Jewish News Dec. 24

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Southeastern Virginia | Vol. 51 No. 6 | 11 Tevet 5773 | December 24, 2012

20th Annual

Virginia Festival of Jewish Film

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Presented by

Alma* and Howard Laderberg



Saturday, Jan. 19 through

Sunday, Jan 27

10 Super Sunday is Jan. 27

12 Tour De Mensh

18 —page 14 S p e c i a l E d u c at i o n S e c t i o n 2 9

YAD’s Sushi–Sake–Latke celebration

Happy Holidays FROM OSC!

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Thank you for a great 2012

Israel 2012 — pa ge


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12 Freda H. Gordon Hospice and Palliative Care of Tidewater

20 Toras Chaim’s 10th Anniversary Dinner


Yom HasHoaH 8 | Tikkun TidewaTer 14 | BsV VolunTeers 18


Shhh! Learn to sleep. Tuesday, May 8

UP Front. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Briefs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Torah Thought . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Hospice earns accreditation . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 HAT mixes it up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Holiday celebration at HAT. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Beth El celebrates at Barnes & Noble. . . . . 9 Super Sunday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Synagogue-Federation partnership: Beth El. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Tour De Mensch bike event . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Learning fest for Romanian Jews . . . . . . . 13

Sunday, August 5

—page —page 29 29

21 JFS honors employees


United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s Annual Report

Stein College Scholarship awarded

Southeastern Virginia | Vol. 50 No. 20 | 1 Elul 5772 | August 20, 2012


en’s Tidewater M sion is M Leadership

29 Teens embrace Jewish summers

Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 200 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462-4370 voice 757.965.6100 • fax 757.965.6102 email Terri Denison, Editor Germaine Clair, Art Director Laine Mednick Rutherford, Associate Editor Hal Sacks, Book Review Editor Sandy Goldberg, Account Executive Sharon Freeman, Account Executive Mark Hecht, Account Executive Marilyn Cerase, Subscription Manager Reba Karp, Editor Emeritus Alvin Wall, President Stephanie Calliott, Secretary Harry Graber, Executive Vice-President The appearance of advertising in the Jewish News does not constitute a kashrut, political, product or service endorsement. The articles and letters appearing herein are not necessarily the opinion of this newspaper.

32 HAT bids farewell to Zena Herod

— page 8


We thank Alvin Wall, president of UJFT for his support, our advertisers for their advertisements, and you, our readers for reading, for your comments when you agree or disagree, when you have your own news to report, and even when you find an error and let us know.

Virginia Festival of Jewish Film . . . . . . . . Twenty years of Film Festival. . . . . . . . . . Trip to Holocaust Museum. . . . . . . . . . . . YAD’s Sushi-Sake-Latke party. . . . . . . . . . What’s Happening. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mazel Tov . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Who Knew?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Professional Directory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Obituaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tragedy in Newtown, Conn.. . . . . . . . . . . Special Education Section. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Published 22 times a year by United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

23 Beth Sholom holds annual meeting

• Karen Lombart, who spends hours and hours interviewing and writing her very popular Face to Face profile; and to • Hal Sacks and Rabbi Israel Zoberman, who keep the book reviews coming. (Next month marks 30 years of book reviews for Hal!)


Non-Profit Org. u.S. POStAge PAiD easton, MD Permit No. 108

Southeastern Virginia | Vol. 50 No. 15 | 15 Iyar 5772 | May 7, 2012

B Ri ng i ng i sRA el H om e

5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 200 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462-4370 Address Service Requested

5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 200 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462-4370 Address Service Requested

strange accident have recycled an issue, or want to share a story with a cousin living in Israel or a friend in Palm Beach, it’s just a few clicks away on our site. Our e-edition section is really simple to use, so when the need or curiosity arises, check it out. Many people contribute to the content of the Jewish News. Although all articles, letters, photographs and opinion pieces are appreciated, some writers deserve extra thanks for their consistent commitment. Thank you to: • Area rabbis and cantors who rotate writing for Torah Thought on page 5;

Southeastern Virginia | Vol. 50 No. 19 | 1 Elul 5772 | July 16, 2012

jewish news

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hile it is hard to believe we’re wrapping up another calendar year, it is easy to recall that Jewish News reported on a lot of news and activity in 2012. In fact, we printed more pages than ever. Trips to Israel and Cuba, the elections, unrest in the Middle East, holiday and festival celebrations, Israeli innovations, a temple merger, the Freda H. Gordon Hospice and Palliative Care of Tidewater, a new head of school for HAT, 110 years for Hebrew Ladies Charity Society, the Synagogue-Federation partnership, Tidewater teens’ Jewish experiences …these and hundreds of more stories made it to the pages of Jewish News in the past 12 months. For Jewish News, our most notable change this year was our new website,, along with our Facebook page. If you ever miss an article, or by some

5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 200 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462-4370 Address Service Requested


14 16 17 18 19 22 22 22 23 24 26 29

Bringing Israel Home to Tidewater

Thank you all for a terrific year and best wishes for a healthy, happy, and peaceful 2013! Terri Denison, editor

OOPS! Annual dues for Hebrew Ladies Charity Society are $15. An article in the Nov. 26, 2012 issue reported an incorrect amount.


© 2012 Jewish News all rights reserved Subscription: $18 year For subscription or change of address, call 757-965-6128 or email

Upcoming Deadlines for Editorial and Advertising January 14, 2013 Super Sunday December 28 January 28 Mazel Tov January 4/11 February 11 Camp January 18/25 March 4 Passover Feb 10/17 March 25 Camp March 1/8 April 8 March 22 April 22 Senior Living Mar 29/Apr 5

candle lighting

“There is no sane,

Friday, Dec 28/Tevet 15 Light candles at 4:38 pm

acceptable, reasonable need

Friday, Jan 4/Tevet 22 Light candles at 4:43 pm

in a civilian setting

Friday, Jan 11/Tevet 29 Light candles at 4:50 pm

to fire off large rounds

Friday, Jan 18/Shevet 7 Light candles at 4:57 pm

of ammunition.”

Friday, Jan 25/Shevet 14 Light candles at 5:04 pm

—page 26

Friday, Feb 1/Shevet 21 Light candles at 5:12 pm | December 24, 2012 | Jewish News | 3

briefs Is Binghamton U. Jewish center tops in dreidel spinning? Student paper says no A Jewish student organization at Binghamton University is claiming to have broken a record for dreidel spinning, but a student newspaper there says the spinners spun out before breaking the mark. Some 749 dreidels were spun simultaneously for at least 10 seconds Monday, Dec. 10 at upstate New York’s Chabad Center for Jewish Student Life, the Associated Press reported. That would break the Guinness World Record of 734 set last year by the United Synagogue Youth in Philadelphia. Organizers of the dreidel spin told the AP that they have photos, video and other necessary documentation that will be submitted for review to the Guinness committee. But the Pipe Dream student-run publication said the group fell about 40 dreidels short of the mark. It reported that while 749 people were in the room at the time of the joint spin, only about 700 were able to keep their dreidels spinning for the required length of time. Some 900 people were present at the opening of the event, but some did not stay around for the dreidel spin. The event raised more than $10,000 for an annual toy drive for children with cancer. (JTA) Chabad asks Arizona to allow inmates to light menorahs Chabad of Arizona asked the state Department of Corrections to allow inmates to light menorahs during Chanukah using real flames. Arizona is one of seven states that do not allow prison inmates to light menorahs using real candles or oil, Chabad told the Arizona Republic newspaper. “It’s wrong to deny their religious freedom, especially when there are so many ways it can be done,” said Rabbi Zalman Levertov, regional director of Chabad of Arizona. Levertov proposed having a prison guard light a menorah that is visible to the Jewish inmates. Bill Lamoreaux, a Department of Corrections spokesman, told the newspaper that having an open flame in the prison is both a “safety and security risk.” Arizona has some 680 Jewish inmates in its prisons, and about 11,000 inmates who want to use burning candles for other ceremonial purposes. (JTA) Congressional letter urges Obama to shut PLO office Incoming and outgoing leaders of the House Foreign Affairs Committee are circulating a letter calling on President Obama

to close the Washington office of the PLO. Reps. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.), Howard Berman (D-Calif.), Edward Royce (R-Calif.) and Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.) are circulating the letter that says the lawmakers are “deeply disappointed and upset that the Palestinian leadership rebuffed the entreaties of your Administration and the Congress” by requesting non-member observer state status at the United Nations. The U.N. General Assembly approved the status elevation last month. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee is backing the letter, while J Street opposes it. Arguing that Palestine Liberation Organization Chairman Mahmoud Abbas broke a pledge not to take any unilateral action, “we believe the United States must respond strongly,” the letter says. “One important way of expressing U.S. disapproval would be to send the message that such actions are not cost-free and that, at a minimum, they result in setbacks to U.S.-Palestinian relations. We can do this by closing the PLO office in Washington, D.C. We can also call our Consul-General in Jerusalem home for consultations. We urge you to take these steps.” The note circulating with the letter says it is backed by AIPAC, which an official of the lobby confirmed. J Street, which calls for an enhanced U.S. role in the peace process and for pressure on Israel to end settlement expansion, launched an effort to discourage House of Representatives members from signing it. “At a time when the United States should be looking for ways to encourage and deepen diplomacy, talk of ejecting one of the parties from the country defies logic,” J Street said in its action alert. A Senate amendment proposed last month that would have shut down the PLO office for the same reason never made it to the voting stage. (JTA)

Lieberman receives intelligence community’s highest award Outgoing Sen. Joseph Lieberman was awarded the National Intelligence Distinguished Public Service Medal for “extraordinary service to the nation.” Lieberman (I-Conn.), who chairs the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, on Tuesday, Dec. 11 received the highest recognition awarded by the intelligence community to one who is not part of the community. James Clapper, the director of National Intelligence, called Lieberman “a steadfast ally of the intelligence community.”

4 | Jewish News | December 24, 2012 |

“It is no exaggeration for me to say that the nation is more secure because of his leadership, interest and support for the intelligence community,” Clapper said. Lieberman is retiring at the end of the month after serving 24 years in the U.S. Senate. Past recipients of the award include Sens. Jay Rockefeller (D-W. Va.) and John Warner (R-Va.). (JTA)

Google launches innovation campus in Tel Aviv Google launched its Campus Tel Aviv, a center for Israeli entrepreneurs and startups. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cut a virtual ribbon at the inauguration ceremony on Monday, Dec. 10 for a campus that occupies a floor of the Electra Tower in Tel Aviv. The 16,000-square-foot space includes an area for meetings and workshop space for startup companies. Using the campus and participating in its activities are free for entrepreneurs and startups. The campus also will provide access for startups to Google work teams and industry experts. At the center, Google also will offer Launchpad, a two-week seminar for startups in their early stages. Some 100 Israeli startups will benefit from Launchpad each year, according to Associated Press. Google began operations in Israel about seven years ago. (JTA) Israeli eighth-graders score in math contest Israeli eighth-graders ranked seventh in the world for math, but were first among Western countries. The score for 2011 was up from 24th place, when the last Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study test was administered in 2007. Israel was also the top scorer for Western countries. The top five scorers overall were Korea, Singapore, Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong SAR and Japan. Jewish Israeli pupils outscored their Arab Israeli counterparts by a wide margin, according to Ynet. In science, Israeli pupils finished 13th, up from 25th. In the International Reading Literacy Study for fourth-graders, Israel ranked 18th, up from 31st. (JTA) Israel’s Office Depot chain to close on Shabbat The Office Depot chain in Israel will close on Saturdays after being purchased by haredi Orthodox Jews from New York. Israel’s Hamashbir 365 Holdings sold the chain last week to the haredi group of inves-

tors as part of a restructuring plan, according to the Haaretz business daily The Marker, which did not name the new owners. The new owners agreed to invest nearly $8 million immediately in the franchise. The deal was approved by the Office Depot parent company in the United States. (JTA)

