Jewish News Business dec 7, 2015

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Karen Jaffe’s StarChase

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Supplement to Jewish News December 7, 2015 | Business | December 7, 2015 | Jewish News | 19

Published 22 times a year by United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 200 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462-4370 voice 757.965.6100 • fax 757.965.6102 email Terri Denison, Editor Germaine Clair, Art Director Hal Sacks, Book Review Editor Sandy Goldberg, Account Executive Mark Hecht, Account Executive Marilyn Cerase, Subscription Manager Reba Karp, Editor Emeritus Sherri Wisoff, Proofreader


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Business Dear Readers, “It’s not personal, it’s strictly business,” Michael Corleone says to his brother Sonny in The Godfather. A renowned line from the famous film, it is exactly the opposite of what the articles in this section on business emphasize. For those featured, their businesses are very personal. Consider, for example, our cover story on Karen Jaffe’s remarkable life-saving product, StarChase. Based in Virginia Beach, this company’s technology is literally changing police pursuits across the nation. And Jaffe, rightly so, feels good about its impact. A co-chair of UJFT’s Business & Legal Society, Faith Jacobson’s article on the Society’s programs and efforts highlights its personal nature, which goes along with B&L’s mission: “…to connect Jewish professionals to build a foundation for the future, foster a heightened sense of community, and strengthen the mission of the UJFT.” Business and legal professionals who are not already members might want to join after reading her piece. Several area Jewish business professionals were recently honored for their volunteerism, their fundraising efforts and their success at providing good places for their employees to work. Mazel Tov to them and to those who work with these award-winning leaders! Check our community recognition piece on page 25. Did you know that Kind Snacks, maker of Kind bars, is owned by a Jewish man who grew up in Mexico City? Daniel Lubetzky is all about goodwill and kindness, and so his company donates $10,000 each month to a social cause. Now, that’s personal. Whatever your business philosophy, whatever your taste in movies, we hope you enjoy this section.

Terri Denison Editor

Business Karen Jaffe’s StarChase slows pursuits, increases apprehensions Jaffe has also served on the boards of Trevor Fischbach, president of StarChase, LLC. and Karen Jaffe. the Tidewater Jewish Foundation, and the ust the words alone—high-speed chase Simon Family Jewish Community Center —conjure up thoughts of a dangerous where her family underwrites the annual kind—mounted in the front grill of a property damage and no deaths. StarChase police officer’s patrol car. A compressed air helps both the police agency and the public Jewish Book Festival. situation. In 2007, she created the Jaffe launcher deploys a GPS-embedded projec- save time and money; court costs, traffic Photographs of the aftermath of Jewish Family Services in tile at the suspect’s vehicle. It adheres to the disruption and delays, vehicle repairs and those pursuits are on display in Budapest, Hungary, modeled in back of the moving vehicle and transmits repairs to public and private property are the Virginia Beach-based busireduced, often totally eliminated, when StarChase, part after Tidewater Jewish its location. ness StarChase, LLC. The Dispatch monitors the vehicle through StarChase is utilized.” Family Service. The first of photos, which are difficult in effect, Reduced expenses for medical costs for its kind in Eastern Europe, a real-time mapping program thereby to look at, speak for themthose injured in a pursuit, and “for ongoing the agency offers a variety removing the traditional pursuit. selves when it comes to rewrites the “Once tagged, the officer falls back benefits to police who have been injured of programs and support the innocent lives lost. services for Hungarian turning off his lights and sirens,” explains and cannot return to work are other ways,” StarChase, a system entire event by she says an agency benefits. Jewish children and Jaffe. that tags and tracks Currently in more than a dozen states “Then the suspect’s vehicle slows within vehicles for the law transforming it from families. “If they’ll continue, it 10 miles of the speed limit,” says Fischbach. throughout the U.S. and British Columbia, enforcement sector, “The suspect thinks no one is following StarChase has been lauded with positive is here to make a a potentially risky— is up to us to make that feedback and received national media covhim,” says Jaffe. happen,” says Jaffe. difference. and often deadly But, that’s not the case. StarChase erage from USA Today, Today Show, ABC Back in Tidewater, And the company Jaffe, Trevor Fischbach, enables the officer to apprehend the sus- News, and NBC News, among others. already has. scenario—to a “Every single tag that happens has a president of StarChase, pect without the chase. Karen Jaffe is the CEO story attached to it and they’re good stories,” StarChase, in effect, rewrites the entire and all 15 employees of the of StarChase. manageable company, are also affecting event by transforming it from a potentially says Fischbach. “This is a game changer for Born and raised in one. positive change with the use of risky—and often deadly scenario—to a law enforcement and communities.” Norfolk, Jaffe is a 1971 gradAs for Jaffe, she is overjoyed by StarChase manageable one. 21st century technology. uate of Booker T. Washington A safe outcome, according to Jaffe, and its ability to change outcomes. “The primary mission is to keep High School who earned her bach“The StarChase system changes the, elor’s degree in business administration communities safer,” says Jaffe noting DUIs, “means no accidents, no injuries, no all too typical, outcome of stolen cars, contraband-refrom Ithaca College in N.Y. one of the most dangerous Jaffe’s caring touch reaches far and wide lated, and border-related tasks faced by our police,” chases are the most common in countless ways. says Jaffe. “Creating a device StarChase, which is putting an end high-risk traffic situations. that can save lives and also “Every third day an innoto pursuits and saving lives, is one of the improve the ability of police many life-changing endeavors in which cent person is killed as a result to safely apprehend suspects of a high-speed pursuit and Jaffe pours her heart and soul. had and continues to have The 2015–16 campaign chair for the every six weeks an officer is great appeal to me. United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, killed or injured as the result “It feels good,” says Jaffe. Jaffe—and the Jaffe name—is no stranger of a high-speed pursuit,” says “How could it not?” to making a difference. Her parents, Fischbach. “It is a national To learn more about Bernard and Lee Jaffe*, taught their chil- issue and we’re proud to be a StarChase, LLC., visit www. dren early on how important it is for people part of the solution.” That solution is the to take care of one another, especially system—the the Jewish people. In addition to hold- StarChase *of blessed memory ing numerous positions for UJFT, Karen one and only product of its StarChase’s launch system is installed in the vehicle’s grill. by Sandra J. Pennecke

