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year in review
2019-2020 in REVIEW
Between January and the end of March 2019, you applied to the program. Hooray!
In April, the UIF team held a Meetup in Dubai, UAE, for 75 Fellows and faculty.
In May, Fellows held a Regional Meetup in Wisconsin.
Somewhere in here, you took part in team interviews with uiguides and UIF staff. It was great to finally meet you (digitally).
In June and July, in the midst of interviews, we held two workshops at the d.school for about 100 international faculty total, no biggie.
In July and August, Fellows held Regional Meetups in Uruguay and the Netherlands.
In September, Fellows held a Regional Meetup in Kansas.
In September and October, you took part in 6 weeks of online training and learned lots of new skills and mindsets to make changes at your schools.
Congratulations! You completed training! You were publicly launched as Fellows on October 29.
In January 2020, the UIF team held another TLS faculty.
In November, the UIF team spent 2 days in a cabin with no internet to dream up new resources and publications (such as this yearbook), plan out the coming year, and figure out the meaning of life.
In November, Fellows held a Regional Meetup in Virginia.
In January, Fellows held a Regional Meetup in India.
In January, we held another Teaching and Learning Studio workshop for 50 faculty.
In February, Fellows held a Regional Meetup in Austria.
We had to cancel our March Silicon Valley Meetup 2020 due to the global pandemic (who’d have thought we’d ever have to write that?). We rallied and held virtual events in March and April.
We’re off the page now! The pandemic has impacted all of our lives. While we don’t know what the future holds, we take heart in your future as change agents at your school and beyond. The world needs you now more than ever. It’s time to do epic sh*t!