Simon Family JCC 2012 Summer Camp

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Dear Friends, Here at the Simon Family JCC, we believe that summer camp is more than just a place where children come to play during the summer. It is a transformative experience that children will remember for the rest of their lives. Each camper will discover, grow and learn within a supportive and safe environment that our JCC summer camp provides. Whether it’s a new friend your child will make or the first time your child swims across the pool, every camper will come home with new stories about the activities and people at camp. JCC summer camp is an experience like no other; it is all about the smiles, laughter, excitement - and most of all - the camper. As summer approaches and we design our camp experience, we do so with our mission as our guide. The mission of the JCC summer camp is: To create an atmosphere in which everyone will have fun, to celebrate diversity and core values through a Jewish lens, and to take pride in being a part of our Tidewater Community while providing each camper with the highest quality summer camp experience. We are all very excited about the upcoming summer and our staff is gearing up for a fun and active camp experience. Come roll up your sleeves with us as we hike the jungles, dig through the ruins, develop our inner magic and discover what makes us tick. The fun awaits! See you this summer, Lisa Chacon Camp Director 2

Eliot Weinstein Assistant Camp Director SIMON FAMILY JCC SUMMER CAMP 2012

Staff Introduction

Lisa Chacon

Eliot Weinstein

Michelle Grimsley

Becky Feld

Camp Director During the year, Lisa serves as the Simon Family JCC Children, Family and Camp Director. She brings with her over 25 years of day and resident camp experience, directing camp in both the United States and Europe. Lisa has used her programming expertise to develop a fun and exciting summer.

Assistant Camp Director Eliot spent four summers at URJ Camp Harlam where he was a unit supervisor. He served as the youth group and family program director at Har Sinai Congregation outside of Baltimore for three years. Eliot has a Masters in Secondary Education and currently teaches Chemistry at Cox High School in Virginia Beach.

Camp Administrator Michelle has been working for the JCC for one year and brings lots of experience and education to her position. She has worked in childcare administration for four years. In addition to her position as the Camp Administrative Specialist, she is also the assistant to the Center Director of the JCC and the Be A Reader (BEAR) Coordinator here at the JCC.

Director of Beginnings Becky is the Director of Beginnings, the toddler and 2-year old program here at the JCC. Becky is returning to camp for her 2nd year and brings expertise and quality programming to this age group. In addition to directing the Beginnings and Yeladim camps this year, she will be adding the Kaitana program to her responsibilities.

CILT Director This is Dana’s first year with the Simon family JCC summer camp. She brings with her six years of experience from the JCC of Northern Virginia. Dana recently graduated from ODU with a Masters in Secondary Education.

Dana Leader 321-2338 •


Beginnings: 16 months to 24 months

This program is designed to introduce your child to group experiences in a safe and nurturing environment. Children will participate in singing, crafts, outside play and other age-appropriate activities as they learn to socialize with their peers. Children will experience a sensory extravaganza where they will taste, feel, smell, hear and touch the wonders of a summer day. This adventure is sure to delight your little one. Choose an experience that will best suit your needs: 4 or 8 weeks, with 2-day, 3-day, and 5-day options. For additional information, please contact Becky Feld at 321-2332. Full care options are available. This option is Monday-Friday 7:30am-6:00pm.

Session 1: June 18 – July 13 (No Camp July 4) Session 2: July 16 – August 10 Session T / TH M / W / F M – F M – F (Full Care)

time 9am to 12:30pm 9am to 12:30pm 9am to 12:30pm 7:30am to 6:00pm

Member $295 $420 $630 $900

Nonmember $415 $590 $930 $1200

The price is for the 4 WEEK session



Yeladim: 24 months to 36 months

This program offers the opportunity to experience developmentally appropriate, theme-oriented camp activities. The daily activities will include a variety of camp favorites such as Red Cross swimming instruction, singing, crafts, outdoor fun, and sand and water play. The program is designed to encourage the development of both fine and gross motor skills, with interactive activities, supported by our highly trained staff. This is a wonderful environment for your child to meet and play with new friends. Choose an experience that will best suit your needs 2, 4, 6 or 8 weeks with 2-day, 3-day, and 5-day options. For additional information, please contact Becky Feld at 321-2332. Full care options are available. This option is Monday-Friday 7:30am-6:00pm.

