july 15 2013 final

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Hineni! 30

INSIDE 9 Camp JCC scores big

21 Bringing Israel Home Sunday, Aug. 11

Thomas Hofheimer Young Leadership Mission returns from Israel —page 10 U J F T

A n n ua l

r e p o r t

26 BSV holds annual meeting

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2:27 PM

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UPFRONT Don’t Call Me Haredi by Levi Margolin

My parents raised me and my six siblings in Norfolk, Va., in essence, as the only “Haredi” kids in our day-school classes. As the “ultra-orthodox” kids who kept strict kosher, never drove on Shabbat, and who were wildly different from (and significantly shorter than!) the others. But yet, we were welcomed by our peers because we welcomed them. We were (and my parents still are) the Chabad representatives in Southeastern Virginia. Today, I am, to the best of my ability, an observant Jew. I am a Chabadnik. I am a Hassidic Jew. I love every Jew. They are my “mishpoche”—my family. I wish every Jew would be observant but at the same time strongly believe in the right and ability of every Jew to choose his or her own way. I believe that is the Jewish way. I believe this is the [true] Haredi way. This is the fashion in which we were raised. To love everyone, unconditionally. To love does not always mean to agree and today I have a strong disagreement. Call me an orthodox Jew if you will (though I believe labels distance us as a people). Call me a Chabadnik (I welcome it). Call me Hassidic. Don’t call me Haredi. Don’t call me Haredi because today I am embarrassed by [a small group of] my brothers—and sisters—the “ultra orthodox” community in Israel, the Holy Land. Today, I do not wish to be associated with that Haredi community. Agree with Women of the Wall or not,

jewish news jewishnewsva.org reports of Haredi women physically attacking members of the controversial group at the Western Wall on Monday drew bad feelings in my heart. At the Kotel, a venue they clearly hold in reverence, they chose to assault other Jews. Tuesday, as a uniformed IDF soldier —a hero in my eyes—walked through Mea Shearim, a Haredi neighborhood in Jerusalem, he was attacked by a mob of Haredi youth as he tried to make his way along the road. There were eggs hurled in his direction and fists thrust at his body. The thought of a Jewish, Israeli hero, putting himself forward to allow us all to live here, being accosted literally angered me. I understand their agitation and uncertainty surrounding government discussion regarding drafting Haredi men to the army and their quickly changing status in Israel’s society but, my friends, this is not the Jewish way. This is certainly not the Hassidic way and this is most definitely not the Haredi way. Today we find ourselves in the “nine days” period. These are nine days of symbolic mourning to commemorate the destruction of the “Beit HaMikdash” (the Holy Temple) in Jerusalem centuries ago. Jewish history teaches us that “sinat chinam” (hatred of others) is to be credited for the Temple’s destruction. During the nine days, I would expect tolerance and love to take the front page, not G-d forbid, the unfortunate opposite. I would love to be called a Haredi. A true Haredi that is. A Haredi associated with love. A Haredi that is involved with the large scale “Bikur Cholim” societies that care for the ill. The Haredis


About the cover: Young Leadership Mission participants at the Galil Mountain Winery.

UpFront. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

KBH and Temple Israel celebrate 13 years. . . . 14

Briefs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project Trip. . . . 14

Torah Thought. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

National music educator at SECC. . . . . . . . . . . 15

Egypt’s impact on Israel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

JCC extends hours. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Ron Dermer, new ambassador. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Stein Scholarship recipient: Dina Yusufov. . . . 17

Camp JCC a hit with campers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

JFS honors employees and volunteers. . . . . . . . 18

Israeli Scouts entertain at JCC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

What’s Happening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Thomas Hofheimer Young Leadership Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Mazel Tov. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Supreme Court rulings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Obituaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Olympic Day at JCC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Beth Sholom Village’s Annual Meeting. . . . . . . 26

Beth El cooks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

that care for every jew and perform unlimited, unmatched “chessed” (acts of kindness). The Haredis that are time and again responsible for countless scenarios of “Kiddush Hashem.” Not the [small, but unfortunately very loud group of] Haredis that are in the news today. Take a moment, consider what a Haredi truly is. Haredi means “one who trembles” and is in the context of someone who trembles or is in fear before G-d. Would a true Haredi dare do G-d’s job by judging his subjects? A true Haredi would love each Jew unconditionally. A true Haredi would pray for those he believes are in the wrong to find truth (as I find myself doing for the Haredi community tonight). A true Haredi would never lift a finger on another Jew, another of G-d’s chosen people. I call upon all Haredi leadership to speak out against violence and support love of the Jewish people as the true alternative. In the spirit of “Ahavat Yisrael” and Jewish unity—especially in these nine days—it is crucial that we set aside our quibbles and stand together as one. We may have differences, but we are one. The Jewish people. I strive for the day when all Haredism will return to their roots. I will then be proud to be called Haredi. —Levi Margolin lives in Jerusalem, is director of marketing and social media at Taglit-Birthright Israel: MAYANOT. This piece was originally published by The Times of Israel on July 10, 2013. Margolin may be reached at levi.margolin@gmail.com.


Published 22 times a year by United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

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candle lighting Friday, July 19/Av 12 Light candles at 8:02 pm

“Everyone agreed that

Friday, July 26/Av 19 Light candles at 7:57 pm

a ‘Bar Mitzvah’ is

Friday, August 2/Av 26 Light candles at 7:51 pm

far from an ending.”

Friday, August 9/Elul 3 Light candles at 7:44 pm

—page 12

Friday, August 16/Elul 10 Light candles at 7:36 pm Friday, August 23/Elul 17 Light candles at 7:27 pm

jewishnewsva.org | July 15, 2013 | Jewish News | 3

briefs After lightning strike, two campers released from hospital Two of the three campers struck by lightning at a Reform Jewish summer camp, the Goldman Union Camp Institute in Zionsville, Ind., have been released from the hospital. Camp director Rabbi Mark Covitz says activities at the Union for Reform Judaism camp have been proceeding as usual. Corvitz also indicated that the camp has been somewhat cautious about how much information about the incident to share with other campers. “I was struck, as I am daily, by what a remarkable and, yes, holy community this is,” Covitz wrote on the camp blog, the day after the lightning strike. “I could not be prouder of how our staff reacted yesterday, nor more appreciative of the outstanding response from the Zionsville paramedics. Today, camp is up and running.” Emergency officials were called to the camp at 1:40 p.m. Saturday, June 29 where they found camp counselors performing “lifesaving efforts,” an Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department report said. It was not raining, nor was there a storm in the area at the time of the lightning strike, Indianapolis Police spokesman Kendale Adams told reporters. Several hundred children in grades 3 through 12 are in residence at the camp. (JTA) Lawmakers urge Obama to press Iran harder on nukes In the wake of Iran’s recent election, a bipartisan group of congressmen is calling on President Obama to increase pressure on Iran to dismantle its nuclear weapons program. Forty-five lawmakers signed on to the June 28 letter to Obama. “Our diplomatic goal must be to reach a negotiated settlement in which Iran agrees to verifiably dismantle its nuclear weapons program,” the letter said. “For this outcome to be realized, Iran must face intensifying pressure.” Among the signers were Reps. Ed Royce (R-Calif.), chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.), the committee’s ranking member. The new Iranian president, Hassan Rouhani, was perceived to be the most moderate of the candidates, and “while 4 | Jewish News | July 15, 2013 | jewishnewsva.org

this was not a free and fair election, judged by international standards, its outcome reflected considerable dissatisfaction by the Iranian people with an autocratic and repressive government that has internationally isolated Iran,” the letter noted. The letter pointed out that “Iran’s election unfortunately has done nothing to suggest a reversal of Iran’s pursuit of a nuclear weapons capacity.” It also noted that Rouhani previously served as his country’s nuclear negotiator and had indicated his support for the program in a post-election news conference. Iran says its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes only. (JTA)

Pritzker handily wins confirmation as commerce secretary Penny Pritzker, the billionaire real estate developer and major giver to the Jewish Federation of Chicago, was confirmed as U.S. secretary of commerce. Despite questions concerning the reporting of her income and her relations with labor unions, Pritzker won Senate confirmation last month by a 97-1 vote. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) was the dissenter. Following the confirmation, President Obama called the Chicago civic and business leader “a proven leader, a successful entrepreneur and one of the most accomplished and highly respected women in business today.” She was a major donor to Obama. Pritzker, 54, is founder, chairman and CEO of PSP Capital Partners and its affiliate, Pritzker Reality Group. Her grandfather founded the Hyatt Hotel chain. Pritzker backed Obama in 2008 and 2012, and he considered her for the Department of Commerce post in 2009. But she withdrew her name from contention, reportedly because she was perceived as problematic at a time of financial and real estate failures and scandals. She fundraised for Obama last year, but held back in her public profile for the campaign. A New York Times profile said her relationship with the president had become “complicated” because of persistent labor clashes with the Hyatt chain and Obama’s attacks on financiers and strained ties with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Also confirmed was Michael Froman as U.S. trade representative, a Cabinet-level position. Froman, who was the deputy national security adviser for international economics, is a graduate of the BBYO youth organization. In 1980-81, he led the movement as its Grand Aleph Gadol. (JTA)

In interviews, Oren has stressed improvements in the defense relationship between the two countries during the two leaders’ tenure while acknowledging differences in some areas, particularly regarding the intensity of pressure on Iran to make its nuclear program more transparent. (JTA)

Jordan negotiating to buy natural gas from Israel Jordan is negotiating with Israel to become the first country to buy from its natural gas reserves. A deal likely would require running a pipeline from Israel to Jordan, The Wall Street Journal reported. Israel has approved a plan to export 40 percent of its recently tapped natural gas reserves. Both Jordan and Israel have suffered from two years of supply shortages following a series of attacks on pipelines from Egypt bringing gas to the two countries. The Egyptian gas supply was never restored to Israel and Jordan is receiving less than 40 percent of its previous gas supply, according to the newspaper. Jordan also has held talks on natural gas with Iraq and Qatar. Israel is the least attractive deal from a political standpoint, according to the Journal. “The cheapest option is for Jordan to obtain natural gas from Israel,” Amit Mor, president of Eco Energy Ltd., an Israeli energy consultancy, told the paper. “But Jordan has yet to make a geopolitical decision to buy gas from Israel.” (JTA)

Nearly $2 million awarded to Conservative day schools The AVI CHAI Foundation awarded nearly $2 million to support the Conservative movement’s Solomon Schechter network of Jewish day schools. Two grants, for the Solomon Schecter School Network and the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, include some $1.7 million in funding from AVI CHAI and a challenge grant from an anonymous foundation, according to a statement. “These grants are transformative, enabling us to provide an unprecedented level of service to our Schechter schools,” says Steven Lorch, president of the Schechter Network board. Over the last 15 years, Schecter schools have been hit by 20 school closures or mergers. In the last decade, as enrollment at non-Orthodox day schools fell, Schecter schools were hardest hit, with a drop of 25 percent enrollment between 2003 and 2008. The economy is a large factor, along with affordability, day school researchers say. ( JTA)

