Jewish News April 22 2013

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Israel Festival 2013 Sunday, April 28 —page 22



Week of Healthy Living

Yom Hashoah unites community

May 3–10

13 Step up for Israel


—page 23 Celebrating Seniors: Happy, Healthy Living 33

David Krohn May 11, 8 pm

OSC Marvel ad-Jewish News 4-12-03:Layout 1


11:01 AM

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Israel celebrates 65 years Israelis crowd roads despite rain for Independence Day


eavy rains did not keep Israelis from celebrating Independence Day on Tuesday, April 16. Israel Radio reported that roads were packed with celebrants of the 65th anniversary of Israel’s founding, and that some military museums were so packed with visitors that some were turned away. Police estimated that a million people had ventured to picnic grounds and outdoor areas to celebrate. (JTA)


American, Israeli win Bible quiz

New Jersey boy and an Israeli youth won Israel’s annual Bible quiz. Yishai Eisenberg of Passaic, N.J., a student at YBH of Passaic-Hillel, and Elior Babian emerged as winners from the 16 finalists who participated in the quiz, held at the Jerusalem Theater each Independence Day. For the first time the competition featured a simultaneous sign language translation, a result of a complaint by Israeli Education Minister Shai Piron, who had refused to participate in Holocaust commemorations last week because there was no simultaneous signing. (JTA)


Upfront . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Briefs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Torah Thought . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Rabbi counsels military prisoners. . . . . . . . . . 6 B’nai Israel shares grant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Community remembers Holocaust. . . . . . . . . 8 Elie Wiesel competition winners . . . . . . . . . 10 First Person: Never again. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Step Up film at Ohef Sholom . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Kurt Rosenbach wins award. . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Annual matzah brei cookoff . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Lawyers without Rights exhibit . . . . . . . . . . 14 First Person: Saving families. . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Three new films on IDF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Proposal to create new Kotel space. . . . . . . . 17

Obama: Israel validates Herzl’s Zionist vision


resident Obama said Israel’s independence validated the vision of Zionism’s founder, Theodor Herzl. Obama in his message Tuesday, April 16 wishing Israelis a “joyous” Independence Day recalled his visit last month to Israel and laying a wreath at Herzl’s grave in Jerusalem. “There, I was honored to pay tribute to Theodor Herzl, who did so much to realize the dream of an independent Israel, to the presidents and prime ministers who guided her, and to those in uniform who have laid down their lives to protect her,” Obama said. “The strong and prosperous Israel we see today proves Herzl’s vision—‘if you will it, it is no dream.’ ” Obama administration officials have continued the practice initiated by President George W. Bush of referring to Israel repeatedly as a Jewish state. Since his visit, Obama has several times emphasized the particulars of the Jewish connection to Israel. (JTA)

24-hour Israeli news channel. . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Israeli innovations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Israel Festival on April 28. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 JFS healthy living week May 3-10 . . . . . . . . 23 Annual pulpit exchange at Norfolk shuls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Dancing with the “temple” stars. . . . . . . . . . 24 Opera star comes home to perform . . . . . . . 25 What’s Happening. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Who Knew?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Mazel Tov . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Obituaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Intergenerational study of Jews. . . . . . . . . . . 29 Special Seniors Section. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Published 22 times a year by United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. QR code generated on

In aftermath of Boston Marathon bombings, Israeli Independence Day fetes toned down in Boston


sraeli Independence Day celebrations in Boston were muted and security was increased in the wake of bombings that left three dead and dozens injured at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Mike Rosenberg, director of community relations at Maimonides, a Jewish day school in suburban Brookline, said an event commemorating Israel’s 65th anniversary had been toned down out of respect for the attack victims and their families. “Messages have gone out to parents and students that in the context of yesterday’s events, there will be no dancing and more [words of Torah],” he said. The Solomon Schechter Day School of Greater Boston called off a flag-raising ceremony for Israel’s Independence Day, leaving its flags at half-mast. Shira Strosberg, the school’s director of communications, said security in and around its campus was ratcheted up. “We are obviously saddened and everybody came to school today with a heavy heart,” she said. “Our thoughts and prayers go out to those affected by the bombings.” (JTA)


Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 200 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462-4370 voice 757.965.6100 • fax 757.965.6102 email Terri Denison, Editor Germaine Clair, Art Director Laine Mednick Rutherford, Associate Editor Hal Sacks, Book Review Editor Sandy Goldberg, Account Executive Sharon Freeman, Account Executive Mark Hecht, Account Executive Marilyn Cerase, Subscription Manager Reba Karp, Editor Emeritus United Jewish Federation of Tidewater Alvin Wall, President Stephanie Calliott, Secretary Harry Graber, Executive Vice-President The appearance of advertising in the Jewish News does not constitute a kashrut, political, product or service endorsement. The articles and letters appearing herein are not necessarily the opinion of this newspaper. © 2013 Jewish News. All rights reserved. Subscription: $18 year For subscription or change of address, call 757-965-6128 or JewishNewsVA email

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candle lighting

“We’re doing this

Friday, Apr 26/Iyar 19 Light candles at 7:30 pm

the old fashioned way

Friday, May 3/Iyar 23 Light candles at 7:37 pm

and it’s wonderful

Friday, May 10/Sivan 1 Light candles at 7:43 pm

that we’re meeting here, discussing this.” —page 12

Friday, May 17/Sivan 8 Light candles at 7:48 pm Friday, May 24/Sivan 15 Light candles at 7:54 pm Friday, May 31/Sivan 22 Light candles at 7:59 pm | April 22, 2013 | Jewish News | 3

briefs Jewish groups join rally for immigrants Carrying signs reading “Don’t Deport My Bubbe” and “What Would Moses Do?,” Jewish demonstrators representing several organizations participated in the Rally for Citizenship in Washington. The Jewish groups rallied Wednesday, April 10 on the west lawn of the Capitol alongside Latinos, Catholics, Unitarians, union members and women’s groups. Members of Jews United for Justice, HIAS, the American Jewish Committee, Bend the Arc Jewish Action, the Jewish Council for Public Affairs and the newly created Jewish Justice Roundtable wore light blue shirts with the slogan “We Were Strangers Too” during the speech- and music-filled afternoon. On the back of their shirts, in black marker, the marchers listed where their relatives had lived before immigrating to America. The countries varied from Russia, Romania and Poland to the more unusual Newfoundland and Norway. “Jews are from around the world. We all have immigration stories not so far in the past,” said Hadar Susskind, director of Bend the Arc Jewish Action. “We have personal and communal stories.” When 11 million people are “living in the shadows” due to their immigration status, Susskind said, it is important for Jews to be involved in what he referred to as one of the biggest social issues of the day. Rabbi David Saperstein, director of the Religious Action Center for Reform Judaism, at the event’s interfaith service began by calling for a moment of silence “for those who have died waiting for their dream to be fulfilled.” Citing numerous references in the Torah in which God tells the Jews to “love the sojourner for you were once strangers,” Saperstein yelled out, “Could God be any more clear?” “America can do better. America must do better. America will do better,” he said. (JTA) Jewish groups urge Senate to pass gun control legislation Twenty-three national Jewish organizations signed on to a letter to the U.S. Senate urging members to pass gun control legislation. In the letter addressed to Sens. Harry Reid (D-Nev.), the majority leader, and Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), the minority leader, the Jewish groups called on the Obama administration and Congress “to act quickly to prevent needless firearms deaths and injuries.” They called for comprehensive action

that would limit access to the most dangerous weapons and high capacity ammunition magazines, track all firearms, include waiting periods and background checks, provide better access to high-quality mental health care and examine the role of violence in the media. “There is no single solution to our country’s grave problem with gun control,” said Rabbi Steve Gutow, president of Jewish Council for Public Affairs, which organized the letter-writing campaign. “And with 33 lives lost to gun violence every day, every proposal that can save lives must be considered and given a vote. Delay is not a tactic that will make anybody safe.” JCPA’s members adopted a similar gun control policy during its annual conference in March. (JTA)

Israeli Eurovision contestant told to eschew Galliano dress Israel’s contestant in the international Eurovision music contest was barred from wearing a dress by designer John Galliano. The Israel Broadcasting Authority, which sponsors the Israeli contestant and broadcasts the popular competition, would not allow Moran Mazor to wear the dress that Galliano agreed to design for her. Mazor said in a recent interview for the Israeli news website Mako that the designer had “accepted the challenge” of designing the dress. Galliano lost his job as the top designer at Christian Dior two years ago after being arrested for making anti-Semitic statements at a Paris bar. Mazor’s agent, Liam Productions, told the Israeli daily Haaretz that Mazor will not wear clothing from Galliano. Yoav Ginai, an IBA official, had sent a memo directing Liam Productions to drop the arrangement with Galliano. In May, Mazor will travel to Sweden for Eurovision, where she will sing Rak Bishvilo, or Only for Him. (JTA) NCJW call on Israel to create civil marriage system seen as landmark The National Council of Jewish Women called on the Jewish state to create a system of civil marriage and divorce in what was seen as a landmark move. “The monopoly of authority given to Orthodox rabbinical courts in Israel regarding issues of personal status, particularly marriage, weakens rather than strengthens the state itself by causing disunity, disrespect for the law, and even hostility among Israelis and between Israel and Jews abroad,” according to a statement released

4 | Jewish News | April 22, 2013 |

Monday, April 8 by the NCJW board of directors. Rabbi David Saperstein, the director of the Reform movements Religious Action Center, said it was the first time a mainstream U.S. Jewish group joined nonOrthodox groups in making such a call. “What’s important to me is that an organization beyond the religious streams is beginning to call for that,” he told JTA. “That’s an important step forward. I deeply commend the NCJW for doing so and ask all Jewish organizations to join the fight for freedom of marriage.” While the NCJW board noted it was “committed to the letter and spirit of respect for democratic values and civil liberties,” the grass-roots organization called on Israel to “take immediate measures to create a mechanism for civil marriage.” According to NCJW, the lack of civil marriages forces “thousands of Israeli couples every year to leave Israel for a civil marriage abroad” and alienates “approximately 350,000 Israeli citizens from the former Soviet Union” who are not considered halachically Jewish. (JTA)

Honoring Jimmy Carter proves to be no problem for Yeshiva U. journal Former President Jimmy Carter accepted an award from the Yeshiva University law school’s journal, despite protests from proIsrael supporters. On Wednesday, April 10, the Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution at a ceremony in New York bestowed its International Advocate for Peace prize on Carter for his political activism. “[The event was] totally peaceful, totally nonviolent, totally friendly,” Brian Farkas, the journal’s editor, told The New York Times. “People were laughing, people were smiling, we engaged in an extremely respectful dialogue.” Carter’s nomination had came under attack by pro-Israel groups, who accused the former president of having a bias against the Jewish state. They noted his likening of Israel’s West Bank policies to apartheid and his meetings with Hamas leaders. Carter wrote a 2006 book titled Palestine: Peace not Apartheid. Prior to the ceremony Alan Dershowitz, a Harvard law professor and pro-Israel supporter, challenged Carter to a debate. “Carter has prevented peace, encouraged terrorism and done more than anyone else to isolate and demonize the Middle East’s only democracy, Israel,” he said. Some of Carter’s meetings with leaders of Hamas, a terrorist group, involved

relaying messages from the family of Gilad Shalit, an Israeli soldier held captive by the group from 2006 to 2011. (JTA)

Italian high-schoolers praised for deflecting anti-Semitic slur Some high school students in Rome earned praise for defending a Jewish classmate from an allegedly anti-Semitic slur by a teacher. Riccardo Pacifici, president of the Rome Jewish community, on Sunday, April 7 called the students “true heroes.” Staff members at the city’s Jewish museum also lauded the students during their recent visit to the museum. The teacher from Caravillani High School had reprimanded a female student in October for not being attentive in class by telling her, “Had you been in Auschwitz, you would have been more careful,” Italian media reported. The student was returning to class after going to the bathroom because she was not feeling well. Several of her classmates, according to the reports, defended her and accused the teacher of being racist. “I’m not an anti-Semite,” the teacher later told the Italian media, “but schools in Italy have no discipline anymore.” She later told the school’s principal that she had used Auschwitz “to indicate a place where order rules.” The teacher eventually took a leave of absence. (JTA) Moscow’s new Jewish museum wins top award Moscow’s new Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center was named Museum of the Year award by the Russia edition of the prestigious The Art newspaper. The award was presented to the museum’s chairman, Boruch Gorin, earlier this month at a ceremony in the Russian capital. The monthly’s Russian edition, the most recent addition to an international network of newspapers founded in Turin in 1983, selected the Jewish museum as the winner of its main category. Other categories included Exhibition of the Year, Book of the Year, Restoration of the Year and personal contribution. The Jewish museum opened in November at a cost of approximately $50 million, according to a report by Russia’s Jewish News Agency. The structure was codesigned by Ralph Appelbaum Associates, which also designed the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. It offers 3-D films, interactive maps and touch screens. (JTA)

torah thought

Climbing your personal Mount Sinai


was recently teaching a class at William and Mary. I asked the students how many days until the end of school. One student immediately yelled out, “23 Days and 12 hours left.” Another student said, “I don’t have to take many finals, so for me it’s only 20 days.” It is interesting that we look forward to dates on the calendar and, in anticipation for them, we count down to the event itself. Right now the Jewish people are in the middle of a process called “sefirah.” Sefirah means counting. It started on the second night of Passover and it goes until the day before the holiday of Shavuot, which commemorates the Jewish people receiving the Torah from G-d. Each day we count “up,” not down. Each day we add another number so that when we get to the last day we have counted 49 days in anticipation of the 50th day, Shavuot. Shavuot should be thought of as the pinnacle of the season. Imagine the greatest moments of your life. Think about the precious memories that come to mind and your life’s most significant events. For the Jewish people the receiving of the Torah on Mount Sinai was the most significant event ever. That moment defined our purpose and gave us our marching orders for all time. How, then, can we make this holiday more significant?

Like everything else in our lives, the things that we put the most effort into are the things that we get the most from. Shavout is a two-day holiday outside of Israel and a one-day holiday in the land of Israel. It is very short compared to Pesach and Sukkot. However, the potential for a life changing experience is no less. We just need to know how to prepare. Unlike Pesach and Sukkot, the holiday of Shavuot has a preparation plan built in and that is the sefirah. The counting of the days from Pesach to Shavuot is not for the sake of counting. This counting is an opportunity to change our lives. It is an opportunity to take a few minutes each day and concentrate on an aspect of our personalities that can use improvement. There are many books and websites that can guide us on this 49-day journey. The most important thing is that we recognize the need for self-analysis and engage in this most important activity. The counting of sefirah is also significant because we are not counting down, like a college student might count down to end of his studies, but rather we are counting up. We are counting up to the completion of our souls, to the perfection of our personalities, and to the opportunity of climbing up our personal Mount Sinai. Shavuout connects us to an event that happened more than 3,300 years ago. Counting sefirah and celebrating Shavuot properly allows us to bring that revelation into our lives today. It gives us the power to recognize what our personal Mount Sinai is and empowers us with the tools to climb it. Take a moment each day, count sefirah, and make Shavuot a day of personal, spiritual success.

