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INSIDE 8 Local women in Israel

18 HAT graduates

Federation journey to Budapest and Prague –page 12

HAT’s Patrons 16 | L’Shana Tova Special Section

30 Meet the Presidents A new feature


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2 | Jewish News | August 19, 2013 | • 757-441-2374 7/24/13 4:41 PM

L’Shana Tova


jewish news

Teshuvah, Tefilah, Tzedakah—Repentance, Prayer, Charity and Justice.

hese are the watchwords for the Days of Awe or the High Holy Days between the start of Rosh Hashanah and the conclusion of Yom Kippur. All are examined whether they have lived by these words in the past year and whether they promise to live by these words in the coming year. We are judged, inscribed and sealed in the Book of Life based upon the sincerity of our deeds, the virtue of our prayers and tenacity of our repentance, the selflessness of our charity and the righteousness of our justice. We undergo a process of personal introspection not only of our relationship to the Almighty but also of that to our family, friends and community. We ask for forgiveness not only from God, but from those in our lives who may have been hurt by our words and deeds. We hear the sound of the shofar—the biblical call to our people urging us to arise, be grateful for what we have been, but also to look forward with seriousness of what we can become. It is a call that embodies a message of optimism and hope that is the essence of the Days of Awe. The shofar and the High Holy Days are also designed to remind us that we are a community with obligations to one another. We are a people who take responsibility for one another so that we may all flourish and perform the mitzvot. We can ask through prayer for forgiveness from God for the acts of omission, hardness of heart and neglect, but we can never seek out the multitude of Jewish children suffering from hunger and pain who could have been helped, but weren’t. We ask our community to do that for us as we pray to God to be given the opportunity to perform the mitzvot of tzedakah in the coming year. It is easy to proclaim one’s desire to change, but not so easy to do so. It is not easy to let go of our anger, our hurt and well developed reasoning for our behavior despite our proclamation to do otherwise. It is not easy to express gratitude for what one has and forgive those who cause us pain so that we seize the opportunity to become what we intend or as Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel once said, “The gravest sin for a Jew is to forget what he represents.” We must strengthen ourselves, our people and our community and be what we are capable of being not through words but through deeds. Our Tidewater Jewish community is indeed a special community. We are lucky to be part of it and must never take it for granted. We are admired by residents and leaders of other com-

munities for our incredible commitment to the Jewish tradition of caring and concern and the mitzvot of tzedakah. Our community’s name rings out in far off lands where poor Jews have food, clothing and shelter because of the generosity associated with that name. Our community’s name is linked with a love for Israel, Jewish education and Jewish identity because we do not think about commitment, but because we live it. This year, with the help and assistance of the leaders of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, our community undertook five “mission” trips to visit Israel, Cuba, Czech Republic and Hungary. More than 125 community members returned inspired by how fulfilling the mitzvah of tzedakah through the UJFT strengthens Jewish people around the globe. The almost 30 people who went to the Czech Republic will never forget visiting a place where the din of prayers still hung in the air and the belief in the Almighty never seemed to have vanished. It was a hidden synagogue of the former concentration camp of Terezin or Theresienstadt, where our group as if responding to the yearning echoes collectively said the S’hma out loud. We stayed to look at the remnants of the decorations, murals and inscribed Hebrew lettered texts, but one line of text stayed with many of us as we left, Da Lifneh Me Atah Amod—Know Before Whom You Stand. It is our belief that if you understand and let this simple phrase into your life, into your being, then you will hear the shofar everyday and everyday will be a holy day. If you go to synagogue Da Lifneh Me Atah Amod—Know Before Whom You Stand. If you speak angrily to a family member, friend or employee Da Lifneh Me Atah Amod—Know Before Whom You Stand. If you are asked by a member of the community to perform the mitzvah of tzedakah through the UJFT, Da Lifneh Me Atah Amod—Know Before Whom You Stand. Always, always Da Lifneh Me Atah Amod—Know Before Whom You Stand and righteousness will guide your words and actions. We know Da Lifneh Me Anachnu Amodim—Know Before Whom We Stand and we commit ourselves to our community. We want to wish you and your loved ones the healthiest and happiest of New Years and may you all be inscribed in the Book of Life. Miles Leon UJFT President


About the cover: Tidewater in Budapest and Prague.

New Year’s greetings from UJFT . . . . . . . . 3 Briefs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Torah Thought . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Holocaust Conference inspires . . . . . . . . . 6 Tidewater women in Israel. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 JCC presidents meet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Hospice patient goes to the circus. . . . . . 10 Tips on Jewish trips. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Journey to Budapest and Prague . . . . . . . 12 Rabbi Zoberman in Israel. . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 BSV accomplishes goals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

HAT Patrons 2012-2013. . . . . . . . . . . . . . HAT’s class of 2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Staci Eichelbaum on HAT . . . . . . . . . . . . It’s a wrap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Book Reviews. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . What’s Happening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Who Knew?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Obituaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Meet the Presidents: Miles Leon. . . . . . . Special Rosh Hashanah section enclosed

Harry Graber UJFT Executive Vice President

quotable 16 18 19 20 22 24 26 27 29 30

Published 22 times a year by United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 200 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462-4370 voice 757.965.6100 • fax 757.965.6102 email QR code generated on

Terri Denison, Editor Germaine Clair, Art Director Laine Mednick Rutherford, Associate Editor Hal Sacks, Book Review Editor Sandy Goldberg, Account Executive Mark Hecht, Account Executive Marilyn Cerase, Subscription Manager Reba Karp, Editor Emeritus United Jewish Federation of Tidewater Miles Leon, President Stephanie Calliott, Secretary Harry Graber, Executive Vice-President The appearance of advertising in the Jewish News does not constitute a kashrut, political, product or service endorsement. The articles and letters appearing herein are not necessarily the opinion of this newspaper. © 2013 Jewish News. All rights reserved. Subscription: $18 year For subscription or change of address, call 757-965-6128 or email JewishNewsVA

Upcoming Deadlines for Editorial and Advertising September 2 Yom Kippur September 16 Guide September 30 Mazel Tov October 14 October 28 Home November 11 November 25 Chanukah

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candle lighting

“Today, there are 120,000 Jews living in Hungary, yet only

Friday, August 23/Elul 17 Light candles at 7:27 pm Friday, August 30/Elul 24 Light candles at 7:17 pm

11,000 identify themselves with

Friday, September 6/Tishrei 2 Light candles at 7:o7 pm

the Jewish community.”

Friday, September 13/Tishrei 9 Light candles at 6:56 pm

—page 13

Friday, September 20/Tishrei 16 Light candles at 6:46 pm Friday, September 27/Tishrei 23 Light candles at 6:35 pm | August 19, 2013 | Jewish News | 3

briefs Knicks’ Stoudemire becomes part owner of Jerusalem basketball team New York Knicks forward Amar’e Stoudemire has purchased a stake in the Israeli basketball team Hapoel Jerusalem. Stoudemire said on his Twitter feed that he joined an ownership group led by businessman Ori Allon that purchased the team, which participated this season in the Eurocup. “Excited to join the partnership that is giving back to the city of Jerusalem by offering the Hapoel basketball team a fresh start,” Stoudemire tweeted. “Proud to partner with @Amareisreal & others on building a promising future for the Hapoel Jerusalem basketball club,” Allon tweeted. Stoudemire served as an assistant coach for the Canadian basketball team at the Maccabiah Games in Israel. Since finding out his mother is Jewish, Stoudemire has taken a high-profile trip to Israel in 2010 and expressed his Jewish roots. (JTA) Reports: Hamas missiles can reach Tel Aviv Hamas has rockets that can reach Tel Aviv, according to Israeli media reports. The Gaza-based terrorist organization is producing long-range rockets that can reach into central Israel, Army Radio reported. Israel had targeted the advanced M-75 rockets and their launchers during last November’s Operation Pillar of Defense. Hamas managed to fire off several of the rockets during the conflict, according to Ynet. A long-range M-75 missile landed south of Ashkelon in February, according to The Jerusalem Post. (JTA) Jewish groups sending aid to Syrian refugees in Jordan A coalition of Jewish groups is providing more than $100,000 in aid to Syrian refugees in Jordan. The Jewish Coalition for Disaster Relief, which is made up of 14 organizations and coordinated by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, convened last month in New York to allocate the money

to several groups providing aid to Syrian refugees in refugee camps in Jordan, a JDC spokesman told JTA. The money is going to the Jordanian Red Crescent, which is the kingdom’s version of the Red Cross; Israel Flying Aid, for food distribution; World Jewish Relief, which is working with the Save the Children program in one of the refugee camps; and the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), for resettlement work. Approximately 1 million refugees from Syria’s two-year-old civil war have fled in roughly equal numbers to Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon. (JTA)

Hillel taps Eric Fingerhut, former congressman, as CEO and president Eric Fingerhut, a former U.S. congressman and leader of Ohio’s system of public universities and colleges, has been tapped to serve as the next president and CEO of Hillel. Fingerhut’s hiring was approved last month in a unanimous vote by Hillel’s board of directors during a meeting in New York. He comes to the international campus organization after serving most recently as a corporate vice president at Battelle, a Columbus-based independent research and development organization. Fingerhut was an Ohio congressman in 1993-94. “I am honored to be joining such an esteemed and important organization,” said Fingerhut, 54, in a statement released by Hillel. “Everything in my life has led to this moment—my public service, my work on campuses and research centers across Ohio, and my lifelong devotion to Israel and the Jewish people. And so I couldn’t be more thrilled.” Hillel boasts a network of 550 branches at colleges, universities and communities in North America, Israel, the former Soviet Union, Europe and Latin America. While most of the branches operate independently, the central Hillel organization, based in Washington, plays a lead role in setting strategy for the movement and raising money to create and help implement new strategies at the campus level. Under the guidance of Fingerhut’s predecessor, Wayne Firestone, the organization adopted a new strategic plan focused

4 | Jewish News | August 19, 2013 |

on reaching Jewish students who rarely, if ever, frequent Hillel houses. When Firestone announced his decision last year to step down as leader of the organization, Hillel board members said the next president and CEO would need to focus on securing new funding sources to fund the strategic direction. (JTA)

Iranians in Canada caught using fake Israeli passports Seven Iranians were caught using fake Israeli passports at Vancouver International Airport. The Iranians, whose identity is unknown, were posing as the Solomons family from the central Israeli city of Rehovot, according to reports. They may have been trying to take advantage of Israelis’ ability to travel to Canada without a visa. Iranians need a visa to enter Canada. The passports listed the Iranians’ names and ages as Mona, 48; Tomer, 40; Nadine, 15; Narin, 11; Binyamin, 9; Marin, 6; and Nermin, 5. The passports, however, contained several Hebrew errors and mismatched translations, enabling authorities to recognize them as forgeries. The passports were sent to Israel’s Israeli Population and Immigration Authority. Several Iranians in recent years have tried to enter various countries with fake Israeli passports. (JTA) Roger Waters concert features Nazi-like uniform, pig balloon with Jewish symbol Roger Waters, a rock musician critical of Israel, used a giant, pig-shaped balloon emblazoned with a Star of David and symbols of dictatorial regimes during a recent concert in Belgium. Waters, who recently urged other performers to boycott Israel and compared Israel to apartheid South Africa, was singing on stage on July 20 under the balloon while toting a machine gun replica and wearing a long black leather jacket with a red-and-white arm band, reminiscent of a Nazi uniform. The former Pink Floyd member was singing “get him up against the wall, that one looks Jewish and that one’s a coon, who let all of this riff-raff into the room”—

the lyrics of the song In the Flesh. Thousands of fans shouted his name and applauded as he stood on stage pretending to fire the replica. Michael Freilich, editor-in-chief of the Belgian Jewish monthly Joods Actueel, called on the government to issue a statement condemning what he called “an anti-Semitic display” at the concert. The Anti-Defamation League said that Waters has a long history using these symbols in his concerts. “While we wish that Mr. Waters would have avoided using the Star of David, we believe there is no anti-Semitic intent here,” an ADL spokesman said. (JTA)

Google bought Waze for less than $1 billion Google paid less than the previously reported $1.1 billion for the Israeli navigation app Waze. The purchase price came in at $966 million in cash, Waze reported July 25 in its financial report for the second quarter of 2013, the Israeli business daily Globes reported. The purchase was completed earlier this sumemr. Waze is a free downloadable navigation app with nearly 50 million subscribers. Prior talks between Waze and the social networking site Facebook reportedly had broken down over Waze’s insistence that the company’s managers and employees remain in their Israeli headquarters in Raanana rather than relocating to Menlo Park, Calif. (JTA) Israeli billionaire Ofer’s gift launching fellowship at Harvard Idan Ofer, one of Israel’s wealthiest businessmen, made a gift to the Harvard Kennedy School to establish a graduate fellowship for emerging leaders in Israel and Palestine. The donation made last month by Ofer in memory of his father, Samy, will provide full tuition and other financial support to as many as four students annually to attend the Kennedy School, which specializes in global diplomacy. Harvard would not disclose the amount of the donation but described it as generous. The first Samy Ofer graduate fellows are expected to begin in 2014. (JTA)