Session 1: June 18 – June 29 Session 2: July 2 – July 13 (No Camp July 4) Session 3: July 16 – July 27 Session 4: July 30 – August 10 session T/TH M/W/F M – F M – F (Full Care)

time 9am to 12:30pm 9am to 3:30pm 9am to 12:30pm 9am to 3:30pm 9am to 12:30pm 9am to 3:30pm 7:30am to 6:00pm

Member $180 $220 $240 $300 $340 $405 $500

Nonmember $240 $280 $330 $390 $490 $555 $650

The price is for the 2 week session

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It’s a Jungle Out There!

Weeks 1 & 2: June 18 - 22 & June 25 - 29 Running through the grass, swinging on a vine, and soaring through the sky, everyone’s rushing to join in the fun. Come navigate the lush jungles of the JCC and see what being an animal is about. Communicate with nature and discover the animal inside of you. Grab your compass, lace up your boots and come join the fun! Hurry and sign-up before it’s too late. After all, it’s a jungle out there! The service project for this session is Heifer International. Our goal is to purchase an animal to help sustain life around the globe.

Kaitana (3 - 5 years) Monkey Business (weeks 1 & 2)

Stop the monkey business? No way! Camp is all about having fun, so come dance, sing and play the jungle way! Fashion a drum, and learn how to make it talk. Explore the language of baby animals and how they communicate with one another as you create a unique keepsake book to take home. Get up close and personal with some real live animals, and then take a dip in the watering hole to cool off and learn to swim.

Giborim (entering 1st - 2nd grades) Chalutzim (entering 3rd - 4th grades) Ruach (entering 5th - 6th grades) Venture (entering 7th - 10th grades)

The daily program for each individual age level has been uniquely tailored just for them. Program elements are designed with age appropriate activities to ensure fun, promote selfesteem, personal growth, and problem solving skills. Campers spend much of the program with same age children; however, there are programs designed for more than one age level to interact. These program elements are designed to encourage the younger children to gain new skills and independence, as well as, allowing the older campers leadership opportunities in a supervised environment. This builds a community and creates bonds that will keep campers excited about returning each summer!

Talk with the animals (week 1)

Squawk, jabber, roar and howl; in other words, the jungle can be a pretty busy place. Just like a city it gets pretty noisy and knowing the language is the first step to finding the way around. As camp explorers interpret animal sounds and navigate jungle paths, they will draw parallels between the jungle and their own lives. Each explorer will create a drum and learn how to make it speak. So come join the fun and embark on a safari, swim with alligators, explore the jungle and make friends with the visiting animals from ZooPro Adventures.

Animal Planet (week 2)

The safari continues! Now deep in the heart of the JCC jungle, campers discover how their lives are similar to those of their animal friends. Explorers will discover similarities between jungle ecosystems and their own lives e.g. schools, families, friends and communities. On this leg of the journey campers will have the opportunity to walk with the animals in their natural habitat at the Virginia Zoo. As the adventure draws to a close, explorers will reflect on their journey as they put on a jungle drum concert and share their camp experience with Mom and Dad at the jungle campfire. In addition to all the week’s activities, the Venture campers will be volunteering in a themed service project at the Virginia Beach SPCA.

CILT (Councelors in Leadership Training, entering 9th - 11th grades)

CILTs will learn to design an end-of-week, all-camp activity program. They will learn the valuable skills of creating and managing a budget, while working in a team environment to achieve a common goal. As our in-house Safari guides, CILTs will be valued leaders to camp counselors and directors. CILTs will assist in leading activities, explore group dynamics, and discover their individual talents as they grow in their leadership skills. Each week CILTs will have a daily “chug” time where they can participate in activities, enjoy free swim or prepare for the next day’s fun all while learning the importance of setting the example for the younger campers.



Raiders of the Lost Artifacts: Diamonds in the Rough Weeks 3 & 4: July 2 - 6 & July 9 - 13 (camp closed wednesday, july 4th)

Come roll up your sleeves and dig up the past, as campers at the JCC begin their journey into the world of a junior archeologist.

