Jewish News - December 24, 2018

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Southeastern Virginia | Vol. 57 No. 8 | 16 Tevet 5779 | December 24, 2018

7 An Act of Defiance

When Heroes Fly

Elaine Luria goes to Israel

Heading Home

15 Hebrew Academy: IB World School candidate

January 21–30 The Samuel Project

Cast a Giant Shadow

—page 22


Budapest Noir

Father Patrick Desbois Thursday, January 31

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26 Summit Against Hate Monday, January 14 Supplement to Jewish News December 24, 2018 | December 24, 2018 | Education | Jewish News | 13

Today’s children are tomorrow’s leaders.

who knew? Jerusalem municipality distributing free Christmas trees JERUSALEM (JTA)—The Jerusalem municipality is preparing for Christmas, including the annual Christmas tree distribution. The city will distribute 150 free Christmas trees to Jerusalem residents. Meanwhile, the municipality is hanging Christmas lights and flags in predominately Christian neighborhoods. In addition, the city is preparing for Christmas pilgrimages and processionals. Christmas trees also are being distributed by Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund, and are available for about $20. The trees being distributed are six-foottall Arizona cypresses.


Kirk Douglas honored on his 102nd birthday by NY town where he grew up

he latest honor for Jewish actor Kirk Douglas came in the upstate New York town where he was raised on his 102nd birthday. Friend and relatives gathered in Amsterdam on Sunday, Dec. 16 to unveil a historic marker for a sign that will say that Douglas, 102, “Rose From Poverty To Appear In Over 90 Films In Hollywood,” The Associated Press reported. The sign will be erected near his home in the town, which is about 30 miles from Albany, the state’s capital. Douglas was born Issur Danielovitch to Yiddish-speaking immigrant parents. He has starred in such films as Spartacus and Lust for Life. He earned three Oscar nominations for best actor, as well as an Oscar for Lifetime Achievement, and the Presidential Medal of Freedom. His son Michael Douglas also is an accomplished actor and director who won the Genesis Prize, or “Jewish Nobel,” in 2015. (JTA)

Rollover Your IRA for Good If you haven’t already taken a distribution from your IRA this year, you will likely pay more in taxes and may even reach a higher tax bracket. Rolling over part of your IRA’s “required minimum distribution” or “RMD” to The Tidewater Jewish Foundation can help reduce your tax bill while supporting the Jewish community.

Double the Benefits!

An IRA Charitable Rollover gift can benefit both you and our community! Contact your IRA administrator to get started with your gift. While you will not receive an income tax deduction, you will not pay taxes on any distributions made to us. The Tidewater Jewish Foundation can help you use your charitable rollover to benefit one or more 70½ OR OLDER agencies in our community. For a confidential conversation and more information contact YOU CAN DIRECT UP TO Scott Kaplan, President and CEO at $100,000 757.965.6109 or


he news has been out there for years, but for many rock and folk music fans, it might still be a shocker: Jeff Tweedy, frontman and songwriter for the beloved band Wilco, is a convert to Judaism. Tweedy, who is doing interviews these days to promote his new album Warm and new memoir Let’s Go (So We Can Get Back), describes the whole story in a recent chat with Jewish comedian Marc Maron on his WTF podcast. And it’s a great story. Tweedy, 51, is married to Sue Miller, a former talent agent who is Jewish. Both of their sons have had bar mitzvahs. “I find myself extremely comfortable and attracted to secular Judaism,” he says. When his older son, Spencer, started to struggle with his bar mitzvah training, Tweedy offered to go with him to temple to talk with the rabbi—he would convert, if the rabbi let him, while Spencer learned his Torah portion. He also goes on say that his wife can’t go to Germany because “whenever she hears anyone saying anything in German she thinks they’re saying ‘Get in the oven.’”




2 | Jewish News | December 24, 2018 |

Wilco singer Jeff Tweedy tells the story of his conversion to Judaism

Someone bought Frank Sinatra’s yarmulke for almost $10,000

hand-crocheted yarmulke that once belonged to Frank Sinatra sold at auction for nearly $10,000. The black kippah, with musical notes and “Frank” decorating its border, was auctioned off by Sotheby’s on Dec. 6 in New York as part its sale of items belonging to the estate of the singer’s late wife, Barbara. The catalog did not indicate who made the kippah or gave it to Sinatra, although it does note that he was “a lifelong sympathizer with Jewish causes.” The yarmulke sold for $9,375, shattering its original estimate of $200–$400. (JTA)

Jewish news

Upfront Germany will compensate Kindertransport survivors $2,800 each

Australia recognizes West Jerusalem as Israel’s capital Henry Benjamin

BERLIN (JTA)—Germany has agreed to compensate those who fled Nazi Germany as children on the so-called Kindertransport with a one-time payment of approximately $2,800 each. The new agreement, negotiated by the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany with the German government, comes 80 years after the first rescue transports of children from Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland to England. The British government had agreed to take a contingent of children under the age to 17 after the anti-Jewish pogrom of Nov. 9, 1938, known as Kristallnacht, made it more clear than ever that Jews in those countries were not safe. More than 10,000 Jewish children and youths were rescued. Many saw their parents for the last time as they said goodbye at train stations in the German Reich. According to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, the last transport from Germany left on Sept. 1, 1939, the day World War II began. The last transport from the Netherlands left for Britain on May 14, 1940, the day that the Dutch army surrendered to Germany. It is thought that about 1,000 of those who boarded those trains are alive today. They would be in their 80s and 90s. “Our team has never given up hope that the moment would come when we could make this historic announcement,” Julius Berman, president of the New York-based Claims Conference, said in a statement. The Kindertransport Fund will open Jan. 1, 2019 and begin processing eligible applications. A Claims Conference spokesperson told JTA they will be proactively encouraging eligible individuals to apply. An application form can be found in multiple languages on the Claims Conference website, The new funds also are available to those who already received small payments in the 1950s. Eligibility criteria were determined by the German government. These children had “to endure a life forever severed from their parents and families,” Stuart Eizenstat, who led negotiations for the Claims Conference, said in a statement. “They will now get a small measure of justice.”

SYDNEY (JTA)—Australia said it recognizes West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and is now starting a search for a suitable site for a trade office within the city. Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced the government’s decision while speaking at the Sydney Institute current affairs forum on Saturday, Dec. 15. “We look forward to moving our Embassy to West Jerusalem when practical, in support of, and after the final status determination,” he said. He reiterated Australia’s support for a two-state solution and added that the Australian government also recognizes “the aspirations of the Palestinian people for a future state with its capital in East Jerusalem.” In the same announcement, Morrison said he plans to open a Trade and Defense office in West Jerusalem. Australia-Israel trade is over $1.3 billion a year. Israel’s Foreign Ministry offered a lukewarm response to the announcement, focusing on the trade office and calling it “a step in the right direction.” Israel views the entire city of Jerusalem— both the Western section, which is predominantly Jewish, and the Eastern section, which is predominantly Arab—as its capital. Saeb Erekat, a top advisor to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, called the announcement irresponsible and noted in a statement that “all of Jerusalem remains a final status issue for negotiations.” Meanwhile, Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit called on the Australian government “to correct its position and recognize the State of Palestine and its capital as East Jerusalem without delay. Thus, we will consider its position balanced.” Under Morrison’s leadership, Australia last month opposed six resolutions that attacked Israel in the United Nations General Assembly. The Executive Council of Australian Jewry in a statement praised the announcement as “a simple acknowledgement of a reality that has existed since 1950.”

Pittsburgh reaction continues. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Briefs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

AIPAC visits Tidewater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Torah Thought . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Book Review. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

“From the moment we arrived

Delegate Filler-Corn elected House Dem Leader. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Education Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

in Jerusalem, we felt an

Elaine Luria takes educational trip to Israel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Virginia Festival of Jewish Film . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Congressional Gold Medal for Anwar Sadat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

What’s Happening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Teacher challenges law against Israel boycotts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Obituaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Kentucky governor denies anti-Semitic comments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Hanukkah celebrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

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Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 200 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462-4370 voice 757.965.6100 • fax 757.965.6102 email Terri Denison, Editor Germaine Clair, Art Director Sandy Goldberg, Account Executive Ronnie Jacobs Cohen, Account Executive Marilyn Cerase, Subscription Manager Reba Karp, Editor Emeritus United Jewish Federation of Tidewater John Strelitz, President Alvin Wall, Treasurer Stephanie Calliott, Secretary Betty Ann Levin, Executive Vice-President The appearance of advertising in the Jewish News does not constitute a kashrut, political, product or service endorsement. The articles and letters appearing herein are not necessarily the opinion of this newspaper. © 2018 Jewish News. All rights reserved. Subscription: $18 per year


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Upcoming Deadlines for Editorial and Advertising Jan. 21, ’19 Feb. 4 Feb. 18 March 4 March 25 April 8 April 22

Investing/Giving Foodie Retirement Mazel Tov Camp Passover Women

Jan. 4, ’19 Jan. 18 Feb. 1 Feb. 15 March 8 March 22 April 5

Friday, December 28/20 Tevet Light candles at 4:38 pm

Up Front. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Journey Home Mission to Israel: Stephanie Steerman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Published 21 times a year by United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

Candle Lighting



Friday, January 4/27 Tevet Light candles at 4:44 pm Friday, January 11/5 Shevet Light candles at 4:50 pm

amazing sense of energy.

Friday, January 18/12 Shevet Light candles at 4:575 pm

Everything was so alive.” —page 7

Friday, January 25/19 Shevet Light candles at 5:05 pm Friday, February 1/26 Shevet Light candles at 5:12 pm | December 24, 2018 | Jewish News | 3

BRIEFS American Federation of Teachers’ building defaced with anti-Semitic graffiti The American Federation of Teachers said vandals defaced its headquarters in Washington D.C. with anti-Semitic graffiti. A number of areas around the building, including a wall, were yellow spray-painted on early this month with “I want Jexit!” an apparent anti-Semitic play on “Brexit,” Britain’s planned pullout from the European Union. Randi Weingarten, the president of the national union for teachers, is Jewish and has partnered AFT with Israeli programs. She has become an outspoken critic of President Donald Trump. In its statement, the AFT said it had reported the vandalism to police and had asked the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center to further investigate the term “Jexit.” Weingarten in the statement said the union would not be intimidated. “Defacing our community with hateful rhetoric is meant to intimidate, otherize and sow fear, and to divide our community and make people feel unsafe and unwelcome where they live and work,” she said. “But this type of hate crime does just the opposite: It mobilizes us to come together and unite around the common causes of tolerance and peace, and to continue fighting for a more inclusive, more just world.” (JTA)

Larry Levine, who served an 11-year sentence in 10 different prisons and then set up the Wall Street Prison Consultants group, told MarketWatch that FCI Otisville is “federal Jewish heaven.” It holds Shabbat dinners and Passover seders. This document lists other kosher foods and beverages offered there, including cholent, seltzer, and chicken. Other Jewish inmates who passed through the facility include businessmen Sholam Weiss and Kenneth Ira Starr. Bernie Madoff’s lawyer asked that the Ponzi schemer be sent there in 2009, but instead Madoff was funneled to a prison in North Carolina. U.S. District Judge William Pauley recommended FCI Otisville for Cohen after he was found guilty of, among other things, carrying out the president’s hush money payments to two women who say they had affairs with him, violating campaign finance laws in the process. But the final decision will be made by the Federal Bureau of Prisons. It’s also unclear whether Cohen, who has noted his Jewish identity on multiple occasions, keeps kosher at all. FCI Otisville is also known for being a particularly comfortable place for a prison. One current inmate told MarketWatch that he eats better in the prison, where the staff is pleasant and the food is “plentiful,” than he did at home. (JTA)

Michael Cohen could get kosher matzah ball soup and rugelach in prison If Michael Cohen gets sent to the prison facility recommended by his judge, he’ll have an array of kosher food at his disposal. President Donald Trump’s former lawyer and fixer could be headed to FCI Otisville, a medium-security prison about 70 miles northwest of New York City, after being sentenced to three years in prison. According to CNN, FCI Otisville serves kosher foods such as matzah ball soup, gefilte fish, and rugelach, in part because of its “proximity to New York’s sizable Jewish population.”