Torah Thought

Kee Tavo


he Israelites are taught that re-entering the Promised Land is more than a physical act. At the core of this great adventure is a spiritual drama calling for giving thanks through a heartfelt thanksgiving, to the God who led Israel from the diverse confines of Egypt’s House of Bondage to freedom’s open promise and the underlying premise of Sinai’s responsibility. The expected offering to the priest from the bounty of “a land flowing with milk and honey” and the consecrated field’s labor, is designed as an uplifting recognition of divine benevolence that should not go unnoticed, but be internalized for generations to come. It becomes a humbling act of acknowledging an individual’s, along with a people’s limitations, particularly for a nation covenanted to be “a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.” However, given the human proclivity to

take blessings for granted and put aside the true record of one’s accomplishments and failings for short-term self-aggrandizement, implicit is the Israelites’ approaching the priest with earthly goods as a remembrance of these gifts’ divine origin which assumes even fuller significance while reciting the liberation saga of the Exodus. This is also a liberation from our own petty narrowness and pagan blindness to the larger scene of the human enterprise, in which God is a senior partner. It is precisely in the moment of peak rejoicing of the harvest’s fruitful yield that the celebrating Israelites are commanded to recall trying beginnings of their people’s sojourn and the subsequent suffering in the crucible of Egyptian tyranny, lest a journey of forgetfulness and neglect ensues with disastrous consequences. It is difficult, though, to reconcile the lyrically tender words, so very relevant at this trying time, “Hashkifa mimon kodschecha min-hashamayim uvarech et-amcha et-Yisrael.” (“Behold from the heights of your holy abode, from heaven and bless Your people, Israel…”), to the extraordinarily harsh and indescribable punishments to befall us for straying from God’s Covenant. —Rabbi Israel Zoberman, Congregation Beth Chaverim in Virginia Beach

Rudd ensures Aussie elections won’t conflict with Yom Kippur SYDNEY (JTA)—Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has called new elections for Sept. 7, avoiding a conflict with Yom Kippur. Rudd said that the clash with Yom Kippur—Sept. 14, the date set by Julia Gillard, his predecessor—was a “massive inconvenience” to Jews. Gillard was ousted in late June from the top job. Australia’s elections are always held on Saturdays, so Yom Kippur was not an extra burden for Orthodox Jews, who always pre-poll. Rudd is head of the country’s Labor Party. A Newspoll survey in late July had Labor trailing the center-right Liberal Party, 52 percent to 48 percent.

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Bill Cosby November 21, 2013, 7:30pm $45, $50, $60, $80

My Heart In A Suitcase April 7, 2014, 10:00am & Noon $10, $15, $20, $25

Joe Ely, Ruthie Foster & Paul Thorn November 22, 2013, 8:00pm $30, $35, $40, $45

TAO: Phoenix Rising April 14, 2014, 7:30pm $25, $35, $45, $50

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Ben Folds April 30, 2014, 7:30pm $35, $45, $55, $65

IONA – Traditional Celtic Miller Studio Series January 15, 2014, 7:30pm, $20 | August 19, 2013 | Jewish News | 5

Ruth’s will said a lot about her. What does your will say about you?

Holocaust Commission inspires and challenges teachers at Conference

As a “pink lady” Ruth Goodman accumulated more hours than any other volunteer at the Norfolk hospital where she greeted visitors. Before she died in 1995, Ruth

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n an information-packed and emotional two days, 75 educators, human rights activists, and interested community members explored the question posed by the 11th Biennial Educators’ Conference

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6 | Jewish News | August 19, 2013 |

College Park


Ann De Torres, Great Neck Middle School teacher, browses for books between the sessions.

of the Holocaust Commission of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater: Why Care? Held on August 5 and 6, the conference included presentations from nationally-known speakers Jud Newborn and Linda Hurwitz, local Holocaust survivors Dana Cohen and Kitty Saks, film screenings, interactive demonstrations of classroom exercises, and a special tour of the Virginia Holocaust Museum in Richmond. “This conference is a perfect homage to who we are as a Commission, representing the heart and soul of Holocaust education, and letting the community know what we do and the resources we can give them,” says Gail Flax, co-chair of the event with Dale Jacobs. Both Flax and Jacobs say that they felt participants came away from the twoday experience more knowledgeable and empowered. Holocaust Commission director Elena Barr Baum agrees, and says the impact on participants was tangible. “One of the best things someone said to me was that they couldn’t remember two days when they’d learned more,” says Baum. “We are very fortunate to have the support of the Sam and Reba Sandler

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Family Foundation, which has helped underwrite this conference for many years, enabling a broad range of educators to receive this outstanding opportunity to pass on the lessons of the Holocaust to their students.” Conference attendees came from as far away as southern North Carolina, western Virginia, Northern Virginia, and from as close as the United Hebrew School. Lohrer Mise, an English teacher at Windsor High School in Jud Newborn and Linda Hurwitz. Windsor, Va., says she was inito use in our classrooms, and a chance to tially interested in the conference because of the continuing education cred- hear inspirational presenters and survivors sharing their stories. its she would receive and its affordability. “We were challenged to do something “This was my first time attending an educational conference dealing with about injustice and cruelty to our fellow the Holocaust and I wasn’t sure what to humans, and to let what happened to expect,” says Mise. “I got so much more these people and others motivate us to than I thought—materials and activities advocate more for human rights. I will pay more attention now, and I will see how I can get more involved. I wasn’t especially looking forward to school starting again, but now I can’t wait, and I’m anxious to start using all of this new material!”


Dr. Jud Newborn, the keynote speaker, addresses the participants.

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Deb Segaloff, Dana Cohen, Kitty Saks and Elena Baum. | August 19, 2013 | Jewish News | 7


The Wonder of Woman usual crowd of people waiting for their friends and family. I was expecting a tour guide and a sign, but instead there were women —and lots of them. They were all there to welcome us with hugs, kisses, buses, snacks and water. What had I Still smiling because the group took the cable car to the top of Masada. been thinking? Of Tanya Conley, Mandi Firoved, Jen Adut, Amy Lefcoe, Wendy Auerbach, course!—we were Mindy Brown, Rebecca Tall, and Leah Schwartz. now Home with 200 of our sisters. Tidewater’ s trip to Israel as by Amy Lefcoe part of the Jewish Women’s Renaissance photographs by Mindy Brown Project had begun. Our goal was to transform and grow, e were jet lagged and out of it when we exited the doors and we achieved it in so many ways. from customs into the arrivals Whether it was rafting down the Jordan area of the Tel Aviv airport. There was the River or touring the mikveh in the mysti-


 

cal city of Tzfat, we took something from each experience. The Old City of Jerusalem became familiar stomping grounds as we spent our days there in prayer, song and learning. From the top of Masada to Camel rides in Eretz Breishit. the healing waters of the Dead Sea, our souls sang as we immersed ourselves in the Once there, we sang and danced as we power of women being together and values welcomed this sacred time of our week. We shared beautiful meals together including of our Jewish heritage. Shabbos embraced us with its tranquil- the third meal of Shabbos (seudos shlishit) ity and joy as it does so intensely in the on the roof of a magnificent home in the holy city of Jerusalem. With a pre-Shabbos old city of Jerusalem. We’ve come back to Virginia with a concert given by Rabbi Yom Tov Glaser (yes—his brother is Sam), we were already revitalized sense of spirit. Partly from just rocking on our way down to the Kotel. being on the ground in Israel, but also from the things we gained. Knowledge, friendships and appreciation for what we as Jewish women hold, are the keys to what is just the beginning of our journeys for the rest of our lives. For information on the Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project or next year’s trip to Israel, contact Amy Lefcoe at This trip was made possible in part by B’nai Israel’s Synagogue-Federation Partnership program funded by the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, the Tidewater Jewish Foundation and the Simon Family Foundation.

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Back row: JCC Center director Scott Katz; Past Presidents Lonny Sarfan, Chuck Rosenblatt, Linda Samuels, Barry Einhorn, Laura Gross, Marty Einhorn (president elect), Adam White. Front row: Terri Sarfan (current president), Jeff Kramer and Fay Silverman. (Not pictured: Lynn Cohen, vice president of development, and Ellie and Paul Lipkin.)

Briefing for former JCC presidents informs and engages by Leslie Shroyer


ast presidents of the Simon Family JCC gathered last month for an update about changes and developments at the Simon Family JCC. “We wanted our past presidents to learn about the exciting new programs we are implementing at the JCC, including Camp JCC, membership outreach initiatives and our new infant care center which opened last year,” says Terri Sarfan, current JCC president. ‘It was great getting together,” says Linda Samuels, a past president. “It reminds me that so much has changed, yet so much remains the same in this wonderful community of ours.”

“We were very impressed with the current initiatives the center is taking,” says Samuels. “By bringing us up to date, we can hopefully provide meaningful feedback and stay involved in the years to come.” Scott Katz, Center director, says “the participation of our past presidents shows ongoing commitment and dedication to this organization. I was inspired by our time together. “It is my sincere hope that the past presidents left here confident in the continued progress and success of our JCC,” Katz said. The Simon Family JCC is a constituent agency of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

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Administrative/Development Assistant Part-time approx 20 hours per week United Jewish Federation of Tidewater seeks an energetic, self-directed professional to provide supplemental administrative support, working collaboratively with Executive Vice President and development team. Duties include special issue research, report preparation, correspondence, database management, meeting coordination, event management, and other related tasks. Qualifications/Experience Associate’s Degree in Business; min 2 years administrative experience, civic and community engagement, non-profit, public affairs or related fields, preferred. Excellent analytic, organizational and communication skills. Ability to handle multiple tasks, general research skills, including print and internet. Proficiency in Microsoft Office, Social Media/Internet, use of a variety of computer software applications; skill in creating spreadsheets required. We offer an exciting and rewarding work environment. Submit resume with salary requirements to or fax to 757-965-6102. The United Jewish Federation of Tidewater is firmly committed to a policy of equal employment opportunity for all qualified persons without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, genetic information, non-disqualifying disability or military status.

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HPCT: Making a hospice patient’s wish come true

Hospice patient poses with the cast of the circus.


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isa’s* face lit up with joy when she reflected on visits to the “Big Top” with her son until his untimely death to cancer several years ago. She described happier times gone by, but her voice reflected sadness, as if she had already accepted that her circus days were over. Lisa, a patient of the Freda H. Gordon Hospice & Palliative Care of Tidewater (HPCT), was simply sharing part of her life story with a member of her hospice team. But Lisa didn’t know that her dreams were about to come true, thanks to the acute listening skills of Keya Bhagirath, spiritual care coordinator. “As I listened to Lisa talk about trips to the circus with her son, I knew that because of the hospice team’s “we can make it happen” approach, a little bit of hospice magic was about to happen,” Bhagirath says. Once the hospice team determined that Lisa was physically able to handle an outing, Ashley Lewis, hospice volunteer coordinator, went about securing tickets. Dreamquest Cirquesa had just arrived in town and it seemed like the perfect solution for this special wish. From her first encounter with the Dreamquest staff, it was clear to Lewis that she was dealing with a special organization. The show’s owners and creators Ivan and Noe España understood from their own personal loss how precious life is, and they shared the HPCT philosophy of “embracing every moment.”

The generosity of the Españas was incredible. Not only did they provide tickets to the best seats in the house for Lisa and the support staff, but extended the invitation to other hospice patients and residents from Beth Sholom Village. When it comes to hospice, most people think “death and dying.” But for the HPCT team, it’s about more than just controlling a patient’s pain and symptoms. It’s about helping patients live out the remainder of their days—however long they may be—with the best quality of life possible. For HPCT, listening for, and being able to re-kindle a wish that a patient may have given up on, is just as important as selecting the most comfortable wheelchair for a patient. The highest priority is controlling disease symptoms and finding the unique spot that ensures the patient is comfortable and pain free. This allows the patient to enjoy quality time with family and friends. Since opening in May 2012, HPCT has quickly gained a reputation for providing a superior level of care to their patients that encourages them to embrace every moment. Whether it’s a circus visit, coordinating a room makeover, arranging a surprise visit from a favorite pet, or remembering to pick up a patient’s favorite candy bar, the HPCT team lives their philosophy of embracing every moment. Ask any one of the skilled professionals what the word “hospice” means to them, and they will say it’s far more about living than dying. To help make a hospice patient’s wishes come true, contact Jessica Willingham, RN, BSN, at 757-321-2242. *Patient’s name is changed to protect her privacy.

Tips on Jewish Trips

Yad Vashem ranked a top museum by travel website JERUSALEM ( JTA)—Yad Vashem was ranked fourth in the top 25 museums in the world by the travel website TripAdvisor. Israel’s Holocaust memorial and museum also was awarded the website’s 2013 Certificate of Excellence award given to sites that consistently receive outstanding traveler reviews. TripAdvisor is a popular travel website driven by reviews and comments of tourists and travelers. To qualify for a Certificate of Excellence, tourist sites must maintain an overall rating of 4 or higher out of a possible 5, as reviewed by travelers on TripAdvisor.

Yad Vashem is currently listed as first among 146 recommended sites to visit in Jerusalem. Visitors who commented on the site applauded the “moving and informative displays” and the “incredible use of architecture, audio visual, photos, and actual items to recreate a time in history that should never happen again.” They called Yad Vashem an “emotional, educational and inspiring experience” and an “unbelievably moving experience” that is a “must-see” for any traveler to Israel. Some 1 million people visit Yad Vashem annually.

