4 minute read


Be informed.

Afriend recently said, “you do a great job of showing all sides of an issue in the paper.” Naturally, I appreciated his unsolicited comment, as balance and nuance are extremely important, especially with a readership with diverse opinions on seemingly every issue.

Sometimes, however, balance is not what’s called for. Sometimes, there just aren’t, as my mom used to say, “three sides to every story.” And, the only two sides should be labeled, ‘right’ or ‘wrong.’ Some issues should garner the exact same reaction from a person who generally votes blue as from someone who votes red.

What I’m referring to are the antisemetic acts that have made national, as well as international headlines in recent months.

Consider the Tennessee school board that banned the Pultizer

prize-winning Maus, a graphic novel about the Holocaust.

Consider the meaning behind Whoopi Goldberg’s words and then the reaction that followed.

Consider the small congregation in Texas that was held hostage by a man seeking freedom for a terrorist.

Consider the delay in confirming Deborah Lipstadt as U.S. Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism.

Consider the Nazi demonstrators in Florida.

To be informed, to possess the understanding of what Maus represents, why Goldberg’s words set off a firestorm, why it matters that the gunman in Texas chose a synagogue and not a church or a café or a yoga studio, and why it’s important that leaders denounce Nazi demonstrators, is to have the power to respond with confidence and without apology.

If, however, we are not informed and prepared, we risk what took place in Tennessee, Texas, and Florida being more possible to occur in Virginia.

Last month, Governor Glenn Youngkin signed an Executive Order establishing a Commission to Combat Antisemitism. At this writing, applications are being accepted for individuals to participate.

“Every Virginian deserves the protection of the law, and this commission will chart a course for our Commonwealth that

leaves antisemitism in the past,” said Youngkin in a release. “Our Jewish friends and neighbors must know that we stand with them against the tide of hate and discrimination.” For more information, go to www.commonwealth.virginia.gov/va-government/ boards-and-commissions/combat-antisemitism/.

Whether you attend a program offered by United Jewish Federation of Tidewater’s Jewish Community Relations Council or an ADL webinar on fighting hate (one is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 17), or you choose to gain your information by reading, please be informed.

If we do not learn from history (even if that history is last week), we are doomed to repeat it.

Terri Denison




Published 20 times a year by United Jewish Federation of Tidewater.

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Reba and Sam Sandler Family Campus of the Tidewater Jewish Community 5000 Corporate Woods Drive, Suite 200 Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462-4370 voice 757-965-6100 • fax 757-965-6102 email news@ujft.org

Terri Denison, Editor Germaine Clair, Art Director Sandy Goldberg, Account Executive Ronnie Jacobs Cohen, Account Executive Marilyn Cerase, Subscription Manager Reba Karp, Editor Emeritus

United Jewish Federation of Tidewater Laura G. Gross, President Alvin Wall, Treasurer Mona Flax, Secretary Betty Ann Levin, Executive Vice-President jewishVA.org

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JewishNewsVA Subscription: $18 per year

For subscription or change of address, call 757-965-6128 or email mcerase@ujft.org.

Upcoming Deadlines for Editorial and Advertising Feb. 28 Mazel Tov Feb. 11 March 14 Camp Feb. 25 March 28 Passover March 11 April 11 Passover March 25 April 25 Mom/Women/Camp April 8 May 23 Anniversary Issue May 13


Editorial ............................ 3 Briefs .............................. 4 Whoopi Goldberg’s charged discourse .... 6 Israel Today hosts Roie Galitz, wildlife photographer ............... 8 Chava Harpaz, recipient of Simon Family

Passport to Israel .................. 10 JFit adds pilates chair ................ 11 Hunter Thomas: new director of UJFT’s Arts & Ideas ... 13 B’Tayavon, new recipe column for Jewish News .... 15 JCC Maccabi Games in San Diego

July 31–August 5 .................. 16 Special Section: Investing and Retiring .. 17 Swordfish Winter Swim team breaks records and wins races ....... 25 Career Day at Toras Chaim ............ 25 PJ Library celebrates Tu B’Shevat at Norfolk Botanical Garden ......... 26 Israel Club begins at Simon Family JCC . 27 BBYO keeps busy during winter months . 27 What’s Happening ................... 28 Calendar .......................... 33 Obituaries ......................... 34


“Race” is notoriously difficult to define. Is it a group of people with shared physical characteristics? Can other social, economic, and anthropological classifications factor in?

—page 6


Friday, Feb. 18/17 Adar I

Light candles at 5:30 pm

Friday, Feb. 25/24 Adar I

Light candles at 5:37 pm

Friday, March 4/1 Adar II

Light candles at 5:44 pm Friday, March 11/8 Adar II

Light candles at 5:51 pm Friday, March 18/15 Adar II

Light candles at 6:57 pm Friday, March 25/22 Adar II

Light candles at 7:03 pm

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