Ruth Bader Ginsburg swears in new immigrants, wows them The ceremony was cozy formal: Yes there was a color guard and a military band, but the Supreme Court justice brought along her personal trainer, and one of the speakers introduced Ruth Bader Ginsburg as “The Notorious RBG.” The Department of Homeland Security randomly selected 31 Washington, D.C.area residents to be sworn in Friday, Dec. 14 at the National Archives rotunda in a chamber that houses some of the nation’s founding documents, including the Declaration of Independence. DHS and the Archives didn’t exactly keep it a secret that Ginsburg was the person swearing them into

4 | Jewish News | December 24, 2018 |

citizenship—media were invited, after all—but many of the residents, from 26 nations, including Israel, gasped in surprise and delight when they found out who would be presiding. Opening the session by declaring the Archives to be a court for the duration of the proceedings was Bryant Johnson, a District Court staffer who in his spare time is Ginsburg’s trainer. He’s helping her build up strength after she fell and broke three ribs. It was David Ferriero, the archivist, who welcomed Ginsburg with the “Notorious” sobriquet—one happily embraced by the tough-minded liberal justice. At 85, she has sworn to stick out President Donald Trump’s first term. Her very appearance may be seen as the mildest of rebukes to an administration that has placed unprecedented strictures on immigration. Ginsburg in a 10-minute speech after the swearing-in told the new Americans that her grandparents and father were immigrants. She spoke of the United States as just starting its journey to the “perfect union” the founders envisioned, recounting the blights of slavery, bigotry and sex discrimination, but also emphasized the country’s promise. “What is the difference between a bookkeeper in New York’s garment district and a Supreme Court justice?” she asked. “One generation.” Above all, Ginsburg urged her fellow Americans, vote. “You could play a vital part, first and foremost, voting in elections,” she said. (JTA)

Cyprus bills Jewish community $6,000 for Hanukkah events’ security costs Government officials in Cyprus billed the local Jewish community more than $6,000 for security costs during Hanukkah celebrations, angering one prominent European Jewish leader who called it a “new low” and an “insult.” The Dec. 4 bill was sent to the Cypriot Jewish Community in connection with its candle-lighting ceremonies, the Brussels-based European Jewish Association revealed.

Not all member states of the European Union, to which Cyprus belongs, shoulder all the security costs for Jewish communities and other faith groups. But they very rarely bill religious minorities for providing them with security designed to ensure free worship. Rabbi Menachem Margolin, the head of the European Jewish Association, along with calling the move a “new low” and an “insult,” said it was a “deep embarrassment” for the European Union in a letter he sent this week to Cypriot Defense Minister Savvas Angelides. “I ask you respectfully to immediately write off the bill, and re-assure the Jewish community in Cyprus, that they will be afforded the same security and protection afforded to their brothers and sisters elsewhere in Europe, and provided for by Member states governments, without charges, fees or invoices following Jewish events and holidays,” Margolin wrote. On Dec. 6, the Council of the European Union passed a declaration against anti-Semitism that among other things “invites the member states to provide for the financing and implement the necessary security measures of Jewish communities, institutions and citizens.” (JTA)

Facebook blocks Yair Netanyahu after he calls for revenge in terror attacks Facebook blocked the account of Yair Netanyahu after he shared content banned by the platform that called for avenging the deaths of Israelis killed in recent days by Palestinian terrorists. Netanyahu, the son of the Israeli prime minister, also called Facebook “thought police” in a post criticizing the removal of previous content. He reposted some of the offensive posts using screenshots, which circumvent the social media site’s controls. Earlier this month, Yair Netanyahu said in a post that the press, as well as left-wing NGOs and politicians, are “traitors,” and in another post suggested that all Muslims leave Israel. He has previously been criticized for his boorish social media posts. (JTA)

A Perfect Holiday Gift Idea!

torah thought

Varea and Bo T

he two consecutive Parshiyot in the Book of Exodus (Sefer Shemot) of Varea and Bo serve as the most dramatic setting for a contest between two contenders for the divine title. Moses represents the unseen God of Freedom of the enslaved Israelites. In opposition stands Pharoah, a totalitarian ruler who is considered by his Egyptian subjects, and himself, to be a god. Is the outcome in doubt? The God of Moses, however, while invoking the ancestral covenantal bond, is saddled with the formidable task of convincing both uncertain Moses and the devastated Israelites, that menacing Pharoah is only a human being with clay feet; that he is no match for the One whose values and ideals are radically different from the one who terrorized them for so long. God is set to teach the Egyptians and the Israelites enduring lessons in spite and because of the human proclivity to resist God’s call for individual and communal transformation. Moses, raised in Pharoah’s palace as an Egyptian prince, struggles, like Joseph before him, to recapture his early Hebrew identity. Unlike Joseph, it would endanger his very life and deprive him of a most privileged status. For both Joseph and Moses, it is human misery of brothers-brethren that draws them back to their Hebrew roots, and shared fate. In time, Moses would be enshrined, far beyond any Pharoah’s fame, as Israel’s, as well as humanity’s paradigmatic leader, liberator, and lawgiver. The rabbis would bestow upon him the most coveted title of Moshe Rabbenu, Moses our Rabbi, reflecting their own preferred emphasis on instruction

and learning as vehicles for sacred growth and change. Moses was destined not to be the architect of confining pyramids of death, but of liberating principles of life through a towering Torah of ennobling teachings and enabling traditions. Ironically, God’s stubborn, yet successful attempt to draw our reluctant hero Moses to his assigned holy mission, helping him to overcome objections from within and without, is reminiscent of Moses’s own challenge. Moses recruits his exhausted and doubtful people to follow him in a mighty endeavor that will persist throughout his lifetime. The saga of the Exodus has loomed

Our people’s awesome journey from Egypt’s constricting House of Bondage toward the promise of the Promised Land, remains both a fulfilled reality and a lingering quest.

large in Jewish memory, empowering us to persevere throughout history’s enslavements, and in the process to inspire humanity to believe in its obligation to overthrow tyranny and sanctify freedom, which is both a divine gift and a birthright. Our people’s awesome journey from Egypt’s (Mitzrayim’s) constricting House of Bondage—physically, spiritually, and psychologically—toward the promise of the Promised Land, remains both a fulfilled reality and a lingering quest. Rabbi Dr. Israel Zoberman is the founding rabbi of Congregation Beth Chaverim

Receive a BONUS $50 gift card for every $500 spent. Call 757-491-1111 or visit Ask about our Holiday Party options for Private Dining or Dining Room. La Promenade Shopping Center 1860 Laskin Road, Virginia Beach | December 24, 2018 | Jewish News | 5

celebrate the new year with tickets to

the Sandler Center!


Delegate Filler-Corn elected House Democratic Leader First woman, first Jewish delegate to hold this position (Richmond)—The House Democratic Caucus elected Delegate Eileen FillerCorn on Saturday, Dec. 8 to serve as Leader for the 2019 General Assembly session and state legislative elections. The Caucus held the election after Leader David Toscano announced that he will resign from leadership as of December 31, 2018. In a show of unity, the Caucus voted to elect the new Leader by acclamation. Delegate Filler-Corn is the first Jewish woman to be elected to this post in Virginia and is the longest serving Jewish woman in the Virginia House of Delegates. She is a member of Congregation Adat Reyim in Springfield, where she is a former board member. She also served on the boards of the Jewish Community

Delegate Filler-Corn is the longest serving Jewish woman in the Virginia House of Delegates.


6 | Jewish News | December 24, 2018 |

Relations Council of Greater Washington and the Virginia Israeli Advisory Board. Filler-Corn currently serves on the boards of the American Jewish Committee and the Jewish Foundation of Group Homes. Delegate Filler-Corn has represented the 41st District since 2010. Upon being elected Leader, she said, “It is an incredible honor to serve as Leader of the House Democratic Caucus, and I want to thank my colleagues for their faith in me, as well as Delegate Toscano for his years of service as Leader. I know firsthand the value of strong Democratic leadership

Eileen Filler-Corn

and constituent service. I served in the House throughout our entire struggle to pass Medicaid expansion, and with our tremendous freshman delegation, we finally achieved it this year. What we do in the General Assembly matters to every Virginian across the Commonwealth, and I am committed to standing up for good legislation and strong Democratic candidates.” “Delegate Filler-Corn has shown tremendous leadership in her roles within the Caucus, including as co-chair of the Safe Virginia Initiative. I know she will work tirelessly for the Caucus, and Commonwealth, as House Democratic Leader,” says Delegate Toscano. The House Democratic Leader serves as the public face of the Caucus, guiding policy development, legislative negotiations, and fundraising. The Leader works closely with the Caucus’s robust leadership team, representing the diversity in regions, viewpoints, and personal backgrounds across the Commonwealth. “Under the leadership of Delegate Filler-Corn, we believe our message of inclusivity will resonate with Virginians, and voters will elect a Democratic majority to the House of Delegates,” says Trevor Southerland, executive director of the Virginia House Democratic Caucus.


Congresswoman-elect Elaine Luria takes educational trip to Israel Terri Denison


ongresswoman-elect Elaine Luria, a Democrat who will represent Virginia’s 2nd District once she is sworn in next month, travelled to Israel this month as part of a five-day educational trip to learn about policy, culture, and issues in the region. The trip was organized by the American Israel Education Foundation, the charitable arm of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. One of many trips the organization funds each year for lawmakers and staff to experience and learn about the Middle East, this also gave the newly elected lawmakers a chance to bond before they go to work in Washington. This was Luria’s first trip to Israel. “I had always

wanted to go, so I seized this incredible opportunity,” she says. The five other incoming members of Congress on the trip were Denver Riggleman, a Republican who will represent Virginia’s 5th District, Tim Burchett of Tennessee, Dan Crenshaw of Texas, Susie Lee of Nevada, and David Trone of Maryland. The group was comprised of three Democrats and three Republicans. Luria was the only Jewish member. “From the moment we arrived in Jerusalem, we felt an amazing sense of energy. Everything was so alive,” says Luria. “And, the welcome was so warm.” The group met with some of Israel’s top leaders including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Leader of the Opposition Tzipi Livni, and Minister of Justice Ayelet Shaked, as well as with religious and civil leaders, and military and intelligence agencies. While in Ramallah on the West Bank, they also met with officials of the Palestinian Authority, including the lead negotiator of the Palestinian Authority, Saeb Erekat. In a short time, these newly elected representatives managed to travel to the borders of Lebanon and Syria and take aerial tours of the southern borders. They walked through Hamas-built terror tunnels discovered by Israel and learned about the rockets aimed at Israeli towns from Lebanon. “By seeing all of this, it’s easier to understand and appreciate what’s happening on the ground in Israel,” says Luria. “I also know that while the in-depth discussions and tours were very enlightening, what I saw and learned really only scratches the surface of the complexity of the

Elaine Luria with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

situation,” she says. Near the end of the trip, the group met with U.S. Ambassador to Israel David M. Friedman. With him, they discussed the importance of preserving the U.S.-Israel relationship and the role that relationship plays in helping to maintain the relative peace in the Middle East. “Israel is our strongest ally in the region,” says Luria. “This trip re-emphasized the need for our continued support for the nation.” Calling the experience “very insightful,” Luria says she definitely looks forward to returning, perhaps on the next Congressional trip in August.

Elaine Luria tours a former Syrian Army headquarters near the border.

At an archeological site in the Old City.