Navajo president visits Israel on agricultural tech mission Navajo Nation President Ben Shelly and his wife, Martha, visited Israel to learn about issues ranging from agriculture to tourism. “We set on this mission to look at how Israel has advanced in growth in some of the same areas we face on the Navajo Nation,” Shelly said upon his arrival in Israel on Dec. 8. Deswood Tome, an adviser to Shelly, told the Mesa, Ariz.-based Navajo Post that the weeklong trip was funded by “Navajo-faith based organizations with non-governmental ties” to draw inspiration from Israeli methods in agriculture technology, tourism, capital infrastructure and offering government services to rural areas. The Navajo Post also reported that Shelly will visit the Gaza Strip and will invite Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to visit the Navajo Nation. In 1986, Ron Scherzer, an agronomist on leave from the Ben Gurion University of the Negev, helped Navajo farmers adapt Israeli drip irrigation methods for use on their own land though the Seventh Generation Fund’s Navajo/Israeli Intensive Crop Production Project. The project, which received funding from the Jewish Funds for Justice, reportedly increased crop yields and has brought the Navajos new income and increased self-sufficiency. (JTA) N.J. shul claims new menorahlighting Guinness record A New Jersey synagogue said that it set a new Guinness World Record by lighting 834 menorahs on 90 tables in an airport hangar. The event planned by the Jewish Center of Princeton, N.J., took place on the fourth night of Chanukah, at the Princeton Airport. It was organized by the Conservative synagogue’s director of programming, Neil Wise, according to The Daily Princetonian student newspaper. The previous record was set last year by the Merrick Jewish Centre in New York, with 782 lit menorahs. Participants made videotape testimonies of their names, hometowns and registration numbers for official documentation for the Guinness committee, according to the newspaper. (JTA)

torah thought

Vayyehi: The end of the beginning


his Shabbat, throughout the Jewish world we read Parashat Vayyehi, the concluding portion of the Book of Bereshit. However brief it may appear in comparison to other Parashiyot, its importance remains vital to the development of the People of Israel during Biblical times and beyond. The last of the patriarchs, Jacob, having brought his clan from Canaan down to Egypt, created the first “exilic” community. Comfortable at first, under the protection of his son, Joseph, Jacob’s descendants eventually fall to the depths of a slave class in Egyptian society. The Torah records that a new Pharaoh arose in Egypt who did not recognize the contribution of Joseph and felt no obligation towards these Semitic immigrants. In every subsequent Jewish community in exile, the same essential quality proved true, namely the Jews were always dependent upon the benevolence of the ruling power. No matter what country hosted Jews, they were always tolerated as resident aliens, not actually citizens in the same sense as the peoples among whom they were living. From the time we lost control of our own independent state, we also lost a sense of physical security; we entered an existence of perpetual potential danger. Time and again, the potentiality became reality. At best, we were expelled from one country or another. We are all too aware of what the worst turned out to be. Even after the European Enlightenment, the period of seeming tolerance of others, Jews were never really accepted by native populations. No matter how much we tried to convince ourselves that things had changed, that we were viewed by others as something other than “others,” living in exile left us vulnerable. That is not to say that the Galut, Diaspora, has not been an extraordinarily productive experience for the People of Israel. The contributions of Jews to the civilizations with which they have interacted have always been far greater than their small proportion of any population

might suggest. Throughout the centuries, Jews have been masters in poetry, fiction, philosophy, music, painting, sculpture, architecture, medicine, law and in every field of scholarship imaginable. In contemporary times, no other single nationality or ethnic group has been awarded as many Nobel Prizes as the Jews. But there has also been another role played by Jews in the Galut. In many places and times, Jews have served in the position of advisor or minister to the crown, or, in later times, the head of state. This required maintaining a very delicate balance between government service and loyalty to the best interests of the Jewish people. Knowing full well that they were only tolerated because of their wealth and ability, they had to be careful not to overstep their bounds and end up on the executioner’s block, their estates forfeit. In our own generation, one Jew in the Galut helped bring about the creation of the modern State of Israel. The story is a familiar one. Even though the United Nations voted for the birth of Israel, diplomacy demanded that nations formally recognize a new state and establish relations. The United States of America, among the most powerful and influential countries in the world would have to recognize the fledgling state in order for others to follow suit. President Harry S. Truman was debating what to do. The leadership of Israel was aware that, years before entering politics, Truman had a Jewish business partner. Eddie Jacobson was able to obtain an appointment with the President and convince him of the importance of Israel to the world, to say nothing of securing the Jewish vote. It was not the only factor in the international ratification of Israel, but it certainly helped. The support of various Jewish communities for Israel began even before the state came into existence. The Zionist theorist, Ahad Ha’am, posited the idea of Israel as a cultural center for world Jewry, but never believed that it would become the home of a sizable percentage of the world’s Jewish population. He was correct about the future role of Israel for Jews everywhere, but erred in thinking that it would never become a population center as well. In the prestate period, aliyah after aliyah brought thousands of Jews from Europe and the Middle East to live in Israel. It was money and moral support from the Diaspora that helped those pioneers build a new land. That same support helped supply arms and continued on page 6

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4740 Virginia Beach Blvd., Virginia Beach, VA 23462 (At Town Center) (757) 497-4854 • | December 24, 2012 | Jewish News | 5

continued from page 5

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6 | Jewish News | December 24, 2012 |

munitions to help the Israeli army win the War of Independence. Influence with the American government by Jewish groups has provided much needed, even essential, materials throughout Israeli history up to the Iron Dome system recently installed to save Israeli lives. Because of Zionist sentiment in the Jewish world, deeming Israel to be the millennia-long dream of the Jewish people fulfilled, there have been those whose expressed opinion was that the Diaspora should cease to exist, that all Jews should pack their belongings and make aliyah to Israel. There is much to support such an opinion. Israel has taken its rightful place in the community of nations. There can be no doubt that because Israel exists, non-Jews throughout the world view Jews differently. The Jew is all too often the victim of antisemitic sentiments and even violence. But the world knows that the Jewish state in Israel will not tolerate the kinds of state sponsored, widespread anti-Jewish actions such as have been allowed by the world community to be perpetrated in times past. Jews, themselves, have developed a more positive self image since the birth of Israel, especially after the 1967 Six Day War. The strength and productivity of the little Jewish state has taught pride to Jews throughout the world and a feeling that Jews no longer need lower their heads or hide from anyone or anything. The thought of a world without our homeland in Jewish hands has become unimaginable to our people. Still, a Jewish world without the Diaspora may also be a dangerous place for the Jews. Some decades ago, the esteemed Chancellor of the Jewish Theological

Seminary of America, Dr. Gerson D. Cohen, z’l, delivered a “State of the Jewish World” address at the 92nd Street Y in New York City. Speaking as the chief functionary of the Conservative Movement worldwide, but also as one of the greatest scholars of Judaism in the late 20th century, his theme was the symbiotic relationship between the Jews of Israel and the Jews in Galut. Stressing the absolute necessity for Jews to have a homeland in Israel, he also warned against negating the importance of the Jews in the Diaspora. As a historian, he detailed the accomplishments of Jews living among other peoples and theorized that it was the very interaction between Jew and non-Jew which may have provided the environment for those accomplishments. He also reviewed the many times when American Jewry, and Jews everywhere, helped maintain Israel’s strength and security, things that may not have been so certain without the placement of Jews living outside the Homeland. Professor Cohen was teaching us the lesson of our father, Jacob, who knew the value of living in Galut but who never forgot the relationship with the land God gave to us as part of our Berit, covenant. On his death bed, knowing that he would never return to his beloved land alive, Jacob made his children promise that they would bury him with his ancestors in the Cave of Machpelah, thus preserving his unbreakable connection with the Land of Israel. May it be God’s will that both the State of Israel and the communities of the Diaspora remain strong and healthy and prosperous and safe in our time and for all times to come. Amen. Cantor Gordon Piltch, Congregation Beth El

Simon Family JCC and Jewish Family Service Need Your Help!


hen giving to the United Way of South Hampton Roads, please strongly consider designating all or part of your United Way pledge to the Simon Family JCC and/or Jewish Family Service of Tidewater. Simply write in one or both agency’s names on your pledge card under “Specific Agency Name.” Your designation provides a critical hedge against possible cuts in future funding and an opportunity for additional funds in support of important services to the community. Designating your gift will fund needed scholarships for children attending JCC summer camp and the Strelitz Early Childhood Center. It will support our most vulnerable and impoverished who require subsidized counseling, meals on wheels and guardianship services. Please designate, enrich lives and protect our vital services.

Freda H. Gordon Hospice and Palliative Care of Tidewater receives Gold Seal of Approval® from The Joint Commission

Freda* and Tevia Gordon


n operation for just a few months, the Freda H. Gordon Hospice and Palliative Care of Tidewater has already made a big impact on many of its patients’ family members, including Irwin Kroskin. When his wife Ruthi became ill, Kroskin called on the hospice team. “When our family needed care for

began—surrounded by loved ones and supported by community. When Freda Gordon suddenly became ill in 2011, hospice services had to be secured rather quickly. “We’d been using JFS for home health services,” says her son, Steven Gordon. “We had to transition very quickly from JFS to a hospice agency that did not know us. Compounded with the imminent loss of a loved one, it was very stressful. It would have been seamless to transition into hospice care with the same organization.” Because of the Gordon family’s generosity, both the Jewish community and community at-large now have another hospice choice. In November, Hospice and Palliative Care of Tidewater earned The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval® for accreditation by demonstrating compliance with The Joint Commission’s national standards for health care quality and safety in home care. The hospice earned this accreditation with zero deficiencies, or areas of needed improvement. Established in 1988, The Joint

Commission’s Home Care Accreditation program accredits more than 5,600 organizations. The Joint Commission’s standards address the home care organization’s performance in specific areas, and specify requirements to ensure that patient care and services are provided in a safe manner. “In achieving Joint Commission accreditation, HPCT has demonstrated its commitment to the highest level of care for its patients,” says Margherita Labson, R.N., executive director, Home Care Accreditation, The Joint Commission. “Accreditation is a voluntary process and I commend HPCT for successfully undertaking this challenge to elevate its standard of care and instill confidence in the community it serves.” “Both JFS and Beth Sholom Village congratulate the staff of HPCT on this outstanding achievement,” says Betty Ann Levin, JFS executive director. “We appreciate the staff’s hard work and continued dedication to providing the best end of life care to residents of Tidewater.” *of blessed memory

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Ruthi, the hospice team immediately came in and took over. They quickly assessed the situation and made everyone comfortable. Every member of the hospice staff was kind, caring and supportive. They provided the highest level of care to our family in an extremely difficult time. It’s hard to find the right words to thank them for their kindness,” says Kroskin. The Hospice was formed earlier this year as a partnership between Beth Sholom Village and Jewish Family Service of Tidewater. Named in memory of Freda H. Gordon, the hospice is dedicated to providing comfort and dignity so that people can spend their last days the way they

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1194 Lynnhaven Pkwy., Va. Beach, VA 23452 at the corner of Holland Rd. & Lynnhaven Pkwy., (next to car wash) | December 24, 2012 | Jewish News | 7

National Mix-It-Up Day 2012 launches joint activities at HAT and Strelitz Preschool by Dorothy Hughes and Ellen Sacks, teachers


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like having a “playdate” with new friends. The Mix It Up display in the school lobby includes a colorful array of cards with answers to the questions HAT students discussed at lunch, as well as thoughts from preschoolers on how to be a good friend. Across from this display is a companion board, entitled “Life is like a Tapestry, “a quote from Corrie Ten Boom, a righteous gentile whose family saved more than 800 Jews during the Holocaust. She described life’s ups and downs as being similar to a tapestry, which has rich colors, textures and patterns that come alive, but uses dark threads to create contrast and depth. This concept helped her understand the frightening events that were happening around her. It also reminds us of the primary goal of Mix It Up Day, which is about teaching tolerance—standing up to stop bullying and hatred. Interactions between HAT and Strelitz will continue throughout the year. Hebrew Academy of Tidewater is a constituent agency of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

elebrated by schools across the country, National Mix It Up Day promotes respect and tolerance among children. The program, first introduced to Hebrew Academy of Tidewater by school guidance counselor Michele Fenley, LCSW, encourages children to broaden their perspectives by interacting with schoolmates outside of their regular friendship circles. HAT students kicked off this year’s activities by mixing it up in the cafeteria. Students sat at assigned mixed-grade round tables of six or seven students. Fifth graders led their lunch mates in discussions about what it means to be a good friend, asking each student at their tables to answer questions about friendship. The fifth graders also practiced important leadership skills, such as ensuring every student gets a turn, keeping the discussion moving, encouraging shy students to speak and praising students for their thoughtful responses. Preschoolers at Strelitz Early Childhood Center also celebrated by mixing up classes within their own age groups. They had snacks together and engaged in activities such as playing with different toys and listening to different music. The children played with schoolmates whom they usually only see on the playground—it was In celebration of Mix It Up Day, fifth graders led their younger school mates in discussions at lunch time about what it means to be a good friend.


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SHOWERS & VANITY TOPS IN CULTURED MARBLE & GRANITE No Grout Lines • Easy Maintenance • FREE Estimates Strelitz preschoolers celebrated Mix It Up Day by engaging in new activities and playing with schoolmates whom they usually only see on the playground. 8 | Jewish News | December 24, 2012 |

Star of Judah Wars and a holiday celebration for all

Second and fourth graders sing about Rosh Hashanah.


by Dee Dee Becker

laying to a packed audience on Tuesday, Dec. 11, Hebrew Academy students had everyone moving and shaking to a theme of annual holiday celebrations. From a Purim parade and Tu B’Shevat songs to Hanukkah De-lights, students put on an outstanding multi-media show that had everyone hollering for more. Of special note was the extraordinary display of humor and talent by the Drama Club, whose members transported everyone to a “galaxy far, far, away” to hear about the Star “of Judah” Wars. Characters included the likes of Hanukkah Solo and Jewbacca. Loud laughs and standing ovations ensued!

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Lighting the Menorah.

As is tradition, the grand finale included a lighting of the Chanukiya and a full house joined in for the singing of Al Ha’Nissim. Zohar Ben Moshe, HAT’s Judaic Studies teacher directed and oversaw the spectacular production. Production help and support came from HAT teachers and staff members Dorothy Hughes, Sheila Panitz, Jennifer Hollingsworth, Linda Fulcher and Greg Avant. Meredith Carnazza and Alene Kaufman rounded out the performance with an art show in the Cardo, with colorful and creative Chanukiah displays. And what would a performance be without a yummy after-show nosh? Deb Segaloff, development director, shared her baking talents for all to enjoy.