Israel’s U.S. envoy Michael Oren to leave post Michael Oren, the Israeli ambassador to Washington, announced that he will be leaving his post this fall. “Israel and the United States have always enjoyed a special relationship and, throughout these years of challenge, I was privileged to take part in forging even firmer bonds,” Oren said in a statement sent to media and posted on his Facebook page. Oren, a native of New Jersey who made aliyah as a young man, later became a historian and was named ambassador in 2009, played a significant role in rebutting reports of a strained relationship between President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Ancient cave found during work on West Bank security fence A million-year-old cave was discovered in the West Bank during work to move the security fence nearer the settlement of Tzofim. The cave, with deep caverns and large rooms filled with stalactites and stalagmites, was discovered earlier this month, Yediot Achronot reported. Tzofim, near central Israel, is surrounded on one side by Kfar Saba and on the other by the Palestinian city of Kalkilya. Along with moving the fence closer to the community, the work also was being done to create better traffic patterns for the Israeli and Palestinian vehicles that share the roads. The construction was stopped after the discovery of the cave to allow for geological testing. (JTA)

Torah Thought On Tisha B’Av, feeling the loss from the flames

by Edmon J. Rodman

LOS ANGELES (JTA)—On Yom Kippur, we ask “Who by fire?” Sadly, this year at Tisha B’Av we already know who—the 19 firefighters who perished in Arizona. “This is as dark a day as I can remember,” Governor Jan Brewer said in a statement. Unknowingly, the governor connected me to the mood of the Ninth of Av, the Jewish day of mourning that begins this year on the evening of July 15. Each year we come from the sun of summer unprepared for this darkest day on the Jewish calendar. With the itinerary of vacation days on our minds, we reluctantly stop over on this day without even a road map of the tragedies of our people. Perhaps that’s why this year, with the tragedy of Arizona, I found myself reflecting on those who gave their lives, so that others would not die or lose their homes in fire. Tisha B’Av marks a day on which we are supposed to connect with pain and loss. It’s a day to wail about how the awful happened and why. The flames from the destruction of the first and second Temples, as well as other tragedies that we remember on Tisha B’Av, seem so distant until a story of flames and heroism burns a connecting path. All but one of the Granite Mountain Interagency Hotshots, an elite firefighting crew trained in wildfire suppression, died in an effort to protect a subdivision near the small town of Yarnell. None of the victims were Jewish, yet their loss and the mourning of their loved ones cannot help but remind us at this time of year of those Jews who died in flames. In Los Angeles and the West, during the weeks leading up to Tisha B’Av, it is almost always high fire season. In 2007, during the Griffith Park fire here, I could see the

flames coming down from the Hollywood Hills. As I looked at the faces of my neighbors standing in the street, I could see that fear of fire, of the horrendous loss it can bring, was not religion specific. The Arizona Forestry Division reported that the Yarnell Hill fire started from a lighting strike, not as from Jewish martyrdom from the torch of a conquering army or homicidal mob. Yet the result is the same: wives are without husbands, children without fathers, parents without sons. Some 30 miles away from Yarnell, where many of the memorials to the firefighters have been held, is Prescott, Ariz. —a city with Jews in its present and its past. According to the University of Arizona’s Southwest Jewish Archives, in 1928, the Ku Klux Klan marched past the M. Goldwater store, owned by Michael Goldwater (Goldwasser), who was presidential candidate Barry Goldwater’s Jewish great-grandfather. Today there is a congregation in Prescott, Temple B’rith Shalom. On Tisha B’Av, the saddest day of the Jewish year, we have customs that connect us to tragedy. Traditionally, you do not eat, drink or bathe; there is no sex; and as a sign of mourning you do not wear leather, which is considered a sign of luxury. In some communities during services, the worshipers sit on the floor or on low stools and recite prayers in a subdued voice. On Tisha B’Av, we also chant Eicha, a dirge that in part poetically and painfully captures the fall of Jerusalem. Filled with phrases such as “their faces are blacker than soot,” you can’t help but imagine the flames. Adding to the flames, the cover of the ArtScroll edition of Eicha shows a scroll that’s been singed. Eicha is dense with anguish and in places difficult to follow. But while rereading it, after following the stories of the firefighters’ wives, phrases that once made little sense began to pop from the page, helping me to connect to their loss. Perhaps in age-old conversation, Eicha responds, “Our dancing has turned into mourning.” But closing on words of hope it ends, “Renew our days as of old.” —Edmon J. Rodman is a JTA columnist who writes on Jewish life from Los Angeles.

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jewishnewsva.org | July 15, 2013 | Jewish News | 5


Removal of Islamist Morsi a source of hope in Israel with a country led by secular pragmatists reacted calmly. Troop activity on Israel’s southern border has not increased meanis obviously preferable to one led by ingfully, despite a rocket exploding Islamists, the 2011 Egyptian uprisEL AVIV (JTA)—For the secearlier this month near the resort ing showed that a government ond time in less than three town of Eilat and the bombing inclined positively toward years, Egypt is erupting in For now, of an Egyptian gas pipeline to Israel may only be possible chaos, with a popular protest Jordan. Also, Israel allowed amid significant repression movement leading to a swift Israeli Egypt to move troops into at home. change in the country’s leadership. the Sinai—a move prohibitIsrael thus far has stayed For Israelis, the Egyptian military’s officials are ed by their peace treaty—as silent in response to the removal of Mohamed Morsi from the presireacting with a an added security measure. unrest in Egypt’s capital, dency is a cause for optimism. Despite ongoing close neither praising nor conAn Islamist and a leading figure in the poker face. coordination between the demning the military’s actions Muslim Brotherhood, Morsi’s brief tenure Israeli and Egyptian militaries, nor reaching out publicly to the saw a further estrangement between Israel the Sinai has been a hotspot of new government in formation. and Egypt. The Brotherhood advocates terrorist activity since Mubarak’s oustIn a recent interview with the Israel’s destruction and supports Hamas, Italian newspaper La Corriere Della Sera, er, a situation that could get worse with the terrorist group that governs in Gaza. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Egypt’s top brass focused on containing the And while Morsi upheld the 1979 peace said only that Israel is watching events in unrest in Cairo, which already has claimed treaty with Israel during his year in office, dozens of lives. In addition to the pipeline Egypt very carefully. his refusal of contact with Israel and his The Israel Defense Forces also have bombing, an Egyptian soldier was killed warm relations with other Islamist governthere last week. Morsi’s fall also has weakened Hamas, which enjoyed a small uptick in prestige during his administration. In October, the emir of Qatar became the first head of state  to visit Gaza. The following month, Morsi’s  mediation of the conflict between Hamas and Israel led to a slight easing of Israel’s Gaza blockade. Now, Hamas again is on the ropes. Its parent organization has been removed from leadership after only a year and it has lost some financial support from Iran for choosing to back the rebels fighting Syrian President Bashar Assad, an Iranian ally. If the Egyptian military clamps down on weapons transfers in the Sinai and underground tunnels to Gaza, it could stanch  Hamas’ supply chain. For now, Israeli officials are reacting                                            with a poker face. But if the Brotherhood’s fall portends a decline in Islamist fortunes  across the region, Israelis will likely smile  and collectively exhale.  “The interests of the [Egyptian] gov ernment are pragmatic—to work in Sinai  against terror and to revive the Egyptian  economy,” Mazel says. “They may even  cooperate with us more economically. It was  a cold peace. We’ll see what happens now.” 


by Ben Sales

6 | Jewish News | July 15, 2013 | jewishnewsva.org

ments portended future tension between the countries. With Morsi gone and the Egyptian military reasserting itself, Israel can breathe a little easier. Israel has enjoyed close cooperation with the Egyptian Army in recent decades, born of their shared interest in combating terrorist groups and maintaining stability. “To get rid of the Muslim Brotherhood is great for Egypt and for the region,” says Zvi Mazel, Israel’s ambassador to Egypt in the late 1990s. “It’s the best thing that has happened this year. One of their central goals is to destroy Israel.” The takeover also poses risks for Israel. A weak and unstable Egypt will be less able to maintain calm in the Sinai Desert, act as an anchor of stability in the Arab world or step in as a mediator between Israel and its enemies. And while dealing

Ron Dermer bringing to envoy’s post loyalty to Netanyahu, history of abrasiveness by Ron Kampeas

WASHINGTON (JTA)—“I was with him when” Ron Dermer laced his address to the 2009 American Israel Public Affairs Committee conference. Dermer used the phrase five times in the first five minutes of the speech—the “him” being Benjamin Netanyahu. “I can shed a little insight into the mind of the Israeli prime minister,” Dermer told the crowd. “Because on that I’m something of an expert.” Two elements of the address, made just weeks after Netanyahu assumed office, explain Dermer’s ascension last week to the country’s most important diplomatic post, the ambassadorship to Washington. Dermer has a closeness to Netanyahu so steadfast that it does not inhibit his brashness in boasting about it. And Dermer utterly buys into Netanyahu’s most cherished notion about himself—that he has been right when others have been wrong. “He’s a man of basic core convictions who has time after time been willing to stand against the current when it was not popular,” Dermer told AIPAC. Born to a family of conservative Democrats in Miami—his father and brother are both former Miami Beach mayors—Dermer, 41, served as Netanyahu’s top adviser from his assumption of office in March 2009 until his new term began in March of this year. But Dermer is known for more than just loyalty to his boss. His reputation is as a brash political player dismissive of those with whom disagrees. He is rumored to be the one responsible for news stories about Obama’s supposed snub of Netanyahu during his 2010 White House visit. And Obama administration officials believe he was behind Netanyahu’s perceived tilt toward Mitt Romney in last year’s presidential election. “To me, it’s not an ideal choice as he’s seen as extremely political and as someone who has repeatedly gone to the press with negative stories,” a former Obama administration official says. “You want someone trusted and discreet to be your ambassador.” Dermer’s reputation raised eyebrows when his name first surfaced earlier this

year as a possible replacement for Michael Oren, the historian turned diplomat who will wind down his tenure in Washington this fall. But leaders of mainstream Jewish groups, which lavishly praise the pick, says those muddied waters were under the bridge. “He’s coming here as ambassador to the United states, not to get involved in partisan politics,” David Harris, the American Jewish Committee director, says. “The prime minister knows it. He knows it.” Abraham Foxman, the Anti-Defamation League’s national director, notes that Dan Shapiro, Obama’s envoy to Israel, once was closely identified with positions that upset the Netanyahu government. In his previous position, as the top Middle East official on the National Security Council, Shapiro took the lead in pressing Israel to freeze settlement expansion. “The relationship is bigger than political nuance,” says Foxman, who adds that since Obama’s successful March visit to Israel, the tensions that once divided the governments have passed. Passed, perhaps, but difficult to forget. Unlike Shapiro and other functionaries turned ambassadors, Dermer made the case for his boss in an abrasive tone. In 2011, he declined a New York Times request for an Op-Ed in a letter that was later leaked to The Jerusalem Post. “It would seem as if the surest way to get an Op-Ed published in The New York Times these days, no matter how obscure the writer or the viewpoint, is to attack Israel,” Dermer wrote. Dermer immigrated to Israel in 1997 after several years of involvement in Republican congressional politics. He drew close at first to former Soviet political prisoner Natan Sharansky, co-writing with him The Case for Democracy, a book that President George W. Bush later cited as a major influence. In the book, Sharansky treats Dermer as a full partner in shaping its ideas. Through Sharansky, Dermer met Netanyahu, and they also forged an immediate closeness. Netanyahu, the finance minister in the mid-2000s, sent Dermer to Washington as economic consul. continued on page 8

