Jewish News | April 8, 2019

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Southeastern Virginia | Vol. 57 No. 14 | 3 Nissan 5779 | April 8, 2019

JFS celebrates 15 years of Run, Roll or Stroll—Sunday, May 5

—page 30

5 Congresswoman Luria’s speech on resolution condemning anti-Semitism

12 LIFE & LEGACY™ celebrates second year


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Israel Today with Ambassador Ido Aharoni Wednesday, May 8

31 JDC Photography Exhibit: Lens on Israel Leon Family Gallery Supplement to Jewish News April 8, 2019 | April 8, 2019 | Passover | Jewish News | 15


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The untold true story of the Witches of Oz 2 | Jewish News | April 8, 2019 |

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Jewish groups tracking anti-religious violence as Trump disbands branch focused on domestic terrorism Ron Kampeas

WASHINGTON (JTA)—Two former homeland security secretaries will co-chair a task force convened by national Jewish organizations aimed at tracking anti-religious violence. The task force, announced Tuesday, April 2, is a joint project of the Anti-Defamation League and Secure Community Network, a Jewish self-defense initiative. Its co-chairs are Jeh Johnson, the Homeland Security secretary under President Barack Obama, and Michael Chertoff, who held the job under President George W. Bush, and who is Jewish. The initiative arose after the attack on a Pittsburgh synagogue complex in October that killed 11 Jewish worshippers, the worst anti-Jewish attack in U.S. history. “The task force will develop best practices to increase coordination and cooperation related to incident tracking, information sharing, reporting and addressing threats,” a joint ADL-SCN release said. The Trump administration’s Homeland Security Department recently disbanded an intelligence unit that tracked right-wing violence, drawing criticism from groups that track hate crimes. The alleged Pittsburgh killer was a white supremacist who blamed Jews for supporting an “invasion” of migrants into the United States. “This move defies logic,” said Jonathan A. Greenblatt, ADL’s CEO and national director, about the closing of the Homeland Security branch focused on domestic terrorism. “The current administration has been chipping away at our nation’s ability to address a deadly serious national security threat: right-wing extremism. To simply disregard this threat, especially after what we witnessed in Pittsburgh, Charlottesville, Charleston, and even overseas in Christchurch, New Zealand, could put lives at risk.”


Three liberal Jewish groups back anti-BDS congressional resolution Ron Kampeas

Up Front. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Briefs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Rep. Luria’s speech against Anti-Semitism and bigotry. . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Israel elections cause scramble for airline tickets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Israel: Netanyahu and Brazil’s president; Partial decriminalization of marijuana possession. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 JFS receives grant to make Kids Connection inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Men visit Rebbe’s Ohel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Community celebrates 2nd year of LIFE & LEGACY™ program. . . . . . . . . . 12

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WASHINGTON (JTA)—Three liberal Jewish groups have joined their centrist counterparts in supporting a nonbinding bipartisan congressional resolution that condemns the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement targeting Israel. The resolution, backed by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, was introduced in Congress last month while the Israel lobby held its policy conference in Washington, D.C. It’s seen as a compromise to get Democrats to support antiBDS language. Previous anti-BDS legislation failed to attract overwhelming support from Democrats because of concerns advanced by civil libertarians, a key Democratic constituency, that legislating to limit BDS infringes on speech freedoms. The earlier measures were binding and punitive. Garnering the support of liberal Jewish groups could bring more Democrats from the party’s left on board. Among 17 groups backing the resolution in a March 26 letter to the congressional leadership are three associated with the community’s liberal wing: the Union for Reform Judaism, the National Council of Jewish Women, and Jewish Women International. Groups perceived as centrist who already signed the letter include the Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish Committee, and the Jewish Council for Public Affairs. Reps. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., and Lee Zeldin, R-N.Y., introduced the resolution in the House. Sens. Rob Portman, R-Ohio, and Ben Cardin, D-Md., introduced the measure in the Senate. Portman posted the letter on Twitter. It singles out for criticism efforts to get universities to boycott Israel, calling such activism “fundamentally contrary to the principle of academic freedom.” The resolution, while describing BDS as promoting “principles of collective guilt, mass punishment, and group isolation,” also emphasizes the right to oppose U.S. foreign policy, calling it “a hallmark of American democracy.” At least two liberal Jewish groups, J Street and Americans for Peace Now, that have been outspoken in opposing punitive antiBDS legislation did not sign the letter.

Colonial Williamsburg acquires first Judaica objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Special Section: Passover 5779 . . . . . . . . . FBI agent speaks to JCC Seniors. . . . . . . . Tidewater Chavurah bake for Purim. . . . . Olga Kern performs at TCC. . . . . . . . . . . . Simon Family JCC Book Club celebrates 10 years and 100 books. . . . . . . . . . . . . What’s Happening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JFS Run, Roll or Stroll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mazel Tov. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Obituaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Who knew?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

14 15 27 27 27 28 29 30 34 35 36 38

Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 200 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462-4370 voice 757-965-6100 • fax 757-965-6102 email Terri Denison, Editor Germaine Clair, Art Director Sandy Goldberg, Account Executive Ronnie Jacobs Cohen, Account Executive Marilyn Cerase, Subscription Manager Reba Karp, Editor Emeritus United Jewish Federation of Tidewater John Strelitz, President Alvin Wall, Treasurer Stephanie Calliott, Secretary Betty Ann Levin, Executive Vice-President The appearance of advertising in the Jewish News does not constitute a kashrut, political, product or service endorsement. The articles and letters appearing herein are not necessarily the opinion of this newspaper. © 2019 Jewish News. All rights reserved. Subscription: $18 per year


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Candle Lighting


About the cover: Jewish Family Service’s Run, Roll or Stroll

Published 21 times a year by United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

Friday, April 12/7 Nissan Light candles at 7:19 pm

“Other times…ridiculously, we travel to effectively cancel each other’s vote by picking opposing candidates.” —page 7

Friday, April 19/14 Nissan Light candles at 7:25 pm Friday, April 26/21 Nissan Light candles at 7:31 pm Friday, May 3/28 Nissan Light candles at 7:37 pm Friday, May 10/5 Iyar Light candles at 7:44 pm Friday, May 17/12 Iyar Light candles at 7:49 pm | April 8, 2019 | Jewish News | 3

BRIEFS New Zealand Muslim leader dismisses colleague’s claims that Mossad ordered mosque killings A Muslim community leader in New Zealand dismissed claims by the head of the country’s biggest mosque that Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency was behind the killing of 50 Muslims at two Christchurch mosques. Mustafa Farouk, president of the Federation of Islamic Associations of New Zealand, referred in his statement to remarks made on March 23 by Ahmed Bhamji, chairman of the Mt Roskill Masjid E Umar mosque. “Recent comments by an individual do not represent the views of the Muslims of New Zealand,” Farouk said. The killings on March 15 were perpetrated by a 28-year-old gunman from Australia described in media reports as a white supremacist. On March 23, Bhamji said during a sermon: “I stand here and I say I have a very very strong suspicion that there’s some group behind him and I am not afraid to say I feel Mossad is behind this.” Bhamji continued: “And not only them. There are some business houses, also, who are around…you know, Zionist business houses that are behind him.” (JTA)

The Economist apologizes for calling Ben Shapiro an ‘alt-right sage’ The Economist labeled Ben Shapiro an “alt-right sage” in a headline, then apologized after the right-wing pundit protested the characterization. The British weekly’s apology was added Thursday, March 28 to a profile about Shapiro that originally carried the headline “Inside the mind of Ben Shapiro, the altright sage without the rage.” It also called Shapiro “a pop idol of the alt right.” After an exchange on Twitter between Shapiro, an Orthodox Jew, and Anne Mcelvoy, one of the article’s two authors, The Economist changed the headline to “Inside the mind of Ben Shapiro, a radical conservative.” The apology said the references to the alt-right—a loose right-wing movement that includes white nationalists and anti-Semites—was made “mistakenly,” adding “In fact, he has been strongly 4 | Jewish News | April 8, 2019 |

critical of the alt-right movement. We apologize.” Founded in 1843, The Economist is one of the world’s most reputed periodicals. In the exchange, Shapiro wrote: “This is a vile lie. Not only am I not alt-right, I am probably their leading critic on the right. I was the number one target of their hate in 2016 online according to ADL data. I demand a retraction.” He added: “If you lump me in with people who are so evil I literally hire security to walk me to shul on Shabbat, you can go straight to hell.” Shapiro is a regular speaker at universities and other venues. In his talks, he supports gun rights and rejects the notion that transgender people can change their sex, among other beliefs. (JTA)

Holocaust survivor Vera Schaufeld awarded top British honor Vera Schaufeld, a Holocaust survivor, was made a Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire at Buckingham Palace on Thursday, March 28 for her services to Holocaust education in Britain. An MBE is awarded to those who make a “positive impact in their line of work.” Schaufeld was born in Prague in 1930, and fled the Nazi invasion of Czechoslovakia on the kindertransport in 1939. Her parents couldn’t escape and were murdered at the Treblinka extermination camp. After World War II, Schaufeld moved to Israel and lived on a kibbutz, where she met her husband, Avram, a fellow Holocaust survivor (he survived Auschwitz and Buchenwald). They eventually moved back to Britain, where she helped establish The National Holocaust Centre and Museum and worked with the Holocaust Education Trust to help increase awareness of the Holocaust in Britain. Schaufeld, a mother of two and grandmother of four, has been a teacher her entire life. (JTA) Quebec bill bans head scarves and yarmulkes Quebec has introduced a bill that bans some public employees from wearing religious symbols at work, including kippahs. The measure is intended to reinforce

the separation of church and state, but critics say the real target appears to be Muslim women who wear hijabs covering their hair and necks. The Quebec parliament pushed ahead with the “secularism bill” last month introduced by the right-leaning coalition government of Premier Francois Legault. Among those who would be affected are teachers, police officers, and judges. Along with kippahs and hijabs, Sikh turbans and crucifixes would be prohibited. Polls show most Quebecers support the legislation. The Jewish community is wary. “We are very concerned with the new Quebec government’s statements regarding a ban on religious symbols displayed by government officials and displayed in public institutions,” said Harvey Levine, the Quebec regional director of B’nai Brith, suggesting the notion is “at odds” with Canadian values. “We call on the [Quebec government] to avoid the slippery slope of diminishing fundamental rights and work instead to secure religious liberties for all Quebecers.” As an apparent sop to critics, the legislation has a grandfather clause that allows workers who now wear religious symbols to keep them on, and will remove a prominent historical crucifix in Quebec’s National Assembly. But new public workers in “authority” positions could not wear religious symbols—they risk dismissal if they do not follow the ban. In October 2017, Quebec’s previous Liberal government passed a bill banning face coverings for those receiving public services. (JTA)

Ruth Bader Ginsburg makes rare public appearance at Amos Oz memorial event Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg attended a memorial in Washington, D.C. for the late Israeli author Amos Oz, making a rare public appearance. Ginsburg, 86, has been recovering from cancer surgery. She did not make any public statements at the event Sunday, March 31 at Temple Sinai. Several Jewish organizations including the New Israel Fund, Americans for Peace Now and J Street co-sponsored the memorial.

The author’s daughter Faina Oz-Salzberger tweeted a photo of her and Ginsburg, who reportedly told Oz-Saltzberger that she attended the event because she is a fan of Oz’s writing. “Ruth Bader Ginsburg did us the honor of attending the Amos Oz memorial event at @templesinaito today. A very moving day,” Oz-Salzberger tweeted. Speakers included Oz-Salzberger; J Street’s Jeremy Ben-Ami; New York Times columnist Roger Cohen; and AmericanIsraeli actress and director Natalie Portman. Oz died in December at the age of 79 following a battle with cancer. (JTA)

2,600-year-old seal from First Temple-era discovered A 2,600-year-old seal bearing the name of an official in the court of a First Temple period king of Judah, was discovered in the City of David in Jerusalem. The seal reads “(belonging) to Nathan-Melech, Servant of the King.” It was discovered during an archeological dig inside a large public building that was destroyed in the sixth century BCE—likely during the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem in 586 BCE. Large stone debris, burnt wooden beams and numerous charred pottery shards also were discovered in the building—all indications that they had survived an immense fire. The dig was conducted by archeologists from the Israel Antiquities Authority and Tel Aviv University. The stamp and its seal impression that were discovered in the dig are each about one centimeter in size. The name Nathan-Melech appears once in the Bible, in the second book of Kings 23:11, where he is described as an official in the court of King Josiah, who took part in the religious reform that the king was implementing. “Since many of the well-known bullae and stamps have not come from organized archaeological excavations but rather from the antiquities market, the discovery of these two artifacts in a clear archaeological context that can be dated is very exciting,” Prof. Yuval Gadot of Tel Aviv University and Dr. Yiftah Shalev of the Israel Antiquities Authority said in a statement. (JTA)

nation Congresswoman Elaine Luria spoke in support of a resolution condemning Anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry WASHINGTON—In a speech on the House Floor on Thursday, March 7, Congresswoman Elaine Luria (VA-02), a 20-year Navy veteran, spoke in support of a House resolution condemning anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry. The resolution passed later that day, 407–23. A complete transcript of Congresswoman Luria’s remarks follow: hank you, Mr. Speaker. I’m a Jewish American woman who served for 20 years in uniform and continue to serve in the United States Congress. At the age of 17, when I entered the United States Naval Academy, I first took the oath to “support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” I subsequently repeated that oath six


Am I to look back on my military career and the sacrifices it meant for my family and remain silent in the face of people questioning my loyalty to our country?

times—at every promotion in rank and most recently when I had the honor to become a Member of Congress. Is that not enough to prove my loyalty to our nation? I deployed six times, serving in six ships in the Middle East and Western Pacific, working under challenging conditions while operating complex weapons systems, overseeing nuclear reactors, driving ships, and ultimately commanding a combat-ready unit of 400 sailors. Is that not enough to prove my loyalty to our nation? In the first three years my husband

Congresswoman Elaine Luria

and I were married, we spent almost two years apart so that we could both serve at sea and deploy three times. Is that not enough to prove my loyalty to our nation? Am I to look back on my military career and the sacrifices it meant for my family and remain silent in the face of people questioning my loyalty to our country? I believe that I speak clearly, for all fellow Jewish veterans, that this echoes of language that has been used to marginalize and persecute the Jewish people for centuries. The recent accusations of dual loyalty call into question the equal footing of Jewish Members in elected office and, by extension, all Jews living in America. I am proud to vote on this resolution in condemnation of this rhetoric. Congresswoman Elaine Luria represents Virginia’s 2nd Congressional District. She serves on the House Armed Services Committee, where she is the vice chair of the Seapower and Projection Forces Subcommittee, and the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, where she serves as chair of the Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs Subcommittee.