J | Business | December 7, 2015 | Jewish News | 21

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Business & Legal Society offers members contacts, global information and fun by Faith Jacobson, Society co-chair


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have had the privilege to serve on the Business & Legal (B&L) steering committee since February of 2012. Over the last several years, I have met and worked with professionals from different fields, many of whom have become personal friends. I have witnessed a steady growth within the membership of our Society and a focus on the primary mission of the B&L Society, which is to connect Jewish professionals to build a foundation for the future, foster a heightened sense of community, and strengthen the mission of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. For me, this “networking” group has been both personally and professionally rewarding. While it is common for people to scoff at just another networking group, what makes the UJFT B&L Society unique is our mission: to develop a sense of community. We do this while knowing that our annual contributions to UJFT are not only enriching the lives within our own community, but are also providing relief and support to people throughout the world. Incredibly exciting to see the diversity grow in our Society, it is especially gratifying to observe younger professionals joining to build their own careers and businesses, as well as to have the opportunity to meet and gain the wisdom of more seasoned professionals. One of our younger and enthusiastic members, David Calliott, an investment associate at Davenport & Company told me, “I joined B&L to try and network and grow my business, while also learning from other Jewish professionals who have been successful. There are a lot of smart and successful people in the Jewish community and those are the types of people I like to surround myself with.” The increase in membership is certainly, due in part, to the B&L Society’s fantastic and unique events. In addition

to fun social events, the B&L Society addresses significant and relevant topics that are pertinent to our Tidewater Jewish community, the entire Tidewater area, and the worldwide community. Some past events include: • Harbor Park dinner and baseball event where Ken Young, president of the Norfolk Tides and Norfolk Admirals and Jeff Cogen, Norfolk native and CEO of the Nashville Predators & Bridgestone Arena, led a discussion about the proposed new arena and professional basketball team in Virginia Beach. • Luncheon and private tour of Norfolk’s NorVA by owner, Rick Mersel, and discussion during which Andrew Mendolson, the Platinum-selling, Grammy-winning top music mastering engineer, spoke about his journey from growing up in the Norfolk Jewish community to building a successful Nashville company, The Georgetown Masters studio, and working with such artists as Lady Antebellum, Kenny Chesney, and the Rolling Stones. • The B&L Society periodically hosts events in conjunction with the Maimonides Society, such as the “Kickoff the Summer Wine Social” held at the home of Gary and Jessica Kell. This was an opportunity to mingle in an intimate setting while enjoying a professional sommelier’s selections of fine wines including Kosher and Mevushal wines and pairings with heavy hors d’oeurvres. • A lunch discussion and private tour of the Israeli company, ZIM USA’s North American Headquarters in Norfolk by Lea Bogatch-Genossar, vice president of the North American and Caribbean branch of ZIM Integrated Shipping Services. In 2013, Bogatch-Genossar was named