Congregation Beth El celebrates Chanukah at Barnes & Noble


eth El congregants and members of the community celebrated Chanukah a bit early on Thursday, Dec. 6 with a day filled with activities at the Barnes & Noble in Town Center. The day kicked off with a review of a short story related to Chanukah with the Sisterhood Book Club and continued with Rabbi Arnowitz’s Lunch n’ Learn, which revolved around a lively discussion of Judith and Hannah, two stories about women associated with the holiday. In the evening, Sharon Wasserburg, director of Community Learning, read stories to a group of children and parents, Rabbi Arnowitz told the story of Chanukah and Cantor Gordon Piltch led the group in some favorite holiday songs. All participating children received chocolate gelt and had a chance to practice lighting the candles. The day concluded with Rabbi Arnowitz’s Judaism In-Depth class.


In addition to all of the learning and opportunities to celebrate, everyone had a chance to shop. Barnes & Noble donated a portion of the proceeds to Beth El. “We were thrilled that Beth El and Barnes & Noble could host an event that was both fun and educational for our children. That it ended with chocolate was an added perk and a guaranteed success in our family,” says Jill Kantor Wainger.

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10 | Jewish News | December 24, 2012 |

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Super Sunday Committee makes an investment in community by Laine M. Rutherford


hen creating the theme for this y e a r ’s Super Sunday fundraising phone-a-thon, the young Jewish community leaders on the steering committee opted to toss out the cutesy and sporty ideas of the past. The 10 Super Sunday committee members instead chose a concept that would resonate for all of the donors Jen Groves, vice-chair of the 2013 Super Sunday Committee, launches the first in a series of community photos and statements: “I invest because...” in the area who will make (photo by Laine M. Rutherford) a monetary pledge to the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s Federation and the work that it’s doing.” Annual Campaign on Sunday, Jan. 27. They Philip Rovner, president and CEO of the decided the theme for this year’s Super Tidewater Jewish Foundation, which uses Sunday should revolve around investments: traditional investments to help the commuin the local Jewish community, in Jewish nity create permanent financial resources, culture, in Jewish education, and in making says the committee’s idea to look at gifts Jewish life better all over the world. through a financial lens is a sound idea. The way the committee sees it, making “Basically, to make an investment is to an investment in the UJFT is one that will devote money today for long-term gain,” bring positive and exponential returns that Rovner says. “I would definitely consider a create waves of change. gift to the Federation an investment—and a “I grew up here and was involved in good one. In terms of philanthropy, it’s one the Jewish community, and knew about the of the most effective uses of Jewish dollars.” Federation, but I didn’t really know exactly In addition to the Super Sunday phonewhat it was,” says Jen Groves, vice-chair a-thon, in which volunteers from all of the of the Super Sunday committee. “Then community’s Jewish affiliations and orgaI got involved in YAD (the Young Adult nizations will call their fellow community Division of the UJFT) and learned how our members to ask them to invest in the UJFT area’s gifts benefit so many local agencies 2013 Annual Campaign, the committee and Israel and other countries. It was a is also planning social media events and phenomenal experience learning that I was alternative ways to pledge. They will post making a difference in ways I didn’t even photos and comments on Federation and imagine, and it just hit home with me.” its affiliates’ Facebook pages, letting donors Initially, Groves gave the minimum say, in their own words, why they invest in amount that was asked of her. Last year, the Federation. They will also take online the 28-year-old Landstown High School donations in lieu of phone pledges and teacher, who also teaches Sunday School are investigating other forms of technology at Congregation Beth El and coaches the through which the community can donate. swim team at her school, increased her gift “On Super Sunday, we come together as substantially. a community to create change,” says Amy “I thought, ‘I’m benefitting from the Weinstein, director of the Young Adult Federation and have for a long time, with- Division of the UJFT. “This year’s committee out even knowing it, so it’s only right that I is dedicated to making sure that the comcontribute,’” Groves says. munity knows that every dollar, every cent, “What I’ve come to realize, what I know, every contribution, and every person makes is that it is so essential that my generation a difference.” get involved, because if we don’t ensure The Super Sunday committee is seeking that there is a future for the Jewish commu- volunteers to make calls on Super Sunday. nity, then there won’t be one. We’re doing Call 757-965-6127 for more information, or a disservice to all of those who worked sign up at To find out more so hard for the life we have today if we about YAD, visit don’t participate, invest in, and support the

Beth El brings N.Y. speaker series to Tidewater by Laine M. Rutherford


ay the words, “92nd Street Y” to someone who’s moved to Tidewater from New York or New Jersey. Chances are, eyes will brighten with a knowing look, and a sigh, or sound of longing, may follow. An abundant and expansive calendar of cultural, educational and community events are offered at 92Y and its affiliate venues in Manhattan. A sampling of the speaker series lineup for this winter and spring includes Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayer, comedians Joy Behar and Judy Gold, Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel, and actor Jason Alexander. Beginning in early 2013, Tidewater audiences will have the chance to see some of those very speakers at the same time audiences in New York are seeing them, through a program called 92Y Live. Congregation Beth El in Norfolk is preparing to install the satellite receiver and other technical equipment necessary to receive simultaneous broadcasts from New York as select 92Y Live events take place. Using money received through a grant award from the burgeoning SynagogueFederation Partnership of the Tidewater Jewish Community, Beth El will welcome its congregants and the entire community to these special events. Audiences will watch from Myers Hall, which can seat 300 people. If demand is greater, the program can be broadcast in the temple’s sanctuary. In addition to the grant, funded by the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, the Tidewater Jewish Foundation and the Simon Family Foundation, co-sponsors for the 92Y Live program will include the UJFT and the Milton Kramer Scholar-inResidence Fund at Beth El. “A few years ago, one of our members— Mickey Held—found out that a synagogue in a Pittsburgh was broadcasting 92nd Street Y, and brought it to our attention,” says Pam Gladstone, Beth El’s executive director. “We were starting to discuss it seriously about a year ago, and that was right about the time that we got information about the grant from the United Jewish Federation, and thought, ‘This would be the perfect thing to apply for!’” Harry Graber, executive vice-president of the UJFT, says he was pleased and excited, particularly as a former New Yorker, when he received the grant proposal. “The diversity of proposals we received from area synagogues showed that the boards, administrators and staff were looking at significant and creative ways that they

could use funds to help strengthen their congregations and the greater Tidewater Jewish community as well,” Graber says. “We are looking forward to hearing and seeing some great speakers in this live format, celebrities and musicians and intellectuals that many of us might not have the chance to see or hear otherwise.” “I was very excited when the SynagogueFederation initiative emerged from the UJFT strategic planning process and received approval from our board of directors” says Alvin Wall, UJFT president. “I believe that approving this grant is approving not only the 92nd Street Y at Beth El but the 92nd Street Y for our community. The opportunities for collaboration and synergies with other Jewish agencies and institutions are enormous.” Originally founded in 1874 as Manhattan’s Young Men’s Hebrew Association, the 92nd Street Y has grown into a cultural institution that offers speakers, classes and performances in diverse areas, including education, the arts, health and wellness, and Jewish life. More than 300,000 people a year visit 92Y and its branches in the city. The organization began broadcasting remotely 10 years ago to a handful of Jewish Community Centers, says Jessica Schneider, director of broadcast programming at the 92nd Street Y. Now, there are more than 100 participating organizations across the country, including the JCC in Newport News. “We have had overwhelmingly positive reactions from the communities where we broadcast,” Schneider says. “It’s proven to be a really nice way to make our content accessible to both small and large towns, that may not have the resources to book someone like Al Gore, who is speaking in January, or who wouldn’t have the opportunity to hear a speaker who can’t go on an extended speaking tour, like Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor, who’s speaking this February.” Schneider says the speakers are from diverse fields who are experts willing to share their love and passion for a particular topic. Sometimes a moderator (usually very knowledgeable in the field) leads the discussion and asks questions submitted from both the New York and remote audiences, and sometimes speakers, such as Elie Wiesel, request a solo engagement. A former New York City resident, Beth El’s Rabbi, Jeffrey Arnowitz, is excited for the program to begin. “I never got to go when I lived in New York, but the 92nd Street Y is a culturally

iconic institution that people talk about all the time,” says Arnowitz. “This is a way for us to be able to bring in top-notch, interesting speakers that normally would cost in the tens of thousands of dollars—totally cost prohibitive to us—and making it accessible to our community. It really expands the level of education and cultural offerings in this area.” Arnowitz and Schneider both say that seeing these performances live brings a different energy and feeling to audiences. There are also opportunities for Beth El to get DVDs of performances if there is enough demand for the program. “We have a small Jewish community here, but we play like a big Jewish community,” says Arnowitz. “Our synagogues, the Federation, our agencies, enable us to

achieve far beyond what anyone would expect us to be able to achieve, and the reason we can do this is because the Jewish people work together here. It’s something I’m very proud of, especially the leadership roles our synagogue members have taken in the community. “I see the Synagogue-Federation Partnership as a natural and positive step forward,” he adds. I believe strongly in fusion, not fission, and as this grant shows, when you bring organizations together the community can accomplish great things.”

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7/6/11 11:54 AM | December 24, 2012 | Jewish News | 11

“Tour De Mensch” bike event recognizes Jewish Service members Pines of Rome January 18, 19 & 20

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Chloe Hanslip, violin Photo: Benjamin Ealovega

Participating Veterans and those riding in honor of a specific Vet: Craig Schranz—grandfather, Sid Wilson, WWII veteran; Joanna Schranz—Uncle Gary Poscover, killed in action during the Vietnam War; Ron Gladstone—grandfather, David Gladstone, WWII veteran; Steve Leon—fatherin-law, Gerry Pributsky, WWII veteran; Benjamin Dobrin—friend, Timothy Schock, USMC; Ben Simon— grandfather, Stanley Simon, WWII veteran; Frank Campion retired Commander after 22 years of Naval service; Bob Lehman, prior service as a physician in the Navy; Andrew Fox, fourth generation vet and former Surface Warfare Naval Officer; Chuck Werchado—father, Korean War vet; Mark Kozak—father, Norman Kozak, a WWII vet and concentration camp liberator, and uncle, Melvin “Buck” Kozak, a Korean War vet; Adam Folleck— grandfather, Seymour Folleck; and Traci Corcoran—grandfather, David Gladstone, WWII vet.



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Center Portsmouth. “Jews have a long history of honorable military service, and this was hopefully the start of an annual event to bring our community together and help recognize this.” Despite some early rain and the brisk chill in the air, riders enjoyed themselves as they rode along Granby Street. “It was great to meet some new faces and get out and exercise a little,” says Joanna Schranz, chair of Beth El’s Mitzvah in Motion group that helps promote fitness events for good causes. Those interested in learning more about Mitzvah in Motion or participating in rides may contact her at

President Obama’s Chanukah reception at the White House ™

03% 45%

eth El members Craig and Joanna Schranz wanted to create an event that got people outside to raise awareness for a good cause. And so, with Congregation Beth El Men’s Club and the Mitzvah in Motion group, Tour De Mensch was born. Held on Nov. 4 to recognize the long history of Jewish service in the military, riders biked over a 15-mile course from Beth El to Ocean View and back. Riders came from several area synagogues and many rode in honor of a close friend or family veteran. “Growing up in New York, it always irritated me when people asked what a nice Jewish boy was doing in the military,” says Craig Schranz, a physician at Naval Medical

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Pantone 322 C

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12 | Jewish News | December 24, 2012 |

Rabbi Israel Zoberman with his daughter, Rachel Zoberman Azoff. Rachel is a graduate of the Hebrew Academy of Tidewater, the College of William and Mary, and American University. A journalist and editor, she is raising her two-year-old son Daniel with her husband Ben in Potomac, Md.


Learning Fest reinvigorates Romanian Jews

ver the past 20 years, Romania’s Jewish community has been completely transformed. “For us, Jewish life is really integrated with modern life,” says Luciana Friedmann, president of the Jewish community of Timisoara, Romania. “Two hundred and forty people singing Jewish songs like Kol Ha’Olam Kulo—an iconic song of Jewish courage—sounds very different from only 50 people singing. This was the biggest common Shabbat we’ve ever had here!” says the 34-year-old Friedmann. Watching her community swell in numbers has been a life-long personal joy for her. Friedmann became curious about Judaism at a young age, attending Hebrew classes and studying with the community’s long-time leader, Rabbi Earnest Neumann z”l. He led the community for some 50 years, maintaining a connection to Romanian Jewry’s flourishing past through decades of dismal times. Home to approximately 800,000 Jews in the interwar period, Romania suffered devastating losses of Jewish lives during the Holocaust and the subsequent decades of communist repression. At the fall of the Iron Curtain, remnants of ravaged communities—mostly elderly people clinging to remnants of the oldest traditions—remained sprinkled across the country. “When I was a child, there were no camps, regional events, or programs for people young and old, interested in various facets of Jewish life. Everything we have now started with JDC—the knowledge and know-how they gave us; the camps, Shabbatonim, retreats, and trainings they organized. These were the seeds and from there the community slowly took shape,” says Friedmann. Today, Friedmann’s town of Timisoara is home to 600 Jews. JDC has helped rebuild a solid infrastructure, including the recently opened JCC, Romania’s fourth, to care for the region’s Jewish elderly and needy and increasing numbers of younger people who are participating in Jewish programming— learning, socializing, and pitching in and organizing. “In our community, you can’t feel the gap between generations because most of the programs can be attended by people of every age; the elderly here are interested in modern subjects, and over half of our board is from the young generation,” she explains. Friedmann says the older community members lead prayer services and there’s an exciting and engaging space where young people feel they can contribute and express themselves.