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For Israelis abroad, elections start with a scramble for flight tickets Cnaan Liphshiz

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6 | Jewish News | April 8, 2019 |

AMSTERDAM (JTA)—Like many voters in democratic national elections, I almost always hope that whoever is elected will be able to serve out their full term—even if they weren’t my pick. This is especially true in my native Israel, whose infamously brittle coalitions last on average only 2 1/2 years. Early elections there, cost billions in polarizing campaigns and present a governance challenge that I see as far more worrisome than having the country run by someone who isn’t my cup of tea. But if I’m honest, my desire for political stability in Israel is tainted by selfishness: I’m one of thousands of Israelis living abroad who, in every election, must fly home on short notice with high costs because our country won’t let us vote anywhere else. In other words, I really wouldn’t mind limiting this ordeal to once every four years. Just as our desire to vote reflects an undying attachment to the country that many of us perceive as an insurance policy, Israel’s lack of absentee voting reflects a country’s hang-ups about citizens who leave its borders and the Zionist ethos of Israel’s founders. The late Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin famously called leavers “wimpy debris” as late as 1976. The word for leaving Israel in Hebrew is “yerida”—descending—as opposed to “aliyah”—ascending. Whereas the United States, France, the Netherlands, and many other democracies actively encourage expats to participate in elections—expats even have their own constituencies and representatives in the French parliament’s lower house—Israel bars its’ about half a million citizens living elsewhere from voting abroad. The only ones eligible to vote oversees in Israeli elections are several thousand government envoys. According to the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, about 60 percent of the

world’s 193 countries allow their citizens to vote abroad. Globalization is only helping to increase this trend, with Belgium, Sweden, Mexico, and Panama joining the list in the previous decade. India did so this year. Netanyahu’s is one of several Israeli governments that have tried to promote voting abroad, but a 2015 bill on the matter failed. (Opponents of the idea include Arab lawmakers and many on the left and right of center.) In Israel, “the first reaction to any political statement by an expat is often not to debate the expat’s argument, but their right to even express an opinion,” says Eldad Beck, an Israeli journalist based in Berlin. “This mentality needs to go, whether the prime minister stays or not.” Why, then, are we prepared to travel thousands of miles to vote in Israel, where we haven’t lived in years? And why do some of us do this, then lazily opt out of voting in the countries where we do make our homes? Maximillian Marco Katz, an Israeli citizen and activist against anti-Semitism in his native Romania, says he wouldn’t make a special trip to vote there, although he will for Israel. “The truth is, in Romania I was told too often that I don’t belong, even though I grew up here,” Katz says. “I served in Israel, I fought in Israel. My children are there. I’m a Zionist above all and it’s my home, so of course I will vote.” The relatively dramatic nature of just about any Israeli election—it’s often a close race with serious security implications—certainly helps attract the devotion of some expat voters. Merav Shtifman, an Israeli businessman from Amsterdam, will travel to Israel for two days just to vote. She cited her belief that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is implicated in several alleged corruption scandals, is a danger to Israeli society. “There is no alternative to replacing this ruler,” writes Shtifman, who will vote for Blue and White, the newly formed

ISRAEL center-left party led by Benny Gantz and Yair Lapid, which is neck and neck with Netanyahu’s Likud in the polls. “I don’t think he cares about what’s good for the country, only about his personal survivability [in power.]” Katz, by contrast, says the allegations against Netanyahu have a minor influence on his decision making, though he has not decided whether to vote for him or for Blue and White. “I live in a country with many corruption scandals,” he says. “I’ve learned to disregard them until a court hands down a verdict. There’s too much risk for manipulation otherwise.” Torn and undecided about whom to vote for, Katz says Netanyahu has “elevated Israel to new heights in terms of its international status, economy and security, but neglected vital internal issues like health, socioeconomic gaps and education.” Meital Davidsen, a repeat expat voter from Denmark, will vote Labour not necessarily against Netanyahu, she says, but for its “great legislative work, which corresponds with my values.” Like Katz, Davidsen has decided to suspend her verdict on the allegations facing Netanyahu until a court delivers its own. “It’s only fair to give him the right to fight for his name and not be the judge and jury,” Davidsen writes of Netanyahu to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. “Though I never believed in his agenda nor agreed with his way of managing the country, I don’t think he is a traitor as others claims. But he lost his way a long time ago.” Beck will fly in to vote for Netanyahu.

to effectively cancel each other’s vote by “The left has not internalized the lespicking opposing candidates. sons of its failed policy of concessions” Looking up our designated ballots in to the Palestinians, he says. “That makes Israel, I remembered with a pang of guilt it dangerous. And Netanyahu and his sitting out the 2017 Dutch elections. I Cabinet have brought Israel to unprechad the voting slip ready and then went edented achievements in security and gardening or something and simply forgot diplomacy. I’m voting to protect it.” all about it. Beck is less nonchaAs for my dad, who is lant than many other also a Dutch citizen, well, Israeli expats about he chivalrously donates his voting in Europe. vote in the Dutch elections “I basically make a to his wife—she tells him point of participating in percent of the world’s who to vote for. (“We’re every election where I countries allow citizens both lefties, so whatever,” am eligible to vote,” says to vote abroad as he explains it.) Beck, a dual citizen of To my father, the Austria and Israel. “The stakes are compellingly difference is, Austria higher in Israel because of makes an effort to allow threats to its security. Yet me to vote wherever I am. this time around, security Israel does not.” (Austria played a marginal role in his electoral allows voting by mail. The Netherlands choice, I reminded him. even allows citizens to empower others to “You’re right,” he says. “I guess it’s all vote for them.) about an emotional attachment that I have This time around, I booked my ticket over there, but not here.” The son of Polish from Amsterdam, where I’ve been living Holocaust survivors, he also regards Israel since 2010, days after the early elections as a contingency, he says . were set for April 9. I’ve learned that even As for me, my attachment to Israel is off season, waiting any longer means forsimple: Rising anti-Semitism and xenofeiting all hope of finding a direct flight phobia here and throughout Europe give and submitting myself to exorbitant prices me little reason to believe that our two for a connection—thanks to other Israelis small children, whom my wife and I are flying from Amsterdam to Tel Aviv close raising as pro-Israel, pro-American Jews, to the elections. will feel at home in the Netherlands when One of them is my own father, Israel they come of age in about 20 years. This Lifshitz. When elections come around, we belief informs the importance I attach often travel together. Sometimes we vote to voting in Israel, a country they might for the same party, other times we don’t someday call home. and sometimes, ridiculously, we travel


Israel’s president thanks Justin Trudeau for Canada’s support against BDS and anti-Semitism Marcy Oster


sraeli President Reuven Rivlin met in Ottawa with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and thanked him for his country’s strong stance against BDS and anti-Semitism. Rivlin met Trudeau for a working meeting on Monday, April 1 as part of a state visit to Canada. Rivlin noted Trudeau’s “clear and forthright position against anti-Semitism and discrimination of all forms” and expressed his expectation that Canada would oppose any unilateral Palestinian moves against Israel and discrimination of Israel in international organizations, according to a statement from the President’s Office. They also discussed Iran and its destabilization of the entire region. “The world cannot allow Iran to extend its influence over the region,” Rivlin said. “The only way to halt Iran’s plans is by concerted international pressure and targeted military action whenever needed.” Later in the day, the leaders laid a wreath at the Holocaust memorial in Ottawa. Rivlin also spoke at a dinner with leaders of the Canadian Jewish community, where he was joined by Trudeau, and was the guest of honor at a Salute to Israel event organized by Jewish Federations of Canada-UIA and Israel Bonds, also attended by Trudeau. (JTA) | April 8, 2019 | Jewish News | 7

israel Netanyahu escorts Brazil’s president on Western Wall visit in historic break from protocol

Janice Kaplan

Marcus M. Gilban

JERUSALEM ( JTA)—Brazil’s president visited the Western Wall on Monday, April 1, escorted by Israel’s prime minister in what may be seen as tacit recognition of the Israeli sovereignty over that part of Jerusalem’s Old City. “We are here in this sacred place, where my soul feels deeply moved by the faith,” Jair Bolsonaro said. “This is the base of everything if we want to think about peace to our peoples.” The ardently pro-Israel Christian leader and right-wing populist, whose four-day visit to the Jewish state began Sunday, March 31, became the first head of state to tour the most sacred place of Judaism at the side of an Israeli prime minister. Protocol usually dictates that visits by heads of state to the site in the Old City are treated as private affairs. In 2017, for example, President Donald Trump treated his visit to the site as a private one.

Less than two weeks before Israel’s elections, Netanyahu was eager to be seen in the company of a world leader who has said he is prepared to move his embassy to Jerusalem. “We’re visited by the great leader of the world. Israel is becoming a central power. Jerusalem is the center of the world. Welcome, my good friend,” Netanyahu said. The Israeli prime minister greeted Bolsonaro as he stepped off his airplane, which was seen as a special deference. He also made room on his agenda to be with the Brazilian president at six events. Bolsonaro opened his first speech by saying “Ani ohev et Israel,” Hebrew for “I love Israel.” He signed six bilateral agreements and announced a new Brazilian “business office” to be opened in Jerusalem. “I hope that is a first step toward the opening, in time, of the Brazilian Embassy in Jerusalem,” Netanyahu declared in reference to Bolsonaro’s campaign pledge to transfer the embassy.

Israeli plan to partially decriminalize marijuana possession goes into effect JERUSALEM (JTA)—A plan to partially decriminalize marijuana possession went into effect in Israel. Under the plan, which went into effect at midnight on Monday, April 1, use and possession of marijuana in small amounts in personal homes is not an offense. Possession in public of amounts for personal use will result in a fine of about $275 for a first-time offense and double for the second offense. A third offense within seven years will trigger a criminal investigation, or loss of driver’s or gun license. Personal use is defined by the country’s Anti-Drug Authority as about 15 grams, though the reform legislation does not name a specific amount. Those with permission to possess cannabis for medical use must be able to present their license to police if confronted in public. The new marijuana reform does not apply to soldiers, minors, or those with

8 | Jewish News | April 8, 2019 |

a criminal record. Minors will, however, be directed to rehabilitation programs as opposed to entering the criminal justice system. The plan was adopted in 2017 by Knesset after the recommendations of a panel set up by Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan. The reform legislation is temporary and will last three years at which point the Knesset can decide to make it permanent. Israel had already increased the number of doctors who can write prescriptions for medical cannabis, removed limits on the number of marijuana growers, made cannabis available at public pharmacies, and made it possible to receive medical cannabis with just a doctor’s prescription. In December, 2018 the Knesset passed legislation legalizing the export of medical marijuana.


JFS receives grant to make Kids Connection inclusive Amy Cobb


ewish Family Service of Tidewater recently received a grant to work in collaboration with Simon Family JCC to develop a fully inclusive after-school program. The grant supports the initial development and implementation of inclusive programming for children with special needs within the Simon Family JCC’s Kids Connection program, a before and after-school enrichment program that provides a safe, fun, and educational experience for children Pre-K through sixth grade. This grant makes it possible to provide opportunities for students of all abilities to participate in Kids Connection. Thanks to the grant, the additional support/enrichment is provided at no additional cost for families. The inclusive programming is an expansion of the Yachad summer camp program which has been a part of the JCC for more than 22 years. Each summer, Yachad supports an average of 25 children who experience a variety of developmental, physical, and/or emotional needs. Within the Yachad program, specially trained staff, referred to as “shadows,� are at the camp to provide support and accommodations to campers, facilitate friendships, and encourage participation. When JFS initially worked in collaboration with the JCC to develop the Yachad summer camp program, its success could not have been predicted. JFS’ Michelle Fenley, LCSW, who has been instrumental in the development of both programs, says, “The Yachad program has not only grown and continued to exist, it has provided a fun and nurturing camp experience to so many children in Tidewater. “It has been a hope of mine for many years that our community could expand and broaden the fully-inclusive environment that the Yachad summer camp program creates,� says Fenley. “My heart is so happy that this grant program has provided another step forward for us in being able to welcome and embrace people

of all abilities within our facilities and programs.� Similar to Yachad, Kids Connection will now employ specialty staff to provide academic and social support for the children. Mary Beth Britten, the first hired Inclusion Specialist within Kids Connection, supports students with social, physical, and academic needs. Plans call for an additional Inclusion Specialist.

Children are getting the support they need to have a memorable after-care experience.

Sarah Cooper, program manager of Kids Connection, says, “We’re so grateful for this inclusion program through JFS. It’s comforting to know that children are getting the support they need to have a memorable after-care experience. Mary Beth blends right in with the other counselors and the children are drawn to her!� For more information, contact Sarah Cooper at 757-321-2306. This program was made possible by a private grant administered by the Network of Jewish Human Services Agencies, and with generous matching donor support by Marilyn Simon Weinberg and Amy Goldberg of the Marilyn & Marvin Simon Philanthropic Fund, the Bartel Family Philanthropic Fund, and the Tidewater Jewish Foundation Community Impact Grant Fund. Matching contributions for this grant are still needed. To learn how to help support youth with special needs enjoy an inclusive after-school and summer camp experience, contact Kelly Burroughs, JFS CEO, at 757-321-2244.

