1 minute read
The Friendly Dragon
De burgemeester kijkt verbaasd door het sleutelgat. “Is het werkelijk?” Hij pakt zijn sleutelbos uit zijn burgemeestersjasje en duwt de sleutel in het slot.Mark Haayema met illustraties van Marius van Dokkum Op het moment dat hij de sleutel wil omdraaien klinkt ineens de schelle stem van Trees: “Laat die deur dicht!” De burgemeester schrikt op: “Maar Trees...” Trees pakt haar man bij zijn arm en trekt hem mee naar buiten. “Niks geen gemaar, we hebben belangrijke dingen te doen.”
MARK HAAYEMA is a writer, actor, producer and songwriter. Mark loves writing stories that provide food for thought. They have to be inviting, funny, and exciting, but shouldn’t shy away from touching upon something out of the ordinary. Pete the Parakeet won the award for best children’s book in 2019 and his Muk series was recently sold to Germany and is currently adapted into a successful series of musical plays.
An hilarious story about dragons and
40 defying expectations

Timmy lives in the village of Ferrydull. Every day is the same. The baker bakes bread, the barber cuts hair and the mayor gives an important speech. Until, one day, someone spots big claws, huge fangs and leathery wings. Everyone panics. But Timmy happens to know everything about dragons. They are bloodthirsty, mean and cannot be trusted. The brave boy goes out looking for the monster. But is the dragon really as mean as everyone thinks…?
Pages: 64 Size: 20,6 x 26,3 cm Rights: Worldwide Age: 5+