Leaders and Legacies in the Profession Dr. Susan Becker Doroshow, ’83 P LU S : D R . CA SW E L L EVA N S J R . R ET I R E S F R O M U I C A F T E R A P R E E M I N E N T CA R E E R
New editor-in-chief message, Sara Connell
UIC Col lege of Dentistr y | Number 67 | Winter 2020
In July of 2019, I joined the UIC College of Dentistry as the new Director of Advancement Communications, replacing Bill Bike who retired from the role earlier this year. Well, to be honest, it is not possible to “replace” Bill, who served the College of Dentistry for 24 years. He built and produced a prolific advancement communications plan that shared the good news of the College—and there is so much good news—with both internal and external audiences. He is an award-winning journalist and writer and I am honored to have succeeded him in this role. I look forward to building on his foundation as I work to increase the College’s visibility among our varied audiences, by evolving a strategic communications plan for the Office of Advancement and Alumni Affairs. In addition to my background in communications and publishing, I have worked at UIC for more than 12 years, primarily in communications roles for other colleges. I have been most excited to embrace this role and join this college because I believe in the mission of changing the future of oral health. Indeed, the College of Dentistry is a worldwide leader in oral health education, clinical care and research that is patient-centered and evidence-based, with a foundation in preventive and public health sciences. Demonstrating more than a century of achievement in education, research, and service, this community of outstanding faculty, students, and staff share a commitment to the promise of public education, the advancement of knowledge, and the importance of addressing oral health disparities, nationally and internationally. I have found my home and I look forward to serving the College community—faculty, students, staff, alumni, and friends. I am dedicated to championing your stories as we work together to share the College’s impact through research, education, care, and service, both far and wide. If you have ideas for a story and/or want to share your experience with the College, please do not hesitate to contact me at or 312-996-8495. You may also stop by room 404A! I look forward to partnering with you.
My best regards,
On the Cover Dr. Susan Becker Doroshow, ’83, celebrates the unveiling of the Chicago Dental Society’s 150th Anniversary Molar display in Pioneer Plaza. Pictured from left: Drs. John Moore, Terri Tiersky, Loyola ’86, H. Todd Cubbon, ’70, Walter Lamacki, Loyola ’61, Susan Beck Doroshow, ’83, Joseph Discipio, Loyola ’52.
Photo Credits Chris Bevel; Chicago Dental Society; Sara Connell; Renee Gooch Photography; Janette Guzman; Jessica Mueller; UIC Creative and Digital Services Photography.
Vision Editor-in-Chief: Sara Connell,; Art Direction: Ana Lisa Ogbac,; Design: Kim Arias Design, UIC Office of Publications Services;
College Administration Dean: Clark Stanford, DDS, PhD, MHA, Prosthodontics, UIC Distinguished Professor,; Executive Associate Dean and Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs: Susan A. Rowan, DDS ’84,; Associate Dean for Research: Lyndon F. Cooper, DDS, PhD,; Associate Dean for Prevention and Public Health Sciences: Vacant; Associate Dean for Finance and Administration: Michael D. Harner, MBA, EdD,; Associate Dean for Student and Diversity Affairs: Darryl Pendleton, DMD,; Associate Dean for Academic Affairs: Toni M. Roucka, RN, DDS ’90, MA,; Associate Dean for Advancement: Mark J. Valentino,
Office of Advancement Sara Connell Editor-in-Chief
Associate Dean for Advancement: Mark J. Valentino,; Director of Development: Bruno Mancari,; Director of Donor Relations: Ana Lisa Ogbac,;
Publication Member of the American Association of Dental Editors and Journalists.
Director of Advancement Communications: Sara Connell,; Associate Director for Engagement and Participation: Jessica Mueller,;
UIC College of Dentistry
UIC College of Dentistry
Administrative Assistant: Janette Guzman,
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Contents 2
Dean’s Message
Feature: Leaders and Legacies
Profile: Dr. Caswell Evans
Page 6
18 News 24
President’s Message
Alumni Profile
Alumni Class News
In Memoriam
Student Activities
Faculty/Department News
William Bike Retires
Page 9
Page 10
65 Calendar 66 Classifieds 67
Continuing Education
Page 30
Dean’s Message Dear Alumni and Friends, The University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry is a wonderful place to be. It truly is! It has now been five years that I have had the honor to lead the College and I have seen multiple transformational changes. The College is changing the future of oral health in so many ways! The College is now on sound financial standing with minimal increases in student tuition. UIC tuition is now one of the lowest in the Midwest region and the College has worked very hard to optimize our clinical operations to support an excellent faculty for a “best in class” education. We do this with vision, care, and prudence. We have completed, and continue to have underway, multiple projects. This past June, we completed the replacement of the entire heating and air-conditioning system in the whole building (called HVAC). I want to thank Dr. Susan Rowan, Executive Associate Dean, for all of her incredibly hard work in organizing this project. Dr. Rowan and I also want to thank all of our students, faculty, staff and patients who put up with all the disruptions and changes that occurred as the project proceeded over almost four years! Among the new projects underway are initiatives for named endowed faculty positions, including chairs and professorships; student and resident endowed scholarships; and renovations of student spaces and class rooms (four this past summer). We also have a massive remodeling project on the first floor as we build out the Illinois Children's Healthcare Foundation Pediatric Dentistry Outpatient Care Center along with a patient registration and welcome center. We are planning for a new entrance to the building to make the temperatures more comfortable in our seasons of winter and summer, along with renovations of the lecture halls, and planned upgrades to the student and faculty/staff commons areas. Most, if not all, of these projects’ costs are covered by private gifts from individuals, corporations, and private foundations. We also are planning for updating our faculty and staff offices. The faculty and staff work extremely hard in an empathic and caring manner, yet for most, the offices they work in have the same worn out furniture and finishes from the 1970s. Excellent faculty and staff need excellent support space to educate our wonderful students. We will accomplish all of this through the University’s IGNITE Campaign. There are many ways you can play a part in IGNITE: The Campaign for UIC: Student scholarship, faculty support, research support, or space renovations. Consider how you can play a role during IGNITE. We welcome a conversation with you that will change lives and communities. You have so many choices to make a strong impact on our students’ educational experience. We are part of the amazing changes taking place on
the UIC campus. Chancellor Michael Amiridis and the entire campus leadership is as strong and influential as it has ever been in Chicago. With a clear vision and mission, you can feel the “moving forward” momentum we now have! UIC has now surpassed 33,000 students; is a research powerhouse; and this summer, the 16th College joined the UIC family—the UIC John Marshall Law School. We now offer the only public law school for Chicago. The College of Dentistry is working with our newest College to develop educational opportunities for dual degree programs in dentistry and health law. The UIC College of Dentistry is also playing a very strong role on campus. We have record applications to the College, high achievement of our students, are globally ranked in the top 2% of dental schools, and have top rated residency programs in each of the specialty areas! Further, we are making amazing discoveries in science in our research laboratories and breaking into new areas of enabling research, often with our highly talented students right in the middle of this discovery work. The UIC College of Dentistry has many, many things to be proud of! We truly are Changing the Future of Oral Health, Every Day. Sincerely,
Clark M. Stanford, DDS, PhD, MHA UIC Distinguished Professor and Dean College of Dentistry
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College of Dentistry Building Initiatives If you have not visited the College recently, you may be surprised by some recent changes. Last July, the College unveiled a new heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. Begun in 2015, with a couple of starts and stops in between, the HVAC process required much patience and good will and I remain grateful for the community’s support of this much-needed building improvement. The College held a ribbon-cutting ceremony, after which faculty, students, and staff enjoyed ice cream, popcorn, chocolate, and giveaways.
The wall to our new patient registration and welcome center has come down! Although more work will be done to complete the Welcome Center (we have merely completed Phase I), we are excited to be able to register patients in this beautiful and inviting space. Thank you to our friends at Delta Dental of Illinois who made a generous contribution to name the College’s patient registration center as part of the IGNITE campaign. Stay tuned for more updates in the future!
The College is proud to share that the new Illinois Children’s Healthcare Foundation (ILCHF) Pediatric Dentistry Outpatient Care Center will open in March 2020. Driven by the ILCHF lead grant, other supporters include the Delta Dental of Illinois Foundation, the Delta Dental Foundation Wisdom Tooth Award, The Coleman Foundation, the Fry Foundation, Healthy Communities Foundation, Oak Park River Forest Community Foundation, and the Bisco Charitable Foundation. We are very grateful for their support, which totaled $3.3 million. The new Center will house two general anesthesia (GA) suites and four procedure rooms that will be used to treat pediatric patients under oral, nasal, or intravenous sedation. The new Center will also allow the department to provide dental care under GA to an additional 1,000 pediatric patients a year.
Mrs. Catherine O’Malley, Mr. Michael O’Malley, Dean Clark M. Stanford, Dr. K. William “Buddy” Mopper, and Mrs. Joan Mopper.
Cosmedent Inc. has provided the College with a major gift to create the Cosmedent Innovation Learning Space. Cosmedent was co-founded and is led by Dr. K. William “Buddy” Mopper, MS Pediatric Dentistry ’66, Chairman, and Michael O’Malley, President. The company offers dental products focused on esthetics, continuing education courses, and its Center for Esthetic Excellence—an interactive educational center in Chicago. Dedication of the space was in October 2018 in a ceremony attended by Dr. Mopper, Mr. O’Malley, their families, Cosmedent colleagues, and College leaders. Mark J. Valentino, Associate Dean for Advancement, was master of ceremonies for the event, and began by thanking the benefactors for their generosity. He then introduced Dean Clark Stanford. “The Cosmedent Innovation Learning Space fosters
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the sharing of knowledge, creativity, and innovation among students, and inventive teaching by faculty,” said Dean Stanford. “It is being used for student and faculty collaborations, studying, and Small Group and Case-Based Learning,” he continued. “It hosts informal discussions, and promotes mentorship when faculty discuss with students topics specific to patient care and provide insights concerning oral health and practice.” Dean Stanford also noted that the room will help students “develop valuable critical thinking and problem solving skills, and enables them to integrate knowledge of the basic, clinical, and behavioral sciences into oral healthcare.” The space features computer, video, and sound technology, internet access, podcasts, and video conferencing. “The room is crucial to improving our students’ learning experience, and I know they appreciate the comfort as well,” Dean Stanford said. Dr. Mopper spoke next, and he noted that Cosmedent management has “always felt that education is the most important thing you can do in dentistry.” As product manufacturers and providers, he said, the Cosmedent team knows “you can’t sell a product if the person doesn’t know how to use it, so the education factor is crucial.” He noted that when he was at the College, his mentors were Dr. Maury Massler, ’39, MS ’41, and Dr. Thomas K. Barber, ’49 and MS ’49 and Pediatric Dentistry ’50. Dr. Massler was Head of Pediatric Dentistry when Dr. Mopper started the program, and Dr. Barber was Head when he finished. “I’m a proud alumnus,” Dr. Mopper said. The Cosmedent team, he said, has had “a wonderful relationship with the College through the years. We relate to the school. We want the dentists of Illinois to be the best. Composite is where it’s at these days, and having a room like this to teach about it and other subjects is a great achievement. “Very few dental schools teach about what you’re teaching, and we’re all about providing practitioners with the best skills possible,” Dr. Mopper said. Mr. O’Malley noted that Cosmedent contributes to the College “in recognition of the College supporting our educational efforts, and we are proud that you use our products in educating your students.” Valentino shared that Dr. Susan Rowan, ’84, Executive Associate Dean and Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, managed the construction of the Cosmedent Innovation Learning Space. “We have worked with Cosmedent products for seven years,” Dr. Rowan stated. “This is our preferred room for dental materials meetings. Cosmedent materials work really
Dr. K. William “Buddy” Mopper, Dean Clark M. Stanford, Mr. Michael O’Malley. well, even for novice learners. We are so happy to have this partnership with Cosmedent.” Joan Mopper, Dr. Mopper’s wife, spoke next, and said, “Buddy and I always felt that the UIC College of Dentistry is the top dental school. Buddy’s striving for excellence is due to the College. Although you are thanking us, we want to thank you for what you’ve given us.” Cosmedent’s Robert Mopper,
who teaches dental esthetics at universities and dental meetings, noted that the Cosmedent team “loves coming to the College, because the students are so enthusiastic.” Dr. Buddy Mopper is an internationally renowned lecturer in esthetic dentistry. He also has been a popular lecturer at the College for many years. For Cosmedent, he is responsible for educational programs
Dr. K. William “Buddy” Mopper and his granddaughter, Rachel Mopper. 6
and product development. Mr. O’Malley led the development of Cosmedent’s manufacturing facility and its Center for Esthetic Excellence, the only educational facility in the country fully dedicated to composite dentistry. In his concluding remarks at the dedication, Dean Stanford noted that when discussing the IGNITE Campaign he often says, “we do not know what the dental profession will look like 100 years from now, and that it probably will not look like anything we can conceive of at this time. We do know that Buddy, Mike, and Cosmedent, through creation of the Cosmedent Innovation Learning Space, have created a legacy that will last into that future. Their IGNITE gift will help enable the changes we cannot even imagine.” To create a legacy gift during the IGNITE Campaign, contact Mark Valentino at (312) 413-7702 or mjv@, or Director of Development Bruno Mancari at (312) 413-3554 or
Cosmedent Innovation Learning Space plaque.
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IGNITE Report Erick Quintana Earns A.C.E. Scholarship Throughout his academic career, student Erick Quintana, D-4, has always been very grateful when he received a helping hand. Quintana has been named the latest recipient of the A.C.E. Scholarship, placing him one step closer to his goal of becoming a dentist devoted to paying forward the generosity from which he has benefitted. The A.C.E. Student Scholars Fund recognizes Achievement, Commitment, and Empowerment of College of Dentistry students to embrace an excellent clinical education and to reach out to the underserved. The fund helps to alleviate student debt, allowing College graduates to remain committed to the disadvantaged, with less concern over the financial ramifications of doing so. A.C.E. funds are awarded based on financial need and on students’ leadership and service, including providing care to the underserved. Quintana’s path to dental school was a difficult one. He hails from Queretaro, a city in central Mexico of about 600,000 people. “I hadn’t thought about coming to the U.S. when I was growing up, but I wanted to go to college and get a good job, and for a college graduate to get a good job in Mexico right now you have to speak English,” Quintana said. His father and brother were working as migrant workers in DePue, IL, population 1,719, so the high school junior joined them there. “When I got there I wanted to cry,” Quintana said. “Queretaro was a big city and at first I couldn’t imagine what I would do in a small town like DePue. But people were so nice, after living there I understood the
value of a small community.” A high school counselor encouraged him to attend college in the U.S., so after graduation Quintana enrolled in Illinois Valley Community College (IVCC) near DePue. “I went there because it was economical, and I had no means to finance my own education” other than whatever jobs he, as a teenager, could obtain, Quintana explained. “My dad and brother had left, I was alone, and didn’t have any money. Friends would sometimes give me cash for books or invite me over to their house to eat. To have the support of people who are not even family gave me the strength to continue to go on.” His decision to go from IVCC to
Illinois State University to pursue a bachelor’s degree, like his decision to stay alone in the U.S. to pursue his education, “was very scary, again because of money,” Quintana explained. “I lost an opportunity to be involved in research as an undergrad because my financial aid got cut, so I had to give up the research opportunity and ask my job for more hours.” As a youngster, Quintana wanted to be a classical guitar player, but “music didn’t seem to be an option anymore” as he was struggling. At ISU, he met a student pursuing a career as a dental hygienist, so he decided to take a job as dental assistant. “I liked it so much, I decided
IGNITE Report me to stay with the College, that the school would help me out.” The College’s A.C.E. Scholarship, Quintana said, “makes me feel that financial matters shouldn’t keep you from doing what you want to do. I feel that it is a payoff for hard work. It takes the worry off my shoulders. The money is real, it’s an incentive that shows my hard work is working for me, and that there are means to allow me to pay for dental school.” Quintana emphasized, “I want donors to know that their donation can make an incredible impact on a student’s life.” He also noted that the A.C.E. Scholarship “makes me want to ‘pay it forward.’ I’m working on projects on my own time to reach out to communities, doing oral health education to people who might not understand the importance of oral health. The A.C.E. Scholarship helps me do what my passion is—educating communities about oral ERICK QUINTANA, health.” DMD 4. Quintana is Vice President of the College’s Student National Dental Association Chapter. “I live in Pilsen, which is a predominantly Hispanic community, and since I speak Spanish I can talk to people in the community who are underserved,” he said, noting that he also volunteers at CommunityHealth, a free clinic on Chicago Avenue, and has joined College of Medicine students at health fairs. “My goal is to educate people about oral health so they will seek the resources
to become a dentist,” Quintana said. His grade point average was good, he did well on the Dental Admission Test, and he put together an admission packet. But the need for funds looked like an obstacle once again. “I had exhausted all my grants and had nobody to co-sign for a loan,” Quintana explained. “I was thinking of taking a year to work and save and start the application all over again, when some people at ISU provided me with money to buy a suit, cover travel expenses, and pay for the cost of my dental school application.” After admission to the College, “I didn’t know how I was going to come up with the money for tuition and fees,” Quintana said. “I talked to dentists who suggested asking family for help, but my family doesn’t have the resources to help. They urged
they need,” Quintana explained. “I’m not an individualistic person, but a member of the community. I feel that if my community is healthy, I’m healthy within that community. So I want to see what I can do for others. “I want to make an impact on public health and dentistry,” Quintana said. “I want to change our communities and change the lives of patients.” Quintana’s long-term goal is practicing rural dentistry in an underserved area. “I want to practice where I am needed, where I can connect with my patients not just in the clinic, but in the community,” he said. “As a rural dentist, I would like to be a community leader, too.” After graduation, he hopes to enroll in a General Practice Residency program to become an expert in a variety of procedures. “In rural dentistry, it’s not like you can refer people to specialists,” Quintana said. “There usually aren’t any nearby.” To donors and potential donors to the A.C.E. Scholarship, Quintana said, “The A.C.E. Scholarship is very important. Without it, I may not be here. Whatever goal a student has—focusing on new technologies, focusing on becoming a dental faculty member, or a goal like mine of focusing on public health—the lack of money can be an obstacle to making positive changes by achieving these. “So it’s important to donate for that reason. There is so much potential among students here. A scholarship like this helps us to focus on what’s important—our education. When someone does something nice for you, you want to pay it forward,” Quintana concluded. To contribute to the A.C.E. Student Scholars Fund, contact Director of Development Bruno Mancari at (312) 413-3554 or bmancari@uic. edu or Ana Lisa Ogbac at (312) 996-0485 or
