Suzuki outboard dt175 service repair manual

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Suzuki DT90 & DT100

SUZUKI DT90 AND DT100 CONDENSED SERVICE DATA NOTE: Metric fasteners nre used throughout outboard motor. TUNE-UP IIp/rpm : DT90 ... . .. . .... . . .. . . . ... .. . . ..... 90/5000-5600 DTlOO . . .. . . . .. . . . .... 100/5000-5600 Bore . ......... . . . . . . ............... 84 mm (:3.31 in .) . . . ....... 64 mm Stroke (2.52 in .)

Number of Cylinders . Displace ment . .. Spark Plug Electrode Gap. Ignition Type Carburetor Make

.. .. . . . . . . . ... ... . 4 .... 1419 cc (86.6 cu . in .)

. .. ... .. . .......... NGK BRSIIS-IO .O.!H.O mm (0.035·0.0:39 in .) . Suzuki Microlink . ... . Mikuni

SIZES-CLEARANCES Piston Ring End Gap: Standard ....

. 0.20-0.40 mm (0.008-0.016 in .) Wear Limit ... . . ............ . 0.80 mm (0.031 in .) Standard Piston Diameter . 83.865·8:3.880 mm (3 .3018-:3.:3024 in .) Standard Cylinder Diam eter . ..... .. 84.000-84.015 mm (:3.:3071-3.3077 in.)

Piston·to-Cylinder Clearance: Standard. . . . .. .. ... . ... 0.12 -0.15 mm (0.005-0.006 in .) Wear Limit .. . .. 0.22 mm (0.0087 in.) Piston Pin Diameter: . 19.9%-20.000 mm Standard (0.7872-0.7874 in .) Wear Limit .. .. .. 19.980 mm (0.7866 in.) Piston Pin Bore Diam e ter: Standard ..... .. . 20.002·20.010 mm (0.787,5-0.7878 in.) Wear Limit ... ..... . .. 20.030 mm (0.7886 in.) Max. Allowable Crankshaft Runout at Main Bearing .Journal ...... . . .... 0.05 mm (0.002 in.) Max. Allowable Connecting Rod Small End Side Shake . ...... . 5.0 mm (0.20 in .)

LUBRICATION The power head is lubricated by oil mixed with the fu el. All models are equipped with oil il\jection . The recommended oil is Suzuki Outboard Motor Oil or a suitable equivalent NMMA certified

TIGHTENING TORQUES ... .. ...... ....... 8-12 N'm Cy lind er Head Cover: . (iI-106 in .-Ibs.) .... 28-32 N'm Cylinder Head ...... . ... . (21-24 ft.-Ibs.) ... 46-54 N'm Cylinders ...... ... . . . . .. .. . . ..... . (34-40 ft.·lbs.) ...... ... 8-12 N'm Exhaust Cover .. . (71-106 in .-Ibs.) Flywheel Nut .250-260 N'm (184-192 ft. -lbs.) Gearcase Pinion Nut. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. 80-100 N'm (59-7:3 fUbs.) . .50-62 N'm Propeller Shaft Nut (37-45 ft.-Ibs.) . 15-20 N'm Wate r Pump Housing ......... .. . . . (11-14 ft.-Ibs.) Standard Screws: Unmarked or Marked " 4" !'imm .... . ...... . ....... 2-4 N'm (18·:35 in .-Ibs.) 6 mm ..... . ...... . .. . .. .. . .. . . . . ... . 4-7N·m (:35-62 in.-Ibs.) 8111111 . . . . . . . • ••. .... .... 10·16 N'm (88-141 in.-Ibs.) 10 mm .... . .. .... . . . .. ... .. .. . . . . .. 22-35 N'm (16-25 ft. ·lbs.) Stainless Steel 5 mm .. ... .

6 nun . .. 8 mill ..... .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . 10 mm ........ .

Marked "7": 5 mm 6 mm .

8 mill .... 10

mm .. ... . .

TC-WII engine oil. The recommended fuel is unleaded gasoline with a minimum pump oclane rating of 85. During break-in (first five hours of operation) , a 50; 1 fuel and oil mixture should be used in the fuel tank in combination with the oil il\jection system to

.2-4 N'm (18-35 in.-Ibs.) .6-10 N'm (5:3-88 in .-lbs.) ..... 15-20 N'm (11-14 fUbs.) .... :34 -41 N'm (25-30 ft.-lbs.)

