Jewish News | April 22, 2019

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Southeastern Virginia | Vol. 57 No. 15 | 17 Nissan 5779 | April 22, 2019

Artists 4 Israel! Israel Fest Sunday May 19

8 JDC Study Mission to the Philippines

11 Hineni! returns

—page 29

31 Ambassador Ido Aharoni Wednesday, May 8 and Thursday, May 9

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33 JFS: 15th Annual Run, Roll or Stroll Sunday, May 5 Supplement to Jewish News April 22, 2019 | April 22, 2019 | Women | Jewish News | 15


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2 | Jewish News | April 22, 2019 |

Jewish news


500 doctors who serve US Jewish communities sign letter urging vaccinations

Official US maps now show Golan Heights as part of Israel

Published 21 times a year by United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

Ron Kampeas

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Marcy Oster

(JTA)—Some 500 doctors who serve Jewish communities across North America have signed on to a letter calling on all children and healthy adults to be vaccinated. “We the undersigned doctors who faithfully serve the Orthodox Jewish communities of North America, strongly urge all members of our community to receive all recommended vaccinations,” the letter begins. The letter is signed by doctors from states including New York, New Jersey, California, Florida, Texas, Arizona, Ohio, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Missouri, Minnesota, Massachusetts, and Wisconsin, as well as Toronto and Montreal. It calls on individuals and Jewish communities to work together to “prevent harmful diseases from spreading.” “We are aware of the dangerous misinformation campaign being spread and reject any unproven unscientific statements that contradict all available current science-based studies on vaccinations,” the letter says. The letter is being featured in a mass information campaign to the Jewish community about vaccinating, the Yeshiva World News reported. The majority of Orthodox Jewish children are vaccinated, according to statistics issued by the New York state and New York City health departments. There is no religious reason to not get vaccinated, and prominent rabbis in New York have called on their followers to vaccinate their children. The United States has confirmed 555 measles cases in 2019, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That’s 50 percent higher than the total number recorded for 2018. The majority of the cases are centered in New York City and its large haredi Orthodox community.

WASHINGTON (JTA)—Official U.S. maps now include the Golan Heights as part of Israel. Jason Greenblatt, the top White House Middle East peace negotiator, posted a map Tuesday, April 16 on his Twitter feed. “Welcome to the newest addition of our international maps system after @POTUS issued a proclamation recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights,” Greenblatt said. President Donald Trump in March recognized Israel’s sovereignty over the strategic plateau. Israel captured the heights from Syria in 1967 and annexed the area in 1981. The Trump administration also has mostly ended the practice of referring to the West Bank as “occupied” and recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, later moving its embassy there.

AJC donating funds to help rebuild Notre Dame


merican Jewish Committee (AJC) will donate funds to help repair Notre Dame Cathedral, severely damaged in a massive fire. “Whether Catholic or not, Notre Dame Cathedral is an integral part of our shared legacy and soul. It represents centuries of French and European faith, culture, history, and imagination,” says David Harris, AJC CEO. AJC, the global Jewish advocacy organization, is a longstanding pioneer in interfaith relations, and a longtime friend of France. AJC maintains an office in Paris. “We share the pain of the French people and Catholics worldwide in watching this landmark house of worship burn,” Harris says.


About the cover: Artists 4 Israel’s Damaris Cruz of Puerto Rico used clothing she found in shops on the street below this wall and a local resident as the model for her mural. Painted in Hadera, it intends to represent the history of the location, including its once thriving orange orchards.

Up Front. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Briefs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Torah Thought . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Israelis choose stability in election. . . . . . . 6 YAD Mitzvah Purim Party. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 JDC Study Mission to Philippines. . . . . . . . 8 Refreshed Hineni!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Muhlendorfs’ LIFE & LEGACY story. . . . 12 HAT’s Science Fair 2019. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

What’s Happening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Israel Fest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 JFS Run, Roll or Stroll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Mazel Tov. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Who knew?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Obituaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Terri Denison, Editor Germaine Clair, Art Director Sandy Goldberg, Account Executive Ronnie Jacobs Cohen, Account Executive Marilyn Cerase, Subscription Manager Reba Karp, Editor Emeritus United Jewish Federation of Tidewater John Strelitz, President Alvin Wall, Treasurer Stephanie Calliott, Secretary Betty Ann Levin, Executive Vice-President The appearance of advertising in the Jewish News does not constitute a kashrut, political, product or service endorsement. The articles and letters appearing herein are not necessarily the opinion of this newspaper. © 2019 Jewish News. All rights reserved. Subscription: $18 per year


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Rabbi Telushkin speaks at Norfolk Academy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Special Section: Celebrating Women and Mother’s Day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 200 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462-4370 voice 757-965-6100 • fax 757-965-6102 email

“When I wrote the book in 1996, I said, ‘Public discourse in America can’t get any worse’ …a rabbi is not a prophet.” —page 14

Friday, May 3/28 Nissan Light candles at 7:37 pm Friday, May 10/5 Iyar Light candles at 7:44 pm Friday, May 17/12 Iyar Light candles at 7:49 pm Friday, May 24/19 Iyar Light candles at 7:55 pm Friday, May 31/26 Iyar Light candles at 8:00 pm | April 22, 2019 | Jewish News | 3

BRIEFS Pittsburgh newspaper wins Pulitzer for coverage of synagogue massacre The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette was awarded the 2019 Pulitzer Prize in breaking news reporting for its coverage of the Tree of Life synagogue massacre last October. Eleven people were shot and killed by a gunman during the rampage, which came as congregants at the synagogue complex in Pittsburgh were gathering for Shabbat morning services. The prize, the most prestigious in journalism, was awarded to the daily’s entire reporting staff on Monday, April 15. The prize committee cited the PostGazette for “immersive, compassionate coverage of the massacre at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue that captured the anguish and resilience of a community thrust into grief.” Among the 10 stories cited was an investigative profile of the gunman and how he went “from conservative to white nationalist.” The coverage also included a frontpage headline containing the first four words of the Mourner’s Kaddish prayer in Hebrew letters. David Shribman, the Post-Gazette’s since-retired executive editor, explained the excerpt “from a 10th century prayer might be the appropriate gesture— of respect, of condolence—for a 21st century audience mourning its dead, whether family, friend, congregant, neighbor or, simply, Pittsburgher.” The Sun Sentinel of South Florida won the Pulitzer for public service, for its coverage of the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland. Multiple Jewish students and staff were among the 17 killed in the shooting. (JTA) French Holocaust denier sentenced to prison for denial material on website Holocaust denier Alain Soral was convicted and sentenced to one-year in prison in France for publishing material denying the Holocaust on his website. It is the second conviction and prison sentence for Soral, a far rightist, since the beginning of the year.

A Paris court convicted Soral, 60, on Monday, April 15 and ordered him jailed. He was not in court and a warrant was issued for his arrest, The Associated Press reported. Holocaust denial is a crime in France. Soral’s lawyer, Damien Viguier, was fined more than €5,000 euros ($5,600) for complicity. On Soral’s website, Equality and Reconciliation, the lawyer announced that they would appeal, the French Le Figaro newspaper reported. In January, Soral was sentenced to one year in prison for insulting a judge and making anti-Semitic comments on his website. (JTA)

Israeli scientists print 3D heart Scientists in Israel made a 3D print of a heart using human tissue and vessels. It is the first time that an entire heart has been successfully printed that includes cells and blood vessels, the AFP news service reported, citing Tal Dvir of Tel Aviv University, who led the project. It will be a long time, however, before such a printed heart will be fully functioning and ready to be transplanted into a human patient, the scientists said. The next step is for researchers to teach the printed hearts to act like real ones. (JTA) Yoni Netanyanu’s Personal effects turned over to family Benjamin Netanyahu and his brother, Ido received personal items belonging to their brother Yonatan Netanyahu, who was killed during the Entebbe, Uganda operation to free Israeli hostages in 1976. Israel’s prime minister and his surviving brother, a physician, received the clothing and military gear from Yosef Shemesh, who served with “Yoni” Netanyahu in the 71st Battalion of the Armored Corps in the Golan Heights, at a meeting at the Prime Minister’s Residence Monday, April 15. Among the items that Shemesh has had since the early 1970s were Yoni Netanyahu’s Passover Haggadah, books that he had given to Shemesh, his coveralls, a t-shirt, gloves, a sleeping bag and a compass. “We recognize some of these items.

4 | Jewish News | April 22, 2019 |

We recognize Yoni’s books. Here is the Haggadah, ahead of Passover, that he used at the seder he held for his soldiers. This is a very moving memento from the past. I am very grateful, thank you,” the prime minister said in a statement. “It is very moving after so many years to see these things, especially the Haggadah that Yoni wrote about in his letters. He wrote about the special seder he held while in the battalion in a very special and very moving letter,” Ido Netanyahu said. Of the 248 passengers on the hijacked Tel Aviv-Paris flight, 106 were kept hostage; of those, 102 were rescued. Yonatan Netanyahu was the only Israeli commando to die in the raid. (JTA)

Israel divestment supporters hijack welcome ceremony for new Brown U students Protesters at Brown University who support divesting from Israel, disrupted a welcome ceremony for next year’s freshman class including dropping informational leaflets from the balcony of an auditorium onto the participants. Members of the incoming class of 2023 had just finished watching a promotional video about the university, as part of A Day on College Hill on Sunday, April 14, when the protesters began chanting “Brown students voted yes on divest. Provost Locke: what’s next? End our complicity now,” the student newspaper The Brown Daily Herald, reported. They dropped leaflets describing Brown Divest and its mission. A video of the protest was posted on the Brown Divest Facebook page. In March, Brown undergraduates voted in favor of a referendum to divest from Israel by a more than 2-to-1 margin. The nonbinding measure proposes to “identify and divest from companies that profit from Israeli violations of human rights” and accuses the university of furthering actions that “engage in humanrights violations” for its cooperation with Israel or firms that work with Israel. Brown University President Christina Paxson said she will not act on the referendum, saying the university should not embrace any of the planks of the BDS,

or Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel. (JTA)

NYC shuts down yeshiva preschool over measles; outbreak in Detroit New York City closed a Brooklyn yeshiva’s preschool for defying a Health Department order to provide medical and attendance records regarding measles vaccinations. The preschool at the United Talmudical Academy in the largely haredi Orthodox Williamsburg neighborhood is the first yeshiva program to be shut down by the city since Mayor Bill de Blasio declared a public health emergency over the measles outbreak in Brooklyn’s haredi community earlier this month. De Blasio ordered unvaccinated people living in four ZIP codes in the Williamsburg neighborhood to get the vaccine or be required to pay fines of up to $1,000. As of Monday, April 15, New York City has confirmed 329 measles cases, nearly all in Brooklyn, since the outbreak began in October. The preschool serves 250 students. The Department of Health threatened to fine or even close yeshivas in Williamsburg if students who are not vaccinated against measles are allowed to attend classes. The department has issued 23 violations to yeshivas and day care facilities in connection with unvaccinated children or not complying with records requests, according to the Washington Post. On Monday, April 15, a group of Brooklyn parents filed a lawsuit against the mandatory measles vaccination order. Also, the number of people who have contracted measles in the Detroit area because of contact with a haredi Orthodox traveler has more than doubled in the past three weeks to 39. All but one of the cases reported due to contact with the Israeli man known as “Michigan’s patient zero” are in Oakland County, the Washington Post reported. The man was in the area fundraising for a Brooklyn-based charity. The Israeli had visited synagogues, businesses, and yeshivas before the Purim holiday after arriving from New York. (JTA)

Torah thought

An awesome season up against evil. Passover’s mighty spirit of renewal of a people, as well as an individual, also applies to the natural order of springtime’s return with the beauty of Earth’s budding and recovery that we are pledged to forever secure. How revealing of our people’s healthy spirit and the Rabbinic balanced mindset that the Festival of Freedom is designated for reading the sensual Song of Songs. Yet, he Biblical account of the celebrated we recall that the puritanical opposition Exodus from Egypt became the leitto its inclusion in our Biblical cannon was motif of rabbinic theology, perceiving in overcome when Rabbi Akiva argued and the Israelites’ redemption from a House won with his creative interpretation that of Bondage, God’s greatness, guidance, the scroll was really about the binding and goodness. Thus, the Shalosh Regalim, love between God and Israel. the three Pilgrim Festivals of Pesach, At this awesome season, so curiously Shavuot, and Sukkot—revolving around close to Passover’s twin themes of bitter the common theme of the Exodus, point enslavement and sweet redemption, we at the divine gifts of both freedom and are poised between Yom responsibility as essenHashoah’s monumental tial requirements for burden of sorrow, and fulfilling both the Yom Ha’ Atzmaout Yom Ha’ Atzmaout’s Jewish and human uplifting joy of Israel’s potential. restores the Jewish 71st anniversary celeThe awesome and people’s human dignity bration—between the complex journey— and proud standing in Holocaust’s helplessphysically, spiritually, the comity of nations. ness and Hatikvah’s and psychologically— hopefulness. from servitude to an The rabbis attached oppressor to service of an ethical dimension to the Most High, became Biblically defiling body conditions. To a model of liberation for the entire human diminish one’s reputation became tanfamily, culminating in the Messianic tamount to no less than shedding one’s vision of a world transformed. blood, given that a good name, Shem We have chosen to convert the bitter Tov, was deemed to be a person’s crownherbs of our exile into the sweet charoset ing glory. The sinfully genocidal Nazi of homecoming for all. It is the symbolic ideology insisted on dehumanizing as hovering presence at the Seder table of the a means for a person’s and our people’s prophet Elijah for whom we open the door total destruction in spirit and body. Yom and set aside a special cup of wine, which Ha’ Atzmaout restores the Jewish people’s provides the eternal hope of universal human dignity and proud standing in the shalom. It is the peace we have kept alive comity of nations, affirming the divinity as a flickering light in the darkness of a within all God’s children, which we first trying history. shared with the world. Our covenantal Passover’s promise is ultimately rooted call, “You shall be holy, for I, the Lord in its revolutionary view of the infinite your God, am holy,“ is our guiding light. worth of each of the Creator’s children— recalling that God silenced the heavenly Rabbi Dr. Israel Zoberman is the founding angels when jubilant at the drowning of rabbi of Congregation Beth Chaverim in Pharaoh’s troops. When we preserve our Virginia Beach. He is Honorary Senior Rabbi adversary’s humanity, difficult as it is, we Scholar at Eastern Shore Chapel Episcopal maintain our own essential human statChurch in Virginia Beach. ure, even as we are commanded to rise






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opinion In re-electing Netanyahu, Israelis chose stability Eric R. Mandel

( JTA)—After the smoke clears from this contentious Israeli election, which amounted to a referendum on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s tenure, the question remains: How did he win again?