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IGNITE Report Fry Foundation Grant Enables Pediatric Dentistry to Hire Elisabeth Purkis as First Full-Time Social Worker The Fry Foundation in 2018 provided a grant to the Department of Pediatric Dentistry to start a social work program to support health equity and patients seen in the pediatric dentistry clinics. As part of the College’s first program involving social work, the department has hired Elisabeth Purkis as a Medical Social Consultant/Social Worker. “She is coordinating services and treatment appointments, social work encounters, case management, shortterm interventions, and referrals for patients Elizabeth Purkis. and families who attend the Pediatric Dentistry clinics,” said Dr. Marcio da Fonseca, Head of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry. Purkis also works with UIC’s Jane Addams College of Social Work to obtain and supervise social work interns at the College, facilitate case reviews with interns, faculty, residents, and students, and develop research, survey, and data collection projects. This fall, the College’s social work program welcomed two new social work interns, Carina Perez and Carol Perez (not related to each other), who are each pursuing an MSW degree at the Jane Addams College of Social Work. “The primary reason I’m here is to help patients and families who are finding that challenges in their lives are getting in the way of getting to appointments or following treatment plans,” Purkis said, noting that some of those life barriers may include mental health issues, a challenging home environment, financial stress, and geographic location. “People bring these stresses into the dental chair, but they have not necessarily been addressed in the clinic before,” she explained. “I get involved when there are indicators that they need some extra help. Using social work skills to thoroughly assess the patient’s unique circumstances can help us to get to the root of the problem.” That help could be something as simple as giving family members of pediatric dentistry patients vouchers for
parking or public transportation, or as complex as using her knowledge of child development and therapeutic intervention to help families achieve their oral health goals, as well as connecting them with much-needed services, such as domestic violence resources, getting them on About All Kids (a State program for children needing healthcare) or Medicaid, and referring them to other healthcare providers, including primary care physicians and specialists. In her previous role as a caseworker and family therapist at the Virginia Frank Child Development Center of Jewish Child & Family Services, Purkis said she received, “in-depth training in therapeutic work with children and families. “This is a new program in Pediatric Dentistry, and it is still very much in its infancy and is still developing,” she said. “We want to work in a way that is developmentally sensitive, appropriate, and supportive to the families that we see.” Purkis noted that she is “spending a lot of time in the clinics,” specifically the Nickelsen Pediatric Dentistry Postgraduate Clinic, “to get to know the residents and see how they work so I can determine what needs there are with which I can be helpful.” Purkis holds an M.A. in German and Russian languages and literature from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, an M.S.W. in Social Work from Loyola University Chicago, and is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. She also has been a hospice social worker for JourneyCare. At the Frank Center, she supervised Master’s level social work students from Loyola and the Erikson Institute, and received the Loyola Field Instructor Excellence Award for her work with the students. She is grateful to Dr. da Fonseca and Dean Clark Stanford for obtaining the Fry Foundation grant that brought social work to the Department of Pediatric Dentistry. “They worked hard to get us to this point, and I am excited about being here and about the future of the program,” Purkis said. “Everyone has made me feel very welcome, and I can’t thank Dr. da Fonseca and the Dean enough for having the vision to create this program.” Dean Stanford added, “On behalf of the entire College, I want to thank the Fry Foundation for their support of this life-changing partnership between social work and the Department of Pediatric Dentistry. We are very grateful for the vision and generosity of the Fry Foundation.” Carina Perez and Carol Perez. 9
Dr. Paul V. Caputo Sr., ’83, is a grateful alumnus of the College. “The State of Illinois provided me with an excellent education,” Dr. Caputo said. “I have derived a fine career thanks to that education.” Not only did Illinois provide a state dental school in the UIC College of Dentistry, but it also provided Dr. Caputo with a scholarship to attend the College. At the time, members of the Illinois General Assembly had several higher education scholarships they could provide to constituents. “A fine man, State Representative Ralph C. Caparelli, took me under his wing and sat with me yearly to see how I was progressing at school and if I was still ‘deserving’ of the scholarship,” Dr. Caputo said. Rep. Caparelli, 94, who represented the Chicago Northwest Side 16th District and then the 13th District in the Illinois House from 1971 to 2004, “made sure that I continued my studies and maintained good grades. I am pretty sure he even reached out to my instructors to make sure I wasn’t ‘mailing it in.’” Dr. Caputo’s parents had four sons, so with a big family there was not a lot of money to spare. “My father was a hard-working man, but he really couldn’t afford to put a son through dental school,” Dr. Caputo explained. “If it were not for Rep. Caparelli, I may not have been able to achieve the things I have.” Those achievements include having a family of his own, and a general dentistry practice in Naperville, IL. “We may not be the biggest practice, but I feel we are one of the best,” Dr. Caputo said. “We have been serving Naperville since 1992.” Dr. Caputo noted he served in several associateships after graduation “until I decided to take the plunge into practice ownership.” Feeling “that I should give back to the University that provided this awesome education,” Dr. Caputo said, he 10
recently provided an estate gift to the College. This deferred gift will benefit the College during the IGNITE Campaign and provide tax advantages to Dr. Caputo’s estate after his lifetime. “Deferred gifts are some of the simplest, most flexible, and popular methods of supporting the College’s future,” explained Bruno Mancari, Director of Development. “They include naming the University of Illinois Foundation for the benefit of the College as a beneficiary in your will, living trust, or retirement plan, or payable after your lifetime.” Dr. Caputo noted that on the advice of Douglas Colbeth, founder of the Colbeth Clinic in the Institute of Juvenile Research at the College of Medicine at UIC, Dr. Caputo and his wife, Cindy, opened a Donation Advisory Fund. “We are able to derive a fine tax advantage to place highly appreciated assets into the fund and disburse them as we see fit to qualified charities,” he said. Giving back to the College is something that Dr. Caputo recommends to other alumni. “In today’s age, we need to help provide for the future of our profession,” he said. “We must be stewards of the University and College that provided us with the lives we lead.” In thinking about his life, Dr. Caputo said, “I am blessed.” Not only because of a great career and family, but because “both parents are still here,” he said. “Mom and Dad still live in the home I grew up in on Chicago’s Northwest Side.” In addition to their estate provision, Dr. Caputo and his wife, Cindy, have made a second IGNITE Campaign gift to name a clinical operatory in the Gershwin Clinic. Dr. Caputo recalled that his father worked in insurance, retired, and became a substitute high school teacher, retiring from that second career just last year. To discuss your gift planning options or any questions, please reach our Director of Gift Planning Jason James Shuba, JD, at 312.413.3394 or
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Support Changing the Future of Oral Health! Be a part of transformational change and join us in Changing the Future of Oral Health! You may direct . your support to one of our key priorities: student experience and success, research and discovery, community, and specialized dentistry. For the complete fund listing and descriptions, please visit the College’s website, Office of the Dean
❍ Fund for Excellence (331331) ❍ A.C.E. Student Scholars Fund (341931) ❍ Group Practice Clinic Renovation Fund (335802) ❍ Dentistry Service Learning Fund (334791) ❍ Moneim A. Zaki Curriculum Innovation Fund (335872) ❍ Student Activities Fund (331329) ❍ Kottemann Gallery of Dentistry (332133) ❍ Dr. Bruce S. Graham and Linda M. Graham Scholarship Fund (773981) ❍ DMD Advanced Standing Program Unrestricted Fund (333626) ❍ Staff Development and Enrichment Fund (337232)
❍ Department of Orthodontics Unrestricted Fund (333011) ❍ Drs. Bernard Schneider/Cyril Sadowsky Faculty Fund (773418) ❍ Dr. Eliot Sakols Memorial Fund (338649) ❍ Dr. Arshad Mohammed Scholarship Fund in Orthodontics (339431) ❍ Orthodontics Resident Scholarship Fund (330526)
Endodontics ❍ Dr. Charles G. Maurice Fund (332349) ❍ Dr. Nijole Remeikis Endowment Fund (773313) Oral Biology ❍ Oral Biology Unrestricted Fund (337403) ❍ Dr. James H. Fuller Scholarship Award (772165) ❍ Developmental Studies in Oral Biology Fund (331886) ❍ Oral Biology Research Fund (338992)
Pediatric Dentistry ❍ Pediatric Dentistry Unrestricted Fund (330542) ❍ Dr. Indru C. Punwani Resident and Faculty Development Fund (773960) ❍ Pediatric Dentistry General Anesthesia Patient Care Fund (341653) Periodontics ❍ Periodontics Unrestricted Fund (333278) ❍ Periodontical Clinical Research Fund (338994) ❍ Dr. Bennett Klavan Fund (772452) Restorative Dentistry
❍ Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Unrestricted Fund (333086) ❍ Oral Surgery Resident Support Fund (337291) ❍ Daniel M. Laskin Society (341441)
❍ Restorative and Advanced Prosthodontics Clinic Renovation Fund (337408) ❍ Restorative Dentistry Unrestricted Fund (333555) ❍ Dr. S. Sol Flores and Mrs. Cecilia T. Flores Clinical Prosthodontics Laboratory Fund (332805)
Oral Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences
❍ Oral Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences Unrestricted Fund (335088) ❍ Center for Diagnostic Imaging Fund (337719) ❍ Oral Medicine Clinic Fund (337179) ❍ Oral Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences Faculty Awards (338608)
❍ Dentistry Summer Student Research Award Fund (340345) ❍ Center for Wound Healing and Tissue Regeneration Laboratory (335098) ❍ Dr. Isaac Schour Memorial Dentistry Student Research Award (3353540 ❍ Research Development and Graduate Education Fund (338648)
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Please include the six-digit fund number and fund name on your check made payable to the University of Illinois Foundation. Please send your gift to the Office of Advancement and Alumni Affairs, UIC College of Dentistry, MC 621, 801 S. Paulina St., Chicago, IL 60612-7211. For more information, call (312) 996-0485 or email
Leaders and Legacies I N T H E P R O F ES S I O N
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Doroshow with Labs, brothers Mike and Sam.
Building Bonds and Bridges
The bonds and bridges built are critical to our personal and professional success For Dr. Susan Becker Doroshow, creating bonds and bridges has had some very profound effects on herself and the world around her. Dr. Doroshow, now a general dentist practicing in Skokie, IL, earned her BS in 1981 and her DDS in 1983 from the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry. “It was a number of things that led me to dentistry,” Dr. Doroshow explained. “My family worked in the science field; there was an appeal of working with my hands and problem solving; and from a young age, I admired my family dentist, Dr. Harold Dreebin, ’60, who was very kind and thoughtful with his patients. On my first day in dental school at UIC I knew I made the right choice. I had my own space, instruments, patients, and a sense of ownership.” Dr. Doroshow opened her own practice right after graduation, and has been running it successfully for over 35 years. Concerning her recent installation to the American Dental Association Board of Trustees, Dr. Doroshow shared that it was an honor to be elected; a confluence of climbing the ladder of leadership roles and building competencies along the way. Dr. Doroshow has been a delegate within ADA since 2003, and a member of numerous dental organizations, having served as President of the Chicago Dental Society in 2015, and Trustee to the Illinois State Dental Society from 2004-2007. Dr. Doroshow reflected that one of her most proud accomplishments over the years has been her involvement
Doroshow at Cedar Point in front of “Top Thrill Dragster.” in organized dentistry. Giving credit to faculty mentors Dr. David Kumamoto, ’76, and the late Dr. Alvin Atlas, ’77, she said that they, “lit the spark because they consistently encouraged me to get involved and showed me respect as a peer, appreciated my clinical skills, and held no gender bias; something that was sometimes uncommon in the field.” Another great moment was receiving the 2010 Dr. F. William Towner Organized Dentistry Award from the UIC Dental Alumni Association, presented by her mentor and then Alumni Association President, Dr. Atlas. Dr. Doroshow briefly noted that inclusivity has come a long way yet still, people feel “othered” and left out. Thus, “whether it is with my local branch, at the state dental level, or now at the ADA level, I hope to show others that they are welcome. I want to be an encourager of all people and get them to participate.” She offered an important piece of advice for those entering the field today: “Build a bond with your peers and bridges with those who can connect you to organized dentistry. Always work on your people skills as well.” Many dentists say that building bonds with patients is by far the best thing about the dental profession. While participating in the Donated Dental Services (DDS) program, which provides free full service care to patients who do not have the means, Dr. Doroshow met an elderly woman who had experienced a stroke and was unable to speak. The woman’s family came to Dr. Doroshow asking for denture services. With the help of her family, the woman went through all of the consultations, procedures, and impressions. The day came to test the wax tooth set-up. Dr. Doroshow inserted the teeth, checked for proper fit, and handed the woman a mirror to look. All of a sudden, she turned around and said, “That looks great!” In that one moment, all parties were astounded
Feature beyond words. Dr. Doroshow and family members found out that the reason the woman could not speak was that without the teeth present, the stroke made it impossible for her to move her mouth in a manner to produce words. “As soon as we Doroshow pictured with Mrs. Grace gave her dentures, Towner and Dr. Atlas. she was able to communicate— clear as day,” Dr. Doroshow said. “That was all it was. And I just gave this woman the chance to speak with her grandchildren again!”
Whether it is this, or a warm hug from a mom who has been searching for a caring provider to help her child who has a disability, Dr. Doroshow said, “We change lives for people in ways that aren’t always apparent at first. It is not just about the teeth. It’s about their dignity, autonomy, emotional support…we give patients and families their lives back.” The love does not stop there either. An avid roller coaster thrill seeker, Dr. Doroshow travels the country to find the next jaw dropping ride; often sharing her wild enthusiasm with middle school aged patients. Moreover, when she is not doing that, she is at home cuddling her senior Labrador Retrievers, giving them all the comforts in life they deserve before crossing the rainbow bridge. Dr. Doroshow closes her thoughts on a full and fulfilling career by saying, “In a world that doesn’t always care or show dignity, we, as dentists have the power to build bonds and bridges to not only treat people but to treat them [and animals] with kindness and compassion.”
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IGNITE the Future with Your Estate Gift The UIC College of Dentistry is continually strengthened by the generosity of our dedicated alumni and friends. As you reflect on your own goals, we hope you’ll also consider making a deferred gift during the IGNITE campaign that will benefit the College after your lifetime.
These gifts are some of the simplest, most flexible, and popular methods of supporting the College in the future. They include naming the University of Illinois Foundation (Tax ID 37-6006007) for the benefit of the UIC College of Dentistry as a beneficiary in your will/living trust, retirement plan, or payable on death (POD)/transferable on death (TOD) bank account.
Four key questions to ask as you’re considering your deferred gift: 1) How do you
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4) What tax ad-
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with your advisers?
As you think about these questions, reach out to our Director of Gift Planning, Jason James Shuba, JD (312-413-3394 or - he can provide you with recommended estate language to best fit your goals. Please also contact Jason if you’ve already included the Foundation for the benefit of the College in your plans – it would be wonderful to say thank you and learn more about how you’re looking to IGNITE the future with your gift.
Dr. Caswell A. Evans Jr., DDS, MPH, arrived at UIC with the expectation of staying for five to six years, but as he prepared to retire from his position as Associate Dean for Prevention and Public Health Sciences at the end of June, Dr. Evans said, “Fifteen years have passed in the blink of an eye.” After a career of abundant achievement, Dr. Evans looks forward to retirement’s simple pleasures, saying, “I won’t even have to set the alarm clock in the morning.” Alongside his work with the College of Dentistry, Dr. Evans is a faculty member in the School of Public Health,
championing an integrated approach to oral health and disease prevention by focusing on how procedures can improve the health of populations, especially in underserved communities. “The opportunity that I had to spend part of my career in public health really helped me view dentistry from an oral health perspective,” Dr. Evans said. “I saw beyond the procedural aspect of dentistry to see the public health value of dental services.” Dr. Evans cites community care and exposing dentists to access issues as the career accomplishment of which he
is most proud. “The portion of the population that is most in need of care is receiving it the least, and vice-versa,” he said. “The profession hasn’t yet fully come to grips with the social justice aspect of its duties in providing access to care.” As a proponent for a cohesive approach to oral healthcare, Dr. Evans expressed a sense of accomplishment in helping develop the joint DMD/MS in Clinical and Translational Science program in collaboration with the School of Public Health. He is also pleased with the College of Dentistry’s Health Resources and Services (HRSA) grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to expose dental students to the issues and challenges of providing care to children from birth to five years of age. The College of Dentistry curriculum has evolved since Dr. Evans began his work at UIC in 2004. “When I arrived, the prevailing sentiment was that the curriculum was perfect and couldn’t be improved upon,” he recalled. “Now we’ve grown to a 15-unit curriculum that places students within the community for up to 16 weeks for community-based service learning.” Dr. Evans played an integral role in developing the D-3 and D-4 level extramural program in which students rotate into community clinics during their junior and senior years and care for the underserved in offsite facilities across Chicago and Illinois, as well as in Colorado, Guatemala, China, and Tanzania. He credits College advancements in applied learning as another of his career highlights. “Students have kept me energized and focused, and the course we developed to put students in the community allowed them a firsthand look at issues around access to care. No student graduates without having had an up-close and firsthand experience at the community level. As we speak, we have about a dozen students in Colorado at a federally qualified institution focused on providing care to migrant farm worker populations and their families.“ Dr. Evans earned his BA in English from Franklin & Marshall College of Lancaster, PA, in 1965. Nearly 50 years later the college awarded him an Honorary Doctor of Science Degree. This year he was the commencement speaker for the Columbia University School of Dental Medicine, where he earned his DDS in 1970. Looking back at the impact of his education on his career, in which he focused on disease prevention, Dr. Evans said, “My experience at Columbia shaped my career and helped me move in a distinct direction. My original thought in going to dental school was to open a private practice and that would be that.” Dr. Evans also holds an MPH from the University of Michigan School of Public Health, where he performed his Dental Public Health Residency. Prior to joining UIC, Dr. Evans was the Executive Editor and Project Director for Oral Health in America: A Report of the U.S. Surgeon General, and subsequently served for
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12 years as the Director of Public Health Programs and Services for the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services. He is a Past President of the American Public Health Association, the American Association of Public Health Dentistry, and the American Board of Dental Public Health, as well as a member of Dr. Caswell Evans. the National Academy of Medicine and the National Academy of Sciences. Dr. Evans is Chairman of the DentaQuest Foundation Board, and he serves on the Chicago Board of Health, as well as on the boards of the Institute of Medicine of Chicago and the Children’s Dental Health Project. His myriad accomplishments also include a 2006 appointment to the Illinois State Board of Health, receipt of the 2007 William Thomas Green Morton National Award for the Advancement of General Dentistry from the Maryland Academy of General Dentistry, and being named Chair of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation’s National Advisory Committee concerning Alaska Dental Health Aide Therapists in 2008. Dr. Evans’s work looking at alternative providers of dental care in Alaska helped expose him to new dimensions of community-based service issues and emerging health policy, two components of workforce dynamics he sought to continually incorporate into his work at UIC. While he has no set future plans, Dr. Evans looks forward to traveling with his wife, Arlene Evans. He is also the father of son Jarrod David Evans and daughter Whitney Ann Evans Radovich, and is a proud grandfather of Whitney’s two daughters. Dr. Evans is eager to relish in one of his great pastimes, fly fishing, but he has no intention of disappearing professionally. Dr. Evans plans to write a few papers, and will continue to play an active role on local boards, including the Chicago Board of Health.