Kaitana (3 - 5 years) Buried Treasure (weeks 3 & 4)

Come dig for buried treasure in this exciting camp of discovery. The youngest archaeologists will explore their own dig site sifting through the sand to find a new treasure each day. Perhaps they will find the pieces of a long lost necklace or maybe they will fine ancient coins to spend at the reconstructed marketplace. During camp each archaeologist will create a keepsake book of their history and prepare a time capsule of their discoveries. Every day offers outside free-play, games and swim lessons. No archaeologist would ever be caught without their gear so each camper will take home their own set of “archaeology tools” at the end of camp so they can continue to search for treasure!

Giborim (entering 1st - 2nd grades) Chalutzim (entering 3rd - 4th grades) Ruach (entering 5th - 6th grades) Venture (entering 7th - 10th grades)

The daily program for each individual age level has been uniquely tailored just for them. Program elements are designed with age appropriate activities to ensure fun, promote selfesteem, personal growth, and problem solving skills. Campers spend much of the program with same age children; however, there are programs designed for more than one age level to interact. These program elements are designed to encourage the younger children to gain new skills and independence, as well as, allowing the older campers leadership opportunities in a supervised environment. This builds a community and creates bonds that will keep campers excited about returning each summer!

Diggin’ it (week 3)

Get your hands dirty in the pursuit of the unknown! Join us as we embark on an exciting adventure to dig up the past. Digging in our own JCC excavation site campers will experience many aspects of archaeology – from proper digging and removal of artifacts to the cleaning and cataloging of what is found. Among the ruins, campers will discover clues of the ancient Israeli past. Moreover, campers just might be on the “front line” of an important new discovery. Our field trip this week will be to an active archaeological dig, where the campers will have a chance to uncover authentic Virginia History.

Timeless Treasures (week 4)

Some of the world’s most exciting archaeology digs are located at the site of an ancient market place. Our JCC market place will come alive this week, as each day campers will see the vibrant colors and feel the buzzing atmosphere of this timeless treasure. Each booth will offer different and exciting options so campers will have a variety of choices as to where to spend their time; “do I try the local falafel? Or stamp a leather bookmark?” Campers will truly be transported to another time and place with cultural camp experiences such as belly dancing and gaga (Israeli Dodgeball). We will also continue our dig, wading through our past and discovering our history. This week, we will go to the Jamestown Settlement and go behind the scenes to see how our history is preserved today. In addition to all the week’s activities, the Venture campers will be volunteering in a themed service project that they “dig” up.

CILT (Councelors in Leadership Training, entering 9th - 11th grades)

(weeks 3 & 4) In addition to your CILT training, this week you will be working as

excavation leaders, helping your assistants work as an effective team to break ground and uncover artifacts. This interaction will teach the CILTs the importance of leadership in a group setting and teamwork among their peers. CILTs will also have the opportunity to design an end-of-week, all-camp activity. Behind each market booth is a CILT that makes the activity fun. This week the CILTs will be helping campers experience different aspects of our camp culture and incorporate our newly found skills into the archeological program. Through their expertise and training, they can continue to set the example for the youngest of campers. Each week CILTs will have a daily “chug” time where they can participate in activities, enjoy free swim or prepare for the next day’s fun.

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Mystical Magical Me: Mastering the Magic Within Weeks 5 & 6: July 16 - 20 & July 23 - 27

Celebrating the magic within and what makes you special is the theme for these weeks of camp. Activities, songs, games, service projects and more will be enchantingly incorporated.

Kaitana (3 - 5 years) Imaginarium (weeks 5 & 6)

Enter a world built by imagination. Make your everyday extraordinary as the mundane is transformed into the magical. Each day campers will explore something new from Merlin’s trunk. The young magician’s apprentices will discover that true magic comes from inside them as they explore the “magic” of their world. Children will learn about the magic of music, science, and crafts. Don’t be surprised if these young apprentices come home with a few new “tricks” up their sleeves as well!

Giborim (entering 1st - 2nd grades) Chalutzim (entering 3rd - 4th grades) Ruach (entering 5th - 6th grades) Venture (entering 7th - 10th grades)

The daily program for each individual age level has been uniquely tailored just for them. Program elements are designed with age appropriate activities to ensure fun, promote selfesteem, personal growth, and problem solving skills. Campers spend much of the program with same age children; however, there are programs designed for more than one age level to interact. These program elements are designed to encourage the younger children to gain new skills and independence, as well as, allowing the older campers leadership opportunities in a supervised environment. This builds a community and creates bonds that will keep campers excited about returning each summer!