Congressman-elect Tim Burchett, Congressman-elect Dan Crenshaw, Congressman-elect Denver Riggleman, Ambassador David Friedman, Congresswoman-elect Elaine Luria, Congresswoman-elect Susie Lee, Congressman-elect David Trone. | December 24, 2018 | Jewish News | 7

Bob & Augusta Live Forever

nation Trump signs law conferring Congressional Gold Medal on Anwar Sadat

As philanthropists and volunteers, this Virginia Beach couple supported important causes in Hampton Roads. Although Bob Goodman passed away in 2006 and Augusta Goodman in 2017, they help others today because of the charitable bequest they entrusted to the Hampton Roads Community Foundation. Today, their four children carry on Bob and Augusta’s legacy through donor-advised funds that let them recommend grants to help nonprofits do their best work. Thanks to their generosity, Bob and Augusta will forever make life better in their home region. Learn how easy it is to leave your mark on the future by ordering a free bequest guide. Adding Charity to Your W or IRA ill

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WASHINGTON ( JTA)—President Donald Trump signed legislation that will honor Anwar Sadat posthumously with the Congressional Gold Medal for leading Egypt to peace with Israel. The medal, the highest civilian honor bestowed by Congress, would be conferred next year, the 40th anniversary of the Camp David accords. This year is the centenary of the late Egyptian president’s birth. Trump signed the legislation on Dec. 13. A Congressional medal requires the sponsorship of two-thirds of lawmakers in of both chambers, which was secured by Sen. Ben Cardin, D-Md., and Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah in the Senate and Reps. Grace Meng, D-N.Y., and Chris Stewart, R-Utah, in the House. The bid to confer the medal was promoted by The Friedlander Group, a New York-based publicity and lobbying firm with a focus on Jewish issues. Backing the bid outside Congress were Shafik Gabr, an Egyptian industrialist; Isaac Dabah, an Israeli clothing tycoon who operates plants in Egypt; and Tzili Charney, the widow of Leon Charney, a major pro-Israel philanthropist who was a longtime friend of Ezer Weizman, the Israel defense minister at the time, and who advised some of the negotiators at Camp David. Militant Islamists assassinated Sadat in 1981 because of the 1978 Camp David peace deal he forged with Israel. Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin received the 1978 Nobel Peace Prize.

Inspiring Philanthro py. Chan ging Lives . (757) 622-7951 8 | Jewish News | December 24, 2018 |

anti-semitism Kentucky governor denies attack on ProPublica is anti-Semitic despite singling out Jewish donors


entucky’s Gov. Matt Bevin had harsh words for ProPublica after the investigative journalism site announced it had teamed up with Louisville’s CourierJournal on Wednesday, December 12 on a joint reporting project. Bevin later had to deny that his attack was anti-Semitic, despite the fact that he he singled out ProPublica’s Jewish funders in a YouTube video. Among the funders Bevin names are the founders of ProPublica, Herbert and Marion Sandler, who have given over a billion dollars to largely progressive philanthropic causes, and billionaire George Soros, a frequent target of right-wing conspiracy theories. Bevin calls him “George (I Hate America) Soros.” “This is the sad reality of the CourierJournal, which pretends that it’s an actual news organization or a publication, is so remarkably biased they are now full in

bed with this particular organization,” Bevin said in the video. In a tweet in which he included the video, Bevin wrote: “OUTRAGEOUS. ProPublica, a left-wing activist group funded by the likes of George Soros, is now funding…investigative reporting’ at the @courierjournal. Is this the future of journalism?” ProPublica’s director, Richard Tofel, on Twitter suggested Bevin’s attack was “dog whistling anti-Semitism in which he can’t manage to use the word ‘Jewish.’” ProPublica, a non-profit, has on multiple times joined with mainstream media outlets in long investigative pieces and won several Pulitzer Prizes. The Courier-Journal is one of seven local papers selected to work with ProPublica to investigate an unspecified state government program. (JTA)

Dutch supermarket dismisses anti-Semitism claim as misunderstanding AMSTERDAM ( JTA)—Bloggers published a video on YouTube showing an employee of the Netherlands’ largest supermarket chain laughing as a man wearing a kippah walks by. The Albert Heijn chain dismissed the footage as a misunderstanding. The bloggers, who run the Bondgenoten YouTube channel, filmed the reactions of passersby to one of them wearing a kippah. At the supermarket near a heavily Muslim part of Utrecht, a worker laughs as the blogger walks past them. A security guard asks, “What are you doing?” The employee replies: “Mocking.” An Albert Heijn spokesperson wrote on Twitter than “the employees shared an internal joke” before the blogger walked

in. “It’s a coincidence that the filmmakers misinterpreted. Very annoying,” the spokesperson added. Elsewhere at the same shopping center, the bloggers filmed two men shouting “cancer Jew” at them, then denying shouting it and telling them to “get lost.” In the city center, a passerby told the blogger: “Dirty homo.” In a recent survey on anti-Semitism among 16,395 European Jews in 12 countries, the Netherlands had the highest number of respondents—11 percent—saying they always avoid wearing a kippah in public due to safety concerns. Less than a third of Dutch respondents said they never avoid wearing a kippah, with 22 percent saying they avoid doing so frequently. (JTA)

Israel Texas teacher’s suit challenges law against Israel boycotts


speech pathologist in Austin, Texas is suing the local public school district after she was let go for refusing to sign an agreement that she “does not” and “will not” engage in a boycott of Israel. The lawsuit filed on Monday, Dec. 17, in federal court in Texas calls the demand a violation of her First Amendment right to free speech, the Intercept reported. Born in Austria, Bahia Amawi is a U.S. citizen who has lived in the country for 30 years. She has worked since 2009 on a contract basis with the Pflugerville Independent School District. When her contract was renewed in August it contained the no-Israel-boycott clause. In May, Texas became the 20th U.S. state to pass a law or executive order banning state business with companies that support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel.

Israel joins UN critics of Russia’s ‘occupation’ of Crimea


srael voted in favor of a U.N. resolution condemning Russia’s occupation of Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula. The General Assembly vote Monday, Dec. 17 demonstrated how Israel has gradually abandoned its neutrality on the Crimea issue amid a deterioration in relations with Russia. The resolution calls on Russia to withdraw armed forces from what the signers call “temporarily occupied” Crimea. It also condemns the growing military presence of Russia in the Black and Azov Seas and obstruction of navigation.

Now there are 26 states with such legislation and another 13 pending, according to Palestine Legal. The American Civil Liberties Union has raised objections to many of the laws, saying they inhibit free speech. Amawi did not sign the contract because she and her family do not

purchase goods produced by Israeli companies in support of the boycott against Israel over the occupation of the West Bank. She is the only certified Arabicspeaking child’s speech pathologist in the district, which has a growing Arab population. (JTA)


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PittsBurgh Baa Baa Sheep in Norfolk contributes to Pittsburgh afghan


rafters from across the globe knitted and crocheted more than 1,000 squares to be stitched into blankets for Tree of Life synagogue, following the October 27 attack. Baa Baa Sheep, a yarn store in Norfolk’s Ghent, contributed. According to the store’s Facebook page, 50 squares were sent to Pittsburgh to be assembled into afghans. Monica Cooper initiated and supported the store’s participation and Libby O’Brien blocked the squares. Yarns by Design, a shop in Oakmont, Pa., a Pittsburgh suburb, began collecting the squares shortly after the mass shooting at the Squirrel Hill synagogue. Knitters quickly responded, sending handcrafted contributions to Oakmont from across the United States, Canada, and Europe. Beginning next month, Yarns by Design will coordinate with local crafters to sew the blankets together. Once completed, the blankets will be donated to Tree of Life, and the synagogue can use

Celebrating 53 Years

Patriot’s Julian Edelman honors Pittsburgh synagogue shooting victims in game against Steelers

Family owned and operated... serving the best aged steaks, prime rib, and freshest seafood in Hampton roads since 1966. 5805 Northampton Boulevard, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23455 757.464.1580 •

Visit us on the web Follow us on Facebook JewishNewsVA 10 | Jewish News | December 24, 2018 |

them as they wish. The squares should yield 40 to 50 blankets by February.


ew England Patriots wide receiver Julian Edelman wore special cleats in honor of the victims of the shooting attack on a Pittsburgh synagogue during a game against the Steelers. The Steelers snapped a three-game losing streak and beat their division rivals on Sunday, Dec. 16 in Pittsburgh by a score of 17-10. Edelman posted on Twitter a photograph of the cleats he planned to wear during the game against the Steelers. They feature a blue Star of David above the hashtag “strongerthanhate.” And on the other side the words Etz Chaim, or Tree of Life, in Hebrew letters is featured alongside the logo of the Tree of Life Or L’Simcha Congregation. His tweet listed in alphabetical order

the 11 victims of the Oct. 27 attack. The cleats also were sponsored by the Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Boston. Edelman’s father is Jewish and he has come out in support of the Jewish community in the past. “My heart is broken for the families in Pittsburgh,” Edelman tweeted in October following the shooting. “It’s hard to even imagine such senselessness. As a Jew, an American and a human, I’m devastated. We are with you, Pittsburgh.” Patriots owner Robert Kraft traveled to Pittsburgh on Saturday, Dec. 15 ahead of his team’s game against the Steelers to visit the Tree of Life synagogue building and attend Shabbat services.


Investing and Giving

AIPAC visits Tidewater


wo representatives from AIPAC were in Tidewater earlier this month to meet with the Board of Rabbis and Cantors. While in town, they also made time for conversation with several community leaders. Debra Debra Saxon, AIPAC’s associate director for Policy Saxon, AIPAC’s and Government Affairs with Avraham Ashkenazi. associate director for Policy and Government Affairs and Todd Young, Southeast Regional Synagogue Initiative director, spoke about their efforts and offered insight about the incoming Congress and its relationship to Israel. Throughout the conversation, they stressed AIPAC’s bi-partisan approach and philosophy.


Coming Jan. 21

Joel Nied, Todd Young, AIPAC Southeast Regional Synagogue Initiative director, and Amy Levy.

To advertise call 757-965-6100 or email Ad deadline Jan. 4

Caring for a Loved One with Dementia January 16 – Facing Dementia January 30 – Skills and Coping February 13 – Awareness Skills and Lessons February 27 – The Long Haul March 13 – Time Use and Wrap up

“A Positive Approach to Care” Beth Sholom Village is excited to offer an outstanding program that is open to the public, family members, caregivers and loved ones with dementia. The five-part series will be interactive and exploratory, encouraging and assisting participants to apply what they have learned to their own, unique situations. This course runs on select Wednesdays from 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. beginning 1/16/2019 and ending 3/13/2019. Facilitated by Carolyn Lukert, a Positive Approach to Care Consultant, Trainer and Coach, this program is offered free of charge to the 15 participants who are able to make a commitment to all five sessions.

