Track 1 KOV - Leerwerkboek (ed. 2025)

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Els De Clercq
Anneleen De Smet
Jessie Provost
Tina Raymaekers
Liesbeth Lauwers

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Fotokopieerapparaten zijn algemeen verspreid en vele mensen maken er haast onnadenkend gebruik van voor allerlei doeleinden. Jammer genoeg ontstaan boeken niet met hetzelfde gemak als kopieën. Boeken samenstellen kost veel inzet, tijd en geld. De vergoeding van de auteurs en van iedereen die bij het maken en verhandelen van boeken betrokken is, komt voort uit de verkoop van die boeken.

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© Uitgeverij VAN IN, Wommelgem, 2019

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Eerste druk 2019

ISBN 978-90-306-9262-1

Vormgeving en opmaak: Vrijdag Grafis

Tekeningen: Lise Vanlerberghe en Hans Dijckmans / GraphicMatic D/2019/0078/179

Art. 590739/01

NUR 110



Welkom in Track. We leggen graag even uit hoe je met dit boek aan de slag gaat.

1 / Op weg met Track

Het leerwerkboek bestaat uit vier units en elke unit is op dezelfde manier opgebouwd.

Op de voorpagina van elke unit vind je terug wat je gaat leren om de taak aan het einde van de unit, de Check Out, goed te kunnen uitvoeren. Deze voorpagina toont je de weg die je zult afleggen.

In de Check In maak je kennis met het thema van de unit.

CHECK 2, p. 71

De Main Track is opgebouwd uit verschillende Steps. In elke Step leer je een afzonderlijke bouwsteen om de taak aan het einde van de unit te kunnen maken.

Aan het einde van elke Step zie je een verwijzing naar een Check Die Check vind je terug in het onderdeel On Different Tracks. In On Different Tracks ga je na of je de bouwsteen al onder de knie hebt.

In de Summary vind je een overzicht van de grammatica, woordenschat, strategieën en veelgebruikte uitdrukkingen.

Je leerkracht zal je zeggen wanneer je de Check kunt uitvoeren. Afhankelijk van je resultaat kun je – helemaal volgens jouw tempo en niveau – de leerstof nog even herhalen, extra oefenen of meer verdiepende oefeningen maken.

Je kunt je traject in On Different Tracks helemaal zelfstandig doorlopen, met een partner of samen met de klas.


3 Reflect on your task by filling in the checklist.

Als je alle bouwstenen hebt doorlopen en ze voldoende hebt ingeoefend, dan ben je zeker klaar voor de Check Out, de taak aan het einde van de unit. Hier kun je alles wat je geleerd hebt in de unit toepassen.

Elke Check Out gebruikt de OVUR-strategie:




Checklist: describing your holiday Yes I think soNo

1 Preparation


• I described my friends’ holiday activities.

• I wrote my note or postcard in draft first.

2 Content • I wrote about 75 words.

• I included all the necessary elements.


• I respected the rules for writing an informal note or postcard.

3 Language use

We willen graag dat je vorderingen maakt en dat je reflecteert op je taken en leert uit feedback.

• I used the correct vocabulary to describe the activities and the weather.

• I used the past simple tense correctly.

• I paid attention to the structure of my sentences.

• I checked my spelling and punctuation.

Trace your steps on diddit.

Ten slotte kun je na elke unit je onlineportfolio op diddit individueel of samen met je leerkracht invullen. Zijn er dingen die nog niet zo goed lopen, dan krijg je meteen ook digitale oefeningen bij je werkpunten.

2 / Nuttig voor onderweg

In de loop van elke unit word je ondersteund door een aantal hulpmiddelen.

Omdat leerstrategieën ontzettend belangrijk zijn, vind je die ook in de Main Track terug wanneer je ze nodig hebt. Elke leerstrategie kun je via een handig schema of overzicht nog eens rustig bekijken in de Summary, ook als je er later nog eens gebruik van wilt maken.

Grammaticale regels staan altijd in een kader, met een duidelijk voorbeeld erbij. Hier vul je zelf een aantal basiskenmerken van de regel in. Hoe je de grammatica gebruikt, vind je vervolgens terug in de Summary. Aan de hand van nog meer voorbeelden en illustraties schetsen we de context waarin je de grammatica kunt gebruiken.

Omdat je Engels wilt gebruiken in een realistische context, reiken we je graag ook veelgebruikte uitdrukkingen aan.


De woordenschat van elke unit geven we je graag mee via mindmaps of via een overzichtelijke woordenlijst met ruimte om je eigen woorden en zinnen aan te vullen.

a better ability to deal with stress. Sharing hobbies with others also keeps teens socially engaged with people who have similar interests. Teens can be interested in almost unlimited hobbies. Here are some possible hobbies.

5 Which letters sound the same?

Music Teens can enjoy music as a hobby in a number of ways. They can relax by listening to music or they can benefit intellectually by learning how to play an instrument. Teens can show their musical talents in school or community bands and choirs. If the teen is tech-savvy, computer programs allow users to create music recordings and mixes.

a Complete the table.

/eɪ//iː//e//aɪ//juː//əʊ//ɑː/ LikeindayLikeinseeLikeinbedLikeinwhyLikeinyouLikeinnoLikeinfar ABFIQOR

Vaardigheden zijn een belangrijk onderdeel bij het leren van een nieuwe taal. Daarom geven we bij elke oefening aan op welke vaardigheid je het meest aan het oefenen bent: listening, watching, reading, speaking, spoken interaction, writing, written interaction WRITING SPEAKING SPOKEN INTERACTION READING listening

Sports Teens have many choices when it comes to activities. Indoor activities include gym memberships, yoga and dance classes. Outdoor activities range from skiing and snowboarding in winter to sailing and skateboarding in summer. Teens can also choose to participate in traditional team sports such as soccer, baseball, basketball and hockey. For non-traditionalists, they can join an ultimate frisbee or paintball team.

The arts

b Which letters are vowels?

c Which letters are consonants?


Some teens enjoy unwinding with a good book. The fantasy genre has become very popular in recent years. Other teens prefer to express themselves through creative art, spending time drawing, painting or sculpting. And what do you think about making jewellery or doing scrapbooking, or car modelling, cooking and baking? For those teens with a dramatic flair, there are often opportunities to act, sing or dance in theatre productions.

6 Listen and circle the letters you hear.


Social causes Teens who want to make a difference in their communities can volunteer in hospitals, animal shelters, libraries and museums. Teens also have the option of taking part in ‘voluntours’, planned trips to exotic locations where they can view the sites while volunteering, for example, to teach English or to build homes and schools.

7 Complete the table with your information. Then ask your classmate, but he/she has to spell it. Listen carefully and write down the letters your classmate says.

to be tech-savvy: knowing a lot about modern technology, especially computers to benefit: to be helped by someone an opportunity: a chance to unwind: to relax

Can you spell … You Your classmate your favourite uncle’s first name?


your favourite aunt’s surname? the name of a town in the USA or in the UK?

your favourite artist’s name? a name you really like?

The technology available to teens gives them unlimited options for hobbies. Teens can create and maintain a blog or a vlog on a topic that interests them. They can also play video games, use social networking sites and even build robots and write programs to make them run. The Internet provides a world of opportunities for teens without even leaving their bedrooms.

Adapted from:

Did you know? When there is a pair of the same consonants in a word, e.g. ll

instead of ‘el el’.

Wanneer er moeilijke woorden voorkomen in het authentieke tekstmateriaal, worden die uitgelegd in de glossary

In de Did You Know-kaders vind je leuke weetjes en achtergrondinformatie.

De volgende iconen helpen je ook nog een eind op weg.

Het luisterfragment dat hierbij hoort, vind je ook bij het onlinelesmateriaal terug.

Het beeldfragment dat hierbij hoort, vind je ook bij het onlinelesmateriaal terug.

Als je dit icoon ziet, moet je iets online opzoeken.

het onlineleerplatform bij Track

Leerstof kun je inoefenen op jouw niveau.

Je krijgt meteen feedback aan de hand van theoriekaders en instructiefilmpjes.

Je kunt vrij oefenen en de leerkracht kan ook voor jou oefeningen klaarzetten.

Hier vind je de opdrachten terug die de leerkracht voor jou heeft klaargezet.

Hier kan de leerkracht toetsen en taken voor jou klaarzetten.

Trace Your Steps: vul hier jouw portfolio in om aan te duiden wat je al beheerst.

Benieuwd hoe ver je al staat met oefenen en opdrachten? Hier vind je een helder overzicht van je resultaten.

Hier vind je het lesmateriaal per unit (o.a. audio- en videobestanden). Alle instructiefilmpjes en leerbladen uit de Summary zijn hier verzameld.


check in

Step 2: giving and asking information about people summary on different tracks main track

Step 1: meeting and greeting someone

check out: hi, my name is ... trace your steps

My name is

1 Watch the short video and answer the questions.

a Who is in the video?

b What does he repeat again and again?

c How does he introduce himself?

d Is that his real name?

2 Discuss these questions.

a What is the word for a name given to a person instead of their real name?

b Do you have a nickname? If not, imagine you could give yourself a nickname, what would it be?

c If you could give your mother/father/brother/sister/best friend/ … a nickname, what would it be?

d Use an online name generator and find out what your perfect nickname is.

Did you know?

Names in English

A last name (US), or surname (UK), is your family name that you use in formal situations, or with people you do not know well.


– The artist’s first name is Marshall.

– His middle name is Bruce.

– His last name, also called surname or family name, is Mathers.

– His full name is Marshall Bruce Mathers.

– His nickname is Slim Shady.

3 Now it is up to you. Say who you are and listen to your friend who will say who (s)he is. Write ( ) the words you use in the text boxes.

Hi, my name is (first name) (surname).

Hi, my name is (first name) (surname).


Step 1 Who are you?

Meeting and greeting someone


1 Here are Gideon and Adina.

a Read the speech bubbles out loud.

Hi, my name is Gideon. I am 13 (thirteen) years old and I’m from Leeds. I’m a student and I go to a school in Leeds with more than 1,000 (a thousand) pupils.

Hi, I am Adina. I’m 12 (twelve). My parents are from Medina. But I was born here in London.

b Follow the example and introduce yourself. First write down your own information. Then read it out loud to a classmate.

A photo of you!


2 Read the sentences and do the tasks.

a My name is (first name) (surname).

b I’m (age).

c I’m (first name) (surname).

d I’m fine, thanks. And you?

e I’m great.


f I’m from (place where you live).

g How do you do?

h I come from (place where you live).

a Write the correct letters behind the questions. You can use a letter more than once. The first one has been done as an example. Choose from the following sentences.

1 Who are you?

2 Where are you from?

3 How are you?

4 What’s your name?

5 How old are you?

6 Excuse me, you are?

7 How do you do?

b Make a short conversation by asking a classmate the questions from the box above.

3 Answer the questions with a number from the box on the next page. Use a sentence to answer if you can.

1 How old are you when you start school?

2 How old are you?

3 How old are you when you MUST go to school?

4 How old are you when you are allowed to drive a car?

5 How old are you when you are allowed to go out?

6 How old are you when you leave primary school?

7 How old are you when you leave secondary school?

8 How many brothers do you have?

9 How many sisters do you have?

between 4 and 5 years old

Making small talk.

a Preparation: read the cue cards below carefully.

b Action: have a short conversation with 1 classmate first. Decide who will be A and who will be B. Then walk around the class and meet and greet at least 5 other classmates.

How to meet and greet someone

Use the useful expressions in the Summary on p. 30 to help you build the conversation.

c Reflection: check your conversations by filling in the checklist.

Checklist: small talk

1 Content and structure

• I talked to at least 5 classmates.

• I used the cue cards correctly.

• I completed the information correctly.

2 Language

• I spoke clearly.

• I spoke fluently.



CHECK 1, p. 31

Step 2 Tell me more

Giving and asking information about people

1 / Who’s who?

1 Read the text and answer the questions. Underline the verbs in the text.

a The text is about …

b How many people are in the text?

c What is Laurie’s nickname?

d How many girls are in the text?

e Who is the boy in the picture?

Hi! I am Lola. Well, for my friends I am Lola. My real first name is Laurie and my surname is Label. I’m 14 years old and I’m from Auckland, New Zealand. Next to me, with the skateboard, is my best friend Karen. She is also 14 years old. We are in the same class at school. We’re always together. She’s from Devonport. And the boy in the picture is Dave. He is 15 years old and from Grafton. Dave and Karen are a couple. They are so cute. They’re always together, but that’s not a problem for me.

2 Listen carefully to these teenagers and complete the gaps with the correct form of ‘to be’.

Hi, I Ali, and my surname Holmes. I 15 years old and I from Sydney. am is 1


This Aya. She from Tokyo. She 14 years old. Her surname Ito.

These girls Keily, Suzy and Emily. They all from Dublin. It such a cool city.

Keily 12 but Suzy and Emily 13 years old.

3 Complete the table. Use the texts from exercises 1 and 2 to help you if necessary. the verb ‘to be’: positive form Personal pronouns Long form Short form


You you you’

He he he’

She she she’ It it it’ PLURAL

We we we’ You you you’

They they they’ In spoken English we often use short forms (called contractions).

e.g. I am here. = I’m here. He is late. = He’s late. The missing letter is replaced with ‘ (= ).

4 Introduce someone else.

a Preparation: choose 2 people to introduce. Look at the words in the box and make sure you understand them.

boy – boys – friends – girl – girls – parents – pupil – teacher

b Action: write down at least 5 sentences (or 25-30 words) to introduce your 2 people. Use the verb ‘to be’.


c Reflection: fill in the checklist. Then give your text to a classmate who will give you some feedback too.

Checklist: introduce someone else

1 Content and structure

• I wrote 25-30 words.

• I introduced 2 people.

• I used some words from the box.

2 Language

• I used ‘to be’ correctly.

• I used correct spelling and punctuation.


2 / Excuse me?

How to listen/watch more effectively

1 Read through the questions before you even start to listen/watch.


2 Make sure you understand all of the questions. If not, ask your teacher to explain what you don’t understand.

3 Highlight the most important part of the question.

4 Do you understand what the goal of this exercise is?

- Do you have to listen for main ideas?

- Do you have to listen for details?

- Do you have to draw a conclusion?

5 Make sure you know how often you will be able to watch/listen to the fragment.

6 Take only short notes (keywords) if necessary and use a pencil! See p. 29

1 What are Jessie, Viola, Lee and Annabelle talking about?

a First read through the strategy on how to listen or watch more effectively on page 16.

b Then listen and indicate the correct answer(s).

1 The girls can wear

2 Lee has to wear

3 The sultan arrives with

2 Fill in the gaps while listening.

Jessie OK, listen to me for a second. I’m going to explain the scene. I play the Sultan. Lee, you play the king and Viola and Annabelle, play the women of the village.

Viola Right, and what do have to wear? Do the girls in the play wear jeans?

Jessie Of course don’t. The story is situated in India and is a long, long time ago. No jeans!

Lee So, as a king, have to wear a crown. Annabelle … and wear robes and sandals. And what about ? What do I have to wear?

Viola Don’t ask . Ask Mr Thornbee. knows everything. you listening listening


Jessie Sure, but let’s concentrate on the script now. Viola and Annabelle, stand near the water.

Viola Ok, and what are doing?

Lee are singing a lovely song when the Sultan arrives in town.

Annabelle Is on foot or on horseback?

Lee am on horseback of course!

Jessie Of course, because is a Sultan!

Viola The Sultan stops his horse because can hear singing and then Annabelle stops singing because sees

3 Do you know what the correct personal pronoun is?

a Complete the grid below. Check the text if necessary.

Personal pronouns as subject



Personal pronouns as object

I me

’m Sophia. This is ’re my best friend. I can’t see

’s got a new smartphone. I’ve got a new message from ’s waiting for the bus. Can I invite ?

’s all right. Where’s my ticket? I can’t find

PLURAL ’re fine. Thank you. We’re going out. You can come with Susan and Bree, ’re late again. Children, I’m talking to ’re always doing different things. Spiders … I’m afraid of !