News Collaborative Program Results in Fewer Antibiotic Prescriptions at College of Dentistry Collaboration between UIC’s College of Dentistry, College of Pharmacy, and the University of Illinois Hospital and Health Sciences System (UI Health) has resulted in a significant reduction in the amount of antibiotics prescribed at the College. “There are a number of recent studies showing that dentists may be contributing to the development of antibiotic resistance through empirical prescribing patterns of antibiotics for their patients,” explained Dr. Susan Rowan, Executive Associate Dean and Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs. “Antibiotic resistance has become a very critical population health issue.” Dr. Alan Gross, Clinical Assistant Professor, Pharmacy
Practice, and Dr. Katie Suda, Associate Professor, Pharmacy Systems Outcomes and Policy, are experts in antibiotic usage, with Dr. Suda’s research focusing on prescribing practices of dentists. Drs. Gross and Suda provided the College with guidelines and additional information from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention about how to create antibiotic programs within ambulatory clinic settings. Dr. Rowan, and the College of Dentistry’s Dr. Danny Hanna, Clinical Associate Professor, Oral Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences, devised a program for antibiotic stewardship and prescription reduction at the College of Dentistry. Drs. Suda and Gross, and Dr. Susan C. Beasdale,
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News Medical Director of Infection and Prevention and Control, UI Health, participated in the analysis of the outcomes and development of the article. “We started a campaign within the College to promote evidencedbased care concerning antibiotics in order to raise awareness relative to potential resistance issues,” Dr. Rowan said, The campaign included information in her “Monday Minute” weekly email and other initiatives led by Dr. Hanna, with collaboration by UIC College of Dentistry faculty Dr. William Flick, Clinical Professor, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, and Dr. James Bahcall. Clinical Associate Professor, Endodontics. This team devised and implemented a multimodal intervention that focused on antibiotic use for acute oral infections. Antibiotic stewardship “was a hot topic anyway, and then the State of Illinois made a push not just for ambulatory outpatient centers to do antibiotics stewardship but dental clinics, too,” Dr. Hanna explained. “We put up patient-facing signage in urgent care operatories, where sometimes patients request antibiotics that are unnecessary, and in all the clinics we put up signage for the providers, to educate them to be more conservative in prescribing.” The team also “developed an Evidenced Based Clinical Decision Support Tool to help providers decide when to prescribe, gave that information to all the urgent care faculty, and posted the tool in the urgent care operatories so that both the faculty and students were following the same guidelines,” he said. “We showed a significant decrease in the amount of prescriptions after those interventions,” Dr. Hanna said. The results of the team’s assessment showed that among providers, the antibiotic prescribing
rate per urgent care visit decreased by 72.9%. Clinical providers also reported that they had become more conscious of appropriate prescribing since implementation of the educational guidelines. “Our faculty and residents heard the message, took it under advisement, and we saw a significant reduction in the amount of prescribing,” Dr. Rowan said. “We are proud of that.” The College is “one of the first dental schools in the country that has initiated an antibiotic stewardship program,” Dr. Rowan added. The team reported its results in February in the journal Open Forum Infectious Diseases, and plans to move forward with new initiatives. “Our next antibiotic stewardship effort has to do with premedication prescribing for people with joint replacements,” Dr. Hanna explained. “It was fairly common in the past, but not now—few scenarios result in the need to prescribe for such patients. After that, we will review the guidelines in the College for prescribing antibiotics for people with heart issues. We believe we can reduce prescriptions there as well.”
UIC Honors Dr. Ron Milnarik through Lighting of the Flame Longtime UIC College of Dentistry faculty member Dr. Ronald Milnarik, Clinical Assistant Professor, Endodontics, was honored by UIC Advancement and UIC Athletics by being chosen to be the Torch Bearer for the Lighting of the Flame at the Dec. 1, 2018, men’s basketball game between the UIC Flames and the Loyola Ramblers. Dr. Milnarik felt that the accolade was particularly meaningful because, along with being a current UIC faculty member and having also taught at Loyola, he is an alumnus of both institutions. From UIC, he earned his
BSD in Dentistry in 1965 and his DDS in 1967. From Loyola, he earned an Endodontics Certificate in 1975 and an MS in Oral Biology in 1977. During the current IGNITE Campaign, he and his wife, Pauline, endowed a Professorship in Endodontics at the College named for his mentor, Dr. Franklin S. Weine, who taught at both Loyola’s and UIC’s dental schools. “And my dad, Dr. Marshall Milnarik, went to Loyola’s dental school, so that made it mean more, too,” Dr. Ron Milnarik said. “It was a great honor.” Dr. Milnarik took the Lighting of the Flame so seriously that he prepared ahead of time. Dr. Dave Kumamoto, a College alumnus and former faculty member, had been a previous Torch Bearer “because of his decades of service as team dentist, so I asked Dave if he had any tips,” Dr. Milnarik explained. “He told me, ‘Watch out, that flame really flares up.’ That was a good tip, because it sure did.” To “even be in the same category as previous Torch Bearers from the College of Dentistry, such as Dr. Kumamoto and Dr. Irwin Robinson, was a great honor,” Dr. Milnarik said. “It’s great for the University to include the College of Dentistry in this tradition.” Dr. Milnarik also attended a game earlier in the season so he could observe the flame being lit—except it turned out that the ceremony was not performed at that game. “However, the cheerleaders were throwing UIC t-shirts into the audience and I was surrounded by fans from the visiting team, so since I was the only UIC fan in the area, the cheerleader noticed and threw me the shirt,” he said. “As the Torch Bearer I was supposed to wear UIC red, so I ended up wearing that actual UIC Flames shirt that the cheerleader provided at the earlier game.” At the game where he lit the 19
News flame, Dr. Milnarik was accompanied by his sister and his niece and her husband. Because of the local connection, the UIC Flames-Loyola Ramblers game also is a big social event. “There was a pregame reception in the Dragon’s Den; the College of Dentistry had one for Loyola and UIC dental alumni; UIC alumni had a reception across the street—and I didn’t even get to finish eating because a half hour before the Lighting of the Flame, they wanted me to practice,” Dr. Milnarik said, laughing. “Everyone was very helpful, and there even was a man on the court to tell me when to light the flame— right when the school song ends,” Dr. Milnarik said. “It was hard to hear the song, but with his assistance we managed to get the timing right.” The concentration and detail to the Lighting of the Flame required made Dr. Milnarik think of a story from his Loyola student days when he was concentrating too much. “As a student, you’ve got a lot of things to concentrate on, and how you got to school isn’t one of them,” he said. “One day after school at Loyola it was raining really hard. I went to where I thought I parked my car, got really wet, and found it wasn’t there. So I thought I might have parked somewhere else, got even more wet, and found the car wasn’t there either. “Then I realized I had taken the bus that day—I could have waited right at the door and not gotten wet at all,” he said. “That taught me to put things in perspective.” Even though he is a dual alum, he viewed the game from a UIC perspective. “I was definitely rooting for UIC to win the game,” he said, but the Ramblers topped the Flames 7364. “It was really an honor to be the Torch Bearer,” Dr. Milnarik concluded. “Fun, too.” Dr. Ron Milnarik with Sparky D. Dragon at the Lighting of the Flame. 20
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Dr. Marcio da Fonseca receives a check from the America’s ToothFairy: National Children’s Oral Health Foundation.
Pediatric Dentistry Receives Grant for SDF Use
The America’s ToothFairy: National Children’s Oral Health Foundation organization has provided a $5,000 ToothFairy Grant to the Department of Pediatric Dentistry to purchase silver diamine fluoride (SDF). Used to arrest caries and reduce sensitivity in teeth, SDF is applied by practitioners in the department primarily on cavitated teeth of youngsters and those who have special health care needs who cannot cooperate for dental care in the dental chair, or who are on the waiting list to receive dental care under general anesthesia. The product also is used to reduce sensitivity in teeth with enamel and dentin defects that may not be easy to anesthetize. “With numerous grant applications submitted to America’s
ToothFairy,” said Jill Malmgren, Executive Director of the organization, the Department of Pediatric Dentistry’s “application was among the best.” In the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, use of SDF “has been successful and benefitted over 1,000 children,” said Dr. Marcio da Fonseca, Head of the department. “We observed that many carious lesions were arrested with the medication, which helped cut down on the complaints of toothaches, emergency visits, and prescriptions for analgesics and antibiotics.” Dr. da Fonseca noted, “It has also helped in cases where the child was too young to cooperate for treatment. The medications helped arrest caries and, in the meantime, the child developed emotionally further, allowing us to provide the necessary dental treatment in the chair months later.”
In cases of children who were waiting for a dental appointment under general anesthesia, “it helped with management of dental decay until they were able to be treated,” Dr. da Fonseca added. “Our waiting list for general anesthesia is over one year.” Dr. da Fonseca estimated that 1,500 children will benefit from the grant. He also noted that nursing students and general pediatrics residents rotating through the department’s clinics also will benefit, as they “will be educated as to how to diagnose obvious carious lesions and how to use the product.” The check was presented on Feb. 21 in conjunction with the Chicago Dental Society Midwinter Meeting. America’s ToothFairy: National Children’s Oral Health Foundation works to ensure that children can access dental care and learn about oral health. 21
Faculty and alumni gather at Reunion.
Dr. Jon D. Nickelsen and Dr. Joseph G. Unger.
Alumni Enjoy Reunion More than 155 UIC College of Dentistry and Loyola University Chicago dental alumni, spouses, faculty, guests, and dignitaries enjoyed an evening of reconnecting and awards on the evening of April 26 at the College’s Reunion Dinner at Carlisle Banquets in Lombard, IL. Organized by Ana Lisa Ogbac, Director of Donor Relations; Jessica Mueller, Associate Director of Engagement Participation; and Janette Guzman, Administrative Aide, the Reunion saw anniversary classes honored whose graduation
Dr. Jon D. Nickelsen and Dr. Gary R. Herberger.
year ended in a four or a nine, and four UIC and Loyola alumni also honored. Dr. Frank A. Maggio, Loyola ’71, UIC Periodontics ’75, was Head of the UIC Dental Alumni Association Reunion Committee and gave the welcome address. Dean Clark Stanford gave the greeting. Dr. Jon D. Nickelsen, ’03, President of the UIC Dental Alumni Association, was Master of Ceremonies. Dr. Michael A. Dunlap, ’92, was granted the Dr. E. Lloyd Du Brul Faculty Achievement Award. Dr. Dunlap has been a Managing Partner
of a Pre-Doctoral Group Practice Clinic since 2013. He has earned Golden Apple and Crystal Apple Awards for teaching excellence, and mentors College of Dentistry students at the CommunityHealth Chicago Clinic. Dr. Gary R. Herberger, ’78, received the Dr. F. William Towner Organized Dentistry Activity Award. Dr. Herberger is a former President of the Peoria, IL, District Dental Society, and is a Fellow of the Academy of Dentistry International, the International College of Dentists, the American College of Dentistry, and is
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Dr. Jon D. Nickelsen and William S. Bike.
Dr. Jon Nickelsen and Dr. Michael A. Dunlap.
Drs. Harris J. Levine, ’79, Gregory N. Murphy, ’79, Neal C. Nealis, ’79, John R. Williams, ’79. a member of Omicron Kappa Upsilon. Dr. Joseph G. Unger, Loyola ’85, was conferred the Dr. Raffaele Suriano Award, which is given for important contributions to dentistry in the Chicago area on the part of a faculty member or alumnus of a Chicago-area dental school, reflecting the contributions of the late Dr. Raffaele Suriano, Dean of the Loyola School of Dentistry. Dr. Unger serves as an examiner for the Central Regional Dental Testing Service and is a Director of the Illinois State Dental Society Foundation. He is a former President of the Illinois State
Dental Society. Dr. K. William “Buddy” Mopper, MS Pediatric Dentistry ’66, was named the Distinguished Dental Alumnus. Dr. Mopper is an internationally renowned lecturer in esthetic dentistry, emphasizing composite bonding using direct application techniques. He is Director of Education for the Center for Esthetic Excellence and is CoFounder and Chair of Cosmedent, Inc., where he is responsible for educational programs and product development. William S. Bike, longtime
Dr. Jon Nickelson and Dr. K William "Buddy" Mopper. Director of Advancement Communications, was surprised with a special award for his 24 years of service to the College and to the Alumni Board. The 2020 Reunion will be held on April 24 at the Carlisle, 435 E. Butterfield Rd. in Lombard, IL. All classes whose graduation years end in a five or a zero will receive special honors. For additional information on the 2020 Reunion or to serve as a class representative, contact Janette Guzman at (312) 996-0670 or
Research Dr. Sara Chen Wins Sharry Competition Dr. Sara Chen, Prosthodontics ’18, was honored for her work as a resident by winning first place in the John J. Sharry National Competition for Original Research in Prosthodontics by a resident at the American College of Prosthodontists 48th Annual Session in Baltimore, MD, in October 2018. The competition requires individuals to submit an abstract to the Sharry Research Award Committee, which identifies up to 12 individuals for submission of a complete manuscript for consideration. From these manuscripts, six finalists are identified to present as part of the final competition at the ACP Annual Session. Sponsored by the ACP Education Foundation, the Sharry competition is held to stimulate and acknowledge original research in Prosthodontics by residents. This is the highest research award honor for Prosthodontics residents nationally. Dr. Chen’s winning research topic was “Fracture Resistance on Minimal Thickness e.max CAD Crowns.” Her mentors were Drs. Bin Yang, Stephen Campbell, Cortino Sukotjo, Kent Knoernschild, and Judy Yuan.
Dr. Mohammed H. Elnagar Researching Artificial Intelligence in Orthodontics Dr. Mohammed H. Elnagar, Clinical Assistant Professor, Orthodontics, is researching the use of artificial intelligence in orthodontics. To assist with that research, Dr. Elnagar was awarded the Robert M. Ricketts Sunflower Orthodontics Fellowship Award for Orthodontic Faculty Development from the American Association of Orthodontists Foundation (AAOF). Dr. Elnagar applied for the award for his proposal, “Implementation of Dental Remote Monitoring Technology in Orthodontics: A Prospective Clinical Trial for Access to Care through Application of Teledentistry.” His project is a prospective clinical study that will implement Dental Monitoring (DM) Artificial Intelligence (AI) in orthodontics treatment. “Through AI, we aim to auto-detect the clinical situation from photos and scans taken remotely by the patient, and optimize the appliance efficiency by 3-D tracking of tooth movement,” Dr. Elnagar explained. “Moreover, AI can construct 3-D digital models remotely using smartphones, replacing the expensive intraoral scanner. My project will clinically validate the DM AI technology and evaluate the treatment
Drs. Bin Yang, Kent Knoernschild, Sara Chen, and Stephen Campbell. The Department of Restorative Dentistry has had finalists and first or second place winners in the competition every year since 2014.
outcome and patients’ acceptance of the new technology.” Dr. Elnagar believes that implementing AI in orthodontics will enhance the treatment outcome, “with fewer appointments, give patients more access to care, and overcome the problems of provider shortages, geographic remoteness, and Dr. Mohammed H. Elnagar. busy lifestyle.” He will use the AAOF award to “help to recruit patients to participate in my study, obtain the needed equipment and software for my project, and support my development plan.” Mentors for Dr. Elnagar on the project are Dr. Sath Allareddy, Head; Dr. Phimon Atsawasuwan, Associate Professor; and Dr. Budi Kusnoto, Associate Professor and Clinic Director, all of the Department of Orthodontics. Dr. Elnagar thanked his mentors and the College “for supporting my application and giving me access to the College’s Clinical Research Center.”
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President’s Message Advocating for the College Dear Alumni and Friends: As your UIC Dental Alumni Board President for the past year and a half, it has been my pleasure to spread the good news of the College to fellow alumni and other invested partners, welcome new Board members, engage in College events and host alumni, act as a sounding board for Dean Stanford’s initiatives, and advocate on behalf of the College. Being engaged in these ways has allowed me to stay connected with the College, to make new connections with other alumni, to interact with current students, and to support my alma mater. I am grateful for the opportunity to be of service to the College community. With the advent of the IGNITE campaign, the College continues to build on its strengths in teaching, research, and service, and make great strides in Changing the Future of Oral Health. New endowed funds to support resident education and faculty research highlight the IGNITE campaign’s ability to transform the student and patient experiences here at the College. With the help of generous alumni and friends, we have been able to make significant progress towards our $37 million College goal. A heartfelt thank you to all who have joined with us during the campaign and stepped up to support the College. One of the most exciting parts of being a member of the UIC Dental Alumni Board is the opportunity to partner with the College on events that bring our alumni community together. This year, we brought back the annual Golf Outing after a short hiatus and I am happy to report that it was a wonderful day of golf and camaraderie! We welcomed alumni, faculty, students, and staff to the 27th Annual UIC College of Dentistry Golf Outing at the Harborside International Golf Center. A special thank you to the event co-chairs, Drs. Arlene Engert, ’83, and Susan Rowan, ’84, and to everyone who joined us this year.
In addition, our second C.A.R.E. (Connecting Alumni to Reignite and Engage) recent alumni event took place in October at Whirlyball Chicago. Attendees enjoyed various activities, great food, and networking with alumni, students, faculty, and corporate partners. The highlight of the evening was the awarding of the 2019 C.A.R.E. Alumna Award to Dr. Lynse J. Briney, ’05, Pediatric Dentistry ’11, and MS Oral Science ’12. Congratulations to Dr. Briney! A Diplomate to the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry, Dr. Briney has her own practice called Shine Pediatric Dentistry in Downers Grove, which opened in fall of 2019. She previously served as the Oral Health Director at Oak Park-River Forest Infant Welfare Society Children’s Clinic. Dr. Briney is an active member of CDS, CDS Foundation, ISDS, ADA, AAPD, ISPD and has staff privileges at Ann and Robert Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago. She currently lives in Downers Grove with her husband, Brent Widler and two boys. We’re so proud that you are a UIC College of Dentistry alumna! Please mark your calendars for the 2020 Alumni Reunion, to be held on April 24, 2020. We will celebrate all class years, but recognize those ending in -0 and -5. We will also honor a number of our fellow alumni with distinguished College awards. You don’t want to miss this event!
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President’s Message If you are interested in becoming more engaged, playing a role in upcoming events, or have an idea for a way to connect more closely with the College, please contact me directly or reach out to a member of the Advancement team. We look forward to hearing from you.
Board Business We still have a few openings on the board, and we welcome your participation and involvement. If you or one of your colleagues are interested, please contact me. Board membership is a great way to network, learn more about the College and the state of the field, advise the Dean, have your opinions heard, and become involved in the College’s many engaging events. Sincerely,
Dr. Jon Nickelsen, ’03 President, UIC Dental Alumni Association
Join Our Alumni Board Activity on the UIC Dental Alumni Board offers the opportunity to network, engage with alumni, and effect change at the College. Applications may be found on our website: association/
Dental Alumni Board Officers
President: Jon D. Nickelsen, ’03 Vice President: Paul Burkey, Loyola ’83, MS Orthodontics University of Iowa ’85 Secretary- Treasurer: Robert M. Bara, Loyola ’89 Immediate PastPresident: William B. Hamel III, ’83 Dean: Clark M. Stanford, University of Iowa ’87, Prosthodontics and PhD ’92, MHA ’19
(Through June 2020) Shandra Bundy-Smith, ’94 Manal Ibrahim-LaVacca, ’93, Prosthodontics ’96 Robert J. Michet, ’78 (Through June 2021) Julie Laverdiere-Beck, ’90, OMFS ’95 Ryan A. Grelle Tusher, ’09 (Through 2022) Joseph W. Hamman, ’85 Anthony M. LaPorte, ’12 Frank A. Maggio, Loyola ’71, UIC Periodontics ’75 Joseph J. Powers, ’18 Daniel Rosales, ’17 Victoria A. Ursitti, Pediatric Dentistry ’95
Ex-Officio Directors Charles F. DiFranco, Loyola ’81, Loyola MS Periodontics ’83, Former President Arlene M. Engert, ’83 Robert J, Ficek, ’62, Former President Cissy K. Furusho, ’96, Pediatric Dentistry ’98, MS Oral Sciences ’00, Former President Harold J. Kiriluk, ’75 Thomas J. King Jr., ’71, Ortho ’59, Former President Lawrence W. Kolar, ’82, Former President Donald A. Krzyzak, ’61, Former President Steven T. Kuhn, ’97, Pediatric Dentistry ’00, Former President Frank A. Maggio, Loyola ’71, UIC Periodontics ’75, Former President Neal C. Nealis, ’79, Former President
Richard P. Perry, ’68 Genaro Romo, ’97, Former President Susan A. Rowan, ’84, Former President Ross E. Rubino, ’77, Former President Daniel N. Uditsky, ’69, Former President Kapil Vij, ’99, Pediatric Dentistry ’01, MS Oral Sciences ’04, Former President Ronald J. Waryjas, ’77, MS Orthodontics ’85, Former President Samuel S. Wexler, ’64, Former President Keith P. Wilson, ’97, Former President
Board Liaison
Student Liaison
Jessica Mueller
Connie Woo, ’20
Los Angeles Names Public Square in Hollywood for Dr. Amarjit Singh Marwah Dr. Amarjit Singh Marwah, MS Histology ’56, a College benefactor, was honored on February 3 by the City of Los Angeles with an honorary square named for him in the Hollywood community at the intersection of Vermont and Finley Avenues, where he was instrumental in helping to establish the Hollywood Sikh Temple—the first Sikh temple in the United States—in 1969. The City of Los Angeles formally recognized Dr. Marwah and his late wife, Mrs. Kuljit K. Marwah, at the temple’s dedication in November 1969. The 2019 dedication of the city square was especially poignant as it was the day before Dr. Marwah’s 93rd birthday. Approximately 200 people attended the dedication. Los Angeles dedicated the Marwah Square “because I’ve done a lot of work for my community,” Dr. Marwah said. “In 1969, there were no Sikh temples in the United States, so I donated a building and the surrounding property to establish one.” In addition to his instrumental role in establishing the Hollywood Sikh Temple, Dr. Marwah served Los Angeles Mayor Thomas J. Bradley and his administration for 18 years. Mayor Bradley appointed him Commissioner for Art and Cultural Heritage and Commissioner of Planning, and in those roles he obtained historic status for more than 200 locations, including Grauman’s Chinese Theatre. He also has served as Chair of the World Arts Council in Los Angeles. “I feel honored, being in a foreign country I adopted, that I was able to serve the people with dignity and pride,”
Dr. Marwah said. Council Member David Ryu was responsible for introducing legislation that resulted in the naming of the square. “Dr. Marwah has been an incredible and selfless leader, not just for Los Angeles, where his Hollywood Gurudwara is located, but for the broader Sikh community across California and the world,” Council Member Ryu said. “He has always been welcoming and supportive to people of all backgrounds. It has been an honor to work with him, learn from him, and see him help make Los Angeles a better place for all.” Dr. Marwah also is known for his support of many humanitarian causes in India. Dr. Marwah founded the KK Marwah Girls College in Faridkot, Punjab, and also provided funding to build an auditorium for Mahindra College, Patiala, India. The college and auditorium are named for his late wife, Kuljit. Dr. Marwah also created a charitable foundation and serves as its President. “Dr. and Mrs. Marwah have made an indelible impact on so many communities around the world. Their powerful benevolence has shaped arts, culture, and education. Their philanthropic and humanitarian works bring renown to UIC Dentistry,” said Dean Clark Stanford. Dr. Marwah adopted two villages in India, Guru Ki Dhab and Guru Nanak Basti. In both, he built infrastructure to provide running water 24 hours per day in every home, sewage/drainage systems, interlocking tiles and palm trees on all streets, and a modern town hall. Both villages erected statues in his honor. Dr. Marwah also founded the Bank of Punjab in India, a forerunner of the HDFC Bank.