New boat rides between Israel’s cities of Haifa and Acre


he 30-minute boat rides operate twice daily in each direction between Haifa, Israel’s third-largest city and port, and the Mediterranean fortress city of Acre. Haifa, draped around the slopes of Mount Carmel, is home to the Baha’i Shrine and the famed “hanging” Baha’i Gardens. The boat rides offer guided walking tours to popular tourist sites in both cities. “The new boat rides are a great step forward in the development of tourism to northern Israel,” says Haim Gutin, Israel Commissioner for Tourism, North and South America. A record-breaking 3.5 million travelers vacationed in Israel in 2012. Ph ot og raph s: Israel Ministry of Toursim

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746 Granby Street Norfolk www. | August 19, 2013 | Jewish News | 11

A week’s journey in Budapest and Prague

What’s in a name?


by Karen Lombart

n 2000, at the age of 11, Ina’s neighbor told her that she was a Jew. Confused by the comment, she went home and asked her parents for the truth. “How is this possible?” she asked. Growing up Christian, she went to church with her mother. Without saying a word, her father only nodded “yes.” It was her mother who encouraged her to go to Sarvacz, a Jewish summer camp in Hungary. • • • • • ast month, on July 14, 29 of us began our weeklong journey to Budapest and Prague. As participants on a United Jewish Federation of Tidewater Mission, we heard stories like this one over and over again. The search for Jewish identity continues to be a part of our people’s Eastern European heritage. Weaved into our sightseeing, our blossoming friendships, our laughter and conversations, a memorable Shabbat dinner and presentations from professionals and agency leaders, we saw the magic of today’s two Eastern European cities as we learned about the history of the Jews before and after World War II. Through the twists and turns of fate placed in the hands of the countries’ rulers, the presence or absence of a person’s name became the marker for prosperity or tragedy known to the Jewish community. • • • • • rague is a city whose streets read like a history book. Walking into the old town from our hotel, we passed through the city’s gate described by our guide, Uri, as the shape of a Havdallah spice container. He professed that the sovereignty and separation of the city’s regal archway is no different then the theme of the ceremony which separates Shabbat from the rest of the week. Uri, a rabbi’s son and resident of Israel, had the uncanny ability to transform the mundane into the spiritual as we moved from site to site. For the past 1,000 years, “Praha” has escaped the devastation of war which makes its architectural composition quite



unique. The heavy stone walls of the Romanesque churches stand in splendor next to slender pinnacles of Gothic churches. Renaissance town houses are neighbors to baroque facades. And today, modern design is intermingled within the street blocks and cobblestone squares. It was easy for us to imagine life before World War II while we were in the Czech Republic. The Precious Legacy Exhibit in the Jewish Museum exhibited priceless treasures and everyday possessions. On our museum tour, we stopped to admire a magnificent tapestry. The use of miniature pearls against the luxurious quilted fabric spelled out the name of a prominent synagogue member who had donated the decorative table cover. Pausing to reflect, we thought of the opulence and pride of the community as it must have existed. Seemingly awkward at first, we learned that members of the Jewish community had inscribed their names on their possessions so that they could reclaim them once the community’s reconstruction in the early 1900s was completed. Ironically in 1942, members of the same Bohemia and Moravia community suggested to the Nazis that their valuables be stored safely in the building, while they were forced to temporarily live in the Ghetto. Encouraged by their “generosity,” the town folks delivered their belongings right into the hands

Nathan and Karen Jaffe.

12 | Jewish News | August 19, 2013 |

Members of the Tidewater Jewish community in Prague.

of their exterminators. Tens of thousands of communal objects were stored there. While their possessions were being transferred, city residents were told they were being sent to Terezin, “a spa” built by Joseph II, named after his mother, Maria Teresia. In truth, the area had been constructed as a fortress to protect Prague from its northern invaders in 1780. Our tour guide, Pavel Stransky, was a man who had lived in the Ghetto and had his own survival story to tell. Upon our arrival, we watched the same footage that the Red Cross had seen, depicting Terezin as a wonderful place to live. With bake shops overflowing, candy stores shelves filled with sweet treats and community wide sporting activities, the Nazis were able to convince the world that the city was built to protect the Jews from

the stresses of war. As we walked through the Ghetto’s museum, it seemed ironic that we felt enveloped in the rich cultural life of the Jews who lived within its walls. We learned that there were enough musicians for two full symphony orchestras and distinguished composers present who created the children’s operetta Brundibar, Bumble Bee. Hanging throughout the exhibit were hundreds of drawings and paintings from the 6,000 that had been buried and smuggled out of the Ghetto to later successfully tell poignant stories. The essence of the artists seemed to come alive when we saw their signed compositions. Tombstones with no names now line the green lawns of the neighborhood cemetery. In Teresienstadt, 97,297 Czech Jews died; only 132 children survived out of

Harry Graber with children at the Jaffe JFS in Budapest.

the 15,000 that lived there. The number of those deceased from disease and malnutrition was so great, a crematorium with four gas ovens was built to handle the abundance of bodies. At 92 years old, Pavel lives on his own, walking the hills of Prague, proud of his four children and five grandchildren. He showed us his number, tattooed on the top of his forearm. Transported to Auschwitz-Birkenau with 22 other young men weeks before the war ended, he married his wife the night before he was selected to leave the Ghetto. Family names became the link for discovering relatives that had been taken from each other. His wife found him after the war. Our tour through Jewish Prague included six synagogues. Between the 29 of us, we have thousands of pictures from our weeklong experience. One photo opportunity came when Honey and David Maizel posed in front of the Maisel synagogue, which was named after the Jewish mayor of the city who lived during its Golden Age. The interior walls of the Pincus Museum were covered from floor to ceiling with color coded handwritten names of the victims chronicled by town, by family and by individual. The haunting emptiness of the list was a stunning reminder of the harsh reality of history. Just outside the museum, we silently walked around the Old Cemetery, overcrowded with gravestones. Again, we searched for the evidence of our past in the engraved Hebrew names and the symbols that could tell us more about the individuals laid to rest. The Maharal who served as a leading rabbi in Prague for most of his life and who told stories about the Golem, is buried in this cemetery. His gravestone is miraculously intact. Not all Holocaust survivors were able to relocate and start new lives. Often, they had no relatives to help sustain them. The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) found a way to help many who stayed in Eastern Europe. We visited the JDC’s Hagibor Social Care Facility that houses 60 survivors. Bright walls and an immaculate facility, the residents seem to be thriving. Like our own Beth Sholom Home, the names of the residents are listed outside their “apartments.” • • • • • n Budapest, some of us met with Holocaust survivors, others went to the Europa Café to hear about an exciting intergenerational program and the last of us went on home visits.


The Jaffe family of Tidewater, spearheaded by Karen Jaffe with the help of her brother Nathan, has invested in the welfare of the Budapest community by creating a Jewish Family Service. Helping those who are most vulnerable, the agency works to empower families in need to regain their economic independence by providing comprehensive social services. Gyongyi Toth, 48, a mother of six was told by her neighbor, a Holocaust survivor, that if she was Jewish, she could receive help from the agency. Living in two rooms with her six children and two grandchildren, she had been the victim of domestic abuse and desperately needed assistance. Today, Gyongyi volunteers for the JAFFE JFS-housed in the same building as the Jewish Community Center, and sews clothing for the center’s thrift store called the Orange Grove Center. Her multigenerational family was just sent to Sarvas’s family camp to experience the joys of Judaism. • • • • • wo days earlier, we visited Sarvas in the beautiful Hungarian countryside. We arrived the second to last day of the first summer session (there are three sessions each summer) to witness the ruach of 400 campers from more than 25 countries. We walked into the mess hall as the first group of kids stood on their chairs to give a cheer in their native language. The sea of campers began a wave of movement as one table at a time took their turn in the spotlight. Lunch was eaten, and then the end of the meal turned into a celebration. A guitarist led the festivities as a line formed to dance around the room, while everyone joined in singing Hebrew songs including our Tidewater group. Capturing the moment was one adorable 11-year-old boy who took video with his iPad. His footage replayed could be his “Jewish community” until the following summer when he is lucky enough to return. Sasha Friedman, camp director, told us that the camp is challenged with building Jewish identity among campers who know nothing about their heritage. It is not uncommon for a parent to wave good bye to their children at the beginning of a session with the words, “By the way, you are Jewish. Have fun!” The overarching goal of the JDC camp is to help each child integrate a sense of Jewish identity through personal experiences, by bonding with others from their own country and then by developing an understanding of Jewish peoplehood and a connection


to Israel. First started in 1990 with a contribution from Ronald Lauder, the camp has changed the lives of many. When we met Ina, 24, at the Israeli Cultural Center in Budapest, she got very emotional when she spoke about her experience at Sarvas. She said, “The moment Unmarked graves at Terezin. that I arrived, I knew that I was a Jew. I felt comfortable immediately, and I had never felt that way in church. My neighbor knew that I was Jewish because of my last name and she remembered my family before Nazi Germany and Communism.” Ina had travelled to Budapest from Romania for a JAFI program called “Minyanim.” Designed to foster Jewish identity, Ina and 30 other participants came from all over Eastern Europe and the rural areas of Israel to explore their own personal Jewish story, create a project to spur on Jewish renewal in their home communities and to experience a sense of the global Jewish world with an understanding of Israel’s centrality. The Jewish Agency for Israel has found that it is just as important to bring a sense of Israel to the global Jewish community as it is to help people make aliyah. Committed to attending the six seminars over a two-year period, Ina decided to build a Jewish library in Bucharest. Upon her return, she and her friend were to be counselors at a Jewish camp in the mountains called Christian modeled after Sarvas. • • • • • oday, there are 120,000 Jews living in Hungary, yet only 11,000 identify themselves with the Jewish community. There are several synagogues. We walked into the very grand, Doheny synagogue, the second largest synagogue in the world. Within the gates of the synagogue, there is a magnificent sculpture garden with a wire weeping willow to honor Raoul Wallenberg and those righteous diplomats and heroes who were never recognized for their bravery. Their names are beautifully listed in the garden. Names have become the link to our collective history. They give faces to our community members of the past and present, our heroes, our leaders, the righteous

A Holocaust memorial in Budapest.


Members of the group at Terezin.

that we would like to thank and our donors. When we walked into the buildings of Budapest and Prague, the names became people who had lived and died for Jewish community. I believe now more than ever before, that it is important to be counted not only in number but also by name. | August 19, 2013 | Jewish News | 13


Report from Israel state. The Israeli government approved a new y annual July pilgrimage to Israel, the law that already passed the first Knesset land where our people came to be vote to insure that the ultra-Orthodox and where I had the privilege to grow up, youth serve in the military, sharing the proved again to be a rewarding experience. burden with the rest of society, with some It was an opportunity to reconnect with strong opposition from the insular community which makes life very family, friends, sites and difficult for those of its food, practice almost excluown who currently serve sively my native Hebrew in the IDF. tongue and observe the The 19th Maccabean on-going evolution of a langames, “the Jewish guage miraculously revived Olympics,” brought to by the revolutionary Zionist Israel thousands of commovement. Interestingly and peting Jews from 178 of concern is the increased countries in a display of entry into Hebrew usage of Jewish unity and diversity English words, challenging that was so touching to the “purity” of a language watch! that has always had outside I managed somehow influence. What a joy to buy Rabbi Zoberman in Sicily. to leave my overly loving and read from a very flourishing Hebrew literature that is proof that 90-year-old mom, a remarkable Polish survivor, to join a bus load of Israeli tourists we remain the People of the Book! With the upheavals in Syria and for a special week of extensive travel in Egypt, and Iran’s continued insistence Sicily, the largest Island in the Middle East, in spite of sanctions to acquire a nucle- which is an autonomous part of Italy only ar capability, though with an even more two and one-half hours by plane from dangerous president because of his mod- Ben-Gurion International Airport. Sicily is erate cover, the Middle East has become Israel’s size with a population of about five highly combustible. How remarkable that million people. Though currently only a Israel has managed to retain its splendid few Jews live there, the Jewish presence in stability, vibrant democracy and robust Sicily goes back to the Second Temple perisociety under most trying circumstances. od. The Middle Ages witnessed in Sicily a I rejoiced when wounded Syrian civilians high degree of Jewish culture and learning. were treated in Israel and I only wish that Some notable names are those of Anatoli the international community would do far b. Joseph, Elijah Kohen, Samuel Masnut, more to stem the slaughter of the more Jacob Sikili, Aaron Abulrabi, and Joseph than 100,000 innocent lives. How frustrat- Saragossi. Some 37,000 Jews were forced to ing and painful particularly for Jews to face leave Sicily following the edict of expulsion of May 31, 1492. Being in Sicily on the 9th such a scenario! Certainly, the resumption of negotia- of Av was a moving statement that in spite tions between the Israelis and Palestinians of all we had to endure we are still here, due to the herculean efforts of Secretary of proud Jews with both a sovereign Jewish State John Kerry and Israeli concessions of state and an influential American Jewish the release of many Palestinian terrorists community. Am Yisrael Chai! I particularly find hope for the future with blood on their hands, is important. Obviously major obstacles remain, not the in the vitality and joy of the young ones, least is the division among the Palestinians so deeply moved by the Israeli children I with Hamas objecting to the Palestinian encountered who naturally speak in the lanAuthority’s willingness to even recognize guage of our Biblical prophets as free Jews. —Rabbi Israel Zoberman is the spiritual Israel. The overriding issue for Israel is how to preserve a Jewish and democratic leader of Congregation Beth Chaverim. by Rabbi Israel Zoberman