.. ...... 3-6 N'm (26-5:3 in .-Ibs.) ..... 8-12 N'm (71-106 in .-Ibs.) ... . .. ... 18-20 N'm (13·14 fUbs.) .... .40-60 N'm

(29-44 ft .-Ibs.)

ensure adequate engine lubrication. Af· ter break-in period, switch to straight gasoline in the fu el tank . The lower unit gears and bearings are lubricated by oil contained in the gearcase. The recommended oil is Suzuki Outboard Motor Gear Oil or a good qual-

Suzuki 0190 & 01100

SERVICE MANUAL ity SAE flO hypoid gear lubricalll. Gearcase capacity is ~GO mL (l8.fl fl. oz.). The gearca.-;e oil should be changed after the first to hours of operation and every toO hours thereafter.

FUEL SYSTEM CARBURETOR. ~likuni BW:l6-24 carburetors are used on Model 011)0 and Mikuni \3W40-:32 carburetor.; are used on Model DTIOO. Two carburetor.; are used on all models. l{efer to Fig. SZ18-1 for exploded view. Standard main jet (12) size for normal service is 111:32.;5 on D1WJ models and #165 on DTlOO nlOdds. Standard pilotjN (6) size for normal service is 1190 on m1l0 models and !i77.5 on m'lOO models. Th check float le\'e1, remo\'e float bowl and invert carburetol: Distance (D- Fig. SZI8-2) between bottom of float: and float bowl mating surface on carbure· tor body should be 9.~-ll.ij mm (0.:370.45 in.). Carefully bend rang on float arm to adj ust. Initial selling of pilot air screw (3Fig. SZI8-1) from a lightly seated position is I',. to I". turns. Final adjustment should be pcrfonncd with engine at normal operating tempe rature, running in forward gear. Adjust idle speed swit c h (on lower engine cover) to obtain 600650 rpm in forward gear. Adjust pilot screw (3) so engine idles smoothly and will accelerate cleanly without hesi tation. NOTE: II unabte to obtain 600·650 rpm in lorward gear, adjust throttle stop screw on top carburetor as necessary or check adjust· ment 01 throttle valve sensor (2). ReIer to IGNITION section.

FUEL PUMP, A diaphragm type fu el pump is usee!. Fuel pump is mounted on the power head and is actuated by crankcase pulsations. I{e fer to Fig. SZI84 for an exploded view of pump assembly. Inspect diaphragms (2 and 4) for cracking, detelioration or other damage. Defective or questionable compon ents should be renewed. Mat ch marks are provided on cover (I) and body (:1) for correct alignment during reasse mbly. Tighten cover screws evenly in a crossing patt ern. FUEL FILTER. A fu e l fill er (Fig. SZI8-4) is mounted on th .. power head. Filter should be di!;&isembled to inspect element (12) every 50 hours of operation . Clean clement in a suitable sol\·enl. Renew element of excessive block age is noted . REED VALVES. The inlet reed valves are located on a V-shaped reed plate be-

tween int,lke manifold and cranke-ase. Refer to Fig. SZI8·5. The reed pe tals should seat very lightly against the reed plate throughout their entire length with the le,L<;t possihle tension. Ren ew reeds if tip of reed peta l stands open more than 0.2 mm (O.OOS in .) from contact surface. Reed stop opening should be 10.5 mm (0.413 in .) as shown in Fig. SZIS-7. [{ene w reeds if petals are broken, eracked, warped, rllsted or bent. Never attempt to bend a reed petal or straighte n a damaged reed. Never install a bent or damaged reed. Seating s1ll1-ac:e of reed plate should be s mooth and flat. When installing reeds or reed stop, make sure that petals are centered over the inlet ports in reed plate, anti that reed stops are centered over reed petals. Apply Suzuki Thread Lock 1:342 ora suitable equivalent thread locki ng compound to threads of reed stop screws during reassembly. Install reed vain! assemblies i.o intake manifold with alTow embossed on inside of reed plate (on one end) facing toward outside of engine. SPEED CONTROL LINKAGE. '11> synchronize carburetor throttle valves. loosen two screws (S-Fjg. SZI8-8) on top earburetor throttle lever (L). Rotate lever (L) clockwise until throttle v<llves are eompletely closed , then retighten screws (S). Be sure throttle valves open and dose at exactly the same time. With remote control in the neutral position, loosen jam nuts (N-Fig. SZIS-9) and adjust lengt.h of rod (I) so a c:icarance of

Fig. SZIS-4-Exploded view of fuel pump and fuel filter assembly. I


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1 1. Pt1ckin" I :! FIJkr .-,I. ·IIwnl I:l . " 0" r loil.