Keep in mind: - ‘I’  always a CAPITAL letter - ‘he/him’ and ‘she/her’  only for people and pets - ‘it’  for things and other animals

b Who does the action? Underline the correct answer.

I can see him. He likes her Subject forms (= e.g. ) do / do not do the action of the verb. Object forms (= e.g. ) do / do not do the action of the verb.

How to refer to people and things

In the Summary of this unit you can find more information about how to refer to people and things with personal pronouns. See p. 24

4 Listen to the song.

a Answer the questions.

1 Do you hear a boy or a girl singing?

2 Tick the instruments you hear.


3 What is the title of the song?

4 Do you like the song?

b Fill in the pronouns (= words we use in place of a full noun). Then listen to the song again and correct if necessary.

Lego House - Ed Sheeran

I’m gonna pick up the pieces, and build a lego house When things go wrong can knock down

My three words have two meanings, There’s one thing on my mind ‘s all for

And ‘s dark in a cold December, but ‘ve got you to keep warm

And if ‘re broken will mend you and keep sheltered from the storm that’s raging on

electric guitar
saxophone bass guitar piano trumpet

‘m out of touch, I’m out of love

‘ll pick you up when ‘re getting down

And out of all these things I’ve done think love better now

I’m out of sight, I’m out of mind

I’ll do it all for in time


And out of all these things I’ve done think love better now

I’m gonna paint by numbers and colour in If things go right can frame , and put on a wall

And ‘s so hard to say but ‘ve been here before

And I’ll surrender up my heart and swap for yours

‘m out of touch, I’m out of love

‘ll pick you up when ‘re getting down

And out of all these things I’ve done think love better now

I’m out of sight, I’m out of mind

I’ll do it all for in time

And out of all these things I’ve done think love better now

Don’t hold down

think my braces are breaking and ‘s more than can take

And ‘s dark in a cold December, but ‘ve got you to keep warm

And if ‘re broken will mend and keep you sheltered from the storm that’s raging on

‘m out of touch, I’m out of love

‘ll pick up when you’re getting down

And out of all these things I’ve done think love better now

I’m out of sight, I’m out of mind

I’ll do it all for in time

and out of all these things I’ve done think love better now

© JStone

5 Read the following texts and answer the questions:

a How many people are mentioned all together?

b What is Yasmina’s surname?

c How old is Sophie?

d Where is Yasmina from?

e Who is 15 years old?

This is Tito Ramos. He is not from Spain. He’s from New Mexico. He isn’t 14 years old. He’s 15.

These are Sophie and Kenny. They are not from Ghent. They are from Oxford. They aren’t twins, but they are both 16 years old.

Hello, I’m Yasmina Amal. I’m from Birmingham. I'm not from Leeds. I’m not 14 years old. I’m 13.

6 First underline all the negative forms in the texts above. Then complete the table below.

7 Read the questions about Tito Ramos.

a Check the text on p. 21 and underline the correct short answer.

b Complete the rule.


Short answer

Is Tito Ramos from Spain? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t. Is he 14 years old? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t. Is he 15 years old? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t. Is he from New Mexico? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.

Yes, subject + No, subject +

rest of question + ?

How to refer to people and things

Check the Summary on p. 25 for a full overview of the verb ‘to be’. See p. 25

8 Have a conversation with 2 classmates.

a Preparation: decide who will be Student A, B and C.

b Action: follow this procedure.

Student A introduces student B, but gives the wrong information. Student B makes the sentences negative and corrects the information. Student C listens and checks whether students A and B are doing everything correctly.

Switch roles 2 more times.

c Reflection: check your conversations by filling in the checklist.

Checklist: making conversation

1 Content and structure

• I had 3 conversations.

• I used the expressions to meet and greet someone.

2 Language

• I used ‘to be’ correctly: positive and negative.

• I spoke clearly.

• I paid attention to my pronunciation.


9 Write questions and short answers about Sophie, Kenny or Yasmina.

a Preparation: read the texts about Sophie, Kenny or Yasmina on p. 21 again.

b Action: write at least 3 questions per person. Use the texts to get your information, and answer each question with a short answer.


c Reflection: use the checklist. Then give it to a classmate who will give you some feedback.

Checklist: questions and short answers Yes I think so No

1 Content and structure

• I wrote 3 questions about Sophie, Kenny and Yasmina.

• I answered questions with short answers.

2 Language

• I used the verb ‘to be’ correctly.

• I used the question structure correctly.

• I used short answers correctly.

• I used correct spelling and punctuation.


How to study vocabulary and grammar

If you have to study a lot of vocabulary and grammar in a new language, there are a few tips you can follow. See p. 28

CHECK 2, p. 35


HOW TO refer to people and things

Hi, I am Tamara. Are you Taryll?

No, I’m not I’m Jon and this is Taryll.

Personal pronouns and the verb ‘to be’


Hi Tamara! I’m Taryll, but Jon already introduced me He’s very nice.

1 Personal pronouns

Personal pronouns as subject

I am Tamara.



You are Jon.

He has many friends.

She is nice.

It is all right.

We are fine.

Personal pronouns as object

This is me

I love you

I like him

He likes her

They hear it

You know us

Jon and Taryll, you are late again! They miss you

They are happy.

Keep in mind:

– ‘I’  always a CAPITAL letter – ‘he/him’ and ‘she/her’  only for people and pets

– ‘it’  for things and other animals

You like them

2 The verb ‘to be’


Long form

Short form

I am I’m




Long form

Short form

I am not I’m not You are You’re

You are not You aren’t He is He’s

He is not He isn’t She is She’s

She is not She isn’t It is It’s It is not It isn’t

We are We’re

We are not We aren’t You are You’re

You are not You aren’t They are They’re



They are not They aren’t


Am I from Oxford? Yes, I am. No, I am not. No, I’m not.

Are you from Ghent?


Is he 14 years old?

Is she 15 years old?

Is it from France?

Are we from Spain?



Are you from Tokyo?

Yes, you are. No, you are not. No, you aren’t. No, you’re not.

Yes, he is. No, he is not. No, he isn’t. No, he’s not.

Yes, she is. No, she is not. No, she isn’t. No, she’s not.

Yes, it is. No, it is not. No, it isn’t. No, it’s not.

Yes, we are. No, we are not. No, we aren’t. No, we’re not.

Yes, you are. No, you are not. No, you aren’t. No, you’re not.

Are they from America? Yes, they are. No, they are not. No, they aren’t. No, they’re not.

‘To be’ subject rest of sentence? Yes, subject + to be (positive) No, subject + to be (negative)




Word Translation My notes

age leeftijd

boy jongen

first name voornaam

friend vriend

full name volledige naam

girl meisje

ID-card / identity card identiteitskaart

last name (US), surname (UK), family name familienaam

middle name tweede voornaam

nickname bijnaam

parents ouders

pupil leerling

Word Translation My notes student leerling, student teacher leerkracht to greet groeten to introduce voorstellen to meet ontmoeten to be zijn pleased to meet you aangename kennismaking


HOW TO study vocabulary and grammar


Word fields

Group words together that belong to the same word field: e.g. outdoor hobbies vs indoor hobbies

Make a word list, a word web, an image list

Look for examples: do a simple online search and you will see the word in many different examples or contexts.

Understand the definition

Look up unfamiliar words: make sure you understand the definitions of all your new words.


Write individual words down or use the words in your own sentences.

Use flash cards They are an easy way to review your vocabulary and to separate words into different categories.

Read through your list or look through your word webs. Cover up one half and go through the other half.

Say the word out loud a few times. You can even record yourself or explain the words to other people.

Keep the (difficult) words visible: write them on sticky notes and hang them around your room.


Visual memory? Draw a picture.

Auditory memory? Replace the words in a song.

HOW TO listen/watch more effectively

Before listening watching


What do you know about the topic?

What words come to mind?

Type of text/video

What kind of text/video are you going to listen to/watch?

What do you already know about this type of text/video?


Do you understand the task?

Read through the question and highlight key words.



After listening watching

Check your understanding

Have you understood the main points? Read your notes. Have you completed the task? If possible, listen again to difficult passages.


While listening watching

Focus on what you hear/see

Think ahead: what might happen next?

Take short notes.

Ignore the words you think are less important.

Listen to the intonation and stress of the speakers.

Focus on key words and facts.


HOW TO meet and greet someone

1 Saying ‘hello’ in English

2 Introducing yourself/someone else in English

3 Giving extra information about yourself

I am from … (= place) – I am … years old. (= age) – Hello – Hi


– Hello, my name is …

– Hi, I am …

– This is …

4 Asking for extra information about someone else

– Who are you? / What’s your name? / Excuse me, you are?

– Where are you from?

– How are you?

– How old are you?

– How do you do?

5 Saying goodbye in English

– Goodbye / bye

– See you soon.

– It was nice to meet you.

– Talk to you soon.

– Talk to you later.

– See you later.

Keep in mind: How do you do?  This is very formal. It can be used when you first meet someone and shake the other person’s hand. The answer to ‘How do you do?’ is also ‘How do you do?’.


Before you start, apply the following strategies

1 Read the first question of every check.

2 Do you understand what you have to do?

3 Do you have to work alone, with a classmate or with a group?


4 It is a text (listening or reading)  use the strategy ‘how to listen/watch more effectively’.

5 It is a writing or speaking exercise  check the checklist before you start.

6 Reflect on your exercises when you are done.

7 Use the correction key or give your exercises to the teacher for correction.

8 Check what your next exercise will be.

Check 1 Meeting and greeting someone

1 Have a conversation with a classmate.

a Preparation: look at the 2 ID cards and choose 1. – Tick the ID card you are going to use.

Surname: Taylor First

Age: 12

Country: England

Parents: Birmingham

Age: 13

Country: Ireland

Parents: Dublin

– Prepare your conversation below. Include greetings and saying goodbye.

b Action: act out your conversation with a classmate.

name: Alex
Surname: Banks First name: Mel
Me: Alex / Mel
Hello, my name is Liam. Hi Liam.

c Reflection: fill in the checklist.

Checklist: meeting and greeting

1 Content and structure

• I used all the information from the ID card.

• I asked questions about age and place.

• I introduced myself correctly.

• I said goodbye.

2 Language

• I used a greeting and a way to say goodbye.

• I spoke clearly.

• I spoke fluently.

• I paid attention to my pronunciation. Feedback


2 Write questions in the first speech bubble of every cartoon strip. Then answer your question with your own information.

3 Make a paper fortune teller.


a Preparation: follow the instructions to fold your sheet of paper. Write the numbers from 1 to 8. Write the keywords for the questions in the flaps, under the numbers.

– Surname? (Q: What’s your surname?)

– First name? (Q: What’s your first name?)

– Age? (Q: How old are you?

– Town? (Q: Where are you from?)

– Country? (Q: Where are you from?)

– Lucky number? (Q: What is your lucky number?)

– Age friend? (Q: How old is ...?)

– How are you? (Q: How are you?)

b Action: play the game! Ask at least 4 questions and complete the grid.

c Reflection: use the checklist. Then give it to your classmate who will give you some feedback. Checklist: paper fortune

teller Me Classmate

1 Content and structure

• I made a fortune teller.

• I asked and answered the questions.

2 Language

• I used ‘to be’ correctly.

• I used the sentence structure correctly.

• I spoke clearly.

• I spoke fluently.

• I paid attention to my pronunciation.

4 Watch the video about The Middle and answer the questions.

1 Where do they live?

2 What is she wearing?

3 Is she a real superhero?

4 The youngest’s name is …

5 What does he think of his mother?

6 What is for breakfast?

7 What is the big brother’s name?

8 How old is he?

9 What is the daughter’s name?

10 How old is she?

11 What is the father’s name?

12 What is the mother’s name?

13 Who works as a manager?

14 Who sells cars?

15 What is in the envelope? new ID card new driver’s license card

12 ≥ 12

Check 2 Giving and asking information about people

1 Meet the Brown family.

The Brown family at home

Junior Brown is a teenager. He’s 14 years old and he’s from Edinburgh. Judy is his sister. She’s 10 years old. His father, Jack, is a house husband. He’s 39 years old. He’s at home now. Jill Brown, his mother, is a shop manager. She’s 35 years old.

a Read the text and complete the grid with the correct information.

First name?




Sister or brother?

First name father?

Age mother?

b Write a similar text about yourself. – Preparation: make some notes about yourself in the grid.

First name?




Sister or brother?

First name father?

Age mother?

– Action: write a short paragraph (about 50 words). Make sure that you include 3 negative sentences, add 2 questions and the correct short answer.


– Reflection: fill in the checklist. Give it to your teacher who will give you some feedback.

Checklist: introducing someone Yes I think so No

1 Content and structure

• I used the box to prepare my text.

• I wrote a text of about 50 words.

• I wrote 3 negative sentences.

• I asked 2 questions.

• I answered each question with a short answer.

2 Language

• I used ‘to be’ correctly.

• I used the correct question structure.

• I used the correct structure for short answers.

• I used the correct pronouns.

• I used correct spelling and punctuation.



Score < 13 13 –18 > 18

Next exercise ex. 2 ex. 4 ex. 5

2 Use the verb ‘to be’ in these exercises.

a Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb ‘to be’.

b Make the sentences negative in the column on the right.

1 I … a girl.

2 He … a bit angry

3 Your mother … at work.

4 Trixi and Napa … my 2 cats.

5 The suitcase … in my room.

6 Aisha and Suzanne … friends forever.

7 I … a musician.

8 My green pen ... on your desk.

9 ... you from England?

10 We ... children.


Score < 15 ≥ 15

Next exercise ex. 4

3 Complete the sentences using the correct personal pronoun.

1 I want that magazine. Can you give to ?

2 Sandy is really happy! Her mum gave a new mobile phone!

3 My parents love gardens. There are 5 gardens open to the public next week. My parents want to visit all.

4 That’s a very difficult exercise. I can’t do

5 Sandy didn’t ask Tony to that party. Sophie asked

6 Where is Sandy? is with Dave.

7 Do you know where Tony is? Yes, is right over there.

8 Do want to play with us? need another player.

9 I don’t think ’s very difficult to learn English.

10 My name is (write your name), ’m (write your age) years old.

4 Write a YouTube profile.

a Preparation: read the text. Highlight 3 interesting facts in the text. READING

b Action: write a short paragraph (about 40 words) about MattyB. Make sure to introduce him correctly. Use ‘to be’ correctly. Also add 3 negative sentences.


c Reflection: check your task by filling in the checklist.

Checklist: writing a YouTube profile

1 Content and structure

• My text is about 40 words.

• There are positive sentences, negative sentences and questions.

2 Language

• I used the verb ‘to be’ correctly.

• I used personal pronouns correctly.

• I used correct spelling and punctuation.


5 Read the profile of YouTuber Ethan Gamer and answer the questions. If the sentence is false, correct it, using ‘to be’.

1 Ethan’s channel is about being the best gamer.

2 Another name for his channel is EGTV.

3 Ethan is younger than 13.

4 All the videos are ‘R’-rated.

5 Ethan is American.


Next exercise ex. 4 All done!



You will make a collage about: – yourself AND – your mother, father, brother or sister … OR a famous person, actor, singer …


1 Complete the grid with the information you want to share with the class. Me


Extra information

2 Make drawings or look for photos or pictures to make your collage more beautiful.


3 Present your collage to the class. Use ‘to be’ and the personal pronouns correctly. Make sure to talk for about 2 minutes. Pay attention to your pronunciation.


4 When you are done, don’t forget to fill in the checklist.


1 Content and structure

• I mention a name (first and surname).

• I mention my age and the other person’s age.

• I add my town and his/her town.

• I mention my school and his/her school or workplace.

• My collage includes my name, my friend’s and his/her friends’.

• I spoke for about 2 minutes.

2 Language

• I used all the information from my collage.

• I used the verb ‘to be’ correctly.