Business “Person of the Year by the New York/ New Jersey Foreign Freight Forwarders and Brokers Association” (a very uncommon recognition afforded a woman in that industry). • A luncheon to discuss the global implications of a nuclear Iran with Mark Dubowitz, executive director of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a Washington, D.C. based nonpartisan policy institute foundation. An expert on Iran and sanctions, Dubowitz offered an insiders’ look at the talks, the outcome, and the global implications. • Ira Forman, State Department Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat AntiSemitism, spoke about the Rising Tide of Global Anti-Semitism: A Resurgence of Evil. Forman provided his expert knowledge and insight into today’s increasing anti-Semitism around the world. • “Israel and Virginia: Where Food and Health Intersect,” was another social and educational event held with the Maimonides Society where a demonstration of how Israel and Virginia are leading the health and sustainable food movement through a new and innovative company, Clearfarma, a Life Science Incubator with bases in Israel and Richmond. Mike Spinelli, former Ben

John Cooper and Jody Wagner at the Directory launch.

& Jerry’s and Sabra Dipping Company executive and Ralph Robbins, executive director, Virginia Israel Advisory Board, Office of the Governor, displayed the company’s innovation through a hands-on presentation with an array of delicious samples. • A fter several years of discussions and planning, we launched the Business & Legal Society Directory ( businessandlegaldirectory). This valuable tool allows one to easily find Jewishowned businesses and attorneys within Tidewater. A Directory Launch Party was held at Gordon Biersch. • “Ride the Tide” was a fun and relevant event in which a group rode the Tide (some of whom, like me, for the first time) from the Newtown Road Station to the office of S.L. Nusbaum in Norfolk. We heard from Dave Hansen, Deputy City Manager for the City of Virginia

Andrew Mendleson and Kirk Levy at the NorVA.

Beach, over a kosher lunch, regarding the plans for the Tide’s expansion to the oceanfront and beyond. As the B&L Society moves forward, we will continue to bring the best opportunities to meet, greet, and have a great time, as well as to stay aware of our global temper. We are here to connect Jewish professionals in business and law in an effort to

build a foundation for the future. We will continue to foster and promote business relationships between our members and the community. Events for 2016 include a Passover Wine Tasting at the oceanfront in February. For more information about the Business & Legal Society, contact Alex Pomerantz at 757‑965-6136 or


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4819 Portsmouth Blvd. | Portsmouth, VA 23701 | | Business | December 7, 2015 | Jewish News | 23

Business How a Holocaust legacy helped launch the Kind bar brand KIND Thing, a part-memoir, part-handbook for incorporating social responsibility into NEW YORK (JTA)—In many respects, business ventures. The book, which made the Manhattan headquarters of Kind The New York Times’ business best-sellers Snacks—the purveyors of the omnipres- list, chronicles Lubetzky’s story starting ent fruit and nut bars found everywhere from his childhood in Mexico City to a from health-food stores to office-supply stint in Israel, where he toiled to get Arabs emporiums—are pretty much what you’d and Israelis to work together, to a studio expect: Scads of casually dressed millenni- apartment in New York, where he struggled als mill about sleek, brightly colored rooms for years to get his company off the ground. Lubetzky credits his father’s Holocaust adorned with inspirational quotes from the likes of Desmond Tutu and Groucho Marx. stories for inspiring his drive to be socially But step into the office of founder and responsible and promote kindness. For instance, as a child in the Dachau CEO Daniel Lubetzky and there’s a different vibe. The furniture is older, and a Time concentration camp, Lubetzky’s father was magazine cover on one wall featuring the given a rotten potato by a Nazi guard who face of Anwar Sadat stands out. Lubetzky would’ve been punished if he had been says that his desk and the artwork on seen helping a Jew. Lubetzky’s father credits the walls belonged to his late father, a the potato—and the guard’s actions—with Holocaust survivor who had a deep effect helping him survive. Drawing on the anecdote, Kind Snacks on his life and business philosophy. Make no mistake, however—Lubetzky, donates $10,000 each month to a social 47, is far from somber; he speaks with con- cause that is nominated and voted on by fident charisma with a trace of a Mexican customers online. Employees also carry accent. In just over a decade, he has built “kindawesome” cards that they give to Kind into one of the most ubiquitous strangers in public for spontaneous acts healthy snack brands in the United States. of kindness. Each card comes with a code In 2014, the company sold more than 458 through which the recipient can claim a million bars and granola pouches, nearly few free Kind bars and more “kindawesome” cards to pay it forward to others. doubling the sales of the previous year. Lubetzky hints in non-specific terms But Lubetzky isn’t motivated by profit alone. In March, he published Do the that he plans on scaling up this so-called “Kind movement” to match the company’s overall growth. While he may be a snack-bar guru today, that’s not what Lubetzky set out to be. He grew up in the “very insular and very tight-knit” community of Mexico City, which is home to about 75 percent of the country’s approximately 50,000 Jews. Daniel Lubetzky, CEO and founder of KIND Snacks and author of Do the KIND Thing (third from right), and members of the KIND team hand out flowers to Lubetzky was passersby in an effort to spread kindness around New York City. 12 when he realized photo: Poon Watchara-Amphaiwan. by Gabe Friedman