Please call Marcia Brodie at 757-420-2512 ext. 204 or e-mail her at to sign up. For more information about this program and its founder, please go to | December 24, 2018 | Jewish News | 11


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12 | Jewish News | December 24, 2018 |

Book review Engaging and thought provoking Among the Living—A Holocaust Survivor’s Reverse Shiva Call Jonathan Rabb Other Press, 2016 $16.95; 320 pages


n the Jewish tradition of sitting Shiva, friends and relatives visit the bereaved at home and help mourners grieve and heal. Skip Sacks Society comes to those who are suffering, preparing them to re-enter the world at large. In Among the Living, Jonathan Rabb has written an insightful and colorful story of Yitzhak Goldah, a Holocaust survivor, having the opposite experience of being forced to go out into the world and re-integrate with normal society long before he has fully mourned. We first meet Yitzhak when he arrives in Savannah in 1947. He is greeted by Abe and Pearl Jessler, members of Georgia’s long-established Jewish community and Yitzhak’s only living relatives. The contrast between Yitzhak’s old world ways and his observant, but well assimilated, southern-fried new family is deftly and at times humorously portrayed by the author who has studied Savannah‘s historic Jewish community. Yitzhak’s Holocaust experiences are rarely discussed directly. The local Jews are curious, but too well-mannered and discrete to ask for details. Nonetheless, Rabb’s light touch brings us a palpable sense of past horrors. The reader learns of them through indirect references, reflections, and occasional flashbacks. We share, for example, Yitzhak’s rush of emotion when Pearl serves him a huge slice of cake upon arrival in his new home. After years of degradation, he

has to remind himself that he is worthy of such fulfillment and delight. When Yitzhak hears someone say, “OK” he remembers hearing that phrase from the GI’s who liberated him. In the course of bringing us Yitzhak’s journey to normalcy, Rabb touches on a number of Jewish themes, including assimilation, Jewish unity, racism, and the conflict between honoring the past and building a new life. The delicate balance between remaining “good Jews” and assimilating with Southern society appears within a few pages. On the ride home from the train station, the Jesslers mention that Yitzhak may sound a little too “different.” Yitzhak proposes “Isaac” or “Izzy,” but ultimately consents to being “Ike.” Yitzhak—or Ike— sees clear parallels between the discrimination he suffered and the institutional racism faced by Southern Blacks. He observes the tensions between Savannah’s Orthodox and Reform communities and cannot help but contrast that with his past tormentors who did not discriminate in their hatred of Jews of all stripes. In a romantic subplot, Ike comes face to face with the choice between a fresh romantic start and his obligations to a tortured past. Among the Living is an engaging, enjoyable, yet thought provoking read. By setting the story in a Southern Jewish community, Rabb highlights social issues that would not arise in a more typical setting such as New York or Philadelphia. The subtle references to the Shoah are in many ways more emotionally compelling than more graphic accounts and help the reader empathize with the survivor’s ongoing conflict between mourning the past and enjoying the present. Skip Sacks is Virginia State Counsel for Stewart Title Guaranty Company

Education Matters

Supplement to Jewish News December 24, 2018 | December 24, 2018 | Education | Jewish News | 13


The Williams School

Education Matters

VCIC makes history with Hampton Roads office on Virginia Wesleyan University campus

Scott Miller, Paula Bazemore, Jonathan Zur, and Martin Einhorn at VCIC’s new office at Virginia Weslyan University


Join us for an Open House Jan. 13th 2-4pm or call to schedule a personal tour. Our two-teacher model and small class sizes ensure that teachers are able to provide students with caring, individualized instruction, thereby creating a learning environment that is not only warm and encouraging, but also enhanced by each student’s strengths and abilities.

EDUCATING CHILDREN GRADES K-8 419 Colonial Avenue • Norfolk, Virginia (757) 627-1383 •

The Williams School admits students of any race, color, religion, national and ethnic origin.

14 | Jewish News | Education | December 24, 2018 |

or the first time in its 83-year history, Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities (VCIC) has expanded its physical presence beyond its Richmond home base, establishing an office on the campus of Virginia Wesleyan University in Virginia Beach. The opening of the VCIC Hampton Roads office at Virginia Wesleyan represents a natural extension of VCIC’s commitment to advancing inclusion in the area. VCIC has had chapters in both Tidewater and on the Peninsula since the 1940s, and provides numerous programs for schools, businesses, and community groups in the area each year. In officially welcoming VCIC to campus, Dr. Scott D. Miller, president of Virginia Wesleyan University, noted “Virginia Wesleyan’s ties run deep with the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities, and we are honored to work so collaboratively with this like-minded organization. Our work of instilling tolerance and acceptance is never finished, and I am confident that our partnership with VCIC will produce important and lasting results.” The relationship between the two organizations dates back to 1998 when VCIC became a sponsor of the Center for the Study of Religious Freedom’s (CSRF) Nexus Interfaith Dialogue program at VWU, a partnership that continues today. Over the years, VCIC has led diversity

training for Virginia Wesleyan freshmen, provided facilitation training for students, faculty, and staff, and this May, partnered with the CSRF and Muslim communities of Hampton Roads to host a Ramadan Iftar Dinner. Kelly Jackson, CSRF associate director, has served on the VCIC Tidewater Chapter since 2004 and was chapter chair from 2014–2017. Miller served as chair of VCIC’s 2018 Tidewater Humanitarian Awards Dinner, and many members of the Virginia Wesleyan community have received this highly respected award. Martin A. Einhorn, VCIC Tidewater chapter chair, thanked Miller for hosting VCIC’s newest office and staff member. “In just the last few weeks, we have seen examples across the country of the most extreme consequences of anti-Semitism, racism, and other forms of prejudice…. By opening the VCIC Hampton Roads office at Virginia Wesleyan University, the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities demonstrates our commitment to stand up to hatred, both by increasing our capacity to respond when these tragic incidents occur, and by deepening our local work to proactively prevent bias, bullying, and discrimination.” Paula Bazemore, who joined VCIC in October as its first Hampton Roads program manager, will be based in the new office.

Education Matters

Hebrew Academy is candidate for an IB World School

Hebrew Academy of Tidewater’s IB Team: Alicia Pahl-Cornelius, Elyssa Brinn, Heather Moore, and Janet Jenkins.

Carin Simon


fter graduating from Hebrew Academy of Tidewater, many students have enrolled in International Baccalaureate (IB) middle school programs in Virginia Beach and Norfolk. The IB program is an approach to learning which is recognized all over the world, with the schools that offer the IB Program Diploma considered top educational institutions. Interested in what made the IB program so sought after, Heather Moore, Hebrew Academy head of school, attended the IB conference this past summer. Moore says she realized that HAT’s educational philosophy closely aligned with the IB approach to learning. Like Hebrew Academy, in the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP), students are encouraged to be active, caring, lifelong learners with personal, positive attributes and the capacity to take responsible action. After Moore attended the conference, Hebrew Academy applied to be a candidate school, and was recently accepted to the two-year accreditation program. The program starts with the three-year-old classes in the preschool and continues through fifth grade. “I am really excited about their global concepts and inquiry-based learning approach,” says Moore. “The IB

methodology will fit so well with the HAT approach to learning. HAT implemented project-based learning last year in which students drive their own learning for certain projects. The IB program will add a layer which will provide us with an excellent framework to seamlessly apply our inquiry-based learning approach and the rest of our curriculum.” In the IB program, each school must adopt a host country and host language. “We have that already,” says Moore. “Israel is our host country and Hebrew is our host language, so the curricular changes will be minor. The IB program does not dictate curriculum, but does provide a 21st century framework for a curriculum that encourages lifelong learning, caring citizens, and global understanding. These are all values that are supported by our Jewish traditions.” David Leon, HAT board president says he feels this is “a game changer” for Hebrew Academy. “At this time, we will be the only IB Primary Years Program in Hampton Roads for both private and public school,” says Leon. “This will elevate our already strong academic program to a higher level with this national and international accreditation. I am excited about the future of the Hebrew Academy and Strelitz Early Childhood Education Center and want to congratulate Heather Moore and her

IB leadership team for all their hard work leading up to being accepted into this program.” As HAT students matriculate to middle school after completing the IB PYP program, they will be ready to take their knowledge, skills, and values with them whether they continue to the Middle Years IB Program or any other middle school. Hebrew Academy will continue to graduate students who are academically ready, self-confident, and globally aware, but now also with the IB accreditation label to add to their school resume. The International

Baccalaureate® aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end, the organization works with schools, governments, and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate, and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.

Opportunities for Jewish Teens

Emerging Philanthropists Council

• Join other teens to learn about community needs, and distribute $1,000 in grants to the community. First meeting Sunday, December 30 at noon at the Simon Family JCC.

One Happy Camper

• Needs blind grants of up to $1,000 for first time campers to Jewish Overnight Camp.

Simon Family Passport to Israel

• Grants are available for teens going to Israel to study or travel with peer groups organized by a non-profit organization, camp, etc. • Applications will be available on January 1, 2019 at; due by March 15, 2019

Contact Barb Gelb, Director of Philanthropy at for more information on any of these opportunities | December 24, 2018 | Education | Jewish News | 15

Education Matters

Four truths about the college application process Joni Fink Burstein

International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program Candidate School Shaping great minds, caring hearts, and confident leaders for over 60 years!

Schedule your tour today!

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16 | Jewish News | Education | December 24, 2018 |

1. It’s not the same as it was when we were applying. Today’s college process hardly resembles what Joni Fink Burstein many of us experienced. We applied to the colleges we had heard about through neighbors and family. We took the SATs cold: being in school five days a week was preparation enough. We completed each application individually and, given the challenges of manual typewriters, if we wanted to make a change, it usually meant re-typing the entire thing. Stress was a word that meant emphasize. Stretch and reach were physical endeavors, and safety was something you used around a match, which was used to light candles or describe a round of tennis. Applying to five schools was more than enough. 2. It can be hard for a student to hear what parents have to say. While much has changed, this much remains the same. Although we may remember adhering to the advice and admonitions of our parents, chances are we didn’t hear and appreciate all they had to offer. Today’s students have much more information at their disposal than we did, reducing our attempts to influence them to one voice among hundreds or even thousands. Each college website offers the official voice of the school as well as blogs by students and faculty and links to other sources of information, which in turn link to more websites and resources. The spiral suction of the quest for information is endless. By the time the student comes up for air, it’s no wonder the parent’s lone voice can seem under-informed or old-fashioned. And even though parents know that their perspective synthesizes years of wisdom, teens may not be able to recognize that, even when they need that

guidance most. When I work with students and their parents, I often hear a sense of relief from both. One student, for example, felt her parents expected her to go into engineering. She had resisted it exactly for that reason even though deep down she felt it suited her talents and natural interests. Going through an objective process of examining her interests and abilities and exploring careers related to her talents led her…to engineering. Because she was able to explore independently, she went to her parents with pride and excitement to tell them of her decision and then went on to apply to engineering programs, to her and her parents’ delight. 3. It’s not the name of the school, but the name a child makes for himself at the school that counts. For earlier generations, a top-name college opened doors not otherwise easily opened. Doors opened infrequently, with people staying for years in a job or at a company. The average stay in a job today is so much shorter and access to potential employers so much easier, that the college name shrinks in importance and other factors grow. What the student does, enjoys, accomplishes; how he develops into a responsible, communicative adult; and how the college student creates opportunities to learn, grow, and accomplish—these are what will distinguish him amongst his peers and put him on a successful track in life. As I tell the students I coach in the college admissions process, it’s not the name of the school, but the name you make for yourself at the school that will take you where you want to go in life. 4. The tools teens develop during the college application process can carry them through the internship and job application process, too. In working with students, my agenda is twofold: to help them get into college and to teach them the tools they need to market themselves throughout life. How does the student figure out what her interests and

Investing and Giving

Education Matters talents are? How can he learn what opportunities are available, including those he creates for himself? How can she match her key characteristics to what the school or job is looking for? How can he present himself to show he’s the right one for the job or school? Learning how to navigate these questions and present themselves in powerful ways is a lifelong lesson all students should learn as a side benefit of a high-quality college application process.


Coming Jan. 21

Joni Fink Burstein, a Norfolk native, was an Echols Scholar at UVA before transferring to Harvard. She attained her management degree at Yale. Burstein guides students in the college admissions process through her consulting practice, Burstein With Advice. www.

To advertise call 757-965-6100 or email Ad deadline Jan. 4

Register now for our admissions events and individual tours of our new Lower School.

relationships relationshipsfifirst. first. leaders leadersin intime. time. Imagine: Imagine:

The confidence gained through a daily handshake with your first grade teacher. The confidence gained through a daily handshake with your first grade teacher. Imagine: Imagine: The poise earned through delivering a speech to the entire Middle School. The poise earned through delivering a speech to the entire Middle School.