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May 27 issue To advertise, call 757.965.6100 or email | April 8, 2019 | Jewish News | 9

tidewater First Person

Men’s trip to the Rebbe’s Ohel Jason Silverstein


ts dark and cold, and practically the middle of the night. It’s 4:30 am on Wednesday, January 16 and this morning, I’m standing with a group of eight others, ready to embark on a journey unlike any other I’ve experienced. To be honest, as we load the minibus, which will take us on a whirlwind trip to New York, I’m not quite sure what to expect. For starters, this trip’s itinerary is very different than one might expect of a trip to New York. It doesn’t include sporting events, the symphony, or even restaurants. Instead, we’ll be driving up to visit “the Ohel,”—the resting place of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s in Queens. That’s because the Hebrew date is the 10th of Shevat. The 10th of Shevat, or

“Yud Shevat” is the yahrtzeit of the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, who passed away in New York in 1950. Exactly one year later, his son-in-law Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson accepted the Chabad leadership, and set about transforming the face of modern world Jewry. Like thousands of others, we will be visiting the Ohel to mark this auspicious day on the calendar. Thank G-d, our trip progresses smoothly. After we catch some sleep, Rabbi Zalman Margolin presents a brief biography of the Previous Rebbe, who despite tremendous persecution in Europe, worked tirelessly and made tremendous sacrifices to keep the flame of Judaism alive under the most trying circumstances. Even after narrowly escaping the inferno of WWII and witnessing the

tragic decimation of European Jewry, he arrived in New York in 1940, where he declared, “America is no different.” He taught that even in the United States, Judaism is as alive and relevant as ever for every Jew. Upon his passing in 1950, the Previous Rebbe’s chassidim implored his son-in-law, Rabbi Menachem Mendel, to accept the Chabad leadership. Though reluctant at first, “The Rebbe,” as he became known, formally acquiesced exactly one year later on 10 Shevat, 1951, by delivering his first Chassidic Discourse, “Bati Le’gani.” This discourse in Yiddish, of which we were privileged to hear a recording, is part of the Rebbe’s inaugural address, encouraging his followers to continue in the ways of his father-in-law, and to transform the darkness of the world into a Divine garden.

Jason Silverstein at the newly found resting place of his great grandfather.

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10 | Jewish News | April 8, 2019 |



Rabbi Roz Mandelberg

“Ohef Sholom has been here for 175 years, since 1844, but of course I haven’t been there since then. I’ve been here since 2005. The community is our extended family. We’re all responsible for one another. That’s what community means. Personal relationships are important. We get better service from local businesses. They work with us and they care about us, we’re not just a name on a form.”

In front of 770, Lubavitch World Headquarters: Top row: Ross Kravtsov, Boruch Levy, Jason Silverstein; middle row: Rabbi Levi Brashevitzky, Rabbi Zalman Margolin, Yehoshua Weinstein, Don Hornstein, Max Siegel; front row: Shalom Brashevitzky.

students, rabbis, families, and many, many others—as we wait in line for our turn to pray at the Rebbe’s resting place for more than two hours, and we recite psalms and other prayers, each of us reflecting on our lives and how they could be better—mater ially and spiritually. Praying at the Rebbe’s resting place alongside others of the thousands Finally, the moment that visited that day. arrives. We are ushered into the Ohel, and given a few Our first stop is Chabad of Wilmington, minutes to read our pidyon, a customary Delaware, where we are warmly welnote placed on the graveside of a tzadik, comed by Rabbi Chuni Vogel, who joins asking the Rebbe to plead for Divine us for Shacharit, and treats us to hot tea mercy for us and our loved ones. and coffee. (Due to the solemnity of the In these moments, I feel a profound occasion, there’s a custom to not eat food sense of connection, to my soul, to my before visiting the resting place of the people, and to my ancestors. righteous, though drinks are okay.) An amazing bonus of the trip for me, is Back in our minibus, Rabbi Levi visiting the resting place of my great-grandBrashevitzky presented a fascinating father, Harry Saperstein. He tragically glimpse into the teachings of the Rebbe passed away in 1924 at age 33. On the and the Previous Rebbe, accompanied by way to New York, with a bit of Internet soul stirring Chassidic melodies. After a research, I was excited to learn he was couple of hours, we arrive at the Ohel. buried in the same cemetery I was about to What an incredible feeling, to join litvisit. I wondered if I might be able to find erally thousands of others—yeshivah

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his resting place, which neither myself or my mother had ever been to. After some quick shuffling through the winding paths of Montefiore Cemetery, Rabbi Levi, Josh Weinstein, and myself locate it. And then, before I knew it, our time is up. We get some lunch and head to Brooklyn for a quick tour of Lubavitch World Headquarters, or “770,” as it is commonly referred to. We see where for decades, the Rebbe prayed, studied, and presided over a movement that has brought Jewish awareness, warmth, and

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enthusiasm across the globe. Finally, we visit a wonderful upscale Kosher Supermarket, boasting a fully stocked butcher section, sushi, and a fantastic array of gourmet takeout. We stock up for the journey home and are once again on our way. Seven hours later, or 21 hours after our departure, we arrive back at Chabad in Ghent. It may have been cold and dark again on the outside, but inside, our souls are on fire. | April 8, 2019 | Jewish News | 11

it’s a Wrap

$17-million reasons to celebrate

Community gathers to celebrate second year of the LIFE & LEGACY ™ program Kaitlyn Oelsner


idewater Jewish Foundation (TJF) honored its community partners and donors at the 2nd annual LIFE & LEGACY event on Monday, March 18. The evening celebrated the success of the philanthropic program that has so far, secured 450 new commitments and raised more than $17-million in future gifts for the local Jewish community. More than 130 community leaders, volunteers, and donors gathered at the

Simon Family JCC to celebrate. Guests enjoyed cocktails, a photo booth, and music by local band, Fretomology, and program leaders shared their LIFE & LEGACY stories. Representatives from nine partner organizations gathered to share in each other’s successes, strengthen community connections, and reflect on the first two years of the program. Thanks to the strong leadership and volunteer efforts by these organizations, the LIFE & LEGACY program has transformed the philanthropic

landscape in the Tidewater community. Britt Simon says a Legacy gift means carrying on a long tradition of philanthropy and honors his late father, Marvin Simon. “By signing up to be a donor in life or have a promised endowment gift as your legacy, you will be creating a stronger future by investing in this community for a brighter tomorrow, just as my Dad did.” A four-year partnership between TJF and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, LIFE & LEGACY provides the structure and support for Jewish communities to expand their planned giving and endowment programs. TJF is the lead local partner selected by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation to participate in the program. Tidewater is one of 58 communities across North America participating in the initiative. Since its inception just six years ago, these communities have secured more than 23,000 Legacy commitments, worth nearly $1 billion to strengthen Jewish futures. Scott Kaplan, TJF president and CEO, worked with Harold Grinspoon more than 15 years ago. “Harold taught me that, ‘a rising tide raises all ships,’ and

this is how our Jewish community, here in Tidewater, is working together to raise the collective tide of our agencies and synagogues,” Kaplan says. One of the reasons this program is so successful is because it opens up the endowment process to anyone—regardless of wealth or age—to make a lasting impact and give a gift that will benefit their children, grandchildren, and future generations. The keynote speakers for the evening, Alyssa and Jonathan Muhlendorf said, “Endowment gifts allow our Jewish organizations to plan for the future because there is a guaranteed income of funds… it costs us just a few thousand dollars a year to guarantee the delivery of a ton of money in the future.” “If you or a loved one wants to make a meaningful difference in the future of this community, the LIFE & LEGACY program can make that dream a reality,” says Kaplan. As Britt Simon said, “It takes a village—spread the word to others to let them know how easy and rewarding it is to create your Jewish legacy today and strengthen our future tomorrow.” For more information about participating in LIFE & LEGACY, contact Kaitlyn Oelsner at or 757-965-6103.

Legacy Team members from all community partners.

Britt Simon makes remarks.

Hebrew Academy of Tidewater: Patti Seeman, Heather Moore, Rachel Abrams, and Babbi Bangel.

12 | Jewish News | April 8, 2019 |

Beth Sholom Village: Jay Kossman, Neal Friedman, and David Abraham.

it’s a Wrap

Fretomology band. Beth El: Gary and Elena Baum, Pam Gladstone, Sam Werbel, Ina Leiderman, Stanley Samuels, Wendi Fried, Marty Leiderman, Diane Werbel, Alex Pomerantz, Marcia Samuels, David Kamer, Linda Samuels, Betty Ann Levin, Brad Bangel, Ed Karotkin, and Fred Gross.

Alyssa and Jonathan Muhlendorf. Marian Ticatch and Ashley Zittrain.

Tidewater Jewish Foundation professional staff and leadership: Craig Bailey, Kaitlyn Oelsner, Ann Swindell, Jody Wagner, vice chair, Lawrence Steingold, chair, Scott Kaplan, and Randy Parrish.

Local community partners • Beth Sholom Village • Chabad of Tidewater • Congregation Beth El • Hebrew Academy of Tidewater • Jewish Family Service • Ohef Sholom Temple • Temple Emanuel • United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and the Simon Family JCC Chabad of Tidewater: Karen Smith, Rabbi Aron Margolin, and Rabbi Levi Brashevitzky.

Amy Levy, Don London, and Stephanie Callout. | April 8, 2019 | Jewish News | 13


Colonial Williamsburg Foundation acquires first Judaica objects


he Colonial Williamsburg Foundation recently added several objects of Judaica to its collections: a sterling silver and gold Kiddush cup and a silver and gold yad (Torah pointer). These mark the first such objects in the Foundation’s holdings and reflect the curators’ efforts to acquire objects and address the stories of all early Americans. Other objects representing the early Anglo-American experience also were acquired, including an alphabet sampler created by a Jewish schoolgirl and Chinese porcelain pieces that were owned by prominent London Jewish families. “Because we use these objects to tell the compelling stories of early Americans, we seek to acquire things that speak to the full range of their experiences, whatever their race, religion, gender, age, or cultural ethnicity may have been,” says Ronald L. Hurst, the Foundation’s Carlisle Humelsine, chief

curator and vice president for Collections, Conservation, and Museums. The silver objects indicate that Judaism was more prevalent in early America than most people realize. They also span the realms of public and private worship, as Kiddush cups are used both at home and as part of congregational worship, while the yad is primarily used in a synagogue. The Kiddush cup, probably made by Willia m Harrison I (active ca. 1758-1781) in London about 1775, was the first piece of silver Judaica to be added to the Colonial Williamsburg collection. It is engraved with three lines of Hebrew, “Remember the Sabbath day, and sanctify it,” within a shield suspended from a bow-knot and flanked by slender foliate sprays. The yad, which literally means “hand,” can be interpreted as a representation of the hand of God and is used as a pointer during Torah readings, which allows the rabbi to

14 | Jewish News | April 8, 2019 |

Torah Pointer (Yad), Birmingham, England, 1843-1844, silver and gold (gilding).

follow the text without physically touching the sacred scrolls. Made in Birmingham, England, between 1843-1844, the yad is made of silver with gold gilding, which was the predominant material used to make yads since the early 1600s. The significance of the alphabet sampler by Rachel Cole (1854-1922) is the story of its maker. Born in Chicago, the daughter of one of the city’s earliest Jewish

families, Cole’s mother, Sarah Frank, was an immigrant from Germany, and her father, Samuel Cole, was an immigrant from Austria and a co-founder of the Kehilath Anshe Ma’ariv (K.A.M.) congregation, which became Chicago’s first Jewish synagogue. The prominent Sephardic Jewish D’Aguilar family were London merchants and sugar planters in the 18th century. This hard-paste porcelain stand, made in Jingdezhen, China, around 1795, is decorated with the family’s crest. To view other images go to Information about the Art Museums and Colonial Williamsburg, as well as tickets are available at, by calling 855-296-6627 and by following Colonial Williamsburg on Facebook and @colonialwmsburg on Twitter and Instagram.

Passover 5779 Supplement to Jewish News April 8, 2019 | April 8, 2019 | Passover | Jewish News | 15

16 | Jewish News | Passover | April 8, 2019 |

Passover Dear Readers,


assover is in the air. The kinda light, kinda panic feeling arrives each year along

with the blossoms and warmer temps. The sense that something good, some-

thing unifying, uplifting, and yes, even that something happy is about to take place, comes with Passover—even, and maybe especially, for those who host Seders—those are the people who also experience the panic. For weeks now, the new Haggadot that have been appearing (pages 18 and 26) in my mail—both traditional and digital—are additional clear signs that the holiday is approaching. The Passover sections that are up in the markets, the new recipes being shared, and the plans to kasher homes are still more indications that yes, it’s almost time for the most observed of Jewish holidays. In a new twist on the once very traditional Jewish festival, an array of ‘matzah clothing’ is now available. Bibs, dog bandanas, socks, dresses, and t-shirts can be found on sites such as Etsy and Amazon. One of my favorites is a reversible kippah… bagels on one side and matzah on the other. Who knew the holiday about the Exodus would inspire such merchandising opportunities? What would my grandfather think? At United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, we really know it is time for Passover when someone from Chabad, this year, Rabbi Levi Brashevitsy, delivers a gift of a box of handmade Shmurah Matzah. The round, usually burnt matzah doesn’t taste like much, but it certainly adds a dimension of authenticity to the Seder. My family always loves it.

Every Passover Elijah has a standing invitation. No matter what. We open our door. Set a place at our table. And fill his cup. This year, let’s do the same for those in need. No matter what. Please give to United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, you’ll be helping your Jewish community at home and around the world. And you’ll be opening up our Jewish future too.

