dr. Michael Miloro, center, receiving the IAOMS Distinguished Service Award. recipient as well when she was at UIC as an Assistant Professor. Dr. Michael Miloro, Head, was awarded the prestigious International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Distinguished Service Award at the 23rd Annual International Conference of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Hong Kong on April 2. The award recognizes an individual surgeon who has made significant contributions to the international advancement of the ideals and purposes of the specialty of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.

Department of

Oral Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences Dr. Alison Doubleday, Assistant Professor, was named Chair of the College’s Faculty Retreat. She also serves on the Committee on the Master’s in Oral Sciences program. Dr. Michael Colvard, Loyola DDS ’85, MS Oral Sciences ’00, Professor, and Director, UIC DMRT Center, lectured on dental anthropology and forensic dentistry at Universidad Latina de Costa Rica recently. His lectures also help the school’s DDS graduates prepare for possible

Dr. Michael Colvard lectured on dental anthropology and forensic dentistry at Universidad Latina de Costa Rica recently.


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service in their country’s coroner system after they graduate. Dr. Beth Miloro, Visiting Assistant Clinical Professor, spearheaded a successful free oral cancer screening in the Oral Medicine Clinic. Dr. Robert Rada, ’85, Clinical Professor, mentored student Gabija Revis, who was named a Schweitzer Fellow. He also directed three students in gaining clinical experience at United Cerebral Palsy Seguin of Greater Chicago, a charitable non-profit agency serving individuals with disabilities. New faculty: Dr. Asha Eapen is a Clinical Assistant Professor. Dr. Jasjot Sahni is a Visiting Clinical Assistant Professor.

Department of Orthodontics American Dental Association and ADA Foundation scientists and researchers presented original scientific abstracts and other works March 22-25 during the 95th General Session and Exhibition of the International Association for Dental Research. One of the presentations was Long-term Effects of Different Cleaning Methods on Vivera Retainers, a poster presentation by Dr. Manika Agarwal, an Orthodontic Resident who worked with ADA laboratory staff. Dr. Mohammed H. Elnagar, Visiting Scholar, presented his research project, “3D dentoalveolar changes following bone anchored maxillary protraction” at the American Association of Orthodontists annual session in San Diego, CA. Dr. Budi Kusnoto, Interim Head, Associate Professor, and Clinic Director, gave a lecture in Sydney, Australia, on Twenty Years Journey of Evidence Based Research to Clinical Application in Orthodontics on July 27, hosted by Dr. Ali M. Darendeliler, Department Head and Chair, Sydney University Dept. of Orthodontics. He


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Dr. T. Peter Tsay, Professor, Orthodontics. with Professor Gorbatova Nikolavena, President of Northern State Medical University in Arkhangelsk, Russia, where Dr. Tsay lectured in April. also visited the Australian Dental Association New South Wales Branch. Dr. T. Peter Tsay, Professor, in April was invited to give a daylong lecture entitled “Orthodontic management of incisors and cuspids: Starting and ending with anterior teeth in focus” at Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk, Russia. He also lectured at the Federal State Institute of Postgraduate Education, Moscow, Russia. The title of the presentation there was “Fine art of orthodontic finishing and detailing.” New faculty: Dr. Noor Obaisi, ’10, Orthodontics and MS Oral Sciences ’13, is on the faculty. Dr. Matthew Sagun is a Clinical Assistant Professor.

Department of Pediatric Dentistry Dr. Sahar Alrayyes, MS Oral Sciences and Pediatric Dentistry ’02, Clinical Associate Professor, attended the American Dental Education Association Annual


Dr. Sahar Alrayyes (left) received an award from the College’s American Dental Student Association chapter.

Conference in Long Beach, CA, in March. She received the Advocate Award from the College’s American Student Dental Association chapter for her efforts in an event held in conjunction with A Safe Haven, a local homeless shelter, in which 38 children were screened and provided with preventive fluoride varnish. Dr. Shahad Al Shamali, Resident, is a co-author on a detailed systematic review and meta-analysis on primary tooth vital pulp therapy. The article appeared in Pediatric Dentistry (2017;39(1): 16-27). Dr. David Avenetti, Program Director, attended the first installment of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Leadership Institute at Northwestern University. Dr. Marcio da Fonseca, Professor and Head, was quoted in a Chicago Tribune column on June 29 about how proposed Medicaid cuts could cause a lack of dental services to low-income children. He provided expert testimony on the impact of the State budget impasse on higher ed and pediatric oral health to the Illinois