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—Rabbi Gershon Litt, executive director, Norfolk Area Community Kollel | April 22, 2013 | Jewish News | 5

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Rabbi Litt reaches out to military prisoners


he Naval Consolidated Brig in Chesapeake recently granted a contract to Rabbi Gershon Litt, executive director of the Norfolk Kollel, to service the facility. Located at the Naval Support Activity, Hampton Roads, Northwest Annex base, the brig opened in 2011 and replaced brigs at Norfolk Naval Station, Quantico, and Camp Lejeune. A joint facility, it houses military inmates from all branches of the armed forces. Inmates held at the Consolidated Brig are both pre-trial and post trial and the brig is equipped to take inmates who require maximum security or as low as minimum security. “I have done a lot of work with Jewish military personnel on various bases, but this is my first in depth experience with inmates. I am looking forward to the challenge,” says Litt. A native of Houston, Texas, he says that moving to Norfolk eight years ago exposed him to the military, in earnest, for the first time in his life. “It’s inspirational to see how many Jewish servicemen and women devote their lives to the service of our country. We live in a country that treats Jews kindly and therefore giving back to it is something that I believe is a very noble thing to do.”

The military is offering contracts to rabbis around the country to service prisons because it is every inmate’s right to be able to express themselves spiritually. Unfortunately, there are Jews in prisons just like every other group of people. “I have visited prisoners before, but spending a significant time inside a prison gives a person pause and perspective about what it means to be a truly free person,” says Litt. He recently taught a class about Pesach where he said that freedom is not something that is defined by physical limitations, but rather by one’s mindset. “There is no place in the world where this idea is more clear than in prison,” he says. Litt offers counseling, classes, visitation, and other chaplaincy services to the Chesapeake Brig. “It is a new world to me, but it gives me pleasure to know that I brought happiness to the life of a person to whom happiness is often elusive.” When asked about the crimes the prisoners committed, the rabbi says, “Some of them may be very bad people who did very bad things, but even bad people deserve spiritual opportunities to change and make a difference.”

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Auschwitz center to buy home of last Jewish resident in Oswiecim


he Auschwitz Jewish Center launched a fundraising campaign to rescue the house of Oswiecim’s last Jewish resident. The center, in the Polish town where the Auschwitz concentration camp was built, plans to transform the home of Szymon Kluger into a cafe that also will serve as a meeting place for local residents and visitors. As part of its fundraising, the center launched a Kickstarter campaign to coincide with Yom Hashoah, or Holocaust Remembrance Day. Before World War II, Oswiecim had a majority Jewish population. Kluger died in 2000, the year the Auschwitz Jewish Center was opened. His house was next to the center, which includes a restored synagogue, a museum and educational facilities. “According to the recent expert inspection, the retaining wall, which stabilizes our

synagogue, is in danger of landslide due to extreme erosion,” said the center’s director, Tomasz Kuncewicz. “Without support for this badly needed renovation, we could lose the Kluger House and the synagogue.” Kuncewicz said the center will establish a vegetarian cafe called Oshpitzin—the Yiddish name for Oswiecim—in the Kluger house that will serve as “a place of intercultural dialogue for residents and guests from all over the world.” “We want to respect the town’s heritage by offering local products and promoting local artists in Cafe Oshpitzin. By reinforcing the Kluger house and its retaining wall, the synagogue’s future will also be secured, so that visitors to Auschwitz can continue to have a Jewish haven for reflection in the town.” Since 2006, the Auschwitz Jewish Center has been an affiliate of the Museum of Jewish Heritage-A Living Memorial to the Holocaust in New York. (JTA)

B’Nai Israel shares its synagogue grant with women of the community by Laine M. Rutherford

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n June, 12 area Jewish women of diverse backgrounds and religious practices will leave Tidewater and head to Israel. Once there, they’ll visit some of the country’s holiest sites, raft down the Jordan River, swim in the Dead Sea, ride camels, eat, drink, and bond with one another in the Jewish homeland. The trip’s itinerary is similar to the hugely successful Taglit-Birthright Israel trips offered to college-aged and professional young adults, and, indeed, it has been dubbed, “Birthright for Moms.” Like Birthright, the trip is heavily subsidized, costing the women who go a fraction of what a normal visit to Israel would cost: a $36 registration fee, money for tips and airfare. The rest of the trip is paid for, subsidized by the non-profit Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project and funds provided to B’nai Israel Congregation through the Synagogue-Federation Partnership Grant of the Tidewater Jewish community. “When Harry [Graber, executive vicepresident of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater] provided B’nai with the option of receiving a synagogue grant, I thought of this trip immediately,” says Amy Lefcoe, who will lead the trip along with friend and fellow congregant, Leah Schwartz. “I know the synagogue grants were intended for shuls to do outreach, but since B’nai has been doing that successfully for 15 years, we thought, ‘Let’s try something a little out of the box,’ and extend the grant to benefit women in the entire community, not just members of our shul.” The JWRP was formed five years ago to create a Jewish women’s empowerment movement that inspires a renaissance of positive values. Criteria for going on a trip is that the women are Jewish and have children at home under the age of 18. Since its first trip four years ago, more than 2,000 women have traveled with the organization to Israel. Although they asked JWRP if they could take 20 women, Lefcoe and Schwartz were told that in this first year of Tidewater’s participation, 10 would be the limit. With that quota in mind, and trying to make the inaugural group as diverse as possible, the two leaders invited a select group of women to find out more and apply for the trip. They created the list from their work as Jewish educators, their affiliations with the Hebrew Academy of Tidewater, the UJFT and other organizations.

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Leah Schwartz and Amy Lefcoe.

“If we didn’t know the women personally, we reached out to others who did, including Women’s Cabinet director Amy Zelenka and the Young Adult Division’s Amy Weinstein,” Lefcoe says. “We will have a great group going when we leave on June 30 for nine days, and when we come back, we’ll have a cohesive group that will make a difference in our community.” Lefcoe is convinced that once the women who go on the trip return, there will be a buzz about it and—as in other cities—soon there will be a waiting list for future trips. “It is such a positive thing that makes a huge difference in every community that has sent a group,” says Lefcoe. Lefcoe cites JWRP follow-up studies that show women who come back from the trips become active in their shuls, in the Jewish community and on boards of Jewish organizations. “They say that if you impact a Jewish woman, you impact her family. And if you impact her family, you impact her community. And if you impact the community, you can change the world. That’s what the JWRP is doing, and that’s what we’re convinced this trip will do here, too.” Even though the trip is 100 percent subsidized, the JWRP requests that the sponsoring community raises a certain amount of money per woman. Lefcoe says knowing that those commitments would be covered through B’Nai Israel’s SynagogueFederation Partnership grant-- funded by the UJFT, the Tidewater Jewish Foundation and the Simon Family Foundation—convinced her and Schwartz to agree to lead the trip and, she hopes, forever change lives and strengthen the community.



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Holocaust Day of Remembrance unites community to pay tribute

or some, the annual Tidewater Yom Hashoah—Holocaust Remembrance Day—commemoration ceremony is too intense, too painful, too sad, or not important to their lives, and so they don’t attend. Others, however, see it as vitally important that they remember the people both killed and saved during the Holocaust, and they make it a point to be present at the Holocaust Commission of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s solemn evening event. More than 600 people attended this year’s ceremony on April 7 at Temple Israel in Norfolk. The audience was comprised of Jews

and non-Jews, students and teachers, families, friends, neighbors, and strangers. They came to honor the Holocaust survivors, liberators, and righteous gentiles in attendance, as well as to remember community and beloved survivors who are no longer living, and the six million Jews killed during World War II. A handful of community leaders and clergy spoke and shared blessings during the hour and a half event. Rabbi Rosalin Mandelberg of Norfolk’s Ohef Sholom Temple reminded the audience that while the Holocaust and Yom Hashoah are tragic and dark, they are filled with hope, because, “We live. And the children of Israel live. Thank God.” Frank Grunwald, a Holocaust survivor who is featured in the 2012 award-winning documentary Misa’s Fugue, was the evening’s guest speaker. Grunwald shared his harrowing tale of survival, beginning when he was nine years old, that took him from a happy childhood to a Czechoslavakian ghetto through four concentration camps, and finally to freedom. “What I went through was typical, millions of people went through it,” Grunwald said. “The only thing that makes me special is that I was lucky to survive.” Before the hushed crowd, Grunwald illustrated his oral memories with photos projected on a screen behind him, showing the apartment building where he grew up, the concentration camps where he lived, and faces and bodies of fellow Jews in the camps that he miraculously survived. Franchesica Middleton, her son Blake French, and a group of about 20 other students taking a course on the history of Nazi Germany at Virginia Wesleyan College attended Yom Hashoah. “I thought it was

Louisa Weintraub lighting.

Dame Mary Barraco lighting.

by Laine M. Rutherford photos by Laine M. Rutherford and Elizabeth Leeor


Clara Zimm and Bronia Drucker.

Bill Jucksch lighting.

Dana Cohen lighting, with Mickey Held.

Col. George Bacon lighting.

8 | Jewish News | April 22, 2013 |

Bonnie and David Brand lighting for Evelyn Brand.

important to come tonight, and I really wanted my son to come, too, because how many more chances will he have to meet or hear a Holocaust survivor?” asked Middleton. As part of the commemoration, Holocaust survivors, family members, liberators and righteous gentiles are invited to light candles of remembrance. Each year, the number of candles lit decreases, as that community of survivors and saviors ages and passes away. “We are the last generation to hear first hand accounts of survivors,” said Alicia Friedman, Holocaust Commission chair. “It is important that these stories are heard, so people can know what comes from hatred and ignorance, and to make sure it never happens again.” The event was also a chance for the community to see and honor student winners of the Holocaust Commission’s annual Elie Wiesel Writing and Visual Arts Competitions, sponsored respectively by TowneBank and the Simon Family Foundation. Outstanding local teachers of Holocaust education also received awards. “I think these contests are a powerful

Tim and Frank Grunwald and Bill Jucksch.

tool for social commentary,” said Norview High School art teacher Jennifer McDuffie, who had two student winners in the art competition. “They provide a chance to ask the students to learn about the Holocaust, to think about what’s important to them, and then, to express their feelings.” A month-long Elie Wiesel Visual Arts Winners and Judges’ Choice Exhibit will be open to the public at the Meyera E.

Helen and Warren Aleck, Kitty and Abbott Saks.

Oberndorf Central Library in Virginia Beach, beginning May 5. To learn more about the Holocaust Commission of the UJFT and to see and read winning entries in the Elie Wiesel competitions, visit To see more photos from the event, “Like” the Jewish News VA on Facebook.

Tatum Martin reading winning poem.

HAT choir.

Joe Fox of Ohio.

Dena Vernik lighting.

Anne Fleder, Yom Hashoah co-chair, Alicia Friedman, Holocaust Commission chair, Frank Gruwald, Holocaust survivor and guest speaker, Wendy Juren Auerbach, co-chair, Elana Barr Baum, director Holocaust Commission.

Kitty Saks. | April 22, 2013 | Jewish News | 9

2013 Elie Wiesel winners of the writing and visual arts competitions Junior Poetry First Place—Lana Berry, 8th Grade, Norfolk Academy, Norfolk, Charlie Doar Second Place—Stephen Opitz, 6th Grade, Baylake Pines, Virginia Beach, Mary Opitz Third Place—Rice Webb, 8th Grade, Norfolk Academy, Norfolk, Charlie Doar Honorable Mention—Gregory Lloyd, 8th Grade, Cape Henry Collegiate School, Virginia Beach, Shannon Plank Junior Essay First Place—Jacob Olander, 8th Grade, Lynnhaven Middle School, Virginia Beach, Sarah Morrison Second Place—Andrew Roberts, 8th Grade, Cape Henry Collegiate School, Virginia Beach, Shannon Plank Third Place—Noah Joyce. 8th Grade, Cape Henry Collegiate School, Virginia Beach, Shannon Plank Honorable Mention—Grace Hattler, 8th Grade, The Williams School, Norfolk, Laura Adams Senior Poetry First Place—Tatum Martin, 10th Grade, Oscar Smith High School, Chesapeake, Marinanne McMillin Second Place—Courtney Adams, 11th Grade, Great Bridge High School, Chesapeake, Cathy Ireland Second Place—Sophie Jacobson, 9th Grade, Norfolk Academy, Norfolk, Elizabeth Johnson Senior Essay First Place—Sarah Wade, 11th Grade, Great Bridge High School, Chesapeake, Cathy Ireland Second Place—Joseph Fox, 9th Grade, Northwood High School, Northwood, OH, Samantha Witty Third Place—Asia Bridget, 10th Grade, Oscar Smith High School, Chesapeake, Marianne McMillin

Display of winning artwork in the Holocaust Commission’s Elie Wiesel Visual Arts Competition. Madelyn Reass, senior vice-president of TowneBank, a sponsor of the Elie Wiesel competition, with Griffin Stewart, student art winner from Cape Henry Collegiate School.

