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Acquisitions in the Hardin Rare Book Collection illuminates medical history


Since he started in July, Ihrig has procured a few new additions from the list of desired items. He highlights three. Ihrig describes Theodor Schwann’s Mikroskopische Untersuchungen über die Uebereinstimmung in der Struktur und dem Wachsthum der Thiere und Pflanzen, published in 1839, as “a foundational work for biology, where Schwann expanded on cell theory from just talking about cells in plants to cells in animals and the fact that all living things are composed of cells.”

Schwann’s Mikroskopische Untersuchungen

A second work Ihrig recently added to the collection is Manuel De Porras’ Anatomia galenico-moderna, published in 1716. “Porras was a surgeon who eventually became a surgeon for the Spanish king. This was an anatomy book to be studied by surgeons of the time.” Ihrig said.

Porras' Anatomia galenico-moderna

Ihrig says the third work, Jan Bleuland’s Otium academicum, continens descriptionem speciminum nonnullarum partium corporis humani et animalium subtilioris anatomiae ope in physiologicum usum praeparatarum, Porras’ Anatomia galenico-moderna aliarumque, quibus morborum organicorum natura illustratur, published in 1828, is “a really rare first edition of these beautiful printed plates of pathological and anatomical specimens. They’re works of art that, with the Porras book, will add a nice visual element to the collection.”

Bleuland’s Otium academicum

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