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8 | GLENN Jewish News | July 15, 2013 | jewishnewsva.org BECK PASTOR JOHN C. HAGEE

human rights groups in Israel, casting them as agents of foreign powers. Some of the groups have the support of leading Jewish liberal benefactors from the United States. Dermer’s defenders in Washington say those issues are dwarfed by the immediate challenges facing Israeli-U.S. interests in the Middle East. “He will be an effective representative of the State of Israel generally, and Prime Minister Netanyahu specifically, as we are in a crucial period of U.S.-Israel relations with the need to stop Iran from developing a nuclear weapon,” says William Daroff, who directs the Jewish Federations of North America’s Washington office. Unprompted, Foxman, Harris and Daroff all made the same point: Dermer’s closeness to Netanyahu is what will make his time in Washington a success. “The most important thing for any ambassador in Washington, especially any Israeli ambassador, is that he brings the full trust of the prime minister,” Harris says. “That’s an asset you cannot put a price on. “What it says to the host country is that I am sending someone in whom I have full confidence, so when you talk to him you have a direct conduit to me.”

Israeli Cabinet advances proposal to draft haredi Orthodox men



Dermer lets little stand in his way. Oren—also U.S. born and beloved by the U.S. Jewish community—wanted to keep his job, insiders say, and the only reason he was removed is that Dermer wanted the envoy post. Long before Dermer was formally named as the new ambassador, he was taking calls from Jewish schools and synagogues in Washington eager for his membership. Oren and his two predecessors, Salai Meridor and Daniel Ayalon, made outreach to the U.S. Jewish community a hallmark of their tenure. Oren in particular was sensitive to anger in the Jewish community over Israel’s perceived discrimination against women and helped broker a tentative compromise that would allow for egalitarian prayer at the Western Wall. In 2009, Dermer said he considered cultivating ties with the American Jewish community’s liberal wing a waste of time. Dermer is believed to be behind the liberal lobby J Street’s inability to secure meetings with high-level officials during its Israel trips. Oren, by contrast, has forged low-level ties with the group. Like other Jewish groups, J Street welcomed Dermer’s appointment. Dermer also led efforts in the Prime Minister’s Office to limit the activities of

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Israel’s Cabinet approved a bill proposal to draft thousands of haredi Orthodox men into the Israel Defense Forces. The proposal for reforms to Israel’s military conscription law passed the Cabinet at its weekly meeting on Sunday, July 7 in a 14-4 vote. It moves to the Ministerial Committee for Legislation for discussion before going to the Knesset floor. The four votes against the “sharing of the burden” bill to integrate the haredi Orthodox into the military, and by extension into Israeli society, came from members of the Yisrael Beiteinu party. Under the proposal, some 1,800 yeshiva students would be exempt from the military draft and the haredi men could study in yeshiva until the age of 21 before being drafted. Conscription or a national

service requirement for Israeli Arabs was not included in the bill proposal. A four-year “adjustment period” would allow haredi yeshiva students to come into compliance. “Our objective is twofold: Integrating young ultra-Orthodox into IDF and national service and, no less important, integrating them into the labor force,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said at the Cabinet meeting. “I attribute great importance to integrating Israeli Arabs in sharing the burden, and while the proposed outline refers to this issue, in my opinion it is still not complete and we will need to continue dealing with the issue in order to complete it.” (JTA)

Israeli Scouts visit Simon Family JCC

Camp JCC scores big with campers

by Leslie Shroyer


en 17-year-old Israeli Scouts and two leaders visited the Simon Family JCC last month to perform on a Sunday evening and Monday morning for JCC campers. Each Friendship Caravan of Scouts, or Tzofim, consists of five males and five females. The group that performed in Tidewater is one of four currently touring the East Coast. The Scouts are all accomplished performers, chosen as much for talent as verve and enthusiasm. Scouts are selected from approximately 1,600 applicants. Auditions Scouts perform at the Simon Family JCC. are held at the local troop level, and then regional and national cuts are made. The result is 75 teens who either travel or stay in one camp being with each other and spending time with campers and communities,” she explains. “We are a big family for the summer. So strong is the commitment to the Scouts that of 10 kids and two leaders, and traveling in our van some return to lead a traveling caravan, as did Tamur from place to place and then staying with host families Arzuan, a 23-year-old who was a Scout six years ago, is as much fun as performing.” From setting up the stage for each performance, and returned after serving in the army and working for several years. “The time I had with the Scouts was one performing several shows, stage break down and long of the best things I’ve ever done,” she says. “I wanted to drives, the routine seems exhausting, especially for an have a chance to be with Scouts again, traveling around entire summer, but the Scouts remain enthusiastic, the United States and sharing our love of Israel through even after their performances. They all seem equally song and dance. And we happen to have a great group passionate about showing their audiences what their country is all about, sharing Israeli song and dance, of 17-year-olds in our particular caravan this summer.” Among those in the caravan is Shaked Knafo, who, and inspiring inquisitive people to visit Israel. Asked how the summer has been a life changer, like the rest of her companions, missed finals this spring to be in the Scouts. “I’ll make them up in the Knafo says it has made her a young adult overnight. fall and will have a tough year ahead of me, but it is “It’s about time management, having to pack up, travel well worth it,” she says. Knafo, who lived in London for and be responsible day in and day out,” she says. “But a year with her family, has been to the United States when I’m on stage singing and dancing to pop tunes, I numerous times. “It’s not about what we see as much as can still feel like a kid.”

Some space still available by Leslie Shroyer

Earning rave reviews from campers and their parents, there’s still time to register for Camp JCC to take advantage of all that it has to offer, including


field trips and good ole simple summer fun. After a recent overnight and a great day of

Jody Bartel and Hannah Mancoll

camp, Hannah Mancoll and Jody Bartel, both nine years old, say that the best things about camp are the overnight, popsicles at the end of each day, good field trips and nice kids. The two girls also give the staff high praise, noting that Jill Sava, camp director, offers terrific activities to choose from and that Erika Eshkenazi, assistant camp director, planned a great overnight with swimming and flashlight tag. They credit Chris Fenley with being “funny and making us love athletics” and that he should be “a talk show host.” The girls also say that Carlyn Goldstein “is super energetic and makes everything fun, even clean up time.” These two campers plan to return for multiple weeks of camp. Hannah’s mother, Robin Mancoll, praises Camp JCC. “It did exactly what I’d hoped,” she says. “Hannah is now interested in Jewish camps, and we’ll even explore Jewish sleep away camp for next year. It’s great my kids can choose a week here or there at Camp JCC during the summer.” So that every Jewish child who wants to be a part of Camp JCC can participate, the Simon Family JCC has partnered with United Jewish Federation of Tidewater to provide scholarships for the remainder of the summer. The last day of camp is August 9, but Camp JCC’s Summer Extension allows children to continue the summer fun August 12–30. Visit campjcc.org or call 321-2303 for more information.

The Simon Family JCC is a constituent agency of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. Four Friendship Caravans of Scouts are touring the East Coast.

jewishnewsva.org | July 15, 2013 | Jewish News | 9

Thomas Hofheimer Hineni! Young Leadership Mission returns from Israel


by Rebecca Bickford

fter 10 months of leadership seminars, workshops, and discussions, and more than 12 hours of travel, participants of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s 2013 Hineni!

Leadership Development program touched down in Israel on

Thursday, June 20. For the next six days, the 12 participants of the Tom Hofheimer Young Leadership Mission trip experienced a whirlwind tour of Israel, including sight-seeing, discussions with key Israeli thinkers and heartfelt interactions with recipients of Tidewater funding.

Mission participants at Ben Gurion Airport, departing Israel for Tidewater.

Tracie and David Guy-Decker Since we got back from the trip, we keep trying to recreate meals we had in Israel. Maybe because it is the only part of the experience we really could recreate here, and we desperately want to recreate it. The sights, the speakers, the company—the food!—it was all incredible. Most surprising for us, pleasantly so, was how touched we were by our time spent at sites funded by UJFT. With Tracie as the (former) marketing director, we thought we already knew what there was to know about the work Federation does in Israel. We didn’t know the half of it. We “knew” that UJFT funded a residential facility for at-risk youth, but knowing about “at-risk youths” and meeting smiling children running around the campus of Neve Michael—and then learning some of their terrible stories of neglect and abuse—that is something altogether different. This trip has opened our eyes and our hearts, and reaffirmed our commitment to Judaism, to Israel, and to Federation. We are proud and blessed to have been a part of it. (Top Row) Beth Gerstein, Aaron and Melissa Kass, Rebecca Bickford, Tracie Guy-Decker, Nichole and David Kushner. (Second Row) Eliot and Amy Weinstein, David Guy-Decker, Joanna and Craig Schranz atop Masada, immediately following the celebration of Rebecca Bickford’s bat mitzvah ceremony. 10 | Jewish News | July 15, 2013 | jewishnewsva.org

Mission participants ride all-terrain vehicles in the Golan, with a stop at the demilitarized zone on the Syrian border and at Mt. Bental.

Aaron and Melissa Kass Our trip to Israel with The Tom Hofheimer Young Leadership Mission, Melissa’s fourth and Aaron’s first, was, of course, an excellent opportunity to tour Israel— the Golan, Tzfat, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, The Kinneret, The Dead Sea, Masada—six whirlwind days we will never forget. Most special, however, was the chance to see just how money raised in Tidewater can make a true difference across the globe. Meetings, pamphlets and speeches at home are essential, but can only take you so far—we were blessed to see in person our community’s dollars being spent at an Ayalim Youth village, where select post-IDF young leaders affect change in far flung settlements, at Neve Michael, where Jewish children who are alone in the world find a loving family environment, at Pardes Katz, a starved neighborhood in Tel Aviv where many of our community’s most influential leaders have funded a dental clinic, and at JDC’s Strive Israel, where counselors help those with potential, but unfortunate circumstances, find jobs and learn to support themselves. The trip put a face on what the Federation works towards every day and we could not be prouder to be a part of this effort.