As Israel’s former U.S. Ambassador Michael Oren said, “Our economy is excellent, our foreign relations were never better, and we’re secure…we know him, the world knows him—even our enemies know him.” Unlike American voters, most Israelis choose security and stability over the unknown.


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6 | Jewish News | April 22, 2019 |

Gen. Benny Gantz’s strategy highlighted Netanyahu’s corruption scandals, which apparently resonated with enough voters that his party received more than 1 million votes, the most ever by an Israeli political party—except for Likud, also in this election. However, the nation—and particularly its youngest voters—have moved sharply to the right following the second intifada in the early to mid-2000s, prioritizing security over domestic concerns. Paradoxically, compared to Americans, young Israelis lean more to the right than older generations because they came of age during and after the violent Palestinian uprising. This is what enabled Netanyahu to keep his job. The prime minister is perceived as a steady hand in turbulent waters: Israel is surrounded on all sides by growing threats of radical jihadism— Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Muslim Brotherhood. Netanyahu is trusted on what he considers the No. 1 threat to the survival of Israel, the revolutionary theocracy of Iran. Netanyahu has also been a very pragmatic leader, successfully managing Israel’s many conflicts. He has skillfully avoided a war with Hezbollah and Iran despite targeting hundreds of Iranian and Hezbollah positions in Syria and Lebanon over the past few years. And even with pressure from his own base to be more aggressive with Hamas, Netanyahu has avoided undertaking a major operation to overthrow the terrorist group that controls the Gaza Strip. He knows it would be a disaster if Israel conquered the coastal strip and became responsible for the lives of its 2 million residents. Under his unprecedentedly long tenure, Israel has become more secure, with significant economic advancements and diplomatic achievements, especially in forging relations with the Arab world and Africa. Many observers said that couldn’t happen unless there was peace first between the Palestinians and Israel. Netanyahu was the first Israeli prime minister in 24 years to visit Oman. Last year he met with an Emirati ambassador—a meeting that Business Insider said

“sheds light on one of the worst-kept secrets in the Arab world: the quiet ties between Israel and some of its Arab neighbors that are increasingly coming out in the open as they find common cause against mutual foe Iran.” But what may be the most important legacy of this election may be the annexation debate over the West Bank. Will Netanyahu really annex some or all of the disputed territories? Was his promise just more hyperbole, or was it a signal that the window of opportunity to act is now, as President Donald Trump may be gone from the scene in less than two years? The annexation debate is complex, and it is legitimate for Israel’s security establishment to discuss which disputed territory beyond the Green Line is indispensable for Israel’s security interests. Proponents of the status quo and those for disengagement should join the debate. American Jewry, which is as liberal as Israeli Jewry is conservative, has legitimate criticisms of Netanyahu. He reneged on his promise to expand the egalitarian space at Robinson’s Arch next to the Western Wall, and the Israeli government has failed to recognize Conservative and Reform Judaism—the movements that the majority of American Jews belong to—as equally legitimate to Orthodoxy. However, the hyperpolarized politics of America have blinded many American Jews, who don’t realize the real harm they do to Israel and themselves in siding with those whose criticism veers into delegitimization of the state. After the euphoria and depression of the 2019 Israeli election results subside, we’ll be left with something extraordinary to be celebrated by all Israelis and Americans: Israel’s vibrant democracy again elected new national leadership in a peaceful vote. Israel is a beacon of Western democratic and Jewish values—and whether you love or hate Bibi Netanyahu, Israel is still a miracle at 71. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of JTA or its parent company, 70 Faces Media.

it’s a Wrap YAD Mitzvah Purim party recalls Bar and Bat Mitzvah days Carly Glikman


idewater’s young Jewish adults showed up ready to party at YAD’s Purim party on Saturday, March, 23. It took no time for the popular ‘DJ Richard’ to get the party going with dance hits,

David Calliott and Matt Kantro.

games, and glow necklaces as young adults celebrated the festive holiday. This year’s party theme was YAD Mitzvah, channeling Bar and Bat Mitzvah parties from the 1990s and early 2000s— bringing back memories for most attendees of their own celebrations. Party goers dressed to impress in their best Bar/Bat Mitzvah look. Encouraged to recreate their Bar/Bat Mitzvah era, butterfly clips, tulle dresses, and bomber jackets were part of the scene. YAD Mitzvah’s signature drink, the Dirty Shirley, was intentionally chosen to allow attendees to feel like they have finally moved up from the Shirley Temple they had at their own Bar/Bat Mitzvah. No 90s/00s Bar/Bat Mitzvah would be complete without popular Mitzvah games led by DJ Richard. YADians Sean and Meryl Mulligan were the Coke and Pepsi winners. After running back and forth

across the dance floor high fiving to the shout outs of “Coke! Pepsi! Sprite!” the Mulligans beat out 10 other pairs to claim their title. “It was one of the best Purim parties,” says Shikma Rubin, YAD Cabinet member, who spent practically the entire evening on the dance floor. “My favorite part of the YAD Purim party was all the games we played– Pepsi and Coke, freeze dance, limbo, etc. It felt like a real Bar/Bat Mitzvah party.” The energy was electrifying. Clarissa Thratcher, a first-time Purim party attendee, won the limbo challenge, while lucky games and dance off winners won tickets to Israel Festival, as well as gift cards to restaurants throughout Virginia Beach. Amy Pudder, new to the Jewish community, says, “It was great to meet young Jews in the area! The team did a wonderful

Local and Experienced…a winning combination!

Jessica and Joe Ruthenberg.

job creating a space to party.” The YAD Purim Party was made possible by Tidewater Home Funding, its generous sponsor, and the dedicated Purim Party Committee: David Calliott, Matt Kantro, Pam Trompeter, and Estelle Katz.

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Lynnhaven Office: (757) 486-2410 222 Mustang Trail Virginia Beach, VA 23452 | April 22, 2019 | Jewish News | 7

jdc First Person

Recent JDC Study Mission to the Philippines Annie Sandler


his is an open thank you letter to our community, the Tidewater Jewish community, for its unwavering support and care for Jewish communities around the world. This care takes into account our strong values of tikkun olam, the concept of leaving the world a better place than we found it, the responsibility for “repairing the world.” Our organized Jewish community does this work through its partnership with the JDC, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, also known as The Joint.


he JDC was founded in 1914, during World War I, as the first Jewish organization in the United States to dispense large scale funding for international relief. Henry Morgenthau, the U.S. Ambassador to Turkey, made an emergency call to Jacob Schiff in New York requesting a one-time gift of $50,000 for the Jews living in Palestine who were suffering from extreme poverty. It was important to Ambassador Morgenthau that the money be raised and that there were boots on the ground to spend it wisely and effectively. In all of Jewish history up to this point, there had never been one address to which Jews in need, no matter where they lived, could turn for assistance. Never, in the long history of our people, has one organization maintained the same fundamental mission that informed its founding for so long and has not only NOT been weakened over time, but has grown from strength to strength. That is the JDC. That one-time gift turned into 105 years of life saving work around the world. JDC played a pivotal role in sustaining Jews in Palestine and rebuilding the devastated Jewish communities of Eastern Europe. In 1945, by the end of World War II, tens of thousands of newly liberated Jewish survivors, 75,000, were crammed into JDC Displaced Persons Camps hastily set up in Germany, Austria, and Italy. Conditions were unimaginable and

anti-Semitism was prevalent. By mid1947, the numbers had grown to 250,000 Jewish survivors. At this time, Earl Harrison, dean of the University of Pennsylvania Law School and President Harry Truman’s Special Envoy, asked Joseph Schwartz, JDC’s European director, to accompany him on an official tour of the DP Camps. The Harrison Report called for separate Jewish camps and for the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration to administer to them with the JDC’s help. Joseph Schwartz virtually recreated JDC by putting together a field organization that covered Europe, and later, North Africa, and by designing an operational strategy that valued action, initiative, and outcome. This strategy holds true today—only in a much more complicated world. For many years, JDC identified itself by the 3 R’s: Relief, Renewal, and Resettlement. Although resettlement has fallen off dramatically in the last several years, the other two Rs are working overtime. This is remarkable history and there’s so much more. Our community, the Tidewater Jewish community, owns this history. I honestly believe that every time we respond Jewishly to a need or a crisis, we create a piece of Jewish history. Our community has always responded!!! We have never sat on the sidelines as observers of Jewish life and Jewish history.

8 | Jewish News | April 22, 2019 |

JDC quietly performed non-sectarian work around the world until the Rwanda genocide in 1994. In an unprecedented move at the time, JDC placed a full-page ad in the New York Times to solicit aid for Rwanda refugees. The results were astonishing. More than $2 million in checks were received by the New York office. This campaign started the open mailbox initiative JDC established to respond to worldwide humanitarian crisis. GRID—Global Response & Innovative Development—is JDC’s premier disaster relief effort that has helped more than 60 countries in crisis, utilizing Israeli innovations and expertise to advance sustainable development goals. Following Rwanda, JDC quickly responded to other disasters around the world. • Haiti, January 2010: After the earthquake, JDC set up the first medical tent in partnership with the Israeli IDF and delivered the first baby. JDC’s work in Haiti was featured by CNN. • Japan, March 2011: The Great East Japan Earthquake triggered a tsunami. JDC was the only aid organization Japan admitted for aid work. • Nepal, April 25, 2015: 9,000 dead, an entire community destroyed. • Philippines, November 8, 2015: Typhoon Haiyan, nearly 7,000 people were killed, 5 million people lost both their homes and livelihood in one day.

The Jewish world immediately mobilized to respond. This is who we are.


t was with this as a backdrop that I participated on a JDC Study Mission to the Philippines in January. For more than four years I had heard about the devastation to the Philippines and the amazing recovery work taking place. JDC had raised $3 million in its open mailbox campaign and was coming to the end of its five-year plan of recovery and resilience work. Our small group went to access JDC’s partnership strategies in relief and recovery, as well as the impact of its collaboration with the Jewish Association of the Philippines on the Jewish community. Have you ever vacationed in Hawaii? It’s a beautiful state with seven inhabited islands containing about one million people with one of the highest per capita incomes in the world. It is often racked by volcanoes and storms. Now, imagine 750 inhabited islands with 100 million people in one of the poorest places in the world—where the earthquakes, volcanoes, and typhoons are of unimaginable magnitude and the resources of the local government are miniscule. This should give you a mental image of disaster recovery work in the Philippines. With this in mind, we were warmly greeted by the Jewish community of Manila.

jdc We arrived on a Friday afternoon and attended Shabbat services at Beit Yaacov Manila Synagogue. The Orthodox Sephardic synagogue is a beautiful standalone that houses a large function room, spacious kitchen, a library, classrooms, a mikvah, and offices. The myriad of activities for the 150 families who comprise the community is hard to imagine. Our group was hosted in different community members’ homes, which gave us an opportunity to learn more about their personal lives. The community is a mix of Americans who do business throughout Asia—some of whom were introduced to the Philippines during R & R from the Vietnam War, Israelis who have come for several years to set up businesses, and a number of Filipino born women who have converted to Judaism and seem to be the mainstay of the community. The Philippine community takes great pride in the fact that during the Holocaust they were allowed to bring up to 1,300 Jews to their country, thereby saving them. They printed a stamp commemorating this deeply felt achievement. The Philippines was also the deciding vote for Israel’s statehood in 1947—the only Asian country who voted for Resolution 181. The following three days were spent visiting a variety of projects built and developed by JDC in collaboration with 19 partner aid organizations, the U.S. State Department, USAID, UNICEF, the Israel Trauma Coalition, and the IIRRthe International Institute for Rural Reconstruction, to name a few. Our study questions were: • How can disaster recovery programs best promote economic and social development? and • What is the role of education in emergency response and recovery?


or this we flew to Roxas City on Panay Island. We were greeted at Mambusao Elementary School by 850 smiling, ridiculously excited children. They had made banners and orchestrated a song and dance performance to say thank you to JDC who helped keep a couple of classrooms open during the initial recovery period to dispense food, water, and psycho-social support—which the community was being educated in. During the

reconstruction and repair of the school, JDC built additional classrooms for the students. In this part of the world, it’s amazing how little can go so far! In Roxas, we also studied community resilience and livelihood diversification, where most of the community are farmers. When your entire crop is wiped out, fields flooded, seed reserves demolished with nothing left to replant, what do you do to feed your family? JDC, in partnership with International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR), gave small loans to the farmers to purchase seeds, restock small ponds they had dug to grow fish in, and purchase an Israeli rice drying machine that helped dry and replenish their rice reserves. What I experienced during these few days was the strength of the human spirit to overcome unbearable loss—of family and community members, property, and livelihood. JDC worked intensely to teach the farmers how to alleviate the impact of future disasters by diversifying livelihoods and integrating climate smart agriculture techniques. JDC’s partnership with IIRR is strengthening agriculture and fisheries, food security, and entrepreneurship for women and men. This is a

holistic way for farmers to approach their future and develop their food sources for years to come. The beautiful reception the community prepared for us was actually a show and tell of how far they had come and what they were able to accomplish with new techniques in sustainability. The farm collective we visited was overseen by Juan who was trained as an engineer. Juan had developed irrigation levies to withstand flooding, designated areas for different organic crops, built composting centers, and rebuilt the Israeli drying machine for reestablishing the community seed banks.


rom the farm, we took part in a workshop that introduced us to psychosocial training with local healthcare workers who provided assistance to those impacted by Typhoon Haiyan. In order to promote long-term sustainability in Filipino communities, JDC has created a cadre of local psychosocial trainers who are training and supporting local professionals working in Disaster Risk Reduction and Management. Local leaders and professionals understand that this training is a critical element of helping their communities mitigate future crises.

Upon arrival in Manila, my immediate questions were: What does disaster response and preparedness look like in an urban context? And, how does this impact the cycle of poverty in the area? By the end of the trip, I was astonished by how far the communities had come and how much impact a small Jewish community of 150 families in partnership with JDC and 19 additional aid organizations can have. It’s truly remarkable!!!


s JDC begins to wrap up its fiveyear commitment in assisting the Filipino community get back on its feet and plan for its future, I am continually thankful that I come from a community, the Tidewater Jewish community, that is deeply rooted in the value of tikkun olam. The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, the JDC, has won the Israel Prize and is the ONLY recipient agency our Federation is involved with who received a 100% rating for Accountability and Transparency from Charity Navigator. Which brings me back to my thank you…I thank our community for truly being a “Light unto the Nations” and enriching so many lives around the world while enriching our home community. | April 22, 2019 | Jewish News | 9

Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, Simon Family JCC, OSTY, & BBYO present A series for teens & parents offering resources & tools to strategically respond to anti-Semitism & anti-Israel rhetoric on campus.