• I used personal pronouns correctly.

• I paid attention to my pronunciation.

• I spoke clearly.



Trace your steps on diddit.


check in

Step 2: spelling in English summary on different tracks main track

Step 1: describing a classroom

trace your steps

check out: c is for classroom


School language

1 Read the cartoon and answer the questions.

a What is the cartoon about?

b What class are the students in?

c Why can’t the boy raise his hand?

2 Do you know of a funny or strange classroom situation? Tell the class about it.


Step 1

School is ...

Describing a classroom

1 / My schoolbag

1 Watch the video. What is in the children’s schoolbags? Tick off the items that you see. a highlighter a hairbrush a folder a teacher notebooks a binder diaries a pencil pouch tabs an eraser a dictionary a calculator markers a ruler headphones a hole punch a backpack a pair of scissors a computer mouse an umbrella an organizer a (pencil) sharpener pens a zip-lock bag pencils paper a locker kit a planner dividers sandwiches a Chromebook coloured pencils (crayons) a glue stick

2 What is in this schoolbag? Try to name all these items.

3 Tell the class what is in your schoolbag. watchING SPEAKING

4 Look at the classroom picture. Give the following items the correct number.

a clock a chair a diary a rubber a pen a desk a map a stapler a book a ruler chalk a pencil students a highlighter a blackboard a calculator a schoolbag an umbrella a glue stick a teacher a hole punch a sheet of paper a binder a pencil case a wastepaper basket a dictionary a bookcase a pair of scissors

5 Can you give the items in the lunchbox their number?

a lunchbox a sandwich (sandwiches) an apple a bottle of orange juice a banana a cracker (crackers) an orange an egg

6 What is in your lunchbox? Compare the contents with the lunchboxes of your classmates. Are they having the same thing for lunch or something else entirely?

7 Choose words from exercises 4 and 5 for each column. Listen to your teacher pronounce these words. What sound do they start with? Write them in the correct column.

8 Fill in the correct word in the grammar box below.

How to use articles

If the following noun starts with a sound, we use ‘a’.

e.g. a book, a chair, a unicorn … a = B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y (the sound), Z

If the following noun starts with a sound, we use ‘an’.

e.g. an umbrella, an hour, an apple … a = A, E, I, O, U See p. 61

9 Write ‘a’ or ‘an’ in front of the following nouns.

10 Write ‘a’ or ‘an’. Pay attention to the vowel sound. Your teacher will read the words first.

2 / My classroom

1 Look at the words in the left column. Compare them to the words in the right. What is different? notebooks sticky notes diaries markers earbuds glue paperclip pencil highlighter backpack

2 Complete the grammar box below.

How to talk about more than 1 thing

Singular Plural Rule: a notebook a marker a pen two two two general rule: a diary a dictionary two two If the noun ends in a consonant + y: a sandwich a pencil box two two if the nouns ends in a sound (-s / -es / -x):


3 What do you see in this picture? Write down the singular nouns with the correct article in the left column. Write down the plural forms in the right column.

See p. 62


4 Write how many there are. Follow the example to write full sentences. There is There are There are There are

5 Listen to the text about a classroom. Are the statements true or false? True False

1 There is a blackboard.

There are twelve pencil cases. listening x

2 There are fifteen chairs.

3 There isn’t a map on the wall.

4 There are two bookcases.

5 There are two computers.

6 Look at the sentences in exercise 5 and fill in the grid. In positive sentences In negative sentences In questions

With singular words There There there … ?

With plural words There There any … there any … ?

7 Describe your classroom. One person starts by naming something in the room. The next person copies that sentence and adds a new item etc.

e.g. I see a teacher. – I see a teacher and a blackboard. – I see a teacher, a blackboard and a pencil case. – …

8 Compare the 2 pictures. Follow this procedure:

a Preparation: look at the 2 pictures and identify 6 differences. Mark them.

b Action: write sentences with ‘there is / there are’ or ‘there isn’t / there aren’t’. Write 2 sentences about the items that you can see, 2 sentences about the things that are missing, and 2 questions. You can use plurals as well. Follow the examples.

+ e.g. In both pictures there are two desks.


- e.g. There is no map on the right. ? e.g. Is there a chair missing? No, there isn’t.

c Reflection: check your text and fill in the checklist.

Checklist: describing a classroom

1 Content and structure

• There are 2 positive sentences.

• There are 2 negative sentences.

• There are 2 questions.

2 Language

• I used ‘there is’ and ‘there are’ correctly.

• I used the vocabulary about school necessities correctly.

• I used correct spelling and punctuation.


3 / Classroom English

1 Look at the text and then answer the questions.

a How many people are there in the text?

b Now read the text completely and say who uses the classroom expressions.

1 Please take a sheet of paper.

2 Could you repeat that please?

3 Can I have a sheet of paper?

4 Here you are.

5 Pay attention.

Ms Heart Good morning class. Let’s check your alphabet skills. Please take a sheet of paper. Pay attention and listen carefully. I’m going to spell some words. It’s up to you to write them down.

Akim Anne? Can I have a sheet of paper?

Anne Sure, here you are.

Ms Heart Peter, what are you doing?

Peter Sorry, Miss, I can’t find my pen. It’s in here somewhere.

Ms Heart Is there anyone who can lend Peter a pen?

Anne Yes, Miss. Here you are, Peter.

Peter Thanks, Anne!

Ms Heart So, can we start? The first word is R – U – L – E – R.

Akim Excuse me, Miss. Could you repeat that a bit slower please?

Ms Heart Yes. That’s R – U – L – E – R.

2 Match these sentences with the correct classroom situations.

1 If you did not hear your teacher very well.

2 If you don’t know what to do with an exercise.

3 If you need help.

4 If you don’t understand a word.

5 If you want to know a word in English.

6 If you want to look up a word.

7 If you need to go to the toilet.

8 If you have to blow your nose.

9 If you want to use something that belongs to someone else.

10 If you give something to someone else.

Excuse me. Can you repeat that, please?

Can you help me, please?

How do you say … in English?

May I have a tissue, please?

Could you explain this exercise, please?

Could I borrow your …?

Excuse me. I don’t understand.

May I go to the toilet?

Can I use a dictionary, please?

Here you are.

3 Which classroom expression can you use with the following items/ pictures?

CHECK 1, p. 67

Step 2 ABC, simple as 1, 2, 3 Spelling in English

1 / GR8 2 C U

1 Read the beginning of the book ttyl by Lauren Myracle and answer the questions.

a What sort of conversation are the main characters having?

b Do the characters write in a formal or an informal way? How do you know this?

c What are the nicknames of the 2 characters?

d What do you think ‘defunkify’ means?

e What did Angela give Maddie? Why?

f Can you write the standard English words for these abbreviations? Tip: say them out loud. – wh-hoo to u 2: – did u get:


cuz even tho school’s started …: – we’re gonna have: – r we?:

ur brown as a berry: – good 2 c u:

Tuesday, September 7, 5:39 PM

SnowAngel: hey, mads! 1st day of 10th grade down the tube – wh-hoo!

mad maddie: hiyas, angela. Wh-hoo to u 2.

SnowAngel: did u get the daisy i put in your locker?

mad maddie: i did

mad maddie: what’s the story?

SnowAngel: i just know that the end of the summer always throws u into a funk, so i wanted to do something to defunkify u.

mad Maddie: u wanted to DEFUNKIFY me?

SnowAngel: so that’s why i gave u the daisy, to remind u of picnics and hanging out at the pool and going to tuckaway with zoe’s parents. happy, smiley, daisy kinda stuff, u know?

mad maddie: oh. well, thanks.

SnowAngel: cuz even tho school’s started, nothing has to change. u, me, and zoe – we’re gonna hava a great year. :D

mad maddie: r we?

mad maddie: god, I’m already depressed just from watching everyone compare tans.

SnowAngel: why did that depress u? ur brown as a berry.

mad maddie: all day long there was far 2 much squealing going on, 2 much ‘ooo, u look fabulous!’ and ‘it’s so good to c u!’

SnowAngel: but why is that bad?

mad maddie: cuz it’s so fake. all that clique stuff, i hate it. i hate feeling like everyone knows the secret handshake but me.

SnowAngel: well, at least u and zoe r in the same homeroom. i am insanely jealous. *shakes fist at sky*

mad maddie: i’ll c u in math, tho. whoopee.

SnowAngel: and thank god all 3 of us have the same lunch period. *raises champagne glass* TO THE WINSOME THREESOME! BFF!

mad maddie: cheers


Source: Lauren Myracle, ttyl, p. 1

2 Listen to the medley.

a Try to complete the gaps with the letters you hear. listening

b Discuss these questions with a partner.

– Have you heard these songs before?

– What do you think these songs are about?

– Which one do you like best? Why?

You went to school to learn, girl

Things you never, never knew before got before except after

And why two plus two makes four Now, now, now I’m gonna teach you

All about love, dear,

Sit yourself down and take a seat

I met her in a club down in old Soho

Where you drink champagne and it tastes just like cherry cola


She walked up to me and she asked me to dance

I asked her her name and in a dark brown voice she said Lola

Lola la-la-la-la Lola Lola–TheKinks

And her name is , , , , yeah, yeah, yeah



I'm gonna shout it all night (Gloria) I'm gonna shout it ev’ry day (Gloria)

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Gloria – Van Morrison


You’ve got more than money and sense, my friend You’ve got heart and you go in your own way

What you don’t have now will come back again You’ve got heart and you go in your own way Life goes on – Noah & the Whale

Well, it’s on’n’n’on’n’on on’n’on, The beat don’t stop until the break of dawn. I said , a with a double , I said I go by the unforgettable name Of the man they call the Master Gee. Rapper’s Delight – Sugarhill Gang

1 In text messages, we don’t always use the regular spelling. Read the expressions and match them with their meanings.

2 Now listen how these special words are pronounced.

a Write down which abbreviation you hear after each number. The first one is given.

b Where can you find these abbreviations? In books In letters In text messages

3 Create your own text message. Use some of the abbreviations from exercise 1. Use your phone to send it to a friend and see if you get a reply!

4 Can you say each letter correctly?

a Listen and repeat the alphabet.

b Which letter (or letters) do you think are difficult? Highlight them and repeat!

5 Which letters sound the same?

a Complete the table.

b Which letters are vowels?

c Which letters are consonants?

6 Listen and circle the letters you hear.

7 Complete the table with your information. Then ask your classmate, but he/she has to spell it. Listen carefully and write down the letters your classmate says.

Can you spell … You

Your classmate your favourite uncle’s first name? your favourite aunt’s surname? the name of a town in the USA or in the UK? your favourite artist’s name? a name you really like?

Did you know?

When there is a pair of the same consonants in a word, e.g. ll in ‘all’, we say ‘double el’ instead of ‘el el’.



3 / Find it in your dictionary

1 Open your print dictionary at random, look at the pages and write these items down.

1 the first word on the left-hand page:

2 the last word on the right-hand page:

3 a long word on one of the pages:

4 a short word on one of the pages:

5 an abbreviation:

6 a word you know:

7 a word you don’t know:

8 the page numbers:

9 a word you like or the funniest word:

2 Connect each dictionary term with its definition. There is one definition you don’t need.

1 root word

a the way you say the word when you speak

2 pronunciation b function of the word in speech, e.g. verb or noun

3 part of speech

4 definition

How to use a dictionary

c the meaning of the word

d The word you are looking for

e The history of the word


Most dictionaries have a print and an online version. Some even have (free) applications.

Find the right entry in the dictionary and choose the meaning that fits the context. See p. 65

3 Look at the print screen image of the Cambridge Learner’s Dictionary and answer the questions.

a Indicate the dictionary terms from exercise 2 on the image.

b What do you also see in the image?


c Look up the words you wrote down in exercise 1 and listen to their pronunciation. Then repeat the words yourself.

4 Look up the meaning of these words in a dictionary. Write it down in your own words.

1 alphabetically

2 history

3 French

4 to repeat

5 an abbreviation

6 maths

7 science

8 pronunciation

9 physical education

5 Look at the underlined words in the previous exercise.

a What do they have in common?

b Write down the other courses you have in school.

6 What things do you need for the different subjects? Make a list of at least 3 objects needed for each school subject.


7 Match the subjects with the correct picture.

a English b French c geography

history e ICT / computer studies

8 Work in pairs. You will get a stack of cards.

– Person A takes a card and spells a word.

– Person B writes it down.

– Do this with 10 words. Then reverse the roles (B spells, A writes it down).

– Who wrote the most words correctly? – Then look at your list of words. Tick off the ones that you know. Use a dictionary (paper or online) to look up the meaning of the other words. Check with your partner if he/she knows what the words mean.

CHECK 2, p. 71


HOW TO talk about one or more things

Indefinite article a/an and plural of nouns


Excuse me, miss, is there a bin?

1 The indefinite article

No, there isn’t.

Are there pens in your pencil case?

To talk about 1 thing, you use the indefinite article a or an

a an a biro a binder a calculator a schoolbag a university an apple an hour an orange an orange juice an umbrella

If the following noun starts with a consonant sound, we use ‘a’

If the following noun starts with a vowel sound, we use ‘an’

Yes, there are, there are 4 pens in my pencil case. Here you go … Can I have an apple, please?

2 The plural of nouns

To talk about more than one thing, you make a noun plural by adding an -s to the noun. Note that in English there is never an apostrophe (‘) to make a noun plural.

Singular Plural Rule:

a marker a notebook a pen two markers two notebooks two pens

general rule: noun + s a diary a dictionary two diaries two dictionaries

If the noun ends in a consonant + y: -y  -ies a sandwich a pencil box two sandwiches two pencil boxes

if the nouns ends in a hissing sound (-s / -es / -x): noun + es

Note the pronunciation of plural nouns:

Pronunciation Examples

/s/ after a heavy sound cats cups minutes

/z/ after a light sound shoes knives teachers

/ / after a hissing sound pages horses bridges

3 There is / there are

To make sentences with singular and plural words, you can use there is or there are

In positive sentences In negative sentences In questions

With singular words

With plural words

There is a book. There isn’t a book. Is there a book?

There are two books. There aren’t any books. Are there any books?





glue stick a (ring) binder


pencil a pen a highlighter

sheet/piece of paper



hole punch

pencil case (UK) / a pencil box/pouch (US)

wastepaper basket / a wastebasket


rubber (UK) / an eraser (US)

pair of scissors

student/pupil a teacher



HOW TO use a dictionary

Print or online?


Check the spelling. e.g. flour or flower, plain or plane?

Got it!

Then what?

Find the root word.

– plural  singular e.g. dictionaries  dictionary

– conjugated verb  base form e.g. writing  write

– expression  keyword e.g. teacher’s pet  ‘teacher’ or ‘pet’

Found it!

Go to the right section of the dictionary.

I’m here. What now?

Choose the meaning that fits the context.

e.g. plain white flour

✘ not beautiful: e.g. a plain face ✔ ordinary, not special


Download the app or go the website.

Okay, then what?

Check the spelling. e.g. flour or flower, plain or plane?

Check! ✔

Type in the word you want to know the meaning of.

Found it!

Choose the meaning that fits the context. e.g. plain white flour ✘ not beautiful: e.g. a plain face ✔ ordinary, not special Got it!

Click on the pronunciation of the word.

Great! I found what I was looking for.

HOW TO ask for something in class

1 Asking for help


– Excuse me. Can you repeat that, please?

– Excuse me, miss, I don’t understand.

– Can you help me, miss?

– Could you explain this exercise, please?

– How do you say ‘boekentas’ in English?

– What does ‘chalk’ mean?

2 Asking for permission

– May I go to the toilet?

– Can I use a dictionary, please?

3 Asking for things

– May I have a tissue?

– Could/can I borrow your pen?

– Of course, open your book on p. 45.

– Okay, we will do the first exercise together, as an example.

– Sure, what do you want to know?

– You have to circle the correct words.

– In English, that is called a schoolbag.

– It means ‘krijt’, what you use to write on a blackboard.