Third Place—William Pepe, 11th Grade, Grassfield High School, Chesapeake, Elizabeth Harris Junior Visual Arts First Place—Sabrina Furlough, 8th Grade, Lynnhaven Middle School, Virginia Beach, Sarah Morrison First Place—Jasmine Jewel Ramirez, 7th Grade, Ruffner Middle Academy, Norfolk, Helen Pryor Third Place—Jordan Goodmurphy, 8th Grade, Virginia Beach Middle School, Virginia Beach, Mary Long Honorable Mention—Aja Two Crows, 8th Grade, New West Charter Middle, Santa Monica, Calif., Xochitz Almendarez Chairs’Award—Tanner Price, 8th Grade, Princess Anne Middle School, Virginia Beach, Shannon George Chairs’Award—James Lewis, 8th Grade, Lynnhaven Middle School, Virginia Beach, Sarah Morrison

Nick Low, Griffin Stewart, Katherine Winslow, Sean Burtner, Madelyn Reass, Elizabeth Eller, Joseph Fox, Rachael Mingione, Josh Wynn, and Julia Wickard. 10 | Jewish News | April 22, 2013 |

Senior Visual Arts First Place—Nick Lamprecht, 12th Grade, Grassfield High School, Chesapeake, Margaret Childers Second Place—Kelly Huynh, 10th Grade, Tallwood High School, Virginia Beach, Kathleen LaRoue Third Place—Jasmin Mitchell, 12th Grade, Norview High School, Norfolk, Jennifer McDuffie Honorable Mention—Gerson Pinto, 9th Grade, Norview High School, Norfolk, Jennifer McDuffie Chairs’ Award—Griffin Stewart, 11th Grade, Cape Henry Collegiate School, Virginia Beach, Jeff Warden Chairs’ Award—Meagan Stiles, 12th Grade, Grassfield High School, Chesapeake, Margaret Childers Junior Multimedia First Place—Elizabeth Eller, 8th Grade, Western Branch Middle School, Chesapeake, Beth Lett First Place—Rachael Mingione, 8th Grade, Western Branch Middle School, Chesapeake, Beth Lett First Place—Katherine Winslow, 8th Grade, Western Branch Middle School, Chesapeake, Beth Lett First Place—Dylan Clabbers, 8th Grade, Lynnhaven Middle School, Virginia Beach, Sarah Morrison Third Place—Sean Burtner, 8th Grade, Princess Anne Middle School, Virginia Beach, Shannon George Third Place—Thomas Low, 8th Grade, Princess Anne Middle School, Virginia Beach, Shannon George Third Place—Julia Wickard, 8th Grade, Princess Anne Middle School, Virginia Beach, Shannon George Senior Multimedia First Place—John Formica, 12th Grade,

Western Branch High School, Chesapeake, Christina Foss Second Place—Joshua Wynn, 12th Grade, Western Branch High School, Chesapeake, Christina Foss Third Place—James Yapnayon, 10th Grade, Tallwood High School, Virginia Beach, Kathleen LaRoue Judges and chairs Allison Byrne Anne Corso Elisa Dickon Esther Diskin Theresa Eike Kim Simon Fink Gail Flax* Jeanne Goodman Elizabeth Goulart Maura Hametz Dorothy Hughes David Kidd David Metzger India Meissel Patrick Mullins Linda Peck Casey Scherrer Jennifer Schero Deb Segaloff* Lynn Seltzer Sara Sewell Leslie Siegel+ Phyllis Sperling+ Carroll Starling John Tucker Warren Warsaw Josh Weinstein Kelly Willette Rabbi Israel Zoberman * Chair, Writing Competition + Chair, Visual Arts Competition

Special thanks to Pat Cook, Central Librarian, and Robert Kennedy, Volunteer Gallery Coordinator of the Meyera E. Oberndorf Central Library in Virginia Beach, for their assistance with the month-long Elie Wiesel Visual Arts Winners and Judges’ Choice Exhibit, to open on May 5, 2013, at the library. Awards for Excellence in Holocaust Education Esther Goldman Teacher Award Wendy Burr, Crestwood Middle School, Chesapeake, Virginia Ruthi Sherman Kroskin, Excellence in Holocaust Education Award Earl Demott, Tallwood High School, Virginia Beach, Virginia

first person

Never Again by Dr. Misha Galperin, The Jewish Agency for Israel


ore than half a century after the Holocaust, world Jewry is strong. We have our own homeland and our own army. We have a collective memory that will not tolerate another attempt to decimate us. We are in a position to say “never again” and mean it. We say “never again” not only when we as Jews are oppressed by others but when any nation in our global family is oppressed or vulnerable to injustice. We speak from the heart and from personal experience. We give the anguished a voice. We don’t only talk about collective responsibility. We live it. Anything else will not do. Never again. Never, ever again. ` Yet, despite the profound sincerity of our words, we are falling short. There actually is a great deal of suffering within the Jewish people. Over 60,000 Holocaust survivors in Israel live at or below the poverty line. Many live in unsafe housing conditions, rely on welfare agencies and can barely make it to the end of the month. Can we say that they will never again experience pain and oppression? We cannot. We cannot because Jewish law tells us to stand before the dignity of the elderly. To honor those who have profound wisdom to share, especially those who have faced humanity’s darkest hour. Instead, we sit passively while our only witnesses to last century’s devastating losses live out their last days alone and often hungry. It’s true. Twenty-five percent of Holocaust survivors in Israel must choose between meals and medication, a choice few of us will ever have to make. Those who eat, often do so alone. They have outlived one of history’s greatest dictators only to find themselves without companionship, love and protection of a community that should have never let them down. But we have. We have relinquished our responsibility to our own heroes. The Jewish Agency is doing something about it. We are partnering with other agencies and non-profits, including federations, and creating new programs to better daily living conditions for aging survivors living in distress. The Jewish Agency supports the Amigour Sheltered Housing project to provide safe

living conditions for low-income seniors who are survivors. The Jewish Agency also sponsors Project HEART, the Holocaust Era Asset Restitution Taskforce, which provides the tools, strategies, and information so that the Government of Israel and its partners can get survivors and their families much needed funding. Last year, we provided more than $90,000 in emergency cash grants to the neediest survivors. This year, our La’ad program will train 1,800 volunteers to make home visits to survivors. Our Generations project records survivors’ stories and shares them with Yad Vashem so that they will never be forgotten. While we cannot repay survivors for what they lost, we can and must ensure their dignity, comfort and fair restitution. In Israel and in our Jewish tradition, our past is our future. We become compassionate by showing compassion. We become more giving by sharing our blessings. We become more sensitive by making sure that those with less can benefit from those who have more. That is what it means to be a Jew. Join me in saying “never again” this Yom Hashoah. Never again will a Holocaust survivor go without safe housing. Never again will a Holocaust survivor live without a friend. Never again will a Holocaust survivor suffer indignity after suffering the world’s worst indignities. Say it with me and mean it. • • • Dr. Misha Galperin is president and CEO of The Jewish Agency for Israel’s International Development. He co-authored The Case for Jewish Peoplehood: Can We Be One? and Reimagining Leadership in Jewish Organizations: Ten Practical Lessons to Help You Implement Change and Achieve Your Goals. Galperin emigrated from the Soviet Union as a teenager. He holds a Ph.D. in clinical psychology and has worked in communal services for more than 30 years. Galperin was listed in the “Top Five” of the 2010 Forward 50, a list of North America’s most influential Jewish leaders, and speaks widely on issues of peoplehood, Jewish identity and community. These programs and The Jewish Agency for Israel are beneficiaries of dollars from the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

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7/6/11 11:54 AM | April 22, 2013 | Jewish News | 11

Audience discusses Israel’s creation at Step Up film series article and photos by Laine M. Rutherford


srael’s history is familiar to Rabbi Rosalin Mandelberg. Her mother is from the country, Mandelberg lived there as a student, and she has visited many times. Yet, Mandelberg says she couldn’t help from saying “Wow,” as she watched the film Creation of a State, the fourth in a five-part film and discussion series presented by the Community Relations Council of the United Federation of Tidewater. “Even though I knew the history, I was struck by what a miracle the modern state of Israel is,” Mandelberg told a crowd of 80 gathered at Ohef Sholom Temple in Norfolk on the evening of April 11.


Produced by JerusalemOnlineU. com, the film highlights the Jewish people’s ancient connection to the land, significant historical events that led to the creation of the nation in 1947, and its quest for survival—and peace—since that time. W i l l i e Session, assistant special agent in charge in Norfolk at the FBI and a Criminal Justice teacher at ECPI University, brought nine of his ECPI students to watch the film and listen to the discussion. “This event is very enlightening for my class,

though I knew

the history, I was struck by what a

miracle the modern state of Israel is.


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to understand the world we live in and to experience the diversity of the community,” Session says. Following the presentation of the short movie, participants discussed the current political situation and global perceptions of Israel, the plight of the Palestinian refugees, and the frustrating effort to return to the peace table for talks, and having no one on the other side wanting to negotiate peace. “We’re doing this the old fashioned way and it’s wonderful that we’re meeting here, discussing this,” Mandelberg says. “But Sid Bass and Harvey Aftel. where the conversations really need to happen today are on Facebook and social media blogs that are reaching millions of people.” The final film in the CRC series will be shown on Wed., May 1, at 7 pm at Congregation Beth El in Norfolk. Rabbi Marilyn Mendelson, Sandy Mendelson, and Natalie Steiner. Jeffrey Arnowitz will moderate the discussion. The event is free and open to the community. To find out more about Step up for Israel, the CRC and upcoming events, visit crc. To see more photos from this event, “like” JewishNewsVa Rabbi David Barnett, Temple Emanuel; Lonnie and Herman McLeod, on Facebook.

Your Vacation Specialists and Rev. Al Butzer, First Presbyterian Church Virginia Beach.

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757.962.5813 • • Open 7 Days & Evenings Criminal Justice students from ECPI attended the film with their instructor, open 7 days & evenings Willie Session, Norfolk FBI assistant special agent in charge, left back row.

12 | Jewish News | April 22, 2013 |

it’s a wrap Kurt Rosenbach is recipient of Endowment Achievement Award


he board of directors of the members born into the Jewish faith to Tidewater Jewish Foundation the challenges faced by those embracing honored a long-time commuJudaism. Kurt has served on the Board of nity leader and Life Trustee, Kurt Directors and various committees of TJF Rosenbach, with a special award since the 1990s, including chairing the at its March board meeting. Jewish Grants committee and serving as Board Federations of North America (JFNA), Treasurer. the organization that unites Jewish As one of the our senior commuFederations and independent Jewish nity members, Kurt has aggressively led communities throughout the world, the Create a Jewish Legacy program for annually presents outstanding leaders his beloved Temple and has significantly with the Endowment Achievement outperformed the efforts of other particiAward. Because of his dedication to Kurt Rosenbach and Ron Kramer. pating affiliates. All of his service has been Tidewater’s community, TJF submitted rendered with a keen and calm focus on the following nomination statement the future of our Jewish community. to JFNA: Kurt lives in the moment with his focus on the future Kurt has been a key member of the Tidewater Jewish viability and well-being of our community. community for decades. He served as President of Ohef Sholom Temple from 1981–1983, during which time TJF is grateful for leaders like Kurt Rosenbach, who he oversaw major renovations to the Religious School help the community achieve its mission of creating Building and the Kaufman Social Hall. He also began an permanent resources to meet the challenges and needs active Outreach Program that focused on welcoming those of the Jewish community. into the Congregation from other faiths and sensitizing

Workshop for Jewish educators focuses on music


he Jewish Education Council recently presented a professional development workshop for all principals and teachers at the Jewish schools in the community. Dr. Joel M. Hoffman, a Jewish academic, author, and much sought after speaker, presented “The Sound of Music Approach to Education” to a group of 50 educators. In this program, he discussed how the Sound of Music is a film that different age groups interpret Dr. Joel M. Hoffman differently because of their personal life experiences. “A well-designed class is similar, offering enriching content for everyone, regardless of their differences in ability or interest,” he said. During the workshop, participants learned how to combine various kinds of material into a successful, broad-reaching class. This kind of approach can be utilized in a classroom for Day School, Hebrew School, Sunday School and family education programs.

Matzah Mania! by Jodie Rafalowitz


n what has become an annual tradition at Temple Israel, two cherished family recipes competed in a matzah brei cookoff on Sunday morning, March 31. Lawrence Fleder prepared his mother Esther’s matzah brei recipe and Rabbi Michael Panitz shared his Grandma Gittel’s recipe. It must be the friendliest competition in town because when Rabbi Panitz donned his Shmutz Happens… apron, Fleder graciously accepted Panitz’ request to tie it for him. It is a rivalry-free, fun event that the congregation looks forward to each Passover. The spirited question “savory or sweet?” filled the halls of Temple Israel in the weeks leading up to the event, which garners so much attention that one congregant dubbed it “Matzah Mania!” Fleder says that “Temple Israel’s Matzah Brei breakfast is a chance to practice the recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation. Esther Fleder’s is tops, and I have trouble emulating it to perfection. Hopefully next year will be better—and in Jerusalem.” What are Esther Fleder’s secret ingredients? What are Gittel Allentuck’s secret

Lawrence Fleder and Rabbi Michael Panitz.

ingredients? Mum’s the word, but there are some clues in the accompanying photo. Who won the “competition”? Amazingly enough, it was an absolute tie. Both versions were equally tasted, gobbled up, enjoyed, and appreciated by almost 40 happy (and full) attendees. As Rabbi Panitz says, “The more experience we gain, the better we understand that life truly is a blend of savory and sweet.” | April 22, 2013 | Jewish News | 13

Hundreds attend law exhibit and discussion at ODU by Laine M. Rutherford Photos by Laine M. Rutherford


embers of the legal, business, academic, Jewish and greater communities gathered on April 11 at Old Dominion University for a recep-

tion and panel discussion of the exhibit, Lawyers without Rights: Jewish Lawyers in Germany under the Third Reich. More than 200 people attended the event at ODU’s Diehn Fine and Performing Arts Center. The program was sponsored by the Norfolk & Portsmouth Bar Association

Hundreds attended the reception and panel discussion.

Foundation, the Federal Bar Association Hampton Roads Chapter, the Institute for Jewish Studies and Interfaith U n d e r s t a n d i n g Farideh Goldin, director of ODU’s Institute for Jewish Studies and Interfaith Understanding, Dr. Bill Whitehurst, Knut Abraham, Judge Mark Davis, at ODU, the and Susan Blackman. German Embassy in Washington, D.C., and the Holocaust Commission of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. The Business and Legal Society of the UJFT was also wellrepresented. The temporary exhibit, containing pictures and descriptions of Jewish lawyers affected by Third Reich actions toward destruction of the Rule of Law, will be on display at the ODU Library through April 30, and will be in Virginia Beach for a special Law Day event at the Sandler Center on May 2. To see more photos from this event, “like” Andy Fox, Norfolk Assistant City Attorney, JewishNewsVa on Facebook. with Dr. Jerome Blackman.