24 | Jewish News | December 7, 2015 | Business |

Daniel Lubetzky, CEO and founder of KIND Snacks and author of Do the KIND Thing. photo: Poon Watchara-Amphaiwan.

how Jew-centric his upbringing was. He was playing with a friend. “I said something like ‘If you don’t stop doing that, I’m going to kick your tuchas.’ And he said, ‘What is tuchas?’ And I’m like, ‘What are you talking about?’” Lubetzky recalls. “I thought tuchas was a word in Spanish.” Thus a desire to build bridges between communities was born. As an undergrad at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas, Lubetzky wrote a thesis on how economic cooperation could bring nation-states— such as Israel and its surrounding Arab neighbors—closer together. “If you had asked me when I was in law school or in college or as a kid, ‘Is Daniel going to be running a food company?’ I would tell you you’re cuckoo,” Lubetzky says. “What I was going to be doing was representing Israel at the United Nations.” But after law school at Stanford, Lubetzky received a $10,000 fellowship given out by the Bay Area’s Jewish federation to pursue economic research in Israel and attempt to foster joint Arab-Israeli ventures. One day in a grocery store, he came across a jar of sundried tomato spread that he devoured in one sitting. When he went back to buy more, he was told that there was none left because the company was going out of business. Recognizing an opportunity, Lubetzky tracked down the spread’s manufacturer, Yoel Benesh, who was using expensive jars and other imported materials from Europe. Lubetzky convinced him to work with local Palestinian farmers and an Arab glass manufacturer in Egypt. Lubetzky and Benesh built up the

company and turned it into PeaceWorks, which still sells tapenades and sauces today. Its trademark: “Cooperation Never Tasted So Good!” As Lubetzky describes in amusing detail in his book, his efforts to expand PeaceWorks did not go as he expected. At one point in the 1990s, he wound up having to store thousands of unsold boxes of Dead Sea mineral ointments in his small Manhattan studio apartment. “What kept me going was my sense of mission: I was in this to build a footing for peace,” Lubetzky wrote. “I had to help my Israeli, Arab, and Turkish partners. Failure was not an option.” Years later Lubetzky came up with the idea for the minimalist fruit and nut Kind bars—one of the first products to eschew the “paste” formula of other snack bars— while craving a filling snack that could sustain him through his training for the New York Marathon in 2002. He said his early obstacles with PeaceWorks helped him learn that the quality of a product is more important than the social mission of a business. Kind does not outwardly promote its charity work as publicly as it pushes its products’ taste and health value; the company touts its clear packaging as proof that customers can see the wholesome ingredients inside. Authenticity is the main thing that should drive a business and its mission, Lubetzky says. “If [companies] can find something that they can really authentically do to make this a better world, why not?” he says. “But you have to really have a huge asterisk there—it has to be authentic.”

Business Community recognition Association of Fundraising Professionals honors Stephanie Adler Calliott


tephanie Adler Calliott and Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters’ development department received the Outstanding Non-Profit in Fundraising award from the Association of Fundraising Professionals at the National Philanthropy Day luncheon on Nov. 17. “Taking care of kids is what drives Stephanie Adler Calliott us and our donors and caregivers are so important to our success,” says Calliott, CHKD senior vice president. Prior to joining Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters in 2009, Calliott spent more than 27 years in the financial services industry, focusing on Wealth Management issues including investment service, financial planning, and trust and estate services. Calliott currently serves on the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater board and Women’s Cabinet. She and her husband Don London have three sons. “I could not think of an organization in the greater Tidewater community more deserving or a professional leader more gifted and dedicated in the field of philanthropy. Stephanie has exhibited many talents and deep Jewish values regarding the betterment of the human condition in her Federation and other philanthropic activities. It has been a privilege and a pleasure to have worked side by side with Stephanie throughout the years,” says Harry Graber, UJFT executive vice-president.