An in t e ra c t iv e e v e ni n g fo r h ig h sc h o ol s t u de n ts an d th eir pa r e nt s , d e s ig n e d t o e d u c a t e , e mp o we r , a n d eq uip a tte n de es wi t h c o ns t r u c t i ve and e ff e c t iv e re s po n se s t o c o mb at an tiS e m it is m a nd an t i - Isr a el bi as o n c amp u s t h ro ug h a w o r ksh o p f a ci li t at e d b y t h e A nt i-D e f ama t io n L ea g ue ( ADL ) a n d d is cus s io n wi t h v isi t in g Is ra e l To d ay e x p e r t , A mb as sa do r I d o A h ar o n i.

Ar t i s t s 4 I sr ae l’s e x ec ut i v e d i re c to r , C r a i g D er s h ow i tz an d f e l lo w v is it i ng a r t is ts f r o m a ro u nd th e wo r l d ma k e t he c o nne cti on f ro m a r t t o ad v oc a cy , sh o w i n g th at th e re a re m any w a y s to t el l I sr ae l’s s t o r y a n d th a t e v er y on e ca n ha v e a r o le in c ha ng in g t he c on v e r s at i o n a bo u t I s ra el . A h an ds o n gr a f f it i pr o je c t w il l b r i n g t o g e t h e r th e t a le n te d a r ti s ts a nd hi gh s ch oo l s t u de nt s t o e n g a g e i n a c o l l ab o r at i ve proj ec t e xp r e ss in g I s ra e l ’s r i g h t t o e x i st i n p e a ce a n d s ec ur i ty .

Events are FREE & open to community teens & parents & take place at the Reba & Sam Sandler Family Campus. Dinner included, RSVP required. 10 | Jewish News | April 22, 2019 |


Be on the lookout for the refreshed Hineni!

2015 Hineni! graduates in Israel.

Jasmine Amitay

Hineni, HERE I AM! For those who don’t know, Hineni!, is the young leadership program of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. Designed 10 years ago to build and nourish leaders, Hineni! is a highly successful program that takes place on alternate years. Hineni! participants engage in workshops to deepen their knowledge of leadership, themselves, and the Jewish community. Training culminates with the highly subsidized Tom Hofheimer Young Leadership Mission to Israel, a unique opportunity that is usually an eye-opening and life-changing trip for all. The community grows and thrives thanks to the dedicated and generous leaders who spend time building bridges and opportunities for Jews locally and around the world. The Young Adult Division of the UJFT (YAD) is committed to helping young community members become those leaders. To maximize the program for the future, an advisory committee, comprised of Hineni! alumni from each year, in addition to a few community leaders, met three times with specific goals for each meeting. The group focused on what future leaders need, what worked best, and how the program should look moving

forward. A diverse curriculum guide was created focusing on the values of Tikkun Olam, Tzedakkah, and Klal Israel. Megan Zuckerman, a Hineni! alumni and current chair of the Community Relations Council, says, “For myself and my husband, Steve, our Hineni! experience was our foray into this vibrant and compassionate Jewish community. We were new to the area with our first child in diapers, and the Tidewater Couples project and the subsequent Hineni! program provided the outlet we desired to form long-lasting friendships and to be a part of giving back to a cause greater than ourselves. We both dove in head first and have never turned back. “The Hineni! program laid the foundation for all our resulting leadership positions,” says Zuckerman. “Thus, I was proud to serve on the Hineni! reorganization committee. I have high hopes for the program to grow stronger and more robust bringing a new class of excited young Jewish adults ready to dive into this incredibly special community that time and again rewards you tenfold with whatever level of effort you can provide.” Monique Werby, a Hineni! alumni, past YAD Cabinet member, and current Kiryat Yam Committee co-chair, says, “Being a participant in the Tidewater Couples and Hineni! programs introduced me to UJFT

and educated me about the impact our community makes locally and globally. On a more personal level, the programs helped cement friendships that had just begun to blossom. We shared a common goal of improving the Jewish community, and we shared so many meaningful experiences over the two-year program and particularly on our Tom Hofheimer Young Leadership Mission to Israel! “I was so impressed with my experience that I recruited others to join in subsequent years,” says Werby. “We want future leaders to benefit from the same amazing experiences we had, so we worked to save the best of what has been. At the same time, the committee also worked through some tough debates to make changes that we know will serve the participants and the community and make Hineni! even better moving forward!”

Alyssa Muhlendorf, Hineni! alumni and advisory committee member says, “Hineni! is our community’s investment in younger leaders to ensure we have the foundation and tools to make positive change in our community. It’s an exciting opportunity to learn and connect with other people who want to sustain and be a part of a thriving Jewish community in Tidewater.” As in the past, Hineni! is an exclusive fellowship, and only community members with leadership interest and potential will be offered the opportunity to participate. Applications and nomination forms will be available starting in June and the Fellowship begins in January 2020. Those who are interested in starting a leadership path or know of anyone who would be a great leader for the community should complete the nomination form available at or email Jasmine Amitay at

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Create a Jewish legacy for the community you love through planned charitable giving . . .ask us how Jody Balaban

Ron Spindel

Brandon Terkeltaub, CFP®

Chrys Lyon


277 Bendix Road, Suite 500 • Virginia Beach LIFE INSURANCE • LONG-TERM CARE INSURANCE • GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE • MEDICARE | April 22, 2019 | Jewish News | 11


The Jewish community’s impact on Alyssa and Jonathan Muhlendorf, a LIFE & LEGACY™ donor story


he Tidewater Jewish Foundation (TJF) recently celebrated a successful second year of its LIFE & LEGACY program. During the community celebration in March, one set of donors, Alyssa and Jonathan Muhlendorf, shared their reasons for giving. The following is an excerpt from their speech. Alyssa: We chose our LIFE & LEGACY recipient organizations because they made an indelible imprint on our Jewish journey, and we want to afford them the flexibility to create and grow for future constituencies. Jonathan: Our gift provides unrestricted funds using life insurance. It doesn’t take a significant present financial commitment to guarantee a large amount of money in the future. Endowment gifts allow our Jewish organizations to plan for the future because there is a guaranteed stream of future income. At our ages, it costs us just a few thousand dollars a year to guarantee delivery of a ton of money in the future. Alyssa: We realize the breadth of our Jewish lives is directly connected to the Jewish infrastructure in this community. Our choice to create a LIFE & LEGACY gift came from a desire to ensure that other Jewish individuals and families have the same opportunities as us. Jonathan: I grew up in River Point and Wexford Terrace, close to the old Jewish Community Center in Norfolk. Aside from the JCC, I spent time at Ohef Sholom Temple and Beth Sholom Home. My grandfather (of blessed memory), Sam Gould, came to live in Tidewater from Tennessee when I was seven. I visited him and his bachelor brother for 15½ years at Beth Sholom Home. Sam died at age 98 and his brother died at 99, within two weeks of each other. Alyssa: My beginnings were much different, and certainly more transient.

My father was a professor of geology, then worked in the private sector, so we moved around the country. I was born in Michigan, lived in Las Vegas through seventh grade, and completed junior high and high school in Ohio. My paternal grandparents lived in Washington state, so most vacations were spent with multiple generations of relatives just south of Tacoma. I went to college in Washington, and my parents and siblings live there. Two generations ago, my father’s ancestors settled in Minnesota, and brought their proud Norwegian and Lutheran traditions, many of which are still celebrated in my extended family. Jonathan: We met in Washington DC in 2003, and in 2005 were engaged and moved to Tidewater to start our family and find a more deeply rooted community. With five years of experience in accounting and financial planning in Northern Virginia, I launched my own wealth management practice in Virginia Beach. Alyssa: I wanted to transition careers, from politics, to social work. A chance conversation led to a position at Jewish Family Service. I coordinated a monthly food bank for Jewish families, planned Jewish social events for adults with disabilities, and connected donors to children during the annual Chanukah gift drive. I absorbed the importance of caring for our Jewish community through everyday deeds of loving kindness. My experiences at JFS were a key factor in my choice to become Jewish. JFS is one of the recipients of our LIFE & LEGACY gift. Jonathan: The week after Alyssa went into the mikvah and we celebrated her conversion at Ohef Sholom, we found out Alyssa was pregnant. Our next chapters unfolded rapidly…Elijah’s bris, infancy, toddlerhood, moving from a condo, to an apartment, to a house, and then two years and eight months later, our daughter, Nyla, joined our family.

12 | Jewish News | April 22, 2019 |

Alyssa: One program that unexpectedly made a great impact on me was PJ Library. Like LIFE & LEGACY, PJ Library is a visionary project by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation. They partner with local Federations to ensure EVERY Jewish child receives a form of Jewish media in the mail each month. When I read our children these books, and danced and sang to the music together, I was given the tools to gain a progressively deeper understanding of the religion I choose for myself while at the same time, becoming a confident Jewish mother who could translate Judaism more effectively to our kids. The Federation is another recipient of our LIFE & LEGACY gift. Jonathan: Our involvement with Ohef Sholom increased from attending services and programs, to volunteering our time, talent, and treasure. Alyssa was elected to the synagogue board in 2009. And we both now serve on the Ohef Sholom Foundation board. Ohef Sholom is also a recipient of our LIFE & LEGACY gift. Alyssa: Our children’s attendance at Strelitz preschool and Hebrew Academy built more scaffolding on top of the foundation of our family’s Jewish identity. Because our lives synched with the Hebrew calendar, we had the time available on breaks to truly celebrate holidays. Because of our great experiences at HAT, the school is a recipient of our LIFE & LEGACY gift. Jonathan: Our first trip to Israel in 2015 transformed us into Zionists. It never would have happened except for the programs sponsored by the Federation, the Foundation, the Tom Hofheimer Mission Fund, and the Simon Family Foundation. We had a new perspective on: world Jewry, the delicate balance of Israel’s security, and the deep historical roots of Israel as our sacred homeland. The relationships we forged with the other program participants are deep and meaningful, and we hope will continue for our lifetime.

Jonathan and Alyssa Muhlendorf.

Alyssa: This last summer the Federation and Foundation offered us another meaningful travel opportunity to Israel. When we visited JDC program sites, I found their work purposeful and exciting. The importance of this organization to world Jewry hooked me in. JDC is now one of our LIFE & LEGACY recipient agencies because we want to look beyond our local community to ensure Jewish people worldwide have a safety net and sense of Jewish community. Jonathan: The LIFE & LEGACY Program really is about keeping all of our stories going and ensuring new stories can be written. Almost everybody can participate in some way. If you know you are ok, and your family is well taken care of, isn’t it all of our responsibility to ensure our community is taken care of, too? Alyssa: Our sincere hope is that through the legacy gifts that ALL of us are creating, generations after us have the flexibility and resources to express THEIR Judaism in a manner that enlivens THEIR spirits, and allows them to approach and interpret Torah with the artful eye of discovery. To learn more about LIFE & LEGACY and how you can make an impact on the future of Tidewater’s Jewish community, contact Scott Kaplan, TJF president & CEO, at 757-9656109 or or Kaitlyn Oelsner, development associate, at 757-965-6103 or

it’s a Wrap HAT’s Science Fair 2019 Tanya Conley


ourth and fifth grade students at Hebrew Academy of Tidewater spent myriad hours of study and planning to prepare for the school’s recent Science Fair, the capstone of weeks of hard work. Almost 100 visitors attended this year, along with HAT’s familiar and dedicated NASA scientist judges, Tyler Hudson and Frank Palmieri. Student research and experiments included the three strands of science: Life science, such as determining what kind of light is best for growing seedlings; earth science, such as measuring the different size of craters created on different surfaces; and physics, such as testing whether fruits or vegetables can create enough electricity to power an LED light. HAT alumni served as hosts and hostesses, greeting guests and distributing People’s Choice ballots. Parents, grandparents, siblings, teachers, Campus employees, and others attended. Each student chose a particular area of interest to learn about and wrote a research paper. Students developed

a testable question, made a reasonable hypothesis, planned an experiment, conducted it, and collected useful data. Creation of charts and graphs helped with data analysis, which then led to writing a detailed conclusion, summarized in a formal lab report. The night of the Science Fair was the final step: Standing in front of a colorful board and explaining that work. The judges, as always, were impressed with the HAT students’ poise and confidence as they described their experiment and explained their data. In addition to the fourth and fifth grade work, the third grade presented a display of model bridges. These students studied forces and structures and were tasked with submitting a proposal for a fictional town that wanted to build a bridge. Each group chose a bridge type, planned how they would make it, and spent class periods creating, revising, and re-revising their work. The children clearly enjoy and benefit from the sharing of ideas and experiences. Tanya Conley is Hebrew Academy of Tidewater’s science teacher.


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Third graders, Effie Blair and Ben Amitay, who shows his bridge project to Science Fair judge. | April 22, 2019 | Jewish News | 13

it’s a Wrap Rabbi Joseph Telushkin teaches kindness in a speech to Norfolk Academy’s Upper School

Dennis Manning, Norfolk Academy headmaster, and Rabbi Joseph Telushkin.

Esther Diskin


f Rabbi Joseph Telushkin could change America in just one way, he would start at home with the words that parents speak to their children. Many children earn praise for things like academic achievement, athletics, artistic performance, and even their physical appearance. As he ticked down the list of items that garner praise, the audience of Norfolk Academy Upper School students seemed to agree with his assessment.