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14 | Jewish News | April 22, 2013 |

4/15/2013 9:46:32 AM

first person

People of faith must come together to save the family 4,500 children or teens are arrested and 2,702 children are born into poverty. This is not the end of the story folks: from 1979 to 2010, 119,079 children have been killed by gun violence. Enough! I was encouraged that at the Seder, Rabbi David Goldstein came beside me to say the Jewish community should stand with us on our campout on May 4 and 5 in Newport News at the Newport Harbour Apartments, an underserved, high-crime area. This is a neighborhood area where, in the past year, a four-year-old baby was raped as well as her eight-year-old brother. by Pastor Aaron Wheeler Sr., We must stand together, as in years past, Mountaintop Missionary Baptist Church, as a faith group of “Oneness” against those Virginia Beach who violate the right of every family member to feel safe in their own neighborhoods. was truly touched while being a guest Once again, we must stand together at the United Jewish Federation and camp out for freedom of humanity of Tidewater’s Community as we fear nothing but God! It is Relations Council’s Community time to cross the Red Sea of gang Faith Leader Seder a few weeks violence again to establish hope As a faith ago. It was a time of reflection and unity among all of God’s and fellowship. I was touched people. community, to open the Haggadah and The special 20-hour prosee a picture of Dr. Martin gram on May 4 and 5 has a we need to come Luther King Jr. and a rabbi three part goal: locking arms in the quest together once again for freedom and equality • Expose an underto send a clarion back in the 1960s. It was a served portion of the city’s picture of the faith commupopulation to the already message against nity standing together for existing array of city and drugs, gangs and private services that are intewhat was right and just. It brought back vivid memories gral to the goal of reducing violence. of when I, too, marched with gang violence; Dr. King for the sake of righteousness. • Use additional tools proAs a faith community, we need to vided by the sponsors of the Save come together once again to send a clarion the Family Campout, the local faith commessage against drugs, gangs and violence. munity and area businesses to enrich the We should be locking arms to wake up a experience of those attending; sick society that is allowing an evil world to ruin the family values that our parents • Establish a new network of touchworked so hard to protect. How can we points, (Lighthouses) within the stand by while our children are killed not neighborhood to provide onsite links to the only at the movies, playing in the commu- services and tools outlined above. nity, but also while just trying to learn in If completely successful, the Save the the classroom? Family Campout will serve as a model for According to the Children’s Defense other neighborhoods or cities throughout Fund’s latest report in March of 2013: Hampton Roads and make existing city, Everyday in America five children or teens charitable and faith-based services more commit suicide, seven are killed by fire- effective. arms, 208 are arrested for violent crimes, To help in this effort, or learn more about 467 for drug arrests, 914 teens birth a the initiative, call 757-213-6992 or go to www. child, 2,867 high school students drop out,


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BOBBY LAWRENCE (M) 757-287-7399 (O) 757-625-2580 TOP WILLIAM E. WOOD SALES AGENT 2011-2012 HRRA CIRCLE OF EXCELLENCE PLATINUM WINNER | April 22, 2013 | Jewish News | 15

In telling story of fledgling Israeli Air Force, three filmmakers going their own ways


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LOS ANGELES (JTA)—Some 65 years after a band of foreign volunteers took to the skies to ensure Israel’s birth and survival, filmmakers are racing to bring their exploits to the screen before the last of the breed passes away. Among the competing producers and their financial backers are such famous names as Spielberg and Lansky. And though their budgets fall well short of Hollywood blockbuster standards, their competitive spirits are just as intense. Nancy Spielberg, the youngest of Steven Spielberg’s three sisters, is the producer of Above and Beyond: The Creation of the Israeli Air Force. Her main challenger is Mike Flint with his Angels in the Sky: The Birth of Israel. His father, Mitchell, battled the Japanese in the skies of World War II before joining Israel’s famous 101st Squadron in 1948. Spielberg, who lives in the Riverdale section of the Bronx, N.Y., and Flint, of Los Angeles, are facing competition from Boaz Dvir of the University of Florida in Gainesville, who has been working on A Wing and a Prayer since 2007. The three films focus on the overseas pilots who made up 90 percent of the fledgling Israeli Air Force in the first desperate months after Israel declared its independence in May 1948. The pilots came mainly from English-speaking countries; nearly all of them were veterans of World War II. In Israel, they were officially members of Machal, the Hebrew acronym for “volunteers from outside the land.” Of the four Spielberg siblings, Nancy is the most connected to Israel, having spent a year working on a religious kibbutz. About 10 years ago, the Hollywood grapevine had it that Steven Spielberg was planning a feature film on the genesis of the Israeli Air Force. So when Nancy started to become serious about her own project, she alerted her Academy Award-winning brother. “I didn’t want to step on my big brother’s toes,” she says. But Steven encouraged his sister to go ahead, contributed a modest amount toward her $1.3 million budget and noted that if her documentary was well received, it might inspire a feature film down the road. Spielberg’s film, which she aims to complete in 2015, is aimed at a North American audience and highlights the stories of American and Canadian fliers. She speaks of them with obvious awe. “These men are heroes and the stories of

16 | Jewish News | April 22, 2013 |

their exploits are incredblast the Spitfire out of ible,” Spielberg says. “It is the sky. These men saved an honor to talk to them the city…but for them, I and to show others what would not be here today.” they did.” Though it’s not unusual Films about Mike Flint is similarly in filmmaking for similarly Israeli Air Force ebullient. An enthusiastic themed projects to go pubplanned promoter, he hardly pauses lic at about the same time, for breath—or for anything the nearly simultaneous else—when describing his arrival of these three films documentary. raises some questions. For “I’ve been preparing for this film all my one, some 4,000 volunteers from 58 counlife, ever since I heard my dad talk about his tries fought in Israel’s War of Independence, experiences as a fighter pilot,” Flint says. the overwhelming number in the infantry, Flint, the former head of the story depart- artillery and other ground forces. Two lowment at Paramount Pictures, pegs his budget key documentaries about their exploits were for the documentary at about $4 million, or released last year. But the lion’s share of film three times larger than Spielberg’s. He says and media attention has been on the dashhe has two-thirds of the amount pledged or ing flyboys—to the intense annoyance of in hand. the land-based grunts who always saw the By far the largest backer of the film, beribboned airmen walk off with the pretand its executive producer, is Mark Lansky, tiest girls. who is also producing a film about his The producers of the forthcoming films uncle, Meyer Lansky, best remembered as counter that the airmen lend themselves to the “accountant” of the Lucky Luciano and more dramatic treatment and that telling the Bugsy Siegel organized crime empires. That story of thousands of foot soldiers would diffilm, The Devil Himself, will focus on his fuse the focus of their films. uncle’s role in breaking up pro-Nazi ralOn the question of why they didn’t pool lies in New York, aiding the U.S. war effort their resources and talents and produce by keeping dockworker unions in line, one major production, the filmmakers say and clandestinely supplying an emerging several attempts to do so foundered on such Israel with money and weapons. The film is Hollywood cliches as “creative differences” based on the book The Devil Himself by Eric and on conflicting egos. Dezenhall and others. Dvir says he attempted to make common Mark Lansky, a self-described retired cause with the two other producers, while businessman and financial adviser, would Flint says he tried several times to enlist not give specific dollar figures, but says he Spielberg’s cooperation. Flint also charges that and a small group of fellow investors are Spielberg had “lured away” some of the pilots covering the bulk of the Flint film’s budget. slated to be interviewed in his production. The motive, he stresses, is his conviction that Spielberg denies the claim and observes “those who support Israel are blessed.” that filmmaking is above all a collaborative Dvir in making A Wing and a Prayer has effort. A joint enterprise with Flint, she says, the advantage of hands-on experience in the “wouldn’t be the right fit.” genre—he teaches documentary filmmaking Such squabbles aside, the volunteers at the University of Florida—and the handi- who served in the ground forces generally cap of a very modest budget of $189,000, agree that the war was won by the Israelis mostly his own money. themselves, who bore the overwhelming The Israel native has interviewed 20 brunt of casualties in dead and wounded. pilots, co-pilots and radio operators, as well Moreover, few would question that the story as family members of those who died during of the Machal volunteers on the ground, in and since the 1948 war. the air and on the seas is worth telling, if Like Flint, Dvir has a personal link to his only to redeem in some small measure the film, which he hopes to release to television inaction of Diaspora communities during and through DVD sales by the end of this year. the Holocaust. “My father told me that as a little boy With the vagaries of filmmaking and in Tel Aviv, he stood on the balcony of shuttered projects endemic to the trade, the his Tel Aviv apartment while an Egyptian hope is that one of the projects, or even all Spitfire was bombing the city,” Dvir says. three, will stay the course and preserve a “Then my father looked up and saw a plane brave chapter in Israel’s history for this and piloted by one of the Machal volunteers future generations.


May 3

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Jewish Family Service of Tidewater Presents Race Expo and Packet Pickup

Friday, May 3, 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Simon Family JCC

Presenting Sponsor

Beat the crowds (and catch some extra zzz’s) on race day by picking up your race packet at the Expo. Visit vendors and exhibitors while you’re there!

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Sunday, May 5, Neptune’s Park @ 31st Street, Virginia Beach Participate in an 8K Run, 5K Run/Walk or a 1 Mile Run/Walk! Enjoy a post-race party with entertainment by 2WD radio station, refreshments and awards. Race fees increase after April 22!

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Give Your Brain a Check-Up

Tuesday, May 7, 12:00 PM, Simon Family JCC

Diamond Sponsors

Lee & Bernard Jaffe* Family Fund of the Tidewater Jewish Foundation Copeland & Klebanoff Families * Of blessed memory

Media Sponsor – Entercom Norfolk

Presented by Robert M. Palmer, MD, MPH ~ Sponsored by Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Dozoretz Join us as Dr. Palmer addresses issues related to memory and aging and dispels common myths. Lunch will be provided by Beth Sholom Village, but pre-registration is required.

* To register for this free program, call 321-2222 *

What’s In Your Genes?

Wednesday, May 8, 7:00 PM, Simon Family JCC Presented by Faye Shapiro, MS, CGC and Steven Warsof, MD One in four Jews is a carrier for at least one of 19 preventable Jewish genetic diseases and it’s important to know the risks for being a carrier. Join us as Ms. Shapiro and Dr. Warsof discuss Jewish genetic diseases and the importance of and what’s involved in genetic screenings and how to interpret the results.

* To register for this free program, call 321-2222 *

Blood Drive & Free Health Screenings

Thursday, May 9, 12:00 – 6:00 PM, Simon Family JCC Blood Drive – Blood Pressure Checks by JFS Nurse – Balance Screenings by JFS Physical Therapist

To donate blood, visit and use code SFJCC. The Simon Family JCC is located on the Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community, 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Virginia Beach, VA. ID will be required for admittance. * Transportation is available in the Norfolk & Virginia Beach areas for the May 7 program. To arrange transportation, call Duane Aikman at 321-2241.

Eat for a Cause! “Have a Bite”

April 1–April 30 @ Bite Restaurant 440 Monticello Avenue, Norfolk Visit Bite Restaurant any time in April and mention “JFS Week of Healthy Living” to your server. The restaurant will donate 10% of your total check to JFS.

“Taste of Tuscany”

April 29–May 10 @ No Frill Grill 1620 Laskin Road, Virginia Beach Visit No Frill Grill and order a tasty Tuscan Chicken Salad for lunch or dinner. Proceeds will be donated to JFS! | April 22, 2013 | Jewish News | 17

YOM HA’ATZMAUT Israel turns 65

From Rummikub to the ‘God Particle’—A timeline of Israeli innovations by Marcella Rosen

NEW YORK (JTA)—While a great deal of international and media focus has been placed on Israel’s military conflicts, the country quietly has become an energetic, ambitious incubator of entrepreneurialism and invention. What follows is a timeline chronicling some of the most important and interesting innovations produced by Israelis during their country’s 65-year existence. RUMMIKUB (1940s): Ephraim Hertzano invents the smash hit board game Rummikub, which goes on to become the best-selling game in the United States in 1977.

T-Scan system for the detection of breast cancer, which the U.S. Food and Drug Administration described as a “significant … breakthrough.”

UZI MACHINE GUN (1948): Major Uzi Gaf develops the Uzi submachine gun. Gaf builds in numerous mechanical innovations resulting in a shorter, more wieldy automatic. It is estimated that more than 10 million have been built; the Uzi has seen action in numerous wars and in countries throughout the world.

EARLY COMPUTER (1955): The Weizmann Institute’s WEIZAC computer performs its first calculation. With an initial memory of 1,024 words stored on a magnetic drum, it is one of the first large-scale stored program computers in the world. In 2006, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers recognizes WEIZAC as a milestone achievement in the fields of computers and electrical engineering. SOLAR ENERGY BENCHMARK (1955): Harry Zvi Tabor develops a new solar energy system that today powers 95 percent of Israeli solar water heaters and is the standard for solar water heating around the world.

SUPER CUKE (1950s): Esra Galun’s research into hybrid seeds leads to his creation of the world’s first commercial hybrid cucumber. Their descendants and the techniques Galun pioneered account for the majority of cucumbers cultivated today. Galun went on to develop early-blooming melons and disease-resistant potatoes. His work continues to inform and influence crop genetics. CANCER SCREENER (1954): Weizmann Institute pioneer Ephraim Frei begins groundbreaking research on the effect of magnetism on human tissue. His work will lead directly to the development of the

sis, a routine procedure now conducted on pregnant women worldwide.

AMNIOCENTESIS (1956): Weizmann professor Leo Sachs becomes the first to examine cells drawn from amniotic fluid to diagnose potential genetic abnormalities or prenatal infections in developing fetuses. His work becomes known as amniocente-

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LAB-BRED BLOOD CELLS (1963): Sachs becomes the first researcher to grow normal human blood cells in a laboratory dish. This breakthrough leads to the development of a therapy that increases the production of crucial white blood cells in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. DRIP IRRIGATION (1965): Founding of Netafim, developer and distributor of modern drip irrigation.

COLOR HOLOGRAM (1966): Asher Friesem produces the world’s first color hologram. He goes on to explore 3-D imaging through work that leads to the development of “heads up” displays for pilots, doctors and other virtual reality systems. DESALINATION (1967): Sydney Loeb takes a position at Ben-Gurion University, where he will develop the reverse osmosis desalination process, now the worldwide standard. ADVANCED CELLULAR RESEARCH (1970): Ada Yonath establishes the only pro-

tein crystallography laboratory in Israel. She begins a course of research on the structure and function of the ribosome, the subcellular component that produces protein, which in turn controls all chemistry within organisms. Her work lays a foundation for the emergence of so-called “rational drug design,” which produces treatments for several types of leukemia, glaucoma and HIV, as well as antipsychotic and antidepressant drugs. Along with two colleagues, Yonath is awarded the 2009 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. BLOOD DETOXIFICATION (1972): Meir Wilchek demonstrates that “affinity chromatography”—a method he developed for separating biological or biochemical materials—can be used to detoxify human blood. The work leads to the development of present-day technologies, employed around the world, that are used to remove poison from a patient’s blood. DRONE AIRCRAFT (1973): Israeli fighter jets sustain serious damage during the Yom Kippur War. In response, Israel initiates the development of the first modern Unmanned Aerial Vehicles—also known as UAVs or drones. The new Israeli drones are lighter, smaller and cheaper than any of their predecessors, with capacities such as real-time 360-degree video imaging, radar decoy capability and increased operating ceilings. Drones enable Israel to eliminate Syria’s air defenses at the start of the 1982 war with Lebanon without losing a single pilot. Drones descending today from Israeli designs conduct military, civilian, research and surveillance operations around the world. COMPUTER PROCESSORS (1974): Computer heavyweight Intel sets up an R&D shop in Israel, leading to the development of the globally ubiquitous 8088 processor and Centrino chip. COMPUTER SECURITY (1977): Adi Shamir, working with two American colleagues, describes a method of encryption. Now known as RSA, it is the single most important encryption method used worldwide to secure transactions between customers and banks, credit card companies and Internet merchants. DIGITAL AGE INFORMATION SHARING (1977): Abraham Lempel and Jacob Ziv develop the LZ data compression algorithms. Aside from their trailblazing academic applications, the algorithms become the primary basis of early computer information sharing. Today, LZ algorithms and their derivatives make possible our ability to send many types of photos and images between computers quickly and easily.