14 | Jewish News | August 19, 2013 |

Goal tracking for Beth Sholom Village Accomplishments are abundant. by Marcia Futterman Brodie


avid Abraham, CEO of Beth Sholom Village and his entire team—everyone from director of nursing to dietary and maintenance—all interact with residents and family members to have a good handle on the day-to-day operations. Watching and being “hands on” is not enough, though, to be certain Beth Sholom Village’s standards are above and beyond the norm for the industry, which is changing and becoming more stringent. Abraham says he “intends to stay ahead of the curve by setting and tracking annual goals daily.” Federal agencies such as Medicare recently began the process of evaluating health care facilities based on a series of standards—from cleanliness, dietary, and medication distribution to falls. The outcomes of these surveys are available to the

public and can be useful information when choosing the best facility for a loved one. Accountable Care Organizations play another role in why Beth Sholom Village goes to great measures to create and accomplish set goals. ACOs are groups of doctors, hospitals, and other health care providers who voluntarily come together to give coordinated, high quality care to their Medicare patients to ensure that patients, especially the chronically ill, get the right care at the right time, while avoiding unnecessary duplication of services and preventing medical errors. BSV goals are set at the start of the fiscal year in July and are developed by all department heads and unit managers. Input from the staff creates accountability and a strong team work effort. Once goals are agreed upon and set, they become public. BSV posts monthly updates on their website and the goals are posted throughout the facility. By the end of the last quarter, all goals were achieved. Fall reduction, for example, is very important to the wellbeing of residents since falls are common among the

elderly. Precautions and safety measures must be taken to ensure that they are minimized. Beth Sholom had a goal of 10% reduction in falls and exceeded that by achieving 32% reduction.

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–TimeOut Magazine

A Few People are better at seeing the future than others, like Sidney Friedman. –Hoda Kotb, Today Show | August 19, 2013 | Jewish News | 15

Hebrew Academy of Tidewater Konikoff Center of Learning

Strelitz Early Childhood Center Gifts and Pledges for the 2012–2013 school year

Dear Patrons, Your Gift Has Made a Difference! Thank you $50,000–and up


Anonymous The Konikoff Family Mr. and Mrs. John Strelitz The United Jewish Federation of Tidewater

Dr. and Mrs. Abbey Horwitz The David & Sylvia Krug Memorial Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Miles Leon S. L. Nusbaum Realty Company Mr. and Mrs. Peter Segaloff State of Israel Ministry of Finance Streco Fibres

$20,000—$49,999 Jewish Funders Network United Way

$10,000–$19,999 Anonymous Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Robert Copeland Mr. and Mrs. Todd Copeland Tommy Hofheimer Medical Mission

$5,000–$9,999 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Dreyfus Tavia, Steven and Randi Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Robert Josephberg Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kramer Krichman Charitable Trust Mr. Arnold Leon Mr. and Mrs. Jerrold Miller National Disaster Solutions, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Nordlinger Mrs. Ann and Mr. Alan* Nusbaum Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Peck Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Radin L. M. Sandler & Sons, Inc. The United Jewish Community of the Virginia Peninsula TowneBank

$1,000–$2,499 Atlantic Contract Furnishings Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Benson Charles Barker’s Lexus Virginia Beach Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Dozoretz Mr. and Mrs. Martin Einhorn Faggert & Frieden P.C. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Fine Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Friedberg Harbor Group Management Company Heritage Bank Mr. and Mrs. Jay Klebanoff KPMG LLP The Lefcoe Family Mr. James C. Nocito Norbert & Henry Bratt Charitable Trust The Palms Associates Dr. Richard Rosenblum and Ms. Gabrielle Schwartz Salter and Associates, P.C. Mr. Rand E. Shapiro Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Siegel Mrs. Joyce Strelitz The Spindel Agency

Mr. and Mrs. Burle Stromberg Wall, Einhorn & Chernitzer, P.C. Rabbi and Mrs. Mordechai Wecker Mr. W. Adam White Williams Mullen Foundation

$500–$999 Dr. and Mrs. Marc Abrams Dr. Jason Alper and Dr. Jennifer Rush Altmeyer Funeral Home Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Auerbach Mr. and Mrs. Herbert K. Bangel Mr. and Mrs. Brad Bangel Mr. and Mrs. Jon Becker Beth Sholom Home of Eastern Virginia Brokerage Partners LLLP Mr. and Mrs. David Cardon Copy Fax Creative Images Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Drory Endurance IT Services Mr. John Finguerra Mr. and Mrs. J. Stanley Furman Mrs. Wendy Goldberg Mrs. Ruth Gutherz Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Jaffe Mr. and Mrs. Eric M. Joffe Jormandy, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kantor Dr. and Mrs. Warren G. Karesh Dr. and Mrs. Edward Karotkin Dr. and Mrs. Robert Laibstain Dr. and Mrs. David Lannik

“Being a Jewish Day School student means to delve into texts and traditions, master skills and knowledge, value diversity, and live a life imbued with Jewish values.” —Ravsak 16 | Jewish News | August 19, 2013 |

Dr. Robert D. Lehman Mr. David Leon and Dr. Lisa Finkel-Leon LoanCare Servicing Center Lombart Instrument Company Mid Atlantic Dermatology Dr. Bernard H. Miller Monarch Properties Inc. PayDay Payroll Property Management Group Mr. and Mrs. Edward Reed Dr. and Mrs. Ivan R. Schiff Mr. and Mrs. Nathan S. Segal Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sifen Stein Investment Group Summit Group of Virginia LLP The Armond and Rose Caplan Foundation The Foleck Center for Cosmetic Implant and General Dentistry Virginia Wealth Management Group, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zelenka Mr. and Mrs. Bob Zuckerman

$100–$499 Mr. and Mrs. David Adut Air Station Investors LP Alan and Esther Fleder Foundation Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Alan Arnowitz Rabbi and Mrs. Jeffrey Arnowitz Mr. and Mrs. Michel Ashe Mrs. Clay Barr Dr. and Mrs. Alan Bartel Mr. and Mrs. Gary Baum Bayview Plaza Pharmacy, Inc. Ms. Donna Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Danniel Berkovich Ms. Beth Hirsch Berman Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bookbinder Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence I. Brenner Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Brewer

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard H. Brooke Mr. Hyman Brooke Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Buxbaum CB Richard Ellis Caplan Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cardon Mr. and Mrs. Russ Chenoweth Mr. and Mrs. David Cohen Congregation Beth El Ms. Tanya Conley Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Robert Corbin Mrs. Rebecca Danker Mr. and Mrs. E. D. David Ms. Shelby Davis Mrs. Roz Drucker Easley, McCaleb & Associates, Inc. Mr. Frankie Edmondson Eric Joffe Construction Corp. Fannie and Milton Friedman Family Foundation Fink’s Jewelers, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Flax Ms. Lorraine Fleder Mr. and Mrs. Seth Fleishman Mr. and Mrs. Rick Foleck Mr. and Mrs. Jack Frieden Mr. and Mrs. Frank Friedman Mr. Leslie H. Friedman Capt. and Mrs. Marcus Friedman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Friedman Mr. and Mrs. Ehud Gartenberg Mr. Itzhak Gartenberg Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gehring Mr. Brent Gerald Mr. and Mrs. Oscar L. Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. Michael Glasser Mr. Ryan Glick Dr. and Mrs. Marc Glickman Dr. and Mrs. Norman Goldin Mr. and Mrs. Morton Goldmeier

Mrs. Hilde Deutsch Gonsenhauser Mr. and Mrs. Alan Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Erik Gordon Dr. and Mrs. Guerry Grune Mr. Maury Handel Haynes Furniture Company H. D. Oliver Funeral Apartments Mr. and Mrs. Philip Helman Ms. Zena Herod Mr. Andy Hodge Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Jason Hoffman Mrs. Marcia Hofheimer Mr. and Mrs. Howard Horwitz Mr. Bill Hutchinson Dr. Daniel Isaacman and Ms. Francine Kohen Dr. and Mrs. Alan Jaffe Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Jaffe Ms. Karen Jaffe Mr. and Mrs. Carl Janow Mr. and Mrs. Joel Jason Mr. and Mrs. Jason Jeanpierre Dr. Denny Jenkins and Dr. Leanelle Goldstein Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kahn Mr. David Kamer and Dr. Marcia Samuels Mr. and Mrs. Barry Kantor Mr. and Mrs. Gary Katz Mr. Gary S. Kell and Dr. Jessica J. Kell Mr. and Mrs. Irv Kempner Mr. Jay Kenslow Mrs. Hannah Konikoff Mrs. Adina R. Kozberg Mrs. Clare Krell Dr. and Mrs. David Kruger Ms. Sarah Laibstain Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Laibstain Mr. Dave LaJoie Mr. and Mrs. Richard Landis Larrymore Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jay Legum Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Leon Dr. Mark Lipton Ms. Joan London-Baer Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Longman

Mr. Joseph O. Luster, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Marcus Marilyn and Marvin Simon Family JCC Mr. and Mrs. Lee Martin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Matilsky Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mersel Dr. and Mrs. Julius S. Miller Mrs. Tanya Miller Dr. and Mrs. Burton Moss Nelnet Business Solutions, Inc. No Frill Bar and Grill (Spotswoods Food) Mr. and Mrs. Paul Peck Ms. Rhona E. Peck Mr. Steve Poorman and Ms. Cara Scheffres Rashkind Family Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Reuben D. Rohn Mr. Richard Rose Mr. and Mrs. J. Rose Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Rosenbach Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Rosenblum Mr. and Mrs. Gene D. Ross Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Rossen Mr. Philip Rovner and Ms. Joanne Batson Rabbi Arthur M. Ruberg and Mrs. Miriam Brunn Ruberg Mr. and Mrs. Joel Rubin Cmdr. and Mrs. Harold H. Sacks Mrs. Florence Samuels Mr. and Mrs. Marc Samuels Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Samuels Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sandler Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Saunders Cantor and Mrs. Wally Schachet-Briskin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Scheffres Dr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Schechner Dr. Alfred M. Schulwolf Dr. and Mrs. Robert Seeherman Cmdr. and Mrs. Paul Seeman Mr. and Mrs. Walter Segaloff Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sher Mrs. Judith Shiloff Shivar, Peluso, and Andersen PC Mr. and Mrs. Mel Siegel Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Simon Mr. and Mrs. Sanford M. Simon S. L. Nusbaum Insurance Agency, Inc. State Farm Insurance Co. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Steinberg Mr. Lawrence Steingold

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stredler Mr. and Mrs. Gary Tabakin Thirty-First Street LC Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Trub Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Turok Dr. and Mrs. Jules Wainger Mr. and Mrs. Seeman Waranch Mr. Kenneth J. Weinstein Wells Fargo Foundation Educational Matching Gift Program Mr. Darrick Wickre Mr. Kenny Wintman Wolcott, Rivers, Gates Mr. and Mrs. Marc Zimmerman Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zitron Mr. and Mrs. Steven Zuckerman

Up to $99 Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Abrams Ms. Sandi Advocat Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Alper Mr. and Mrs. Michael I. Ashe Mr. and Mrs. Wali Azimi Mr. and Mrs. Alex Barkan Mr. Jeffrey Barr and Dr. Lisa Barr Mrs. Marlene Bass Mr. and Mrs. Art Bates Becker Eye Care Center, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Becker Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Benas Ms. Susan Bernard Dr. Robert Bernstein and Ms. Lisa Ehrich Mr. and Mrs. William Bernstein Ms. Linda Bridges Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Brooke Mr. Steven Brown and Dr. Beryl Brown Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Caplan Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Clapper Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cohen Mr. Hyman Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Drory Ms. Andrea Duval Mrs. Judy Eichelbaum Mr. James Eilberg and Dr. Susan Eilberg Mr. and Mrs. Craig Einhorn Mr. and Mrs. Bill Elings Mr. and Mrs. Yarom Eloul Dr. and Mrs. Al Finkel Dr. Eric Friedman and Ms. Rebecca Zimmerman Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Friedman Dr. and Mrs. Alan Gamsey Mr. and Mrs. Ray Goldman Mr. and Mrs. Norman Goldwasser Mr. and Mrs. Steven Golombek Mr. and Mrs. Edward Goodove