Gene Ross honored with the 2015 Corporate VOLUNTEER Leadership Award


OLUNTEER Hampton Roads, in partnership with Inside Business and the Hampton Roads Corporate VOLUNTEER Council, pays tribute each year to businesses and individuals who are dedicated to volunteer service. This year’s Corporate VOLUNTEER Leadership Award recipient is Gene Ross, Gene Ross president of LoanCare LLC. Ross was selected for his “exceptional dedication and vision in leading LoanCare’s outstanding corporate social responsibility program,” according to a news release. “I am not surprised that Gene has been honored with the 2015 Corporate Volunteer Award,” says Harry Graber, executive vice president of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. “His activities in the Jewish community, including among many, serving as past president of the Simon Family JCC and as a member of the Simcha Campaign steering committee, always

indicated to me that Gene was committed to the finest teachings and traditions of our people. He lives his Jewish values and is a role model for all in our community,” says Graber. In addition to his roles in the Jewish community, Ross serves on the Board of Governors of the Chesapeake Bay Wine Classic Foundation, and as a past board member for YMCA Camp Silver Beach. He also participates as a guest lecturer at Florida State University where he earned a Bachelor of Business Administration.

Wall, Einhorn & Chernitzer, P.C. honored by Virginia Business magazine: Best Places to Work 2016


or the fifth consecutive year, Wall, Einhorn & Chernitzer, P.C. (WEC) was recently named as one of the Best Places to Work in Virginia. The annual list of “Best Jeff Chernitzer, Alvin Wall and Marty Einhorn Places to Work” was created by Virginia Business magazine and Best Companies Group. This survey and award program was designed to identify, recognize and honor the best places of employment in Virginia, benefiting the state’s economy, its work force and businesses. Among their many volunteer efforts, the three founding partners, Marty Einhorn, Alvin Wall and Jeff Chernitzer are active members of the Jewish community. Einhorn currently serves as president of the Simon Family JCC and is on the audit and finance committees for the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. In addition, he has coached youth basketball at the Simon Family JCC for 14 years. Wall is a past president of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and its treasurer. He chairs the Sandler Family Campus governing committee. He is vice chair of the Tidewater Jewish Foundation and chairman of its grants committee. Chernitzer is a past board member of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and Beth Sholom Home. He also served as a B’nai Brith Youth Organization advisor. “I am not surprised that Wall, Einhorn and Chernitzer continues to be honored by Virginia Business magazine as a Best Place to Work. I have known the three men for many years and have seen how their interactions with others are permeated by a concern for dignity, respect and compassion. Therefore, it makes sense that these qualities also characterize their leadership in the workplace. I know I speak for the Tidewater Jewish community when I say congratulations and Kol Hakovod,” remarks Harry Graber, UJFT executive vice-president.

Panama and Israel sign free trade agreement


anama signed a free trade agreement with Israel, its first with a Middle Eastern nation. The agreement was signed last month in Panama City to seal a set of negotiated deals including access to markets, customs, services and investments, intellectual property, trade obstacles, institutional issues and conflict resolution. “This is our very first agreement with a Middle Eastern partner and hence it represents important opportunities to Panamanian exporters and businessmen. It has a vast coverage of goods, services and investment,” said Meliton Arrocha, Panama’s minister of trade and industries. A special chapter of the agreement also intends to boost the capabilities and competitiveness of the Central American nation’s small- and medium-sized companies in innovation and technology transfer fields, he added. “The agreement is expected to serve as another springboard for Israeli service providers—especially in software, communication, information security, engineering and R&D—thus expanding the potential of this and related markets,” Israel’s Ministry of Economy spokesman said in May. The negotiations are part of efforts by Israel to expand its exports to new markets and strengthen relations with Latin American countries. Israeli exports to Panama in 2014 stood at $25 million and imports from Panama at $3 million, according to the Israel’s Ministry of Economy.

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It’s Chanukah. You’re cooking latkes. Lighting the menorah. Giving many gifts. Good things you do for your family every year. While you’re at it—why not do something good for your extended Jewish “family?” Give a gift to the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s Annual Campaign! You’ll help the heat stay on for a family in Norfolk, provide critical aid to 70,000 elderly struggling to survive in war-torn Ukraine, give Israeli children much-needed trauma counseling, and so much more. This Chanukah, you can change Jewish lives for the better everywhere. Please give generously to the UJFT Annual Campaign.

26 | Jewish News | December 7, 2015 | Business |

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