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One beautiful feature of being a history major is the ability to study abroad about anywhere you would like! One history student, Brianna Anderson, was able to partake in a study abroad program in London at the University of Westminster. She credited her admiration for studying abroad stemming from a family vacation that they traveled to England, Scotland and Wales. She finalized her choice of University of Westminister after looking at places around England, but found a great fit in London.

The greatest influencing factor in her selection process was housing. At the University of Westminster, international students are housed with current students, increasing her ability to fully immerse herself in the country. She was also impressed with notable alumni like Roger Waters and Pink Floyd. Yet when asked she did say that some drawbacks were present in her selection. Being far away from her family was one thing that she referenced as a drawback, but she had the great opportunity to travel abroad with her twin sister which made it more comfortable for her.

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