Dr. and Mrs. Mark Greenspan Dr. and Mrs. Jerome S. Gross Mrs. Shirley Schulwolf Hainer Ms. Bernice Heilbrunn Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hughes III Mr. and Mrs. David Jorgenson Mrs. Nancy Kanter Mrs. Sylvia Kaplan Ms. Marilyn Spitalny Katz Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Kaufman Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kayer Mrs. Debra M. Keeling Dr. and Mrs. Benjay Kempner Mrs. Barbara Klaff Mrs. Sonia Kline Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kozak Ms. Rachel Kozak Mr. and Mrs. William Krell Mr. and Mrs. David B. Laibstain Mr. Steven Lederman Mrs. Shirley Legum Ms. Nancy Levin Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Levitin Dr. and Mrs. Roger W. Lidman Ms. Bonita A. Lindenberg Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lipkin Mr. and Mrs. Sheal Lisner Mr. Robert Liverman Mr. and Mrs. Burke W. Margulies Mr. and Mrs. Martin Marin Mr. Richard Marten and Ms. Nancy Loewenberg Ms. Elsie Martin Mr. and Mrs. Noah Matilsky Mr. Saul Mednick Mrs. Cilda Meltzer Mr. and Mrs. Bryan R. Mesh Mr. and Mrs. Richard Miles Mr. and Mrs. Claude Miller Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Moore Mrs. Bernice Moses Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth I. Muhlendorf Mr. Matthew Myers and Ms. Merrin Cenicola Mr. and Mrs. Joel Nied Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nusbaum Mr. and Mrs. M. David Proser Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rosenblum Dr. and Mrs. Scott Rosenblum Dr. and Mrs. John Rosenman Ms. Judit Roth Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Ruchelman Ms. Judy Saperstein Dr. and Mrs. Robert Seltzer

“The school has always been the most important means of transferring the wealth of tradition from one generation to the next.” —Albert Einstein Mrs. Dorothy Slone Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley Smith II Mr. Mark Solberg Mr. and Mrs. David Turner Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wall Mrs. Dorothy N. Zimmerman

Endowments Harry & Sylvia Belkov* Memorial Scholarship Fund Leon & Florence Berlin* Memorial Fund William and Carole Bernstein Ezra Annuity Abraham and Malka Bornstein* Memorial Fund Julian Colby* Memorial Unrestricted Fund Bessie Dozoretz* Scholarship Fund Ronald Dozoretz Scholarship Fund Rosa K. Frieden* Memorial Unrestricted Fund Tavia and Freda* Gordon Scholarship Fund HAT Supporting Unrestricted Fund Hebrew Academy Scholarship Fund Leola Banks Jaffe* Unrestricted Fund of HAT Carl J* & Juliet A. Katz Unrestricted Fund Barry and Reatha Kantor Scholarship Fund of HAT Alene Jo Kaufman Endowment Fund Klebanoff Family Philanthropic Fund Kramer Family JFN/PEJE Fund Celia Krichman* Unrestricted Fund Leon Leach Ezra Annuity Selma and Leon Leach Restricted Scholarship Fund Jeff & Elayne Littman Philanthropic Fund James London* Athletic and Outdoor Program Marguerite Marx Jewish History Collection Ada R. Michaels* Faculty Development Restricted Fund Joseph* and Barbara Patish Ezra Annuity

Reba and Samuel Sandler* Memorial Fund of HAT Lonny & Terri Sarfan Philanthropic Fund Segaloff Family JFN/PEJE Fund Sarah and Samuel Sonnenberg* Memorial Fund Harold and Reva* Sprung Technology Endowment Celia Stern* Fund of HAT Solomon and Sylvia Yavner* Fund The Mel Bass* & Debbie Bass Sadoff* Memorial The Lester & Barbara Horwitz Restricted Fund The Teachers’ Endowment Fund The Zena Herod Endowment Fund

Gifts in Kind Aldo’s Ristorante Avant Guarde Photography Azar’s Baker’s Crust Beecroft & Bull Bite Restaurant and Catering Bravo Cucina Italiana Bruitti’s Changes Hairstyling and Spa Coastal Edge Colley Pharmacy Commodore Theatre Cosmic Cupcakes Eden Way Storage Center Fellini’s Fleet Feet Sports Freemason Abbey Restaurant Garden Gazebo Gary Allen Hair and Skin Care Haagen Dazs/Blimpie Harris Teeter Hilton Virginia Beach Oceanfront Holman’s Photography Studio In Motion Physical Therapy Island Breeze Jake’s Place Jody G Long Jewelers Lynnhaven Fish House Mark Gonsenhauser Rugs and Carpets Mary’s Nail-tique

McArthur Mall McCormach & Puryear Jewelers Nauticus No Frill Bar and Grill Norfolk Admirals Norfolk Tides North Beach Hair Pigtails and Crewcuts Planet Pizza Please and Thank You Quality Shop Ragged Robin Gift Shop Remedies Salon Spa/Barbershop Riverstone Chophouse Roger Brown’s Restaurant and Bar Running Etc. Salon Oh Sandler Center for Performing Arts Simply Selma’s Sunsations The Globe The Green Onion The Kitchen Koop The Lemon Cabana The New Leaf The Royal Chocolate The Ten Top Tidewater Drive Storage Center Todd Rosenlieb Dance Trader Joe’s Virginia Aquarium Virginia Beach Resort Hotel Virginia Stage Company Virginia Symphony Orchestra YNOT Pizza Yorgo’s

Education Improvements Scholarship Tax Credit Donors $10,000 Mr. and Mrs. E. D. David Mr. and Mrs. Ron Kramer $5,000 Mr. and Mrs. Neil Friedman Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Lefcoe $2,500 Mr. Jeff Chernitzer Mr. and Mrs. Marty Einhorn Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wall *of blessed memory

We apologize in advance for any omissions we might have made.

Thank you for sharing in our vision to educate future Jewish leaders. Todah Rabah. | August 19, 2013 | Jewish News | 17




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Hebrew Academy of Tidewater graduates class of 2013

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HAT Class of 2013 Standing: Elizabeth Hughes, Leora Friedman, Rachael Stromberg, Sarah Blais, Rose Lefcoe, Audrey Peck, Sanni Wagenaar, Emily Myers, Tia Einhorn, and Shoshana Zysman. Seated: Micah Schachet-Briskin, Daniel Krell, Aidan Rosenblum, Jonathan Peck, Samuel Lederman, Joshua Schwarz, and Jordan Familant.

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18 | Jewish News | August 19, 2013 |

by Dee Dee Becker


very year it happens in May and early June: Spring, a season of renewal and beauty, which grows from determination and hard work. It is also a season of graduations everywhere…an event that also commemorates growth, hard work and new beginnings. Coincidence? Probably not… and so, in grand tradition, the Hebrew Academy of Tidewater Konikoff Center of Learning’s Class of 2013 gathered for their very memorable commencement ceremony on June 6 on the Sandler Family Campus. Little compares to observing the beaming faces of parents, grandparents and other family members and friends as they adoringly watch their beloved children walk across the stage to receive their diplomas. These students wore equally mammoth-sized smiles as they accepted their parchment, shaking the hand of Rabbi Mordechai Wecker, headmaster, who posed with each graduate. “Continue to learn, continue to grow,” said Wecker. “Continue on your upward trajectory as students, and always retain that child-like curiosity about your world that was the hallmark of your time spent here at HAT. Continue to grow as Jews, learning more about your sacred roots and responsibilities to G-d, to this great nation the United States of America, to your fellow Jews, and to the State of Israel.”

Awards and presentations Nine year awards (from preschool, age two–5th grade) Sarah Blais, Leora Freidman, Elizabeth Hughes, Daniel Krell, Samuel Lederman, Rose Lefcoe, Audrey Peck, Jonathan Peck, Aidan Rosenblum, Rachael Stromberg James London Memorial Athlete of the Year Aidan Rosenblum Middot Award (for the student who most exemplifies the values we strive to live) Rachael Stromberg Shirley Helfant and Ruth Josephberg Award for Visual Arts Sarah Blais Abe and Anna Rudolph Award for Excellence in Mathematics Rose Lefcoe Rabbi Charles J. Mantel Memorial Award for Excellence in Judaic Studies Emily Myers Hyman J. Stromberg Memorial Award for Academic Excellence Shoshana Zysman Members of HAT Class of 2013 have been accepted to: Norfolk Academy Cape Henry Collegiate School Norfolk Collegiate School Virginia Beach Friends School Great Neck Middle School’s AVID program with advanced classes in English and Science Kempsville Middle School Beth T’filoh, Baltimore, Md. Hebrew Academy of Tidewater is a constituent agency of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.


Staci Eichelbaum, HAT Class of 2005


n July, I excitedly boarded a plane from Norfolk to start my new career with AIPAC in Houston, Texas. As I quickly worked to find a new apartment, pack my clothing, book tickets, and make plans to begin my life in Houston, I couldn’t help but look back on my upbringing in Tidewater and consider how it has shaped me into the person I am today. In first grade, I made the leap from the Jewish Community Center’s preschool to Hebrew Academy of Tidewater. Looking back, I realize the education I received at HAT went beyond vocabulary, reading and grammar. When I graduated from HAT, I was as prepared as any other student in the area, but I had more tools in my back pocket. I was able to stand in front of a large crowd and feel confident to present myself in a poised manner, thanks to the years of plays and performances we, as students, created and executed. I was able to make independent and concrete decisions based on the freedom and independence I was allowed. I was able to write a research paper without being overwhelmed, thanks to the study and research skills I was taught, which happen to be the same skills I used all through college. I was able to leave HAT with lifelong friendships, people I still call when I need a true friend, who truly understand me. I was able to walk into the world with a strong foundation of my heritage, thanks to weekly parsha classes and relating daily activities to our Jewish background. This foundation has allowed me to explore the world without forgetting where I come from. My graduating class had 16 students. At James Madison University I was reunited with three of those graduates. While we had gone separate ways in high school, there was a special feeling seeing these people around campus. Sitting on the quad at JMU one day, I ran into Carley Oser who attended HAT with me. We sat in the sunny spring weather and talked for an hour, picking up just where we left off. Those HAT friendships have special bonds, sharing a common history that can never be replicated.

In a time when anti-Semitism is rising around the world, the greatest gift I received from my parents was a strong Jewish foundation. I admit I am not the most religious, but my foundation at HAT has taught me what it means to be a Jew, and what it means to be part of a community. My work with BBYO, Israel, and with the Jewish community, including a pro-Israel annual event for college students, stemmed from the sense of community I received at Hebrew Academy. Walking through the halls of HAT continues to bring up memories no other childhood could create. If any parent or student is contemplating making the transition to HAT, I have three words to say: please do it. We are lucky to live in a world where Jews can attend any school. We have the ability to create a new generation of students who will be able to walk into the world with strong and confident backgrounds, the same way I


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Staci Eichelbaum JMU Class of 2013.

did. A Jewish Community Day School education from Hebrew Academy truly makes a difference.







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It’s a Wrap

Beth Sholom Village residents go for pizza

Janet Gordon Annual Mah Jongg Tournament and Luncheon nods to Year of the Snake

by Marcia Brodie, Beth Sholom Village, director of marketing



ebecca Moralez, RN and administrator-in-training at Beth Sholom Village has encouraged all department heads to go on an outing with residents in order to understand what residents experience when they leave the building and to see the effort that goes into bringing an activity to life. A recent trip to Ynot Pizza serves as an example. Allison Whiteman, director of activities, and her staff work hard to overcome the many challenges an outing can present. And, there are plenty. First are the logistics of getting everyone on the bus. That alone takes physical and emotional effort. One resident, for instance, was nervous about the lift on the bus, so lots of hugging and comforting by Portia Turner and Shavon Taitague took place. Getting the wheelchairs locked and residents situated was like watching a study in safety for the Navy. These ladies know how to “lock and load” and do it quickly. Next was getting off the bus. Kind of like the former, but instead wheelchairs were navigated through a fairly crowded restau-

rant that was set up like an obstacle course. Ordering was the next event. Allergies, chewing capabilities and the like all had to be considered. Slices of pizza and bowls of spaghetti that needed to be cut into bitesized pieces were chosen. The entire time, the group sang songs, made silly jokes and told fun stories about the residents’ families and past careers. Turner and Taitague had love and smiles pouring out of them. Even though it was more than 90 degrees on this outing day, the high temperature did not impact the trip. The residents kept talking about how much they loved going out and how much they loved the food. Beth Sholom Village is a constituent agency of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

YAD ‘hits it out of the park!’


lear Sunday afternoon. Bases loaded. Pitch count is 3 and 2. YAD takes a swing—grand slam! On the afternoon of Sunday, July 14, United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s Young Adult Division (YAD) hosted their largest outreach event of the year. Totally sold out, more than 55 young adults gathered for the second annual Tailgating and Tides event. After a baseball-themed summer barbeque tailgating party hosted by new YAD Cabinet member, Fred Rose; guests took The Tide Light Rail to Harbor Park to watch the Norfolk Tides take on the Charlotte Kings. Though the Norfolk Tides didn’t come away with the win, YADians had a winning evening having fun and doing a mitzvah. Half of the proceeds from this outreach event were donated to the JFNA Oklahoma City Tornado Relief Fund. Tickets to the Tides game were graciously donated to YAD by Jerry and Kathy Kantor and Alan and Jody Wagner. “Like” the YAD Facebook page to stay updated on future YAD events.

20 | Jewish News | August 19, 2013 |

Ben Simon with Jeff and Christy Hubbard.

Adam Shall and Kamilla Abramov.