FARM-SCALE FOOD STORAGE (1980s): Shlomo Navarro invents a simple yet paradigm-shifting food storage system intended to help farmers in developing food-poor and resource-poor areas to keep their crops from spoiling after harvest. The system evolves into GrainPro Cocoons, water- and air-tight containers used around the world to prevent the damaging effects of spoilage and parasites without the use of pesticides. LEUKEMIA TREATMENT (1981): Elli Canaani joins the Weizmann Institute. His research into the molecular processes leading to chronic myelogenous leukemia, or CML, will result in the development of Gleevec, a drug now provided to CML patients around the world. The molecular processes discovered by Canaani were subsequently discovered to be at work in other leukemias, as well as certain tumors and lymphomas. UNDERSTANDING CELLULAR ACTIVITY (1981): Avram Hershko and Aaron Ciechanover—along with American counterpart Irwin Rose—begin work that will lead to the discovery of ubiquitin, a molecular “label” that governs the destruction of protein in cells. The discovery produces a dramatic improvement in the understanding of cellular function and the processes that bring about ailments such as cervical cancer and cystic fibrosis. In recognition of their work, the team receives the 2004 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. A NEW FORM OF MATTER (1982): Israeli scientist Daniel Shechtman discovers Quasicrystals, a “new” form of matter that had been considered not only nonexistent but impossible. Shechtman becomes the object of disdain and ridicule, but his discovery eventually is vindicated and earns him the 2011 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Applications of Quasicrystals range from the mundane (nonstick cookware) to the arcane (superconductive and superinsulative industrial materials). COMPUTER “LANGUAGE” (1986): Computer scientist David Harel develops Statecharts, a revolutionary computer language used to describe and design complex systems. Statecharts are used worldwide in areas from aviation to chemistry. Harel’s work is also being applied to the analysis of the genetic structures of living creatures with hopes of applying subsequent discoveries to the analysis and treatment of disease, infection and other biological processes. IMMUNOLOGY ADVANCEMENT (1991): Weizmann Institute professor Yair Reisner announces the creation of mice

with fully functioning human immune systems. Described from an immunological perspective as “humans with fur,” the mice provide for the first time a real-world arena in which to study human ailments and represent a major step forward in the search for a cure for AIDS, hepatitis A and B, and other infectious diseases. BABY MONITOR (1991): Haim Shtalryd develops the BabySense crib monitor, which becomes standard child safety equipment in millions of homes worldwide. OFFICE PRINTER (1993): Rehovot-based Indigo Inc. introduces the E-Print 1000. The device enables small operators to produce printing-press quality documents directly from a computer file, revolutionizing the operations of work environments of all stripes.

Healthy GET

COMPUTER SECURITY (1993): Gil Shwed, 25, and two partners establish the computer security firm Check Point. Within two years, Check Point signs provider agreements with HP and Sun Microsystems. The company experiences phenomenal growth, and in 1996 it becomes the leading provider of firewall and security services—including anti-virus, anti-spam and anti-data-loss security components – to businesses of all sizes around the globe. MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS TREATMENT (1996): Teva Pharmaceuticals introduces Copaxone, the only non-interferon multiple sclerosis treatment. The world’s top-selling MS treatment, Copaxone helps reduce relapses and may moderate the disease’s degenerative progression. INSTANT MESSAGING (1996): Mirabilis launches ICQ, the first Internet-wide instant messaging system. America Online adopts the technology and popularizes the world of online chat. COMPUTER DICTIONARY (1997): Introduction of the Babylon computer dictionary and translation program. Within three years the system will boast more than 4 million users. Babylon eventually becomes integrated into most user-level Microsoft programs, allowing for seamless cross-language translation of millions of words at the click of a mouse. “PORTABLE” SLEEP LAB (1997): Itamar Medical Ltd. is founded, and soon brings to market its WatchPAT sleep lab, representing a paradigm shift in the treatment of sleep disorders.

continued on page 20

New to Hot Yoga?


• It is the best way to start • 12 classes in 30 days for $59 • New clients only HILLTOP 1952 Laskin Road, Suite 507 Virginia Beach – 428-0099 GHENT 738 West 22nd Street Norfolk – 626-0099 | April 22, 2013 | Jewish News | 19

continued from page 19

PILLCAM (1998): Given Imaging develops the PillCam, now the global standard for imaging of the small bowel. FIRST AID (1998): Bernard Bar-Natan makes the first sale of his Emergency Bandage. A giant leap forward in field dressings, it has become standard equipment in both civilian and military first aid kits worldwide.

NANOWIRE (1998): Researchers Uri Sivan, Erez Braun and Yoav Eichen report that they have used DNA to induce silver particles to assemble themselves into a “nanowire,” a metallic strand 1,000 times thinner than a human hair. In addition to staking out new ground on the frontier of electrical component miniaturization, the wire actually conducts electricity, marking the first time a self-assembling component has been made to function and laying a path to exponential advances in the field of nanotechnology. VISION-BASED CAR SAFETY SYSTEMS (1999): Amnan Shashua and Ziv Aviram found MobilEye, a company that provides advanced optical systems to car manufacturers to increase safety and reduce traffic accidents.

an advanced and foolproof “terrorist detector,” resulting in the WeCU security system. MICRO-COMPUTER (2003): Weitzmann scientist Ehud Shapiro develops the world’s smallest DNA computing “machine,” a composition of enzymes and DNA molecules capable of performing mathematical calculations. BREAST TUMOR IMAGING (2003): The FDA approves 3TP, an advanced MRI procedure, for use in the examination of breast tumors. The brainchild of Hadassa Degani, 3TP distinguishes between benign and malignant breast growths without requiring invasive surgery. ANTI-BACTERIAL FABRICS (2003): Aharon Gedanken becomes involved in the treatment of fabrics to prevent bacterial growth, which eventually will lead him to develop the technology for treating hospital fabrics with an anti-bacterial “coating” that will dramatically reduce hospital infection rates. CENTRINO COMPUTER CHIP (2004): Intel Israel releases the first generation of Centrino microprocessor. Centrino is Intel’s mobile computing cornerstone; it drives millions of laptop computers around the world. Successive generations of Centrino have improved laptops’ function, speed, battery life and wireless communication capabilities.

FLASH DRIVE (2000): M-Systems introduces the flash drive in the United States. Smaller, faster and more reliable than floppy disks or CD-ROMs, they will go on to replace those technologies worldwide. A D VA N C E D U N D E RWAT E R BREATHING TECH (2001): Alon Bodner founds Like-A-Fish, a manufacturer of revolutionary underwater breathing apparatuses that extract oxygen from water. GROUNDBREAKING SPINAL SURGERY SYSTEM (2001): Mazor Robotics is founded and goes on to introduce its SpineAssist robotic surgical assistant, the most advanced spine surgery robot in use today. URBAN AIR COMBAT/RESCUE (2002): Rafi Yoeli develops the initial concept for the AirMule urban carrier, combat and rescue vehicle. TERRORIST DETECTOR (2002): In the wake of renewed terrorist activity against Israel and the United States, Ehud Givon assembles a team of researchers to develop

TUMOR IMAGING (2005): Insightec receives FDA approval for the ExAblate® 2000 system, the first to combine MRI imaging with high intensity focused ultrasound to visualize tumors in the body, treat them thermally and monitor a patient’s post-treatment recovery in real time, and non-invasively. Thousands of patients around the world have been treated. LAB-GROWN HUMAN TISSUE (2005): Dr. Shulamit Levenberg publishes the results of her work in the development of human tissue. Working with mouse stem cells, Levenberg and her partner Robert Langer produce the first lab-generated human tissue that is not rejected by its host. Levenberg goes on to use human stem cells

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to create live, beating human heart tissue and the circulatory components needed to implant it in a human body. WATER FROM THE AIR (2006): Researcher Etan Bar founds EWA Technologies Ltd. In 2008 he produces a clean, green system that “harvests” water from the humidity in the air. The technology represents a boon not only to residents of water-starved desert areas, but also to farmers and municipalities around the world. Each device has the potential to provide two average American families with their entire year’s supply of water without contributing to global warming or pollution.

HISTORICAL SOLAR ENERGY PROJECTS (2008): Brightsource Energy Inc. begins formalizing agreements with California power companies to develop the world’s two largest solar energy projects. SEPSIS MONITOR (2008): Tel Aviv’s Cheetah Medical introduces the NICOM, a bedside hospital monitor that can detect and determine the treatment for sepsis, which occurs in approximately one in 1,000 U.S. hospital patients annually. Sepsis previously had been treatable only after an invasive exploratory treatment, which itself could result in sepsis. The device goes into immediate use by hundreds of hospitals around the world.

PARKINSON’S TREATMENT (2006): The FDA approves AZILECT, a breakthrough treatment for Parkinson’s disease developed by John Finberg and Moussa Youdim. AZILECT dramatically slows the progression of Parkinson’s in newly diagnosed patients, increasing the longevity of body and brain function and improving the quality of life for millions worldwide. AIRPORT SAFETY (2007): Boston’s Logan International Airport begins testing of a new runway debris detector developed by XSight Systems. XSight uses video and radar monitors to identify and track runway debris, which has been identified as the cause of several airline accidents, including the 2000 crash of a Concorde jet that killed 113 people. XSight has the potential to save upwards of $14 billion per year and an untold number of lives.

ADVANCED FISH FARM (2008): GFA Advanced Systems Ltd. launches Grow Fish Anywhere, a sustainable, enclosed and selfcontained fish farming system that is not dependent on a water source and creates no polluting discharge.

TRAUMA VICTIM STABILIZER (2007): Dr. Omri Lubovsky and his sister, mechanical engineer Michal Peleg-Lubovsky, introduce the LuboCollar, a device designed to stabilize trauma victims while maintaining an open airway. The device replaces the standard procedure of intubating trauma patients before transport, saving an average of five critical minutes between the field and the hospital.

TOUGH POTATO (2008): Hebrew University Professor David Levy caps 30 years of research with the development of a powerful strain of potato that can be grown in high heat and irrigated with salt water. He shares his findings—and discussions of where they might lead—with scientists from Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and Morocco.

A TWIST ON SOLAR ENERGY (2008): Yossi Fisher co-founds Solaris Synergy, a company that creates solar energy panel arrays that float on water.

BEE PRESERVATION (2007): Rehovotbased Beeologics is formed. The company is dedicated to the preservation of honeybees, which are under threat from Colony Collapse Disorder and vital to the world’s food supply.

LUGGAGE LOCATOR (2009): Yossi Naftali founds Naftali Inc. and begins distributing the Easy-To-Pick Luggage Locator, a remote luggage tag that alerts travelers when their luggage has arrived at baggage claim.

ARTIFICIAL HAND (2009): Professor Yosi Shacham-Diamand and a team of Tel Aviv University researchers succeed in wiring a European-designed artificial hand to the arm of a human amputee. In addition to conducting complicated activities including handwriting, the human subject reports being able to feel his fingers. Achieving sensation represents the culmination of Shacham-Diamand’s work and a breakthrough in the evolution of artificial limbs. WATER PURIFICATION (2010): Greeneng Solutions launches the first of its ozone-based water purification systems. Designed for commercial, industrial and domestic applications, Greeneng’s product line uses ozone-infused water to eliminate germs on kitchen equipment, household surfaces, swimming pools and more. Purifying with ozone is faster and more effective than the global-standard tap water additive chlorine, and ozone produces none of the harmful side effects of chlorine such as asthma and contaminated runoff. VISION LOSS TREATMENT (2010): VisionCare Opthalmic Technologies debuts the CentraSight device, a telescopic implant that addresses age-related macular degeneration. CentraSight is the first and only treatment for AMD, a retinal condition that is the most common cause of blindness among “first-world” seniors.

MINIATURE VIDEO CAMERA (2011): Medigus Ltd. develops the world’s smallest video camera, measuring 0.99mm. The device provides for new diagnoses and treatments of several gastrointestinal disorders. HELPING PARAPLEGICS WALK (2011): The FDA approves clinical use of ReWalk, a bionic exoskeleton developed by Argo Technologies that allows paraplegics to stand, walk and climb stairs. BREAST TUMOR TREATMENT (2011): IceCure Medical launches the IceSense 3, a device that destroys benign breast tumors by infusing them with ice. The procedure is quick, painless, affordable and is conducted on an outpatient basis. Soon after, clinical trials begin to study the efficacy of the treatment on malignant breast tumors. MISSILE DEFENSE (2011): Iron Dome, a short-range missile defense system developed by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, shoots down a Grad rocket fired at Israel

from Gaza. It marks the first time that a short-range missile has been intercepted, opening up new possibilities for military, civil and border defense in the world’s conflict zones. ENDANGERED SPECIES STEM CELLS (2012): Israeli scientist Inbar Friedrich Ben-Nun leads a team of researchers in producing the first stem cells from endangered rhinos and primates in captivity. The procedure holds the potential to improve the health of dwindling members of numerous endangered species, as well as staving off extinction. DIABETES TREATMENT (2012): DiaPep277, a vaccine based on the work of Irun Cohen, is shown to significantly improve the condition of Type 1 (juvenile) diabetes in newly diagnosed patients. HELPING THE BLIND TO “SEE” SOUNDS (2012): Dr. Amir Amedi and his team at Hebrew University demonstrate that sounds created by a Sensory Substitution Device (SSD) activate the visual cortex in the brains of congenitally blind people. MRIs of blind people using the device show that it causes the same brain responses of sighted people. This discovery allows the team to adapt the SSD to allow blind individuals to “see” their surroundings by learning to interpret audio signals visually. FUTURISTIC FOOD PACKAGING (2012): Israeli computer engineer Daphna Nissenbaum creates a revolutionary, 100 percent biodegradable food packaging material. Her company, Tiva, produces materials for drink pouches, snack bars, yogurt and other foods – all of which provide a minimum of six months of shelf life, will completely decompose in a landfill, and can be composted industrially and domestically. THE “GOD PARTICLE” (2012): Switzerland’s Large Hadron Collider produces the Holy Grail of physics—the Higgs Boson, or “God Particle,” a subatomic particle that accounts for the existence of matter and diversity in the universe. A team from Israel’s Technion was charged with building and monitoring the collider’s elementary particle detectors, without which the discovery of the Higgs Boson would have been impossible. —Marcella Rosen, the president of Untold News, is the author with David Kornhaber of Tiny Dynamo, from which this timeline is excerpted. For more information on Israeli innovations, purchase the book from Amazon.









