1 minute read
THERE ARE LEGENDS WITH MANY names, many are laughed at, many are less known, yet one is unmentioned, forbidden to all, the legend of forgotten messengers. Lurking deep beneath the caves, deeper than the known depths, the creatures with immortal souls roar their unfelt tortures in undiscovered caverns. Their roars tell of great pain and agony, crushing bone and dusting lungs, tortures of hell awaiting the world. Their steel hooves brawling the frozen magma, leaving unmistakable dents of war, their time-forged tails crumbling their own caves, dusting the diamonds and causing the great earthquakes, their unforgiving metal-crushing jaws, hunting us in nightmares, their mountain horns, giving off the smell of deep cave’s sulfur, wildfire smoke and forgotten smell of ash, they, the forgotten and feared, carry the chains, heavy like their own igneous breath, keeping them hidden from eyes of the world. They have been in war with their burden, messengers of end, of terror, of rockfall, they have many names – “ThunderVoices,” “Death Bringers,” “Hell Guards,” “Hidden By The Ancients,” “Chain Carriers,” but only two were given by their creator – “Basefs” and “The Keepers Of The Chained.” Said to keep the sacred peace, immovable balance of the world, they lurk beneath the earth, the sulfur seas, the shadow lands, fulfilling their ancient duty, above the understanding of the folk.