Since last August, the group has gathered once a month to meet with mentors and discuss community development, the importance of tzedakah and Tikkun Olam, and the vital role they will soon fulfill as emerging Jewish leaders. The mentors, including Sandy Katz from the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, well-known leadership trainer Dr. Erica Brown, Miryam Rosenweig from NEXTGen Detroit and other notable leaders, facilitated learning sessions and discussions prior to the trip.

The monthly sessions also encouraged communication within the small group, opening up honest conversations, mutual respect, and eventually, a bond that would come alive during the journey across Israel. Once in Israel, everyone hit the ground running starting with a visit to Neve Michael in Pardes Hana. Neve Michael is a home for children whom the Israeli government feel should no longer be in the sole, protective custody of their parents. These children, once removed from sub-par living conditions and relocated to Neve Michael,

Craig and Joanna Schranz After a whirlwind tour of Israel, we are still recovering from the trip and reflecting on its meaning. Both of us had been before, but so much has changed in our lives over the decade since we were last there. Marriage, three children, careers, and several moves in numerous cities have reshaped our views and allowed this Israel experience together to be quite unique. Reflecting on the trip we draw parallels to our experience in Israel and to the challenges we face in our own community. While we deal with the challenges of assimilation and waning Jewish affiliation at home, Israel is challenged with the role of Jewish tradition in a secular society. Here in Tidewater we continue to work on ways that unite our disparate congregations for the greater good of our community. This challenge is far more pronounced in Israel where the acrimony between Haredi (ultra-orthodox) and non-Haredi Jews is evident and the role of public subsidies and military service are in flux. In Washington, D.C., we debate ways to better address immigration laws. While in Israel the government struggles to provide for migrant workers who come to Israel from countries that continue to deny its right to exist. We seek border security to better track who enters our country, while Israel seeks secure borders to protect its citizens from terrorist attacks. Perhaps most remarkably, we saw light rail outside the thousand-year-old walls of the Old City in Jerusalem, a construction process worthy of an Indiana Jones expedition. Meanwhile we debate the extension of our own light rail a few miles to Town Center and beyond. As we spend our days in the little cocoon we call Hampton Roads, let us remember that challenges are surmountable and relatively modest when we compare ourselves to the existential threats that the small state of Israel faces. After recently completing our own Independence Day celebration, let’s be thankful for the relative peace and prosperity we have at home, let’s renew our efforts to engage and improve our own community and always support our brothers and sisters in Israel, as they continue their heroic efforts to make the desert bloom, provide innovation to the world and foster democracy and minority rights in a region so dearly lacking in both.

continue their education without missing a beat, and live a day-to-day life as a normal child should: with love and nurturing, having fun and learning, surrounded by the support of a family network of adults, volunteers, and other children just like them. Tidewater’s Jewish community is a large benefactor of Neve Michael, supporting the center and its mission for nearly two decades. Starting the Mission trip with this site visit was no coincidence; as the group witnessed first-hand the immense amount of good the community offers these children who, without its yearly support, would be lost to the system, or worse, trapped in unacceptable living conditions without consistent access to food, education or love. The over-arching theme of the importance of community was reiterated throughout the trip: at Yad Vashem (the

Israeli Holocaust Museum), at the Western Wall traveling below the modern streets of Jerusalem, treading 2,000-year-old stones, at Pardes Katz seeing the incredible impact of the support shown by the Tidewater Jewish community, and even in a repurposed bunker, high atop the Golan celebrating Shabbat. After six non-stop days of visiting ancient ruins, experiencing traditional Israeli culture, exploring the wilderness, enjoying authentic Israeli cuisine, learning about shared history and seeing the impact UJFT has in Israel, the week culminated with a group conversation about what had been experienced. Through laughter and tears, the group articulated all that the trip had meant, and about plans to bring what had been learned back to Tidewater.

jewishnewsva.org | July 15, 2013 | Jewish News | 11

Jewish groups ride roller-coaster week of Supreme Court rulings by Ron Kampeas

WASHINGTON (JTA)—A slight bump up on affirmative action, a plunge on voting rights, and on gay marriage, the mountaintop: federal legitimacy. It was a week of roller-coaster highs and lows at the Supreme Court for liberal Jewish groups. Their collective pledge: Stick it out. “These are critical decisions and it’s going to be a fight” on voting rights, says

Sammie Moshenberg, the director of the National Council of Jewish Women, one of several groups weighing in on the recent cases with friend-of-the-court briefs. The same tone—vigilance on voting rights, gratitude on affirmative action and gay marriage—informed statements from other groups. On Monday, June 24, the court ordered lower courts to more stringently scrutinize the University of Texas’ affirmative action practices but did not otherwise reverse its



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12 | Jewish News | July 15, 2013 | jewishnewsva.org

earlier decision upholding the right of universities to make race a factor in accepting students. Jewish groups praised the decision, with the Reform movement’s Religious Action Center celebrating it for upholding “the use of affirmative action, the principle of diversity, and the understanding that race conscious remedies may be necessary to ensure diversity, even as we are aware that the decision’s wording indicates the Court may welcome future opportunities to review and potentially restrict affirmative action.” The following day’s decision on voting rights, a 5-4 call that split the court along its conservative-liberal lines, shocked Jewish groups. The decision kept in place the shell of the 1965 Voting Rights Act but gutted its key provision, which had mandated federal review of any changes in voting laws in areas and states—mostly in the South—where racial discrimination had been pervasive. All three Jewish justices dissented from the majority opinion, written by Chief Justice John Roberts, which found that the 1965 rules were outdated. In a withering dissent, Ruth Bader Ginsburg noted that Congress had overwhelmingly reaffirmed the 1965 rules as recently as 2006 and said the court was overstepping its bounds. The decision drew strong condemnation from Jewish groups and vows to bring the case to Congress, although the likelihood is that current political realities—a Republican House of Representatives and a Democratic Senate—will preclude a review of the 1965 law anytime soon. Then the next morning, the court issued two rulings on gay rights. One overturned a key part of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, or DOMA, which mandated that federal laws abide by a definition of marriage as between a man and woman. In the second ruling, the court said that individuals who sought to overturn a California Supreme Court decision recognizing same-sex marriage had no standing to sue.

The first case stemmed from a lawsuit brought by a Jewish woman, Edith Windsor, who was forced to pay federal taxes on the estate of her late wife, Thea Spyer, who also was Jewish, although their Canadian marriage was recognized as legal by the State of New York, where they resided. “DOMA singles out a class of persons deemed by a State entitled to recognition and protection to enhance their own liberty,” Kennedy wrote in an opinion joined by the four liberal judges, including the three Jewish justices: Ginsburg, Elena Kagan and Stephen Breyer, as well as Sonia Sotomayor. “It imposes a disability on the class by refusing to acknowledge a status the State finds to be dignified and proper.” The marriage equality cases had Jewish groups filing friend-of-the-court briefs on both sides, with liberal groups defending the rights of gay couples and Orthodox groups seeking to push back against the California Supreme Court decision. “Society’s mores may shift and crumble but eternal verities exist,” the haredi Orthodox Agudath Israel of America said in a statement. “One is marriage, the union of a man and a woman. Its sanctity may have been grievously insulted by the High Court today, but that sanctity remains untouched.” Liberal Jewish groups were elated. “Having faced prejudice and bigotry throughout our history, the Jewish community does not tolerate unjust discrimination against others,” Alan van Capelle, the director of Bend the Arc, a Jewish group that advocates on social issues and that had joined friend-of-the-court briefs in both cases, said in a statement. “Personally, as a gay Jewish man who has long been fighting for LGBT rights, it means so much to see our highest court rule that my family has as much right to happiness and protection under the law as any other.”

The marriage equality cases had Jewish groups filing friend-of-the-court briefs on both sides.

it’s a wrap Olympic inspired activities delight young athletes at the JCC by Leslie Shroyer


spiring athletes, lifelong amateurs, campers and kids from the community enjoyed a warm summer morning of Olympic inspired events at the Simon Family JCC last month. Olympic Day is celebrated annually in more than 160 countries to commemorate the birth of the modern Olympic Games. The day marks an international effort to promote fitness and wellness, in addition to the Olympic ideals of fair play, perseverance, respect and sportsmanship. The United States began celebrating Olympic Day in 2009. In 2012, more than 200,000 people in 529 communities across the nation hosted 632 Olympic Day celebrations. The JCC began its annual Olympics Day with a scaled down version. “I always say, start small with any annual event, in case there are glitches,” says Tom Edwards, sports and recreation director of the Simon Family JCC. The morning proved to be a success,

as Camp JCC and other area children participated in a variety of events, including a modified steeplechase, target scoring kicks in soccer, tennis serves, and closet to pin putts in golf. “I’ve never been to the JCC, and was absolutely blown away,” says Adrienne Chadwin, whose twin grandchildren enjoyed the morning. “I lived in this area in the 1980s and 1990s and then moved away, and while I was gone, this beautiful facility was built. I will definitely tell my daughter about the camp and this wonderful place. We definitely plan to get involved.”



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Let’s Dish—Kosher style Beth El women meet to cook


ixteen women of Congregation Beth El turned a chore into an entertaining evening on Wednesday, June 5. They peeled, chopped, mixed and sautéed to cook four different meals for each participant to take home. It was a great way to do something everyone has to do (make dinner), while also socializing and getting to know each other better. “Friends, food, and fun. What could be better and end up with dinner for four nights for the family? It was a great evening!” says Sharon Wasserburg. Barbara Rossen, Ashley Zittrain and Tami Arnowitz chaired the event and chose recipes that would be easy to make with just a few ingredients. Participants made Cherry Hill Sweet Chicken, meat-

loaf, Chicken Primavera and chicken with orange juice and vegetables. While the food cooked, everyone relaxed and shared a little wine and conversation. “It was a great night! I chatted with friends, did some chopping, drank some wine and left with four meals to put in my freezer. Not bad for a random Thursday night.” says Stephanie Steerman. A number of the chefs went home and froze the meals to use with their families when the need arose. Others used their meals right away. Rossen dined on one meal the night after the event and says, “The Chicken Primavera from Let’s Dish was very good! Tender and fell right off the bone!”