Janet Frenck, CRB, GRI 1321 Laskin Road • Virginia Beach | April 22, 2013 | Jewish News | 21

what’s happening

Israel Festival 2013

Celebrate the 65th at the JCC Sunday, April 28, 12:30–5 pm by Leslie Shroyer


he Simon Family Jewish Community Center will host a free*, family-centered celebration of Israel’s Independence Day— Yom Ha’Atzmaut—for the entire Tidewater community, reaching out to everyone who supports Israel and enjoys its culture. Last year, more than 1,200 people from every walk of life and religion came together for an afternoon of Israeli cuisine, sports, arts and crafts, music and shopping. With activities to attract all ages, the Festival will again offer an opportunity to see, taste and experience Israeli culture. Immediately upon entering the JCC, festival goers will feel like they have been transported to Israel as the lobby becomes the most notable outdoor marketplace in Jerusalem, Ben Yehuda Street, with vendors selling hand-crafted goods. An Israel Festival at the JCC wouldn’t be complete without camel rides, motion rides and inflatables. Games of GaGa, Israeli dodge ball, are expected as folks gather at picnic tables to eat authentic Israeli and Mediterranean foods. There will be an opportunity to help build a replica of the Western Wall and leave a handwritten note that will be placed in Jerusalem’s Western Wall this summer by young people visiting Israel for the first time. “Israel Festival is a great opportunity to welcome the entire Jewish community and anyone else from the Tidewater community for a day of celebrating what Israel is all about,” says Scott Katz, Simon Family JCC center director. “It is especially exciting when we welcome the community to the Sandler Family Campus so that families can see all that goes on here and all that we have to offer.” In celebration of Israel’s upcoming 65th anniversary, the community, along with 107 other communities worldwide from Honolulu to Helsinki will participate in Walk the Land: Celebrate LIFE!, a global Walk coordinated by The Afikim Foundation in cooperation with the World Zionist Organization and the Israel Ministry for Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs. Each of the 108 communities will showcase

the same large murals, displaying many of the numerous contributions that Israel has made to the world, stemming from the supreme value that it places upon ‘Life.’ Locally, the Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater is the sponsor of this program. All walkers will receive packets of seeds from Israel that will yield hundreds of thousands of Israeli flowers grown around the world, symbolic of the preciousness of ‘Life,’ as well as educational pamphlets about Israel facts and innovations. The website unites all of the geographic locations into one virtual community, with each location having its own webpage to highlight its local celebration. Visit the site to see how Israel at 60 was celebrated through the photo gallery and check out the great resources to be showcased at the event.

“Walk the Land is designed to celebrate the countless gifts that Israel has contributed to the world, in its short 65-year history as a State. The Walk the Land 65 event here in Tidewater allows our community members to join hundreds of thousands of supporters of Israel of all ages, affiliations and geographic locations into one United Community,” says Robin Mancoll, CRC director. “The walk not only gives people the opportunity to feel like they are in Israel, but also promotes solidarity and understanding of Israel’s gifts to the world.” A special performance by The Shuk will be another highlight of the festival. The Shuk is an Israel-based ensemble of musicians and educators who use music to excite and educate people about Jewish society, identity and culture. Also on the main stage will be an Israeli dancing performance, and a chance to learn some

Israel Festival events On the main stage 2:45–1:15 pm — Israeli Dancing 1 1:30–2:15 pm — The Shuk 2:30–3:15 pm — C ol. Amnon Meir, I.D.F. Liaison Officer to TRADOC speaks about the U.S.-Israel relationship 3:30–4:15 pm — The Shuk 4:30 pm — CRC presents Israel Inside film Walk the Land 65, rides, inflatables, camel rides, balloon artist, caricature artist, arts and crafts, strolling magician, the Marketplace for shopping and Mediterranean foods will be available throughout the Festival. For more information, visit or call 321-2338.

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steps. Educational opportunities will also be offered on the main stage, courtesy of the CRC. Israel Festival is a tremendous endeavor, requiring the participation of lay leaders, staff, and support from sponsors. This year, the Festival has generous commitments from the following sponsors: Charles Barker Automotive, Old Point National Bank, CBN, and Terri and Lonny Sarfan. Mediterranean and traditional Israeli food will be available, including tabouleh, hummus, falafel, potato knishes, stuffed grape leaves, couscous, desserts and much more. Also, especially for the children, pizza, hot dogs and french fries will be available. Be sure to stop by The Skinny Dip serving frozen yogurt or Carolina Cupcakery for a tasty treat. The Festival wouldn’t be complete without Jody’s Popcorn returning to provide delicious assorted popcorn flavors. The hit documentary, Israel Inside: How a Small Nation Makes a Big Difference will be shown. This 38-minute film explores the positive characteristics of Israeli society from a humanistic, psychological, and emotional perspective. It sidesteps the usual conversation of politics, conflict and violence, and tells the story of the Israeli people—whose resilience has propelled Israel to the forefront of world innovation and progress. This is the community’s third opportunity to see this film. Make it a point to catch it at Israel Festival. Watch the trailer at “From preschool to BBYO, we spent a lot of time at the JCC in Norfolk growing up,” says Shari Gutterman Berman. “This event reminds me of how the JCC used to be. Every year, my husband Bruce and I take our sons, Ben, Josh and Avi to the festival, and it gives them a sense of the beautiful and diverse Jewish community we have here in Tidewater.” *There is a charge for food, camel rides and several other rides. Be sure to bring cash for these activities as well as for shopping in the Israeli Marketplace.

what’s happening

9th Annual Week of Healthy Living to focus on “Body, Mind and Soles” May 3–10


ewish Family Service of Tidewater’s 9th Annual Week of Healthy Living will feature events and activities that promote wellness threefold: body, mind and “soles.” For the body, there is a program on Jewish genetic diseases. For the mind, there will be a program on brain health. And for the “soles,” there’s the 9th Annual Run, Roll or Stroll for both runners and walkers. The Week of Healthy Living is the largest fundraiser for JFS. “The mission of JFS is to promote quality of life within the philosophy and tradition of Judaism,” says Betty Ann Levin, JFS executive director. “We believe the Week of Healthy Living brings this mission to life as we engage members of the community in health education programming and healthy activities to maximize quality of life.” TowneBank is the Week of Healthy Living’s Presenting Sponsor; Diamond Sponsors are the Lee and Bernard Jaffe* Family Fund of the Tidewater Jewish Foundation, the Copeland/ Klebanoff Families and Congressman and Mrs. Scott Rigell. The week’s activities include: Race Expo and Packet Pickup Friday, May 3, 8 am–4 pm Simon Family JCC Participants of the Run, Roll or Stroll can pick up their packets early, enabling them to sleep in a little longer on race day. There will also be onsite registration for the race. Exhibitors and vendors will also be on hand at the Race Expo. Whole Foods Market will provide food demonstrations at 9 and 11:30 am (*times tentative). 9th Annual Run, Roll or Stroll Sunday, May 5 Neptune’s Park 31st Street in Virginia Beach The event features an 8K Run, 5K Run/ Walk and 1 Mile Run/Walk on the Virginia Beach Boardwalk with the Atlantic Ocean as the backdrop. Event Times: 6:45–7:45 am: Registration 8:00 am: 8K Run and 5K Run/Walk 9:15 am: 1 Mile Run/Walk 9:30 am: Post-Race Party Entercom Norfolk is the media sponsor again this year. Don London of 2WD Radio will emcee the event and provide musical entertainment, contests and prizes throughout the morning.

To register and learn more details, visit For those who don’t want to run or walk but would like to help, there’s the option to be a “Virtual Walker,” or fundraiser. “Being a Virtual Walker is as simple as sending a few emails to your friends and family asking them to donate any amount of money in support of JFS,” says Levin. “It’s an easy way to do a good deed, without even sweating!” For information on becoming a Virtual Walker, contact Jennifer Adut at 757-321-2240. Soles4Souls: JFS will be accepting new and like-new shoes for the Soles4Souls program at the race. Soles4Souls facilitates the delivery of shoes, which are used to aid the hurting worldwide. For more information, visit Give Your Brain a Check-Up Robert M. Palmer, MD, MPH Tuesday, May 7, 12 pm Simon Family JCC Most check-ups at the doctor’s office focus on the body and how it is functioning. But brain health is also important; playing an important role thinking, feeling, working, playRobert M. ing, remembering—and Palmer even sleeping. Robert M. Palmer, MD, MPH will discuss things to do to keep your brain healthy and active and will dispel common myths. Dr. Palmer is the director of the Glennan Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology at Eastern Virginia Medical School, as well as the John Franklin chair and professor of Internal Medicine at EVMS. The program is sponsored by Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Dozoretz. It is free; lunch provided by Beth Sholom Village; preregistration is required. Call 321-2222 or register at Transportation is available in Norfolk and Virginia Beach for this program only. Call

photo by Laine M. Rutherford

Duane Aikman at 321-2241, to arrange transportation. What’s In Your Genes? Faye L. Shapiro, MS, CGC and Steven Warsof, MD. Wednesday, May 8, 7 pm One in four Jews is a carrier for at least one of 19 preventable Jewish genetic diseases. It is important that Jewish people of Eastern European descent know about their risk for being a Faye L. Shapiro carrier of a gene mutation for one of these diseases so they can make more informed reproductive decisions. Faye L. Shapiro, MS, CGC and Steven Warsof, MD will discuss Jewish genetic diseasSteven Warsof es, including the importance of and what’s involved in genetic screenings and how to interpret the results. We are thrilled to present this program on a very important topic for Jewish people in our community,” says Levin. “Young adults should attend to learn the importance of being screened as he or she considers starting a family. It’s also important for parents and grandparents to understand the value of the genetic screening to be able to communicate this information to their children and grandchildren.” Steven Warsof, MD, is professor of the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Department of OB-GYN, at Eastern Virginia Medical School. He is also the medical director of Tidewater Perinatal Center.

Faye L. Shapiro, MS, CGC, is a certified genetic counselor at the Victor Center for the Prevention of Jewish Genetic Diseases, Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia. Lois Victor, the founder of the Victor Center, lost two children to a Jewish genetic disease. She founded the Victor Center as a result of her passion to ensure that no family endures the heartache of a preventable illness. The program is free, but pre-registration is required. Call 321-2222 or register at http://

Blood Drive and Free Health Screenings Thursday, May 9, 12–6 pm Simon Family JCC Nurses from JFS’ Home Health department will perform blood pressure checks, while JFS physical therapists conduct balance screenings. During a balance screening, the therapist assesses risk factors for falling and provides education about balance and the importance of maintaining flexibility and strength. The blood drive will take place in the JCC Cafeteria. JFS has a goal of receiving 35 pints of blood for the American Red Cross blood drive. Blood donors will be automatically entered to win one of three $1,000 gift cards from the American Red Cross. To schedule an appointment, visit www. and use code SFJCC. Eat for a Cause! Two opportunities to enjoy great food while supporting JFS are: During the entire month of April, Bite Restaurant will donate 10% of guests’ total check to JFS when they mention “JFS Week of Healthy Living” to their server. Bite is located at 440 Monticello Avenue, Norfolk. Visit Visit No Frill Grill (Hilltop location) April 29–May 10 and order the Tuscan Chicken Salad and JFS will receive the proceeds. No Frill Grill is located at 1621 Laskin Road in Virginia Beach. Visit www. *of blessed memory

Jewish Family Service is a constituent agency of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. | April 22, 2013 | Jewish News | 23


A PRAIRIE HOME COMPANION with Garrison Keillor


what’s happening Ohef Sholom and Temple Israel combine congregations for a weekend Friday, April 26, 6:30 pm and Saturday, April 27, 9 am


he last weekend of April will be a joyous one for two Norfolk synagogues when Temple Israel and Ohef Sholom Temple continue their annual tradition of hosting each other’s congregants throughout a Shabbat. On Friday evening at 6:30 pm, the members of Temple Israel are invited to Ohef Sholom’s service where Rabbi Panitz of Temple Israel will deliver the sermon. The following morning will begin with Ohef Sholom’s Torah study session, but this time held at Temple Israel and co-led by Kathryn Morton, the education and arts director of Temple Israel. The study session will start at 9 am followed by the Shabbat service at 9:30 am. Ohef Sholom’s Rabbi Rosalin Mandelberg will give the sermon, and Cantor Wally Schachet-Briskin will help lead the service. “Our annual pulpit exchange has allowed the congregants of both synagogues to savor what our denominations have in common, while also appreciating the legitimate differences between us,” Rabbi

Panitz says. “In preparing sermons for a joint gathering, I always try to select themes that allow us to do just that. For example, this year’s topic, ‘Judaisms—of the head and the heart’—highlights a variety in the styles of Jewish life and thought that cut across the denominations, showing up in all our movements, from Orthodoxy through Reform.” Rabbi Mandelberg says, “While our Tidewater Jewish community is small in number, we are large in dedication and love for our tradition and its people. We at Ohef Sholom are blessed with a special relationship with our friends at Temple Israel. Sharing the pulpit with Rabbi Panitz each year is a treasure and enriches all of us. I look forward to this coming Shabbat and sharing our love of Judaism with each other once again.” The Shabbat festivities will conclude with a Havdalah service for both congregations Saturday evening. For more information, call Ohef Sholom at 625-4295 or Temple Israel at 489-4550.