However, these should not be the main things that earn laudatory words. “I would have parents reserve their highest praise of their children for kind acts,” he said. “Goodness is the very thing to brag about. We need to think in these terms and express it.” This was just the beginning of a cascade of lessons on speaking with kindness that unfolded in Rabbi Telushkin’s 40-minute talk to Upper School students. An internationally renowned religious leader, teacher, author, and speaker, Rabbi

14 | Jewish News | April 22, 2019 |

Telushkin came to Norfolk Academy through the support of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. He was in the area for UJFT’s Tidewater Together program, a series of speaking engagements at synagogues on a variety of topics with the theme of using words intentionally, even for jokes—his final talk was entitled, The 50 Best Jewish Jokes and What They Say About the Human Condition. At Norfolk Academy, he drew on themes from a newly revised version of his 1996 book, Words That Hurt, Words that Heal: How the Words You Choose Shape Your Destiny. A call to action for greater kindness and consideration in how we use our voices as we engage with others, the book was written before the explosion of the internet and social media. “When I wrote the book in 1996, I said, ‘Public discourse in America can’t get any worse,’” he observed, adding drily, “A rabbi is not a prophet.” His speech touched on the language used with those we care about most—our family. He asked, “How many people wish they had better control of their temper?” After observing a few hands, he then told a story about his own temper as a young father (he is now in his 70s), and how his children’s reaction to a question that he posed to a synagogue congregation—“How many of you have grown up in a household with someone who has a temper?”—taught him that he needed to

Rabbi Joseph Telushkin.

learn better self-control. He spoke about the “ethics of anger,” and offered a Rule #1 for how to respond wisely. “Restrict your expression of anger to the incident that provoked it,” he said. “You are then less likely to say the sorts of things that provoke an irrevocable break. Don’t use words like ‘always’ or ‘never,’ because then the person can’t repair it. An entire life can’t be repented for, but a person can repent for a single act.” Rabbi Telushkin ended his speech with a challenge: “Go 24 hours without saying anything unkind about, or to, someone.” To accomplish such a task may be harder than it seems, but it is well worth the effort, because it leads to more kindness, he said. “The greatest battle that any person has to fight is the fight for their good character.”

Celebrating Women and Mother’s Day

Supplement to Jewish News April 22, 2019 | April 22, 2019 | Women | Jewish News | 15

Let Your Future Shine Bright!

Women Dear Readers,


n Sunday, May 12 we celebrate Mother’s Day—honoring moms, grandmothers, and, in fact, all important women in our lives…including, in my

case, daughters! Our first article on page 17 is an interview with Bill Hearst about his inspiring and always gracious mom, Helen Gifford, of blessed memory. Helen’s lessons to Bill are good for us all.

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Among our other women-focused articles is a particularly fun one about Suzi Weiss-Fischmann. Who is she? you might ask. Weiss-Fischmann and her brother-inlaw started OPI, the popular nail lacquer. Who knew? Her story begins on page 24. This section also offers wonderful options for gifts and places to take all of those special women on Mother’s Day. (That’s not such a subtle hint, I know.)

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16 | Jewish News | Women | April 22, 2019 |

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Women Five generations of philanthropy Kaitlyn Oelsner


Tidewater Jewish Foundation: What is the greatest lesson you learned from your mother? Bill Hearst: It may sound simple, but my mother taught me how to share. She believed in philanthropy and community service, so she not only shared her money, she also shared her time. My mother showed me how to give back to our community and it’s a lesson that I have carried with me throughout my life.

he Helen G. Gifford Foundation was established in 1997 with a mission to support local Jewish organizations, the arts, and art education. A lifelong area resident, Helen was born in Portsmouth to Belle and Issac Goodman, owners of The Famous, a women’s fashion store. She had two sisters, Elsie and Zelma. Helen’s interest in music and the TJF: Where did your mother get arts began at an early age, according to her passion for philanthropy? an article in the UJF News (now Jewish BH: It started with my grandNews) in 1995. At the ripe old age of mother, Belle Goodman. Belle was 12, Helen and her sister would take a liberated woman before women the 5-cent ferry to Norfolk for piano We did our best were liberated! She made sure lessons. At Northwestern University, to follow in their that she and her three daughshe studied music, and it was there footsteps and in turn, ters had their own lines of credit that she met her husband, Joseph and could make their own finanHearst. As a young married woman we have instilled cial decisions. She also opened living in West Virginia, Helen was those values in the up sales positions for African active in temple and community serAmerican women at our famivice and at 23 years old, was appointed next generations. ly’s business at a time when that to serve on the National Board of the was not done. Those may seem Federation of Temple Sisterhoods. like obvious decisions now, but When the family moved to Norfolk, it was practically unheard of. She she became an active member of Ohef had financial independence and Sholom Temple, where she remained a strong sense of right versus an Honorary Director until her death. wrong. As a result, she was very philanthropic. In 1952, Hearst passed away, and in 1960, she married All three of Belle’s daughters went on to be leaders in Lee Gifford. their communities. My aunt, Elsie Goodman (of blessed Throughout her life, Helen worked quietly and often memory) was honored as the Centennial Ambassador of behind the scenes, serving myriad Jewish and art orgathe town of Palm Beach for her many years as a philannizations in the community. In the Jewish community, thropist and activist. My other aunt, Zelma Goodman she was a Lion of Judah, contributed to Jewish proRivin (of blessed memory) was honored as the 57th First graming through the Jewish Community Center, Beth Citizen of Portsmouth in honor of her philanthropy and Sholom Home’s Gifford Pavilion, outreach to senior adults commitment to community service. My mother, Helen (of through Jewish Family Service, established Ohef Sholom blessed memory), established her own Foundation and Temple’s Music Director’s chair, and so much more. worked tirelessly to support the arts and Jewish organizaPrior to the death of her beloved husband, Lee, the tions in eastern Virginia. couple established the Lee and Helen Gifford Charitable Remainder Trust. The Trust terminated with Lee’s death TJF: Was that sense of service and generosity passed and Helen marshaled the charitable remainder interests on to future generations? according to a plan of her own design. While her secular BH: My grandmother, aunts, and mother passed down interests comprised a large portion of her philanthropy, those values to my sister, cousins, and I. We did our best her devotion to Jewish causes was significant. to follow in their footsteps and in turn, we have instilled Helen passed away in 2001, but her legacy of generthose values in the next generations. osity lives on through her children and grandchildren. I’m very proud to say that my children and grandHer son, William “Bill” Hearst, now serves as president of children are actively involved in the Helen G. Gifford the Helen G. Gifford Foundation. He met with Tidewater Foundation and are well on their way to becoming comJewish Foundation and shared his thoughts about his munity leaders in their own right. I’m sure that when my mother’s enduring legacy.

Helen G. Gifford

great grandchildren come of age, they will be involved with the Foundation too! TJF: What did your mother hope to achieve with the Helen G. Gifford Foundation? BH: My mother rarely turned away an organization that needed support. Her goal was to provide some structure for that generosity and ensure that the programs she loved would be supported in perpetuity. It was also very important for the family to be as involved as possible so that we would have an opportunity to continue her legacy of giving. The Board is made up of family and close family advisors and includes Patricia M. Rowland (my sister), Joseph B. Hearst (my son), Debbie Hearst (my daughter), Jennifer M. Rosenberg (my niece), Richard A. Rivin (my cousin), and Michael Barney (family advisor). I lead the Board now, but I hope that my children and grandchildren will continue the work after I step aside. It has been a wonderful way to honor my mother and give back to our community. Since its partnership with the Tidewater Jewish Foundation in 2011, The Helen G. Gifford Foundation has distributed nearly $1.5 million in grants. For information about how to create a legacy, contact Kaitlyn Oelsner, at 757-965-6103 or Scott Kaplan, at 757-965-6109. | April 22, 2019 | Women | Jewish News | 17

Women Meet the Korean-American woman who leads the Jewish Renewal movement she says. “So, I think the idea of sharing stories reduces barriers and increases connectedness.” ooJi Min-Maranda rarely sees other At ALEPH, Min-Maranda is working Jewish people who look like her. on a range of projects, including engaging “I often feel very isolated as a Jew of people who may not know about Jewish color living in the Midwest,” she says. Renewal, developing the next generation Min-Maranda, who lives in Ann Arbor, of Jewish leaders, creating a dual narrative Michigan, with her husband and two chiltraining about Israel and the Palestinians dren, was born in Korea but moved with for its rabbinical students, and finding her family to the United States at the age ways to welcome Jews of color. of three. Jewish Renewal In her role as emerged in the late executive director of 1960s and ’70s as the ALEPH: Alliance for counterculture moveJewish Renewal, she ment was at its peak. It may be the most visible “I am a very strong draws on Hasidic and person of color leading believer in the power Kabbalistic teachings a Jewish religious orgaand music, centering nization. Though 11 of telling stories.” those philosophies and percent of American practices within a proJews do not identify gressive framework. as white, according to ALEPH lists 52 orgathe Steinhardt Social nizations, individuals, Research Institute’s and synagogues in its directory of Jewish American Jewish Population Project, there Renewal communities. are few people of color in visible leaderThe movement describes itself as comship roles in the community. bining “the socially progressive values “At my positional level, I don’t have of egalitarianism, the joy of Hasidism, peers,” Min-Maranda, 49, says. the informed do-it-yourself spirit of the Min-Maranda, who has been leading havurah movement, and the accumuALEPH for a little over a year, wants to lated wisdom of centuries of tradition.” both increase the number of Jews of color Jewish Renewal emerged from the havuthat lead Jewish organizations and raise rah movement, independent prayer and awareness in the wider community about study groups that were lay-led and proJews of different backgrounds. vided an intimate alternative to the more She recently participated in the hierarchical synagogue structure. #ShareHerStory campaign, an initiative Prior to working at ALEPH, Minby the Jewish Multiracial Network, Jewish Maranda served as the director of Temple Women’s Archive and Repair the World Beth Emeth, a Reform congregation in to amplify the voices of Jewish women of Ann Arbor. Previously she served as color. Min-Maranda was one of 10 Jewish executive director of the Illinois Caucus women whose stories were highlighted as for Adolescent Health, a nonprofit that part of the Purim campaign. focuses on adolescent sexual health and “I am a very strong believer in the power parenting, and the Korean American of telling stories,” says Min-Maranda, Community Service in Chicago, which noting that as part of her conversion she provides social services to the local Korean adopted the name Seeprah, the feminine and Latino immigrant communities. singular form of the Hebrew verb meanGrowing up, Min-Maranda’s family ing “to tell.” was not religious. She learned about “The power of the story to humanize Judaism in her late 20s when she started and bring people together at a very intiattending lectures about Judaism with mate level is extraordinarily powerful,” Josefin Dolsten




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18 | Jewish News | Women | April 22, 2019 |


Women someone she was dating at the time. The lessons she learned resonated deeply and a few years later she went through a formal conversation at a Reform synagogue in Chicago. Since then, Min-Maranda has found new ways of making Judaism her own by incorporating different philosophies that complement her practice, including meditation and yoga. “I became interested in mindfulness meditation and realized that it seemed empty without being anchored by my faith, so I was trained and studied Jewish mindfulness meditation,” she says. “From that I realized I needed to get more into my body so I did training in yoga to try to connect my mind and body.” Making Jewish Renewal an inclusive movement is crucial to Min-Miranda. She remembers the challenges of applying for her first executive-level jobs in the Jewish community about a decade ago before starting as the director of

Temple Beth Emeth. She says she faced resistance both due to her race and the fact that her husband is not Jewish, as well as not having grown up in and working in the Jewish community. “I had a lot of management experience obviously, but I didn’t grow up in a JCC, I didn’t run summer camps, I didn’t do youth groups,” Min-Maranda says. “I didn’t have all the normal resume for a traditional Jewish professional. I wasn’t welcomed with open arms. I faced a lot of resistance.” Though she initially became Jewish through the Reform movement, she believes the Jewish Renewal is the only place she can fully embrace all her identities openly. “I am in and part of multiple identities simultaneously, and that’s what ALEPH has room for,” she says. “It’s the first place that I feel has the possibility of allowing me to be fully myself. We’re not there yet, but the possibility is there.”

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757.393.5258 | April 22, 2019 | Women | Jewish News | 19

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Women Noah’s wife has a story. Sarah Blake wants you to know it. Emily Burack This article originally appeared on Alma.


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757-425-8723 20 | Jewish News | Women | April 22, 2019 |

n the Hebrew Bible, we get the stories of few women: There’s Eve, obviously. There are the matriarchs Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah. There’s Queen Esther, our Purim heroine, and Judith, a Hanukkah heroine. There’s Miriam the Prophetess, Moses’ sister who danced the whole night long; Hannah, the first woman who prays; Ruth, the first convert. But notable are the women who aren’t named. (Only around 10 percent of the 1,400 or so individuals given names in the Hebrew Bible are women.) Take Noah’s Ark, for example. We learn all about Noah, of course, but have you ever wondered about his wife, the woman who became the matriarch of all future generations of people? Me neither, before reading Sarah Blake’s new book, Naamah. In Naamah, Blake reclaims the tale of Noah’s wife, who goes nameless in the Bible. In the novel, Blake has named her Naamah (she chose the name from the Book of Jubilees, an ancient text that tells the same stories that are in Genesis, but with greater detail; Noah’s wife, in this telling, is named Na’amah. But Judaism— outside of Beta Israel, the Ethiopian Jewish community—doesn’t recognize the Book of Jubilees as canonical). We had the opportunity to chat with Sarah Blake about Naamah, matriarchs, feminist retellings, and how she never wants to break a reader’s heart. What led you to want to tell Naamah’s story? I was re-reading Genesis for a poetry project I was working on. I couldn’t believe in re-reading it how much of the story of the ark I hadn’t understood; it hadn’t really made it through to me that it was over a year that they were stuck on that ark. Looking at what that would’ve meant to the adults involved, given the task of being with every animal on earth, on an ark, for over a year. . .it just sounded hopeless and terrifying and noisy and

sickening. I got really attached to the idea of the woman that would’ve been the wife and the mother and the person who had to survive all of that. I wanted to get to know her, and how she would’ve survived, and I wanted to offer her ways of escape and see what she would do with them. There were endless things that kept drawing me towards her story, and all the different parts of it. Did you learn the story of Noah’s Ark growing up? I had heard it in—this is so bizarre— Quaker meetings, a few times when I was seven. But, I already knew the story at that point [because] I remember when they told me, I wasn’t surprised. I don’t know when I actually first heard it. Do you wish it was taught differently to kids? Or told differently? I do find it very surprising that the retelling of the story of the ark is quick. The 40 days and 40 nights is what you think is the long part; the rain is what’s quite impressive, or it always was to me. In my mind I was like, oh man, 40 days and 40 nights, and then there’s enough water on earth to cover trees and mountains! And then I just thought, the rains went away and then they got off. So that was a big part that struck me, when [Genesis says], ‘oh yeah, God didn’t think about it for a while, and then he did, and he’s like, okay, I’ll start this drying process. And here will come a wind, and here will come a place where it drains out.’ There are a few little details about it, but even then, it takes months. And then there’s the birds—in the story I was taught, I don’t even think I got the birds. So, I’m not sure I necessarily need to see that…but I would like if more retellings got into how large and long and weird the 14 months is. There are implications that the building of the ark takes years. So, the whole [story] is kind of flattened, and doesn’t seem as terrifying because their lives are so long. If you were told now you’re gonna

Women make a boat for three to five years of your life, and then live on it for a year, and then start from scratch, I would be like, ‘I’m gonna be older by then! I don’t know what I’ll be like, or capable of, or what hormonal situation I’ll be in!’ But I do like how that adds to the magical nature of it—of everyone just being like, yeah, sure, we will do all of this, and we’ll do it in the time it takes, and we won’t stress about how long it takes, and we’ll just keep walking away from our life to build this giant ark, and return to people that we know are going to die. The whole time, did they not tell them they were going to die? There are still questions that I feel like I really didn’t get to answer that I want answered myself. What was your research process like? I did re-read Genesis more times than I can count. And I researched animals a lot, and I researched things as they came up. So, a lot of it would be extrapolations

on better documented periods of history, like Sumerian culture and Egyptian culture. But mostly: I didn’t research too much, because I really wanted to have the freedom to give her what she needed and focus more on her emotional life. I tried to be just more faithful to Naamah herself, and what I thought she might do. You write, “The longer she is on the boat, the less she trusts Him, and His feelings toward her, and His choice of her for matriarch.” I never really thought too deeply about the story of Noah’s Ark, that his wife would be the matriarch for everyone in the future. Can you talk a little about this, and how the idea of ‘matriarch’ weaves through the story? It was hard to imagine being the woman that would be told all of the rest of the world, for the rest of time, would be able to trace back to you. I mean, that is insane!

