2 minute read
People riding [electric scooters] on the sidewalk is a major concern because they can travel pretty fast. On an e-scooter, you can get up to 30 miles per hour, something that really should be ridden on the road, not on the sidewalk. That kind of speed mismatch between someone walking and someone on an e-scooter can lead to major injuries if there is a collision.
– Cara Hamann, associate professor of epidemiology, discussing the benefits and risks of electric bikes, e-scooters, and e-skateboards on Radio Iowa
Hansen Award

The College of Public Health honored Peggy Shepard, co-founder and executive director of WE ACT for Environmental Justice, as the 2023 recipient of the Richard and Barbara Hansen Leadership Award and Distinguished Lectureship. She delivered the Hansen Lecture, “Advancing Environmental Health Through Justice and Equity.”

The College of Public Health’s Undergraduate Mentorship Program is a new initiative that connects first- and second-year undergraduate public health students with third- and fourth-year undergraduate mentors to provide a layer of connection between public health students, help ease the college transition, expand access to resources, and allow students to build strong networks.

In August, incoming first-year MHA students spent a morning getting to know one another, building confidence, and creating bonds by participating in teambuilding activities at the UI Adventure Challenge Course.
The University of Iowa is one of 71 members of the elite Association of American Universities, an organization that recognizes institutions for their research and discovery.

$43 Million: the amount of external research funding the college received in FY23