Fred and Ryan Rose.

eth Sholom Village’s lobby quickly filled on the morning of Monday, July 29 with people arriving to attend the annual Janet Gordon Mah Jongg Tournament and Luncheon. Participants immediately gazed upward as they were greeted by bright red dragons hanging from the ceiling and bamboo trees on tables that almost reached the ceiling, transforming the room into a Mah Jongg, Year of the Snake, motif. Bryan Mesh, director of development and Claire Roth, assistant development director, have worked with the Gordon family for the last several years to raise funds for Beth Sholom Village and to honor Janet Gordon’s memory. This year’s event was another success, made possible with the committee’s work: Marcy Terkeltaub and Linda Spindel, co-chairs, Rachel

Abraham, Illana Benson , Charlene Cohen, Karen Gilbert, Jeri Jo Halprin, Ellen Mesh, Leslie Siegel and Elena Welch. Dan Hahn, executive chef, continued The Mah Jongg—Year of the Snake theme through dessert, working for many weeks to create a dessert shaped as a snake filled with coconut, banana and pineapple.

End of summer fun at Camp JCC


he end of July was celebrated at Camp JCC with events to please the youngest, as well as the more seasoned campers. On Thursday, July 25, the younger campers brought their parents back to the JCC for a family dinner. After a pasta and salad buffet, children enjoyed parachute time, mask making, and a cupcake dessert. Friday, July 26 proved just as lively at Camp JCC, when campers dressed in costume to celebrate Purim in July. Costumed or not, everyone had an opportunity to jump around in the bounce house and partake in ice cream sundae creations before leaving for the weekend. Other Camp JCC highlights included the JCC Maccabi games, a third through sixth grade overnight, a “when I grow up” dress up day, and a talent show for all campers. Camp JCC continues through August 30 with a summer extension program for children in grades K through five.

To register for the summer extension of camp and enjoy the first annual mini-golf invitational and wacky wardrobe day, call 321-2306 or contact

It’s a Wrap

Swordfish swim team finishes season with even strokes by Leslie Shroyer


n excellent form of exercise, adults can continue to swim on a regular basis, which is why young swimmers who learn proper technique tend to swim for recreation throughout their lives. Such is the hope of Kristie Kimener, swim team mom, whose children Connor (10), Aidan (9) and Kerrigan (6) swim on the Swordfish Swim Team at the Simon Family JCC. Joining the JCC two years ago, Kimener worked hard with JCC fitness trainer Starr Gargiullo to lose more than 25 pounds after the weight she gained with her fourth child proved difficult to lose. When she joined the JCC, Kimener began taking classes and her children enjoyed their time at the JCC babysitting. This spring, she heard about the Swordfish Swim Team and decided to register her kids. “My four kids could swim,

Military Day at Camp Ruach

Season of Faves The American Theatre

er they are siblings of but not do strokes. I put swimmers or swimmers, the three older ones on the campers and what-not.” team so that they could Kimener, who exerimprove their technique.” cises year round, What they got out of the appreciates the workout team was far more than time she gets while her Kimener hoped. kids swim, so it’s been a “Since Swim Team total fitness package for began in June, they have the family. “Four Moms basically gone from doggy from swim team meet paddling to proficient Kerrigan, Connor, Kristie and Aidan Kimener. while the kids swim, so stroking in all the major it’s a win-win summer. strokes,” she says. “For them it’s not about just swimming for safe- The fitness staff even created an outdoor ty anymore, it’s about swimming for joy Tabata class for us on Thursdays so that we could all partake in outdoor fitness fun.” and exercise.” The Swordfish Swim Team competed Much of the team’s success is attributed to Coach Matt Smith. “Matt is wonder- in four meets outside the JCC during July, ful, energetic, and great with kids,” says with the final “fun meet” and awards at the JCC on Sunday, July 28. “All I can say is, Kimener. “He’s like the pied piper,” says Romy my youngest can’t wait to join in next year; Radin, whose six-year-old also swims on all my kids will be Swordfish swimmers in the team. “All the kids love Matt, wheth- 2014!” says Kimener.

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ctive duty Navy member of Jewish War Veterans Post 158, Lt. Aaron Kleinman, Chaplain Corp and former Navy pilot, demonstrates flight gear to the children of Camp Ruach at B’nai Israel Congregation in Norfolk during the camp’s Military Day.

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Lunch Specials from $4.50 Dinner Specials from $5.75 (757) 722-2787 125 E. MEllEn StrEEt, HaMpton | August 19, 2013 | Jewish News | 21

book reviews Haunting memoir The Shame of Survival: Working Through a Nazi Childhood Ursula Mahlendorf University Park: The Pennsylvania University Press, 2009 365 pages, $21.95 (paper) ISBN 978-0-03448-5


rsula Mahlendorf has been teaching for more than 40 years, most of them as a professor of German at the University of California at Santa Barbara. Frederick A. Lubich During these years, her major research interest has been the history of German fascism and its psychological aftermath as reflected in post-World War II German literature. Realizing that only few personal accounts of involvement in the Hitler Youth existed, she decided in her mid70s to tell her own story. Born in 1929 in a small German town in Lower Silesia, which is today part of Poland, the author begins with recounting her early childhood of growing up in a working class family. While she herself is grappling with feelings of inferiority for being an unwanted child—“I am the aborted baby”—her family is struggling with the larger social issues of rampant inflation and rising unemployment. Having lost her father at an early age, she recognizes in hindsight that the powerful figure of the Führer soon became for her a surrogate father figure. Following his call, she joins the organization of the Hitler Youth and as the war progresses she rises through its ranks. The subsequent chapters describe in vivid detail her personal experiences during the Third Reich, from its early military conquests to its final collapse, followed by the Russian invasion and the final expulsion of her family and all her fellow German Silesians from their ancestral homeland Silesia. The author continuously contextualizes her own experiences within a larger social and historical context, reflecting on formative aspects such as Nazi ideology, mass propaganda and postwar Allied policies. The last two chapters focus on her postwar studies at the University of Tübingen in Germany, her subsequent emigration to the

United States, her experience of finding an intellectual home in the world of academia and, last but not least, her lifelong struggle and many years of therapy working through her Nazi past and her deeply traumatic feelings of guilt and shame. In the end, she states that she found a measure of peace in the process of writing, remembering her family and even celebrating the natural beauty of her lost homeland. But she concludes: “I don’t think that I can ever escape the questioning of my Nazi experience. On the contrary, with age and greater knowledge and insight, with openness to new friends of different national, ethic, and social backgrounds, my self-questioning has become more demanding and more keenly felt,” This haunted and haunting memoir is a powerful testimony to its author’s concluding confession and I can confirm its deep sincerity. Ursula Mahlendorf was one of my teachers in the early 1980s at the University of California at Santa Barbara and she even served on my dissertation committee. Of the many courses I took as a wandering student in my 13 years of studies at five different universities in Germany, Great Britain and the United States, hers were the most personal and passionate in her search for truth, a lifelong quest which has crystalized in this book into the recurring leitmotiv of her reckoning with her younger self: “What if I had been older? What would I have […] done?” —Editor’s Note: Frederick Lubich is a professor at Old Dominion University in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures. He has lectured at the Simon Family JCC under the aegis of the ODU Institute of Judaic Studies and Interfaith Understanding. We welcome him to the Jewish News.

No simple explanation A Small Town Near Auschwitz Ordinary Nazis and the Holocaust Mary Fulbrook Oxford University Press, 2012 421 pages, $34.95 ISBN 978-0-19-960330-5


e have chosen to pair this review with the one by Professor Frederick Lubich as they represent a

22 | Jewish News | August 19, 2013 |

Hal Sacks

more recent genre of Holocaust literature: German civilians who lived through World War II. In The Shame of Survival Ursula Mahlendorf rose through the ranks of the Nazi Youth organization, and struggles with the shame of survival as she works through her Nazi childhood—in much the same way that death camp prisoners deal with the guilt of their survival. In A Small Town Near Auschwitz, British scholar Mary Fulbrook discovers information in letters left by her mother that leads her to Bendsburg, the Germanized name for the ‘small town’ of Bedzin (pronounced Benzin), near Krakow in Upper Silesia, about 25 miles north of Auschwitz. The tactics of the German occupation of Bedzin were typical throughout Poland. The army would occupy the town, and then the Einsatzgruppen, consisting of troops trained, instructed, and prepared to use violence, swept in and immediately rounded up, humiliated, tortured, shot, and burned a significant portion of the town’s Jewish population. In Bedzin, hundreds of Jews were killed at once, some locked in the Great Synagogue, which was then set on fire. Students of the Holocaust will recall Jan Gross’ chilling account in Neighbors: The Destruction of the Jewish Community in Jedwabne, Poland. In Jedwabne, the execution of hundreds of the town’s Jews locked and burned alive in the synagogue, was carried out by their Polish neighbors, incensed by the cooperation of the Jews with Russian troops when the town (in northeastern Poland near Bialystok) fell earlier to the Russians. In either case, the standard procedure seems to have been: first, kill one-third of the Jews; second, work one-third to death; third, execute the remaining one-third in the death camps. At the end of the 20th century, Serbian forces under Radovan Karadzic seemed to have developed a similar metric: First, kill one-third of the Muslims of Bosnia; second, convert onethird to Eastern Orthodox Christianity;

third, force one-third to move out. Thus, Bosnia would be free of Muslims just as Poland became Judenrein. Author Fulbrook discovers that her mother’s closest friend and her own godmother was married to Udo Klausa, the Landrat or civilian county administrator of a number of small cities including Bedzin. Klausa was able to escape punishment after the war by claiming that he was just a low functionary following orders. In fact, he was cleared of charges and ultimately served in the post-war German Federal Administration. However, from his unpublished memoir and letters of his wife, Alexandra, it was clear that Klausa, a member of the Nazi party since 1933, was a willing implementer of Nazi directives in his county, including enforcement of humiliating laws and filling of quotas for deportation of Jews. “I felt as though I had been kicked in the stomach,” reports Fulbrook when she learned the extent of Klausa’s involvement in the Holocaust. Her hope is that it will add to our understanding of the horrific behavior of so many who held themselves to be ‘decent’ people. Fulbrook gives voice to the victims who were on the receiving end of the Nazi policies; she also addresses the betrayal by the Central Office of the Jewish Councils, members of the ‘gendarmerie’ or local constabulary and the regular and criminal police forces, as well as the Jewish militia, all of whom participated in the progressive degradation, humiliation, exploitation and expropriation, maltreatment and starvation of the Jews. Again the reader is reminded of Daniel Goldhagen’s controversial Hitler’s Willing Executioners and particularly of Christopher Brown’s Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland. German citizens rejected for the draft were enlisted to massacre and round up Jews for deportation. Given the opportunity to opt out of killing Jews, only 15 out of 500 exercised the option. Out of these studies comes an under-

I felt

I had been

kicked in the stomach.

book reviews standing of what has been termed “cumulative radicalization.” We have witnessed it in not numerous, yet significant numbers of incidents in Vietnam (MyLai), Iraq (Abu Ghraib), and Guantanamo (here the radicalization was on the part of the prisoners rather than the jailers). In the author’s words, “there are many different ways in which the term ‘Nazi’ can be understood…there is no simple definition of what can be meant by ‘Nazi,’ let alone an ‘ordinary Nazi’…there are also many ways in which the term ‘decent’ can be understood.” In 1943 Himmler claimed that the SS could ‘remain decent’ despite the fact that they were murdering innocent women and children. How can we explain that the Holocaust was made possible by the actions of so many, yet was actually “intended” by so few? As Mary Fulbrook so succinctly states, “How could some people later claim that they had ‘always been against it’ while their behavior at the time…propelled the dynamism of Nazism on to the murderous conclusion that was Auschwitz and all that this stands for?” —Hal Sacks is a retired Jewish communal worker who has reviewed books for Jewish News for more than 30 years.

layered tragedy. In fact, her bond with the remarkable Holocaust Commission of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater has made a difference in her life as an educator, as well as in her students’ lives in Virginia for the past 35 years. She was an English high school teacher for 26 years in Suffolk and Chesapeake and for the last 10 years taught writing at Tidewater Community College. Her thesis for a M.S. Ed. in Secondary Education from Old Dominion University in 1995 was a developed curriculum for Holocaust education. The Holocaust Commission honored Martin in April 2000 for Excellence in Holocaust Education. She presented her poem, Remembering the Holocaust, in memory of Elie Wiesel’s family, to Wiesel in person. His hand-written note of appreciation has meant the world to Martin. Both the poem and the note are preserved at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. The poem is testimony to Martin’s undying spirit of hope, never submitting to evil’s

persistence. “Yet like each generation, / the phoenix continues to rise again, / As each generation returns to claim / What their forefathers sought in vain. / Humanity from inhumanity.” Subject and sensitive to life’s normal transitions and losses, she painfully mourns the death of her parents in the same year, 2006. In aptly titled Rudderless at 52 she nonetheless succeeds in capturing the depths of losing her parents’ unconditional love and protection, “Their dual deaths left me submerged / In unknown, discomfiting darkness.” Her honesty and courage to expose her human failure and vulnerability extends to very private matters she faces head on. In When Love is Not Enough, she shares, “I thought I was the answer to your prayers / And the solution, to your problems. / So, it came as a shocking surprise / To realize that I was not enough/ To calm your inner fears and / To help you realize your dreams.” How liberating is her ability to tran-

scend the limitations that chained her, learning to navigate life’s uneven course while offering us all indispensable hope, “I sway to the music of life, / now free from imposed fears and other toxins. / Now chainless, I embrace all that life has to offer, / The taste of freedom is, indeed, intoxicating.” She also finds consolation and reassurance in nature’s works with the storm giving way to calm, “The sun’s rays brilliantly break through the darkness/ as if to demonstrate that goodness most always overcomes evil.” Martin’s sincerity meaningfully communicated from a loving heart in an understated yet effective way, manages to connect life’s threads (the book’s title) in a tapestry made whole. We look forward to a second collection from this true and talented poet. —Rabbi Israel Zoberman, spiritual leader of Congregation Beth Chaverim in Virginia Beach, is the son of Polish Holocaust survivors.