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Alumni Class News 1952
Daniel Laskin, MS Oral Surgery, Richmond, VA, editor emeritus of the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, received the 2018 Distinguished Editor Award from the American Association of Dental Editors and Journalists.
George R. Zehak, Oak Brook, IL, presented at the College in an Illinois Academy of General Dentistry lunch and learn on how to manage student debt.
Spencer Bloom, Skokie, IL, presented at the College in an Illinois Academy of General Dentistry lunch and learn on how to manage student debt.
Steven J. Moravec, MS Orthodontics, Chicago, was featured in the article, “4 Ways A Great Smile Can Improve Your Life” in 360 Magazine in February, and in the article “Dental Braces Do More Than Straighten Teeth; 5 Unexpected Health Benefits,” in the March 13 issue of He was quoted in the March 21 issue of Pittsburgh Parent, clearing up five myths about wearing braces.
Dr. D. Milton Salzer, Northbrook, IL, received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Illinois State Dental Society.
1971 Christopher Wenckus, Endodontics ’74, has a new grandchild, Warren Christopher Seidel, born Dec. 3, 2018. Warren, and Harrison and Josephine, who also are in the photo, are the children of Dr. Wenckus’s daughter, Patricia, a chef. Warren is Chris’s sixth grandchild.
James Frett, Mt. Prospect, IL, was a Co-Chair of the Illinois State Dental Society Mission of Mercy in 2018. Peter Glatz retired from dentistry to work as a cook at Nonesuch, Bon Appetit magazine’s choice as best new restaurant of 2018. Bon Appetit featured an article about Dr. Glatz in May.
Timmothy Schwartz, Pekin, IL, was Restorative Co-Lead for the Illinois State Dental Society Mission of Mercy in 2018.
Michael Mora, Vernon Hills, IL, presented at the College in an Illinois Academy of General Dentistry lunch and learn on how to manage student debt. Louis Mercuri, MS Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, River Forest, IL, lectured at the 8th Institute of Biomaterials, Triborcorrosion and Nanomedicine Symposium at the College of Dentistry April 15, 2019.
Cheryl-Watson Lowry, Chicago, served as the President of the Chicago Dental Society in 2019.
Sharon Perlman, Chicago, received an IFLOSS Coalition Oral Health Champion Award for her long-term commitment to dental access. She currently is the President of the Illinois Dental Lifeline Network and a dental consultant for The Ounce of Prevention and Illinois Head Start.
Sheri Doniger, Lincolnwood, IL, published the book, Practical Practice Solutions in Dentistry: Building Your Successful Future.
1984 Theodore M. Siegel, Skokie, IL, and his team have provided free dental care on Valentine’s Day to people in need. WBBM-AM NewsRadio 78 did a feature on him and his generosity on Feb. 8.
Mary A. Gebhardt, Kuttawa, KY, after retirement at the end of 2015, has participated in five humanitarian trips to Haiti, Guatemala, and El Salvador. She also stepped into a dental office in Kentucky due to the owner’s sudden death in 2018 and helped keep it open until it could be sold. She made several annual trips to the Kentucky Mountain Mission in Eastern Kentucky to help with their free dental clinics. In January 2019, they made a humanitarian trip with a church to Roatan, a Honduran island, in January 2019. She and her husband, Bob, celebrated their 45th anniversary in March 2019. She also enjoyed teaching her grandson to drive.
Alumni Class News Alumnus Runs Non-Profit to Help Education, Healthcare in Tanzania
and was pleased when he was accepted by UIC’s, as it was his first choice. Dr. Luga was one of two Chief Residents in the program his last year. It is no surprise that Dr. Mulokozi Lugakingira, Oral and “Under the guidance of the Department Head, Maxillofacial Surgery (OMFS) and MS Oral Sciences Dr. Michael Miloro, and the other attendings and faculty ’11, started a not-for-profit to advance education and and the collaborative work of the staff at UIC Oral healthcare in Katare Village, Tanzania. The organization is Surgery, I am confident that I can say as a Chief Resident the culmination of a lifetime of service to others. I performed a full scope of surgeries of our specialty,” Born in Tanzania, East Africa, “Dr. Luga” began Dr. Luga said. helping others early on. As the eldest of five siblings, he Dr. Luga bought a practice in Fort Wayne, IN, in played an important role in raising the younger children. 2013, so he owns and practices at the Fort Wayne As a youngster, he visited his mother at work, observing Oral Maxillofacial Surgery and Implant Center (www. her helping others as a registered nurse in a pediatric His practice now has three surgical ward in the Muhimbili University Hospital in the locations. He noted he has brought in “an associate capital, Dar es Salaam. That, he said, is when he knew he who recently became a partner,” Dr. Franklin Awah, ’10. wanted to work in healthcare. Performing many implants, Dr. Luga has been nicknamed He earned his first dental degree, a DDS, from “The Implant Doctor.” the Muhimbili University College of Health Sciences Dr. Luga also covers facial trauma calls for five local in 1999 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. He then decided hospitals and has full admitting privileges with all. At the that he wanted to become an oral surgeon. To match Children’s Craniofacial Center in Fort Wayne, he takes in any of the OMFS programs in the United States, care of cleft lip and palate patients. it is a requirement Despite his full to obtain a dental schedule, the thought degree from an of helping his home American accredited village was never too dental school. So, far from his mind, Dr. Lugakingira however. In 2015, earned a DMD from he and his wife, Kos, the University of started a not-for-profit Pennsylvania School 501c3 charitable of Dental Medicine in organization, Kagera 2004. Advancement Inc. (KAI), His quest was registered in Indiana. interrupted for two Currently, KAI has eight years due to the death board members. of his father. During Dr. Luga said that this time, he practiced 100% of donations as a general dentist in to the charity are Philadelphia to earn used for good works, Dr. Mulokozi Lugakingira, OMFS and MS Oral Sciences ’11, and money to support his as he and his wife his wife, Kos. family back home. In personally fund their the Kagera region, own expenses such as where Katare is air travel, meals, and located, families are organized into clans, and upon the accommodations. To avoid bureaucracy, they directly death of his father, Dr. Luga became the head of the purchase all materials and provide them to the Katare Lugakingira clan as well. Secondary School and Katare Dispensary Health Clinic. Eventually, he interviewed with 15 OMFS programs, As of 2018, KAI’s achievements include:
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Alumni Class News A fully renovated school complete with desks, chairs, Looking ahead, although KAI has been able to and electricity; a new library with books, desks, chairs, rebuild parts of the dispensary, the surgical ward is and electricity; a computer lab within the library with beyond repair, and “the amount of resources needed to four computers, a printer, and a scanner; provision of repair the dispensary are not worth the measure,” textbooks for each student for all nine subjects taught Dr. Luga said. at the school, for about 20 students; a new physics The new KAI goal now is to build a completely new laboratory; provisions of supplies, including scientific Health Center—essentially a small hospital with both calculators, sharpeners, toothbrushes, and toothpaste; inpatient wards and outpatient capabilities. In it will also workbooks and crayons be a minor surgical for pre-school children theatre, mortuary, and from the area; new staff housing. It will have soccer uniforms and both medical and dental netball uniforms for services. the school’s teams; Once that is and implementation of finished, the vision is to best student and best lead a minimum of one teacher monetary awards mission trip per year, programs, paid for for at least one week, personally by Dr. Luga with services provided and his wife, Kos. by doctor volunteers “Within two years, from the United States. on average the overall Other U.S. healthcare student grades have providers will be invited, gone up a letter,” he said. as will local Tanzanian “One U.S. dollar is healthcare providers. the equivalent of 2,200 Dr. Luga recalled Dr. and Mrs. Lugakingira provided computers to Katare Tanzanian shillings, so a that his father, the Secondary School. 30,000-shilling textbook Hon. Justice K.S.K. costs only $14,” Dr. Luga Lugakingira, said, explained. “This clearly illustrates the potential reach “Education is the number one weapon you can give of every dollar in donations we receive. For this, I am anybody.” Dr. Luga said, “I think health is the number two grateful for all the hard work by KAI Board of Directors gift you can give anybody.” members, and for all our supporting donors from Fort Representing KAI, he goes to Tanzania “twice a year, Wayne and elsewhere.” usually in February and August,” he said. “Kos and the Dr. Luga hopes to raise enough money for KAI to kids usually join me in the summer.” The couple has two provide the school with more computers and internet sons, ages ten and six, and a daughter, age five. access. He noted that KAI also will need funding for “My goal is to inspire those who are disadvantaged maintenance and upkeep of all that has been done as to believe that they can keep pursuing their dreams,” well. Dr. Luga concluded. In 2018, KAI also began helping the Ng’wabuyi Donations to KAI may be made at www. Primary School in Tanzania’s, or by mailing a check to KAI Nyanguage Village by providing books and supplies. at 12032 Kingsbridge Rd., Fort Wayne, IN 46814. For At the clinic in Katare, KAI has paid for electrical more information, call (615) 593-7000 or email wiring and fixtures and building renovations. KAI also provides help to one school in Fort Wayne every year as well. —William S. Bike
Alumni Class News Cheryl Mora, Vernon Hills, IL, presented at the College in an Illinois Academy of General Dentistry lunch and learn on how to manage student debt.
Alyson Koslow, Prosthodontics, Chicago, has retired from her post at the College as Clinical Assistant Professor, Restorative Dentistry.
Lynse Briney, Pediatric Dentistry, ’11, Downers Grove, IL is Communications Chair for the Illinois State Dental Society.
Manal Ibrahim, Prosthodontics ’96, was featured in an article, “Engineering Healthy Smiles,” in the February 2019 edition of Naperville Magazine.
Jaime Cushing is married to Adam Cushing, who in December was named head football coach at Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, IL. The couple has three children, Abby, Dana, and Alex.
Mary Ann Rackauskas, Pediatric Dentistry, MS Oral Sciences ’94, Springfield, IL, was Pediatric Co-Lead for the Illinois State Dental Society Mission of Mercy in 2018.
Dr. Alyson Koslow.
Brian Caraba, Chicago, was Lab Dentist Lead for the Illinois State Dental Society Mission of Mercy in 2018.
1996 Cissy K. Furusho, Pediatric Dentistry ’98, MS Oral Sciences ’00, Northbrook, IL, was named to the Delta Dental of Illinois Board of Directors for a three-year term. She served as Pediatric Co-Lead at the Illinois State Dental Society Mission of Mercy in 2018.
Curt W. Ringhofer, Orland Park, IL, spoke about the connection between airway, TMD, and sleep apnea at the Dental Arts Club meeting on March 26. Ricardo Y. Mendoza, Pediatric Dentistry, Chicago, is the 2019 President of the Hispanic Dental Association, a national organization.
2003 Lisa Kearney, Chicago, Erie Family Health Centers, received a Golden Toothbrush Award from Erie Family Health Centers.
2004 Meaghan Strotman, Park Ridge, IL, spoke at the American Dental Education Association Annual Session in Chicago on March 18 on, “Team-Based Learning: Yes You Can!” and on March 19 on, “Making it Click: How to Effectively Provide Feedback to Learners.”
Alaleh Dowlatshahi, Chicago, was featured in an article in the Guru Observer of Feb. 28. She practices at Homerun Dental.
2009 Dr. Ryan Tuscher, Chicago, PCC Wellness, received a Golden Toothbrush Award from Erie Family Health Centers.
2010 Raza A. Hussain, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, was featured on the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons website talking about one of his patients who underwent a complex expose and bond procedure involving four impacted second molars. The video discussed the procedure and features Raza interacting with his patient, Kyle. See y6ndvzca. Raza is a faculty member at the College and is Section Chief, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Jesse Brown VA Medical Center, Chicago.
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Alumni Class News Nermeen Moussa, Endodontics, MS Oral Sciences, Chicago, works at Cameo Dental Specialists. The husband of a patient wrote to Vision, “Dr. Moussa did a root canal on my wife. All I can say is wow! Not only did she provide firstclass professionalism, she is so knowledgeable and skillful.”
Jasmin Guzman, Chicago, Lawndale Christian Health Center, received a Golden Toothbrush Award from Erie Family Health Centers. Farah Talib practices at Bayside Dental and Zara Dental in Houston, TX.
Gail Tischke, Hinsdale, IL was featured in an article, “Military provides pathway to dentistry,” in an American Dental Association e-publication, New Dentist Now. In the U.S. Navy and Naval Reserves, Gail was a carrier pilot and intermediate jet instructor, and spent 24 years in the military.
1952 Dr. Samuel Cascio, Oak Brook, IL, and Dr. Joseph Discipio, Oak Brook, IL, were named the 2018 Humanitarians of the Italian American Executives of Transportation at the organization’s November 2018 Scholarship and Awards Dinner Dance.
1984 Louis A. Imburgia, Park Ridge, IL, was named a Certified Dental Editor by the American Association of Dental Editors and Journalists.
Charles Martello, Frankfort, IL, presented at the College in an Illinois Academy of General Dentistry lunch and learn on how to manage student debt.
Rich Osmanski, Lake in the Hills, IL, received the Dr. Chauncey Cross Award from the Illinois State Dental Society.
1990 John Kozal, Summit, IL, is chair of the Illinois State Dental Society’s Member Services Committee.
1993 Joseph Favia, Arlington Heights, IL, spoke on dental implants and digital dentistry at the Illinois State Dental Society New Dentist Conference in September 2018.
Barbara Mousel, Chicago, IL, is only the second woman to be President of the Illinois State Dental Society. She reflected on her year as President in 2018 in an article in the January/ February 2019 Illinois Dental News. Dr. Gail Tischke.
2014 Emiliya Taneva, Orthodontics and MS Oral Sciences, Chicago, was the subject of articles in the April 16 issue of Hype Magazine, and the May 16 issue of Social: The Lifestyle Magazine. Emiliya is considered a social media star on the rise because of her 650,000 Instagram followers concerning her postings on luxury travel and lifestyle on her account @ bubbly.moments.
1985 Alice Boghosian, Chicago, was Public Relations Co-Lead for the Illinois State Dental Society Mission of Mercy in 2018. Michael Biasiello, Park Ridge, IL, received the Dr. Chauncey Cross Award from the Illinois State Dental Society.
In Memoriam Orthodontics Professor Dr. James J. Baldwin Passes Away
Dr. James J. Baldwin. Dr. James J. Baldwin, a part-time Clinical Professor of Orthodontics who retired in 2014, passed away on Jan. 31 at age 93. Dr. Baldwin had taught at the College for 15 years, specializing in biomechanics. He was
Dr. Arshad Mohammed, Orthodontics Resident Dr. Arshad Mohammed, ’18, a first-year Resident in Orthodontics, passed away on March 28 due to a car accident. “The entire Orthodontics family is deeply saddened by this,” said Dr. Sath Allareddy, Head, Orthodontics. “Arshad was a wonderful person. Our deepest condolences to his family.” The College’s Radiology Team issued a statement saying, “We are saddened to hear of Dr. Arshad Mohammed’s passing. He was such a good person, and it was great to have him in Radiology. We wish his family and friends the strength for this tragic time.” “He was a kind person and talented dentist,” said Dr. Brad
a pioneer in the development of the segmented arch technique. Dr. Baldwin also taught at the Indiana University Dental School, where he had earned his DDS. He also held an MS from Yale University. He had practiced in Indianapolis and Castelton, IN. Dr. Baldwin was a former President of the Angle Society, and was a member of the Great Lakes Society of Orthodontists. Among his many accomplishments, he was the recipient of the American Association of Orthodontists’ Louise Ada Jarabak Memorial International Teachers and Research Award in 2000, and the American Board of Orthodontics’ Dale B. Wade Award of Excellence in 2006. He is survived by his sons, David (husband of Denise) and Frank, and three grandchildren. Memorials in his name may be made to the Alzheimer’s Association.
Dr. Eliot Becker, Longtime Alumni Board Director
Johnson, Head, Endodontics. “He will be missed.” “Arshad was a valuable member of our College and of our Advanced Standing Program,” said Dr. Adriana Semprum-Clavier, Co-Director of the program. “We will always have fond memories of our good moments with Arshad and will have him in our hearts and minds.” “We worked with Arshad in the Chicago/Vivaldi Clinic,” said Norma Delgado, Dental Clinic Clerk II. “He was one of our finest students, a true sweetheart.” Ahmed Hegazy, A-4 Class President, on behalf of the students offered “sincere condolences to the whole College community and the Department of Orthodontics. Dr. Arshad was a great senior student who was never late in helping others.
May his soul rest in peace, and our prayers ease the pain of this loss.” Dr. Mohammed last spring received the College’s Dr. Allan C. Peterson Scholarship, named for the late Dr. Peterson who graduated in 1973. The criteria for the scholarship calls for the recipient to exemplify compassion, dedication, and excellence in a clinical setting— qualities for which Dr. Mohammed was known. The College plans on naming an operatory for him, and on establishing the Dr. Arshad Mohammed Scholarship Fund in Orthodontics. For more information, contact Mark J. Valentino, Associate Dean for Advancement, at or (312) 413-7702.