A Touch of Magic (week 5)

Join us for the magical world of Dragon claw. From sleight-of-hand to daring feats, campers will explore a magical world where anything is possible. The campers will develop skills and self-confidence that will further unlock their hidden talents. Each day, campers will have the opportunity to participate in spirit activities where they will win points for their group. Campers will be amazed by the fun of illusion as they discover the magic in others.

Sorcerers Apprentice (week 6)

True magic begins in the heart and this week, campers will discover their personal source of power. Campers will engage in magical activities such as learning to defend against the dark art of bullying, and making a magic wand powered by their individual strength. Campers will have the opportunity to participate in spirit activities where they will win points for their group. We will continue to use the tools learned to lead us on a journey of self-discovery and self-esteem building. In addition to all the week’s activities, the Venture campers will be volunteering in a themed service project that they “conjure” up in their imagination.

CILT (Councelors in Leadership Training, entering 9th - 11th grades)

(weeks 5 & 6) CILTs will learn to design an end-of-week, all-camp activity program towards the magical theme of the week. They will learn the valuable skills of self-discovery and seeing the hidden talents of others. CILTs will set the example for the younger campers on how to deal with bullying, building their self-esteem and how to problem solve. As our inhouse magical guides, CILTs will be valued leaders to camp counselors and directors. CILTs will assist in leading activities, explore group dynamics, and discover their individual talents as they grow in their leadership skills. Each week CILTs will have a daily “chug” time where they can participate in activities, enjoy free swim or prepare for the next day’s fun all while learning the importance of setting the example for the younger campers.



JCC General: The Camp with Heart

Weeks 7 & 8: July 30 - August 3 & August 6 -10 Welcome to JCC General Hospital. JCC General is the finest facility of its kind in the world. This is where campers become junior doctors. Learning through play, campers will develop self-confidence and a new understanding of themselves. From examining the systems of their own body and first aid to exploring diet and fitness, campers will take part in exciting new activities as they play their way to knowledge. Each camp includes a variety of snacks, crafts, outdoor play, activities, swimming, and a chance to grow and develop as an individual.

Kaitana (3 - 5 years) the healthy body (weeks 7 & 8)

JCC General makes it easy to find the care needed to keep a healthy body as we grow. As campers complete a keepsake book all about their own bodies and how to care for them, they will be playing with their own “sick teddy” hospital ward, complete with take-home stethoscope and surgical masks. Campers will learn about the importance of exercise, proper nutrition, hand washing and dental care. By the end of camp these young doctors will be trained and ready to stay healthy throughout their lives.

Giborim (entering 1st - 2nd grades) Chalutzim (entering 3rd - 4th grades) Ruach (entering 5th - 6th grades) Venture (entering 7th - 10th grades)

The daily program for each individual age level has been uniquely tailored just for them. Program elements are designed with age appropriate activities to ensure fun, promote selfesteem, personal growth, and problem solving skills. Campers spend much of the program with same age children; however, there are programs designed for more than one age level to interact. These program elements are designed to encourage the younger children to gain new skills and independence, as well as, allowing the older campers leadership opportunities in a supervised environment. This builds a community and creates bonds that will keep campers excited about returning each summer!

Funky “Fun”ctions (week 7)

Paging all doctors, paging all doctors! All doctors report to the JCC, STAT! Performing surgery is like putting together a puzzle; it can’t be assembled without having every piece. Before jumping into surgery, all junior doctors must learn the basics of a healthy body. The first step to solving the puzzle is realizing what the picture is; every puzzle looks different because everyone’s pieces are unique. Learn how healthy eating habits and exercise affect the body, and what goes on inside of you. Take a stroll down a hospital corridor and get a patient’s-eye-view as we visit our friends at CHKD. Receive a stethoscope and surgical mask as this group of junior doctors begin to create a life size body. Come help your team in the wheel chair relay as junior doctors in the first ever JCC Hospital Olympics. Code blue, code blue! All doctors scrub in for surgery!