No matter your approach to Passover, all of us at Jewish News hope that it is mostly on the light, peaceful side…and that any panic is over by the time you sit down for the first night’s Seder on Friday, April 19. Chag Sameach,

Terri Denison Editor | April 8, 2019 | Passover | Jewish News | 17

Passover It’s true: there’s a crazy Haggadah for everyone

Wishing you

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18 | Jewish News | Passover | April 8, 2019 |

Terri Denison


rowing up, my family used either a Haggadah from Maxwell House or one published by Barton’s Candy. It wasn’t until I was a young adult did I realize that other options even existed. In recent years, at the Jewish Museum in Paris and the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, I’ve seen Haggadot dating to the 14th century and earlier…reminding me that yes, there were Haggadot before Maxwell House arrived on the scene. Today, the options for selecting a Haggadah feel nearly endless, ranging from the most traditional and ornate to the silly. Plus, they are available at every possible price point. Enter once again, Maxwell House, which is offering a ‘Marvelous Mrs. Maisel’ Haggadah this year. The coffee company’s pink l i m i t e d - e d i t io n version of its Haggadah features illustrations and other shtick based on the wildly successful Amazon show about an aspiring Jewish comedian and her family of Jewish relatives in late 1950s New York City. The “Maisel” Haggadah is a throwback to the earlier edition of the Haggadah that the company has offered as a holiday giveaway since 1932. Illustrations of Midge Maisel and other characters are scattered throughout, which also has handwritten notations by Rachel Brosnahan’s character, as well as faux wine stains. The limited-run Haggadot are available to those who order Maxwell House coffee via, where else, but Also, via Amazon, Dave Cowen sent me his two latest Haggadahs. Last year’s

The Trump Passover Haggadah and this season’s Yada Yada Haggadah. Depending on which side of the table you’re on, so to speak, The Trump Passover Haggadah is either hysterical or horrible. I can’t imagine wanting that much politics—funny or not—at my Passover table, but that’s personal preference, for sure. It does include some prayers and as The Forward noted, it is “some (what) SNL-worthy.” Written as a parody of the Seinfeld television show, the Yada Yada Haggadah, is mainly ridiculous — though with enough of the blessings, it could be an option— especially for a Jerry, Elaine, Kramer, and George adoring crowd who don’t want to take the evening too seriously. I guess when it comes to Haggadot, at least to date, there’s no dayenu!

Passover JCC’s Annual Senior Seder welcomes all seniors Thursday, April 18, 11:30 am, Simon Family JCC


oin Rabbi Israel Zoberman and seniors of all faiths for a Seder and traditional Passover meal at the Simon Family JCC’s Annual Senior Seder. Open to the entire senior community, sing and learn about this important Jewish holiday with opportunities for participation. Generous funding provided for the Senior Seder through the Joseph Fleishmann Memorial Fund of the Tidewater Jewish Foundation. Lunch and Seder is $10. Registration is required by April 11. It can be done at the Simon Family JCC front desk, by calling 321-2338, or at

Virginia Beach Jewish News

10.0" x 5.375" For more information on this event and other Seniors programs, contact Sheryl Luebke Simon Family March JCC Seniors program coordinator, at 321-2334 or Due: 22, 2019

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3/20/19 3:02 PM | April 8, 2019 | Passover | Jewish News | 19

Happy Passover from Tidewater Jewish Foundation

As we tell the Passover story, we honor and thank our Legacy donors who have committed themselves to the future of our Jewish community Bertram Aaron Laurent Abitbol Rachel & David Abraham Rachel & Marc Abrams Adelle & Herman Adler Helen & Warren Aleck Janice Aleck Kimberley & C. Earl Allsbrook Sylva B. Altschul* Jasmine Amitay Tamar & Rabbi Jeffrey Arnowitz Patricia & Avraham Ashkenazi Leslie M. Auerbach Rosalyn Levy August Jody Balaban Linda & Leigh Baltuch Babbi & Brad Bangel Bessie Banks Roslyn & Michael Barney Elena & Gary Baum Bobby & Jack Barr* Helen Jayne & Melvin Barr* Dolores & Alan Bartel Gary Bartel Marlene Bass Susan & Jon Becker Linda* & Calvin Belkov Marcia & Amos Berkovich Beth Hirsh Berman Carol & William Bernstein Roy Beskin Frances Levy Birshtein Paula & Michael Blachman Leyba* & Herman Blumenthal Moira Wright Bodner Bonnie & David Brand Rashi & Rabbi Levi Brashevitzky Isabel G. & Louis Brenner Bernice & Percy Brill* Edmund Brodie* Wendy Jo Einhorn Brodsky & Ronald Brodsky Eleanor & Leonard Brooke

Marjorie & Robert Brotman Beryl & Steven Brown Kelly Burroughs Aaron Busch* Marilyn & Stuart Buxbaum Stephanie Calliott Rose & Armond Caplan* Jeffrey Chernitzer Rita Cogan* Leo Cohen Ronnie Lynn Jacobs Cohen Ruth & Aaron Cohen Sol W. Cohen* Barbara & Harvey Coleman Jean* & Allan Comess Raizy & Rabbi Velvel Cook Allison & Jeff Cooper Minette & Charles Cooper Monica & John Cooper Ann & Robert Copeland Robin & Todd Copeland Stuart Davis Lisa & Mark Delevie Renee & Arthur Diamonstein Judy & Larry Dobrinsky Allan Donn Ronald Dozoretz Abby & Mark Draluck Mark Dreyfus Leora & Nathan Drory Bronia Drucker* Barbara Dudley Ingrid & David Edery Lois & Barry Einhorn Devorah & Morris Elstein Dianne Epplein Thelma Fantuch* Mary & William Feldman Freda & Jules Feuer* Barbara & Andrew Fine Jan & Morris Fine Karen & Matthew Fine Hyman Fine*

Minnie S. Fine* Kim & Andrew Fink Mandi & Ross Firoved Gail & Joel Flax Mona & Jeffrey Flax Anne Fleder Esther & Alan Fleder Gail Fleder Joseph Fleischmann* Nataly & Seth Fleishman Barbara Fletcher* Kristy & Adam Foleck Sandra & Pete Forte-Nickenig Helen Frank Rita Frank Edwin Franklin Barbara Fried Cantor Wendi & Gigi Fried Harry Fried Kathleen & Walter Fried* Claire & Marvin Friedberg Beverly & Alan Frieden Jodie & Jack Frieden Rosa Frieden* Celia & Jay Friedman Debbie & Mark Friedman Jerome Friedman Leslie Friedman Shari Dozoretz Friedman Ann & Louis Friedman* Fannie & Milton Friedman* Margaret & Leonard Frierman Penny & David Gallo Sidney Gates* Karen Gershman Helen G. Gifford* Amy Ginsburg Pam & Arty Gladstone Barbara & Izaak Glasser Martha Mednick-Glasser Rose Frances Glasser* Hara Glasser-Frei Pearl Glassman*

Gail L. & Donald Gogan William Goldback* Farideh & Norman Goldin Charles Goldman Elaine Goldman Jane Klein Goldman Beatrice & Harry Goldman* Bootsie & Morty* Goldmeier Lawrence Goldrich Martha & Robert Goodman Victor Goodman* Janet* & Daniel Gordon Paula & James Gordon Freda & Tavia Gordon* Joyce & Harry Graber Helene & Bernie Grablowsky William Greene* Helen & Yehudah Griffin Laura & Fred Gross Louis Grossman Sharon & Michael Grossman Rose Ann Grossman* Chamie & Rabbi Sender Haber Fay & Norris Halpern* Jeri Jo & William Halprin Amie & Byron Harrell Susan C. Alper & Steven J. Harwood Mickey & Stuart Held Zena Herod Denise & Jason Hoffman Marcia Hofheimer Thomas Hofheimer* Barbara & Lester Horwitz Brenda & Abbey Horwitz Susan & Howard Horwitz Connie & Marc* Jacobson Nancy Sacks Jacobson & Edwin* Jacobson Beth & Nathan Jaffe Karen Jaffe Michael Jaffe Lee & Bernard Jaffe*

Rose & Joseph Jaffe* Carol & Joel Jason Sheila & Robert Josephberg Dorothy & Howard* Kahn Eileen & Stewart Kahn Marcia Samuels & David Kamer H. Lee Kanter* Kathy & Jerry Kantor Reatha & Barry Kantor Bruce Kaplan Erica & Scott Kaplan Bernice & Milton Kaplan* Libbie & Albert Kaplan* Phyllis & Arthur Kaplan* Roberta Joy Kaps Mimi & Warren Karesh Betsy & Ed Karotkin Florence Karp* Melissa & Aaron Kass Juliet A. Katz Alene and Ron Kaufman Linda Kaufman Ted G. Kaufman Marilyn & Steven Kayer Debra Keeling Reva & Lee Kelberg* Marissa & Benjay Kempner Arlene & Isidoro Kessel Arlene & Howard Kesser Janna & Arnold Kestenbaum Jodi & Jay Klebanoff Hanna & William Klebanoff* Esther & Andrew Kline Sofia & David Konikoff Melanie & Alex Kordis Joyce & Jay Kossman Anne & Edward Kramer Cindy & Ron Kramer Milton Kramer* Rabbi Marc Kraus Celia Krichman* Irwin Kroskin Sylvia & David Krug*

Thank you to our LIFE & LEGACY™ program partners

Beth Sholom Village • Chabad of Tidewater • Congregation Beth El • Hebrew Academy of Tidewater Jewish Family Service of Tidewater • Ohef Sholom Temple • Temple Emanuel • Toras Chaim United Jewish Federation of Tidewater/Simon Family JCC 20 | Jewish News | Passover | April 8, 2019 |

Adel & David* Kruger Sue & Jeff Kurtz Nichole & David Kushner Alma & Howard Laderberg* Phyllis & David Lannik Robert Lansing Selma & Leon Leach* Mavolyn B. & Sanford L. Lefcoe* Edward Legum Leslie* & Jay Legum Lorna & Steven Legum Ina & Martin Leiderman Corrie Lentz Lisa & David Leon Telsa* & Arnold Leon Betty Ann & Scott Levin Merle* & Leonard Levine Natalie Levinson* Amy & Kirk Levy Gail & Joel Lewis Mark Lipton Sara & Rabbi Gershon Litt Elayne & Jeffrey Littman Robert Liverman Rabbi Dr. Mordechai Loiterman Karen & Richard Lombart Jason Lovitz Marcia Lovitz Bernard Lubschutz* Joseph Lust Herman Mallick* Rabbi Rosalin Mandelberg B. Thomas Mansbach Raizel & Rabbi Shmuel Margolin Rychel & Rabbi Aron Margolin Martin Marin Paola & Noah Matilsky Deborah & Jerry Meltsner Shaina Ettel & Rabbi Yitzchak Menda Janet W. Mercadante Ellen & Bryan Mesh George Metzger Laura & Jerry Miller Hallie Miller* Heather & Doug Moore Melvin Morrison* Marcia & Burton Moss Alyssa & Jonathan Muhlendorf Sara & Norbert Newfield Mimi & Frederic* Nicholson Alan Nordlinger Rosalind & Harry Norkin* Sharon & Bill Nusbaum Joan Nusbaum* Lois & Bertram Nusbaum* Robert Nusbaum*

Marlene Nusbuam Nancy & Charlie Nusbuam Carolyn & Charles Osman* Kelli Anne & Bryan Pace Abbey Pachter John Patton Pincus Paul* Charitable Trust Nancy & Stanley Peck Stephanie & Paul Peck Alex Pomerantz Erinn & Felix Portnoy M. David & Rona Proser Eleanor & Julian Rashkind* Ann & Allen* Richter Zelma & Bernard Rivin* Gina & Neil Rose Rose & Kurt Rosenbach Diane & Malcolm* Rosenberg Judith Rosenblatt Sharon & Gene Ross Beverly & Louis Rostov* Joanne Batson & Philip Rovner Judy & Robert Rubin Abraham Rubin* Malka & Rabbi Gavriel Rudin Paula Russel Sarita & Bert Sachs Annabel & Hal* Sacks Ada S. Salsbury Linda & Stanley Samuels Annie Sandler Toni Sandler Reba & Sam Sandler* Judy Saperstein Terri & Lonny Sarfan Laure & Richard Saunders Natalie* & Larry Saunders Margaret & William Sawyer Rachel Schoenbaum Joanna & Craig Schranz Elaine & Joash Schulman Peter Schulman Helen* & Buzzy Schulwolf Ruby & William Schwarzschild Ruth Schwetz* Miriam & Bob Seeherman Patti & Paul Seeman Deborah & Peter Segaloff Lynn & Robert Seltzer Sandy & Norman Sher Carol & Lois Sherman Annette Shore* Laurie Goldsticker & Gary Siegel Leslie & Lawrence Siegel Marilyn & Kenneth Siegel Barry Simon Marilyn & Marvin* Simon

How will your story be told to future generations?