– Of course.

– Sure, you can use your phone to look up the word.

– Sure, here you are.

– Of course, here you go.


Check 1 Describing a classroom

1 Write about the school items these teenagers have.

a Preparation: look at the pictures. Write down 8 different items you see. Name 2 items that you can’t see in the picture.

b Action: use what you prepared to write 10 short sentences using ‘there is’ / ‘there are’. Don’t forget to use ‘a’ or ‘an’ correctly.

c Reflection: check your text by filling in the checklist. Checklist: describing school items

1 Content and structure

• There are 5 sentences for each person.

• There is at least 1 negative sentence per picture.

2 Language

• I used ‘there is’ and ‘there are’ are correctly.

• I used ‘a’ and ‘an’ correctly.

• I used the vocabulary about school necessities correctly.

• I used correct spelling and punctuation.

2 Write the correct article ‘a’ or ‘an’ in front of the following nouns.



3 Describe a classroom at your school.

a Preparation: think about a classroom at school and note down at least 5 items from that room.

b Action: describe the room to a classmate. Use ‘there is’ / ‘there are’ and the vocabulary about school supplies correctly.

c Reflection: can your partner guess which room it is?

4 Watch the video.

a Answer the questions.

1 What is the video about?

2 Where do you think this was filmed?


3 What does the teacher think of the boy?

4 Why does the boy dance on his way out of the room?

b Write down what you think about this scene.

– Preparation: do you like this scene? Do you want to see the entire film?

– Action: write a short paragraph (about 30-40 words) about what you think. Don’t forget to include things you see in the classroom. Use ‘there is’ / ‘there are’ and the vocabulary about school supplies for this. Use the writing frame below.

I like / don’t like because

In this classroom there is / there are I want / don’t want to because

– Reflection: check your task by filling in this checklist.

Checklist: giving your opinion Yes I think so No

1 Content and structure

• I used the writing frame.

• There are about 30-40 words in my text.

• I gave my opinion about the trailer.

• I talked about the things in the classroom.

2 Language

• I used ‘there is’ and ‘there are’ correctly.

• I used ‘a’ and ‘an’ correctly.

• I used the vocabulary about school necessities correctly.

• I used correct spelling and punctuation.


5 Draw your ideal classroom.

a Preparation: think about 5 items that are really necessary for you in a classroom. Write them down here.

b Action: write a short text (30-40 words) about your ideal classroom. Also write your reason for choosing those items. Use ‘there is’ / ‘there are’ and follow the example. e.g. In my ideal classroom there are laptops for everyone because then I only need one thing for every lesson.

c Reflection: check your text by filling in the checklist.

Checklist: describing my ideal classroom Yes I think so No

1 Content and structure

• There are about 30-40 words in my text.

• I used the example for my text.

• I talked about the things in my ideal classroom.

• I gave reasons.

2 Language

• I used ‘there is’ and ‘there are’ correctly.

• I used ‘a’ and ‘an’ correctly.

• I used the vocabulary about school necessities correctly.

• I used correct spelling and punctuation.



Next exercise All done!

Check 2 Spelling in English

1 Listen and write down the words that are spelled.

< 7

2 Look up the following words in a dictionary. Write a sentence as an example for at least 2 meanings of the word. The first one is done for you as an example. We used the online Cambridge Essential British Dictionary.

a Player:

1 Kevin De Bruyne is a football player.

2 They say that that boy is a player.

3 Where is the DVD player?

b Bank:

c Bat:

d Light:

e State: f Note:

3 Practise the alphabet. Write down 5 English words you know. Spell them to your classmate. Your classmate checks in a dictionary if the spelling is correct. If the spelling is correct, highlight , if it isn’t, highlight  and correct it.


4 Work with a partner and practise your word skills.

a Preparation: take 5 cards from the stack of cards you will get.

b Action:

– Spell out the words. Your partner will write them down. Then take turns.

Look up the meaning of these words in a(n online) dictionary.

Make sentences with the words. Use your own words!

c Reflection: check the task by filling in the checklist.

Checklist: practising word skills

1 Content and structure

• I can use the alphabet to spell the words.

• I can use a dictionary to look up difficult words.

• I can write 5 sentences using my own words.

2 Language

• I used the words correctly in a sentence.

• I used correct spelling and punctuation. Feedback

I think so No

Score < 7 > 7

Next exercise All done!

5 Read the text about Mrs. Trumbo. a Answer the questions about the text.

1 Where does Mrs. Trumbo teach?

2 What does Mrs. Trumbo teach?

3 List 3 things the writer likes about Mrs. Trumbo.

4 What award do you think she is getting?

Seventh grade can be overwhelming for a lot of kids. It was for me, and still is. You know the feeling you get when you’re dreading going to your next class? You know when your stomach clenches into a little ball? Well, you won’t get that feeling going into Mrs. Trumbo’s classroom. Mrs. Trumbo doesn’t make her classroom feel like an old school classroom. You’ll want to run to Mrs. Trumbo’s classroom. That’s how fun and exciting she is. She is organized but at the same time she isn’t, and that’s what I like about her classroom.

Mrs. Trumbo teaches reading and maths at South Junior High. She keeps the classroom alert and active. She lays down the law, but at the same time I can see she loves what she does for a living. I can relate to Mrs. Trumbo very well, which makes it a lot easier for me to learn in her classroom. When I look at Mrs. Trumbo I see a lot of actions and stuff I would do as a person. For example, she wears some interesting outfits. One day she will wear a big pendant on her neck with a shirt and matching pants. Another day she will wear just plain shorts and a patterned shirt with tennis shoes. I really liked one of her outfits when she wore a brown skirt down to her knees, with a wavy shirt and a decorative belt. I can really say she knows style. For a teacher that is pretty uncommon! Every day I look forward to seeing what she wears the next day, so I can get some new ideas for myself.

The first day of school, I just knew Mrs. Trumbo was a magnificent teacher. I’m generally a lazy person, but what kid isn’t? The first week of school I was losing my grip on things.

Mrs. Trumbo was the only teacher that didn’t let me. She gave me the impression that she can be really fun, but when it comes down to it she wants stuff to be done. Correctly and properly, that is.

Mrs. Trumbo is teaching me a lot and I love being in her class. I’m sure other kids do too. She should win because she brings joy to South Junior High, and makes life interesting. She’s a great lady and deserves this award. There is so much more to Mrs. Trumbo, but there isn’t enough time in this world for me to say everything!

b Look up words that are printed in bold in the text in a(n online) dictionary. If the word is part of a phrase or expression, look up the most important word.

Word(s) in the text Word I will look up

1 Dreading 2 Clenches

Meaning of word(s)


3 Lay down the law

4 Pendant 5 Uncommon

6 Losing my grip

Total: / 12

Score < 13 ≥ 13

Next exercise ex. 4 All done!



You will create your own version of the alphabet.


1 Watch the video. What is it about?



2 Make your own video, PowerPoint or Prezi presentation about at least 15 letters of the alphabet.

– Use a picture for every item or show the actual item in your video.

– Include at least 7 school items in your video or presentation. e.g. C is for classroom.

– Use ‘there is’ and ‘there are’ at least 5 times. e.g. C is for classroom. There are 25 classrooms in this school.

– If you make a video, record your own voice to say the items you are showing; e.g. A is for apple. There is an apple in my lunchbox.

– Upload your video to the platform your teacher decides: e.g. SmartSchool, YouTube, SchoolOnline …

– If you make a presentation in PowerPoint or Prezi, present your alphabet live.

– Pay attention to your pronunciation.


3 Check your work by filling in the checklist.

Checklist: my alphabet

1 Content and structure

• There are15 letters.

• There are 7 school items.

• There are pictures / actual items for every letter.

• My video / presentation is about 2 minutes.

2 Language

• I used ‘there is’ and ‘there are’ correctly.

• I pronounced all the items correctly.

• I spoke loud and clearly.

• I paid attention to my pronunciation.



Trace your steps on diddit.


check in

main track

Step 3: asking and answering questions

summary on different tracks

Step 1: talking about daily routines and hobbies

Step 2: talking about what you like and don’t like

check out: a regular week trace your steps

My day

1 Look at these symbols. What do they mean?

2 What else do you do during the day? Write the words and/or draw the symbols. Use a dictionary if necessary.


Step 1 This is my day

Talking about daily routines and hobbies

1 / Daily routines

1 Watch the extract and answer the questions.

a What does the girl do in the morning? Tick the left-hand boxes. has breakfast does homework listens to music puts on make-up changes clothes has a shower combs her hair takes the dog out brushes her teeth goes (back) to bed checks her phone checks social media wakes up gets up goes to the bathroom plaits her hair takes care of her skin wakes up her brother meets friends curls her hair goes to school by bus watches tv has lunch takes her backpack does her homework chooses clothes for the day leaves the house to go to school

b Watch the video again and put the activities in the right order: what do you see first (= 1) , second (= 2), etc.? Write the numbers in the right-hand boxes.

c Do you do these things in the morning too? What else do you do? Discuss with a partner.

2 Label these pictures. Choose from the options in exercise 1.



3 Complete the sentences with the correct expression.

1 Before you fall asleep after a long day you

2 When your alarm clock goes off in the morning, you and after that you

3 It is important that you because it is the most important meal of the day.

4 If you twice a day, your dentist will be pleased.

5 Parents and teachers are happy when you

4 What are your morning routines?

a Write down what you do every morning.

The first thing I do when I wake up is After that I and then I Before I go to school I never/always

b Find a classmate and tell them what you do and listen to their routine.

2 / Hobbies

1 Listen and match a celebrity to a hobby.

a Vin Diesel

b Nicolas Cage

c Rosario Dawson

d Megan Fox

• Lord of the Rings fan

• Collecting Superman comic books

• Obsessed with Star Trek

• Playing Dungeons and Dragons

Did you know?

Verbs in English

• The base form is the form of the verb that you see in the dictionary. It is the form from which all other parts of a regular verb are made. e.g. be, like, play

• The infinitive is the verb with the word ‘to’ in front of it. e.g. to be, to like, to play

• Verbs also have -ing forms in English, like in exercise 2, e.g. being, playing, reading. This can make the verbs into nouns (= zelfstandig naamwoord) or adjectives (= bijvoeglijk naamwoord).

If we use a verb as a subject or object in a sentence, we often use the -ing form e.g. Sleeping is my number 1 hobby. I like reading

3 Discuss the hobbies that people you know have. Use the activities in exercise 2 as inspiration. Follow the example. e.g. I like jogging. My best friend likes cooking. I think my teacher likes reading.


3 / What teens like to do

1 Look at the article. Then answer the questions.

a What hobbies do you recognize in the pictures with the article on page 83?

b What is the source?

c Who is the writer of the article?

d What is the purpose (= goal) of this article?

To entertain the reader

To inform the reader

To instruct the reader

To convince the reader

e Who would be interested in this article?

f Use curly brackets to show where the introduction of the article is. What information can you usually find here?

g Highlight some benefits mentioned in the introduction.

What are Some Hobbies that Teens are Interested in?

Hobbies have many mental and physical health benefits, including more optimism, higher creativity and a better ability to deal with stress. Sharing hobbies with others also keeps teens socially engaged with people who have similar interests. Teens can be interested in almost unlimited hobbies. Here are some possible hobbies.


Teens can enjoy music as a hobby in a number of ways. They can relax by listening to music or they can benefit intellectually by learning how to play an instrument. Teens can show their musical talents in school or community bands and choirs. If the teen is tech-savvy, computer programs allow users to create music recordings and mixes.



Teens have many choices when it comes to activities. Indoor activities include gym memberships, yoga and dance classes. Outdoor activities range from skiing and snowboarding in winter to sailing and skateboarding in summer. Teens can also choose to participate in traditional team sports such as soccer, baseball, basketball and hockey. For non-traditionalists, they can join an ultimate frisbee or paintball team.

The arts

Some teens enjoy unwinding with a good book. The fantasy genre has become very popular in recent years. Other teens prefer to express themselves through creative art, spending time drawing, painting or sculpting. And what do you think about making jewellery or doing scrapbooking, or car modelling, cooking and baking? For those teens with a dramatic flair, there are often opportunities to act, sing or dance in theatre productions.

Social causes

Teens who want to make a difference in their communities can volunteer in hospitals, animal shelters, libraries and museums. Teens also have the option of taking part in ‘voluntours’, planned trips to exotic locations where they can view the sites while volunteering, for example, to teach English or to build homes and schools.


The technology available to teens gives them unlimited options for hobbies. Teens can create and maintain a blog or a vlog on a topic that interests them. They can also play video games, use social networking sites and even build robots and write programs to make them run. The Internet provides a world of opportunities for teens without even leaving their bedrooms.

Adapted from:

to be tech-savvy: knowing a lot about modern technology, especially computers to benefit: to be helped by someone an opportunity: a chance to unwind: to relax

2 Complete the strategy box about reading strategies.

How to read a text more effectively

1 Befor e reading

Orientation – Look at and read first. – wrote this?

is the text meant for? – did he/she write it?

3 Read the full text. Complete the grid.

Preparation – What do you need to do with the text? – Why do you have to read it?

– What types of questions will you have?

a How many topics does the writer talk about? Add them to the column on the left.

b Check each subsection to complete the column on the right. Look for synonyms, examples and explanations, etc.


4 Are the statements true or false? Find proof in the text.

1 Sharing hobbies is good for your social skills.


2 Frisbee and paintball are traditional sports.

3 Teenagers can do hobbies at home.

5 Complete the strategy box about reading strategies with information from exercises 3 and 4. How to read a text more effectively

2 While r eading Action

1 Global reading: Try to answer the WH-questions:

2 Reading for details: – Look for

– Look for , synonyms or related words. – Look for if a year, amount or date is asked.


– Use a or a pencil to flag up the information you need.

6 What do you prefer?

a Preparation: look at the activities described in the text in exercise 1 and highlight the one you like best. Think of 2 good reasons for this. You can use these adjectives as inspiration: boring – calm – exciting – fun – happy – relaxing – sad – strange

b Action: use the writing frame to write at least 4 sentences about your number 1 activity.

From the activities mentioned in the text, I like the most. This is a [name topic] activity. The reasons why I like this are: (give at least 2)



I would like to try because (give a reason) See p. 114

c Reflection: fill in the checklist. Then read your text to your partner. Do you like the same thing?

Checklist: my opinion about hobbies Yes I think so No

1 Content and structure

• I gave 2 reasons.

• I also talked about what I want to try.

2 Language

• I used the writing frame.

• I used correct spelling and punctuation.



7 Play the miming game with your neighbour. Who can guess most of the hobbies/routines?

Role a: act out the hobby/routine that is on the card.

Role b: guess the hobby/routine that your partner acts out.


1, p. 115

Step 2 My free time Talking about what you like and don’t like

1 / I like watching TV shows

1 Read the text and answer the questions.

a Who wrote this?

b Name 5 of their hobbies.

c How often do you think these people do these activities? Just once Often

My hobbies are reading and watching TV shows. I also like swimming, just like my sisters. They also play chess every weekend.

I enjoy sleeping and reading about older civilizations (Aztecs, Mayans,Romans etc).



Apart from hanging out with friends and watching TV etc, my hobbies are: taekwondo, watching documentaries and experiencing new things. We sometimes go to a museum but I also have a lot of fun when we go shopping. That is something I do with my mother and sister. I like going for walks in the country, especially near my home village. My father and brothers also go horse riding. I play Pokemon, especially when I’m up for a challenge

Feather Friend

Just like you, I enjoy walking too. I prefer walking in places where there’s water, like the beach or the river, or even in the rain.

I love taking photos, particularly of birds. I wish I had a better camera.

I spend time sleeping and nothing else. I’m sure it’s not productive, but I enjoy it.

Adapted from:

2 Highlight the verbs in the text in exercise 1.

3 What subjects are used in these sentences?

4 Complete the grammar box with the correct information.

How to talk about facts and routines



To talk about what you , your and hobbies, the present simple tense is used in English. The form of the verb depends on the subject.