The Body Shop (week 8)

Junior doctors complete the construction of their “patient” as they continue to explore the inner workings of the body. Campers will assemble a simulated operating room and discover what surgery is all about. They will meet real life heroes and find out what it’s like to spend a day in their shoes. Campers will strap on a stethoscope to take their own pulse, learn first aid, how to react in an emergency, and put their fire safety skills to the test. So suit up, and stop drop and roll on over to The Body Shop. In addition to all the week’s activities, the Venture campers will be volunteering in our Jewish community.

CILT (Councelors in Leadership Training, entering 9th - 11th grades)

(weeks 7 & 8) CILTs will learn to design an end-of-week, all-camp activity program.

They will learn the valuable skills about keeping healthy, how the body functions and making positive choices throughout their teen and adult years. As our in-house residents in training, CILTs will be valued leaders to camp counselors and directors. CILTs will assist in leading activities, explore group dynamics, and discover their individual talents as they grow in their leadership skills. Each week CILTs will have a daily “chug” time where they can participate in activities, enjoy free swim or prepare for the next day’s fun all while learning the importance of setting the example for the younger campers.

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Week 3 7/2 - 7/6 (no camp 7/4)

It’s a Jungle Out There

2-week sessions 2, 3, and 5-day options


yeladim 2 years

kaitana 3 - 5 years

Week 4 7/9 - 7/13


2-week sessions 2, 3, and 5-day options

Raiders of the Lost Artifacts: Diamonds in the Rough

4-week sessions 2, 3, and 5-day options

Week 2 6/25 - 6/29


Beginnings 16 - 24 months

Week 1 6/18 - 6/22

Week 7 7/30 - 8/3


2-week sessions 2, 3, and 5-day options

Week 8 8/6 - 8/10


2-week sessions 2, 3, and 5-day options

JCC General The Camp with Heart

4-week sessions 2, 3, and 5-day options

Week 6 7/23 - 7/27

Mystical Magical Me: Mastering the Magic Within

Week 5 7/16 - 7/20

Cam p at a Glance Week 10 8/20 - 8/24

Week 11 8/27 - 8/31


Week 9 8/13 - 8/17

Beginnings and StrElitz 2012-2013 School year begins AugUST 28th

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Animal Planet*

Diggin’ it*

Timeless Treasures*

A Touch of Magic*

Sorcerer’s Funky Apprentice* “Fun”ctions*

The Body Shop*



stop by on june 14, 2012 from 5pm - 7pm for our open house!

cit entering 9th - 11th grades

venture entering 7th - 10th grades

ruach Talk to the entering Animals* 5th - 6th grades

chalutzim entering 3rd - 4th grades

GIBORIM entering 1st - 2nd grades

-Typical Camper DayKaitana (3 – 5 years)

8:30 – 9:00 Drop off and free play on the playground 9:00 – 9:20 Welcome activities 9:20 – 10:00 Circle Time including songs and games 10:00 – 10:30 Swimming 10:30 – 11:10 Crafts and/or free-play 11:10 – 11:30 Time capsule Project 11:30 – 12:00 Lunch 12:00 – 12:30 Story time and Pack-up 12:30 Pick-up or transfer to full care 12:30 - 3:30 extended camp option

-Typical Camper Day-

giborim, chalutzim, & venture (entering 1st – 10th grades) 6:30 - 9:00 Before Care for Ages 4-12 8:30 - 9:00 Early drop off, transfer from before care, free play on the playground – GaGa Pit 9:00 - 9:30 Whole camp gathering / Moment of silence – center yourself to be at camp / Announcements / Boker Tov / Group games including songs 9:30 - 10:40 Swimming / Activity / Snack 10:40 - 11:55 Swimming / Activity 11:55 - 12:30 Lunch in the Cafeteria / Motzi / Songs 12:30 - 1:20 ElectivE activity of your choice or special program 1:20 - 2:20 Activity / Snack 2:20 - 3:20 activity 3:20 - 3:30 Group Closing 3:30 Pick up or transfer to after care 3:30 - 6:00 After Care for Ages 4-12

*The time slots listed “activity” will incorporate outdoor games, crafts, sports, drama, cultural experiences, swimming, and more.