Find out how to create your legacy by visiting

or by contacting Kaitlyn Oelsner, or 965.6103 or Scott Kaplan,, or 965.6109 Shelly & Britt Simon Simon Family Foundation Cheryl & Harris Sloane Jill & Larry Smith Karen Smith Pamela & Louis Snyder Harry Snyder* Helen & Daniel Sonenshine Norman Soroko Linda & Ron Spindel Deborah E. Stadlin Alan Stein Jane Stein Michal & Rabbi Yisroel Stein Robert Stein Jean & Ira Steingold Joseph Steingold Lawrence Steingold Tara Sundgaard & Neal Stern Robert Stern* Randi Strelitz Renee & John Strelitz

Joyce & Leonard Strelitz* Burle Stromberg Steven Suskin Sandra Tabachnick Kevin & Gary Tabakin Marcy & Paul Terkeltaub Marian Bear Ticatch Linda & Alan Troy Hilary Truman Nancy Tucker Jody & Alan Wagner Patti Wainger Nancy & Alvin Wall Doris Waranch Trudy & Martin Waranch Carol & Stanley Waranch* June & Oscar Warner* Lisa & Steven Warsof Herbert L. Weinberg* Barb Gelb & Kenny Weinstein Carol Downing & Lawrence Weinstein

Matthew Weinstein Miriam & Harry Weisberg* Diane & Sam Werbel Adam White Eric White Matthew White Harriet & Samuel White* Matthew & Valeria Williamson Dorothy* & Manuel Wyron Syvia Yavner* Steven Yetiv* Tina Yomtob Amy Zelenka Betty & Henry* Zetlin Dorothy Zimmerman Ashley & Greg Zittrain

*Of blessed memory Donors as of March 25, 2019

LIFE & LEGACY™ is jointly funded by the Tidewater Jewish Foundation and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation | April 8, 2019 | Passover | Jewish News | 21

Passover The ultimate Passover dessert is made with Peeps Lisa Keys

(Kveller via JTA)—Yes, I’m Jewish. And I love it. But I also have some serious Easter candy envy. I still remember one glorious Passover seder as a kid, when as a prize for finding

the afikomen, my grandfather gave my sister, my cousins and me a Cadbury Creme Egg. In my childhood mind, this was infinitely cooler than the silver dollars he usually gave us. The years (um, make that decades…) ticked by. My love of candy continued

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unabated. Meanwhile, I grew up and started hosting Passover seders of my own. Scarfing down Easter candy and having a seder happened every spring, without fail. But they happened independently of one another. Enter the amazing internet phenomenon of the Peeps Skillet S’mores, circa 2016. I somehow found it online, and my sister—once a member of a Peeps fan club—had the brilliant idea to serve it for the seder. Passover dessert has never been the same. For the uninitiated, Peeps Skillet S’mores are pretty much exactly what they sound like: They are the sticky, sweet

least some of our dreams come true. (Fun fact: Peeps are made by Just Born, the makers of one of my all-time favorites, Hot Tamales, a family-owned company in Pennsylvania with deep Jewish roots.) Unlike complicated Passover desserts like flourless cakes, the Peeps S’mores Skillet couldn’t be easier to make: You basically heat some whipping cream and pour it in a skillet. Add chocolate and decorate with Peeps. Stick the whole pan in a hot oven and, within minutes, you’ve got yourself some toasty spring sweetness. These Skillet S’mores are designed for dipping: You’re supposed to dip graham crackers into the skillet.

Passover Goods for Your Seder Table: Yehuda Matzo (5lb box) ............................................. $9.99/box Benzi Gefilte Fish ................................................... $6.99/loaf 1st Cut Kosher Briskets (frozen) ................................. $7.99/lb David Elliott Kosher Chicken (cut up) .......................... $2.99/lb Emprie Turkeys (frozen) ................................................. $3.39/lb Dagim Tilapia or Flounder (frozen)........................... $4.99/bag Manischevitz Cake Mizes .........................................$5.99/box

Wines for Passover Celebration: Manischewitz Wines(750 ml) ............................................................. $4.99 Terra Vega (750 ml - all varieties) ........................................................... $7.99 Gabrielle Wines Moscato, Merlot, Sauvignon, or Chardonnay (750 ml).................... $9.99

We also carry a full line of Passover desserts and candies, dairy products, and frozen items.

Have a Healthy and Enjoyable Passover! 22 | Jewish News | Passover | April 8, 2019 |

Teresa Boardman/Flickr

goodness everyone loves about s’mores, but cooked and served in an indoorfriendly skillet. And instead of boring old marshmallows, the melty mess of chocolate is topped with those pretty, pastel-colored Peeps. I’ll pause to acknowledge here that, yes, Peeps aren’t kosher for Passover. (In fact, they’re not kosher at all.) But for a not particularly observant family like mine— and one in which a majority of us have sweet teeth—serving the Peeps Skillet S’mores at our Passover seder has made at

But—c’mon, people!—it’s Passover. Serving graham crackers at a seder would be insanely inappropriate. So instead we use matzah. The bland crunchiness of the bread of affliction is the perfect compliment to the super-sweet, sticky, literal “hot mess” that is the Peeps S’mores Skillet. Try it—you’ll like it. Chag sameach and Happy Peepster! Lisa Keys is the editor of Kveller.


What it means to keep kosher for Passover MJL Staff

(My Jewish Learning via JTA)—Keeping kosher for Passover means abstaining from hametz, the fermented products of five principal grains: wheat, rye, spelt, barley, and oats. Though matzah, the unleavened bread eaten on Passover, is made from grain, it is produced under highly controlled conditions to ensure that it does not ferment. Ashkenazi Jews who keep kosher for Passover have also traditionally avoided eating kitniyot, a category of foods that includes corn, rice, beans, and lentils, though the Conservative movement’s rabbinic authorities overturned the kitniyot prohibition in 2015. Sephardic Jews do not abstain from kitniyot. A minority of Jews add an additional stringency by avoiding “gebrochts”—unleavened matzah products that become wet, such as matzah balls or matzah meal. Among observant Jews, it is common practice to avoid most processed food that is not explicitly labeled kosher for Passover. This is true even for products like cheese or juice that do not contain any hametz, but may have been processed in a plant alongside products containing hametz. Some products that are kosher year-round are modified slightly to be kosher for Passover—most famously Coca-Cola, which substitutes cane sugar for corn syrup in some regions over the holiday and is marked by a distinctive yellow cap. A guide to kosher-for-Passover foods is published each year by the Orthodox Union, which also maintains a searchable database of Passover foods on its website. The O.U. also has information on food products that can be used without explicit Passover certification. There are a range of additional practices common to Jews who keep kosher for Passover. Chief among them is ridding

the home of any hametz products. This is typically done in the days leading up to Passover when homes are cleaned of all hametz. For hametz products that are too valuable or difficult to discard, it is also possible to sell the hametz to a non-Jew. Generally, a rabbi performs this service on behalf of his congregants and then repurchases the hametz for them when the holiday concludes. In these cases, the seller rarely delivers the food to the pur-

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Center directly at 757 422-4000 chaser, but instead packs it away. Making a kitchen kosher for Passover is an elaborate process. Countertop surfaces and sinks are either kashered (made kosher) with boiling water or covered for the duration of the holiday, depending on the material. Metal pots and utensils can usually be kashered with boiling water, and various appliances have their own requirements. The O.U. has a guide to kitchen preparation. Given the difficulties involved, many observant Jews maintain separate Passover cookware, dishes, and utensils that are used only during the holiday. Many Jews who do not follow all these restrictions nonetheless make some dietary changes in honor of the holiday. Some people avoid eating hametz, but do not thoroughly purge their kitchens of it, while others cut out bread and pasta, yet Approved by all area Rabbis and Chevrah Kadisha

continue to eat some traditionally forbidden items. In recent years, many affluent observant Jews have opted to avoid the rigors of cleaning their kitchen for Passover by going on special kosher-for-Passover cruises or to kosher-for-Passover resorts. The trend, while costly, not only makes the holiday easier to observe, but often provides a welcome opportunity for an extended family to get together without the burden of having to host and cook for large numbers of guests.

Riverside Chapel • 7415 River Road Newport News •757 245-1525

Follow us on Facebook JewishNewsVA | April 8, 2019 | Passover | Jewish News | 23

Passover Four hacks to make your Passover seder more fun Emily Aronoff Teck

(Kveller via JTA)—No joke: I love hosting the Passover seder. I love feeding people—I’m both Jewish and Southern, so this is deeply engrained in me. I love educating people, and I love being Jewish, so the seder is a perfect opportunity to gather the ones I love for a meal—a meal during which they are actually open to me sharing all sorts of fun facts, songs, and stories. If it were up to me, I’d fill every shared meal with readings and inspired discussions. That’s not realistic, of course. But during a Passover seder, at least, people are much more game. So, I like to take full advantage of the opportunity and go above and beyond the typical readings and tunes that most people expect. Yes, I’m a mom—but my toddler and

baby weren’t my primary motivation for adding some sass to our seder. (Although one of my all-time favorite seder moments was last year, when our swaddled newborn, placed in a basket, formed a particularly memorable tablescape.) For years I’ve been motivated to find new and different ways to invite my seder guests to see the joy in Judaism that I see every day. Everyone—kids and adults—loves to play, learn, and connect with one other. Passover is the perfect time for that. So here are a few of my seder hacks that I’d totally recommend if you’d like to ensure your festive meal is, in fact, festive.

Make-your-own haroset bar Having your guests concoct their own haroset is so much fun. On a side table in our dining room, I set up an array of diced fruits, nuts, and a selection of hon-

Nati Shohat/Flash 90

A family participates in the Passover seder.




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Passover eys, wines, and juices. I put out cheap, reusable plastic shot glasses so guests can make multiple variations to find their favorite. Sometimes, a few of the grownups make a concoction that much more closely resembles sangria than haroset, but hey, that’s part of the fun!

Digital Haggadah Like many families today, I like to make my own Haggadah, or seder guide. But instead of making photocopies, I do it in Powerpoint. We usually drag a big-screen TV into the dining room—though this year we’ve upgraded: We invested in a small projector, so instead we’ll project the Haggadah on a wall. (This is for those who are willing to use electronics on a yom tov.) I love doing this for several reasons. I can person ali ze the presentation and I can make changes up to the last minute. I’ll assign readings by writing a person’s name, add images of the people who are attending. I can even add photos from previous years’ seders, which is particularly fun since we have little kids who have grown a lot in the last year. It’s a multimedia presentation: We play this video about The Four Sons instead of reading that passage; we’ll sing along with the Maccabeats’ version of Dayenu. Plus, no one is ever on the wrong page, and everyone is looking up and around instead of down. Storybook breaks Though we follow the Haggadah, we frequently pause to share parts of the story using picture books. It doesn’t seem to matter that there are usually more adults than kids at my seder, everyone welcomes the change of pace. We like to say the Four Questions all together, reading from this awesome picture book that’s both

in English and Hebrew, and we read The Longest Night to help us imagine the experiences of the enslaved people. We also have several copies of the Dayenu board book (thanks PJ Library!), so we have multiple people holding onto it as we sing it in English (just before we watch the video mentioned above).

Schtick it up I love schtick. But what I don’t love are some of the more popular ways to work it into the seder. (Take those Ten Plagues finger puppets—the plagues weren’t cute, so let’s drop those, OK?) There are myriad other ways for putting some pep into the seder. For example, we like to put the kids in laundry baskets—we give them a ride around the table when we talk about baby Moses in a basket—we do it while singing Little Taste of Torah. W e ’ l l use bubble machines and water sprayers when we talk about the parting of the Red Sea, and for babies, we will play afikomen peek-a-boo using scarves or cloth napkins. We use materials like kinetic sand and wax craft sticks, so everyone can craft little avatars of themselves, encouraging each guest to “imagine if you were a slave in Egypt.”


rust me, with a little creativity, and not a ton of work, you can have a lot of fun at your Passover seder. I hope your seder is meaningful, memorable and enjoyable. Chag Sameach! Emily Aronoff Teck is a multi-tasking mom, musician, and educator. “Miss” Emily visits Jewish communities to share celebrations and songs with young children and their grownups, and manages JewishLearningMatters. com. She earned her doctorate in education in 2018 at Gratz College.

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Reserve Now! Father’s Day June 11 issue To advertise, call 757.965.6100 or email | April 8, 2019 | Passover | Jewish News | 25

There are 1426 names in the Bible. Only 111 are women.


Honoring all the women who have made and are making our path, and our children’s paths, easier

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of the united jewish federation of tidewater

For more information, please visit or email 26 | Jewish News | Passover | April 8, 2019 |

Syzk Haggadah

How to choose a Passover Haggadah MJL staff

(My Jewish Learning via JTA)—With thousands of published Haggadahs available for purchase, choosing the one that is best for your seder can be overwhelming. For an overview of the many possibilities, we recommend How Is This Haggadah Different? Here are some things you might want to consider when selecting a Haggadah:

Cost Remember, you’ll need a copy of the Haggadah for each guest (or every two guests, if people are comfortable sharing). Unless you plan to buy one copy and then do some extensive photocopying (which, we should note, is illegal for copyrighted publications), you’ll have to multiply the book’s price by the number of guests. There are also many free downloadable PDF versions online, and you can also choose to make your own. Length If your guests are expecting the traditional seder, complete with Hebrew, they might be uncomfortable with an abridged Haggadah, an LGBTQ Haggadah, or one that emphasizes contemporary examples of oppression and slavery. On the other hand, if many are first-time seder-goers or lack the patience for a really long seder, something like The 30-Minute Seder or a book that relates the Exodus to modern social issues might be just the thing. Children Since children generally don’t like sitting still at the table for long, we recommend an

abbreviated or child-oriented Haggadah. There are many great children’s and “family” Haggadahs that engage adults as well as kids. Be sure to check out Kveller’s list for the best Hagaddahs for kids at For the older kids, think about acting out skits from the seder.

Technology The first two days of Passover are yom tov, days when, as on Shabbat, traditional Jewish observance forbids activities like writing and using electronics. If this is not an issue for you, however, a number of Haggadahs are now available as e-books and apps, usually at lower prices than printed versions. (With the added advantage that you will not need to find a place to store them after the seder.) While many are just digital versions of printed Haggadahs, others incorporate multimedia features. Beauty Haggadahs come in an array of designs and styles, with art ranging from contemporary to ancient. The downside of a gorgeous tome, however, is that there’s a good chance one of your guests will spill wine all over it. That can happen with any Haggadah, but you probably won’t mind so much if it’s inexpensive or more about function than aesthetic. For a beautiful (and modern) Haggadah, check out the New American Haggadah and The Bronfman Haggadah. The Syzk Haggadah, created in the 1930s, features illustrations in the style of illuminated manuscripts.