Last year, Timisoara proudly hosted Romania’s third Bereshit JCU, a project that brings university-level professors of Jewish history, philosophy, and bible studies to communities across Europe. Created by JDC to attract the young and middle generation Jews in Eastern and Central Europe who are largely disconnected from Jewish life, Bereshit was launched in Budapest and Bucharest in 2008, and has since brought hundreds of Jews together in capitals like Riga and Vilnius. Timisoara’s Bereshit was organized by a large team of volunteers with the support of JDC. Luciana was overcome with the enthusiasm of everyone eager to get involved. “I was so impressed to hear people coming out from all sides asking ‘How can I help?’” More than 200 people attended—the vast majority of them first-timers to the event and under the age of 65. Rebuffing the view that there is only one kind of Judaism, this Bereshit event gave ordinary people access to the rich pluralistic history of Judaism. The adult Jewish education provided by the program also fills in the knowledge gap between parents with little Jewish background and their children, who were born into post-communist Romanian

Jewry and have had the benefit of gaining broader Jewish knowledge and experiences through Jewish schools and youth programming. Three professors came from Israel and were excitedly greeted by Jews from across Romania intrigued to learn about diverse elements of Judaism from the Kaddish to Kabbalah. There was even a class on the Shofar, where it was sounded aloud and many heard it for the first time. The event was a rare opportunity for Jews from across the country to meet and spend a Shabbat weekend together. Marion Cohen, who has been participating in Bereshit with her husband since it was a two-day seminar in Bucharest a few years back, was thrilled to attend the event in her home community of Timisoara. “To me, Bereshit is a rare opportunity to learn about Judaism because the only things that I knew of my heritage were taught to me by my grandmother. It’s exciting to meet teachers from Israel and analyze religious texts and sources,” Cohen says. But for her, Bereshit’s value is social as much as it is educational. “We see friends here; it’s a real gathering. Even my daughter, who is a student in the UK, came back home to witness

the event! I’m very grateful to the JDC for making this possible.” The programs of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), like the one that supports Romanian Jews in Timisoara, are funded in part by the generosity of the Tidewater Jewish community through gifts to UJFT’s annual campaign. Every dollar raised makes a significant difference to real people like Luciana—at home, in Israel, and in 70 countries around the world. To make a gift, visit | December 24, 2012 | Jewish News | 13

20th Annual

Virginia Festival of Jewish Film Presented by

Alma* and Howard Laderberg

Saturday, Jan. 19–Sunday, Jan. 27 Hava Nagila

by Roberta Grossman

Saturday, Jan. 19, 7 pm Opening Night movie and Gala Reception at the Sandler Center for the Performing Arts USA • 73 min. English

Life in Stills by Tamar Tal

Sunday, Jan. 13, 2 pm FREE preview event at the Simon Family JCC Israel • 58 min. Hebrew and German with subtitles Winner, Best Film, Best Editing, Docaviv International Documentary Film Festival 2011 Winner, Talent Dove Award, Dok Leipzig Festival 2011 Israel’s most famous photographer, Rudi Weissenstein, gave the nation some of its most iconic images. But his momentous photo studio, still run by his 96-year-old widow, Miriam, is in trouble. In this delightful, intimate portrait, the camera follows the relationship between the stubborn, feisty Miriam and her gentle grandson as they struggle with property developers to save legendary “Photo House” shop and its archive—home to more than 1 million of Rudi’s priceless negatives—for the nation’s heritage. This film is a touching, funny portrait of two generations who don’t always see eye-to-eye, but find strength in each other.

Hava Nagila (The Movie) is a documentary romp through the history, mystery and meaning of the great Jewish standard. Featuring interviews with Harry Belafonte, Leonard Nimoy, Connie Francis, Glen Campbell, Regina Spektor and more, the film follows the ubiquitous party song on its fascinating journey from the shtetls of Eastern Europe to the kibbutzim of Palestine to the cul-de-sacs of America. High on fun and entertainment, Hava Nagila (The Movie) is also surprisingly profound, tapping into universal themes about the importance of joy, the power of music and the resilient spirit of a people.

As the son of the Imam of the local Brooklyn mosque, 11-year-old David has to juggle the high expectations of his father (Maz Jobrani) and his feelings of isolation and difference— even from his peers in the Muslim community. Through an innocent act of good faith, David inadvertently befriends a group of Jewish boys who mistake him as a fellow classmate at their orthodox school, in the neighboring Jewish community. A genuine friendship grows between David and Yoav, one of the Jewish boys, and his family. Unable to resist the joy of a camaraderie that he has never felt before, David is drawn into a complicated dilemma inspired by youthful deceit and the best of intentions.


by Joel Fendelman

Sunday, Jan. 20, 2 pm TCC Roper Performing Arts Center USA • 80 min. English and some Arabic with subtitles Winner, Ecumenical Prize, Montreal World Film Festival, 2011

14 | Jewish News | December 24, 2012 |

Lea and Daria by Branko Ivanda

Sunday, Jan. 20, 7 pm TCC Roper Performing Arts Center Croatia • 101 min. Croatian with subtitles

Winner, Best Film and Best Art Design, 45th Annual WorldFestHouston International Film Festival The captivating true story of Lea Deutsch, known as the Croatian Shirley Temple, and her friend and dancing partner Daria Gasteiger, two 13-year-old girls who were, on the eve of World War II, great dancing and acting stars in Zagreb. Selling out theatre venues, they were praised in the most superb headlines by the Croatian and European press. They were filmed by Parisian Pathe and Berlin’s UFA. During the Nazi persecution of Jews and the later German nationals’ flight from communists, a dramatic friendship was born through entertainment, dance, but also anxiety. This led towards an unexpected end.

Mendelsohn’s Incessant Visions by Duki Dror

Monday, Jan. 21, 7 pm TCC Roper Performing Arts Center Israel • 70 min. English with some German and Hebrew with subtitles This award-winning, creative homage illuminates the life of German Jewish expressionist architect Erich Mendelsohn. The visionary Mendelsohn, a contemporary of Walter Gropius and Miese van der Rohe, produced works that have influenced generations of architects. His story unfolds through the letter exchange with Louise, a beautiful young cellist, who became his wife. The director, Duki Dror, gently breathes life into the correspondence of two passionate artists who helped each other weather a turbulent time in history. Mendelsohn’s career followed the jagged trajectory of many German Jewish émigrés fleeing Nazism; he worked in England, Israel and finally, in the USA. Dror deftly juxtaposes the architect’s original designs with contemporary images,

weaving in reflections from architects and locals who use these unique buildings today—a testament to the integrity and timelessness of his visionary design. The film will be introduced by Linda McGreevy, former ODU art history professor, who studied and visited Mendelsohn’s work in Europe.

Free Men by Ismael Ferroukhi

Wednesday, Jan. 23, 7 pm TCC Roper Performing Arts Center France • 99 min. French with subtitles


by Eytan Fox

Tuesday, Jan. 22, 7 pm TCC Roper Performing Arts Center Israel • 84 min. Hebrew with subtitles Ten years after Yossi and Jagger, the tragic love story of two IDF officers serving in Lebanon, director Eytan Fox returns to find out what has happened with Yossi. Dr. Yossi Hoffman has become a valued and dedicated cardiologist, often using his work to escape from dealing with his anguished life. He lives alone, still closeted, unable to break through the walls and defenses built around him since the death of his lover. Even a co-worker, a recently divorced doctor, who tries to sweep Yossi into his world of women and drugs, and a lonely nurse, who is secretly in love with him—find it almost impossible to get close to him. His daily routine at the hospital is shaken up by the arrival of a mysterious woman. He follows her, and through the surprising connection they make, receives a rare opportunity to deal with his trauma. Yossi then travels to the southern city of Eilat. Surrounded by sea and sand dunes he meets a group of young IDF officers, among them Tom, a handsome, self-confident, openly gay man, who represents a new world, different from the one that shaped Yossi.

Free Men (Les Hommes Libres) tells the little-known story of a handful of Muslim agents who fought for the French Resistance, and who used the Mosque of Paris as the base for operations that included rescuing Jewish fugitives and assassinating Vichy informants. Young Algerian immigrant, Younes agrees to spy on the elite community hidden with the pristine walls of the Mosque of Paris, in order to avoid torture at the hands of the police. Once Younes is exposed to the calm, ritualistic world of the Mosque—which stands as a sort of oasis amid the murderous Vichy regime—he begins to have a change of heart. His burgeoning friendship with a cabaret singer mixed up in various underground affairs eventually pushes Younes to join the good fight against the Germans. The audience experiences his evolution from illiterate factory worker to full-fledged freedom fighter.


by Barbra Streisand

Thursday, Jan. 24, 7 pm TCC Roper Performing Arts Center USA • 134 min. English Nominated for four Academy Awards Local movie guru and entertainment editor for The Virginian-Pilot, Mal Vincent will introduce his handpicked movie for this year’s Festival of Jewish Film.

Barbra Streisand’s directorial debut, Yentl, is a musical adaptation of a story by the beloved Jewish writer Isaac Bashevis Singer. Yentl (Streisand) is a young woman who wants nothing more than to study religious scripture. She is denied that possibility because she is a woman. She moves, passes herself off as a male student named Anshel, and begins her studies. The deceit leads to a complicated love triangle.

TCC Roper Performing Arts Center

Past, present and future mix in this eloquent, intense and surprisingly humorous portrait of documentary filmmaker David Fisher and his siblings, as they retrace the footsteps of their late father—a Holocaust survivor who was interned in Gusen and Gunskirchen, Austria. Fisher’s journey takes him to the U.S., where he meets American WWII veterans who participated in the liberation of his father and Gunskirchen camp. This sparks a remarkable journey to Austria by the Fisher siblings. They joke, kibitz and quarrel, and remind us that history and memory require active discussion among the later generations.

Canada • 99 min. English

The two American veterans featured in the film will speak after the film.

Paralyzed with polio as a child, Brooklyn-born Jerome Felder reinvented himself first as a blues singer, renaming himself Doc Pomus, then emerged as one of the most brilliant songwriters of the early rock and roll era, writing Save the Last Dance for Me, This Magic Moment, A Teenager in Love, Viva Las Vegas, and dozens of other hits. For most of his life, Doc was confined to crutches and a wheelchair, but he lived more during his 65 years than most others experience in several lifetimes. Packed with music and rare archival imagery, A.K.A. Doc Pomus features interviews with Doc’s collaborators and friends, including Dr. John, Ben E. King, Joan Osborne, Shawn Colvin, Dion, Leiber and Stoller, and B.B. King.

Leon the Pig Farmer

A post-film party in Vincent’s honor will take place.

AKA: Doc Pomus

by Peter Miller and Will Hechter

Saturday, Jan. 26, 7 pm

Six Million and One by David Fisher

Sunday, Jan. 27, 2 pm TCC Roper Performing Arts Center Israel • 93 min. English and German and Hebrew with subtitles

by Vadim Jean and Gary Sinyor

Sunday, Jan. 27, 7 pm TCC Roper Performing Arts Center Britain • 104 min. English BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! This pleasant British comedy played 20 years ago at the first Festival. Leon is an estate agent and a London Jew. Due to an artificial insemination accident, he discovers that his real father is a pig farmer. Rejected by his girlfriend, he goes on a voyage of discovery to Yorkshire to meet his biological father and half brother. Can he bring both families together?

For ticket information call 321-2338 or visit The Simon Family JCC is a constituent agency of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater. | December 24, 2012 | Jewish News | 15

The Virginia Festival of Jewish Film presented by Alma* and Howard Laderberg Saturday, Jan. 19 at the Sandler Center for the Performing Arts in Virginia Beach. Sunday, Jan. 20 through Sunday, Jan. 27, at the TCC Roper Performing Arts Center in downtown Norfolk.

Film Festival looks back over 20 years


by Leslie Shroyer

he Virginia Festival of Jewish Film, which will celebrate its 20th consecutive year as a major cultural event in this community Jan. 19–27, was a feat for a community this size when it began in 1993. Twenty years ago, Marty Trachtenberg, JCC director, and a film aficionado, learned that a handful of larger Jewish communities

20th Annual

Virginia Festival of Jewish Film Presented by

Alma* and Howard Laderberg

Major support from Old Point National Bank 20th Anniversary Opening Night Film and Gala sponsored by Patricia and Avraham Ashkenazi Festival Sponsors Beth Sholom Village Pincus Paul Charitable Trust Tidewater Community College The United Jewish Federation of Tidewater A special “Thank You” to Zahavs and Patrons of the Arts for their continued support of Cultural Arts programming at the Simon Family JCC. *of blessed memory

such as Washington, D.C., West Palm Beach, Boston and San Francisco were running successful Jewish film festivals. Trachtenberg contacted Tench Phillips, owner of the Naro Expanded Cinema, to talk about having a Jewish festival there. “Marty had been coming to the theater for years,” says Phillips. “We had shown Holocaust movies with a big Jewish following. Marty and I talked about having a dedicated festival that would feature a few of the recent Holocaust movies and include a few lighter movies which were Jewish in theme, and that’s how the discussions started.” Trachtenberg enlisted the help of Jody Mazur, the JCC cultural arts director, and the two of them decided to present their ideas to several lay leaders. Barry and Lois Einhorn, no strangers to communal service and volunteering, agreed to be the festival’s chairs. “We met at Uncle Louie’s for lunch,” recalls Lois Einhorn. “We discovered that there were no Jewish film festivals in Virginia; hence the name: Virginia Festival of Jewish Film.” Phillips was happy to let the JCC have the use of the theater during the slower, Christmas holiday weeks. Mazur went to several conferences to learn what types of movies were shown at Jewish film festivals, still a new concept. She also discovered that these festivals were a gateway into the larger Jewish community, a selling point for bringing such a program to this area. “All people could feel welcome. These festivals were a way of reaching the largest Jewish segment of the population without regard for what temple you went to, or if you chose not to go to temple,” she says.