State House Committee on Higher Education. Dr. da Fonseca did seminars for pediatric residents at the Hebrew University Hadassah School of Dental Medicine in Israel and at the Faculty of Dentistry at Kuwait University, where he also served as an external examiner for dental students. He also taught a CE course on medically compromised patients in Kuwait. He was the keynote speaker at the XVIII Congreso Nacional e International de Odontopediatria y Ortodoncia in Mexico City. He and Dr. David Avenetti, Program Director, published a paper, “Social Determinants of Pediatric Oral Health, in Dental Clinics of North America. Dr. Linda Kaste, Professor, returned from a nine-month sabbatical at the American Association of Dental Research, where she focused on science policy. Dr. Evelina Kratunova, Clinical Assistant Professor, was awarded a Master Clinician Scholarship from the Foundation of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.



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Faculty/Department News Dr. Flavia Lamberghini, Clinical Assistant Professor, Pediatric Dentistry ’06, MS Oral Sciences ’06, received the Chicago Dental Society Foundation Vision Award for 2017 as a recognition of outstanding volunteer achievement to someone who is a dedicated philanthropist and volunteer who generously supports access to care programs and dental education for the underserved. She was presented with the award at the Midwinter Meeting opening session. Dr. Charles LeHew, Research Assistant Professor, spoke on e-cigarettes, vaping, and tobacco at the Chicago Dental Society 2017 Midwinter Meeting. He and Dr. Linda Kaste, Professor, and Dr. Darien Weatherspoon, former faculty member, published a paper with other co-authors on the changing epidemiology of oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancers in the IS in Epidemiology Reviews. Dr. Ian Marion, Clinical Assistant Professor, completed his Master Clinician Scholarship from the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Dr. Indru Punwani, Professor Emeritus, has announced his retirement as Executive Director of the Illinois Society of Pediatric Dentists as of October 2017. Dr. Sheila Raja, Associate Professor, attended the Society for Behavioral Medicine 38th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions in San Diego in March and April. She has been named Chair-elect of the Violence of Trauma Special Interest Group at the Society for Behavioral Medicine. New faculty: Dr. Mehedia Haque is a Clinical Assistant Professor. Dr. Bernie Jon is a Clinical Assistant Professor. Dr. Mark Rosenthal is a Clinical Associate Professor. Dr. Justin Welke is a Clinical Assistant Professor.

Department of Periodontics Dr. Luisa Di Pietro, ’80, MS Histology ’82, Professor, and Director of the Center for Wound Healing and Tissue Regeneration, and her being named a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, were the subjects of an article in UIC News on March 15, and in the May 2017 issue of the newspaper Fra Noi. Newly boarded Periodontists, American Board of Periodontology, are former residents Drs. Scott Drucker, MS Oral Sciences and Periodontics ’16; Samia Sulieman, ’13 and MS Oral Sciences and Periodontics ’16; , and Jennifer Shango, MS Oral Sciences and Periodontics ’16; and faculty Drs. E. Dwayne Karateew, Fatemeh Gholami, and Aniruddh (Rudy) Narvekar. Dr. Karateew also is the newly appointed Postgraduate Program Director in Periodontics. Dr. Nadia Kawar, Clinical Assistant Professor, presented at the 2017 Annual Symposium of the Integritas Institute for Ethics-Newman Center at UIC. Dr. Kawar discussed oral health as an integral part of systemic health, to raise awareness among the medical community about the importance of providing periodontal care during pregnancy. She also was an invited speaker to the National Arab American Medical Association annual meeting in Amman, Jordan, July 1-5. Her presentation topic was: “How Do We Learn? Teaching and Learning in Dental Education.” Dr. E. Dwayne Karateew, Clinical Assistant Professor, is the editor of Implant Aesthetics: Keys to Diagnosis and Treatment, Springer Publishing, Berlin, 2017. Dr. Sal Nares, Head, was quoted in an article, “The Surprising Link Between Your Weight and Your Teeth,” in the May 18 edition of