The gained through aadaily handshake with first-grade The widened perspective achieved through meaningful service inyour the community. Theconfidence confidence gained through daily handshake with first-gradeteacher. teacher. The widened perspective achieved through meaningful service inyour the community. The resolve through built by holding yourself accountable totoa living Honor Code. The poise earned delivering a speech the entire Middle School. resolve through built by holding yourself accountable Honor Code. The poiseThe earned delivering a speechtotoa living the entire Middle School. The widened perspective achieved through service TheVisit widened perspective achieved throughmeaningful meaningful servicein inthe thecommunity. community. Norfolk Academy, where students become confident leaders Visit Norfolk Academy, where students become confident leaders The yourself accountable totoaaliving Theresolve resolvebuilt builtby byholding holding yourself accountable livingHonor HonorCode. Code. through actions that shape character.

through actions that shape character.

Norfolk Academy students don’t learn leadership through aabook. Norfolk Academy students don’t learn leadership through book. From first grade through senior year, they experience reciprocally empowering From first grade through senior year, they experience reciprocally empowering Where students that gradesraise 1-12 grow into responsible andambitions, responsive citizen-scholars. relationships expectations, fire and set them on a course Where grades 1-12 growinto intoresponsible responsible and responsivecitizen-scholars. citizen-scholars. Where students studentsin grades 1-12 grow and responsive relationships that raise expectations, fire ambitions, and set them on a course

Wesleyan Drive | Norfolk, Virginia 23502 757-455-5582 where 1585 their passions become their life’s work. Wesleyan Drive | Norfolk, Virginia || |757-455-5582 1585 Drive | Norfolk, Virginia 23502 757-455-5582 where1585 theirWesleyan passions become their life’s work. | December 24, 2018 | Education | Jewish News | 17

Education Matters

Norfolk Academy first graders explore three world religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam


ith a combination of awe and intense curiosity, first graders at Norfolk Academy approached a table arrayed with sacred objects used in Jewish religious ceremonies. Circling the table slowly, they inspected the ritual objects including Shabbat candles, two tallit, kiddush cups, a menorah, and several dreidels, but they didn’t touch. “Like a museum,” their teachers reminded them. Over the course of the day, the first graders learned about Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, with lively presentations from three guests, Esther Diskin, Rev. Andrew Buchanan, and Saher Mirza—parents in the school community—all of whom discussed the beliefs and worship practices of their faiths, both rituals conducted at home and those done in congregational gatherings, whether at a synagogue, church, or mosque. The day of presentations was the culmination of a unit that explored the three, interconnected monotheistic world religions with roots in Judaism. The project was part of a larger initiative in ProjectBased Learning in the Lower School, an approach that incorporates in-depth investigation, capitalizing on the natural curiosity of young learners. Projects are structured to combine various disciplines, and each project unfolds over several weeks, allowing for a gradual accumulation of knowledge and skills. “Project-based learning provides students with voice and choice,” says Lakishia Biggs, Lower School assistant director, who has helped lead the initiative. “That means students have ownership. The teachers do guide it, but the students have choices about what they explore and present.”

All of the projects undertaken in the Lower School (grades 1–6) during this academic year reflect an emphasis on social justice and diversity; the school recently adopted a new Diversity, Equity, and Justice Statement, an amplification of the school’s long-established Philosophy and Objectives. The school’s new strategic plan also puts diversity at the forefront. For first graders, the exploration of religion included a discussion of complex and abstract terms, such as “symbol” and “custom.” They used short books with pictures and limited narrative, as the teachers read aloud from a more detailed text for teachers. “When we read aloud to the class, we are demonstrating fluency to them,” says Jackie Evelyn, a first grade teacher. “We stop at every page and discuss what they have learned.” “Making that connection to their lives is very important,” notes Shim Richardson, another first grade teacher. The students reinforced their learning with fictional stories, which they read in small groups; they also filled in charts for each religion, with space for drawing and labeling, which fueled their creativity. Working in small groups, they delivered presentations about works of fiction, because Project-Based Learning requires that students give a presentation to an “authentic” audience, meaning not merely the teacher, who would typically assess the project, but also a larger audience that can use the information. The depth of the students’ learning was reflected in their rapt attention and wide-ranging questions for the guest speakers. “We have a second project in the springtime about ancient Egypt,” says Evelyn. “They are already excited!”

Esther Diskin presented about Judaism.

Saher Mirza presented about Islam.

Rev. Andrew Buchanan of Galilee Episcopal Church in Virginia Beach presented about Christianity.

New resources for teachers draw on Schindler’s List to help students learn about resisting prejudice and hate.


ith anti-Semitism on the rise, the 25th anniversary of the release of the Academy Award-winning film Schindler’s List gives educators an opportunity to help students understand the Holocaust and its legacy. In 1993, the Steven Spielberg-directed drama Schindler’s List left an indelible mark on audiences across the world. Winner of seven Academy Awards®, including Best Picture and Best Director, the

incredible true story follows the enigmatic Oskar Schindler (Liam Neeson), who saved the lives of more than 1,100 Jews during the Holocaust. A new curriculum for teachers, developed by the nonprofit organization Journeys in Film, in partnership with the USC Rossier School of Education’s Center for EngagementDriven Global Education, will give educators more resources to help students make sense of prejudice and hatred, drawing on the life

18 | Jewish News | Education | December 24, 2018 |

of Oskar Schindler as an entry point. “We need to teach young people about the dangers of prejudice and the way that dehumanizing of a minority was used to advance an evil agenda,” Neeson says Evidence shows that the lessons learned from the Holocaust are fading. According to a poll of 7,000 Europeans conducted by CNN in September 2018, more than a quarter of respondents believe Jews have too much influence in business and finance. A third of

Europeans in the poll said they knew just a little or nothing at all about the Holocaust. The Journeys in Film curriculum comes with eight lessons that explore such topics as the rise of Nazism in Germany, resistance by Jews and others against Nazi rule, the life of Oskar Schindler, and modern anti-Semitism. For more information, visit the Journeys in Film website,

Education Matters

Cooking and Eating

Norfolk Collegiate spreads light and love with You Matter Marathon


is the season to spread the light, so when Norfolk Collegiate Lower School Counselor Jan Weintraub saw an opportunity to bring the You Matter Marathon to Collegiate, she seized it. Each student was given five You Matter cards, one to keep and four to give to anyone who needed a pick-me-up. At publication time, 3,000 cards have been disseminated, finding themselves sharing light with the broader, Hampton Roads community. “My winter lessons are all about gratitude and kindness,” says Weintraub. “I wanted to start a kindness contagion. We’re always conscious of telling students ‘you matter.’ Now, they get to spread that love.”

The Food Issue

Coming Feb. 4 To advertise call 757.965.6100 or email Norfolk Collegiate students Laci Bryan ’28 and Giselle Stallings ’28 celebrate their friendship by making a heart shape. The students are participating in the You Matter Campaign, which spreads love to one another via personalized notes with words of light and encouragement.

Ad deadline Jan. 18

THERE’S GROWING. AND THEN THERE’S FLOURISHING. Norfolk Collegiate provides an experience that’s invaluable at a cost that’s downright reasonable from Pre-K3 to Grade 12. Come and see for yourself! Now is the time to apply for the 2019-20 school year! Call (757) 480-1495 or visit to schedule your personal tour. Accredited by the Virginia Association of Independent Schools & AdvancED-SACS. | December 24, 2018 | Education | Jewish News | 19

Education Matters

Cape Henry Collegiate senior seeks Jewish community in college


amie Friedman is set to graduate this spring and her Judaism is playing a role in her choice for where she goes next. As a member of the Cape Henry Collegiate community since the lower school, Jamie has spent her life as a part of what she describes as “two communities that intersect.” “I feel like I have always been a part of the Cape Henry and Jewish communities,” says Jamie. As her college search process began, she was tasked to construct a list of things she wanted in her college experience. “The Jewish community is familial no matter where you are. When a new Jewish family moves into the area, people immediately reach out. I wanted that in my college experience,” she says. This ultimately led Jamie to seek out schools where she felt like her faith would

Retirement Coming Feb. 19 To advertise call 757.965.6100 or email Ad deadline Feb. 5

give her an immediate extension of family. “I have already been accepted to Tulane and am waiting to hear back from a few more schools. Ultimately, I know that I want to be somewhere that feels like home.” Jamie realizes that being a part of the Jewish community isn’t bound by her geography. After the recent attack on the synagogue in Pittsburgh she led Cape Henry Collegiate’s Upper School in a moment of silence and raised awareness amongst her peers. “This incident struck close to my heart. I don’t always watch the news but when I heard about the attack and followed it on social media, I felt connected through friends of friends. It was unsettling and emotionally hard,” she says. Through BBYO, National Honor Society, soccer, and her role as the Student

Jamie Friedman.

Council president, Jamie will remain busy for the coming months leading up to graduation. As she shares, “I appreciate the support of my friends and my parents. They keep me grounded and give me guidance as I am getting ready to make decisions on my own.”

Stein Family College Scholarship The Stein Family College Scholarship is an annual grant for Jewish students in the Hampton Roads area that provides a scholarship of up to $10,000 a year for college tuition.

Eligibile Applicants Must: • Be Jewish students graduating high school this Spring, entering a degree-granting institution for the first time as a full-time, degree-seeking student • Be current residents of Hampton Roads • Have a minimum GPA of 3.0 • Demonstrate academic ability, concern for school, Jewish & general communities • Show substantiated financial need (as determined by FAFSA) The Stein Family College Scholarship is dedicated in loving memory of Arlene Shea Stein.

Application Deadline: March 29, 2019 For more information, guidelines and application, visit

20 | Jewish News | Education | December 24, 2018 |


Federation’s Journey Home Mission to Israel


his past summer, a group of 37 local community members participated in the Federation’s Journey Home Mission to Israel. The week-long, interactive mission was designed to enable participants to follow their campaign dollars to the sites and programs funded by the UJFT’s Annual Campaign. Upcoming issues of Jewish News will highlight more mission experiences. The first article about the mission appeared in the August 13 issue. The fifth article follows.

First Person

Adding memories to my heart Stephanie Steerman


have been fortunate to travel to Israel three times in my life; once with the Jewish Federation of Philadelphia during my senior year of high school, once in 2015 with the Tom Hofheimer Hineni! mission and then again, this past summer, with the UJFT Journey Home Mission trip. Israel is truly a magical place; the history and religious significance, the people, the food, and culture are simply unparalleled. Each trip has allowed me to see Israel in different ways and have new adventures, while also affording me the opportunity to strengthen my Jewish identity. Reflecting on all my journeys and my takeaways from each experience, a common thread rises to the surface. For me, the people I meet and forge relationships with on the journey are what I feel most passionately about and what I keep close to my heart. I will never forget sitting in the common area of the youth hostel in Jerusalem, circa 1994, and chatting with a group of seemingly intimidating, rifle-clad IDF soldiers. My very young and naïve mind could not process the fact that all Israeli kids, essentially kids my age, served in the army. These young soldiers had already had life experiences I couldn’t even comprehend. One of my favorite moments on the Hineni! trip was when we visited Pardes Katz. We toured the Matnas, visited children in the preschool, saw the new dance studio complete with ballet barres on the wall, and witnessed a performance by the children who benefit from the arts program. In these children I saw the future of Israel; they had twinkles in their eyes and it was as if they were singing to my heart—I was moved to tears. This latest trip filled my bucket with even more people and special, memorable moments. We listened to some very difficult stories from Reuven Fisherman, a 91-year-old Holocaust survivor. He took part in the Photography with Joy program through the JDC, which is supported (in-part) by our campaign dollars. (The exhibit will be on display in January in the Leon Family Gallery at the Sandler Family Campus). It is so incredibly important that we bear witness to their stories and absorb everything that the shrinking number

of survivors have to tell about their experiences. I feel so fortunate to have been able to hear his story, see his photographs, and share this moment with the other trip participants. As a huge Fauda fan, I was beyond excited to meet Dana Stern, managing director of YES Studios and producer of Fauda and Michal Aviram, screenwriter for the show. I asked questions about the show and its script and after the formal presentation, I was able to chat oneon-one with these incredible women. I probably floated out of the building on cloud nine after Stern complemented my question, and said she had never noticed an aspect of the storyline I asked about. I had also looked forward to the meeting with Sarah Tuttle-Singer, Times of Israel new media editor. I have read several of her articles online, and we have a friend in common—so I couldn’t wait to connect with her. After taking Tuttle-Singer’s very personal and incredibly special tour of the Old City, I was honored to sit casually by the pool on Shabbat afternoon and chat with her about the complexities of life in Israel, while her kids splashed and played just a few feet away. The end of the trip took us to Rosh Hanikra for sunset and dinner. Simply stated, it was a beautiful and unforgettable night. First, we met up with some friends from Tidewater’s sister city Kiryat Yam. It was so great to see Sima, Gal, and David again after meeting them on our last trip to Israel and then hosting them in Tidewater last year. It was wonderful to have the opportunity to reconnect. We then saw an incredible performance by a dance group comprised of young adults with disabilities. I can very much appreciate the difficulty in memorizing choreography and these kids were amazing! Many of the performers’ mothers were in the audience and these women beamed with pride. Their children had worked hard, they were happy, and most importantly, they were proud of themselves. It was incredibly touching to witness. Because of its accessibility, this dance group chose to make its home at the Center for Young Adults (CYA) in Kiryat Yam. This particular CYA is supported by the Tidewater Jewish community. Likewise, because the dance group is a JDC-supported program, it too receives funding through Tidewater’s annual campaign.

