1 minute read
Emily R
Emily R.
Flash. Streamlights flood our stage, causing the golden instruments to sparkle about the room and give off an angelic glow. If only the beads of sweat on our hands derived from nervous anticipation was as magnificent as what we are holding. 5 Saxophones. 4 Trumpets. 4 Trombones. 1 Piano. 1 Drum Set. 1 Bass Guitar. What are we called? A Jazz band. A Jazz band that has worked for endless hours over endless months for this one performance. This one moment. We squint at the hundreds of chairs before us, scanning the room for a friendly-familiar face. Some of us find one and some of us don’t. It doesn’t matter, though. We’ll play well anyways. “Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Greetings to the judges for this years’ State Jazz Contest,” Our beloved director starts speaking through a microphone in front of us, “Today I’m proud to present the Midprairie High School Jazz Band. We have three pieces prepared for you today. I hope you will enjoy them.” He walks back off the stage. The audience gives us a polite round of applause and silence follows. Our adrenaline is spiking as we bring our instruments to our faces, drumsticks above the set, and fingers to the strings. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. Sharp inhale, and we’re off. Our first notes are crisp and together, fingers fly across keys. The music is exciting and preppy— something easy to dance to. The pieces finish with 1 ringing bass note, 2 moments of dead silence, and a cheering audience on their feet. We smile into our instruments. A flawless performance. This moment makes us remember why we chose to become musicians— Not to be good individually, but as one being, living and breathing through music.