Subject verb + rest of sentence

I a lot in my free time. (to draw)

You walking. (to like)

We sometimes to a museum. (to go)

They chess every weekend. (to play)

Form of verb

Note that the verbs hate, love and like are often followed by the -ing form of the verb to describe your likes and dislikes.

e.g. I like reading books. See p. 107

5 Complete the text with the correct verb in the present simple form. to describe – to draw – to have (2x) – to hope – to make (2x) – to play – to read – to think – to write

FairyGodfeatherFeather Friend

I many hobbies. One is flute. Flute is a very pretty instrument to play and listen to. My sisters also . I am a beginner but I I’m good. Sometimes I use my imagination and up a song. One day I to play in the Symphony of the Mountains.


I a lot in my free time, especially using charcoal or pencil. I also and a lot – what a surprise – dark stories are my favourite, since you can be very colourful when you spooky situations. I have a lot of fun when I : I the best apple pie in the world. My parents it when I to make new pies!

Adapted from:

2 / Ashley’s week

1 Read the text and answer the questions.

a Who is the text about?

b What is the text about?


c Complete the grid with the days of the week. Remember that in English the days of the week are written with a capital letter.

d What does she usually do after school? Add the activities to the grid.


Ashley always has a busy schedule. Every weekday she gets up at 6:00 a.m. and feeds her cat. She always carries the cat downstairs and lets it out. Then she takes a shower and gets dressed. She has breakfast at 6:45 a.m. She loves cornflakes. She always fills an extra large bowl and adds some cold milk.

After breakfast, she goes to the bathroom and brushes her teeth, dries and checks her hair again and again and again … , puts on some make-up and adds the finishing touch, perfume. Jamal hates it when she does that. She always uses too much!

At 7:30 a.m. she leaves home to take the bus to school. The trip takes thirty minutes. At the bus stop she meets up with her best friends and then they have to walk for another five minutes.

School starts at 8:30 a.m. Ashley isn’t that fond of school, but she doesn’t hate it either. At least her friends are there with her. School ends at 3:30 p.m. She takes the bus and arrives home at 4:20 p.m. That’s when the fun starts.

Every Monday she goes dancing. Every Tuesday she goes horse riding, and on Wednesdays she plays tennis and has another dance class. Thursday is a day with nothing to do but to take extra good care of her cat. And on Fridays she gets together with some friends and talks about everything, especially boys.

Most of the time she has dinner around 7:00 p.m., then she does homework, watches some TV and goes to bed at 10:00 p.m.

On Saturdays she often has a competition with her dance crew; she wants to become a professional dancer. If there isn’t a competition, she goes out in the evening.

Sunday is a quiet day. She just relaxes, does some work for school, plays with her cat and checks her social network sites.

2 Use the text about Ashley’s routines to answer the questions.

a Look at the verbs in the text and underline them.

b Complete the sentences in the grid with a verb from the text in exercise 1.

c Complete the spelling rules.

d Look at these verbs and add them to the grid. to buy – to cry – to destroy – to dry – to eat – to have – to party – to push – to say –to sleep – to stay

to get to feed

Every weekday she up at 6 o’clock and her cat. She dinner at 7 p.m. every day.

She brushes her teeth. She watches TV.

She just relaxes.

She always her dirty socks under the bed. after hissing sounds: base form + gets

General rule: base form of the verb + s to brush to watch to relax

Infinitive Example Rule: to go to do

Every Monday she dancing. She some work for school.

to carry She always the cat downstairs. She at weddings.

Her mum the laundry in the garden. She really loud!

verbs ending in –o: base form +

verbs ending in a + y: to play On Wednesdays she tennis.

My brother always my toys.

My grandmother fruit at the market.

The dog inside at night.

verbs ending in a + y: base form +

to have She a dog and 3 cats. The verb ‘to have’ is irregular:

3 Complete the grammar box.

How to talk about facts and routines

In the the form of the present simple tense changes.

In general we have to add -s to the base form of the verb.

Subject verb rest of sentence

He my toys. (to destroy)

She dinner at 7 p.m. (to eat) It very easy. (to seem)

The dog inside at night. (to stay)

For a full overview of the correct spelling of the 3rd person singular in the present simple, check the Summary on p. 107. See p. 107

4 Complete the sentences with the verb in the correct form of the present simple.

1 Jamal’s father (to work) in a shopping centre.

2 He (to be) the manager.

3 He (to start) work every day at 8:00 a.m.

4 I (to watch) a lot of DVDs. I love films.

5 He (to finish) work every day at 7:00 p.m.

6 He (to live) close to the shopping centre.

7 Every day he (to go) to work by bike.

8 His best friends, Arthur and Mo, also (to work) in the shopping centre.

9 But they don’t live nearby. They (to go) to work by car.

10 Arthur and Mo (to start) work at 9:00 a.m.

11 As he is the manager, Jamal’s father (to help) all the ...

12 ... other workers and (to tell) them what to do.

13 He really (to like) his job and ...

14 ... (to be) good at it.

15 My parents (to have) lunch at the shopping centre every Saturday.

5 What about your daily routine? It is probably not the same as Ashley’s.

a Preparation: look at the infinitives below. Check the activities you do every day. Choose at least 5 from the list and add at least 3 others that are not mentioned. to have a bath/take a shower to have dinner to have lunch to get up to read a book to take the bus to get dressed to do homework to brush your teeth to go to school/work to go to bed to have breakfast to leave home to watch TV to start school/work

b Action: write a short paragraph (30-40 words) about your routines. Pay attention to the form of the present simple.

c Reflection: fill in the checklist. Then give your text to a classmate who will give you some feedback.

Checklist: my daily routines

1 Content and structure

• My text is 30-40 words.

• I used 5 ideas from the list.

• I added 3 other routines.

2 Language

• I used the present simple correctly.

• I used correct spelling and punctuation.


Yes I think so No


3 / I really don’t like spiders!

1 Read the conversation below. Complete the table with what these people like and don’t like.

Anthony O

I really like doing adventurous things. And the best is playing video games.

I don’t like reading at all. I really don’t want to spend my time reading books! I get enough of that at school.


Oh, wow, Anthony! I don’t know how you can hate reading! My brother doesn’t enjoy it either but that is because he doesn’t know how cool the Harry Potter books are.


I agree with you, Anthony. I don’t like boring things either . Give me Fortnite, and I am a happy camper, but I enjoy all sorts of games.


I spend time sleeping and nothing else. I don’t like violent games!


Re: OH! You don’t do anything else but sleep? Is sleeping a hobby? If so, that’s number one on my list … and I also love napping. Especially if it’s a good epic Harry Potter-like dreams.

2 Do you know the verbs to describe what you like and don’t like?

a Complete the scale with the correct verb. Choose from: don’t enjoy – don’t like – enjoy – hate – like – love

b Write 1 thing for each of the verbs. Use the vocabulary from Step 1 as inspiration.

I don’t like

I hate

c Tell a partner about the things you like and don’t like.

3 Check the text in exercise 1 and answer the questions.

a Highlight examples of verbs in the negative form.

b What tense is used in the text?

c How many verb forms are there in each negative form?


4 Complete the grammar box about the present simple in the negative. How to talk about facts and routines

To make a verb form negative in the present simple, the auxiliary verb is used. The form of depends on the subject.

subject auxiliary verb main verb rest of sentence

I like reading. You He/She know anything about Harry Potter. It seem easy. We enjoy violent games. You They

For a full overview of the present simple, check the Summary on p. 107. See p. 107

5 Complete the text on the right with the correct form of the verbs in the text on the left.

My name is Victoria. I live in Manchester. I have a cat and a dog. I go to King David High School. In my free time, I play sports and I watch films on Netflix. I like books and I read a lot. Sometimes, I listen to music but I don’t play computer games. I don’t like computer games – but I love writing blogs!

Her name is Victoria. She in Manchester. She a cat and a dog. She to King David High School. In her free time, she sports and she films on Netflix. She books and she a lot. Sometimes, she to music but she computer games. She computer games – but she writing blogs!

6 Complete the conversations with the positive or negative forms of the verbs.

Conversation 1: LISTEN

Stan: I love music. Not pop music. I (-) to pop music. I hate it. I (+) to Mozart, Beethoven and composers, people like that.

Alwin: My mum (+) to Mozart when she wants to relax. I think that kind of music is boring.

Conversation 2: WATCH

Debbie: My brother Dave (+) television all the time. He (+) sports a lot: football, volleyball, tennis. Every kind of sport.

Stephen: And what about you?

Debbie: I (-) sport. Ever. I hate sports! I (+) my favourite YouTube channels in my bedroom.

Conversation 3: LIKE

Becky: My mum (+) cats but my dad them. He (+) dogs but my mum (-) them.

Jack: What about you?

Becky: I (-) cats or dogs – but I love spiders! I’ve got a tarantula at home!

7 Rewrite the sentences. Make the positive sentences negative and the negative sentences positive.

1 Adam has breakfast very early.


He doesn’t like skiing.

3 She doesn’t hate getting up early.

4 My father watches TV a lot.

5 Erin doesn’t go to school by bus.

8 Describe the routines of a dancer.

a Preparation: watch the video. Write down keywords in the grid.

5 daily routines I see 5 daily routines I don’t see


b Action: use what you prepared to write 5 positive and 5 negative sentences. Use the present simple tense.

The girl

She doesn’t

c Reflection: check your text by filling in the checklist. Then swap your paper with a classmate. Do you talk about the same routines in your text?


1 Preparation

• I wrote keywords about routines I (don’t) see in the video.

2 Content and structure

• There are 5 positive sentences

• There are 5 negative sentences.

3 Language

• I used the present simple (positive and negative) correctly.

• I used the vocabulary of routines correctly.

• I used correct spelling and punctuation.


CHECK 2, p. 120

Step 3 Let’s plan

Asking and answering questions

1 / What time is it?

1 Look at this empty diary of (fill in name) . You will receive symbols from your teacher. Pair up. Listen to your partner and match the activities to the correct time.

Daily Planner


2 What time is it?

a Draw the hands so the clock shows a quarter past ten.

b Add the following words to the clock:



4 Read the text about a professional game developer and answer the questions.

a What is the name of the game developer?

b Make his schedule. Summarize the activities. Use the planner on page 99.

A Day In The Life – Professional Game Developer

Making games for a living is often seen as a dream job and, in my experience, it’s that and more! For the past 5+ years, I have been designing and developing video games from my home in Brisbane, Australia. This is my day as a professional game developer.

5:00 a.m.

Starting bright and early … Well, maybe not quite this early because at 5:00 a.m. I’ll be sound asleep. It’s a quarter to two.

6:00 a.m.

That’s more like it – 6:00 a.m. – I’m awake! The sun is rising over the city, and I always take a moment to appreciate the amazing view from my high-rise apartment. I’m much more productive when I start my workday early.

I usually make a strong coffee then head straight to my desk to check my email.

7:00 a.m.

By now, I have answered my most important emails and can start thinking about how the rest of my day will look.

7:30 a.m.

Next, I skim news sites, forums, and answer questions from my 20,000+ social media followers.

8:00 a.m.

After about 2 hours of light work, it’s time for breakfast. I usually have organic muesli, soy milk, fruit, and more coffee. I don’t like working when I eat, but I also don’t have space for a dining table in my apartment, so I often have breakfast at my desk.

9:00 a.m.


Twice a week, I have an online meeting with my team at 9:00 a.m. During this meeting I get updates about our active projects, I test the latest games, and I give feedback. If it’s a day without a team meeting, I usually exercise or go for a walk around the city.

10:00 a.m.

This is when the real work starts. I’m fully awake and in my best mental state. Most of my work from now until 1:00 p.m. involves designing, coding, and testing new games.

1:00 p.m.

Time for lunch. I usually have a salad wrap and fries while catching up on a TV show. Sometimes, I finish my day here if I feel like I have been productive enough.

2:00 p.m.

I like to wind down in the afternoon with light work. This is when I do tasks like blogging, research, organization and planning.

5:00 p.m.

I finish work at 5:00 p.m. if it’s a normal day. Sometimes I work late (7:00 p.m.) or very late (9:00 p.m.) if the work is interesting or I try to finish up a blog post.

6:00 p.m.

From this point onwards, I just want to relax and avoid work for the rest of the night. I have dinner, watch TV or a good movie, and maybe play some Xbox with friends.

10:00 p.m.

Due to the difference in time zones, I often write emails or talk with clients/partners on Skype late into the evening. My evening is their morning.

10:30 p.m.

Then … it’s time to get 8 hours of sleep and do it all again! So, that is a day in the life of a game developer.

Thanks for reading!



6 a.m. Matthew wakes up

5 Describe Matthew’s day.

a Preparation: find a partner. Look over Matthew’s schedule.

b Action: decide who will talk about 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. and who will talk about 1 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Tell each other what Matthew does every day.

c Reflection: check your task by filling in the checklist.

Checklist: describing a day Yes I think so No

1 Content and structure

• I used the diary to prepare.

• I talked about 6 things Matthew does.

2 Language

• I used the present simple correctly.

• I said the time correctly.

• I paid attention to my pronunciation.


2 / Do you have a diary?

1 Read this text and answer the questions.

a What type of text is this?

The text is there for entertainment.

The text gives instructions. The text gives an opinion.

b Match the pictures to the correct step.

How to make your own diary

Do you and your schoolmates regularly forget to do your homework? When do your parents tell you to do your homework? Do you forget to prepare for tests? How do you plan your free time? Does your coach call your parents to say you are late again? Why does your brother forget dentist appointments? If you don’t have a diary, it’s a good idea to start organizing your life.

Part 1: choosing and decorating a diary

1 Find or buy a notebook. Think about the size that you want. If you want to include a lot of details, you’ll need a larger notebook. A small notebook is easier to carry and takes up less room in your backpack.

2 How do you want to decorate the cover? Do you like stickers or are you more of a doodler? Write down what you need to buy. Do you keep pictures and fun text from magazines? Do you create collages from interesting materials?


3 Decorating the cover is one of the best ways to make your diary just for you. And the more you feel like your diary expresses your personality and creativity, the more you’ll want to use it. Plus, you’ll get to show off your beautiful work!

4 Write your name inside the front cover. Add information that will help someone return your diary if you lose it. Write your class schedule on the first page so you can check it easily when your friend calls you to make plans.

Part 2: listing your tasks

5 Open to the second page. Lay the notebook flat so that you can see both sides. Divide the right page into 3 sections Label each section with the day of the week and the date. This is where you write your homework assignments from that day. Use the margin or make a column on the right side to keep track of when your tasks are due.

6 Write on the left page ‘After School’ or ‘Upcoming Events’. This side is where you keep track of other activities, like band practice, sports, and dance class. Divide it up into days or list everything in the order that it occurs.

7 Write in your tasks. Do this every day. If you don’t have any, make a note of it so that you’ll know later that you didn’t just forget to write it down.

Part 3: the finishing touches

8 Add useful sections in the back of the notebook. Make a page of goals for the next few weeks or the semester, a page for the school calendar, and a page with contact information and birthdays.


9 Use sticky tabs or flags to label the sections. It will be easier to use your diary if you can flip straight to the section you need.

2 Read the introduction of the text in exercise 1 again.

a Highlight the questions.

- If your answer is yes/no, use green.

- If your answer is longer, use yellow.

b Look at the questions you highlighted. - Write 2 of each in the correct column. - Write down the form of the verb.


3 Answer these questions for yourself. Report to a classmate.

1 Do you forget to do homework? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

2 Does your best friend call you to remind you to do your homework? Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesn’t.

3 Do you forget tests? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

4 Does your coach call your parents to say you are late again? Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesn’t.

5 Do you think you need a diary? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

6 Why (not)?

4 Look at the answer to the yes/no questions. Write down the form. , subject + , subject +

5 Look at the questions and answer them with short answers.

1 Do you sleep in at the weekends?

2 Does your teacher wear glasses?

3 Do your parents work in your hometown?

4 Do you study beforehand for tests and exams?

5 Do you laugh a lot when you chat with your best friend?

6 Does your father prepare your lunch?

Yes, I do./No, I don’t.