Dr. Tolga Tozum, Associate Professor, recently spoke at the Global Dental Implant Academy Symposium in Cerritos, CA. Close to 300 dentists attended from the US, Ukraine, Mexico, Russia, China, South Korea, Iran, Azerbaijan, Egypt, and Lebanon. Publications Chen L, Nagaraja S, Zhou J, Zhao Y, Fine D, Mitrophanov AY, Reifman J, DiPietro LA. “Wound healing in Mac-1 deficient mice.” Wound Repair Regen. 2017 Apr doi: 10.1111/ wrr.12531. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 28370678. DiPietro LA, Schrementi MA. “Oral mucosal wound healing.” In Wound Healing, Kursad Turksen ed. Wiley, in press. Goldberg D, Handelman C, Schmerman M. “Assessment of Non-Surgical Adult Expansion and Gingival Recession,” Turkish J of Orthodontics, accepted. Huang, X. “Lipid oxidation inactivates the anticoagulant function of Protein z-dependent Protease Inhibitor (ZPI).” J Biol Chem, accepted. Kramer K, Wu J, Crowe DL. 2016. “Tumor suppressor control of the cancer stem cell niche.” Oncogene 35:4165-4178. Kulkarni V, Uttamani JR, Naqvi AR, Nares S. “MicroRNAs: Emerging players in oral cancers and inflammatory disorders.” Tumour Biol 2017; 39: 1010428317698379. Nares, S. “Nine best treatments for gum disease.” Prevention Magazine. June 2017. Published online May 16, 2017. Tozum, TF. “Can panoramic radiology be an effective diagnostic tool?” Academy of Osseointegration, Academy News 2017; 28 (1): 13. Yildirim TT, Guncu GN, Colak M, Nares S, Tozum TF. “Evaluation of maxillary sinus septa: A retrospective clinical study with cone beam computerized tomography.” Europ Rev Med Pharm Sci, accepted.


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Faculty/Department News Book Chapters Sato T, Umehara K, Yotsuya M, Schmerman M., Biomaterials Used with Implant Abutments and Restorations, Implant AestheticsKeys to Diagnosis and Treatment, Karateew, ED: Springer Press, Philadelphia. 2017. Schmerman M, Nares S. “Peri-implantitis: its causation and treatment.” Implant Aesthetics: Keys to Diagnosis and Treatment. Karateew, ED, ed. Springer Publishing, Berlin, 2017. Pages 407-416. Kutlu HB, Tozum TF. Part 15: Reconstructive Ridge Therapy, Chapter 50. Ridge augmentation procedures. Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry, 6th Edition: Lang NP, Lindhe J. Wiley-Blackwell: 2017. New faculty: Dr. Randa Nakib, ’16, is a Clinical Instructor. Dr. Fatemeh Gholami is a Clinical Assistant Professor. Dr. Carmen Graves is a Clinical Assistant Professor.

An exclusive 3D demonstration of an implant placement was presented at the Prosthodontics Implant Club in April.

Dr. Kent Knoernschild, Professor, in 2016 and 2017 has made presentations at the State University of New York-Buffalo; the ACP Comprehensive Prosthodontic Review Course in San Francisco, CA; Department of a half-day program in Grand Rapids, Restorative Dentistry MI; the ACP Digital Symposium in Chicago; the ACP Educators Meeting An exclusive 3D demonstration of an in Chicago; the Greater New York implant placement was presented Academy of Prosthodontics in New at the Prosthodontics Implant Club York City; and the Koltun Study Club session in April, bringing together in San Diego, CA. faculty, students, and staff members. Dr. Daisy Salazar, Clinical Dr. Ana Bedran-Russo, Associate Assistant Professor, and Dr. Maria Professor, has received an NIH R54 Alfaro presented “Cutting-edge Grant for her project, Biomodification technology and digital workflows of Dentin Matrix Structure. utilized at the UIC College of Dr. Stephen Campbell, Head, Dentistry” at the first Digital Dentistry received a Straumann Super GrantSession of the Prosthodontic Training Fellowship in support of Implant Club (PIC UIC). More than the Digital Dentistry Educational 120 students, faculty and staff Programs. saw the presentation and the live Dr. Rand Harlow, ’92, demonstration. Prosthodontics ’97, Clinical Associate Dr. Cortino Sukotjo, Associate Professor, Restorative Dentistry, Professor, and his research on spoke on soft tissue management collagen for dental implants were and digital technology at the the subject of an article in Dentistry November 2016 Kenwood/Hyde Today, Aug. 10, 2017. Park Branch meeting of the Chicago Dr. Yvette Salazar has joined Dental Society.


the department as a Post-doctoral Research Associate. Dr. Anna Manzotti, Clinical Assistant Professor, received a Teaching Recognition Program Award from the UIC Center for the Advancement of Teaching-Learning Communities, were the subjects of an article in the May 2017 edition of the newspaper Fra Noi. Dr. Manzotti is also serving as principal investigator for a newly funded clinical study on Polymer based RPD’s, funded by Solvay Polymers. Dr. Judy Yuan, Associate Professor, has officially been promoted to Associate Professor with tenure. New faculty: Dr. Patriksha Agrawal is a Clinical Instructor. Dr. Ameer Al Baroudi is a Clinical Assistant Professor/Clinical Instructor. Dr. Omar Aldoori, ’15, is a Clinical Instructor. Dr. Eva Bici, ’16, is a Clinical Instructor. Dr. Richard Bona, ’78, is a Clinical Assistant Professor. Dr. Ghaith Darwish, ’14, Prosthodontics ’17, is a Clinical Instructor.