16 | Jewish News | December 24, 2012 |

Individual tickets, Film Festival Passes and an Opening Night Pass (for Jan. 19) are available online at, at the JCC front desk, and by calling 321-2338.

A FREE Pre-Festival film, Life in A film festival committee was formed Stills, shows Sunday, Jan. 13 at and immediately began debating what the JCC at 2 pm. Reservations would constitute a Jewish film…just a are not necessary. Jewish director, or did it have to have a Jewish theme or subject? After screening several dozen movies, the first film festival committee chose a lineup that included the opening night film Cup Finals and a popular comedy, Leon the Pig Farmer, which will show again this year in celebration of the 20th Anniversary. “We also decided to show one classic Jewish film at each festival,” says Lois Einhorn. “We continue this tradition by showing Mal’s pick each year.” (The Virginian-Pilot entertainment editor Mal Lois Einhorn, Jody Mazur and Barry Einhorn Vincent picks an at the first Virginia Festival of Jewish Film. annual film classic). On Saturday, Jan. 11, 1993, the lineup the festival to the greater Tidewater comof six films began at the Naro. “When I munity, enhancing cultural diversity,” says saw that marquee all lit up with the name current festival co-chair Gloria Siegel. ‘Virginia Festival of Jewish Film,’ I got goose “We were the first community of our bumps,” says Lois Einhorn. “We did it!” size to undertake such an ambitious The Virginia Festival of Jewish Film endeavor,” says Trachtenberg. “Kudos to continued on its successful path for 10 the efforts of the JCC’s staff and commityears, growing and becoming an annual ted leadership. It is personally gratifying to tradition for Jewish and non-Jewish movie- me that the festival has ‘morphed’ into an goers in Norfolk each December. Then, the annual cultural event in Hampton Roads. JCC had an opportunity to partner with I extend my best wishes for its continued Tidewater Community College. “Through success.” this partnership, we were able to expand

Community trip to Holocaust Museum by Elena Barr Baum


olocaust Commission members have been talking for years about taking a trip to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC. One was finally set up for Oct. 30. Thanks to Hurricane Sandy, those looking forward to the trip would have to wait a little longer. But the five-week delay did nothing to dampen the spirit of the trip for the more than 30 participants. Bright and early on Wednesday, Dec. 5, this dedicated group of men and women, both Holocaust Commission members and interested community members, boarded a coach bus at the Simon Family JCC to begin their meaningful day. After a breakfast service of bagels and cream cheese on the bus provided by the Holocaust Commission staff, the group delved into the day’s subject matter by viewing the DVD Nicholas Winton, The Power of Good, the story of the British businessman who singlehandedly masterminded the rescue of 669 children from what was then Czechoslovakia. Beating traffic and arriving quite early for their 11:30 am appointment with a survivor at the museum, participants took in the exhibits Daniel’s Story, the museum’s exhibit geared toward children eight and older, and, A Dangerous Lie: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a retrospective of the explosive growth (and acceptance as historical fact) of this anti-Semitic text that continues to gain credence all over the world. Then, the group was treated to the personal testimony of survivor Halina Peabody. This spry 80-year-old took the group back in time to her childhood in Krakow, with her father the dentist and her mother the championship swimmer. She told of their odyssey of her father being sent to Siberia “as a Russian spy,” (which he was not), and her mother taking on false Catholic identities for the two of them and her infant sister, so they could survive as lodgers in a town far from their home, where no one knew them. She spoke to Norfolk survivor Dana Cohen about Dana’s time in the gulags of Russia, comparing it to her father’s experiences. Halina’s immigration to England after the war and her subsequent life in Israel and then the United States, have fueled her dedication to telling her story. After lunch at the museum’s café, the group may have been somewhat removed, both physically and emotionally, from the subject they were to spend the day wrestling with—the magnitude of the Holocaust. To

prepare to tackle the museum’s permanent collection, a heavy task, Andres Abril, MidAtlantic regional director of development for the museum addressed the group. In the Hall of Remembrance, he talked about the “birth” of the museum, and how the third architect selected to design the building, (after two others did not make the grade), a survivor himself, incorporated many subtle references to the architecture and experiences of the Holocaust into the building’s details, from railroad motifs throughout the building, to the light fixtures and outlines of the archways mirroring those at Birkenau. These nuances help the visitor transcend modern Washington, D.C., and slip back into the era of the Holocaust, as they go through the museum’s chilling collections. Many museum visitors might pick up on some of these details, even consciously, but he then took the group deeper into reflection. How, he then asked, did the museum’s founders decide what part of the monstrous tragedy of the Holocaust to focus on? To give further perspective, he asked those assembled, knowing the relatively high knowledge base of the group, what years they thought were pertinent to the study of the Holocaust in terms of creating a museum, and why. The answer, the 12-year window of 1933–45, was examined in a different way than many people consider. The genocide of the Holocaust really occurred full scale in the last four of those years, between 1941 and 1945. To put it bluntly, “by the time you got to Auschwitz, it was all over. But the lessons society needs to learn will come from studying the first eight of those years,” when Jews were marginalized and then victimized. “Someone will never know,” Abril told them, “unless put into that situation, whether he or she will be a victim, a perpetrator, or a bystander.” The museum was designed to address all of these angles. It was in this context that the Tidewater visitors entered the powerful permanent exhibit, most taking in with them an ID card of a real person who lived during the Holocaust. The two hours they had to absorb what the exhibit has to offer did not come close to being enough for most. As the group pulled out of Washington, all felt an appreciation for the museum, and the need for its existence. The ride home included moments of somber reflection as well as spirited interaction about the day’s events and revelations. Overall, even with the hurricane delay, all agreed it was a wonderful experience, and one to be repeated soon.





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YAD celebrates Chanukah with a Sushi-Sake-Latke party by Amy Weinstein


n Asian fusion twist on a traditional Chanukah party, Sushi-Sake-Latke was the Young Adult Division of United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s biggest event of the year. Held on Saturday, Dec. 1 in the Cardo on the Sandler Family Campus, more than 180 people attended. Specialty latkes, sushi and plenty of sake were served in a totally transformed Cardo. Guests enjoyed a photo booth with props, danced to the beats of DJ Silver, and ate fresh doughnuts for dessert. Event co-chairs, Beth Gerstein and Steve Zuckerman were thrilled that so many people experienced the event after many weeks of ticket sales and planning. “Sushi-Sake-Latke was truly an amazing night of great friends, drinks, food and fun. This event was planned to bring the Jewish young professional community together for a social event, and it was nice to see the entire community represented and enjoying the evening!” says Gerstein. Lesley Siegel donated her time, talents and props to decorate the Cardo and transform the community space for one unforgettable evening. Sushi-Sake-Latke is part of a renewed outreach effort by YAD, and could not have been possible without the support of the Baer Family Foundation and UJFT. photographs by Laine M. Rutherford

Adam and Dana Lotkin, Jen and Steve Sabatino

Rachel Shames, Joslyn Stein, Ariel Stein, and Aaron Shames.

Meir Price, Basi Price, Ziggy Stein, Josh Berman, and Mara Bamberger. Beth Gerstein, Steve Zuckerman, co-chairs, and Amy Weinstein, YAD director.

Jason Hoffman and L.T. Caplan.

Naama and Matt Krauz.

Julie Blumenthal and John Lomogda.

Alison Ullman and Jake Mart.

Partygoers in the transformed Cardo.

18 | Jewish News | December 24, 2012 |

Amy Rosenbaum, Traci Corcoran, and Denise Hoffman.

what’s happening Marco Grimaldo visits area pre-legislative session Sunday, Jan. 13, 10:30 am by Rabbi Jeffrey Arnowitz


he Community Relations Council organizes the Tidewater community each year to prepare for the “Date with a State,” when representatives from Jewish communities across Virginia descend on Richmond to lobby for issues considered pertinent to Jewish interests. This year’s trip will take place on Tuesday, Jan. 22. When the legislature meets, bills are discussed that concern a host of moral issues that are addressed by Judaism’s value system. While feeding the hungry or taking care of the environment may not be specifically Jewish issues, Jews certainly believe that Marco Grimaldo the Jewish value system can and should inform feelings about these issues. To help understand what will be on the legislative agenda this year and to better comprehend the issues with real depth, the CEO of the Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy (VICPP), Marco Grimaldo, will visit Congregation Beth El for breakfast, on Sunday Jan. 13 in an event hosted by Beth El, the CRC and Ohef Sholom Temple. In a public dialogue with Rabbi Jeffrey Arnowitz (who is a member of the board of the VICPP), Grimaldo will bring insight and analysis to issues expected to come before the State Legislature during this year’s session. Included in the conversation will be bills addressing support for the poor and hungry, education and the environment. The VICPP was created 30 years ago to help religious organizations keep track of issues that they might find relevant as they come before the legislature. Members of the organization complete an annual survey to help guide the organization’s agenda. The current priorities of VICPP are Stewardship of Creation, Poverty and Hunger, At-Risk Children, Healthcare and Immigration. The morning’s program should provide excellent insight into how the Commonwealth is currently addressing these issues and how they may be expected to develop in the future. To attend the brunch, Topics to Chew

on: A Conversation about Faith and Advocacy with Marco Grimaldo and Beth El’s Rabbi Arnowitz, RSVP to Noelle@bethelnorfolk. com or 625-7821 no later than Jan. 9. For more information on the annual Date With the State, contact Robin Mancoll, director, Community Relations Council at

DID YOU KNOW? …You are helping foster local teens’ Jewish identity by providing their first trip to Israel? Money raised here in Tidewater makes a real difference to real people every day.


Rabbi Jeffrey Arnowitz | December 24, 2012 | Jewish News | 19

what’s happening Encore screening of What We Carry holocaust documentary Sunday, Jan. 6, 3 pm by Laine M. Rutherford


standing-room-only crowd of more than 800 packed the Tidewater Community College’s Roper Theater in downtown Norfolk last March to attend the premiere of the documentary, What We Carry. Featuring the memories, insights and inspirational messages of four local Holocaust survivors, the professionally produced film profoundly touched those who saw it. Since then, hundreds more have seen the movie, or segments of it, but almost exclusively in a classroom or meeting room setting. The greater community will have the opportunity to see the film again, in its entirety at Congregation Beth Chaverim, 3820 Stoneshore Rd. in Virginia Beach. The Holocaust Commission of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater will present the encore screening of What We Carry, with a reception immediately following the movie. The 63-minute documentary combines personal photographs and mementos, archival film footage, an original score, present-day interviews (conducted in 2010) and narration from the survivors themselves. The film is broken into four segments, highlighting the lives of Dana Cohen, David Katz*, Hanns Loewenbach* and Kitty Saks. “This documentary was created because we had to face the difficult fact that Holocaust survivors are getting older and no one lives forever,” says Elena Barr Baum, Holocaust Commission director. “We wanted to find a way that their stories could live on, but when we lost both David and Hanns last January before the movie even premiered, it struck us all very deeply and we’re still feeling their loss.” The encore screening fulfills the requests of community members who were unable

to attend the premiere, and serves as a tribute to Katz and Loewenbach. Their families will attend the screening and will briefly share personal memories of the men that this community so greatly admired. “We want to honor and remember these men, and remember the stories that they freely and frequently shared with so many. What better way to do that then to come together as a community and listen to them tell us their stories, and to ensure they are not forgotten?” says Baum. Seeing What We Carry in its entirety is a special opportunity. Designed to be broken into four distinct mini-documentaries by its creators—award winning television producers and filmmakers Janice Engel and Amber Howell—each portion is part of the larger What We Carry educational program. In addition to showing a specific survivor’s film segment, the docent-led program also includes World War II-era suitcases containing reproductions of items seen in the film, as well as additional personal and historical content. When possible, Cohen and Saks, the two remaining members of the Holocaust Commission’s Speakers’ Bureau, travel to the schools, military groups, and religious and community organizations that schedule What We Carry. “When the film is shown individually, it’s very impressive,” says Dana Cohen, who plans to attend the encore screening. “Some segments bring pain when you watch it and think back to that time, but the whole idea is that at some time we will no longer be here because life goes on, and it’s important to leave some kind of legacy. “We tell our stories so that history doesn’t repeat itself. It’s really pathetic to me that things don’t change, from the days when they were throwing Christians to the lions to present day. My hope is that things will change, and history will stop, one day, repeating itself,” says Cohen. • • • This encore screening of What We Carry is free and open to the public, however RSVPs are requested by Dec. 30 to For more information about the Holocaust Commission of the UJFT and its programs, visit *of blessed memory

20 | Jewish News | December 24, 2012 |

Community Relations Council

Step Up for Israel Get Educated. Get Empowered. Make a Difference. by Robin Mancoll


onstantly in the public view, there is much more to Israel than meets the eye. To spread the word about the lesser-known details, the Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater is taking JerusalemOnlineU on the road with five different films and discussions at five area synagogues. The community is invited to attend all five to learn about Israel from a diverse spectrum of world-renowned Middle East experts. JerusalemOnlineU is a leading online portal for Jewish distance learning that covers a broad array of political and religious subjects. Their innovative, original filmbased education program addresses the prevalent and growing need to educate and inspire Jewish college students and adults about Judaism and Israel so that they gain a stronger Jewish identity and an appreciation of their heritage. JerusalemOnlineU offers a variety of classes taught by a group of prestigious educators and speakers, including former Harvard Professor Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar, Princeton professor Bernard Lewis and former U.N. Ambassador Dore Gold. They have produced four 10-hour, online multimedia courses, have graduated more than 4,000 students, and are responsible for more than 62,000 hours of Jewish and Israel learning by students worldwide. JerusalemOnlineU’s film education courses are currently being shown to college students, high schools, adult education classes and organizations. In this series, the CRC and JerusalemOnlineU will explore core Israeli values and success stories born in the face of constant challenges. Understanding why Israel is always in the headlines, whether media reports are balanced and accurate, reviewing historic moments including the founding of the modern State of Israel, and getting the answers to the tough questions about Israel and the conflict, as well as learning communication techniques that are most effective for passionate Israel advocates will be covered. This short course will increase connections to Israel and empower people to encourage friends, family, fellow students and colleagues to Step Up for Israel.