Ruth’s Life Said a Lot About Her

it’s a Wrap JCC Seniors learn about scams and make terrariums at separate events FBI Agent educates senior audience on senior scamming Norfolk based FBI Agent Marshall Ward led a compelling discussion and Q&A at an open JCC Seniors Club meeting of 35 participants at the Simon Family JCC on March 20. Since romantic scamming is so costly for its victims, Agent Ward emphasized it in his talk. Romantic scamming is defined as creating a fake close emotional tie with someone via phone, text, or computer to manipulate a target to pay for gifts, debts, etc. through wired transfers or other methods of payment. Each year, more than $50-million is lost by American victims online. Getting a bug in a computer will involve at the most a few hundred dollars and a wasted day. A romance scam, on the other hand, can cost retirees their investments, home—everything they liquidate to appease the scammer’s demands. Agent Ward summed up his presentation with the old adage, “If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.” Terrarium Workshop sells out Fifteen eager par ticipants packed the Ter r a r iu m Workshop at the Simon Family JCC on Thursday, March 7 to learn the craft of self-contained mini-terrariums. Within an hour, each Senior student constructed a personalized garden including a tiny keepsake/ tchotchke tucked beneath the plants to take home. For information on future Senior activities, contact Shery Luebke, senior programs coordinator, at 321-2334 or

Tidewater Chavurah got baking for Purim Betsy Blank


embers of the Tidewater Chavurah got together at Rabbi Ellen JaffeGill and Spencer Gill’s home to bake Hamantashen in preparation for Purim. A variety of fillings were used including lemon, poppy, apple, blueberry, pumpkin, and chocolate. A multi-generational event, adults demonstrated the finer points for creating the dozens of Hamantashen pastries to a younger generation. To join future Tidewater Chavurah events, contact or

Sheryl Luebke and twins John and Peyton Rchardsonprepare the dough for Hamantashen. or go to or Tidewater Chavurah’s Face book page.

Virginia Arts Festival

Olga Kern, a musical heritage Tuesday, April 16, TCC Roper Performing Arts Center


As a “pink lady” Ruth Goodman volunteered more hours than anyone else at the Norfolk hospital where she greeted visitors for years.

ussian-American pianist Olga Kern comes from a long line of musicians. Her great-great-grandmother was a mezzo-soprano, her mother a pianist and professor at the Moscow Conservatory, and the family counts among its lineage the great composers Sergei Rachmaninoff and Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. At one point during her pregnancy with Olga, her mother was constantly Olga Kern rehearsing Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 3, playing the dramatic, difficult piece again and again as her baby kicked in her womb. Many years later, when Olga was 15 and herself began to study and rehearse the same concerto, it seemed eerily familiar to her. Music, literally, was in her blood. One of the elite handful of great pianists who have claimed the Gold Medal in the legendary Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, Kern’s talent is unmistakable, along with her inner strength. She first tried for the Van Cliburn in 1997, traveling from Russia to Fort Worth, only to be eliminated in the preliminary rounds. When she returned to Moscow, life was hard; newly divorced, she found herself a single mother with an infant to support. Could she sustain a music career? Abandoning sleep, practicing around the clock while caring for her baby, she worked and worked. In 2001, she returned to the Van Cliburn competition—and to triumph. Playing the Rachmaninoff Concerto No. 3, she mesmerized the audience and the competition jury. Kern went on to a recital at Carnegie Hall, winning rave reviews including the New York Times, and the rest, as they say, is history. Acknowledged as one of the greatest pianists performing today, she has now formed an alliance with the Virginia Arts Festival, curating the Festival’s chamber music programming and kicking off her 2019 Festival season with a solo recital. Bringing her flair for the dramatic, her towering technique, and the passion that has guided her life from hardship to the pinnacle of success, she will perform music by Lizst, Schumann, Beethoven, and Scarlatti in Norfolk on April 16.

Before she died in 1995, Ruth arranged for a Hampton Roads Community Foundation bequest to forever give good health to the community she and her late husband Victor loved. This year 15 students are studying to become physicians, physical therapists, nurses and other medical professionals thanks to scholarships generated by Ruth’s generosity. Many more Goodman Scholars will follow every year. Write your prescription for a better future by ordering a free bequest guide. Learn how easy it is to leave a gift for charity. Adding Charity to Your W or IRA ill

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guide to the ple of charitab asure and prom ise le bequest s

Inspiring Philanthro py. Chan ging Lives . (757) 622-7951 | April 8, 2019 | Jewish News | 27

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it’s a Wrap Simon Family JCC Book Club celebrates 10 years and 100 Books Callah Terkeltaub


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n Monday, March 18, the Simon Family JCC celebrated the JCC Book Club’s 10th anniversary and 100th read with book club author, Marilyn Simon Rothstein. Rothstein visited the Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus as a part of her Jewish Book Council book tour and the Lee & Bernard Jaffe Family Jewish Book Festival. Rothstein is the author of Lift & Separate, as well as Husbands and Other Sharp Objects. She is the winner of the Star Award for outstanding debut novel and began her writing career at Seventeen Magazine before owning her own advertising agency for more than 25 years. Sherry Lieberman, JCC Book Club organizer, received a round of applause and thank you gift for her tireless devotion to continuing the book club and creating an environment where members feel supported, heard, and a part of the community. “The people in attendance were thrilled with Marilyn and her candid, humorous talk,” says Lieberman. “The book club celebration was over the top and we were so happy with the luncheon and cake. We have gained some new potential members and much more exposure.”

Author Marilyn Simon Rothstein and Sherry Lieberman, JCC Book Club organizer, with Book Club Cake by Custom Cake Shoppe.

The JCC Book Club meets the third Monday of every month at 1:30 pm at the Sandler Family Campus. The April book is The Weight of Ink by Rachel Kadish. To become involved with the book club, contact Callah Terkeltaub, Arts + Ideas manager, at or 757-321-2331. For more information on upcoming author events, visit

this way to a screen-free zone At Jewish overnight camp, kids discover who they are—and who they want to become—while having the time of their lives. They jump into the lake, dash across the pool, and learn important life skills. And they do it all without an internet connection.

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KBH to celebrate 40 years Sunday, June 2, 2 pm, KBH


empsville Conservative Synagogue, Kehillat Bet Hamidrash (KBH) just turned 40. The small, but mighty congregation has so much to celebrate. The congregation will officially acknowledge this milestone with an event to be held at the synagogue. The community is invited to the celebration. A $36 ticket includes an Israeli-themed kosher meal in honor of Yom Yerushalayim (28 Iyar = June 2, 2019.). For information about tickets or to place a tribute in the anniversary journal, e-mail the synagogue at or visit For more information or to apply, contact Kaitlyn Oelsner 757-965-6103 or 28 | Jewish News | April 8, 2019 |



what’s happening


Israel Today with Ambassador Ido Aharoni From Remembrance to Independence Yom Hazikaron to Yom Ha’Atzmaut Wednesday, May 8, 7:30 pm Ohef Sholom Temple


onoring the transition that takes place in Israel as Yom Hazikaron, a somber day of reflection ends at sundown, giving way to Yom Ha’atzmaut’s celebration, Ambassador Ido Aharoni will emphasize the lasting tie between the sacrifice of the fallen and the continued existence of a vibrant and dynamic nation. A public diplomacy specialist and founder of the Brand Israel Group, an independent group of marketing and branding specialists tasked with highlighting Israel’s relative advantages and increasing its relevance, Aharoni is a member of the International Advisory Council of APCO Worldwide. Following a career with Israel’s Foreign service, having been Israel’s longest-serving consul-general in New York and the tristate area, he is now the Global Distinguished Professor at New York University’s School of International Relations. This event is presented by the Community Relations Council of the United


OLGA KERN Piano Recital

Ambassador Ido Ahroni will share details of the transition that takes place in Israel between Yom Hazikaron to Yom Ha’Atzmaut.

Jewish Federation of Tidewater and Simon Family JCC, along with community partners. For more information on the Israel Today series and to RSVP to this free and open to the community event, visit www.JewishVA. org/IsraelToday. Ohef Sholom Temple is located at 530 Raleigh Avenue in Norfolk.

Tidewater Chavurah’s Second Friday Shabbat Service





Thursdays, 10:30 am, Simon Family JCC roup discussion of local, regional, national, and world news, as well as emerging topics in a cordial atmosphere. Free and open to the community. Contact David Rabinowitz at 757-424-3027.



“congregation without walls,” Tidewater Chavurah’s events are held in members’ homes or at other locations. Rabbi Ellen Jaffe-Gill will lead the monthly Shabbat service with prayers and joyful songs. An Oneg follows.

Simon Family JCC Current Events



Home of Hal and Elaine in Virginia Beach’s Great Neck Meadows area

For event information and location address, email or or call 499-3660 or 468-2675. Check out or Tidewater Chavurah Facebook page for upcoming events.



Friday, April 12, 7 pm


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Coming May 6 To advertise call 757.965.6100 or email Ad deadline April 5 | April 8, 2019 | Jewish News | 29

what’s happening JFS Run, Roll or Stroll celebrates 15 years Sunday, May 5, 24th Street Park in Virginia Beach Onsite Registration 6:45–7:45 am 8K Run, 5K Run, and 5K Walk 8 am 1 Mile Run/Walk 9:15 am Amy Cobb


ifteen years ago, runners and walkers hit the pavement at Norfolk Botanical Garden to participate in Jewish Family Service of Tidewater’s first Run, Roll or Stroll. Fifteen years later, the event has seen a lot of changes, but one thing remains the same: the “JFS Race,” as it is known to so many in the community, continues to be one of the most anticipated events of the year. The 15th Annual Run, Roll or Stroll in Virginia Beach offers three races to choose from, assuring options

Town E. Bear greets participants to 2015 JFS Run, Roll or Stroll.

Family runs in 2013.

Teens at 2016 JFS Run, Roll or Stroll.

Face painting and smiles in 2015. Boardwalk run for 2017 JFS Run, Roll or Stroll.

for everyone. For the most seasoned or ambitious runner, there’s an 8K run. Runners or walkers who want to get in a little less mileage can opt for the 5K run or walk. The event that gets the most participants is the one mile run/ walk. For those not wishing to run or walk, volunteers and cheerleaders are also needed. Before and after each race, fun activities for the entire family, including face painting, balloon art, snacks, and music by radio station The New 101.3 2WD will take place. The Run, Roll or Stroll is part of JFS’ annual Spring Into Healthy Living programming. The Presenting Sponsor is TowneBank.

2014 JFS Run, Roll or Stroll fun for entire family.

30 | Jewish News | April 8, 2019 |

JFS staff and board members at 2018 Run, Roll or Stroll.

To register for the race, visit Rates increase on April 22 so register early.

what’s happening Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, BBYO, and OSTY present

Cause An Effect A series for Jewish high school students (grades 9-12) and their parents Thursday, May 9, 6–9 pm Melissa Eichelbaum, assistant CRC director


he Anti-Defamation League’s (ADL) most recent “Audit of Anti-Semitic Incidents” indicates that almost 80 anti-Semitic incidents happen every month around the country—many involving children, teenagers, and young adults. Incidents range from verbal and written taunts promoting anti-Semitic stereotypes to threats of violence and physical assaults. Many incidents go unreported. In addition, ADL-commissioned focus groups of high school students confirm that anti-Semitism continues to be a part of the lives of Jewish youth. Participants report hearing jokes and stereotypical remarks about Jews’ appearance, customs, and behaviors; seeing swastikas on school desks, bathroom walls, and locker doors; and pennies being thrown at Jewish students. Anti-Semitic cyber hate also invades the once safe haven of students’ homes. The Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater is partnering with BBYO and OSTY to offer a two-part series for Jewish high school students and their parents where they will gain the resources and tools to strategically respond to those acts of anti-Semitism and anti-Israel rhetoric. The first program features the ADL, as well as Ambassador Ido Aharoni, UJFT’s CRC and community partners’ Israel Today series’ visiting expert.

Words to Action Created by the ADL for high school students, Empowering Students to Address Anti-Semitism is an interactive education program, designed to help Jewish youth, young adults, family members, teachers, and community members address the changing face of anti-Semitism by increasing their understanding and awareness of anti-Semitism and anti-Israel bias; countering anti-Semitic stereotypes and anti-Israel myths with accurate information; and

Ambassador Ido Aharoni, will speak to students and parents on May 9.

providing resources and skills to respond to anti-Semitism in any form.

Ambassador Ido Aharoni Israel’s former Consul-General to the New York and tri-state area, founder of Brand Israel, and a professor at NYU’s School of International Relations, Ambassador Ido Aharoni will talk about the threats and opportunities of the rapidly growing anti-Israel movement on college campuses. He will dive into the history of the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement and its long-term goals, and propose a solution to the problem.

Part two: advocacy through art The second part of the series will include a pre-Shabbat gathering on Friday, May 17, where the last of the visiting 2018–2019 Israel Today experts, Artists 4 Israel, will lead a project in the name of advocacy. To RSVP (required) or for more information on the series, contact Melissa Eichelbaum, assistant CRC director, at MEichelbaum@ or 757-965-6107. Funding in part, provided by the Tidewater Jewish Foundation.

Leon Family Gallery, Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus April 2019

JDC’s HOME: Lens on Israel


DC’s HOME: Lens on Israel, a photography exhibit from Temple Emanu-El’s Bernard Museum of Judaica & Streicker Center in New York, showcases diverse communities that live side-by-side in Israel today, as well as the work of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. The exhibit follows 11 photographers, including Tidewater’s Annie Sandler, to seven distinct stops where they explore various cultures and individuals who call Israel home, including communities with a focus on Israel’s elderly; Israeli Arabs and Bedouins; immigrant children from Ethiopia, the former Soviet Union, North Africa and beyond; the Haredi or ultra-Orthodox; Druze villages in Israel’s

north; Israeli adults with disabilities; as well as a family celebration for Israelis of Moroccan Jewish descent­ another symbol of Israel’s multifaceted population. For more information on this exhibit and the Leon Family Gallery, visit leon-family-gallery or contact Callah Terkeltaub, Arts + Ideas manager, at CTerkeltaub@ujft.og.