CILT (Councelors in Leadership Training, rising 9th - 11th grades) The Counselors-in-Leadership-Training program is designed to teach rising 9th – 11th graders leadership, teamwork, and the importance of setting an example for their peers and younger campers who look up to them for guidance. Through training with the CILT Director, Dana Leader, teens will have the unique opportunity to build skills that include planning, budgeting, mentoring, communication, group dynamics, and many more résumé building skills. The CILTs will be valued team members of the camp experience. Some of their responsibilities will include designing and implementing a camp wide event, planning and executing community service activities and participating in a themed Shabbat each session. CILTs are asked to take part in at least 4 weeks during the summer with the added flexibility that they need not be consecutive. All prospective CILTs will need to complete an application and the interview process before being accepted into the program. At the completion of four or more weeks, CILTs will earn a $50 gift card and a certificate of community service hours. All this will be rounded out with the opportunity to participate in various activities at camp like swimming, field trips and much more. No camp on July 4th.

session M - F

time Member 8:30am to 3:30pm $75

Nonmember $150

The price is for the week

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-plusAges 4-12 (Kaitana, Giborim, Chalutzim and Ruach) Extend the summer and enjoy an extra three weeks of fun at the Simon Family JCC!

Based on the structure of Kids Connection Camps (Simon Family JCC’s Before and After School Program) offered throughout the school year – MINUS HOMEWORK! Play, swim, exercise and create art projects in a cross-age setting. Open for full day care. Monday through Friday, 6:30am to 6:00pm in “The Zone” of the JCC. Children will bring their lunch, bathing suit, and towel… we provide a daily snack!

Session 1: August 13 - 17 Session 2: August 20 - 24 Session 3: August 27 - 31 session M - F

time 6:30am to 6pm

Member $175

Non Member $250

For additional information, please contact Ashley Gregory, Kids Connection Manager, at 321-2342.

Ashley Gregory


KIDS CONNECTION MANAGER Ashley is the Program Manager for Kids Connection Before & After School Enrichment Program, Babysitting and the Zone. Ashley graduated from Old Dominion University with a BS in Biology with a Pre-Med Focus. She brings with her five years of experience in the field of providing a fun, safe, and educational environment for children of all ages.


When school is out… we are open! Before & After School Enrichment at the Simon Family JCC Pre-K to 5th grade • 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. • Everyone is welcome! Care available both morning and afternoon to accommodate all half day kindergarten options. We serve the following schools with transportation: Arrowhead • Fairfield • Glenwood • Hebrew Academy • Indian Lakes Kempsville • Kempsville Meadows • King’s Grant • Kingston • Point O’ View Providence • Thalia • Woodstock • Windsor Oaks

If you don’t see your school listed, give us a call, we might be able to help! We are not just daycare… we are a quality, educational and fitness program for school-age children. Kids in our program enjoy: • Homework assistance • STEM enrichment lessons at all grade levels • Art activities • Music, sports, and games • Supervised computer room with internet access • Red Cross instructional swim and free swim time • Kid Fit, including Dance, Dance Revolution and nutrition instruction for kids • And all the amenities of the facility like a miniature golf course, soccer field, baseball field, playground and so much more! We also provide before and after camp care! To register, please stop by Customer Service or call 321-2338. For more information call 321-2338 or visit

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The Simon Family JCC Membership has its benefits! K



You may know about the great fitness and the beautiful outdoor water park at the Simon Family JCC, but did you know that JCC members have exclusive access to Kids Night Out programming?

On the third Saturday of every month from 6 PM to 10 PM, children aged 6 weeks to 12 years are welcome to come swim, learn, play and grow while Mom and Dad take the night off. All for only $10 per child, but it’s only available to JCC members! If you are not currently a JCC Member and are thinking about joining, contact Lisa Chacon at 321-2306 to find out about a trial of our KNO program – one of the many great benefits to being a member!

Upcoming Kids Nights Out include: March Madness: 03/17 Erev (Eve of) Earth Day: 04/21 Outdoor Fun: 05/19 Camp Fun: 06/16 Clowning around at the JCC: 07/21 Astronomy: 08/18 Apple Time: 09/15 Pre-registration is requested. Ages 5 and up, don’t forget to pack a bathing suit and towel. Contact Customer Service at 321-2338 to register.