Crossing the Line with Rabbi Michael Panitz Thursday, Jan. 10, 7:30 pm A powerful 30-minute film exposing the growing anti-Israel sentiment taking root on college campuses. Temple Israel 7255 Granby Street, Norfolk Modern Israel with Rabbi Sender Haber Monday, Feb. 18, 7 pm Learn about Israel’s dynamic, innovative and humanitarian society. This class shows how Israel has become an invaluable asset and makes the world a better place. B’nai Israel Congregation 420 Spotswood Avenue, Norfolk Israel and the West with Rabbi David Barnett Wednesday, March 20, 7 pm Discover Israel as a democratic nation that epitomizes Western values and explore the role the media plays in shaping negative opinions about Israel. Two short films (Shared Values and Israel and the Media). Temple Emanuel 424 25th Street, Virginia Beach Creation of a State with Rabbi Roz Mandelberg Thursday, April 11, 7 pm Examine the events that led to the establishment of the State of Israel, the 1948 War of Independence, and the 1967 Six-Day War. Ohef Sholom Temple 530 Raleigh Avenue, Norfolk Speak Up for Israel with Rabbi Jeffrey Arnowitz Wednesday, May 1, 7 pm This film and class provide effective tools for speaking on Israel’s behalf and countering common adverse claims made against Israel. Congregation Beth El 422 Shirley Avenue, Norfolk After each film, a moderated discussion by the rabbi of the host synagogue will take place. Free and open to the community. RSVP requested to ensure enough handouts for attendees at each event. RSVP for one or all events to

what’s happening A DATE WITH THE STATE Virginia Jewish Advocacy Day is Tuesday, Jan. 22 Program begins at 11 am in Richmond Bus departs from Simon Family JCC at 8:45 am



Camelot 2012 Date With the State Tidewater Jewish Community Activists: Back row, Bill Nusbaum, Megan Zuckerman, Jan Johnson. Front Row, Danielle Leibovici, Jason Hoffman, Gary Kell, Rebecca Bickford. (Photo by Laine Rutherford)


reparations for Virginia Jewish Advocacy Day, or “Date with the State,” when Jews from throughout the Commonwealth descend on the Virginia General Assembly to lobby legislators on issues important to Jewish communities, are now underway. Over an early lunch, Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli and Gov. Bob McDonnell (though unconfirmed at press time) will speak. After their talks, while the General Assembly is in session, the group will be briefed on key Jewish issues on which to lobby. Then, as the House of Delegates and the State Senate adjourn for the day, participants will divide into small groups for a series of scheduled, 20-minute meetings with area legislators. Buses are slated to leave Richmond by 4 pm.

In addition to advocating on health care, Medicaid and public guardianship issues important to Beth Sholom Village and Jewish Family Service of Tidewater, participants in Date with the State should expect to lobby to preserve the separation of church and state, support for funding for the Virginia-Israel Advisory Board, and other issues still under consideration. “As we plan to call on many of the members of our region’s General Assembly delegation to persuade them of the need to support our Jewish communal positions, we need a strong turn-out from Hampton Roads on January 22,” says Robin Mancoll UJFT Community Relations Commission director. E-mail Mancoll at to confirm participation or for more information.

Tracing the history of European anti-Semitism presentation at Ohef Sholom Sunday, Jan. 20, 11 am


he adult education committee at Ohef Sholom Temple presents Marty Mandelberg speaking on “Why the Jews,” a session that will trace the history of European anti-Semitism that enabled the Holocaust to occur. Exploring publications, events, propaganda and trends such as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and the influences on a young Hitler, Mandelberg will explain how Hitler

could be elected and how the Nuremberg Laws could have been acceptable to German society. He will also teach about the important players in the Nazi machine and how the Final Solution was created. Taught in a clear and straightforward manner, this session will examine the most tragic, yet significant, event in the Jewish people’s recent history.

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for special offers and exclusive content | December 24, 2012 | Jewish News | 21

mazel tov to Golda’s chicken soup recipe a secret no longer by Marcy Oster

JeRuSALeM (JtA)—golda Meir’s chicken soup recipe was declassified. The Israel State Archives this month released the late prime minister’s recipe, which was typed in English on a Foreign Ministry letterhead. The upper left-hand corner of the page reads “incoming Cable—Classified,” which the state archives says is an optical illusion—


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mazel tov to someone copied the chicken soup document along with an unrelated one behind it in the file. “Boil the chicken with parsley, celery, cut-up carrots, peeled onion, salt, pepper a pinch of paprika until the chicken is tender,” the recipe begins, with no quantities listed. According to the archives, Meir hosted her closest allies for important discussions in her kitchen. Whether they got to taste her chicken soup is unknown.

Yankees sign Youkilis to one-year contract The New York Yankees have reportedly reached an agreement with Jewish player Kevin Youkilis to sign him for a one-year, $12 million contract. The deal has not officially been announced, and it reportedly is pending a physical. Youkilis, a three-time All-Star for the Boston Red Sox before being traded to the Chicago White Sox in June, is expected to play third base, replacing Alex Rodriguez, who is expected to be sidelined until June because of hip surgery. (JtA)

Chess is king among research projects Better living through chess—that’s the idea of an initiative to establish a project at the university of Haifa in collaboration with Boris gelfand, an israeli grandmaster. The Grandmaster Chess Research Project is taking shape to develop an original academic approach to the skills and culture of chess playing that its creators believe will contribute to social and scientific development. it will include research on the correlation between chess and cognitive enhancement, as well as establish an international program for training chess instructors and coaches. The project also is slated to develop the first Hebrew-language educational software program for teaching chess in schools and kindergartens. “I am sure this will make our society better,” Gelfand, the vice world chess champion, said of the project. “I know people leading in intellectual professionals who succeeded thanks to their playing chess in school and continued playing alongside their professional development.” (JtA)

ACHIEVEMENT Rabbi Jeremy Ruberg, son of Rabbi Arthur Ruberg and Miriam Brunn Ruberg for being the honoree on Dec. 2 at the annual Israel Bonds for Israel breakfast at New City Jewish Center where he is the assistant rabbi. Rabbi Ruberg works with the youth in the synagogue from pre-school through high school. He was lauded for his conveying to the youth his love of Judaism and the State of Israel. Mazel Tov submissions should be emailed to with Mazel Tov in the subject line. Achievements, B’nai Mitzvot, births, engagements and weddings are appropriate simchas to announce. Photos must be at least 300k. Include a daytime phone for questions. There is no fee.


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Sandy Goldberg 965-6135

calendar J a nua r y 6, S und ay Encore presentation of local Holocaust documentary, Wha t We Car ry. 3 p m. C o n g r e g a t i o n B e t h C h a v e r i m. F r e e. ( A p p r o p r ia t e f o r si x t h g r a d e r s t h r o u g h a d u l t s. ) T h e U J F T ’s H o l o c a u s t C o m m is si o n’s d o c u m e n t a r y h ig h lig h t s t h e s t o r i e s o f f o u r l o c a l H o l o c a u s t s u r v i v o r s. T h e s c r e e n i n g h o n o r s t h e m e m o r i e s o f H a n n s L o e w e n b a c h a n d D a v i d K a t z, t w o o f t h e s u r v i v o r s f e a t u r e d i n t h e f il m, w h o p a s s e d a w a y i n J a n u a r y 2 012. T h e f il m a ls o f e a t u r e s l o c a l r e si d e n t s D a n a C o h e n a n d K i t t y S a k s. R e c e p t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y f o ll o w i n g t h e s c r e e n i n g. F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n, o r t o R S V P b y D e c. 3 0, c o n t a c t J a n J o h n s o n, 7 5 7- 3 21- 2 3 2 3, o r e m a il i n f o @ h o l o c a u s t c o m m is si o n.o r g. S e e p a g e 2 0. Brith Sholom ’s n e x t m e e t i n g w ill b e h e l d a t t h e B e t h S h o l o m H o m e. T h e g r o u p w ill m e e t t h e r e t h e f i r s t S u n d a y o f e a c h m o n t h. I t s a i d G o o d - B y e t o t h e P i c k e t t R o a d a d d r e s s a t a F a r e w e ll G a la, D e c. 16 . C a ll 4 61-115 0 f o r r e s e r v a t i o n s. T h e b o a r d m e e t i n g b e g i n s a t 10 a m, g e n e r a l m e e t i n g a t 11 a m, 12 n o o n, b r u n c h.

J a Nua R y 10, t huR s d ay T h e C o m m u n i t y R e la t i o n s C o u n c il o f t h e U n i t e d J e w is h F e d e r a t i o n o f T i d e w a t e r p r e s e n t s S t e p U p f o r Is r a e l. A f i v e p a r t i n t e r n a t i o n a l, g r a s s - r o o t s Is r a e l E d u c a t i o n C a m p a ig n k i c k s o f f a t Te m p l e Is r a e l w i t h t h e f il m, C ros s ing the Line a t 7: 3 0 p m. D is c o v e r t h e g r o w i n g a n t i - Is r a e l s e n t i m e n t o n c o ll e g e c a m p u s e s i n a p o w e r f u l 3 0 - m i n u t e f il m t a k i n g r o o t o n c o ll e g e c a m p u s e s. D is c u s si o n l e a d b y R a b b i P a n i t z f o ll o w s t h e f il m. R S V P t o J J o h n s o n @ u j f t.o r g b y J a n. 7 t o a t t e n d. S e e p a g e 2 0. J a nua r y 13, S und ay Congregation Beth El, Ohef Sholom Temple, the Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and the Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy p r e s e n t : To p i c s t o C h e w o n : A c o n versation about Faith and Advocacy with Marco Grimaldo — executive d i r e c t o r, V i r g i n ia I n t e r f a i t h C e n t e r f o r P u b li c P o li c y — a l e a di n g e x p e r t o n r e g i o n a l a d v o c a c y is s u e s a n d R a b b i A r n o w i t z, C o n g r e g a t i o n B e t h E l. 10 : 3 0 a m b r u n c h ( d o n a t i o n s a c c e p t e d t h a t m o r n i n g ) ; 11 a m p r o g r a m a t B e t h E l. O p e n t o t h e c o m m u n i t y w i t h R S V P n o la t e r t h a n J a n. 9. R S V P t o N o e ll e @ b e t h e l n o r f o l k .c o m o r 6 2 5 -7 8 21. F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n, c o n t a c t R o b i n M a n c o ll, di r e c t o r, C o m m u n i t y R e la t i o n s C o u n c il a t R M a n c o ll @ u j f t .o r g. Pre-Film Festival e v e n t a t t h e S i m o n F a m il y J C C a t 2 p m. Life in S tills . Ta m a r Ta l ’s p o ig n a n t , p r i z e - w i n n i n g d o c u m e n t a r y t e lls t h e s t o r y o f 9 6 - y e a r - o l d M i r ia m, t h e r e m a r k a b l e w i d o w o f C z e c h - b o r n, Is r a e li p h o t o g r a p h e r R u di We is s e n s t e i n, a s s h e a n d h e r g r a n d s o n B e n d e f e n d t h e i r f a m il y ’s Te l Av i v p h o t o s t u di o f r o m d e m o li t i o n. F r e e. 3 21- 2 3 3 8.