Michal Aviram, screenwriter for Fauda; Dana Stern, managing director of YES Studios and producer of Fauda; David Brand.

Dancers from Center for Young Adults in Kiryat Yam.

All of these experiences were exceptional because of the people behind them. Reuven, Dana, Michal, Sarah, our friends from Kiryat Yam, and countless others are what made this trip amazing. Finally, the trip participants that I got to know during our week in Israel may be what is most special. I am so glad I got to meet members of our community that I didn’t know before. All of these moments and memories are forever stamped in my brain and it’s the people that made them special. I love to meet people, hear their stories, ask questions, and find a commonality. I will always continue to do that, and I can’t wait for my next opportunity to add more great people and memories to my heart! | December 24, 2018 | Jewish News | 21

Simon Family JCC and the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s

January 21–January 30 As one of the longest-running Jewish film festivals in the nation, the mission of the 26th Annual Virginia Festival of Jewish Film, presented by Alma & Howard Laderberg and Patricia & Avraham Ashkenazi, is to educate and engage diverse Tidewater communities, Jewish and non-Jewish alike, by presenting world-class film premieres, repertory cinema, and associated programs that are inspired by Jewish history, heritage, and values. Free with RSVP required An Act of Defiance Monday, January 21, 6 pm TCC Roper Performing Arts Center 340 Granby Street, Norfolk

When Heroes Fly (Episodes 1 & 2) Thursday January 24, 7:15 pm Cinema Café Kemps River 1220 Fordham Drive, Virginia Beach Tickets: $10. Limited seating available, pre-purchase strongly suggested.

Director: Jean van de Velde; Netherlands; 123 min. English, Afrikaans

Director: Omri Givon; Israel; 45 min each. Hebrew with English Subtitles



n this riveting historical drama, 10 political activists—including Nelson Mandela and his inner circle of Black and Jewish supporters—face looming death sentences after they are caught up in a raid by the apartheid South African government. Bram Fischer, a sympathetic lawyer, risks his career and freedom to defend these men. Director Jean van de Velde (The Silent Army) skillfully balances a nail-biting political thriller with spectacular courtroom intrigue, while paying tribute to the legendary figures who bravely fought segregation and corruption in South Africa. Film followed by panel discussion. In partnership with United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s Community Relations Council and Hands United Building Bridges (HUBB).

iewed as the go-to nation for original drama, from Homeland and Fauda to False Flag and The A Word, Israeli exports are being snapped up around the globe and fast becoming a staple of millions’ television-watching preferences. The latest new hit series out of Israel is proving to be no exception. The Israeli television series When Heroes Fly will be available on Netflix in early 2019 and has already received global praise and awards, including recognition as best series at the first CanneSeries Festival, a competition aimed at highlighting international television shows, before even hitting the airwaves in Israel in May 2018. Inspired in part by a book of the same name by the late Amir Gutfrend, When Heroes Fly follows four friends and Israel Defense Forces (IDF) veterans of a special commando unit who survived the Second Lebanon War with both physical and psychological scars. Eleven years later, the friends reluctantly reunite to track down Yaeli—the sister of one and the ex-girlfriend of another—who they all believed was killed in an accident in Colombia years before. Don’t worry. A second season following the first 10 episodes has already been confirmed. Free for military with RSVP required by January 17.

22 | Jewish News | December 24, 2018 |

The BIG Saturday Night Celebration of Jewish Film and Champagne Reception Heading Home: The Tale of Team Israel Saturday, January 26, 7:15 pm

Mal Vincent’s Pick Cast a Giant Shadow Monday, January 28, 7:15 pm

Sandler Center for the Performing Arts, 201 Market Street, Virginia Beach

Tickets: $10

Tickets: $35 includes BIG Saturday Night Celebration of Jewish Film and champagne reception; Under 21: $18 Directors Seth Kramer, Daniel A. Miller, Jeremy Newberger; 91 mins. USA, Israel, Japan, South Korea; English


new chapter in the enduring love story of Jews and baseball, Heading Home is the stirring underdog chronicle of the unexpected triumph of Israel’s national baseball team at the 2017 World Baseball Classic. Absolutely no one was betting on Team Israel, but that was before they beat Cuba, South Korea, Taiwan, and the Netherlands. Team Israel’s scrappy line-up included several Jewish MLB players—including former Red Sox catcher Ryan Lavarnway, former New York Mets first baseman Ike Davis, and former pitcher for the Houston Astros Josh Zeid—who found themselves exploring their Jewish identity for the first time while representing Israel on the world stage. A home run for audiences of all ages.

Naro Expanded Cinema, 507 Colley Avenue, Norfolk Director: Melville Shavelson; 146 min. USA; English


cast led by Kirk Douglas and Angie Dickinson with cameos by Frank Sinatra and John Wayne, Cast a Giant Shadow is a Hollywood account of American army expert David ‘Mickey Stone’ Marcus’s role in helping the fledgling Israeli Defense forces in 1948. Douglas stars as American Army officer Mickey Marcus, who finds love, but tragically never learns Hebrew while organizing the young Israel Defense Forces into a military that can defend and supply a foothold in Jerusalem. Join famed Virginian-Pilot film critic, Mal Vincent, for his 10th annual Hollywood tell all!

Budapest Noir Wednesday, January 30, 7:15 pm

Featuring special guests Ty Kelly, Team Israel and New York Mets player and Seth Kramer director. In partnership with BBYO and Hillel.

Beach Cinema Alehouse, 941 Laskin Road, Virginia Beach

The Samuel Project Sunday January 27, 2 pm

Director: Éva Gárdos; 95 min. Hungary; Hungarian with English subtitles

TCC Roper Performing Arts Center, 340 Granby Street, Norfolk Tickets: $10 Director: Marc Fusco; USA; 92 min. USA; English


film for both parents and grandparents to share with their children, The Samuel Project stars Hal Linden of Barney Miller fame as Samuel, a grandfather reconnecting with his grandson when he is made the subject of a high school project. Eli (Ryan Ochoa from ICarly) discovers that his grandpa, a Jewish dry cleaner, was heroically saved from Nazi capture in Germany. After some hesitation, Samuel agrees to tell his story for the project—a story he hasn’t told in more than 75 years.

Tickets: $10. Includes adult content. Limited seating available, pre-purchase strongly suggested


hard-boiled reporter investigates the brutal murder of an escort, leading him into the dark underworld of 1930s pre-Nazi Hungary, in the stylish thriller Budapest Noir. When a young Jewish woman is found beaten to death, no one is interested in solving the bizarre crime, except the cynical, but doggedly inquisitive Zsigmond Gordon (Krisztián Kolovratnik), who feels things are not what they seem. The murky clues eventually lead to a shadowy world of pornographers, brothels, crime syndicates, communist cells, and the highest echelons of power, just as Hungary’s fascist-leaning government prepares to align with Hitler. The more people try to scare him away, the more determined Gordon is to discover the truth. A politically-charged tale of corruption and betrayal, this richly atmospheric murder mystery keeps rapt audiences guessing until its surprising climax.

Featuring special guests Hal Linden and Ryan Ochoa. In partnership with United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s Holocaust Commission.

Film Festival Ticket Pricing Full Festival Pass $70 | The BIG Saturday Night Film & Celebration: $35 Under 21: $18 | Individual Film Ticket: $10 Special group pricing available, contact Callah Terkeltaub at For tickets or more information: 757-321-2338 or Kids Night Out Babysitting at the Simon Family JCC available for the BIG Saturday Night Celebration of Jewish Film and champagne reception (Registration required at the JCC Front Desk, limited availability, first come, first served) | December 24, 2018 | Jewish News | 23

what’s happening First Person

Heading Home: More than just a relatable sports film

Heading Home: The Tale of Team Israel Saturday, January 26, 7:15 pm Sandler Center for the Performing Arts


The stor y 2016, their passions and proorking in the programs engulfed me. This fessions crossed paths. department at the is the type of proA group of Jewish United Jewish Federation of gram that inspires American baseball players Tidewater is a special expeme to engage in joined Team Israel attemptrience. It’s an amazing and the community. Mensch with Codyl. ing to qualify for the World challenging opportunity to I’m Jewish. I went Baseball Classic, an annual pour time and effort into to summer camp. I international baseball things that are not only valuplayed sports. I have spent more time on tournament. Not big-nameable to the community, but Andrew and Leigh Casson the bench than I have on the field. Most major-league players, many also personally rewarding. In importantly, though, I know the feeling played for minor league my short three months at of traveling to Israel and coming back as teams or had retired from the majors. UJFT, I have seen programs light fire in my a changed person, one with undeniable The team was ranked 41st going into the colleagues’ eyes: something related directly pride and an unyielding connection to not tournament. For a lack of nicer words, to them that they immediately wanted to only the state of Israel, but the very spirit they didn’t stand a chance. Their labels, share with the entire community. that built it. team affiliations, and low batting averThis is exactly what happened to me Heading Home: The Tale of Team ages, however, were soon forgotten and when I received the list of movies selected Israel is more than just a relatable sports overwritten as their identities were rebuilt. by the Virginia Festival of Jewish Film film and more than an underdog story. It No longer Jewish American baseball playscreening committee. While gathering reflects the journey of a group of young ers on a secondary roster, they were now information and summaries of the films, people, who through an unfaltering belief part of a nation built on overcoming the I came upon Heading Home: The Tale of in themselves, their cause, and their birthodds—and they were about to prove it to Team Israel. As a sports lover and particright, defy the world’s expectations. the world. ularly baseball, the movie caught my eye The story of right away. What I didn’t know was how the players’ transI would relate to and be inspired by this formations and film. The love affair between Jews and triumphs was baseball is hardly a new thought; Jews are everything the film connected with the sport as much as they makers and baseare with sleep away summer camp. It is no ball buffs needed surprise, then, that the beginnings of this to be inspired. The film draw from both—a group of friends Ironbound Films turned filmmakers and a baseball reporter team and Mayo that met where so many Jewish youth traveled with and meet—at sleep away summer camp. documented the Heading Home’s three directors, team throughSeth Kramer, Daniel Miller, and Jeremy out the process: Newberger met at Camp Young Judaea to Israel, to Korea, Sprout Lake in Verbank, New York. Their and to stardom. friend Jonathan Mayo went to another They witnessed and camp nearby. The four boys remained filmed life changing friends in the years following camp when experiences that led they continued on their career paths in to team bonding film (Kramer, Miller, and Newberger crethat puts Miracle on ated Ironbound Films) and for Mayo (a Heading Home: The Tale of Team Israel. Ice to shame. reporter for, in baseball. In late