Weekly Rates

Themes are set up on a bi-weekly schedule. We recommend that you register for both weeks of each theme; however, it is not required.

LUNCH RATES: Weekly $27.50 / Daily $6.50

Kaitana Day Camp (3-5 years) session time M - F 9am to 12:30pm M - F 9am to 3:30pm

Member $165 $240

Nonmember $240 $315

Giborim (entering 1st - 2nd grade) session time M - F 9am to 3:30pm

Member $260

Nonmember $335

Chalutzim (entering 3rd - 4th grade) session time Member M - F 9am to 3:30pm $260

Nonmember $335

Ruach (entering 5th - 6th grade) session time M - F 9am to 3:30pm

Member $270

Nonmember $345

Venture (entering 7th - 10th grade) session time M - F 9am to 3:30pm

Member $270

Nonmember $345

Before and After Camp Care (ages 4 - 12) session time Member M - F 6:30 am - 9 am $45 M - F 3:30 pm - 6pm $45 M - F 6:30am - 6pm $85

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Nonmember $55 $55 $95


General & Legal Information Health Form (Including Physical and Immunization Record In accordance with the Commonwealth of Virginia law, each camper must provide the Simon Family JCC with a copy of a health and immunization form signed by the examining physician. This information must be provided at the time of registration. Birth Certificate The Simon Family JCC is licensed by the Virginia Department of Social Services and they require us to document the identity and age of any child enrolling in any of our programs. Proof of identity may include a birth certificate or a birth registration card. Parent’s Handbook Parents/guardians are responsible for the content of the parent’s

handbook. The JCC reserves the right to make revisions and updates, as needed. If any revisions or updates are made, the parent/guardian has the right to receive the updated copy within a reasonable amount of time.

Medical There will be a camp nurse on campus from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. If a camper

takes medication, a separate form will be sent to the parent for specific instructions and a doctor’s authorization. This form and the medication must be given to the camp nurse by the parent/guardian of the camper. Please also provide information on any allergies your child has.

Safety The safety of our campers is our number one priority. We hire skilled and experienced staff certified in CPR, AED, and first aid. We conduct background checks on all staff and maintain an excellent staff-to-camper ratio. In addition, your children will swim under the supervision of certified lifeguards and receive swim instruction by certified Red Cross instructors. Camp Lunch & Snack Lunch cards are available for purchase on a weekly basis or campers will need to provide their own lunch and beverage. Please remember that camp is peanut-free. Every day, a kosher morning and afternoon snack will be provided for each camper. Campers are not allowed to use the snack machines or purchase items from the Cardo Café during camp hours. Red Cross instructional Swim Campers plunge into instructional swim and free

swim programs, learning basic swimming techniques and water safety skills under the supervision and guidance of our Red Cross certified lifeguards. Our low camperto-instructor ratio ensures that every child receives individual attention and quality instruction. On each camper’s first day, our aquatic staff evaluates your child’s swimming skills ensuring proper placement at the appropriate level.

Participation Policy Minimum registration is required for each camp session, Kids

Connection Plus or any other program advertised. In the event that the JCC determines that the enrollment or continued participation in JCC programs or services is not appropriate, the JCC reserves the right to discontinue service. In such circumstances, any unused portion of service fees paid to date will be refunded. In the event that a camper is removed from the camp program, for any reason, the fee for that session will NOT be refunded, if that child is registered for additional sessions, the additional sessions will be refunded.

Before and After Camp Care Are your campers between the Ages 4-12? Do you need flexible before or after summer camp? JCC Summer Camp provides extended care options beginning at 6:30am continuing until 6:00pm from June 18-August 10, 2012. Campers will transition from care to camp as the day begins and from camp to care as the day winds down. Morning drop off will be in the Kids’ Zone. Before Care (6:30am-9:00am) $45 JCC Members / $55 Non-Members After Care (3:30pm-6:00pm) $45 JCC Members / $55 Non-Members Before & After Care (6:30am-9:00am) & (3:30pm-6:00pm) $85 JCC Members / $95 Non-Members Special Needs The Simon Family Jewish Community Center works to provide a fully

integrated experience for all children. With the help of specially trained staff, we offer accommodations for children with a variety of physical, emotional, intellectual, and developmental needs. This unique, all-inclusive camp experience provides the opportunity to enjoy the fun of all camp programs. Specialized staff provides one-on-one assistance to campers. And initial personal meeting with the family is required before enrollment to ensure the appropriateness of our camp for your child. Interviews will begin in March 2012 and availability in the program is limited. Please call Michelle Fenley at 459-4640.