Dancing with the Temple Stars Sunday, May 19, 5:45 pm by Kathryn Morton





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24 | Jewish News | April 22, 2013 |

rom rumba to swing, and cha-cha to hora, Temple Israel will rock with music by The Hotel Paradise Roof Garden Orchestra, led by WHRO’s Lynn Summeral, with jazz singer Becky Livas crooning old favorites. The dinner planners and decorations committee are working, while program chair Susan Eilberg has brave couples meeting for weekly dance practice sessions. Through cross-hand turns, “twinkle steps” and promenades-with-a-pretzel-finish, dancers are counting their way through the footwork as instructor William Neill keeps the laughter coming. The event will begin with drinks and light hors d’oeuvres on the Evelyn

Eisenberg Atrium. Dinner will follow in Brody Auditorium where the contest will be followed by general dancing into the evening hours. Tickets are $50 per person and include all amenities plus the right to vote once for the favored contestant couple. Extra vote tickets can be purchased ahead of time by making a larger donation, or can be purchased at the event from “hat-check” girl Doris Friedman. In addition to ballroom swirls and shimmies, a great ring for Israeli dancing, led by Judy and Reuven Rohn, will bring everybody together in the kind of Jewish dance where everybody wins. The identities of this Temple Israel couple are disguised, as they are among the surprise contestants who will compete in “Dancing With the Temple Stars.”

what’s happening An evening with David Krohn “Songs From My Heritage”

Final film in CRC series teaches how to Step Up for Israel

Saturday, May 11, 8 pm

Wednesday, May 1, 7 pm

by Leslie Shroyer


erforming Arts at the J, presented by Leah Wohl*, presents its last performance of the season: Portsmouth native David Krohn, a baritone talent, with Charles Woodward, pianist. “I am thrilled to David Krohn return to Hampton Roads to perform a special, one-nightonly concert at the Simon Family Jewish Community Center,” Krohn says. “Having performed opera and musical theatre on some of the greatest stages around the world, the music that speaks to my soul more than any other, is the music of my father: Jewish music.” As the son of the late Rabbi/Cantor Philip Krohn of Gomley Chesed Congregation, Krohn was introduced to music at a young age. He took to performing on the Bima around the time of his Bar Mitzvah, and joined the Virginia Opera Chorus at age 16. After graduating from Norfolk Collegiate, he pursued singing and performance, receiving a bachelor’s degree from Peabody Conservatory and a masters’ degree from Juilliard. Krohn has performed for audiences around the world, including such recent performances as his New York Philharmonic debut as a soloist at Carnegie Hall in Bernstein’s West Side Story Suites; his Virginia Symphony debut singing Bernstein’s Mass and his Virginia Opera debut as Masetto in Don Giovanni; and Figaro in The Barber of Seville and Tarquinius in The Rape of Lucretia with Aspen Opera. . Krohn, 29, most recently performed in Tidewater at a Wonderful Wednesdays concert at the Jewish Museum and Cultural Center in Portsmouth in 2010. “The first time I heard David sing was on one of the annual Cantorial concerts at Gomley Chessed,” says Chuck Woodward, music director at Ohef Sholom Temple and artistic director of The Virginia Chorale. “Though just in his early teens, David’s singing and assured stage presence was memorable. During his student years at Peabody and Juilliard, I collaborated with David on several concerts, including one

for the Wonderful Wednesdays series at the Jewish Museum and Cultural Center, on which he sang a most beautiful program of Yiddish songs. David is quite versed in this repertoire, and so, performing these musical gems with a singer of his vocal and interpretative gifts was and will be a rewarding experience.” Krohn is equally excited about performing with a pianist of Woodward’s caliber. “I’ll be partnering with one of the greatest pianists I have ever collaborated with, Charles Woodward,” he says, describing Woodward as a rare pianist who can capture a multitude of emotions. Krohn now lives in Seattle and performs on a regular basis with the Seattle Opera. He looks forward to his visit home. “I’m planning a very special evening, mainly since this is my hometown and so many people there have known me since I was a baby!” As he sings and delivers some narrative, Krohn plans to show “how music was the torch that the Jews carried when driven from one end of the world to the other, and how the cultural influences of different musical styles, languages, and countries meshed with the Jewish identity in forming our source of strength—from Moses at the Red Sea to Leonard Bernstein, Gustav Mahler, Gershwin, and Billy Joel. Music is the food that kept us going for so many generations, to the amazement of history.” For the program, he has chosen to take a look at Jewish music in a new light, moving away from the stereotypical synagogue melodies and Fiddler on the Roof. “I’m excited to share with you some of the greatest music from West Side Story, Porgy and Bess, Tales of Hoffmann, Vic Damone, Popeye the Sailor Man, Wizard of Oz, and a few surprises,” says Krohn. “I’m pouring my heart and soul into this performance. I can’t wait to see you all there and meet each and every one of you following the show. “ Cost: $35 ($30 JCC members); $20 per ticket for groups of six or more; $15 students. For tickets, call 321-2338 or go to Visit to learn more about the artist and hear his music. The Simon Family JCC is a constituent agency of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

by Laine M. Rutherford


ince January, community members have gathered in four different area synagogues, watched four different films about Israel, and have had four very distinguished rabbis lead them in discussions about what they had just seen and heard. The fifth and final movie in the Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s Step Up for Israel Film and Discussion series will be shown at Congregation Beth El in Norfolk. Speak Up for Israel is the culmination of a course produced by JerusalemOnlineU. com that stimulates viewers to become educated, motivated and be better advocates for Israel—goals that mirror the CRC’s. “The people who have come to the first four movies enjoyed them and took a lot away from what they saw and the discussions that followed,” says Miriam Seeherman, chair of the CRC. “This last film offers effective techniques

for advocates of all ages and faiths to learn how to better educate others about Israel, in a very relatable, easy and memorable way.” Seeherman says it is not necessary to have seen the previous four films to attend the event on May 1. Just as the four other host synagogue rabbis have, Beth El’s Rabbi Jeffrey Arnowitz is planning a lively discussion to follow the screening. Highlights in the upcoming movie include the ABC’s of how to speak up for Israel: answering adverse claims people make about the nation, bridging the arguments to give perspective, and closing with a positive message about Israel and the Israeli people. As with all of the previous Step Up for Israel films, Speak Up for Israel is free and open to the community. Congregation Beth El is located at 422 Shirley Ave., Norfolk. RSVP to jjohnson@ To find out more about Step up for Israel, the CRC and other upcoming events, visit

Ohef Sholom is off to the races


Saturday, June 8, 6 pm

ith the Belmont Stakes taking place in real time on the big screen, Ohef Sholom Temple’s “Night at the Races” promises to be an evening of fast track excitement. The event includes dinner, an open bar, a DJ and “gambling” with “funny money,” craps tables, Black Jack and more, as well as a silent auction, live auction and the always exciting 50/50 raffle. Tickets for the event are $75 per person before June 1, when tickets become $95 per person. 50/50 raffle tickets cost $100. If all the 50/50 tickets are sold, the winner’s share could be as much as $19,950. The event is open to the public, so gather friends and neighbors and make reservations today. Call the Temple office at 757-625-4295 or go online to

The Shuk performs at Israel Festival


Sunday, April 28, 3:30 pm

rawing on a range of ladino, klezmer and Middle Eastern music and instruments, The Shuk combines a variety of styles to create an unforgettable cultural experience. The group was formed in 2008 as part of an initiative by The European Institute of Jewish Studies in Sweden to bring an emotional and intellectual connection to Jewish culture. Since then, The Shuk has performed in front of hundreds of thousands around the world. See page 22 for more information about Israel Festival. | April 22, 2013 | Jewish News | 25

Mazel Tov Achievement Rabbi Israel Zoberman on his message on the occasion of Yom Hashoah and the 65th Anniversary of the State of Israel being inserted into the Congressional Record by Congressman Scott Rigell of Virginia.

Head of local food bank wins 2013 Leader of the Year Joanne Batson of Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia and the Eastern Shore wins national recognition


oanne Batson, chief executive officer for the Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia and the Eastern Shore, was named the 2013 Network Leader of the Year at the Feeding America National Executive Directors’ Forum that took place last week in Nashville. The award is given to the year’s most outstanding leader among the 202 food banks across the nation that makes up the Feeding America network. Judges selected Batson because of her and her food bank’s exceptional work over the past year. Among her accomplishments at the food bank, include: • Engaging with new leaders within the

BIRTHS Gary, Lindsay and Adina Klaff of Maryland, on the birth of their daughter and sister, Hannah Sophia on March 27. Grandparents are Barbara Klaff of Virginia Beach and Harris Klaff of blessed memory and Lorraine Kaufman Levin and Paul Levin of Potomac, Md. and Steven Kaufman of blessed memory. Bob Aiken and Network Leader of the Year Award, Joanne Batson

Feeding America Network and her commitment to the network and the mission of working together to end hunger through encouraging participation in events like Hunger Action Month (HAM) • Turning the food bank into a thriving nonprofit in her community with a healthy reserve • Helping to close the meal gap in her community “Joanne embodies the idea that it takes many hands and minds to achieve our mission of eliminating hunger,” says Bob Aiken, president and CEO of Feeding America, the nation’s leading anti-hunger organization.



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calendar A p ril 23, T ue s d ay Christians United for Israel (C U F I ) a n d t h e U n i t e d J e w is h F e d e r a t i o n o f T i d e w a t e r p r e s e n t A Nigh t to Hono r Is rael a t t h e R o c k C h u r c h i n V i r g i n i a B e a c h. P la n t o a t t e n d t o s h o w s u p p o r t f o r t h e w o r k C U F I is d o i n g b o t h l o c a ll y a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a ll y a s t h e i r e x e c u t i v e di r e c t o r a n d o n e o f t h e 2 0 0 7 h o n o r e e s i n t h e J e w is h d a il y Fo rward ’s t o p 5 0, D a v i d B r o g, a d d r e s s e s t h e a u di e n c e o n t h e g r e a t p a r t n e r s h ip b e t w e e n t h e J e w is h a n d C h r is t ia n c o m m u n i t y w o r k i n g t o s u p p o r t Is r a e l. 7 p m. F o r m o r e d e t a ils, c o n t a c t R o b i n M a n c o ll, d i r e c t o r, C o m m u n i t y R e la t i o n s C o u n c il a t R M a n c o ll @ u j f t .o r g.

And, the winners are… Readers win tickets to see The Odd Couple Mazel Tov to Tami Arnowitz and Barbara Klaff who were the winners in the Jewish News facebook contest for tickets to see The Odd Couple at Virginia Stage Company. We hope they enjoyed the show!

A p ril 28, S und ay Israel Festival a t t h e S i m o n F a m il y J C C. 12:3 0 – 5 p m. S e e p a g e 2 2 Walk the Land 65 w i t h t h e C o m m u n i t y R e la t i o n s C o u n c il a t Is r a e l F e s t 12:3 0 – 5 p m a s t h e c o m m u n i t y c e l e b r a t e s Is r a e l a t 6 5 a t Is r a e l F e s t i v a l a t t h e S i m o n F a m il y J C C. F o r m o r e d e t a ils a b o u t t h e e v e n t o r t o v o l u n t e e r, v isi t w w w.Wa l k t h e L a n d 6 5.o r g o r c o n t a c t R o b i n M a n c o ll, C o m m u n i t y R e la t i o n s C o u n c il d i r e c t o r a t R M a n c o ll @ u j f t.o r g.

M ay 1, W ed ne s d ay Film and Discussion a s a p a r t o f t h e C o m m u n i t y R e la t i o n s C o u n c il ’s S t e p U p f o r Is r a e l s e r i e s. Wa t c h a s h o r t f il m a n d e n j o y dis c u s si o n f o l l o w i n g t h e f il m w i t h R a b b i J e f f r e y A r n o w i t z. T h is f il m a n d c la s s p r o v i d e e f f e c t i v e t o o ls f o r s p e a k i n g o n Is r a e l ’s b e h a l f a n d c o u n t e r i n g c o m m o n a d v e r s e c l a i m s m a d e a g a i n s t Is r a e l. C o n g r e g a t i o n B e t h E l, 4 2 2 S h i r l e y Av e n u e, N o r f o l k , 7 p m. F r e e a n d o p e n t o t h e c o m m u n i t y w i t h R S V P t o Jj o h n s o n @ u j f t.o r g o r 3 21- 2 3 8 8. S e e p a g e 2 5. M ay 3, F rid ay— M ay 10, F rid ay Jewish Family Service’s Week of Healthy Living . See page 23 for full details. M AY 5, SUND AY 9th Annual Run, Roll or Stroll a t N e p t u n e P a r k i n V i r g i n ia B e a c h. R e g is t r a t i o n b e g i n s a t 6:4 5 a m; 8 K R u n a n d 5 K w a l k b e g i n s a t 8 a m; 1 m il e R u n / Wa l k b e g i n s a t 9:15 a m. S e e p a g e 2 3. Brith Sholom Center meeting a nd b r u n c h a t B e t h S h olo m H o m e.B o a r d m ee t ing a t 10 a m; G en er al m ee t ing a t 11a m f ollo w ed b y b r u n c h a t 12 p m.

M ay 11, Sat urd ay Baritone David Krohn , p e r f o r m s a t t h e S i m o n F a m il y J C C, 8 p m. H e w ill b e a c c o m p a n i e d b y C h u c k Wo o d w a r d, o n t h e p ia n o. V isi t si m o n f a m il y j. o r g o r c a ll 3 21- 2 3 3 8 f o r t i c k e t s. S e e p a g e 2 5. M AY 22, WED NESD AY The JCC Seniors Club a t t h e S i m o n F a m il y J C C. B o a r d m e e t i n g a t 10:3 0 a m. C a t e r e d l u n c h a t 12 p m. P r o g r a m w ill b e a H a w a iia n g r o u p o f h u l a d a n c e r s l e d b y J o J o C a ll e s. L u n c h w ill b e f r e e t o a ll c l u b m e m b e r s. G u e s t a n d n o n - m e m b e r s c o s t , $ 7 f o r l u n c h. C a ll M a r il y n M o r a n h a a t 4 2 6 -74 2 3 f o r r e s e r v a t i o n s. D r e s s i n a H a w a iia n s h i r t o r a n y isla n d c l o t h i n g t o h e lp g e t i n t h e m o o d. M ay 23, T hur s d ay •New Date• Israel Today with David Makovsky p r e s e n t e d b y t h e C o m m u n i t y R e la t i o n s c o u n c il a n d c o m m u n i t y p a r t n e r s. V isi t J e w is hVa. o r g / C R C f o r m o r e d e t a ils o r c o n t a c t R o b i n M a n c o ll, o r, C o m m u n i t y R e l a t i o n s C o u n c il D i r e c t o r a t R M a n c o ll @ u j f t.o r g. Send submissions for calendar to news@ujf Be sure to note “calendar” in the subject. Include date, event name, sponsor, address, time, cost and phone.

Dorothy and Elizabeth Hughes with Harry Graber, executive vice president, United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

CRC Israel Poster contest has a winner Elizabeth Hughes’ design for the CRC’s Israel Advocacy Poster Contest secured the most votes from the online voting community. Her piece will be reproduced as a glossy poster and distributed at the Simon Family JCC’s annual Israel Festival on April 28, 2013, and the original artwork will be framed and permanently displayed at the Sandler Family Campus.