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Poet honored by Holocaust Commission

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Tapestry (Poems Woven from the Threads of Life) Mary Braford Martin Poetica Publishing Company, 2013 30 pages, $15

This is gifted poet Mary Martin’s first published book of verse, an inspiring debut honoring the language of the heart—and Martin’s heart Rabbi Zoberman is an embracing one. The enchanting collection of 21 poems over 30 pages reflects both the humility of a grateful heart ever seeking to connect to her world within and without, along with a stubborn insistence to express herself. This Righteous Gentile, whom I have come to know and appreciate, has been profoundly impacted by the Shoah’s multi-

A Beautiful Waterfront Special Events Venue



2100 Marina Shores Drive, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23451 | August 19, 2013 | Jewish News | 23

what’s happening

The Brotherhood’s claws come out


by Kyle Shideler

he aftermath of the July 3 ouster of Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi has been tragically bloody, yet deeply illuminating for students of the Muslim Brotherhood. The secretive organization, once mislabeled as secular and moderate by U.S. Director of National Security James Clapper, has revealed itself to possess ready access to, and a willingness to use, implements of severe brutality to achieve its ends. Twenty-one have been killed, and 112 injured, as rampant violence continues in the Sinai despite efforts by Egyptian police and military forces to rein in militias loyal to Morsi and the Brotherhood’s rule. Deaths have also occurred in street clashes between pro-Morsi and anti-Morsi protestors, with Muslim Brotherhood forces reportedly wielding shotguns and automatic rifles. The Egyptian military has bolstered its strength in the Sinai, with the approval of Israel as required by the Camp David Accords, and shuttered Gaza tunnels controlled by Hamas, expressing the fear that Hamas, the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, was coordinating violence on behalf of their parent organization in Egypt. Egyptian troops have seized weapons from the Brotherhood’s Cairo headquarters, arrested heavily armed protestors, and even seized Grad rockets allegedly headed for Cairo. The Grad rockets are the same type used by Hamas and its allies to rain down On Monday, Dec. 9, at 7 pm, Kyle Shideler will present a briefing entitled, “The Threat of the World-Wide Muslim Brotherhood Movement” at Beth Chaverim. The program is free and open to the community. For more details about the event or to RSVP, contact Robin Mancoll, CRC director at

destruction on Israeli towns such as Sderot. Egyptian prosecutors are also seeking to convict Muslim Brotherhood leaders for their alleged role in an assassination attempt against a top Egyptian general. These events have thrown into stark relief what previously has been little understood. Indeed on July 2, just days prior to the Egyptian government’s decision to move against the Muslim Brotherhood and oust Morsi, I agreed to provide a briefing on the subject of the worldwide threat of the Muslim Brotherhood on Dec. 9, at Beth Chaverim in Virginia Beach. The goal was to answer the question of whether the Muslim Brotherhood does indeed represent a legitimate expression of Middle East politics, as administration officials such as James Clapper have insisted, or whether it represents a dangerous threat to American interests and world peace. How is it that the Muslim Brotherhood, misunderstood as a mere political organization, within days, is capable of mounting a growing armed insurgency, even while many of its key leaders remain imprisoned, or in hiding? For the answer, it is best to turn to the original thinkers and founders of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in 1928 by Hassan Al-Banna, who from the earliest days stressed that the Brotherhood had both a political, religious, and military component. Warfare for the sake of Islam “Jihad,” is granted pride of place in the Brotherhood motto, which concludes: “Jihad is our way, Death in the way of Allah is our greatest desire.” Indeed the Muslim Brotherhood takes great pride in having rekindled Jihad as of principal importance. As Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf Al Qaradawi notes in his work Islamic Education and Hassan Al-Banna, “The real implication of ‘Jihad’ had been dismissed from Islamic training and way of Life, before its conception among the lkhwans (Brothers)…”

24 | Jewish News | August 19, 2013 |

The importance of the Muslim Brotherhood as both a “Dawah” (meaning preaching or proselytizing) and a “Jihad” organization is noted by seminal Muslim Brotherhood thinker Sayyid Qutb, who wrote in his work Milestones: “The movement uses the methods of preaching and persuasion for reforming ideas and beliefs and it uses physical power and Jihad for abolishing the organizations and authorities of the Jahili system.” Jahili refers to a system of government prior to the institution of Islamic law. Given that these thinkers shaped the Muslim Brotherhood from its earliest days, and have never been repudiated, we have every reason to believe that the Muslim Brotherhood takes its role as a jihad organization seriously. The recent events in Egypt make equally clear that when conditions are understood to require it, the Brotherhood is capable and willing to engage in violence. This is not the first time the Brotherhood has done so, nor the first time that it suffered arrests and repression as a result. Such was the case after the failed assassination attempt against Nasser in 1954, and again after the assassination of Sadat in 1981. The Brotherhood was in many ways forged in prison, as Qaradawi writes, “We used to jest by saying ‘The prison house of Tur is the 1949 training camp of the lkhwanis. Its expenses, food and lodging and other responsibilities rest with Egyptian government.’” The Muslim Brotherhood is, by its own admission, the fount of Jihad from which all other jihadi terrorist organizations have emerged. Their brief experience leading Egypt has not divorced them of their terrorist methods or goals. It has made clear, however, the deep ignorance that exists among Americans, both policy makers and general public, about Muslim Brotherhood, and how truly dangerous it is. —Kyle Shideler is the director of Research and Communications for the Endowment for Middle East Truth (

Jewish Museum and Cultural Center presents Ambrosia Trio Wednesday, Aug. 28, 7:30 pm

Ambrosia Trio


onderful Wednesdays continues at the Jewish Museum and Cultural Center with Simon LaPointe, Beverly Kane Baker and Rebecca Gilmore Phillips performing in their Ambrosia Trio. For information, go to www. or call 757-391-9266.

New first year class of the Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning Tuesday mornings, beginning October 8

For more information, contact Miriam Brunn Ruberg, Simon Family JCC director of Jewish Life and Learning at 321-2328 or

Nosh & Knowledge at Ohef Sholom Wednesday, Oct. 23, 12–1:30 pm


earn about breast cancer with the Tidewater affiliate of the Susan G. Komen Foundation for a Breast Cancer Awareness lunch session facilitated by a professional panel. Lunch will be provided by the OST Sisterhood. OST Sisterhood members: $15; non-members: $18. Call 625-4295 for information.

what’s happening Psychic predicts major increase in 9/10 calendar entries Tuesday, Sept. 10, 6:30 pm by Laine M. Rutherford


s Campaign staff members of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater began planning one of the biggest events of the year, they found themselves continuously drawn to the idea of presenting something or someone “out of the box.” They wanted an extraordinary happening that would reflect the exceptional people and dedicated community efforts that make Jewish Tidewater a great place to live. The staff began calling colleagues at Federations throughout the country to see if they had any unusual ideas for speakers appropriate for the venerable Annual Campaign Kickoff. One name was repeated over and over: Sidney Friedman. You’d think Friedman had hypnotized these contacts, but that’s not one of his “shticks.” Rather, Friedman is best known for releasing a list of predictions on TV news at the beginning of the year, he is a mind reader with words, pictures and music, and he is a much lauded performer who is promoted as “Master of all Things Psychic” and “Mentalist to the Stars.” Spoiler alert! One of the illusions Sidney may demonstrate while here includes

choosing a random person out of the audience, having that person draw something on a piece of paper, while Friedman also draws on a piece of paper. On his count, they turn around and, by golly, Friedman drew almost the exact same thing as the audience member! Head scratching exhibitions like that abound during Friedman’s performance, awing and surprising audiences—but for the Kickoff, he’ll also use some of his artistry and talent to weave in the message of the Federation and how important this organization is in the lives of so many people. “Some of the people we spoke to who had scheduled him to talk to their Federations were skeptical at first, but after his performance they were sold, and every single person said he just blew them away,” says Alex Pomerantz, Men’s director of the UJFT. “We decided for the 2014 Campaign Kickoff, we’d provide a new and fresh arena that will leave people energized to go out and have an extraordinary year,” says Pomerantz. “This will be unlike any other campaign kickoff we’ve ever had—people will be talking about it for years.” The purpose of the Campaign Kickoff

Norfolk Neighbors in Faith: Sixth Annual Interfaith Academy

event is to officially invite the community to be a part of the Federation, and to see all of the ways it impacts lives here, across the United States, in Israel and overseas. “The event is open to everyone who is involved, has been involved in the past and wants to be involved again, and to those who have never been involved and want to find out more,” says Pomerantz. “Everyone is welcome.” Cocktails begin at 6:30 pm. A few community leaders will briefly speak, and then its time to find out what predictions and great unknowns could be in the community’s future. Friedman will perform for about an hour. This Campaign Kickoff will be held at the Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community and is free and open to the public. Friedman predicts you’ll want to come, “so RSVP already:”

Sidney Friedman

email Visit www. for more information, and Like UJFT’s Facebook page: UJFTidewater, to get updates.

Eric Kline Business Development Danny Kline Vice President

Andy Kline President

Theme: Creation, in Religious Consciousness and in Life Classes: Monday, Aug. 19 and Wednesday, Aug. 21, 7–8:30 pm Site visits: Monday, Aug. 26 and Wednesday, Aug. 28, 7–8:30 pm SESSIONS Monday, Aug. 19 Environmentalism: Caring for Creation (Dr. Maynard Schaus, biology department, Virginia Wesleyan College and Pastor Steven Jolly). Host: Royster Memorial Presbyterian Church. Wednesday, Aug. 21 Religious Themes in Contemporary Literature: a response to God, the Creator (Cantor Gordon Piltch) Host: Talbot Park Baptist Church. NEIGHBORLY VISITS Monday, Aug. 26 Islamic Center (442 W. 49th St., Norfolk) Wednesday, Aug. 28 Blessed Sacrament Church (Kinsley Lane and Newport Ave.) For more information, contact Temple Israel at 757-489-4550.

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calendar AUGUST 21, Wednesday The JCC Seniors Club meets at the Simon Family JCC. Board meeting at 10 am; Catered lunch at 12 pm. The guest speaker is John W. Hallman III, a Life Safety Specialist with the Virginia Beach Fire Department who will speak on fire safety. If interested in attending a meeting, call membership chair, Wayne Gordon at 426-3297.

August 28, Wednesday Jewish Museum and Cultural Center presents Ambrosia 7:30 pm. See page 24.

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SEPTEMBER 8, SUNDAY Brith Sholom will hold its first meeting after summer break at the Beth Sholom Home. Board meeting, 10 am; General Meeting, 11 am; brunch, 12 pm.

September 10, Tuesday UJFT Campaign Kick-off with Sidney Friedman 6:30 pm. See page 25.

SEPTEMBER 15, SUNDAY Brith Sholom will have a dinner at Beth Sholom Home at 5:30 pm followed by Jazz & Oldies. $10 for members, $20 for guests. Payment must be received by Sept. 9. RSVP to Dale, 461‑1150.

© 2012 BRER Affiliates Inc. Real Estate brokerage services are offered through the independently owned and operated network of broker

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materials generated from any of our offices.

SEPTEMBER 18, SUNDAY The JCC Seniors Club at the Simon Family JCC. Board meeting, 10 am; Lunch, 12 pm. General meeting follows with guest speaker Howard Schwartz, membership director of the Simon Family JCC. He will speak on “Eating for Energy.”

Send submissions for calendar to Be sure to note “calendar” in the subject. Include date, event name, sponsor, address, time, cost and phone.

Free Guest Days at the JCC Thursday, Aug. 22–Sunday, Aug. 25 Simon Family JCC members may bring up to three friends and enjoy all that the Center has to offer

pools, fitness center and group exercise classes! For more information, call 321-2338.