It seems when it happens to other people—in stories, in mythical tellings— it’s less pronounced than it was here. Here, they were pulled away from everyone else, watched everyone die, got stuck on water, and didn’t know how long that would last. And then they knew that from there, it would be their job, and if they didn’t create all of life, that would be it. So, it’s this incredible drive to want to create people, but also know that as you did, you were going to create a world that had begun with you. I was really taken by Naamah’s relationship with Bethel, her lover before the flood. Why did you choose to include that story and create that character? I was really taken by the idea of everyone being hundreds of years old. They’re not as specific about [age] with Naamah, but they are with Noah, [who is] around 500 or 600 years old [Genesis 5:32]. So, I assumed that she was, too. And I assumed

their marriage was probably centuries old. Because the other little detail you get [is] that after the boat, you find out that [their son] Shem, when he has his first son, is 100 [Genesis 11:10]. Which meant that in their terms of thinking, that is young-ish. So, that implies to me that Naamah and Noah had probably been married since around 100 years old. Now you’ve got a marriage that’s centuries old. And, to me, it seems quite natural that marriage was going to mean something different, and that other serious relationships would probably come in and out during that time period, and that wouldn’t be a horrible thing, but just an inevitable thing. Bethel I saw as one of Naamah’s most recent loves. And I didn’t talk about whether [Naamah and Noah] had more over the years, and who those would’ve been, but in my head, they had existed. Bethel arose really naturally to me in understanding continued on page 22

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Women continued from page 21

just the length of time [before the flood]. I fell in love with Bethel. I thought she was a really necessary character to put a little bit of release on the tragedy that was the flood; it was something that Bethel wasn’t terrified about. If you only had it from Naamah’s perspective the whole time, I think the flood would’ve been this one-faceted tragedy that I’d always imagined it as, and I wanted the flood to have a little more depth. It still confuses me, the ways in which some people thought it was a good thing. God obviously thought it was the right thing…I was really drawn to all of that. How do you see your story fitting into other feminist retellings of the bible? Anita Diamant’s The Red Tent immediately came to mind for me. I know, and I have to read The Red Tent, I can’t believe I haven’t read it! I know it’s about Dinah, and I’ve written a few poems about Dinah—and I think that story is remarkable as well. In talking about retellings recently, I realized I haven’t read too many retellings outside poems because I’ve been a poet for so long. I do know a lot of [poetry] retellings, like Marie Howe’s work, a series of poems in The Kingdom of Ordinary Time about Jesus’s mother Mary. A. E. Stallings does these great poems about the Greek myths, and so does Louise Glück and Rita Dove, and there’s all these amazing persona poems that are often giving voice to characters you’re somewhat familiar with. Like Carmen Jiménez Smith takes on some of the fairy tales. So, the poetry world I feel like is what got me poised to really think about retellings. The novel feels a lot like prose poetry, it flowed so beautifully. I noticed your previous books are all poetry; what was this transition like for you, from the world of poems and shorter works to a novel-length story? It was shocking to me, actually. In college, as part of the creative writing minor, I had to write short stories and I was dreadful at it. I just avoided fiction. I took a lot of classes in grad school studying short stories as a form; I loved to read them and write

22 | Jewish News | Women | April 22, 2019 |

essays about them and how they work and all their craft choices and putting them in the context of their time—I love all of that. But I just avoided writing them forever, because I just didn’t understand prose.

If I actually look at those stories with my own contemporary feminist understanding, they are women I can identify with.

My mother would always say, “Just wait ’til you’re older.” I didn’t know why she had such confidence, but she did! And then, in 2016 with the election, I was feeling kind of lost. I was working on these persona poems, and I had already written a few poems about Naamah. And a friend had asked me to write a short screenplay, just to see what that would be like, and I sent it to her, and that was about Naamah. I just couldn’t get her out of my head. And I [thought], I’m just gonna have to sit down and let whatever comes out, come out. I poured out a few thousand words of writing pretty quickly. I just kept making time for it as my son was in school. I fell in love. I wanted to spend time with Naamah every day, and that meant writing this novel. She took me through a time of feeling really hopeless and unsure of how to move forward, unsure of what to look at and tell my son about what was happening. Naamah helped save me, it felt like. Besides Naamah, what’s your favorite biblical story or heroine? As a high schooler, I became quite obsessed with Jesus Christ Superstar. My mother always was playing soundtracks. We had cassettes, and I think I wore out my Jesus Christ Superstar cassette until it didn’t play anymore … One side of my family is very Jewish, and one side is very Catholic, but neither of my parents were interested in having

Women religion inside the house. We celebrated the holidays. And we had a lot of Jewish dinners. Because it was through the dinners, my experience of Judaism was the ritual. I saw more of the prayers, the Seders—I didn’t get the stories until later. Obviously, Eve is amazing. And I really enjoy Dinah’s story. I really enjoyed rewriting Lot’s wife in poems. [In my poem Lot’s Wife ] I have it that she turned into salt, but that was like just for a minute, and then she turned back again, and she just runs away from everyone. As an adult, I’m realizing that some of the reasons I was less interested in [biblical stories] was me making assumptions that I think were kind of passed down through the patriarchy. If I actually look at those stories with my own contemporary feminist understanding, they are women I can identify with. It kind of made the Bible open up to me in a whole new way, to realize those stories can look very

LIVE your life. different. But I would say in my childhood growing up, I just loved Judas. I’m sure that’s Jesus Christ Superstar talking, but who doesn’t want to sing all of Judas’ parts really badly?!


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Last question: What do you hope readers take away from Naamah? I hope it’s a really empowering and joyful experience. I’ve been thinking about that a lot, especially as I start new projects: If I’m gonna write novels, which is totally new to me, and have this totally different relationship to a reader than I’ve had before, what interests me the most? For me, I think it is joy and empowerment. I don’t ever want to break a reader’s heart. Not that there can’t be heartbreaking things, but I don’t ever want to do that. This interview has been lightly edited and condensed.

Monica Lewinsky started wearing a beret at her brother’s bar mitzvah Ben Sales

NEW YORK (JTA)—Monica Lewinsky’s beret became famous during the Bill Clinton scandal in the late 1990s. But she says she started wearing it before she gained all the attention. “The birth of my wearing berets didn’t actually begin in Washington, D.C.,” Lewinsky told a largely Jewish audience Tuesday, April 16 in Manhattan. “It was at my brother’s bar mitzvah, where I sang ‘Sim Shalom’ on the bimah.” Lewinsky was speaking at the 30th anniversary dinner of Project Kesher, a group based in New York City that works with Jewish women in the former Soviet Union to promote Jewish identity and women’s empowerment and health. Lewinsky accepted the group’s inaugural Kol Isha award, Hebrew for “a woman’s voice.” Lewinsky, who has become an anti-bullying activist in the decades since the scandal, treated the crowd to what she called “Monica Lewinsky Jewish trivia.” Another tidbit: She can “bake a mean challah.”

“My relationship to my heritage and religion, my strong sense of family, is rooted in the cultural tradition of Judaism,” she said. “But there were times in my life when my faith has been challenged, especially in 1998 and the aftermath” of the exposure of Clinton’s affair with her when she was a White House intern. Lewinsky described the pain of being hounded and having her life torn apart during the investigation and impeachment of Clinton. She compared the ordeal to an age-old Jewish story about a man who gossips maliciously about someone in a village. When the man seeks to repent, the local rabbi tells him to cut open a feather pillow and strew the feathers in the wind. The lesson is that taking back gossip is as impossible as collecting all of the feathers. “It’s really important for me, for you to know you can survive it and you can insist on a different end for your story,” she said. “We can all lead one another to a more compassionate, more empathetic place.”

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757.251.6800 • 40 Enterprise Parkway, Hampton, VA 23666 | April 22, 2019 | Women | Jewish News | 23

Women This Jewish mom is the mastermind behind OPI nail polish Arielle Kaplan


uzi Weiss-Fischmann, 62, used to aggressively bite her nails. It was a chronic, nervous tick, and it had to stop. After all, she was the co-founder and creative director of a global nail polish company, and chewed-up cuticles wasn’t a good look for the woman shaping the beauty industry. This is just one fascinating tidbit from I’m Not Really a Waitress, WeissFischmann’s new book about how she went from a childhood in communist Hungary—where she secretly studied Hebrew with a rabbi—to becoming globally recognized as the First Lady of Nails. A second-generation Holocaust survivor, Weiss-Fischmann is the fiery Jewish mom behind OPI, the nail lacquer brand known for its witty color names.

When she started the company with her brother-in-law, George Schaeffer, in the mid-1980s, the pair knew nothing about nails. Nu? Just why did they plunge into the manicure business? Well, the duo was running a dental-supply company, and Schaeffer noticed that nail technicians were buying dental acrylics to make nail extensions. Unimpressed by the scarce and boring polish options available for women at the time, WeissFischmann and Schaeffer realized there was a hole in the beauty market that they could fill. The nail industry needed a splash of glamour, and with Weiss-Fischmann’s eye for color, the duo confidently pounced on the opportunity ripe for the taking. And thus OPI—it stands for Odontorium Products Inc.—was born. Weiss-Fischmann’s career is the envy

of many, but creating tongue-in-cheek names for bold nail polish colors like “A Grape Affair” and “A Butterfly Moment” is just a fraction of what the beauty mogul did for OPI. (In fact, Weiss-Fischmann sold OPI to Coty in 2010, but she remains a brand ambassador and is still in charge of naming colors.) In I’m Not Really a Waitress—the title is also an iconic nail polish color— Weiss-Fischmann chronicles her road to changing the beauty game. Kveller caught up with the soon-to-be grandmother to talk about the Jewish values that influenced OPI’s success, and how she earned her title as the First Lady of Nails. Kveller: In the beginning of the book, you talk about—in contrast to the United States—growing up in an environment where women had careers and didn’t rely on their husbands for an income. How did that affect your character, and your career? Weiss-Fischmann: There’s no limitation to women. The only limitations are what you put on yourself. I grew up where women were doctors, engineers, lawyers, and they were all university educated. The men usually seemed like losers, or, you know, maybe less accomplished. I never felt that I couldn’t do anything and when somebody made a stupid remark, I shrugged it off. K: OPI’s humorous polish names are legendary. Tell me about the meetings held to create names for the OPI collections. Weiss-Fischmann: The names were such a huge part of the brand’s DNA. It was always based on a geographic location, and of course, we love to eat, so we always had food from the respective city or country that the collection was named after, and then we kind of just had fun. I mean, we came up with literally crazy names—of course, some unmentionables, for obvious reasons. But, it was a democratic process. So the names went up on the board and the majority vote won. It was the highlight of every collection

24 | Jewish News | Women | April 22, 2019 |

and every season. I think as the years went on we just got better, and better. The names aged like wine—they got more humorous. I would go into salons sometimes and watch people anticipating the new colors of a collection. But, just as much as they anticipated the colors, they always flipped the bottle to see the names. That’s what gave them that personal connection with OPI. It was so important to us to gain the loyalty of the consumer. K: Tell me more about the DNA of OPI, the importance of tzedakah, and how your Jewish values influenced your leadership. Weiss-Fischmann: My father said it very simply: You give, and you get. And that always happened in my life. We were very charitable. Especially being immigrants, we know what this country gave to my family, and George’s family. People always ask, “what can you do to make your life better?” I always say that if you’re able to, give financially, or mentor somebody and make a difference in their life. If you can make a difference in one person’s life, you did good. K: Who are your role models? Weiss-Fischmann: My parents. My mom is an amazing little lady, she’s so strong. I mean, she was my hero. My dad was a


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very loving father, he was very family-oriented. At work, it was George Schaeffer, my brother-in-law. He was a great business leader and teacher. As for fashion, I love Chanel. I think as far as leaders, I’d say Golda Meir. I’m not just naming her because she’s a woman. I think she was an amazing leader, and role model to all women, not just Jewish. K: You wrote a lot about the Shabbat dinners you hosted every week. Tell me about them. Weiss-Fischmann: Shabbat dinner was a very important part of our life. Friday night dinner kind of put the whole week together. My son didn’t go to a Jewish high school, and the football games were usually on Friday night. He could go, but only after the kiddush, the motzi, and dinner. I think it’s very important to raise children with something constant in their lives, some sort of discipline that ties the week together. Traditions like having a sukkah, Passover seders and Rosh Hashanah were always part of my kids’ lives, and I hope when they have children they will continue to have the same traditions. K: As a working mom, you wrote about barely having time to eat or pick your kids up from school. Why is it so important for you to take time out of your week to do your nails? Weiss-Fischmann: You have to prioritize. Certain things you have to do for yourself because you know, us women are

multi-taskers. We can do so many things: We’re organizers, we take care of the budget, we plan the meals. I mean, there has to be a new adjective to describe what women do. So it’s time to take a few minutes, or an hour, just for yourself. Getting a manicure and pedicure is always kind of that main getaway because, you know, you get a little massage and it gives you that instant gratification. I loved everything that I did with OPI, but my greatest passion are my two kids and my husband. I mean, you know, the family is always No. 1. That’s how I grew up, and you know, in this crazy world as I say, it’s your family that’s always there. K: At the end of the book, you said that your new passion is to pass on everything you learned on your OPI journey to the next generation, l’dor v’ador. Why is it important to you that you share your story? Weiss-Fischmann: I think storytelling is very important. I feel that it’s my duty to help raise new leaders that are in business, and philanthropy. It’s so important to be able to share with other people and inspire other people to achieve great things. And I feel like it’s what I can do best now. The importance of storytelling cannot be undermined. And what do us women do best when we get together? Tell our stories. This article originally appeared on Kveller.