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5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Virginia Beach, Va 23462 | April 22, 2013 | Jewish News | 27

obituaries Thatcher remembered for her affection for Britain’s Jews by Ron Kampeas

WASHINGTON (JTA)—History will remember former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher for relentlessly facing down communism and helping to turn back more than three decades of socialist advance in her country. But it was Thatcher’s embrace of British Jews and insistent promotion of Jews in her Conservative Party that inspired an outpouring of tributes from Jewish and Israeli leaders following her death Monday, April 8 at 87. Thatcher, who suffered from dementia in her later years, died peacefully after suffering a stroke. Thatcher’s tenure as prime minister, from 1979 to 1990, helped thrust Britain back onto the international stage following its post-World War II years of end-of-empire angst and political turmoil. For the country’s Jews, however, the naming of at least five of their number to Cabinet positions and her determined pushback against anti-Jewish grumbling among the Conservative Party’s backbenchers made what once was laughable imaginable: the possibility of a Jewish prime minister. “Lady Thatcher was always extremely supportive and admiring of the ethos of the British Jewish community,” Vivian Wineman, the president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, says. Wineman says the mutual admiration was rooted in personal history. In the 1930s, Thatcher’s family took in an Austrian Jewish refugee. In 1959, Thatcher was elected to Parliament representing Finchley, a north London constituency with a large Jewish population. “She counted a number of Jews among her closest advisers and confidants, and at one point nearly a quarter of her Cabinet were of Jewish origins,” Wineman says. Moshe Maor, a Hebrew University political science professor whose expertise is Britain, says Thatcher admired the British Jewish community’s self-reliance, an ethos she embraced as she dedicated herself to weaning Britons off public assistance. “Thatcher admired hard work, and the Jewish community was not dependent on the state,” Maor says. “It was structured in such a way that Jews help others in their community. That was the culture Thatcher tried to advance.” It was one also embraced by Britain’s late

chief rabbi, Immanuel Jakobovits, whom Thatcher elevated to the House of Lords. Frustrated by protests among Christian leaders of the rapid pace of her economic reforms, she increasingly turned for spiritual reinforcement to Jakobovits, who became widely known as “Thatcher’s rabbi.” Thatcher’s rule coincided with social changes among the country’s 350,000 Jews. Once proudly working class, British Jews by the 1980s had become increasingly middle class, more likely to be self-employed and alarmed at the leftward lurch of the leadership in the Labor Party. “She got on quite well with Jews,” Wineman says. “She said once that she thought she probably had more constituents in Tel Aviv than in Finchley.” Thatcher never hesitated to advance the careers of talented young Jews in her party—among them Leon Brittan, a secretary of trade; Nigel Lawson, a chancellor of the exchequer; Edwina Currie, a health minister; Malcolm Rifkind, a secretary of state for Scotland; and Michael Howard, a secretary of employment. Rifkind went on to become foreign minister. Howard became home secretary and then opposition leader, burying forever the notion that a British leader had to come from the country’s official faith, Anglicanism. Thatcher’s embrace of the Jewish community did not make its romance with the Tories a permanent one. Tony Blair’s purges of the Labor left after his 1997 election helped draw back some Jewish voters. But Howard’s precedent helped set the stage for ascension of the current leader of the Labor Party, Ed Miliband, the son of Polish Jewish immigrants. Thatcher also earned kudos for her robust foreign policy and maintaining strong ties with Israel at a time of tension between the Jewish state and other European nations. “She was truly a great leader, a woman of principle, of determination, of conviction, of strength; a woman of greatness,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a statement. “She was a staunch friend of Israel and the Jewish people. She inspired a generation of political leaders.” Thatcher restored the notion of Britain shining everywhere the sun rose when she launched a war in 1982 to keep Argentina from claiming the Falkland Islands. The war won—and the days of Argentina’s autocracy of the generals numbered—Thatcher was ready to take on the mantle of Iron Lady vs.

28 | Jewish News | April 22, 2013 |

Iron Curtain. She became President Ronald Reagan’s indispensable partner in squeezing the life out of Soviet hegemony. In 1983, she told leaders of the Soviet Jewry movement that she would do “absolutely everything” to support their cause, which dovetailed with her revulsion of communism. Thatcher did not shy away from taking on Israeli leaders. She tussled with Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin over his refusal to deal with Palestinian leaders and the bombing of the Iraqi nuclear reactor in 1981, calling him the “most difficult” man she had to deal with. In the mid-1980s, she worked Shimon Peres, then the head of a fractious national unity government, to reach a peace agreement with Jordan, but it was scuttled by Begin’s successor as Likud leader, Yitzhak Shamir. Thatcher also pressed Reagan to deal with the Palestine Liberation Organization, suasions that bore fruit when the president recognized the group during his final months in office in 1988. Peres, now Israel’s president, says Thatcher’s strength served as an example. “She showed how far a person can go with strength of character, determination and a clear vision.” —Cnaan Liphshiz contributed to this article.

Arnold Felderman Virginia Beach—Arnold (Arnie) Felderman departed his earthly life on April 15, 2013, at home surrounded by his family. He was born on December 30, 1950 in N.Y. to loving parents Leon and Ruth Felderman, both predeceased. Left behind to cherish his memory are his loving wife Carolyn (flower lady at Stoney’s), two sons, Eric Hinman and Josh Felderman, and his “little princess,” Kayleigh Felderman, all of Virginia Beach, and one granddaughter, Katelyn Hinman of N.J., mother of his two great grandchildren. He is also survived by three brothers Jack/wife Carrie Felderman of N.J., and Stanley/wife Nancy of California, and Bob Martin (b-i-l) of Virginia Beach, as well as many beloved nieces and nephews and dear friends. Arnie was a devoted loving husband and father whose ability to face great adversity after becoming paralyzed 13 years ago set a positive example for all whose life he touched. Although becoming paralyzed ended his professional career as a baker, he

returned to college to graduate magna cum laude with a degree in computer sciences. He lived his life with grace and gratitude to guide him. His warm smile, his laughter, his sound advice, and his positive attitude will be missed by all those who love him. A chapel service was conducted at H. D. Oliver Funeral Apts. Laskin Road Chapel, followed by the burial in Eastern Shore Chapel Cemetery with Rabbi Israel Zoberman officiating. Online condolences may be made to the family at Memorial donations in Arnie’s Memory, may be made at Stoney’s Produce in Virginia Beach. James E. Guy Baltimore, Md.—On April 5, 2013, James E. Guy , beloved husband of Helen Guy (nee Taylor); cherished father of Emily Guy-Birken (Jayme Birken) and Tracie (David) Guy-Decker; adored step-father of Abbey (Buddy) Goldman; dear brother of Robin Guy; dear grandfather of Ari, Ruthie, Casey and Zach passed away. Funeral services and interment were held at Druid Ridge Cemetery in Pikesville, Md. Contributions in his memory may be sent to The Johns Hopkins Children’s Center, Development Office, 100 N. Charles St., Suite 200, Baltimore, MD 21201. Arrangements by Sol Levinson & Bros., Inc. Kenneth G. Carroll Norfolk—Kenneth G. (Menachem) Carroll died April 5. A member of B’nai Israel Congregation in Norfolk, Menachem always made Torah study and prayer priorities. Ken worked many years at NASA, lately at Langley Research Center; he loved the agency and treasured his colleagues. He is survived by wife Esther Sarah Carroll, son and daughter-in-law Yonah and Becky Roberts, grandson David, and cousins Robert, Richard, and Douglas Jones. A funeral service was conducted at the Norfolk Chapel of H.D. Oliver Funeral Apartments. Helen E. Lapping Norfolk—Helen Epner Lapping of Norfolk, died on Friday, April 5, 2013. She was the beloved wife of the late Arthur Epner and the late Maurice Lapping. She was the loving mother of Gerald and Carol Epner, Ruth and Frank Paul and Robert and Lillie Epner. She was active her entire life in

obituaries Congregation B’nai Israel and its Sisterhood and the Women’s Auxiliary of the Jewish War Veterans. Helen was devoted to her family and her community and gave unselfishly to all. She is survived by seven grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren, as well. Although in recent years she was no longer able to travel, her indomitable spirit, kindness and affection were felt by all. A funeral service was conducted at the Norfolk chapel of H. D. Oliver Funeral Apartments. Donations can be made to B’nai Israel Congregation. Arthur E. Lasko Chesapeake—Arthur Eugene Lasko, 81, peacefully passed away on April 10, 2013 after a long illness. He is survived by his loving, caring, devoted wife, Dorothy, after 60 years of marriage. He was predeceased by his brother, Gerald Lasko. Survivors include his sister, Audrey Gutterman, who adored him and always called him “Sonny” while he called her “Sis,” from her birth to the end of time, (husband Robert), nieces, Shari Berman (Bruce), Rhonda (Bill) Simoneau of New Hampshire, and nephew Adam Gutterman (Kim) of Stauton, Va. Great nieces, Rose and Carrie Gutterman, and great nephews, Ben, Josh and Avi Berman of Norfolk. Also surviving are his cousins, Ossie and Vivian Lasko, who have always given him unconditional love and support with no provisos throughout his entire life. “Art” as his wife always called him, graduated from Washington and Lee in Arlington, Va. During his careers, because of his work ethic, he received many accolades including “General Electric Man of the Year” at which time they flew him to Tennessee to accept the award; the “J. C. Penney #1 Salesman of the East Coast for Outstanding Accomplishments; and before retiring from Farm Fresh in 2009 he received from the C. O. O., Ron Dennis a “Plaque for Superior Customer Performance” on two separate years, which had never been given to the same person two times. Services and burial were private. Contributions to: Hospice (Comfort Care), Beth Sholom Home of Eastern Virginia Rehabilitation Center or Ohef Sholom Temple Norfolk. Condolences may be offered to the family at

Gilbert Edward Levin Norfolk—Gilbert Edward Levin, of Abbott Lane, in Norfolk, died April 10, 2013. A native of Fall River, Mass., he was the son of the late Lewis Wheeler Levin and Fannie Novak Levin. Mr. Levin graduated from Northeastern University before joining the United States Navy retiring as a Lieutenant JG. Mr. Levin then worked in the scrap and salvage business for 40 years. He was a longtime member of Congregation Beth El in Norfolk and was also active in a large variety of charities and organizations. Gilbert enjoyed traveling until his last days, but placed the utmost emphasis on his family, and especially his wife, Pauline. They were inseparable. Mr. Levin is survived by his wife of 58 years, Pauline Sod Levin of Norfolk; his daughter Sharon Levin Lira and Thomas of Norfolk; sons Theodore and Cindy Levin of Norfolk and Lawrence and Maryanne Levin of Irvington, N.Y. Seven grandchildren: Jennifer Fine and fiancé Ryan Shaw and Blair Fine, Jamie, Jonathan, Justin, Bailey, and Samantha Levin; a brother Clinton and wife Frances Levin of North Dartmouth, Mass. and sister in law Syliva Levin of Los Angeles, Calif. Mr. Levin is also survived by numerous loving nephews and nieces and was predeceased by brothers Marvin, Sumner, and his wife Barbara Levin. Funeral services were held in the Norfolk Chapel of H.D. Oliver Funeral Apts. with Rabbi Jeffrey Arnowitz and Cantor Gordon Piltch officiating. Memorial donations may be made to the Children’s Hospital of The Kings Daughters or the charity of choice. Online condolences may be offered at

He made a lifetime career of being a successful salesman. Herb loved life and meeting new people, he never met a stranger he didn’t like. He was a die hard Washington Redskins fan and never missed a game. Babby will be dearly missed by family, loved ones and friends. He is survived by his children and their spouses, Sandy and Mike Meisler, Renee and Steve Grant, Audrey and Paul Hudson, Eddie and Christine Metzger; grandchildren, Amy, Jennifer, Michelle, Jack, Joey, Jordan, Joshua, Andy, Sheryl and Wendy; greatgrandchildren, Hailie, Cheyenne, Miya, Kylie, Tristen, Skylar and Arianna. A graveside was held at Chevra Thilim Cemetery, Portsmouth. Online condolences may be offered at To know him was to love him.

Harold L. Lieberman Virginia Beach—Harold L. Lieberman, 83, passed away on Tuesday April 2, 2013. Arrangements handled by Altmeyer Funeral Home.

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Herbert Metzger Virginia Beach—Herbert Metzger devoted husband, father, grandfather, greatgrandfather and friend, departed this world on April 12, 2013 to join the love of this life, Adele Metzger. Herb was born and raised in Brooklyn, N. Y. and played high school football and semi-pro football. He proudly served our country in the United States Navy until he discovered his true passion, which was sales.

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Approved by all area Rabbis and Chevrah Kadisha | April 22, 2013 | Jewish News | 29

Intergenerational study of American Jewish Community launches with United Jewish Federation of Tidewater participating


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new survey launched by survey is not comparable in scope to a Dr. David Elcott and Stuart national population study. Ten national Himmelfarb explores the atti- organizations and nearly 40 local federatudes, activities, plans, priorities, tions (including Tidewater) have agreed to and beliefs of Jewish adults 18 and over. participate in the project by forwarding a The research targets all four adult link to the questionnaire to their members, generational groups (Millennials, supporters and constituents. This is the Gen X-ers, Boomers and WWII/ methodology Elcott used to generGreatest) so that program planate the sample in his successful The ners, organizational leaders study of Jewish Baby Boomers plan is to and funders in the Jewish and encore careers in 2009. community can make deci“The plan is to field this field this new sions based on timely new and broader research insights into how people survey annually and to make and broader feel about their connections it available free of charge to to Jewish life, as well as research survey as many Jewish organizations, the emerging similarities and leaders, funders and particiannually. differences among these genpants as possible.” erational groups. The researchers welThe researchers’ hope is to come responses from anyone in stimulate new ideas about ways to Tidewater. Just go to https://www. engage more people more actively in to fill out the Jewish life. Given the rapid pace of change questionnaire. Forward the link to friends today, data and insights like these are and colleagues to invite them to participate increasingly important. as well. They are fielding this survey now In a time of limited resources and surgbecause much of the research observed ing information needs, collaboration on today is limited by age or geographic region research and program design can benefit or subject matter, or by a lack of resources. organizations, funders, professionals and As Gary Rosenblatt wrote in The New York activists across the Jewish landscape—and Jewish Week last month: ignite new thinking, priorities and models “[T]here are only a handful of key of engagement. researchers in the Jewish community doing —Dr. David Elcott is the Henry and studies on population figures, assimilation, Marilyn Taub Professor of Practice in Public religious practice and other key elements of Service and Leadership at NYU’s Robert F. Jewish life, with an eye toward communal Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. planning…(S)ociologists now bemoan the Stuart Himmelfarb is CEO and, with Elcott, fact that there has been no national Jewish co-founder of B3/The Jewish Boomer Platform, population survey since (2001). an initiative dedicated to engaging—or re“The research team hopes to help engaging—Boomers in Jewish life. They can be address this situation, even though this reached at

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