26 | Jewish News | August 19, 2013 |

Who Knew? Madonna’s bar mitzvah boy Madonna reunited with her ex-husband and director Guy Ritchie to celebrate their son Rocco’s bar mitzvah last month. The coming-of-age celebration took place at The Kabbalah Centre in New York and included a small gathering the previous night. Madonna has been known for her involvement in Kabbalah studies since the 1990s. The singer posted a photo on her Instagram of Rocco completing the writing of a Torah scroll with the caption, “‘We finish the last letter of the Torah for Rocco’s Bar Mitzva! Lucky 13! Happy Birthday! Potential………responsibility!!!!’ —Madonna.” The festivities continued at Bklyn Beast, New York City’s training facility for Parkour, Capoeira and Dance. Mazel tov, Rocco! (JTA)

Lea Michele pleas for privacy In the wake of her boyfriend Cory Monteith’s tragic death, Lea Michele released a statement requesting to be left alone. “We ask that everyone kindly respect Lea’s privacy during this devastating time,” a rep for the actress told People. The Jewish Glee star, 26, was in Mexico when she learned that Monteith was found dead in a Vancouver hotel room last month. “She was shaking when she heard the news,” a friend told the Daily News. The Canadian-born Monteith, 31, who co-starred with Michele on Glee, openly struggled with substance abuse (his last rehab stint was in April). (JTA)

Rivers’ writers want justice The writers on Fashion Police have had plenty of practice taking swipes at big-name stars. Now they’re using the expertise to go after their own boss, Joan Rivers. In a three-minute video called Dear Joan: Can We Talk? the disgruntled writers come down on Rivers for not taking their side in a labor dispute with the E! television network. In April the writers went on strike “seeking

the basics: health insurance, a pension plan, and fair pay consistent with industry standards,” according to the video. “Joan Rivers is not just a star but a member of the Writers Guild, and that she won’t support her fellow Writers Guild members is astonishing,” one writer said. “To me it’s just a basic fairness issue.” The group claims they attempted to sit down and talk it over in person, but that Rivers was unreceptive. They believe the veteran Jewish comic has the power to get their demands met and are frustrated by ther lack of support. It’s convincing stuff, but as they say, there are two sides to every story. Maybe Rivers will find some new writers to draft her response. (JTA)

Aly and Amar’e at Maccabiah Jewish gymnast extraordinaire Aly Raisman was among the 1,100-strong U.S. contingent at the 19th Maccabiah Games. Some 8,000 athletes from around the world descended on Israel for the quadrennial event known as “Jewish Olympics.” Another big-name American at the games was Amar’e Stoudemire. The New York Knicks star, who traveled to Israel a few years ago to explore his Jewish roots, didn’t lace up his Nikes, but rather served as an assistant coach for the Canadian team. (JTA)

Catskills comedy school For decades, the hundreds of hotels and bungalow colonies in the Catskill Mountains offered Jews a summer getaway experience and provided a venue for Jewish entertainers to gain an audience. Now a new documentary explores the birth of modern standup comedy in the so-called Borscht Belt—what the film calls “a boot camp for the greatest generation of comedians.” When Comedy Went to School, co-directed by Ron Frank and Mevlut Akkaya, and written by Lawrence Richards, paints a picture of the rise of Jewish comedians amid the expansion of a classic Jewish-American summer destination.

Robert Klein narrates the documentary, which features accounts of their upstate New York exploits from Jerry Lewis, Sid Caesar, Jackie Mason, Jerry Stiller, Mort Sahl, Mickey Freeman and Dick Gregory, a non-Jew who happens to be black. There are interviews as well with family members of the Kutshers and Grossingers, two families whose hotels laid the groundwork for the booming Catskills business. As Lewis observes in the film, the Borscht Belt was a place that offered freedom of expression for young, talented Jews. “It was,” he said, “a place to be bad.” (JTA)

Meier, have been selling for $1.4 to $47 million. Madge last visited Israel in 2012, kicking off her MDNA tour at Ramat Gan Stadium. During the trip she visited the Western Wall tunnels in Jerusalem and holed up in her hotel with teachers from Tel Aviv’s Kabbalah Center. Looks like next time she might have more space for visitors—and since Meier on Rothschild has a pool, she won’t have to build a swimming spot for her kids. (JTA)

David Stern’s final draft boos

The iconic Jewish singer Leonard Cohen just rescheduled two dates on his UK tour after learning they fell on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, BBC News reports. Cohen, 78, is already publicly repenting. In a statement from his promoter, he apologized “deeply for the inconvenience” he has caused fans. FYI, for those who still haven’t checked Jewish calendars, the New Year hits on Sept. 5 and 6, with Yom Kippur on Sept. 14. And with Chanukah falling on Nov. 28, Thanksgiving evening, we’ll be lighting the menorah over turkey this year. That’s no issue for Cohen—he’s Canadian. (JTA)

Serving since 1984 as NBA commissioner, David Stern no doubt is used to the boos and curses he hears annually at the NBA Draft while announcing the first-round picks. Over the years, Stern’s strict policies, on and off the court, have afforded him the reputation of an almighty dictator among players, owners and fans. Last week in his final draft—Stern is stepping down in February—the draftniks in Brooklyn again showered him with Bronx cheers. But this time, the erstwhile villain took it upon himself to acknowledge, and even enjoy, the “warm welcome” from the fans. He even teased them, in a very nebbishy way saying “I can’t hear you.” David, we’ll miss you, you evil yet adorable man. (JTA)

Madonna’s tony Tel Aviv digs

Tom Jones playing Tel Aviv

Is Madonna putting down roots in the Holy Land? According to Israel’s Channel 10, the answer is a resounding maybe. While the Kabbalah devotee was not actually seen looking at properties, she was photographed holding a white folder. What, if anything, does that reveal, you might ask? Users of a Facebook page for Israeli Madonna fans wondering the very same thing blew up the shot and discovered that it wasn’t just any white folder but a brochure for the Meier on Rothschild tower, a luxury housing development going up in Tel Aviv. Apartments in the 50-story building, designed by celebrity architect Richard

The latest big-name musician to commit to a concert in Israel is Tom Jones, according to The Times of Israel. The Welsh pop legend, 73, is slated to hit Tel Aviv’s Nokia Arena on Oct. 26. Audiences can look forward to hearing classics like “It’s Not Unusual,” “Love Me Tonight” and “Kiss.” Jones joins an impressive list of artists who have played Israel recently, including Barbra Streisand, Cliff Richard, the Pet Shop Boys, Alicia Keys and Rihanna. (JTA)

Leonard Cohen won’t play on the holidays | August 19, 2013 | Jewish News | 27


75 years of Tidewater’s organized Jewish community

his special magazine-style publication will highlight the past 75 years of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, take a look even further back to the beginning, and peek into the future. With so many stories to tell and numbers to report, this is certain to be a keepsake piece.


Reserve advertising space to • Honor family members and congregants • Honor past presidents • Congratulate the community on three quarters of a century

For details, including advertising rates and dimensions, go to and click on “Advertise” or contact Mark Hecht 321-2331 •

Sandy Goldberg 965-6135 •

Advertising Deadline: August 30 28 | Jewish News | August 19, 2013 |

obituaries Edith Blumenthal Norfolk—Edith Blumenthal, 66, of Norfolk passed away Saturday, July 27, 2013. She was born in New York the daughter of Victor Z. and Lillian D. Blumenthal. Edith taught school in Norfolk and Portsmouth. She is survived by a sister, Sherry Baron; nephew, Michael Baron; niece Roshanna Baron and her extended family. A graveside service was held in Forest Lawn Cemetery. Condolences may be offered to the family at Ira Kantro Norfolk—Ira (Sonny) Kantro. Our family has lost our Patriarch. Sonny passed away after a short illness on May 30, 2013, one month before his 85th birthday, surrounded by his loving family. Beloved husband of Beatrice (Bunny), father to Scott, Mark and Meryl. Beloved grandfather of Matthew, Lauren, Jason, Ben and Harris. Most cherished brother of Sybil Haberman. Born to Murray and Rae on July 4, 1928 in Brooklyn, N.Y. Sonny served in the Marines during the Korean War. His loving warmth, generosity and huge heart for his family will be sorely missed as we continue life’s journey with him always in our thoughts. Adele H. Koster Norfolk—Adele Hirschler Koster, 98, passed away on Sunday, July 21, 2013 in her residence. A native of Norfolk, she was the daughter of the late Hattie Ries Hirschler and Milton Hirschler. She was predeceased by her husband Fred Koster and brother Bertram Ries Hirschler. She retired from Hofheimer’s as an accessory buyer at the age of 70. Adele had worked in the family business for 25 years. Mrs. Koster was a member of Ohef Sholom Temple. Survivors include a daughter Ernie Goldstein (Steve), a granddaughter Stephanie Mackey (Rob), and two great grandchildren Megan and RJ Mackey, nieces and nephews Gail Salzberg, Brian Hirschler (Rebecca), Gary Hirschler (Carol), and Leslie Ives (Larry), and many cousins. A graveside funeral service was conducted in Forest Lawn Cemetery with

Rabbi Lawrence Forman and Cantor Wally Schachet-Briskin officiating. Memorial contributions may be made to Jewish Family Service Home Health Care, Jewish Family Service Freda H. Gordon Hospice and Palliative Care of Tidewater, or a charity of choice. H. D. Oliver Funeral Apts. Richard C. Tamburino Virginia Beach—Richard Tamburino, 82, died peacefully in his sleep July 21, 2013 at his home in Virginia Beach. He was born and raised in Chicago, Ill. and was the son of the late Charles and Constance Tamburino of Chicago, and Sarasota, Fla. He attended Niles Township High School and graduated from Beloit College. He attended The United States Navy’s Officer Candidate School in Newport, R.I., and served as a public affairs officer for the Navy attached to the US Embassy in London, England. An avid photographer, he retired from active duty to establish Studio III Video productions in Norfolk, and went on to produce numerous award-winning television commercials and training films. Rick leaves behind his loving wife of 59 years, Barbara Chesbrough Tamburino, a sister, Jane Thompson of Saint Charles, Ill., four daughters, Kristine Wenzel and husband Peter Wenzel of Coral Gables, Fla.; Cynthia Kramer and husband Ronald Kramer of Virginia Beach; Kimberly Tamburino of Norfolk; Kelly Nicholson of Norfolk; and a son, Richard Tamburino, Jr. of Scottsdale, Ariz. He is survived by grandchildren Will Ryan, June, Alex, and Austin Kramer all of Virginia Beach; Edward and Nicholas Nicholson of Norfolk; Nicholas Wenzel of Coral Gables; and Olivia Chieco Tamburino of Norfolk. Mr. Tamburino was deeply loved by his family and all who knew him, and he will be cherished forever. A memorial service was held at Eastern Shore Chapel Episcopal Church. H. D. Oliver Funeral Apts. Online condolences may be made to the family at

Yitzhak Berman, catalyst for Sabra and Shatila massacre inquiry JERUSALEM ( JTA)—Yitzhak Berman, who quit Menachem Begin’s government to protest its resistance to investigating the

causes of the 1982 Sabra and Shatila massacre, has died. Berman died and was buried Sunday, August 4 on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem with a Knesset honor guard, Israeli media reported. He was 100. The former spy made his mark on Israeli history in the wake of the Sabra and Shatila massacre, during which Israel’s Phalangist allies in Lebanon killed more than 1,000 Palestinian civilians in refugee camps from Sept. 16 to 18, 1982. The energy minister at the time, he was outraged at Prime Minister Begin’s resistance to establishing a commission of inquiry. His resignation on Sept. 30, 1982, the threat of others to follow and a mass protest in Tel Aviv all led Begin to set up the Kahan Commission, which found that high-ranking officials—notably Defense Minister Ariel Sharon and Chief of Staff Rafael Eitan—bore personal responsibility for not stopping the massacre. The findings forced the resignation of Sharon, Eitan and others.

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Serving as president of any board requires a commitment of time, mediation skills, funds and an abundance of patience. Meet the Presidents is a new Jewish News column that introduces these remarkable people who have accepted the challenge of heading local Jewish organizations and synagogues.

6/4/13 9:32 AM

Miles B. Leon, president, United Jewish Federation of Tidewater Profession President, S.L. Nusbaum Realty Co. Education Bachelor of Business Administration,   University of Georgia, 1980 Masters of Business Administration,   University of Miami, 1982 Family Married to Sandra Porter Leon Two children, Erin Leon and Ben Leon Jewish organizations Hebrew Academy of Tidewater, past president Jewish Community Center, member AIPAC, member Congregation Beth El, member Ohef Sholom Temple, member Temple Emanuel, member

Miles B. Leon

Favorite Jewish holiday Passover—What better time for family and friends to celebrate our freedom as Jews and set an example for the rest of the world? Most memorable personal Jewish milestone The bat and bar mitzvahs of our two children represent the most memorable Jewish milestones. For Sandra and I to have watched our children be a part of the Jewish continuity our forefathers designed is quite special. Ties to the Tidewater Jewish community My appreciation for my Jewish connection is rooted in growing up in a tight and nurturing community in Portsmouth, attending an undergraduate college that provided a remarkable Jewish secular experience, and of course having parents, in-laws, and a wife who have been so involved in Jewish causes and organizations. Most admired Jewish leader Moshe Dayan—made me so proud as a child to be Jewish. What other positions have you held with UJFT? Past general campaign chairman, finance committee member, Simcha committee member. Why have you chosen to devote so much time to UJFT? UJFT is such a wonderful place for me to help make this community a better place for Jews to live and to help ensure that Jews flourish around the world and Israel. We have a remarkable local Jewish community. It’s unique and I never forget how fortunate I am in that regard. What would you like people to know about UJFT? I would like people to know how many people and organizations UJFT actually helps directly and indirectly. So many folks just do not have an appreciation of the wonderful role OUR federation plays in their community. What are your goals as president? My simple goals are to expand our base of supporters and help to explore how best to begin some much needed capital campaigns in the community. We need to make plans for the community’s future. 30 | Jewish News | August 19, 2013 |

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