7 Do you have your own vlog?

8 Do you earn more than Mark Zuckerberg?

9 Does your grandmother know Minecraft?

6 Read the text about DanTDM and make questions. Use the words in brackets.


DanTDM: Everything You Wanted To Know

DanTDM is one of the biggest YouTubers in the world! Here’s how he went from Pokémon expert to Minecraft celebrity.


(who / to see / we / in this picture)

It’s DanTDM.

2 (who / to be / he?)

He is our favourite Minecraft YouTuber! But he’s much more than just a blockhead. Here’s everything you want to know about Dan, his channel, his wife, and loads more!

3 (where / to live?)

He lives in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire in the United Kingdom.


(what / to stand for / DanTDM?)

Dan’s full name is Daniel Middleton. His middle name is Robert. His full name is Daniel Robert Middleton.

5 (where / DanTDM’s nickname / to come from)

It’s a mix of his real name and the name of his YouTube channel. Put ‘Daniel Middleton’ and ‘The Diamond Minecart’ together and you get ‘DanTDM’. He really loves his nickname.

6 (when / to celebrate / his birthday?)

Dan’s birthday is on 8 November.

7 (to have / brothers or sisters?)

Yes, he does. He has a younger brother. He says his brother was his best friend growing up because they moved around a lot and both love video games. They started a band together in high school, and his brother first introduced him to Minecraft. Bonus fact: other YouTubers sometimes pretend to be Dan’s brother – even Dan himself!


(why / to be / Dan’s hair blue?)

Dan has dyed his hair many colours, from blonde to purple to turquoise. His hair is now pink and blue, because when he tweeted saying ‘5,000 LIKES and I’ll dye my hair Pink and Blue tomorrow’ he got 2,063 likes in 17 minutes!

9 (what / Dan / to play?)

Dan mainly plays Minecraft, Roblox and Tomodachi Life on his channel, but he also plays Fortnite Battle Royale and indie games like Hello Neighbour!


(how much / Dan / to earn?)

Dan earned over £12 MILLION last year from his channel, book, tour and all the other work he does. That makes him the highest earning YouTuber in the world, with a net worth – how much Dan is worth overall – of around £13 MILLION.

Adapted from:

a blockhead: slang for ‘stupid person’ both: one and the other a celebrity: a famous person to dye your hair: to colour it to earn: to get money for a job you do to grow up: to become older to move around: to go from one house to another

7 Complete the grammar box with information from the previous exercises.

How to ask questions



To ask questions in English in the present simple, we also use the auxiliary verb There are different types of questions:

1 Yes/no questions

= the answer is or :

e.g. Yes, he really loves his nickname.


Rule: + + +

2 Question word questions:

= give information about (= reason), (place), (thing), (time), (quantity).

e.g. He celebrates his birthday on 8th November


Rule: + + + +

3 Subject questions = you ask about : who (= person) or what (= thing).

e.g. Dan plays Minecraft and Fortnite a lot.


Rule: + + ? There is NO auxiliary verb!

Mind: the verb ‘to be’ has different rules. Check the Summary of Unit 1, p. 25. See p. 109

8 Look at Bridget’s diary. Make questions for the answers that are given.

1 The lunch is on Monday the 7th, at half past twelve.

2 The test is on Tuesday the 15th, at ten to three.

3 The party is on Friday the 12th, at nine o’clock.

4 She has to hand in her book report.

5 She has tennis practice on Wednesdays at two o’clock.

6 She has dinner with grandma on Sunday the 13th, at a quarter to six.

7 No, she doesn’t. She has tennis practice on Wednesdays.

8 No, she doesn’t. She only has lunch with her on Monday the 7th.

7th 14th 8th 15th 9th 16th 10th 17th 11th 18th 12th 19th 13th 20th

12.30 p.m. lunch with Sarah 9.00 p.m. Mehmet’s birthday party 5.45 p.m. Dinner with grandma 3.50 p.m. English test 2.00 p.m. Tennis practice 8.30 a.m. book report Dutch 2.00 p.m. Tennis practice


one hundred and five

9 Work with a partner and discuss the TV guide.

a Preparation: look at the part of the TV guide you get. Some parts are missing. Your classmate has a different version.

b Action: ask each other questions to complete your guide. e.g. What time does Eastenders start?

c Reflection: can you complete the full TV guide? Check with your partner. Then fill in the checklist.

Checklist: completing a TV guide Yes I think so No

1 Content and structure

• I asked questions about the missing information.

• I answered in full sentences.

• I found all the gaps in the TV guide.

2 Language

• I asked questions in the present simple correctly.

• I answered my partner’s questions with the verb in the present simple.

• I used expressions to tell the time.

• I paid attention to my pronunciation.



CHECK 3, p. 124


HOW TO talk about facts and routines

Present simple


I wake up at 6 a.m. every morning. Do you like playing videogames?




1st p. sing. I work. do not/don’t work

I don’t! I hate getting up early. Yes, I do. My father loves it too.

Questions (?)

Do I work?

2nd p. sing. You work. do not/don’t work Do you work?

3rd p. sing. He/She/It works does not/doesn’t work Does he/she/it work?

1st p. plur. We work. do not/don’t work Do we work?

2nd p. plur. You work. do not/don’t work Do you work?

3rd p. plur. They work. do not/don’t work Do they work?

Rule: Subject + base form of the verb (!) 3rd p. sing.: +s

Spelling and grammar exceptions

1 3rd p.sing. with verbs ending in Verb ends in Rule

Subject + do(es)n’t/do(es) not + base form of the verb

Do(es) + subject + base form of the verb

Examples -o add -es do  he does go  she goes a sibilant (ch, sh, s, x) add -es wash  he washes kiss  she kisses consonant + y y changes to -ie before -s worry  she worries carry  he carries

2 The verb ‘to have’ is irregular in the positive form: he/she/it has


– To talk about something that is always true or true for a reason. e.g. The earth goes around the sun.

– To talk about what you like and don’t like. e.g. I love reading. I enjoy playing games.



– To talk about something that is done regularly. There is often a time indication: every week, every day, often ... e.g. I wake up at 6 a.m. I go to school by bus every day.

Keep in mind:

The verbs hate, love and like are often followed by the -ing form of the verb to describe your likes and dislikes.

e.g. I like reading books.

HOW TO ask questions

Short answer

e.g. Yes, he is . Yes/ No , subject + verb 'to be'

e.g. Yes, he does . Yes/No , su bject + do/don’t

Short answer

Yes/no questions and question word questions

Long answer

e.g. Yes, Dan is famous. Yes/No, subject + verb 'to be' + r est of the sentence.

e.g. Yes, Dan likes his nickname. Yes/No, subject + main verb + r est o f the sentence.

Long answer

e.g. In November. A helmet.

e.g. My birthday is in November. Subject + to be + rest of the sentence I need a helmet to play lacrosse.

Subject + ( auxiliary ) main verb + rest of the sentence

Short answer

1 Yes/no question = gives a closed answer: yes or no

e.g. Is Dan famous?

Verb 'to be' + subject + rest of the sentence?

e.g. Does Dan like his nickname?

Auxiliary + ‘to do’ subject + base of + main verb r est of the sentence?

2 Ques tion word question = you want specific information: what, where, when, why, how

e.g. When is your birthday ?

Question word + to be + rest of the sentence? What do you need t o play lacrosse?

Question word + auxiliary + subject + main verb + rest of the sentence?

Long answer

e.g. Dan ( does ).

Subject + ( auxiliary 'do/does' ).

e.g. Dan plays Fortnite a lot.

Subject + main verb + rest of the sentence

3 Subject question = you want specific information about the subject: who or what

e.g. Who plays Fortnite a lot?

Question word + main verb + rest of the sentence?


waking up

taking a shower getting up

brushing your teeth


choosing your clothes

taking care of your skin getting dressed combing your hair

having breakfast

leaving home going to work/school having lunch

going home taking the bus having a bath going to bed


cooking dancing


playing computer games going to the cinema eating in restaurants

horse riding jogging listening to music playing an instrument
playing football (UK)/ soccer (US) reading sunbathing
swimming taking photographs watching television


Word Translation My notes

o’clock uur

five (5) past 5 over

ten (10) past 10 over a quarter past kwart over twenty (20) past 20 over

twenty-five (25) past 25 over/5 voor half half past half

twenty-five (25) to 25 voor twenty (20) to 20 voor a quarter to kwart voor

ten (10) to 10 voor

five (5) to 5 voor


Word Translation My notes

Days of the week


Monday maandag

Tuesday dinsdag

Wednesday woensdag

Thursday donderdag

Friday vrijdag

Saturday zaterdag

Sunday zondag

Telling time

What time is it? Hoe laat is het?

What’s the time? Hoe laat is het?

sixty seconds = one minute 60 seconden = 1 minuut

fifteen minutes = a quarter of an hour 15 minuten = een kwartier

thirty minutes = half an hour 30 minuten = een half uur

sixty minutes = an hour 60 minuten = een uur

a.m. = before noon in de voormiddag

p.m. = afternoon in de namiddag

noon middag

midnight middernacht

HOW TO read a text more effectively

Before reading

The basics

Look at the picture(s). Read the title(s) first.



Who wrote this? Who is the text meant for?

Why did he/she write it?

Ask yourself

What do you need to do with the text?

Why do you have to read it? What type of questions will you get?

After reading

Check your understanding

If possible, reread difficult passages.

Do you understand the main points?

What would you do differently next time?

While reading

Global reading

Try to answer the WH-questions: who / what / where / how / why / when?

Reading for details

Look for explanations and examples

Look for numbers if a year, an amount or a date is asked for.

2 3

Is the task complete?

Look for keywords, synonyms or related words.

Use a highlighter or a pencil to flag up the information you need.


Check 1 Talking about daily routines and hobbies

1 Write down which daily routine you see in these pictures.

2 Look at these objects. Which hobby do they make you think of?

3 Read the text and answer the questions. a Complete the grid.

Angelina Jolie collecting snow globes

Tom Hanks breeding dogs

Katie Holmes

Will Smith

b Are the statements true or false? Give proof from the text.

Justin Bieber Star Trek
Mila Kunis
Seth Meyers
Johnny Depp
Taylor Swift likes Barbie Dolls.
Seth Meyers, Tom Hanks and Will Smith like fencing.
Justin Bieber takes a long time to solve a Rubik’s cube.
playing soccer

4 Fans of Star Trek are called Trekkies.

5 Angelina Jolie likes to collect books.

6 Chris Brown breeds cats.

7 Tom Hanks never uses his typewriters.

Hollywood’s strange hobbies

Want to know more about Johnny’s strange doll habit, Angelina’s dangerous collection and Tom Hanks’ odd obsession? Check out some of the coolest, strangest and quirkiest hobbies in all of Hollywood.

Taylor Swift: Snow globes

Singer Taylor Swift shared a photograph of one of her favourite holiday hobbies with fans on Instagram. In addition to writing songs about her ex-boyfriends, Swift enjoys homemade Christmas snow globes.

Johnny Depp: Barbie dolls

Johnny Depp loves playing with Barbie dolls. Yes, you read that correctly. The actor says he picked up the hobby when his kids were young. Don’t worry, Depp fans … your idol is still kind of strange. He also collects pig skeletons for fun.

Angelina Jolie: Antique daggers

Beautiful, smart and dangerous? Angelina Jolie is certainly all three, but make sure you don’t mess with the mother of six. She collects first edition books and antique daggers.

Tom Hanks: Typewriters

Tom Hanks’ quirky hobby is actually pretty cool. The actor collects antique manual typewriters. ‘I have almost 200 old portable manual typewriters,’ he revealed during an interview. ‘Most of them are actually working and I keep them rotating.’

Katie Holmes: Arts & crafts

When she isn’t acting, Katie Holmes loves to do crafts with her daughter Suri, and also teaches the fashionable little one how to sew. ‘I like to do things like that with my daughter,’ she says.

Seth Meyers: Comic books

It doesn’t come as a huge surprise that SNL funny guy Seth Meyers is a geek. The actor’s favourite hobby is reading and collecting comic books. ‘I read and buy a lot of comic books,’ he told People magazine. ‘I’m a long-time X-Men fan. I’d love to say I buy them for aging value, but I mostly buy them to read.’

Mila Kunis: Video games

Mila Kunis really is every guy’s dream girl. She is beautiful, smart and obsessed with video games. The Black Swan actress once told Jimmy Kimmel that, among other geeky interests (including all things ‘Star Trek’), she is an avid World of Warcraft gamer.

Will Smith, Tom Cruise and David Beckham: Fencing

In an interview with Britain’s Daily Mirror, actor Will Smith revealed that he, Tom Cruise and David Beckham share a hobby. ‘We’ve got to watch our joints,’ Smith said. ‘Especially my knee.’ That is one fencing team we wouldn’t mind joining.

Ben Stiller: ‘Star Trek’

Calling all Trekkies: Ben Stiller is one of you! The actor admits that he is a giant fan of all things ‘Star Trek.’ He revealed that his obsession began as a child and has followed him into adulthood.

Justin Bieber: Rubik’s cube

It’s no secret that Justin Bieber can sing, but did you also know he can solve a Rubik’s cube in under two minutes?

Chris Brown: Dog breeding

Chris Brown sells American pit bull terriers for $1,000 each through a website called CB Breeds. The dogs come with a health guarantee and a ‘four generation pedigree’. Animal activists call Brown a ‘backyard breeder’ and want him to use his celebrity to promote animal adoption.


aging: growing old avid: enthousiastic, keen a geek: weird quirkiest: weirdest quirky: weird value: worth, what you should pay for it

< 12 12 – 16 > 16

4 Watch the video of a girl’s daily routines.

a Check off the things you see her do in the morning: tick the left-hand boxes.

b Put the things you see in the correct order. Write the numbers in the right-hand boxes. has breakfast puts on make-up combs her hair wakes up goes to school goes to bed does homework gets ready for school brushes her teeth gets up plaits her hair has lunch

< 15 ≥ 15

2, p. 120

listens to music takes a shower checks social media chooses clothes for the day takes care of her skin has dinner

5 Unscramble each of the clue words to find a hobby. Collect the letters that appear in the grey boxes and try to find Ashley’s favourite hobby.

Check 2 Talking about what you like and don’t like

1 Write about Sheldon’s typical week.

a Preparation: read Sheldon’s diary.

• Name 3 things he likes. 1 2 3

• Complete the missing days of the week.

Here’s the weekly calendar

Monday Oatmeal day for breakfast. Thai takeout night; Dinner: mee krob and chicken satay with extra peanut sauce

The Cheesecake Factory; barbecue bacon cheeseburger

read dictionary ‘words starting with T’ Halo Night beginning at 8 p.m., and Comic Book Night

Big Boy night: pizza from Giacomo’s (sausage, mushrooms, and olives).

Mexican food Chinese food and Vintage Game Night

a bowl of cereal with 1/4 of a cup of 2% milk for breakfast + watching Doctor Who on BBC America. Sheldon’s laundry night, 8:15 p.m.

Sunday Howard and Raj: the morning: to the farmers’ market

Weekend go to the movies Paintball (probably on Sunday)

unspecified evening: Wii Bowling night

b Action: write a short paragraph (about 50 words) about Sheldon’s week.

• Write 1 sentence for each day of the week. Use these verbs in your text at least once: to do – to eat – to have – to play – to watch

• Write about 3 things he doesn’t do this week.

• Use the present simple correctly.

c Reflection: check your task by filling in the checklist.

1 Preparation

• I filled in 3 things Sheldon likes.

• I filled in the days of the week.

2 Content and structure

• I wrote about 50 words.

• I used the verbs.

• I talked about what Sheldon does this week.

• I wrote about what Sheldon doesn’t do this week.

3 Language

• I used the present simple correctly for positive sentences.