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26 | Jewish News | Women | April 22, 2019 |




Rethink the idea of retirement.

What’s happening First person Simon Family JCC, CRC, and community partners’ Israel Today series

A workout class to get out of bed for


Wednesday, May 15, 8:30 am Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus Leigh Casson


y journey in becoming a group fitness instructor started with my love of being a participant in classes. I loved the music, the comradery, the variety, and most of all—the instructors. A good instructor can make or break a group fitness class. Every group fitness junkie has their favorite instructor that can get them out of bed at 5:30 am after a late night to make it to their favorite heart-pumping class. The instructor is the core element of group training, providing the attitude and the energy that the entire group feeds off of. It is because of this, that I was so excited to hear Israeli celebrity trainer, Nadav Meirson is coming to the Simon Family JCC to teach a class for the entire community. Meirson is a seven-time Israeli Karate champion, trainer on Israel’s version of the Biggest Loser, entrepreneur, and so much more. Today, he is an entrepreneur leading several initiatives to encourage Israelis from all walks of life to engage in sport activities and adopt healthy living. This is the type of trainer that you will want to get out of bed for. There is nothing more invigorating for an exercise routine than trying something new, dynamic, and out-of-the-box—and that is exactly what Meirson brings. This class will have it all:

Nadav Meirson

the music, the comradery, variety, and of course—Israel’s top personal trainer! Don’t miss this unique opportunity right here at the Simon Family JCC. Also look for Meirson at Israel Fest on Sunday, May 19 as he leads a variety of workout and educational sessions throughout the day, including one for kids. Nadav Meirson visits Tidewater through the Simon Family JCC, CRC, and Community Partners’ annual Israel Today Series. For more information about Nadav Meirson in Tidewater, contact Tom Purcell at 757321-2310 or

B’nai Israel Gala Dinner highlights Sisterhood Sunday, May 12, 6 pm


lways the backbone of B’nai Israel Congregation, the B’nai Israel Sisterhood was responsible for a wealth of programs, classes, and fundraisers. They gave the synagogue an aura of energy, fun, and inspiration. The shul is planning a “pass the torch” ceremony at their upcoming Gala Dinner. The dinner committee says it feels that

111-49 Presented by Charles Barker Automotive

Mother’s Day is the perfect day to celebrate the women who have made the synagogue what it is today, and the women who will carry it into the future. For more information about the dinner or the Sisterhood, contact the shul office at 757-627-7358 or | April 22, 2019 | Jewish News | 27

During Island Hopper week,

what’s happening CRC, BBYO, and OSTY present Cause An Effect

Education to Empowerment

A two-part series for teens and parents offering resources and tools to strategically respond to anti-Semitism and anti-Israel rhetoric on campus

Thursday, May 9, 6–9 pm ADL and Ambassador Ido Aharoni (for students and parents)

Friday, May 17, 4–6 pm: Artists 4 Israel (for students only) Both events include dinner and take place on the Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus and are free with pre-registration required at

into fun this summer with

JCAMP at the Simon Family JCC! Campers will dive into adventures, such as these:

• Surfing field trip • Shabbat luau • Visit from the Israeli Scouts

REGISTER NOW! to register and see all the JCAMP adventures! 28 | Jewish News | April 22, 2019 |


ow many students stereotypes and prejudice, would know how vandalism, harassment, to respond if someone hate speech, and anti-Isstopped them in the middle rael incidents. Participants of a college campus to ask will increase their underhow “you condone human standing and awareness of rights abuses by Israel?” or anti-Semitism and anti-Israel how to respond to “Israeli bias in their lives and know Apartheid Week” and how to counter stereotypes calls for their university to and myths with accurate participate in the anti-Isinformation. rael, Boycott, Divestment, Ambassador Aharoni Sanctions movement (BDS)? will present “The AntiAmerican colleges are Ambassador Ido Aharoni. Israel Movement: Threats & places of scholarly debate, Opportunities,” explaining the where young adults go to broaden their origins of the anti-Israel movement on camintellectual horizon, with new opportunipuses today, its long-term goals, and how ties to experience. Unfortunately, American people who truly care about democracy colleges are also the scenes of anti-Semitic can respond. (See page 31 for more inforincidents, where according to the Antimation on Ambassador Aharoni.) Defamation League (ADL), cases nearly The second part of the series on Friday, doubled from 108 in 2016 to 204 in 2017. May 17 is a program just for students The same report showed that anti-Semitic with Israel Today’s, Artists 4 Israel (A4I). A incidents doubled in K–12 schools, with hands-on graffiti project will bring together the acknowledgment that many more go artists and high school students to engage unreported. in collaborative art expressing Israel’s right The Community Relations Council of to exist in peace and security. the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, Engaging students to use their voices along with BBYO and OSTY, are hosting through artistic expression and to empower Cause An Effect, a two-part series for teens them to change the conversation about and parents to offer resources and tools Israel, Artists 4 Israel’s executive director, to be able to confidently respond to antiCraig Dershowitz and fellow visiting artists Semetic and anti-Israel remarks. make the connection from art to advoThe first session on Thursday, May 9, cacy, showing that there are many ways is for both students in grades 9–12 and to tell Israel’s story and that everyone can their parents. The program features Israel have a role in changing the conversation Today series visiting expert Ambassador Ido about Israel. Attendees should wear casual Aharoni and the ADL. clothes, as spray paint is involved. The ADL will lead “Words to Action” an interactive program designed to empower For more information, visit www.JewishVA. and equip participants to constructively org/CauseAnEffect. respond to and combat anti-Semitism and Funding provided in part by the anti-Israel bias on campuses, including Tidewater Jewish Foundation.

as part of Israel Fest at the Sandler Family Campus


rtists 4 Israel will be in Tidewater as part of Israel Fest, and the final event in the Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, Simon Family JCC, and Community Partners’ 2018–2019 Israel Today series. Artists 4 Israel bring splash of color and dialogue to Arizona State University. Artists 4 Israel will lead attendees of Israel Fest in an interworldwide through art. active, hands-on, large-scale art project as the visiting artists share details of their This event is free and open to the entire personal experiences in Israel, and why community. See page 32 for more informathey have committed to working through tion on Artists 4 Israel. various artistic mediums to educate people

Simon Family JCC Seniors Club’s Lunch & Move with Nadav Meirson Wednesday, May 15, 11:30 am–1 pm Sandler Family Campus


eniors have an abundance of programs to choose from at the Simon Family JCC. From museum tours to book clubs, current events discussions to card games, there is no shortage of fun or engaging activities. When it comes to fitness for seniors, Silver Sneakers and chair yoga are popular programs. But, what about a class taught by an Israeli celebrity trainer on Israel’s version of the Biggest Loser? Nadav Meirson, personal trainer and seven-time karate champion of Israel, will join the Simon Family JCC JFit to teach a class just for seniors. Meirson is a connoisseur of all things healthy and tailors his training to meet the needs of each individual he engages with. For almost 30 years, Meirson has been a personal trainer and life coach. In the Seniors Lunch & Move program, Meirson will lead a 30-minute light exercise class where he will focus on functional

fitness and the needs of older adults. Following the class, he will conduct a lunch dis- Nadav Meirson cussion where he will address the basic foundations of what it means to lead a healthy, strong life in the golden years. Nadav Meirson’s visit is made possible by the Simon Family JCC, CRC, and Community Partners’ annual Israel Today Series. For more information about Nadav Meirson in Tidewater, contact Tom Purcell at 757321-2310 or $6 for Seniors Club members; $10 for potential members (includes lunch, light exercise, and discussion). Space is limited, pre-registration required. To register, stop by the JCC front desk, call 321-2338, or visit


o Pr




Writing on the Wall: A Community Art Project Sunday, May 19, 11 am–4 pm

on your bar/bat mitzvah

e Te

2018–2019 Israel Today series concludes with Artists 4 Israel

! ov T l Maze


what’s happening


h il a

n t h ro p y

Show the world what you care about!

Create your own fund, grow as a Jewish philanthropist, and make a difference!

Open a B’nai Tzedek Fund!


Member since 2017

hopes to use her fund to help people who need it and to make a difference

Donate at least $250 and TJF will match your gift, up to $250. Parents, Grandparents, Aunts, and Uncles can start a fund in honor of your Simcha!

For questions about the B’nai Tzedek Teen Philanthropy Program, contact Scott Kaplan at 757.965.6109 or

The Simon Family JCC, Young Adult Division of the UJFT, & Chabad of Tidewater

LAG B'OMER BASH Save the Date

RD THURSDAY, MAY 23 5:00-7:00 PM On the Reba & Sam Sandler Family Campus Performance by

Hilby the Skinny German Juggling Boy Cookout • Beer Kids Activities • Kona Ice® • S’Mores Bar | April 22, 2019 | Jewish News | 29

Bill’s Legacy Lives Forever Norfolk business owner Bill Goldback valued good health and great arts performances.

what’s happening

Experience Israel at Israel Fest 2019 Sunday, May 19, 11 am–4 pm

Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus, Virginia Beach

Before he died in 2007, Bill arranged for a Hampton Roads Community Foundation bequest to provide grants for performing arts and medicine in Hampton Roads. Goldback grants are helping Chesapeake Care, Hampton Roads Community Health Center, Todd Rosenlieb Dance and Young Audiences of Virginia do excellent work. Thanks to Bill’s generosity he will forever help people in his home region. Connect your passions to the future by ordering a free bequest guide. Learn how easy it is to leave a gift for charity. Adding Charity to Your W or IRA ill

A quick

Callah Terkeltaub


elebrating Yom HaAtzmaut, Israel’s 71st anniversary, the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and Simon Family JCC have exciting plans for the annual event that offers opportunities to experience Israel through food, art, music, and activities for all ages. The event is free and open to the community.

• Shop the shuk (market), filled with a variety of vendors, including authentic Israeli cuisine, art, and jewelry, among other food, drinks, and products available for purchase. • Kids will be able to test their skills at a children’s size version of an IDF obstacle course, or bring out their inner Judah Maccabee in a jousting challenge attempting to save Jewish heritage.

guide to the ple of charitab asure and prom ise le bequest s

Inspiring Philanthro py. Chan ging Lives . (757) 622-7951 30 | Jewish News | April 22, 2019 |

CALLING ALL VOLUNTEERS Volunteer at Israel Fest: A wide array of opportunities are available. Greet friends, sell soda, lead an ‘archeological dig through Be’er Sheva’ or a walk through ‘the streets of Israel.’ Sign up and help the community experience Israel.   Register at or contact Carly Glikman at

• Children of all ages may ride a camel, visit the Jerusalem Biblical Petting Zoo, dig for artifacts in Be’er Sheva, or take a (virtual) walk through Israel. • Special guest and trainer from Israel’s Biggest Loser, Nadav Meirson will lead fitness activities throughout the day including kickboxing and krav maga for both adults and children. • Creative activists, Artists 4 Israel will lead a large-scale collaborative community mural project and invite attendees to participate by adding their paint to the collective piece. Bring neighbors, friends, and family to experience Israel without ever leaving Tidewater. For more information on Israel Fest, visit or contact Callah Terkeltaub at

what’s happening Israel Today with Ambassador Ido Aharoni From Remembrance to Independence: Yom HaZikaron to Yom HaAtzmaut Wednesday, May 8, 7:30 pm, Ohef Sholom Temple Free and open to the community with RSVP (Required) to


s the sun sets on May 8, Israelis and Jews around the world move from observing Yom HaZikaron (Israeli Memorial Day), a somber day of remembering and honoring the soldiers who gave their lives in the War of Independence and in protecting Israel since, into Yom HaAtzmaut (Israeli Independence Day), a day of celebration. While that stark contrast may seem different, for Israelis, the link between these two days is obvious; without the sacrifice of those in the armed forces, there would have been no independent Jewish state. The evening with Ambassador Ido Aharoni is presented by the Community Relations Council of the United Jewish

Federation of Tidewater, Simon Family JCC, and Community Partners. Ambassador Aharoni, Israel’s longestserving consul-general in New York and the tristate area, overseeing the operations of the Jewish State’s largest diplomatic mission around the globe, will be in Tidewater to honor the transition from Yom HaZikaron to Yom HaAtzmaut, and highlight that same intensity of modern Israel life. Every Israeli has been touched by the tragedy of war, yet following a day of mourning, every Israeli celebrates twice as hard the next day, admiring their beautiful country. Ambassador Aharoni is a 25-year-veteran of Israel’s Foreign Service. He is a

public diplomacy specialist, founder of the Brand Israel program, and a well-known nation branding practitioner. In the Spring of 1993, Aharoni was appointed to serve under then-Foreign Minister Simon Peres, as policy assistant to Israel’s chief negotiator with the Palestinians. In that role, he took place in the back-channel negotiations between the two nations in Europe, leading to the signing of the Oslo Accords, where in September of that same year, he was present as a member of Israel’s official delegation to the White House. Aharoni served in Israel’s consulates in Los Angeles and then New York, assuming the position several weeks prior to the terror attacks of 9/11. As the head of the department, Aharoni oversaw the operation of Israel’s largest public diplomacy and media relations apparatus worldwide. Ambassador Aharoni will share insight into the lasting tie between the sacrifice of the fallen and the continued existence of a vibrant and dynamic nation.

Ambassador Ido Aharoni will share details of the transition that takes place in Israel between Yom Hazikaron to Yom Ha’Atzmaut.

For more information on the Israel Today series, visit Ohef Sholom Temple is located at 530 Raleigh Avenue in Norfolk.

Reel in Mother’s Day Adventure! Hilltop East Shopping Center, 1556 Laskin Road Virginia Beach, VA 23451 757-962-6618 | April 22, 2019 | Jewish News | 31

what’s happening Leon Family Gallery, Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus

Leon Family Gallery, Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus

Artists 4 Israel: Art Over War

JDC’s HOME: Lens on Israel

May 2019

April 2019


n artists’ rights organization, Artists 4 Israel advocates for Israel and its freedoms through all artistic media. Their team of international artists (more than 1,000 participating artists representing 21 different countries) have painted more than 800 murals across the world on everything from bomb shelters and orphanages to walls in the middle of the most populous cities. These murals transform the grim reminders of war and terrorism into outdoor art galleries, beautify areas in need of renewal, add color to communities darkened by poverty, and show that people in need are supported by Israel, artists, and the creative communities of the world. Art Over War shows snapshots of those murals from across the world, where the group has transformed painful memories into beautiful pieces of artwork. Artists 4 Israel will be in town as part of the Community Relations Council of

the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, the Simon Family JCC, and Community Partners’ Israel Today series, and will lead a hands on community art project at Israel Fest on Sunday, May 19. Pieces will be available for purchase at the Sandler Family Campus. For more information on the Leon Family Gallery, contact Callah Terkeltaub, Arts + Ideas manager, at or 757-321-2331.