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J a nua r y 19 – 27, S at urd ay t hr o u g h S und ay The 20th Anniversary year of the Virginia Festival of Jewish Film , p r e s e n t e d b y A l m a* a n d H o w a r d L a d e r b e r g. O p e n i n g n ig h t a t t h e S a n d l e r C e n t e r i n V i r g i n ia B e a c h ; a ll o t h e r m o v i e s a t t h e R o p e r T h e a t e r i n d o w n t o w n N o r f o l k . S i m o n f a m il y j.o r g f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n, i n c l u di n g p a s s e s a n d t i c k e t s. S e e p a g e 14. J a nua r y 22, T ue s d ay Date With the State , V i r g i n ia J e w is h A d v o c a c y D a y. J o i n J e w is h c o m m u n i t y m e m b e r s f r o m a ll o v e r t h e C o m m o n w e a l t h i n Ri c h m o n d t o t a l k w i t h l o c a l l e g isla t o r s a b o u t is s u e s i m p o r t a n t t o t h e c o m m u n i t y. $ 3 6 t o h e lp c o v e r l u n c h a n d t r a n s p o r t a t i o n. C o n t a c t R o b i n M a n c o ll, di r e c t o r, C R C a t R M a n c o ll @ u j f t.o r g. S p a c e is li m i t e d. R S V P n o la t e r t h a n J a n 7. S e e p a g e 21. J a Nua R y 27, s uNd ay Super Sunday , C o m m u n i t y P h o n e - a - t h o n. D a y l o n g E v e n t. T h e e n t i r e J e w is h c o m m u n i t y o f T i d e w a t e r c a n b e a p a r t o f e n s u r i n g t h a t J e w is h li v e s a r e e n r i c h e d a n d J e w is h c u l t u r e e n d u r e s t h r o u g h p a r t i c ip a t i o n i n S u p e r S u n d a y, T i d e w a t e r ’s a n n u a l p h o n e - a - t h o n. Vo l u n t e e r s a r e n e e d e d t o m a k e c a lls, a n d t h e c o m m u n i t y c a n s h o w i t c a r e s b y a n s w e r i n g t h e p h o n e a n d m a k i n g a p l e d g e w h e n c a ll e d. To v o l u n t e e r a n d f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n, v isi t w w w.j e w is h v a.o r g, o r c a ll 75 7- 9 6 5 - 610 0. Send submissions for calendar to news @ ujf Be sure to note “calendar” in the subject. Include date, event name, sponsor, address, time, cost and phone.

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Janet Frenck, CRB, GRI William E. Wood & Associates 1321 Laskin Road • Virginia Beach | December 24, 2012 | Jewish News | 23



Bishop Walter F. Sullivan (1928–2012) by Rabbi Israel Zoberman

Bishop Walter F. Sullivan’s legendary ecumenical embrace will long inspire us, even as there are stars whose light reaches the Earth Rabbi Israel Zoberman and Bishop Walter long after they had F. Sullivan at the been extinguished. dedication ceremony for Congregation Beth His shining Catholic Chaverim in 1995. Bishop ministry and moving Sullivan was instrumental in Beth Chaverim menchlechkeit com- spending 10 years (1985plemented so well 1995) at the Catholic Church of the Ascension the revolutionary in Virginia Beach, the spirit of Pope John only such interfaith bond in the world at that time. XXIII and the Second Vatican Council’s reforms of the 1960s, radically altering the Church’s approach to Jews and Judaism. Congregation Beth Chaverim is forever indebted to Bishop Sullivan and the most gracious Catholic Church Of The Ascension in Virginia Beach, along with their remarkable leaders, Father Bill Dale and Father Jim Parke for their extraordinary divine gifts of vision, courage, and love.

Marion Baydush Norfolk—Marion Coplon Baydush, 100, of the 4600 block of Sam Snead Court, died Dec. 15, 2012 in her home. Mrs. Baydush was born in Portsmouth, Va., the daughter of the late Joseph Coplon and Rose Jacobson Coplon. She was a member of Congregation Beth El and KBH. She had been very active in the Hebrew Ladies Charity Society. Mrs. Baydush was preceded in death by her husband Junius Baydush, her son Frederick Baydush, a granddaughter Helen Baydush and nine siblings. Survivors include her daughter, Libby Furst and her husband Mark; a son Jerry Baydush and his wife Joanie; six grandchildren, Richard Furst, Felicia Furst, Alan Baydush and his wife Lori, Joel Baydush and his wife Janice, Amy Runyon, and Barri Kreiner and her husband John. Mrs. Baydush is also survived by seven great grandchildren, Alex, Aidan, Frances, Cora Rose, Rochelle, William and Melia, a sister, Margaret “Jimmie” Semel and a brother, Sydney Coplon. Funeral services were held in the Norfolk Chapel of H.D. Oliver Funeral Apartments

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by Rabbi Jeffrey Arnowitz, Rabbi Arthur Ruberg, Cantor Gordan Piltch, Cantor Jacob Tessler and Cantor David Proser. Burial followed at Forest Lawn Cemetery. Memorial donations may be made to the Hebrew Ladies Charity Society. Shirley Jacobs Goldman Virginia Beach—Shirley Goldman died on Dec. 11, 2012 at the age of 93. Shirley was the daughter of Dora Weiss, a fixture in the local Hadassah organization until her death in 1976. Shirley lived her entire life in the NorfolkVirginia Beach area. She graduated from Maury High and later served her country in the U.S. Coast Guard during WWII. Shortly after the war, Shirley met and married Jack Goldman, her loving husband of 54 years. Jack and his brother, Matthew, owned and operated Goldman’s Shoes, a family business they started following their military careers. Jack, a decorated combat veteran of WWII, passed away in 1999. Shirley will be remembered for her outgoing personality, her “never met a stranger” attitude and her zeal for life. She was an avid and competitive golfer for all of her adult life, and she attributed her long years and good health to the fresh air and exercise that accompanied her passion. She made many lifelong friendships through the sport. Shirley leaves behind a loving family: her son Edward and daughter-in-law Kathleen of Virginia Beach, daughter Anne, of Virginia Beach, who provided much care and emotional support to Shirley over the last few years, and son Michael, of Atlanta, Ga. In addition, she is survived by her grandchildren Claire and Jonas Goldman and Noah Goldman Stockton and his wife, Jocelyn. Shirley lived a good and happy life and was especially content at Beth Sholom where she resided at the time of her death. The family appreciates all that the administrative and care-giving staff did to enrich the last years of her life. A contribution in Shirley’s honor may be made to Beth Sholom Village, 6401 Auburn Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23464. A memorial service was held at Altmeyer Funeral Home, 5792 Greenwich Road Virginia Beach. Condolences can be made at www. Laura Ilene Kesser Virginia Beach—Laura Ilene Kesser, 52, of the 4900 block of Lauderdale Avenue, passed away on Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2012. She was a native of Norfolk and was preceded in death by her husband Jeffrey Haspel. Laura went to Norfolk public schools and

graduated from Old Dominion University in 1982 with honors. She was a most successful mortgage broker and earned a spot in the top award circles both locally and nationally. She was known for her diligence, her integrity, her knowledge of the field and her willingness to go the extra mile for all of her clients. Laura worked most recently with Atlantic Bay Mortgage Company, Virginia Beach for the past four years as a senior mortgage loan officer. She was a member of Ohef Sholom Temple, the Chesapeake Beach Civic League and many other civic and professional organizations. Laura was a member of the Chicks Beach family for over 20 years. She was a generous soul who never met a person she didn’t make one of her own. Laura’s home was always open to her friends for whatever the occasion. She was a loving human being who shared her many gifts with all who needed a kind word or helping hand. Laura enjoyed the beach life, she enjoyed the people, and she was a vital part of the community. She will be missed by her parents, Dr. Howard and Arlene Berman Kesser, her sister, Sharon Kesser Laderberg and husband Bruce, all of Norfolk, her nephews and nieces, Jodi, Danny, Kevin and Beth and a host of many loving family members and friends. She was a wonderful daughter, sister, aunt, friend and our fervent hope is that she is at peace. Memorial Services were held at Temple Israel. Rabbi Rosalin Mandelberg, Rabbi Michael Panitz and Cantor Wally SchachetBriskin officiated. Memorial donations may be made to Susan G. Komen, Tidewater Affiliate, 5295 Greenwich Road, Suite 105, Virginia Beach, VA 23462 or to the charity of the donor’s choice. H.D. Oliver Funeral Apts. Online condolences may be sent to the family at Michelle Brokenbek North Huntingdon, Pa—Michelle Brokenbek, 61, of North Huntingdon, beloved wife of 40 years to Duane Brokenbek, peacefully passed away Sunday, Dec. 16, 2012, in her home, surrounded by her loving family. Michelle is the daughter of the late Sam and Marjorie Weinberg. Left to miss and celebrate her are her adoring children, Leah (Ben) Leber, Marc (Leighann), Seth (Jill) and Shana (Marc) Tokarski, who will cherish the time they had with their one-of-a-kind mother. Her grandchildren, Isaac and Cianna Brokenbek, Brooks Tokarski and Jayna and Alanna Leber, were the lights of her life. She loved being a Bubby and adored each of them.

obituaries Michelle attended Penn State University, graduating with honors with dual degrees. She worked at Gateway Press for many years as a journalist until retiring to battle her cancer in 2008. Michelle won countless awards for her writing and enjoyed the opportunity to meet many people from different walks of life. Anonymously, Michelle was involved with many philanthropic causes locally and nationally. Although professionally accomplished, Michelle said her greatest success was her four children, whom she said were her entire world. Michelle leaves behind many friends who will forever be better for knowing her. Services were held at Shirley’s Funeral Home in North Huntingdon. In lieu of flowers or donations, Michelle asks those willing to make a contribution, to take an old friend to dinner instead. Norma C. Waranch Virginia Beach—Norma C. Waranch, 83, died Dec. 16, 2012, at Beth Sholom Village. Mrs. Waranch was a native of the Bronx, N. Y. and was the daughter of the late Louis and Claire Cognac Chesler. She was preceded in death by her first husband, Richard H. Ornoff, and her second husband, Irwin E. Waranch. Survivors include her children, Brenda, and her husband, Mark Kozak, of Chesapeake; Robin, and her husband, Dr. Mark S. Cloth, of Charlottesville; Dr. Mark S. Ornoff, and his wife, Judi, of Reston. She is also survived by Irwin’s children, Terry Waranch, and his wife, Anne, of Greensboro, N.C.; Dr. Steven Waranch of Virginia Beach; and her grandchildren, Rachel Kozak; Benjamin and Daniel Cloth; and Rebecca and Mitchell Waranch. Retired from Norfolk Public Schools as an educator, Mrs. Waranch later served as a volunteer for Jewish Family Service and the American Cancer Society. She was a member of Congregation Beth El and its Sisterhood, Beth Sholom Home Auxiliary, the Hebrew Ladies Charity Society and Brith Sholom. The family thanks the caring staff, nurses and aides at the Terrace and Memory Enhancement Center of Beth Sholom. Memorial contributions may be made to Congregation Beth El or Jewish Family Service. Graveside funeral services were held in Forest Lawn Cemetery. Rabbi Jeffrey Arnowitz and Cantor Gordon Piltch officiated. H.D. Oliver Funeral Apts. Online condolences may be sent to the family at

Marta Elisa Ruiz Norfolk—Marta Elisa Ruiz, 82, beloved wife, mother and grandmother, passed away Sunday, Dec. 16, 2012 at Virginia Beach General Hospital. A native of Havana, Cuba, she was the daughter of the late Antonio Nodarse and Sofia Rodriguez Nodarse, and the widow of Dr. Abelardo Antonio Ruiz since his death in 1991. She was also predeceased by a brother, Raul Nodarse. She is survived by four daughters, Maria R. Butterworth and husband Carey, Grace R. Little and husband Mike, Marta R. Stewart and husband Jamie, and Sofia R. Konikoff and husband David; two sons, Dr. Abelardo A. Ruiz, Jr. and wife Angela, and Dr. Antonio J. Ruiz and wife Anne; 18 grandchildren, Amanda and Lindsey Butterworth, Brian and Melissa Ruiz, Kristina and Christopher Little, Jason Stewart and wife Grace, Alex Stewart, Nick, Ben and David Ruiz, Elisa Carter and husband Michael, Joshua, Jared, Jacob, Jonathan, Ryan and Rachael Konikoff; and three great-grandchildren, Keira, Skylar and Colton Carter. A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated in St. Paul’s Catholic Church. Burial followed in Portsmouth Catholic Cemetery.

Jacob Stein, Presidents Conference chair during Yom Kippur War Jacob Stein, who served as chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations during the Yom Kippur War of 1973, has died. Stein died on Dec. 8, the first night of Chanukah. As the Presidents Conference chairman during the Yom Kippur War, he reportedly was influential in convincing the Nixon administration to send immediate military aid to Israel. “Jack was a great leader, devoted to his community, people, and country,” Richard Stone and Malcolm Hoenlein, respectively the chairman and executive vice chairman of the Presidents Conference, said in a statement. “He remained deeply involved with the Conference for decades after his tenure as chairman. He served during a time of serious challenges with total dedication and demonstrated unique qualities of leadership throughout.” In 1981, Stein served as a full-time adviser in the Reagan administration and hosted the first Chanukah party at the White House. He served on the U.S. ambassadorial staff to the United Nations and to the Human Rights commission in Geneva. Stein served as president of the United

Synagogue of Conservative Judaism and was a founder of Temple Israel of Great Neck on Long Island, in suburban New York. A graduate of Columbia University, Stein operated a chain of clothing stores in the Northeast and in the 1950s he became a real estate developer on Long Island. (JTA)

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Approved by all area Rabbis and Chevrah Kadisha | December 24, 2012 | Jewish News | 25

tragedy in Newtown COnn.