• I used the present simple correctly for negative sentences.

• I used correct spelling and punctuation.

2 Make the sentences positive or negative.

1 They work very hard.

2 Alan flies to New York every year.


3 The teacher doesn’t prepare a new test.

4 Jody doesn’t carry heavy bags.

5 Peter doesn’t start work at 8 o’clock.

6 The pupils do their homework after school.

7 Sam and Eva like reading books.

8 My brother and I play computer games every day.

9 We play chess at school every day.

10 The man on the street doesn’t look very happy.

3 Complete the text with the missing days of the week. If today is Thursday then tomorrow is (1) and the day after tomorrow is (2) . Yesterday was (3) and the day before yesterday was (4). In 3 days’ time it will be (5).

4 Make the sentences positive or negative.

1 My father prepares breakfast.

My father doesn’t prepare breakfast.

2 I don’t speak Italian.

3 She writes a letter every day.

4 Annie phones her boss before work.

5 Sue doesn’t go to school by bus.

6 The chef cooks very well.

7 We don’t eat pizza once a week.

8 Mum and dad like the waitress.

Score < 6 6 – 7 Next exercise Check 3

5 What do you know about your teacher?

a Preparation:

• write down 2 things you think your teacher likes, loves or enjoys.

• write down 2 things you think your teacher doesn’t like or hates.

• write down 2 things you think your teacher does every week.

• write down 2 things you think your teacher doesn’t do every week.

b Action: write a paragraph (about 50 words) about your teacher. Use what you prepared. Pay attention to the use of the present simple and the spelling of the days.

My teacher

c Reflection: check your text by filling in the checklist. Then read your text to a classmate. Do you know the same things about your teacher?

• I filled in the preparation.

Content and structure

• I wrote about 50 words.

• I talked about what my teacher likes and doesn’t like.

• I wrote about what my teacher does and doesn’t do.

• I used at least 4 different verbs to describe likes and dislikes.

• I used the present simple correctly for positive sentences.

• I used the present simple correctly for negative sentences.

• I used correct spelling and punctuation.

Check 3 Asking and answering questions

1 Look at Cindy’s schedule.

a Write the questions for the given answers.

b Write 2 yes/no questions of your own and answer them with a short answer (9-10).

c Write 2 other question word questions and answer them (11-12).



2.00 p.m. dance class visit grandparents

3.30 p.m. end of school end of school end of school end of school hang out with some friends

6.00 p.m. homework piano lessons homework homework dance class

7.00 p.m. dinner dinner dinner dinner go out sometimes to eat dinner

7.30 p.m. watch TV homework watch TV watch TV dinner watch TV

10.00 p.m.

2 Ask the questions that lead to the answers shown below.

Aidan likes pop music

Juan and Cora come from Oviedo in Spain 3 The children play in the swimming pool 4 Philip rides his bike. 5 I go to the park on Saturdays 6 They go to Rome because they like it there

Erica goes to Scotland for a holiday every year.


done! It's ten past two. On Monday I wake up at a quarter to seven.

5 Make sentences using the given personal pronouns. You can only use each pronoun once. Write the time in full. I – you – he – she – it – we – they 1 Mon – wake up – 6.45 a.m. 2 Tue – lunch – 12 a.m. 3 Wed – football practice – 2 p.m. 4 Thu – maths test – 1.50 p.m.

6 Have a WhatsApp conversation with a friend.

a Preparation: you want to hang out with a friend but you don’t know what he/she likes and when he/she has time. Think of 5 things you can ask your friend.

b Action: write down 5 questions for your friend. Then switch papers with your friend and answer his/her questions. Tip: if you have WhatsApp, send the questions to your friend!

c Reflection: check your assignment by filling in the checklist.

Checklist: a WhatsApp conversation Yes I think so No

1 Content and structure

• I sent 5 questions.

• I answered 5 questions.

2 Language

• I used the present correctly.

• I used question words correctly.

• I used expressions of time correctly.

• I used correct spelling and punctuation.


7 Do the sentences start with ‘do’ or ‘does’? Give a short answer in the right column.

Do Does

1 you want to come?

2 she work with you?

3 I look good?

4 it rain every day?

5 you like me?

6 we leave soon?

7 they watch TV?

8 he bother you?

9 the party start at 6?

10 it look okay?

Short answer




You will describe a typical weekday, your routines, hobbies and your weekly activities. You will have the choice on how you will present this task: as a diary entry (writing) or a vlog (speaking).


1 Decide if you will present your week in writing or in speaking.

2 First prepare your diary or vlog:

a Use the empty diary to design your diary. Add your routines, hobbies and the things you do regularly. Don’t forget to add the time!

b Fill in what your weekdays look like. Indicate at least 10 different activities you do in a day. Use the schedule below.










3 If you present your regular week in a written diary:

a Write 1 paragraph (50-75 words) to describe your weekly hobbies and routines. What do you do? When do you do this? Add the day and time.

b Write 1 paragraph (50-75 words) to describe a typical weekday. Mention at least 10 things you do. Mention the time for at least 5 of them. Add 3 things you don’t do in a typical weekday.

c Find at least 5 pictures to describe your hobbies and routines and add them to the diary entry.

d Check exercise 1 on p. 99 if you want to make a creative diary to write your diary entry in.

4 If you present your regular week in a vlog:

a Talk for about 2 minutes and describe your weekly hobbies and routines. What do you do? When do you do this? Add the day and time.

b Talk for about 2 minutes and describe a typical weekday. Mention at least 10 things you do. Add the time for at least 5 of these things. Add 3 things you don’t do in a typical weekday.

c Find at least 5 pictures to describe your hobbies and routines and show them in your vlog.

d Record your vlog. Send it to the teacher and/or show it in class.


5 Reflect on your task by filling in the checklist.

Diary entry

Checklist: describing a typical week

1 Preparation

• I filled in the week diary.

• I filled in the day schedule of a typical weekday.

• I checked the words I needed.

• I looked for 5 good pictures.

2 Content and structure

• I wrote 1 paragraph (50-75 words) about my week.

• I wrote 1 paragraph (50-75 words) about my typical weekday.

• I mentioned 3 things I don’t do.

3 Language

• I used the present simple correctly.

• I used correct words to describe hobbies and routines.

• I used correct spelling and punctuation.



Checklist: describing a typical week

1 Preparation

• I filled in the week diary.

• I filled in the day schedule of a typical weekday.

• I checked the pronunciation of words I needed.

• I looked for 5 good words.

2 Content and structure

• I talked for 2 minutes about my week.

• I talked for 2 minutes about my typical weekday.

• I mentioned 3 things I don’t do.

3 Language

• I used the present simple correctly.

• I used correct words to describe hobbies and routines.

• I paid attention to my pronunciation.


Yes I think so No


Trace your steps on diddit.

Yes I think so No


check in

Step 2: describing events summary on different tracks main track

Step 1: talking about dates

trace your steps

check out: presenting a cultural event


The place to be

1 Look at the festival posters and answer the questions.



Poster 1

Poster 2

a What is the subject of the posters?

b Which year is mentioned?

c Which days are mentioned?

d Which dates are mentioned?

e Where do the festivals take place?

f In which country is this?

g What information is also on the posters?

h What other numbers are on the poster?


2 Discuss these questions.

a Highlight the artists you know. Tell a partner about these artists. Do you know the same artists?

b Which poster do you prefer? Why?


Step 1 Perfect timing

Talking about dates


1 Watch the commercial and answer the questions.

a Give at least 2 names given in the beginning of the video.

b In which category are they selected?

c What is this video about?

d What do they get when they win an Oscar?

e Give another category in which actors can win an Oscar.

f Who is the host of the show?

g On which day of the week is the show held?

h On which date is this awards show held?

i Which TV channel is broadcasting the show?

2 Get out of your chair and get in line! Your teacher will tell you what to do. Follow the instructions.

3 Look at these dates. Your teacher will say them out loud, but not in this order. Number them. Then say the dates out loud yourself.

° = … was born on …

† = … died on …

William Shakespeare Ariana Grande
Paul Walker

4 Complete the grid with the correct months.

5 Complete the box on how to write and say the date in English.

How to write and say the date

British English

In writing

In speaking

American English

Examples 10 June 2020 10 / 06 / 2020 December 1st, 2020 12 / 1 / 2020 Rule:

Examples Q: ‘What is the date?’

A1: ‘It's June the tenth, twenty twenty.’

A2: ‘It's the tenth of June, twenty twenty.’

Q: ‘What is the date?’

A: ‘It's December first, twenty twenty.’

6 Make the cardinal numbers ordinal, as in the example.

a 1

b 7

c 19

d 23

e 41

f 5

g 95

h 101

i 9

j 30

k 82

7 Say your own birthday and those of your classmates.

8 Answer the following questions.

a When do people celebrate Christmas?

We write: 25th December. We say: The twenty-fifth of December.

b When is Valentine’s day?

c When is the first day of school?

d When is your best friend’s birthday?

e When is your father’s birthday?

f When is your mother’s birthday?

Did you know?

When we talk about routines, we can use ‘On + day + s’.

e.g. On Saturdays he does the laundry

This means that he does the laundry every Saturday.

e.g. On Saturday I am going to a friend’s house


This means that I am going to a friend’s house, but only this Saturday.

9 Complete the questions.

a When does spring start? On 21st

b When does summer start? On 21st

c When does the summer vacation end? On 31st

d When is Armistice Day? On 11th

e When do we celebrate April Fools’ day? On 1st

f When do the summer holidays start? On 1st

10 Watch the following trailer and complete the questions.

a What is this trailer about?

b Where does this festival take place?

c What year is mentioned?

d What do you see?


e What is the exact date of the festival in 2019?

f What do they say you are going to need?

g Would you like to go to this festival?

11 Read the text and answer the questions.

a Highlight the special day, the country and the date in every text.

b Complete the grid.


1 Martin Luther King Day: The Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., an African-American man, is considered a great American because of his efforts to win civil rights for all people without any violence. People remember him on the third Monday of January, a national holiday in the US.

2 Burns Night is a celebration of Robbie Burns, a Scottish poet. In Scotland people have a special dinner on Burns Night, the 25th January. Men wear kilts and people listen to traditional bagpipe music, they dance, read Burns’ poetry and share a meal of haggis (a traditional Scottish dish of sheep heart, liver and lungs) with ‘neeps and tatties’ (turnips and potatoes).

3 People in Wales and those of Welsh origin celebrate the life of their patron saint, St David, and the Welsh culture on March 1st each year, called St David’s Day. Many people pin a daffodil or leek to their clothes, and some, especially children, wear traditional costumes.

4 Saint Patrick’s Day, or the Feast of Saint Patrick, is a cultural and religious holiday celebrated annually on 17th March, the day that the patron saint of Ireland, Saint Patrick, died. According to legend, Saint Patrick used the three-leaved shamrock to explain the Holy Trinity to Irish pagans.

5 Wimbledon in South West London is where one of four annual Grand Slam tennis tournaments is held. Wimbledon is linked to strawberries and cream. During the Wimbledon season, in June/July, the UK goes Tennis crazy.

6 Independence Day honours America’s birthday – the signing of the ‘Declaration of Independence’ on July 4, 1776. It is a day of picnics and patriotic parades, a night of concerts and fireworks. The flying of the American flag (which also occurs on Memorial Day and other holidays) is widespread.

7 Eid al-Fitr marks the end of the month-long fast of Ramadan and is widely celebrated by Muslims in the UK in July. Muslim families and communities usually have their own celebrations as well as some big celebrations in cities such as London and Birmingham.

8 The National Eisteddfod is Wales’ biggest arts and culture festival in August. You can listen to Welsh music, watch dance and theatre performances, listen to the Welsh language and sample Welsh food and crafts.

9 Edinburgh Festival Fringe is the largest arts festival in the world. It has over 40.000 performances. The festival is most famous for comedy.

10 Labor Day: The first Monday of September, this holiday honours America’s working people, typically with parades. For most Americans it marks the end of the summer vacation season, and for many students the opening of the school year.

11 In Britain, Bonfire Night is associated with the tradition of celebrating Guy Fawkes’ failed attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament on 5th November 1605. It is an annual event dedicated to bonfires, fireworks and celebrations.

12 Thanksgiving Day is the fourth Thursday in November, but many Americans take a day of vacation on the following Friday to make a four-day weekend, during which they often travel long distances to visit family and friends. The holiday dates back to 1621, the year after the Puritans arrived in Massachusetts.

13 St Andrew’s day is Scotland’s official national day. In 2006, the Scottish Parliament designated St Andrew’s Day as an official bank holiday. It is also a national holiday in Romania. In Scotland and many countries with Scottish connections, St Andrew’s Day is marked with a celebration of Scottish culture with traditional Scottish food, music and dance.

14 Boxing Day is the day after Christmas day. It is a bank holiday in the UK. There are a few theories as to why it’s called ‘Boxing Day’ but no one is completely sure:

* In Britain ‘Christmas Box’ was a name for a Christmas present. Boxing Day was a day off for servants when they received a ‘Christmas Box’ from the master.

* A box to collect money for the poor was placed in churches on Christmas day. The money was distributed the next day. ‘Boxing Day’ could have been named after this custom. Today there are no traditional Boxing Day customs. Most people spend the day eating the Christmas leftovers and maybe going for a walk or visiting friends and family.

Abridged from:

12 Discuss these questions.

a Which cultural dates do you celebrate?

b Which cultural events are there in your country?

c Which cultural event is your favourite?

13 Describe 5 dates that are important to you.

a bonfire: a large open-air fire used for burning rubbish or as part of a celebration a pagan: a person holding religious beliefs other than those of the main world religions patriotic: loving your country a shamrock: a very small plant with 3 leaves

a Preparation: think about 5 different dates that are important to you and the reasons why they are so important. Write keywords. Make sure to include 2 cultural events.


b Action:

• Use what you prepared to write a short paragraph (about 50 words) about your special dates. Mention the date and the reason. Don’t forget to use the present simple correctly! The first special day is because


• Explain your dates to a classmate. Are the same cultural events important to him/her?

c Reflection: check your task by filling in the checklist.

Checklist: describing important dates Yes I think so No

1 Content and structure

• My text is about 50 words.

• I mentioned 5 different dates.

• I wrote about why I like those days.

2 Language

• I used the present simple correctly.

• I wrote the date correctly.

• I said the date correctly.

• I spoke clearly.

• I paid attention to my pronunciation.


CHECK 1, p. 155

Step 2 Special events

Describing events

1 Look at the poster and answer the questions.

a What is the poster about?

b What is the event’s name?

c Where does it take place?

d What country is the event in?

e Which days are mentioned?

f When does the event take place?

g What is listed under each date?

2 Discuss these questions.

a Which food truck would you like to try and why?

b Would you like to go to a food truck festival? Why (not)?

c Are there any food truck festivals in your country?

d Do you like this poster? Why (not)? READING


3 Name the different items mentioned on this event poster.

4 Answer these questions about the event poster.

a What is this poster about?

b What is still missing on this poster?

c Why do you think it is missing?

5 Explain which poster you prefer.

a Preparation: look at the posters. Think about the content and the layout of the posters. Use the writing frame to prepare first. Remember to use the verbs to express what you like from Unit 3, p. 92.

I love because I like because I don’t mind because I don’t like because I hate because

b Action: explain your opinion to a classmate. Do they think the same as you?

c Reflection: check your task by filling in the checklist.

Checklist: expressing your opinion Yes I think so No

1 Content and structure

• I talked about 5 posters.

• I gave reasons for my opinion.

2 Language

• I used the present simple correctly.

• I paid attention to my pronunciation.