DC’s HOME: Lens on Israel, a photography exhibit from Temple Emanu-El’s Bernard Museum of Judaica & Streicker Center in New York, showcases the work of photographers who have documented the diverse communities that live side-by-side in Israel today, and the work of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC). The exhibit follows the journey of 11 photographers across Israel as they explore these diverse communities with a focus on Israel’s elderly, including Holocaust survivors, Israeli Arab and Bedouin communities,

Yom Hashoah with guest speaker, Dr. Roger Loria

immigrant children from Ethiopia, the former Soviet Union, North Africa and beyond, the Haredi or ultra-Orthodox community, Druze villages in Israel’s north, Israeli adults with disabilities, and a family celebration for Israelis of Moroccan Jewish descent. For more information on this exhibit and the Leon Family Gallery, visit JewishVA. org/leon-family-gallery or contact Callah Terkeltaub, Arts + Ideas manager, at CTerkeltaub@ujft.og.

Wednesday, May 1, 6:45 pm, Temple Israel

Reading of the Names


Thursday, May 2 10 am–4 pm

oin the community for an evening to honor local Holocaust survivors and remember the six million Jews who were murdered during the Shoah, as well as to hear Dr. Roger Loria’s harrowing experience of escape and survival. Dr. Loria is a professor emeritus and researcher at the Medical College of Virginia in Richmond, Va. Following many coincidences and close calls, Loria and his mother,

32 | Jewish News | April 22, 2019 |

Dina, managed to escape deportation “to the East” and eventually walked into Switzerland, just before his fourth birthday. Temple Israel is located at 7255 Granby Street, Norfolk. For more information, visit or call 757-965-6100 to make a donation to the White Rose Project or the Red Rose Campaign.

Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus Sponsored by the Beth El Men’s Club

what’s happening

JFS celebrates 15 years of Healthy Living with Annual Run, Roll or Stroll and program on organ donation Organ Donation: The Gift of Life Thursday, May 16, 7 pm Zeiders American Dream Theater 4509 Commerce Street Virginia Beach Town Center FS is hosting an event that just might save a life. The program, focused on organ and tissue donation, is presented as part of JFS’ 2019 Spring Into Healthy Living awareness commitment. The event’s goal is to provide clear information and perspective on the organ donation process and inspire a decision to make the gift of life. Janet S. Wright, MD FACC, director of Science and Policy, (acting) from the Office of the U.S. Surgeon General, is the keynote speaker. Wright joined the Surgeon General’s team in March 2019 as director of Science and Policy. In that role, she is Janet S. Wright charged with ensuring the scientific integrity of the office’s projects, reports, and presentations and with engagement of major partners to advance the office’s mission. A panel of experts—including organ donor families, an organ recipient, a transplant specialist, and a member of the clergy—will discuss the importance of organ and tissue donation in order to increase awareness of life-giving choices as well as the ethical issues involved. Kathryn Barrett, former WVEC medical editor, will moderate the panel discussion. Last spring, Charity Tilleman-Dick, an opera singer who survived double lung transplants, spoke and sang at the Chrysler Museum’s Kaufman Theater, with her physician, Dr. Marie Budev, director of heart and lung transplant at the Cleveland Clinic. Tilleman-Dick’s story, along with the profound need for organ donation, led JFS to focus on this topic again with this year’s Spring Into Healthy Living program.


Amy Cobb


or the past 15 years, Jewish Family Service of Tidewater has presented free health awareness events as part of Spring Into Healthy Living, along with the annual JFS Run, Roll or Stroll. Speakers have included physicians from the Cleveland Clinic and Johns Hopkins, in addition to celebrities such as Good Morning America’s Joan Lunden and Tidewater’s own Jane Gardner.

JFS 15th Annual Run, Roll or Stroll Sunday, May 5 24th Street Park Virginia Beach Boardwalk 8K run, a 5K run, and a 5K walk: 8:00 AM 1-mile Run/Walk: 9:15 am t’s time to lace up those sneakers and get moving! The annual Run, Roll or Stroll offers an event for people of all ages and all levels. Sue Graves, JFS race director, says, “The JFS Run, Roll or Stroll is a highly anticipated event in our community. People look forward to it every year and always have a great time. You don’t have to be a seasoned runner to participate— people of all activity levels enjoy the events of the morning. If you’re not interested in running or walking, come out just to cheer on the participants.” Since it’s important to warm up before exercising,


instructors from the Simon Family JCC will lead a Zumba warm up in 24th Street Park before each race. Kids of all ages can enjoy face painting and balloon art by Ryan the Balloon Guy. Radio station The New 101.3 2WD will entertain with lively music to get the adrenaline flowing. As always, snacks and beverages will be available, and an awards ceremony will take place after the last race to recognize the top placers in each race, plus the top teams. In addition, Leigh Casson, a volunteer with Gift of Life Marrow Registry, will be on-site with information about joining the stem cell/bone marrow registry. JFS nurses will also perform blood pressure checks. On Friday, May 3, participants may pick up their race bibs, race t-shirt, and swag bag at the Simon Family JCC between 8 am and 4 pm. Registrations will also be accepted at Packet Pickup and on-site at the race starting at 6:45 am. To register for the JFS Run, Roll or Stroll, visit

The May 16 event is presented in partnership with LifeNet Health, the EVMS M. Foscue Brock Institute for Community and Global Health, and WHRO. It is free and open to the community with RSVP. To register, visit or call 757-321-2233. TowneBank is the Presenting Sponsor of Spring Into Healthy Living.

Support JFS — Eat at No Frill Grill

Visit the No Frill Grill Hilltop location between May 13 and May 18 and order the “JFS salad.” No Frill Grill will donate the proceeds to JFS. No Frill Grill is located at 1620 Laskin Road, Virginia Beach. | April 22, 2019 | Jewish News | 33

Simon Family JCC Day Camp Employment Looking for an amazingly fun summer job that makes a difference? Do you remember how great it was to be at Summer Camp? At Simon Family JCC J Camp, energetic and passionate staff provide a safe and positive learning environment for campers. Previous summer day camp work experience and/or experience working with children helpful. Staff members are hired for their ability to facilitate memorable experiences for our campers. Complete background check is required and Counselors must participate in an orientation program.

Now Hiring… for the following positions:

Upper Camp Unit Director* Teen Program Lead Counselor** Counselors (High School Graduates; minimum requirement) Junior Counselors (HS rising Junior; minimum requirement) Specialist (Activities: Sports, Music, Arts, etc.) Lead Counselor- Special Needs Shadow Program Special Needs Shadow Counselors Camp Nurse (RN certification required) *Requires proven camp leadership/management experience & must be 21+ years old ** Must be 21+ years old

Applications available at the Simon Family JCC 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23462 or


Calendar April 30, Tuesday YAD Happy Hour. Join fellow YADians at QuirksVb. YAD Happy Hours are a great way to have fun, learn more about the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, and expand the local Jewish network. Bring a canned food item to be donated to Jewish Family Service. Happy hour starts at 6:30 pm. For more information, contact MAY 1, WEDNESDAY Yom Hashoah. An evening to honor local Holocaust survivors and remember the 6 million Jews who perished. 6:45 pm. Temple Israel, Norfolk. For more information, visit or call 757-965-6100. MAY 5, SUNDAY JFS 15th ANNUAL RUN, ROLL or STROLL at 24th Street Park on the Virginia Beach Boardwalk. For all ages and all levels; run, walk, or cheer on participants. Face painting, balloon art, snacks and beverages. To register, visit See page 33. MAY 8, WEDNESDAY From Remembrance to Independence. Israel Today’s Israeli Ambassador Ido Aharoni at Ohef Sholom Temple. 7:30 pm. Free and open to community with RSVP required at www. See page 31. MAY 9, THURSDAY CRC, BBYO and OSTY present first of two-part series for teens with Ambassador Ido Aharoni and ADL offering resources to respond to anti-Semitism and anti-Israel rhetoric. Free. Sandler Family Campus. 6–9 pm, includes dinner with pre-registration required at www. See page 28.

Camp Sessions: June 17 -August 9; Post Camp: August 12 -23

Employment Oppor tunity

Executive Administrative Assistant The United Jewish Federation of Tidewater/Simon Family JCC seeks an Executive Administrative Assistant who is a master multi-tasker with excellent communication skills (both verbal and written) to support the Executive Vice President (EVP) in the execution of the organization’s development and operational goals. This Full-Time position requires an upbeat attitude, and the ideal candidate should be resourceful and organized. The position supports the EVP’s work with the Senior Management Team, the UJFT Board of Directors and committees. An important responsibility is to ensure that operational information is communicated in a timely, accurate and appropriate manner. The qualified candidate must have two or more years of related office experience and proven proficiency using Windows and MS Office (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint).

MAY 15, Wednesday Workout Class with Nadav Meirson, trainer on Israel’s Biggest Loser. 8:30 am. Sandler Family Campus For more information, contact See page 27. MAY 17, FRIDAY Cause an Effect second of two-part series. Artists4Israel will lead hands-on graffiti project expressing Israel’s right to peace and security. 4–6 pm. Sandler Family Campus. www. See page 28 MAY 19, SUNDAY Israel Fest. Celebrate Yom HaAtzmaut, Israel’s 71st anniversary. 11 am–4 pm. Sandler Family Campus. Free and open to the community. Experience Israel through food, art, music and activities for all ages. For more information, visit or contact Callah Terkeltaub at See page 30. May 22, Wednesday YAD MomMEtime. Join the moms of UJFT’s Young Adult Division for breakfast sushi making at the Sandler Family Campus. MomMEtime is all about taking personal time as a mom to gain new experiences and socialize with other Jewish moms, completely kid free. Sushi making begins at 8:30 am; babysitting provided by the Simon Family JCC. For more information, contact May 23, Thursday Celebrate LAG B’OMER and join The Simon Family JCC, YAD, and Chabad for a delicious family cookout, beer, rockin’ music, and a bonfire. Open to the community. For more information and tickets, contact Jasmine Amitay at

Complete job description at Submit cover letter, resume, and salary requirements to: Review of applications will begin immediately, and continue until the position filled. EOE

34 | Jewish News | April 22, 2019 |

Send submissions for calendar to Be sure to note “calendar” in the subject. Include date, event name, sponsor, address, time, cost and phone.

Mazel Tov TO Achievement Lisa Bertini of Bertini Law, who was named Top 50 Women Lawyers in the 2019 Virginia Super Lawyers edition for 2019. This Lisa Bertini is the fifth year she has been honored with this distinction. Bertini has also been named again to the Top 100 Lawyers in all of Virginia. The lawyers in these categories are nominated by their peers and evaluated across 12 key categories making this honor particularly distinguished.

Bertini was also named Top Lawyer of Labor and Employment in January by CoVA BIZ; the Business Magazine of Coastal Virginia. Skip Sacks, who received the 2019 Robert M. Stanton Real Estate Teaching Award from Old Dominion University’s Strome Skip Sacks College of Business. The award was presented by Jeff Tanner, dean of the Strome College of Business in recognition of Sack’s role as

an adjunct professor and in establishing and managing a commercial real estate internship program for the Hampton Roads Association for Commercial Real Estate. Sacks is a graduate of the College of William and Mary and the University of Virginia School of Law and is currently Virginia State Counsel for Stewart Title Guaranty Company. Rabbi Israel Zoberman on his article about his visit with the Virginia Beach Human Rights Commission to the National Museum of African American History and Culture, being inserted into the Congressional Record by Congresswoman Elaine Luria.

Birth Beth and Barry Dorsk, Anthony and Grace Baschetta, and David Moy on the birth of their granddaughter, Lilly Gray Dorsk, born December 2, 2018 to parents, Chad and Maria, and big sister, Layla Rose Dorsk. Great grandparents are Barbara Krampf and Peggy Dorsk, Jack Koonan (in memory), Robert Dorsk (in memory), Joseph Krampf (in memory). Mazel Tov submissions should be emailed to with Mazel Tov in the subject line. Achievements, B’nai Mitzvot, births, engagements and weddings are appropriate simchas to announce. Photos must be at least 300k. Include a daytime phone for questions. There is no fee.