Dr. Eliot Becker, ’63. Dr. Eliot Becker, ’63, a former longtime Director of the UIC Dental Alumni Board of Directors, passed away on April 3 at age 78. Dr. Becker practiced in Franklin
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In Memoriam Park and Wood Dale, IL, until retiring in 2010. He was active in the Academy of General Dentistry, Alpha Omega Dental Fraternity, American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, American Association of Endodontists, American Dental Association, Chicago Dental Society, and Illinois State Dental Society. Dr. Becker was President of the North Side Branch of the CDS in 2004-05. The University of Illinois Alumni Association presented him with the Alumni Loyalty Award in 2012. For the Dental Alumni Board, he was Chair of the Illinois Connection subcommittee. He was preceded in death by his wife, Marion. Dr. Becker is survived by children Jill (Chris) Kelly, Lauren (Steve) Cote, David (Stacey) Becker, Nancy (Dan) Velasco, and Jennifer (Gary) Dumrauf; stepson Robert (Linda) Rotman; and 14 grandchildren. Services have been held. Memorials in Dr. Becker’s name may be made to the Lupus Foundation, Autism Speaks, or Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.
Dr. Arshad Mohammed, ’18, with Dr. Susan Rowan.
Dr. Deade Doolin Jr., Former Alumni Board President Dr. Deane E. Doolen Jr., a member of the Class of 1955 and former President of the College’s Alumni Board, passed away on May 12 at age 88. A resident of Havana, IL, Dr. Doolen for decades led efforts to have College alumni living in Illinois outside the Chicago area become more engaged with the College. He served as President of the UIC Dental Alumni Board of Directors in 199293, after having served as Treasurer and President-Elect, and remained on the Board as an ex-officio member until his passing. A benefactor of the College, Dr. Doolen, along with the late Dr. George J. Kottemann, led the effort to create the Leo and Wanda Sabien Class of 1955 Scholarship named for their late classmate, Dr. Leo Sabien. The Sabien Fund was one of the College’s first endowed scholarship funds. Dr. Doolen also was instrumental in planning the George and Norma Kottemann Gallery of Dental History at the College. “Dr. Doolen loved the College and contributed to its well-being in so many ways,” said Associate Dean for Advancement Mark J. Valentino. “He was Board President early in my career at the College, and he took me under his wing and helped me in my new role. We stayed in touch all these years. He was devoted to his family, his community, his profession, and his patients. “Dr. Doolen gave back to UIC in so many ways: as an alumni leader, advocate, generous donor, accomplished dentist, and dear friend,” Valentino added. Dr. Doolen’s father, the late Dr. Deane Doolen Sr., was a dentist as well.
Dr. Deane E. Doolen Jr., ’55. A licensed pilot, Dr. Deane Doolen Jr. founded Lincolnair Ltd., a business aviation charter company. He also had been a cattle breeder and a producer of premium alfalfa for commercial agriculture. He held an adjunct faculty position at Spoon River College in Canton, IL. His corporation, Education and Development Initiative Ltd., offers mobile geriatric dental care for residents of downstate assisted living facilities. In the last four years, noted his wife, Ann Doolen, he particularly enjoyed making house calls to patients for the Fulton County Health Department. “It was so satisfying for him, as he was taking care of their needs,” she said. Dr. Doolen is survived by his wife, Ann; children Martha Knight (Greg Krusz), Paul (Mitzi) Doolen, and Sara (Greg) Mathis; six grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. Services were private. Memorials in Dr. Doolen’s name can be directed to the Leo and Wanda Sabien Class of 1955 Scholarship Fund. Checks should be made payable to the University of Illinois Foundation and sent to Ana Lisa Ogbac, Director of Donor Relations, Office of Advancement, MC 621, Room 404EB, UIC College of Dentistry, 801 S. Paulina St., Chicago, IL 60612-7211.
In Memoriam 1957 Dr. James E. Donlan, Peoria, IL, died on Dec. 8, 2018, at age 86. He is survived by his wife, Carol; children Colleen (Doug) Andreasen, James (Lynette) Donlan, Maureen (John) Geisen, Kathleen Popovich, Eileen (Rob) Rupel, John Donlan; Ann (Billy) Sheahan, and Joe (Sarah) Donlan; 26 grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; and Sean (Amy) Ortiz. Remembrances in his name bay me made to the OSF HealthCare Foundation, St. Vincent de Paul Church, or Peoria Notre Dame Livingston Fund. Dr. Hiromu Lionel Furukawa, Kaneohe, HI, died on Feb. 23, 2019, at age 85.
1959 Dr. David H. Gordy, Seattle, WA, died in March, 2019, at age 83. He is survived by his wife, Elinor, and three children.
2007 Dr. Kate Brokaw McDowell, Broomfield, CO, died on Feb. 17, 2019, at age 40. “She was extremely well-liked, extroverted, had such a beautiful smile and the most contagious belly laugh,” said Dr. Priscilla Chang, a classmate of Dr. McDowell’s. She is survived by her parents, Dr. Kim Brokaw and Mary Brokaw, and brothers Ryan, Ben, and Nick. Memorial may be made to Project Safe Haven or Granny Rose Animal Shelter in Dixon, IL.
Loyola 1952 Dr. John R. Caringella, Wadsworth, IL, passed away on Oct. 31, 2018, at age 92. He is survived by his wife, Marilyn Oliva Caringella; children Deborah (Jim Tilley) Schniedier, Dr. Susan (Joseph) Cascio; Dr. Richard (Jennifer) Caringella; and two grandchildren.
1956 Dr. Joseph Loduca, Chicago, passed away on Feb. 25, 2018. He is survived by his wife, Nancy; daughter Rebecca Belger, wife of Matthew; and one grandchild. Donations in his name may be made to St. Rita of Cascia High School.
1960 Dr. Ernest P. Faith, Barrington, IL, passed away on Dec. 6, 2018. He is survived by his wife, Mary; children Roberta (Dale) Kisten, Peter (Helena) Faith; and Matthew (Carol) Faith; and eight grandchildren. Memorial donations may be made to the Wounded Warrior Project.
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LIFELONG LEARNING is a core value for dental professionals worldwide. Dentsply Sirona embraces education not only in word, but also in action. Our commitment is fueled by a continual investment in research, development and clinical education. We choose to foster learning environments that promote dental students’ and clinicians’ professional development globally.
Student Activities
Hispanic Student Dental Association Wins Chapter of the Year, Two Other Honors At the 2018 Greater New York Dental Meeting (GNYDM), the College’s Hispanic Student Dental Association (HSDA) was announced as the winner of the Hispanic Dental Association (HDA) Chapter of the Year competition. “We won chapter of the year because the student chapter at UIC was recognized for its excellent participation, as well has for hosting the 2018 Hispanic Dental Association Regional Dental Student Conference in September,” explained
Michael Carrera, HSDA secretary. “We hosted over 100 dental students from across the nation, including students from Puerto Rico.” The HSDA also won third place in the HDA’s Orgullo competition, sponsored by Procter & Gamble/ Crest Oral B. The HSDA won first place in the Orgullo competition the previous year. For the Orgullo, “HSDA chapters from across the nation submit two-to-three minute videos about oral hygiene instructions
while highlighting Crest products,” Carrera explained. “The submissions are presented at the annual HDA meeting at the GNYDM to representatives from Procter & Gamble/Crest Oral B. They select the first through third place winners, and those chapters are awarded some funding.” Winning chapters use the funds for club events and activities such as outreach events, and sponsoring students to attend CE courses and national conferences.
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Student Activities To see the College’s HSDA chapter’s video, log on to https:// Dr. Adriana Semprum-Clavier, Clinical Associate Professor, Restorative Dentistry, is the College’s HSDA chapter faculty advisor, and she received a Colgate/HDA Faculty Recognition Award, which recognizes faculty who are members of the HDA and who have contributed toward enhancing the overall quality of oral health for the Hispanic population. “In my position as faculty advisor, I feel committed to provide support to our students to meet our mission and assist them on enhancing their knowledge and clinical experiences that will expose them to current techniques and interventions that will help improve the health of the community,” Semprum explained. The College’s HSDA chapter “has been actively working with the underserved communities in Chicago,” Semprum noted. “Among those activities, students provide Spanish classes to the College community, attend a variety of community service activities
providing oral health information, diet counseling, and oral health education to families.”
Clinic and Research Day a Success Clinic and Research Day, held on Feb. 27, provided a venue for students and postgrads to present their research achievements to their peers, faculty, alumni, and the community. The keynote speaker was Dr. Kimon Divaris, Associate Professor, Department of Pediatric Dentisty, School of Dentistry and Department or Epidemiology, Gillings School of Global Public Health, University of North Carolina. His talk was, “Scientific Advances Transforming Dentistry Towards Precision Oral Health and Care.” “There were over 100 posters representing the work of hundreds of individuals in the College,” said Dr. Lyndon Cooper, Associate Dean for Research and Head of the Department of Oral Biology. “The quality of the clinical, translational research and basic research posters was inspiring both in terms of the
Holding the HSDA Chapter of the Year Award are (left to right) Paloma Quintana, Yulissa Villasenor, Crystal Chun, Michael Carrera, Nicholas Hutton, and Rodolfo Rodriguez.
scope of interests and the excellent quality of research and scholarship presented. We have a tradition of rigorously judging these posters and presentations to identify among these excellent posters, truly outstanding efforts in several categories.” More than 25 dental products manufacturers and service providers were on hand to explain their products and services to students and residents. Gold-level sponsor was Dentsply Sirona. Titanium-level sponsors were GC America Inc., and the Wrigley Oral Healthcare Program. Dr. Linda Kaste, Professor, Pediatric Dentistry, served as Chair of the Clinic and Research Day Committee. Dr. Kaste reorganized the poster categories, improved maps for judges so they could spend more time studying abstracts, and moved the awards ceremony back to the same day as judging. Students and postgrads were honored for excellence in a variety of categories. Yasmin Obaidi Bakir, mentor Dr. Ana Bedran-Russo, Basic/ Basic Translational Science, Best Dental Student (tie); Hinman Student
Dr. Edward H. Song, Endodontics, ’19, at the 2019 Clinic and Research Day.
Student Activities
Degrees, Certificates Conferred at Commencement The College’s DMD, DMD Advanced Standing, and graduate students were conferred their degrees and certificates at the UIC Pavilion on May 12. Dean Clark M. Stanford told the graduates, “We want to thank
you for working with the faculty and staff as they helped you for the new challenges of patient care, scholarly pursuit, and leadership in dentistry that no previous generation has ever seen.” He joined parents, families, and friends in extending best wishes to them. Dr. Susan Rowan, ’84, Executive Associate Dean and Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, welcomed
all attending and introduced the platform party, which included College administrators and approximately 75 administrators and faculty. Students in the processional were Bhumi Dalal, who carried the UIC banner; Nicholae Brown, who carried the College of Dentistry banner; and Matan Farhi, who carried the Graduate College banner.
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Student Activities
Marshals for the faculty were Dr. Toni Roucka, ’90, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, and Dr. Lyndon Cooper, Associate Dean for Research Affairs and Head of the Department of Oral Biology. The National Anthem was performed by Orthodontics postgrad Zesheng Chen. Dr. Robert A. Barish, Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs, gave the
greetings from the University. Ahmed Hegazy, President of the DMDAS class, gave the greetings from the graduates. Dr. Stanford gave the keynote address. A total of 100 DMD and two PhD degrees were conferred. There were five Endodontics graduates, three in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, nine in Orthdodontics, eight in Pediatric
Dentistry, five in Periodontics, and seven in Advanced Prosthodontics. The event was run by the Office of Student and Diversity Affairs, Dr. Darryl Pendleton, Associate Dean, and staff members Angelica Alvarez, Braulia Espinosa, Carolyn Feller, Laura Macias, Millie Mendez, and Gaby Saldivar.
Student Activities Awards Granted at Graduation Luncheon Scholarship Awards Program
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Student Activities Students, faculty, benefactors, and guests enjoyed the Graduation Luncheon Scholarship Awards program on May 8. More than 45 awards were given to those students who exhibited clinical excellence and/or academic achievement. Awards also were presented to faculty for their commitment to their students and for exceptional teaching abilities. Dr. Frank Maggio, Loyola ’71, UIC Periodontics ’75, a member of the Alumni Board and a former President of the Board, hosted the event on behalf of the Board. Dr. Clark M. Stanford, Dean, welcomed everyone present and recognized the commitment and dedication of the many hard-working students and the benefactors who made the awards possible. Mark J. Valentino, Associate Dean for Advancement, was Master of Ceremonies.
Student Activities Research Symposium, Best Dental Student (tie). Stephanie Bollo, mentor Dr. Satish Alapati, Case Report, Best Dental Student. Mariana Cavalcante dos Reis, mentor Dr. Ana Bedran-Russo, Basic/Basic Translational Science, Best Post-Doctoral Fellow. Brian Cherny, mentor Dr. Joel Schwartz, UI Cancer Center, 2nd Place. Elizabeth Guirado, mentor Dr. Anne George, Basic/Basic Translational Science, Best Graduate Student. Horshleen Kaur, mentor Dr. James Radosevich, UI Cancer Center, 3rd Place. Varun Kulkami, mentor Dr. Sal Nares, Basic/Basic Translational Science, Best Resident Fellow (tie). Lily Lou, mentor Dr. Phimon Atsawasuwan, Illinois State Dental Foundation, Best Clinical/Clinical Translational Science, Dental Student; OKU Sigma Chapter, Best Clinical/ Clinical Translational/Population Health Sciences, Dental Student; Clinical/Clinical Translational Science, Best Dental Student. Elizabeth Monsoori, mentor Dr. Cortino Sukotjo, Literature Review, Best Undergraduate. Benjamin Palla, mentor Dr. Michael Miloro, Population Health Science, Best Resident Fellow. Hetal Patel, mentor Dr. Charles LeHew, UI Cancer Center, 1st Place; Population Health Science, Best Undergraduate. Suzana Pezsek, mentor Dr. Ana Bedran-Russo, Basic/ Basic Translational Science, Best Undergraduate (tie). Alexandria Rozgony, mentor Dr. Jennifer Caplin, Illinois State Dental Foundation, Best Public Health Science, Dental Student; Population Health Science, Best Dental Student; SCADA 2020, 1st3rd year DMD, 1st-2nd year DMDAS
Clinical/Population Health. Joseph Schlosser, mentor Dr. Anne George, Illinois State Dental Foundation, Best Basic/Basic Translational Science: Dental Student; OKU Sigma Chapter, Best Basic/ Basic Translational Science: Dental Student. Medalith Somers, mentor Dr. Ana Bedran-Russo, Basic/ Basic Translational Science, Best Dental Student (tie); Hinman Student Research Symposium, Best Dental Student (tie). Edward Song, mentor Dr. Qian Xie, Basic/Basic Translational Science, Best Resident Fellow (tie). Jessica Stacko, mentor Dr. David Reed, Basic/Basic Translational Science, Best Undergraduate (tie). Deric Truskoski, mentor Dr. Christina Nicholas, Literature Review, Best Resident Fellow. Helen Yang, mentor Dr. James Bahcall, Case Report, Best Resident Fellow. The 2020 Clinic and Research Day will be held on March 5, and alumni of the UIC College of Dentistry, Loyola University Chicago College of Dentistry, and other dental schools are invited to enjoy the day and earn Continuing Education credit. Call (312) 996-0670 for more information.
alumna, conferred the check to Franklin. “The scholarship means so much to me because I have felt so extremely welcomed by all the members—all of whom readily share their knowledge and support with me whenever they can,” Franklin said. “This scholarship, to me, means so much more than the money—it means building a closer relationship with an organization that has so kindly welcomed me with open arms ever since I attended my first meeting as a prospective dental student. “I also believe that it is very important to never allow your heritage to be lost,” he added. “The Arcolians are a group that has a strong focus on staying connected with Italian traditions and takes pride in everything that those with Italian ancestry have been able to achieve within the fields of oral health and dentistry.” Also at the event, Dr. Geri Ann Di Franco, Loyola ‘85, was named Arcolian of the Year.
Student Jordan Franklin Receives Arcolian Dental Arts Society Scholarship The Arcolian Dental Arts Society, a social and educational organization predominantly composed of member dentists of Italian heritage, presented student Jordan Franklin with a $2,500 scholarship at its annual Christmas Party at the Park Ridge Country Club on Dec. 11, 2018. Dr. Rosella Spadoni-French, a 1984 Loyola School of Dentistry
Dr. Rosella Spadoni-French presents the Arcolian Scholarship to Jordan Franklin.
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Student Activities In November, the society sponsored a lunch-and-learn event at the College. Dr. Mary T. Lima, a 2017 alumna of the University of Iowa, spoke about her transition from dental school to dental practice and gave UIC College of Dentistry students valuable tips. She was accompanied by Dr. Frank Maggio, Loyola ’71, UIC periodontics ’75, Clinical Assistant Professor, Periodontics, and an active member of the Arcolians. For more information on the Arcolians, contact Dr. Maggio at or (847) 3123752.
Student Angel Frazier and Resident Dr. Lauren Gordon Earn King Scholarships Student Angel Frazier, D-4, and third-year orthodontic resident Dr. Lauren Gordon received Professional Student Dr. Martin Luther King Scholarship Awards from the UIC Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs. “This scholarship helped me pay for my board exams,” Frazier explained, noting that after graduation, “I plan to work in areas where there might be a shortage of dentists. I plan to continue to volunteer to help those without access to dental care.” Frazier is a part of the Urban Health Program (UHP) at UIC, which provides programming, resources, and support for pre-health and health professional students to address health disparities in minority populations and improve healthcare in underserved urban areas. In the UHP, “I was provided mentors and support, so I feel I have an obligation to give back to this program,” Frazier said. She now serves as a UHP mentor. “I spend my summers
Angel Frazier. volunteering to help students with research projects and prepping for their dental entrance exams,” Frazier said. Frazier also is President of the College’s chapter of the Student National Dental Association, “an organization heavily focused on community service,” she said. In submitting an essay when applying for the King Scholarship, Frazier wrote, “Martin Luther King once said, ‘Life’s most persistent
and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?’ This quote resonated with me because I feel that we have an obligation to give back to our communities.” “I am extremely honored and grateful to have been selected for this award,” Dr. Gordon said. Upon graduation, Gordon said she plans to return to Atlanta, GA, which was her home as well as Dr. King’s. “In order to practice in Georgia, I must complete an additional dental licensing examination,” Gordon explained. “This scholarship will afford me the means to take this required examination this year. The award will also aid in my relocation expenses upon graduation. Again, I am very thankful and honored to have been selected.” Gordon earned her BS in biology and DDS from Howard University in Washington, DC. She is a member of the Omicron Kappa Upsilon National Dental Honor Society and has conducted salivary gland research at the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research. The King Scholarship is awarded to students and residents who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement and a commitment to the well-being of others through community and campus service. J. Rex Tolliver is the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs.
OKU Inducts New Members
Dr. Lauren Gordon.
The Sigma Chapter of Omicron Kappa Upsilon (OKU), a national dental honor society that represents the highest achievements in dental scholarship, professionalism, and ethics, inducted several new members at its annual banquet in Chicago on May 8. Inducted from the College’s DMD Class of 2019 were Andrew Evo
Student Activities Bertagna, Marybeth Francis, Milica (Mina) Golubovich, Jacob Groselak, Joanna Kopytek, and Michael Joseph Perna. Dr. Golubovich also received the Tharp Award. The Kramer Award was presented to Philip W. Cannizzaro. From the DMD Advanced Standing Class of 2019, inductees were Bhumi S. Dalal, Maria Molnar, and Isabel C. Llamozas Otamendi. Honorary membership was granted to William S. Bike, longtime Director of Advancement Communications for the College. The William S. Kramer Award went to Philip W. Cannizzaro, and the Lina K. Tharp Award went to Milica Golubovich. Joseph Schlosser was honored with the Clinic and Research Day Basic Sciences Research Award, and Lily Lou earned the Clinic and Research Day Clinical Sciences Research Award. New officers are Dr. Satish Alapati, Endodontics ’11, President; Dr. Seema Ashrafi, ’93, MS Histology ’94, Periodontics ‘99, President-Elect;
New student members of OKU.