Dr. Denise Hale, ’88, is a Clinical Instructor. Dr. Teofilo Limonsero, a former faculty member, has returned and is a Clinical Assistant Professor. Dr. Foteini Touloumi is a Clinical Assistant Professor. Dr. Jiyeon Kim, Prosthodontics and MS Oral Sciences, ’14, is a Clinical Assistant Professor. Dr. Edward Marcin, Loyola ’87, is a Clinical Instructor. Dr. Sharif Mohammad, Prosthodontics, is a Clinical Assistant Professor. Dr. Andrea Reyes, Restorative Dentistry, is a Clinical Assistant Professor. Dr. Morvarid Sadri, ’03, is a Clinical Instructor. Dr. Dawn Sorpassa is a faculty member.


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Managing Partners The College has opened its fifth group practice, the Vivaldi Clinic, in Room 329—the most recently renovated clinic in the College. Dr. Fatemeh Afshari, Prosthodontics and MS Oral Sciences, ’09, Clinical Associate Professor, Restorative Dentistry, is the Managing Partner. Dr. Stephanie Ward, ’01, has accepted a full time faculty position as the new Managing Partner of Brahms Clinic. Dr. Ward was appointed as faculty in the Department of Oral Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences in 2006.

Dr. Stephanie Ward, ‘01, with a patient.

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Miscellaneous The Regenerative Sciences Seminar Series is held at the UIC College of Dentistry, 801 S. Paulina St., once per month at 12:30 p.m. on selected Thursdays. Call (312) 355-2662 for more information. Know a college-level predental student? Tell them about our monthly tours from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Tours are followed by a Q&A session with College of Dentistry Admissions staff. RSVP information is posted on the Admissions website at students/prospective_student_tour_registration and http:// medicine__dmd_/.

Positions/Practices/Space Available A “Positions/Practices Available” page is on the College’s website at Check it out for listings of jobs that are available, and for notices of practices that are for sale. For adding or subtracting listings from this website, contact William S. Bike at Come join the professionals at ProCare Dental Group PC. Generous compensation, contemporary facilities, flexibility, autonomy, premier locations, continuing education, professional camaraderie. Part-time and full-time positions available. (847) 621-7229. General dentist: Family Dental Care. Full or part time. Several of our associates have become partners. Come and talk to them. Very high income potential. Specialists on staff. Currently five locations and growing. 95% fee-for-service. No Public Aid. (773) 978-7801 (ask for Laura) or email http:/ Fantastic future, now! Careers for Pediatric Dentists in a multi-specialty dental practice in a Chicagoland western suburb. Our large multi-specialty practice has an opportunity for several Pediatric Dentists who will provide dental care for infants, children, and adolescents. The Pediatric Dentist should be comfortable working with young patients and



enjoy providing excellent patient care to children in a loving comforting way. The parents in our practice are equally as important and must have a full understanding of the treatment being provided to their child. Send Your CV/Resume To: Bestdentaljobs@ Full-time dentists wanted— Chicagoland offices. Gain lots of experience in a digital, chartless office while treating everyone from kids to seniors. Excellent income. Hit the ground running without waiting to build your own clientele. We love to help train new dentists. Recent graduates welcomed. Sign-on bonus and guaranteed base rate. Malpractice insurance paid. Free CE offered. No HMOs.

Please email resume to director@ (FA permanent) Part-time pediatric specialists wanted. Chicago and suburb locations. Generous per diem compensation. Half- or full-day every week or every two weeks. Flexible schedule. Digital/chartless offices. Malpractice insurance paid. New pedo specialists welcome. No HMOs. director@ (FA permanent) Unique dental office opportunity: Dental bldg. in mid-metro (380K pop.) Peoria, IL with 13 plumbed operatory and lab spaces. Perfect for specialist, multi-specialty, or dental