Israel Today Simon Family JCC, CRC, and community partner’s present

Train Like Israel’s Biggest Losers with Nadav Meirson Workout: Wednesday, May 15, 8:30 am Simon Family JCC


ushing fitness levels to new heights, Nadav Meirson, the trainer from the hit reality series The Biggest Nadav Meirson Loser Israel, in partnership with JFit, will lead a morning workout and share secrets for healthy living focusing on “breaking the myths” in fitness. A celebrity throughout Israel, fitness coach Meirson is a seven-time Israeli Karate champion and the founder of the Tel Avivbased fitness club chain, Pure. Meirson is admired for his understanding of the

characteristics of the sports industry and is a top consultant for designing training spaces. He conducts programs for corporations and organizations in which people are trained for a healthy way of life, combining controlled eating and physical activity. Find Meirson at Israel Fest on Sunday, May 19, 11 am–4 pm as he leads health and wellness workshops. Free and open to the community with RSVP (required). Limited space available. For more information and to RSVP, visit JewishVA. org/IsraelToday or contact LCasson@ujft. org or 321-2304.

Lag B’omer, Thursday, May 23


elebrate LAG B’OMER and join The Simon Family JCC, YAD, and Chabad for a delicious family cookout, beer, rockin’ music, and a bonfire. Open to the community.

For more information and tickets, contact Jasmine Amitay at | April 8, 2019 | Jewish News | 31

Virginia Beach

Splash & Dash

What’s happening


Sim on Fam ily

at the Simon Family JCC

Youth Event

Yom Hashoah 2019 Wednesday, May 1, 6:45 pm, Temple Israel

A — Ag

es 7-15

Sunday, May 12 1-3 PM

commemorative program celebrating the power of the human spirit and the enduring faith of those who witnessed and survived the Holocaust, this year’s event features guest speaker, Dr. Roger Loria. A survivor from Belgium, Loria escaped with his mother to Switzerland and together, immigrated to Israel in 1949. Loria became a doctor and moved to America in 1964 to continue his training. He will share his story. The Holocaust Commission of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater will honor the survivors, liberators, and Righteous Gentiles who reside in Hampton Roads, as

well as the memory of the victims. The Commission will also applaud those making a difference now and for the future, by announcing and recognizing the winners of its annual Elie Wiesel Student Writing and Visual Arts Competitions, as well as recipients of the Holocaust Commission’s Educator Awards. White Rose and Red Rose donors will also be recognized. For more information, contact Elena Baum at 757-965-6129 or

B’nai Israel Gala Dinner to highlight its Sisterhood Sunday, May 12, 6 pm

Athletes will compete in age-dependent swim & run distances. All participants receive: • USAT youth membership • Event t-shirt • Finisher’s medal

Cost: $40* per athlete

Register Today! For more information or to register, visit 5000 Corporate Woods Drive | Virginia Beach, VA 23462 *$40 includes $30 fee for event and $10 fee for USAT youth membership, to be purchased separately.

32 | Jewish News | April 8, 2019 |


lways the backbone of B’nai Israel Congregation, the B’nai Israel Sisterhood was responsible for a wealth of programs, classes, and fundraisers. They gave the synagogue an aura of energy, fun, and inspiration. Realizing the need for a reinvigorated Sisterhood, B’nai Israel’s leadership recently selected Darcy Bloch to be the new Sisterhood president, with the goal of assuring the Sisterhood once again plays the vital role in B’nai Israel that it once did. Bloch says she plans to assemble a group of women who can rejuvenate the Sisterhood

with the support and guidance from current Sisterhood leadership. To celebrate the occasion, the shul is planning a “pass the torch” ceremony at their upcoming Gala Dinner. The dinner committee says it feels that Mother’s Day is the perfect day to celebrate the women who have made the synagogue what it is today, and the women who will carry it into the future. For more information about the dinner or the Sisterhood, contact the shul office at 757-627-7358 or

Seniors Lunch and Move with Nadav Meirson Wednesday, March 15, 11:30 am, Simon Family JCC


sraeli fitness expert and former trainer on the Biggest Loser Israel, Nadav Meirson will lead light exercise and a lunch discussion. The session is open to all seniors. Meirson is an entrepreneur leading several initiatives to encourage Israelis from all walks of life to engage in sport activities and adopt healthy living. The Lunch & Move is focused on the fitness needs of seniors and will provide the basic keys to healthy living. Pre-registration (includes lunch) is required. Limited space available. $6 for Seniors Club members and $10 for potential Seniors Club members. To register, call the JCC at 321-2338 or visit To learn more about programs for seniors, contact Sheryl Luebke, seniors program coordinator, at 321-2334 or

what’s happening Create your own luck with author Janice Kaplan

Save the date to celebrate Israel at Israel Fest 2019 Sunday, May 19, 11 am–4 pm, Sandler Family Campus

Wednesday, April 10, 7:30 pm, Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus Callah Terkeltaub


ormer editor-inchief of Parade Magazine, Janice Kaplan will visit Tidewater to discuss her latest book, How Luck Happens: Using the Science of Luck to Transform Work, Love, and Life. The book, written in coordination with former Rhodes Scholar, Dr. Barnaby Marsh, explores how luck occurs at the intersection of chance, talent, and hard work. Using Janice Kaplan original research, fascinating studies, and engaging interviews, Kaplan and Marsh reveal the simple techniques needed to create luck in love and marriage; business and career; and health, happiness, and family relationships. Kaplan’s visit is in coordination with the Jewish Book Council, the Simon Family JCC’s Lee & Bernard Jaffe Family Jewish Book Festival, and in partnership with Jewish Family Service of Tidewater.

The program is presented by Old Point National Bank. This event is free and open to the community with RSVP required. For more information or to RSVP, visit or contact Callah Terkeltaub, Arts + Ideas manager, at CTerkeltaub@ or 757-321-2331.

Callah Terkeltaub


his year’s Israel Fest will offer even more ways to experience and celebrate the State of Israel…without leaving Tidewater. Families can visit Tidewater’s own Jerusalem Biblical Zoo and compete in a scavenger hunt; adults can sample kosher wine and beer with friends; and everyone can enjoy Israeli food, and shop the shuk.

Join JFit and Israel’s Biggest Loser trainer for fitness classes

Participate in a collaborative community art project with Artists 4 Israel founder, Craig Dershowitz, and visiting artists from the program.

Nadav Meirson, seven-time Israeli Karate champion, trainer on Biggest Loser Israel, lifestyle coach, and entrepreneur, will lead fitness activities throughout the day. After serving as a coach on the popular television program and owning the Tel Aviv-based fitness club chain, Pure, Meirson now conducts programs for corporations and organizations in which people are trained for a healthy way of life.

Create a mural with friends Participate in a collaborative art project with world renowned artists collective, Artists 4 Israel, an organization that educates and advocates worldwide for Israel and its freedoms through photography, graffiti, theater, fine arts, music, and other mediums. Craig Dershowitz, founder of Artists 4 Israel, and some of his colleagues will guide the community in creating a mural. People of all ages will be invited to participate in painting, as well as to learn from Artists 4 Israel’s visiting artists from around the globe, about their personal experiences in Israel.

Sell goods at the shuk Vendor applications are available at A 10‑by‑10‑foot booth for nonprofits costs $100 and $150 for profit vendors. Grab a spot soon, as the application deadline has been extended to Friday, April 12.

Israeli fitness expert, Nadav Meirson will teach about health and wellness and workout Israeli style, throughout the day.

Volunteer A wide array of volunteer opportunities are available. Greet friends, sell wine, help with the archeological dig in Beer Sheva, or share details of the scavenger hunt through Israel. Sign up and help the community celebrate Israel at For more information on the festival, visit or contact Callah Terkeltau, Arts + Ideas manager, at or 757-321-2331.

Visit us on the web

Follow us on Facebook JewishNewsVA | April 8, 2019 | Jewish News | 33

Simon Family JCC Day Camp Employment Looking for an amazingly fun summer job that makes a difference? Do you remember how great it was to be at Summer Camp? At Simon Family JCC J Camp, energetic and passionate staff provide a safe and positive learning environment for campers. Previous summer day camp work experience and/or experience working with children helpful. Staff members are hired for their ability to facilitate memorable experiences for our campers. Complete background check is required and Counselors must participate in an orientation program.

Now Hiring… for the following positions:

Upper Camp Unit Director* Teen Program Lead Counselor** Counselors (High School Graduates; minimum requirement) Junior Counselors (HS rising Junior; minimum requirement) Specialist (Activities: Sports, Music, Arts, etc.) Lead Counselor- Special Needs Shadow Program Special Needs Shadow Counselors Camp Nurse (RN certification required) *Requires proven camp leadership/management experience & must be 21+ years old ** Must be 21+ years old

Applications available at the Simon Family JCC 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23462 or


Calendar April 11, Thursday YAD Guys Night Out. Time to throw an axe! Join the men of UJFT’s Young Adult Division at 6:30 pm for a night of axe throwing at Virginia Beach’s recreational axe throwing range. $25 per person includes 2-hour use with food and drink (nonalcoholic). Tribal Axe is located at 564 Central Drive #104. For more information, contact April 18, Thursday Simon Family JCC’s Senior Seder led by Rabbi Zoberman with traditional Passover foods. 11:30 am. $10. Advanced ticket purchase required by April 11. All welcome. Visit or contact Sheryl Luebke for more information at or 757-321-2334. See page 19. April 30, Tuesday YAD Happy Hour. Join fellow YADians at Norfolk’s coolest spot, Luna Maya. YAD Happy Hours are a great way to have fun, learn more about the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, and expand the local Jewish network. Bring a canned food item to be donated to Jewish Family Service. Happy hour starts at 5:30 pm. For more information, contact May 22, Wednesday YAD MomMEtime. Join the moms of UJFT’s Young Adult Division for breakfast sushi making at the Sandler Family Campus. MomMEtime is all about taking personal time as a mom to gain new experiences and socialize with other Jewish moms, completely kid free. Sushi making begins at 8:30 am; babysitting provided by the Simon Family JCC. For more information, contact Send submissions for calendar to Be sure to note “calendar” in the subject. Include date, event name, sponsor, address, time, cost and phone.

Camp Sessions: June 17 -August 9; Post Camp: August 12 -23

Simon Family JCC seeks Dynamic Seasonal Day Camp Director Seasonal employment opportunity to join Simon Family JCC’s Summer Day Camp’s passionate Leadership Team.

Employment Oppor tunity

Executive Administrative Assistant

Seeking a compassionate, creative, child friendly, hardworking, and highly-experienced leader with a CAN-DO attitude, who desires a meaningful chance to impact the lives of campers and staff . . . while having lots of fun in the process. Ideal candidate has independent judgement, initiative, camp operations experience, and creative program planning skills. Dedication to promoting appreciation for Jewish culture and values, experience in budgetary/fiscal responsibility, and administrative management, preferred.

The United Jewish Federation of Tidewater/Simon Family JCC seeks an Executive Administrative Assistant who is a master multi-tasker with excellent communication skills (both verbal and written) to support the Executive Vice President (EVP) in the execution of the organization’s development and operational goals. This Full-Time position requires an upbeat attitude, and the ideal candidate should be resourceful and organized. The position supports the EVP’s work with the Senior Management Team, the UJFT Board of Directors and committees. An important responsibility is to ensure that operational information is communicated in a timely, accurate and appropriate manner. The qualified candidate must have two or more years of related office experience and proven proficiency using Windows and MS Office (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint).

Complete job description at

Submit cover letter, resume and salary requirements to: Submit by mail to: United Jewish Federation of Tidewater Attention: Taftaleen T. Hunter, Director of Human Resources – Confidential 5000 Corporate Woods Drive Virginia Beach, 23462

Camp Planning Period: March 1 – June 14 (Varied hours, TBD) Camp Sessions: June 17 -August 9; Post Camp: August 12 -23

34 | Jewish News | April 8, 2019 |

Complete job description at


Submit cover letter, resume, and salary requirements to: Review of applications will begin immediately, and continue until the position filled. EOE

Mazel Tov TO Achievement Julius Miller, MD FACP, who was awarded Senior Fellow of Hospital Medicine at the Society of Hospital Medicine meeting held in Washington, DC on March 25. Miller is also being recognized by the American College of Physicians Virginia Chapter with the 2018 Paul Florentino Volunteerism Award for his dedication of weekly volunteering at the Chesapeake Care Clinic. He will attend the 2019 Convocation Ceremony at the American College of Physicians on April 11. Miller is an Internal Medicine specialist with Chesapeake Internists, Ltd., a Hospitalist at Chesapeake General for Bayview Physicians, a former president of Chesapeake Regional Hospital’s medical staff, and a professor at Eastern Virginia Medical School. He served as co-chair of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s

New development associate at TJF


Julius Miller

Maimonides Society, 2014–2016, and is a member of Ohef Sholom Temple.

aitly n Oelsner joined Tidewater Jewish Foundation last month as its new development associate/ LIFE & LEGACY ™ coordinator. Oelsner recently moved to Virginia Beach from California after receiving her bachelor of science degree from Cal Polytech and her master of Health Administration from USC. She has a development background in healthcare, policy, advocacy, and community outreach. At TJF, Oelsner is overseeing the LIFE & LEGACY ™ program and working closely with Scott Kaplan, president and CEO, on overall development and program initiatives for the Foundation. Oelsner may be reached at koelsner@ or 757-965-6103.

Kaitlyn Oelsner

Mazel Tov submissions should be emailed to with Mazel Tov in the subject line. Achievements, B’nai Mitzvot, births, engagements and weddings are appropriate simchas to announce. Photos must be at least 300k. Include a daytime phone for questions. There is no fee.