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Tickets: $35 includes BIG Saturday Night Celebration of Jewish Film and champagne reception; Under 21: $18 Leigh Casson is United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s programs department associate. She and her husband Andrew moved to Virginia Beach in July where he is stationed as a US Navy pilot. For more information on the Virginia Festival of Jewish Film presented by Alma & Howard Laderberg and Patricia & Avraham Ashkenazi, visit or call 757-321-2304.

what’s happening Date with the State Wednesday, February 6, 7 am–4 pm Bus departs from the Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus

Father Patrick Desbois to speak on the Holocaust and his fight against anti-Semitism Thursday, January 31, 2019, 7:30 pm Sandler Center for the Performing Arts


Tidewater delegation at Date with the State 2018.


eet Virginia’s State Senators and Delegates to discuss issues that affect the Jewish community with the Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and friends from across the Commonwealth. The Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Attorney General are all invited. Topics of importance to the Jewish community including health, social services and community institutions serving the elderly and impoverished, the Virginia-Israel Advisory Board, and others will be discussed. $36 per person covers kosher lunch and defrays cost of transportation. Help choose which issues are taken to Richmond by emailing Melissa Eichelbaum with suggestions at, by January 18. For more information or to RSVP (required by January 30), contact Melissa Eichelbaum at

Kids & Kiddush at Ohef Sholom Temple Fridays, January 25, March 8, and May 17 5–6:30 pm


hef Sholom Temple offers a special family Shabbat program, designed specifically for young children and their families. Kids & Kiddush uses prayer, songs, stories, and crafts to introduce young children to religious services and synagogue life. Each program begins with a kid friendly dinner where parents, grandparents, and kids can meet and get to know each other. After the meal, a short family service with

prayer, songs, and a story conducted by the rabbi and cantor takes place. Activities and crafts follow the service. This year, Kids and Kiddush will feature Jewish books chosen by PJ Library. The program is open to all and there is no charge for it. For information, call 757-625-4295. RSVP with number of children and adults to

nternational Holocaust Remembrance Day is marked each year on January 27, the anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp. While concentration camps are the first thought Father Patrick Desbois. of many when thinking of the killing machine of the Holocaust, they did not emerge until later in the war. The Holocaust by Bullets, the graphic term coined to describe the efforts of the Einsatzgruppen, the mobile killing units of the Nazis who swept eastward with deadly force, has been the lifelong concern of French priest, Father Patrick Desbois. As a boy, Father Desbois knew his grandfather had been a POW in a Nazi camp in Ukraine, but his silence about his wartime experience was deafening. When he grew older, Desbois inherited that silence, and vowed that he would bring voice to it and try to prevent the world from continuing to commit atrocities. After becoming a priest, Desbois began work fighting anti-Semitism and bringing the Catholic and Jewish communities together. In 2004, Desbois founded Yahad in Unum (Together in One) and began his quest to find the mass graves of all the unknown martyred Jews of Eastern Europe. He says he learns the facts of the atrocities

from witnesses, most of whom were children when they saw these terrible crimes perpetrated on their neighbors. Desbois says it is his calling, that the Jews who were killed by the murderous work of soldiers going from village to village, literally with the goal of exterminating a people, have been waiting for someone to find them. Father Desbois has interviewed more than 5,000 witnesses and uncovered over 2,700 gravesites where more than one million Jews were buried. With the blessing of the Pope, he has no plans to stop. Desbois has also incorporated the victims of other modern-day genocides in his work, and draws the striking parallels between them and the Holocaust. Father Desbois is a professor at Georgetown University, where he is on the faculty for the Center for Jewish Civilization. He is the author of several books, including The Holocaust by Bullets: A Priest’s Journey to Uncover the Truth Behind the Murder of 1.5 Million Jews, winner of the National Jewish Book Award. Father Desbois will share his experiences and vision during this time of remembrance, at a talk presented by the Holocaust Commission of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, the Norfolk Forum, and the Virginia Beach Forum. Tickets may be purchased at

Seniors Club luncheon features Sid Sward Wednesday, January 23, 12–2 pm Simon Family JCC


oin the Seniors Club for an entertaining lunch program. Sid Sward, accomplished accordionist for more than 65 years, will entertain the Club with his musical skills. All seniors are welcome. For information, contact Sheryl Luebke at 757-321-2334 or | December 24, 2018 | Jewish News | 25

What’s happening An Act of Defiance

Summit Against Hate Monday, January 14 6:30 pm Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus

Monday, January 21, 6 pm TCC Roper Performing Arts Center Free with RSVP required


n response to the increase of hate crimes and bigotry across the country, Hands United Building Bridges (HUBB) and the Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, are hosting Summit Against Hate. “It is important that after the terrible events of the fall—the attack at Tree of Life synagogue, the hate-murders in a Kroger’s in Kentucky and more, that we continue to come together to stand for tolerance, understanding and freedom,” says Rabbi Jeffrey Arnowitz of Congregation Beth El and co-founder of HUBB. “HUBB and the Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater are coming together to host this gathering of concerned citizens from

throughout the Hampton Roads community. The gathering will present an opportunity to talk, pray, and sing together in a moment of solidarity and unity against the forces that seek to tear us apart and in support of understanding and fellowship,” says Arnowitz. This gathering is free and open to the public. An Act of Defiance.

For more information, visit

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n Act of Defiance, a film which highlights a critical period in South Africa’s history, will be shown in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and in partnership with Community Relations Council of An Act of Defiance. the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and Hands United Building Bridges (HUBB), an interfaith dialogue group focused on race and faith in Tidewater. In 1963, Nelson Mandela and nine other Black and Jewish South Africans risked their lives to free their country from segregation and were arrested for sabotage. Their lawyer, Bram Fischer, put his own life and career in jeopardy to defend them. In this engaging historical drama, director Jean van de Velde brings to life the true story of the Rivonia trial as seen through the eyes of Fischer, highlighting the role that South African Jews played in the African resistance. A little-known moving story that pays tribute to those who brought an end to Apartheid. The film will be shown in conjunction with the Virginia Festival of Jewish Film,

presented by Alma and Howard Laderberg and Patricia and Avraham Ashkenazi, and HUBB’s Building Bridges Week. “By highlighting the different people involved in the defense of Mandela and others from so many different backgrounds, it shows the power in diverse communities coming together to overcome injustice and hatred,” says Rabbi Jeffrey Arnowitz of Congregation Beth El and co-founder of HUBB. A panel discussion will follow the film. The Roper Performing Arts Center is located at 340 Granby Street in Norfolk. To learn more about the CRC and other upcoming initiatives, contact Melissa Eichelbaum, assistant CRC director, at or 965-6107.

What’s happening


Leon Family Gallery Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus

Through January

JDC-Eshel’s Photography with Joy

December 30, Sunday Brith Sholom’s Annual Pre-New Year’s Eve Masquerade Ball. Cocktails at 5:30 pm, followed by dinner, dessert, and champagne toast at 9 pm. Celebrate and be home before the ‘crazys’ hit the road. Entertainment by Frank Sings Frank & Fond Memories. $30 per couple and $15 per person. $30 per guest. Contact LeeAnne Mallory at 757-461-1150 or for information. January 9, Wednesday YAD Mom-ME-time: A Date with Diamonds. Join the moms of YAD and the ladies of Women’s Cabinet for a special morning event at Diamonds Direct. Learn about the 4 Cs, play with diamonds and have a chance to win a diamond necklace. This event is free and open to all YAD moms and Women Cabinet members. RSVP is required to guarantee a special gift. Diamonds Direct is located at 4452 Virginia Beach Blvd, Virginia Beach. To RSVP, go to: JANUARY 10, THURSDAY Rachel Herz, neuroscientist and author of Why You Eat What You Eat, The Science Behind Our Relationship with Food speaks with panel members, Tom Purcell, Simon Family JCC’s Jfit, and Sandra Porter Leon, MS, RDN, on factors that influence eating habits. Luncheon. 12 pm. $12 lunch; $30 lunch and signed book. Bundled registration closes January 3. Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus. For more information and to RSVP, visit, or contact Callah Terkeltaub at 757-321-2331 or January 12, Saturday YAD Saturday Night Social. Get Climbing with YAD Tidewater. Rock Climbing fun at Virginia Beach Rock Gym. Wear athletic clothes and sneakers. Kosher snacks provided. $15 per person. Virginia Beach Rock Gym is located at 5049 Southern Blvd., Virginia Beach. Register at: JANUARY 21–30 Alma & Howard Laderberg and Patricia & Avraham Ashkenazi 26th Annual Virginia Festival of Jewish Film. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit, or contact the JCC front desk at 757-321-2338. See page 22.


eaturing photographs taken by Holocaust survivors living in Israel that speak of courage, aging, surviving, loving, and living, that express personal stories, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) presents Photography with Joy. An exhibit from Israel, the photographs and accompanying stories, only a few from a much larger collection, are the product of workshops held across Israel, through which survivors express their personal stories, memories, and feelings. The workshops are a joint project of JDC-Eshel, the Israel Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services, and UJA-Federation of New York. All photographs are for sale and may be purchased at the Simon Family JCC front desk. Proceeds from the sales of the Photography With Joy exhibit will go into

the JDC-Eschel Photography With Joy program in Israel, above and beyond the UJFT’s annual Israel and Overseas allocation. Established in 1969, JDC-Eshel is the premier force for innovation in elderly care in Israel, developing transformative services that profoundly enhance seniors’ independence and quality of life. The United Jewish Federation of Tidewater works to meet the challenges facing today’s Jewish community at home and around the world, through a network of local Jewish agencies and overseas service partners, including the JDC.

FEBRUARY 6, WEDNESDAY Date with the State. The Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater travels to Richmond for the annual Virginia Jewish Advocacy Day. 7 am–4 pm; leaving from the Sandler Family Campus. $36 includes kosher lunch and helps defray the cost of transportation. For more information about how to join this year’s delegation or to RSVP (REQUIRED), contact Melissa Eichelbaum, assistant CRC director, at 965-6107 or See page 25. FEBRUARY 20, WEDNESDAY The Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater and community partner’s Israel Today presents Defender of Democracy with Jonathan Schanzer, vice president of the ‘Little Think Tank That Could’ and internationally-respected pundit for Israel’s Threat Matrix: A Survey of the Challenges on Israel’s Borders and Beyond. Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus. 7:30 pm. Free. For more information or to RSVP, visit, or contact Melissa Eichelbaum at Send submissions for calendar to Be sure to note “calendar” in the subject. Include date, event name, sponsor, address, time, cost and phone.