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jewishnewsva.org | July 15, 2013 | Jewish News | 13

it’s a wrap Kempsville Conservative Synagogue and Temple Israel share memorable celebration To quote Snoopy, “It was a dark and stormy night.” At least that was what was predicted.


riday evening, June 7, wasn’t so stormy, but the Shabbat celebration to kick-off the Bar Mitzvah year of the KBH/Temple Israel programming partnership was certainly dark. The afternoon’s weather and winds knocked out a local transformer and Kempsville Conservative Synagogue (aka Kehillat Bet Hamidrash) was without power! The darkness, however, didn’t dampen the spirits of the 60 people who came together to celebrate Shabbat. A dramatically lit room greeted the congregants as they entered the synagogue. From one end to another, candles and lanterns graced the dinner tables and the sanctuary. Clever KBH synagogue volunteers figured ways to keep the hot food hot using cans of Sterno and the food warmer in the kitchen. After a few quick pre-Shabbat photos, members of both congregations gathered in the sanctuary for a beautiful Shabbat service. Chazzan David Proser of KBH led the prayers and Rabbi Michael Panitz delivered an inspiring sermon. Recounting the importance of certain ages in a Jewish person’s development, Rabbi Panitz linked it to the programming relationship between the two synagogues. Following services, guests gathered for

Rabbi Michael Panitz and Chazzan David Proser.

a delicious Shabbat dinner. From Shalom Aleichem to Birkhat Hamazon, dinner was both tasty and spiritually meaningful. When the lights eventually came back on, no one even cared! Everyone agreed that a “Bar Mitzvah” is far from an ending and the two groups look forward to continuing to grow and develop together. For information about these synagogues, or upcoming events for the Bar Mitzvah year of programs, visit www.kbhsynagogue.org or http://templeisraelva.org.

B’nai Israel’s United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s grant-funded women’s mission trip to Israel, Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project, spent a morning at Pardes Katz this month. Standing: Cindy Krell, Mindy Brown, Tanya Conley, Amanda Firoved, Pam Blais, and Wendy Auerbach. Seated: Rebecca Tall, Leah Schwartz, Jennifer Adut, and Amy Lefcoe. 14 | Jewish News | July 15, 2013 | jewishnewsva.org

Famed Emily Aronoff Teck, of Miss Emily Celebrates, visits Strelitz Early Childhood Center by Alene Kaufman, Strelitz Preschool director

“We met a real celebrity!” At least that’s how students at the Strelitz Early Childhood Center felt at the end of the school year after spending time with Emily Aronoff Teck of Miss Emily Celebrates. Aronoff Teck is a Jewish music educator and early childhood specialist who believes in the power of informal education. She utilizes music as her tool of choice to empower children and adults. Aronoff Teck traveled from southern Florida to Tidewater to present a concert for students and offer an educational workshop for teachers. Throughout the day, students from the JCC Beginnings program, Strelitz preschool, and Hebrew Academy of Tidewater (first and second graders)—as well as two dozen students from the JCC of the Peninsula—enjoyed Aronoff Teck as she created a spiritual, educational, and fun environment that was part sing along and part concert. Students were engaged and involved by singing, dancing, and “writing songs.” They even Skyped on the big screen with artist, Noah Aronson, and sang with him. All of the songs were spiritually based and explained the meaning of many traditional prayers in a developmentally appropriate manner. During Aronoff Teck’s visit, many educators—from HAT/Strelitz and the Peninsula, as well as seven teachers from Southside synagogues—were also treated to an educational and spiritually uplifting workshop, “Using Music to Foster Spiritual Development in Young Children.” Aronoff Teck was particularly complimentary of the local teachers, students, and facility. She noted how impressed she was by the students’ depth of knowledge about

Emily Aronoff Teck celebrates with SECC students.

Judaic concepts and the faculty’s commitment to Jewish life—teaching students not only tradition, but meaning. As Ellen Sachs, preschool teacher, says, “It was truly a home run!” In 2010, Aronoff Teck was awarded the prestigious Grinspoon Steinhardt-Award for excellence in Jewish education, she holds a degree in Jewish Studies, is currently pursuing an EdD at Gratz, and has been studying music for 15 years. Aronoff Teck is working with the University of Miami on music in Jewish value curriculum and was published in The Jewish Educator, a magazine published by NewCAJE. She is currently working on her third album. Strelitz Early Childhood Center is a constituent agency of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

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jewishnewsva.org | July 15, 2013 | Jewish News | 15

Simon Family JCC extends hours and days of operation by Leslie Shroyer


or several years the Simon Family JCC has received requests not to close for so many Jewish holidays and to expand its Shabbat hours. The growth in the Kids Connection program and the Infant Care Center meant the closings had an even greater impact on the ability to serve working parents. Based on feedback from Fitness Center

users and childcare families and supported by comments in the 2011 and 2012 JCC Excellence Benchmark Study, the board of the Simon Family JCC established a Holiday Hours Task Force to investigate expanded building hours beginning in July 2013. Committee members Jay Klebanoff, Howard Roesen, Terri Sarfan, Marty Einhorn and Rebecca Tall, along with Scott Katz, Center director and Larry

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holidays, as well as some Mestel, general managnon-Jewish holidays, er, reviewed other JCCs, including Christmas, the especially those similar in Simon Family JCC will size and demographics to now close only three days the Simon Family JCC. a year: the first day of Research found that Rosh Hashanah, Yom the business need to Kippur and the first day appeal to a larger memthe JCC of Passover. The fitness bership base has forced will be closed center will also open an the issue for many JCCs hour earlier on Saturday around the country. In mornings. fact, most similar JCCs The JCC will also have already, or are in remain open on Fridays the process of, changing their hours and days to accommodate the until 6 pm, year round, to help working majority of their membership base. By families using the JCC’s daycare options making fitness center and daycare options and to accommodate fitness clients. Though available on more Jewish holidays, and by open for these Jewish holidays, it won’t be expanding Shabbat hours, they are more business as usual. “We will still observe competitive with local and national fitness our Shabbos policy of not exchanging money or holding special organized activicenters and daycare facilities. “It is simple and straightforward: our ties during the Sabbath,” says Roesen. The Simon Family JCC board voted business was down, and we want to boost membership,” says Howard Roesen. “We overwhelmingly to support the commitwant the JCC not just to survive but also to tee’s decision, recognizing that the JCC can only be successful if it adopts a competitive thrive, so we really have no choice.” Formerly closed for all major Jewish business model. “The decision to move forward with extended hours and open days is part of our bigger three-year business plan,” says Terri Sarfan, JCC president. “Obviously, from a Jewish perspective, it’s far from ideal,” says Tracie Guy-Decker, former marketing director, “we won’t allow the JCC to stop being Jewish, nor do we want to apologize for being the Jewish Community Center. “But we can’t fulfill our Jewish mission without a business model to support our community obligations. In the long run, I believe it will mean a more successful JCC, allowing us to better serve the whole community,” she says. Sarfan points out, “We will be open Thanksgiving morning, so members can come get a good workout in before they sit down to a big turkey dinner.” She also notes that even in the first year, the change will mean more Jewish programming. “We are excited that we will be open Christmas day and will have programming here for Jewish families.”

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16 | Jewish News | July 15, 2013 | jewishnewsva.org

3 days

The Simon Family JCC is a constituent agency of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

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Mention Code Jewish News

by Shelby Tudor


n behalf of the Stein family, the Tidewater Jewish Foundation recently announced that Dinar Yusufov of Chesapeake is the 2013–2014 recipient of the Stein Family College Scholarship. She is the fifth recipient of this award established in memory of Arlene Stein. A recent graduate of Tallwood High School in Virginia Beach, Yusufov says she enjoyed the atmosphere of the school. “The administration is helpful. I received good guidance.” It was a psychology class that had the most impact on her during high school. “Taking this class showed me how having different perspectives on issues can be very important in life,” Dinar says. At Tallwood, Yusufov was a member of the National Honor Society, varsity tennis, chorus and Noble teens. She has been an active volunteer with the Chabad House of Tidewater. In the summers of 2009 and 2010, Yusufov participated in a Counselorin-Training program at the Simon Family JCC. During this training she worked with children on their eating habits, teaching about junk food and the importance of fruits and vegetables, along with daily exercise. “I would try to get them involved. I tried coming up with rewards to motivate them. They seemed like they were enjoying themselves. And that was pure bliss,” says Yusufov. In addition to her studies and volunteer work, Yusufov has a great passion for music. She began playing violin at age eight, singing at age 10, and playing guitar at age 15. “With music, I can meet new

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Dinar Yusufov

people who share the same interests as me and it feels wonderful,” she says. In the fall, Yusufov will take her training and passion to James Madison University where she plans to major in food and nutrition sciences. Her brother currently attends JMU and she will share a room with her best friend since middle school. Yusufov says that being at JMU with her brother will be like having “a little piece of home.” TJF and the Stein family wish her the best of luck in all of her future endeavors. B’hatzlacha! Prior recipients of the Stein Family College Scholarship include Morgan Conley (Brandeis University, class of 2013), Eric Smith (University of Virginia, class of 2014), Marissa Arager (George Mason University, class of 2015), and Avi Malkin (William & Mary, class of 2016). Contact Shelby Tudor with the Tidewater Jewish Foundation at 757‑965‑6105 for more information. *of blessed memory

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jewishnewsva.org | July 15, 2013 | Jewish News | 17

JFS recognizes and honors employees for longevity ‘Kind, caring and extremely efficient.’ That’s how one patient recently described Sharon Williams, JFS home health aide, and one of the many reasons she was selected as the JFS Home Health Aide of the Year for 2013. Williams received her award at JFS’ annual Employee Appreciation Dinner on June 13. Williams grew up in Norfolk and graduated from Maury High School. She attended Tidewater Community College and Norfolk State University and began working at JFS 14 years ago at the recommendation of another JFS aide who told her it was the best place to work. Williams has taken care of more than 100 patients. She is so loved by her patients and their family members, that they often call JFS to request her services. Myra Iacono, LPN, JFS private care coordinator, says, “I’ve had the pleasure of working with Sharon for 10 years. Many words come to mind to describe her: experienced; communicative—I can always rely on her to give accurate informa-

tion; insightful—to the true feelings and motivation of her patients; and loyal—she has worked with many unique personalities and stuck by their stories to the end. Sharon has a nice smile and freely shares it. She’s an asset to JFS and makes my job easier.” Williams also serves as a role model to JFS’ newer aide staff in Home Health. JFS Staff members recognized With the dinner’s theme of “Hats Off to You!” JFS managers tipped their hats to employees from each department for their longevity and service to the agency. The following employees were honored for years of service to JFS: Recognized for 30 Years: Jan Ganderson, RN, director, Home Health Recognized for 20 Years: Debbie Mayer, LCSW, director, Clinical Services