Mark Valentino, Vice President; Dr. Blase Brown, Secretary-Treasurer; Dr. Jamie Hofmeister, ’11, Immediate Past President; and Blanca Luna, Chapter Assistant. OKU members are encouraged to attend the 2020 banquet, which will be held at a date and venue to
be determined. Contact the College’s Blanca Luna at bsanch4@uic. edu or (312) 996-7514 for more information.
Nominate your colleague or professor for an Outstanding Alumni Achievement Award! Outstanding Alumni Achievement Awards are presented at the Alumni Reunion and other venues.
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Faculty/Department News
Dr. James H. Bryniarski.
NEWS Dr. James H. Bryniarski, ’78, Retires After Nearly 40 Years Teaching at College Clinical Assistant Professor of Restorative Dentistry Dr. James H. Bryniarski, ’78, retired from teaching on May 31, after 37 years serving as a faculty member at the College in the Comprehensive Oral Health Care Program, the Department of Prosthodontics, and its successor, the Department of Restorative Dentistry. Most recently, Dr. Bryniarski was honored as the 2018 James W. Buckman Faculty Award recipient, a distinction he values from his time at the College, along with the 2005 E Lloyd Du Brul Faculty Achievement Award, and his appointment as
Managing Partner of the Gershwin Clinic in 2013. After earning his DDS in 1978, Dr. Bryniarski began his private practice in Chicago, and returned to the College four years later as a faculty member. “I started in 1982, and it was pretty much the same program I had gone through – a traditional, requirements-based curriculum for graduation that involved performing a certain number of crowns and fillings,” he explained. “In the ‘90s, we started discussing moving toward a competency-based system where the numbers weren’t the important thing—rather, the student was adequately prepared to move on to be a novice dentist.” After Dr. Bruce Graham became Dean in 2000, Dr. Bryniarski recalls shifts to the electronic health program axiUm, as well as a transition to central sterilization for dental instruments in an effort to adhere to standardized protocol. Additional changes during his career included the evolution of the international program, better known as the Advanced Standing program, and the Group Practice model that united third year and fourth year dental students. Dr. Bryniarski also enjoyed the hybrid pairing of the KennedyKing hygiene program for nearly two decades, plus the inclusion of
periodontists and endodontists in the clinic environment. Dr. Bryniarski cites his time as Managing Partner of the Gershwin Clinic as the career accomplishment of which he is most proud. “It was the combination of educating the students and managing their patient assignments, specifically working with them to gain the confidence to practice management,” he said. Alongside his private practice, Dr. Bryniarski’s work and connections with students, patients, and colleagues proved to be a source of professional joy and happiness. “When you’re in your own practice, you’re kind of isolated,” he said. “It’s not the same as coming down here – adding students and colleagues to the mix made it a wonderful experience.” Making lifelong friendships at the College has been a notable highlight of Dr. Bryniarski’s career at UIC. Referring to his peers Dr. Michael Dunlap, ’92; Dr. Mickey Spector; Dr. Stephanie Ward Harris, ’01; Dr. Fatemeh Afshari, Prosthodontics and MS Oral Sciences, ‘09; and Dr. Foteini Touloumi, “I’ve enjoyed the camaraderie of the other managing partners I’ve worked with throughout the years,” Dr. Bryniarski said. “I treasure the friendships I’ve made with so many colleagues here.
There are just so many to name.” He expressed pride in being part of the College’s Dean selection committee that recommended Dr. Clark Stanford as Dean. He also credits Dr. Susan Rowan, ’84, Executive Associate Dean and Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, for her leadership: “She’s probably the best boss I’ve ever had.” Upon his retirement, Dr. Bryniarski plans to spend time with his wife, Dr. Leona Hubatch, PhD in Speech Pathology, who recently retired after 35 years of private practice in Oakbrook, IL. Last year the couple purchased an architectural delight in Riverside IL, designed by R. Harold Zook, and they look forward to enjoying their new home and volunteering. In addition to travel, fishing, bike riding, hiking, and kayaking, Dr. Bryniarski will have more time to visit with his son Jeff, an environmental engineer, and his daughter Amelia, a dental assistant and photographer. After such a tremendous career at UIC, Dr. Bryniarski hopes to rejoin the faculty on a part-time basis. He will also continue his work conducting licensure examinations for CDCA where he enjoys the camaraderie of his colleagues and helping students feel relaxed as they apply their learnings in pursuit of clinical certification. —Amy Burkhardt
Dr. Andrew Haas Retires; Commuted from Ohio to Teach for 56 Years Dr. Andrew Haas, Clinical Professor of Orthodontics, has retired after 56 years of teaching. That in itself is a stellar accomplishment, but what is truly unique is that he traveled to the College to teach all those years while living in Tallmadge, OH. Dr. Haas earned his MS in Orthodontics from the College in 1958. He later joined the Orthodontics faculty, and commuted from Ohio to Chicago once per month to teach. He also taught at the Loyola School of Dentistry for many
years as well. “My large, immediate, and extended families were entrenched in Northeast Ohio,” Dr. Haas explained, noting that he wanted to live near his family in Ohio, but wanted to teach at the College in Chicago, too. “In those 56 years there were, surprisingly, only a handful of traveling glitches,” Dr. Hass said, recalling one particularly difficult trip. “While in the air for half an hour of the one-hour flight to Chicago, it was announced that Midway Airport was closed and we were being directed to Milwaukee,” he recalled. “Seventeen hours and four flights later, I arrived back at my home airport in Cleveland.’
Dr. Andrew Haas.
After six decades at the College, “the treasured memories are many,” Dr. Haas said. “I had the greatest orthodontist of all time as my mentor—Dr. Alan G. Brodie.” Dr. Brodie taught Orthodontics at the College from 1929 to 1966 and served as Dean and Department Head of Orthodontics. “Dr. Brodie praised my thesis effort and used me as an example of a dependable student,” Dr. Haas recalled. “After family, Dr. Brodie was the most important person in my life,” Dr. Haas said. “I practiced his philosophy of treatment for more
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than 55 years and retired knowing there is none better. That philosophy is, ‘Make the treatment fit the patient’s needs, never make the patient fit the treatment’s needs.’” Dr. Haas named faculty members Drs. William B. Downs, Abraham Goldstein, Samuel Prusansky, and Earl Renfroe, as “faculty I hold in the highest esteem.” Dr. Haas noted that he has had lifetime friendships with his classmates. He also treasures having been honored by the University with an Alumni Loyalty Award for 2006, presented at the College’s 2007 Reunion, and for “numerous classes giving me various awards for my teaching efforts,” he said. In retirement, Dr. Haas said, “I plan to continue fully appreciating one of God’s greatest gifts to me, my second wife of almost 12 years, Mary Jayne. Can you imagine eight children with a deceased mother accepting my wife with nearly the same love they gave to their mom? “I’ve got eight children, and one of the best periods of my life was the 16 years that I had dinner with one or two at a time of the six who spent time in Chicago, who were students at UIC or Loyola. For over 20 years I taught at both UIC and Loyola on successive days,” he said. Dr. Haas is internationally known for reintroducing and popularizing the palate expansion technique. The Haas Palatal Expander reflects his effort. He was President of the University of Illinois Orthodontic Alumni Association from 1984 to 1988. “I am very proud of having been part of a school where all the departments strive to be the best they can be,” Dr. Haas concluded.
Administration Jennifer Bereckis, Executive Director of Clinical Operations, is Chair of the Illinois State Dental Society Dental Education Committee. Dr. Toni Roucka, ’90, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Associate Professor, Restorative
Dr. Toni Rocuka.
Dentistry, was one of the team working with Dr. Steven Kessel, Director of Marine Research, Shedd Aquarium, aboard the Shedd’s Research Vessel Coral Reef II recently. They looked at the abundance and biodiversity of shark species in the Berry Islands, Bahamas. Dr. Susan Rowan, ’84, Executive Associate Dean and Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, and Jennifer Bereckis, Executive Director of Clinical Operations, recently met with Dr. Stephen Stefanac, Clinical Dean, University of Michigan School of Dentistry and his Quality Assurance Team to discuss accreditation. Dr. Larry Salzmann, former faculty member at the College in Pediatric Dentistry and now a Clinical Associate Professor at Michigan (left), joined them. Collaboration between researchers at the UIC College of Dentistry, UIC College of Pharmacy, and the University of Sheffield, England, resulted in research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Network Open that found that dentists practicing in the U.S. write 37 times more opioid prescriptions than dentists practicing in England. Dr. Susan Rowan, Executive Associate Dean and Associate Dean
Dr. Larry Salzmann, Jennifer Bereckis Jacobucci, Dr. Susan Rowan, and Dr. Stephen Sefanac.
for Clinical Affairs at the College, is co-author of the study and has been quoted in the media about it. Her co-authors are Dr. Katie Suda of the College of Pharmacy and Dr. Martin Thornhill of the University of Sheffield. Dr. Clark Stanford, Dean, was elected to the American Dental Education Association of Deans in March 2019. He became President-Elect of the Academy of Osseointegration that same month.
Interdepartmental Making presentations at the American Dental Education Association Annual Session and Exhibition March 16-19 in Chicago were: Jennifer Bereckis, Executive Director of Clinical Operations, Dental Clinics; Christopher Bevel, Director of Digital Marketing; Dr. Blaise Brown, Clinical Assistant Professor, Oral Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences; Ashley Burton, Assistant Director, Academic Affairs; Dr. Alison Doubleday, Assistant Professor, Oral Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences; Dr. Maria Therese S. Galang-Boquiren, MS Oral Sciences ’04, Orthodontics ’07, Associate Professor and Predoctoral Program Director, Orthodontics; Abigail Goben, Associate Professor and Information Services and Liaison
Librarian; Dr. Bruce Graham, Professor, Restorative Dentistry. Dr. Colin Haley, Clinical Assistant Professor, Oral Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences; Dr. Frank A. Maggio, Loyola ’71, UIC Periodontics ’75, Clinical Assistant Professor, Periodontics; Dr. Philip A. Patston, Associate Professor, Oral Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences; Dr. Robert E. Rada, ’85, Clinical Professor, Oral Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences; Dr. Sheela Raja, Associate Professor, Pediatric Dentistry; Dr. Toni Roucka, ’90, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs; Dr. Susan Rowan, ’84, Executive Associate Dean and Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs; student Garima Sinha; Dr. Patrick Smith, Clinical Assistant Professor, Pediatric Dentistry; Dr. Clark Stanford, UIC Distinguished Professor and Dean; Tim Sullivan, Director and Registrar, Academic Affairs; Grace Viana, Statistician, Orthodontics; and student Jacqueline Wisinski. Dr. Satish Alapati, Endodontics ’11, Associate Professor, Endodontics, and Chicago Dental Society Westside Branch Vice President at the time, organized the speakers for the CE course at the branch meeting on March 12, Dr. Aniruddh Narvekar and Dr. Kevin WanXin Luan, Clinical Assistant Professors, Periodontics, who spoke on Contemporary
Drs. Thomas Schneider, Alice Boghosian, and Richard Bona.
Periodontics for the General Practitioner. He was installed as President of the branch in May. Dr. Phimon Atsawasuwan, Associate Professor, Orthodontics, and Dr. Sajjad Shirazi, Research Specialist, Oral Biology, wrote a book chapter, Advances in Orthodontics Tooth Movement: Gene Therapy and Molecular Biology Aspect, IntechOpen, DOI; 10.5772/ intechopen.80287. At Chicago Dental Society Coalition Night on January 15, three faculty were selected for three key future organized dentistry leadership positions: Dr. Alice Boghosian, Loyola ’85, Clinical Instructor, Restorative Dentistry, for Illinois State Dental Society PresidentElect; Dr. Richard Bona, ’78, Clinical Assistant Professor, Restorative Dentistry, for Illinois State Dental Society Secretary; and Dr. Thomas Schneider, Clinical Assistant Professor, Periodontics, for CDS Vice President. Dr. Lin Chen, Research Associate Professor, Center for Wound Healing and Tissue Regeneration/Department of Periodontics, received funding from a major world oral health care corporation of more than $400,000 for two years. He and a team consisting of Dr. Luisa A.
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Drs. Tony Tran; Alexandra Martella; Cynthia Czaperacker; and Cristina Olarov at the AAE meeting.
DiPietro, Professor and Director, Center for Wound Healing and Tissue Regeneration; Dr. Praveen Gajendrareddy, Associate Professor, Periodontics; and Trevor Leonardo, bioinformatics/MD/PhD student, aim to investigate if certain actives/formulations in oral care products affect the biological and immunological functions of the oral cells. This is the third funding Dr. Chen’s team has received from the same company since 2015. Dr. Patrick Smith, Clinical Assistant Professor, Prevention and Public Health Sciences and Pediatric Dentistry, spoke to the Westside Branch of the Chicago Dental Society in January on “Volunteerism as a System of Oral Health Delivery.” He and Bob Egan, Senior Program Officer, Illinois Children’s Healthcare Foundation, presented “Using Extramural Rotations to Prepare Dental School Graduates to Work with Underserved Populations of Children” at the National Oral Health Conference in Memphis, TN, on April 17.
Department of Endodontics Seven alumni of the department became Diplomates of the American Board of Endodontics is 2019
and were recognized at the Louis I. Grossman ceremony at the American Association of Endodontists meeting in Montreal, Canada, on April 11: Drs. Moayad Alomar, Endo ’09, MS Oral Sciences ’11; Vladana Babcic, Endo ’12; Cynthia Czaperacker, Endo and MS Oral Sciences ’16; Hammad Khan, ’03, Endo and MS Oral Sciences ’13; Alexandra Martella, Endo and MS Oral Sciences ’16; Cristina Olarov, ’10. Endo ’14; and Tony Tran, Endo ’15. Four faculty presented at the meeting: Drs. Jim Bahcall, Clinical Associate Professor; Mohamed Fayad, Endo ’00, Clinical Associate Professor; Brad Johnson, Endo ’91, Professor and Department Head; and Chris Wenckus, ’71, Endo ’74, Associate Professor Emeritus. Also at the AAE meeting, seven Endodontics postgrads presented research posters or table clinics: Drs. Doris Basali, Endo ’19; Vikash Huliyar, Endo ’19; Yagnik Patel, Endo ’20; Edward Song, Endo ’19; Gail Tischke, Endo ’19; Mary Um, Endo ’18, and Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor; and Helen Yang, Endo ’19. Dr. Helen Yang received an AAE/Dentsply Sirona award for placing in the top ten of the table clinic competition.
Dr. Beth Miloro (right) at the Sjogrens Syndrome Chicago meeting.
Dr. Michael J. Mintz, Endodontics ’88, Adjunct Assistant Clinical Professor, has begun a three-year term on the American Association of Endodontists Board of Directors.
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Dr. Michael Han, Assistant Professor, became a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons. Dr. William G. Flick, ’74, Clinical Professor, received recognition for 25 years of service to the College of Dentistry. He developed and taught the Continuing Education course for the Administration of the Influenza Vaccine by the Dental Practitioner, in order to fulfill recently enacted State legislation sponsored by the Illinois State Dental Society, which allows dental practitioners to administer the influenza vaccine. In addition, Dr. Flick continues to teach and direct the Illinois State Dental Societysponsored Anesthesia Assistants CE course. Dr. Michael Miloro, Professor and Head, was honored by the faculty and alumni for Ten Years of Outstanding Leadership as Head of the Department. He was also appointed to the Academic Physicians Section of the American
Dr. Jasjot Sahni at the American Academy of Orofacial Pain Conference.
Medical Association (AMA). Dr. Miloro was re-appointed as Section Editor for the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery section on Craniomaxillofacial Deformities, Cosmetic Surgery, and Sleep Disorders. He was also re-appointed to the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS) Committee on Continuing Education and Professional Development. Dr. Miloro was the keynote speaker at Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem, Israel, and the Magno Congreso Internacional Conferencia in Xalapa, Mexico. Dr. Miloro is a coinvestigator on a study with Dr. David Reed, Assistant Professor, Oral Biology as principal investigator, and Dr. Michael Han, Assistant Professor, as co-principal investigator, that received $75,000 from the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Foundation (OMSF) to support TMJ research in the College of Dentistry.
a series of talks at the Academy of Osseointegration meeting in Washington, DC, in March. Dr. Cooper recently presented a keynote presentation entitled “Comprehensive Therapies for Single Tooth Replacement: What is Enough?” at the Association of Dental Implantology in Edinburg, Scotland. Dr. Anne George, Brodie Professor, was elected Vice President of the International Association for Dental Research Student Training and Research Network. Her being named a UIC University Scholar was featured in the April 2 edition of UIC Today. Dr. Sriram Ravindran, Associate Professor, presented at the Osteology Meeting in Barcelona, Spain, in April.
Department of Oral Biology
Dr. Alison Doubleday, Assistant Professor, received a campus housing award entitled Honoring Our Professors’ Excellence (HOPE). She was nominated by a student who resides in campus housing. Dr. Beth Miloro, Clinical Assistant Professor, was the speaker at the Sjogrens Syndrome Chicago February meeting. Sjorgrens
Dr. Lyndon F. Cooper, Head, was one of the authors of “Insulin-like growth factor binding Protein-3 suppresses osteoblast differentiation via bone morphogenetic protein-2” in Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2018 Dec. 9: 507(1-4). He presented
Department of Oral Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences
Dr. Jennifer Caplin.
Syndrome is an autoimmune disease. She spoke on “Management of Oral Mucosal Disorders in the Immunocompromised Patient” at HIV Oral Health Update 2019, Springfield, IL, May 17. Dr. Miloro coordinated a joint venture with the Departments of Oral Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery to provide free screenings for oral, head, and neck cancers on April 17. It was a successful day with over 40 patients screened. Dr. Phil Patston, Associate Professor, provided Faculty Development/Continuing Education Credits in early March on the topic of “Principles of Evidence-based dentistry and critical thinking skills.” Dr. Russell Pesavento, Clinical Assistant Professor, lectured at the 8th Institute of Biomaterials, Triborcorrosion and Nanomedicine Symposium at the College of Dentistry on April 15, 2019. Dr. Jasjot Sahni, Visiting Clinical Assistant Professor, received a Fellowship from the American Academy of Orofacial Pain, which began in May. She will acquire more education in the field of orofacial pain and attend the annual meetings of the academy, deepening her understanding of facial pain and its causes.
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Dr. Ermelinda S. Galang and Dr. Maria Therese S. Galang-Boquiren.
Department of Orthodontics The department hosted the inaugural Midwest Clear Aligner faculty training program on March 22 and 23. Partnering with Align Technology, the department ran symposia attended by College faculty and various other institutions’ orthodontic program chairs, directors, and faculty exchanging the most up-to-date information, educational material, and best practices in clear aligner treatment. Twelve graduate orthodontic programs were represented. Dr. Sath Allareddy, Head, has been elected to serve on the American Association of Orthodontists Foundation Planning and Awards Review Committee (PARC) for a three-year term effective upon adjournment of the 2019 AAO Annual Session and expiring upon adjournment of the 2022 AAO Annual Session. Dr. Jennifer Caplin, Assistant Professor and Associate Postgraduate Program Director, had an e-poster accepted at the American Association of Orthodontists Annual Session, “Average Acid Etching Times Prior to Orthodontic Bonding Utilizing Different Etching Protocols.” She was
presented with the Golden Ligature Award from the Orthodontics Class of 2019 at the Orthodontics graduation dinner on May 10. Dr. Mohammed Elnagar, Clinical Assistant Professor, had an e-poster accepted at the American Association of Orthodontists Annual Session, “Evaluation of dentofacial transverse widths in growing and adult individuals with an average facial pattern.” Dr. Maria Therese S. GalangBoquiren, MS Oral Sciences ’04, Orthodontics ’07, Associate Professor and Director, Predoctoral Orthodontics, lectured on Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Orthodontics at the Association of Philippine Orthodontics Regional Congress in March. At the conference, her mother, Dr. Ermelinda S. Galang, received an award for 50 years of Orthodontics practice excellence and contributions to the field. Dr. GalangBoquiren was appointed to the Scientific Committee of the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine in April. Dr. Christina Nicholas, Research Assistant Professor, presented at the 44th Annual International Conference on Craniofacial Research (Moyers Symposium): “Childhood Obesity, Oral Inflammation, and Dental Eruption:
Dr. Sahar Alrayyes in Gaza.