At first Newtown funeral, Noah Pozner remembered as loving ‘little man’ station in Newtown where the families of the fallen were informed by the governor FAIRFIELD, Conn. (JTA)—It was a eulogy that their children were never coming home. for a life that had only just begun. “It was a horrifying scene, watching Veronique Pozner remembered her son how the parents were hearing what was Noah as a rambunctious, video-game lov- going on,” Deitsch said. ing “little man,” a boy with a perpetual At one point, Malloy, spotting Deitsch smile and twinkly blue eyes who dreamed in the scrum, recalled that Friday was the of becoming a doctor, a soldier and man- sixth day of Chanukah. “It’s supposed to be ager of a factory that makes tacos—his a brighter day,” Deitsch recalled the goverfavorite food. nor saying. Noah Samuel Pozner, age six, was the On the day of Noah’s funeral, residents youngest victim of the massacre last week in Newtown and around the country were at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in still groping for answers and pledging to Newtown, Conn. He was laid to rest do something—anything—to stem what Monday, Dec. 17, his miniature seems like a rising tide of gun vioWe wooden casket set beneath the lence. podium where his mother stood. But in remembering Noah will do “The sky is crying,” Pozner, speakers steered clear something Veronique said. of the swirling political debate So were hundreds more, about gun control, enjoining extra in our mourners who lined the mourners only to live better life, in this walls of a small Jewish chalives in memory of the fallen. pel in this coastal Connecticut “Let us not be lost in sorrow,” world, while city for one of two funerals said Noah’s brother, Michael. we’re here, in held Monday—the first of 26. “Let us remember the beauty, his honor. Among them were Sen. Richard laughter, smiles and happiness Blumenthal (D-Conn.), Sen.-elect little Noah brought us. Let us live Chris Murphy, and the state govour lives as healthily, righteously and ernor, Dannel Malloy, who personally happily as we can. Let’s do it for our little had delivered the awful news to parents man, who would have wanted that.” last week after the shooting. Malloy spent Rabbi Shaul Praver, the leader of much of the service with his eyes cast down Congregation Adath Israel of Newtown, and hands clenched under his chin. who has been cast into the national spotWith abundant tears and a gathering light since the killings, presided over resolve, the eulogizers offered tributes to a lov- Noah’s funeral. On Sunday, he chanted the ing boy whose death, they said, should inspire El Maleh Rachamin, the Jewish mourner’s the living to acts of love and compassion. prayer, at a nationally televised memorial “Noah, you will not pass through this service attended by President Obama. At way again,” Veronique said. “I can only the funeral, he said that the secret of Jewish believe that you were planted on earth survival was to meet tragedy with resolve. to bloom in heaven. Take flight, my boy. “We can and we will thrive in the Soar. You now have the wings you always honor of Noah Pozner,” Praver said. “Let wanted. Go to that peaceful valley that we us all make that vow, that we will thrive. will all one day come to know.” We will do something extra in our life, in Days after one of the deadliest mass kill- this world, while we’re here, in his honor. ings in American history, one that claimed the And we can expect the light found in this lives of 20 children and six adults in a subur- tremendous sorrow can change the world.” ban school, a sense of shock is still palpable At the close of the funeral, Praver asked on the leafy streets of southwest Connecticut. whether any teachers from Sandy Hook In nearby Ridgefield, Chana Deitsch, the were present; a number of hands were local Chabad emissary, had the uncomfort- raised. Six educators lost their lives in an able task of telling her children the news attempt to confront the gunman and their and comforting the mothers who come to sacrifice has been widely praised. her weekly Mommy and Me program. Her “There is something in Hebrew called a husband, Rabbi Sholom Deitsch, had an Kiddush Hashem, a sanctification of God’s even grimmer obligation. After news of the name,” Praver told them. “And we have shooting broke, he hurried to the old fire done that.” by Ben Harris

26 | Jewish News | December 24, 2012 |

Newtown massacre prompts Jewish groups to push for action on gun control by Ron Kampeas

WASHINGTON (JTA)—In the wake of the shooting rampage in Newtown, Conn., Jewish groups are looking to build alliances and back legislation to strengthen gun control laws. Rabbi David Saperstein, the director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, says that his group is assembling a coalition that would be ready to act once the right legislation comes along. “The point now is to create the atmosphere in which there is a demand for action, using our voices, organizing the parents in our pews,” Saperstein says. “When the parents across America start crying out for effective action, if there’s religious leadership, it will galvanize the community to create the moral demand that moves toward sensible legislation.” Staff at the RAC, the locus in the Jewish community for gun control initiatives in past decades, spent Monday, Dec. 17 reaching out to other Jewish leaders, as well as to leaders of other faith communities. “The best way is to rally the faith community and come together around shared policy,” says RAC spokeswoman Rachel Laser. A number of Jewish groups have indicated that they will back a gun control bill proposed Monday by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), the first since the Newtown shooting. It would ban more than 100 assault weapons and ammunition clips that contain more than 10 rounds. The Newtown killer, Adam Lanza, used a Bushmaster AR-15 assault rifle registered in the name of his mother, whom he killed before heading to Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, where he murdered 20 children and six adults before killing himself. The legislation, Feinstein says, “will be carefully focused on the most dangerous guns that have killed so many people over the years while protecting the rights of gun owners by exempting hundreds of weapons that fall outside the bill’s scope.” Feinstein helped draft the last iteration of an assault weapons ban, in 1994. It lapsed in 2004, after the National Rifle Association fought against its renewal. B’nai B’rith International demanded the reinstatement of the assault weapons ban. “Assault weapons enable a shooter to fire multiple rounds without stopping to reload as they automatically expel and load

ammunition with each trigger-pull,” B’nai B’rith said in a statement. “There is no sane, acceptable, reasonable need in a civilian setting to fire off large rounds of ammunition.” The Jewish Council for Public Affairs circulated a petition through its constituent Jewish community relations councils that calls for “meaningful legislation to limit access to assault weapons and high capacity ammunition magazines, aggressive enforcement of firearm regulations, robust efforts to ensure that every person in need has access to quality mental health care, and a serious national conversation about violence in media and games.” Officials of Jewish groups planning on action say the likeliest vehicle would be Feinstein’s legislation, which she plans to introduce as soon as Congress reconvenes, in January. “We have been in touch with Sen. Feinstein,” says Susan Turnbull, who chairs Jewish Women International, a group that has as a principal focus combating domestic violence. “We support her bill.” The National Council of Jewish Women, which has also taken a leading role in the Jewish community on gun control initiatives in the past, announced its support for the Feinstein legislation and for legislation proposed by Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) that would tighten background checks. The NCJW has in the past mobilized a grassroots network of activists to push for gun control legislation. Hadassah also called on Congress to introduce reforms. The United Synagogue for Conservative Judaism and the Conservative movement’s Rabbinical Assembly called not only for a ban on assault weapons, but for longer purchase times, deeper background checks, coding ammunition for identification and banning online sales of ammunition. President Obama, attending a prayer vigil in Newtown, said that he was ready to back action that would address such violence. “Are we really prepared to say that we’re powerless in the face of such carnage, that the politics are too hard?” he said. “Are we prepared to say that such violence visited on our children year after year after year is somehow the price of our freedom?” Although he was short on specifics, a number of observers say that Obama’s strong language suggested he was ready to do what he had avoided in his first term: Advance assault weapons restrictions.

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LONG ISLAND ESTATE SAVED FROM “SANDY”, PITTSBURG ESTATE ESTATE OF JOHN ENNIS, CIVIL WAR REENACTOR, 43rd Virginia Battalion and 23rd VA. Infantry Incls. Muskets & Pistols, including Pepperbox 1847, Belgium Dueling Pistols 2 PA Rifles, Uniforms, Bayonets & Bowie Knives, Cartridge Boxes & Canteens, Marksmanship Medals and Skirmish Patches, Military Accoutrements. HISTORICAL ITEMS: Ship Models; Drake’s Revenge, Sailing Sloop, Bluenose, Sport Fisherman. Piece of USS Hartford, Farragut’s Flagship, GOLD: Rare 1751 Gold 8 Escudo, Wreck of Nuestra Senora de la Luz., Gold 1851 US 2 ½ Dollar, Epaulettes, Autograph Fidel Castro. Autographed Boxing Gloves Ali, Duran, La Motta, Camacho. Holiday Sized 36 Star Flag 1865, 48 Star Flag, Political Campaign Flags Blaine & Logan 1884, “DEFENDER” Machine Gun Game from Buckroe Beach Pier. FURNITURE: 1750 Linen Cabinet, 1865 J.B. Roach Carved Figural Pennsylvania Corner Cabinet, Cast iron hall Tree, Youth Spool Bed, Victorian Parlor Set plus Single Chairs, Wash Stands with Tile Backsplashes, Pie Crust Table, French Writing Desk, French Oak Art Nouveau Bedroom Set, Fine 4 & 6 Panel Screens, Coll. Early 19th C. Danish and Swedish Biedermeier Furniture, 19th C. New Hampshire Furniture, Berkey & Gay Dining Set, Lloyd Loom Chair, 18th C. Pygmy Chair, Pine 2 pc. Cabinet, Mahog. Corner Cabinet, Fancy Golden Oak Sideboard, Armoires, Child’s Roll Top Desk w/chair, Hanging Cabinet and Knick Knack Shelf, Canterbury, Chaise Lounge, Mid Century Modern Repro Barcelona Chairs and Footstools, Retro Bar, Mermaid Planter, Club Chairs, GLASS: 36 Pc. Set of signed Moser “Splended” Stems, Dale Chihuly 2 pc. Sculpture, Victorian Epergne, “Lacy Art” Webb Cameo, Lalique, Bristol Vases, Diamond Quilt MOP, Custard Glass, Egerman, Various Cut Crystal, POTTERY & PORCELAINS: Coll. Lladros, Pr. Hand Ptd, Porcelain Lusters, Herend Tray and Footed Bowl, Amphora, Centerpiece with Geese & Flowers, Metttlach Stein, Sevres Porceain Urn, Majolica Centerpiece, Royal Vienna Tankard, Blue Willow Platters, Worcester Lizard Pitcher, Lg. Roseville Baneda Vase, Rookwood Pin Tray, Roseville Florentine 2 pc. Jardiniere & Pedestal, Large Set of Minton Dinnerware, Limoges Dessert Set, Imari, STERLING SILVER: Cartier Ice Tong, Two Amazing Miniature Rooms of House with all Furnishings Hand made of Sterling Silver-very Detailed. Tiffany Oil Can, Trinket Box, Gorham Chantilly Flatware, Assorted Flatware, Hollowware, Plates, BRONZE: Life Size Bronze Maiden, Dong Han Flying Swallow Horse Sculpture, Female Busts, Mene Dog, Pr. Urns, Nude Female, JEWELRY: Long Strand Mikimoto Pearls and Earrings, 13 Carat TW Diamond Necklace, Beautiful Canary and White Diamond Bracelet, Gent’s Blue Star Sapphire Ring, Women’s Important Diamond & Platinum Bracelet, Sapphire & Diamond Ring. FINE ART: L. Icart Drypoint Etching (1929), Vintage Currier & Ives “Cares of a Family”, Rare 1960’s Peter Max Posters, La Zingerella O/C, Fricter-Reich O/C, John Vassos Acryl/Canvas, Melanie Boone Still Life, Eng. 19th C. Landscape, E. Dunshee O/C, Barklay Sheaks Tryptic Painting, Raoul Mathieu-Haitian O/C, Gesner Abelard-Haitian O/C, T.A. Johnson “Blue Star other O/C, Japanese Woodblock Prints, Stow Wengenroth Ltd. Ed. Many More 19th & 20th C. Paintings. CLOCKS & LIGHTING: Chandeliers, Table Lamps, E. Miller Slag Glass, Four Long Case Clocks incl. 1890 Pa. Henry Ober, 19th C. French Louis XV Carved Case, Ithaca, Mantle Clocks, Wall Clocks, 19th C. Mercury Wheel Barometer. SPECIAL, RARE, DESIRABLE & FUN: Goose Feather Basket, H.P. Heated Fire Screen Panel, Tandem Bike, 15’ Long Fireman’s Parade Bike,, Louis Vuitton Authentic Suitcase, Lg. Amethyst Geode, Alabaster Tang Horse, Incredible & Unique Chess Set, Naked lady Double Bell Euphonium, Fancy Bird Cage, Titano Accordian, Square Grand Piano, 1885 Sampler, Vintage Juke Boxes, Edison Phonograph, Large 19th C. Cloisonne Vase, Jade & Ivory Figures,. Spencer & Co. Octant in Case, Forrestal Christening Book, Sensenich Wooden Propeller, Signed FDR and Congressman Drewry Correspondence Lots More Still Cataloging!

















36 STAR 12’ x 7’ FLAG







18 EAST MELLEN STREET, HAMPTON, VA 23663 • 757-722-9210 Catalogue with pictures at Gail Wolpin Vaar #1597,Vaaf #733 | December 24, 2012 | Jewish News | 27



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