Michelle Walter, LCSW, Clinical Services Recognized for 15 Years: Joe Anderson, PT, Home Health Marian Edmonds, Home Health Laura Kanter, LCSW, Clinical Services Recognized for 10 Years: Myra Iacono, LPN, Home Health Betty Ann Levin, executive director Marion Lisenby, PT, Home Health Allison Madore, RN, Home Health Valerie Patterson, Home Health Recognized for 5 Years: Robyn Brownley, Home Health Terrie Cruz, fiscal department Deanne Dwyer, Personal Affairs Management Program

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18 | Jewish News | July 15, 2013 | jewishnewsva.org

7/6/11 11:54 AM

Susan Riggs, RN, Home Health Geralynn Rosario, Personal Affairs Management Program R achael Trussell, Personal Affairs Management Program

JFS names Volunteer of the Year by Patty Shelanski, JFS Volunteer coordinator

Eric Kline Business Development

Betty Ann Levin, JFS executive director, presents the JFS Home Health Aide of the Year award to Sharon Williams, NA.

he Max Japha Volunteer of the Year award is presented annually by Jewish Family Service of Tidewater to honor an outstanding volunteer for his or her commitment to JFS. This year’s award was presented to Rita Brannan at the JFS Volunteer Appreciation Lunch last month. Brannan has called Tidewater home her entire life and considers herself a “late bloomer” as she continues on the path towards her career goals. A graduate of Tidewater Community College with an associate degree in applied science in human services, she attends Old Dominion University working towards a bachelor of science degree in human services with an emphasis in older adults. Brannan began volunteering at JFS in a rather roundabout way. Working for an elderly woman who was not eating well, she did some research, found the JFS Meals on Wheels program and contacted JFS. At the time, JFS was unable to deliver meals to Portsmouth, where the elderly woman lived. Brannan offered to pick up the meals and deliver them herself. Then, she offered to deliver meals to anyone else who might be in that Chesapeake/Portsmouth area. With Brannan’s assistance, JFS expand-

ed the Meals on Wheels program, and she quickly had a delivery route that included six clients. Clare Krell, a former JFS case manager, needed Rita Brannan assistance preparing the meal bags, which included sorting and bagging the appropriate number of milks, juices, desserts and fruit for each bag. Brannan volunteered to assist. For almost two years, she has arrived at JFS every Thursday at 9 am to package the bags, which can take up to two hours. Then she spends another two hours delivering to the clients on her route. She often sits and visits with those clients, many of whom cherish Brannan and look forward to her weekly visit. Those who work with Brannan on Thursday mornings know the true meaning of volunteer dedication. She has missed only five Thursdays in two years! This past fall, she suffered the loss of both her parents and yet still showed up to package and deliver. The Meals on Wheels program would not run nearly as smoothly as it does without Brennan.

What’s Happening

First Person Generating more positive campus discourse on Israel at Bringing Israel Home event Sunday, August 11

by Todd Young, director of Campus & Educational Initiatives at The David Project

As it does every year, Gallup released its findings earlier this spring regarding American sympathies towards Israelis and Palestinians. Historically, support for Israelis has been stronger than support for Palestinians, so this year’s results shouldn’t come as a shock to anyone who follows these data. Americans, by a margin of 64 to 12 percent, expressed greater sympathy for the Israelis, matching an all-time high. This, Gallup notes, is part of a trend of increased support for Israel over the past decade. All good news, right? By drilling down, however, we get a more complete and complicated picture of American attitudes. Support among Republicans and older citizens remains strong. However, only 55 percent of those surveyed aged 18-34 expressed greater sympathy with Israelis, compared with the 64 percent overall and 71 percent for those 55 and older. Does that data suggest that young people are expressing greater solidarity with Palestinians and their struggle, at the expense of Israel? Well, no. In fact, the level of support for Palestinians remains flat among all age cohorts (though it rises to 24% among those self-identified as politically liberal). This indicates, as The David Project’s White Paper A Burning Campus? Rethinking Israel Advocacy at America’s Universities and Colleges argued last year, support for Israel is declining among the college-aged population, not to the benefit of the Palestinian side, but to non-involvement or non-interest. In the long-term, this lack of interest can pose great challenges to the U.S.-Israel relationship—and the strong political and financial backing that comes with it—than whatever personal friction might exist between leaders of the two countries. Finding ways to build support among younger cohorts is absolutely essential if the pro-Israel community wants to maintain the relationship that allows for almost 300 Senators and Congressmen to attend AIPAC’s Policy Conference, and for an Israeli Prime Minister to receive nearly 30 standing ovations during an address to the joint houses of Congress.

Too often as a community, we work ourselves into a frenzy when we see examples of anti-Israel activities, especially on the college campus. This usually reaches a peak in March as anti-Israel groups on many campuses nationwide participate in some form of Apartheid Week, a semi-organized attempt to demonize the Jewish state. At other points throughout the school year, anti-Israel groups erect mock checkpoints or invite outside speakers to bash Israel, Zionism and American support for the region’s only democracy. In reading reports of such spectacles, we assume that support for Israel must be dwindling and that hordes of young students are joining the anti-Israel camp. Some community leaders suggest that the pro-Israel campus community needs to be more vociferous in its response, challenging the detractors by calling out their lies or hypocrisy. “Going negative,” one well-known activist suggests, should be an integral component of campus activity. There are times, of course, when we need to respond, and respond strongly—if a student is intimidated or harassed, physically threatened, or if his or her academic standing is affected for supporting Israel. However, our overall goal should be to generate a more positive campus discourse on Israel and to help ensure long-term support for Israel in the political arena. Focusing on those objectives does not necessitate attacking the detractors (which often gives them more publicity than what they would otherwise receive), but rather calls upon us to employ a more nuanced, relationship-oriented approach. Such an approach is much more likely to increase support for Israel among a generation of students that reacts better to thoughtful engagement than rancorous debate. At the Bringing Israel Home event (See page 21 for details), my colleague and I will delve deeper into this issue and discuss with students more thoughtful approaches to activism, including the use of their personal experiences and connection to Israel as key components of their efforts. We are confident that students can be successful in shaping the conversation on campus; it just requires a new perspective and different strategy.

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jewishnewsva.org | July 15, 2013 | Jewish News | 19

what’s happening Wonderful Wednesdays at JMCC of Portsmouth Wednesday, July 24, 7:30 pm Wednesday, August 7, 7:30 pm


he Jewish Museum and Cultural Center will present the second program of the Summer Music Series, “Summer Serenade” featuring members of the Virginia Chorale accompanied by Charles Woodward, artistic director on Wednesday, July 24. The program will include classic favorites, contemporary compositions and international folksongs. Among the selections are Hebrew love songs and songs by American Jewish composers. The third program “Pavel and Friends” will feature Pavel Ilyashov, violinist with the Virginia Symphony, and Stephen Coxe, a pianist who teaches at Old Dominion University, on Wednesday, Aug. 7. They will be joined by Jeffrey Phelps, cellist, head of Instrumental Music at the Governor’s School for the Arts. The program will include selections by Brahms, Debussy, Ernest Bloch, Josef Suk and Robert Schumann. JMCC is located at 607 Effingham St. in Portsmouth. For information, call 757-391-9266 or visit www.jewishmuseumportsmouth.org.

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by Leslie Shroyer

rea rabbis promise a lively discussion following the showing of a critically acclaimed film at the Naro Expanded Cinema. They will discuss, Fill the Void, an award-winning Israeli drama about a naive 18-year-old girl in an ultra-orthodox Hasidic community who dreams of finding the perfect match in an arranged marriage. The movie is directed by Rama Burshtein, the first ultra-Orthodox Jewish woman to write and direct a feature-length film for a general audience. Released last year in Israel during a particularly intense period of political and social tension between secular and ultra-Orthodox Hassidic Jews, the film was Israel’s submission in the foreign-language category for the Academy Awards. It won seven prizes at the Ophirs, the Israeli Oscars. The film is presented as a pre-Virginia Festival of Jewish Film event, a collaborative effort between the Simon Family JCC and

the Naro Expanded Cinema. Mark Robbins, chairperson of the Virginia Festival of Jewish Film, presented by Alma* and Howard Laderberg, says “This is a highly anticipated film that we are excited to present to the community. We are lucky that the Naro is bringing it to the area. “As the Virginia Festival of Jewish Film presents its 21st year, we are adding fresh ideas and making exciting changes. One such change is our new Facebook page,” says Robbins. Another change is adding multiple venues for the 2014 films, from the Oceanfront to Norfolk, and points in between. “Working with the Naro Expanded Cinema to bring a ‘Beyond the Festival’ film is one way we are hoping to expand our audience base,” says Robbins. For more information about the event, visit www.narocinema.com. The Simon Family JCC is a constituent agency of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

Tuesday, August 20, 8 am


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20 | Jewish News | July 15, 2013 | jewishnewsva.org

Sunday, July 28, 7 pm

Attention all adult shoppers Simon Family JCC plans day trip

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Event at Naro Expanded Cinema features panel of rabbis and introduces JCC Virginia Festival of Jewish Film 2014

by Leslie Shroyer

caravan of Simon JCC “Day Trippers” is headed to Petersburg and Richmond. Open to adults of any age, the first stop of the day will be at the Virginia Diner for breakfast and shopping. The bus will then travel to Old Towne Petersburg, an area steeped in history, culture, arts, boutiques and antiques. In the afternoon, shoppers will travel to the Short Pump Mall in Richmond, where it will be time to “shop ‘til you drop,” have ice cream, meander and mingle. Shoppers will return to the JCC around 7 pm, after a trip of bus fun and prizes.

“A summer shopping trip from the JCC gives adults of all ages an opportunity to travel together as a community,” says Scott Katz, JCC Center director. “We are excited about expanding this program so that this will be the first of many upcoming trips from the Simon Family JCC.” The cost of $35 per person, includes the bus, driver tip and bus snacks. Payment may be made at the JCC front desk or by calling with a credit card to 321-2338. A payment secures a reservation. RSVP by August 13. Contact Sherry Lieberman for more information, 321-2309 or email slieberman@simonfamilyj.org.