Using Molecular Biomarkers to Inform Orthodontics.”
Department of Pediatric Dentistry Dr. Sahar Alrayyes, Clinical Associate Professor, gave an interview on WBEZ-FM 91.5 radio in Chicago in February about the problems with children using too much toothpaste. Dr. Alrayyes; Alan M. Garrett; Dr. Charles LeHew, Research Assistant Professor; and Anne Ashley Compton published, “Where Do Pediatric Dental Residents Intend to Practice? Exploring the Influence of Loan Repayment Programs and Other Factors,” in the Journal of Dental Education, May 2019, 83 (5) 497-503. Dr. Alrayyes is the faculty advisor for the UIC Palestine Children’s Relief Fund Club, which won the Outstanding Student Organization 2019 Award from the UIC Center for Student Involvement. She gave a presentation entitled “Home is Where the Heart Is: A Look Into the Refugee Crisis.” She gave presentations during the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Annual Session on traumatized, immature teeth; pediatric dentistry missions; and Dexis CariVu.
Dr. Kevin Luan.
Dr. Alrayyes served as faculty sponsor for the College’s Chapter of the American Student Dental Association at an event at a homeless shelter where students provided children with dental screenings, fluoride, and oral health education. She also led dental mission trips to Bethlehem and Gaza for children with special health care needs. Dr. David Avenetti, Clinical Associate Professor and Residency Program Director, recently was involved in two publications and an abstract: Martin, M., Rosales, G., Sandoval, A., Lee, H., Pugach, O., Avenetti, D, Alvarez G., Diaz, A. What really happens in the home: a comparison of parent-reported and observed tooth brushing behaviors for young children. BMC oral health, 19(1), 35, 2019. Martin, M. A., Lee, H. H., Landa, J., Minier, M., Avenetti, D., and Sandoval, A. Formative research implications on design of a randomized controlled trial for oral health promotion in children. Pilot and feasibility studies, 4(1), 155, 2018. Martin M, Avenetti, D, Rosales G, Van Horn R, Shiboski C, Hyde S, Jue B. Accurately Scoring Dental Plaque Photographs in Young Children: CO-OP Chicago.
Dr. Carmen Graves (left).
In proceedings: International Association of Dental Research; Vancouver, BC. Abstract #3186515 and Oral Presentation. Dr. Kelsey Brar, ’17, a secondyear resident, received the Class Act Award from UI Health for her “commitment to world-class patient care, good judgement, and initiative that is above performance expectations.” Patients and employees may nominate UI Health personnel for the Class Act Award. Dr. Brar and Dr. Monique Luu, both second-year residents and MPH candidates, were selected for the Sunstar Research Fellowship, sponsored by Sunstar America, to evaluate the effectiveness of dental home day. Their mentor is Dr. Avenetti. Dr. Marcio da Fonseca, Department Head, along with Ranjit Souri, presented at the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Annual Meeting in May. Dr. da Fonseca presented on Autism Spectrum Disorders and Infective Endocarditis Challenges at the Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Portugal, in April. He has seven grants (six with Dean Clark Stanford), published three journal articles in 2018
Dr. Tolga Tozum with the Dean and Associate Deans from Hacettepe University’s dental school.
and 2019 (co-authors in various articles were Dr. Satish Alapati, Endodontics ’11, Associate Professor, Endodontics; S. AlQatahni; Dr. Michael Colvard, Professor, Oral Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences; Dr. Evelina Kratunova, Clinical Assistant Professor; Dr. Ian Marion, Clinical Assistant Professor; D. McCloe; Dr. Chi-Lan T. Pham, Pediatric Dentistry Resident; and Matthew B. Strumpf, Graduate College), published four book chapters in 2018 and 2019 (one with Dr. Kratunova), and appeared in the media recently in ADA News and Pediatric Dentistry Today. Dr. Shar Fadavi, MS Pediatric Dentistry ’81, Professor, has been awarded Life Membership and is a Life Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. She was awarded Life Membership in the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry (ABPD) and was recognized for her leadership and was on May 23 at the AAPD annual meeting, where she served as a poster judge and room monitor. Dr. Fadavi has been an Oral Board Examination Committee Member of the ABPD for ten years and is a subcommittee member of the three ABPD components. She is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Dentistry
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Dr. Robert Levine, Dr. Salvador Nares (far right), and the Growing Smile Foundation.
for Children, and served as primary advisor/mentor for the research that Dr. Brittaney Hill published (see below). Dr. Brittaney Hill, who was the first graduate of the Pediatric Dentistry/MPH program,’18, and is now a full-time Clinical Assistant Professor in the department, is the first author on the recently published “State of Little Teeth Report” by the Pediatric Oral Health Research and Policy Center of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Dr. Hill will also have an article based on her MS research project, “Effect of Caregiver’s Race and Ethnicity on Acceptance of Passive Immobilization for Their Child’s Dental Treatment,” published in an issue of the Journal of Dentistry for Children. She is currently collecting data about the barriers families face to access dental care for their children in their communities and at the College, and has developed a study to measure the effects of nitrous oxide during dental appointment in patients with sickle cell disease. The project is being done in conjunction with Dr. Lewis Hsu, Director of the Sickle Cell Program at the UI Hospital. Dr. Hill has been chosen by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry for its Samuel D. Harris Research and Policy Fellowship,
sponsored by Preventech. Dr. Linda Kaste, Professor, was invited by UIC Provost Dr. Susan Poser, along with other members of the 2018 cohort of the UIC FacultyAdministrator Leadership Program, to attend the 131st meeting of the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) in New Orleans in November. She received a CARE Award for her work as Chair of the Clinic and Research Day Committee in 2019. Dr. Indru Punwani, Professor Emeritus, was conferred the Dr. Ronald A. Bell Mentor of the Year Award from the Foundation of the College of Diplomates of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry. Dr. Sheela Raja, Associate Professor, was the main source quoted in an article, “Yes. Sexual harassment is an issue in our middle schools,” on January 2 on the news website. To see the article, type Raja into a search engine. Rebecca Van Horn has been hired as the new coordinator for the Department’s Health Resources and Services Administration grant that focuses on public health training for pediatric dental residents. Three residents have already graduated with a masters’ degree in Public
Dr. Laura Koo Min Chee.
Health (MPH) and two obtained a certificate in public health. The grant ends in 2020 with two more residents completing their MPH degree. Dr. Paulina Yarmarkovich, Resident, was the winner of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Graduate Student Research Award, presented during the annual meeting in Chicago in May. Her mentors were Drs. Alrayyes; Helen Lee, Adjunct Assistant Professor; Charles LeHew, Research Assistant Professor; and da Fonseca.
Dr. Brent Stanford and Dr. Richard Bona.
Department of Periodontics At the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) meeting in Vancouver, Dr. Carmen Graves and Dr. Kevin Luan, both Clinical Assistant Professors, Periodontics, each received an AAP Straumann Scholarship. Dr. Luan also received the AAP Foundation Institute for Teaching and Learning in the Health Professions Fellowship Award, presented by AAP Foundation President Dr. Pamela McClain. Dr. Dwayne Karateew, Clinical Associate Professor, at the Academy of Osseointegration’s annual meeting in Washington, DC, in March, was named a Fellow of the Academy for his scientific and clinical expertise, and service to the academy supporting the best in implant therapies. Dr. Nadia Kawar, Clinical Associate Professor, spoke on “Periodontitis: The Systemic Effects of a Common Disease,” during the April 10 Medical Grand Rounds at Rosalind Franklin University Chicago Medical School, highlighting the importance of inter-professional collaboration in patient management and informing listeners about diversity at UIC.
Dr. Robert Levine, Clinical Assistant Professor, and Dr. Salvador Nares, Professor and Head, along with members of the Growing Smile Foundation, spent five days providing free dental care to the underserved population in rural Lima, Peru. Over 300 patients were treated. Dr. Kevin Luan, Clinical Assistant Professor, was selected as the 2019 American Dental Education Association Leadership Institute Development Scholarship recipient. As a result, he will attend the ADEA Summer Program for Emerging Academic Leaders. Dr. Salvador Nares, Professor and Head, was named a Fellow of the International Team for Implantology. Dr. Alan Rosenfeld, ’74, Clinical Professor, was awarded the 2019 American Academy of Periodontology Educator Award. Dr. Tolga Tozum, Associate Professor, gave a lecture on Advanced Implant Surgeries in Clinical Practice: Esthetics, Function and Success to 700 students from multiple universities at the First International Dental Students Meeting at Hacettepe University in Ankara, Turkey, in April. He was presented with the Educators Award for outstanding mentorship in postgraduate Periodontics from the Periodontics Class of 2019 at the Periodontics graduation dinner on May 11. Research from Dr. Keiko Watanabe, Professor, on the role of oral disease bacteria in the development of Alzheimer’s Disease is mentioned in a Science Magazine article on the topic. Dr. Watanabe also spoke on Impact of Oral Infection on Brain Neuropathology at the UIC Aging and Health Symposium, held May 21, 2019.
Department of Restorative Dentistry Dr. Fatemeh S. Afshari, Clinical Associate Professor; Dr. Stephen D. Campbell, Professor; Dr. Donald A. Curtis, University of California at San Francisco;
Dr. Lily T. Garcia, University of Iowa College of Dentistry; Dr. Kent L. Knoernschild, Professor; and Dr. Judy Yuan, Assistant Professor, published Patient-Specific, RiskBased Prevention, Maintenance, and Supportive Care: A Need for Action and Innovation in Education in the Journal of Prosthodontics in May. Dr. Afshari spoke on Aging and Oral Health at the UIC Aging and Health Symposium, held May 21. Dr. Ana Bedran-Russo, Professor, organized the UIC Aging and Health Symposium, held May 21. Dr. Alice Boghosian, Loyola ’85, Clinical Instructor, Restorative Dentistry, was interviewed for a February 16 Chicago Sun-Times article on proper oral hygiene. Dr. Stephen D. Campbell, Professor, received the 2018 Founders Society Award of the American College of Prosthodontists Education Foundation. This award recognizes those who have made a significant impact on the growth and
development of the foundation, which secures resources to advance the specialty of prosthodontics. Dr. Laura Koo Min Chee, Advanced Prosthodontics postgrad, won the Scientific Poster Award for her poster, “Color Evaluation of Polymethylmethacrylate with a Novel Nano-Ceramic Coating: In Vitro and Clinical Study,” at the American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics 68th Annual Scientific Session. Dr. Mohamed Hindy, Clinical Assistant Professor, was named a Diplomate of the American Board of Implantology, “It has been a long route and I’m very proud to achieve the goal as a clinician and teaching faculty member,” he said. Dr. Lee Jameson, Interim Head, gave a presentation entitled, “Professionalism in the Age of Moral Decline,” at the West Suburban Branch of the Chicago Dental Society on January 8. Dr. Lorenzo Prieto has joined the department as a Clinical Assistant
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Professor. Dr. Brent Stanford and Dr. Richard Bona, ’78, both Clinical Assistant Professors, Restorative Dentistry, also are officers of the South Suburban Branch of the Chicago Dental Society. The branch was awarded the trophy in the photo, the “Branch Membership Retention Award,” for having the best percentage in member retention. The trophy is passed on annually to the winning branch. Dr. Ghadeer Thalji, Associate Professor, presented a talk, “How Many Implants Do You Need,” at the Academy of Osseointegration meeting in Washington, DC, in March.
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The Secrets of Great Storytelling is having a Great Storyteller William S. Bike Retires After 24 Years By Jessica Mueller What makes a great story? What makes a great storyteller? After 24 years at the University of Illinois at Chicago and nearly five decades of great story telling, William S. Bike, better known as Bill Bike, retired from the College of Dentistry Office of Advancement and Alumni Affairs on May 31, 2019. An award-winning journalist who has elevated thousands of stories—creating an atmosphere that connects the reader to the subject matter of dentistry, dental education, research, the impact of patient care, and the wonderful achievements of our students, faculty. His alumni and donor stories, and many other exciting topics in between have been enjoyed by the readers of Vision and its predecessor, The Alumni Report, for more than two decades and has kept our dental community in close contact. Since joining the UIC College of Dentistry in 1995, Bill has found delight in telling various types of stories, whether it be about a new high-tech solutions to our most perplexing oral health challenges; to chronicling a biography of our first African American department head, Dr. Earl W. Renfroe; to capturing the story behind a one-of-a-kind skull collection; to delivery of a compelling case for support to a prospective donor; and of course, celebrating the everyday happenings in the College. “The UIC story shares a commonality with the people of Chicago. It’s one many people can relate to,” exclaimed Bike.
Dr. Alaa A. Al Aswany, MS ’85, and William S. Bike.
Wlliam S. Bike “I’ve worked for three universities in my career, and UIC is the best in terms of fundraising, work environment, alumni, and focus on the future, diversity, opportunity, you name it!” Bike has embraced vast changes in the robust specialization of advancement efforts at UIC, including changes in communication mediums to produce and compose both contemporary storytelling as well as historical and archival pieces such as the College’s centennial book in 2013, “Celebrating a Proud Past.” As Dean Bruce Graham put it at the time, “this book will be the definitive history of this College for the next 100 years.” So what is the story behind the storyteller? William S. Bike is the proud son of a blue-collared family who was born and raised on Chicago’s Northside. Growing up, he helped around the house, worked in neighborhood businesses since the age of 14, found time to catch the latest Chicago Cubs game at Wrigley Field, learned to type at a very young age, and attended parochial school all the way through College. These aspects of Bill’s upbringing is how he “just fell into it [journalism]”, as his father, William Bike Sr., previously observed. As a World War II veteran, William Bike Sr. watched as his fellow army buddy was assigned immediately to a desk job out of boot camp because he knew how to type. “Right away, they put him in an office and right away he was a Corporal and he got more money, and more everything,”
explained Bike Sr. Bill’s father knew right then that he would find a way to purchase a typewriter, enroll his son Bill in Catholic school, and that by doing so eventually Bill would land an office job. Bill’s dad wanted him to have a better life than he had as a hard laborer on the rail line and as a truck driver. Bike Sr. smiled when he shared, “early on at Gordon Tech High School, Bill won an English award. It was the first of many awards. Later when Bill was inducted into the Gordon Tech Hall of Fame we were so very proud of him. Bill’s mom was very sick at the time but she insisted on leaving the house to see the induction ceremony and going out to celebrate afterwards.” Sadly, Bike Sr. passed away in October 2019. It was at DePaul University that Bill earned his first official role in communications. As a writer with DePaul’s student newspaper, The DePaulia, Bill developed his writing style, voice, and passion for journalism. “Journalism was HOT!!!” Bill expressed. His approach to writing succinct, AP-News style stories worked really well for the newspaper medium in the late 1970s. After graduation, Bill worked with Crain Communications, as Editor-In-Chief at the Oak Park News, and as the Associate Editor for a dental products publication, where he honed his technical writing skills, and met the love of his life, Anne M. Nordhaus-Bike. Anne also works in communications, and as an astrologer and artist. “I was the first to give him a tour at the company and the rest is a 37 year long history,” Anne said. She, in fact, once worked as a freelancer for the College of Dentistry and noted, “I was affiliated way before UIC was even on Bill’s radar. His retirement…,” she teared up, “is also hard for me because of the many years that I’ve been involved with UIC.” Bike began his work in academia with a full-time appointment at Loyola University Chicago as their Publications Director, where his writing career expanded to edit their triannual alumni magazine, their bi-weekly newspaper, and nine other university-wide publications. Bike mentioned how fun it was to travel, meet people, and
One of the first articles written by Bike at The DePaulina.
learn new things. “Journalism really fed my curiosity,” he said. Under Bike’s direction, he and his Loyola staff won 39 local, national, and international writing, design, and publications awards. A former colleague of Bike’s, Rick Romano said, “Without a doubt, my favorite memory of working with Bill was being a founding member of the HUB of Loyola University [a student services help desk], where we (meaning the entire PR and marketing staff) basically ran the institution during its glory years. And then there was the time in 1984 when I snuck in a portable black and white television for the staff to watch the first Cubs’ playoff appearance since any of us were born. First inning, Bob Dernier hits a lead-off home run and all hell broke loose in the HUB. Since we were on the administrative floor our outburst drew a lot of attention, but also no reprimand (that I remember).” Among many fun stories, Bike said, “One of my hardest pieces to write was on the closure of Loyola’s dental school. It was devastating for the dental students, alumni, and university overall. Who knew that less than ten years later I’d be working at UIC and writing communications to former Loyola students and alumni attempting to establish UIC as their new dental home?”