Fig. SZI8-1-Exploded view of carburetors used on all modelS. Hood\'

Thr;,n k·

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(i . rUt" Jet I. Jo'U;'l1

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I:;. fin,-u bllwl 'c rod


Fig. SZIS·2-Floal height (D) should be 9.5· I 1.5 mm (0.37-0.45 in.). Bend lang on float arm to ad/usl.


Suzuki DT90 & 01100 I mm (OJH in.) is present between throttle lever (.~) an d stopper (5) on carburetor. Refer 10 OIL IN.JECTION section for iqjeLtion pump control linkage adjustment.

Fig. SZI8-6-Exploded view of intake manifold and reed valve Bssemblles.

To ease engine stalting, ignition liming is electronically advanced to 5 degrees BTDC. The starting ignition advance duration is 15 seconds when engine temperature is below 87°-1100 C (:36°-44° F) and 5 seconds when enb'ine is warm ed to 97°-110° C (3(j0-44° F) or above. After th e initial timing advance period. idle speed timing is controlled by thp. idle speed adjustment s witch. The idle speed acljustment switch varies timing from 7 degrees ATDC (slow) to TDC (fast) , changing idle speed approximately 50 rpm per position. Full throttle timing should be 2:3 degrees BTDC at 5000 rpm and is electronically controlled by the Micro Link processor. The processor uses information from the gear counter coil and the throttle valve sensor to determine the optimum ignition timing for all operating conditions. Hefer to IGNITION section for throttle ,·alve sensor acljustment procedure.

minutes. Aft er five minutes. slop engine and note oil mea.,uring cylinder. Oil consumption in five minutes at 1500 rpm should be 2.5-4.5 mL (OJ)H5-0.152 fl. oz.). Next. refill oil cylinder, rotate oil pump control lever to the full-open (counterclockwise) position , start engine and run at 1500 rpm for exactly two minutes. Stop engine and not e oil cylimler. Oil consumption in two minutes at 1500 rpm should be (j.O-8.0 mL (0.2030.:304 fl. oz.). After reconnecting oil pump control rod to carburetOl; be sure carburetor throttle valves are properly synchronized (SPEED CONTHOL LiNKAGE) and check acljustment of oil pump control rod as outlined in PUMP CONTROL ROD ADJUSTMENT section.


Renew oil pump assembly (I) if output is not as specified. Be sure pump is prope rly engaged with driven gear (:3) before tightening fasten e rs.

1 InUtkc rn:inlfold <1 H('l'd p(-l:,l b :; . H('('d s t(Jp

2. CiiI.S).;.'-l

:3 Hced


10.5mm (0.413 In.) Fig. SZI8-7-Dls/Mce belween reed slap (5) and reed plale (3) should be 10.5 mm (0.413 In.) ss shown. CleafsnC6 between reed petal (4) Bnd reed plele (3) musl not exceed 0.2 mm (0.008 In.).


BLEEDING PUMP. Air should be purged from ir\jection system any time an irljection system compon ent has been removed or renewed , or if outboard motor has been in storage. While bleeding the system, a 50:1 fuel and oil mixture must be used in the fuel tank to ensure proper engine lubrication during the bleeding procedure. Open the air bleed screw (B-Fig. SZIH-Il) two or three turns. Start engine and run at MiO-700 rpm until air is no longer noted at screw (n). Stop engine and tighten screw (il) securely. CHECKING OIL PUMP OUTPUT. Start engine and warm-up for approximately five minutes. Stop engine. re move oil reservoir and disconnect oil pump control rod (2-Fig. SZIS-Il) from carbureto!: Connect Suzuki oil measuring cylinder 08!J4HiH7!O to oil pump inlet hose and fill with a recommended engine oiL l3Ieed air from system as previously outlined, then refill oil cylinder to an upper reference mark. Hotate oil pump control lever to the fully closed (clockwise) position, start engine and run at 1500 rpm for exactly five

NOTE: 011 pump output test results may vary depending on testing error and ambient temperature. To ensure accurate results, repeat test three times, or until results are consistent.