6 Use the information on the posters in exercise 5 to underline the correct answer.

1 Free Comic Book Day is in May / in winter.

2 Free Comic Book day is always on a Saturday / on 3rd May.

3 The Local Heroes bookstore is on Colonial Avenue / in Antwerp.

4 The AME 1UP event was in 2013 / in 2014.

5 The AME 1UP event is at the World Trade Center / in Hall E.

6 The Heavyweight Championship is in Belgium / in Oklahoma City.

7 The Highland Games start in the morning / at noon.

8 On Saturday, the Highland Games finish at 5 p.m. / at 9 p.m.

9 Pancake day is on 16th March / on 24th March.

10 You can get your picture taken at the photo booth / on Spring Street.

7 Check the sentences in exercise 6 and fill in the grammar box.

How to talk about when and where things happen



Centuries, decades, years, months, seasons, parts of the day:

e.g Selma was born 2010.

e.g. He wakes up early the morning.

e.g. Her birthday is winter.

– Days and dates:

e.g. We don’t go to school Pancake Day.

e.g. Haruo’s birthday is 25 March.

– Hours, noon, (mid)night:

e.g. The Highland Games finish 9 p.m.

e.g. We have lunch noon.

Keep in mind:



– Countries, cities and neighbourhoods:

e.g. She was born Belgium.

e.g. He lives Oklahoma City.

– Streets, avenues and parts of streets:

e.g. There are many shops Spring Street.

e.g. He lives Colonial Avenue.*

e.g. The house is on the corner.

– Address, specific location:

e.g. The Party is the Black Dog Ballroom.

e.g. The event takes place the World Trade Center.


* In British English you live in a street or avenue (vs. on a street in American English). See p. 151

8 Fill in the correct preposition in the sentences. Choose ’in’, ‘at’ or ‘on’.

1 the 19th century Halloween became an important holiday in North America.

2 Halloween is always 31 October.

3 the 1930s, trick or treating became popular the United States.

4 St. Patrick’s Day is not always a Sunday, but it’s always March.

5 The monuments and the streets Chicago light up green St. Patrick’s Day.

6 The holiday of Mardi Gras is celebrated all of Louisiana, but especially New Orleans.

7 There are a lot of Carnival activities Bourbon Street.

8 Promptly midnight New Orleans police officers start clearing the streets. This announces the end of the Carnival.

9 the United States, Thanksgiving is celebrated the fourth Thursday of November.

10 Thanksgiving people are usually home and they eat a lot of food, especially turkey.

9 Watch the commercial and answer the questions. Use the correct preposition.

a Complete the event box.


b Draw an event poster using the information from the grid in a.


10 Make your own special event.

a Preparation:

• Form groups and discuss which special day deserves an event in your opinion. Be creative!

• Complete the grid with the most important information.




Date Time

Special offer

What to do


Entrance fee


• Make an event poster on a separate piece of paper or on the computer. Make enough copies of the event poster so that each group member has one.

b Action: form new groups and talk about your event to the others.

• When you are the speaker: present your poster to your group. Be prepared to answer questions.

• When you are the listener: make notes on the feedback form. When the speaker is finished, ask 1 question.

c Reflection: check your task by filling in the checklist.

Checklist: presenting a special event

1 Preparation

• We filled in the grid with all the necessary information.

• We made a nice poster for the event.

2 Content and structure

• I mentioned the title.

• I mentioned the place and address of the event.

• I mentioned the date and time.

• I mentioned a special offer.

• I mentioned what there is to do.

• I mentioned the website (if there was one).

• I mentioned the entrance fee.

3 Language

• I used the present simple correctly.

• I wrote and said the date correctly.

• I used the correct prepositions for time, date and place.

• I paid attention to my pronunciation.

• I used correct spelling.

Feedback CHECK 2, p. 160

Yes I think so No


HOW TO talk about when and where things happen

Prepositions of time and place


We can use prepositions to talk about when (= time) and where (= place) things happen. To describe time and place, the prepositions in, on, and at go from general to specific


– Centuries, decades, years, months, seasons, parts of the day:

e.g Selma was born in 2010.

e.g. He wakes up early in the morning.

e.g. Her birthday is in winter.

– Days and dates:

e.g. We don’t go to school on Pancake Day.

e.g. Haruo’s birthday is on 25 March.

– Hours, noon, (mid)night:

e.g. The Highland Games finish at 9 p.m.

e.g. We have lunch at noon.


– Countries, cities and neighbourhoods:

e.g. She was born in Belgium.

e.g. He lives in Oklahoma City.

– Streets, avenues and parts of streets:

e.g. There are many shops on Spring Street.

e.g. He lives on Colonial Avenue.*

– Address, specific location:

e.g. The Party is at the Black Dog Ballroom.

e.g. The event takes place at the World Trade Center.


There are special expressions:

• in + parts of the day: in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening

• on time (= just at the right time)

• at + holiday without ’day’: at Christmas, at Easter

• at + the weekend

Keep in mind:

* In British English you live in a street or avenue (vs. on a street in American English).



1st – first 11th – eleventh 21st – twenty-first 40th – fortieth

2nd – second 12th – twelfth 22nd – twenty-second 50th - fiftieth

3rd – third 13th – thirteenth 23rd – twenty-third 60th – sixtieth


4th – fourth 14th – fourteenth 24th – twenty-fourth 70th – seventieth

5th – fifth 15th – fifteenth 25th – twenty-fifth 80th – eightieth

6th – sixth 16th – sixteenth 26th – twenty-sixth 90th – ninetieth

7th – seventh 17th – seventeenth 27th – twenty-seventh 100th – one hundredth

8th – eighth 18th – eighteenth 28th – twenty-eighth 1000th - one thousandth

9th – ninth 19th – nineteenth 29th – twenty-ninth 10,000th - ten thousandth

10th – tenth 20th – twentieth 30th – thirtieth 1,000,000th - one millionth




start of school year start of calendar year

The months of the year are always written with a CAPITAL letter.


Word Translation My notes

an artist een artiest


a band een groep

to broadcast uitzenden

an entrance fee een inkomprijs

an event een evenement

a festival een festival

a host een presentator

a logo een logo

the main stage het hoofdpodium

a show een show

a special offer een speciaal aanbod

a sponsor een sponsor

a stage een podium

a (time) schedule een (tijd)schema

HOW TO write and say the date

Did you know that we celebrate Bonfire Night on 5 November?

British English

Examples 10 June 2020

In writing

In speaking

10 / 06 / 2020

Rule: day + month + year

Examples Q: ‘What is the date?’

A1: ‘It's June the tenth, twenty twenty.’

A2: ‘It's the tenth of June, twenty twenty.’

Rule: A1: month + the + day + year

A2: the + day + of + month + year

Keep in mind:

In writing

Oh really, we always celebrate Halloween on October 31st.

American English

December 1st, 2020 12 / 1 / 2020

month + day + year

Q: ‘What is the date?’

A: ‘It's December first, twenty twenty.’

month + day + year

We use capital letters for: days of the week and months of the year.

e.g. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

e.g. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

– In British English, sometimes the last 2 letters (th, rd, st, nd) of the number as spoken are used in writing.

e.g. Today is 4th June 2020. It's on 1st June.

In speaking –

In American English, the exception to the 'month first' rule is the US day of independence.

e.g. It's the fourth of July!

– Years are usually divided into two parts; the first two digits and the last two digits.

e.g. 1984: nineteen eighty-four, 2018: twenty eighteen

– For the years 2001 to 2010, the most common way of saying the year is two thousand and ‘number’.

e.g. two thousand and eight

For the first years after 2010 you may hear two different alternatives: e.g. 2012: twenty twelve OR two thousand and twelve


Check 1

Talking about dates

1 Write what special events Bruce has on the following days.

a Preparation: read Bruce’s calendar and highlight 4 special events.

January 1 New Year’s charity party


19 My birthday! March 21 Date with Rachel April 11 Meeting at Wayne Enterprises

5 Gala at Gotham City Hall 26 Inspection Bat Mobile June 11 Meeting at Wayne Enterprises Office closed!


September 26 Celebration Birthday Rachel !!!

10 Try-out new equipment 25 Anniversary B ♥ R

18 Film night with Rachel Rebuilding theatre

11 Meeting at Wayne Enterprises

20 Poker night with Joker Joker arrested!! December 11 Meeting at Wayne Enterprises

b Action: use what you prepared to write a short paragraph (about 40 words) about Bruce’s year.

• Use the present simple tense or ‘there is’/’there are’.

• Write about 4 events that are special to him this year.

• Give the day and the month.

• Write 2 things that will not take place (use ‘there is no’ …) and the reason.

• Follow the example.


11 April Bruce has a meeting at Wayne Enterprises.

Checklist: describing Bruce’s year Yes I think so No

1 Content and structure

• I wrote about 4 special events.

• I gave the days and the months.

• I talked about 2 things he will not do.

2 Language

• I used the present simple correctly.

• I used the correct sentence structure.

• I used correct spelling and punctuation.



2 Look at the poster and answer the questions.

a Which month is mentioned on the poster?

b Which dates are mentioned?

c How many years are mentioned on the poster?

d Highlight the years on the poster.

e How many people signed the declaration of Independence?

f How old was the youngest signer?

g When was Independence Day turned into a holiday?

h Where are most of the hot dogs from?

i What is the most famous contest on Independence Day?

j How many people go and see fireworks?

3 Complete the sentences with the correct information.

a Write the ordinal number in full.

1 December is the month of the year. (12th)

2 I am in the year of secondary education. (2nd)

3 Next week is my birthday. (14th)

4 French is the lesson on Thursday. (4th)

5 Croatia is the country in the European Union. (28th)

6 The green belt is the belt in karate. (5th)

7 March is the month of the year. (3rd)

Total: / 7

b Write the numbers and dates in these sentences in full.

1 May is the month of the year. (5)

2 My father’s birthday is on . (28/06)

3 Donald Trump is the president of the United States. (45)

4 The Belgian national holiday is on . (21/07)

5 Our flat is on the floor. (2)

6 On we celebrate New Year’s Eve. (31/12)

7 My colleague’s birthday is on (03/10)

8 Heaven was a TV series in the 90’s. (7)

Total: / 8

Score < 12 ≥ 12

Next exercise


Check 2, p. 160

4 Make a short ‘cultural’ calendar.

a Preparation: go online and select 12 ‘special days’. Select 1 day per month.

b Action:

• Complete the grid you will get with the correct information. Give: 1 the date; 2 the name of the day or event;

3 the place where this is celebrated; 4 1 interesting fact.

• Find a partner and explain your cultural calendar.

c Reflection: check your task by filling in the checklist.

Checklist: explaining a cultural calendar Yes I think so No

1 Preparation

• I looked up 12 special days.

• I understood the information on the website.

2 Content and structure

• I wrote 1 special day for each month.

• I mentioned what special day it is.

• I mentioned the country where it is celebrated.

• I added 1 interesting fact about that day.

3 Language

• I used the present simple correctly.

• I used the correct sentence structure.

• I used correct spelling and punctuation.

• I paid attention to my pronunciation.


Check 2 Describing events

1 Present the poster of an event.

a Preparation: pair up with a classmate and decide who will present which poster. Highlight or circle the following items and fill in the grid:



Place and address



1 interesting fact

Entrance fee


b Action:

• Use what you prepared and present the poster to a classmate. Use the correct prepositions and pay attention to your pronunciation.

• Your classmate will fill in the listening grid. Does your information match?

• Switch when you are done.

c Reflection: check your task by filling in the checklist. Have your classmate fill in the checklist too.

Checklist: presenting an event poster

1 Content and structure

• I mentioned the title.

• I mentioned the place and address.

• I mentioned the date and time.

• I mentioned a special offer.

• I mentioned what there is to do.

• I mentioned the website (if there was one).

• I mentioned the entrance fee.

2 Language

• I used the prepositions for time and place correctly.

• I spoke clearly.

• I paid attention to my pronunciation.


Score < 9 9 – 12 > 12 Next exercise ex. 3 ex. 2 ex. 5

2 Create an event poster.

a Preparation: watch the video and complete the grid.

Title Place

Date and time

b Action: draw your own event poster. Make sure to add all the elements from what you prepared.


c Reflection: check your task by filling in the checklist.

Checklist: creating an event poster Yes I think so No

1 Preparation

• I filled in the listening grid.

2 Content and structure

• I added all the necessary items on the event poster.

3 Language

• I used the prepositions for time and place correctly.

• I used correct spelling.


Score < 15 ≥ 15

Next exercise ex. 3 All done!

3 Fill in the correct preposition in these short texts. Choose ‘in’, ‘at’ or ‘on’.

Canada Day

July 1 is Canada Day. But when that date falls a Sunday, many Canadians will take the day off from work Monday, July 2. July 1 was when Canada’s original three provinces joined as one nation 1867. Events start early in the morning. There are parades, barbecues, fireworks displays, concerts, etc.

Australia Day

Australians celebrate their national day – Australia Day – 26 January with a public holiday. The day marks the anniversary of the First Fleet’s arrival Sydney 1788. People celebrate this day with parties, e.g. Bondi Beach, or concerts, like the Sydney Opera House, etc.

Notting Hill Carnival

Notting Hill Carnival takes place Sunday and Monday of the Bank Holiday weekend

the end of August. It was first organized back 1964 by a woman named Rhaune Laslett who wanted to bring together different races and classes of people. It soon evolved into a massive celebration of Caribbean culture London. This colorful festival features tons of dancing, live music, and delicious food!

Score < 9 ≥ 9

Next exercise ex. 4

4 Describe a food truck event.

a Preparation: read the information on the poster and complete the grid.






Special offer

What to do


Entrance fee

Total: / 8

b Action: complete the writing frame with the correct information from what you prepared.

Write full sentences and pay attention to the use of prepositions.

At the event you can

(write 1 sentence about where it takes place)

(write 1 sentence about when it is)

(write 1 sentence about a special offer)

(write 1 sentence about the cost and where to get tickets)

c Reflection: check your task by filling in the checklist.

Checklist: writing about an event

1 Preparation

• I filled in the listening grid.

2 Content and structure

• I completed the writing frame and wrote 5 sentences.

• I used all the information from what I prepared.

3 Language:

• I used the present simple correctly.

• I used the prepositions for time and place correctly.

• I used correct spelling and punctuation.



(write about what you can do there)

5 Create a Mother’s Day event poster. a Preparation:

• Watch the video and fill in the grid with the correct information.

Watch the video again and fill in the information about this event.

Name of event

What Where

When (day)

When (time)

Entrance fee

1 special thing

b Action: create a poster for the event of your choice. You can use an online poster creator or draw one yourself on a separate piece of paper.

c Reflection: check your task by filling in the checklist.

Checklist: creating an event poster Yes I think so No

1 Preparation

• I filled in the general listening grid.

• I filled in all the information about my event in the 2nd grid.

2 Content and structure

• I mentioned the title.

• I mentioned the place and address.

• I mentioned the date and time.

• I mentioned a special offer.

• I mentioned what there is to do.

• I mentioned the website, if there is any.

• I mentioned the entrance fee.

3 Language

• I used correct prepositions.

• I used correct spelling.



Score < 12 ≥ 12

Next exercise ex. 4 All done!



You will create an event poster for a cultural date in an English-speaking country and present it.


1 Choose a cultural day in an English-speaking country.

2 Go online and look for information about this day.

3 What special event do you want to organize on this day? Brainstorm!

4 Complete the grid with information about your cultural day and special event.


Place and address

Date and time


5 Use what you prepared to create your event poster. Be creative!

6 Present your event. You should talk for about 2 minutes.


7 Check your work by filling in the checklist.

Checklist: presenting a cultural event Yes I think so No

1 Preparation

• I chose 1 cultural date from an English-speaking country.

• I did research online.

• I brainstormed about the special event on this cultural day.

• I filled in the writing frame with all the necessary information.

2 Content and structure

• I mentioned the title.

• I mentioned the place and address of the event.

• I mentioned the date and time.

• I mentioned a special offer on this day.

• I mentioned what there is to do.

• I mentioned the website, if there is any.

• I mentioned the entrance fee.

• I spoke for about 2 minutes.

3 Language

• I used the correct prepositions for time and place.

• I used the present simple correctly.

• I spoke clearly.

• I paid attention to my pronunciation.



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