For more information on this and other upcoming exhibits in the Simon Family JCC’s Leon Family Gallery, contact Callah Terkeltaub, Arts + Ideas manager at | December 24, 2018 | Jewish News | 27

Obituaries Richard Nathan Levin Portsmouth—Richard Nathan Levin, 75, of Portsmouth, Va., died peacefully Saturday, December 8, 2018, surrounded by his loving family. He was born May 6, 1943 in Norfolk, Va., the son of the late David R. and Rachel S. Levin. Richard was predeceased by his son Jay Daniel Levin. He is survived by his loving wife of 53 years, Judi L. Levin; son John David Levin (wife Ellen); grandchildren Nathan P. and William T. Levin; sister Linda Marcus (husband Charles); brother-in-law David J. Lewis (wife JoAnn); and numerous nieces and nephews, great-nieces and nephews, and cousins. Richard graduated from the University of Richmond and the T. C. Williams School of Law. He began the practice of law with his father in 1968. He later established his own firm, where he practiced until his death. His son John joined the firm upon graduation from law school, at which point it became Levin & Levin, P.C. Throughout his career, Richard was a dedicated attorney and was appointed a substitute judge by the Circuit Court of the City of Portsmouth. Beyond the practice of law, Richard found the most pleasure spending time with his two grandsons, Nate and Will; relaxing on the beach with friends; and playing golf, when he was winning. A graveside service was held at Gomley Chesed Cemetery, Portsmouth. Memorial donations may be made to Jewish Family Service of Tidewater, 5000 Corporate Woods Dr., Ste. 400, Virginia Beach, VA 23462, or to the American Cancer Society, Condolences may be registered at

Noel F. Dudley Virginia Beach—Noel F. Dudley passed away on December 7, 2018. He was predeceased by his parents, Vernon F. and Marjorie W. Dudley, and his brother Wayne W. Dudley. He is survived by his wife Barbara U. Dudley, his daughters Amelia F. Dudley and Elizabeth Dovrat, son-in-law Lior Dovrat, granddaughters Lia and Nofar, and his siblings Judy Sullivan and Lyle Dudley. Born in Guildford, Conn. on January 10, 1950, Noel’s life was full of both love and adventure, with time spent as a teacher in the Peace Corps, an officer in the US Navy, and with the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Spending time with family, kayaking on the ocean, and gardening were some of Noel’s greatest joys. Noel was an active member of Ohef Sholom Temple, and he also enjoyed his time as a volunteer docent at the Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center and as a member of their Stranding Team. A memorial service was held at Ohef Sholom Temple in the Sinai Chapel. Memorial donations may be made to Ohef Sholom Temple or Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center. Joan Schapiro Harrison Norfolk—Joan Schapiro Harrison passed away peacefully at home Wednesday, December 5, 2018 at the age of 93. Joan lived a full and happy life. She was born July 6, 1925 in Norfolk and was predeceased by her parents, Harry Charles Schapiro and Lee Haber Schapiro. Joan often spoke of her childhood years and how much her family enjoyed

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living in the apartment on Harrington Avenue. Growing up in Ghent with her sister Judy she would remind us of how wide the streets seemed in those early days when most families owned only one car. She graduated from Maury High School and earned her college degree from Richmond Professional Institute, extension of William and Mary College. She connected with Harry “Hap” Harrison the minute they met. They were happily married for 63 years during which time they traveled the world with golf clubs in hand. In 1957, Joan entered the retail business with the Wards Corner based Maternity Shops of Norfolk until the business sold in 1966. She played Mah Jong twice a week with lifelong friends and was known to be quick with the tiles. Joan volunteered at the Beth Sholom Home gift shop and was a legacy member of the Hebrew Ladies Charity organization. She was a devoted member of Ohef Sholom Temple where she was an honorary member of the board of directors. Joan held many family positions. She was a sister, wife, mother, mother-inlaw, and a Nana and great grandmother. Together with her sister Judy, the family referred to them as “The Nanas.” Joan carried out these roles with kindness, patience, and an enduring sense of sweetness. She offered a warm smile to everyone. Joan is survived by her sister, Judy S. Eichelbaum, sister-in-law, Edythe C. Harrison, daughters Gail Grossman (Steve) of Chapel Hill and Nancy Wall (Alvin) of Virginia Beach. Her beloved grandsons are Sam ( Jamie) and Pete (Mollie) Grossman and Michael (Robin) and Ben Wall. She will be missed by many nieces, nephews, and great-nieces and nephews, and great-great nieces and nephews. The Harrison-Wall families thank Jewish Family Service and Joan’s caregivers. Memorial contributions may be made to Ohef Sholom Temple and Jewish Family Service of Tidewater. A memorial service was held at Ohef Sholom Temple in the Sinai Chapel. H.D. Oliver Funeral Apartments.

Joseph P. Harowitz Norfolk—Joseph P. Harowitz, passed away December 4. He was preceded by his parents, Martin Harowitz, Sr. and Molly L. Harowitz, as well as his two brothers, Martin Harowitz, Jr., and Charles Harowitz. He is survived by his sisterin-law, Sue Harowitz and various nieces and nephews. Joe was a 70-year member of the Masons. During his lifetime he enjoyed stamp collecting and was an active member in a number of organizations such as Tall Cedars. A graveside funeral was held in Elmwood Cemetery. Online condolences may be sent to the family at hdoliver. com. H.D. Oliver Funeral Apts. Nancy Stern Hirschler Norfolk—Nancy Stern Hirschler, died December 7, 2018 in her home of over 70 years. She was predeceased by her husband, Lewis David Hirschler and her sister, Jane Stern Beskin. She is surivied by her three children, Lewis David Hirschler, Jr. (Marsha) June Hirschler Saks (Charles ‘Bo’), and Dr. David S. Hirschler, II (Carol), all of Virginia Beach and Norfolk. Gan, as the grandchildren called her, spent many hours enjoying and watching them grow up, traveling with them in the later years. Her family was the light of her life! She is survived by her grandchildren Sutton of Richmond, Canon of San Francisco, Michael Saks also of San Francisco, and Lauren from Washington, D.C., as well as by her two great-grandchildren, Kyle and Jake. Nancy is also survived by five adoring nephews and their spouses, as well as several great nieces and nephews and many cousins. Throughout the years as their family increased, Gan loved having them at her home for the holidays. Nancy will be missed by the women she played golf with at Sewells Point Golf Club. She had long standing friends who enjoyed sharing their busy lives together, including Joan S. Harrison who is waiting on the first tee for her good friend. Gan spent much of her life auditing for the United Way, working in the gift

Obituaries shop at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital, serving as secretary and as an honorary board member of Ohef Sholom Temple, and serving on the PTA in her children’s schools. Nancy was involved in doing for others; she had a fulfilling and beautiful life, traveling, and above all, spending time with her family and friends. A memorial service was held at Ohef Sholom Temple. Memorial contributions may be made to The American Cancer Society, Ohef Sholom Temple Music Program, or Jewish Family Service. Nancy was six weeks shy of her 100th birthday. H.D. Oliver Funeral Apts. Online condolences may be offered to the family at

Noah Klieger, Holocaust survivor and storied journalist


oah Klieger, who survived Auschwitz by pretending to be a boxer and went on to a storied career in journalism, died Thursday, Dec. 13 in Israel. He was 92. As a prisoner in Auschwitz, Klieger was selected for the gas chamber, but managed to talk himself out of the sentence in a personal encounter with the Nazi doctor Josef Mengele. Later, he faked his way on to a boxing squad at Auschwitz that enjoyed better meal rations. After liberation, he arrived in prestate Israel aboard the ship Exodus and fought in the 1948 War of Independence. Klieger went on to author several books and wrote a longtime column in the Israeli daily Yediot Acharonot. He continued to work as a journalist until the end of his life. Klieger was born on July 13, 1926 in Strasbourg, France, the son of the writer Bernard Klieger. He was liberated in April 1945 by the Soviet Army and worked as a journalist in France and Belgium. He immigrated to Israel in 1948. In a video documentary earlier this year, he talked about the pledges he made upon his liberation from the death camps. “Should I survive I decided that I would first speak about the camps for future generations,” he said. “And the second decision was, I became a Zionist.” (JTA)


Holocaust survivor, 92, killed by car in Oregon

92-year-old Oregon man who survived Nazi concentration camps during the Holocaust was struck and killed by a car while crossing a street near his home. Alter Wiener died Tuesday, Dec. 12 in Hillsboro and was pronounced dead at a hospital, the Associated Press reported. Wiener endured three years in the camps and later in life wrote an autobiography titled From a Name to a Number: A Holocaust Survivor’s Autobiography. He spoke to thousands of Oregonians about his experiences, making nearly 1,000 appearances at schools, libraries, churches, conferences, and charitable events. Wiener appeared before Oregon lawmakers in September to press for mandatory statewide curriculum standards that would require teachers to educate students about the Holocaust and

genocide, AP reported. U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden, an Oregon Democrat, remembered Wiener as “a true Oregonian and total mensch who transformed his Holocaust survival into a lesson that taught all of us about the need to fight prejudice always and everywhere.” Wiener was born in 1926 in Chrzanow,

Poland, a small town near the German border. Germans invaded the town in 1939 and Wiener, his stepmother and his brothers fled, the Oregonian reported. Wiener moved to pre-state Israel and eventually to New York to live near his surviving cousins. He relocated to Hillsboro in 2000.

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Riverside Chapel • 7415 River Road Newport News •757 245-1525 | December 24, 2018 | Jewish News | 29

30 | Jewish News | December 24, 2018 |

it’s a Wrap Hanukkah lights at ODU





early 50 people gathered at Old Dominion University on Wednesday, December 5 at the university’s first public menorah lighting. The event was sponsored by ODU’s Institute for Jewish Studies and Interfaith Understanding and ODU Hillel. Students led the Amy Milligan, Old Dominion University Institute for Jewish Studies and Interfaith Understanding director, and Rabbi Roz Mandelberg, look on as crowd through the students light Hanukkah candles. story of Hanukkah, that they participated to demonstrate the candle lighting, and joyful Hanukkah support of the campus Jewish commusongs (including a special version of Oh, nity. At the campus solidarity gathering Hanukkah with verses about ODU). In after the Pittsburgh Tree of Life shootaddition to being one of Ohef Sholom ing, a call to action took place, asking Temple’s Hanukkah Live nights, other ODU community members to put light local synagogues and Jewish community into darkness. This public lighting of members joined with ODU administraHanukkah candles and the demonstrators, faculty, staff, and students for this tion of community support was one step event. toward that larger goal. Several in attendance said it was the first time they celebrated Hanukkah and

A Chavurah Hanukkah Betsy Blank


n the third night of Hanukkah, members of the Tidewater Chavurah family and friends gathered for a holiday celebration, enjoying the comfort of the Allfriends House on the grounds of Old Donation Episcopal Church (ODEC) in Virginia Beach for the third consecutive year. Rabbi Ellen Jaffe-Gill led the lighting of the menorah as the evening’s festivities began. In addition to a delicious variety of latkes (including traditional as well as sweet potato), several salads were served. The vote is still out, by the way, on whether apple sauce or sour Carol Smith samples latkes and salads. cream is the favorite topping of choice on latkes. With song sheets in hand, the group joyously sang a number of Hanukkah songs accompanied on the guitar by Carol Tickton. Donut holes and other holiday desserts finished off the evening. For information on future events, contact or or visit or Tidewater Chavurah’s Face book page

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Employment Oppor tunities

Development Manager (Men’s Division/Society of Professionals)

Development Manager works with staff to establish development plans and goals for the Men’s Division of the UJFT Annual Campaign and the UJFT Society of Professionals affinity group, as well as coordinates Men’s Campaign and/or Society of Professionals activities.

Summer Day Camp Director

Ideal candidate has independent judgment, initiative, camp operations experience, and creativite program planning skills. Must enjoy interacting with children, be dedicated to promoting appreciation for Jewish culture and values; proficient in preparing budgets, maintaining fiscal responsibility and administrative management.

Development Manager, Sponsorships

Position is responsible for developing a comprehensive fundraising plan that integrates myriad campaigns, sponsorships, community outreach, events, and marketing plans in support of development activities to successfully garner the funding needs of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater/Simon Family Jewish Community Center.

Complete job descriptions at Submit cover letter, resume and salary requirements to: Submit by mail to: United Jewish Federation of Tidewater Attention: Taftaleen T. Hunter, Director of Human Resources – Confidential 5000 Corporate Woods Drive Virginia Beach, 23462

Equal Employment Opportunity | December 24, 2018 | Jewish News | 31





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32 | Jewish News | December 24, 2018 |

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