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Department of Movement Sciences Welcomes
New Chair
Tony Pickering came full circle when he returned to the University of Idaho to take a job as the chair for the College of Education movement sciences department. Pickering, who joined the faculty as an associate professor and chair in January, completed his doctorate in education – sport/exercise psychology from U-Idaho.
“I have the chance to be at Idaho in the movement sciences department doing what I love, and working with faculty who I respect,” Pickering said.
Though he grew up in Vermont, his ties to the Northwest run strong as he received a bachelor’s in physical education – biomechanics of sport, a master’s in physical education physiology of sport exercise and a master’s of business administration all from the University of Oregon.
Pickering was employed at the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, N.Y., and worked with soldiers on mental skills such as stress management, confidence building and goal setting when he heard about the chair opening.
“Although I was happy working with the Department of Defense, Idaho held a special place in my heart,” he said. “I had a great experience in Idaho.”
While he is thrilled to be able to partake in his passions for the rich outdoor activities that Idaho and the Palouse offer, he is particularly looking forward to being embedded in a setting of higher education.
Pickering is ready to promote the department and elevate awareness of the diversity of activities in fitness and health within movement sciences that have lifelong applications.
“I am looking forward to reengaging with other scholars,” he said. “The faculty is even stronger now than when I left.”
Movement Science Achievements
Helen Brown, instructor in movement sciences, was selected as part of the University’s Leadership Academy’s fourth cohort for 201213. The academy fosters leadership within the institution through the participation of faculty and staff in a yearlong leadership experience.
Diane Walker, co-director of Dancers Drummer Dreamers and professor emerita of dance, received an Outstanding Achievement in Arts Education Award from the City of Moscow and the Moscow Arts Commission at the Moscow Mayor’s Arts Awards 2012.