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Fall Battalion Commanding Officer’s Call
Approaching the Fall 2021 semester, our battalion knew the important task laid out ahead of us. Our unit looked back to the past, before COVID restrictions, to understand the best elements of the command culture, and began to write a new chapter in battalion history. This chapter is a testament to perseverance and resourcefulness as leaders in our unit brought us back to in-person operations after a full year of social distancing. Before school started, we sent battalion members back into the fleet as the force overcame the challenges of COVID and resumed summer cruises. Through adversity, we came out on top every time we were tested. Our accomplishments gave us the motivation to strengthen our warrior culture back at home on the Palouse.
We hit the ground running with a demanding weekly schedule and every member met their individual challenges without slowing down battalion operations. Those of us charged with planning and executing battalion policy leaned on each other to keep moving towards a common vision for a more capable battalion than before the pandemic. This task was shared with our Unit Staff who, like us, had never seen a situation like this before. Incorporating new points of view to revise some antiquated policies and clarify others, we slowly brought the UI/ WSU battalion back to life.
When we celebrated the Navy ball in November, less than half of our battalion members were familiar with its rich tradition, and far fewer members had experienced our spring events, including Northwest Navy and Spring Awards. Despite the lack of experience, planners and battalion members energetically rallied for every occasion, creating cherished memories. From my leadership position, I saw examples of resolve and camaraderie at every level. Everywhere I looked, battalion members were exemplifying the tenacity that the Navy and Marine Corps strive to attract. Here’s to our unit, and may our future generations come to take pride in what our team accomplished.

MIDN Chris Salcido