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Position Wanted Seeking part-time employment: Dentist seeking a practice for part-time employment, 1-2 nights/ week in Lake/McHenry County. An active duty Navy Dentist at Great Lakes, graduated UIC Class of 2015. Proficient in simple surgical extractions, CEREC, direct/indirect restorations, endodontics. Please contact john.pizarek.dmd@gmail. com for resume. (FA)

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Number 64

Continuing Education Continuing Education Courses to be Held at University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry ISDS Courses for Dental Assistants and Hygienists Several Continuing Education courses, held under the auspices of the Illinois State Dental Society (ISDS), are scheduled to be held at the University of Illinois College of Dentistry, 801 S. Paulina St., Chicago, IL 60612. The ISDS is an approved provider of Continuing Education. For more information or to register, or for refund and cancellation information, email Gloria Pitchford at, log on to, or call (800) 4754737.

Coronal Polishing and Pit/Fissure Sealants Course Course objectives: This course will provide dental assistants with the proper educational requirements as stated in Illinois law for application of pit and fissure sealants and coronal polishing, which includes didactic study in anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, and dental emergencies followed by a written exam. This course also will include two hours of clinical experience on pit and fissure sealants and two hours on coronal polishing. The clinical instruction on coronal polishing will include work performed on a human subject.


At the completion of this course and prior to being permitted to perform these expanded functions in Illinois, the dental assistant must meet the following requirements: Be 18 years of age and working as a dental assistant for at least 1,000 hours. The supervising dentist must personally observe the successful placement of six sealants on a patient or patients by the dental assistant. The successful participant will receive a certificate of completion. Continental breakfast and lunch are provided. Credit: Ten credit hours. Date: Saturday, Nov. 11, 2017. Instructors: Dr. Brian Caraba, ’95; Dr. Marta Demski, ’13; Jennifer Bereckis, RDH, Director of Clinical Operations. Fee: $450 ISDS member dentist staff; $800 non-member dentist staff. Prerequisite: Must be at least age 18, and a dental assistant for at least 1,000 hours.

Nitrous Oxide Monitoring and Administration Course Course objectives and content: This course for monitoring and administration of nitrous oxide by dental assistants and dental hygienists is designed to meet the certification requirements of the State of Illinois for expanded functions. This course will include both didactic and clinical components in

the monitoring and administration of nitrous oxide and advanced airway management. It will provide instruction in anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, and dental emergencies as they relate to the use of nitrous oxide in the dental office. After successful completion of this course the dental assistant can return to the private office and provide expanded function for the dental team and the monitoring of nitrous oxide, while the dental hygienists will be able to start and stop the flow of gas. Credit: Six credit hours. Date: Nov. 15, 2017. Instructor: Dr. Evelina Kratunova, Clinical Assistant Professor, Pediatric Dentistry. Fee: $275 ISDS member dentist staff; $500 non-member dentist staff. Prerequisite: Must be currently certified in CPR/BLS for healthcare providers, or its equivalent. A copy of your current BLS card must accompany registration form. This course is open to all qualified dental assistants for monitoring and dental hygienists for administering.



College of Dentistr y

LIFELONG LEARNING is a core value for dental professionals worldwide. Dentsply Sirona embraces education not only in word, but also in action. Our commitment is fueled by a continual investment in research, development and clinical education. We choose to foster learning environments that promote dental students’ and clinicians’ professional development globally.


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Number 64

Calendar October

March 2018

28: UIC Campaign Kickoff and Alumni Celebration. Call (312) 413-3902.

8: Clinic and Research Day, UIC College of Dentistry. Call (312) 996-1027.


April 2018

11: Coronal Polishing and Pit/Fissure Sealants Course. UIC College of Dentistry. Fee is $450 for Illinois State Dental Society member dentist staff, $800 for ISDS non-member dentist staff. Email, log on to www.isds. org, or call (800) 475-4737.

9 to 10: American Dental Association/American Student Dental Association Capital Lobby Days, Washington, DC.

February 2018 23: Reception during Chicago Dental Society Midwinter Meeting. Call (312) 996-0485.

20: Reunion, UIC College of Dentistry and Loyola University Chicago School of Dentistry alumni. Years ending in “3” and “8” highlighted. Alumni Awards presented. Carlisle Banquets, 435 E. Butterfield Rd., Lombard, IL 60148. Email or call (312) 996-0485. For more UIC College of Dentistry events, log on to https://

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On October 28, 2017, on UIC’s campus, we will celebrate our alumni and our future, launching a campaign that will ignite new possibilities for our university, our city and our world. For event information, please visit: GO.UIC.EDU/CAMPAIGN |

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Inside you, and every one of us, is the power to shape the future.

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