OIL FLOW SENSOR. Oililow sensor (9-Fig. SZIS-II) is connected in-line between oil reservoir and oil pump. The oil flow sensor serves as an oil filter as well a.g a sensor to detect insufficient oil flow to pump. Should oil flow become restri cted , the sensor circuit closes, signaling the microcomputer to decrea.,e engine speed and activate th e warning lamp and buzzer. The sensor filter should be periodically removed and cleaned in a SUitable solvent. Henew filter if excessi ve blockage is noted. Tb t est sensor. connect an ohmmeter between sensor pinklblue wire and black wire. No continuity should be present. Next. plug sensor inlet and apply a vacuum to the outlet port. Zero ohms should be noted with vacuum applied. PUMP CONTROL ROD ADJUSTMENT. Make sure carburetor throttle

Fig. SZI8-9- VIew ofthrottle linkage on all models. I Link roo 1.. ThTOftl(' ann

3. Curhuret.or 4 . Throttle 5. S(t) PrK'r

S . l\uu

Fig. SZ18-8-Refer to text to synchronize carburetor thronle valves.


mm in)';~;:~?


Suzuki OT90 & OT100

SERVICE MANUAL valves are properly synchronized as described in SPEED CONTROL LINKAGE section. With throttle in the fully closed position, clearance (C-Fig. SZIS-12) between boss (4) and control lever (3) should be less than 1.0 nlIn (0.0:,9 in.), but lever (3) should not be touching boss (4). Loosen nuts jam nuts (N) and vary length of rod (2) to adjust.

IGNITION All models are equipped with Suzuki Micro Link ignition system. 1Ilicro Link is comprised of a capacitor discharge ignition system (CDl) and a microcomputer. The microcomputer processes information from various sensors and switches including throttle valve opening, engine rpm and shift lever position, then determines the optimum ignition timing. The ]llicro Link system also monitors oil level, oil flow, water flow and overs peed caution systems. If one or more eaution systems indicate a malfunction, the microcomputer activates the appropriate warning buzzer and lamp, and reduees engine speed to a predetermined level.

GEAR COUNTER COIL. Unplug connectors leading from gear counter coil (8-Fig. SZIS-15). Connect tester between the orange/green and the black!green wire eonneetors. Resistance should be 160-230 ohms. Air gap between counter coil and the flywheel ring gear teeth should be 0.5 mm (0.020 in.). Loosen counter coil mounting screws and slide coils as necessary to adjust.

p\nnp ~~' . (';om rol rod :1. DIi \'(' n "War G~k('l R ~' Ul I Tl \~ r

" 0" ring A ir /nil niixlnp; \"~Il\',' H Ch('(:k \' 1.Llv(' o. ()j[ fI()w s(: nsq r L'I ll lt'l'd Ii (; n' .....


COl\DENSER ClIARGE COIL. Disconnect six-pin connector (Fig. SZIS-15) leading from stator plate. Connect ohmmeter between the black/red terminal and the green terminal. Resistance should be 180-270 ohms. PULSER COILS. Disconnect the sixpin connector leading from stator plate. Connect tester between engine ground and alternately to the red/green, white/black, red/white and white/green terminals. Resistance at each terminal should be 160-230 ohms. Air gap between pulser coils and the flywheel should he 0.7!; mm (0.029 in.). The manufacturer recommends using Suzuki pulser eoil IDeating tool (part 09931-88710) to properly position pulser coils.

IGNITION COILS. Ignition coil primary winding resistance should be 0.15-0.25 ohm. Connect tester between black and

Fig. SZI8-11-Exploded vIew of all Injection pump and related components.


TROUBLE-SHOOTING. Test ignition system using Stevens 1I10dei C D-77 or a suitable equivalent peak reading voltmeter (PRV) and Suzuki Pocket Tester 09900-25002 or a suitable equivalent ohmmeter. Refer to Figs. SZIS-14 and SZIS-L3. 1b check ignition system peak voltage, remove spark plugs, and refer to chart in Fig. SZIS-16. Output is measured at cranking speed only. Make sure battery is fully charged and in good condition. If peak voltage is less than specified in chart, renew component being tested. If testing ignition components using Suzuki Pocket '!ester 09900-25002, or an ohmmeter, refer to Figs. SZIS-14 and SZIS-15 and proceed as follows:

BATTERY CHARGE COILS. Unplug the yellow and red wire connectors and connect tester between the two connectors. Resistance should be 0.4-0.6 ohm. Note that checking resistance between the yellow and red wires tests resistance of both battery charge coils.

Fig. SZI8¡12-Refer to text for all pump control rod adJustment procedure. :3

Pu mp i;L'\!iy C.o nlrol rod G<Jn l TI1 1 it.'\'(,'r

1. &$:.1 ~

,J(, m nuts


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