Cancellation Policy All cancellations must be in writing 14 days prior to the start of

the week of camp you are cancelling. All deposits are non-refundable; even if you cancel before the 14 day deadline. If you cancel less than 14 days prior to the start of that week, you will be responsible for any remaining balance of a cancelled week.



Sibling Discount A $25 discount per child per week will be given if 2 or more children from the same family are registered for the same week. The discount applies to child 2, 3 and so forth; no discount is given to the first child. Financial Assistance The JCC strives to ensure that no child is denied a camp experience. Scholarships are available on a first-come, first-serve basis until all funds are allocated. Applications are available online or from customer service at the JCC. An application will not be reviewed until all back-up documentation has been provided. The JCC will notify you of an award within 7 to 10 business from the receipt of a COMPLETED application. Registration Fee There is a one-time $50 registration fee for each child. Deposits and Payment of Camp Fees

Campers who register by April 1, 2012 with full payment. Campers who register for 8 weeks of camp and pay in full by April 1, 2012 will receive $100 off the summer and no registration fee for a total SAVINGS OF $150! If any one of the weeks of camp is later cancelled, the $150 discount will be added to your account; 50% of each week is a nonrefundable deposit.


Campers who register by June 1, 2012 with full payment. Camper who register for 8 weeks and pay in full by June 1, 2012 will receive a total SAVINGS OF $100! If any one of the weeks of camp is later cancelled, the $100 discount will be added to your account; 50% of each week is a non-refundable deposit.


Campers who register by June 1st without full payment. A 50% non-refundable deposit for each week of camp that the camper is registering for is due at the time of registration. The remaining balance for each week will be automatically billed to the credit card that is provided at the time of registration ON THE MONDAY PRIOR TO THE START OF THAT CAMP WEEK. WE WILL NOT INVOICE; PAYMENT OPTIONS ARE AVAILABLE THROUGH AUTOMATIC CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS ONLY. The cancellation policy is in effect. If you did not give written notice to cancel a week of camp prior to 14 days of the start of camp, you are RESPONSIBLE for the balance due. A $25 charge will be added to any account that has a returned credit card. Week Date of automatic payment 06/18-06/22: 06/11 • 06/25-06/29: 06/18 • 07/02-07/06: 06/25 • 07/09-07/13: 07/02 07/16-07/20: 07/09 • 07/23-07/27: 07/16 • 07/30-08/03: 07/23 • 08/06-08/10: 07/30 Note: If your camper is attending Beginnings or Yeladim; your balance is due the Monday prior to the start of the SESSION. Example: Beginnings Session one starts on 06/18/2012 for four weeks; balance due in full by 06/11/2012 under the automatic payment plan.


Campers who register after June 1st. PAYMENT IS DUE AT TIME OF REGISTRATION. The cancellation policy is in effect. If you did not give written notice to cancel a week of camp prior to 14 days of the start of camp, you are RESPONSIBLE for the balance due. 50% of each week is a nonrefundable deposit.

Kids Connection Plus Kids Connection Plus is not part of the eight weeks of summer

camp offers. There is a 50% non-refundable deposit due at the time of registration. Balance is due in full on the Monday prior to the start of the week of Kids Connection Plus that your child is signed up for through automatic credit card payment. The cancellation policy is in effect. If you did not give written notice to cancel a week of KC Plus prior to 14 days of the start of KC Plus, you are RESPONSIBLE for the balance due. A $25 charge will be added to any account that has a returned credit card. Week Date of automatic payment 08/13-08/17: 08/06 • 08/20-08/24: 08/13 • 08/27-08/31: 08/20


321-2338 •



(Camper must be registered for all 8 weeks, some restrictions apply)

Register and pay in full by April 1st and SAVE or by June 1st and SAVE $100

Early Registration Specials:



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