Bill’s Arrival at UIC Shortly after Loyola, Bike worked for University of Chicago as Publications Director and Editor-In-Chief of a quarterly alumni magazine before joining the College of Dentistry team as a part-time employee. He split his time between UIC and managing ANB Communication, Anne’s consulting firm, as the senior vice president from 1995-2003. A fellow college student at De Paul happened to be Mark J. Valentino. Bike and Valentino each served a stint as editor of the De Paulia newspaper—two years apart. It was Bike who helped mentor Valentino during his year as editor in 1979-1980. That friendship lead to Valentino asking Bike to help him launch the Near West Gazette community newspaper in the UIC community in 1983. Bike has served as Associate Editor since the newspaper’s beginning and as vice president of the Board of Directors of the Near West/ South Gazette, Inc. since in 1984. Anne Nordhaus-Bike has served as Assistant Editor since 2004. The newspaper has had several name changes over the years and is now known as Gazette Chicago. Valentino and Bike began their 37th year of publishing in May 2019. Under their leadership, the Gazette Chicago newspaper has earned four Peter J. Lisagor Awards from the Chicago Headline Club and more than 50 other national and international awards for journalistic excellence. Valentino, who serves as the Associate Dean for Advancement at the College of Dentistry said, “It would not be hyperbole to say that Bill has played a critical role in helping with the transformation of our institution, helping
us reach the status of being among the top two-percent of dental schools worldwide through his stellar communication efforts, alumni engagement activities, and his supportive role in major gift fundraising for the College.” Bike came to UIC at a period in its history when UIC participated in its first-ever capital campaign, known as Campaign Illinois. From the very beginning, Bike made an impact in the Advancement efforts at the College. His strong communication skills allowed him to assume the role of editor of The Alumni Report. Its name was later changed to Vision magazine. He also assumed the role of writing many of the major gift proposals, the appeal letters for the College’s Annual Giving program, and stewardship letters for the Dean and department heads to send to donors. His arrival played a critical role in helping Dean Allen Anderson and the College to exceed its Campaign Illinois goal of raising $8.2 million by December 31, 2000. Bill helped Dean Anderson, Valentino, and the College raise $11.3 million during the campaign. The success of Campaign Illinois led to the College’s first-ever endowed chairs and professorships and an increase in named student scholarship funds. Bike also played a lead role while serving on the planning committee that created the George and Norma Kottemann Gallery of Dental History at the College. The gallery opened in 2000 and is among Bill’s favorite projects. Lori Grove, the curator of the Kottemann Gallery, said she admired Bill’s “enthusiasm for the completion of any project, and doing what it takes to get it done – amiably, with a smile and cordial laugh!” Bike also had a direct role in several major gifts to the College; including the estate gift from Mrs. Florence Du Brul that created the Dr. E. Lloyd Du Brul Scholarship Fund for students in the DMD-PhD program. Bike noted, “working on the appraisal of the Du Brul Skull Archives for Oral Anatomy, also donated by Dr. Du Brul and home to skulls of all different species, was one of my first major projects, among the most interesting to date, and still serves as a teaching space for anatomy class and demonstrations for nearly every student and resident who goes through the dental school.” Since 2003, when Bike joined the College’s Advancement team full-time, he has served as Director of Advancement Communications and has been the editor of Vision Magazine, the College of Dentistry’s magazine, which has won nine journalism and dentistry awards. It has a readership of more than 6,000 alumni and friends of the College of Dentistry. Since 2004, he has been the editor of Word of Mouth, the College’s internal newsletter, which won an international Apex Award in 2006. Since 2015, he has been the managing editor of Smile of the Week, Dean Clark Stanford’s popular weekly e-newsletter at the College. Bill has been a member of the UIC Dental Alumni
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UIC Dental Alumni Board members at the 2019 Alumni Reunion. Board of Directors since 1995, and was the Office of Advancement’s liaison to the board as well, helping the President set the agenda and keep the board operating smoothly. Former president, William B. Hamel III said, “I came to know Bill Bike when I joined the UIC Alumni Board of Directors. As we talked, I came to find out that Bill was originally a newspaper man and so is my father. We had an immediate connection. Bill definitely used his newspaper talents to make the printed communications from UIC College of Dentistry the best they could be. During my time as UIC COD Alumni Board President, Bill always had my remarks for the various events ready to go and made it easy for me. Bill and his wife Anne have always been delight to see at all our events and I will miss them. We all resist change but I wish Bill and Anne all the best with this new chapter in their life.” Under Dean Stanford’s direction, the College is now participating in IGNITE: The Campaign for UIC. “Bill has once again played a key role in helping us secure major gifts for the campaign,” said Valentino. “IGNITE has now raised more than $21 million towards its goal of $37 million. The campaign will culminate in June 2022, and although Bill retired before its end-date, his impact will be felt for the culmination of the campaign as several million dollars in gift proposals are being discussed with donor prospects at this very moment. IGNITE: The Campaign for UIC is Bill’s third campaign while working at UIC.” Dean Stanford noted, “Over the past five years, Bill has repeatedly demonstrated an encyclopedic knowledge about the history of the College and the Chicago communities it serves. A day does not go by when an image, a name, an issue, or a story needs to be told and there was Bill able to pull together the facts and craft a clear explanation.
His abilities and caring are a wonderful testament to the quality of people who work at our College, the quality of the students and faculty, and the patients we serve. ” While at UIC, Bike has received the Chancellor’s Academic Professional Excellence Award and Award of Merit, the university’s highest awards conferred on staff. In 2006, he was the first of three academic professional elected to faculty senate and has served for over 13 years, and has received awards from the American Dental Association, the International College of Dentists, the International Conference on Breath Odor Research, the National School Public Relations Association, and the Publicity Club of Chicago. Most recently, Bill was inducted into Omicron Kappa Upsilon (OKU) dental honorary society which promotes achievements in dental scholarship, professionalism, and ethics.
“Long-term relationships,” Bike said, “are so important to the department’s success. This team has demonstrated work that keeps setting an example for high caliber advancement efforts. It has been fun to be a part of that.” One of Bike’s former Loyola University colleagues identifies him as one of her mentors. Monica Walk said, “Bill was one of my earliest and most influential boss/mentors, and a person I continue to cherish to this day. “From my perspective, Bill created and appreciated good writing, but it really was about getting facts, truth, and education out to people. Bill led by example: He was serious about the work, our mission, and deadlines, but also knew when and how to have fun. With that attitude and direction,
Shaping the Storyteller
Along the way of great story telling, Bike has been mentored and served as a mentor to others. As a longtime colleague of Mark Valentino, Bill noted that he is “grateful and thankful for all of the direction and camaraderie inside and outside of the workplace that Mark has provided.” In addition, Ana Lisa Ogbac, Director of Donor Relations, has worked with Bill for over 21 years. She noted, “Since the beginning of my career at the College, Bill has been my mentor, colleague, and friend. Not only has he been a fountain of information about the College and a wealth of other topics, he has been my touchstone over the years. From paper filing to the culmination of the Centennial Gala, from floppy disks to jump drives, Bill and I have journeyed together and supported one another along the way. I’ll miss his laughter, camaraderie, and sports analogies.”
Bike received the July 2018 UIC College of Dentistry Sparky D. Dragon Award. we truly worked as a team (The Hub), and we also socialized outside of the office; the camaraderie was real. Bill was my first professional boss, and he continued my education in so many ways--mainly by his willingness to have conversations vs. give orders, so I really ‘learned’ how to do my work and be a true professional,” Walk added. He would say, “You catch more flies with honey, and I watched his kind and measured demeanor prove that true with great regularity. Plus, he knew so much on so many topics that I learned beyond usual workplace knowledge...and, have you heard him laugh? Bill has a great laugh.” Likewise, Anne agreed that Bill’s career has been most successful because of the goodness and kindness that is Bill Bike; “No matter how stressed, anxious, or busy Bill is, he is always kind.”
Bike's great laughter at the Omicron Kappa Upsilon (OKU) dental honory Society induction ceremony. 62
Looking Ahead Staying involved with UIC after retirement seems to be a reality for the Bike family. In 2004, Bill and Anne established the Ann Tschirley Gunatillike Scholarship to honor Bill’s sister-in-law and her love of Eastern Asian heritage. Each year, the Bikes present an annual award to a deserving dental student at the Graduation Luncheon Scholarship Awards Ceremony. Bill said, “Is a point of pride and one achievement at UIC that will remain a priority for Anne and I after retire.” Aside from establishing a scholarship with his spouse,
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Anne, Bill really appreciates that she has been a large part of his career and has made strong relationships among colleagues and with College alumni. Anne noted, “I wrote for Vision before it was Vision, helped with operations when the team was small, and was present at Bill’s events throughout his whole career at UIC. We are invested in so many ways, have so many friends from the College, and have said goodbye at many alumni funerals.” Anne smiled about how it’s an old journalism practice to put new writers on obituaries because they are the easiest to write but said, “Bill always did them – gladly—because everyone deserves a good send-off!”
The Sendoff Bike’s UIC career may be the last chapter of his 50 year career in journalism but there are many empty pages waiting to be filled with the journeys ahead. He plans to travel to New Mexico with Anne, work around the house on long overdue projects, do some freelance writing, and of course continue watching the latest and greatest league games. Bike loves baseball and softball! The College of Dentistry faculty, staff and students, the Office of Advancement team, the Dental Alumni Board of Directors, and UIC at-large offer much thanks to Bill Bike for his 24 years of story-telling, kindness, and laughter that brought life and love to the College of Dentistry. Those interviewed were also asked to share best wishes with Bill. Read the remarks below:
Best wishes from all Bill, your DREAM is now realized. Enjoy writing the next chapters. There are plenty more before “30.” - Rick Romano Thank you Bill for all you have done and all you will do in the next phase of your life! - Dean Clark Stanford Know that you made a real difference in the work you have done--by the decades of news you reported, and, more importantly, by the people you connected with. Those connections will continue beyond your work life, and have ripple effects through people you personally influenced as they interact with people you will never personally meet. My time working for you is seminal to who I am, not just the work I do. I don’t know who I would be if I hadn’t had your guidance and friendship--and I have so much gratitude for having you in my life. - Monica Walk I’m so proud of you, Bill, and I love you so much. - Anne Nordhaus- Bike
Bill: I know you are embracing this next phase as much as you have embraced your career at UIC. I wish I could be there to celebrate with you on both accounts! - Lori Grove Bill: Thank you for the many long hours that well exceeded a five o’clock punch-out to ensure that the College of Dentistry and the Advancement team was always operating at an optimal level. Your incredible work ethic; devotion to your responsibilities; pride in your work; amazing ability to tell a story; uncanny ability to pack as much into a five-day work week as anyone I have ever met; and service to UIC, the College, and our Alumni Board, could never be replicated and will never be forgotten. I will miss working with you on exciting gift proposals that have resulted in tens of millions of dollars in gifts from alumni, friends, and corporate and foundation partners, and the hundreds of Annual Fund and stewardship letters you have authored, our pop-in visits all day long, our late night hours to get a project done, and your willingness to do everything and everything to help move our Advancement efforts ever forward. You have left an incredible legacy. Thank you! Enjoy your retirement and don’t ever be a stranger. UIC is part of and always will be your family!” - Mark J. Valentino
Bike Farewell
The Opportunity to Help Others Dentistry, fundraising, and journalism are seemingly very different fields. For the last 24 years, I have been privileged to be in a unique job that incorporates all three. Even better, all three fields allow one to do good, to help others. Although often mistaken for one, I’m not a dentist, but I’ve been lucky to have had a career in dentistry. Starting out as a journalist for an insurance publication and suburban newspapers, I entered dentistry when I was hired at age 25 at Dental Products Report and Dental Lab Products magazines. Already knowing how to write news, at this job I learned the science of dentistry as well— something that years later at the UIC College of Dentistry would be crucial to my career. My first experience in dentistry also was crucial to my life, as it was at these dental magazines that I met my wife, Anne. Once I eventually got to the College, I learned that I was far from alone in meeting my spouse through dentistry. Newly married and needing a higher income, I went to work in communications in a new field for me, development/advancement fundraising at Loyola University Chicago. While I was Director of Publications for the entire university, because of my dental background I always had a special fondness for the dental school. It was the toughest job of my career to write the article for Loyola’s Bur dental alumni magazine about the school’s closing. Agreeing with most if not all Loyola dental alumni, I thought the school should stay open. I remained in fundraising during a three-year stint as Publications Director at the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business. It wasn’t until I started at the UIC College of Dentistry in 1995 that I had a job that brought all three fields together. And I loved it for the next two decades plus. Because with the help of my journalism writing and communications, the advancement team at the College was able to raise millions of dollars of private support for the College. My worked helped the faculty, the students, the staff, the alumni, the patients—and the world. What was most fun was being part of a team—a great team. The UIC College of Dentistry is a place where different people and different groups come together for one common goal—nothing less than the betterment of the oral health of the entire world. Talk about impact!
The advancement team at the College under Associate Dean for Advancement Mark J. Valentino— Director for Donor Relations Ana Lisa Ogbac, Director of Development Bruno Mancari, Associate Director for Engagement and Participation Jessica Mueller, and Administrative Aide Janette Guzman—is the strongest advancement team I’ve seen in my 35 years in higher education. It will be made even stronger by the addition of the new Director of Advancement Communications, Sara Connell. The Dean also is a key participant in advancement, and they don’t come more accomplished than Dean Clark Stanford, an expert in dental practice, education, research, administration, and finance. They are backed by the support of a superb and accomplished UIC central advancement and alumni relations team. Joining the advancement team at the College are the best dental faculty in the nation led by the best administrators; the most dedicated staff; the smartest students determined to serve the underserved; and the most loyal alumni—from both UIC and Loyola—led by a great Alumni Board of Directors. Your College is in good hands, and has a great future. That future will be made even more secure through the IGNITE Campaign, in which the College has a goal of raising $37 million. History shows we’ll achieve it, and probably exceed it. I served in two other campaigns here, Campaign Illinois and Brilliant Futures: Educating a New Dentist for America, which raised $37.4 million. Campaign Illinois also exceeded its goal! I took over as editor of Vision magazine, then called the Alumni Report, from Dr. Irwin B. Robinson, ’45, MS Oral Surgery ’54. A few years before, I had been part of a team of communicators who took over the Bur at Loyola, and the dentist-editors weren’t too happy about the university’s decision to hand over the magazine. So I had some trepidation about taking over from Robby, but the day he met me, he said, “Hey, you’re a journalist! You should be the editor of this magazine!” The transition was that easy, and as an added bonus, he stayed on as Executive Editor for the next 15 years, helping me out. I always was grateful to him. And in my retirement, I’ll always was grateful to the University, the College, the administration, faculty, staff, students, and alumni for the opportunity to serve in one of the greatest jobs in dentistry, and more importantly, to do good and help others in three different fields. Who could ask for more from a career? William S. Bike Editor-in-Chief, 1995–2019
College of Dentistr y
Calendar February 2020
21: Reception during Chicago Dental Society Midwinter Meeting. Call (312) 996-0485.
March 2020
4: All Health Sciences Alumni Event. "UIC's response to the Opioid Crisis". Call (312) 413-8272. 5: Clinic and Research Day. UIC College of Dentistry. Call (312) 996-1027.
April 2020
24: Reunion, UIC College of Dentistry and Loyola University Chicago School of Dentistry alumni. Years ending in “5” and “0” highlighted. Alumni Awards presented. Email or call (312) 996-0485.
May 2020
TBA: Omicron Kappa Upsilon Banquet, Chicago. Call (312) 996-7514. 9: Commencement. Call (312) 355-5259. For more UIC College of Dentistry events, log on to https://
Classifieds Financing Home financing for dentists: qualifying medical professionals may require little or no money down or no mortgage insurance. Contact Gary Komar of Draper and Kramer Mortgage Corp. for details: 312-286-8896, gary. NMLS: 207353. Co. NMLS: 2551. Equal Housing Lender. (FA)
Insurance You are not a benchmark. And at the Dentists Insurance Company, we won’t treat you like one because we are not like other insurance companies. We were started by, and only protect, dentists. A singular focus that leads to an unparalleled knowledge of your profession and how to best protect you in it. Apply today at Call (800) 733-0633. (FA, FCRD) Treloar & Heisel Inc. Financial Services for the Dental and Medical Professional. Disability income plan; business overhead expense insurance; disability buy/sell; long-term care. 1 (800) 345-6040, (FA)
Positions/Practices/Space Available
full-day every week or every two weeks. Flexible schedule. Digital/chartless offices. Malpractice insurance paid. New pedo specialists welcome. Email director@allstardentalclinic. com. (FA permanent) Oral surgeon residency opportunity. Family Dental Care is expanding and seeking oral surgeon residents. Currently six locations and growing. Our partners earn at the top 1% of dentists. Come and talk to them. Highly competitive salary. Latest technology including digital x-rays, microscopes, CEREC, CBCT, LANAP with specialists on staff. Full or part-time positions available. Very busy quality-oriented practice. Recent graduates welcome. (773) 978-7801 (ask for Peter) or email www. (FA permanent) Outstanding opportunity. Family Dental Care is expanding and seeking general dentists, specialists, and residents. Currently six locations and growing. Our partners earn at the top 1% of dentists. Come and talk to them. Highly competitive salary. Latest technology including digital x-rays, microscopes, CEREC, CBCT, LANAP with specialists on staff. Full or part-time positions available. Very busy quality-oriented practice. Recent graduates welcome. (773) 978-7801 (ask for Peter) or email personnel@ (FA permanent)
A “Positions/Practices Available” page is on the College’s website at postings/. Check it out for listings of jobs that are available, and for notices of practices that are for sale. For adding or subtracting listings from this website, contact dentnews@uic. edu. Come join the professionals at ProCare Dental Group PC. Generous compensation, contemporary facilities, flexibility, autonomy, premier locations, continuing education, professional camaraderie. Part-time and full-time positions available. (847) 621-7229. (FDT)
Part-time pediatric specialists wanted. Chicago and suburb locations. Generous per diem compensation. Half- or
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Full-time dentists wanted—Chicagoland offices. Gain lots of experience in a digital, chartless office while treating everyone from kids to seniors. Excellent income. Hit the ground running without waiting to build your own clientele. We love to help train new dentists. Recent graduates welcomed. Sign-on bonus and guaranteed base rate. Malpractice insurance paid. Free CE offered. Please email resume to (FA permanent)
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College of Dentistr y
Continuing Education Course: The Ted V. Weclew Lecture Date: April 17, 2020 “Composite Power; Versatility Surpassed” Lecturer: Dr. K. William "Buddy" Mopper 6 CE credits For more information, please email or call 312-996-0485
2020 Auxiliary Course Calendar for the Illinois State Dental Society For more information check our website: or contact Gloria Pitchford - gpitchford@isds or 800/475-4737. You can register for any of the courses at:
Anesthesia/Sedation Assistant Monitoring This course is offered as a continuing education experience for dental assistants who work in dental or oral surgery offices in the State of Illinois where sedation or general anesthesia is administered. The course is designed to meet the requirements of the Illinois Dental Practice Act and the Rules Administering the Dental Practice Act. The course includes both lecture and clinical exposure. April 15 & 16 October 14 & 15
Coronal Polishing and Pit/Fissure Sealants This course will provide assistants with the proper educational requirements as stated in Illinois law for application of pit and fissure sealants and coronal polishing. This 10-hour course includes two hours of clinical experience on pit and fissure sealants and two hours on coronal polishing. Clinical instructions on coronal polishing will include work performed on a human subject.
Local Anesthesia This four-day course will satisfy the State of Illinois expanded function training requirements to allow registered dental hygienists to administer local anesthesia under the general supervision of a licensed dentist. A pre-course reading assignment from Dr. Stanley F. Malamed’s Handbook of Local Anesthesia (6th or 7th edition) assures a foundation of understanding that is reinforced by lectures. In clinic, participants must agree to receive, as well as administer, injections. Course size is limited to 24 persons per session. While a test of basic knowledge based on pre-course reading is given on the first course day, successful course completion is based solely on competency demonstrated in the clinic. September 16, 17, 23 & 24
Nitrous Oxide Monitoring and Administration This course for monitoring and administration of nitrous oxide by the allied dental personnel is designed to meet the certification requirements of the State of Illinois. The course includes both didactic and clinical components in the monitoring and administration of nitrous oxide and advanced airway management. After successful completion of this course the dental assistant can return to the private office and monitor a patient using nitrous oxide, while the dental hygienists will be able to start and stop the flow of gas. April 1 May 13 October 7 December 2
April 25 September 12 November 21
2020 The UIC College of Dentistry and the UIC Dental Alumni Association cordially invite you to the 2020 Dental Alumni Reunion.
THE CARLISLE BANQUETS 435 E. BUTTERFIELD RD. LOMBARD, IL 60148 Dr. Amarjit S. Marwah, MS ’56 Distinguished Dental Alumnus Award
Dr. Stacey K. Van Scoyoc, ’95 Dr. F. William Towner Organized Dentistry Award
Dr. Priscilla P. Chang, ’07 Dr. E. Lloyd Du Brul Faculty Achievement Award
Dr. Alice G. Boghosian, Loyola ’85 Dr. Raffaele Suriano Award
Dr. Tariq F. Riyal, ’11 C.A.R.E. Alumnus Award
Dr. Jon D. Nickelsen, ‘03 Irwin B. Robinson President’s Leadership Award
Celebrating UIC DDS, Specialty Degrees, and Loyola School of Dentistry classes; recognizing those ending in -0 and -5. For more information, please email or call (312) 996-0485.
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Home financing solutions for dentists Draper and Kramer Mortgage offers flexible mortgage options for dentists and other medical professionals. Through our newest program, qualifying professionals may be able to finance their home with little or no down payment or mortgage insurance.*
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This program is available to medical doctors with a minimum M.D., D.O., D.D.S., D.V.M. or D.M.D. degree who have an employment contract or verification of terms of employment acceptance. This includes medical doctors, dentists, podiatrists, ophthalmologists and veterinarians. Programs included on this flyer are subject to approval based on individual program guidelines and borrower’s credit and underwriting approval. Contact your Draper and Kramer Mortgage Corp. professional for full program details.