WHo Knew? HBO’s Euphoria, co-produced by Drake, is based on an Israeli show


et another Israel-originated television series lands on American shores this summer, and it stars some big celebrity names. Euphoria, which begins an eight-episode run on HBO June 16, is based on the Israeli show of the same name. It follows a group of high school students navigating a world of drugs, sex, identity, and social media. The HBO version features actress and singer Zendaya as the lead of a large ensemble cast, which includes Maude Apatow—Judd Apatow’s 21-year-old daughter. Jewish actor Austin Abrams has a role as well. It’s written by Sam Levinson, son of Barry (Rain Man, Diner, etc.). Sam previously co-wrote HBO’s The Wizard of Lies, the Bernie Madoff movie starring Robert De Niro (Barry Levinson directed). It will be co-produced by Daphna Levin and Ron Leshem, who created the Israeli version. Leshem is also known for developing some of Israel’s other most successful shows, such as Homeland, and adapting his novel Beaufort into an Academy Awardnominated film. The biggest name involved in the project, though, might be the Jewish rapper Drake, who’s listed as a producer. Longtime Drake fans will remember he

started his career acting on the Canadian drama Degrassi, which also focuses on a group of teenagers. Euphoria was first broadcast on Israeli cable network Hot 3 and was based on a true story of a teenager murdered outside a club. It followed the lives of teens from the club a year after the incident. (JTA)

Even with Madonna performing, US carriers have taken a pass on showing Eurovision finals


mericans likely won’t get to watch Madonna perform at the 2019 Eurovision contest in Tel Aviv. Nor will they see the finals of the song competition. No U.S. carrier has chosen to pick up the broadcast rights with the finals a month away. Viacom’s Logo channel aired the finals last year in the U.S. and brought in 74,000 viewers, compared to the nearly 200 million television viewers around the world. The Israeli singer Netta Barzilai won that competition, earning her country the right to host this year’s Eurovision. Another U.S. outlet could still decide to carry Eurovision, which has its finals on May 18 in Tel Aviv. A U.S. outlet has broadcast the finals only for the past two years. Meanwhile, in the hours after Madonna’s performance was confirmed, supporters of the Boycott,

Divestment and Sanctions against Israel launched a social media campaign for the U.S. pop star to cancel, using the hashtag #Boycotteurovision2019 and #Madonnadontgo. The movement has been vocal about calling for a boycott of the contest since it is being held in the Jewish state. Israel has won three other Eurovision contests and hosted two of them. (JTA)

All the Jews who made the Time 100 most influential people list


ne week after winning election to a fifth term as Israel’s head of state, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was named to Time magazine’s list of the 100 most influential people. Other Jewish people on the list include Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg; Jennifer Hyman, whose $1 billion company Rent the Runway allows subscribers to rent designer clothing online; and Leah Greenberg and Ezra Levin, who started the progressive activism group Indivisible. “Israel grows more prosperous. It grows more powerful,” Time columnist David French wrote for his entry for Netanyahu in the Leaders category. “And as the election shows, sufficient numbers of Israelis believe not just that Netanyahu is partly responsible for that success but that he’s the nation’s indispensable man.” Hyman is a mentor dedicated to

advocating for women, designer Diane Von Furstenberg wrote in her entry in the Titans category. In his tribute to Zuckerberg, also in the Titans category, Facebook founding president Sean Parker wrote: “Mark may have changed the world more than any living person, so it’s surprising how little success has changed him.” Indivisible, founded by Greenberg and Levin, who are married, is “a powerful network of folks ready to fight for justice and inclusion in health care, at our borders and in the Supreme Court,” Massachusetts Rep. Ayanna Pressley wrote. The organization draws on the local grassroots tactics of the conservative Tea Party movement to advocate against President Donald Trump and his policies. “I see myself as being part of a tradition of Jews organizing for social justice, and recognizing that our own status of a minority group that has been persecuted calls on us to support others who are under attack,” Greenberg, a Reform Jew, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency in 2017. Israeli actress Gal Gadot wrote the entry about Dwayne Johnson, who was honored in the Artists category. “If you have had the pleasure to work with him, as I have on the Fast and Furious films, you know that he is full of heart and creates an environment on set filled with warmth and positivity,” she wrote. (JTA) | April 22, 2019 | Jewish News | 35

Obituaries BERNICE “BEE” BANKS CORRELL BATEMAN VIRGINIA BEACH—Bernice “Bee” Banks Correll Bateman, 96, passed away on Wednesday, April 3, 2019, at a nursing home in Virginia Beach. Bee was born on June 30, 1922 to Sol Harry and Jennie Polan Banks. In addition to her parents, she was predeceased by her first husband, Ernest Correll, and second husband, Claude Bateman, Jr.; brothers Polan Banks and Samuel Banks; sisters Eteline Banks, Gladys Davidson, and Beverly Revier. She is survived by a daughter, Rochelle Latimer, and sons Robert Correll (Karie) and John Correll (Amy); eight grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. Bee led a full life and began a career after her children were grown working as a resident manager for S. L. Nusbaum Realty Company in Norfolk where she managed Hague Towers, Hague Park, and Lafayette Towers. She had a great sense of humor and many, many friends. In the past, she attended Ohef Sholom Temple in Norfolk and Congregation Beth Chaverim in Virginia Beach and was involved with B’nai Brith. A private graveside service was held at Princess Anne Memorial Park in Virginia Beach. Condolences may be provided on-line at William Raymond Bernstein Virginia Beach—William Raymond Bernstein, 84, passed away on April 16, 2019 in Virginia Beach, Va. He was born to the late Lottie and

Harry Bernstein in Norfolk in 1934. Billy grew up in Norfolk where he attended Maury High School and the Norfolk division of William and Mary. In 1961 he married the love of his life, Carole Schub. He enjoyed a lifetime career with Sandler Foods and later PYA Monarch. Billy also served as a volunteer docent at the Marine Science Virginia Beach Aquarium for 18 years. He loved fishing, tennis, travel, and above all, Billy loved his family and the time they spent together. Billy was preceded in death by his brother Alfred Bernstein. Left to cherish his memory are his wife Carole of 58 years; daughters, Sharon Cohen (Larry), and Deborah Segaloff (Peter); and four adoring grandchildren Talia, Aaron, Sabine, and Emma. Affectionately called Goulie by his family, he was warm, generous, loving, happy, and kind to all. He was grateful for his full and good life. He loved life and will be missed and forever loved by so many. The funeral took place at Ohef Sholom Temple. A burial at Forest Lawn Cemetery followed. Memorial donations may be made to Ohef Sholom Temple, The Virginia Beach Aquarium, or a charity of the donor’s choice. Dr. Morton A. Brownstein Virginia Beach—After a brief illness, Dr. Morton A Brownstein died on April 7, 2019 at age 85. A lifelong resident of Tidewater, he is survived by his wife of 50 years, Donna Rafal Brownstein, and his three children,

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36 | Jewish News | April 22, 2019 |

Kevin (Lauren) Brownstein, Leslie (Zak) Mahshie, and Tracy Brownstein. He is also survived by four grandchildren, Aidan, Gavin, Ryan, and Eleanor, as well his brother, Dr. Willis Brownstein, and brother-in-law, Edward Rafal. A graduate of Maury High School, University of Richmond, and University of Maryland Dental School, Morton always maintained a strong focus on education. He practiced dentistry in Tidewater for 52 years, and will be remembered by his patients for his dedication to their care and his professionalism. Active in continuing dental education throughout his career, Morton also enjoyed playing violin, painting, playing tennis, and pursuing his lifelong commitment to physical fitness. He remained active in retirement and particularly enjoyed his frequent visits to see his children and grandchildren. His funeral took place at Forest Lawn Cemetery with Rabbi Roslyn Mandelberg officiating. Donations are appreciated to Ohef Sholom Temple, the Multiple Sclerosis Society, or to the charity of your choice. Online condolences may be offered to the family at Renee Gartner Diamonstein Norfolk—Renee Gartner Diamonstein, 84, passed away peacefully in her home on April 4, 2019. Renee was born on August 21, 1934 in Ft. Worth, Texas. She was predeceased by her parents, Birdie and Morris Gartner, as well as her brother, Winfield Gartner. Renee graduated from Westhampton College with a degree in sociology. Patiently awaiting her handsome soldier’s return from the Korean War, Renee and Arthur married June 26, 1955. Making their home, first in Virginia Beach, and then for 40 years in the “round house” in Norfolk, Renee prided herself on being a wife, a mother, and a homemaker. Known for her impeccable taste and aesthetic knowhow, Renee also prided herself on being a dedicated community volunteer, first on the auxiliary board of Norfolk General Hospital and then as a master glass docent at the Chrysler Museum for nearly 40 years. Some of her fondest memories associated with the

museum were her trips to New York glass galleries with her friend and mentor, Walter P. Chrysler, Jr. Before long, Renee and Arthur embarked on what would be a lifelong journey of collecting art and glass cultivated through their worldwide travels. Renee’s insatiable desire for travel was legendary. Her voluminous travel diaries were thorough and meticulous and a resource to many future adventurers. In addition, Renee was very well respected as the lecture chairwoman of the Norfolk Society of Arts, single-handedly bringing world-class art lecturers to Hampton Roads. She contributed to the board of the Irene Leache Memorial and the Norfolk Commission for the Arts, serving for more than a decade on both. She also served on the music committee for Ohef Sholom Temple. Renee is survived by her husband, Arthur Diamonstein and her three children, Richard (Beth) Diamonstein, Jamie (Carol) Diamonstein, and Anne (Lawrence) Fleder and seven grandchildren, Josh (Cara) and Eric (Callie) Diamonstein; Claire and Alyson Diamonstein; and Emily, Kendall and Audrey Fleder. She is also survived by her sister-in-law, Scottie Gartner, and her niece, Sharon Gartner and nephews, Kevin and Bruce Gartner. Memorial donations may be made to the Renee Diamonstein Glass Purchase Fund at the Chrylser Museum or to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Hampton Roads Chapter. A memorial service was held at Ohef Sholom Temple. H.D. Oliver Funeral Apartments. Online condolences may be shared at Donald Harvie Doctor Boca R aton, Fla.—Donald Harvie Doctor passed away peacefully Wednesday, April 3. He was 91 years old. He was laid to rest at a private ceremony at Mt. Nebo Cemetery in Miami, Fla. He is survived by Susanna, his loving wife of 57 years, his devoted son and daughter-in- law, Allan and Dahven, and their three children Reid, Chase and Ginger Moxie. He also had special

Obituaries relationships with his sister-in-law, Rashi Reisch, his nieces and nephews Ogie Strogatz, Rick Bikoff, David Strogatz, Roz Thomas, David and Louise Kingsley, as well as many great-nieces and nephews. He graduated from the College of William and Mary and the Pennsylvania College of Optometry. In the service during the Korean War, he was head of Eye Clinics in Japan. He practiced optometry for over 50 years in Norfolk, where he was a long-standing member of Ohef Sholom Temple. He was an expert in contact lenses during the period of their early development and lectured widely and participated in research in this area and was elected a Fellow of the American College of Optometry, in recognition of this activity. He retired to Boca Raton—where he was a valued and well-liked member of his community; he enjoyed being on the men’s tennis team at the Yacht and Racquet Club of Boca Raton, which he served for several years as captain. Don was extremely committed to studying and improving eye care. He and his family supported ‘Optometry Cares,’ the foundation of the American Optometry Association. The Foundation’s purpose is providing eye care to everyone in the U.S. Those who may wish to make a contribution in his name may choose a charity of their choice or ‘Optometry Cares;’ their website Franklin Eugene Green Norfolk—Franklin Eugene Green, age 91 passed away peacefully in his home on Saturday, April 13, 2019. Gene was born in Little Rock, S.C. to Fannie and J.I. Green of blessed memory, and raised in Norfolk, Va. He attended JEB Stuart Elementary School, Augusta Military Academy, and University of North Carolina/Chapel Hill NC. He was a veteran, who served in the U.S. Army in WWII. Gene was a dedicated public servant, having retired from the Norfolk Redevelopment and Housing Authority as a Rehabilitation Specialist. After retirement, he volunteered as a reader for WHRO radio. Gene was a beloved husband, father, uncle, and cousin, who cherished all of his family and was on “Cloud Nine” when

attending family gatherings. He routinely made phone calls to family members to catch-up on life’s happenings. Although a quiet and reserved man, he had an easy and quick smile and a sarcastic wit. Beside his enduring love of family, was his love for his home, the Outer Banks, nature, animals, food, classical music, baseball, wearing baseball caps, and repairing anything that needed fixing. He was a member of Ohef Sholom Temple. Gene was predeceased by his beloved wife of 51-years, Shirley, his brother Norman, and sister-in-law Mimi. Survivors include his two daughters Marcia (Green) Snyder (Steve), Stacy (Green) Hershberger (Kevin), niece and nephews, Hope (Green) Hinkes (Clifford), Richard Green and Jack Green (Sharon), and great-nieces and nephews. A graveside service was held at Forest Lawn Cemetery by Rabbi Rosalin Mandelberg. Memorial donations may be made to the Alzheimer’s Association www. or any animal related rescue agency, such as the SPCA. Online condolences may be offered to the family at

Avi Lyon, former head of Jewish Labor Committee


vram “Avi” Lyon, who was executive director of the Jewish Labor Committee from 1997 to 2008, died

Monday, April 1. He was 76. The cause was pancreatic cancer, his wife, Laurie Ebner-Lyon, wrote on his Facebook page. As head of the JLC, Lyon was active in exposing workers’ rights abuses at the Agriprocessors kosher meat processing plant in Postville, Iowa, and assisting continued on page 38

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Obituaries continued from page 37






Jewish and labor organizations working to combat these abuses, according to the JLC. In 2000, he launched a “Labor Seder” program to strengthen connections between organized labor and the organized Jewish community. According to the JLC, Lyon was involved in liberal and progressive Jewish causes since he was a teenager. He was active in the Ihud Habonim (now Habonim Dror) Labor Zionist Youth Movement and in the Jewish student movement of the 1960s and ’70s. He worked with the Jewish Agency for Israel in the wake of the 1967 Six-Day War, helping to find work for volunteers who traveled to Israel. In the early 1970s, he led the North American Jewish Students’ Appeal, a student-run organization promoting Jewish identity and raising funds among college-aged youth. He later worked for a range of educational and advocacy institutions before coming to the Jewish Labor Committee in 1997. At the Jewish Labor Committee, he was committed to building relationships with other religious and ethnic groups, and worried that other Jewish organizations were neglecting coalition building. “It’s not enough to give money to power brokers in Washington,” he said in an interview with Jewish Currents in 2005, soon after the JLC marked its 70th anniversary. “You always have to have a broader base of support built on a community of interests, and the only way to have that is by really working at it and getting involved with other ethnic and coalition groups in a major way. “The labor movement is an important part of the Jewish past and the Jewish present, and is an important ally to the Jewish community,” he added. “We have stood by them, and they have stood by us, and we need to continue to do that. There will be a tremendous price to pay if we isolate ourselves.” In retirement he served on the boards

of the Forward Association and Ameinu, the successor to the Labor Zionist Alliance. Lyon is survived by his wife and three daughters. (JTA)

Michel Bacos, pilot who refused to abandon Jewish passengers in Entebee hijacking


ichel Bacos, the Air France pilot who refused to leave his Jewish passengers behind after his plane was hijacked to Entebee, Uganda, in 1976, has died. Bacos remained with the Jewish and Israeli passengers, as did his crew, until they were rescued in a secret operation by the Israeli military. He died last month in Nice, France, at the age of 95. Palestinian terrorists hijacked Air France Flight 139 flying to Paris from Tel Aviv and diverted it to Entebee on June 27, 1976. The terrorists freed all the non-Jewish passengers, but Bacos and his crew opted to remain with the Jewish and Israeli hostages. They were rescued a week later, on July 4. Three hostages and mission commander Yonatan Netanyahu, the current Israeli prime minister’s older brother, were killed during the rescue. Bacos was awarded the National Order of the Legion of Honor, France’s highest honor. Israel also recognized his actions, as did Jewish organizations such as B’nai Brith International and the American Jewish Committee. Bacos visited Israel several times, including attending memorial ceremonies for Yonatan Netanyahu, the Jerusalem Post reported. Christian Estrosi, the mayor of Nice, in a statement posted on social media announced Bacos’ death. “He refused to abandon his passengers, who were taken hostage because they were Israeli or of Jewish origin, risking his own life,” she wrote. “Michel bravely refused to surrender to antisemitism and barbarism and brought honor to France.” (JTA)



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