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what’s happening Author, educator to answer “Why Care?” at Holocaust Conference

Bringing Israel Home

Season of Faves

Sunday, August 11, 5 pm

Aug. 5-6

by Melissa Eichelbaum

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n his 2006 book Sophie Scholl and the White Rose, co-author Jud Newborn explores the actions of a group of college students in Nazi Germany who protested against the human and civil rights violations they saw occurring in their country. Despite certain death—and indeed, Sophie and fellow members of the underground White Rose movement were executed by their government—the young people could not remain silent about the horrors they were witnessing. Newborn will speak to educators and community members as one of the keynote speakers featured at the Holocaust Commission of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s 11th Biennial Educators’ Conference on Aug. 5 and 6. The author, lecturer, and expert on extremism and the fight for human rights will share why the legacy of the White Rose movement remains relevant today, and answers the Conference’s theme question: “Why Care? Human Rights: Past, Present & Future.” Also speaking at the conference will be Linda Hurwitz, an educator and child of Holocaust survivors who was the director of the Holocaust Center of the United Jewish Federation of Pittsburgh for 17 years and the director of Pittsburgh’s Solomon Schechter Middle School. “In presenting this conference, we’re able to bring in exceptional speakers who we usually can’t hear locally, giving educators specifically, as well as community members who attend, the opportunity to impact students, other educators, and the general public,” says Elena Barr Baum, Holocaust Commission director. Baum says the conference also serves to create connections between the education community and the Holocaust Commission, and to provide educational resources—including a visit to the Virginia Holocaust Museum in Richmond, an excellent regional resource according to Baum. Conference attendees will receive a book, DVDs, a CD from the United States Holocaust Museum, and the opportunity to meet Holocaust survivors—an opportunity Baum says does not come along that often anymore. The Aug. 5 schedule is 7:45 am–3 pm and includes the keynote speakers, breakout sessions, and a special presentation of the Holocaust Commission’s What We Carry program at the Tidewater Community College–Norfolk Student Center. Aug. 6 hours are 7:45 am–5 pm, which includes the Museum trip, an award-winning film, and an Anti-Defamation League guest speaker. Registration for the two-day conference is $100 and includes all materials, meals, transportation, and classroom resources. The conference is open to interested community members, as well as to all educators. Continuing education hours will be awarded to attendees. Call 757-965-6125, email info@holocaustcommission.org or visit http://jewishva.org/holocaust-educator-conferences for more information and to register online.


fter years of successful Sababa Sunday and Bringing Israel Home programs, a group of Jewish college students from Tidewater thought something needed to be added to the pro-Israel advocacy of the community. Comprised of Melissa Eichelbaum, Sam Sacks, Eric Smith, Rachel Gross, Jacob Levy, Ross Glasser, and Marissa Simon, the group discussed how they are exposed to a lot of different backgrounds that challenge them to solidify and fight for their beliefs. Even though they may be more than 5,000 miles away from Israel, they are affected by events in the Middle East daily. Hateful comments about Israel are not rare on today’s college campuses. The David Project understands that it is not always easy to express a reason for believing in something, such as Israel’s right to exist. Educating, training, and empowering students to be thoughtful, strategic, and persuasive advocates for the State of Israel are The David Project’s goals. This year, the Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater presents Bringing Israel Home in partnership with The David Project (davidproject.org). The event will have two components, one for college students and one for parents. Beginning at 5pm, all local college students are invited for pizza and conversation with professionals from The David Project. Rabbi Jake Rubin, executive director at the Brody Jewish Center at UVa, and Sue Kurtz, executive director at the Malcolm Rosenberg Hillel Center at Virginia Tech will also join the discussion. Rabbi Rubin and Kurtz will also serve as part of a panel discussion with The David Project at 7 pm for parents of college students. This discussion will focus on what’s happening regarding Israel education and advocacy on Virginia campuses, as well as campuses nationwide. The event takes place on the Sandler Family Campus. For more information or to RSVP for the student or parent program, contact Robin Mancoll at rmancoll@ujft.org by August 7. Students are asked to join the Facebook group “Bringing Israel Home” to stay up to date.

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jewishnewsva.org | July 15, 2013 | Jewish News | 21

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calendar JULY 17, WEDNESDAY The JCC Seniors Club at the Simon Family JCC. Board meeting at 10:30 am, Lunch at 12 pm. General meeting follows. Kerry Dougherty, columnist for The Virginian-Pilot is the guest speaker. AUGUST 4, SUNDAY Brith Sholom will hold the Club 50 luncheon at Beth Sholom Home. “The Dixieland Band” will entertain. This is a free buffet luncheon for members married 50 years or more; other members are $10; guests are $20. Call Dale for reservations by July 29, at 461-1150. August 11, Sunday Community Relations Council presents Bringing Israel Home. An event in partnership with The David Project by and for Tidewater Jewish college students at the Sandler Family Campus at 5 pm. For more information or to make sure a college student you know receives an invitation, contact Robin Mancoll, director of the CRC at RMancoll@ujft.org or 965-6120.

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August 12 and 13, Monday and Tuesday Jewish Education Council Summer Institute for area Jewish Educators presents Mary F. Meyerson, Jewish educator, “The Hurried-er I Go, the Behinder-er I Get.” Using time effectively will be the topic for Monday, and “Hiddur Chinuch: Enhancing Teaching Through the Use of Our Senses” will be the topic for Tuesday. 6:30-8:30 pm. For more information, call or email Miriam Brunn Ruberg 321-2328 or mbrunnruberg@simonfamilyj.org. August 15, Thursday Corn Hole Happy Hour at the JCC for adults only. A social happy hour event for adults 21 years old and over to include corn hole games, beer, sodas, grilled food, music, snacks, and swimming. Held on the outdoor pool deck, this is a great way to wrap-up the week in a relaxed and fun atmosphere with friends—new and old. Kids may swim in the main pool while parents socialize in an adults-only area. $20 ($16 JCC members) 5:30–8 pm. Register by August 9. Rain location will be in the MPR. Contact Tom Edwards for more information, TEdwards@SimonFamilyJ.org, 757-321-2308. AUGUST 21, Wednesday The JCC Seniors Club meets at the Simon Family JCC. Board meeting at 10 am; Catered lunch at 12 pm. The guest speaker is John W. Hallman III, a Life Safety Specialist with the Virginia Beach Fire Department who will speak on fire safety. If interested in attending a meeting, call membership chair, Wayne Gordon at 426-3297. Send submissions for calendar to news@ujft.org. Be sure to note “calendar” in the subject. Include date, event name, sponsor, address, time, cost and phone.

Free Guest Days at the JCC Friday, July 25–Sunday, July 28 Simon Family JCC members may bring up to three friends and enjoy all that the Center has to offer

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22 | Jewish News | July 15, 2013 | jewishnewsva.org

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MAZEL TOV Achievement Linda Sinowitz, LMSW, on her appointment as Congregation Beth Chaverim’s new director of Religious School. Since moving to Virginia Beach from New York in 2006, Sinowitz has taught first and second grade at CBC and taken part in reestablishing an active Sisterhood, volunteered on the religious education and membership committees, as well as the temple’s board of directors. With many years of professional experience with children, adolescents, and their families, she has encouraged Beth Chaverim to cultivate one of its most valuable resources... its youth. Work has begun on revamping several educational components at Beth Chaverim, including expanding its music program, and increasing the staff. Beth Chaverim will hold an Open House on August 4, 2013. For more information, contact Sinowitz at llllsinlb@aol.com. Birth Alison and Scott Schreier of Westfield, N.J. on the birth of their daughter, Sophia Abigail on April 26, 2013. Sophia’s big sister is Danielle. Grandparents are Nancy and Steve Schreier of Virginia Beach.

Wedding Dr. Conrad Macon and Dr. Meredith Degnan on their wedding at B’nai Torah Synagogue in Boca Raton, Fla. on May 4, 2013. Conrad is the son of JoAnn and Clay Macon, and the Grandson of Rose Jacobson and Howard Jacobson, of blessed memory, and the grandson of Shirley Macon and Lawrence Macon, of blessed memory, all of Norfolk, Va. Meredith is the daughter of Susan and Kevin Degnan of Deerfield Beach, Fla. and the granddaughter of Mildred Kovner and Edgar Kovner, of blessed memory, of Deerfield Beach, and Theresa and Robert Degnan of Westchester County, N.Y. The couple resides in South Beach, Miami where they are both in the residency program at Jackson Memorial Hospital. Mazel Tov submissions should be emailed to news@ujft.org with Mazel Tov in the subject line. Achievements, B’nai Mitzvot, births, engagements and weddings are appropriate simchas to announce. Photos must be at least 300k. Include a daytime phone for questions. There is no fee.

Mazel Tov to Cindy Krell for winning a gift certificate for two entrees at Il Giardino Ristorante in Virginia Beach in the JewishNewsVA facebook contest. The gift certificate is courtesy of Il Giardino.

Alejandro Escovedo & Shelby Lynne September 25, 2013, 7:30pm $29, $38, $45, $50 The Doobie Brothers October 11, 2013, 8:00pm $50, $60, $65, $90 Aladdin & Other Enchanting Tales October 17, 2013, 10am & Noon $10, $15, $20, $25

Padmarani – Classical Indian Dance Miller Studio Series January 29, 2014, 7:30pm, $20 X Out Bullying February 3 – 5, 2014, 10am & Noon $10, $15, $20, $25 Pat Metheny February 11, 2014, 7:30pm $41, $50, $60, $85

Balé Folclórico da Bahia October 20, 2013, 7:30pm $23, $29, $39, $49

Dinosaur Train Live! February 20, 2014, 10am, Noon & 7pm $10, $15, $20, $25

Dr. John October 22, 2013, 7:30pm $45, $50, $55, $65

Chris Botti March 13, 2014, 7:30pm $45, $50, $55, $75

Marcolivia – Violin Duo Miller Studio Series November 6, 2013, 7:30pm, $20

Jim Belushi & the Chicago Board of Comedy March 14, 2014, 8:00pm $35, $45, $55, $65

Aaron Neville November 9, 2013, 8:00pm $34, $38, $48, $60

Rain – A Tribute to the Beatles March 18, 2014, 7:30pm $50, $60, $65, $100

Alton Brown Live! November 10, 2013, 7:30pm $35, $45, $55, $125

Keb’ Mo’ April 4, 2014, 8:00pm $40, $45, $50, $65

Bill Cosby November 21, 2013, 7:30pm $45, $50, $60, $80

My Heart In A Suitcase April 7, 2014, 10:00am & Noon $10, $15, $20, $25

Joe Ely, Ruthie Foster & Paul Thorn November 22, 2013, 8:00pm $30, $35, $40, $45

TAO: Phoenix Rising April 14, 2014, 7:30pm $25, $35, $45, $50

Natalie Cole – Holiday & Hits December 13, 2013, 8:00pm $55, $60, $70, $100

Ben Folds April 30, 2014, 7:30pm $35, $45, $55, $65

IONA – Traditional Celtic Miller Studio Series January 15, 2014, 7:30pm, $20

jewishnewsva.org | July 15, 2013 | Jewish News | 23

obituaries Molly Breman Norfolk—Molly “Mickey” Breman, born September 28, 1923 in Newark, N.J., passed away on July 1, 2013 in Rockville, Md. She was raised in Brooklyn, N.Y., the second child of Heiman and Gussi Lederman and was the sister of Ida Lederman Kates and Skippy Lederman. She married her childhood sweetheart Bernard Breman in 1943 and left New York in 1952 to move to Norfolk, Va. Mickey adored her husband Bernie and worked by his side throughout the years in the jewelry and consignment businesses. She loved playing Bingo, Maj Jong and traveling with Bernie on cruises and to favorite places such as Atlantic City. She lived in Virginia Beach until 2002, moved to Florida with Bernie until his death in 2006, when she moved to Maryland to be near her family. She is survived by her devoted daughter Gail Breman and Alvin Brooks of Potomac, Md; a granddaughter, Amy Wertlieb and her husband Kevin Wertlieb of Rockville,