Go on a . with JCAMP this summer! Campers will explore the wild with a petting zoo, horseback riding, and a Shabbat Rock concert during our safari week!

REGISTER NOW! Visit to register and see all the adventures on our JCAMP Calendar! | April 8, 2019 | Jewish News | 35

Obituaries Dr. Stanley L. Jason Norfolk—Dr. Stanley L. Jason, 86, passed away in his home in Norfolk surrounded by family on Sunday, March 31, 2019. Stanley was preceded in death by his father Jack, his mother Mollie, and his wife Marcia. He is survived by his brother Danny, his sister Deanna, his three children, Lynn, Louis, and Steven, his six grandchildren, Marcia, George, Deborah, Samuel, Charles, and Joseph, his great-grandson Hunter, and several cousins, nieces, and nephews. Stanley was born in Norfolk on December 25, 1932 to Jack and Mollie Jason. He attended Maury High School and the Norfolk Division of William & Mary, before graduating from Southern College of Optometry in 1956. Stanley practiced optometry for 56 years and was named Virginia Optometrist of the Year in 1984. Dr. Jason served as president of the Virginia Board of Optometry for six years after being appointed to the board by Governor Charles S. Robb in 1985 and reappointed for a second term by Governor L. Douglas Wilder in 1990. Stan enjoyed golf, photography, and spending quality time with family and friends. His unparalleled sense of humor, kind spirit, and incredible storytelling were enjoyed by all who frequented downtown Norfolk establishments. A funeral service was held at Forest Lawn Cemetery to honor the life of a loving and compassionate husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, and friend of the community. The family requests donations be made to Temple Israel. H.D. Oliver Funeral Apts. Online condolences may be offered to the family at Melvyn Edward “Mel” Siegel Virginia Beach— Melvyn Edward Siegel, 81, passed away peacefully on April 1, 2019, surrounded by his devoted family. Mel was born in Richmond, Virginia on October 5, 1937. He worked his way through the University of Richmond alongside his father, Milton Siegel, at Finer Foods Sales. Upon graduation, he

joined the family business. He continued his career in institutional food sales with Sandler Foods when he moved his family to Virginia Beach in 1979. In retirement, he was the happiest either on the tennis court or sitting around the card table playing poker with his many friends. Mel’s commitment and dedication to Temple Israel led to the honor of serving as president of the congregation. A diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease in 2008 led to new friendships and activism. He set an inspirational example through hard work and participation in exercise classes and Rock Steady boxing. When Mel put on the boxing gloves, he transformed into a determined advocate and fighter for curing this disease. His memory will be cherished by his wife of 54 years, Gloria Singer Siegel and his children, Valerie Diehl (Rodney), Laura Siegel-Little (Dustin), and Ron Siegel (Renee); his grandchildren, who affectionally called him Pepaw, Hannah Diehl, Benjamin Diehl, Jade Siegel, Kai Siegel, and Taven Siegel; sister Doris Baum of Richmond; and brother, Howard Siegel of Arlington, Va. His devoted aides treated him with dignity and compassion. They also loved playing gin rummy with him for a nickel a game, but Mel, the card shark, always won! Funeral services were held at Temple Israel. Burial followed at Forest Lawn Cemetery. Memorial donations may be made to the local Parkinson’s chapter, APDA/ Hampton Roads Chapter, 4560 Princess Anne Rd., Virginia Beach, Va. 23462. Condolences may be left for the family at Raye Zfass Swartz-Keller Potomac, Md.—Raye Zfass, daughter of the late Pauline Tavss Zfass and Samuel Isadore Zfass, passed away peacefully at the home of her devoted daughter, Susan Swartz Hookman (Dr. Perry) in Potomac, Md. on March 23, 2019 at the age of 103. A refined woman with an incredibly innate sense of fashion and self-confidence, Raye was the personification of grace and class; always with a smile and a positive

36 | Jewish News | April 8, 2019 |

word for friends and family. She had two blessed marriages, being the widow of Arthur F. Swartz and Joseph H. Keller. She was predeceased by her brothers Drs. Isadore S. Zfass and H.S. Zfass, both of Richmond, Va.; sister Ethel Z. Carmel and brother-in-law, Richard B. Carmel, both of Norfolk; and sister-in-law Marie N. Zfass of Richmond. She is survived by her brother Dr. Alvin M. Zfass (Carol) of Richmond, and sisters-in-law Edith B. Zfass of Barre, Vt.; and Gaile S. Zfass of Richmond; and many dear and loving friends, cousins, nieces, and nephews. In addition to her daughter, Raye is also survived by her children Charles R. Swartz (Paula) of Richmond; and Jeffrey A. Swartz of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico; and step-children Emmy Lou Kreger (Arthur) of Virginia Beach and Sue Ann Berlin (Kenneth) of Bethesda, Md. Raye is also survived by grandchildren Heidi Hookman Brodsky (Michael), Shari Hookman Berger, Dr. Wendy HookmanVassa (Tony) and Aimee Hookman Robins (Brian), all in the Bethesda area; Kimberly Swartz Wynne (Tracy) and Jennifer Swartz Nomberg (Robert), both of Richmond; Matthew A. Swartz (Jessica) of Chicago, Ill.; Andrea B. Swartz of New York City; Steven R. Swartz (Stephanie) of Los Angeles, Calif; Cara Poorman (Steve) of Virginia Beach; Jackie Ris (Peter) of Adamstown, Md.; and Theodore Berlin (Michelle) and Jennifer Berlin, both of Bethesda. Raye is also survived by great-grandchildren Alexa, Claire and Jillian Brodsky, Sydney Wynne, Jacob, Olivia and Andrew Vassa, Mark and Ava Berger, Brandon and Devin Robins, Gavin and Zoe Nomberg, Adelyn and Benjamin Swartz, and Cooper and Jack Poorman. Raye was educated in the Norfolk schools and was a life-long member of Temple Beth El and its sisterhood, as well as Hadassah and the Hebrew Women’s Society. She owned and operated, with her husband Arthur, Raye Z. Swartz Antiques, and did antique shows in many Virginia localities and in Washington, DC. Many of her clients became her good friends. An avid mah-jongg player all her life, she played weekly with her mah-jongg buddies and online as well. A gravesite service took place at Forest

Lawn Cemetery in Norfolk. A meal of consolation followed at Congregation Beth El. Donations to the charity of your choice. H.D. Oliver Funeral Apts. Norfolk. Online condolences may be offered to the family at Ethel Whiman Norfolk—Ethel Whiman, 99, of Norfolk, passed away at home March 26, 2019. She was preceded in death by her devoted husband, Jacob Whiman. She was the loving mother of Lawrence and David Whiman and their spouses Shari and David; proud grandmother of Matthew, Adam, and Bridgette Whiman; and adored sister, aunt, and friend. Funeral services were held in the Norfolk Chapel of H.D. Oliver Funeral Apts. Burial followed at Forest Lawn Cemetery. Online condolences may be offered to the family at David William Yacavone NORFOLK—Capt. David William Yacavone, DO left this life on March 10, 2019. He was born in Newark, NJ in 1946 to the late William and Rose Yacavone and was preceded in death only eight months prior, by his wife of 39 years, Nancy Weissman Yacavone. He was a graduate of Seton Hall University, post-graduate of the University of Michigan, Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine and Harvard University. As a career physician and Naval Captain, he was Senior Medical Officer of the USS Eisenhower and was instrumental in its redesign when it became the first aircraft carrier to accommodate women. Upon his retirement, he worked at the VA Hospital in Hampton. Survivors include daughters Nancy Christine Yacavone, Rebecca Noel Haddick, and Briana Lynn Shestack (nee Yacavone) and her husband Adam,

Obituaries a son Jason David Yacavone, his sisters Christina Marie Swanbeck and Carol Ann Yacavone, and three grandchildren. A funeral service was conducted at H.D. Oliver Funeral Apts. by Rabbi Michael Panitz. Burial in Forest Lawn Cemetery. Donations to Temple Israel (Norfolk) or Equi Vets (Sandbridge). Online condolence may be made at Ethel Berkowitz Zablow San Diego, Calif.—Ethel Berkowitz Zablow died peacefully in San Diego on March 21, 2019 at the age of 90. Ethel is survived by her son Sheldon, her daughter-in-law Lorna, and her grandchildren David and Zoe. She was preceded in death by her husband Eric in 1995 and son Michael in 1972. Ethel was happily married to Eric and still loved him and talked about their lives together until the end. She dearly missed her son Michael. Ethel was born on March 27, 1928 in Newark, New Jersey to Lena and Isadore Berkowitz. After high school, she worked as an administrative assistant at an advertising agency in New York. She married Eric Zablow after his return from military service in the Navy where he participated in the Normandy Invasion. The newly married couple followed Eric’s father to Norfolk where Ethel started working in the medical field as an office manager. After raising her children, she was offered a position to manage a large firm in Florida, so they moved to Ft. Lauderdale. In 1985, they moved to San Diego so Ethel could help manage Sheldon’s medical practice. It was always a challenge because Sheldon thought she worked for him, but Ethel thought he worked for her. Ethel made friends of all ages and participated in music groups, plays, and benefits to aid others. She was known in the family as the person who kept relatives updated. A service was held graveside at Forest Lawn in Norfolk. Donations to the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation. Condolences can be sent to Sheldon Zablow at 302 Washington St. #613 San Diego, CA. 92103.

Hundreds of mourners attend funeral of Israeli-American soldier following social media plea JERUSALEM (JTA)—At least 1,000 people, many of them strangers, attended the funeral of an Israeli lone soldier from California after a call went out on social media. Alex Sasaki, 27, of Laguna Beach, was found dead last month, reportedly from a drug overdose that may have been intentional, according to reports. His funeral took place at the Mount Herzl military cemetery in Jerusalem. Sasaki studied at the University of Oregon before moving to Israel and enlisting in the army as a combat soldier. He joined the military at the end of 2017 and joined the elite Golani unit a year ago. His friends launched a social media campaign to ask people to attend Sasaki’s funeral since his unit was called up and stationed at the Gaza border due to the recent rocket attacks and rioting. Many

other Israeli soldiers in the Jerusalem area attended the funeral, as well as total strangers. The posts also urged people to visit the dead soldier’s parents at a hotel in Jerusalem where they were sitting shiva after flying to Israel for his funeral. “Alex didn’t die in war but from a lack of mental support in the army,” Tzvika

Graiver, co-founder and chairman of, posted on Facebook. “Alex z”l was a Lone Soldier who made Aliya to Israel especially to volunteer for the IDF and become a warrior. Sadly, Alex’s death is not the only one recently and he’s the 3rd Lone Soldier that ended his life in sad circumstances in the last 3 months alone.”

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Riverside Chapel • 7415 River Road Newport News •757 245-1525 | April 8, 2019 | Jewish News | 37

WHo Knew? McDonald’s acquires Israeli tech firm to personalize its drive-thru windows JERUSALEM (JTA) You can really have it your way soon at McDonald’s drive-thrus thanks to an Israeli tech company. (Yes, we know “Have it your way” was another burger giant’s slogan, but it fits here, OK?) McDonald’s just bought Tel Aviv-based Dynamic Yield to use its technology to personalize the fast food chain’s drive-thru menus. So, not only will it ask you if you want fries with your order, it may also recommend a salad to go with your diet cola or, on a hot day, some ice cream. The announcement of the acquisition last month on the McDonald’s website did not provide the purchase price. The TechCrunch website reported, citing a source with knowledge of the deal, that it is more than $300 million, making it the chain’s largest acquisition in 20 years. McDonald’s says it would use Dynamic Yield technology “to provide an even more personalized customer experience” at its drive thru menu displays “to show food based on time of day, weather, current restaurant traffic, and trending menu items.” The decision technology can also instantly suggest and display additional items to a customer’s order based on their current selections. McDonald’s says it would begin to roll out the

technology this year in its U.S. restaurants and then expand to other top international markets. Dynamic Yield will remain a standalone company and employees will continue to operate out of offices around the world, according to the statement. The company was founded in 2011 and has offices in Tel Aviv, Germany, Singapore, New York, Russia, France and Britain.


Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg launch weed company in Canada

eth Rogen is starting a company to sell something very near and dear to his heart: marijuana. The actor and his Jewish writing partner Evan Goldberg (the pair have written classics like Superbad and the stoner comedy Pineapple Express) launched Houseplant last month. It will sell cannabis in collaboration with the Ontario-based grower Canopy Growth. “Houseplant is a passion we’ve brought to life through drive and dedication,” Rogen said in a news release, according to CNBC. “Every decision we’ve made for the business reflects the years of education, first-hand experience, and respect we have for cannabis.” Rogen and Goldberg grew up together in Vancouver. Last October, Canada legalized recreational marijuana use. (JTA)

San Diego Jewish Academy breaks world record for sandwich-making


he San Diego Jewish Academy broke a record and did a mitzvah. The school set a Guinness World Record for the most sandwiches made in under three minutes. The sandwiches went to feed homeless people in its Southern California city. Students, faculty and parents made 868 sandwiches in those 180 seconds, a giant leap from the previous record of 490 and well above the goal of 600. And these weren’t just two pieces of bread with a slice of cheese slapped inside—the sandwiches also included a slice of tomato and a lettuce leaf. The results of the Monday, April 1 record-breaking attempt by more than 550 sandwich makers must still be certified by Guinness, which could take up to 12 weeks. But the school is still a winner—the food went to residents of a temporary shelter in San Diego and to others living on the street, according to the Alpha Project, a city organization dedicated to helping the homeless. Representatives from the Alpha Project attended the event and provided education for the participants on the challenges of homelessness in their community. The sandwich-making project was part of the school’s programming on tikkun olam, or repair of the world. (JTA)

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