Md; a grandson, Terry Josephson of San Francisco, Calif.; two great-grandsons, Bryce and Jonah Wertlieb; a great-granddaughter Ariel Josephson; and many beloved nieces, nephews and extended family members. A graveside service was conducted at Forest Lawn Cemetery. H.D. Oliver. Online condolences may be offered at hdoliver.com. Irene Gerber Cohen Virginia Beach—Irene Gerber Cohen, 91, passed away on Friday, June 28, 2013 in her residence at Beth Sholom Terrace. A native of Baltimore, Md., she was the daughter of the late Sarah Forman and Samuel Gerber, and the widow of Raymond I. Cohen. She was retired from the City of Norfolk, Division of Social Services, finance dept. as a Senior Account Clerk. Mrs. Cohen was a former member of Temple Israel and its Sisterhood, and Hadassah. Survivors include daughters, Vivian Margulies (Burke), and Elaine C. Millard

(Casey) both of Virginia Beach; a brother, Robert Gerber of Baltimore; grandchildren, Dr. Stephen Glick (Elizabeth), Dr. Lori Pasternak (Jake), Shelley Gordon (Marcus), and Michael Margulies (Meghan); and four great grandchildren, Lexi Pasternak, Zev Pasternak, Levi Gordon and Zoe Gordon. A graveside funeral service was conducted in Forest Lawn Cemetery with Rabbi Rosalin Mandelberg and Cantor Elihu Flax officiating. Memorial contributions may be made to Beth Sholom Terrace or a charity of choice . The family wishes to thank the staff at Beth Sholom Terrace and the Jewish Family Service Freda H. Gordon Hospice and Palliative Care of Tidewater for their support, compassion and excellent care during this time. H. D. Oliver Funeral Apts. Online condolences may be made through www.hdoliver.com. Jane Heller Frieden Norfolk—Jane Heller Frieden, 86, of the 200 block of Oxford St. Norfolk, Va.,

Quiet. Humble. Generous. Alan B. Nusbaum 1950 – 2013 Our Chairman and partner never sought the limelight. Instead, through his humor, warmth and character he became a guiding light for so many of us. He will be forever missed, yet never forgotten.

24 | Jewish News | July 15, 2013 | jewishnewsva.org

died July 6, 2013 after succumbing to complications of Alzheimer’s disease. Until her illness, Mrs. Frieden, a native of Norfolk, was an active volunteer in a variety of civic organizations including the Chrysler Museum, Make a Wish Foundation, Meals on Wheels, and the battle ship Wisconsin. Previously she pursued a career in art education at the undergraduate level. Mrs. Frieden received degrees in art and art education from William and Mary and Columbia University. Mrs. Frieden lived a rich and rewarding life blending community service, teaching and hobbies. She took pride in establishing a rapport with many students well after their course work. Mrs. Frieden learned to fly small aircraft at the age of 52. Her interest in genealogy revealed a family line that included a Confederate States of America officer leading to her induction in the Daughters of the Confederacy. Mrs. Frieden was included in an edition of Who’s Who in America, a major publication of prominent individuals in the U.S. Survivors include her children and their spouses, Nancy Frieden Crowe, of Mill Valley, Calif., Rob and Katie Frieden, of Port Matilda, Pa. Andrew M. Frieden and Lisa Cannelora, of Oakland Calif. and two grandchildren, Alexander V. Frieden of Washington, D.C. and Elizabeth V. Frieden, of Ithaca, N.Y. Her husband Joseph Lee Frieden, a Norfolk, native, preceded her death in 1990. A memorial service was conducted at the home of Debbie Kaplan Gold. Memorial donations may be made to the William and Mary Alumni Association or the Alzheimer’s Foundation. H.D. Oliver Funeral Apts. Online condolences may be sent to the family at hdoliver.com Florence Goldin Virginia Beach—Florence Chalem Goldin of Virginia Beach passed away peacefully on July 6, 2013. She was the daughter of Benjamin and Jennie Chalem, born in Chicago, Il., and a graduate of Northwestern University. She was predeceased by her husband of 55 years, Dr. Milton Goldin, and a brother, Gerald H. Chalem. She is survived by her sister, Shirley Feldman of Charleston, S.C. At the time of her passing, she was surrounded by

obituaries her children, Benita Goldin Ross (Boston, Mass.), Nathan Goldin (Portsmouth), Norman Goldin (Norfolk) and Debbie Goldin Elisha (Cherry Hill, N.J.). The mother of five, she was a beloved grandmother with 16 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren. She was a longtime resident of Portsmouth, president of the Portsmouth Chapter of Hadassah, Gomley Chesed Sisterhood, and together with her late husband, Milton, was an active member of the Community Relations Council and a volunteer at Beth Sholom Home of Eastern Virginia. She was a five generation life member, passionate advocate and volunteer of Hadassah. For the last 18 months she remained active, engaged, and derived particular joy from her family while a resident at Beth Sholom. She was also a longtime member of Temple Beth El Norfolk. She was a lover of opera, an avid reader and followed politics closely. The family is grateful to the entire staff of Beth Sholom for their extraordinary warmth, care and dignity. Services were private. Memorial contributions may be made to Hadassah Youth Aliyah and Beth Sholom of Virginia. Alan Nusbaum Norfolk—Alan B. Nusbaum, affectionately known as “Nuz” by his many friends and business associates, died unexpectedly in a local hospital on June 27 at age 62 after a two-year long, courageous and seemingly successful battle against cancer. A Norfolk realtor and businessman, he was the beloved chairman of S.L. Nusbaum Realty Co. and the fourth generation of his family to lead the company. In 2010, Alan Nusbaum was recognized by the Downtown Norfolk Council as the Downtowner of the Year, with the citation recognizing “his great faith in downtown and its future,” and went on to state that his faith in downtown “literally changed the skyline and its future.” Under his leadership, development teams at S.L. Nusbaum Realty Co. developed, leased and managed shopping centers, office buildings, apartments and commercial and industrial properties in the Hampton Roads and Richmond markets and throughout the mid-Atlantic region. Mr. Nusbaum served as a director of the City of Norfolk’s Employees’ Retirement

Funds, Dominion Bank, N.A., the Virginia Advisory Board of Wachovia Bank, N.A. and Old Dominion Trust Co. His community involvement included service on the boards of directors of the Southeastern Virginia Chapter of the American Red Cross; The Hurrah Players; Still Hope Foundation and Operation Smile, and generous support of, among numerous charities, the Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia, ForKids, Inc. and the American Cancer Society ‘s Relay For Life. Educated at the former Carolton Oaks (now Norfolk Collegiate) School, Granby High School, the University of Miami (Florida) and Old Dominion University, Mr. Nusbaum was also a supporter of Tidewater Community College and Virginia Wesleyan College. Predeceased by his father, former Norfolk City Councilman and Vice Mayor V.H. Nusbaum, Jr., Alan Nusbaum is survived by his mother, Nancy N. Nusbaum, by his adored wife, Ann Googe Nusbaum, their two sons, Andrew and Matthew, and their daughter Lindsay N. Davenport and husband, Rad, and granddaughter Ann Harper Davenport. Other survivors include brother-in-law Stephen Googe and his wife, Susan, and their sons Jordan and Bill; uncle Alan Nordlinger and aunt Susan; goddaughter Allison Rachels and her husband, John, and their children, Andrew and Elizabeth; uncles Sidney L. Nusbaum II and Robert C. Nusbaum, his wife, Linda, and numerous cousins. A memorial service was conducted by Rabbi Rosalin Mandelberg at Ohef Sholom Temple, followed by a reception at the Temple for family and friends. H. D. Oliver Funeral Apartments. Online condolence messages may be shared with the family at www.hdoliver.com. Contributions to the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network, 1500 Rosecrans Avenue, Suite 200, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266, or to the Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia, 800 Tidewater Drive, Norfolk, VA 23504. Ella Jean Richmon Virginia Beach—Ella Jean “Jeannie” Richmon passed away on June 25, 2013. Jeannie was born in Portsmouth, Va. She graduated from ODU before she married Wilbur Richmon, from Richmond, Va. She was predeceased by parents Ida and

Maxwell Roesen; brother Burnley; and husband Wilbur Richmon, of blessed memory. Jeannie endured a lifelong illness. On good days, she enjoyed family gatherings, cooking, and reading. She looked forward to dancing and other social activities provided by the Club 35, to which she belonged with Wilbur. Jeannie is survived by her son Wayne Richmon (Lisa); daughter, Ilene; sister, Evelyn Gup Newman; brother Lawrence Roesen (Linda); and many nieces and nephews. Without fail, Jeannie was buoyed by her two children. She had a special bond with her sister Evelyn, and her children, Gary Gup and his wife Debbie, Marcia Klioze and Ron Gup. The family wishes to thank all the employees of the Beth Sholom Home for their infinite kindness and patience. Donations may be made to Beth Sholom Home, 6401 Auburn Drive, VB 23464. A graveside service was held at Gomley Chesed Cemetery in Portsmouth, Va. Sturtevant Funeral Home.

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Beth Sholom Village holds annual meeting

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he evening of Thursday, June 20 began at Beth Sholom Village with drinks and appetizer’s prepared by The Village Caterers in honor of the Village’s annual meeting. The ceremony included many highlights. Neil Friedeman bid farewell to the board as president and assisted in giving awards and welcoming new board members. Awards included the Distinguished Service award presented to Judge Jerry Friedman; the Lifetime Achievement award to Dr. Jerome and Pansy Perlman; and the Presidents award to Gail Brickhouse, director of Environmental Services. Vergie McCall was also recognized as The Volunteer of the Year, an award she received earlier in the month. The board welcomed in two new board members: Randi Strelitz and Jay Kossman. Ellyn Saren was installed as the president of Beth Sholom Village. “It’s not often—maybe too infrequent—that we

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26 | Jewish News | July 15, 2013 | jewishnewsva.org

discuss our faith. But I cannot tell you how much it means to me to be connected to an organization that works in such a manner, on behalf of all of us,” said Saren as she took the helm. “The Jewish religion teaches that you want to strive to achieve something greater than yourself and that is why I joined the BSV board several years ago.”

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